Typical Wiring Diagram: 053-060 Issue 1 Deep Sea Electronics
Typical Wiring Diagram: 053-060 Issue 1 Deep Sea Electronics
Typical Wiring Diagram: 053-060 Issue 1 Deep Sea Electronics
To enter the configuration mode press both the INFO and STOP buttons together.
The first * is flashing. Press + or buttons to adjust it to the correct value for the first digit of
the PIN number.
Press when the first digit is correctly entered.
The entered digit will turn back to a * to maintain security.
Enter the remaining digits of the pin number using the same method.
If the Configuration PIN has been entered successfully (or the PIN number has not been set in the module) the first
configurable parameter is displayed.
NOTE:- When is pressed after editing the final PIN digit, the PIN is checked for validity. If the number is not
correct, the editor is automatically exited. To retry you must re-enter the editor as described above .
Enter the editor as described above.
NOTE: - Values representing pressure will be displayed in Bar. Values representing temperature are displayed in
degrees Celsius.
NOTE: - When the editor is visible, it is exited after 5 minutes of inactivity to ensure security.
NOTE:- To exit the front panel configuration editor at any time, press and hold the () button. Ensure you
have saved any changes you have made by pressing the button first.
NOTE:- The PIN number is automatically reset when the editor is exited (manually or automatically) to ensure
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ADJUSTABLE PARAMETERS (Configuration editor) ront Panel Configuration Editor
(Factory default settings are shown in bold italicised text) (Factory default settings are shown in bold italicised text)
Section Parameter as shown on display Values Section Parameter as shown on display Values
PIN Pin Entry MAINS Voltage Low Trip 50V 360V (184V)
#### Voltage High Trip 50V 360V (276V)
DISPLAY Contrast 0% - 100% (53%) Frequency Low Trip 0Hz - 75Hz (45Hz)
Language English - Others Frequency High Trip 0Hz - 75Hz (55Hz)
LCD Page Timer hh:mm:ss (5m) Mains Transient Delay 0 - 30s (2s)
Return Delay 0 - 1hr (30s)
Auto Scroll Delay 1s - 1hr (2s) Mains Transfer Time 0 - 10m (0.7s)
ALT CONFIG Default Config Default Config TIMERS LCD Page Timer hh:mm:ss (5m)
ENGINE Oil Pressure Low Shutdown 0bar - 9.97bar (1.03bar) Auto Scroll Delay 1s - 1hr (2s)
Coolant Temperature High Shutdown 2C - 140C (95C) Pre Heat Timer 0 - 5m (0s)
Start Delay Timer 0 - 10hr (5s) Crank Duration Timer 0 - 1m (10s)
Pre Heat Timer 0 - 5m (0s) Crank Rest Timer 0 - 1m (10s)
Safety On Delay 0 - 1m (10s)
Crank Duration Timer 0 - 1m (10s) Smoke Limiting 0 - 15m (0s)
Crank Rest Timer 0 - 1m (10s) Smoke Limiting Off 0 - 1m (0s)
Safety On Delay 0 - 1m (10s) Warm Up Timer 0 -1hr (0s)
Smoke Limiting 0 - 15m (0s) Cool Down Timer 0 - 1hr (1m)
Smoke Limiting Off 0 - 1m (0s) Fail To Stop Delay 0 - 2m (30s)
Warm Up Timer 0 -1hr (0s) Battery voltage Low Warning Delay 0 - 24hr (1m)
Cool Down Timer 0 - 1hr (1m) Battery Voltage High Warning Delay 0V - 24hr (1m)
Speed Low Shutdown Active, Inactive Return Delay 0 - 5hr (30s)
Generator Transient Delay 0.1s - 2m (30s)
Speed Low Shutdown 0RPM - 6000RPM (1270RPM) Mains Transient Delay 0 - 30s (2s)
Speed High Shutdown 0RPM - 6000RPM (1740RPM) Mains Transfer Time 0 - 10m (0.7s)
Speed Overshoot Delay 0-10s (2s)
Speed Overshoot 0% - 10% (0s)
Fail To Stop Delay 0 - 2m (30s)
Battery Voltage Low Warning DIMENSIONS AND MOUNTING
Active, Inactive
Battery Low Voltage 0V 40V (10V)
Battery voltage Low Warning Delay 0 - 24hr (1m) DIMENSIONS
Battery Voltage High Warning Active, Inactive 216mm x 158mm x 42mm
(8.5 x 6.2 x 1.6)
Battery Voltage High Warning Delay 0V - 24hr (1m)
Battery Voltage High Warning 0V 40V (30V) PANEL CUTOUT
Charge Alternator Failure Warning Active, Inactive 182mm x 137mm
Charge Alternator Failure Warning 0V 39V (6V) (7.2 x 5.4)
Charge Alternator Failure Warning Delay 0 - 24hr (5s) 1.1.1 WEIGHT
Charge Alternator Failure Shutdown Active, Inactive 510g (0.51kg)
Charge Alternator Failure Shutdown 0V 5.9V (4.0V)
Charge Alternator Failure Shutdown Delay 0 - 24hr (5s) 1.1.2 FIXING CLIPS
GENERATOR Voltage Low Shutdown 50V 360V (184V) The module is held into the panel fascia using the supplied fixing clips.
Voltage Nominal 50V 276V (230V) Withdraw the fixing clip screw (turn anticlockwise) until only the pointed end is protruding from the clip.
Insert the three prongs of the fixing clip into the slots in the side of the 6000 series module case.
Voltage High Shutdown 231V 360V (277V)
Pull the fixing clip backwards (towards the back of the module) ensuring all three prongs of the clip are
Frequency Low Shutdown 0Hz - 75Hz (43Hz) inside their allotted slots.
Frequency Nominal 0Hz - 75Hz (50Hz) Turn the fixing clip screws clockwise until they make contact with the panel fascia.
Frequency High Shutdown 0Hz - 75Hz (58Hz) Turn the screws a little more to secure the module into the panel fascia. Care should be taken not to over
Full Load Rating 5A 6000A (500A) tighten the fixing clip screws.
Delayed Over Current Active, Inactive
Delayed Over Current 50% - 120% (100%)
AC System Single Phase, 2 Wire NOTE:- In conditions of excessive vibration, mount the panel on suitable
3 Phase, 4 Wire anti-vibration mountings.
2 Phase, 3 Wire (L1 & L3)
3 Phase, 4 Wire (Delta)
2 Phase, 3 Wire (L1 & L2)
3 Phase, 3 Wire
CT Primary 5A - 6000A (600A)
Generator Transient Delay 0 - 10m (0.7s)