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TSR 116XX Gods of Greyhawk v2.0

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T h e people of Oerth worship many gods, but

after a major war, patterns of allegiance change.
T h e focus in this section is on the gods of the
central Flanaess; those that are exclusively
Baklunish, for example, are too distant from the
lives of most Flanaess folk to be considered here.

T h e Powers of Oerth rarely intercede directly in

the affairs of Oerth. They expect their servants to
be their right (and left) hands in the world. Clerics,
priests, paladins, and less exalted but still valued
souls are the agents of Powers, however minor
their deeds may be. The Powers have an implicit
understanding that if one of them should act too
directly, others will act in concert to oppose the
meddler, for if all acted in such a manner, Oerth
would be destroyed by the Powers.
This helps us understand why the demigod Iuz
has been able to effect so much evil in the Flanaess. T h e Prime Material is his home plane,
and therefore, he has a direct involvement in its
affairs that other Powers do not. T h e servants
must oppose Iuz, not the Powers themselves.
One partial exception to this is St. Cuthbert of
the Cudgel. Other Powers allow St. Cuthbert to
act in limited ways to oppose Iuz. Why they do
this, and how far St. Cuthbert is allowed to act, is
a matter known only to the Powers.
In other respects, the Powers regard mortals
as they do in almost all worlds. Mortals give reverence and their clerics and priests receive
spells. T h e Powers watch with varying degrees
of involvement. Greater Powers tend to have
less involvement than Lesser Powers, because
Greater Powers are more absorbed in the affairs
of many worlds and transcendent events that are
far beyond the affairs of mortals.












dLc uIvIuGu
four groups: greater,
intermediate, lesser, and demipowers. T h e basis
of this broad distinction is as follows:

Mortals regard
- Powers as they do in most
worlds: with reverence, awe, fear, attempts at
placation, and so on. In the Flanaess, however,
special factors are at work after the wars. T h e following is true for the nonevil lands of the central
there is a general increase in prayer, rev..

by the Morndinsamman Exile

erence, and all forms of devotion to Powers. In

uncertain times, mortals turn to the great ones
for succor, protection, and reassurance. Clerics
and priests are widely respected and are given
more offerings by even the poorest of their
flocks. General superstitiousness is a by-product
of all this.
Second, there are changes in patterns of worship. Mortals most often revere Powers who
have everyday affairs of mortals as central
concerns-deities of nature, children, health,
community, and the like are more widely revered
than those of philosophy, arcane knowledge, and
ethics. But on Oerth, Powers of war, healing,
protection, strength, endurance, and revenge are
increasingly turned to for succor. Many people
who before the war would have given small offerings to the goddess Beory (nature, Oerth Mother) or Rao (peace and serenity) now turn to a
deity such as Trithereon (liberty and retribution),
Heironeous (justice and valor), or the rising cult
of Mayaheine (protection and endurance) instead. There is also an increasing tendency to appease, if not actually revere, deities of fate such
as Istus, and deities of luck such as Ralishaz. Of
course, this is less true of wise folk and specialists who might revere a Power of magic, metalworking, or similar niche.
Demihumans are another matter, although deities such as Clangeddin Silverbeard, the dwarven
god of battle, have not lost followers in times of
conflict. Arvoreen the halfling defender Power
receives many offerings and prayers these days.
Demihuman Powers are addressed following
the Powers of humanity (who may well have
some demihuman worshipers).

Greater Powers: These are distant Powers, far

removed from most mortal affairs. Some may be
held to be among the Creator Powers of the
multiverse or of Oerth. They typically have
many spheres of concern, or are absolute masters of just one sphere.
Intermediate Powers: While lacking the great
creative force of Greater Powers, they are still
very powerful and hold major sway over one or

True AD&D 2nd Edition

two spheres of concern. In some nations, they

may be held as patron Powers, even above a
Greater Power.
Lesser Power: A lesser Power may serve greater
ones as a messenger or aide, may be a cast-out or
solitary Power, or may hold sway over a very narrow sphere of concern. Some Lesser Powers
may be declining from exalted status or may be
ascending to greater force.
Demipowers: These are the least powerful and
are in many ways similar to Lesser Powers.
Some may be mortals who have undergone divine ascension (Zagig and Mayaheine being
prime examples). Some may even be referred to
as Hero Powers.

Players who have read the Legends and Lore

hardbound book or the Monster Mythology
(DMGR4) accessory will know that Powers can
manifest themselves as Avatars, projections of
their power on the Prime Material plane. Statistics for the Avatar forms of Greyhawk Powers are
not given here, because the Powers of Greyhawk
virtually never manifest themselves as such. T h e
only exception here is St. Cuthbert. It is possible
that a conflict between his Avatar and Iuz might
occur, so the statistics for his avatar are included.

Greater and Intermediate Powers can grant

spells of any level to their clerics and specialty
priests. Lesser Powers can grant spells of up to
sixth level, while Demipowers can grant spells
only as high as fifth level to clerics and specialty
priests. T h e sole exception is Iuz, who is able to
grant spells of sixth level to his clerics and specialty priests, since they are on his home plane,
the Prime Material.
In the entries for individual Powers included in
this section, reference statistics for specialty
priests (as opposed to clerics) are provided.
Note: for brevity, the term priest is capitalized
when referring to a specialty priest. This creates
a distinction between the specialty priest and the
generic term for the character class.
T h e following abbreviations are used:

AB = minimum ability score(s) required to become a specialty priest of the Power. Std means

the standard minimum attribute for a member of

the priest class (a Wisdom score of 9 or higher is
required). Wisdom of 9 + is always required to
become a specialty Priest.
AL = acceptable alignment(s) for a specialty
Priest of this Power.
WP =weapons which specialty priests of this
Power are allowed to use. A designation such as
any (mace 1 s t ) means that a Priest may use any
weapon, but a mace must be his first weapon
proficiency (if weapon proficiency rules are
used-they are strongly recommended) and
should be the Priests first choice unless clearly
unsuitable. For example, a Priest who must take
a sword as a first weapon proficiency is allowed
to use a blunt weapon as a first choice against
skeletons, which suffer only half normal damage
from edged weapon blows. This rule applies
when a weapon is favored, but not to exclusivity,
by a Power as a symbol of the faith.
AR = armor restrictions for Priests of the Power.
The following codes are used:
none = no armor allowed
leather = only leather armor allowed
nonmetal = any nonmetallic armor allowed
as thief = only leather or elven chain allowed
chain = only chain mail allowed
metal = only metal armor allowed
any = any armor may be worn

RA = typical raiments worn by Priests on appropriate occasions. Be reasonable about this.

Priests arent expected to wear unreasonable garments if preparing for war, for example.
SP = spheres of spells to which the deity grants
access. All Priests have access to the spells listed
under the All sphere in the Players Handbook.
Certain spheres are taken from Tome ofA4agic; if
a player does not have this handbook, these
spheres may be ignored.
A sphere followed by an asterisk ( * ) means
Priests are allowed only minor access to spells of
that sphere. A sphere noted as (rev) means that
only reversed forms of spells from this sphere
may be used. Elemental spells are listed as all,
fire onW fire and earth. etc: these subdivisions
this book, it should not be difficult for the DM to
estimate which spells fall into which subdivision
from a perusal of the full Elemental spell list in
the Dungeon Masters Guide.

True AD&D 2nd Edition



priests of this Power. These are documented on

Reference Cards 5 and 6.
PW = special powers commonly granted to
Priests (and only specialty priests) by the Power.
A granted power preceded by a number is granted only when the Priest reaches the level of experience indicated by the number; thus, 5)
protection from fire, double duration means that
when the Priest attains fifth level, he can cast a
protection from fire spell that will have twice the
normal duration. This ability is in addition to the
spells he could normally memorize. Unless
otherwise specified, powers which are bonus
spells (as in the protection from fire example
above) can be used only once per day.
Granted powers which are wizard spells are
specifically noted; for example, (W3) means
that the spell is the same as the third level wizard
spell of the same name.
T U = t h e ability to turn or command undead
creatures. Some entries read (e.g.), T U turn at 2 levels. This means the Priest can turn undead
as if he were two levels lower than his actual experience level. Priests of Powers of life and death
have the strongest turnlcommand abilities, but
other Priests have some weaker ability in this area. These weaker abilities are accommodated
through level differences. Clerics of Powers
whose Priests can turn or command undead can
also turnlcommand exactly as the Priests do; this
is the only special granted power which clerics
share with specialty Priests.

Certain Priests are granted unique spells that

are not granted to Priests or clerics of any other
Power, or to clerics of the same Power. These are
cited in the text below; full details are on Reference Cards 5 and 6.

T h e tabular summary on Reference Card 4 uses the following entries to describe the Powers:

Race: This refers to the major racial group

which reveres the Power. 0 = Oeridian, S = Suloise, B = Baklunish, F Flan, C = Common
(widespread reverence/recognition), and
U = Unknown or indeterminate origin. This aids
the DM in understanding which Power is re-

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AoC: Areas of concern. These are asoects of nature or life over which the Power exerts influence.
Align: This is the Powers alignment, with the
standard abbreviations C (chaotic), E (evil), G
(good), L (lawful), N (neutral). A parenthetical
addition such as LG (LN) means the Power has
a primary alignment with a secondary tendency;
in this case, the Power is lawful good, tending
toward lawful neutral. An entry such as LG/LN
means that the deity is primarily lawful, with
equal tendencies toward good and neutrality.
WAL: Worshipers alignment(s); the alignments
which the Power deems acceptable among its
Sex: This is the gender form in which the Power
is commonly portrayed or chooses to assume.
Finally, note that not all of the Powers listed on
Reference Card 4 are detailed in the text below.
All Greater and Intermediate Powers are covered, but Lesser Powers and Demipowers are
too numerous to be included with the exception
of Iuz, Mayaheine, and Zagyg, who have particular importance in the affairs of Oerth.

Beory commonly takes the form of a rotund,

middle-aged, motherly woman with brown hair
and weathered skin, and she is sometimes depicted as such. More often, though, the Power of nature, rain, and the very Oerth itself is seen as a
process rather than a being by learned folk, and
she is considered very distant by common folk.
T h e worldly doings of humans, demihumans, and
their kindred are of almost no concern to Beory.
Only events which affect the integrity of Oerth as
an entity concern her. Beory has very few Priests;
those who exist are druids (but they do not have
the Charisma requirement of other druids).

Beorys Priests
Priests of Beory are contemplative communers
with nature, using their skills to avoid any change
of the natural balance. They are conservative,
cautious folk, loath to take incisive actions.
Many are solitary, and the priesthood has little
organization. Priests treat each other as superiors
on the basis of wisdom and years, not as a result
of formal titles or higher experience levels.
Requirements: AB Wis 16; AL N; WP as

druid; AR leather; RA green, brown, or gray

plain robe; SP Animal, Charm', Divination, Elemental (all), Guardian', Healing, Plant, Protection', Summoning', Sun, Weather; SPL none;
PW as druids; T U nil.

Boccob is the archmage of the Powers. Whether or not any serve or revere him seems of no
importance to him. Throughout the Flanaess,
seers and diviners entreat him for omens, sages
revere him, and those seeking to create new
magical items or spells often seek his aid. Boccob
almost never leaves his own halls in the plane of
Concordant Opposition, preferring to send his
demigod servant Zagyg the Mad instead.
Boccob is portrayed as an old man with bright,
intense eyes, clad in garments of purple bearing
shimmering golden runes. Within his halls, he
has at least one example of every magical item
ever devised and a copy of every alchemical formula ever scribbled down. He leans upon a staff
of the magi, which also has the functions of a
wand of conjuration.
All times and planes are open to Boccob. He
manipulates the energies of the Positive and
Negative Material planes as he wishes. He ever
seeks to learn more of planar structures, the logic
of magic, and long-lost lore. Services honoring
him involve complex rituals, incense burning,
and recitations from works honoring knowledge.

Boccob's Priests
Boccob's Priests are expected to be grave, serious folk devoted to the pursuit of knowledge.
They must adventure to recover lost magical
treasures, tomes of lore, and the like.
Requirements: AB Int 14 or Wis 16; AL N;
WP dagger, flail, knife, mace, sling, staff, staff-sling;
AR nonmetal; RA purple robes with gold trim; SP
Astral, Charm, Creation', Divination, Elemental'
(all), Guardian', Numbers, Summoning',
Thought, Time'; SPL disc of concordant opposition; PW 1) cast all divination spells as if two levels
higher, 7) commune, 10) able to use magical items
normally usable only by wizards; T U nil.

deformed body, and a nightmarish visage. T h e

black-cloaked rider of nightmare steeds has few
worshipers in the Flanaess, but many seek to
propitiate him with offerings. This is especially
true in lands ravaged by famine, where disease
has spread from unburied bodies on battlefields,
and where chronic fear grips the common folk.
T h e scattered priests of this Power have opportunities to sway hearts and minds in places of
despair. Incabulos delights in being feared as
much as in being revered; he is said to be able to
use an almost irresistible sleep spell on victims,
but he loves to sense their abject fear before he
closes their eyes.
Those who worship this terrible Power are intensely secretive. Even other evil priesthoods
hate them. Incabulos's temples are always subterranean affairs in forsaken lands or desolate
places. Services to the Power feature weird humming and droning chants in near darkness, illuminated only by light from fat, smoky black
candles. Followers celebrate multiple iniquities
with their priests and pray for the arrival of more
evils into the world.

Incabulos's Priests
The priesthood is highly
members are paranoid to the point of insanity.
Fear and threats are used to maintain secrecy
and the obedience ofjuniors. Priests of Incabulos
revel in suffering, slow tortures, and inflicting
disease and misfortunes.
Requirements: AB Std; AL any evil; WP any
(staff 1st); AR any; RA black robe with orange
and green detailing; SP Astral, Divination',
Healing (rev), Necromantic (rev), Summoning,
Sun (rev); SPL plague; PW 1) 20% immunity to
all diseases and slimes-increases by 2 % per
level thereafter, 5 ) hypnotism (W l), 6) contagion
(W4), 7) enervation (W4), 8) sleep by touch (affects one creature, effect is permanent until magically dispelled); T U command.


Istus, the Colorless and All-colored, is the

Power of future destinies and oredestination.
She has few true followers, but many call upon
her in time of need or want when they fear the

Incabulos is the Power of evil sendingsplague, sickness, dfiught, famine, nightmares.

He is hideous in aspect, with skeletal hands, a

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nical rule in places such as Rauxes and the conquered Iron- League states, and by the beleaguered Bandit Kingdom people).
Istus is depicted in one of three ways: as an old
crone spinning the strands of the Web of Fate; as
a noble and haughty woman; or as a cold, young
maiden. Because Fate has been unkind to so
many in the Flanaess, offerings of incense, candles, and the like are often ambivalent. Istus'
priesthood is small, but often sought out by
rulers and nobles for divinations.

Istus' Priests
Priests of Istus tend toward stoicism. They regard honesty as an absolute virtue. Many are
cold, unfeeling folk, given the vagaries of Fate,
although a few kinder souls may be found who
feel that Fate has been uncommonly generous to
them and wish to serve Istus in return. Divinations play a key role in the determination of the
actions of these priests.
Requiremente: AB Int 14, Wis 14; AL N;
W P any nonedged weapon; AR leather or chain;
RA gray or black robes, with web patterns for
priests of level 7 + ;SP Astral, Charm', Divination, Guardian', Healing', Necromantic, Numbers*, Protection', Thought, Time; SPL
enmeshrnenr; PW 1) cast all divination spells as
if two levels higher, 3) auguq 6) divination, 7)
strand of binding (l/day, maximum range 40
yards, one creature affected, saving throw versus
spells negates; affected creature is rendered immobile for 50 rounds, minus 2 rounds per creature's HD or level; creature can make one
attempt to free itself using half the normal Bend.
Bars Yochance to break the strand); T U nil.



, ,:

Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of

Darkness, Reaper of Flesh-Nerull's formal titles bear eloquent witness to the horror of this
cold, cruel, hateful Power. Nerull is not a god
who sees death as ease, release, or quiet passing;
he brings bloody slaughter, and is the deity of
many who seek evil for their enjoyment and gain.
Nerull appears as a skeletal fimre with a dull,
rusty-red body and a skull-like head adorned
with thick strands of blue-green "hair." His eyes,
teeth, and nails are a putrid green. Known to fly
at night, black-cloaked and cowled, his terrible
reaper's staff-scythe strikes down all it sweeps

True AD&D 2nd Edition

through. Nerull is summoner of fiends, coniurer

of darkness; his touch withes men and turns
them to dust.
T h e worship of N e d always occurs in complete darkness. T h e litany is ghastly, full of death
and suffering. Bizarre and terrifying offerings are
made on altars of rusty-colored stone. Nerull is
known to have hidden temples in the lands of the
former Great Kingdom and in other evil lands. A
scarce few well-hidden, subterranean temples
may befoul the foothills in more civilized lands.
Even in times of war and death, the common
folk do not try to appease the Reaper. Any form
of beseechment is thought to attract his fell green
eyes to the supplicant, with life-ending results.

Nernll's Priests
Nerull's priests are murderous, psychopathic,
cold, cruel, and utterly evil. They are highly secretive, for obvious reasons. Priesthoods tend to
be individual capsules without an overall hierarchy, except in evil lands.
Requirements: AB Std; AL any evil; WP
dagger, knife, great sickle (treat as hookfauchard), staff, staff-sling; AR any; RA rust-red
or black garments; S P Astral, Charm', Combat,
Divination', Guardian, Healing (rev), Necromantic (rev), Sun (rev); SPL none; PW 1) surprised only on a 1, 6) Eva& black tentacles
(W4), 12) destruction (reversed resurrection) I/
week; T U command.

Pelor is the great Sun God, regarded as the

Creator of much of what is good-a Power of
strength, light, and healing. Pelor flies on a great
ki-rin, summons flights of eagles, and casts down
dark evils with bolts of brilliant sunlight.
The nature of Pelor's reverence has changed
subtly during and since the wars and is still
changing. His old aspect of a peaceful, gentle
god concerned for the suffering is eclipsed by his
more martial aspect as a wrathful Power who
drives out the darkness of evil. This is parallel to
the cult of Mayaheine, his servitor, a much more
martial deitv. As strengthener and healer, Pelor
warriors now turn to his faith.
Services to Pelor involve hymn singing, communal prayer, and the dispensing of alms to the needy
(and the collection of same from the well-to-do).

Pelor's Priests
Pelor's priests have always worked for the poor
and sick, bringing healing, food, and aid to them.
Their reverence has not changed as swiftly as
that of commonfolk. They remain quiet, kindly
people for the most part, but with some steel as
Requirements: AB Std; AL any good; WP
flail, mace, morningstar, staff, staff-sling; AR
leather or chain; RA yellow robes, gold-trimmed
for priests of level 7 + ; SP Charm, Creation, Elemental (air), Guardian, Healing, Necromantic,
Protection, Summoning', Sun, Wards'; SPL
none; PW 1) all healing spells do at least median
healing (5 hp for cure light wounds, 9 hp for cure
serious wounds, 16 hp for cure critical wounds,
heal cures all but 1-2 hp), 5) automatic saves vs.
spells that deprive priest of sight (darkness,
blindness, etc.), 9) fly (W3); T U turn at + 1

Rao is the serene, detached god of reason, intellect, and peace. T h e Power does not act on
the Prime Material directly, but he is known to
have created several powerful magical artifacts
which are highly potent against evil (notably the
Crook of Rao), possibly with the aid of Boccob.
Rao is always depicted as a dark-skinned,
white-haired old man with bright, dark brown
eyes and long, slender hands; he is smiling and
serene. Rao's faith is one that does not appeal
much to commonfolk; he has always had more
followers among rulers, diplomats, sages,
scholars, and philosophers. Clearly, his church is
not exactly overpopulated at present. Those
who seek to find powerful magic to aid the cause
of good make him valuable offerings and meditate on Rao's sacred texts. Services to Rao involve discussions of theology and group

Rao's Priests
Rao's priests are mediators, and negotiatorswise and quiet people. Most are male. Rao's
High Patriarch in Greyhawk was instrumental in
the diplomacy that ended the wars.
T h e priesthood is very studious, but one motto is "there is a time to think, and more rarely to
act; but in that time, action is wisdom." These
priests are not wholly pacifistic!

Requirements: AB Wis 16, Cha 13; AL LG;

WP flail, mace, morningstar, staff, staff-sling; AR
none, or magical chain; RA white robes; SP Astral, Charm, Divination, Guardian, Healing,
Law, Necromantic', Numbers', Protection.,
Thought, Wards'; SPL none; PW 1) friends
(Wl), 4) + 2 to all saving throws versus illusions
and mind-affecting spells, 7) emotion (calm)
(W4), 9) true seeing; T U turn at -4 levels.

Celestian, the Star Wanderer, is said to be

brother to Fharlanghn, the endless wanderer of
the Prime Material. Celestian wanders the Astral, Ethereal and Inner planes, especially the Astral. He is depicted as a tall, lean man of middle
years, ebony-skinned and dark of eye. His garments are inky black, but somewhere about him
he has his symbol of seven 'stars" (gems) which
blaze with the colors of far suns. H e has many
unique spells unknown to other Powers (save
perhaps Boccob). He affects meteors, comets,
and similar heavenly bodies. As a form of Sky
God, Celestian has influence over some aspects
of light and weather.
His worship is confined to a few sages, savants, and like souls, who often worship him privately or through travel to unknown lands and
acquisition of knowledge.

Celeetian'e Priests
This small priesthood is very studious and
meditative, and also somewhat secretive and detached from everyday life. Acquisition of arcane
lore and magical items that aid travel are important goals.
Requirements: AB Int 15 or Wis 16; AL any
good or true Neutral; WP dagger, knife, long
bow (and arrows), short sword, spear, staff AR
nonmetal; RA black robe covered with faint star
patterns; SP Astral, Creation, Guardian', Healing', Necromantic., Sun, Thought', Travelers,
Weather'; SPL meteors of Celestian; PW priests
of Celestian may use the following wizard spells
spells) at the listed levels of experience upon attaining those levels: 1) feather fall; 3) jump; 5)
levitate; 7) spider climb; 9) fly; 11) dimension
door; 16) teleport without error; T U nil.

True AD&D 2nd Edition

T h e Church of St. Cuthbert is of major importance in the Flanaess, with more converts to it
every day, despite the zealous and stern nature of
many of its priests.
St. Cuthbert is a Power of dedication, zeal,
and devotion to the causes of law (primarily) and
good (secondarily). Common sense, truth, and
forthrightness are his watchwords. He opposes
chaos and evil sternly, with no backsliding or
compromise permitted. This is a stern Power
who, with his priests, sees matters in black and
white terms. For many folk living with the threat
of Iuz to the north, this is a very credible world
view. T h e great enmity between Iuz and St.
Cuthbert adds to his popular appeal. St.
Cuthberts priests are also determined rivals of
the priests of Pholtus.
St. Cuthbert appears as a red-faced, barrelchested man of nondescript appearance, even
looking like a simple yokel at times. He is famous for wearing a crumpled hat and a starburst
of rubies set in a platinum brooch.

St. Cuthberts Avatar

Given the great enmity between Iuz and St.
Cuthbert, the latters avatar may possibly appear
on the Prime Material to drive Iuz away in confrontations of major import to lawful good. Statistics for the avatar (a 16th-level cleric) are: AC
-5; MV 18; H D 17; hp 126; #AT 1; Dmg
2 d 4 + 5 or l d 6 + 9 ; Str 18/01, Dex 17, Con 18,
Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 16; MR 40%; SZ M;
T h e avatar wears plate mail + 5 and carries
two magical weapons-a cudgel +3 (equivalent
to a morningstar) which beguiles (as a rod of beguiling) anyone it strikes for 5d4 rounds unless a
successful save versus spell is made, and a mace
of disruption + 5 which can cast bless (on comrnand), know alignment (l/day), tongues (on
command) and remove curse (7/week). Finally,
the avatar cannot be affected by weapons of less
than + 2 enchantment.

St. Cnthberts Priests

Priests of St. Cuthbert are stout, stern folk

True AD&D 2nd Edition

practical, with attention to detail of everyday life

and the concerns of common people. Since the
war, military training and fitness are mandatory,
much to the discomfiture of the more rotund
members of the priesthood.
There are three orders of the priesthood: the
Chapeaux, who wear crumpled hats and are zealots who seek converts to the faith; the Stars, who
wear a form of the Powers chest medallion and
seek to retain doctrinal purity among the faithful;
and the Billets, the most numerous, who use a
cudgel as a holy symbol and serve as ministers to
and protectors of the faithful (some 70% of the
Billets are lawful good).
Services in honor of St. Cuthbert are often
conducted in the small, wayside shrines and
humble chapels he favors. Singing, prayer, recitation of edifying moral tales, and sharing of simple
food (bread, milk, and gruel) are common.
Requirements: AB Std; AL LG, LN; WP
club (Ist), flail, mace, morningstar, staff, staffsling, sling, warhammer; AR any (plate mail if affordable); RA crumpled hat (Chapeaux), dark
green robes with starburst (Stars), or brown and
russet garments (Billets); SP Charm, Combat,
Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Protection,
Wards; SPL beguiling PW 2) friends (Billets
only); 3) shillefagh (Chapeaux only); 4) ESP
(Stars only); 9) true seeing; T U turn at -4

Ehlonna has many aspects: huntress, ranger,

woman of the woods, protector of elves and halfelves, fertility goddess. She is concerned with all
aspects of woodland life including the protection
of good humans and demihumans, especially
(half) elves. She is depicted as a young, lovely
female (human, elven, or half-elven, choosing
which form she wills). In any form, she is recognizable by her startlingly deep blue-violet eyes
and a very clear and fair complexion.
Ehlonna is kind and benevolent, but sternly
opposes evil humanoids and marauders who despoil woodlands. Her faith is strong among the
Highfolk (where she is the most widely revered
Power), wood elves in general (especially in Ulek, Celene, and the SusdWelkwoodlGnarley forests), and in many scattered woodland
communities. Services of worship include simple
repasts (often of uncooked, naturalfoods gath-

ered in the woodlands), drinking of wine, and the

playing of flutes, pipes, and lyres. If a bard is at
hand to entertain, so much the better.

Ehlonna's Priests
Ehlonna's priests are fine woodsmen, with
males and females equally represented and regarded within loose hierarchies. They are skilled
hunters and woodland spies, and work to protect
woodlands against evil.
Requiremenh AB Wis 13 or Dex 13 or Cha
13; A L any good; WP dagger, knife, long bow (and
arrows), long sword, spear, staff, staff-sling, sling;
AR leather, padded leather, or elven chain; RA pale
green robes; SP Animal, Charm, Combat', Creation', Elemental. (air, earth, water), Guardian',
Healing, Necromantic', Plant, Protection', Sun,
Weather; SPL stalk; PW 1) Tracking proficiency;
5) move silently as ranger of same level; 7) hide in
woodland (as per hiding in shadows) as ranger of
same level: T U turn at - 3 levels.

Erythnul is the Power of capricious malice, envy,

hatred, and fearful panic. His worshipers include
many humanoids, for Erythnul smiles on fickle,
wicked deeds from them as much as from humans.
Erythnul delights in the fear, rout, and terror of battlefields, and is himself depicted terriiingly as a
seven-foot brute, hairy and red-faced, with mad,
staring green eyes. He can change from human to
gnoll to bugbear to ogre to troll at will, and he carries a huge stone-headed mace. He is a summoner
of creatures of battle, and if wounded, monsters
spring from his blood.
Erythnul is worshiped by evil, embittered, CNel creatures. Services to him include playing of
shrill and discordant reed instruments, the banging of gongs, and ritual drumming. Major rites include burnt offerings. Humanoids of the Bone
March and the Pomarj include many devotees of
Erythnul, as do evilly-inclined bands of bandits
and brigands around the Flanaess.

Erythnd's Priests
Erythnul's priests include many gnolls, bugbears, and ogres. There is no fuced hierarchy,
and a junior may demonstrate his fitness to boss
his fellows by dispatching an older priest (envy is
a virtue, after all). T h e priests are bullieshateful backstabbers and wanton killers-acting
on evil impulse and revelling in bloodshed.

Requirementtx AB Str 14 or Con 14; A L

CE, NE; WP any (mace 1st); AR any; RA rust
colored garments, blood-stained robes for ceremonies; SP Combat, Creation., Healing (rev),
Necromantic (rev), Protection', Summoning,
Sun' (rev), War'; SPL none; PW 4)fear (W4);
7) strength (increased by ld8 points as for a warrior) (We); 9) once per day, the priest may enchant an edged weapon for 1 round/level to act
as a sword of wounding; T U command at -4

)wer of travel, distance,

roads, and horizons. HIS feet are restless ever to
wander the many worlds of the Prime Material,
his eyes ever on the horizon.
Fharlanghn is portrayed as a middle-aged man
with weathered and wrinkled brown skin and
bright green eyes. He is plain-clothed and unencumbered, carrying only an iron-shod staff and a
disc with a curved surface representing the horizon. T h e disc is made of many woods and is inlaid with jade and turquoise. A bright golden
sun-disc is set into the object. Fharlanghn is
known to use the disc for divinations.
Since travel is perilous in much of the Flanaess, more folk now turn to Fharlanghn with offerings, if not actual worship. His priesthood is
small, a wandering fellowship. Services to the
Power are always outdoors, preferably under a
sunny sky, and involve telling of traveler's tales,
sharing stories of good people, and bestowing
blessings on the worshipers while drinking ale
and sharing simple food.

Fharlanghn's Prieats
This is a small, wandering priesthood, ever eager to set foot on the road. T h e priests are practical folk, yet trusting and almost naive in their
faith. Collecting tales of the road, recording
them, or drawing scenes from far lands are the
delight of these priests. They are kindly people
who always offer generosity to other travelers.
T h e priesthood does include some urban mem- d
bers, but these are often elderly priests whose
traveling days are done.
Requirementtx AB Std; A L NG, N; WP any
nonedged weapon (staff 1st); AR nonmetal; RA

True AD&D 2nd Edition


S P Combat, Creation, Elemental (air, earth),

Healing, Protection, Summoning, Travelers,
Weather; SPL none; PW 1) all MV rates increased by 25%; 3) all ability checks for jogging/
running made with +3 bonus; 5) dimension
door (W4); 9) wind walk; T U nil.

throughout the nonevil lands of the Flanaess.

Services to Heironeous include triumphal
singing of battle hymns, offerings made to a copper statue of the Power, (such statues adorn most
of his finely decorated temples), and sharing of
strengthening foods-meat, full-bodied red wine
(in moderation) and spiced, stewed kara-fruit.

Heironeous Priests
Heironeous is the champion of rightful combat
and chivalrous deeds. He is the patron Power of
those who fight for honor, justice, and the fair,
good order of things. Clad in chain mail and hefting a great magical battle axe, Heironeous is portrayed as a youthful, tall man with coppery skin,
auburn hair, and amber eyes, and is unsurpassingly handsome. He is a beloved of the Gods;
his skin is said to be magically enchanted to
break most weapons striking him, and he has
many natural gifts given him by the Powers of
lawful good.
Heironeous is typically a Power revered by officers, leaders, and paladins rather than the common
warrior, but this is changing. Heironeous is strong
as a fighter and as a protector, and this duality attracts many worshipers. He is widely revered

This is a warlike priesthood that counts many

elven and half-elven fighterlclerics and many human priests who have attained several levels of
experience as warriors before becoming priests.
T h e priesthood has a military organization and
maintains excellent armories and systems of
communication. Older priests are revered for
their strategic skills and as teachers. Opposition
of priests of the hated Hextor is mandatory. Possession of magical chain mail andlor a battle axe
brings great kudos within the cult.
Requirements: AB Str 16 or Dex 16 or Con
16; A L LG; WP any (battle axe 1st); AR chain
or plate only; RA dark blue robes with silver ttim
(senior priests have more ornate silvering); S P
Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun, War, Wards; SPL

True AD&D 2nd Edition


bolt of glory; PW 1) + 2 to all saves versus fear;

4) cloak of bravery; 6) immune to strengthreducing magic (ray of enfeeblement, etc.); 11)
power word stun (W7); T U turn at - 2 levels.

Hextor, Scourge of Battle, Champion of Evil,

is patron Power of many evil warriors and a few
humanoids. Hextor is portrayed as a six-armed,
gray-skinned, gray-haired man with fiery red
eyes, although he can assume a more handsome
form. As befits a many-armed warrior Power, he
employs a variety of weapons, as do his priests.
Hextor is worshiped by evil warriors and assassins, mercenaries and murderers. His following
has always been strongest within the lands of the
Great Kingdom, where his priests hold sway in
many residual fiefs and attend upon Ivid. Services to him include discordant music from wind
instruments, shouting and screaming, and the
striking of iron weapons. T h e greatest temples
are built on sites of great battles or bloodshed.

Hextors Priests
These priests are skilled combatants and assassins, cruel and violent, bereft of subtlety while
still being cunning and wily. T h e priestly hierarchy is rigid, dominated by strength and cruelty.
Requirements: AB Str 15 or Dex 15; AL
LE, NE; WP any bow (and arrows or bolts), flail,
fork, morningstar, scimitar, staff-sling; AR chain
or scale; RA black robes adorned with white
skulls or gray visages; SP Combat, Elemental
(fire), Healing (rev), Law, Necromantic (rev),
Summoning, Sun (rev), War; SPL none; PW
1) + 1 bonus to Str; 3) may fight with twohanded weapons with no attack roll penalties; 5)
ray of enfeeblement (W2); 9) once per day, double damage in melee for 1 roundllevel; T U nil.

Kord the Brawler is a Suloise Power appearing

in two aspects: as a mighty, sword-wielding barbarian with powerful weaponry and armor, and as
a muscular wrestler, brawler, and athlete. He is
thus a Power of combat and strength. Not widely
revered, Kord has a following among the barbarian peoples, parts of Ulek, and among Sue1 folk in
Aerdi. Despite his power as a god of struggle and
strife, few turned to him during the Greyhawk
Wars, since he has no protective aspect.

Kords Priests
Priests must be strong, well armed and trained, and able to maintain fitness and readiness for
combat. This is a warrior priesthood, but it does
not have aims of conquest, dominion, or strategic goals, since the Power is chaotic. Possession
of a magical edged weapon is a major goal for
many. If nonweapon proficiencies are used,
those such as swimming, running, jumping, and
blind-fighting are allowed to this priesthood.
Requirements: AB Str 16, Con 15; AL CG,
CN; WP any; AR any metal; RA red with white
trappings; SP All, Combat, Creation, Healing,
Summoning, War ,Weather ; SPL none; PW 1)
+ 2 to saves vs. fear; 4) strength (W2); 7) + 2 to
saving throws versus spells cast by lawful-aligned
enemies; 9) may use Elemental (earth) spells.

1 his very old buel Power is referred to as

Prince of Time and Tedium, which explains
why his reverence is almost extinct on Oerth.
Said to be the Creator of the other Sue1 Powers,
Lendor is distant, aloof, and preoccupied with
the unfolding of events through time in all the
Lendors handful of worshipers are sages, old
men, and others distant from everday concerns.
Services to this Power involve interminable recitations, officiated by elderly priests who find it
difficult to recruit others to their faith.

Lendors Priests
T h e priesthood of Lendor is elderly, rigid, and
uncreative. This priesthood is preoccupied with
ritual, formalities, and unswerving devotion to
lawful neutrality.
Requirements: AB Int 14; AL LN; WP any
nonedged weapon; AR leather, chain; RA silver
robes adorned with a black circle containing a
crescent moon surrounded by 14 stars; SP Astral, Divination, Elemental (air), Guardian,
Law, Numbers, Thought, Time; SPL none;
PW 3 ) slow (W3, reversed haste); 7) immune to
time-affecting spells (baste, time stop, temporal
stasis, etc.); 12) time stop (W9); T U nil.

Obad-Hai is an anck:nt Flan nature:deity, whose

worship has spread througnour me r?
rlanaess. He is
a lover of wilderness and nature, a patron of druids,

True AD&D 2nd Edition


and a friend to those who live in harmony with their

natural surroundings. Because of his neutrality,
there is enmity between him and Ehlonna of the
Forests. He is most revered by druids who live in
very wild places: those of the barbarians and other
underpopulated lands.
Obad-Hai is represented as a lean, weathered
man of considerable age, as if a hermit, pilgrim,
or simple rustic. He can also appear as a gnome,
dwarf, or halfling, and has his worshipers among
those folk; he is also represented in the form of
woodland animals of diverse kind. Shrines of
Obad-Hai are usually wooden structures found in
rustic settings. Services to him involve the consecration of living flowers, earth, water, and fire.

Obad-Hais Priests
Obad-Hais priests are treated as druids. T h e
priesthood is non-hierarchical, treating each other as equals, irrespective of level. Age is a basis
for deferment among them.
Requirements: AB Wis 14; AL N; WP as
druids (staff 1st); AR as druids; RA simple russet
garments; S P Animal, Charm, Divination., Elemental (all), Healing, Necromantic *, Plant,
Summoning, Sun, Weather; SPL none; PW as
druids; T U nil.

Olidammara, the Laughing Rogue, is patron

Power to many thieves and bards. He is portrayed
as a wandering minstrel or vagabond, a slim man
with chestnut hair and rakish beard, olivetinted
skin, sparkling emerald eyes, and green and gold
clothing. Delighting in wine, women, and song,
Olidammara is the eternal prankster and chaotic
spirit. He is a master of disguise.
Olidammaras cult is steady within the Flanaess; in the darkest times, people must have
some form of diversion lest they succumb to despair, and while they may not worship this
Power, they are glad enough if one of his priests
or clerics is on hand to bring laughter and song.
His temples are not commonly found (neither is
his priesthood), but services to him are lighthearted affairs, including much singing, chanting, music, feasting, and ample consumption of
beers, ales, and wines.

Olidammaras Priests
This priesthood contains both urban priests,
found mostly in large cities, and wandering min-

strel priests. These priests are not popular with

lawfully-aligned priests of other Powers because
of their general irreverence and fondness for upsetting established order. Olidammaras priests
are required to sing or play a musical instrument.
Requirements: AB Dex 13 or Cha 13; AL
CN; WP as thieves; RA robes of green, brown,
green and brown, or green and black; S P Chaos*, Charm, Creation, Divination., Healing,
Protection, Travelers; SPL none; PW 1) hide in
shadows as thief, 5%/level; 5) alter self (WZ); 7)
Tashas hideous uncontrollable laughter (WZ);
10) confusion;T U nil.

Yholtus is a Yower with a tured resolve to show

all creatures the One True Path. This Path allows no deviation, but gives absolute assurance
of rightness. Pholtus is the sternest guardian of
unbending Law, and a defender of rightful and
just order. He is portrayed as a tall, slender man,
clad in a white silk robe, with pale skin, flowing
white hair, and bright blue eyes that shine with
the inner fire of devotion. He holds an ivory staff
shod with silver and topped with an electrum
disc, the Silvery Sun.
Worshipers of Pholtus are often rigid, unbending folk, and many have taken refuge in a religion
of such certainty after the war. T h e Theocracy of
the Pale worships Pholtus in his Lawful Neutral
aspect. There is friction between that nation and
its priesthood and those who accept the image of
Pholtus as a champion of good. Many paladins
and some warriors revere Pholtus.
Services to Pholtus take place in consecrated
buildings decorated in white. They include
candle-burning and long sermons. T h e anthem
of the worshipers is 0Blinding Light.

Pholtuss Priests
This priesthood is most active in urban districts. Priests continually seek to reveal the light
of Pholtus to unbelievers. They brook no arguments, of course, and are generally disliked by
most other priesthoods (especially those of the
rival St. Cuthbert, and chaotic priests). T h e
priesthood is well organized and strongly hierarchical; priests of levels 1-4 are Glimmering
priests, those of levels 5-8 the Gleaming priests,
those of levels 9 + the Shining priests.
Priests of Pholtus are expected to observe strin-

True AD&D 2nd Edition


gent standards of morality and righteousness.

Requirements: AB Wis 14 or Cha 13; AL LG,
LN (LN only in the Theocracy); WP flail, mace,
morningstar, scourge, staff (lst), staff-sling, sling,
warhammer; AR any; RA white robes (Glimmering) with silver (Gleaming) or gold (Shining); SP
Charm', Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing,
Law, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning',
Sun, War', Wards' ; SPL dispel darkness, glow, reflect; PW 1) dispel darkness; 5) glow; 9) reflect;
12) holy word; T U turn.


Procan is the Power of the seas and oceans,

weather, and navigation. He is portrayed as a
muscular, large man with blue-green skin and
hair and golden eyes, armed with a great spear
from which hangs fronds of seaweed. Procan is
stormy and impulsive, prone to fits of temper,
and is ever greedy for treasure, hoarding that
which falls to the sea bed and jealous of the
pearls and wonders of his own domain.
Fisherfolk and sailors seek to placate Procan.
Small shrines to the Power are found in ports of
any size. H e has few worshipers, concentrated
among those who live most of their lives at sea.
Some sentient aquatic creatures worship Procan.
Services to Procan are always close to or upon
the sea. They include offerings of gold or pearls
cast into the waters, eating of fish and bread, and
prayers for safe sea travel.

Procan's Priests
This priesthood is a simple, everyday sort, attentive to the lives of those who must earn their
living on the seas. They eschew formal ritual and
dress simply. It is considered good fortune by
seamen to have a priest of Procan aboard ship!
Requirements: AB Con 14; AL CN; WP
flail, mace, morningstar, net, staff, staff-sling,
spear (lst), trident; AR leather; RA blue or green
robes; SPAnimal', Chaos*, Charm', Combat',
Divination, Elemental (air, water), Healing,
Plant , Protection, Summoning (aquatic creatures only), Weather; SPL none; PW 1) Swimming proficiency; 3) water walk; 6 ) water
breathing (W4); 8) airy water (W5); T U nil.

Ralishaz is the Power of chance, ill-luck, and unexpected misfortunes. He is also the patron Power

of gamblers and those who take unusual risks.

Most often, Ralishaz will not reward the latter, but
if he does, the rewards may be great indeed.
Ralishaz is portrayed in a variety of forms. H e
may appear as an idiot or dolt, a hideously wrinkled old man, a scabby beggar, or even as a beautiful maid. He employs only wooden weapons,
usually a staff. He is a formidable purveyor of
curses and magical aging, and has a gaze that can
cause sleep.
Victims of misfortune may try to placate Ralishaz; gamblers invoke him; those in peril beseech him; those planning speculative, high-risk
adventures will make offerings to him. His cult
has grown somewhat during and after the war.
Services to Ralishaz include playing semirandom note sequences on musical instruments,
babbling paeans, the casting of augury spells, and
wild interplays of light and darkness, heat and
light, noise and quiet.

Ralishae's Priests
Priests of this Power are said to suffer misfortunes only rarely, but when they do, they are
grave indeed. The priests tend to alternate between stoicism and wild endeavor. Casting augury spells plays a great role in their lives. They are
often mean-minded or deceitful folk.
Requirements: AB Std; AL CN, CE; WP
wooden weapons only (staff 1st); AR leather; RA
robes of mixed, clashing colors; SP Chaos,
Charm, Combat , Divination, Guardian, Healing', Numbers, Summoning', Thought'; SPL
protection from misfortune; PW 3) sleep by
gaze, range 30 yards, one target creature, duration 3 turns, save versus spells negates; 5) may
reduce damage from one melee blow against the
priest to half; 7) fumble (W4); 9) gain saving
throw (base 18) versus spells which normally alIOW no save; I u nil.
r n T T



What manner of Power Tharizdu n is is unknown, although his name is associated with loss
of strength and sanity, exhaustion and cold, fatigue, mind-bending illusions, depression, catatonia, and paralysis. Legend says that Tharizdun
is banished and imprisoned in some unknown
demi-plane, but there are those who strive to
bring their old master forth. What manner of
madmen, or which creatures, served him aeons

True AD&D 2nd Edition


.'.' . ...:;.



.:. ' . :











ago is unknown. T h e Scarlet Brotherhood is said

to revere Tharizdun and to seek his release
through the use of a mighty artifact of evil.
Worship of Tharizdun takes place in unknown
subterranean temples of chill, darkness, and insanity. Such places are highly secret, and many
are lost and ruined. Litanies of this Power are
hideous in the extreme. Most folk feel that the
less they know about the Dark God, the better
they like it. Even mention of his dread name is
held to be a danger.

Tharizduns Priests
T h e sole duty of this priesthood is to free
Tharizdun from his prison. They sacrifice all to
this end. T h e extent and location of the priesthood is unknown.
Requirements: AB Wis 15; AL any evil; WP
blunt weapons; AR none; RA black robes; SP
Astral, Charm, Divination, Elemental (all),
Healing (rev), Numbers, Sun (rev), Thought,
Time, Wards (special note: priests may not currently use spells above 2nd level due to the
Powers imprisonment); SPL none; PW 1) may
use all cold-based wizard spells as priest spells of
same level; 5 ) suggestion with accompanying visual illusion if appropriate (W3); 9) Orilukes
freezing sphere (W6); T U command.

Trithereon is the Power of individuality and

the right to self-protection. His symbol, a pursuit
rune, indicates the need to strive for liberty and
to seek to bring an end to those bent on abridging life or freedom.
Trithereon is depicted as a tall, well-built
young man with red-gold hair and gray eyes. H e
wears pale blue garb with golden chain mail, and
carries a broad-bladed spear, a broadsword, and a
scepter. It is said that Trithereon is able to summon many creatures to aid him in battle.
Trithereons aspect as a Power of protection

. -



Sterish, Ulek, Shield Land exiles), he has a burgeoning following. Even in a well-ordered land
such as the Yeomanry, this chaotic, freedomfighting deity finds many passionate converts.
This is the strongest-growing cult in the Fla-

True AD&D 2nd Edition

naess, together with that of St. Cuthbert. Services to Trithereon include ceremonial flames,
bell-ringing, displays of weaponry, and the triumphal procession of new converts to the faith.

Trithereons Priests
In rural areas, the priests are spies and border
skirmishers (where appropriate), and they work
with woodsmen and demihumans to keep vigilant
watch against despots and evil humanoids. In urban areas, the priesthood gives training in selfprotection and weapon use, regularly practices
battle tactics, and recruits rangers and thieves to
teach priests the skills of covert conflict.
Requirements: AB Std; AL CG; WP any
(spear lst, broadsword 2nd); AR chain; RA blue
robes; SP Astral, Chaos, Charm, Combat,
Guardian, Healing, Necromantic *, Protection,
Summoning, Sun, Travelers*; SPL none; PW
3) can backstab with an edged weapon for double
damage; 5) may use monster summoning spells
from the wizard list as if priest spells of the same
level; 8) animal summoning I; T U nil.

UIaa is the patron Power of miners, hillsmen,

mountaineers, and quarrymen. She has some following among the demihumans engaged in such
tasks, and is often portrayed as a dwarf or gnome.
In her more typical human portrayal, she is shown
as a plain-faced, strong, determined woman with
skin as hard as stone, clad in chain mail and hefting
a military pick and great warhammer.
Ulaas following is concentrated in hilly rural
lands such as the Kron Hills and Flinty Hills. Nearly all her temples are underground. Services include displays of gemstones and tine minerals,
rythmic hammering on stone, and chanted hymns.

Ulaas Priests
This priesthood is strongly community based.
T h e priests watch over the maintenance of
mines and quarries, use spells to ensure the
safety of those who work therein, and work with
priests of other races. A special note regarding
their granted powers: like rangers, priests must
choose a racial enemy, typically a hill-dwelling
humanoid or giant race (ogres, gnolls, orcs, etc.).
Requirements: AB Str 13 or Con 14; AL
LG, LN; WP club, flail, hammer, staff, military
pick, sling, warhammer; AR metal; RA brown,
green, or brown-green robes; SP Combat, Divi-


nation, Elemental (earth, fire, water), Guardian,

Healing, Necromantic ,Protection, Wards; SPL
command earth; PW 1) + 1 to damage versus
special enemy race per 4 levels of experience
(round fractions up), detect invisible (objects)
(We); 4) dig (W4); 7) passwall (W5); 10) transmute stone to flesh (W6); 12) immune to Elemental (earth) attacks; T U nil.

Wee Jas is the Suloise Power of magic and

death. She is portrayed as an attractive, welldressed young woman, but her necklace-an ivory skull set against a ring of fine fire rubies-gives
away her nature. Wee Jas is primarily lawful, but
she inclines toward evil through her preoccupation with power.
Wee Jas is not widely revered even among Suel
folk, although it is said that some of the Scarlet
Brotherhood look to her magical powers with devotion. However, funeral rites among the Suel,
even the barbarians, usually involve a small offering to her to protect the soul of the departed. She
is a protector of the dead, and her priests are only
rarely allowed to command undead creatures,
having to commune with Wee Jas to see if this is
acceptable to her.
Services to Wee Jas include the reverent flattery of fine icons of her (she is a vain Power),
offerings of finery and gems, and magical fires.

Wee Jess Priests

Wee Jass priests are officiators at funerals,
maintainers of graveyards, and ardent students of
magic and arcane lore. T h e priesthood has rigid
ordering and demands absolute obedience from
its juniors.
Requirements AB Int 13; AL LN, L E WP as
wizards; AR none; RA black (evil) or gray (neutral)
robes; SP Astral, Charm, Combat, Divination,
Elemental (all), Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun, Thought,
Time, Wards; SPL ability alteration; PW 3) + 1
to saves versus magic: 6) may use 1st- and 2ndlevel wizard spells from the EnchantmendCharm
and Illusion schools as priest spells of same level; 9)
may use wizard spells of 1st through 4th level from
the schools of Alteration, Enchantmendcharm, IIlusion, and Invocation-Evocation as priest spells of
same level, and may use magical items normally
only usable by wizards; Tu command (but see

Zilchus is a Power who oversees affairs of

money and business, but is also a temporal
power concerned with prestige and influence.
Zilchus is a Power revered by those who are fair,
SCNPU~OUS in their dealings, and honest; shady
merchants do not look to this Power.
Zilchus is portrayed as a middle-aged, smiling
man with thick curly brown hair and brown eyes,
tanned skin, and a dignified demeanor. He is
richly dressed, but without ostentation or finery.
He carries a purse full of gold, and also a flail with
which to chastise the dishonest.
Zilchuss faith has always been widespread
throughout the central Flanaess and remains so,
for when trade is brisk, honest dealings are more
important than ever. Zilchuss aspect as a Power
of prestige and influence is somewhat lessened
by the rise of more martial deities, but his priests
are still listened to by most rulers because of
their honesty and diplomatic skills.
Zilchus remains primarily a Power revered by
the well-to-do and noble, rather than the common folk. Services to Zilchus involve incense
burning, small offerings of goods, sermons, and

Zilchnss Priests Many of the priests are

themselves merchants, nobles, or in a position of
temporal power; this is regarded as a sign of ones
worth. Priests strive hard to mediation and diplomacy, and tend to get on well with priests of Rao
(who gently chide them for their worldliness).
Requirements: AB Wis 13, Cha 13; AL LN;
WP any blunt weapon (flail 1st) or short sword;
AR chain; RA white or gray robes with silver
trim; SP Charm, Divination, Guardian, Healing*, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning., Travelers * ; SPL none; PW 1) + 2 to
saves versus mind-controlling or mind-reading
spells (ESE hypnotism, magic jar, magic mirror,
etc.); 3) know value of goods to within + I - 5%
(except for rarities and nonesuch items); 7) + 1
to Cha score; 9) true seeing; T U nil.

The Cyclopedia of the Flanaess chapter in this

True AD&D 2nd Edition


mation for Iuz.

Iuz can be slain while on the Prime Material
plane. If this happens, he is banished to the
Abyss where he has a hidden soul gem (other
Powers cannot be slain on the Prime Material
since they appear only in avatar form).
Iuz can appear as a 7-tall, red-skinned, steelyfingered fiend, or as a shriveled old man five feet
in height (he can take many forms; these are simply his habitual ones).
Statistics (as 16th-level Priest): AC - 4
(-8 with cape); MV 18; H D 36; hp 165; #AT 1
(2); Dmg ld10+ 12 or l d 4 + 10/1d4+ 10 (talons); Str 21, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 20,
Cha 18; MR 45% (65% with cape); SZ L (7) or
- M (5); THACO 10.
In his fiendish, taller form, Iuz usually employs
a two-handed sword +3. In his old man form, he
attacks with talons and can also generate a disgusting spittle which he can spit, once per round,
at one target within 10 feet. Any creature hit by
this vile fluid ages ld6 years (no save). Furthermore, the body part struck becomes numb and is
useless for l d 4 + 1 rounds (roll ld12: 1 =head,
213 = weapon arm, 4/5 shield arm, 617 = right
leg, 8/9=left leg, 10-12=torso. A torso hit
makes a character collapse in pain, remaining
conscious but unable to perform actions. A hit to
the head brings unconsciousness.
In either form, Iuz is unaffected by nonmagical
weapons. He has 90% ability in all thief skills.
His magical cloak, of deepest black, is a cloak of
protection + 4 which adds 20% to his magic resistance. He can cast spells from the following
spheres: Chaos, Charm, Creation, Divination,
Elemental (air, fire), Guardian, Healing (rev),
Necromantic (rev), Protection, Summoning,
Sun (rev), War, Wards, Weather. In addition to
spells, which he casts as a 16th-level priest, he
has the following innate magical abilities:
At will, luz can cast each of the following,
one per round: finger of death, invisibilitx phantasmal force, protection from good 10 radius,
wall of force.
Twice per day each, one per round, he can
cast dispel good, dispel illusion, dispel magic,


cast anti-magic shelf, command (2 round duration), gate, harm, limited wish, symbol.

Iuz has many magical items looted from the

Hierarchs, Shield Lands, and elsewhere. His
throne has many magical properties, his palace
holds a permanent gate to the Abyss, and so on.
Iuzs resources are great indeed.

1112s Priests
This priesthood is cruel, barbaric, and sadistic.
T h e priests revel in cruelty and inflicting fear on
those weaker than themselves, and they forever
try to outdo each other. The more exalted members of their ranks who become part of the Boneheart (three echelons of six members, though not
all are priests) keep quiet in Iuzs presence unless
commanded to speak. Senior priests are now token rulers of many provinces of Iuzs expanded
domain, although Iuz holds them responsible for
events therein, so this is a mixed blessing.
Trophy hunting is important to Iuzs priests,
and a fine array of stuffed and mounted heads
brings approval and esteem. Possession of a true
work of art (e.g., an embalmed and stuffed paladin) gains considerable kudos for the owner.
Requirements: AB Std; AL CE, N E WP
club, dagger, flail, knife, mace, staff, staff-sling,
sling, two-handed sword; AR any; RA black or
bloodstained white robes; SP Chaos, Charm,
Combat, Divination ,Healing (rev), Necromantic (rev), Summoning, Sun (rev); SPL screaming
skull, vampiric fog; PW 3) change self (Wl); 5)
+ 2 to saves versus spells cast by good-aligned
N4); 9) enervation (W4);

I ne cult or mayaneine is one considerably on

the increase in beleaguered, nonevil Flanaess
lands, for Mayaheine is a demipower of protection and survival. Mayaheine rose from mortal
ranks as an epic hero, a paladin of Pelor. She
does not originate from Oerth and has traveled,
with Pelors aid, from some unknown alternate
world in the Prime Material. Flanaess folk see
this act as potential salvation and revere her for
comine to aid them (Pelors cult has imoroved its

skin, with blue eyes and auburn-gold hair. She

wears silvered plate mail and hefts a magical bastard sword. She is a fine warrior, but above all,

True AD&D 2nd Edition


she is a protector. Tales of her always involve her

seeking out protective magical items and giving
them to others in need, and fighting to defend
beleaguered communities. Mayaheine strives to
defend the poor and downtrodden. She is a
defender-on-the-ramparts figure, armed with a
deadly longbow said to fire almost to the horizon. Her magical shield is said to be capable of
melding into stone and protecting city walls from
fire, frost, and magical assault.
Services to Mayaheine include hymn singing
with the congregation linking arms, consecration
of weapons, armor, and shields, and collection of
alms for the needy. Her priests are few, since the
cult is young.

Mayaheines Priests
This priesthood is still organizing itself, often
under the auspices of priests of Pelor, to whom
Mayaheines priests are most respectful. The
priests are often young, and they train for combat
using self-defense exercises. Traveling priests aid
border communities in constructing defenses.
Requirements: AB Str 14 or Cha 13; AL
LG; WP bastard sword, mace, flail, lance, longbow (and arrows), long sword, staff AR chain or
plate; RA white robes with gold trim; S P
Charm, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law,
Necromantic., Protection, Sun, Wards; SPL
none; PW 3) protection from evil 10 radius,
double duration; 5 ) cloak of bravery; 9) may use
6th-level spells from spheres of Protection and
Wards; T U turn.

Zagyg is the Mad Arch-mage, servitor of Boccob, the demipower of humor, eccentricity, and
occult studies. He is mad inasmuch as none but
his master seem to be able to fathom his reasoning and sense of humor. Zagyg has no priests and
very few worshipers.
Zagyg is rarely portrayed, since he can appear
in any guise he wishes, but the few portraits that
exist show a balding, white-haired, portly fellow
with a wide smile and eyes inscrutably closed.
This depiction bears a striking similarity to Zagig
Yragerne, the lunatic of the Free City of
Greyhawk who initiated the construction of its
infamous Castle. Sages usually consider the two
to be one and the same. Whether the demipower

took mortal form, or the mortal became a demigod, is unknown.

Zagyg receives small offerings and homages
from time to time, from sages and scholars studying difficult and arcane areas of lore. Whether
Zagyg takes any notice of this is unknown.

In the entries above, some mention has been

made of relations between Powers and their
priests (such as the enmity between Pholtus and
St. Cuthbert). T h e most important allegiances
and oppositions obviously have great impact
when priests deal with each other (and when other followers meet). Interpret the guidelines that
follow according to the situations; priests of St.
Cuthbert may detest those of Pholtus, but if a
priest of St. Cuthben finds himself in the Theocracy of the Pale, he isnt going to announce this
loudly. Also, there will be individual differences.
Just because priests of Rao and Zilchus generally
get on well, this doesnt mean they all do. If
youre a young priest of Rao and a lively priest of
Zilchus became engaged to your sister and left
her standing at the altar, youre not going to like
him much.
Priests of Beory are well disposed to those of
Ehlonna and Ulaa. Priests of Incabulos and
Nerull have a wary respect for each other, but
dont cooperate unless faced with a common enemy of good. Priests of Boccob and Istus tend to
have cool, formal relations with all other priests.
Priests of Pelor and Mayaheine are on excellent
terms; the latter defer to the former, just as Mayaheine serves Pelor. Pelors priests have warm relations with those of Rao, and in turn, Raos
priests have warm relations with those of
Zilchus. There is some chiding between them,
for Raos priests say that Zilchuss priests are too
materialistic; Zilchuss priests say that Raos followers are too idealistic. But there is a genuine
liking by each for the other.
Celestian and Fharlanghn, being brothers, have
priests who actively aid each other and cooperate
extensively. Heironeous and Hextor are likewise
brothers, but there is deep hatred between them
and a priest of one of these Powers will seek to
slay a priest of the other Power whenever he
meets him (even if the odds are stacked against

True AD&D 2nd Edition


success). Yholtus and St. Cuthbert likewise have

enmity, and their priests strive to diminish the influence of the other cult; but, since both Powers
are strongly Lawful, underhanded means are not
acceptable. They will work together against evil
and chaos if they must.
Ehlonna and Obad-Hai are rivals, although
their druids and priests tend to live in very different areas. T h e priests are cool and formally polite to each other rather than hostile. Ehlonna is
the Power who has the best relations with the elven Seldarine (see below). Trithereon is a law unto himself and his priests care little for the
attitudes of others. They are suspicious of lawful
priests, even if lawful good.
Olidammara's priesthood is a group of pranksters who love making lawful, stuck-up, pompous priests look foolish. They have no true
enmities, simply a liking for making everyone realize that life is too important to take seriously.
Priests of Heironeous are uncertain about Mayaheine's cult, since its precepts are similar to
their own, but the prevailing view is that Heironeous is a battle god and Mayaheine is a protector, so the roles fit together.
Hextor's priesthood is a hateful one which has
no respect for any other. Priests of Iuz are feared
by all, and opposed by all other evil priesthoods.
The very mention of Tharizdun is enough to
make any priest of another Power shudder.
Other priesthoods tend to be indifferent to
others because their Power has very specific areas of concern (such as Procan or Kord).

Uwarves: Moradin (Creator; smithing, crafts,

war), Berronar Truesilver (safety, truth, home,
healing), Clangeddin Silverbeard (battle, war),
Dumathoin (mining, exploration), Muamman
Duathal (expatriates, urban dwarves, travelers,
exiles), Vergadain (wealth, luck).
Gnomes: Gar1 Glittergold (Creator; protection,
humor, gems, smithig), Baervan Wildwanderer
(forests, nature, travel), Baravar Cloakshadow (illusions, protection, deception, hatred of goblioids),
Flandal Steelskin (mining, smithing, fitness), Gaerdal Ironhand (protection, vigilance, combat), Segojan Earthcaller (earth, nature).
Halflings: Yondalla' (Creator; protection, fertility), Arvoreen the Defender (protection, vigilance, war); Brandobaris (stealth, thieves,
adventuring), Cyrrollalee' (friendship, trust,
home), Sheela Peryroyl' (nature, agriculture,

:rs of Oerth are fully documented in the sourcebook Monster Mythofogy

It is impossible to give full details of them here.
For reference, the demihuman Powers that have
significant followings (more than 5% of the race
in question) are listed below. Those marked with
an asterisk ( * ) are female.

.-.,. ....'

Elves: Corellon Larethian (Creator; magic,

arts and crafts. war). Sehanine the Moonbow'
(mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death, and
transcendence), Aerdrie Faenya' (air, weather,
birds), Erevan Ilesere (trickster, mischief,
rogues), Hanali Celanil' (romance, love, beau-

True AD&D 2nd Edition

Space constraints do not permit details of the

goblinoid (and giantish) gods to be given here. A
full account is given in Monster Mythofom. For
reference, a listing of the Powers that have significant (more than 5% of the race) followings in
the Flanaess is given below. Powers usually portrayed as female are marked with an asterisk (*).

Ora: Gruumsh (Creator; war, territory),

Bahgtru (strength, combat), Ilneval (warfare, especially for leaders), Luthic' (fertility, medicine,
servitude), Shargaas (darkness, thieves), Yurtrus
(death, disease; many placate, few revere).
Goblins and Hobgoblins: Maglubiyet (Creator; war, rulership), Khurgorbaeyag (slavery, oppression, morale, goblins), Nomog-Geaya (war,
authority, hobgoblins).
Bugbears: Hruggek (battle, death), Grankhul
(hunting, senses, stealth).
Kobolds: Kurtulmak (Creator; war, mining),
Gaknulak (protection, stealth, trickery, traps).
Gnolls: Yeenoghu (ghouls, gnolls, paralysis).
Ogres (also Hill Giants and Ettins): Grolantor (war, pride, force).


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The large empty space around the pool is used for fellowship gatherings. In the space is a massive iron lectern with a
wide base measuring five feet to a side. Shackled to the
lectern is the massive Original Book of Penitence. The Original
Book is obviously missing over a hundred pages; it looks as
though they have been roughly tom out.
Unknown to even the fellowship, the iron lectern hides a
secret entrance to the secret subreliquary. The secret entrance
is extremely difficult to find, and nobody receives an automatic chance to detect it. In fact, the secret to sliding aside the
iron lectern to reveal the filled-in passage is only revealed to
those who dont know it on a 1 on ld20 per search (especially
skilled searchers may have a somewhat better chance, at the
DMs option).

The bones on the cot are those of Onwald, dead these

many hundreds of years. Though the form collapses into dust
at a touch, the crystal key in one hand and the scrap of crumpled vellum in the other hand do not.
The crystal key opens the crystal casket of Ferrante so far
overhead, while the crumpled vellum sheets are the missing
pages of the Original Book of Penitence. In their detached state,
the pages are referred to collectively as the Penitent Fragments.
A thorough search through the loose dirt of the chamber is
20% likely per turn to completely collapse the earthen walls,
destroying the subreliquary permanently (and burying the
searchers). Searchers who avoid collapsing the walls and who
make a successful Find Secret Doors roll uncover an iron
chest containing three silver chalices each worth at least
10,000 gp to the Bastion.

Ferrante, Antiprophet of Heironeous: AC -6 (magical

platemail + shield, Dex bonus); M Y 12, fly 24 (C); HD 20;
hp 200; THACO 1; #AT 5/2; Dmg ld10+10 (two handed sword
+4, Str bonus); SA continualfear in 5 radius, casts detect
nlagic, detect invisibility,and detect faith at will, casts power word
kY1, symbol pain,$reball (20d10)l/day, has power over undead
as 12th-levelevil priest; SD cannot be turned, regenerates
3 hp/round; SW repelled by holy word for ld4+4 rounds;
hlR 75% (if 66% or lower is rolled, spell reflected back on
caster); SZ M (7 tall); ML fanatic (17); AL CE; XP 17,000.
Ability Equivalents: Str 18/00; Dex 18; Con 18; Int 18;
VVis 10; Cha 5
Special Abilities: SA-the Antiprophet can detect all those
who worship Heironeous within a 10-mile radius unless they
are protected by magical wards or spells of protection vs.
scrying and detection. Ferrantes only goal is to destroy every
last worshiper of Heironeous, and ultimately destroy the
deitys power base; SD-Ferrante can only be permanently
killed when reduced to 0 hit points and doused in holy water.
Special Equipment: two handed sword +4 of sharpness;
platemail +4 (both items melt into powerless green ooze
should Ferrante be permanently destroyed)

\ 1Ilt: Yltv mcible, the Valorous Knight, the
crusader of Justice, the honorable (&ampion,
the Para on of C;hivalry, the Lord o f War, the
Archpalac in)
Intermediate Power of Mount Celestia, LG



,.--:.. L nTmn,..
I v a i i LC.


Chivalry, daring, honor, justice, valor, war



vcrrya/ I i c I u D





Daern, Delleb, Johydee, Murlynd, Pholtus,
Erythnul, Hextor, Kurell
Silver lightning bolt or silver lightning bolt
clutched in a white right hand
LG, NG, LN (rare)

4 ubr eliquary

Wor. Align.:

The subreliquary is only accessible through the secret pit

tllnnel hidden beneath the iron lectern in the main reliquary.
The otherwise solid stone foundation of the reliquary and the
subreliquary is laced with a webbing of living roots and
earthworms, and rare minerals that combine with the life5xce field to make the area inaccessible to Ethereal penetrations. After he entered it, Onwald had the vertical tunnel
filled by contract laborers. The fill consists of alternating
layers of logs, clay, stone, and masons cement. The filled
shaft descends an astounding 290 feet before opening onto a
bevel, open tunnel. Obviously, the fill must be removed to
access the open horizontal tunnel, or secondary shafts must
tie bored through the surrounding solid stone. The open horizontal tunnel runs only a few feet before emptying into the
bowl-shaped chamber of the subreliquary.
The subreliquary isnt in good shape. Its earthen walls
crumble with the slightest touch, and the wooden cot and
other sparse furnishings of the chamber are mostly rotted to
nothingness, although a broken skeleton remains, lying in
repose upon the cot.

Heironeous (hare-OH-knee-us)is the Valorous Knight, a shining example of all that is brave, virtuous, and just and the
champion of rightful combat and chivalrous deeds. Traditionally revered by paladins, military officers, honorable leaders,
and those given to acts of great heroism, the ranks of Heironeous faithful have grown to encompass many common warriors in recent decades. His dual role as warrior and protector
attracts many worshipers. The Archpaladin is venerated in
non-evil lands across the Flanaess, chiefly in those regions
governed by the rule of law and inhabited by large numbers
of humans of Oeridian extraction.
Not unlike Celestian and Fharlanghn or Kurell and
Zilchus, Oeridian mythology suggests strong fraternal links
between Heironeous and Hextor. The Warring Brothers, as the
half-brothers are sometimes known, have battled each other
for eons, each the antithesis of the other. Each power seeks to
destroy, or at least thwart, the other in an endless cycle of retribution. Their faithful worshipers engage in violent conflict
whenever their paths cross. In addition to those listed above,
Heironeous maintains strong ties with several deities outside

True AD&D 2nd Edition


MR 80%; S i M (6+ feet tall)

Str 22, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 20, Wis 23, Cha 24
Spells P: 14/13/13/13/11/10/9
Saves PPDhh 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

Special Att/Def: Heironeous is totally fearless and radiates

a calming aura in a 10-foot radius that dispels all normal and
magicalfear, including dragon fear, in his allies. Heironeous
wields Glonjaxe, a great magical battle-ax +4. The Archpaladins prized weapon shrinks to one-twentieth of its normal
five-foot leflgth, or back to full size, at the will of its bearer.
Thus, when Heironeous chooses to appear in another guise,
his weapon is not noticeable. The Archpaladin always wears a
suit of fine dhain mail +5.
Accordhtg to Oeridian mythology, Heironeous skin was
imbued with a secret solution at birth. As such, the Archpaladin is immune to weapons of less than +2 enchantment.
Weapons of l+2 enchantment inflict only 25% of their base
damage ( r o h d down to a minimum of l),while weapons of
+3 enchantntent inflict only 50% of their base damage (again
round dowri to a minimum of 1).Weapons of +4 or greater
enchantmenk inflict full damage. Weapons whose magic
power woulld normally sever body parts, such as a sword of
sharpness or borpal blade, do not do so to Heironeous, but they
do inflict normal damage, as modified above based on their
In additibn to his normal attacks, Heironeous can unleash
a bolt of g l o i (as the 6th-level priest spell, described later in
this book) once per round, at will. In lieu of any attack, the
Valorous Kdight can shapechange into any male human form
of Oeridian klescent once per round, at will.

the Oeridian pantheon, including AlAkbar, Allitur, Fortubo,

Mayaheine, Pelor, Rao, St. Cuthbert, and Zodal. The Valorous
Knight also holds long standing enmities against powers such
as Beltar, Bralm, Damaran, Iuz, Kyuss, Llerg, Meyanok, Olidamma ra, Pyremius, Ralishaz, Raxivort, Syml, Tezcatlipoca,
Tharizdun, Tlaloc, Trithereon, Vara, Vecna, and Wastri.
The Archpaladin is unflinchingly brave and unfailingly
courteous. Although committed to the rule of law, Heironeous
displays a strong sense of the importance of mercy and
common kindness in the dispensation of true justice. He is
given to slow and careful speech, but is capable of swift violence when the need is great and true. Heironeous sometimes
adopts the appearance of a young boy, a mercenary soldier, or
an old man. In such guises he is always garbed appropriately,
but is never without his fine chainmail.

heironeouss Avatar (Paladin 3 5, Ranger 35,

Fighter 35, CJeric 32,)
Heironeous appears as a strikingly handsome youthful, tall,
human male of Oeridian extraction with coppery skin,
auburn hair, and amber eyes. He favors spells from the
spheres of All, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing,
Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun, War, and Wards,
although he can cast spells from any sphere.
AC -5; MV 21; HP 222, THACO -10; #AT 5/2
Dmg ld8+16 (battle-ax +4, +10 Str, +2 spec. bonus in battle-ax)

Other danifestations

Heironeous kypically manifests in the form of bolts of lightning cast d o h from the heavens, even when there is scarcely
a cloud in tHe sky. Such manifestations are usually simply
warnings sekn off in the distance. However, if the Archpaladin choose$,he can strike in a fashion similar to a call Iightning spell, regardless of weather conditions. Heironeous
rarely strike$ with more than a glancing blow, for a direct
strike inflicts up to 37d8 points of damage.
The Archpaladin sometimes cloaks valiant individuals of
his faith in a cloak of bravery in situations in which they might
fall victim td magicalfear attacks. In battle, Heironeous often
manifests in1the form of a cloud of copper dust that settles
over an entiie military company or unit, bequeathing the benefits of a coupage spell.
Heironeohs is served by aasimar, aasimon, archons, blink
dogs, einheriar, gold dragons, bronze dragons, Greyhawk
dragons, hollyphants, lammasu, incarnates of courage and
justice, ki-rin, mist wolves, noctrals, shedu, silver dragons,
per, and tudn-rin. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of aakimons skin, aquamarines, blue quartz, crown of
silver, diambnds, garnets, goldline, hematite, hypersthene,
lapis lazuli, brblen, sapphires, sinhalas, and tourmaline. The
Valorous Kdght indicates his displeasure through the tamishing of metallic weapons and armor and through powerful
shocks of stdtic electricity (1hp of damage).

True AD&D 2nd Edition


7he Qurch

Suloise (3%), Olman (1%),Rhennee (less than 1%), Touv (less

than 1%)and mixed (30%) heritage. Heironeous clergy includes specialty priests (35%),clerics (30%),crusaders (12%),
fighter/clerics (lo%), paladins (8%), and monks (5%),although paladins are not considered members of the clergy
in every prelacy and crusaders and monks are not found in
every religious order.
Dogma: The world is a dangerous place, posing a neverending series of challenges to those who would uphold justice and protect the weak and innocent. Act with honor at all
times, and uphold the virtues of justice, mercy, and chivalry
through word and through deed. Never flinch in the face of
danger, and seek the glory everlasting. Virtue is its own
reward, and bravery inspires by example. Act with both
courage and wisdom in times of danger, and never relax your
Day-to-Day Activities: The Church of Heironeous is a
martial faith, and the Archpaladins clergy expend much of
their energy defending those whom they have sworn to protect. Many priests serve their communities as judges, while
others become adventurers, seeking out evils that can be combated with honor and valor. When not actively battling the
forces of oppression, cruelty, and injustice, the life of a follower of the Archpaladin is one of never-ending training.
Holy Daysnmportant Ceremonies: The clergy of Heironeous conduct all religious services in Old Oeridian, dismissing claims by scholars outside of the faith that it has not been
immune to outside influences. Most of the faiths sacred texts
are written in Old Oeridian, necessitating that that those
priests of a scholarly bent or seeking to rise to the upper levels
of the hierarchy learn to read and write this language as well.
The Tests of Valor are the most important individual tests
undertaken by individual members of clergy. Before advancing in rank (i.e. as part of the training necessary to advance in
level), all priests of the Archpaladin must demonstrate their
honor, bravery, and sense of justice in a clear and convincing
fashion. The nature of the Tests of Valor varies from individual to individual and from level to level, but they are always
revealed through prayer and divinely inspired visions. Priests
who are active in the world at large are often given difficult
quests to complete that further the ends of the Archpaladin.
Cloistered members of the clergy are likely to be required to
undergo tests of fortitude that can be completed with the
walls of a temple, but which are no less taxing. In game
terms, a Test of Valor can be begun once a priest is within
10% of the total number of experience points necessary to advance to the next level of experience. The priest can continue
to receive experience points before beginning or during the
Test of Valor, but his or her experience point total is capped at
10% above the total necessary to advance to the next level in
any event. In addition, it is not possible to gain any of the
benefits of advancing in level before the requisite Test of
Valor is completed, (The exact nature of a particular Test of
Valor should be designed by the DM.)
The faithful of Heironeous celebrate numerous holy days
and festivals commemorating the heroes of battles past. The
exact roster of holy days varies from region to region and
even from temple to temple, although certain major celebrations are held throughout the faith. Of particular note are
such holy days and festivals as Fortnights Feast, the Day of


Clerics, crusaders, monks, paladins, specialty priests

Clergys Align.: LG, NG, LN (very rare)
Turn Undead:
C: Yes, Cru: No, Mon: No, Pal: Yes, Sl? Yes
Cmnd. Undead: C: No, Cru: No, Mon: No, Pal: No, Sl? No
All clerics (including fighter/clerics), crusaders, monks, and
specialty priests of Heironeous receive Religion (Oeridian)as
a bonus nonweapon proficiency and are required to take
Modem Languages (Old Oeridian) as well. All priests desiring to advance beyond 8th level are required to take the
Reading/Writing (Old Oeridian) nonweapon proficiency as
Heironeous is well regarded across the Flanaess in human
lands with sizable populations of Oeridian ancestry in which
the rule of law and the fair administration of justice is prized.
Seen primarily as a martial deity, the Archpaladins cult
waxes strong in regions threatened by evil. The faithful of
Heironeous are widely regarded as both fair and tolerant, and
commoners are more apt to expect mercy from a judge who
vlonerates the Archpaladin than one who serves St. Cuthbert
or Pholtus. Individually, followers of Heironeous are seen as
brave and valiant warriors, ready and willing to sacrifice their
own lives for those whom they protect. The church of the
A rchpaladin is regarded as more involved with the concerns
of the nobility than common folk, a perception that has hampered its growth in past centuries. Today, the clergy is seeking
to reverse that view.
Temples of the Archpaladin are usually adorned with blue
trappings, silver, and occasionally windows of colored glass
depicting scenes of Heironeous triumphant. A copper statue
of the deity typically stands behind the altar, armed with a
silver battle-ax covered in silver mail, and with seven silver
bolts of lightning radiating from behind his head. Frescoes of
battles fought against overwhelming odds are common
themes, and the armor and weapons of fallen heroes are
prominently displayed as sacred relics of the faith. Crossed
battle-axes are hung along the length of long hallways, each
pair of weapons symbolizing servant of the temple who fell
in combat with honor.
Novices of Heironeous are known as the Blessed. Full
priests of the Valorous Knight are known as the Glorious or,
collectively,as the Valorous Host. In ascending order of rank,
the titles used by Heironean priests are Hero of the Third
Rank, Hero of the Second Rank,Hero of the First Rank,
Champion of Glory, Knight Gallant, Knight Courageous,
Xhight Valiant, and Knight Champion. Senior priests are
known as Paragons, and those who command church armies
are known as Paragon-Generals. These titles are separate from
d uty-titles such as postulant, novitiate, professed priest, cloistered cleric, affirmed priest, temglar, and from ranks within a
temple hierarchy such as hierodeacon and abbot. In everyday
discourse, senior priests are referred to as Father and Mother,
and the rest of the clergy are referred to as Brother and Sister.
Specialty priests are known as gloryaxes.
The clergy of Heironeous includes humans (88?0), halfelves (896), and even elves (4%). Those of human ancestry include those of Oeridian (40%),Flan (20%), Baklunish (5%),

True AD&D 2nd Edition


Just Rebellion, and Valormight.

Fortnights Feast is a two-week-long celebration of the victories won by Heironean church armies of the Kingdom of
Aerdy before the rise of the House of Naelax. Named for the
Battle of Fortnights Length, in which the Aerdy vanquished
the Nyrondal cavalry, this festival lasts from the night of the
last Godsday (the twenty-fifth day) in the month of Wealsun
(June)to the mom of the first Godsday (the fourth day) in the
month of Reaping (July),and includes the week-long Richfest
between the two months. As the Great Kingdom slid into
decadence and evil, this festival has slowly lost its original
sigmficance, and now serves as a festival of jousting, swordplay, reenactments of battles fought across the Flanaess, and
bardic recitation of the deeds of long-fallen heroes.
The Day of Just Rebellion commemorates the battles
fought to win the independence of the Prelacy of Almor from
the control of the Malachite Throne. Held on the third Godsday (the eighteenth day) of Coldeven (March),this holy day
is observed as a reminder that justice is not served by
tyranny, and that honor is sometimes best served through rebellion. Largely iqnored by the populace at large, the Day of
Just Rebellion is observed in Heironean temples across the
Flanaess through prayer, meditation, and open discussion of
under what very limited circumstances rebellion against the
ruling elite is the appropriate course of action. Given that
more than one tyrant has moved to stamp out the threat of organized sedition by attacking Heironean houses of worship
on this day, the Day of Just Rebellion commemorates the
deaths of many martyrs and engenders unusual vigilance by
most members of the faith.
Valormight is an ancient holy day, predating the rise of the
Kingdom of Aerdy. Celebrated on the last Godsday (the
twenty-fifth day) of Read Vreat (November),this holy day
commemorates a ten-month war between the followers of
Heironeous and the followers of Hextor along the Flanmi
River valley. Despite being outnumbered six-to-one (according to Heironean tradition), the followers of the Archpaladin
held their OMTI, and confined the armies of the Medegian
Bladelands to the lands east of the Flanmi River. Although a
few tales survive of this ancient conflict, this holy day has
evolved into a remembrance of those who have fallen battling
the followers of the Champion of Evil.
Major Centers of Worship: The faith of Heironeous has
long been strong along the traditional routes of the Oeridian
migration, particularly in the lands of Old Ferrond (Furyondy,
Veluna, Verbobonc, Dyvers, and the Shield Lands) and Old
Aerdy (Nyrond, Almor, and the Great Kingdom). The Kingdom of Thalland, located along the Harp River valley, was an
early center of the faith. This religious tradition was recognized by the earliest monarchs of the Kingdom of Aerdy with
the establishment of the Prelacy of Almor under the rule of a
Heironean prelate. The rebellion of the lesser branch of the
royal house in 356 CY marked the beginning of the decline of
the followers of the Archpaladin in lands of the Great Kingdom. Although the Heironean faith was not strongly linked
with House Nyrond over House Rax, many of the Archpaladins faithful, including church-led armies, emigrated to the
neu7ly independent lands to the west in the years that followed their emancipation. Those members of the faith who
remained behind were weakened commensurately,allowing

the followe?sof Hextor to grow more powerful in Rauxes and

the remainihg lands of the Great Kingdom. Already weakened, the Tdrmoil Between Crowns that began in 437 CY led to
a sharp decline in the strength of the Heironean church in the
lands of thelGreat Kingdom. Those priests of the Archpaladin
who survived the civil war either emigrated westward or
were marginalized to fringe areas where they were often dependent on the support of the local ruler.
In mode& times, the church of Heironeous has been
strongest in the northem half of Furyondy and in the Shield
Lands. Prodinent leaders of the faith include Count Artur
Jakartai of Crystalreach (LG human male Pa117) and King
Belvor IV o( Furyondy (LG human male Pa116), himself. Several temple$ of the Archpaladin lie within the walls of
Furyondys bapitol city, but the most prominent house of worship in CheAdl is the Spire of Glory, a soaring tower that lies
within the d a h of the Inner City. Glorylord Gaeraeth
Heldenster (LG human male P6 of Heironeous) serves both as
the ranking high priest within the lands of Old Ferrond and
as a close arid trusted ally of the king.
The Shield Reclaimed is a great cathedral at the heart of
the city of Ckitwall. Desecrated by the armies of Iuz after the
Shield Land&fell, the Archpaladins faithful have begun to restore this house of worship to its former grandeur. Given the
demands idposed by the ongoing war outside the citys
walls, howeber, it may be many years before Lady Katarinas
vision of redirth can be realized. Abbot Roderick Docamald
(NG human1male P14 of Heironeous), a long-time companion
of the late Lkdy Valderesse Sham and Count Artur Jakartai,
leads the bukgeoning ranks of the faithful in this city.
Affiliate&Orders: The Archpaladin is served by numerous
religious orders, most of which are made up of clerics, crusaders, paladins, fighters, and/or fighter/clerics. Many of
these companies trace their origins back to the church armies
of the Great Kingdom, although none swear allegiance to the
Malachite TIIrone. Prominent examples in the Flanaess today
include the Order of the Shining Sword, the Brotherhood of
the Lance Uhbroken, and the Copper Crusaders.
AlthougH few in number, Heironean monks are sometimes
found in sudh orders, as well as in orders restricted to those
who study monastic disciplines. The most famous such
monastic order is undoubtedly the Order of the Glory Everlasting, dedicated to the preservation of Oeridian traditions
and culture Bnd the destruction of the Hextorian order known
as the Brothkrhood of the Gray Hand. This group is led by
Luther (LG human male Mod/),the son of a minor lordling
who renounbed his title long ago. A tall man with black, curly
hair and a stvarthy complexion, Luther attaches a great deal
of importanbe to personal honor, and he can be short-tempered and fbolhardy.
The most famous order of paladins affiliated with the
church of Hkironeous are undoubtedly the Knights of the
Holy Shielding. Founded to defend the holdings of the petty
nobles on thle northern shore of the Lake of Unknown Depths
against the depredations of the Horned Society and the
Bandit Kingdoms, this elite band of knights was once the core
of the army lof the Shield Lands. When Iuz conquered the
Shield Land$ in 582 CY and left them in ruins, the capital (and
knightsheadquarters)of Admundfort was seized and the
knights were left with nothing to defend. At the time, Holmer,

True AD&D442nd Edition I


Earl of Walworth, served as the orders commander-in chief.

In 587 CY, Lady Katarina, cousin of the late earl, assumed
Holmers title as Knight Commander of the Shield Lands and
led the knights in an attempt to reclaim their homeland. With
the backinq of Furyondy, the order was successful in regaining Scragholme Island, Critwall, and lands within thirty miles
of the city, but efforts to reclaim the rest of the lost territories
have bogged down into a stalemate of low-level conflict. At
present, Lady Katarina is directing most of the orders efforts
towards the recapture of Admundfort Island.
Priestly Vestments: The ceremonial garb of Heironeous
cl2rgy includes chainmail and dark blue robes with silver
trim indicating their station in the church hierarchy. The holy
s i mbol of B e faith is a disc of silver embossed with a lightrinht
ning bolt and is traditionally grasped in the- Priests

hand when casting a spell or exercir;ing a granted power

(such as turning undead).
Adventuring Garb: Although all priests of Heironeous
own at least one suit of chain mail, some employ plate mail
, . ...
when actively adventuring. Magical battle-axes ana suns or
chain mail are highly prized by the faith, and a few worthy
paladins of the Valorous Knight wield holy battle-axes (akin to
holy swords), weapons believed unique to the Heironean

At 5th level, gloryaxes are immune to Strength-reducing

magic and attacks (ray ofenfeeblement, the touch of a
shadow, etc.) and can cast mount (as the 1st-level wizard
spell) once per day.
At 7th level, gloryaxes can make three melee attacks every
two rounds.
At 9th level, gloryaxes can cast dispel mi2 (as the 5th-level
priest spell) or negative plane protection (as the 3rd level
priest spell) once per day.
At 11th level, gloryaxes can cast bolt ofglory (as the 6thlevel priest spell) or power word stun (as the 7th-level
wizard spell) once per day.
At 13th level, gloryaxes can make two melee attacks every
At 20th level, gloryaxes cast holy word (as the 7th-level
priest spell) once per day.

heironean 3pells
At the D M s discretion, priests of Heironeous may cast some
of the spells available to Helm, Torm, and Tyr in the FORGOTTEN REALMS
setting (see Faiths b Avatars and Prayersfrom the
Faithful or the Priests Spell Compendium for details).

1st Level

fipecialty Priests (Gloryaxed

%quiremen ts:
Prime Req.:
Major Spheres:
Minor Spheres:
Magical Items:
Req. Profs:
Bmus Profs:

]Detect Breath

Strength or Dexterity or Constitution 16,

Wisdom 9
Strength or Dexterity or Constitution,
Chainmail or plate mail, any shield
All, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Healing,
Law, Necromantic, Protection, War
Divination, Summoning, Sun, Wards,
As clerics
Battle-ax, M[odern Language (Old Oeridian)
Heraldry, Riding (Land-based)

Level: Priest 1
Sphere: Divination

Detect breath allows the priest to hear every breatning creature within the area of effect, no matter the size. Thus,
whether giant or insect (which respire through spiracles), the
priest gains the knowledge of each creatures proximity and
relative size. The caster does not gain specific knowledge as
to the exact location of each target relative to himself, only
that the creature in question is within the area of effect

Gloryaxes must be humans, half-elves, elves, or aasimar.

While most gloryaxes are humans of mixed or pure Oeridian descent, humans of every subgroup, as well as not insignificant numbers of half-elves and elves, are called to be
specialty priests of Heironeous clergy.
Gloryaxes are not allowed to multiclass.
Gloryaxes may take nonweapon proficiencies from the
warrior group without penalty.
Gloryaxes receive Constitution hit point adjustments to
their Hit Dice as if they were warriors.
Gloryaxes receive a +2 bonus to all saves versus magical

L,esser Brand of heironeous

Level: Priest 1
Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Components:V, S
Casting Time: 4
Saving Throw: Negates

At 1st level, gloryaxes can cast bless or courage or remove
fear (as the 1st-level priest spells detailed in the Players
Handbook and the Tome ofMagic) once per day.
At 3rd level, gloryaxes can cast cloak of bravery (as the 4thlevel priest spell) or strength (as the 2nd-level wizard spell)

When this spell is cast, the priest inscribes the symbol of

Heironeous onto a target object or creature, and up to four

once per day.


True AD&D 2nd Edition


additional words. The caster can inscribe the brand either visibly or invisibly (although the brand is always visible to all
those who serve Heironeous).The brand can be inscribed on
anything without harm to that object or creature. If an invisible bvavtd is made, a detect magic spell causes it and any accompanying words to glow and become visible for one turn.
Other spells and items that allow their uses to see hidden or
invisible objects also render the brand briefly visible. If the
brand is cast upon a living being (unwilling targets are allowed a saving throw vs. spell), it cannot be dispelled by anything short of a restoration spell. A successful dispel magic
erases the brand inscribed on an inanimate object.
Priests normally use the lesser brand of Heironeous to mark
those who have escaped justice for later punishment by others
with the eyes to see. The brand serves as a punishment if inscribed visibly upon a transgressor. Messages such as MURDERER, THIEF,and Gossp mark the transgressor, and can prove
an effective punishment when more direct means are lacking.

the glyph dscribed (see Types of Glyphs) to a maximum of

5d4 hit points of damage. For example, if a priest inscribed
the glyph called Fah, the glyph would do ld4 points of fire
damage at llst or 2nd level, 2d4 points of damage at 3rd or 4th
level, 3d4 at 5th, 4d4 at 7th, and a maximum of 5d4 at 9th
level. Note t!hat lesser glyph of warding cannot be used to cast
restricted glyphs of any type. Glyphs inscribed using lesser
glyph of warding cannot be affected or bypassed by such
means as physical or magical probing, though they can be
dispelled by magic and foiled by high-level thieves using
their Find ahd Remove Traps skill.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

f5hield oi heironeous

Level: Pries 2
Sphere: Prot!ection
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 kounds/level
Area of Effebt: 1target
Component&:V, S
Casting Tim& 5
Saving Throw: None

Lesser Glyph o f Warding

(Abjuration, Evocation)
Level: Priest 1
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 5 square feet
Components:V, S, M
Casting Time: 1round
Saving Throw: Negates

When this shell is intoned, a shimmering shield inscribed with

the symbol of Heironeous appears before the priest. The shield
annuls magi6 missiles, and provides an +2 AC bonus to all
other attack$.Shield of Heironeous moves just enough to allow
the priest to attack or cast spells of her own without penalty.
In a given r und, the shield can only provide protection from
one quadrartt; however from round to round it can move to
the side or bkhind the priest if necessary. Unless otherwise engaged in the same round, shield ofHeironeous automatically
swings arouhd to protect a priest from a thiefs sneak backstab
ability, negating the rogues +4 rear attack bonus.

A lesser glyph of warding resembles the 3rd-level glyph of warding spell. The lesser glyph of warding is a magically drawn inscription that prevents unauthorized or hostile creatures from
passing, entering, or opening a protected place or object. It
can be used to guard a narrow bridge, to ward an opening, or
as a trap on a chest or vault. The glyph inscribed with the
lesser glyph qf warding spell lasts until its duration expires, or it
is triggered. Even if the triggering creature makes its saving
throw, the magic of the glyph is expended.
To cast the spell, the priest uses a piece of incense to inscribe
a glyph that represents a specific type of force or effect-see
Types of Glyphs later in this section for all the known types.
To protect a 5-foot-square area, the priest traces faintly glowing
lines outward from the central glyph to the edge of the area of
effect. Once the glyph is inscribed, the glyph and tracery
become invisible, although the caster can still see it.
While casting the spell, the priest sets the conditions of the
ward; typically any creature violating the warded area without speaking the name of the glyph is subject to the magic it
stores. A successful saving throw vs. spell enables the creature
to escape the effects of the glyph (see damage range below).
Glyphs can be set according to physical characteristics,such
as creature type, size, and weight. Glyphs can also target
good- or evil-aligned beings, or can pass those of the casters
religion. They cannot be set according to class, HD, or level.
Multiple glyphs cannot be cast on the same area, though
every drawer in a dresser could be separately warded.
Lesser glyphs with primary effects inflict ld4 points of
damage per two levels attained by the priest appropriate to


Level: Pries 2
Sphere: Guakdian
Range: Touch
Duration: 1turn/level
Area of Effett: 30 feet + 1foot/level
Component$:V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throtv: None

Vigilance allows the priest or a target she designates to see for

a distance of 30 feet plus 1foot/level of the caster in darkness, fog, silky water, or other vision-impairing medium.
Thus, a 6th-level caster could see through fog perfectly in a
36-foot-radius, although his companions would still be hindered by the mist. Furthermore, in magical fog or magical
darkness, vigilance has the same 30-foot radius of effect; however, the magical resistance wears against the spell, so that the

True AD&D 2nd Edition


duration falls from 1tum/level to 1 round/level.

The material components for this spell include a piece of
cloth that has been used to wipe the dust from a window.

3rd L e v e l

Bless Missile

likely to redirect a missile.

The hands efforts also absorb 1hp from each die of damage
delivered by large or magical missiles, such as ballista missiles, catapult stones, and magical bolts of all types (such as
arrows +U. Enchanted missiles are never redirected back on
the attacker, and the hand does not convey any protection from
such attacks as fireball, lightning bolt, or magic missile.

Vengeful Fist of heironeous

(Enchantment, Conjuration)
Lwei: Priest 3
Sphere: All
Rmge: Touch
Duration: 1tum/level
Area of Effect: Missiles
Components:V,S, M
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: None
By calling on the power of Heironeous, a priest can invigorate
arrows, bolts, and other normal missiles of all types with
some measure of divine power. For every level of the priest,
up to two missiles can be affected (already enchanted missiles
can also be blessed).
The blessed arrows retain their blessing for the stated duration of the spell. If the missiles are fired normally before the
duration elapses, the arrows gain a +1 bonus to hit. If a
blessed missile strikes home, it inflicts normal damage, plus
2d4 additional hit points as the missile discharges its divine
energy. A blessed missile is consumed when it successfully
strikes a foe (but missiles are not consumed if they remain
wifired and the duration of the spell elapses).
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

hand of heironeous
Level: Priest 3
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Duration: 1tum/level
Area of Effect: The caster
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: None

Level: Priest 3
Sphere: Combat
Range: 30 feet + 30 feet/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 20 foot diameter
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: %
This spell briefly calls forth a shimmering mailed fist, the
vengefulfist of Heironeous. Thefist is gargantuan; even
clenched, it measures some 20 feet in diameter. Thefist speeds
from its materialization point above the caster to its designated point of impact, delivering damage proportional to the
level of the priest who cast it: 2d4 hit points + 1hit point per
level of the caster (no maximum) on every creature within the
area of effect (20-foot-diameter circle). The fist immediately
fades after impact.
The fist is most effective against creatures that stand firmly
on the earth; those who succeed a saving throw vs. paralyzation leap away and take half-damage. Flying creatures automatically take only half-damage, and if they save, completely
avoid thefist.
Besides causing damage to living targets, the fist can crush
and bend rigid materials that fall beneath the fist: armor,
weapons, poles, and other rigid objects must save vs. crushing blow on the Item Saving Throw Table in the DMG.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

4th Level

By means of this spell, the priest calls into existence a shimmering hand, the hand of Heironeous. The hand is in proportion
to a normal human hand, but floats before the caster, palm
toward any threat. The hand is centered on the caster, and
moves as the caster moves, no matter her form of locomotion.
While the hand endures, it moves to completely protect the
caster from projected missiles such as arrows, axes, bolts,
javelins, small stones, and spears. The hand accomplishes this
feat by flicking, diverting, and backhanding all such projectiles, moving as fast as necessary to divert every attack. Each
redirected missile is 10% + the casters level likely to speed
back toward its origin, using the original attack roll of the
person originally sending the missile to resolve its attack.
Thus, an 8th level priest who casts hand of Heironeous is 18%

(Abjuration, Alteration)
Level: Priest 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One humanoid
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 7
Saving Throw: Special
By means of this spell, the priest can insure the punishment
of someone that has transgressed. When this spell is cast
upon a human, demihuman, or humanoid, a natural repulsion is set up between the target and any living being with
whom the target comes into contact.

True AD&D
2nd Edition


The target has an initial saving throw to avoid the effects

of abstention. If the saving throw fails, the target remains affected by the spell until a dispel magic is successfully cast upon
the target. While the spell remains in effect, all creatures that
come within 30 feet of the target must save vs. spells or be repulsed. Repulsed creatures cannot voluntarily move any
closer than 30 feet to the caster, as they are kept at bay by the
divine restraining order.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

5th Level
Greater Glyph of Warding

cast on the same area, although every step on a stairwell

could be warded separately.
Greater glyphs with primary effects inflict ld4+2 points of
damage per level attained by the priest appropriate to the
glyph inscribed (see Types of Glyphs); there is no damage
cap. For example, if a priest inscribed the glyph called Fah,
the glyph would do 10d4+20points of fire damage at 10th
level. See Glyphs Described for discussion of secondary
glyph effects. Glyphs inscribed using greater glyph of warding
cannot be affected or bypassed by physical or magical probing, though they can be dispelled by magic and foiled by
high-level thieves using their Find and Remove Traps skill.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

Greater Brand of heironeous

(Abjuration, Evocation)
Level: Priest 5
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Up to 50 square feet
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Varies
Saving Throw: %


A greater glyph of warding resembles the 1st-level lesser glyph

of warding spell and the 3rd-level glyph of warding spell. The
greater gZyph of warding is an magically drawn inscription to
prevent unauthorized or hostile creatures from passing, entering, or opening something. It can be used to guard a
narrow bridge, to ward an opening, or as a trap on a chest or
vault. The glyph inscribed with the greater glyph of warding
spell contains a number of charges equal to the level of the
caster. Each time a target triggers the ward, regardless of its
effectiveness,one charge is drawn off. When all the charges
have been expended, the glyph inscribed with this spell
To cast the spell, the priest uses a piece of incense to inscribe a glyph that represents a specific type of force or
effect-see Types of Glyphs for all the known types. For
every 5 square feet of area to be protected, one round is required to trace the warding lines of the glyph. The caster can
affect an area equal to a square the sides of which are the
same as his level, in feet. The glyph can be placed to conform
to any shape up to the limitations of the casters total square
footage. Thus, a 6th level caster could place a glyph on a 6
foot by 6 foot square or a 1foot by 36 foot strip, and every
shape in between. When the glyph is inscribed, the glyph and
tracery become invisible to anyone but the caster, who can
still see it.
While casting the spell, the priest must set the conditions
of the ward, although any creature violating the warded area
that speaks the name of the glyph can avoid the magic it
stores. A successful saving throw vs. spell enables the creature
to take only half damage from the glyph (see damage range
below). Glyphs can be set according to physical characteristics, such as creature type, size, and weight. Glyphs can also
be set with respect to good or evil, or to allow those of the
casters religion to pass freely. Furthermore, they can be set
according to class, HD, or level. Multiple glyphs cannot be

Component$:V, S
Casting Timk: 8
Saving %OW: Negates
When this spell is cast, the priest inscribes the symbol of
Heironeous onto a target object or creature, and up to four
additional dords. A living target makes a saving throw
against spells at a -4 penalty. The caster can inscribe the
brand either visibly or invisibly (although the brand is always
visible to all who serve Heironeous). The brand can be inscribed on ahything without harm to that object or creature,
at least initially. If an invisible brand is made, a detect magic
spell causes it and any accompanying words to glow and
become visi le for one turn. Detect invisibility, true seeing, read
magic, a gem of tree seeing or a robe of eyes also exposes an invisible branti. If the brand is cast upon a living being, it
cannot be dispelled by anything short of a restoration spell. A
successful dispel magic erases the brand inscribed on an inanimate object.
The greattr brand of Heironeous is more efficacious than the
lesser. If inscribed upon a discrete object equal to or less than
10 feet x 10 feet x 10 feet of stone, that object will erode away
at a rate of 10% a day until nothing of the object remains but
dust. Magical walls or items must save every day on the Item
Saving Throw table-no erosion occurs on the day the save is
successful. Generally speaking, the greater brand of Heironeous
has no power to affect artifacts, although branding along with
an appropriate warning could still prove useful.
If inscribed upon a living being, the greater brand of Heironeous does more than just mark a transgressor-it directly
punishes. EQeryday that the greater brand of Heironeous remains, the tbrget must save vs. spell or lose 1 point of Constitution. If thc? targets Constitution score reaches 0, the target
perishes. If the brand is removed before death occurs (which
the priest who cast the spell can do at will, if the punishment
was sufficieht),lost Constitution points return at a rate of 1
per day.

True AD&D482nd Edition


5imple Justice
Level: Priest 5
Sphere: Animal
Range: 15 feet/level
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1human, demihuman, or humanoid
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: Negates

Simple justice is a potent spell available to priests who wish to

reveal the true nature of an unjust foe. Simple justice changes
the target creatures physical form to mirror its interior
nature and character. Though the form is somewhat arbitrary
and not in the priests control, the unjust target becomes
ssme variety of brutish beast, both physically and possibly
To cast simple justice, the priest must truly believe that the
target is unjust in some significant manner. If this criterion is
met, the priest can cast the spell, and a living human, demihuman, or humanoid target must save or take on a form determined by their primary alignment. Though this selection
may seem arbitrary, it reflects the personal views of the priest
who first formulated the prayer from which this spell was
granted. To prevent misuse of this spell, the DM may determine whether the target has truly earned the application of
tlus spell, and if she does not agree that it is appropriate can
allow the spell to misfire.

original Hit Dice or level and the new form (HD l),subtract
5%. Thus, a 5th-level target with 10 Intelligence has a 25%
chance to lose his mind. Even if a targets combined Intelligence and HD are high enough to decrease the base chance
to O%, there is a minimum 1%chance of change. The chance
for assumption of the personality and mentality of the new
form is checked daily until the change takes place. The target
who acquires the mentality of the new form has effectively
become the new creature, and can only be recovered by a
wish or miracle spell.
Before the inevitable mind-degeneration occurs, a dispel
magic changes the target back to its original form, though this
requires another System Shock roll for survival.







Lawful Good:
Chaotic Good:
Neutral Good:
Lawful Neutral:
Neutral lizard
Chaotic Neutral:
L,awful Evil:
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil:




damage, depending on their home plane of existence and

A saving throw vs. spell is allowed for half damage. For
denizens of the Lower Outer Planes (fiends),undead creatures, and Negative Material Plane creatures, such as saving
throw is made with a -2 penalty.

Once the transformation takes effect, the target must make a

System Shock roll to see if he survives the change. The target
acquires the form and physical abilities of the creature it now
resembles, but retains his mind-for the moment. None of the
creatures allow the target to vocally communicate. For ease of
Filay, treat each of the creature choices above as having the
same stats: (AC 10; MV 9; HI3 1; hp 3; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg
ld4 (bite); SA skunk can spray odiferous liquid). None of the
forms allow spellcasters to cast spells; however, at the DMs
option, psionicists may still be able to activate their mental
When a target is transformed, his equipment, if any,
rnelds into the new form. The target retains his mentality
without risk for the first 24 hour period of transformation.
However, every dav following the first, the target has a base
100% chance to take on the mental attributes and behavior
patterns of the form. For each 1point of Intelligence possessed by the target, subtract 5% from the base chance. In
addition, for every Hit Dice of differencebetween the targets

Creatures Home Plane

Prime Material Plane
Elemental Planes, Outer Planes of Neutrality
(Arcadia,Mechanus, Acheron, Ysgard, Limbo,
Positive Material Plane, Outer Planes of Good
(Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands,
Outer Planes of Evil, undead creatures
(Baator, Gehenna, the Gray Waste, Carceri,
the Abyss)
Negative Material Plane
Astral, Ethereal Plane
The material component of this spell is a small amber rod
banded with bronze.

True AD&D
2nd Edition



m m m m m

call Templars


Levell: Priest 6
Sphere: Summoning
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None

Level: 6
Sphere: Prot ction
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 1hour/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components:V, S, M
Casting Time: 9
Saving Thro$v:Negates

Call templars temporarily summons preselected and anointed

templars of the Bastion to aid the priest in a moment of need.
This spell requires advance preparation prior to actually casting. Not every templar who trained at the Bastion is automatically subject to being called by this spell. Only templars
who have volunteered to serve a tour are subject to being
magically gated from their current location to the priests location, regardless of the intervening distance or planar separation. Such templars generally wear a small torque to
signify their added responsibility. Anointed templars can be
detached from the Bastion but still answer the summons of
the call.
In practical game terms, a priest may cast this spell at any
time, but of all the templars who might be affected by this
spell, only a subset are likely to be ready to go. Thus, when
the spell is cast, ld4+1 5th-level templars appear to fight for
the priest who summoned them. There is a 20% chance that a
5th-level paladin templar is summoned in addition to the
fighter templars summoned. At the end of the spells duration, the templars fade away, returning to the location from
which they were summoned. It behooves a priest to aid and
heal a templar lying a deaths door before he returns to his
previous location--every templar that dies reduces the
number of templars available for all priests casting this spell
in the future.
Summoned templars gladly protect the priest from physical harm, and attack the target indicated by the priest. At the
D M s option, a leader among the summoned templars may
give tactical advice for an upcoming conflict if the priest requests it. Summoned templars will not undertake evil or
unjust acts, nor will they undertake actions that are not immediately related to their core competencies (summoned templars wont serve as bearers, messengers, or advance scouts).
Note that variants of this spell might allow the summoning of
a fullBastion company: one templar, one catechist, and one
Because of the potential for many priests to cast this spell,
a single priest cannot cast calI templars more than once in any
seven-day period.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy

This spell crdates a miniature protective bastion of stone,

inside which a priest and any companions can shelter or
launch attacks from an advancing threat.
The stone bastion, in its most basic configuration,creates a
20-foot-diadeter stone tower, rising 10 feet + 1foot per level
of the caster (although the caster can at the time of casting
choose to vary the height of the tower anywhere within this
range). The hain stone entry door functions as if wizard
locked; however, the casting priest and any companions he selects can bypass this effect. The bastions stone wall is slotted
on the main level with one arrow port every three feet, allowing those within to attack exterior attackers with spells or
missiles. A ladder on the inside of the bastion allows easy
access through a trap door (functions as the main entrance) to
the tower top, which contains protective crenellations that
offer protective hard cover against missiles and spells
launched froin the ground.
The stone of the bastion is resistant to magic; spells cast
upon the bastion itself or upon those within the bastions main
level must bkak through a 66% magic resistance. Defenders
within the bastion can cast spells normally through the arrow
slots. Unfortlmately, any defenders on the upper rampart are
not protected by the bastions magic resistance.
A dispel magic or disintegration spell that is able to bypass
the bastions magic resistance has its normal chance to dispel
or destroy enchantments or physical objects. Otherwise, the
bastion fadeslaway when the duration of the spell elapses.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy


7th &;vel
Personat 4avior
Level: Priest,7
Sphere: Sumhoning
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components:V, S, M
Casting Time: 10
Saving Throw: None
Casting personal savior is something a priest cannot undertake
lightly, for this spell should only be used in the most desperate situation, as it has a chance to call forth an avatar of
Heironeous himself! Despite the listed level, a priest cannot

True AD&D502nd Edition


attempt to cast this spell until 18th level. When the spell is.
cast, there is a base 50% chance that the avatarwill choose to
respond. The actual chance is modified by the true need of
the priest (+/-lo%), how the priest's need bears on the etlios
of Heironeous and the church (+/-20%), the nature of those
accompanying the priest (+/-5%), and who or what opposes
the priest (+/-lo%). It falls within the D M s discretion to,
assign the final value for the chance that the avatar responds.
If the avatar doesn't respond, the priest is rebuked, and may
not use this spell again this generation (30 years).
If the avatar does come, the priest is validated, and if he
survives, may attempt to cast this spell again in one year's
time. See the statistics for Heironeous' avatar earlier in this
section. When the avatar comes, it comes with power and
might. Few things can stand in the way of the avatar, and
thus the spell is aptly named personal savior. In the event that
the avatar is truly challenged or defeated, a holy war begins,
and the face of the campaign is likely to be significantly altered before all the plots play out.
The material component of this spell is the priest's holy

Glyphsfunctionlike keys to unlocking magical power. Each

glyph has a unique name and a unique shape, and l i e keys,
each fits a different "keyhole." Glyphs can only be magically
inscribed by warding spells, specifically lesser glyph of warding,
glyph of warding, and greater glyph of warding. When properly
inscribed and triggered by the appropriate stimulus, the
glyph channels its particular effect into the specified target.
Common glyphs are keyed to an elemental force, and are
generally available to most priests who have access to the
Guardian sphere. Fire, cold, and lightning are common examples, although other effects can also be brought about by
common glyphs. Glyph effects that damage are referred to as
primary effects. For example, if the glyph Cuh (cold) were inscribed using the lesser glyph of warding spell, creatures triggering it would take ld4 points of cold damage per two levels
attained by the caster. If the glyph Leh (lightning) were inscribed using glyph of warding spell, creatures triggering it
would take ld4 points of lightning damage per 2 levels of the
Some glyphs cause no damage, but still affect the target
creature if it fails a saving throw (targets that make a saving
throw are unaffected by secondary effects). Examples include
glyphs that paralyze or blind the target. These effects are referred to as secondary effects, and some glyphs with only a
secondary effect are also numbered among common glyphs.
Restricted glyphs are known only to priests of a particular
creed or temple who have spent the appropriate meditation
and prayer time to receive enlightenment. Some restricted
glyphs possess both primary and secondary effects. When a
creature is targeted with a glyph with both primary and secondary effect, only one save is required to escape both effects
(those who successfully save vs. glyphs inscribed with greater
glyph ofwarding take half damage from the primary effect, but
are unaffected by the secondary effect). Generally speaking,
the priests of Heironeous know the restricted glyphs presented below; however, glyphs such as Nuh are not cast by
good-aligned priests.
Restricted weapon glyphs are regular glyphs that have
been specially modified to be inscribed on weapons dedicated
to Heironeous. Restricted weapon glyphs can also be inscribed upon magical items. Restricted weapon glyphs can
only be inscribed by the greater glyph ofwarding spell; thus
every weapon glyph has a minimum of ten charges. A
weapon glyph affects anyone who is not a priest, cleric, or
devout worshiper of the god Heironeous. Thus, an inquisitor,
templar, catechist, priest, or even a devout worshiper of
Heironeous from a remote country village could safely handle
a weapon with an inscribed weapon glyph. However, the
moment one who is not a devout follower of Heironeous
picks up a warded weapon, the appropriate damage or secondary effect affects the unfortunate wielder, even if he is a
lawful good paladin of a good god (saving throws are allows
as normal). The target of a weapon glyph can drop the
weapon after the first effect is felt. If the target retains hold on
the weapon, another charge bums off the ward, and the
wielder is once again subject to its effects. Thus cycle continues until the weapon is dropped or until all the charges bum
out of the glyph.

Level: Priest 7
Sphere: Summoning
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V
Casting T i e : 1round
Saving Throw: Special

A miracle is an event that is inexplicable by the laws of nature.

It is an event that is divine in nature; in fact, it is an personal
act of Heironeous.Despite the listed level, a priest of Heironeous cannot attempt to cast this spell until at least of 18th
level. Miracle may only be cast once per year. If the spell is attempted in advance of this limit, Heironeouswould likely
smite the offending priest with a bolt ofglory.
Miracles are the ultimate prayer a priest of the Archpaladin
can offer up to the god for divine inspiration and aid. Like a
wizard's wish spell, miracle can alter reality in a variety of
ways. Depending on the request of the priest who casts
miracle, the spell can heal every member of an adventuring
company to full health, bring a dead creature back to life, or
allow an adventuring party to escape from a life-threatening
The priest can conceivably request other boons of Heironeous; however, the discretion of the D M is necessary to
maintain game balance in such instances. For example, asking
that Heironeom spontaneously strike an enemy dead is not
usually an option, especially if that enemy enjoys the favor of
a rival deity. In any event, the taking of life through a divine
act trespasses into the ethos and spheres of other deities. In a
like manner, the DM must adjudicate all miracle spells cast by
the priest to be certain they won't unbalance the campaign.
Heironeous doesn't have to provide a reason why he won't
fulfill a miracle.

True AD&D 2nd Edition





























True AD&D 2nd Edition




Types o f Glyphs
Ciommon Glyphs
Name Primary Effect
Ehdok None
Ikstricted Glyphs
Name Primary Effect






x Fire




x Fire


% Fire











Secondary Effect
Target is blinded for ld6 hours.
Target paralyzed for ld6 hours.
Energy drain inflicts -3 penalty on
all actions for ld6 hours.
Secondary Effect
Air blows target ld20+20 feet in
specified direction.
Earth below targets feet adheres,
holding target fast for ld6 turns.
Water superhydratestarget causing
damage as if a primary effect.
Target can do nothing but cough
for ld4+1 rounds.
Targets failing 3 successive saves
choke to death on black ooze.
Magma adheres to target, inflicting
an additional ld4+2 hits/round for
ld10 rounds.
Steam parboils target, penalizing
every roll by -2 until magically


Target is blinded for ld6 turns.

Minerals calcify in targets body
causing damage as primary effect.
Targets failing 3 successive saves
suffocate due to lack of air.
Salt dehydrates target causing
damage as if a primary effect.
Gritty dust erodes target causing
damage as if a primary effect.
Target failing save dies and returns
as a zombie.

Restricted Beneficial Glyphs

Name Effect
Energy infuses target, affecting target as a bless spell.
Protects target as resistfire spell.
N c u k Protects target as resist cold spell.
Target receives neutralize poison spell.
W n e k Target protected by negative plane protection for ld4+2
Wcur Target receives remove curse spell.
Energy infuses target, affecting target as kea1 spell.
Energy infuses target, affecting target as restoration.
Target that names glyph is teleported by word of
recall to predetermined location.

Restricted Weapon GI phs

(use with greater 1
o f warding only)
Name Primary Ef ect Secondary Effect
W f a k Fire
.W l e k Ligh.mmg

iu one
Weavon initiates backbiting
W b a h %Ccdd
against wielder with wielde!r s











Weapon initiates attack against
wielders closest companion with
wielders THACO.
Wielder teleported ldlOO mi.in
random direction-weapon is not


Wielder begins to spit up black

ooze. If wielder doesnt drop
weapon within 3 rounds, he chokes
to death.
Wielder s mind sucked into
weapon and body dies. Mind
becomes a trapped spirit, but may
communicate with proper wielder

Sources: Heironeous was originally detailed in DRAGON

page 24. Further details are found in World of GREYHAWK:
Guide, pages 63,68-69, World of GREYHAWK:
pages 4142, From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess, pages 88-89,
Players Guide to GREYHAWK,
pages 19,21, and On Hallowed
Ground, page 180.
The symbol of Heironeous was first depicted in From the
Ashes: Reference Card #4, and depicted in a somewhat different
form on the gatefold of the Players Guide to GREYHAWK
and in
The Adventure Begins, page 92.
Old Oeridian is discussed in the Players Guide to
page 15, as well as other sources. It seems appropriate that the lawful clergy of Heironeous would preserve
this tongue and insist that it has not changed since the crowning of the first Overking.
Several of the NPCs (augmented in level to reflect the passage of time) are taken from The Marklands. Luther is discussed in the old Rogues Galley, page 44. Given his
complexion (swarthy = olive = Oeridian) and ethos (LG), he
seemed the perfect candidate.
The spell bolt o f g l o y was originally detailed in From the
Ashes: Reference Card #5 and updated to AD&D in Faiths 8
Avatars, page 166. (The other GREYHAWK
spell duplicated in
god books was stalk, which is available to the clergies of both Ehlonna and Mielikki.) Bolt o f g l o y
(and stalk) have been reprinted in the Priests Spell Com-


53 2nd Edition
True AD&D


endix I

flict, and firmly dubscribes to the doctrine that might makes

right. Hextor sohetimes adopts the guise of a normal, handsome man of Oeiidian descent. In this form, he causes four of
his arms to meld with his torso. His complexion is fair and
his hair is jet bla k, as are his eyes. He is well spoken and
charming, a hale fellow and a mans man, yet irresistible to
women. He can onverse with sages, reason with philosophers, argue w i d clergy, and discuss arcane secrets with


(4courge of Battle, CJmrnpion o f civil)
Intermediate Power of Acheron, LE
Domain Name:

Wor. Align.:

War, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness,

Avalas / Scourge
Delleb, Fharlanghn, Heironeous, Johydee, Kurell, Pholtus, Rudd
Six arrows, three pointing down and to
the left and three pointing down and to
the right, bound near the base or six red
arrows fanned to point outwards
LN (rare),,LE, NE

Hextor (HEX-tor)is the Champion of Evil, a tyrant willing to

employ any means available to enforce his will, no matter
how much his subjects suffer.Traditionally revered by evil
but civilized rulers and warriors, his faithful include many
Awdi nobles, assassins, and mercenaries. His dual role as a
w irrior and tyrant attracts many worshipers, particularly
those who seek to rule through strength and cruelty. The
Scourge of Battle is venerated in evil lands across the
F1maess, chiefly in those regions governed by the rule of law
ar d inhabited by large numbers of humans of Oeridian
Not unlike Celestian and Fkiarlanghn or Kurell and
Zilchus, Oeridian mythology suggests strong fraternal links
between Heironeous and Hexbor. The Warring Brothers, as the
h2 If-brothers are sometimes known, have battled each other
for eons. Both powers seek to destroy, or at least thwart, the
other in an endless cycle of retribution. Their faithful worshipers engage in violent conflict whenever their paths cross.
In addition to those listed above, Hextor maintains strong, if
sometimes uneasy, ties with several deities outside of the
Oeridian pantheon, including Beltar, Bralm, Kyuss, Nerull,
Wastri, and Wee Jas. The Champion of Evil has also come to
an understanding of sorts with the Lords of Nine and the
deities of the goblin and orc pantheons, and his priests often
work alongside shamans of Bahgtru, Gruumsh, Khurgorbaeyag, Ilneval, Maglubiyet, and Nomog-Geaya. The Scourge
of Battle also holds long-standing enmities against powers
such as AlAkbar, Allitur, Delkb, Ehlonna, Incabulous, Kord,
Llerg, Mayaheine, Obad-hai, Ollidammara,Pelor, Rao, St.
Cuthbert, Trithereon, Vatun, Zagyg, and Zodal. Hextor reserves a particular animosity for Alia-an aspect of Allitur, a
Fl m deity-whose cult was active in the See of Medegia
before being destroyed by internal dissent and the clergy of
the Champion of Evil.
Hextor is a cruel and brutal tyrant. He brooks no challenges or dissent. He employs any means necessary to enforce
his will. The Scourge of Battle revels in the mayhem of con-

hextors Avatar
(Fighter 3 5, h e r i c 3 5, Assassin 3 3)
Hextor appears as a gray-skinned, lank-haired Oeridian
male, with six alims and red-rimmed eyes bulging from a
visage horrible tb look upon. He is typically garbed in
armor decoratedl everywhere with skulls and consisting of
iron scales with Strips of metal at shoulder and cuff, leg
greaves, and a cdrselet of iron around his waist and groin.
He favors spells Ifrom the spheres of All, Charm, Combat,
Divination, Eledental (Fire), Healing (reversed), Law,
Necromantic (rel.ersed), Protection, Summoning, Sun (reversed), Traveleh, and War, although he can cast spells
from any sphere1

AC -5 (-7 with b th bucklers employed against single target);

MV 21; HP 241, THACO -10; #AT 10,/2(bow) or 15/2 (melee
weapons); Dmg ld8+13 x2 (bow and arrow +3, +10 Str) or
ld8+14 (militay f o r k +2, +10 Str, +2 spec. bonus in any melee
weapon), ld8+151(scimitar +3, +10 Str, +2 spec. bonus), ld6+15
Vootmansflail+2J+10 Str, +2 spec. bonus), 2d4+15 (morningstar +3, +10 Sd, +2 spec. bonus), and ld4+12 (spiked buckler, +10 Str, +2 spec. bonus); MR 90%; SZ M (6%tall); Str 22,
Dex 23, Con 24, h t 20, Wis 22, Cha 22.
Spells P: 14/14/13/13/12/10/9
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 4, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 5

Special Att/D f: Hextor draws two great strength bows

(range 240 yards without penalty) which fire iron-barbed
arrows +3. At clode range he employs two spiked bucklers
and four weapons. His armor is equivalent to chain mail +5.
His typical weapons are a militay fork +2, a scimitar +3, a
footmansflail +2, land a morningstar -1-3.The number of bow
attacks combines five attacks per two rounds with each bow.
The number of rrlelee attacks assumes five attacks per two
rounds with his primary melee weapon and five off-hand
attacks per round with his extra arms (including spiked
Around his n ck, the Scourge of Battle wears the symbol
of hate and discord, the six red arrows of Hextor, hanging
from a chain of ctudely wrought iron links. This item enables
him to arouse disdord (as the 6th level priest spell) once per
round, in additioh to his physical attacks and assassin skills.
Hextor also often carries the trumpet of Acheron, an instrument that can be wieldedat most once every six days. When
sounded, it calls korth 6d10 skeletons which obey only
Hextors commahd. Once every six years, the trumpet of
Acheron can summon a horde of 60d10 skeletons and 30d10

True AD&D 2nd Edition


Other Manifestations

Hextor often manifests by causing a single arrow to split

apart into six identical arrows, each of which strikes at a different target (or the same target, if multiple targets are not
available).(A separate to hit and damage roll is required for
each attack.) O n rare occasions, the Scourge of Battle manifests by transforming a single iron-tipped arrow into an
arrow of slaying of the most appropriate type.
Hextor occasionally manifests through followers engaged
in melee combat against multiple opponents through the
effects of a battlearms spell. Such manifestations always last
six rounds. Although no additional weapons or shields are
provided by this effect, most followers usually carry sufficient
weaponry and shields (see below). When a follower is attempting an assassination against a political foe or military
target, the Champion of Evil sometimes manifests with the
effects of a mantle of Hextor. When a follower is engaged in
open combat, Hextor sometimes wraps him or her in a cloak of
fear (as the reverse of the 4th level priest spell cloak of bravery).
Hextor is served by achaierai, animuses, baatezu, bladelings, blue dragons, death dogs, fiend knights, green dragons,
grimlocks, imps, incarnates of anger and pride, larvae, nightmares, maelephants, observers, rust dragons, reaves, sword
spirits, swordwraiths, tieflings, tso, varguouilles, yeth
hounds, and yugoloths. He demonstrates his favor through
the discovery of amethysts, azurite, black sapphires, bloodstones, chrysoberyl, epidote, garnets, gold sheen, goldline,
hematite, malachite, meerschaum, obsidian, and rubies. The
Champion of Evil indicates his displeasure through the discovery of rust on metallic weapons and armor and through
bouts of weakness (failed Strength or Constitution checks).

gions where tyrants reign unchecked with the clergys support.

Places of worship of the Champion of Evil are grim, dark,
and bloody. Major shrines and temples are usually built on
some field of slaughter, and the thick stone walls of such edifices often seep with the blood of slaughtered innocents. All
of Hextors houses of worship contain a bloody altar on
which sacrifices to the Champion of Evil are made. Columns
are often shaped in the form of monstrous bones, and carved
stone skulls and the skulls of fallen warriors adorn most surfaces. Suits of armor and racks of weapons line most corridors and are commonly enchanted to animate against
intruders not bearing the symbol of hate and discord (see
Novices of Hextor are known as the Unblooded. Full
priests of the Champion of Evil are known as Discordians or,
collectively, as the Bloody Host. In ascending order of rank,
the titles used by Hextorian priests are Scourge of the Third
Rank, Scourge of the Second Rank, Scourge of the First Rank,
Champion of Tyranny, Knight Terrible, Knight Horrible,
Knight Male*olent, and Knight Tyrant. Senior priests are
known as Patriarchs, and those who command church armies
are known ad Patriarch-Generals.These titles are separate
from duty-titles such as postulant, novitiate, professed priest,
cloistered cleric, affirmed priest, templar, and from ranks
within a temple hierarchy such as hierodeacon and abbot. In
everyday discourse, senior priests are referred to as Father
and Mother, and the rest of the clergy are referred to as

The Qurch

Clerics, crusaders, monks, shamans (humanoids only), specialty priests, thieves

Clergys Align.: LN (very rare), LE, NE
Turn Undead:
C: No, Cru: No, Mon: No, Sha: No, SP: No,
T No
Cmnd. Undead: C: Yes, Cru: No, Mon: No, Sha: No, SP: Yes,
T No
All clerics (including fighter/clerics), crusaders, monks, and
specialty priests of Hextor receive Religion (Oeridian)as a
bonus nonweapon proficiency. Shamans, who are always humanoids and rarely even acknowledge the other gods of the
Oeridian pantheon, receive Religion (Hextor, racial pantheon)
as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.All priests, except
shamans, are required to take Modem Language (Old Oeridian) as well. All priests, except shamans, desiring to advance
beyond 8th level are required to take the Reading/Writing
(Old Oeridian) nonweapon proficiency as well.
The church of Hextor is loathed in some quarters as an instrument of tyranny, but many worshipers turn to the Scourge
of Battle as a source of strength, protection, and justice, albeit
a harsh one. The church ofHextor attracts the most supporters in regions with a large populace of Oeridian descent
where feudalism is the norm and where external dangers
cause many to seek protection under the aegis of the Champion of Evil. The Scourge of Battle is revered out of fear in re-

True AD&D 88
2nd Edition



II 1 1 1

iSister. Since the ascendancy of the House of

taxing. (In game Cerms, a Feat of Strength can be begun once

a priest is within 10% of the total number of experience
points necessary 'to advance to the next level of experience.
The priest can cohtinue to receive experience points before
beginning or during the Feat of Strength, but his or her experience point total'is capped at 10% above the total necessary
to advance to the next level in any event. In addition, it is not
possible to gain dny of the benefits of advancing in level
before the requisite Feat of Strength is completed. (The exact
nature of a particular Feat of Strength should be designed by
the DM.)
Ceremonies honoring Hextor are accompanied by a great
deal of chanting. Wind instruments sound discordant tones,
shouts and screams are voiced, and iron weapons are struck
during such an ritual. The faithful of Hextor celebrate numerous holy days celkbrating the heroes of battles past. The exact
roster of holy days and festivals varies from region to region
and even from temple to temple, although certain major celebrations are held throughout the faith. Of particular note are
such holy days and festivals as the Blooding, the Fist of Eternal Malachite, and Discordsmight.
The Blooding js a weeklong festival observed during the
week of GrowfesB. This festival has its roots in the traditional
offering of blood bacrifices to the Champion of Evil before
warfare commendes in the spring. In the centuries it has been
observed, the Chdrch of Hextor has ritualized this observance, and the wCek is now observed with exhibitions of fitness and martial prowess, arena batties, and ritual
bloodletting. Each night, captives who were seized in the past
year but never rahsomed are set free on a battlefield and then
hunted by a trio df priests armed only with daggers, a ritual
symbolizing the six arms of Hextor.
The Fist of Etei-nal Malachite commemorates the battles
fought by the chdrch armies of Hextor to ensure the ascendance of the HouSe of Naelax during the Turmoil Between
Crowns and after the crowning of Overking Ivid I. Celebrated
on Midwinter's ay, this holy day marks the ascendance of
the Church of Hektor over rival faiths, such as the Church of
Pholtus and the Ghurch of Heironeous, in the heartlands of
the Great Kingdoh Since the Greyhawk Wars, regional observances of this holy day, particularly in the Great Northern
Kingdom of Aerdy, have been altered to emphasize battles
fought in the narrie of the local ruler.
Discordsmight is an ancient holy day, predating the rise of
the Kingdom of Aerdy. Celebrated on the last Godsday (the
twenty-fifth day) lof Ready'reat (November), this holy day
commemorates a ken month war between the followers of
Hextor and the fdllowers of Heironeous. Despite a weaker
tactical position, the followers of Hextor defeeated overwhelming numbers of troops, levied from the general populace, to hurl back Ian incursion of Heironean knights who
sought to overthrbw the rule of law by Hextorian priests. As a
result, the Medegian Bladelands expanded their influence as
far west as the Flanmi River. Although a few tales of this ancient conflict survive, this holy day has evolved into a celebration of those d h o have been victorious in battling the
followers of the Archpaladin.
Major Centers of Worship: The faith of Hextor has long
been strong along the traditional routes of the Oeridian migration, particulairly in the lands of the former Great King-

highest-ranking priest of the faith has always

d y Censor of Mede,gia,although that title technito the chief cleric of the Overking, who need not
3f Hextor.
y priests are known as battlescourges. The clergy
ncludes humans (82%), half-orcs (lo%), and even
3%), but other members of the clergy do not connoid shamans (5%)true priests. Those of human
clude those of Oeridian (55%),Flan, (9%), Suloise
inish YO), Olman (less than l%), Rhennee (less
ouv (less than 1%)and mixed (32%)heritage.
ergy includes specialty priests (35%),clerics
aders (12'6), fighte1/clerics (lo%), thieves (6%),
), and humanoid shlamans (5%). Thieves are not
members of the clergy in every see, crusaders
are not found in every religious order, and
'e never considered part of the priesthood by

The world is a harsh and unforgiving place

strong rule the weak, and power is the ultimate
x e who wish to prevail must prepare themselves
11 manner of hardship. Oftentimes, the best tools
d merciless in their application, and harsh in their
e order from the chaos, and the rule of law over
ck the forces of tyranny, and suppress dissent in

lay Activities: The Church of Hextor is a martial

dlowers expend much of their energy waging war
sly suppressing those who would rebel against
-ity.Many priests serve tyrants grand and petty,
ieir rule and upholding the ruthless application of
ier priests have worked their way into positions of
rule as tyrants themselves. When not actively
or sowing discord, priests of Hextor spend endmproving their personal fitness for battle.
lvsfmportant Ceremonies: The clergy of Hextor
1st religious services in Old Oeridian, dismissing
Zholars outside of the faith that the language has
tmune to outside influences. However, as the
faiths humanoid members grow, it has been nec(apt some services tlo Common. Most of the faith's
are written in Old Oeridian as well, necessitating
x e priests of a scholarly bent or seeking to rise to
wels of the hierarchy learn to read and write this
i well.
s of Strength are thi- most important individual
taken by individual members of clergy. Before adrank (i.e. as part of the training necessary to adiel), all priests of the Champion of Evil must
e their martial prowess, endurance, and fitness to
means necessary in a clear and convincing fashture of the Feats of Strength varies from individidual and from level to level, but they are always
rough prayer and divinely inspired visions.
i are active in the world at large are often given
ests to complete thad further the ends of the
Battle. Cloistered members of the clergy are likely
-ed to undergo tests of fortitude that can be comthe walls of a temple, but which are no less


True AD&D 2nd Edition




1 I I I I II I
dom, and it has been adopted by many humanoid tribes in
service to Oeridian masters. The Medegian Bladelands, located along the coast east of the Mikar River, were an early
center of the faith. This religious tradition was recognized by
the earliest monarchs of the Kingdom of Aerdy with the establishment of the See of Medegia under the rule of a Hextorian censor based in Re1 A stra. Alone among the Oeridian
faiths, the church of the Champion of Evil has grown in
power as the Great Kingdom has declined. This rise was due
in part to the departure of most of the church armies of rival
faiths. Hextors faithful strongly backed the House of Naelax
during the Turmoil Between Crowns that began in 437 CY.
This alliance led to the faiths ascendancy over all other faiths
in the Great Kingdom as of the coronation of Ivid I in 446 CY,
but also resultea in the church of Hextor falling under the
thumb of successive overkings.
The Greyhawk Wars heralded the beginning of the Iron
Schism, in which the ranks of Hextors faithful have split into
two hostile camps and numerous factions. The destruction of
Medegia has seen the deche of the churchs power in its traditional demesne. (Spidasa, the former Holy Censor, endures the
Endless Death in the palace dungeons.) Holy Censor Pyrannden (LE human male P18 of Hextor), who also retains his title
as Patriarch-General, remains loyal to Ivid V in Rauxes. The
Battlehall of the Unholy Bloodshield,named for its most prized
magical artifact, lies within the main palace grounds. In addition to Pjranndens chambers and the vaults holding church
records, monies, and the like, this temple is used by Hextors
priesthood, elite warriors, human members of the Companion
Guard, and some of Ivids advisers. Especially gruesome features of this temple are four guardian statues made entirely
from coagulated blood. They have the statistics of flesh golems,
but they never escape priestly control.
In the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy, Overking (formerly Herzog) Grenell I of House Naelax (LE human male
P19 of Hextor), remains the titular leader of the faith from his
capitol in Eastfair. The Cathedral of Hextor lies at the heart of
Grenells palace, known as the Cyst. This imposing church
contains statues of great A erdy warriors, superb stained-glass
windows showing battle scenes, commemorative friezes and
murals depicting victories of Oeridians over humanoids, Flan,
and others. Access is restricted to the Herzog, his senior assistants, and those powerful folk within Eastfair known to be
active worshipers of Hextor. Undead guardians throng the
temple, and leaders of the orcs in the city are admitted-but
only rarely, and at such times the murals depicting their kin
being slain are carefully covered up with wall hangings. Sacrificial rituals are rarely practiced here, and then only in the
basements which are whispered to hold a handful of prisoners whom Grace Grenell values too highly to leave rotting in
the city jail. Other prominent Hextorian churches in the Great
Kingdom of Northern Aerdy include the Malachite Spires, a
great cathedral under construction in Delaric, and the Basilica
of the Scourge, in Bellport. Krennden (LE human male P14 of
Hextor), once the Patriarch of Hextor in Re1 Astra, and now
the Patriarch of Delaric, has pronounced the Overking insane
and renounced his sacred guardianship of the Malachite
Throne. Halldrem (LE human male P15 of Hextor), the Patriarch of Bellport, is a bully and coward, make him an effective
agent of Grenell.

Affiliated Orders: Since the inception of the Kingdom of

Aerdy, the church of Hextor has sponsored church armies led
by the Patriarch-Generalsof the faith and paid for by tithes
and taxes levied by priests, who were themselves landholders, particularly in Medegia. Such armies are traditionally
known by sacred battle relic that serves as the company standard. In the aftermath of the Gneyhawk Wars, there are now
few church armies left intact in Aerdy, as the Medegian
armies were decimated by the overkings destruction of that
land. Where they do exist, however, they are of superior quality and morale. Although this did not use to be the case, few
of the troops of such church armies are actually priests or
ardent followers of the faith, but they tend to have fair to
good equipment, and they know that either combat magic or
magical healing are routinely on hand, which helps their
morale. Some of the better knovm church armies of Hextor
still extant include the Company of the Twin Shields, the
Order of the Six Severed Hands, and the Gray Knights of
Great Skull.
Although not considered church armies, many companies
of warriors include a great number of Hextors faithful. Wellknown examples include the Bannermen (the remnant of the
Glorioles Army) and the Marchers (deserters from the Imperial Regulars who now serve in Grenells land as mercenaries).
Although monks make up but a small fraction of Hextors
faithful, all are considered members of one of the various
monastic orders. The most famcius such order, the Brotherhood of the Gray Hand, is dedicated to the preservation of
Oeridian traditions and culture and the destruction of the
Heironean btotherhood known as the Order of the Glory
Priestly Vestments: The ceremonial garb of Hextor clergy
includes black robes adorned with white skulls or gray visages overtop chain or scale mail. The holy symbol of the faith
is an arrow df hate and discord, a device fashioned from six
arrows bound near the fletching and hung from a crudely
wrought iron chain. All such arrows must be fashioned from
hornwood, smeared with a paste of blood and ash, used to
slay a sentient being, and remain unbroken. Higher-ranking
priests (of 9th level or greater), are permitted to have arrows
of hate and discord dyed red from having been dipped in
blood, while lower-ranking clergy are restricted to gray ones.
As a signoftheir faith, priests are expected to carry six
shields and/or weapons with them at all times. (Weapons requiring two hands to be wielded properly are considered to
be two weapons.) This practice IS believed to stem from
Hextors prdctice of manifesting in the form of a battlearms
spell, as the gods teachings require his servants to be prepared.
Advending Garb: Although most priests favor chain
mail or scale mail and a spiked buckler, the clergy of Hextor
employ all fdrms of armor when actively adventuring. Favored weapdns include bows, crossbows, flails, military forks,
momingstars, scimitars, spiked bucklers, and staff-slings.


True AD&D 2nd Edition


c) ecialty Priests

helxtorian spells

Prime Req.:
Major Spheres:
Minor Spheres:
Magical Items:
Req. Profs:
Bonus Profs:




At the D M s discketion, priests of Hextor may cast some of

the spells available to Bane, Garagos, and Iyachtu Xvim in the
REALMSsetting (see Faiths & Avatars and Prayers
from the Faithfulor the Priest's Spell Compendium for details).

Strength 15 or Dexterity 15, Wisdom 9

Strength or Dexterity, Wisdom
Any metallic armor, any shield
All, Charm, Combat, Elemental (Fire), Healing, Law, Necromantic, Protection, War
Divination, Summoning, Sun (reversed
only), Travelers
As clerics
Flail, Morningstar or Scimitar, Modem Language (Old Oeridian)
endurance, two-weapon style specialization

2nd L e v e l
Mantle of dextor
Level: Priest 2 '
Sphere: Combat, t a w
Range: 0
Duration: 1turn hlus 1round/level
Area of Effect: The caster
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: N ne

Battlescourges must be humms, half-orcs, half-ogres, or

tieflings. \ W e most battlescourges are humans of mixed
or pure Oeridian descent, humans of every subgroup, as
well as not insignificant numbers of half-orcs and halfogres, are called to be specialty priests of Hextor's clergy.
Battlescourges are allowed to multiclass as battlescourge/
thieves or battlescourge/assassins, and if the DM allows
kits for multiclassed characters, they may take an assassin
kit for rogues or cleric/thieves.
Battlescourges may take nonweapon proficiencies from the
warrior group without penalty.
Battlescourges receive Constitution hit point adjustments
to their Hit Dice as if they were warriors.
At 1st level, battlescourges can cast causefear (as the reverse of the 1st-level priest spell removefear) or enlarge (as
the 1st-levelwizard spell) once per day.
At 3rd level, battlescourges (can cast cloak offear (as the reverse of the 4th-level priest spell) or strength (as the 2ndlevel wizard spell) once per day.
At 5th level, battlescourges can cast enthrall (as the 2ndlevel priest spell) or ray of enfeeblement (as the 2nd-level
wizard spell) once per day.
At 7th level, battlescourges can make three melee attacks
every two rounds.
At 9th level, battlescourges can cast battlearms (as the 4thlevel priest spell) or enervation (as the 4th-level wizard
spell) once per day.
At 11th level, battlescourges can cast arouse discord (as the
6th-level priest spell) orflame strike (as the 5th-level priest
spell) once per day.
At 13th level, battlescourges make two melee attacks every
At 20th level, battlescourges can cast unholy word (as the reverse of the 7th-level priest spell holy word) once per day.


This spell enshro ds the priest in an ashen aura that leeches

all color from the1 skin and twists his visage into a horrifying
skull-like guise dith lank hair and red-rimmed eyes.
For the duratibn of the spell, all opponents in direct melee
combat with the priest make morale checks with a -2 penalty.
All attempts to command undead are made as if the priest
were one level higher. The priest can Hide in Shadows or
Move Silently as a thief of the same level (see Table 19 in the
DMG), with app2opriate armor and racial adjustments. (If the
priest is multicladsed as a thief, she receives a +lo% bonus to
all Hide in Shadaws and Move Silently checks instead.) Finally, the priest id inured to magical pain and is not subject to
the debilitating effects of spells that induce physical discomfort while cloaked in a mantle ofHextor, although damage is
suffered normally.
The material cbmponents of this spell are the priest's holy
symbol and a hddful of paste made from ash and blood that
is smeared on the face and arms.

4th Levdl

Level: Priest 4
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, ,M
Duration: 1round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Nbne

By means of this pell, the priest can create additional limbs

from her upper tbrso, known as battlearms. Priests of less than
10th level may crkate two battlearms, in addition to their
normal complemknt of limbs, while priests of 11th level or
greater may create four battlearms, for a total of six arms.

True AD&D 2nd Edition



Battlearms can be used with full proficiency when employing weapons or shields. Strength and Dexterity checks for battlearms are made without penalty. However, no more than one
attack per round can be made with each battlearm..
Any armor or clothing worn when this spell is cast is magically altered to allow for the additional limbs. When the spell
effect ends or if the armor or clothing is removed, the items
revert back to their normal form immediately.Items carried
by battlearms when this spell expires are immediately
If any individual battlearm is severed or suffers more than
8 points of damage directed specifically at that particular limb
(which does not affect the priests total), the affected battlearm
dissolves. The spell effect does not end until the spell expires
normally or all battlearms have been destroyed.
The material components for this spell are the priests holy
symbol and two (or four) arm bones from a humanoid skeleton. The latter are consumled in the casting of the spell.

6th Level
Arouse piscord
Level: Priest 6
Sphere: Charm
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 100 square feet/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: Negates

By means of this spell, the priest sparks disagreements and

inflames tensions and resentments among all creatures within
the area of effect that fail a saving throw vs. spell. All affected
creatures immediately fall to loud bickering and arguing.
Friends argue with friends, irksome things become hatreds,
and petty jealousy grows to seething rage. There is a 50%
chance that affected creatures of different alignments attack
each other. The bickering lasts for 5d4 rounds, the fighting for
2d4 rounds. Even a being that makes its saving throw may indirectly fall victim to this spells effects if they are sufficiently
provoked by the actions of an affected creature or if their actions serve to provoke an affected creature.
The material component of this spell is the priests holy
Sources: Hextor was originally detailed in DRAGON
page 24. Further details are found in World of GREYHAWK:
Guide, pages 63, 65-69, World of GREYHAWK:
pages 4 1 4 2 , From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess, pages 88-89,
Playevs Guide to GREYHAWK,
pages 19,21, and On Hallowed
Ground, page 180.
The symbol of Hextor was first depicted in From the Ashes:
Reference Card W, and depicted in a somewhat different
form on the gatefold of the Players Guide to GREYHAWK.

Old Oeridian is discussed in the Players Guide to

page 15, as well as other sources. It seems appro-

priate that the lawful clergy of Hextor would preserve this

tongue and insist that it has not changed since the crowning
of the first Overking.
The spell arouse discord is patterned after the discord
effect of the 8th-level wizard spell symbol, as detailed in the

Players Handbook..

Several of the abovementioned NPCs (augmented in level

to reflect the passage of time) and temple descriptions are
taken from the unpublished Ivid the Undying.

Level: P
Range: 3
Area of
Components: V. S., M
Casting Time: 1-100+ turns
Saving throw: None

The spell of dxorcism negates possession of a creature or an

object by any outside or supernatural force. This includes
control of a creature by some force in an object, possession by
a magic jar spell, demonic possession, curse or even charm, for
the exorcism spell is similar to a dispel magic spell. Furthermore, it affects a magical item if such is the object of the exorcism. Thus, a soul object of any type affected by a successful
exorcism expels the life force contained, to inhabit its nearest
material body, wholly and completely.
The exorcise spell, once begun, cannot be interrupted, or
else it is spoiled and useless. The base chance for success is a
random 1%to 100%. Each turn of exorcism the dice are rolled,
and if the base number or less is rolled, the spell is successful.
The base chance of success is modified by -1% for each level
of difference between the priests level of experience and the
level of the possessor or possessing magic, where the smaller
number is thk priests level. In the reverse, a +1% cumulative
is added. The D M can assign a base chance according to the
existing circumstances, if desired.
The material components for this spell are the holy symbol
of the priest and holy water. A religious artifact can increase
the chance of success by from 1% to So%, according to its

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uq u


Tolookuponthe faceofXanYaeis to lookuponthe dusk'

Asthe Baklunishgoddessof mysteryandfurtive excursions,disciplineand shade,XanYaeteachesher disciples
to call upon the powerof the mind to mentallycommune
with the grandand spinningsymmetryof the multiverse'
In the twilight hoursof 0erth, whenthe glory of the day
yieldsto the dangerof the night, XanYaesummonsher
believersand instructsthem in the curiousgeometryof
shadowsandthe hiddenriddlesof steaith.
Mistressof Petals,XanYaeis the deityof
Asthe Supreme
monksand martial artists, as well as those who call the
shadowstheir home.Thieveselicit her favorwhenorchestrating clandestine affairs, as do sages when
power of the
contemplatingthe vast and immeasurable
as distant stars. Wherevershadowsflow and twilight
dividesnight and daY,sheis there.

that dusk is consideredto be XanYae'sholiest hour. All

churchrituals areperformedduring twitight; clericsvoice
their dailyprayersfor spellsat this time. XanYaeespouses
stealthbecauseto movewithout being detectedrequires
both disciplineandskill. Thereis no causefor flamboyance
or wasted energyin the doctrine of the Mistressof
Perfection.All movements
of men.In orderto salvage
evenlessfor the
efforts of good and the
existencefrom both
within the shadows
inexorabletug of evil,
strengthenthe ftagile
XanYaechargesthe monks,priests,and psionicistswho
worship her with the quiet task of seekingout the
extremesof goodand evil and temperingthem with harmony.XanYaeis not a passivepower,but activelypursues
an agendawhichwill ensurethe ongoingstabiiityoftife.
XanYaehasbeenknownto walk the mortal avenuesof
Oerthin the guiseof either an acrobator a martial artist'
In either role sheis neverwithout her matchingfalchion


spokes:the UniversalMind, the

vital and interconnected
things exist
the Universal
andwillpower,the multiversewouldceaseto
exist.Thistenet agreescloselywith the primarycontentlon
of the Outer Planar faction
knownasthe Signof One.Like

swords- the fabledButterfly Blades- though sheoften

keepsthese weaponsconcealedon her person.ilVhile
assuminghumanform, XanYaewhispersin the earsof old
men,quickensthe pulseofthe young,andconductsin twilight that whichcannotbe achievedby day.
Xan Yae counts amongsther enemiesPyremiusand
Pholtus,asboth promulgateradicalidealsin the nameof
either despicableevil or unwaveringgood. Both gods.

Mistressof Petals
Ladyof Perfection.Supreme
of the lron Wil"t

the Signers,followersofxanYae
believe in the malleability of
creationand the abitity of the
mindto alterrealitY.In the uttimate expressionof the faith,

either through fire or light, illuminate the darknessso

sacredto her teachings.Her alliesarefeq due entirelyto
the fact that the SupremeMistressis too self-involvedto
concernherselfwith the affairs of her fellowdeities.Her
chiefmostally is the demigod Zuoken.The Catlord,


be[evershopeto one daYuse

their collectivementalfaculties
to transformthe very shaPeof

Rexfelis,is a ftequentcomPanion.
two daysof hoiy sigThechurchof XanYaerecognizes
nificance. The first of these, the Autumn Equinox,
the exactbalancebetweenthe hoursof daytight
of worshipareperandthe hoursof night. TWoceremonies

the mulliverse.
The idea of PerPetual
Harmonycontendsthat all life
is balanced,that syrnmetrygovernsall beings,andthat to
bein harmonywithone'sselfandsurroundings

formedon this day, one at dawnand one at dusk, during

which neophytefollowersare initiated into the greater
churchbody.Anotherimportantritual is practicedon the

harmonywith nature. This in turn permits one to more

the UniversalMind.
the UniversalMind and maintain
first achieveInternalPeace.
In otherwords,

27th of Harvester,known as the Dayof the LegionWill.

Fromsunriseto sunset.everymemberofthe churchenters
into his or her deepestand most profound meditative
state, wielding everybit of disciplinethey possessin an
effort to touch the UniversalMind. Theidea behindthis

masteredand reconciledto attain a higher level of existence. Thus,followersof Xan Yaeperformboth physical
and mental exercisesin an ongoingeffort to find inner

massmeditationis to usethe collectivewill of the church

body to alter the fabric of reality.It is believedthat the
SupremeMistressgrowssubstantia\ in powerduringthis

Seeingthis tendencytoward baiance,it is no wonder

time, asthe UniversalMindis bent closerto her control.

XanYaeis a favoreddeity of manyamongthe periphery

True AD&D 2nd Edition


of Baklunish society, and has many adherentsin the

Distantlfest, wherethe strugglefor harmonyis oftentimes
both a religionand a way oflife. In theselandsa distinct
martial arts style has been developedaroundthe faith,
knownasthe Wayofthe Lotus,practicedby peasantsand
princesalike. Xan Yaeis veneratedby
scholars and swordmasters.shadow
mages and smugglers, psionicists,

door(asthe 5thlevelwizardspell)onceperday.
At 14th level, d'ai shatoncan castthe spellshadowcat
(asthe 7th levelwizardspell)onceper day.I




her needsat
and mundane,asaddresses

dess,while a thunderstormat sunriseis

thought to portent of XanYae'sdispleasurewith thosewho encounterit.
( BakLunish)
rogueprofiD'ai shatonmaypurchase





At lst level, d'ai shaton gain the
abitity to movesilently as a thief of the


the samelevel.
At 5th level. d'ai shatonmay resist
or thought-readingmagicby making
a savevs, deathmagicat +1.
At 7th tevel, d'ai shaton become
immuneto all non-magicaldiseases.
At 9th tevel, d'ai shatoncancastthe

True AD&D 2nd Edition


the time. Shehasbeenknownto employ

shadows,translators. great cats. and
jade dragons.Theappearance
of a blood
hawk at duskis saidto be a goodomen
by thosewiseto the preceptsofthe god-

At 3rd level, d'ai shatonmaYeiectto
use continuing specialization in an
unarmedfighting style as a warrior of


The SupremeMistressis served by
creaturesof all alignments,both magicat

cienciesat no additionalcost.
At the discretionofthe DM,all priests
of Xan Yaeadd an additional+5 to the
result of a check to determineif the
priest will possessa psionicl/[ild Talent
p, 155).Ihis checkmustbe madeupon








Timeis, quiteliteraliy,ofthe essence.

As 0erth's celestial governor of Lime and infinity,
Cyndorthe lllimitable overseesthe invisibie clockworkof
man's past, present,and future. His primary sphereof
influence- that of Time- is both mysteriousto contemplate and vitaLto the continuingcycleof life throughout
the Flanaess.
Cyndor dwells in a quasi-imaginaryrealm known as
Prime,whichis ratherlike the EtherealPlanein that
it "touches"the PrimeMaterialin all placesat once.Better
asthe Demiplane
knownto the sagesofthe Flanaess
terday to tomorrow.For a further explanationof Temporal
Primeand completedetails of its denizensand geography,

peoplethroughout0erthwouldbe dramatical$
havetakenit uponthemselves
to protect
theselifeLinesftom harm.Cyndoris the adjudicatorof the
etusiveand facelessMonitors,aiding thern in their pursuits
Priestsof Cyndorare very awareof the magnitudeof
their dei!/s charge,and as such often seemaloof, if not
downrightholier-than-thou.Like Cyndorhimself,priests
tend to speakin riddles.refusingto revealthe full secrets
oftheir knowledgeofTemporalPrimeandthe lifeUnesthat
abide there; they coliectivelyscorn charlatanfortunetellersandothermountebanks.
Cyndor'spriestsarehardto pin down,astheir peculiar
that sliplike sandftom
ideologyis aselusiveasthe seconds
man's desperategrasp.For the most part. it is assumed
that priestsof Cyndor
have been placed
upon 0erth to act as
for a world
that would otherwise
be lost in a meaningless struggle for
survival. They regu-


consultthe Cftron
of his unassailable
Inside the
sues three separateand never-endingtasks. First, he
devoteshimseUto meditating upon the imponderable
aspectsof time-spaceand how further manipulationof
this continuummight alter the compositionof the multiverse.0n the morepracticaiside,Cyndoris alsoin a state
of continuousprose,as he records

* trfinity,ThesaseofEpochs.


of Mechanus,

every act of every creature

throughout every moment of its
existenceon 0erth. The text in
which he compilesthis unimaginable recordis known simplyas the
PerpetualLibram.Excerptsof this
sacredwork have appearedon the
Prime in the form of piercingly


;lit "t'# i rometimes)

*rT|;'|1ilstass onitsside,

accurate histories secreted in

Cyndor'sausteretemples. Finally.
in additionto his unceasingefforts
as a temporaltheorist and chronicler of 0erth's ongoing history,
Cyndoralso directs his proxies in

larly serveasadvisors
to monarchsand universit5rsages.All men
seekthe wisdomof augury.andall wonderwhatthe future
rnight hold. By consultingwith a prophet of Cyndor,a
personmight gain insight - howevervaque- into the
handthat time hoidsfor him or her.
Followersof Cyndorseelife not as a seriesof choices,
but rather as a linear journey from one predetermined
encounterto the next. To such thinkers as these, ftee
choice and personalachievementare but illusions; in
buth, everythingthat everwill behasalreadyhappenedat least for Cyndor.who has seenthe beginningand the
end. The invisible, temporal concept which man calls
"time" is reallynothing but a way for man to reckonthat
which he believeshe is experiencing.Thistheory can be
proven when one looks at the constructionof the
Demiplaneof TimeitseU.In this plane,so-called"time" is
simplya meansof travelingfrom point A to point B. Ergo.
all ofman'schoicesarereallynothingbut immutablepaths
alonga lifelinewhichCyndorhasalreadyforeseen.
Servicesto Cyndorinclude the soundingof airy wind
instrumentsandthe castingof arcanespellsbywayofsuch
materiai devicesas magical mirrors. hourglasses,and
looms.Cyndoris worshippedin urbanplaceswherelearned
men gather.suchasthe FreeCityof Greyhawk,
the center

their work as orotectorsof the

timestreamand guardiansof future andpast.
Thoughthese guardiansare primarily creaturesof a
(wizdivinenafure,a smaligroupof mortalchronomancers
ards who specializein time-related spells) known as the
Monitors of Infinity secretly defend 0erth's fragile
timestreamftom interferenceby outsideforces.Everyliving

instanceswhen he manifestshimself, Cyndorappearsas

creatureand inanimateobject bearsa specialsignatureon

the Demiplaneof Timecalledalifetine. If thesetifelineswere
to be altered indiscriminately,the lives of thousands of

anythingbut a normalmortalman.His avatarform is that

of a toweringhumanoidwith a featurelessface and odd
rectangularlimbsof terrible strength.

True AD&D 2nd Edition

of educationin the CentralFlanaess.

EpochshavepassedsinceCyndorlast set foot uponthe
PrimeMaterial.It is suspected
that his avatarwaspresent
during the ancientSuloise-Baklunish
conflicUmythssurrounding the event place him as acting either with or
againstLendor.the Suloisegod of time. In those rare

. At 15thlevet,eternatistsbecomecompletelyimmuneto
attacks,suchasthe touch of a ghost.
. Priestsof Cyndorhaveaccessto the specialproficienry

Anyonetinkering with 0erth's timestreamby either

magicaiartifact or chronomancy
speli risks invokingthe
ire of the mysteriousMonitorsof Infinity or, if the infraction is serious enough. the wrath of Cyndorhimself.
Thoughthe l1limitabteOnerarelyconfrontssuchviolators
personaily,he hasbeenknownto direct a variety of temporal creaturesfor these purposes.He is servedby

been modified from their respectiveentries in the

A priestwiththe TjmeSenseproficiency

Flanaesscan be found at the standing stones of Tovag

Baragu,detailed in the Greyhawk@
(TSR2023)and the gamemoduleVecnaLivesl
to Cyndorarequiterare.Somberstruc-

clock.a naturaIsenseofthe passage

himto knowto within3d10minutesthe exacttime of day
withoutthe ajdof mechanicaI
magic,or the stars.
A successfuI
checkjndicatesthat the priesthaspinpointed
the time from within 3 to 30 minutesof accurary,while
that the priest'sestimation
is incorrectby
1d2hours.Thepriestatsocanusethis abitityto " program"

turesof smoothedstone,the monasteries

of the Illimitabte
Onerisefromthe groundin seemingly
illogicallocales,storied placesof ancient or future power.The Eternalistsof
Cyndorhavea greatinterestin the doingsof Blacknoor's
Cityof the Gods,and likewisecaabe foundin the eastern
Abbor-Alzhilts, scouringthe ruins of ancientltar.
In the Outer Planes,Clmdor'sphilosophyis readily

himsetfto awakenat a predetermined

hour. The proficienrycheckis madeat a -1 pena[ty,
with failuremeaning
that the priest
by one hour for every
pointby whichthe checkis missed,

acceptedby membersof the linear-thinkingFraternityof

0rder, while the Indeps of the FreeLeaguedespisethe
notion ofpredestination.andthe Dusbnenfiad it difficult
to reconciletheir nihitisticbeliefswith the apparentlycontrary evidencefoundin the lifetineson Temporal
Whenbaveling,priestsof Cyndortend to wearclothing of

upto maximum
1; (Eternalist
Duration:5 rounds+ 7 round/Ievel
Areaof Effecfu1 creature

contrastingcolors, especiallyback and white (white capes

overblackrobesareconmon,thoughred and grayis alsoa
popul-arcombination).they havebeenlcrownto paint their
faceswith similarcolorschemes,and decoratetheir clothing
with taUsmans,
amulets,andother crypticdwices.


dagger,dart, hand-hetdcrossbow,
lasso,net, staff, andwhip
Armor: All armorqpes up to andincludiagchainmail,
no shield
Minor Spheres:Creation,Guardian,Numbers,Protection
Magicalltems: As clerics
Required Proficiencies: Read/lVrite(Common)
. At 2nd level, eternalistsmay cast delay image (see
below)onceper day.
. At 7th level, eternalists may attempt to slow a single
opponentonceper day(asperthe 3rdlevelwizardspell.
thoughthe victim savesat -6).
. At 10th level, eternalistshavebecomeso qmchronized
with the movementof the timestreamthat they ageat
half the normat rate, effectively doubling their maximumaqelimit.

By casting delay image, the
himselfor a recip'ient creaturein a magicaIaura
which bendstime stightly in his
favor.Thisauraof "muddted
causesa delayin the target creature'simage,improvinghis Armor
Classby 2 and grantinghim a +1
bonusto a[[ savingthrowsversus
ofthis spetl,advance
'image.createsa fa[seimageha[fa
secondaheadof wherethe target
currently resides in
makingit easier
for his
to strike him. as they
havea brief momentto adjusttheir
btows before the target creature
"arrives"in the presentsecondof
time. Thetarget'sACis penalized
by 2, anda[[savingthrowsagainstdirectmagicaIattacks

aremadeat -1..
Thoughthis spe[[ may be usedin conjunctionwith
other spe[[sthat affect ArmorCtass,jts effectsare not
with itsetf.I

True AD&D 2nd Edition








Time Sense,as well as the first-level chlonomancer

spell delay image. The fottowing descriptionshave

temporaldogsand time dimensionais,

amongother, even
Oneknown site of periodic chronomanticactivity in the

Prime Requiste:Wisdom
Alignment N, LN







L r

f t e Seven Seas
by Eric L. Boyd

Powers That Be
roeall (pro-KAN) is Ihe Oe r il/ill ll g011

Lord of the Seven
_ . , The Ancient
Merlner, Sailor of s..
.nd Sky, The Stann

Lord, Prince of Wind.

InttHmedfllte Power of



Domain Name:


of things 'lilu/ica /wltl m e teorologi

cal, wo rship ed ill p or ts alo ng tir e
coasls oft/Ie Flalla ess IIlullJY II "III all5
of till etllllicities, particlilarly fishers mul sailors who seek to
placlIle his lempesluous 1Illlllre. Procm. is also worsll iped ill
illla"d regiolls of th e Flrl1la ess of predomillalltly Oert/iall settlement. albeit to a lesser extent, as the god of weather. This aspect of his portfolio is
dosest to his original role amongst the Ocrid tribes but also overlaps with that of Velnius. A few sentient aquatic creatures, particula rl y mermen, worship him as well.
Procan is served by Velnius and the four Wind Gods-Atroa of the East Wind,
Sotillon of the Sirocco, Telchur of the Mistral, and Wenta of the Zephyr- all of whom
are among his offspring. The Lord of the Seven Seas maintains good relations with
most other powers of the Oeridian pantheon, with the notable exceptions of Heironeous and Hextor, Suel gods of the sea and sky.
The Sailor of Sea and Sky is as mercurial as the wind, as powerful and unforgiving
as the oceans. Procan vacillates between ebullient high spirits, characterized by
humor and passion for life, and dark, morose brooding, characterized by pessimism
and a violent temper. The only constant in Procan's emotional state is that neither
extreme persists for long. He is ever greedy for treasure, hoarding that which grows or
falls on the sea bed.

The Church
Clergy: Clerics, crusaders, specialty priests
Clergy's Align.: CG, CN, CE
Turn Undead:
C: Yes, Cru: No, SP: Yes
Cm nd. Undead: C: No, eru: No, SP: No



All derics, crusaders, and specialty priests of Procan receive religion (Oeridian,
common, sea) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
Along the coasts of the lands once held by the Kingdom of Aerdy, the primacy of
the church of Procan with regards to the sea is unchallenged. As Xerbo's faith is spread
among the seafaring barbarians of the Thillonrian peninsula and the merchants of
Lendore Isle, and Osprem's among the merchants of Lendore Isle and the Lordship of
the Isles, naval conflicts between those realms and the Great Kingdom have a religious
dimension as welL
Nong the coast of the Azure Sea and in other regions where worshi p of both Sue!
and Oerid pantheons is common however, followers of Procan, Ospre m, and Xerbo
often sail together on the same ships, and even ally against outside threats. Since


True AD&D 2nd Edition

Procan embodies the wilder and tem pestuous aspects of the ever-cha nging
seas however, his chu rch is viewed distrust com pared 10 hi s rivals, Osprem,
and Xerbo. As a result, his faith slowly
wanes in the Sheldomar Valley region.
Regionally prominent temples of the
Lord of the Seven Sus are great grani te
structures whose soaring spires seem to
touch the sky. The Ancient Mariner 's
cathedra ls are built to embrace both
storms and the sea. Most are drafty,
damp, and set in the path of incoming
storms. Procan's shoreline temples are
typica lly situated on rain -lashed blu ffs
overlooking the sea. Inla nd temples sit
in the foothills of one of the mountain
ranges of the Flanaes$ atop the highest
tor in the local region or amid low-lying
salt fiats. Small er chape ls and shrines
catering to sailors arc known as bethels.
They can be found dockside in most
port cities where followers of the Ancient
Mariner live or visit.
Procan Novices are known as Swabs.
Full priests are known as Sea Salts. In
ascending order, titles used by Procanite
p ri ests are Sailor of the Seven Sea s,
Helmsman of the Endless Swells, Ensign
of the Pounding Surf, Lieutenant Commander of Cresting Wave, Commander
of the Lashing Wind, Ca ptain of the Sea
and Sky, High Captain of the Thunderous Storm, and Admiral of the Hurri cane's Eye. High-ranking priests have
unique individual titles, but are collectively known as High Admirals. Specialty priests are known as wave rangers.
Clergy includes huma ns (87%), mermen (10%), half-elves (2%), and other
races (1 % ). Humans come fromOerid
(60%), Flannae (7%) , Baklunkish (5%),
Suel (2%) . a lman (1 %) . and mi xed
(25%) ancestry. Procan's clergy includes
specialty priests (54%), clerics (including multi-classed) (30%), and crusaders
( 16%). Males and females have about a
two to one ratio.
Dogma: The salty seas and stormy skies
are ev{'"rchanging; they defy prediction .
The deep waters that embrace the oerth
are vast and unknown. Their endless
waves can ensnare any ship not cap tained by the Ancient Mariner. Therefore. give reveren ce to the Lord of the
Seven Seas, for his fu ry is the thunderous
s torm and his kindness the bount iful
blue deeps. All is born from the sea and

sky. and to the blue expanse shall return.

Day-to-Day Activities: The majori ty of
Procan's priests live and dress simply,
eschewing fo rm al ri tual. They attend to
those who earn their living on the seas,
and often accompany them on sea voy ages, for their presence aboard is said to
bri ng good luck. Sen ior priests often
captain their own vessels or fund fishing
and merchant fleets.
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Followers of Procan offer prayers to the
Lord of the Seven Seas at high and low
tide each day. More formal ceremonies
occur at peak high and low tides of each
month and for crews prior to extended
sea voyages. When possible, such ceremonies are held in tidal pools or at the
high tidemark, always near the largest
body of water in the region. They cast
offerings of gold and pearls into the sea,
and eat small amounts of fish and bread.
Affiliated Orders: The Wolves of the
Scarlet Sea are a kn ightly order of crusaders and warriors who se rve as the
Storm Lo rd's militant arm . They are
active in many port cities of the Flanaess.
Sea Wolves, as they are known. serve as
ma rines aboard Procan ships. They are
well-versed in sea comb at, boarding
techniques, and shi p- based assault.
Many possess magic to venture underwater. Th e Keoish branch of the order
sponsors twe nty privateer ships in the
Azure Sea. They combat piracy and have
increased marit ime co mmerce safety
along the southern coasts of the Flanaess.
Priestly Vestments: The ceremonia l
garb of Procan's clergy includes dark
blue knickers, loose, white shirts, and
sky blue or sea green half-capes or robes.
Garments are commonly washed in sea
water, so are usua lly salt-encrusted. Sea
Salt s typicall y let their hair grow long,
pulling it back in a ponytail. Male priests
keep their beards neatly trimmed. Silver
and gold jewelry is common and ostentatious. No priest of PrQCan is ever without a trident or flask of sea water (from
which their holy water is consecrated ).
Thei r holy symbol is a miniature silver
trident, often worn as a pendant on a
thin silver chain.
Adventuring Garb: Shields and chain
mail are common on land, but leather
armor predominates in shipboard situa ti ons. Cut lasses. tridents. harpoons ,
nets, and other "s ailor" weapons :Ire

preferred, and magic which aids in surviving the sea is prized.

Specialty Priests (Wave Rangers)

Prime Req.:

Con 14, Wis 9

Constitution, Wisdom
All bludgeoning (Type
B) weapons . cu!lass,
harpoon , ne t, spe:lr.
staff-sling, and trident
chain mail and below;
sh ield
Major Spheres: All , chaos, co mbat,
divination . elemental
(air. water), healing,
protection, summoning (aquatic creatures
only), sun, weather
Minor Spheres: Animal, cha rm , cre ation, necroma n t ic,
plant. travelers. war
Magical Items: as clerics and fighters
Req. Profs:
Spear or trident, navigation, rope use
Bonus Profs:
Sea man ship , swim ming. weather sense

Granted Powers
Wave rangers can turn undead of the
sea including lacedons and sea zombies.
At 1st level, wave rangers can cast create water (as the (sl level priest spell )
thrice per day.
At 3rd level, wave range rs can cast
water breathing or water walk (as the 3rd
level priest spells) once per day.
At 5th level. wave rangers ca n cast
cal/lightning (as th e 3rd level priest
spell ) or weather prediction (as th e 3rd
level pries t spell detailed in P u.rER s
OPTION"": Spells 6- Magic ) once per day.
At 7th level, wave ra ngers can cast
lower water (as the 4th level priest spell )
or weather stasis (as the 4th level priest
spell detailed in PLAYER'S OPTION: Spells
& Magic) once per day.
At 9th level, wave rangers can cast
airy water (as the 5th level wizard spell)
or control wi/Ids (as the 5th level priest
spell) once per day.
At 14th level, wave rangers can cast
control weather or conjure air elemental
(as the 7th level priest spells) or conjure
water elemental or tsunami (as the 7th
level priest spells deta iled in PLA YER 'S
OPTION: Spells 6- Magic ) once per day.

Issue 130

True AD&D 2nd Edition



St. Cuthbert
Cuthbert of the Cudgel
by Eric L. Boyd

Powers That Be
Cuthbert of the
Cudgel, the Cudgeler
Intannedlate Power of
Aracadla, LG



Domain Name:


Fo. .:

Wor. Align.:

as a mortal man of exemplary character, no evidence exists that the CudgeJer was ever
less than a lesser power. St. Cuthbert seldom leaves his realm in the Outer Planes, unless
some great duty brings him forth. Unlike most Intermediate Powers, he can enter the
Prime Material Plane at will.
St. Cuthbert is stern power who sees the world in black and white. For many folk living with the threat OflUl to the north, this is a very credible world view. The Cudgeler
has little patience for ostentatious displays, frivolous pursuits or idle talk and he accepts
no excuses or displays of weak moral fiber.
Great personal enmity exists between St. Cuthbert and Juz, which adds to the former's popular appeal. The Cudgeler may appear in avatar formto drive the Old One
away in confrontations of major import. While the followers of5t. Cuthbert and Pholtus
maintain a great rivalry, both powers are willing to work together, as needed.

The Church


atron of common sense, truth,

and forthrightness, St. Cuthbert
hates evil and opposes chaos. But
his major interest is in law and
order and the dual work of conversion and prevention
of back-sliding of "true believers." While St. Cuthbert's faithful hold that he once walked in the Flanaess

Clergy: Clerics, crusaders, monks, specialty priests, paladins

Clergy's Align.: LG, LN
Turn Undead:
C: Yes, Cru: No, Mon : No, SP: Yes, Pal: Yes
Cmnd. Undead: C: No, Cru: No, Mon: No, SP: No. Pal: No
All clerics, crusaders, monks, and specialty priests of St. Cuthbert receive religion
(Common) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Note that "Common" indicates familiarity with human faiths which exhibit common worship in most of the Flanaess.
St. Cuthbert has a large following in the Flanaess. Many wayside shrine~ and smail,
crude chapels dedicated to him are scattered throughout the Flanaess. St. Cuthbert's
worshipers are most numerous in the Central Flanaess, in the city of Greyhawk, the
Wild Coast, Urnst, Veluna,and Verbobonc. There, his temples are large. elaborate, and
well-maintained. The faith is appreciated by most goodly folk, but rivalry exists between
51. Cuthbert's followers and those of Pholtus of the Blinding Light.
While St. Cuthbert has many large places of worship, wayside shrines and small
chapels are more typical. All of his houses of worship, great and small, are dominated by
meeting halls notable for thei r hard pews, simple lecterns, and inspirational homilies
woven into wall hangings or inscribed in stone.


True AD&D 2nd Edition


The clergy of St. Cuthbert are known

as the Stalwart Host, divided into three
orders: the Chapeaux, the Stars, and the
Billets. The Cha peaux seek to convert
people to the faith.The Stars retain doctrinal purity among the faithful. The Billets, by far the most numerous, minister
to and protect th e faithful. Relations
among the orders are good, although
individuals in the Billets and the Stars
argue over doctrine. Approximately 70%
of the Billets are Lawful Good, while
some 70% of the Stars are Lawful Neu tral. The Chapeaux are evenly split.
Novices ofSt. Cuthbert are called the
Untapped. Titles are in strict ascending
order: Club of Justice, Devout Flail, Mace
of Militancy, Star of Dawn, Stalwart
Stave, Hammer of Hymns, Marshal of the
Faithful, and Herald of the Saint. High
priests are known collectively as the Wise,
addressed as Revered Father or Revered
Mother, as appropriate. Specialty priests
are called cudgelers . The clergy of St.
Cuthbert is almost exclusively human,
nearly two-thirds male. The Cudgeler's
clergy is divided across all three orders:
clerics (30%), crusaders (30%), and specialty priests (30%) . Monks (5%) and
paladins (5%) make up the remainder.
Dogma: The teachings ofSt. Cuthbert
are practical, wise, and sensible. Spread
the word of the Cudgeler so that all may
receive the benefit of his wisdom. The
word is the law, and the law is the word.
Neither weakness in faith nor acting
against the teachings of St. Cuthbert are
tolerable in those who have heard the
true word. Be tolerant of those who have
not yet accepted the true word, but do
not cease in efforts to bring them St.
Cuthbert's truths. Be always honest,
truthful, and forthright, and do not stray
from the reasonable and practical.
Day-to-Day Activities: Priests of St.
Cuthbert are stout, stern folk who speak
their minds plainly. It's not that they
won't suffer fools gladly-they won't suffer them at all. Honesty and common
sense are more prized than book learning
and arcane knowledge. Their faith is
practical, with attention to detail and
concerns of common people. In the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars, military
training and fitness are mandatory.
The Chapeaux spend their days wandering the Central Flanaess, visiting vil-

lages, proselytizing, and inducting new

converts. The Stars typically track down
heresies, unmask heretics, and convince
them to repent. The Billets, in contrast,
assist their congregants, give advice to
those who seem lost, and generally make
themselves helpful where they reside.
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
St. Cuthbert is worshiped weekly on
Godsday with ceremonies lasting a full
day and night. Singing, prayer, moral
tales, and simple food are common, particularly in the wayside shrines.
The fourth day of the annual Growfest
festival is observed as the Day of Welcoming. Converts are welcomed into the
ranks on this day of buoyant sermons
and simple fellowship . The last day of
Needfest is celebrated annually as the Day
of Trial, when followers fast and atone for
the past year's sins.
Major Cen ters of Worship: The
Sacred Temple of St. Cuthbert is a grand
temple on a low rise in the Garden Quarter of the Free City of Greyhawk. While
the Sacred Temple is not the only shrine
of the Cudgeler in the city (a humble
two-story shrine stands in Shacktown) it
is by far the largest. As perhaps the largest
religious group in the Free City, the followers of St . Cuthbert erected a temple
suited to their prosperity, symbolizing
the blessings of their deity. The original
shrine has grown into a cathedral lined
with golden ornaments, fitted with silver
and jeweled symbols of the faith. 0 utside
the temple, white tile paths wind through
gardens of roses, exotic flowers, and evergreen shrubbery. Oversix hundred penitents can worship together in the
rectangular chamber which makes up the
temple. The floor is tiled with deep green
marble. Huge white marble columns support the 50' high sky blue ceiling painted
with white clouds and a blazing sun. A
second building is clergy living quarters,
all of whom are Billets.
Affiliated Orders: The Order of Mace
is the militant arm of the faith, including
crusaders and paladins from all orders.
Knights of the Mace serve in mid-sized
and large temples as elite defenders.
Larger bands are sent out as needed,
often making extended forays into hostile
territory. Many Knights fell in battle during the Greyhawk Wars; the order is
slowly replenishing.

Priestly Vestments: The Chapeaux

dress in varying garb, but all wear crumbled hats of brown and green tartan with
St. Cuthbert 's holy symbol in copper,
pinned to them. The Stars wear dark
green robes with the starburst-again
serving as a holy symbol-in copper,
gold, or platinum, depending on status.
The Billets dress in simple brown and
russet garments, wearing St. Cuthbert's
cudgel symbol in oak or bronzewood.
Adventuring Garb: SI. Cuthbert's
priests carry bronzewood or oaken cudgels, although most are skilled in a variety of bludgeoning weapons. Priests favor
plate mail.

Specialty Priests (Cudgelers)

Prime Req.:

Wisdom 9
Club, flail, mace,staff,
morningstar, staffsling, warhammer

Major Spheres:


All, charm, combat,

divination, healing,
law, necromantic,
protection, war
Minor Spheres: Animal, creation,
guardian, summoning,
sun, wards
Magical Items: As cleric
Req. Profs:
Club, healing
Bonus Profs:

Granted Powers
Cudgelers turn undead as a cleric of
four levels lower. (A 5th level cudgeler
turns undead as a 1st level cleric.)
Cudgelers can call upon faith once per
Cudgelers are granted spell-like powers, depending on their order:
At 2nd level, Billets gain friends once per
At 3rd level, Chapeaux gain shillelagh
once per day.
At 4th level, Stars gain ESP once per day.
At 6th level, cudge!ers can cast prayer
once per day.
At 9th level, cudgelers can cast dispel
evil or true seeing once per day.
At 12th level, cudgelers can cast holy
word once per week.

Issue 128

True AD&D 2nd Edition



True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


Vecna as Demigod
Relatively new to the ranks of deities, Vecna is seldom recognized as
a demigod by any but his worshipers. Known as the Whispered
One, Maimed Lord, Master of Secrets, Vecna has a small but increasingly active cult in the lands
of the Flanaess. Vecna is a patron
god of black secrets, especially
those magical in nature. Still, for
the majority of mortals, Vecna is
identified as a n arch-lich,although
he transcended this paltry honorific ages ago.
Although other gods might find
the lack of recognition displeasing,
the condition has, to now, suited
Vecnas needs and matches his secretive nature. He enjoys the position of outsider among the great
powers of the outer planes. Their
attentions are diverted elsewhere
and he is allowed to continue his
plans and schemes undisturbed.
Formerly a lich, Vecna has retained the horrid appearance of
these monsters. His body is mummified with patches of dry rot
showing through the tatters he
wears for clothing. His left arm
ends in a crumbling stump. Vecnas face is covered by a silken
scarf, veiling his features underneath.

Role-Playing Notes
Vecna prefers to act indirectly in
the affairs of men, guiding and
steering his followers to goals only
he understands. Nursed on treachery and deceit, the Whispered One
has no compassion for mortals,
even his own worshipers. Those
who follow him must commit
themselves to being utter pawns to
his schemes. Followers who serve
him well are rewarded with knowledge, usually damning secrets oth-

ers would prefer stayed hidden.

Those who anger Vecna often find
themselves betrayed and blackmailed, their darkest sins suddenly known to those who can
hurt them most.

Statistics: AL LE; WAL any evil;

AoC secrets & magic; S Y eye in
See the AD&D@ 2nd Edition
Legends & Lore hardback book for
an explanation of the format and
abbreviations used here.
Standard Divine Abilities: As a
demigod, Vecna automatically has
the following powers. These
powers do not apply to his manifestation.
Communication: Vecna can
speak to his followers (or others)
on another plane only through his
Comprehend Languages: The
demigod speaks and understands
all languages.
Granted Abilities: Vecna can
grant his priests (or, in special circumstances, any worshiper) any
spell or power up to 5th level.
Immortality: If destroyed, Vecna
reforms in ldlOO days.
Initiative: Vecna automatically
gains the initiative when fighting
Magic Use: Vecna can use any
spell (wizard or priest) at will.
Magic Resistance: Vecna is 70%
resistant to mortal magic, 40% resistance to that from demigods,
and only 20% resistant to that
from gods of greater stature.
Multi-Bsks: Vecna can perform
any two actions at once without
any penalties.
Planar navel: Vecna can move
from plane to plane only by spells
or magical devices.
Saving Throws:Vecna has a sav-

True AD&D 2nd Edition

ing throw number of 4 in all categories.

Sensing Ability: Vecna knows
what is happening within one mile
of himself or any worshiper.
Teleport: Vecna can teleport to
any point on the same plane at will
and without error.

Vecnas Manifestation
(20th-Level Wizard)

Vecnas manifestation takes the

form of a middle-aged man
marked by some crippling handicap, usually a missing leg. He carries no weapon other than a simple
wooden crutch. He casts spells as a
20th-level wizard. Although mortal in form, the manifestation retains many of the properties of
Vecnas previous incarnation as an
Str 14* Dex 14*
Con 18
Int 20 Wis 18
Cha 13
MV 9* SZ M (5) MR45%*
HD 18*
hp 116*
#AT 1 THACO 10 Dmg ldlO
* If Vecna has recovered his Eye
and Hand, these statistics for his
manifestation become Str 19, Dex
17, MV 12, MR 70%, HD 20, hp

Special Att/Def: Vecnas manifestation can utilize all the powers

of a normal lich at will. He can generate a fear aura, causing creatures of 5 HD (or levels) to roll a
successful saving throw vs. spell
or flee for 5d20 rounds. His touch
can chill, causing ldlO points of
damage and paralysis until dispelled. He can be hit only by weapons of + 1 or better enchantment.
In addition to his magical resistance, Vecnas manifestation is
immune to charm, sleep,

enfeeblement, polymorph, cold,


electricity, insanity, and death

spells. The manifestation cannot
be turned. As a wizard, he can cast
spells as if 20th level (includingthe
restriction of spells per level), but
he does not need spell books or material components. Vecnas manifestation has access to all spells of
all schools.
Finally, the manifestation (in
keeping with Vecnas role as master of secrets) can discover any personal secret a character might
have, He often uses this power to
keep worshipers in line and to
blackmail powerful figures.

The Duties of the

Priests of Vecna are rare, primarily
due to the stringent requirements
needed to qualify. However, the
priests have a large degree of freedom in their activities. Their most
important duty is to recover the
Eye and the Hand of Vecna, so
these can be returned to their god.
Beyond this, the priests are expected to collect and study strange
magical items, destroy or weaken
any threat to Vecna, and restore
his empire for the day when he returns. m i c e yearly they must sacrifice large quantities of magical
items to Vecna.
Requirements: AB must be
dual-or multi-classed mage/priest;
AL LE, WP dagger, darts, mace,
staff; AR: SP charm, combat, divination, elemental, necromantic,
protection, summoning: PW 1)
command undead (using turning
tables); 5th) legend lore once per
day; TU nil

The cult of vecna

Although the number of Vecnas

worshipers are few and their activities secret, the Cult of Vecna is a
potentially powerful force. Up to
now, the cult has been held in
check by the more active Spurned
Cult of Iuz, but that group has suffered a series of recent setbacks.

These events, coupled with the recent appearance of Vecna/

Halmadar (who is not Vecnas
manifestation), have given Vecna
and his cultists the opportunity to
strike. Now they are ready to increase their power, and that of
their god, in a major way.
The cult is rigidly organized into
a hierarchy of evil. Each cultist has
a specific position and role, based
upon his abilities and importance.
Ostensibly, those of lesser position
must defer in all matters to anyone
of greater rank: the true matter is
somewhat different, for the Cult of
Vecna is very lawful evil in outlook. Thus all members seek to
find some advantage over their
also keeping
their underlings in line. Secrets
and blackmail are commonplace
within the cult.
Each hierarchy of the cult is
identified with a particular body
part. Some positions are unique,
either to a single priest, character,
or monster. Some positions are
open only to priests, while others
are available to any character

The Voice of Vecna

This is the highest position of the
hierarchy, short of Vecna himself.
There is only one who can claim to
be the Voice, and that is Vecnas

The Heart of vecna

Her Most Enigmatic Excellency,
Sublime Mistress of the Whispered
One, the Heart of Vecna is the high
priestess of the cult. Through her,
the commands of the Whispered
One are transmitted to the faithful.
The current Heart of Vecna is
Diraq Malcinex of Ket (see the NPC
Appendix). The Heart always
wears a blood-red robe with no
decorations on it.

The Eye and the Hand

These two creatures (see the New
Monsters Appendix) are the lieu74

True AD&D 2nd Edition

tenants of the Heart of Vecna. They

can also be directly commanded
by the Voice of Vecna. The Eye and
the Hand are unique creaturesonly one of each is in existence at
any given time. Should one be
killed, another can be created to
take its place.

The Thoughts O f WCna

After the Heart come the Thoughts
of Vecna. The Thoughts of Vecna
lead the Organs, the name for congregations of worshipers. Since
the cult is small, there is seldom
more than one Organ to a city or
area. The Thoughts wear robes
emblazoned with a pattern of lightning bolts, signifying the devastating power of thought.
Within the Organ, there are several priests, but only one Thought.
Traditionally, the highest level
priest of the Organ is the Thought
of Vecna. All lesser priests are subservient to him. The followers do
not contest the Thoughts position, but, since they are evil, lesser
priests have been known to blackmail their superiors, particularly
with the threat of exposure. This is
a dangerous business, since the
Thought of Vecna may simply annihilate the challenger.

The Memories of Vecna

The lesser priests of a given Organ
are known as the Memories of
Vecna, for it is through them that
the day-to-day existence of the cult
is assured. Thus they guarantee
that his name will never be
forgotten. The number of Memories under a Thought depends on
the size and importance of that Organ. However, there is only one
lesser priest of 5th level or greater
in a given Organ. The Memories
wear robes decorated with abstract designs.
Although Memories are, by the
law of the cult, bound in obedience
to the Thought, they are always
looking for ways to advance their
own power. Deceit, betrayal,


blackmail, and assassination are

all practices the priests use against
one and another. To survive, suc:cessful priests use their powers t o
gather secrets, act as spies for thei,r
higher-ups, and ruthlessly de211
with their enemies.
While these activities woulld
make priesthood in the cult seern
murderously short, the lawful nz1ture of the cult requires that anY
evil deeds be subtly done. Once
such machinations are exposec1,
the perpetrator
--- i
-_s at
-_- best
- - _ - dismacetl
--_ D - --- - and mort: often eliminated by a
clerical tr ibunal. Indeed the threat
of exposu re to the clerical courts is
used by superiors to keep the
lesser pric:sts in line.

The Teeth ob Vecna


Of the lay members of the cult,

none have nigner
srarus man me
mages and specialist wizards.
These followers are known as the
Teeth of Vecna, for their fearsome
magical spells they
carry. Typically attaining higher
levels in wizardry than the dualclass priesthood, the mages are

I t


still considered inleriors. .l'hey

lack the total commitment of the
Heart, Thcmghts, and Memories.
Theyarec: illed upon to create any
special devices and spells that
mightben,eeded by the cult.

TheFlnglers ob Vecna
As the Ma: ster of Secrets, Vecna's
second-molst important group of
laymen arc: thieves, known as the
Fingers of Vecna. The thieves are
:for carrying out many
- _
+he r
n - n i - 1 missions of the cult.
They are respcmsible for gathering
many of the secrets the cult uses to
blackmail of ficials. They also
make paymen ts to corrupt guardsmen and terroirize upright citizens.
When on a mi$ssion for the cult, the
thieves dye tlheir fingers red, so
their victim vvi11 know who sent

L l l L


The B I O O ~of Vec:na

The third group of lelymen me the
fighters. These characters are the
Blood of Vecna. Most are highly
dedicated to the cau
ready to die of it if the

True AD&D 2nd Edition

Ueaths, they are assured, will hasten the coming of Vecna. When
that day comes, the faithful of his
cult will be rewarded with dominion over all the non-believers.
Like the Fingers, the Blood of
Vecna mark themselves when on
missions for the cult. In their case,
they smear red dye over their
faces, a symbol of their willingness
to die for the cult.

The Spawn of Vecna

Thc2 least ,.of_- the

- cultists are the
common lolk, those evil and corrupt citizens and peasants who
have joined in hopes of sharing in
the coming glory. Although lacking in special abilities, the adulation of these people is necessary
for Vecna to gain power. Viewed as
his helpless children, these common folk must be protected frc3m
all harm-unless Vecna orders otherwise. In many ways they are isolated and protected from the E:vi1
practices of the priesthood, sirice
is no greater crime man at---ll--L



2 .


by Chris Perry
illustrated by Susan Van Camp

he portrayals of the elven pantheon (as found in Monster

Mythology) are a valuable addition to any DMs cam-

paign. However, those looking through the pages on the

Seldarine will notice that very few of them allow for nonChaotic Good priests and that almost none are of Lesser or
lower power. Provided herein are the priests of seven lesserknown gods of the Seldarine. Four of the gods (Araleth, Kirith,
Melira, and Naralis) were detailed in the article The Elfin Gods,
while another was based on a fifth member (Tarsellis) detailed
in the article In the Frost and the Snow (both articles
appeared in DRAGON Magazine issue #155). The remaining two
gods and priesthoods (Tethrin and Rellavar) are new.
This article mentions certain deities of the FORGOTTEN REALMS
(FR) or the World of GREYHAWK (WG) settings as enemies or allies
of these elven gods, and it goes without saying that the various
members of the drow and goblinoid pantheons bear them no
less enmity. Also from GREYHAWK are the xenophobic Wastri (The
Hopping Prophet) and the abominable luz to contend with....
Note: Clerical sub-classes mentioned in this article, such as the
crusader or mystic, can be found in
the Faiths & Avatars book.

Araleth Letheranil
(The Prince of Stars,
The Twilight Rider)
Lesser Power of Arborea, CG


Light, Starlight,
of Glowing Stars
Sehahine Moonbow, Selune (FR),
(WG), Xan Yae (WG), other members of the
Lolth, Shar (FR), Tharizdun (WG)
A white shaft of light, small at the
top and largest at the bottom
Any non-Lawful Good or

Araleth is one of the Second Born, those elven gods who

came after the first War of Darkness. He is engaged in an eternal war against the powers of darkness, and is known for his
relentless pursuit of the drow when they came forth again
(indeed, one of the most commonly known stories concerns his
battle with Lolth, from which he bears a scar from her poisoned
bite). Accordingly, he is often the favorite choice of adventurers
because of his aggressive stance.
Araleth lives in the part of Arborea known as Arvandor in
the House of Glowing Stars, a dwelling beset by drifting, glowing stars. He works closely with the rest of the Seldarine as
needed, and his priests likewise work with other priesthoods in
their efforts to eliminate evil.

The Church

Clerics, specialty priests, crusaders

C: Yes, SP: Yes, Cru: Yes
C: No, SP: No, Cru: No
Araleths clergy have few holy days except for the spring
equinox, whereupon they sacrifice items of beauty within a circle illuminated by Starshine spells. They prefer to start their
prayers at dusk, just about the time that their gods presence in
the heavens can be felt.
While within the confines of the church (or on holy days),
clerics and specialty priests of Araleth wear robes of white. At
other times theyre free to wear whatever they choose (though
dark-colored cloth is frowned upon and considered a minor
transgression). Clerics make up 50% of the clergy, specialty
priests 35%, and crusaders 15%.

Specialty Priests (Twylar)


AD&D 2nd

Constitution 12
Wisdom 13
Bow, dagger, sword (short/long), and all
bludgeoning weapons
Chain, elven chain, scale, and shield
All, astral, chaos, charm, combat, guardian,
numbers, protection, sun,
Divination, healing, necroMINOR SPHERES:
1 3


Same as priests
At 1st level, Twylars can cast a light
spell 1/day. In addition, they receive a +2
on saves vs. magic that affects vision.
At 3rd level, Twylars can cast a
starshine spell 1 /day.
At 5th level, Twylars receive automatic saves against spells that cause
blindness or darkness, and can cast neutrulize poison 1/day.
At 7th level, Twylars can cast continual light 1/day, and they receive automatic saves vs. spider poison.
At 9th level, Twylars can cast a
sunray spell 1/day.
At 12th level, Twylars receive a +2
bonus against spells cast at them by
drow elves. In addition, the magic resistance of drow who are the targets of the
Twylars spells is lowered by 10% for the
purposes of determining whether their
spells get through.

Power of

Enchantment magic
Corellon Larethian
Tethrin Veralde, others
Rainbow-striped sphere
Any Good or Neutral
Magic is a very important part of elven
life, and while Corellon Larethian holds
magic to be part of his portfolio, other
elven gods lay claim to more specific
forms of magic. Kirith Sotheril is one such
deity whose portfolio concerns magic, in
this case divinations and enchantments.
She and Sehahine Moonbow are rivals of
a sort, since in many worlds Sehahine
considers herself to be the patroness of
the subtler forms of magic, but theyre far
from enemies.
Kirith dwells on the first layer of
Elysium, Amoria, within the realm of


Tethridar. Because this is also the home

of Tethrin Veralde (another elven god),
stories consistently portray them as
lovers (the truth of this is unknown).

The Church

Clerics, specialty priests,

specialist wizards
C: No, SP: No, W: No
C: No, SP: No, W: No
Kiriths priesthood are comprised of
clerics (40%), specialty priests (40%),
and specialist wizards (diviners and
enchanters make up 10% each). On holy
days they wear multi-colored robes and
give prayers and pieces of knowledge as
a form of sacrifice to their goddess. Its
interesting to note that while the high
clergy can declare a holy day in light of
special events (an omen from Kirith, the
successful completion of a powerful
magic, etc.), they also consider days of
the full moon to be holy the same
days that priests of Sehahine revere.
However, they hold their services in the

Specialty Priests (Zivorns)

Intelligence 12,
Wisdom 13
Intelligence, Wisdom
Dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sword (short),
footmans mace
All, charm, creation,
divination, elemental,
numbers, protection,
Necromantic, sun
As clerics, plus wizard
Zivorns may cast an armor or shield
spell 1/day.
Zivorns may cast detect charm
1/day for every 3 experience levels.
Zivorns receive a +2 on saving
throws vs. divination or enchantment/
charm magic of any sort.
At 3rd level, Zivorns may choose to
receive spells from the Divination or
Enchantment/Charm schools of magic.
Such spells must be prayed for as any
other spell, and they take up one space
of a standard priest spell of the same
level. Wizard spells of up to 6th level
may be accessed in this manner.


True AD&D 2nd Edition

At 5th level, Zivorns can cast call

upon faith 1/day.
At 7th level, Zivorns may cast a
Divination Enhancement spell (see Tome
of Magic) 1/day.
At 10th level, Zivorns can cast
undead ward 1/week.
At 12th level, Zivorns can cast legend lore or steal enchantment 1/day.
At 14th level, Zivorns may cast
either a prismatic spray or prismatic sphere

Patron of
Bards and
Lesser Power
of Arborea,



Half-elven bards, elven

minstrels, songwriting
Hanali Celanil
Hanali Celanil, Milil
(FR), Oghma (FR),
Olidammara (WG)
A golden lute on a
blue background


Melira Taralen is a lesser goddess

who, like many of her followers, has a
patron (in this case, Corellon). It is said
that her mother Hanali Celanil sent her
to Corellon to serve as an apprentice,
foundly with her skills that he set a place
in the stars for her. Melira is most often
Evergold, singing and playing while her
mother relaxes. If she has any rivals, it is
the Faerunian god Milil, whom she feels
may be poaching in her territory. Still,
theirs is a friendly rivalry, and he someduets with her. She also enjoys
Olidammaras exploits, though hes
often too roguish for her taste.
Meliras faithful tend to be musicallyinclined and appreciative of music. Not
only are musicians favored by her, but
also those who act as patrons, and
those who treat their musicians well are


said sometimes to receive a boon from

the goddess.

The Church

Specialty priests, bards,

minstrels, mystics
SP: No, B: No, M: No,
Mys: No
SP: No, B: No, M: No,
Mys: No
Meliras clergy doesnt include normal clerics, shes only interested in having those with proven musical talent
within her church. Not that she dislikes
those with no talent in fact, one of the
goals of her priests are to help train others in singing, strumming, and songwriting. Such efforts warm her heart.
The majority of her clergy are specialty priests (70%), the rest being a mix
of half-elven bards, elven minstrels, and
other sorts. She has few temples solely
dedicated to her, instead preferring
shrines placed in guildhalls as well as
those within temples of Hanali Celanil.
They have no set holy days, instead
declaring a holy day just before the
advent of a festival. On such days theyll
wear robes of bright blue, and they celebrate by singing, reciting poems, and
dancing. They have few duties aside
from perfecting their (and others) musical skills.

Specialty priests (Brystars)

Dexterity 13,
Intelligence 12,
Wisdom 13
Dexterity, Wisdom
Bow (short), dagger,
short sword, all bludgeoning weapons
Leather or elven chain
All, chaos, charm,
healing, protection,
summoning, sun
Divination, plant, wards
As cleric and bard
Artistic ability (poetry
or songwriting)
Musical instrument or
singing (pick one)
Though noted as being unable to
turn undead in the conventional sense,
Brystars are able to play or sing a song
of turning. This is equal to the standard
turning ability, except that a musical
instrument is required and it may be
attempted 3/day, no more.

Brystars are able to sing a song of

sleep (as the 1st level wizard spell) 1/day.
In addition, they receive a +2 on saving
throws vs. sound-based attacks.
At 3rd level, Brystars can sing a
countersong (like a bard) which nullifies
the attacks of harpies and the like,
3/day. In addition, they may cast a
sound bubble (see Complete Bards
Handbook) 1/day.
At 5th level, Brystars are able to
sing a song of holding 1/day. The priest
must decide whether it is to work only
1-4 human/ humanoid beings (as per
hold person spell), or upon a single monster (as per hold monster spell).
At 7th level, Brystars are able to
sing a song of sending or suggestion,
1/day. No musical instrument is required,
only a vocal component, though the former is a welcome addition.
At 10th level, Alynars can cast a
wall of sound (see Complete Bard's
Handbook) 1/day.
At 12th level, Brystars may sing a Song
of mass charm or mass suggestion 1/day.
At 16th level, Brystars may sing a
song of binding, 1/month. This is usually
used only to restrain some rampaging
extraplanar being, or as a threat to
make it leave.

of Souls)
Power of
Elysium, NG
Healing, the Easing of
Pain, Death
Amoria/The Healing
Sehahine Moonbow
Sehahine Moonbow,
Labelas Enoreth, Ilmater
(FR), Kelemvor (FR)
Loviatar (FR), Nerull
(WC), Null (Draconic)
A white dove-shield
Any Good or Neutral
Naralis is an elven god whose primary
interest is not just the safeguarding of
elven souls after they depart, but also healing of the living. As Sehahine guides the


True AD&D 2nd Edition

souls to their time of leaving, he serves

Sehahine in making sure they reach their
proper destination. He is one of the few
death gods who isnt malevolent or uncaring, and hes very popular in those worlds
where his worship is practiced. Like Tethrin
and Kirith, Naralis resides on the first layer
of Elysium, but he has his own realm,
called The Healing Glade, where he conducts his godly duties.
Naraliss worshippers are those who
are concerned with keeping their fellow
elves healthy, and in caring for those
who are going to die. Some adventurers
give their respect to Naris in the hope
hell be able to turn the next potential
deathblow away from them.

The Church

Clerics, specialty priests

C: Yes, SP: Yes
C: Yes, SP: Yes
Nariss clergy is comprised of clerics
(60%) and specialty priests (40%), and
they work together harmoniously. During
times of the new moon they wear white
cowls and gray-and-white robes. During
services, they give prayers and crafted
items to Naris, and when a funeral is
being carried out they will leave such
items with the body of the deceased, be it
in a vault or in a grave. (Its said that the
elven tradition of planting a tree over the
body of a dead elf was started by his clergy as a means of continuing the life
process, but others arent so sure). Other
than handling death ceremonies, the
duties of Nariss priests are to tend to the
sick and the dying.

Specialty Priests (Heralars)

Constitution 12,
Wisdom 14
Constitution, Wisdom
Flail (foot or horse),
dagger, knife, sword
Chain, leather, plate,
or scale plus shield
All, creation, divination,
necromantic, protection, sun, time, wards
Charm, law
Same as clerics
Ancient history or
Heralars are able to turn undead as
if they were 2 levels higher, and can cast
an invisibility to undead spell 1/day.



Heralars can remove the pain from

a suffering being 2/day, and the recipient
must make a saving throw. If it is failed,
the pain is gone for only 2-7 hours, but if
the save is successful then it is banished
for 1 day/level of the priest. This touch
can be used to nullify the effects of certain spells (such as symbols of pain).
Spells of healing cast by Heralars
are enhanced to where they will not
heal less than half of that which is possible by the spell. A cure light wounds, for
example, will not heal less than 4 points
of damage.
At 3rd level, Heralars may cast a
slow poison spell 1/day.
At 5th level, Heralars can cast cure
disease or accelerate healing 1/day.
At 7th level, Heralars cast draw upon
holy might or cure critical wounds 1/day.
At 10th level, Heralars can cast a
heal spell 1/week.
At 12th level, Heralars are protected by a
permanent negative plane protection spell.
At 16th level, Heralars can cast a
spirit of power spell 1/month.

(Patron of
Snow Elves,
Lord of
Power of
Ysgard, CN
snow elves, wilderness
Ysgard/The Wild Hunt
Fenmarel Mestarine,
Fharlanghn (WG), Ulaa
Snowcapped mountain
Any non-Lawful Good
or Neutral
Tarsellis is the patron god of those
known as snow elves, who mainly
inhabit the Crystalmist mountains of
Oerth. (Rumor has it that snow elves
also exist on the far reaches of the Spine
of the World or even the High Ice portion of Anauroch in Faern, though this
is unproven.) Though he visits the other
members of the Seldarine on Arborea,


he prefers to wander the realms of

Ysgard (word has it that he dallies in the
realms of Vanaheim and Elfheim when
he isnt home in The Wild Ride). Tarsellis
is a hearty warrior and a capable hunter,
so its a surprise that he and Solonar
Thelandira arent friends. The truth is
that they once were but that they had
an argument over another deity. In
some tales Hanali is depicted as the
goddess responsible, but older tales indicate that it was Lolth who (before The
War of Darkness, when she wasnt yet
wholly evil) caused the rift between
them. It should also be said that Tarsellis
is a rival of sorts with Rillifane Rallathil,
since Tarsellis also claims to have control of those forests which grow among
the mountain ranges. Tarselliss followers are almost wholly snow elves,
though others sometimes give tribute to
him as Lord of the Mountains.


Clerics, specialty priests,

rangers, shamans



C: Yes, SP: No, Sha: No

C: No, SP: No, Sha: No
Tarselliss clergy is generally split up
into localized groups. Shamans make up
a bare majority of his priesthood (55%),
though clerics, specialty priests, and
rangers hold more power in the civilized
regions. The raiment of the priesthood
differ, but generally consist of white
robes and furred cloak and boots (holy
symbols are made of bone or ivory).
Temples are few, and the priests primary
duty is to watch over their fellow snow
elves and to erect shrines near mountain
passes and mountain tops.

Specialty Priests (Peakwardens)





Strength 12, Wisdom 12

Strength, Wisdom

Club, dagger, knife,

spear, and all bludgeoning weapons
Leather, hide, or dragonscale plus shield
All, animal, chaos,
(earth/water), guardian,
travelers, Weather
Creation, divination,
elemental (air/fire),
Same as cleric
Spear, survival (arctic)


True AD&D 2nd Edition

Peakwardens receive a +2 bonus to

hit with spears, whether thrown or held.
In addition, they use the fighter THAC0
table when using spears in combat.
Peakwardens suffer -1/hit die less
damage from natural phenomena,
whether its from an earthquake, falling
down a cliff, or flames from a forest fire.
Peakwardens can cast detect snares
and pits or pass without trace 1/day.
At 3rd level, peakwardens can cast
aura of comfort or lighten load 1/day.
At 5th level, peakwardens can cast
hallucinatory forest of distance distortion
At 8th level, peakwardens can cast
Weather Stasis 1/day.
At 12th level, peakwardens can
cast find the path 1/day, and in addition
can cast a stone walk spell 1/month (as
per the Banite spell found in Faiths &
Avatars, page 42).

(The Frost
Sprite King,
Lesser Power
of the

Frost Sprites, Protection

from the Elements (particularly the cold)
Karasuthra/the Ice Plain
Tarsellis Meunniduin,
Tethrin Veralde, Erevan
Auril (FR), Surtr (frost
giant god)
A silver spear with a
white circle to either
side of the shaft
Rellavar Danuvien is another god of
the snow elves, acting as a ward against
the severe cold. He used to serve
Tarsellis a long time ago, but his continuing friendship with Solonar strained
theirs a bit. Now hes an independent
god, though he can count on help from
both against the machinations of Auril
and Surtr (both beings whose power is
based on ice and cold). Hes good


friends with Erevan Ilesere, who is himself a patron of faerie folk (though of the
larger community of faeries and sprites).
Rellavars priests seek to mitigate the
effects of the elements on the elvenfolk,
particularly cold. Theyre also important
in keeping those elves found in the arctic
in arms, enchanting ice so that it has the
strength of steel. Someday, his following
among the snow and ice elves may
eclipse that of his former benefactor.

The Church

Clerics, specialty priests

C: No, SP: No
C: No, SP: No
Rellavars clergy consists of clerics
and specialty priests, and though evenly
proportioned it may change in favor of
the specialty priests in the next decade
or so. They have the support of several
orders of rangers, as well as a rare order
of elven wyrmslayers (a form of paladin,
or so its been rumored).
Rellavars clergy prefer to dress in
blue and white, though furs arent used
as much in their raiment as Tarselliss
priests. They hold holy days whenever a
dangerous undertaking is about to
begin, when enemies beset the settlements of their people, or a particularly
bad blizzard is underway. Usually the
offerings are of hardened, sculpted ice
or bone, though very important ceremonies call for sacrificing valuable
objects made of other materials.

Specialty Priests (Frostwardens)

Constitution 13,
Wisdom 13
Axe (battle/hand) club,
dagger, knife, spear,
sword (long)
Fur, hide, leather, elven
chain, or dragonscale
(plus shield)
All, animal, charm,
guardian, healing, protection, wards, weather
Elemental, necromantic
Same as cleric
Req. PROFS.:
Spear, fire building
Weather sense
Frostwardens are immune to natural cold, and receive a +3 on saving
throws vs. all cold-based attacks.
Frostwardens may cast resist cold or
resist fire upon themselves or another
person, 1/day.

At 3rd level, frostwardens may cast

an aid or call upon faith spell 1/day.
At 5th level, frostwardens may cast
protection from fire or protection from lightning, 1/day.
At 7th level, frostwardens may use
a variation of the call wood/and beings
spell which will summon 2-5 frost
sprites instead, 1/day (80% chance of
success). In addition, frostwardens resistance to cold develops to where they
suffer either half or no damage from
cold-based attacks, depending upon
whether they save or not.
At 9th level, frostwardens may cast
icesteel (a variant of the glassteel spell)
once per week. This is useful in creating
durable bladed weapons, such as long
swords, out of ice.
At 12th level, frostwardens gain the
ability to turn cold-based creatures,
much as other clerics turn undead. The
priest can turn back no more than twice
their experience level in Hit Dice, though
up to 5 other priests may join in and add
their levels to the principal priest for the
purpose of determining how many hit
dice worth are affected.

One, The
Master of

The Church





Clerics, specialty priests,

bladesingers, fighters
C: Yes, SP: Yes, Bld: No,
F: No
C: No, SP: No, Bld: No,
F: No
Tethrins clergy is comprised of clerics
(30%) specialty priests (30%), bladesingers (20%), and fighters (20%). They
stress the value of swordsmanship as
well as the mixing of swords and magic,
among other things. Tethryns holy days
are in fact held on the same day as
Sehahine and Corellons, whereupon
they give thanks for the blessed union
which brought forth Tethrin. Also, once
each month a special day is held in
which they show off their fighting skills
and attempt to bring in new converts.
Known as Tethrins Match, it usually
brings a healthy amount of attention,
and they generally succeed in their
efforts. Already there are several orders
of bladesingers and warriors guilds who
are dedicated to him. As for what the
clergy wear during holy days, they genTHE CLERGY:

of Elysium,

Tethrin the Shining One is the patron

god of bladesingers and swordsmen,
and is apparently the son of both
Corellon and Sehahine, though only
recently has he begun to develop a following among the elves. An adventurous, strident god, he believes in the
power of elven blades and magic to win
the day, and likewise encourages his followers to use such to protect and further
the elven cause. Tethrin has few enemies
save Lolth (who would like to deal a personal blow to Corellon and Sehahine by
slaying him) and the Faernian drow
demipower Selvetarm (he may have
been sent by Lolth to kill Tethrin, though
it Ofailed). On Oerth, he gained the ire of
Hextor by helping Heironeous settle
some matters there, and so he must
watch out for him. Still, if he were slain,
Corellon would reinstate him, so his worries are somewhat alleviated.
Although Tethrin spends much of his
time on Arborea, he shares the realms
of Tethridar on the first layer of Elysium
with the goddess Kirith Sotheril, his lover
and confidant. Its a small but pleasant
place, complete with a large copse of
trees as well as a fruit orchard. There,
amid the trees and open field, followers
of his who have died continually practice and hone their skills.

Bladesingers, swordsmanship
Corellon Larethian
Sehahine Moonbow,
Solonar Thelandira
Selvetarm (FR), Lolth,
Hextor (WG)
A long and a short
sword lying parallel to
each other on a disk,
their blade tips angled
toward the upper left;
a quarter moon lies
above the swords,
while a full moon lies
Any Good or Neutral


True AD&D 2nd Edition

Continued on page 25


Whenever a malfunction occurs, all

players should be confounded and kept
in the dark as to the reasons behind a
malfunction regardless of whether the
effects were good or bad. While the
mighty elemental powers may boast
when they provide their champion with
a beneficial effect, they never admit to
any weakness on their behalf when a
harmful malfunction occurs. Instead the
elemental powers remain silent or
blame the para-elemental powers from
interfering if questioned by the cleric.
DMs can work summoning malfunctions into future adventures by having
curious PCs investigate why their spell
malfunctioned or punish those believed
responsible for the spell malfunction.
The purpose of this article is to add
an exotic element of random surprise to
the otherwise simple act of elemental
summoning on Athas in much the same
way that wild magic does in other campaigns. Nothing existing in the DARK SUN
setting can truly be called predictable or
reliable and now the same can be said
of elemental summoning on Athas.
With these tables, those who would
summon elementals are a force to be
feared if not dreaded precisely because
of these dramatic random effects. Few
foes would stay to fight should a deadly
acid storm suddenly rain down upon
them. Even the cleric's own companions
might flee if they watch their friend
inexplicably transform into a terrifying,
15 elemental avatar.
These malfunctioning tables need
not be limited solely to Athasian campaigns. DMs running other campaigns
can easily add these malfunction tables
to their games for those characters who
summon elementals either by spell or
magic item. Either way, DMs now get
the chance to bewilder and amaze their
players as they bear witness to elemental summoning gone wild!

Continued from page


erally stick to blue and silver robes,

though theyre favored for use in everyday situations as well.

Specialty Priests (Tethryls)

Strength 12, Dexterity

13, Wisdom 13
Strength, Wisdom
All, astral, combat, divMAJOR SPHERES:
necromantic, protection, sun, war
time, wards
Same as clerics
Sword (any), spellcraft
Two-weapon style
Tethryls may choose any particular type of sword as the focus of their
training. When using this weapon, they
attack with a +1 to hit and damage*.
Also, any priests who have the weaponsmithing proficiency receive a +2 bonus
on proficiency checks when forging
swords or other long, bladed weapons.
Tethryls may cast a swordbless spell
1/day upon any weapon they touch.
This is similar to the standard bless spell,
except that it also makes it so that the

weapon can affect those normally

affected only by silver or +1 magical
At 3rd level, tethryls may cast a
flameblade spell, 1/day.
At 5th level, tethryls may cast miscast magic 1/day.
At 7th level, tethryls may cast a
cloak of bravery spell 1 /day.
At 10th level, tethryls may cast a
dragonbane spell 1/week.
At 14th level, tethryls may cast a
variant form of Tensers transformation
that allows them to use any weapon
theyre proficient with as their means of
attack. This may be done 1/week
* Note: Those using the Skills &
Powers optional rules may choose to let
tethryns specialize with a single type of
sword. If so, the bonuses listed for 1. are
nullified and the standard bonuses for
specialization apply, including multiple

Chris Perry likes to think its his character

that endears him to his friends and classmates, but really its the fact that he wears
clean shorts every day. That and his 14 cats.

Ed Bonny is a great fan of the DARK SUN

and PLANESCAPE settings, as evidenced by his
recent articles in the DRAGON Magazine
Annual #1 and issue #235, in which he
presents PLAYERS OPTION: Skills & Powers
rules for use in those campaigns. Between
writing game articles, Ed patrols the subways as one of New Yorks finest.


True AD&D 2nd Edition



True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition


True AD&D 2nd Edition

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