MAN Diesel and Turbo SL2014-571 PDF
MAN Diesel and Turbo SL2014-571 PDF
MAN Diesel and Turbo SL2014-571 PDF
March 2014
For engines where the feed rate ACC factor has already been estab-
lished and confirmed, new cylinder oils with a different BN level can
be used to change the feed rate ACC factor by multiplying the present
feed rate ACC factor by the fraction of the BN in the present and the
new cylinder oil. Afterwards, the new setting has to be confirmed, either
by a feed rate sweep and/or a conventional drip oil analysis.
The individual feed rate ACC factor must be evaluated for each engine
using drip oil analysis and frequent scavenge port inspections. There
are many options for this evaluation, but common to them all is the fact
that they cannot stand alone. Feed rate sweeps have to be followed by
monthly drip oil sampling and/or scavenge port inspections, in order to
assure that the engine is performing as expected.
Yours faithfully
Head office (& postal address) PrimeServ Production Forwarding & Receiving MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo Teglholmsgade 41 Teglholmsgade 35 Teglholmsgade 35 Branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE,
Teglholmsgade 41 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV Germany
2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark Denmark Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Denmark Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Fax: +45 33 85 10 49 Fax: +45 33 85 10 17 Fax: +45 33 85 10 16 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Fax: +45 33 85 10 30 German Reg.No.: HRB 22056 Amtsgericht Augsburg
Service Letter SL2014-587/JAP
Contents This is illustrated by our feed rate guide, which sets the
Introduction........................................................................... 2 minimum feed rate to the level needed to keep the parts
Cylinder lubrication............................................................... 2 moving within a safe margin. However, so as to ensure the
Mid-range cylinder oil ........................................................... 2 necessary lubrication effect, an increased formation of
Optimising the ACC factor..................................................... 2 acid would call for a higher BN level than specified at the
Drain oil analysis................................................................... 3 minimum feed rate. This is compensated for by calculating
Cylinder oils with different BN levels...................................... 4 a feed rate on the basis of an ACC factor within the guide
Low-sulphur HFO and distillates............................................ 4 shown in Fig. 1.
Slow steaming...................................................................... 4
Guiding values...................................................................... 4 MAN Diesel & Turbo recommends using cylinder lube oils
Running-in operation ............................................................ 5 characterised primarily by its BN number and SAE viscosity
Breaking-in (0-500 rh) .......................................................... 5 and to use a feed rate according to the BN in the cylinder
Familiarization of the ACC factor........................................... 5 oil and sulphur content of the fuel. MAN Diesel & Turbo is
Guidelines............................................................................. 6 aware that some engines may be operated satisfactorily
at even lower feed rates. Hence, feed rates are, just as
before, based on practical experience rather than pre-
Introduction calculated figures.
Lately, MAN Diesel & Turbo has concentrated on further
enhancing the fuel efficiency while at the same time fulfill- The above mirrors the importance of the fact that the crew
ing Tier I and Tier II. In order to improve the specific fuel oil should challenge the cylinder oil feed rate ACC factor, so
consumption, the pressure in the combustion chamber has as to find the correct ACC value that suits the actual engine
been increased on the newest engine designs. This pres- configuration and engine load.
sure increase, together with the increased operating time at
part load, has led to increased water and acid condensa- Mid-range cylinder oil
tion on the cylinder walls, which leads to cold corrosion in In order to simplify the lubrication process onboard the
the combustion chamber. ships, as well the logistics of supply, the oil companies
started the process of developing a cylinder lube oil that
Also the most recently developed part-load and low-load can lubricate the cylinders regardless of the sulphur con-
tuning options utilise increased combustion chamber pres- tent in the fuel.
sure as the main tool to ensure a low SFOC (Specific Fuel
Oil Consumption) at part load, and the same result may be Such oils have BN levels that are lower than the tradi-
experienced. tional BN 70 cylinder lube oils.
oils can very well be used on earlier-type MAN
Appropriate cylinder oil feed rates and ACC (Adaptable Cyl- B&W engines that are not affected by cold corrosion,
inder oil Control) feed rate factor values must be obtained but are not applicable on newer engine designs with
on the basis of service inspections, measurements and higher levels of cold corrosion.
wear data from combustion chamber parts (piston rings, T hese oils can however be used as low BN oils for
liner, and crown), and supplemented with scavenge drain heavy fuel on all engine types.
oil analyses.
Optimising the ACC factor
Cylinder lubrication The best way to establish the optimum ACC factor is to
Cylinder oil is essential for the two-stroke engine. Todays measure the engine wear. If the wear rate of the liner and
cylinder oils are made with a complex chemistry, and the piston rings is too high the ACC factor must be increased
individual feed rate must therefore be assessed for each oil to reduce the wear.
brand, viscosity class and BN level.
We recommend to start out with an ACC factor in the
A cylinder oil is blended to achieve the necessary level of upper end of the range, and then slowly adjust it when
detergency and dispersancy to keep the piston rings and the engine wear response has been confirmed by mea-
crown clean, and the necessary base number (BN) to neu- surements.
tralise the acids formed during combustion.
For more information on condition-based monitoring, we
The cylinder oil not only serves to lubricate the moving refer to our service letter SL2007-483.
parts, but is also designed to control the degree of corro-
sion on the liner surface.
However, the ACC factor can only be assessed when the Drain oil analysis
fuel sulphur level has been high enough to ensure that the Used oil taken from the engine through the scavenge bot-
lubrication has been in the ACC active area (the blue area tom drain can be used for cylinder condition evaluation.
marked in Fig. 1), at lower fuel sulphur levels the engine is
excessively protected against corrosion because of the ac- Drain oil analysis is also a strong tool for judging the engine
tive minimum feed rate. wear condition. Drain oil samples taken in active ACC op-
eration will show if the oil feed rate can be optimised while
g/kWh keeping the BN above 10-25 mg KOH/g and the iron (Fe)
1.4 content below 200 mg/kg in the drain oil (Table 1 & Fig. 2).
It is important to note that elevated iron values may be ex-
1.0 rea perienced as the piston ring running-in coating gradually
a cti wears off.
0.6 Onboard sets exist, but it is important to get a valid test
Minimum feed rate
result that shows the total content of iron (Fe). Laboratory
testing according to ASTM D5185-09 is the only certain
0.2 measuring method. The BN must be tested in accordance
with ISO 3771:2011(E).
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Fuel sulphur % A cylinder oil can be degraded to a certain level where the
Fig. 1a: BN 100 ACC range Mk 8-8.1 and newer corrosion level begins to increase. The level of depletion is
different among oil brands and engines, and an individual
1.4 evaluation of each engine is therefore recommended.
0 Cat ne
400 Danger Do not operate in this area s
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Fuel sulphur %
Fig. 1b: BN 70 ACC range Mk 7 and older
Alert area Adjustment of feed rate may be needed
The acceptable wear rates must be in line with our recom-
mendations on overhaul intervals and expected lifetime of 200
the components, see SL2009-509. Liner wear rates are Safe area
Each feed rate must be applied for 24 hours before taking We therefore recommend switching to a low-BN cylinder oil
a sample and switching to the next feed rate (Fig. 3). A de- at the same time as switching to a low-sulphur heavy fuel.
tailed feed rate sweep protocol is enclosed (Encl. 6). Continuous running on high-BN cylinder oils can only be
recommended in special cases, and not for more than 1
Fe [mg/kg] BN [mg KOH/g] to 2 weeks, see Table 2.
700 50
40 Application BN
O H/
500 gK 35 Distillate and LNG < = 40
30 Low-sulphur residual fuel ( 1.5% sulphur) 40-60
25 High-sulphur residual fuel ( 1.5% sulphur) 70-100
Optimal ACC 15 Table 2: Cylinder oil guide
Fe [mg/kg] 5 Also when switching to distillate fuels (MGO/MDO), we rec-
0 0
ommend switching to a low-BN cylinder oil at the same time
0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55
as the switching of the fuel. We do not recommend the use
ACC Factor [g/kWh x S%]
of a high-BN cylinder oil when running on distillate fuels.
Fig. 3: Feed rate sweep
Slow steaming
During the sweep test period the engine operation must be When the vessel is slow steaming, the engine is oper-
kept as consistent as possible to avoid interference from ated at low load, and the liner surface will become cooler
load up and fuel change. and, therefore, increase the risk of corrosion. Waste heat
recovery and various part-load optimisation possibilities,
Cylinder oils with different BN levels e.g. TC cut-out, variable turbine area (VTA) turbocharger,
The various oil suppliers offer cylinder oils with a broad and exhaust gas bypass (EGB), ECO cam, may call for a
range of BN levels. Our MAN B&W engine design is based re-assessment of the ACC factor to accomodate the new
on the 70 BN oil traditionally used, however, as new oil corrosion level.
products have been introduced, BN levels have changed,
and todays design standard is the new 100 BN oils. It is important to note that low-load operation (slow steam-
ing) is not the only reason for increased cold corrosion po-
When switching to a different BN level, we recommend to tential. Optimisation methods on new engines or retrofitting
start out with scaling the ACC factor from 70 to the new on older engines increase the cold corrosion potential also
BN level by multiplying the ACC factor with the fraction of at normal load.
70 BN oil.
Guiding values
Example: Guiding values Mk 8-8.1 and newer
Using a BN 85 and ACC (BN 70) = 0.26 Base number (BN) 100
ACC (BN 85) = 0.26 70/85 = 0.21 SAE 50
(see Table 10 in Encl. 5) Guiding minimum feed rate 0.60 g/kWh
ACC BN100 range 0.40-0.20 g/kWh x S%
When changing to a new oil brand or type, the ACC factor
may need to be reassessed as described above, starting
with an ACC factor in the upper range. After this, a gradual Guiding values Mk 7 and older
reduction can be carried out based on actual observed Base number (BN) 70-100
conditions or the sweep test. SAE 50
Guiding minimum feed rate 0.60 g/kWh
Low-sulphur HFO and distillates ACC BN70 range 0.34-0.20 g/kWh x S%
When running on low-sulphur residual fuel (HFO), the feed
rate will be set at the minimum feed rate. High-BN cylinder Table 3: Guiding values
oils will lead to over-additivation in the aspect of controlling
the corrosion as well as lead to increased build-up of
piston crown deposits.
The breaking-in period is followed by a familiarization pe- Before moving to the next step, the cylinder condition and
riod, where the crew must asses the engine wear and cyl- wear must be assessed through a scavenge port inspection.
inder condition to select the right ACC factor for the engine The feed rate ACC factor should not be reduced unless the
application. cylinder condition permits it.
Breaking-in (0-500 rh) In some cases, this familiarization period extends substan-
Cylinder liner and piston ring breaking-in takes 500 running tially. However, the period can be substantially shortened
hours maximum (see Fig. 5, Encl. 2). by means of scavenge drain analyses, where the laboratory
results will show the remaining BN and Fe (iron) content. If
During this breaking-in period, the running-in coating on the samples taken during the ACC active feed rates repeat-
the piston rings will gradually wear off, and the wave cut edly show high BN and acceptable Fe levels, the ACC fac-
shape on the cylinder liner surface will smoothen. During tor can be lowered.
this process, extra lubrication oil is required to flush away
wear particles and assure a satisfactory oil film between After the feed rate ACC factor has been adjusted according
the relatively rough sliding surfaces. to the sweep, the drain oil must to be monitored to verify
the ACC setting or make possible adjustments.
During breaking-in, we recommend checking piston rings
and cylinder liners through scavenge air port inspections Once the ACC factor has been confirmed and the wear is
for every 100 hours. Do not proceed to the next lubrication under control, the best choice of cylinder oil can be made.
step if the scavenge air port inspection reveals seizures or In special cases where the ACC factor is reasonably low,
other irregularities. and/or the fuel sulphur level usually experienced is low, the
best choice of cylinder oil could be a grade with a lower
The feed rate during breaking-in must not be set lower than BN, depending on feed rate and price.
the fuel sulphur content depending feed rate (fuel sulphur
x feed rate ACC factor). The highest feed rate of the two Please direct any inquiries and questions regarding tables
must be used. or condition-based overhaul to our Operation Department
Hours g/kWh at or to our Service Department
0-5 hours 1.70 g/kWh at
5-100 hours 1.50 g/kWh
100-200 hours 1.30 g/kWh
200-300 hours 1.10 g/kWh*
300-400 hours 0.90 g/kWh*
400-500 hours 0.70 g/kWh*
* Only if the ACC dependent (fuel sulphur x ACC factor) feed rate is
lower than the step, if not then the ACC dependent feed rates are to
be used.
Table 4: Breaking-in
Encl. 1 of 6
Guiding cylinder oil feed rates
All ME/ME-C/ME-B/ME/MC/MC-C and ME-GI engines
With electronically controlled lubrication system
Engine load:
Test bed: Stepwise increase to max. load over 5 hours
In service: 50% to max. load in 16 hours
Reducing in steps of 0.04 g/kWh x S% after min. 600 hours where the feed rate has been sul-
phur dependent (above min. feed rate) or using feed rate sweep or continuous drain oil analysis.
If the engine is retrofitted with means to improve part or low-load fuel consumption, the ACC
factor must be reassessed.
Running-in new rings in already run-in and From 50% to max. load in 5 hours
well running liners Feed rate 0.9 g/kWh for 24 hours.
If the fuel sulphur and applied ACC factor combination results in a specific feed rate higher than
0.9 g/kWh (use the calculation feed rate), no extra lubrication is needed.
Manoeuvring and load change During starting, manoeuvring and load changes, increase feed rate by means of the LCD by
situations 25% of the actual figure and kept at this level for hour after the load has stabilised.
Lubrication of cylinders that show Frequent scavenge port inspections of piston rings and cylinder liners are very important for
abnormal conditions maintaining a safe cylinder condition.
If irregularities are observed, adjustments of the lube oil feed rate should be considered.
In case of scuffing, sticking piston rings or high liner temperature fluctuations, raise the feed
rate to 1.20 g/kWh and lower the pmax and mep. As soon as the situation has been stabilised,
set the lubrication feed rate and pressures back to normal.
In case of high corrosive wear, the ACC factor is to be increased to the highest ACC factor
(0.40 g/kWh x S% for BN 100)) and be reduced in steps of only 0.02 g/kWh x S% when the
wear has been confirmed as normal.
Encl. 2 of 6
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Encl. 2 of 6
New ACC Running-in Schedule (liner and rings)
0.30 *
0.32 *
0.28 *
0.24 *
Encl. 3 of 6
Bore size Max. radial Max. width of leakage groove Engine bore CL-groove new depth Minimum depth
[cm] ring wear [mm] (use feeler gauge) [mm]
26 cm 2.0 mm 0.6 mm
26 cm 1.8 6.6
30 cm - -
30 cm 2.0 7.0
35 cm 2.5 mm 0.8 mm
35 cm 2.2 7.4
40 cm 2.5 mm 0.8 mm
40 cm 2.2 7.4
42 cm 2.5 mm 0.9 mm
42 cm 2.2 7.4
45 cm - -
45 cm 2.2 7.4
46 cm 2.5 mm 1.0 mm
46 cm 2.2 7.4
50 cm 3.0 mm 1.1 mm
50 cm 3 9
60 cm 3.5 mm 1.3 mm
Table 6: CPR-POP top ring wear 65 cm 3.5 mm 1.4 mm
70 cm 3.5 mm 1.6 mm
80 cm 4.0 mm 1.8 mm
90 cm (Cermet 4.0 mm) 5.0 mm 2.0 mm
98 cm (Cermet 4.5 mm) 5.5 mm 2.2 mm
Table 7: CPR-CL top ring wear
Encl. 4 of 6
ACC settings for lubricating oils for MC/MC-C engines
Encl. 5 of 6
Specific feed rate in relation to fuel sulphur % and feed rate factor
1.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.61 0.65 0.68
1.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.61 0.65 0.68 0.72 0.76
2.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.63 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.80 0.84
2.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.64 0.69 0.74 0.78 0.83 0.87 0.92
2.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
2.7 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.70 0.76 0.81 0.86 0.92 0.97 1.03 1.08
2.9 0.6 0.64 0.70 0.75 0.81 0.87 0.93 0.99 1.04 1.10 1.16
3.1 0.62 0.68 0.74 0.81 0.87 0.93 0.99 1.05 1.12 1.18 1.24
3.3 0.66 0.73 0.79 0.86 0.92 0.99 1.06 1.12 1.19 1.25 1.32
3.5 0.70 0.77 0.84 0.91 0.98 1.05 1.12 1.19 1.26 1.33 1.40
Cylinder oil BN
70 80 90 100
0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14
0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15
0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17
0.26 0.23 0.20 0.18
0.28 0.25 0.22 0.20
Feed rate ACC factor
During the sweep test, the vessel should be running on fuel with a sulphur content above 2.7%. The
sweep test takes 6 days and should be performed during a longer voyage where the engine load
remains constant. The feed rate of the cylinder oil is set to fixed steps and drain oil samples are taken
after 24 hours, before lowering to the next step (figure 1).
Lubeoilsample SweepTest
Drainoil sample
Feed Rate (g/kWh)
0 24 48 72 96 120
time (hours)
HEAD OFFICE (& postal address) PrimeServ PRODUCTION FORWARDING & RECEIVING MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo Teglholmsgade 41 Teglholmsgade 35 Teglholmsgade 35 Branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE,
Teglholmsgade 41 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV Germany
2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark Denmark Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Denmark Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Fax: +45 33 85 10 49 Fax: +45 33 85 10 17 Fax: +45 33 85 10 16 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Fax: +45 33 85 10 30 German Reg.No.: HRB 22056 Amtsgericht Augsburg
MAN Diesel & Turbo a member of the MAN Group
MAN Diesel & Turbo -2-
The BN and Fe content of the drain oil can also be measured by various onboard analysis equipments
(please refer to CL 118681-2013/LEO and CL 140942-2013/LEO). When measuring Fe with onboard
analysis equipment, it is important to choose an instrument which measure total Fe content.
Information about onboard analysis equipment will be updated regularly. Onboard equipment gives fast
results, however, we recommend sending the samples to a laboratory in order to secure accurate
MAN Diesel & Turbo -3-
Test Procedure
Read all the instructions carefully before starting the Sweep test. The sweep test is to be made above
the lubrication breakpoint. In most cases this breakpoint is at an engine load of 25%. When the
lubricator is below the breakpoint, the cylinder feed rate for each cylinder changes from a number to
low load on the MOP-screen. A sweep test should not be made when the MOP screen states low
In this mode, the fuel oil sulphur content S% and the Feed Rate Factor gives the Basic Feed Rate
which is also shown for each cylinder as the Actual Feed Rate. In this example, the S% was 2.82 and
the Feed Rate Factor was 0.50 g/kWhS%, which resulted in the Basic Feed Rate of 1.41 g/kWh
(Figure 2).
Figure 2. MOP-screen showing settings at normal running conditions. Running-in mode is turned OFF
Figure 3. Day 1 of sweep test. The Running In mode is used and set to 1.4 g/kWh
Be sure that the correct cylinder oil is used, and take reference samples of fresh cylinder oil and fuel.
Adjust the feed rate of the cylinder oil to 1.4 g/kWh as shown in figure 3. Write down the following
information in the sweep test protocol:
Day 2 Take drain oil samples from all cylinders after running 24 h on a cylinder oil feed rate of 1.4
Important: Make sure to flush the drain valve into a bucket before taking the sample. Only
use clean bottles, and make sure not to mix drain oil form one unit with another. Mark the
bottles with the following information:
a. Cylinder no.
b. Date and time
c. The name and BN number of the cylinder oil
d. Feed rate of cylinder oil
e. Engine load
Also, write down the information in the test protocol. After this, the cylinder oil feed rate
should be adjusted to 1.2 g/kWh as shown in Figure 4.
MAN Diesel & Turbo -5-
Figure 4. Day 2 of sweep test. The Running In mode is used and set to 1.2 g/kWh
Day 3 Take drain oil samples from all cylinders after running for 24 h on a cylinder oil feed rate of
1.2 g/kWh. Sample-procedure same as Day 2. After this, the cylinder oil feed rate should
be adjusted to 1.0 g/kWh
Day 4 Take drain oil samples from all cylinders after running for 24 h on a cylinder oil feed rate of
1.0 g/kWh. Sample-procedure same as Day 2.
After this, the cylinder oil feed rate should be adjusted to 0.8 g/kWh
Day 5 Take drain oil samples from all cylinders after running for 24 h on a cylinder oil feed rate of
0.8 g/kWh. Sample procedure same as Day 2. After this, the cylinder oil feed rate should
be adjusted to 0.6 g/kWh
Day 6 Take drain oil samples from all cylinders after running for 24 h on a cylinder oil feed rate of
0.6 g/kWh. Sample-procedure same as Day 2.
When the last drip oil samples have been taken, the Running In setting is set to Off (0.00) to run in
normal cylinder oil feed rate mode, as shown in Figure 2. When results have come back and been
analysed, the suitable Feed Rate Factor can be calculated and used.
MAN Diesel & Turbo -6-
Calculating the actual ACC factor for a sweep test made on a load above the
lubricator part-load breakpoint
During the sweep test, the feed rate was set to fixed steps. The ACC factor for each step can be
calculated by dividing the feed rate step with the sulphur % of the fuel (Eq. 1).
% %
Example 1
Sulphur content of the fuel is 2.8 %.
2.8 %
The ACC calculated values are used to correlate the Fe and BN values in the samples. In Tables 1 and 2,
you can fill in the ACC calculated and the Fe and BN values. Two graphs can then be made where the
ACC calculated is the horizontal axis (x-axis) and the Fe values are the vertical axis (y-axis) in graph 1 and
BN in graph 2. You can also plot Fe and BN in the same graph. Fe should be the left vertical axis and
BN the right (view Figure 2 as an example).
Table 1. Write the ACC calculated in the left column and the corresponding Fe value for each cylinder.
These values are then used to make a graph in Excel.
Cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ACC calculated Fe values
MAN Diesel & Turbo -8-
Table 2. Write the ACC calculated in the left column and the corresponding BN value for each cylinder.
These values are then used to make a graph in excel
Cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ACC calculated BN values
Figure 5 illustrates how to evaluate a sweep test. In the normal case, the Fe concentration slowly rises
until a point where it will rapidly increase. The acceptable ACC factor is found just before the rapid
increase in Fe, in other words, before the Fe concentration reach the red area (Figure 5). The choice of
an ACC factor that corresponds to acceptable Fe levels means that the corrosion is controlled. After
the ACC factor has been found in accordance with the Fe, the corresponding BN value can be found. It
shows the possible level of BN depletion of the oil, which will not jeopardize the performance of the oil.
Iron[Fe]&BN[mgKOH/g] BN[mgKOH/g]
700 50
500 35
200 15
0 0
0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55
ACC Factor [g/kWhxS%]
Figure 5. The ACC factor (g/kWhxS%) is shown on the x-axis. The Fe concentration (mg/kg) is depicted with red
lines and the result is read on the left y-axis. The axis is divided into three parts. The green bar is showing safe
operation condition, 0-200 Fe (mg/kg). When the Fe concentration exceeds 200 mg/kg (the red bar), the wear or
corrosion starts to increase a lot, and the lube oil feed rate should also be increased.
MAN Diesel & Turbo -9-
The rest BN concentration (mg KOH/g) is depicted with blue lines, and the result is read on the right y-
axis. The axis is divided in two parts. The red bar (0-10 BN) means that the neutralisation ability of lube
oil has started to deplete, and the risk of corrosion is increased. The green bar (10-50 BN) shows safe
The thick blue line and the thick red line are the BN and Fe values from a sweep test. In order to find
the correct ACC factor, the procedure is as follows:
Follow the thick red line and find the Fe concentration for safe operation. In this example it would be
200, because after this the slope of the thick red line increases rapidly. The corresponding ACC factor
is found on the x-axis and, in this case, is 0.30 g/kWhxS%.
The rest-BN value, which corresponds to this safe operation, is found by using the BN curve (in this
graph, the blue thick line) and read the result of the right x-axis. In this case, the ACC factor 0.3
corresponds to 22 BN. The dashed lines are examples of what other sweep tests with other lube oils
may look like.
Please direct any inquiries and questions regarding tables or condition-based overhaul to our
Operation Department at or to our Service Department at PrimeServ-