On The Geometric Accuracy of Reprap Open-Source Three-Dimensional Printer
On The Geometric Accuracy of Reprap Open-Source Three-Dimensional Printer
On The Geometric Accuracy of Reprap Open-Source Three-Dimensional Printer
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Naples Federico II,
P.le Tecchio, 80,
Naples 80125, Italy
e-mail: antonio.lanzotti@unina.it
On the Geometric Accuracy
Domenico Maria Del Giudice
Department of Industrial Engineering,
of RepRap Open-Source Three-
University of Naples Federico II,
P.le Tecchio, 80,
Naples 80125, Italy
Dimensional Printer
e-mail: domenicomaria.delgiudice@unina.it In the field of additive manufacturing (AM) processes, there is a significant lack of scien-
tific data on the performance of open-source 3D printers in relation to process parameter
Antonio Lepore values. The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the main process parameters
Fraunhofer JL IDEAS-CREAMI, on the accuracy of a set of typical geometric features, as obtained with an open-source
Department of Industrial Engineering, 3D printer, the RepRap Prusa-Mendel I2. For this purpose, a benchmarking part was set
University of Naples Federico II, up, composed of elementary shapes, representing a series of different geometric features.
P.le Tecchio, 80, By means of a DoE approach, it was possible to assess the effects of two process
Naples 80125, Italy parameterslayer thickness (Lt) and flow rate (Fr)on five geometric features: cube,
e-mail: antonio.lepore@unina.it sphere, cylinder, cone, and angled surface. A high resolution Laser Scanner was used to
evaluate the variation between the acquired geometric feature and the corresponding 3D
Gabriele Staiano computer-aided design (CAD) nominal model. On the basis of experimental results, it
Fraunhofer JL IDEAS-CREAMI, was possible to analyze and discuss the main effects of the above-mentioned process pa-
Department of Industrial Engineering, rameters on each geometric feature. These results can help RepRap users in the correct
University of Naples Federico II, selection of process parameters with the aim of improving the quality of prototypes.
P.le Tecchio, 80, [DOI: 10.1115/1.4031298]
Naples 80125, Italy
e-mail: gabriele.staiano@unina.it Keywords: open-source 3D Printers, geometric features, process parameters, laser
Massimo Martorelli1
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Naples Federico II,
P.le Tecchio, 80,
Naples 80125, Italy
e-mail: massimo.martorelli@unina.it
Table 4 32 Full factorial design 2.3 Laser Scanner Acquisition. A high-resolution Laser
Scanner (D700 Scanner3Shape, Denmark) was used to get
Treatment Lt Fr the point clouds of each geometric feature (Fig. 3). The accu-
racy of this noncontact reverse engineering (RE) system is
1 1 1 620 lm.
2 1 0 On the basis of a strict protocol, all printed parts were acquired
3 1 1 by the same operator.
4 0 1
5 0 0
Using the iterative closest point algorithm [27,28] of Geo-
Fig. 3 Benchmarking part RE acquisition by D700 Laser Scanner Fig. 4 Tensile test
Fig. 4 Common subset of scan data extracted for each geometric feature
worth noting that by decreasing n (even to the 25% of the initial population without making any assumption on the underlying sta-
points) further investigations on the variability of the RMSE have tistical distribution.
not shown a significant decrease for the RMSE nor a computa- Figure 6 shows the box-plots of the RMSE grouped by geomet-
tional time saving. ric feature in order to compare their (empirical) accuracy distribu-
tions over the different treatments (Table 5).
3 Results The RMSE distributions of the cylinder and the cone show very
different mean and dispersion values with respect to the others. The
The accuracy of the manufactured part defined in Eq. (1) is RMSE distributions of the sphere, the angled surface, and the cube
assumed as response. As an example for the first replicate, Fig. 5 appear similar, although the sphere obtains the lowest values.
shows the 3D colored map of the measured deviations di s. The These graphical results are also analytically investigated by sta-
measure variability (shown in Fig. 5) also takes into account the tistical T-Test (one-tail), having checked the normality assump-
expected roughness for a fused deposition modeling process that tion of those distributions. In particular, the following crucial
depends on the surface orientation [29]. comparisons were considered:
Moreover, for each geometric feature, experimental data and
response are collected in Table 5. (1) sphere versus angled surface
(2) angled surface versus cube
3.1 Box-Plots and T-Test. Box-plots are a convenient graph- (3) cube versus cylinder
ical way to display variation in samples having a statistical (4) cylinder versus cone
Lt 2 0.00110 0.00 0.00127 0.00 0.00047 0.44 0.00147 0.00 0.00282 0.00
Fr 2 0.00014 0.15 0.00010 0.14 0.00216 0.04 0.00014 0.23 0.00047 0.04
Lt Fr 4 0.00010 0.55 0.00008 0.48 0.00018 0.95 0.00010 0.68 0.00071 0.05
Error 18 0.00060 0.00040 0.00487 0.00080 0.00107
Total 26 0.00194 0.00185 0.00767 0.00252 0.00507
Fig. 8 Main (Lt) and interaction (Lt 3 Fr) effects for the cone
Table 7 Average and S/N across all the geometric features of the mean RMSE
minimizes the variability transmitted from the different geometric Lt and its interaction with Fr results significant at a level a smaller
features. The treatment 3 is therefore the more robust combination than 0.04. Therefore, it can be stated that the variation of the
maximizing the accuracy of the manufactured test part. The treat- RMSE average across the five geometric features is most influ-
ment 5 is the second choice (in terms of S/N). enced by the Lt factor.
Table 8 shows the results of the ANOVA test for the two Lt and The main effects plot for the RMSE average across all the geo-
Fr factors with the assumption of the Lt Fr additive interaction. metric features (Fig. 9) and the interaction plot (Fig. 10) provide
5 Concluding Remarks
The ISO and the ASTM Technical Committees are working on
the development of International Standards for AM to be adopted
worldwide. However, standard methods for the assessment of the
accuracy of the AM systems have not been defined yet. The
Fig. 9 Main effects plot for RMSE average across all the geo- benchmarking part used in this paper can be suitably fabricated by
metric features
different AM processes, to assess the accuracy and repeatability
of the system.
In this paper, the benchmarking part was used to analyze the
impact of the Lt and the Fr process parameters on the accuracy of
the production of five typical geometric features in an open-
source 3D printer.
Even if some limits of the present investigation are being dis-
cussed here, the results obtained clearly show that the Lt is a sig-
nificant parameter in four out of five of the considered geometric
features with respect to the accuracy of the manufactured parts.
The Fr results a significant parameter in two out of five of them.
The best results (except for the cone) for all the considered geo-
metric features are achieved at the lower (0.10 mm) and the higher
(110%) levels of the Lt and the Fr, respectively. Therefore, the
common recommendation to set Lt and Fr at 0.10 mm and 110%,
respectively, can be given when conic surfaces are not predomi-
nant. Otherwise, the interaction effect analysis suggests to set Lt
and Fr at 0.15 mm and 105%.
Fig. 10 Interaction plot of the RMSE average across all the Conversely, the higher level of the Lt (0.20 mm) and the lower
geometric features level of the Fr (100%) produce significant loss in accuracy for all
the expected optimal (more robust) combination by setting Lt at the considered geometric features (except for the cone). However,
level 1 (0.10 mm) and Fr at level 1 (110%). if the interactions of different geometric features are considered,
some potential nonlinear effects of process parameters cannot be
excluded (e.g., the interaction effect is significant for the cone).
4 Discussion The results discussed in this paper provide the AM community
The present study deals with the effects of two process parame- with additional scientific data useful to investigate the process
ters on the accuracy of geometric features manufactured using an parameter impact on the quality of parts obtained through a Rep-
open-source 3D printer. Starting from the results collected in the Rap 3D printer. Being quality a critical factor for a successful
experimental phase, it can be stated that: industrial application of the AM processes, future work should be
carried out to understand the effects of process parameter on mul-
Sphere, angled surface, cube, and cone are significantly tifeature parts which can meet any geometric tolerance specifica-
affected by changes in Lt. The level 0 (0.15 mm) maximizes the tions and to validate predictive models useful to anticipate the
accuracy of the angled surface, whereas the level 1 (0.10 mm) expected accuracy of parts which may be obtained through new
is the best choice for the other ones. This results in accordance generations of 3D printer.
with the rule of thumb which empirically suggests the opti-
mal set of the Lt at one-fourth of the nozzle (in this test the di-
ameter is 0.35 mm). The choice of level 1 for the angled Acknowledgment
surface is acceptable being the accuracy decrease negligible This work was supported by the POR FSE 2007/13 Project enti-
when compared to the optimal level 0. tled WISCH, Work Into Shaping Campanias Home.