Package Faults
Package Faults
Package Faults
1. Increase in end 1. Improper ring rail 1. Ring rail movement should be set right
breaks movement 2. Optimum ratio of winding: Binding coils
2. Higher yarn 2. Worn builder cam optimum chase length to be maintained
waste 3. Loose package and
excessive coils in the
4. Soft built of bobbins
5. Improper bobbin fit
and slack tapes
2. RING CUTS : Damaged layer on the surface of the ring cops
1. Excessive breaks
1. Spindle or bobbin 1. Worn spindles to be replaced
during winding wobbling 2. Improper fit of bobbins with spindles to be
2. More hard waste
2. Use of lighter travellers avoided
at winding and incorrect ratchet 3. Gauging of spindles with rings to be
wheel properly carried out
3. Movement of spindles to 4. Use of right of travellers and ratchet to be
rings not concentric ensured
3. LOW COP CONTENT : Yarn content in the ring cop is less
1. Efficiency loss in
1. Under utilization of 1. Optimum chase length, coil spacing and
ring frame bobbin height wall thickness of ring bobbins to be ensured
2. Drop in winding
2. Lower number of 2. Ratchet / pawl movement to be properly set
efficiency coils/inch 3. Free space of only 7.5mm to be maintained
3. Higher knots for
3. Higher chase length at the top and bottom of the cop
a given length of
4. Cop bottom bracket 4. Free space of only 0.75mm to be
wound of yarn properly not set maintained between full bobbin and the ring
5. Improper selection of
ratchet/pawl movement
6. Use of ring bobbins with
higher wall thickness
4. IMPROPER BUILD : Step-like appearance of the cop
Effect Causes Rectification
1. Excessive breaks
1. High yarn tension during 1. Quality of cones to be checked at the time
during winding of procurement
subsequent 2. Cone holders incorrectly 2. Optimum unwinding tension to be
processes set to winding drum maintained
3. Damages in paper
cones at the centre
9. NOSE BUILDING : Building of bunches of yarn at the nose of the cones
1. More end breaks 1. Incorrect setting of cone 1. Due replacement of defective drums and
during holder stop motion wires to be ensured
subsequent 2. Wrong placement of 2. Periodic inspection of cone holder settings
processes tensioners in the and tension assembly to be carried out
2. Slough off during tensioning assembly
unwinding 3. Traverse of yarn
affected due to defects
in the grooves of the
12. IMPROPER LEASING : One or more leas in the reeled hanks without leasing
1. More hard waste 1. Incorrect work practices 1. Reelers to be educated on the proper
during post- during interlacing the method of leasing and their importance
reeling leas with the tie yarn
operations 2. Not tying the starting
and finishing ends of
yarn reeled from each
peg with the tie yarn
13. LESS THREADS IN HANKS : Lesser number of threads in the hanks reeled
1. More hard waste 1. Incorrect setting of 1. Proper condition and setting of rack and
during rack and index wheel index wheel to be ensured
subsequent 2. Broken index wheel
14. LOOSE ENDS IN HANKS : Broken threads or untied ends in the hanks
Effect Causes Rectification
1. More hard waste 1. Defective thread guide / 1. Timely replacement of worn yarn guides,
during post- swift / shifting pegs and brushes to be ensured
reeling mechanism 2. Reelers to be trained to keep their
Effect Causes Rectification
operations 2. Ends, not being pieced , machines clean and tidy
2. Higher time during replacement of
requirement for bobbins or during end
unwinding the breaks
hanks 3. Contaminated yarn
cleaning brushes
4. Insecured yarn guides
and pegs
18. LESSER HANKS IN KNOTS : Lesser number of hanks in the knots meant for