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Wartsila Services Brochure

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The key takeaways are improving lifecycle efficiency, environmental efficiency, preventing the unexpected, and performance optimization.

The main trends affecting the business environment discussed are increased competition, rising profitability expectations, difficulty in finding the right competencies, globalization of business, increasingly stringent environmental regulation, and growing demand for expert support due to increased complexity and technological development.

The three main issues that require long term and short term decisions according to the document are preventing the unexpected, environmental efficiency, and performance optimization.



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Lifecycle efficiency means optimising performance,

raising environmental efficiency and preventing the
unexpected. It is a business approach that aims to
improve profits by getting the best and longest use
out of installations.

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Ensuring performance
in a changing world
Several trends are having an effect on
the business environment. Competition
is tougher, profitability expectations are
rising, finding the right competencies is
crucial but difficult, business is global,
environmental regulation is increasingly
stringent, and demand for expert support
is growing due to increased complexity and
technological development.

Even if the future is unclear, there are some

fundamental issues that do not change.
Ensured performance is one of the most
important: reliable operations are the
key performance indicator. If there is no
performance there is no business.

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Preventing the unexpected and optimising our customers operations

is our shared passion. We serve you whenever, wherever.

Preventing the unexpected, environmental efficiency and performance optimisation are three business
critical issues that require both long term and short term decisions. In the marine and power plant industries
it is first and foremost a question of improving operational efficiency. Getting the best and longest use of
your installations results in good lifecycle efficiency. This in turn has a positive effect on your business.

Performance optimisation Preventing the unexpected

Our customers are currently Reliable performance
looking for longer-term E
NC ON TH and risk management are
efficiency increasing I identified as key needs of our

strategies to improve

customers. Preventing the


business efficiency

unexpected is vital to ensure



and reduce operational cost efficiency and smooth

expenses. operations.


Environmental efficiency
Environmental legislation and the
need for energy efficiency are
main drivers for our customers
to optimise their environmental

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Optimising performance and Identified opportunities for
improving operational efficiency pay performance optimisation:
dividends both quickly and in the Recognizing total cost of ownership
long term. They correlate directly One-stop shop
to improved business results as Comprehensive and customized
optimised performance reduces costs solutions
and improves revenues. Risk & reward sharing options
Understanding where to invest and
where to save
Maximizing operational efficiency.

All industries face the challenge of Identified opportunities to optimise
reducing their environmental footprint, environmental performance:
and this is especially true for the Reducing emissions
shipping and power plant sectors. Improving energy efficiency
The main drivers behind this change Complying with regulations
have been climate change, increased cost efficiently
environmental regulation, cost Services with minimal interruption
efficiency and growing environmental to operations
awareness among customers and other Complete and reliable solutions
stakeholders. Building reputation within sustainability.


If the unexpected occurs a systems Identified opportunities to prevent
malfunction, an unscheduled overhaul the unexpected:
operations are put at risk. Reliable, Ensuring certainty of operations
continuous performance is essential Increasing and securing
for profitable business. operational reliability
Reducing and managing risk
Finding cost efficiencies
Improving operational performance
Having access to highest quality of

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Wrtsil Services has the widest offering on the market.

Through our global network we serve you in the Marine,
Power Plant and Oil & Gas industries whenever, wherever.

In our recently opened Central Distribution centre in the

Netherlands, 80-100 trucks arrive and leave, 500 shipments
are organised and 3400 delivery lines are treated every day.
Our inventory comprises 180,000 different parts.

90W 45W 0 45E 90E




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We are committed to helping our customers promptly resolve

their challenges in unexpected and changing situations.

Field Services at site and Wrtsil

in workshops Wrtsil Diesel
Our global network of service centers, Bolnes
workshops, and service professionals Cedervall
is the most extensive in the industry.
Deep Sea Seals
We have 70 fully owned workshops
DEUTZ marine engines
in over 60 countries. Our 4500 Field GMT
Services professionals are available in Japan Marine Technology
160 locations in 70 countries in order LIPS
to serve our customers promptly in all Nohab Diesel
maintenance and repair needs from Poyaud
commissioning and troubleshooting to
Stork SW Diesel
fuel conversions, modernisations and
even relocation projects. Whessoe
OEM Spare parts
Reliability, availability and accessibility Technical support
of OEM parts will enhance We provide prompt and accurate
performance, minimize downtime, technical support based on received
and increase the profitability of your inquiries and identified issues. We
installation. We offer a full range of have a global back up for local contact
spare parts, tools and consumables persons provided by product and
for all Wrtsil brands. special area experts.

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We are dedicated to maintaining our customers operations and helping
them to prepare for the future.

Operations support Bulletins Scheduled overhauls

Accumulated information and Collecting, screening and Obsolescence management in
experience on specific installations analyzing feedback from the field electrical and automation systems
give us in-depth knowledge of including high quality root-cause
products and solutions that enables analyses in order to continuously Training
us to provide the best possible improve products and solutions Our global network of training centres
support. Site surveys, troubleshooting covers all aspects of management,
Proactive product care by and related analysis to evaluate operation, maintenance and safety
providing technical knowledge and improve the installation issues to help you get the most out of
through, for example, Service performance your power or marine installation.



Our goal is to ensure that your installation operates optimally. This is an area of
specialisation for us. Our solutions optimise the performance and operational
efficiency of the installation throughout the lifecycle, and we can bring aging
systems up to todays standards.

Upgrade & retrofit Service agreements Project management

Our upgrade and retrofit solutions We offer a wide range of service Entrusting your projects to Wrtsil
maximise the performance of agreements that can be tailored to enables you to focus on your core
your equipment throughout the your exact needs, letting you choose business. Our project teams will
installations life cycle and bring from different levels of partnership. complete your projects on time
older installations up to todays Effective way to ensure the and within budget minimising your
technical standards. certainty of your operations risks with Professional Project
- Solutions for 2- and 4-stroke Increased efficiency Management.
engines & related auxiliary Lower costs, cost predictability
systems Optimised total cost of ownership
- Solutions for propulsion systems & Possibility to focus on your core
related auxiliary systems business
- Solutions for electrical &
automation systems
- Solutions to comply with the
most stringent environmental

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Engine services
Propulsion services
Seals & Bearings services
Electrical & Automation services
Environmental services
Service agreements
Service projects
Training services
Boiler services

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The engine is the core of your installation. Engine Services are

the core of our business. We provide complete global services
for Wrtsil two- and four-stroke engines, and for other makes.
Whatever the application of your assets is, we understand the
business criticality of engines for your business. Therefore, we
serve you on the spot, wherever your equipment is located.
Our global organization with 4500 Field Services professionals
is available around the clock.

Field Services and parts Technical services

We provide OEM parts and We are specialists in engine systems Our technical support services
services for: and we serve you on the spot with perform
Wrtsil qualified manpower to operate, Installation performance evaluations
Wrtsil Diesel maintain or repair your equipment Lubricating oil, emission and
Bolnes wherever it is located. Our Field vibration analyses
Crepelle Services professionals perform: Investigations and wear analyses
DEUTZ marine engines Commissioning for parts
GMT Troubleshooting Vibration measurements,
Nohab Diesel In situ overhauling, repair, calculations and analysis
Poyaud machining, heat treatments and Material analyses
SACM alignments Dynamic benchmarking and
Sulzer Workshop overhauling, repair and performance measurements
Stork SW Diesel components remanufacturing In situ and online troubleshooting
Wichmann Retrots and upgrading with multimedia and
Complete engines remanufacturing telecommunications techniques
Parts, remanufacturing and field services
for also other engine brands can often be
delivered on request.


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Remanufacturing services Some examples of our upgrade and
Our remanufacturing services make retrofit solutions:
Our cooperation with Wrtsil has
sure that you get maximum service
been going on for over four decades.
life from your components at lower Combined, integrated engine
The original engines they delivered 40
costs, without compromising safety derating and optimisation solutions
years ago are still up and running today.
or reliability. All our remanufactured to fit the changed operational
Wrtsils products, service and support
components and assemblies profiles of your vessels from
over the years represent a great return
come with a full warranty. We also combined engine solutions to
on investment.
keep a wide variety of exchange full ship efficiency optimisation
components available at all times so solutions.
Tazama Pipelines Limited
that you can take a remanufactured
Wireless big end bearings Management
part on board while your vessel is
temperature monitoring for 4-stroke Tanzania Zambia
berthed and return the old part to the
engines improves operational
nearest remanufacturing centre.
safety by continuously monitoring
the temperature of the big end
Maintenance at workshops
An overhaul in a Wrtsil workshop
cuts overhaul times and ensures Power increase upgrade package
guaranteed quality, reducing the for 4-stroke engines improves
risk of an unexpected breakdown. energy production of the plant.
Customized arrangements for
containerized major overhaul Improved fuel flexibility or fuel
swing-sets can be established on optimisation through conversion
demand. We have more than 70 fully liquid to gas or dual fuel to meet
Case: Tazama
owned workshops with experienced current and future needs for
personnel, dedicated equipment and 4-stroke products Over 40 years of successful cooperation
most necessary spare parts in stock.
Efficiency improvements through THE CHALLENGE
E-Solutions specific fuel oil reduction and / or Ensuring power station and pipeline
With Wrtsil E-Solutions, you always turbocharger upgrades for 4-stroke top condition in a jungle-like environment
have access to critical information, products Spare parts availability for over 40 year
such as technical documentation and old engines
Slow steaming upgrade kit for
parts availability. All online services Altering engines to run with crude
2-stroke engines enables ship
have a friendly interface and are highly oil instead of gas oil
owners and operators to achieve
interactive with built-in collaboration
major savings in fuel costs by slow
support for end-to-end transctions. SOLUTION
steaming their ships.
On request, full integration with 28 type LA 230.6 GMT-engines
your ERP systems can be arranged. Intelligent Combustion Control for retro fitted for use with crude oil

RT-Flex 2-stroke engines optimises Technical support, technical

Upgrades and retrofits fuel consumption. maintenance & alterations
Our optimising solutions maximise Additional staff training
your equipments performance and Retrofit Pulse Lubricating System
operational efficiency throughout for 2-stroke engines delivers BENEFITS
the installations life. We keep older reduced cylinder oil consumption Great return on investment
installations up to todays technical without compromising piston Longest product lifetime on the market
standards to enhance the performance, running reliability. Ability to replace engine parts without
reliability, safety, availability and having to change engine type
profitability of your asset.


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No matter what kind of vessels or platforms you operate, or where they are located,
Wrtsil can provide the parts, repairs, maintenance and modernization solutions to
keep your propulsion systems running strong at optimal efficiency.

Propulsion spare parts Flying squad repairs shop quality propeller repairs
We supply all OEM parts for Wrtsil, Wrtsils welding technicians underwater, in accordance with
LIPS and Wichmann propulsion carry out propeller repairs at yards ISO class standards. For outboard
systems as well as seals and bearings all over the world. They cut or shaft seals Wrtsil has developed a
systems for Cedervall, Japan Marine straighten distortions underwater unique procedure to replace the seals
Technologies (JMT), Deep Sea Seals to keep propeller efficiency as high underwater.
(DSS) and Railko marine. as possible. Specialised toolboxes
at hubs around the world reduce Workshop Services
Field Services working time and transportation We have specialized workshops
Our worldwide Field Services team time and costs. around the world with heavy lifting
provides outstanding support capacity able to perform any kind
anywhere, anytime. Experts at our 24- Underwater repairs kind of repair, maintenance and
hour help desk solve minor issues by We offer a full range of underwater metallurgical repairs on propellers,
phone. For more complicated issues, repairs to decrease downtime and Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)
they arrange for intervention by a eliminate the need for dry-docking. hubs, blades, complete steerable and
highly skilled Field Services engineer. We can perform comprehensive bow thrusters.


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We overhaul complete installations
with the shortest possible downtime
under OEM quality and warranty.
We repair everything from the
oil distribution box to the entire
installation, as well as overhauling
CPP hubs, bow thrusters and
steerable thrusters from other

We carry out metallurgical repairs,

such as welding, straightening,
The PCMS system is really sophisticated and extremely good in monitoring the
grinding and polishing. For all
performance of the propulsion system. The ABS recognition adds further to the
propeller or propeller blade damage,
benefits that we get. Being able to schedule the maintenance to when it is really
we have a team of expert technicians
needed is a real cost saver for us.
at your disposal. The propeller can
often be repaired while still fitted on Harrold van der Meer
the shaft. Fleet Manager
Fairstar Heavy Transport NV
Upgrade & retrofit
Upgrading the existing installation
can yield considerable savings, for Case: Fairstar Fjord (PCMS)
- Conversion of an open propeller Propulsion Condition Monitoring Service (PCMS) maximizes the availability
of the Fairstar Fjord
to a ducted propeller can improve
- The installation of the PCMS gives us the possibility to be ahead of the game
efficiency by up to 15%
with our thrusters
- Polishing the propeller and repairing
edge damage can improve efficiency
- Upgrading the seals systems can The customer needed to be able to Operational decisions based on the

improve time between inspections monitor the condition of their known condition of the equipment

and reduce the risk of pollution azimuth thrusters Maximized availability through
Customer wanted to increase overhauls only when needed, and

The Propulsion Condition Monitoring overhaul intervals reduce maintenance reduced likelihood of unscheduled

Service (PCMS) is all about status, costs and maximize the availability of breakdowns

information, trending and reporting. their installation. Informed of faults before they lead

Based on the obtained information to breakdowns

SOLUTION Increased lifetime of equipment
and trends, we can provide
Provide the customer with real-time Reduced total cost of ownership
customers with reports giving them a
advice and periodic reports about and maximized profitability
solid foundation for determining their
the condition of the machinery
operational and maintenance costs.
Installation of Wrtsils Propulsion
Condition Monitoring Service
(PCMS) that monitors the condition
of propulsion equipment.


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We enhance our customers business by providing integrated systems, packages and

products that offer lifecycle efficiency, reduce risks, and are environmentally sustainable.
Our global service network can provide the fastest response in the business, providing
expertise anywhere in the world at very short notice when necessary.

With more than 125 years of seals bearings that are all manufactured
and bearings experience, from R&D by Wrtsil, we can offer a lifecycle
through to Global Field Service, solution and the best customer service
Wrtsil has the ability to answer your with the quickest response times and
needs. By offering a complete stern environmental compliance now and in
tube package including seals and the future.


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Services Solutions Technologies (JMT), Railko Marine Performance Optimisation
Wrtsil Seals & Bearings offers a and Wrtsil shaft seal and bearing Our upgrade solutions maximize
number of managed solutions to suit systems. Whether you have oil or equipment performance and
the needs of our customers. water lubricated shaft lines, we have operational efficiency throughout
the products and services to match the installations life and bring aging
Examples of our services offering: your requirements systems up to todays technical
Sterntube packages standards to fulfil customer
Off the shelf or tailored Field Services requirements. Examples include
product packages The reliability of our Field Services is conversion to non-polluting sealing
Performance optimisation (Including based on a comprehensive knowledge solutions, condition monitoring
Condition Based Monitoring) of your installations and service systems and upgraded technology.
Underwater Servicing / Retrofit history. Our global organization is
Turnkey services available around the clock to perform Packages A complete package
Specialist Field Services capability all onboard maintenance jobs from of shaft line solution, products
including in situ bonding of shaft technical survey, repair to complete and services
seals overhauls. Bespoke History and expertise in
Upgrades / conversions (including bespoke designing to customer
Oil to Water Lubrication Sterntube Technical maintaining, specifications
conversions) repairing, analysing Lifecycle Efciency Optimising
Long term service agreements Field global team, retrofits, efficiency & performance with
upgrades, product training expertise, proximity and
Spare Parts Turnkey product & service responsiveness to customers needs
We supply all OEM parts for Cedervall, packages, project management, in the most environmentally sound way
Deep Sea Seals (DSS), Japan Marine consultancy

Case: La Superba

Superb seal system retrofit for cruise ferry La Superba

- The work was done with the shafts remaining in-situ which
was a much quicker, easier and more cost effective solution.

Short dry docking period
Damaged shaft surfaces due to wear and
seawater ingression

The project execution of installing the new upgraded
Well planned and scheduled retrofit
seals was very successful and the vessel was put in
In-situ machining of shafts
operation without any problems and with excellent
Installation of Wrtsil Enviroguard Seal system
performance, so we did not hesitate to place an
(727mm diameter) on port and starboard shafts
additional order for our sister vessel, La Suprema.

Representative for Grandi Navi Veloci,
Well-known and tested seal system peace of mind
part of the Grimaldi Group
for the customer
Further protection from abrasion
less need for shaft retrofit
Smooth operation of the seal system
higher performance
Sealing solution better suited for the application
reliable ship operation


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Reliability is essential. To keep your system functioning safely and reliably,

Wrtsil offers modernisation and obsolescence management solutions that
improve performance, extend the lifecycle, and minimize risk.

Marine industry efficiency and to meet stringent operational needs, safety standards
To improve the efficiency, reliability environmental legislation, such as our and environmental codes. We develop
and safety of the electrical power shore power connection solution. innovative modular solutions for
network, from generation to automation and process control
consumption, we develop innovative Energy industry and monitoring. We also offer
solutions for turnkey upgrades, Installations delivered just a decade obsolescence management solutions
conversions and modernizations for ago may not meet todays conditions for modernizing, upgrading and
all automation and power systems, and grid codes. For safe and reliable retrofitting offshore production and
as well as technical support and operation, up-to-date control and drilling vessels.
on-board inspections. We can also automation systems are essential. Our
perform extensive upgrades and services include full site audits, energy Full turnkey modernization and
conversions on offshore construction efficiency solutions, obsolescence conversion
vessels, tankers, and cruise liners. management, grid stability and Aging of electronics and the ever
support solutions as well as control shortening lifecycle of electronic
We have particular experience in and monitoring upgrades for all land- components represent a risk to
diesel electric offshore vessels, LNG based power generation plants. power availability. Aging components
tanker life extensions, engine control increase the risk of unplanned
upgrades and engine automation Oil & Gas and Offshore shutdowns, and obsolescence
solutions for all vessel types. We Installations delivered more than a problems can make these shutdowns
also develop solutions for improving decade ago may not meet todays expensive


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Significant savings can be achieved operational requirements. If a plant is cover everything from a small
by upgrading an ageing installation. converted to a new use, more significant automation modernization project
For example, an improved automation alterations may be necessary. In these to a full rebuild, conversion or
system increases availability, detects cases, Wrtsil can provide full turnkey relocation.
process malfunctions faster, improves EPC (engineering, procurement and
product quality, and meets new construction) solutions. Our solutions

Different electronic and automation systems age in different cycles, which can make
obsolescence management and managing upgrades a challenge.

Security Regular patching required For example

An engine and propulsion
automation control
Computer Obsolete Obsolete Obsolete
systems upgrade improves
systems upgrade required upgrade required upgrade required
the reliability of older
installations, and resolves
Automation Minor upgrade Minor upgrade Major upgrade
system recommended recommended recommended obsolescence issues.

Variable speed drives to

Machinery Upgrade
Obsolete control pumps and fans
controls recommended
considerably reduce energy

0 5 10 15 years consumption.

Case: Maersk Drilling

Upgrading an obsolete power management system without interrupting operations

- Wrtsils upgrade solution was effective, since it was executed while the rig was fully

THE CHALLENGE Decommissioning of the former power

Ensuring operational reliability of a management unit during the project
system with obsolete components while the rig was fully operational.
Minimizing downtime and avoiding a Installation of a Wrtsila Operator
long layup, which is the typical Interface System (WOIS) in the control
situation in a project of this magnitude room console facilitating constant
Scheduling rehabilitation work around monitoring.
tight project timetables, with reduced The four engines were completed, one

This was a successful project that staff numbers by one, while the rig continued normal

featured a smooth co-operation and Transporting 4 tons of equipment operations

true team work. The upgrade was well offshore

planned and executed while the rig was Minimizing project costs RESULTS
fully operational. The new and reliable Power management system upgrade

electricity supply is the basis for safe and ensures operational reliability.

successful operation of the drilling rig SOLUTION Project completed without taking the

Nan Hai VI in the future. Replacement of the on-engine safety system offline and with operations
and control system, the local continuing normally.

Ulrich Neumann engine and the remote engine and Project completed at sea, not while

Technical Superintendent circuit breaker control stations and the docked or laid up, in other words

Maersk Drilling Australia alternator control and protection several weeks layup was avoided,
equipment. which generated substantial
cost savings


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Theres more to environmental leadership than just compliance

with regulations. It can also lower your fuel costs and enhance
your companys image. Wrtsil not only keeps your equipment
running smoothly, we can also make it run more eco-efficiently.
The recent addition of Hamworthy to the Wrtsil family has
brought a valuable complementary addition to our offering.

We provide products and solutions systems for power plants and marine reduce the very formation of the
ranging from reduction of different applications that meet the most emissions in the first place, and
air emissions (NOx, SOx, CO, VOC) stringent standards, as well as ballast hence, are engine related. Primary
and adaption to different fuels, to water management systems which solutions are for instance: Low-NOx
ballast water treatment and other are vital in preventing organisms from Conversions and Slow steaming
water solutions. Our environmental one ecosystem to upset the ecological kits.
services portfolio includes a range of balance in another. Our offerings cover
solutions and services aimed at both total service packages, including start- Secondary solutions are defined
land-based power plants and ship ups, installations, engineering work, as emission reduction methods
installations. As part of the portfolio and maintenance and repairs which reduce the emissions
we offer catalysts (SCR) that reduce after they have been formed
nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and Air emission solutions within the engine. Secondary
scrubbers for removing sulphur oxides Air emission solutions can be divided solutions are for instance: Wrtsil
(SOx). Both are harmful emissions with into primary solutions and secondary NOR (NOx Reducer, based on
detrimental effects on humans and solutions. SCR technology), Wrtsil IOXI
nature. We can also offer complete Primary solutions are defined as (Integrated Oxidation Catalyst) and
waste and fresh water management emission reduction methods which the Wrtsil SOx Scrubber.


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Diesel-to-gas conversion service covering all phases from the
packages enable the use of natural initial survey through to the supply, During our long relationship with
gas with the best possible fuel installation, and commissioning of the Wrtsil, we have found that their
consumption and lowest possible hardware, and continuing with lifecycle products are simply the best for our
NOx and SOx emissions. Packages after sales service and support. vessels. We are familiar with the quality
are available for several Wrtsil of Wrtsils products and know that
diesel engines. Waste water management they are well worth the investment.
Wrtsil provides technically
NOx and SOx reduction solutions advanced waste treatment systems in Esa-Pekka Partanen
for existing installations response to environmental needs and Kristina Cruises
Wrtsil Services offer a wide range marine legislation. Wrtsil Hamworthy
of NOx and SOx reduction solutions sewage treatment plants are fully
aimed at both land-based power compatible with gravity and vacuum
plants and ship installations. As collection systems and chemical
part of the portfolio, Wrtsil offers disinfection and de-chlorination are
catalytic converters (SCR/NOR), low employed to produce a clean, safe,
NOx conversions for engines, SOx effluent suitable for discharging at sea.
scrubbers, low sulphur fuel adaptation
and complete engine conversions to To enable ships to continue
switch from HFO to gas use. discharging black and grey water in
especially sensitive waters, where
regulations demand tighter controls,
Water treatment solutions Case: Kristina Cruises:
Wrtsil Hamworthy developed
Wrtsil concentrates on minimising a range of Membrane Bioreactor Cruising with reduced environmental
harmful substances in different kinds (MBR) plants. The Wrtsil Oily Water impact
of water streams on marine and separator gives the operator effective
land-based installations. The current control over all bilge and sludge THE CHALLENGE
Wrtsil water management systems media, as well as over any discharges Customer unfamiliar with new
portfolio encompasses solutions made into the sea. rules and regulations
for treatment and monitoring of Old oily-water treatment system
ballast, grey and black water, sewage Wrtsil Bilge Water Guard is a fully required manual operation, which
discharge, bilge, sludge and oily water automated bilge discharge monitoring tied up personnel resources
from marine vessels and land-based system installed between the bilge Engine room with limited space.
industrial applications. system and the overboard discharge
pipe to monitor the oil content in the SOLUTION
Ballast Water Management discharge water, instantly stopping the Wrtsil Senitec M1000 oily water
Solutions flow should the oil content rise above treatment system installed
Ballast water management systems the set limit. Additional support from Wrtsil
are vital in preventing organisms from with rules and regulations
one ecosystem to upset the ecological Other Wrtsil environmental Good all-round co-operation.
balance in another. New legislation solutions
will mandate the installation of such Inert Gas Systems BENEFITS
systems in both existing and new Steam Condensers System surpasses existing
vessels. Scrubber Water Treatment IMO regulation requirements
Slop Water Treatment Reductions in discharge fees
We offer a range of flexible supply Thermal Desalination Plants Savings on service and maintenance
options, from the ballast water system Vacuum Toilets Reduced disposal charges.
equipment only, to a full turnkey retrofit


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Wrtsil operates and maintains power

plants, and marine and offshore installations,
ensuring reliable performance from receiving
fuel to supplying energy. By guaranteeing full
performance and operational accountability, we
can free you from many day-to-day operational
concerns so that you can focus on your core

Tailored agreements supplier. Our experience, from OEM quality spare parts and
Our service agreements are tailored operating and maintaining more than logistical management delivered
to your specific needs, allowing 450 installations in more than 54 wherever you are
you to choose from different levels countries, covers a wide variety of Specialised maintenance crews
of partnership depending on your land-based and marine installations who get the job done completed
requirements. These agreements built around different technical wherever you are
can range from simple supply solutions and running on various Lifecycle cost guarantee ensures
agreements to multi-year operational types of fuel. By entering a service profitable and economical operations
partnerships covering every aspect of agreement with Wrtsil, you create a Performance guarantees means
the operation. Wrtsil can manage all long-term partnership that extends the less downtime, cost savings and
aspects of operating and maintaining lifetime of your installation. reliable operations
an installation including technical Reliable, sustainable and valued
and maintenance management, Benefits of service agreements business partner
inspections and reporting. Total solutions provider, from
design and construction to lifecycle
A sustainable partnership services
With more than 17,600 MW under Global services provider with a
service agreements, Wrtsil is services network to meet local
recognised as the preferred service customer needs


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Asset Management Maintenance Agreements

Full responsibility for Responsibiity for maintenance
operations & maintenance Financial predictability
Lifecycle cost guarantee Partnership with common goals
Risk management Ensured performance
Performance guarantee World class technical expertise
Extending lifetime of asset Global and local coordination

Technical Management Supply Agreements

Classication society approved concept Consisting of one or more of the following
Maintenance planning Manpower
Maintenane cost prediction Spare parts
Condition evaluation Workshop services
Condition monitoring Online services
Periodical inspections Competence development and training

Case: STEC
Flexible power plant with maintenance agreement
- High engine efciency means very favourable
lifecycle costs for a Wrtsil solution

Wrtsil engine technology has proven to be very

effective at meeting the challenges of a dynamic ERCOT
(Electric Reliability Council of Texas) market. We see
continued value in investments in flexible, efficient
combustion engines to serve the needs of our member MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT
cooperatives, and we are very pleased to work with The agreement provides a number of benefits:
Wrtsil on our Red Gate Power Project. Optimised maintenance for long-term plant availability,
reliability, and efficiency
John Packard Technical and operational assistance with maintenance
Manager of Generation,
planning, technical advisors, spare parts, and an
South Texas Electric Cooperative
on-site inventory
Technical, parts and risk sharing support


OVERVIEW Powered by 12 Wrtsil 50SG engines running on natural
In December 2012 Wrtsil signed the contract to gas ensuring a total output of 225 MW
engineer and supply a large 225 MW power plant to Flexibility, quick start-up capability, superior load
South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) in the USA. The following, and favourable lifecycle costs
power plant is scheduled to be in commercial opera- High efciency engines result in fewer emissions of
tion by summer 2014. A Maintenance agreement with CO2 than simple cycle gas turbine solutions
Wrtsil ensures that the plant will operate reliably and High simple cycle efciency achieved with minimal
efficiently throughout its lifecycle. water consumption

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Our service projects team can assist you with feasibility studies, nancing models,
technical solutions and project execution. This gives you time to focus on your core
business while we manage the risks. Wrtsil Service Projects serves you globally,
with projects centres on three continents.


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Some examples of Wrtsil Service Projects include

Re-location of equipment or complete installations

Plant extensions
Fuel conversion of power plants and vessels
Upgrades and modernisation of
existing installations
Survey and consultancy services

Entrusting your projects to Wrtsil From start to finish Financing solution

enables you to focus on your core We can manage your project by In addition to our EPC packages
business. Our project teams will providing everything from feasibility capabilities, we can also support
minimise your risk exposure with studies, financing solutions, solution you by arranging financing solutions
Professional Project Management. proposals, execution planning for projects we are involved in. We
Our certified Project Management and implementation, to full EPC support our clients with advice
Professionals (PMP) will complete (engineering, procurement and and assistance in deal structuring
your project on time and within construction). and financing. Through our strong
budget. relationships with both local and
international financing institutions,
we are is uniquely situated to structure
financing to suit each customers

Wrtsil has a unique expertise and experience with dual fuel

technology, as well as with fuel conversion projects, which is why we
chose them for this turnkey project. We are proud to have one of the
worlds most environmentally sustainable tankers in operation.

Anders Hermansson
Technical Manager
Tarbit Shipping

Case: Tarbit Shipping

LNG conversion creates environmentally sustainable tanker


Reduce fuel consumption and lower Conversion of the two Wrtsil 46 Reduced fuel consumption
the vessels emissions engines to Wrtsil 50DF units with Signicantly lower emissions
First vessel ever to have an onboard related control systems Signicant improvement in
conversion of its engines from heavy Connection of the engines directly propulsion efficiency
fuel oil to liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the propeller shafts through a Allowed to visit EU ports with
operation reduction gearbox a 0.1% limit on sulphur emissions
Vessel to qualify for lower nitrogen Installation of a Wrtsil LNGPac Cleaner engine room environment
oxide (NOX) emission taxes under the system
Norwegian NOX fund scheme
Ability to safely store LNG onboard


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Save fuel, save money, improve performance and efficiency. To make sure your equipment
is working at its best, you need knowledgeable people. At Wrtsil Land & Sea Academy,
we teach the operation of engines, equipment, electrical systems, control systems, health
and safety. The courses and programs are delivered in a way that provides benefits for your
organization, either onboard, on site, or online.


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Courses at the Academy include A global network
hands-on training programs with Wrtsil Land & Sea Academy training
state-of-the-art simulators and actual centres are located in Finland, Italy, the
machinery, taught by specialised Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland,
teams of experienced engineers. China, India, Korea, USA and Brazil.
Courses in the Academys on-line We educate over 12,000 trainees a
learning offering are also available, year, giving the program a scale almost
taught either in real time or in self- as large as many major universities.
contained modules that can be Wherever you operate, chances are
downloaded at the trainees own good that youre just a few hours
convenience. flight away from expert instruction at
an ISO certified centre, and you also
The aim of Wrtsil Training Services have access to our online offering at
is to help you run your business better. your fingertips. We can even send
Just as Wrtsil parts, equipment, and instructors to you. Finally, unlike most
maintenance services take the worry schools, were also concerned about
out of your power and propulsion what happens after the final exam.
concerns, Wrtsil Training Services
takes the anxiety out of training. When Assessment Services
you use our training services, your Wrtsil Land & Sea Academy
people are ready for all day-to-day provides an on-line assessment
operations and for unexpected issues. service as a basic need for determining
the competence of existing personnel
A commitment to quality and for selecting the correct person to
The Wrtsil Land & Sea Academy do the job. Certificate revalidation is
satisfies international certification also available on-line.
standards. Courses cover
management, operation, maintenance, There are many modules to select from
and safety issues for your marine covering mechanical, electrical and
or power plant personnel. With our automation competence. A complete
focused training strategy, experienced theoretical, practical and simulated
teachers, and global network of environment assessment is available
training centres, the WLSA delivers by agreement at selected training
a thorough understanding of how to centres.
optimise the availability, reliability, and
performance of your installations.

Wrtsil Land & Sea Academy training

centres are located in 10 countries on
four continents. They provide hands-
on training for more than 12,000
trainees a year.


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Boilers play a fundamental role in any vessel or plant. The effective operation of a
plant depends essentially on reliability and availability. Our expertise and decades
of experience in boiler servicing provide effective solutions to meet our customers
requirements. The customers can rest assured that their boiler plant is maintained
in a safe, reliable and efficient way.


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Wrtsil offers a comprehensive range We keep in stock the most commonly efficiently to evaluate the condition of
of boiler services. We will service any requested parts, such as nozzles, the boiler and determine what repairs
type of boiler, regardless of whether ignition electrodes, transformers, are needed. They utilise the latest
they are main, auxillary or waste gauge glasses, gaskets, valves, detection and verification equipment,
heat steam generators, in marine pumps, motors, armatures, and such as u-sonic and fibre endoscopes
vessels as well as all industrial and electronic print cards. and magnetoflux.
power installations, regardless of Life extension studies
geographical location and timing. Workshops Efficiency and operational studies
Our boiler workshops are fully Conversion feasibility studies
Boiler spare parts equipped with all necessary
We supply spare parts suitable for all machinery and tools to offer you top Custom replacement boilers
types and brands of burner systems quality products for repair of any We are able to customise replacement
and boilers and carry only OEM boiler type and make. Boiler Services boilers to fit and make optimal use
quality: workshop centres are located in of available space and hoisting
Superheaters Denmark, Sweden, United Arab capabilities. We have extensive
Water wall tubes Emirates and China. experience in manufacturing new oil-
Steam distribution headers fired and exhaust gas marine boilers.
Economiser tubing; Helically Inspection service For our industrial customers, we also
wound finned tubes, Square gill If there is a boiler problem, the design and deliver complete heat
finned tubes, Pin tubes sooner it is identified, the better. Our waste recovery systems ready fitted
experienced professionals carry out with all required components.
boiler inspections thoroughly and

WE OFFER Specialist repair squads for any

Repair, maintenance & overhaul repair worldwide
of all types of boilers Overhaul, maintenance & calibration
Supply of all boiler class of BMS & ACC systems
approved pressure part materials LNG main or auxiliary
and spare parts BMS & ACC retrofit
Manufacturing of Waste heat Performance evaluation
boilers, economizers, finned of boiler plants
tube elements and pin tubes Internal boiler tube inspection
Re-designing and upgrading services with modern IR video
studies of boiler systems recorded fiberscope equipment
Heat exchanger and condensers Specialist NDT services
overhaul & maintenance LSGO conversions


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Wrtsil is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions
for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological
innovation and total efficiency, Wrtsil maximises the environmental
and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its
customers. Wrtsil has approximately 18,900 employees in nearly
170 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wrtsil is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.

WRTSIL is a registered trademark. Copyright 2013 Wrtsil Corporation

90W 45W 0 45E 90E 135E





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