FIN306 Tutorial 1: (Lecture 1 and Reading 1)
FIN306 Tutorial 1: (Lecture 1 and Reading 1)
FIN306 Tutorial 1: (Lecture 1 and Reading 1)
Q1. Outline the key functions performed by a corporate treasury operation. To what extent are
these functions common to most corporate organizations?
Q2. Outline the arguments for and against the centralization of a corporate treasury operation.
Q3. Explain how the performance of a treasury can be benchmarked. Distinguish between a
corporate treasury designated as a profit centre and a treasury designated as a cost centre.
Q4. What are the key factors that should be determined in establishing a treasury management
policy for an organization? What dangers could arise if such a policy is not clearly established?
Q5. Why is it important to have control systems within a treasury division? Why are managerial
controls over option and forward trading departments vital to proper risk control?