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Acta Technica Napocensis: Wax Pattern Defects

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Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Vol. 55, Issue I, 2012


Adrian COMAN, Sever-Adrian RADU, Petru BERCE


It is common knowledge that the investment casting process or “lost wax process” starts with a wax pattern. It is
created by injecting wax into a mould cavity, where the pattern is an exact copy of the cast part with strict dimensional
tolerances. It also has to allow for shrinkage of the material to be cast. This pattern is then dipped into a silica slurry
bath. For a good surface finish, finer slurry and zircon sand is often used. The shell is then heated to dewax the mould,
followed by firing and preheating before the molten metal is poured into the dewaxed cavity. A good understanding of
the wax injection process is essential for good quality parts to be created.

Keywords : investment casting, modeling methodology, cost reduction, concurrent engineering.

1.INTRODUCTION technical literature is limited to experimental,

phenomenological studies aiment at obtaining
The investment casting (lost wax) process has empirical correlations for quick and easy
start his commercial life during the WW II application in industry.[2] Pattern development
(November 1943) to consistently manufacture is the main bottleneck. The pattern die is often
precision engineered components. reworked several times to produce casting
Nowadays, investment casters need to stay on whose dimensions are whit in acceptable
the cutting edge of new technologies to remain tolerances.
competitive in the marketplace.    Improvements in industrial dimensional
Investment casting wax materials are blend of practices are hindered by:
numerous complex compounds [1]. Each a) The complexity of physical
compound has been included to influence the phenomenon that determine casting
final properties of the wax in some way. dimensions.
b) The lack of thermo-physical property
2.TECHNICAL CAUSES OF DEFECTS data for the wax, shell and alloy.
c) The lack of well-established validated
Trapped air, shrinkage, weld lines, and flow thermo-mechanical models that describe
lies contribute to the majority of investment the deformation of the wax shell, and
casting defects and rejections having high cost alloy.
implications. The placement and design of
gates and feeders are a critical step in 2. INJECTION MOULDING DEFECTS
controlling the last areas to fill and reducing
part defects. The injection moulding stage of the lost wax
To date investment casting technology has been investment casting process is a crucial stage in
based on hands-on training and experience determining the final dimensions of the cast

metallic component. At this stage, molten (or
semi-solid) wax is injected into a relatively
cool die cavity and held under pressure as it
solidifies (Fig. 1).

Fig.2 Wax pattern part.

At the wax pattern production stage, (figure 2)

a chosen optimum manufacturing procedure
might therefore contain inherent limitations.
Wax patterns produced might still contain
certain defects, whether by deliberate design
(i.e. the same known type of defect in the same
position), or accidentally (random defects
Fig.1 Injection wax cycle[3] occurring in different positions) All of the
surface defects must be addressed and removed
During this stage,[3] the principal factors that prior to casting, as otherwise similar
contribute to the appearance of defects are: manifestations of the defects may appear on the
1. As the wax enters the die, the speed of the surface of the cast metallic components.
flow front relative to the die surface is too fast (figure3).
leading to air bubble entrapment.
2. The speed of the flow front relative to the die
is too slow leading to the appearance of flow
3. Two or more cooling fronts meet within the
die leading to the appearance of flow or weld
4. The flow front stops and then starts again
leads to the appearance of a mis-run.
5. As the wax cools within the die, sink marks
may occur at areas of thick cross section,where
the wax cooling rate may be slower.
6. As the wax cools, density changes can cause
the material to contract causing undesirable
variations in the wax pattern dimensions.
7. Unsuitable injection parameters which affect
the wax properties e.g. high wax viscosity,
and/or wax shrinkage can lead to breakage of
the ceramic core held within the die. Fig. 3 Scrap wax piece
8. The wax is held under pressure in the die.


Injection Wax Trouble Guide [4] Tab.1

Problem Remedies

Wax Pattern Sticky-Pattern • Reduce Wax Temperature

Distortion • Increase Pattern Dwell Time

• Reduce Wax Temperature

• Clean Mold Vents, Increase Size & Quantity of Vents
Pattern Flashing/Fins Mild • Reduce Air Pressure
Overfills • Hold Mold Firmly/Keep Locks Aligned
• Allow Mold to Cool

Excessive Pattern Shrinkage • Reduce Wax Temperature

• Use a Low Shrink/Low Sink Wax
• Use Warmer Mold
• Increase Pattern Dwell Time
• Increase Air Pressure
• Increase Sprue Size

Sink Area on Large or Heavy • Reduce Wax Temperature

Patterns • Use a Low Shrink/Low Sink Wax
• Increase Pattern Dwell Time
• Increase Air Pressure
• Increase Sprue Size

Air Bubbles in Pattern • Reduce Wax Temperature

• Increase Wax Temperature
• Reduce Air Pressure
• Make Sure Wax Pot is Full
• Minimize Trapped Air in Wax
• Fit Mold Properly & Securely Onto Injection Nozzle

No Mold Fill or Partial Mold Fill • Increase Wax Temperature

• Use Warmer Mold
• Clean Mold Vents, Increase Size & Quantity of Vents
• Increase Air Pressure
• Increase Sprue Size
• Reduce Mold Release Spray/Do Not Use Talc
• Use More Fluid Wax to Fill Thin Sections
• Make Sure Injection Nozzle is Not Clogged
• Do Not Hold Mold too Tightly

3.CONCLUSIONS required to achieve a good part. The operator

can make quick gating design modifications
In the future the industry is likely to become that can lead to elimination of defects in
more sophisticated and therefore “lost wax” production.(Fig. 4)
and its quality control will increase in Leads to substantial time and cost savings,
sophistication also. computer analysis provides the means for
The wax of the future should be a low price, verifying design ideas and viewing the effects
high quality material that can be reclaimed. of “what if’s” at minimal costs by avoiding
Computer simulation [2] of the wax injection time-consuming and expensive rework and
Process, using MoldFlow software, gives us a retooling. (Fig. 5). In the meantime
good insight to design changes that may be investment casting industry

will continue to grow and remain one of the The application of RP&RT techniques to
essential strategic industries of the world. IGT produce sacrificial patterns as substitutes for
(Industrial Gas Turbines), aircraft army, the traditional wax pattern employed in “lost
medical implants, automotive, commercial wax” process are, and will be, the solution
market . that allows this process optimization.

Fig.4 Simulation, Temperature at flow front Fig.5 Simulation, Volumetric shrinkage


Composition, Control and Use of [3]Horacek Milan. Bruno University of
Investment technology. Latest Trends in Investment
CastingWax.http://www.investment Casting Technology.
casting wax.com/downloads/tl14.pdf
[2]Adrian S. Sabau Oak Ridge National collins.com/waxes/ferris/injectionwax-
Laboratory Predicting Pattern Tooling troublesh.html 
and Casting Dimensions for Investment
Casting Phase II. 2006

Rezumat:Este cunoscut faptul că turnarea cu modele uşor fuzibile debutează cu executarea unui model de ceară. Acesta
se realizează prin injectarea cerii în cavitatea unei matriţe, ceara copiaza fidel şi cu acurateţe forma respectivei cavităţi.
Se are în vedere şi contracţia materialului ce urmeaza a fi turnat în cochilie. Această piesă de ceară, model, este apoi
cufundat într-o baie de vopsea refractară şi nisip de zirconiu. Pentru a obţine o suprafaţă de calitate ridicată se utilizează
nisip de zirconiu şi vopsea refractară cu o granulaţie foarte fină. Cochilia se incalzeşte pentru a se topii şi evacua ceara
din cavitate, apoi se calcinează la temperatură ridicată. Inainte de turnarea metalului topit , cochilia se preâncălzeşte iar
metalul se toarna în cavitatea astfel obţinută.
Pentru a obţine piese de înaltă precizie şi calitate este esenţială înţelegerea procesului de injectarea cerii în matriţe.

Adrian COMAN, PhD Student, Eng., Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca, Manufacturing

Engineering Department, Muncii Bvd. 400641 Cluj-Napoca,
E-mail:adrianco33@yahoo.com, Office Phone:0264415653
Sever-Adrian RADU, Asist. Eng., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Manufacturing
Engineering Department, E-mail:Adrian.Radu@tcm.utcluj.ro, , Bvd.Muncii, no.103-105, Cluj-
Napoca, Office Phone:0264415653.
Petru BERCE, Prof. Dr. Eng., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of
Manufacturing Engineering, 103-105 Muncii Bvd., 400641 Cluj-Napoca, E-mail:
Petru.Berce@tcm.utcluj.ro, Office Phone: 0264 401733.

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