Sell Sheet Optal XP en Final
Sell Sheet Optal XP en Final
Sell Sheet Optal XP en Final
Efficient consumption
Optal XP
High performance adhesive range for glass labeling.
Optal XP 150 Optal XP 180-22 Optal XP 180 Plus Optal XP 200 Plus Optal XP 500 Plus
Application Basic requirements Allrounder with High IWR, Very high IWR, High coated bottles
some IWR and CWR returnable bottles, fast setting time, and difficult label
high wet tack one-way bottles materials
Viscosity min. 65.000 40.000 70.000 60.000 60.000
Viscosity max. 95.000 70.000 95.000 85.000 80.000
pH value 7,59,0 7,09,0 7,09,0 7,09,0 7,38,5
Returnable bottles
Ice water resistance 1 34 >8 >14 1
(after 7 days drying time)
Wet bottles
Cleaning properties +++ +++ ++ ++ ++
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The information provided herein, especially recommendations for the usage and the application of our products, is based upon our knowledge and experience. Due to different materials used as well as to
varying working conditions beyond our control we strictly recommend to carry out intensive trials to test the suitability of our products with regard to the required processes and applications. We do not accept
any liability with regard to the above information or with regard to any verbal recommendation, except for cases where we are liable of gross negligence or false intention. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, 11/2012