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NIST Special Publication SP-1021

Cook County Administration Building Fire,

69 West Washington, Chicago, Illinois,
October 17, 2003:
Heat Release Rate Experiments and
FDS Simulations

D. Madrzykowski
W.D. Walton
NIST Special Publication SP-1021

Cook County Administration Building Fire,

69 West Washington, Chicago, Illinois,
October 17, 2003:
Heat Release Rate Experiments and
FDS Simulations

D. Madrzykowski
W.D. Walton

Building and Fire Research Laboratory

July 2004

U.S. Department of Commerce

Donald L. Evans, Secretary

Technology Administration
Phillip J. Bond, Under Secretary for Technology

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Arden L. Bement, Jr., Director
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No part of any report resulting from a NIST investigation can be used in any suit or action for damages
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All photographs and graphics are works of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and are not
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Use of Non-SI Units in a NIST Publication

The policy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is to use the International System of
Units (metric) units) in all its publications. However in North America in the construction industry and fire
service certain non-SI units are so widely used instead of SI units that is more practical and less
confusing to include measurement values for customary units only.

Certain trade names or company products are mentioned in the text to specify adequately the
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or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the
equipment is the best available for the purpose.

National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication SP-1021

Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. SP-1021, 489 pages (July 2004)



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Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2
Fire Incident Summary ....................................................................................................... 2
Post-Fire Scene ................................................................................................................... 4
Building Exterior ............................................................................................................ 5
12th Floor......................................................................................................................... 7
Open Office Area.......................................................................................................... 12
Materials Collected ....................................................................................................... 20
Description of Furnishings................................................................................................ 23
Carpeting....................................................................................................................... 23
Ceiling Tiles.................................................................................................................. 24
Chairs ............................................................................................................................ 26
Computer Monitors....................................................................................................... 27
Letter Trays................................................................................................................... 28
Paper ............................................................................................................................. 28
Wastebaskets - Recycling Bins..................................................................................... 29
Vertical Blinds .............................................................................................................. 30
Wall Covering............................................................................................................... 30
Workstation................................................................................................................... 31
Heat Release Rate Experiments ........................................................................................ 33
Cone Calorimeter Experiments..................................................................................... 33
Full-scale Calorimeter Experiments ............................................................................. 34
Test Set-up ................................................................................................................ 34
Sled Base Chair......................................................................................................... 35
Office Chair .............................................................................................................. 39
Single Workstation.................................................................................................... 45
Enclosure Fire Experiment ............................................................................................... 55
Multiple Workstation Experiment .................................................................................... 56
Fuel Load ...................................................................................................................... 58
Instrumentation ............................................................................................................. 61
Heat Release Rate ..................................................................................................... 61
Heat Flux................................................................................................................... 61
Temperature .............................................................................................................. 61
Video Cameras.......................................................................................................... 62
Experimental Procedure................................................................................................ 63
Experimental Results .................................................................................................... 63
Heat Release Rate ..................................................................................................... 67
Heat Flux................................................................................................................... 67
Temperature .............................................................................................................. 69
Discussion of Results........................................................................................................ 73
Uncertainty Analysis......................................................................................................... 76
Modeling With NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator............................................................... 78
Smokeview.................................................................................................................... 78

FDS Inputs .................................................................................................................... 78
Geometry................................................................................................................... 79
Vents ......................................................................................................................... 85
Openings Within the Grid......................................................................................... 86
Materials ................................................................................................................... 91
Ignition Source.......................................................................................................... 92
Sprinklers .................................................................................................................. 93
Model Uncertainty ........................................................................................................ 93
Discussion of Model Results ............................................................................................ 94
Fire Spread .................................................................................................................... 94
Smoke Spread on the 12th Floor.................................................................................. 107
Smoke Spread Up the Southeast Stairs Without a Functioning Smoke Shaft ............ 113
Smoke Spread Up the Southeast Stairs With a Functioning Smoke Shaft ................. 116
Comparison of Southeast Stair Environment With and Without a Functioning Smoke
Shaft ............................................................................................................................ 121
Results With Automatic Fire Sprinklers Predicted by FDS........................................ 125
Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................................. 128
Acknowledgements......................................................................................................... 129
References....................................................................................................................... 130

Cook County Administration Building Fire,
69 West Washington, Chicago, Illinois, October 17, 2003:
Heat Release Rate Experiments and FDS Simulations.
Daniel Madrzykowski
William D. Walton
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology


On October 17, 2003, in the Cook County Administration Building, 69 West Washington,
Chicago, Illinois, a fire resulted in six fatalities and several injuries. In response to a
request from the Governor of Illinois, the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) agreed to provide technical assistance to the Governors review team headed by
James Lee Witt. NISTs focus was the simulation of the fire using the Fire Dynamic
Simulator (FDS) and visualizations using Smokeview to provide insight into the fire
growth and smoke movement.

A team from NIST visited the fire scene to collect data for the model including; building
dimensions, floor plan, door and window locations, materials of construction and
furnishing, and fuels. In addition, information collected by the Governors team on fire
service operations and building systems was used to develop the fire timeline. The NIST
team also documented the fire damage in order to compare fire model predictions with
the observed physical damage. Exemplar interior finish materials and furnishings from
the fire floor, but undamaged by flames, were obtained for use in laboratory scale heat
release rate experiments. Laboratory scale data for rate of heat release was necessary for
the fire model input and comparison to fire model results.

This report documents the furnishings, the experiments conducted, and the results of
those experiments. This report also explains the development of a computational
simulation and the result of those simulations. The NIST simulation started with a small,
flaming fire in the storage room and ended with the start of fire suppression activities by
the fire department, 16 min 30 s later.

The FDS simulations provide insight into the fire development in Suite 1240. The
simulations examine the impact of the spread of smoke into the southeast stairway with
and without a functioning smoke exhaust shaft. Another simulation examined the impact
of automatic fire suppression sprinklers. The FDS simulation suggested that had
automatic sprinklers been present in the storage room where the fire is believed to have
originated, they would have controlled the fire and limited the fire spread to the room of
fire origin.


On October 17, 2003, in the Cook County Administration Building, 69 West Washington,
Chicago, Illinois, a fire resulted in the loss of six lives and several injuries. The victims
were found in a stairwell, several floors above the fire floor. The Governor of Illinois
established a panel, headed by James Lee Witt & Associates (JLWA), to review the fire

In response to a request from Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois, the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) agreed to provide technical assistance to the States
review team. The focus of the NIST team was to recreate the fire using the NIST
developed Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), a physics-based computer model and
Smokeview a scientific visualization tool. The model output provided animated
visualizations of the fire growth and smoke movement. FDS was also used to estimate
the impact a sprinkler system may have had on the fire growth and smoke movement.

A team from NIST made eight visits to the fire building between October 21st and
November 19th, 2003. The model input information collected by the NIST team included;
measurements and documentation of the areas involved in the fire, the location, size and
time of opening of windows and doors, and the fuels (i.e. furnishings, carpeting, wall
covering etc.) that were involved in the fire. In addition, information collected by the
JLWA team on fire service operations, building systems, etc. was used to develop the fire
timeline and input relevant to changes in ventilation. The NIST team also documented the
fire damage in order to compare the predicted fire model results with the observed
physical damage.

This incident provided an opportunity to examine and test furnishings from other areas of
the building that were similar to those destroyed by the fire. The objective of measuring
the heat release rate of exemplar furnishings was to develop benchmark data for
comparison with FDS results.

This report documents the furnishings tested, and the experiments conducted and
discusses the results of those experiments. This report also explains the development of
the computational simulations and the result of those simulations. Finally, this report
compares the model predictions with the observations from the fire scene.

Fire Incident Summary

This fire incident summary is focused on the fire development timeline, which was
compiled from a variety of witness statements, televised news report video, building
security video, and the alarm panel log as provided to NIST by JLWA. The fire
originated in a storage room, located in the Southwest corner of Suite 1240, on the 12th
floor of the Cook County Administration Building, which was located at 69 West
Washington, Chicago, Illinois, as shown in Figure 1.

At approximately 17:00 (5 pm), on October 17, 2003, an occupant of Suite 1240 smelled
smoke, alerted the other occupants in the suite and began to evacuate the suite. Another
occupant of Suite 1240 went to investigate and found a small fire on the top of a set of
wall shelves in the storage room, under a ceiling mounted light fixture. At 17:00:16, the
security videos show the officers on duty at the front desk reacting to a signal from the
fire alarm panel. The remaining occupants left the suite, after notifying security via
telephone. As documented in the security video, one of the security officers is seen
answering the phone at 17:01:45.

A security officer placed a call to 911 and the time of the call was logged in by the
Chicago Fire Department (CFD) at 17:02:29. The fire department was dispatched at
17:03:30. At 17:03:50, one of the security officers returned to the console desk after
being outside the building. He reported that he noticed heavy smoke billowing from the
Dearborn Street side of the building. Some of the occupants from Suite 1240 had re-
grouped in the lobby and exited the building at 17:05:25. Someone from outside of the
building warned them of falling glass as they exited. Witnesses on the street indicated
that smoke and flames were coming from the 12th floor before the fire department arrived
at the building. The first fire engine arrived at approximately 17:06:30.

Figure 1. Plan view of the 12th floor of the Cook County Administration Building

The fire continued to grow and spread across Suite 1240 to the north. The fire
department entered the building and used the southeast stairwell to reach the 12th floor.

One of the CFD chiefs reported heavy smoke and glass falling from the upper floors on
the north side of the building, at approximately 17:12:00. The first fire department crew
was approaching the fire floor at this time. At 17:16:04, the alarm panel log records the
start of the buildings fire pump and this is consistent with the time estimate provided by
the CFD for the start of fire suppression activity. The interior fire suppression team was
unable to advance safely out of the southeast stairwell and retreated back into the
stairwell. An exterior fire attack was started at approximately 17:52. The fire was
reported as knocked down at 18:07:45.

The scope of the NIST study started with a small, flaming fire in the storage room and
ended 16 min and 30 s later with the start of fire suppression activities by the Chicago
Fire Department.

Table 1. Estimated Timeline of Fire Development

Time Event
17:00 Small fire discovered in storage room of Suite 1240
17:03:50 Smoke visible outside of building
17:06:30 Windows on east side of the building have started breaking prior to
this time.
Fire department on scene
17:12 Windows on north side of the building are breaking
17:16 Fire Suppression efforts begin
17:52 Exterior fire suppression efforts begin
18:08 Report that fire is knocked-down

Post-Fire Scene

The Cook County Administration Building is 37 stories tall with one level below grade.
The building is constructed with reinforced cast-in-place concrete and has concrete and
glass panel exterior walls. More details of the building construction are provided in the
modeling section of this report.

Compartmentalization contained the fire damage to a single office suite (Figure 2).
Closed solid core doors and 16 mm (0.625 in) gypsum board partition walls limited the
fire damage in rooms, on both the north end and south end of Suite 1240. However, the
partition walls did not extend above the drop ceiling. The lack of partitions above the
drop ceiling allowed for the rapid spread of smoke and fire gases throughout the 12th
floor and then throughout the building, through penetrations, HVAC ducts, and open
doors. The gross area of the 12th floor is approximately 1695 m2 (18260 ft2), based on the
overall dimensions of the floor that included the building core. The areas of Suite 1240
that were most heavily damaged by the fire were the open plan office area and the storage
room. This area was approximately 243 m2 (2620 ft2) or about 14 % of the total floor

Figure 2. Plan view of 12th floor, showing area of significant fire damage

Building Exterior

While soot and fire gases were dispersed throughout the 12th floor and other locations in
the building, the majority of the thermal damage from the fire occurred in Suite 1240. On
the exterior of the building, soot stains or deposits mark those windows that were
broken out by fire (Figures 3-5). Eight windows were broken on the east side (North
Dearborn St.) of the building. Two windows were broken during the fire on the north
side of the building (West Washington Street).

The fire did not extend to other floors of the building. The windows without soot
staining on the 12th floor and on the floors below and above were removed by the fire
department to vent additional smoke and heat from the building. The eight windows on
the east side of the 12th floor that were broken by the fire were located in the open
office portion of Suite 1240 (Figure 4). The three windows on the southern end of the
east face of the 12th and the single window on the north end of the east face were not
broken by the fire. These windows are located in rooms that were separated from the
open office portion of the suite by closed solid core doors and gypsum board partition

Figure 3. The northeast corner of the Cook County Administration Building, 12 days
after the fire

Figure 4. View of east side of the Cook County Administration Building

Figure 5. View of north side of the Cook County Administration Building

On the north side of the building, two half windows were broken out by the fire,
Figure 5. Again these windows were adjacent to the open office portion of Suite 1240.
The window and half sections east and west of the windows that were boarded up with
plywood, were in offices that were separated from the open office portion of the suite
by closed solid-core doors and gypsum board partition walls.

12th Floor

Figure 6 focuses on Suite 1240 and shows the entry doors from the north and south
corridors. The storage room was reported to be the area of fire origin. A portion of the
storage room extended westward, parallel to the south corridor, and directly across from
the southeast stairway. The area with the workstations will be referred to as the open
plan office area.

Smoke and soot residue were observed throughout the 12th floor. The walls of the north
and south corridors and the elevator lobby were stained with smoke residue. The two
entry doors to Suite 1240, one in the north corridor and one in the south corridor, are
shown in Figures 7 and 8. Thermal damage to the wall covering material can be seen just
below the level of the suspended ceiling. The thermal damage on the wall covering is
limited to within 3.6 m (12 ft) of the suite entry doors.

Figure 6. Plan view of Suite 1240 depicting furniture arrangement

Figure 7. North corridor looking east to Suite 1240, main entry door

Figure 8. South Corridor looking east toward Suite 1240 doorway. The area of fire
origin, the storage room, is on the right

As shown in Figure 8, the partition walls did not extend from the concrete floor slab to
the concrete ceiling. The partition walls went only as high as the suspended ceiling,
which was 2.7 m (8.7 ft) above the floor. As a result the combustion products and hot
gases from the fire were able to move freely above the partition walls and spread
throughout the 12th floor. This helped distribute the high temperature gases to areas
outside of Suite 1240. In the corridors most of the wall covering was not burned and
other than being dirty, the carpeting in the corridors was intact. The same was true for
offices adjacent to the fire area, where thermal damage was very limited.

According to the witnesses, the fire started in a storage room that was located in the
southwest portion of Suite 1240. The storage room was approximately 1.8 m (6 ft) wide
and 5.6 m (18.3 ft) long with a ceiling height of 2.7 m (8.7 ft). Shelves were located on
the south wall of the storage room and were loaded principally with paper, forms,
brochures and boxes of envelopes. The shelves were approximately 2.4 m (8 ft) high.
Boxes of copier paper were stacked along the west wall and north wall of the storage
room. In addition, supplies such as paper towels, foam plastic cups, toner cartridges,
computers, and holiday decorations were also stored in the room. Figures 9 and 10 show
several of the shelf units with their remaining contents. The door from the open office
area to the storage room was open at the time of the fire.

Figure 11 shows the area just outside the storage room with the doorway that led to the
south corridor to the right of the photograph. Between the doorways of the storage room
and the south corridor, were stacks of cardboard boxes filled with envelopes. Based on
the height of the drywall that had been protected in the corner, 2 m (6.6 ft), the boxes
were stacked 8 high. Shorter stacks of similar boxes of envelopes were found on the east
side of the door way to the storage room and on the north side of the doorway to the
south corridor. That was the area of Suite 1240 that was closest to the southeast stairway.

Figure 9. Looking south though the storage room doorway, east end of shelf units

Figure 10. Looking south in storage room, from south corridor (corridor wall removed),
west end of shelf units

Figure 11. Looking towards the storage room from the open plan office area of Suite

Open Office Area

The next series of photographs, Figures 12 23, show a 360 degree sweep of the open
plan office area of Suite 1240. The photographs begin with the northwest corner and
continue around in a clockwise direction.

While thermal damage was significant throughout the area, the furnishings near the open
windows on the east side were burned more completely than the areas on the west side of
the suite, away from the windows. Steel components make up the majority of the
remains of the 12 workstations that were located near the windows on the east side. The
workstations on the north side had the most damage toward the east. Towards the west,
the fire damage decreased. The western most workstation had fabric, fiberglass and
hardboard remaining on several of the panels. In addition, a significant amount of the
work surface remained (see Figures 12 and 13).

Temperatures in the northwest office were high enough to soften and distort the plastic in
a small TV set, a computer monitor and a printer (see Figure 24). In the northeast corner
office, temperatures were higher than those in the northwest office space. In addition to
melted plastics, portions of the fabric and foam on chairs in the office had pyrolyzed (see
Figure 25). Some of the paper on the gypsum board inside the northeast office had

Figure 12. Northwest portion of Suite 1240

Figure 13. Northwest corner of Suite 1240

Figure 14. North windows

Figure 15. Northeast corner of Suite 1240

The photographs in Figures 16 through 19 cover the east area of the open office portion
of Suite 1240. In this area, 12 workstations were located near the windows and four other
workstations were next to a customer service counter that separated the work area from
the waiting room. Most of the combustible materials that were exposed to the fire, were
completely consumed or burned away. The steel frames of the workstation panels and
the steel frames of the chairs made up most of the debris in the open office area. The
steel filing cabinets were intact, although some of the contents of the steel drawers had
been burned. The concrete ceiling above the workstations was free from soot and very
white in color. This would be consistent with the fire heating the concrete to a point that
the soot would be burned completely off the ceiling.

Figure 20 shows the counter area in the foreground. The background toward the right
hand side of the photograph is the storage room. The photographs in Figures 21 and 22
show the waiting room area. This room had 10 sled base chairs and a small work area on
the south end and two small cabinets (end tables) positioned against the west wall. The
west wall of the waiting room was part of the building core. It was a concrete wall that
extended from floor slab to ceiling slab. Figure 23 shows the main entry area into Suite
1240 from the north corridor. A portion of the white door frame can be seen in the right
of the photo. The main entry door had a large center glass panel surrounded by a solid
core wood frame.

Figure 16. East northeast section of the open office portion of Suite 1240

Figure 17. Looking due east, remains of a set of four workstations

Figure 18. Looking toward the southeast portion of the open office area of Suite 1240

Figure 19. Looking toward the southeast corner of the Suite 1240

Figure 20. Looking south toward the storage room

Figure 21. Looking south through the waiting area into the storage room

Figure 22. West wall of waiting area

Figure 23. Main entry door from north corridor

Figure 24. Northwest office in Suite 1240

Figure 25. Northeast office in Suite 1240

Materials Collected

The 12th floor of the Cook County Administration Building had been recently renovated.
The interior finish including carpeting, ceiling tiles, wall covering, and window blinds
used in Suite 1240 and an adjoining office, Suite 1210, were similar. Figure 1 shows the
locations of Suite 1210 and Suite 1240. The furnishings installed in the two suites were
also similar. The furniture plan is shown in Figure 6. Both areas had similar office
chairs, guest chairs, workstations constructed with similar materials, computers,
wastebaskets and recycling bins, paper etc. Figure 26 is a photograph of the northeast
portion of the open office area of Suite 1210. Sample interior finish materials and
furnishings from Suite 1210 were transported to NIST for examination and testing to gain
insight into the fireload in Suite 1240. The workstations, which were dismantled and
transported to NIST for testing, are shown in the background. Figures 27 and 28 show
single workstations to provide an idea of the contents of the workstations. Figure 28 was
taken after the computers had been removed. The white strips on the workstation to the
right were vinyl blinds that had been removed from the window.

Table 2 provides a list of the items collected from Suite 1210 on the 12th floor of the
Cook County Administration Building. The items collected from Suite 1210 had no
visible signs of thermal damage, only damage due to soot deposition on the surfaces.
Since the interior walls of the Suite 1210 had been partially removed due to water

damage (see background of Figure 28), the wall covering material was removed from the
12th floor, south corridor, opposite the elevator machine room.

Figure 26. Northwest portion of Suite 1210

In addition to the items collected, the office suite where the fire occurred had a variety of
office machines such as printers, typewriters and a copying machine. The office also had
a significant amount of paper, in the form of files, forms, boxed envelopes, and boxed
copying paper. In the suite where the fire occurred, 16 workstations with computers and
office chairs burned. In addition, several other work areas, within the same suite,
composed of desks, tables, computers and chairs were also destroyed. Ten sled base
chairs with two small cabinets burned in the waiting area of suite 1240. Based on the
furniture plan, there were 22 office chairs in Suite 1240, 10 sled base chairs and 16

Figure 27. Workstation in Suite 1210

Figure 28. Office workstation in Suite 1210

Table 2. Furnishings and Interior Finish Items Collected from 69 West Washington
Street, Chicago, Illinois

Item Location Quantity

Upholstered office chair Suite 1210 6

Sled base guest chair Suite 1210 6
General office workstations Suite 1210 5
Ceiling tiles Suite 1210 60
Light fixtures 12th floor 2
Wall covering 12th floor, South Approx. opposite elevator
corridor room machine room, 15.2 m2
(164 ft2)
Carpeting Suite 1210 Approx. 24.5 m2 (264 ft2)
Vertical blinds Suite 1210 2 pair
Desktop from workstation Suite 1210 1
Side panels from workstation Suite 1210 1
Extra slats from vertical blinds Suite 1210 3
Wastebaskets - recycling bins Suite 1210 5
Plastic letter trays Suite 1210 20
Computer monitors Suite 1210 3

Description of Furnishings

The heat release rate of a burning material is dependent on many conditions. These
include, but may not be limited to; geometry of the material, location and orientation of
the material in the room, adjacent fuels, ventilation, view angles and material properties.
Therefore, it is valuable to identify the materials that the furnishings are composed of. In
some cases the furnishings had manufacturer serial numbers. In those cases, the
materials were identified based on catalog information. Some materials had labels or
recycling code markings. Other materials had no identifying marks. In those cases, the
materials were identified either by a simple burning characteristics test for textiles [1] or
a series of tests for common plastics [2] as outlined in the NFPA Fire Protection


The carpeting style was level loop with a total thickness of about 4 mm (0.16 in). The
pile fiber of the carpet was nylon with a synthetic backing. The carpet did not have
padding and was adhered directly to the concrete floor. The mass per unit area of the
carpeting was 2.44 kg/m2 (0.5 lb/ft2).

Figure 29. Photograph of carpet sample cut for testing in the cone calorimeter

Ceiling Tiles

The ceiling tiles were each 0.6 m (1.96 ft) by 0.6 m (1.96 ft) and 19 mm (0.75 in) thick.
The exposed surface that faced down (side visible from office when installed) had a
textured finish and was white in color. The top side was covered with an aluminized
facing material. Each ceiling tile had a mass of approximately 2.6 kg (5.8 lb). The
ceiling tiles had a Class A rating based on performance in the ASTM E 84 fire test with a
flame spread of 25 and a smoke development number of 15 [3].

Figure 30. Photograph of a piece of ceiling tile, shown with finished surface facing up

Figure 31. Photograph of a piece of ceiling tile, foil side facing up


The two different chairs, the sled base chair and the office chair, had similar upholstered
cushion construction. The cushions had a 16 mm (5/8 in) thick plywood base that was
covered with polyurethane foam. The foam was covered with 100 % polyester fabric.
Figures 32 and 33 show the components of a seat cushion and a back cushion
respectively. In Figure 32 the seat cushion components are, beginning from the bottom
up, cardboard, plywood, polyurethane foam, polyester fabric. In Figure 33, the back
support cushion component layers are, starting at the bottom, polyester fabric,
polyurethane foam, plywood, polyurethane foam, and polyester fabric.

Both chairs had labels that read in part THIS ARTICLE MEETS ALL OF THE
FURNISHINGS BULLETINS 116 and 117. Technical bulletin 116 describes the
requirements, test procedure and apparatus for testing the flame retardance of upholstered
furniture. In the test procedure, each article is basically exposed to burning cigarettes. If
the article begins to flame or if char develops more than 51 mm (2 in) in any direction
from the cigarette the item does not meet the requirements [4].

Bulletin 117 describes the requirements, test procedure and apparatus for testing the
flame retardance of resilient filling materials used in upholstered furniture. In this case,
the material is exposed to a flame. In order to meet the requirements of Bulletin 117, the
performance must fall within the limits of char length, after flame and afterglow times

The main differences in the chairs were the shape of the steel support structure and the
added plastic covering over the pedestal base and the plastic wheels on the office task
chair. Photographs of both chairs are shown in Figures 34 and 35

Figure 32. Seat cushion components Figure 33. Back support cushion components

Figure 34. Sled Base Chair Figure 35. Office Chair

Computer Monitors

The computer monitors were 17 inch cathode ray tube (CRT) type monitors. The outer
case of the monitor was marked that is was a fire retarded acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS). The overall dimensions of the monitor case were 0.41 m (1.3 ft) wide at the
screen face and narrowing to 0.32 m (1.0 ft) wide at the back of the monitor, 0.57 m
(1.9 ft) deep, 0.41 m (1.3 ft) high. These measurements did not account for the adjustable
pedestal base. The majority of the case was 2 mm (0.08 in) thick.

Figure 36. CRT monitor front view Figure 37. CRT monitor side view

Letter Trays

The trays were molded with a polystyrene identifying mark. The trays were in two sizes:
a legal size, which measured 0.41 m (16.3 in) by 0.23 m (9 in) and 0.076 m (3 in) high,
and a letter size, which measured 0.28 mm (10.9 in) by 0.23 m (9 in) and 0.076 m (3 in)
high. The legal size trays had a mass of 0.28 kg (0.62 lb) and the letter size trays had a
mass of 0.14 kg (0.31 lb). The bottom sections of the trays were 2 mm (0.08 in) thick.

Figure 38. Letter size tray


The paper used for testing was letter size, 216 mm (8.5 in) by 279 mm (11.0 in), with
30 % recycled material content. The paper was packaged in 500 sheet reams. Each ream
was 51 mm (2 in) thick. The paper can also be described by mass, 75 g/m2 or 20 lb bond
paper in traditional terms. Given that the paper was 20 lb bond, by definition and
confirmed by measurement, a ream weighs approximately 2.3 kg (5 lb).

Since much of the paper on the shelves of the storage room was burned in their packages,
the paper was left in the wrapping paper for testing (see Figure 39). The paper that was
piled on the floor in the storage room and outside the storage room was burned in the
boxes. Therefore the paper was also tested in the cone calorimeter with a piece of 2 mm
thick cardboard over the paper as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 39. Paper in wrapper Figure 40. Paper in wrapper with portion of
cardboard box on top

Wastebaskets - Recycling Bins

The wastebaskets and recycling bins were made from low density polyethylene (LDPE).
The containers were 0.37 m (1.2 ft) by 0.26 m (10.25 in) by 0.38 m (1.3 ft) high. Each
container had a mass of 0.84 kg (1.85 lb). The thickness of the material was 2 mm
(0.08 in). The capacity of each container was 26.6 L (28.1 qt). The only difference
between the wastebaskets and the recycling bins was the color.

Figure 41. Recycling bin

Vertical Blinds

The vertical blinds were installed at each window. For a typical window width, 2.16 m
(7.1 ft), the blinds were composed of 24 vinyl slats, 0.089 m (3.5 in) wide and 2.7 m
(8.9 ft) long. The slats were 1 mm (0.04 in) thick. The mass per unit area of the slats
was 1.2 kg/m2 (0.25 lb/ft2), or each slat had a mass of approximately 0.3 kg (0.7 lb).

Figure 42. Portion of a vertical blind slat

Wall Covering

The wall covering was made of vinyl with a textile backing (Figure 43). It had a textured
surface on both the front and backsides. The wall covering was slightly less than 1 mm
(0.04 in) thick. The mass per unit area of the wall covering was 1.1 kg/m2 (0.22 lb/ft2).

Figure 43. Vinyl wall covering


The workstations were composed of work surfaces or desktops and side panels. The side
panels and work surfaces were connected together using a variety of steel and aluminum
brackets depending on the size of the workstation and the number of work surfaces. A
keyboard shelf was attached to a shaped piece of steel that slid over the top and bottom of
the work surface.

The side panels were 54 mm (2.13 in) thick and came in variety of widths and heights.
The panels used in the workstations were in three different sizes: 0.71 m (2.4 ft) wide by
1.04 m (3.4 ft) high, 1.03 m (3.4 ft) wide by 1.04 m (3.4 ft) high, and 0.71 m (2.4 ft) wide
by 0.77 m (2.5 ft) high. The panels had a steel perimeter frame and steel raceway panel
covers. Inside the frame, the core of the panel was 5 mm (0.19 in) thick hardboard. On
each side of the hardboard is a 25 mm (1 in) thick bat of fiberglass. A 100 % polyester
fabric covered the fiberglass on both sides of the panel. Figure 44 shows the combustible
components of a side panel.

The work surface had a particleboard with a face laminate on the top and a backer
laminate on the bottom surfaces. The total thickness of the work surface was 32 mm
(1.25 in). Each workstation had two work surface sections. One section was 1.5 m (5 ft)
long and 0.76 m (2.5 ft) deep. The second section was 1.07 m (3.5 ft) long and 0.61 m
(2 ft) deep.

The long section had a mass of 28.4 kg (62.5 lb). The shorter section had a mass of 16 kg
(35 lb). The edges of the work surface were protected with a PVC insert, this can be seen
in figure 45.

Figure 44. Combustible workstation side panel components

Figure 45. Section of workstation work surface

Heat Release Rate Experiments

As an object or fuel burns, it gives off energy and the rate at which it emits energy is
known as the heat release rate. How much, as well as how fast, a burning object releases
energy plays a critical role in the fire growth and spread. Babrauskas has described that
heat release rate is the single most important variable in characterizing the
flammability of products and their consequent fire hazard [6]. In fire modeling, heat
release rate measurements are important as input parameters for the simulations, but can
also be useful in validating the performance or predictive capability of a fire model.

The heat release rate experiments conducted for this study were completed at two scales:
bench scale experiments using the cone calorimeter, and full-scale experiments in the
Large Fire Facility at NIST. Both systems, although they are significantly different in
size and capacity, utilized the same principles of oxygen depletion calorimetry to
measure the heat release rate.

Cone Calorimeter Experiments

The cone calorimeter is an apparatus that can be used to determine heat release rate, mass
loss rate, effective heat of combustion and smoke development of materials. The
apparatus has a conical shaped heating element that is used to expose the test material to
a known radiant heat flux. The heat flux can be chosen from a range of 0 kW/m2 to
100 kW/m2. The cross section of the surface to be exposed to the heat flux is 0.1 m
(0.33 ft) by 0.1 m (0.33 ft). Various material thicknesses can be accommodated. More
information on the cone calorimeter can be found in ASTM E 1354 [7]

The test protocol detailed in ASTM E 1354 was used for these experiments [7]. A test
plus two replicates of each sample were conducted in the cone calorimeter, exposed to
either an external heat flux of 35 kW/m2 or 70 kW/m2. While ASTM E 1354 does not
prescribe a heat flux, it does note that for exploratory testing, a horizontal sample position
with a heat flux of 35 kW/m2 is recommended. Based on an analysis of heat flux data
obtained by various researchers, Babrauskas recommends using a heat flux value of 35
kW/m2 for materials exposed to pre-flashover fires [8]. For post flashover fire exposure,
Babrauskas indicates potential heat fluxes as high as 150 kW/m2 could be required. This
value is beyond the capabilities of most laboratory scale apparatus including the cone
calorimeter. In the post flashover fire data analyzed by Babrauskas, heat flux values for
exposures to ceiling surfaces ranged from 67 kW/m2 to 147 kW/m2. In research by
Madrzykowski [9], a value of 70 kW/m2 is suggested as providing cone calorimeter
results similar to full scale performance for office furnishings.

For each test, a 0.1 m (0.33 ft) square sample was oriented horizontally under the cone
heater. Each sample was wrapped in aluminum foil on all sides except for the exposed
surface. A number of flammability properties were measured including heat release rate,
specimen mass loss rate, smoke generation rate, combustion gas production, and
ignitability. The data obtained for each sample from the cone calorimeter tests are

contained in Appendix A. The average peak heat release rate, based on three
experiments, for each material at the two external heat fluxes are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Cone Calorimeter Average Peak Heat Release Rates at 35 and 70 kW/m2

Exposure Heat Flux 35 kW/m2 70 kW/m2

Item Avg. Peak HRR Avg. Peak HRR
(kW/m2) (kW/m2)

Carpeting 260 380

Ceiling Tile (face-down) 10 40
Ceiling Tile (face-up) 70 90
Computer Monitor Case 410 490
Letter Tray 1020 1170
Office Chair 210 350
Paper (stacked flat) 260 340
Paper (stacked on edge) 210 250
Paper (stacked flat - covered 320 460
with cardboard)
Plastic Wastebasket 1560 2970
Vinyl Blinds 110 160
Wall Covering 340 460
Workstation Side Panel 140 230
Workstation - Work Surface 340 590

Full-scale Calorimeter Experiments

Two types of full-scale experiments were conducted. One set of experiments was
conducted with single chairs or a single workstation. A small 50 kW natural gas fueled
burner was used as an ignition source. The experiments were conducted under an
exhaust hood. Therefore, the burning condition was typically fuel limited and there were
no compartmentation effects. This is typical of a number of experiments that have been
previously been conducted on office furnishings [9,10,11].

The second type of experiment was conducted in a compartment that contained four
workstations. In addition to the 50 kW natural gas burner in one of the workstations, the
enclosure also had a 2 MW heptane burner to simulate a fire exposure such as flames
coming out of the doorway from a flashed-over room.

Test Set-up

The measurements taken during the fire experiments included, mass loss, heat flux and
heat release rate. The furniture was positioned on a platform that was located under a
6 m x 6 m (20 ft x 20 ft) exhaust hood which collects the fire products for the oxygen

depletion calorimetry measurements. A natural gas fueled burner was used to provide a
repeatable ignition source. The burner, which had an area of 0.09 m2 (1 ft2), was supplied
with natural gas and was regulated to provide a 50 kW fire. The gas supply to the burner
was shut-off after 200 s. This level and duration of heat release rate is representative of
the heat release rate and duration of a small trashcan fire [11].

The mass loss was measured by four load cells which supported the platform. Each load
cell had a range of 0 kg to 227 kg (500 lbs) with a resolution of a 0.05 kg (0.1 lb). The
heat flux measurement was monitored with a Gardon-type heat flux gauge. The sensor
was installed approximately 1 m (3.3 ft) from the edge of the furniture being ignited and
1 m (3.3 ft) above the load cell platform. The heat flux gauge was designed for a heat
flux of up to 170 kW/m2 (15 Btu/ft2 s).

Heat release rate was measured using the NIST 10 MW oxygen depletion calorimeter.
Details on the operation and uncertainty in measurements associated with the oxygen
depletion calorimeter can be found in [12].

The data from the experiment were recorded every second with a computerized data
acquisition system. A section on measurement uncertainty is included in the discussion
portion of this paper.

Sled Base Chair

The sled base chairs had a steel frame that supported the seat cushion and a steel back
cushion support arm. Plywood was the core support for the seat and back cushions. The
cushions were composed of polyurethane foam and were covered with a 100 % polyester
fabric. The overall dimensions of the chair were 0.58 m (1.9 ft) wide by 0.61 m (2 ft)
deep by 0.91 m (3 ft) tall. The majority of the combustible material in this chair was
located in the seat and back cushions. The seat cushion had dimensions of 0.53 m
(1.75 ft) wide, 0.51 m (1.7 ft) deep and 0.08 m (0.25 ft) thick. The back cushion had
dimensions of 0.47 m (1.54 ft) wide, 0.47 m (1.54 ft) high and 0.06 m (0.21 ft) thick.
The average mass of a chair was 11.82 kg (26 lb).

For ignition, the edge of the burner was positioned, 0.75 m (0.25 ft) under the side of the
chair and 0.11 m (0.37 ft) under the seat cushion. The burner and chair are shown in
Figure 46, just after ignition. Figures 46 through 49 show photographs of the chair as the
fire developed. Figure 49 was taken at 180 s at approximately the peak burning rate.

The heat release rate and the mass loss data are shown in Figures 51 and 52, respectively.
The peak heat release rate from the chair was approximately 260 kW. The majority of
the foam cushion and upholstery fabric was burned away within the first 240 s of
burning. The remnants of the chair continued to burn, although at a reduced rate. The
small flames that remained were suppressed at approximately 1600 s after ignition. The
fire had consumed 4.6 kg (10.1 lb) (Figure 50) and only the steel was left after the fire
experiment. Heat flux measurement was not made on the sled base chair.

Figure 46. Sled base chair, after ignition of gas burner

Figure 47. Sled base chair, approximately 90 s after ignition

Figure 48. Sled base chair, approximately 150 s after ignition

Figure 49. Sled base chair burning near peak heat release rate, approximately 180 s after

Figure 50. Sled base chair, post test


Heat Release Rate (kW)





0 500 1000 1500

Time (s)

Figure 51. Sled base chair heat release rate versus time


Mass Loss (kg)

0 500 1000 1500

Time (s)
Figure 52. Sled base chair mass loss versus time

Office Chair

The office chairs, or task chairs, had a steel frame that supported the seat cushion, a steel
back cushion support arm and steel supports for the arm rests. Plywood provided the
core support for the seat and back cushions. The cushions were composed of
polyurethane foam and were covered with a 100 % polyester fabric. The overall
dimensions of the chair were 0.51 m (1.7 ft) wide by 0.56 m (1.8 ft) deep by 1.04 m
(3.4 ft) tall. The majority of the combustible material in this chair was located in the seat
and back cushions. The seat cushion had dimensions of 0.53 m (1.75 ft) wide, 0.48 m
(1.6 ft) deep and 0.08 m (0.25 ft) thick. The back cushion had dimensions of 0.48 m
(1.6 ft) wide, 0.48 m (1.6 ft) high and 0.06 m (0.21 ft) thick. The mass of the chair was
20.45 kg (45 lb).

For ignition, the edge of burner was positioned, 0.025 m (0.08 ft) under the side edge of
the chair and 0.11 m (0.37 ft) under the seat cushion. The burner and chair are shown in
figure 53. Figure 56 shows a photo of the chair with the back and top of the seat cushion
fully involved in fire. This photo was taken at approximately 210 s during the first peak
in the burning rate of 340 kW.

Figure 53. Office chair seconds after ignition of the gas burner

Figure 54. Office chair, 100 s after ignition

Figure 55. Office chair, approximately 150 s after ignition

Figure 56. Office chair, approximately 210 s after ignition, near first peak HRR

Figure 57. Office chair, approximately 380 s after ignition

Figure 58. Office chair, approximately 600 s after ignition, near second peak HRR

Heat Release Rate (kW)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

TIme (s)
Figure 59. Office Chair heat release rate versus time

The heat release rate, heat flux and mass loss data are shown in Figures 59, 60 and 61,
respectively. The first heat release rate peak from the office chair, 340 kW, occurred at
approximately 210 s. The majority of the foam cushion and upholstery fabric had burned
away by this time and the rate of heat being released decreased. When the plastics on the
chair base began to burn the fire size increased which resulted in an increase the amount
of heat being released until a second peak of approximately 475 kW was reached at
approximately 600 s. The chair continued to burn for more than 20 min prior to the small
flames being suppressed.

The heat flux measured during the fire also had two peaks, one at approximately 6 kW/m2
at 200 s and another at approximately 5.5 kW/m2 at 600 s after ignition. The first peak
occurred as the back and seat cushions became fully involved in the fire. As the majority
of the polyurethane foam burned away, the amount of energy being released by the fire
decreased. Therefore the thermal heat flux decreases. The second peak occurred when
the plastic surrounding the metal support pedestal burns in combination with the plywood
seat and back cushion supports along with burning debris that had fallen earlier in the

Heat Flux (kW/m )

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Time (s)

Figure 60. Office chair heat flux versus time

Figure 61 shows the mass loss of the office chair as it burned. The deflection in the mass
loss curve at approximately 950 s is the result of portions of the seat dropping into the
pan starting at approximately 840 s. It required more than a minute for the load cells to
recover. Basically only the steel support pieces were left after the fire experiment and
6.8 kg (15.0 lb) of mass had been consumed by the fire.


Mass Loss (kg)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Time (s)

Figure 61. Office chair mass loss versus time

Single Workstation

The single workstation fuel package included a workstation, a computer with monitor and
keyboard, an office task chair and a sled base chair. In addition, papers, letter trays,
notebooks, a telephone and a phone book were placed on and in the desk. A wastebasket
and two recycling bins were placed under the desk. Table 4 provides a description of the
items included in the single office workstation. Figures 62 through 64 show schematics
of the single office workstation. The drawings also show the general placement of the
other office items on and under the work surface. A photograph of the workstation
arrangement is shown in Figure 66.

Other items typical of what was observed on the desks in Suite 1210, were telephones,
notebooks, papers in the letter trays, telephone books, and calendars etc. The
arrangement of these items can be seen in figures below. These items were not collected
from the 12th floor.

Table 4. Description of Items Used for the Single Office Workstation

Item kg lbs

Carpet 2.13 m x 1.5 m (7 ft x 4.9 ft) 7.9 17.4

Workstation panels, connectors, trim and metal

base plates 84 184.8
0.61 m x 1.07 m (2 ft x 3.5 ft) Work surface with
metal drawer unit 57.2 125.8
0.76 m x 1.52 m (2.5 ft x 5 ft) Work surface 27.8 61.2
Keyboard shelf w/ metal bracing and support arm 12 26.4

Computer monitor 15.8 34.7

Keyboard 1.9 2.6
Computer 13.5 29.7
Office chair 20.5 45.1

Plastic letter trays (7) 1.1 2.5

#4 LDPE small recycle bin 0.28 m x 0.18 m x
0.305 m high (0.91 ft x 0.58 ft x 1 ft high) 0.5 1.1
#4 LDPE black wastebasket 0.36 m x 0.26 m x
0.38 m high (1.21 ft x 0.85 ft x 1.25 ft) 0.8 1.8
#4 LDPE large blue recycling bin 0.36 m x 0.26 m
x 0.38 m (1.21 ft x 0.85 ft x 1.25 ft) 0.8 1.8
75 mm (3 in) Vinyl notebook 0.3 m x 0.29 m
high (0.98 ft x 0.96 m with paper (2) 4 8.8
Files in hanging folders for file drawer 6 13.2
Reports on work surface 2 4.4
Reports placed in drawer above file drawer 1.2 2.6
Phonebook 0.27 m x 0.22 m x 0.045
(0.90 ft x 0.73 ft x 0.15 ft) 1.4 3.2
1 kg of paper 216 mm x 280 mm (8.5 in x 11 in) in
small recycle bin 1 2.2
Trash (separate table) 0.2 0.5
1 kg of loose paper in large recycle bin 1 2.2
1 kg of newspaper in large recycle bin 1 2.2
Sled base chair 11.8 26.0
Desk blotter/calendar 0.4 0.8

Total (Individual weights have been rounded and

may not sum to total weight) 273.2 601.0

Figure 62. Schematic Plan View of Single Workstation

The workstation covered a floor area of approximately 1.93 m by 1.63 m (6.33 ft x

5.33 ft). The workstation panels, which formed two complete sides of the workstation
and two partial sides, were 1.04 m (3.42 ft) high and 0.054 m (0.18 ft) thick. The panels
were composed of a layer of 100 % polyester fabric over a 0.025 m thick layer fiberglass
batting over 4.8 mm (0.19 in) thick hardboard. The hardboard formed the center core of
the panel, hence another layer of fiber glass and fabric covered the other side as well.

The load cell platform had a surface area of 5.95 m2 (64 ft2). By dividing the load over
this area, yields 45.9 kg/m2 (9.4 lb/ft2). If the area is constrained to that covered just by
the workstation and subtracting the weight of the guest chair, the effective load per unit
area was 83 kg/m2 (17 lb/ft2).

Figure 63. Schematic elevation of single workstation looking north

Figure 64. Schematic of single workstation looking west

The work surface was a 32 mm (1.25 in) thick composite made of a particleboard core
with a face laminate on the top and a backer laminate on the bottom surface. The work
surface provided a work area of 1.8 m2 (19.5 ft2)

The computer monitors had plastic cases labeled as fire retarded ABS. The monitor was
one of those collected from the 12th floor. The computer and the keyboard used in the
experiment were from NIST government surplus that were identified for disposal.

The office chair and the sled base chair were similar to the chairs burned individually.
The recycling bins, wastebaskets and letter trays were collected from the 12th floor or
were similar in material and geometry as those from the 12th floor. The liner and trash in
the wastebasket are listed below in Table 5 and shown in Figure 65. The papers in the
recycling bins are shown in Table 4.

Table 5. Trash assortment in plastic wastebasket

Item kg lbs

Wastebasket liner 0.02 0.044

10 pieces of 8.5 in x 11 in (0.22 m x 0.28 m) paper crumpled 0.04 0.088
Paper fast food bag 0.06 0.13
2-20 oz (0.59 L) plastic foam cups 0.02 0.044
3-Waxed paper 12 oz/16 oz/20 oz (0.35 L/0.47 L/0.59 L) cups 0.06 0.13
1- #1 PETE .5 L water bottle 0.02 0.044
Total 0.22 0.48

Figure 65. Photograph of trash assortment for each wastebasket

Figure 66. Single workstation fuel package

The 50 kW natural gas fueled burner was positioned between the plastic wastebasket on
the left and the plastic recycling bin on the right. On the right hand side of the desk, next
to the metal file cabinet was the computer and the white paper recycling bin. As in the
previous experiments the burner was ignited and burned for 200 s before the gas supply
was shut off.

Figures 67 through 70 show the single workstation fire in several stages of development.
The fire growth began slowly. It took almost 60 s for the flames from the burner to
attach to the chair and the work surface. During the next 30 s, the fire began to involve
the keyboard shelf and smoke became more visible. By 120 s after ignition, the computer
monitor had become involved in the fire and the seat of the chair was burning while the
back cushion of the desk chair was pyrolyzing. Figure 68 shows the fire development at
150 s after ignition. Several items on the work surface had begun to burn and the both
cushions of the desk chair were burning. At 158 s after ignition, the computer monitor
tilted forward and fell into the desk chair. This appeared to slow the fire growth.

The heat release rate of the fire then began to increase, but the bulk of the visible fire
volume was lower due in part to the re-positioning of the monitor. At 240 s after
ignition, the fire had spread to a large portion of the space under the work surface.
Within the next 60 s, fire had become established around the base of the desk chair. The

fire continued to grow at a rapid rate, until it reached a peak heat release rate of 3.3 MW
at approximately 380 s after ignition (Figure 69). The fire slowly decreased in burning
rate and size when the sled base chair ignited, this caused the fire to grow again. At 630 s
after ignition, the workstation began to collapse. The fire continued to decline from that
point on. Figure 70 shows the collapsed workstation burning. Flames can be seen
coming from the paper burning in the steel file cabinet. The fire continued to burn for
more than 35 min from the time of ignition and then the remaining fire was suppressed.

Figure 67. Single workstation a few seconds after the ignition of the gas burner

Figure 68. Single workstation, 150 s after ignition

Figure 69. Single workstation, 360 s after ignition, near peak HRR of 3.3 MW

Figure 70. Single workstation at 930 s after ignition

Figure 71 shows the heat release rate curve for the single workstation. The heat release
rate of the single workstation peaked at 3.3 MW at approximately 380 s. At that point the
fire involved the chair, most of the workstation interior surfaces and items within the
workstation area both above and below the work surface. The second heat release rate
peak coincided with the sled base chair becoming fully involved in the fire and sections
of the workstation opening up and providing increased ventilation to burning items.
Suppression was started approximately 35 min after ignition.

The heat flux time history from the single workstation experiment is shown in Figure 72.
Three distinct peaks can be seen on the graph. The first small peak, of 5.8 kW/m2 at
approximately 160 s, was the result of the computer monitor burning and then falling into
the office chair. The second peak of almost 28 kW/m2 at 380 s, occurred when the office
chair and most of the workstation were burning. The third peak corresponded to the sled
base chair burning. The magnitude of the third peak is larger than the second peak and
this is the inverse of the magnitudes of the heat release rate peaks. This was consistent
with the heat flux gauge being closer to the sled base chair, than the rest of the
workstation as it burned.


Heat Release Rate (kW)






0 400 800 1200 1600

Time (s)

Figure 71. Single workstation heat release rate versus time


Heat Flux (kW/m )





0 400 800 1200 1600

Time (s)

Figure 72. Single workstation heat flux versus time

The mass loss graph also reflects the heat release rate curve. The discontinuity shown at
approximately 650 s is the result of burning material and debris that fell off of the load
cell. After the fire experiment was completed this debris was placed back on the load cell
for the final measurement. Approximately 100 kg (220 lbs) of material had burned, or
about 37 % of the original mass. The non-combustible pieces were collected and
weighed 153 kg (337 lbs). This accounts for approximately 56 % of the original mass of
the single workstation. Therefore approximately 20 kg (44 lb) or 17 % of the
combustible mass was unburned during the experiment.

Mass Loss (kg)




0 400 800 1200 1600

Time (s)

Figure 73. Single workstation mass loss versus time

Enclosure Fire Experiment

The heat release rate experiments with the individual chairs and the single workstation
were similar in that they were conducted under free burn conditions, which means there
were no compartmentation effects and no ventilation limits. In addition, the fires were
initiated with relatively small gas burner fires, which represented a small trashcan fire. In
the Cook County Administration Building fire, the ignition of the workstations was
potentially very different. The fire developed to the point of flashover within the storage
room and then spread to the furnishings in the office suite. Therefore, the workstations,
chairs, etc., were being exposed to high thermal conditions over a larger surface area than
just a trashcan ignition. In addition, the furnishings were potentially exposed to burning
embers and other hot material that was being spread throughout the office suite by the
fire gases.

The multiple workstation enclosure experiment was designed to simulate the ignition and
heat release rate of multiple workstations exposed to a high thermal insult in a partially
enclosed area. This was similar but not exactly the same as the conditions developed
during the Cook County Administration Building fire. In the test fire, a heptane spray
burner was used to create large flames, representative of the fire from other burning
objects in the area.

Multiple Workstation Experiment

Four workstations that were loaded in a similar manner to the single workstation were
assembled in a 7.0 m (23 ft) wide by 7.3 m (24 ft) deep enclosure with ceiling height of
3.4 m (11.2 ft). A suspended ceiling assembly was installed at 2.7 m (8.8 ft) above the
floor. The test area was enclosed on 3 sides, as well as the ceiling and floor. The west
side of the enclosure remained open. Schematics of the enclosure are shown in Figures
74 and 75. A photograph, taken of the west side of the enclosure, shows the furniture
arrangement, and the interstitial space above the suspended ceiling (Figure 76).

Figure 74. Schematic section of enclosure, looking north

Figure 75. Schematic plan view of enclosure with workstations and burner

Figure 76. Multiple workstation experimental arrangement

Fuel Load

The ceiling, floor and three walls of the enclosure were covered with 25 mm (1 in) of
calcium silicate board, a fire resistant board. Over the calcium silicate board, the interior
surface of the enclosure was covered with 12 mm (0.5 in) thick gypsum board. The
seams between the sheets of gypsum board were sealed with drywall joint
compound/spackling. The interior walls were then painted with two coats of water based,
latex paint.

The heptane spray burner consisted of a fuel delivery line that supplied a 1.5 m (5 ft)
wide manifold with 4 nozzles that discharged into a 2 m (6.6 ft) by 0.80 m (2.8 ft) by
0.1 m (0.33 ft) deep steel pan. The manifold was centered over the pan and was 0.43 m
(1.4 ft) above the top edge of the pan. The pan was centered along the east wall and was
positioned 0.46 m (1.5 ft) west of the east wall. The top edge of the pan was 0.94 m
(3.1 ft) above the floor. The west edge of the burn pan was 0.7 m (2.3 ft) from the east
edge of the workstations (Figure 77).

Figure 77. Heptane spray burner looking south

The suspended ceiling was composed of three different materials in different areas. The
ceiling area over the burner was fire hardened with a 1.22 m (4 ft) by 2.44 (8 ft) by
0.012 m (0.04 ft) thick sheet of calcium silicate board. The area of the ceiling, centered
in the enclosure over the workstations consisted of ceiling tiles collected from the 12th
floor of the Cook County Administration Building. Ceiling tiles purchased from a local

supplier were installed in the northeast and southeast corners of the suspended ceiling and
along the north and south walls of the suspended ceiling. The ceiling tiles that were
purchased locally had a Class A fire performance rating similar to the ceiling tiles from
the 12th floor. However these tiles were thinner and lighter than the tiles from the Cook
County Administration Building. Each ceiling tile was 16 mm (0.625 in) and had a mass
of approximately 1.1 kg (2.4 lb).

Four ceiling vents were installed in the suspended ceiling. Each perforated metal vent
took the place of a 0.61 m (2 ft) by 0.61 m (2 ft) ceiling tile. The two vents on the north
side were both installed 1.83 m (6 ft) south of the north wall. The northeast vent was
1.83 m (6 ft) in from the east and the northwest vent was 1.83 m (6 ft) in from the west
edge of the enclosure. On the south side of the enclosure, the two vents were positioned
in line with the north vents going east to west, but they were only 1.5 m (5 ft) north of the
south wall. A vent is shown in Figure 78.

Figure 78. Photograph of the northwest ceiling vent (foreground) and the northeast
ceiling vent (rear)

Given the limited amount of carpeting collected, the entire enclosure could not be
carpeted. Carpeting was only installed under the workstations in the center area of the
enclosure. The area carpeted was approximately 5 m (16.5 ft) long and 4.25 m (14 ft)

The four workstations assembled together covered an area 3.83 m (12.5 ft) long and
3.21 m (10.5 ft). The workstations were arranged and loaded in a manner similar to the
single workstation. The workstation in the southeast corner of the grouping had a 50 kW
natural gas burner positioned between the plastic wastebasket and the plastic recycling
bin under the work surface, again similar to the single workstation arrangement.

Two pairs of vertical blinds were installed side-by-side, and centered on the north wall of
the enclosure. Each of the support rods was 2.13 m (7 ft) in length. Typically a set of
blinds would have 24 slats. In these sets, the pair installed to the northwest had 19 slats
and the northeast set had 22. The slats in the northwest set were spread apart as if the
blind was partially closed. The slats on the northeast set were pushed together as if the
blinds were open (see Figure 79).

Figure 79. North wall of enclosure with vertical blinds


The enclosure experiment was instrumented to measure heat release rate, heat flux, and
gas temperatures. In addition, several video cameras were installed both inside and
outside of the compartment to record the fire development.

Heat Release Rate

The smoke that flowed out of the opening on the west side of the enclosure was captured
by the 9 m (29.5 ft) by 12 m (39.3 ft) hood that served as the intake for the NIST 10
(nominal) MW oxygen depletion calorimeter. Heat release rate was measured with this

Heat Flux

Four heat flux gauges were installed in the enclosure on the north side of the
workstations, see Figure 80. The heat flux gauges were installed in pairs, with one heat
flux gauge of each pair faced towards the ceiling and the other faced south at a
workstation. The heat flux gauges were positioned approximately 1 m (3.3 ft) north of
the northern edge of the workstations and 1 m (3.3 ft) above the floor. The heat flux
gauges were centered on each of the northern workstations in the east - west plane. The
heat flux gauges were water-cooled Gardon-type transducers.


Four thermocouple arrays were installed in the enclosure. Each array was located 2.44 m
(4 ft) away from adjacent walls as shown in Figure 80. Each array had thermocouples in
contact with the ceiling tile, and 0.15 m (0.5 ft), 0.305 m (1 ft), 0.610 m (2 ft), 0.914 m
(3 ft), 1.22 m (4 ft), 1.52 m (5 ft), 1.83 m (6 ft), 2.13 m (7 ft) and 2.44 m (8 ft) below the
ceiling. In addition, a thermocouple was positioned above the suspended ceiling over
each thermocouple array, mid way between the top of the suspended ceiling and the roof
of the enclosure or 0.35 m (1.15 ft) below the ceiling of the enclosure. Thermocouples
were also installed adjacent to the burners for use as a time marker to show the start time
of the burners.

The thermocouples used were 0.51 mm (0.02 in) nominal diameter bare bead, Type K

Figure 80. Schematic plan view of enclosure with instrumentation locations

Video Cameras

Two video cameras were located near the floor of the enclosure on the south wall looking
northeast. One of the cameras was focused on the southeast workstation. The other
interior camera had a wider view of both of the southern workstations. Both of these
cameras were installed in a double walled, water-cooled stainless steel enclosure with a
ceramic view port to protect the cameras from the thermal conditions in the enclosure.

Three video cameras were located outside of the enclosure to the west. One of the
cameras was located to the west-southwest of the enclosure opening and two of the
cameras were on an elevated platform due west of the enclosure.

Experimental Procedure

Prior to ignition, each of the analyzers was zeroed and calibrated and the data acquisition
system and videos were started to collect background data. Data were recorded at 1 s
intervals. Ignition of the burners was initiated with propane pilot flames simultaneously
at two locations; the large heptane burner located at the east end of the enclosure and the
small natural gas burner located under the southeast workstation. The fire gases that
emerged from the open wall on the west end of the enclosure were captured in the hood
of the oxygen depletion calorimeter. The test plan allowed the fire to continue until such
time that fire gases production exceeded the capacity of the smoke control equipment. At
that time, manual fire suppression was initiated.

Experimental Results

The fire was started by igniting both the heptane spray and the natural gas burners
simultaneously. Flames from the heptane fueled burner, ignited paper on the gypsum
board and flames on the painted paper layer of the gypsum board spread laterally.
Between 30 s and 60 s after ignition, most of the vinyl blinds on the northwest portion of
the wall (most remote from the burner) had detached and fallen to the floor.
Approximately 60 s after ignition, some of the paper materials on the southeast
workstation work surface had begun to burn. The office chair was pyrolyzing as were
other materials on the desk due to the heat flux from the heptane burner.

By 80 s after ignition, all of the vinyl blinds had detached and fallen to the floor next to
the north wall. Within 120 s after ignition, the back and seat cushions of the office chair,
in the southeast workstation, were burning and fire had spread to a number of items on
the work surface including the computer monitor and letter trays. The fire on the gypsum
board had moved along the ceiling to the south wall and extended westward along the
south wall.

During the next minute, the fire continued to spread on top of the work surface of the
southeast workstation. A fire began to grow around the base of the office chair due to
burning material that dropped down from the seat and the back cushions. The letter tray
and the monitor on the northeast workstation ignited. The sled base chair next to the
southeast workstation was pyrolyzing. Flames were extending toward the west along the
north wall. At 200 s after ignition, the natural gas burner was shut off.

At 240 s after ignition, the office chair, in the southeast workstation, was fully involved
in fire, with flames extending from the floor under the chair to approximately 1 m (3.3 ft)
above the top of the chair back. The monitor appeared to be fully engulfed in flames as
well. The interior panel surfaces of the workstation were pyrolyzing as was the sled base
chair. Within another 15 s, the majority of the southeast workstation was burning. The
northeast workstation was also heavily involved in fire at this time. Flames were visible
in the smoke layer near the ceiling above the east workstations.

Ceiling tiles and paper debris began falling at 270 s after ignition. Earlier in the
experiment one or two tiles near the east wall had fallen, but at this point the tiles were
falling from areas over the workstations and they were falling in rapid succession. The
southeast sled base chair, the northeast sled base chair and the southwest sled base chair
also ignited at this time. The southwest computer monitor ignited along with most of the
other materials on top of the southwest workstation work surface. The northwest
computer had a small fire on the top of the case.

By 5 min or 300 s after ignition, most of the combustible materials in the southeast
portion of the enclosure had ignited, including the gypsum board that was covering the
floor. Many of the ceiling tiles that had dropped continued to burn on the floor. The
drop down of the tiles appeared to have reduced the amount of fire visible in the
enclosure, as if the tiles smothered portions of the fire. The northwest sled base chair had
ignited. The southwest portion of the ceiling grid collapsed at approximately 305 s after

At 360 s after ignition, all of the chairs in the enclosure were involved in the fire. At
400 s after ignition, the fire appeared to be growing with flames extending along the
north wall. Most of the fuel within the enclosure was burning. The exception was the
western most panels on the northwest and southwest workstations.

Manual suppression of the fire by two 38 mm (1.5 in) fire hoses began at 455 s after
ignition. The firefighters remained outside of the enclosure. The majority of the fire was
suppressed within 30 s. Figures 81 through 84 show the progression of the fire.

Figure 81. View of the enclosure 20 s after ignition of the burners

Figure 82. View of the enclosure, approximately 180 s after ignition

Figure 83. View of the enclosure, approximately 300 s after ignition

Figure 84. View of the enclosure, approximately 430 s after ignition

Heat Release Rate

The heat release rate time history is presented in Figure 85. For the first 60 s after
ignition, the majority of the heat release was provided by the heptane burner. As the
furnishings began to burn, the heat release rate increased and reached a peak of
approximately 17 MW. The ceiling tiles began to fall at approximately 270 s after
ignition culminating in a partial collapse of the ceiling grid in the southwest corner of the
enclosure at approximately 305 s after ignition. This caused a significant reduction in the
heat release rate as the ceiling tiles smothered some of the fire. The fallen ceiling tiles
also began to burn and the heat release rate of the fire rebounded to reach approximately
19 MW before being suppressed.

Heat Release Rate (kW)




0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 85. Multiple workstation heat release rate versus time

Heat Flux

The measurements from the two pairs of heat flux gauges are given in Figures 86 and 87.
The northwest set of gauges was positioned further away from the heptane burner and the
areas of the most intense burning. Hence the peak heat flux values were approximately
half of those from the northeast position heat flux gauges. In both graphs it can be seen
that the heat flux measured by the gauges that faced the workstations surpassed the heat
flux values from the gauges that faced the ceiling once the workstations were fully
involved with fire.


NW South
Heat Flux (kW/m )



NW Ceiling



0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)
Figure 86. Multiple workstation heat flux versus time, northwest position


NE South
Heat Flux (kW/m )




NE Ceiling



0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 87. Multiple workstation heat flux versus time, northeast position


The gas temperatures measured with the four thermocouple arrays, below the suspended
ceiling, are shown in Figures 88 through 91. The temperatures from the four
thermocouples in contact with the ceiling are provided in Figure 92. The temperatures
from the four thermocouples installed in the interstitial space are shown in Figure 93.

Examining the temperature graph from the northwest array, the temperature of the top
two thermocouples, 0.15 m (6 in) below the ceiling and 0.30 m (12 in) below the ceiling,
increased rapidly.

1000 79 TrNW-C
80 TrNW-6
81 TrNW-12
82 TrNW-24
800 83 TrNW-36
84 TrNW-48
Temperature ( C)

85 TrNW-60
86 TrNW-72

87 TrNW-84
600 88 TrNW-96



0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 88. Northwest thermocouple array temperature versus time

The northwest thermocouple array temperatures show a steady ceiling jet of hot gas that
is less that 0.61 m (2 ft) thick for the first 100 s. The smoke layer began to thicken as the
temperatures 0.61 m (2 ft) below the ceiling increased. The sharp increase in temperature
occurred at approximately 260 s, with the temperature near the ceiling being
representative of flame impingement. Based on the data it appeared that the
thermocouples, 0.92 m (3 ft) below the ceiling and lower, were never fully enveloped by
the hot gas layer. The temperatures near the floor increased when low level burning, due
to the fallen ceiling, occurred or the temperature increase could be partially due to
radiation heating of the thermocouple.

89 TrNE-C
1000 90 TrNE-6
91 TrNE-12
92 TrNE-24
93 TrNE-36
94 TrNE-48
800 95 TrNE-60
Temperature ( C)

96 TrNE-72
97 TrNE-84

98 TrNE-96



0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 89. Northeast thermocouple array temperature versus time

The northeast thermocouple array was located closer to the heptane burner, hence the
temperatures near the ceiling are higher. The hot gas layer thickness was similar to that
of the northwest thermocouple array: the layer was less than 0.61 m (2 ft) until 100 s after
ignition, then the layer began to thicken. The temperatures continued to increase and the
layer continued to thicken. By 220 s after ignition the layer had dropped to 0.92 m (3 ft)
below the ceiling. At approximately 270 s after ignition, the temperatures in the lower
half of the room began to increase. This is consistent with a well-mixed area of hot gas
that could signify a flashover. However due to the ceiling collapse, the nature of the fire
changed and all of the temperatures cooled somewhat until approximately 450 s after
ignition, when temperatures 1.83 m (6 ft) below the ceiling exceeded 600 C.

The measurements from the southeast thermocouple array are similar in terms of
magnitude and time of response with exception of the thermocouple located 0.61 m (2 ft)
below the ceiling. The temperature of that thermocouple increases sooner than its
northeast counterpart. This could be due to additional heat and smoke being generated by
the ignition of the southeast workstation by the 50 kW burner.

99 TrSE-C
100 TrSE-6
101 TrSE-12
1000 102 TrSE-24
103 TrSE-36
104 TrSE-48
105 TrSE-60
800 106 TrSE-72
107 TrSE-84
Temperature ( C)

108 TrSE-96




0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 90. Southeast thermocouple array temperature versus time

The southwest thermocouple array recorded the least amount of temperature increase of
the four thermocouple array positions. The hot gas layer did not increase to the 0.61 m
(2 ft) level below the ceiling until approximately 200 s after ignition. The time scale of
the southwest thermocouple array temperatures has been expanded because after the
southwest portion of the ceiling grid collapsed, the thermocouple array moved so that any
temperature measurements made after that time lost meaning.

Figure 92 shows the time history of the thermocouples that were in contact with the
ceiling tile. The two thermocouples positioned on the eastern side of the enclosure track
very well with the temperatures near the ceiling. The two ceiling thermocouples to the
west lag the temperature increase of the thermocouples located 0.15 m (6 in) below the
ceiling and 0.30 m (1 ft) below the ceiling, until approximately 250 s after ignition when
they catch up.


69 TrSW-C TC Array collapses

70 TrSW-6 with suspended ceiling
800 71 TrSW-12
72 TrSW-24
Temperature ( C)

73 TrSW-36

74 TrSW-48
75 TrSW-60
76 TrSW-72
77 TrSW-84
78 TrSW-96



0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320

Time (s)

Figure 91. Southwest thermocouple array temperatures versus time

79 TrNW-C
89 TrNE-C
800 99 TrSE-C
Temperature ( C)

69 TrSW-C




0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)
Figure 92. Multiple workstations, ceiling temperatures versus time

Figure 93 contains the temperature data from the thermocouples located above the
suspended ceiling. The temperatures track very well together with the exception of the
thermocouple in the southeast corner. It appears that flames or hot gases flowed into the
interstitial space near the southeast workstation faster than in the other quadrants of the


119 TNW
120 TNE
121 TSE
Temperature ( C)

118 TPSW




0 100 200 300 400 500

Time (s)

Figure 93. Multiple workstations, interstitial space temperature versus time

Discussion of Results

Based on the estimated timeline of fire development, the fire spread from the storage
room and throughout the open plan office space in approximately 10 min to 12 min. The
fire department was unable to suppress the fire from the southeast stairway. These two
facts are indicative of a fire that developed rapidly and generated high temperatures in
and around Suite 1240. This raises the question, was there something special or unusual
about the furnishings and/or the interior finish, or other factors, which led to the fire
conditions encountered by the fire department? Or were the conditions consistent with
office building fires?

One method of examining the fuel load was to compare it to the heat release rate of other
common materials. The heat release rate from the cone calorimeter is provided as a
heat release rate per unit area. Some representative peak heat release rates from cone
experiments are given in Table 6. The items demonstrate a range of approximately

100 kW/m2 to 600 kW/m2 for materials that are commonly found in homes and offices.
Comparing these values to those presented in Table 2, it can be seen that all of the
materials tested fall within this range with the exception of the letter trays and the
wastebasket/recycling bins. However, on a mass basis, an area basis, or a total heat
release rate basis the letter trays and the wastebasket/recycling bins provide a small
fraction of the total energy released by the office workstation fuel package.

Table 6. A cross section of representative heat release rates

Item Reference Peak HRR Exposure Heat

(kW/m2) Flux
Unpainted gypsum 13 89 35
Unpainted gypsum 13 110 70
Plywood 14 220 35
Plywood 14 254 70
Heavy polyolefin 15 300 25
fabric over
polyurethane foam
Heavy polyolefin 15 620 75
fabric over
polyurethane foam

The measured peak heat release rates of the single fuel packages the sled base chair and
the office chair, were approximately 250 kW and 500 kW, respectively. The mass of the
sled base chair was 11.8 kg (26 lb) and the mass of the office chair was 20.45 kg (45 lb).

Heat release rate testing has been conducted on a wide variety of chairs. A cross section
of results is presented in NFPA 72 [16]. The range of heat release rates for a single chair
is shown as ranging from 35 kW up to 2.6 MW, depending on the frame, the materials
used in construction and the amount of upholstery. The chairs range from molded
fiberglass chairs, with no upholstery or padding, at the low end of the range up through
upholstered living room chairs at the high end of the range. Recently a heat release
rate experiment was conducted on an overstuffed, upholstered chair, the peak heat
release rate was approximately 2.5 MW [17].

Hence the chairs from Suite 1240 of the Cook County Administration Building had a
peak heat release rate that was typical of office furnishings and significantly less than the
heat release level considered characteristic of household furniture.

In previous experiments, the peak heat release rate of workstations with a floor area of
3.8 m2 (40.9 ft2) ranged from 2.8 MW to 6.9 MW range. The range was dependent on the
number of sides enclosed. The workstation with the lower heat release rate had two sides

enclosed while the workstation with the higher heat release rate had 4 sides enclosed with
an opening for an entry way. The side panels of the workstations tested were in similar
construction to those from the Cook County Administration Building. The fuel load per
unit floor area was approximately 88 kg/m2 (18 lb/ft2)[9].

The single workstation from the Cook County Administration Building covered a floor
area of 3.15 m2 (33.9 ft2) and had a similar fuel load per unit area of 83 kg/m2 (17 lb/ft2).
The Cook County workstation had two sides enclosed and two partial sides enclosed.
The peak heat release, 3.5 MW, falls within the lower quartile of the data range from the
previous experiments.

Based on the heat release rate comparisons, the furnishings in Suite 1240 of the Cook
County Administration Building would be considered typical or representative of office
furnishing or interior finish materials that have been tested previously.

It should be noted that several other fires have taken place in high rise office buildings, in
which the fire had advanced to a significant level and then challenged the capabilities of
the fire department to extinguish the fire.

First Interstate Bank Building - A fire started in a workstation located in an open plan
office area on the 12th floor. It is estimated that, within 15 min of the fire starting,
approximately 25 % of the 12th floor was involved in fire. The fire continued to spread
and within an hour the 12th floor was fully involved with the exception of some private
offices on the northeast corner of the building. By that time the fire had begun to spread
vertically [18].

Alexis Nihon Plaza, Montreal, Canada, October 26, 1986 Approximately 15 min to
20 min after detection of the fire, the fire department began an interior attack on the fire
on the 10th floor. The intensity of the fire and low water pressure prevented fire fighters
from reaching the seat of the fire [19].

One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia, PA., February 23, 1991 - Within 8 min of the fire
alarm system activating, the fire on the 22nd floor had broken out windows. The
investigators determined that the room of origin had reached flash over and that the fire
had spread beyond the room of origin prior to the fire departments arrival. The report
concludes that when the magnitude of the fire reaches the level encountered by those
first arriving fire fighters, little can be done to quickly intervene and suppress the fire

Based on the heat release rate data and the historical information from previous high rise,
office building fires, the fire load and the fire development follows the trend of being a
typical fire in this type of occupancy.

Uncertainty Analysis

There are different components of uncertainty in the gas temperatures, mass of fuel
packages, total heat flux and heat release rate data reported here. Uncertainties are
grouped into two categories according to the method used to estimate them. Type A
uncertainties are those that are evaluated by statistical methods, and Type B are those that
are evaluated by other means [21]. Type B analysis of systematic uncertainties involves
estimating the upper (+ a) and lower (- a) limits for the quantity in question such that the
probability that the value would be in the interval ( a) is essentially 100 %. After
estimating uncertainties by either Type A or B analysis, the uncertainties are combined in
quadrature to yield the combined standard uncertainty. Multiplying the combined
standard uncertainty by a coverage factor of two results in the expanded uncertainty that
corresponds to a 95 % confidence interval (2).

Components of uncertainty are tabulated in Table 7. Some of these components, such as

the zero and calibration elements, are derived from instrument specifications. Other
components, such as soot deposition or radiative cooling/heating include past experience
with thermophoretic deposition on cool surfaces and thermocouples in high temperature
fuel rich environments.

The uncertainty in the gas temperature measurements includes radiative cooling in each
of the tests series, but also includes radiative heating for thermocouple located in the
lower layer of the full-scale tests. Pitts et al. quantified the errors of bare bead
thermocouples as ranging from 7 % in the hot upper gas layer to as much as 75 % in the
lower layer [22]. The potential for large errors in the lower layer are a function of the
effective temperature of the surroundings. In cases where the effective temperature of the
surroundings is high then the error can be great. In cases, similar to a developing fire in a
compartment, the temperature measurement errors in the lower are small as the fire
develops through flashover, since the effective temperature of the floor and walls are
relatively cool. Post-flashover, the potential for measurement error increases as the
temperature of the surroundings increase. In addition, small diameter thermocouples
were used to limit the impact of radiative heating and cooling. This resulted in an
estimate of 15 % total expanded uncertainty.

The potential for soot deposition on the face of the water-cooled total heat flux gauges
contributed significant uncertainty to the heat flux measurements. Calibration of heat
flux gauges was completed at lower fluxes and then extrapolated to higher values and this
resulted in a higher uncertainty in the flux measurement. Combining all of component
uncertainties for total heat flux resulted in a total expanded uncertainty of 24 % to
+ 13 % for the flux measurements.

Several load cells were utilized to measure fuel package mass. Each load cell was
calibrated with a standard mass prior to recording the mass of each fuel item. All fuel
items, such as chairs, paper, or computers, were then selected at random to be reweighed
a second time in order to help estimate repeatability.

Expanded uncertainties (95 % confidence level) associated with oxygen calorimetry
techniques, discussed in greater detail by Bryant et al. [12], are estimated to be 11 %.

Table 7. Estimated uncertainty in Experimental Data

Component Combined Total

Standard Standard Expanded
Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty

Gas Temperature
Calibration [23] 1%
Radiative Cooling - 5 % to + 0 % - 8 % to + 8 % - 15 % to + 15 %
Radiative Heating - 0 % to + 5 %
Repeatability 1 5%
Random 1 3%

Total Heat Flux

Calibration [24] 3%
Zero - 2 % to + 2 %
Soot Deposition - 10 % to + 0 % - 12 % to + 7 % - 24 % to + 13 %
Repeatability 1 5%
Random 1 3%

Mass of Fuel Package

Zero 0.02 %
Calibration 1% 9% 18 %
Repeatability 5%
Random 3%

Notes: 1. Random and repeatability evaluated as Type A, other components as Type B.

Modeling With NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator

The NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
model of fire-driven fluid flow. It solves numerically a form of the Navier-Stokes
equations appropriate for low-speed, thermally driven flow with an emphasis on smoke
and heat transport from fires [26]. Version 1 was publicly released in February 2000.
The predictions performed here were made with the public pre-release version 4 of the
model. Version 4 includes several new features such as multi-blocking which were
critical in performing these calculations.

A CFD model requires that the room or building of interest be divided into small three-
dimensional rectangular control volumes or computational cells. The CFD model
computes the density, velocity, temperature, pressure and species concentration of the gas
in each cell as it steps through time. Based on the laws of conservation of mass,
momentum, species, and energy the model tracks the generation and movement of fire
gases. Radiative heat transfer is included in the model via the solution of the radiation
transport equation for a non-scattering gray gas. All solid surfaces are assigned thermal
boundary conditions, plus information about the burning behavior of the material. Heat
and mass transfer to and from solid surfaces is usually handled with empirical
correlations. FDS utilizes material properties of the furnishings, walls, floors, and
ceilings to compute fire growth and spread. A complete description of the FDS model is
given in references [26, 27].


Smokeview is a scientific visualization program that was developed to display the results
of an FDS model computation [28]. Smokeview allows the viewing of FDS results in
three-dimensional snapshots or animations. Smokeview can display contours of
temperature, velocity and gas concentration in planar slices. It can also display properties
with iso-surfaces that are three-dimensional versions of a constant value of the property.
Iso-surfaces are most commonly used to provide a three-dimensional approximation of
the flame surface where fuel, heat and oxygen are present such that flames may exist.

FDS Inputs

Inputs required by FDS include the geometry of the structure, the computational cell size,
the location of the ignition source, the energy release rate of the ignition source, thermal
properties of walls, ceilings, floors, furnishings, and the size, location, and timing of door
and window openings to the outside which critically influence fire growth and spread.


FDS approximates the governing equations on a rectilinear grid. This three-dimensional

grid represents the volume modeled by FDS. The grid is isolated from the surroundings,
that is, all the smoke and heat generated by the fire stays within the grid and the air does
not enter the grid. The user may, however, prescribe vents that allow smoke and heat to
leave and air to enter the grid area. The user prescribes rectangular obstructions that are
forced to conform to the underlying grid. Multi-blocking is a term used to describe the
use of more than one rectangular grid or mesh in a calculation.

FDS predications are sensitive to grid size in that smaller cells will generally capture
more features of the flow. The downside on using small cells is that the computation
time increases more than linearly with increased number of grid cells. Computation
times of one day on a fast computer are not uncommon but may increase to several
months with a large number of grid cells. Therefore, is important to use the smallest
number of grid cells that still capture the important features of the fire. One way to
reduce the number of grid cells is the use of multi-blocking. With multi-blocking smaller
grid cells that capture more detail are used near the fire and larger grid cells with less
detail are used remote from the fire.

Building items such as walls, floors, windows, doors and furniture are described in FDS
as rectilinear blocks. These blocks must have sides that are either horizontal or vertical
and no sloped or curved surfaces are allowed. The blocks may be colored for
identification and may be assigned material properties. The blocks may be entered into
the simulation with exact measurements from the building. However FDS can only work
with items that fall exactly on grid cell boundaries. FDS takes the input blocks and
adjusts them to match the grid cell boundaries. As a result, items may either grow or
shrink to match the grid. In most cases this does not have a major impact on the
calculations, although it can result in walls with no thickness or walls with gaps at
intersections. Usually these issues are resolved by adjusting the size of the blocks
slightly to produce the desired geometry that matches the grid size.

The Cook County Administration Building, 69 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois
is 37 stories tall with one level below grade. It was constructed of reinforced cast-in-
place concrete with concrete and glass panel exterior walls. Figure 94 shows a view of
the building from the West Washington Street side.

Figure 94. Cook County Administration Building, 69 West Washington Street view
from northwest

The core that contains the elevators and two stairs is masonry and concrete construction.
The southeast stairs were designed as a smoke-proof tower (Figure 95). The stairs
contained a vestibule with a louvered vent to a smoke shaft that extended to the roof of
the building. Figure 96 shows a detailed plan of the southeast stairs. The partition walls
were 1.59 cm (5/8 in) thick type X gypsum board on steel studs. On the 12th floor the
partitions extended from floor to a drop ceiling in all areas except the core. The drop
ceiling was 2.7 m (8.8 ft) above the floor and the distance from floor to floor was 3.8 m
(12.5 ft). Ventilation supply to the floor was provided by fixed and flexible ducts from
the supply air duct shafts in the core to ceiling mounted supply registers throughout the
area. Return air registers in the drop ceiling led directly to the space between the drop
ceiling and the underside of the concrete floor above. The space between the drop ceiling
and the floor above served as the return air plenum. Return air traveled through the
plenum to return air duct shafts in the core. Figure 97 shows areas of significant damage
within the building.

Figure 95. Building core, 12th floor

Figure 96. Plan of southeast stairs, 12th floor

Figure 97. Area of significant fire damage, 12th floor

The 12th floor of the building at 69 West Washington Street was modeled with FDS using
dimensions taken from floor plans and measurements made after the fire. The area
including the fire suite had 130 000 grid cells 0.28 m (11.0 in) by 0.29 m (11.4 in) by
0.19 m (7.5 in) high. The area outside the fire area was comprised of two blocks with a
total of 49 248 grid cells 0.5 m (19.7 in) by 0.5 m by 0.47 m (18.5 in) high. The grid was
slightly larger than the floor area and extended from the top of the 12th floor slab to the
top of the 14th floor slab, one story up. There was no floor labeled as the 13th floor in the
building. The southeast stairs were modeled with 55 440 grid cells 0.28 m (11.0 in) by
0.29 m (11.4 in) by 0.19 m (7.5 in) high. This grid included the stairwell and smoke shaft
from the 14th floor to the 27th floor. The 27th floor was selected to be far enough away
from the 12th floor to examine the initial phase of flow in the stairs. Figure 98 shows the
building as modeled by FDS without the stairs looking from the south. The black lines
around the floor show the extent of the grid. Figure 99 shows the building with the floor
slab above the 12th floor removed and Figure 100 with the drop ceiling removed. Figure
101 is a close up view within the Secretary of State Business Services, Suite 1240,
showing the grid structure used. From this view the furniture within the suite can be
seen. Figure 102 shows a cutaway through the building with the southeast stairs.

Figure 98. 12th floor viewed from south

Figure 99. 12th floor with floor slab above removed

Figure 100. 12th floor with floor slab above and drop ceiling removed

Figure 101. Example of grid in suite where fire occurred

Figure 102. Cutaway view of southeast stairs


Vents in FDS are openings from the model to ambient conditions outside the
computational domain. Vents allow smoke and heat to leave the grid area and air to
enter. Vents may be either simple openings that allow natural flow to occur based on the
buoyancy of the hot gases, or vents may use a specified or forced flow rate such as the
flow from a fan. Both types of vents were used in the model of the 12th floor. Natural
vents to the outside were placed along the north and east side of the grid in front of the
windows that broke-out during the fire. Natural vents were also placed over the southeast
stairs at the level of the 14th floor slab at the top of the grid. Looking at the building from
the northeast corner the natural vents are shown in Figure 103 with outlines. When the
smoke shaft was simulated a vent was placed at the top of the shaft.

Figure 103. Vents to the outside outlines

At the time of the fire the wind speed was less than 1.1 m/s (2.5 mph) and the
temperature was approximately 13 C (55 F) at both OHare and Midway airports.
Since the wind speed was very low, no outside wind conditions were simulated at the

In the storage room, a single forced ventilation vent was used to represent the air supply
register. The design airflow from the register was 0.054 m3/s (115 ft3/min). The air
supplies within the building were designed to shut down upon smoke detector activation
so supplies in other parts of the floor should not have been operating when the fire
reached them.

Openings Within the Grid

The placement of blocks within the grid forms the structure of the building and its
contents. The hydrodynamic calculations performed by FDS allow air, hot gases, smoke
and flames to move through the building. Thermal radiation, like light, travels by line-of-
sight and may be intercepted by obstacles within the grid.

Normal buildings may appear tightly constructed, but there are many small openings or
leaks within a building that allow for the flow of air or combustion products. Since
objects can only exist at grid boundaries, small leaks may be created by either using a
very small grid size, or by representing many small leaks by fewer large leaks. The latter

was used for this building. Leaks from the fire suite were represented by removing a one
grid cell high block from the top and bottom of several doors and a window. This
process is sometimes referred to as undercutting or overcutting a door or window. The
doors and window with undercut and overcuts are shown in Figure 104.

Figure 104. Doors and window with undercut and overcut

There were numerous return air registers in the drop ceiling throughout the floor
connecting the office space to the space above the drop ceiling. Rather than model all of
these openings individually, the drop ceiling outside the fire area was removed from the
calculation. This allowed smoke and hot gasses in the space above the ceiling to infiltrate
the entire floor. The return air registers in the suite where the fire was were represented
by a single opening in the ceiling on the northwest side of the suite.

The leaks into the elevator shafts, other parts of the building core, and outside walls of
the building were represented by leaving the door the northwest stairs open. Although
this door was not continuously open during the fire, it was selected since it was relatively
far from the fire. The vent to the outside of the grid at the top of the stairs allowed some
of the smoke and hot gases to leave the floor. During the fire, smoke was reported on a
number of floors above the fire area.

During the course of a fire, some items within the building may be consumed by the fire
or otherwise change position. FDS does not have the capability to calculate burn-through
or collapse but the user can remove items during the course of the calculations. Items

that are removed can represent objects that fall or are destroyed by the fire, or objects that
are changed by people such as doors that are opened.

Windows on the east and north side of the building were broken out by the fire. Figure
105 is a photograph of the building taken from the northeast corner several weeks after
the fire. The plywood-covered windows on all but one window on the east side can be
used to identify the 12th floor. Also, the smoke stain on the side of the building
originates at the 12th floor. Other plywood-covered windows were broken by the fire
department to remove smoke and heat from the building.

Figure 105. 69 West Washington Street northeast corner

The exact time of window breakage on the 12th floor could not be determined. The first
arriving fire department units reported nothing showing but were located on the West
Washington Street side and would not have had a clear view of the windows on the
Dearborn Street side. Witnesses described windows breaking around the time of the fire
department arrival. The flaming fire was believed to have started at approximately
17:00:00 and the first fire department units were on the scene at 17:06:29. Using
17:00:00 as the start of the simulation, windows were removed in the model at the times
shown in Table 8. The window locations were based on the column letters and numbers
corresponding to columns in the original design plans for the building. The lettered
columns ran from north to south and the numbered columns ran from east to west. The

building columns were spaced 2.84 m (9.3 ft) on center. The column letters and numbers
are shown in Figure 106. There were no columns 1, A, I, or O.

Table 8. Objects removed during simulation

Object Removed Simulation Time Clock Time

East window columns K-J 360 s (6 min) 17:06:00
East window columns L-K 400 s (6 min 40 s) 17:06:40
East window columns J-H 450 s (7 min 30 s) 17:07:30
East window - columns H-G 500 s (8 min 20 s) 17:08:20
East window columns G-F 550 s (9 min 10 s) 17:09:10
East window columns F-E 600 s (10 min) 17:10:00
East window columns E-D 650 s (10 min 50 s) 17:10:50
Drop ceiling fire suite 660 s (11 min) 17:11:00
East window columns D-C 700 s (11 min 40 s) 17:11:40
North window - columns 4-5 700 s (11 min 40 s) 17:11:40
North window - columns 3-4 720 s (12 min) 17:12:00
Southeast stair door 930 s (15 min 30 s) 17:15:30
Smoke shaft vent 930 s (15 min 30 s) 17:15:30

Figure 106. Building column numbers

At the end of the fire, the entire drop ceiling in the fire suite had fallen. It is not known at
what time the ceiling fell, but during the four workstation experimental burn at NIST, the
ceiling began to fall at 270 s (4 min 30 s). The grid supporting the ceiling partially
collapsed at 305 s (5 min 5 s) after ignition. In order to include the effect of falling
ceiling, the main part of the drop ceiling in the fire area was removed after 660 s
(11 min). Although the ceiling was removed in the simulation, the ceiling tiles did not
fall to the floor and continue to burn. The removed material simply disappeared from the

The fire department entered the 12th floor through the southeast stairwell to fight the fire.
The exact time the stairway door was opened is not known. The fire pump in the
building started at 17:16:04 indicating that the fire department was flowing water.
Assuming the door was opened a short time before a hose line was in operation, the door
was opened at 930 s (15 min 30 s) into the simulation. For the model simulation with the
smoke shaft, the vent to the shaft was also opened at 930 s (15 min 30 s). To enhance the
view of the model results, views of the building before 930 s (15 min 30 s) did not
include the southeast stairs above the 12th floor.

Another object that moved during the fire was the paper material stacked outside the
storage room. During the course of the fire a significant amount of this paper fell off the
stacks onto the floor. Since objects cannot be moved during an FDS simulation, material
was placed on the floor in front of the stacks of paper. Figure 107 shows the materials on
the floor after the fire. Some of the material had been moved to create a walkway.
Figure 108 shows the material on the floor in the FDS model.

Figure 107. Material on floor in front of storage room

Figure 108. Material on floor in front of storage room in model


When a wall, ceiling, piece of furniture, or any other material is defined for use in the
FDS model, it is given a set of physical and thermal properties that are used by the
model. Some of these properties such as thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity,
density and thickness impact the heat transfer in the material. For materials that burn,
additional parameters such as ignition temperature, heat of combustion, heat of
vaporization and maximum burning rate are specified. The properties for most of the
materials were taken from standard references or fire experiments. Two of the materials
used were modified for this project.

The material on the shelves of the storage room was specified as a modified paper. The
contents of the storage room shelves were mostly paper materials. Since objects in FDS
are blocks with smooth surfaces, using paper for the storage room shelves would result in
modeling the material on the shelves as blocks of solid paper. A solid block of paper is
difficult to ignite with a small fire source and would not spread flame easily. The
material on the shelves had many small surfaces, some of which would ignite and
facilitate flame spread. To model the materials on the shelves, the ignition temperature of
the paper was reduced. This material was also used for stacks of paper materials in other
areas of the fire suite.

To simulate miscellaneous material on the desktops throughout the suite, the properties of
the blocks that represent computer monitors were modified to include these materials.
The properties of the modified computer monitor blocks were based on the Factory
Mutual Research Corporation standard plastic test commodity that has previously been
used in FDS simulations [29]. In this case, the density of the standard commodity was
increased by a factor of five to represent the collected computer monitor and desktop
items. The combustible items in the desk drawers were not included since they would not
have played a significant role during the period of the simulation. The floor of suite 1240
except for the storage room was covered with carpet. The vertical windows blinds were
not included since they would have melted and fallen early in the fire and the blinds did
not contribute a significant quantity of fuel when compared to the other items in the suite.

The selection of material properties can have a significant impact on FDS predictions,
particularly when the fire is small. The determination of material properties is one of the
most difficult aspects of FDS utilization. Ideally, extensive small and large scale testing
and model verification are utilized to characterize material properties. For these
simulations, material properties were adjusted to match the known sequence of events.

Ignition Source

The ignition source at 69 West Washington Street was unknown, however, an ignition
source or initial fire is required in FDS to start the simulation. Since fuels are described
as flat surfaces, it is generally not possible to use an ignition source as small as a match.
The simulation, with the specified grid size, would not capture the small three-
dimensional features that contribute to the ignition of materials with a fire source the size
of a match.

According to the statements in public depositions by the occupants of the Secretary of

State Business Services, Suite 1240, when the fire was first discovered, it was at the top
of the storage room near a light fixture. The occupants of Suite 1240, left the suite and
could provide no further information on the growth of the flames, other than the suite was
filling with smoke.

This simulation did not address the source of ignition. Instead, a small flaming fire with
a prescribed burning rate was used to initiate the fire in the suite. The small flaming fire
would correspond to the fire described by the occupants. The initiating fire was the size
of one grid cell and is shown by the large red square in Figure 109. It grew linearly from
a heat release rate of 0 kW/m2 at the start of the simulation to 1.5 kW/m2 at 340 s (5 min
40 s) into the simulation and back to 0 kw/m2 at 345 s (5 min 45 s). This fire was
adequate to start other materials burning on the top of the shelves in the storage room.

Figure 109. Fire source and fire sprinkler locations


FDS has the ability to model the activation of automatic fire sprinklers and impact of the
water from the sprinklers on the growth of a fire [29]. Although there were no sprinklers
installed on the 12th floor at the time of the fire, a complete automatic fire sprinkler
system was being installed in the building as a result of the fire. In the simulation, two
sprinklers were placed in the storage room to examine the impact of sprinklers on the fire.
Typical standard response, K-5, pendent sprinklers with a K factor of 81 L/min/(bar),
activation temperature of 74 C (165 F) and a response time index of 150 (ms) were
used. Each sprinkler was centered in one half of the storage room, which would be
common installation practice. The sprinklers are the two small red squares in Figure 109.

Model Uncertainty

FDS can provide valuable insight into how a fire may have developed. However the
model is only a simulation. The model output was dependent on a variety of input values
such as material properties, time lines, geometry, and ventilation openings. Since
complete knowledge of every detail of the fire site, fuel load or fire timeline was not
available; estimations are incorporated into the model. For example, the estimation of the
energy release rate of an initial source fire as a starting point for fire development and
spread throughout the structure was a necessary part of re-creating this fire scenario.

The ability of the FDS model to predict accurately the temperature and velocity of fire
gases has been previously evaluated by conducting experiments, both lab-scale and full-
scale, and measuring quantities of interest. For relatively simple fire driven flows, such
as buoyant plumes and flows through doorways, FDS predictions are within the
experimental uncertainty of the values measured in the experiments [29]. For example, if
a gas flow velocity is measured at 0.5 m/s (1.6 ft/s) with an experimental uncertainty of
0.05 m/s ( 0.2 ft/s), the FDS model gas flow velocity predictions were also in the
range between 0.45 m/s and 0.55 m/s (1.5 ft/s and 1.8 ft/s).

In large scale fire tests reported in [30], FDS temperature predictions were found to be
within 15 % of the measured temperatures and the FDS heat release rates were predicted
to within 20 % of the measured values.

For a complex building such as the one modeled here, there are a significant number of
approximations and input options. Although FDS is physics based model, the predictions
can vary widely depending on the inputs selected. The principal object in generating the
model input for this case was to match the fire growth to observations during the fire and
the examination of the fire scene after the fire. The model can then be used to examine
the conditions that would likely have occurred in the building during the course of the
fire. The model can also provide insight into alternative scenarios such as the presence of
sprinklers or the operation of the vent to the smoke shaft.

Discussion of Model Results

FDS can provide a wide range of output files for visualization in Smokeview. One of the
most useful for examining fire spread is a red colored iso-surface where air and fuel are
present at the proper ratio for burning, such that flames would likely exist. In the
following figures describing fire spread the smoke is not displayed to clarify the flame
visualization. Figure 120 shows the 12th floor viewed from the east with areas above the
drop ceiling removed. The time in the lower left corner is the simulation time in minutes
and seconds and the bar represents the fraction of the total simulation time of 990 s
(16 min 30 s). The total simulation time corresponds to the approximate time the fire
fighters began applying water to the fire on the 12th floor. The application of water
would have had an impact on the fire and smoke conditions that could not be predicted by

Fire Spread

At 150 s (2 min 30 s) into the simulation, a small fire can be seen on the top of the
shelves in the storage room (Figure 110). At 220 s (3 min 40), the fire was spreading
along the top of the shelves (Figure 111). At 242 s (4 min 2 s) flames were beginning to
extend outside the storage room (Figure 112). Figure 113 is a view from inside the suite
at same time. At 300 s (5 min) flames were involving the material stacked outside the

storage room and the material on the floor (Figure 114). At 360 s (6 min) the fire began
to spread to the materials across from the storage room (Figure 115). Figure 116 shows
the oxygen concentration in a vertical plane or slice through the building. The color bar
on the right gives the oxygen in volume fraction with normal air being blue and no
oxygen being red. From this figure it can be seen that the oxygen concentration near the
storage room was very low. Figure 115 shows that flaming within the storage room was
limited to the area near the door due to the lack of oxygen within the room. Figure 117
shows the shelves in the storage room after the fire, with considerable combustible
materials remaining. At 390 s (6 min 30 s) flames were beginning on the workstations
(Figure 118) and the first window was removed. At 420 s (7 min) two windows were
removed (Figure 119) and at 450 s (7 min 30 s) flames spread across several workstations
with three windows removed (Figure 120). At 540 s (9 min) flames were across
approximately one-half the suite (Figure 121).

Figure 110. Flame iso-surface at 150 s (2 min 30 s)

Figure 111. Flame iso-surface at 220 s (3 min 40 s)

Figure 112. Flame iso-surface at 242 s (4 min 2 s)

Figure 113. Flame iso-surface at 242 s (4 min 2 s), inside view

Figure 114. Flame iso-surface at 300 s (5 min), inside view

Figure 115. Flame iso-surface, 360 s (6 min)

Figure 116. Oxygen concentration, 360 s (6 min)

Figure 117. Material on storage room shelves after fire

Figure 118. Flame iso-surface at 390 s (6 min 30 s)

Figure 119. Flame iso-surface at 420 s (7 min)

Figure 120. Flame iso-surface at 450 s (7 min 30 s)

Figure 121. Flame iso-surface at 540 s (9 min)

At 660 s (11 min) flames were nearly across the entire suite and the main area of the drop
ceiling in the suite was removed. Figure 122 shows the drop ceiling just before it was
removed from the simulation and Figure 123 just after it was removed. There was little
flaming in the waiting area due to the very low oxygen concentration in that area. At
720 s (12 min) the last window on the north side was removed (Figure 124). The fire at
that point had reached basically a steady burning rate limited by the oxygen available
primarily through the windows. Figure 125 shows a graph of the heat release rate, which
although fluctuating, began to level off at approximately 29 MW. It is likely the fire
would have continued at approximately this rate until the fuel was consumed if no other
ventilation was provided and the fire did not cause the failure of the walls or doors in the
fire suite.

Figure 122. Flame iso-surface at 660 s (11 min), before drop ceiling removed

Figure 123. Flame iso-surface at 661 s (11 min 1 s), after drop ceiling removed

Figure 124. Flame iso-surface at 720 s (12 min)


Heat Release Rate (MW)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

TIme (min)
Figure 125. Fire heat release rate

Although the fire was extinguished by the fire department, much of the fuel in the south
end of the suite had been consumed. Figure 126 shows the extent of the damage to the
workstations in the south end of the suite. The workstations may have been moved by
fire fighting operations. In the north end of the suite there was more fuel remaining in the
workstations (Figure 127). After the fire, stacked paper material, which can burn for a
longer period of time than furniture was found throughout the suite and storage room.
The type-X gypsum board partition walls, concrete building core walls and solid core
doors surrounding the suite contained the majority of the fire. The damage suggested that
heat had leaked past the doors in the corridors and surrounding rooms. Figure 128 shows
the door to the suite from the north corridor. It appears there were some flames or very
hot gases in the north corridor but the flames did not spread down the corridor. The only
door from the north corridor to the suite had a large glass that may have broken during
the fire, and this would have allowed flames into the corridor. Figure 129 shows the door
from the south corridor. Heat damage can be seen on the upper wall but it does not
appear fire spread down the corridor. Figure 130 shows the office in the northeast corner
of the suite. Although the heat in the room was sufficient to melt plastic material, there
does not appear to have been flaming in the room.

Figure 126. Fire suite, south end

Figure 127. Fire suite, north end

Figure 128. North corridor, looking towards the fire suite

Figure 129. South corridor, looking towards the fire suite

Figure 130. Northwest room

Smoke Spread on the 12th Floor

Another way to examine this fire is through the visualization of smoke. Smoke is a
complex combination of gases, particulates and droplets. This discussion focuses on the
particulates to visualize the smoke travel. Due to the uncertainty in characterizing the
specific fuels burned in this fire, the toxicity of the smoke will not be addressed. The
burning of common materials such as the paper, plastic and wood in this fire produced
particulates that were principally carbon. FDS transported the particulates generated
during burning. The particulate generation rate is prescribed. The particulates are small
and normally travel with the combustion gases; however, when the particulates come in
contact with surfaces they may become deposited on the surfaces. Hot smoke tends to
deposit more rapidly on cold surfaces. FDS does not predict the deposition of smoke
particulates. The visibility of smoke is a function of not only the composition of the
smoke but lighting conditions and scatter. The smoke visualization from FDS should
only used as an indication of the presence of smoke and may not be an accurate
representation of the visibility.

The following figures show the smoke combined with the iso-surface representing
flames. Figure 131 is a view looking towards the storage room at 120 s (2 min). At this
time the smoke was beginning to flow from the storage room. At 242 s (4 min 2 s),
flames were emerging from the storage room and rate of smoke production was
increasing (Figure 132). At 270 s (4 min 30 s), smoke was down to the desk level
(Figure 133). From an overhead view at the same time (Figure 134) smoke moved
through the plenum above the drop ceiling. The drop ceiling in the area outside the fire
suite was not included in the calculation. At 300 s (5 min) smoke filled approximately
three quarters of the plenum (Figure 135) and at 360 s (6 min) the entire plenum
(Figure 136). A cutaway of the building through the south corridor shows the smoke had
descended throughout most of the 12th floor (Figure 137). The plenum in the building
contained wiring, ductwork, light fixtures and other surfaces upon which smoke was
deposited. Further, as smoke entered the office area through the return air vents in the
drop ceiling, smoke particulates were deposited on surfaces in the office areas. Figure
138 shows a return air register with the drop ceiling tiles removed. Note the concrete
floor slab above is black with deposited smoke. At 480 s (8 min), smoke had descended
nearly to the floor (Figure 139) and by 900 s (15 min) the 12th floor was completely filled
with smoke (Figure 140). The simulation ends at 990 s (16 min 30 s) with most of the
suite involved in fire and smoke and some flames rising from broken windows on the
north and east sides of the building (Figure 141).

Figure 131. Smoke at 120 s (2 min)

Figure 132. Smoke at 242 s (4 min 2 s)

Figure 133. Smoke at 270 s (4 min 30 s)

Figure 134. Smoke at 270 s (4 min 30 s)

Figure 135. Smoke at 300 s (5 min)

Figure 136. Smoke at 360 s (6 min)

Figure 137. Smoke at 360 s (6 min)

Figure 138. Return air register

Figure 139. Smoke at 480 s (8 min)

Figure 140. Smoke at 900 s (15 min)

Figure 141. Smoke at 990 s (16 min 30 s)

Smoke Spread Up the Southeast Stairs Without a Functioning Smoke Shaft

At 930 s (15 min 30 s) the door to the southeast stairway was opened simulating the entry
of the fire fighters onto the 12th floor to attack the fire. The southeast stairway had a door
from the corridor to a vestibule and a door from the vestibule to the stairs. A vent to a
smoke shaft, which extended to an opening on top of the roof, was located in the
vestibule. For this simulation, the vent to the smoke shaft remained closed. Although the
vent to the smoke shaft was designed to open via a heat actuated device (HAD) in the
corridor or a HAD in the vestibule, the vent may have failed to open during the fire even
though the HAD operated.

The flow of hot smoke up a stairway is a complex event. The hot smoke rises in the
stairs and begins to mix with the cool air in the stairs, reducing the temperature of the
smoke and thus its buoyancy. The smoke also loses heat to the stairs and stairway walls
and floors, further reducing its temperature and buoyancy. The rising smoke must either
push the cool air up the stairs or move past the cool air as it rises. Since the stairs had no
leaks, the smoke had to displace the air in the shaft and the turbulence caused by the
stairs would have resulted in the mixing of the air with the smoke.

Figure 142 shows a cross section of the building through the southeast stairs at 935 s
(15 min 35 s), which was 5 s after the corridor door was opened. Smoke had begun to
move up the stairs. In the simulation, the stairs extended to the 27th floor. During the fire
the stairway above the fire was mostly closed with the exception of a few occupants

entering or leaving the stairs. The mostly closed stairway would have restricted the flow
of smoke as compared to a stairway with open doors or leaks. The stairway in the model
is completely closed above the 12th floor with no leaks. Openings to the stairs below the
fire floor would have also had an impact on the smoke flow in the stairs. While the status
of the stair openings during the fire was not known, the stairway was assumed to be
closed below the 12th floor.

Figure 143 shows smoke in the stairs at 945 s (15 min 45 s) that had reached the 15th
floor. In this view the stairs are shown in a wire frame view. At 690 s (16 min) smoke
reached the 16th floor (Figure 144). Figure 145 shows the smoke in the stairs had reached
the 17th floor at the end of the simulation 990 s (16 min 30 s).

Figure 142. Smoke in southeast stairs at 935 s (15 min 35 s)

Figure 143. Smoke in southeast stairs at 945 s (15 min 45 s)

Figure 144. Smoke in southeast stairs at 960 s (16 min)

Figure 145. Smoke in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s)

Smoke Spread Up the Southeast Stairs With a Functioning Smoke Shaft

To examine the impact of the smoke shaft on the flow of smoke into the southeast
stairway, the vent to the smoke shaft in the vestibule of the stairway was opened at 690 s
(11 min 30 s), at the same time as the door to the south corridor was opened. Figure 146
shows the vent to the smoke shaft as viewed from the vestibule with the louvers open and
Figure 147 shows the top of the smoke shaft on the roof of the building. Figure 148
shows the vent to the smoke shaft as viewed from the model. The smoke shaft in the
simulation was opened at the top of the 27th floor to the outside at the time the vent from
the vestibule opened. The smoke shaft in the building was always open to the outside.

Similar to the flow of hot smoke into the stairway, the flow of hot smoke up a shaft is
also a complex event. The hot smoke rises in the shaft and begins to mix with the cool
air in the shaft, reducing the temperature of the smoke and thus its buoyancy. The smoke
also loses heat to the sides of the shaft, further reducing its temperature and buoyancy.
The rising smoke must either push the cool air up the shaft or move past the cool air as it
rises. As more hot smoke enters the shaft and the walls of the shaft heat up, less heat is
lost to the shaft walls and the flow up the shaft increases. The flow in the shaft can also
be affected by outside winds. The wind may blow down the shaft reducing the flow or
create a reduced pressure at the top of the shaft, which could increase the flow up the
shaft. Placing a vent to the outside in the shaft at the top of the 27th floor in the
simulation was far enough above the 12th floor to simulate flow up the shaft similar to a
vent on the roof.

Figure 146. Smoke shaft vent with louvers open

Figure 147. Top of smoke shaft on roof

Figure 148. Southeast stairs showing smoke shaft vent

Figure 149 shows a cross section of the building through the southeast stairs at 935 s
(15 min 35 s), which was 5 s after the door corridor was opened. Smoke had begun to
move up the stairs. The vent to the smoke shaft had opened at that time and can be seen
in Figure 150 looking at the smoke shaft in cutaway. Figure 151 shows the smoke in the
stairs at 945 s (15 min 45 s). In this view the stairs are shown in a wire frame view. The
smoke in the smoke shaft can be seen to the left of the stairs. At 690 s (16 min) smoke
had reached the 15th floor in the stairs and reached the top of the smoke shaft in the
simulation (Figure 152). Figure 153 shows the smoke in the stairs had reached the 16th
floor at the end of the simulation 990 s (16 min 30 s). Smoke was flowing out the top of
the smoke shaft.

Figure 149. Smoke in southeast stairs at 935 s (15 min 35 s), with smoke shaft

Figure 150. Smoke in smoke shaft at 935 s (15 min 35 s)

Figure 151. Smoke in southeast stairs at 945 s (15 min 45 s), with smoke shaft

Figure 152. Smoke in southeast stairs at 960 s (16 min)

Figure 153. Smoke in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s), with smoke shaft

Comparison of Southeast Stair Environment With and Without a Functioning

Smoke Shaft

These results suggest that for the conditions simulated here, the opening of the louvered
vent to the smoke shaft would have had some impact on the initial flow of smoke into the
southeast stairs. At the time the door from the stairs to the corridor was opened by the
fire department, hot smoke had completely filled the corridor. With the corridor door and
vestibule door open at the same time, the smoke shaft would have been unable to remove
all the smoke entering the vestibule. At the end of the simulation smoke had traveled one
less floor with the vent to the smoke shaft open. With the louvered vent open and both
doors closed, the smoke shaft may have been able to vent the smoke that leaked from the
corridor to the vestibule, but that case was not examined.

Figure 154 shows a temperature slice through the southeast stairs at 990 s without a
functioning smoke shaft and Figure 155 a temperature slice through the southeast stairs at
990 s with a functioning smoke shaft. From these figures it can be seen that the
temperature in the vestibule is higher with the vent open. It should be noted the
temperature in the corridor is well above the maximum range of the temperature scale,
150 C (302 F).

Figure 156 shows velocity vectors in a plane through the southeast stairs at (16 min 30 s)
with the vent to the smoke shaft closed. Figure 157 shows the same vectors with the
smoke vent open. The color and length of the vectors represent the magnitude of the

With the vent to the smoke shaft closed, a hot recirculation zone formed in the vestibule
above the door. In the upper part of both the corridor doorway and the vestibule doorway
the flow was from the corridor, through the vestibule and into the stairs. In the lower part
of the doorways the flow was from the stairs, through the vestibule and into the corridor.
This flow was the air displaced from the stairs by the entry of the hot smoke.

With the vent to the smoke shaft open, smoke from the corridor flowed in both the top
and the bottom of the corridor door. In the vestibule above the door, smoke flowed into
the smoke shaft vent. The flow into the stairs from the vestibule and the flow from the
stairs into the vestibule were reduced. This resulted in less smoke moving up the stairs.
The velocity vectors shown are in a single plane through the door and while
representative of the flows, vectors through other planes were different.

With the vent to the smoke shaft closed, the temperature profile in the vestibule took a
two-layer form. That is, hot smoke at the top and cooler air from the stairs at the bottom.
With the vent closed, the vestibule was filled with more uniformly hot smoke. Since the
smoke flowed up the smoke shaft and out of the building, the smoke shaft would have
drawn smoke and fire towards the stairs.

Figure 154. Temperature in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s)

Figure 155. Temperature in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s), with smoke shaft

Figure 156. Velocity in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s)

Figure 157. Velocity in southeast stairs at 990 s (16 min 30 s), with smoke shaft

Results With Automatic Fire Sprinklers Predicted by FDS

Figure 158 shows the flame iso-surface just before sprinkler activation. The sprinkler on
the west side (left in Figure 158) of the storage room operated at 242 s (4 min 2 s) and the
sprinkler on the east side of the room at 245 s (4 min 5 s). At 250 s (4 min 10 s) the blue
dots representing water drops from the sprinklers can be seen in the storage room (Figure
159). The ring of fire to the upper left of the storage room was associated with fire in the
return air register above the storage room. At 265 s (4 min 25 s) the fire was basically
suppressed (Figure 160). Although FDS predicted the fire was suppressed, the
predictions show smoke filled the suite at 360 s (6 min); however, very little reached the
plenum (Figure 161). At 600 s (10 min) FDS predicted the smoke was well dispersed in
the suite, (Figure 162) and continued to disperse until the end of the simulation at 990 s
(16 min 30 s) (Figure 163).

Figure 158. Flame iso-surface at 245 s (4 min 5 s), with sprinklers

Figure 159. Flame iso-surface at 250 s (4 min 10 s), with sprinklers

Figure 160. Flame iso-surface at 265 s (4 min 25 s), with sprinklers

Figure 161. Smoke at 360 s (6 min), with sprinklers

Figure 162. Smoke at 600 s (10 min), with sprinklers

Figure 163. Smoke at 990 s (16 min 30 s), with sprinklers

Summary and Conclusions

NIST conducted a series of heat release rate experiments to examine the fuel load in Suite
1240 of the Cook County Administration Building. Based on the heat release rate data
and historical information from previous high rise, office building fires, the fire load and
the fire development followed the trend of being a typical fire in this type of

The NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) provided a physics-based simulation of a high
rise office building fire subject to the limitations of the model and the assumptions
associated with the inputs used. Although the simulation results are subject to
interpretation, they can be useful in analyzing the conditions in the building during the

1) The FDS simulation showed the spread of flames and smoke from a fire that started in
the Suite 1240 storage room on the 12th floor of the Cook County Administration
Building, 69 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. The model predicted the flame
spread throughout suite 1240 and smoke spread throughout the 12th floor and into the
southeast stairway during the 990 s (16 min 30 s) of the simulation. The key features of
the simulation appear to match observations at the time of the fire and the condition of
the building and contents after the fire.

2) The FDS simulation provided insight into the spread of smoke in the southeast
stairway with and without a functioning smoke shaft. With the door from the corridor to
the stairway vestibule and the door from the vestibule to the stairs opened at 930 s
(15 min 30 s) into the simulation, smoke would have entered both the vestibule and the
stairs. With the louvered vent to the smoke shaft closed, smoke reached the 17th floor at
990 s (16 min 30 s), the end of the simulation. The predicted gas temperatures in the
vestibule were hotter above the top of the vestibule doors than below the top of the
vestibule doors. With the louvered vent to the smoke shaft open, smoke reached the 16th
floor at 990 s (16 min 30 s), the end of the simulation. The predicted gas temperatures in
the vestibule were comparable to the hotter temperatures with the vent closed but
approximately the same throughout the vestibule.

3) The FDS simulation predicted automatic fire sprinklers would have been effective in
controlling a fire in the Suite 1240 storage room and preventing the spread of fire beyond
the storage room. Although FDS predicted the sprinklers suppressed the fire in the
storage room, the predictions indicate there would likely have been some smoke in Suite


The authors would like to thank John Brenner, Ed Comeau, Patrick Crawford, Mark
Ghilarducci, Dorothy Shapiro of the JLWA team for their assistance with the collection
of information and logistical support in Chicago.

This report represents the contributions of many members of the NIST Fire Research
Division staff. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the following people:
Roy McLane and David Stroup for their assistance in documenting the fire scene;
Michael Smith for conducting the cone calorimeter tests; Bob Anleitner, Laurean
DeLauter, Ed Hnetkovsky, Jack Lee, Alex Maranghides, Steve Kerber, Andrew Milliken,
Mike Schaefer and Bill Twilley for their assistance in preparing, conducting and
documenting the heat release rate experiments, and Kevin McGrattan and Glenn Forney
for their continued development on FDS and Smokeview. Finally the authors would like
to thank the NIST Fire Department for their efforts in suppressing the multi-workstation
fire experiment.


1. Chines, S. A., Stull, J.O., Fibers and Textiles, Chapter 5, Section 8, Fire Protection
Handbook, Nineteenth Edition, Vol. II, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy
MA, 2003.

2. Colonna, G.R., Plastics and Rubber, Chapter 10, Section 8, Fire Protection Handbook,
Nineteenth Edition, Volume II, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy MA,

3. ASTM E-84-04, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of

Building Materials, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

4. Technical Bulletin 116, Requirements, Test Procedures and Apparatus for Testing the
Flame Retardance of Upholstered Furniture, State of California, Department of
Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Northlands
CA, January 1980.

5. Technical Bulletin 117, Requirements, Test Procedures and Apparatus for Testing the
Flame Retardance of Resilient Filling Materials Used in Upholstered Furniture, State
of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and
Thermal Insulation, Northlands CA, March 2000.

6. Babrauskas, V., Peacock, R., Heat Release Rate: The Single Most Important Variable
in Fire Hazard, Fire Safety Journal, vol. 18, pp 255-272, 1992.

7. ASTM E 1354-04a, Standard Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates
for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

8. Babrauskas, V., Specimen Heat Fluxes for Bench-Scale Heat Release Rate Testing,
Fire and Materials, Interflam 93, Fire Safety, International Interflam Conference, 6th,
March 30-April 1, 1993, Oxford, England, Interscience Communications Ltd.,
London, England, pp. 57-74, 1993.

9. Madrzykowski, D., Office Work Station Heat Release Rate Study: Full Scale vs Bench
Scale Proceedings Interflam 1996, 7th International Interflam Conference, March 26-
28, 1996, Cambridge, England, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, Franks,
C.A., and Grayson, S., eds, pp 47 55, 1996.

10. Madrzykowski, D., and Vettori, R.L., A Sprinkler Fire Suppression Algorithm,
Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1992, pp 151-164.

11. Babrauskas, V., Lawson, J.R., Walton, W.D., Twilley, W.H., Upholstered Furniture
Heat Release Rates Measured With A Furniture Calorimeter NBSIR 82-2604,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS), Gaithersburg, MD,
December 1982.

12. Bryant, R.A., Ohlemiller, T.J., Johnsson, E.L., Hamins, A.H., Grove, B.S., Guthrie,
W.F., Maranghides, A., and Mulholland, G.W., The NIST 3 MW Quantitative Heat
Release Rate Facility, NIST Special Publication 1007, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2003.

13. Mowrer, F.W., Flammability of Oil-Based Painted Gypsum Wallboard Subjected to

Fire Heat Fluxes, NIST GCR 01-805, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, January, 2001.

14. Stroup, D.W., Bryner, N.P., Lee, J., McElroy, J., Roadarmel, G., and Twilley, W.H.,
Structural Collapse Fire Tests: Single Story Wood Frame Structures, NISTIR 7094,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, March 2004.

15. Babrauskas, V. and Krasny, J., Fire Behavior of Upholstered Furniture, NBS
Monograph 173, National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS),
Gaithersburg, MD, November 1985.

16. NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
MA, 2002.

17. Stroup, D.W., DeLauter, L., Lee, J., and Roadarmel, G., Upholstered Chair Fire Tests
Using a California Technical Bulletin 133 Burner Ignition Source, Report of Test
4012, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, December

18. Nelson, H.E., An Engineering View of the Fire of May 4, 1988 in the First Interstate
Bank Building, Los Angeles, California, NISTIR 89-4061, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1989.

19. Isner, M.S., High-Rise Office Building Fire, Alexis Nihon Plaza, Montreal, Canada,
October 26, 1986, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.

20. Klem, T.J., One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia, PA, February 23, 1991, National Fire
Protection Association, Quincy, MA., May 1991.

21. Taylor, B.N. and Kuyatt, C.E., Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the
Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results, NIST TN 1297, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, January 1994.

22. Pitts, W.M., E. Braun, R.D. Peacock, H.E. Mitler, E. L. Johnsson, P.A. Reneke, and
L.G.Blevins, "Temperature Uncertainties for Bare-Bead and Aspirated Thermocouple

Measurements in Fire Environments," Thermal Measurements: The Foundation of
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23. Bryant, R.,Womeldorf, C. Johnsson, E., and Ohlemiller, T., Radiative heat flux
measurement uncertainty, Fire and Materials, Vol 27, 2003, pp 209-222.

24. Omega Engineering Inc., The Temperature Handbook, Vol. MM, pages Z-39-40,
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25. Medtherm Corporation, Bulletin 118, Series 64 Heat Flux Transducers, Huntsville,

26. McGrattan, K.B., H.R. Baum, R.G. Rehm, G.P. Forney, J.E. Floyd, K. Prasad and S.
Hostikka. Fire Dynamics Simulator (Version 3), Technical Reference Guide, NISTIR
6783, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2002.

27. McGrattan, Kevin B.; Forney, Glenn P.; Fire Dynamics Simulator Users Manual,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NISTIR 6469,
January 2000.

28. Forney, G. P. and K. B. McGrattan, User's Guide for Smokeview Version 3.1: A Tool
for Visualizing Fire Dynamics Simulation Data, (Version 3.1), NISTIR 6980.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, April 2003. 57 p.

29. McGrattan, K. B.; Hamins, A.; Stroup, D. W., Sprinkler, Smoke and Heat Vent, Draft
Curtain Interaction: Large Scale Experiments and Model Development. International
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158 p. September 1998.

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of Smoke Movement, Fire Safety Journal, vol 30 (1998), pp 161-178.

Cone calorimeter experiments were conducted on eleven different materials at two different
levels of external heat flux, 35 kW/m2 or 70 kW/m2. This appendix contains the data in tabular
form for each of the 84 experiments. Descriptions and photographs of the materials are given in
Description of Furnishings section of the report. Average peak heat release rates at both applied
heat flux levels are given in the Table 3.

The test protocol detailed in ASTM E 1354 was used for these experiments1. A test plus two
replicates of each sample were conducted in the cone calorimeter, exposed to either an external
heat flux of 35 kW/m2 or 70 kW/m2.

For each test, a 0.1 m square sample was oriented horizontally under the cone heater. Each
sample was wrapped in aluminum foil on all sides except for the exposed surface. The distance
between the top surface of the sample and the cone housing was 25 mm. The energy release per
mass of oxygen depleted was assumed to be a constant 13.1 MJ/kg.

The data tables provide the test time, heat release rate, specimen mass loss rate, carbon dioxide
yield, carbon monoxide yield, specific extinction area, mass, smoke extinction coefficient, duct
mass flow rate, duct volumetric flow rate, and the effective heat of combustion. The data sets are
grouped by external (applied) heat flux. The materials are presented in the order shown in Table
A-1, within each heat flux group.

Table A-1. Material Identification for Cone Calorimeter Experiments

Material Identification

Ceiling Tile (face-down)
Ceiling Tile (face-up)
Computer Monitor Case
Letter Tray
Office Chair
Paper (stacked flat)
Paper (stacked on edge)
Paper (stacked flat - covered
with cardboard)
Plastic Wastebasket
Vinyl Blinds
Wall Covering
Workstation Side Panel
Workstation - Work Surface

ASTM E 1354-04a, Standard Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products
Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA., 2004.

Appendix A - 1
Carpeting Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results::
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 65.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 218.81
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 89.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 46.57
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 179.49
Total Mass Loss (g): 15.36
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.048
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 30.31
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 660.54
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0074

Initial mass (g): 29.4
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 65
Time to flameout (s): 384

Appendix A - 2
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 1.54 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 7301.65 29.45 0.03 0.03 26.11 26.26 153.86
5 2.49 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 1515.14 29.41 0.01 0.03 25.74 25.89 249.08
8 3.52 2.2 0 0 23.05 29.29 0.02 0.03 25.93 26.08 1.6
11 1.25 -4.62 0 0 -1.78 29.32 0 0.03 25.88 26.03 -0.27
14 0.6 -0.47 0.01 0 -281.21 29.49 0.05 0.03 25.8 25.94 -1.26
17 -1.46 2.54 0 0 26.03 29.35 0.03 0.03 25.62 25.77 -0.58
20 -1.7 -0.67 0.01 0 -38.63 29.37 0.01 0.03 26.23 26.39 2.52
23 0.52 3.55 0 0 8.65 29.35 0.01 0.03 25.64 25.81 0.15
26 1.35 0.3 -0.01 0 247.01 29.21 0.03 0.03 25.85 26.03 4.5
29 -1.96 -5.04 0 0 -6.08 29.34 0.01 0.03 25.47 25.66 0.39
32 -0.93 0.99 0 0 183.97 29.44 0.07 0.03 26.1 26.3 -0.94
35 1.24 1.83 0 0 0 29.31 0 0.03 26.17 26.37 0.68
38 -0.25 -1.3 0 0 -59.44 29.35 0.03 0.03 25.86 26.07 0.19
41 -1.33 4.41 0 0 10.95 29.34 0.02 0.03 25.74 25.95 -0.3
44 1.93 1.32 0 0 64.41 29.15 0.03 0.03 25.66 25.87 1.46
47 1.84 -6.18 0 0 -27.81 29.29 0.06 0.03 26.31 26.53 -0.3
50 0.41 -0.45 0.01 0 -669.94 29.43 0.11 0.03 25.92 26.14 -0.92
53 2.61 1.43 0 0 171.99 29.33 0.09 0.03 26.13 26.36 1.82
56 2.79 4.66 0 0 72.2 29.34 0.13 0.03 25.97 26.18 0.6
59 1.31 1.92 0 0 207.94 29.1 0.15 0.03 25.64 25.85 0.68
62 3.99 -2.12 0 0 -225.54 29.23 0.19 0.03 25.38 25.6 -1.88
65 23.85 3.3 0 0 203.66 29.16 0.26 0.03 25.65 25.88 7.23
68 70.3 -1.12 0 0 -218.56 29.09 0.09 0.03 25.87 26.14 -62.97
71 120.43 6.7 0 0 44.45 29.15 0.12 0.03 25.29 25.66 17.97
74 145.94 11.13 0 0 39 28.72 0.17 0.03 24.63 25.24 13.11
77 176.44 3.04 0 0 329.4 28.56 0.4 0.03 24.4 25.25 58
80 196.17 8.12 0 0 182.77 28.45 0.59 0.03 24.27 25.26 24.17
83 203.34 9.65 0 0 176.76 28.1 0.66 0.03 24.45 25.67 21.08
86 212.28 3.82 0 0 534.67 27.92 0.78 0.03 24.66 26.06 55.6
89 218.81 7.09 0 0 339.09 27.81 0.89 0.03 25.39 26.9 30.88
92 208.85 10.27 0 0 244.49 27.49 0.96 0.03 24.68 26.23 20.34
95 212.39 6.26 0 0 444 27.24 1.03 0.03 25.3 26.93 33.94
98 210.03 6.01 0 0 550.3 27.09 1.23 0.03 25.35 26.99 34.95
101 207.17 9.63 0 0 378.17 26.85 1.34 0.03 25.47 27.11 21.5
104 200.45 8.28 0 0 474.35 26.55 1.47 0.03 25.12 26.71 24.22
107 201.41 5.54 0 0.01 789.58 26.37 1.63 0.03 25.27 26.84 36.37
110 197.05 6.06 0 0.01 654.18 26.19 1.48 0.03 25.16 26.7 32.52
113 194.87 9.01 0 0 429.95 25.99 1.44 0.03 25.33 26.83 21.62
116 194.25 6.33 0 0.01 703.48 25.69 1.65 0.03 25.59 27.06 30.68
119 191.71 4.45 0 0.01 994.61 25.6 1.65 0.03 25.35 26.77 43.11
122 195.11 12.27 0 0 322.49 25.36 1.45 0.03 25.92 27.32 15.9
125 188.42 5.44 0 0.01 654.43 24.96 1.35 0.03 25.03 26.35 34.64

Appendix A - 3
128 193.07 2.22 0 0.02 1676.81 25.01 1.4 0.03 25.25 26.57 86.94
131 196 11.83 0 0.01 377.93 24.74 1.68 0.03 25.36 26.68 16.57
134 196.26 11.83 0 0.01 387.57 24.37 1.71 0.03 25.57 26.88 16.59
137 189.47 5.49 0 0.01 826.94 24.08 1.72 0.03 25.12 26.39 34.49
140 199.02 3.61 0 0.02 1409.24 24.01 1.87 0.03 25.99 27.29 55.06
143 197.74 7.39 0 0.01 545.73 23.82 1.49 0.03 25.75 27.01 26.76
146 193.84 8.11 0 0.01 661.34 23.58 1.99 0.03 25.69 26.93 23.9
149 192.42 5.28 0 0.02 842.67 23.36 1.66 0.03 25.61 26.83 36.42
152 191.39 3.18 0 0.03 1285.77 23.26 1.55 0.03 25.17 26.34 60.23
155 194.81 9.08 0 0.01 607.97 23.12 2.06 0.03 25.61 26.77 21.46
158 195.69 8.09 0 0.01 608.77 22.76 1.81 0.03 26.03 27.2 24.18
161 186.94 1.78 0 0.06 2681.04 22.66 1.83 0.02 25.03 26.13 104.86
164 190.37 10.27 0 0.01 506.26 22.56 1.95 0.03 25.56 26.66 18.54
167 184.86 7.31 0 0.01 657.51 22.12 1.82 0.03 25.25 26.33 25.3
170 184.18 2.87 0 0.03 1703.56 22.13 1.8 0.03 26.04 27.11 64.13
173 187.71 9.5 0 0.01 517.17 21.88 1.79 0.03 26.38 27.43 19.76
176 183.09 3.9 0 0.03 1097.68 21.64 1.6 0.03 25.79 26.79 46.98
179 178.53 6.64 0 0.01 577.08 21.59 1.43 0.03 25.7 26.69 26.91
182 173.91 8.16 0 0.01 544.61 21.25 1.7 0.03 25.25 26.2 21.31
185 176.49 3.08 0 0.03 1630.69 21.15 1.88 0.03 25.79 26.75 57.33
188 177.34 7.34 0 0.01 706.9 21 1.9 0.03 26.28 27.25 24.15
191 167.46 7.44 0 0.01 691.84 20.73 1.96 0.03 25.32 26.24 22.51
194 167.09 1.4 0 0.05 3517.97 20.6 1.89 0.03 25.23 26.12 119.05
197 173.73 4.52 0 0.02 1010.01 20.59 1.69 0.03 26.09 27 38.44
200 169.35 9.23 0 0.01 527.77 20.31 1.81 0.03 26 26.9 18.36
203 167.75 3.87 0 0.02 1195 20.1 1.68 0.03 26.6 27.49 43.33
206 162.68 2.96 0 0.02 1530.52 20.05 1.7 0.03 25.86 26.71 54.97
209 162.42 5.27 0 0.01 853.03 19.9 1.68 0.03 25.92 26.77 30.84
212 158.44 6.53 0 0.01 597.82 19.74 1.46 0.03 25.98 26.82 24.25
215 155.97 6.23 0 0.01 628.41 19.52 1.45 0.03 26.15 26.98 25.02
218 156.61 5.9 0 0.01 680.23 19.37 1.5 0.03 26.01 26.81 26.55
221 154.53 4.88 0 0.01 782.25 19.17 1.42 0.03 26.01 26.81 31.67
224 148.52 7.17 0 0.01 474.78 19.06 1.28 0.03 25.9 26.67 20.71
227 150.89 3.55 0 0.01 1039.5 18.78 1.36 0.03 26.43 27.2 42.56
230 145.64 1 0 0.03 3384.1 18.84 1.3 0.03 25.25 25.97 146.19
233 147.33 8.07 0 0 479.28 18.65 1.46 0.03 25.78 26.51 18.25
236 150.01 4.89 0 0.01 689.81 18.42 1.24 0.03 26.47 27.21 30.69
239 146.03 3.24 0 0.01 1178.46 18.35 1.45 0.03 25.6 26.31 45.08
242 151.49 3.85 0 0.01 898.06 18.21 1.28 0.03 26.29 27.02 39.39
245 144.4 3.62 0 0.01 953.15 18.13 1.32 0.03 25.53 26.22 39.86
248 144.62 7.37 0 0.01 470.64 17.97 1.29 0.03 26.14 26.85 19.62
251 145.3 1.33 0 0.04 3193.15 17.75 1.59 0.03 25.99 26.68 109.41
254 147.18 3.3 0 0.01 1241.62 17.83 1.53 0.03 26.15 26.84 44.56
257 141.06 11.08 0 0 347.74 17.51 1.46 0.03 25.79 26.48 12.73
260 142.97 4.38 0 0.01 800.69 17.27 1.31 0.03 26.05 26.74 32.61
263 142.39 0.41 -0.01 0.05 8696.02 17.23 1.36 0.03 25.47 26.14 347.12
266 144.19 5.27 0 0.01 600.72 17.18 1.19 0.03 25.92 26.6 27.38
269 142.4 7.23 0 0 489.92 16.94 1.33 0.03 25.87 26.56 19.7

Appendix A - 4
272 143.15 1.62 0 0.01 2544.9 16.8 1.56 0.03 25.65 26.34 88.51
275 144.33 4.89 0 0 771.54 16.78 1.41 0.03 26.01 26.7 29.49
278 134.32 7.4 0 0.01 436.15 16.51 1.24 0.03 25.25 25.93 18.15
281 137.33 -0.16 0.03 -0.19 -19523.28 16.4 1.19 0.03 25.95 26.64 -843.81
284 138.01 1.21 0 0.02 3186.78 16.46 1.44 0.03 26.1 26.77 113.89
287 131.55 5.44 0 0 633.28 16.31 1.32 0.03 25.47 26.11 24.18
290 129.65 5.36 0 0.01 554.33 16.16 1.13 0.03 25.72 26.37 24.17
293 130.89 5.81 0 0.01 607.28 15.99 1.34 0.03 25.61 26.24 22.55
296 134.34 0.64 -0.01 0.08 5154.28 15.85 1.21 0.03 26.49 27.13 211.09
299 125.24 3.32 0 0.01 839.65 15.89 1.05 0.03 25.9 26.54 37.72
302 124.94 9.94 0 0 346.38 15.63 1.31 0.03 25.66 26.27 12.57
305 132.61 0.52 -0.01 0.06 7484.29 15.4 1.42 0.03 26.96 27.6 252.73
308 125.04 1.63 0 0.02 2115.96 15.52 1.3 0.03 25.93 26.52 76.87
311 124.3 11.79 0 0 327.02 15.25 1.44 0.03 26.18 26.78 10.54
314 121.01 1.07 0 0 2433.64 14.96 0.99 0.03 25.77 26.36 112.83
317 116.02 -0.81 0 0 -3614.58 15.13 1.11 0.03 25.76 26.35 -143.52
320 111.35 8.13 0 0 339.49 14.93 1.05 0.03 25.63 26.2 13.7
323 110.38 1.53 0 0 1290.42 14.74 0.75 0.03 25.8 26.37 72.01
326 111.1 0.6 -0.01 0 4564.57 14.8 1.03 0.03 26.1 26.66 184.85
329 108.48 4.74 0 0 402.83 14.67 0.72 0.03 25.93 26.47 22.88
332 103.37 2.47 0 0.01 734.19 14.56 0.69 0.03 25.85 26.38 41.86
335 103.03 3.49 0 0 561.17 14.5 0.73 0.03 26.24 26.77 29.52
338 99.05 0.97 0 0 2244.06 14.37 0.82 0.03 26 26.5 102.02
341 91.72 3.64 0 0 305.17 14.41 0.42 0.03 25.87 26.35 25.2
344 91.1 6.7 0 0 241.5 14.15 0.6 0.03 26.27 26.75 13.6
347 84.09 -1.7 0 0 -732.43 14.08 0.47 0.03 25.92 26.37 -49.47
350 75.43 2.42 0 0 662.8 14.17 0.6 0.03 26.25 26.68 31.22
353 66.99 5.61 0 0 182.05 13.94 0.39 0.03 26.09 26.5 11.94
356 64.69 -3.49 0 0 -232.96 13.92 0.3 0.03 26.31 26.69 -18.52
359 58.05 0.2 -0.02 0 3729.97 14.07 0.28 0.03 25.95 26.28 294.31
362 49.41 4.27 0 0 85.03 13.9 0.14 0.03 25.96 26.26 11.57
365 43.4 0.25 -0.02 0 474.44 13.87 0.05 0.03 26.12 26.38 170.36
368 41.92 1.11 0 0 56.71 13.85 0.02 0.03 26.13 26.36 37.9
371 38.27 3.59 0 0 0 13.79 0 0.03 26.51 26.71 10.67
374 32.43 2.69 0 0 0 13.66 0 0.03 26.64 26.81 12.05
377 29.77 -0.72 0.01 -0.03 0 13.65 0 0.03 26.12 26.26 -41.46
380 28.49 -3.36 0 -0.02 0 13.7 0 0.03 26.13 26.23 -8.47
383 26.23 1.21 0 0.05 0 13.8 0 0.03 26.63 26.7 21.73
386 21.84 3.75 0 0.02 0 13.64 0 0.03 26.5 26.56 5.82
389 22.37 -3.76 0 -0.02 0 13.64 0 0.03 26.27 26.31 -5.95
392 18.32 0.51 -0.01 0.16 0 13.79 0 0.03 26.04 26.06 35.78
395 16.04 5.95 0 0.01 0 13.6 0 0.03 26.4 26.42 2.7
398 17.41 -1.69 0 -0.05 0 13.52 0 0.03 26.3 26.3 -10.33
401 18.33 -0.67 0.01 -0.13 0 13.65 0 0.03 26.3 26.3 -27.24
404 14.93 1.79 0 0.06 0 13.55 0 0.03 26.07 26.06 8.36
407 13.97 -2.26 0 -0.05 0 13.58 0 0.03 26.49 26.48 -6.18
410 17.32 -0.14 0.04 -0.73 0 13.64 0 0.03 26.68 26.66 -122.06
413 14.21 0.3 -0.02 0.27 0 13.6 0 0.03 26.4 26.39 47.61

Appendix A - 5
416 12.29 1.33 0 0.08 0 13.62 0 0.03 26.4 26.4 9.24
419 14.99 3.18 0 0.03 0 13.51 0 0.03 26.29 26.28 4.72
422 14.57 -0.43 0.01 -0.2 0 13.47 0 0.03 26.69 26.69 -33.81
425 11.49 -0.02 0.33 -4.81 0 13.51 0 0.03 25.83 25.83 -749.82
428 11.22 3.26 0 0.02 0 13.45 0 0.03 25.71 25.73 3.44
431 13.08 0.01 -0.33 8.66 0 13.37 0 0.03 26.75 26.77 1308.27
434 10.12 0.01 -0.43 5.01 0 13.53 0 0.03 26.09 26.12 1011.79

Appendix A - 6
Carpeting Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results::
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 66.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 277.77
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 134.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 46.95
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 212.74
Total Mass Loss (g): 15.52
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.057
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 30.26
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 570.91
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0082

Initial mass (g): 29
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 66
Time to flameout (s): 336

Appendix A - 7
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -0.44 0.01 -0.53 -0.04 0 29.11 0 0.03 25.89 26.1 -43.67

5 1.32 0.01 -0.45 -0.04 1024.67 29.12 0 0.03 25.81 26.01 131.51
8 3.38 1.91 0 0 0 28.96 0 0.03 26.25 26.45 1.77
11 3.12 -4.58 0 0 -24.53 29.04 0.04 0.03 26.37 26.56 -0.68
14 1.24 0.36 -0.01 0 97.82 29.15 0.01 0.03 25.43 25.62 3.48
17 -0.04 3.38 0 0 19.52 29.03 0.03 0.03 25.67 25.86 -0.01
20 1.27 -0.44 0.01 0 -63.9 29 0.01 0.03 25.55 25.75 -2.89
23 2.18 -2.44 0 0 -38.91 29.04 0.04 0.03 26.04 26.24 -0.9
26 0.57 1.17 0 0 73.49 29.1 0.03 0.03 25.6 25.8 0.49
29 -0.67 1.45 0 0 93.39 28.99 0.05 0.03 26.38 26.59 -0.46
32 1.78 1.74 0 0 46.66 29.02 0.03 0.03 26.03 26.25 1.02
35 -0.52 3.65 0 0 24.6 28.88 0.03 0.03 25.99 26.21 -0.14
38 2.23 -3.62 0 0 -49.09 28.86 0.07 0.03 26.59 26.83 -0.62
41 2.21 0.08 -0.06 0 1400.83 29.03 0.04 0.03 26.3 26.55 28.19
44 0.22 4.72 0 0 18.41 28.85 0.03 0.03 25.95 26.19 0.05
47 3.03 -2.67 0 0 -74.08 28.83 0.07 0.03 26.16 26.41 -1.13
50 3.01 -5.36 0 0 -52.5 28.97 0.11 0.03 25.92 26.16 -0.56
53 2.03 4.27 0 0 69.13 29.06 0.11 0.03 25.64 25.88 0.48
56 3.92 2.92 0 0 134.24 28.79 0.15 0.03 25.44 25.68 1.34
59 3.64 -1.13 0 0 -298.86 28.91 0.13 0.03 26.08 26.33 -3.23
62 3.97 1.61 0 0 364.23 28.82 0.22 0.03 25.84 26.1 2.46
65 20.09 -2.9 0 0 -210.56 28.85 0.24 0.03 25.65 25.89 -6.93
68 60.28 4.76 0 0 125.55 28.91 0.23 0.03 25.8 26.06 12.67
71 117.69 8.41 0 0 22.38 28.6 0.08 0.03 24.7 25.03 14
74 157.23 0.2 -0.01 0 2441.96 28.48 0.19 0.03 24.74 25.31 779.1
77 191.26 10.33 0 0 89.03 28.46 0.36 0.03 24.88 25.73 18.51
80 216.65 16.03 0 0 86.42 27.89 0.54 0.03 24.65 25.76 13.51
83 229.11 4.71 0 0 377.63 27.62 0.68 0.03 24.62 25.95 48.67
86 222.47 8.09 0 0 255.49 27.52 0.83 0.02 23.71 25.03 27.48
89 231.09 9.7 0 0 256.16 27.14 0.96 0.03 24.27 25.83 23.81
92 232.39 5.41 0 0 493.87 26.97 1.02 0.03 24.56 26.21 42.95
95 232.69 9.84 0 0 299.13 26.76 1.12 0.03 24.57 26.28 23.65
98 239.95 12 0 0 204.6 26.4 0.93 0.03 24.73 26.48 20
101 242.08 5.74 0 0 575.16 26.09 1.24 0.03 24.87 26.66 42.19
104 252.09 8.22 0 0 359.85 25.99 1.1 0.03 25.07 26.89 30.67
107 259.3 12.33 0 0 324.35 25.59 1.47 0.03 25.33 27.15 21.02
110 263.84 9.68 0 0.01 482.29 25.3 1.69 0.03 25.75 27.63 27.26
113 262.97 5.85 0 0.01 772.16 25.02 1.65 0.03 25.53 27.4 44.91
116 265.08 7.67 0 0.01 541.45 24.91 1.53 0.03 25.38 27.22 34.56
119 256.78 11.27 0 0.01 381.71 24.54 1.64 0.02 24.48 26.24 22.78
122 261.08 8.53 0 0.01 688.08 24.28 2.16 0.03 25.29 27.11 30.61
125 253.5 11.04 0 0.01 406.75 24 1.68 0.02 24.99 26.76 22.96

Appendix A - 8
128 254.4 11.18 0 0.01 448.84 23.63 1.87 0.02 25.11 26.83 22.76
131 267.79 3.74 0 0.03 1594.48 23.38 2.2 0.03 25.37 27.08 71.56
134 277.77 6.69 0 0.02 913.88 23.33 2.19 0.03 26.14 27.89 41.54
137 259.1 12.96 0 0.01 360.67 22.95 1.77 0.02 24.77 26.43 19.99
140 248.35 5.21 0 0.03 1092.47 22.65 2.2 0.02 24.29 25.88 47.68
143 249.88 9.6 0 0.02 796.49 22.56 2.84 0.02 25.3 26.9 26.03
146 247.2 15 0 0.01 367.17 22.07 2.05 0.02 25.37 26.93 16.48
149 244.62 3.82 0 0.04 1465.09 21.77 2.09 0.02 25.25 26.74 64.1
152 242.89 7.69 0 0.02 785.44 21.74 2.24 0.03 25.49 26.96 31.57
155 246.16 10.82 0 0.02 620.84 21.31 2.46 0.03 25.89 27.34 22.75
158 237.94 3.32 0 0.04 1723.01 21.16 2.12 0.03 25.68 27.08 71.57
161 236.61 8.24 0 0.02 655.2 21.03 1.99 0.03 25.78 27.14 28.7
164 242.33 12.23 0 0.01 464.3 20.67 2.06 0.03 26.17 27.52 19.82
167 229.56 5.37 0 0.03 953.6 20.37 1.91 0.02 25.43 26.73 42.76
170 228.83 6.26 0 0.02 845.05 20.3 1.97 0.03 25.62 26.9 36.58
173 224.44 9.76 0 0.01 511.5 19.98 1.87 0.02 25.45 26.69 23
176 222.19 4.48 0 0.03 1257.84 19.77 2.09 0.03 25.74 26.95 49.61
179 220.52 5.2 0 0.02 1007.64 19.67 1.93 0.03 26.01 27.2 42.41
182 212.33 9.02 0 0.01 458.12 19.44 1.52 0.03 26 27.15 23.55
185 198.69 6.04 0 0.01 782.45 19.18 1.76 0.03 25.73 26.84 32.9
188 197.58 3.38 0 0.02 1466.74 19.07 1.82 0.03 26.14 27.22 58.39
191 190.27 7.09 0 0.01 648.85 18.93 1.72 0.03 25.77 26.79 26.85
194 183.71 9.08 0 0.01 473.29 18.66 1.6 0.03 25.84 26.83 20.24
197 182.75 3.61 0 0.01 894.8 18.43 1.18 0.03 26.49 27.46 50.63
200 174.94 4.65 0 0.01 790.03 18.4 1.37 0.03 25.98 26.87 37.58
203 172.97 7.75 0 0 490.09 18.14 1.37 0.03 26.8 27.7 22.33
206 164.78 1.83 0 0.01 1518.77 17.99 1.03 0.03 26.01 26.86 90.07
209 158.99 5.12 0 0 591.56 17.97 1.15 0.03 25.62 26.43 31.05
212 157.63 9.32 0 0 360.02 17.68 1.25 0.03 26.11 26.9 16.9
215 156.2 3.13 0 0.01 845.26 17.48 0.99 0.03 26.12 26.87 49.86
218 157.74 4.52 0 0 765.22 17.44 1.29 0.03 26.03 26.76 34.92
221 154.27 7.29 0 0 384.17 17.2 1.05 0.03 25.91 26.63 21.16
224 150.28 0.52 -0.01 0.04 6806.51 17.07 1.33 0.03 25.95 26.66 289.34
227 154 3.22 0 0.01 942.99 17.11 1.12 0.03 26.42 27.12 47.75
230 149.2 6.24 0 0 372.74 16.87 0.87 0.03 25.94 26.6 23.89
233 147.61 5.39 0 0.01 705.17 16.76 1.41 0.03 26.28 26.94 27.4
236 140.93 7.08 0 0 383.68 16.53 1.05 0.03 25.32 25.95 19.91
239 140.02 3.28 0 0 782.61 16.37 0.97 0.03 25.8 26.44 42.65
242 138.62 2.67 0 0 1157.66 16.32 1.17 0.03 25.79 26.41 51.89
245 141.76 5.55 0 0 547.05 16.19 1.15 0.03 25.88 26.48 25.56
248 140.17 2.87 0 0 964.82 16.02 1.04 0.03 26.08 26.7 48.89
251 136.57 0.44 -0.01 0.05 6622.43 16.01 1.1 0.03 25.63 26.24 312.65
254 138.31 8.49 0 0 373.15 15.93 1.19 0.03 25.94 26.54 16.3
257 142.14 5.11 0 0 565.21 15.58 1.06 0.03 26.68 27.3 27.79
260 139.02 0.77 -0.01 0.01 3962.93 15.63 1.13 0.03 26.36 26.97 180.23
263 139.32 8.3 0 0 354.03 15.45 1.11 0.03 25.98 26.58 16.79
266 143.02 5.77 0 0 483.75 15.2 1.05 0.03 26.09 26.7 24.77
269 141.72 -1.82 0 -0.01 -1645.15 15.14 1.12 0.03 26.11 26.73 -77.74

Appendix A - 9
272 142.8 3.7 0 0 1012.84 15.21 1.41 0.03 25.96 26.58 38.65
275 143.14 8.12 0 0 408.01 14.92 1.25 0.03 25.91 26.54 17.63
278 137.05 0.62 -0.01 0 4083.73 14.81 0.96 0.03 25.74 26.37 221.64
281 141.26 4.23 0 0 664.29 14.81 1.04 0.03 26.33 26.99 33.41
284 138.95 9.73 0 0 246.04 14.54 0.91 0.03 25.61 26.25 14.28
287 136.38 3.09 0 0 1100.77 14.32 1.28 0.03 25.92 26.57 44.11
290 133.63 -0.58 0.01 -0.01 -6267.13 14.33 1.36 0.03 25.94 26.59 -230.83
293 130.59 7.13 0 0 342.19 14.27 0.91 0.03 26.22 26.87 18.31
296 121.77 2.25 0 0 830.78 13.99 0.71 0.03 25.75 26.37 54.07
299 111.62 -1.18 0 0 -1958.72 14.13 0.87 0.03 25.99 26.59 -94.2
302 100.7 8.23 0 0 226.22 13.97 0.7 0.03 26.12 26.69 12.23
305 91.7 4.29 0 0 357.99 13.72 0.59 0.03 25.38 25.9 21.39
308 85.61 -2.49 0 0 -573.91 13.74 0.54 0.03 26.13 26.62 -34.45
311 77.75 3.18 0 0.01 330.12 13.79 0.4 0.03 26.05 26.5 24.43
314 68.54 5.64 0 0.01 155.98 13.57 0.34 0.03 25.73 26.14 12.15
317 61.9 -3.56 0 -0.02 -337.71 13.53 0.44 0.03 26.98 27.36 -17.37
320 49.67 -0.65 0.01 -0.09 -839.87 13.7 0.2 0.03 26.66 26.96 -75.92
323 46.18 5.87 0 0.01 52.07 13.54 0.11 0.03 26.36 26.61 7.87
326 41.76 0.2 -0.02 0.29 0 13.43 0 0.03 26.08 26.27 204.48
329 34.35 -1.76 0 -0.04 0 13.5 0 0.03 26.16 26.33 -19.5
332 31.74 3.64 0 0.02 0 13.49 0 0.03 26.27 26.41 8.72
335 30.56 1.75 0 0.04 0 13.34 0 0.03 26.59 26.7 17.47
338 24.64 -4.35 0 -0.02 0 13.41 0 0.03 26.65 26.71 -5.67
341 20.34 0.83 0 0.16 0 13.52 0 0.03 26.47 26.51 24.61
344 23.5 5.9 0 0.02 0 13.36 0 0.03 27 27.01 3.98
347 19.87 -2.25 0 -0.07 0 13.26 0 0.03 26.75 26.73 -8.82
350 18.64 -4.32 0 -0.03 0 13.45 0 0.03 27.21 27.18 -4.32
353 20.03 5.17 0 0.02 0 13.43 0 0.03 26.27 26.24 3.87
356 18.38 1.35 0 0.09 0 13.24 0 0.03 26.47 26.43 13.62
359 15.31 -5.08 0 -0.02 0 13.37 0 0.03 25.9 25.86 -3.02
362 16.84 2.98 0 0.04 0 13.44 0 0.03 26.14 26.1 5.65
365 15.86 4.56 0 0.02 0 13.24 0 0.03 26.31 26.28 3.47
368 13.62 -2.52 0 -0.04 0 13.23 0 0.03 25.93 25.91 -5.41
371 13.28 -0.97 0 -0.08 0 13.33 0 0.03 26.34 26.34 -13.64
374 14.9 3.32 0 0.02 0 13.27 0 0.03 25.92 25.92 4.49
377 13.26 -0.7 0.01 -0.07 0 13.19 0 0.03 26.1 26.11 -18.85
380 10.49 -2.2 0 -0.02 0 13.29 0 0.03 26.56 26.57 -4.77
383 12.6 1.81 0 0.02 0 13.28 0 0.03 26.47 26.5 6.97
386 11.84 0.01 -0.34 3.84 0 13.21 0 0.03 25.86 25.89 1183.88
389 9.02 0.01 -0.48 2.72 0 13.22 0 0.03 26.34 26.38 902.46

Appendix A - 10
Carpeting Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 93.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 287.26
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 145.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 45.48
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 238.16
Total Mass Loss (g): 14.62
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.050
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 31.11
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 229.48
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0105

Initial mass (g): 28.8
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 100
Time to ignition (s): 93
Time to flameout (s): 386

Appendix A - 11
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 3.11 0.01 -0.47 -0.04 0 110.96 0 0.03 25.64 25.83 310.99

4 2.86 0.01 -0.46 -0.04 1560.08 154.46 0.01 0.03 25.19 25.38 285.81
7 0.18 123.12 0 0 0.24 154.34 0.01 0.03 25.68 25.88 0
10 -0.35 1.27 0 0 30.98 154.34 0.02 0.03 25.69 25.88 -0.27
13 2.37 0.05 -0.08 -0.01 0 154.27 0 0.03 26.01 26.2 44.02
16 2.73 -3.82 0 0 0 154.35 0 0.03 25.51 25.7 -0.72
19 0.77 -3.66 0 0 0 154.46 0 0.03 25.84 26.04 -0.21
22 0.16 2.47 0 0 0 154.53 0 0.03 25.84 26.04 0.07
25 1.33 3.52 0 0 0 154.35 0 0.03 26.28 26.49 0.38
28 1.54 2.22 0 0 0 154.34 0 0.03 25.42 25.63 0.69
31 -0.63 1.91 0 0 0 154.22 0 0.03 25.38 25.59 -0.33
34 1.19 -2.95 0 0 0 154.25 0 0.03 25.89 26.11 -0.41
37 3 -0.59 0.01 0 0 154.34 0 0.03 25.38 25.61 -5.08
40 1.65 1.95 0 0 0 154.28 0 0.03 25.76 26 0.85
43 -0.06 1.28 0 0 0 154.25 0 0.03 25.94 26.18 -0.05
46 2.42 -3.14 0 0 0 154.23 0 0.03 25.84 26.09 -0.77
49 3.01 0.16 -0.02 0 0 154.39 0 0.03 26.25 26.5 19.38
52 2.84 4.13 0 0 0 154.22 0 0.03 25.67 25.92 0.69
55 1.7 -3.62 0 0 0 154.22 0 0.03 25.85 26.11 -0.47
58 3.23 0.37 -0.01 0 0 154.35 0 0.03 25.33 25.59 8.64
61 3.3 5.97 0 0 0 154.18 0 0.03 25.16 25.42 0.55
64 1.91 0.64 -0.01 0 0 154.08 0 0.03 25.43 25.69 2.99
67 4.81 -3.04 0 0 0 154.13 0 0.03 25.67 25.94 -1.58
70 2.46 0.77 -0.01 0 0 154.2 0 0.03 25.61 25.88 3.22
73 2.39 6.57 0 0 0 154.07 0 0.03 25.83 26.11 0.36
76 4.52 2.92 0 0 0 153.88 0 0.03 25.8 26.08 1.55
79 3.16 -4.09 0 0 0 153.92 0 0.03 26.52 26.8 -0.77
82 4.31 -1.93 0 0 0 154.05 0 0.03 25.76 26.03 -2.23
85 4.3 7.34 0 0 0 153.99 0 0.03 25.53 25.8 0.59
88 3.99 4.89 0 0 0 153.7 0 0.03 25.87 26.16 0.82
91 24.73 -8.09 0 0 0 153.76 0 0.03 26.12 26.42 -3.06
94 57.71 4.82 0 0 0 154 0 0.03 26.31 26.6 11.98
97 130.02 16.04 0 0 0 153.48 0 0.03 25.29 25.62 8.1
100 197.07 4.12 0 0 8.82 153.2 0.01 0.03 24.73 25.34 47.81
103 234.96 6.65 0 0 98.64 153.14 0.26 0.03 24.5 25.41 35.35
106 254.05 14.89 0 0 92.64 152.76 0.54 0.03 24.5 25.69 17.06
109 260.27 10.96 0 0 129.86 152.33 0.56 0.03 24.2 25.57 23.75
112 265.88 7.97 0 0.01 218.02 152.1 0.66 0.03 24.58 26.14 33.37
115 267.27 9.91 0 0.01 234.83 151.82 0.88 0.03 24.61 26.3 26.97
118 269.06 8.31 0 0.01 223.28 151.53 0.7 0.03 24.69 26.47 32.38
121 276.61 10.55 0 0.01 391.02 151.3 1.53 0.03 25.02 26.89 26.22
124 269.85 11.2 0 0.01 257.48 150.91 1.1 0.02 24.38 26.25 24.09

Appendix A - 12
127 271.03 5.81 0 0.02 555.01 150.67 1.2 0.03 24.97 26.92 46.66
130 269.41 8.51 0 0.01 355.79 150.5 1.13 0.03 24.91 26.84 31.64
133 275.21 12.34 0 0.01 224.17 150.15 1 0.03 25.59 27.57 22.31
136 274.44 5.88 0 0.03 328.18 149.83 0.71 0.03 25.34 27.28 46.66
139 278.15 8.69 0 0.02 357.13 149.73 1.14 0.03 25.37 27.27 32
142 278.71 12.19 0 0.01 251.63 149.3 1.14 0.03 25.13 26.99 22.86
145 287.26 9.31 0 0.02 278.59 149.05 0.94 0.03 25.77 27.67 30.87
148 280.38 10.66 0 0.02 326.72 148.72 1.28 0.03 25.34 27.18 26.31
151 279.36 4.74 0 0.04 827.29 148.45 1.43 0.03 25.61 27.43 58.95
154 271.53 5.32 0 0.03 492.71 148.39 0.99 0.02 24.82 26.54 51.04
157 280.74 12.46 0 0.01 356.86 148.08 1.59 0.03 26.17 27.96 22.54
160 277.08 13.37 0 0.01 351.19 147.69 1.7 0.03 25.95 27.69 20.73
163 269.8 10.6 0 0.02 355.02 147.32 1.37 0.03 25.72 27.4 25.45
166 267.79 5.24 0 0.03 722.82 147.07 1.38 0.03 25.72 27.36 51.15
169 263.66 7.83 0 0.02 417.58 146.94 1.21 0.02 25.48 27.07 33.67
172 259.21 10.06 0 0.02 335.07 146.59 1.24 0.03 25.63 27.2 25.77
175 253.65 11.29 0 0.01 285.11 146.35 1.19 0.02 25.47 27 22.46
178 244.52 8.68 0 0.02 319.92 145.95 1.02 0.03 25.78 27.31 28.17
181 244.59 3.7 0 0.03 658.03 145.84 0.86 0.03 26.84 28.38 66.18
184 228.97 8.23 0 0.01 338.06 145.66 1.02 0.03 25.96 27.39 27.82
187 221.15 6.36 0 0.02 268.24 145.39 0.61 0.03 26.44 27.83 34.77
190 208.04 2.48 0 0.04 1008.11 145.29 0.92 0.03 25.77 27.06 83.79
193 198.27 7.02 0 0.01 154.78 145.18 0.4 0.03 25.95 27.19 28.23
196 187.72 7.79 0 0.01 224.77 144.89 0.65 0.03 25.76 26.92 24.1
199 185 7.95 0 0.01 227.65 144.73 0.67 0.03 25.98 27.08 23.27
202 182.78 4.36 0 0.02 328.45 144.45 0.52 0.03 26.47 27.51 41.88
205 177.81 0.88 -0.01 0.07 1374.65 144.46 0.45 0.03 26.14 27.1 202.14
208 175.2 6.98 0 0.01 139.23 144.32 0.36 0.03 25.76 26.65 25.09
211 165.62 7.08 0 0.01 213.23 144.08 0.57 0.03 25.53 26.39 23.39
214 166.68 9.95 0 0.01 53.83 143.89 0.2 0.03 25.83 26.67 16.76
217 163.5 3.75 0 0.01 281.06 143.55 0.39 0.03 25.91 26.72 43.58
220 161.46 -0.56 0.01 -0.09 -1995.33 143.65 0.42 0.03 26.25 27.04 -286.24
223 159.93 6.03 0 0.01 110.85 143.5 0.25 0.03 25.97 26.72 26.53
226 158.89 6.56 0 0.01 99.09 143.32 0.24 0.03 26.56 27.3 24.23
229 155.59 8.31 0 0 204.64 143.11 0.64 0.03 25.73 26.41 18.73
232 155.34 2.34 0 0.02 236.73 142.88 0.21 0.03 25.9 26.6 66.44
235 153.62 1.82 0 0.03 179.84 142.93 0.12 0.03 25.96 26.64 84.55
238 155.22 9.68 0 0 92.8 142.72 0.34 0.03 26.05 26.74 16.03
241 150.88 1.35 0 0.03 751.91 142.45 0.38 0.03 26.05 26.74 112.03
244 154.16 1.01 0 0.04 1265.27 142.58 0.46 0.03 26.9 27.6 152.18
247 147.03 9.84 0 0 133.14 142.33 0.49 0.03 26.1 26.76 14.95
250 142.41 4.07 0 0.01 189.37 142.09 0.29 0.03 25.91 26.56 34.97
253 141.99 1.34 0 0.02 623.45 142.07 0.31 0.03 26.09 26.74 105.84
256 141.26 4.46 0 0.01 194.06 141.96 0.32 0.03 26.59 27.24 31.65
259 131.6 6.5 0 0.01 224.8 141.81 0.55 0.03 25.69 26.32 20.26
262 132.71 5.16 0 0 124.01 141.6 0.24 0.03 26.21 26.84 25.69
265 124.79 -1.35 0 -0.01 -103.82 141.53 0.05 0.03 25.97 26.57 -92.69
268 122.47 4.09 0 0.01 117.35 141.6 0.18 0.03 25.96 26.54 29.94

Appendix A - 13
271 121.58 9.64 0 0 51.45 141.28 0.18 0.03 26.32 26.88 12.62
274 115 3.28 0 0.01 0 141.11 0 0.03 26.15 26.69 35.06
277 117.98 0.12 -0.04 0 0 141.07 0 0.03 27.24 27.79 980.14
280 115.69 0.95 0 0 206.6 141.06 0.07 0.03 27.04 27.56 121.38
283 107.32 7.4 0 0 4.4 140.97 0.01 0.03 26.46 26.95 14.5
286 107.03 5.56 0 0 0 140.68 0 0.03 26.28 26.75 19.25
289 103.52 -0.89 0.01 0 0 140.67 0 0.03 25.74 26.2 -116.21
292 101.43 3.24 0 0 32.59 140.66 0.04 0.03 26.01 26.47 31.29
295 100.05 5.54 0 0 0 140.49 0 0.03 25.63 26.08 18.05
298 101.01 3.66 0 0 0 140.36 0 0.03 26.15 26.6 27.61
301 98.02 0.87 -0.01 0 0 140.28 0 0.03 26.51 26.97 113.27
304 99.61 -0.99 0.01 0 0 140.3 0 0.03 26.8 27.26 -100.24
307 94.63 6.18 0 0 0 140.27 0 0.03 26.21 26.65 15.32
310 92.33 6.28 0 0 0 139.98 0 0.03 26.46 26.9 14.71
313 90 -1.45 0 0 0 139.95 0 0.03 26.31 26.75 -62.23
316 84.16 3.42 0 0 0 139.98 0 0.03 25.8 26.21 24.63
319 81.33 5.33 0 0 0 139.77 0 0.03 25.94 26.35 15.25
322 82.67 -2.44 0 0 0 139.72 0 0.03 26.18 26.59 -33.95
325 75.63 1.08 0 0.01 0 139.84 0 0.03 25.84 26.23 69.95
328 74.27 2.91 0 0 0 139.66 0 0.03 26.55 26.94 25.5
331 72.72 2.32 0 0 0 139.68 0 0.03 26.57 26.94 31.29
334 68.15 6.7 0 0 0 139.5 0 0.03 26.57 26.92 10.18
337 63.24 0.06 -0.06 0.07 0 139.35 0 0.03 26.2 26.53 985.54
340 62.43 -4.29 0 0 0 139.48 0 0.03 26.2 26.51 -14.54
343 55.34 4.58 0 0 0 139.52 0 0.03 26.03 26.33 12.09
346 52.12 4.81 0 0 0 139.26 0 0.03 25.83 26.11 10.83
349 52.28 0.03 -0.15 -0.01 0 139.27 0 0.03 26.49 26.76 2014.01
352 46.88 1.61 0 0 0 139.22 0 0.03 26.21 26.45 29.08
355 42.53 -2.3 0 0 0 139.2 0 0.03 26.19 26.42 -18.47
358 43.04 -0.71 0.01 0 0 139.32 0 0.03 26.55 26.76 -60.6
361 40.03 5.85 0 0 0 139.21 0 0.03 26.65 26.84 6.84
364 34.26 1.77 0 0 0 139.04 0 0.03 26.01 26.18 19.41
367 33.74 -3.24 0 0 0 139.11 0 0.03 26.27 26.43 -10.4
370 31.36 0.97 -0.01 0 0 139.17 0 0.03 26.76 26.9 32.22
373 27.33 0.92 0 0 0 139.08 0 0.03 26.71 26.85 29.78
376 25.39 1.69 0 0 0 139.11 0 0.03 26.34 26.46 15.02
379 24.64 3.82 0 0 0 138.98 0 0.03 26.19 26.3 6.46
382 19.99 -4.03 0 0 0 138.95 0 0.03 26.1 26.21 -4.97
385 17.56 -1.22 0 0 0 139.14 0 0.03 26.47 26.57 -14.43
388 17.96 4.52 0 0 0 139 0 0.03 26.24 26.32 3.98
391 13.45 -1.83 0 -0.01 0 138.95 0 0.03 25.78 25.84 -7.33
394 11.83 -0.29 0.01 -0.15 0 139.06 0 0.03 26.16 26.23 -40.19
397 13.25 4.56 0 0.01 0 138.95 0 0.03 26.29 26.35 2.91
400 12.39 0.03 -0.14 0.64 0 138.85 0 0.03 26.46 26.53 388.53
403 8.56 -2.01 0 -0.01 0 138.93 0 0.03 26.57 26.63 -4.27
406 11.16 0.09 -0.05 0.16 0 138.94 0 0.03 25.95 26 127.2
409 9.7 -0.46 0.01 -0.01 0 138.94 0 0.03 26 26.05 -20.9
412 8.07 2 0 0 0 138.95 0 0.03 25.9 25.94 4.03

Appendix A - 14
415 9.34 3.01 0 0 0 138.83 0 0.03 26.22 26.27 3.1
418 9.37 -3.12 0 0 0 138.82 0 0.03 26.27 26.34 -3.01
421 6.26 -4.6 0 0 0 138.98 0 0.03 26.58 26.65 -1.36
424 8.01 5.57 0 0 0 139.01 0 0.03 26.28 26.36 1.44
427 8.07 4.59 0 0 0 138.73 0 0.03 25.72 25.79 1.76
430 5.38 -7.24 0 0 0 138.81 0 0.03 26.33 26.4 -0.74
433 5.76 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 139.04 0 0.03 26.4 26.47 575.67
436 7.51 0.01 -0.47 -0.03 0 138.86 0 0.03 26.49 26.57 751.1

Appendix A - 15
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s):
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 8.88
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 153.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): -0.12
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): -1.71
Total Mass Loss (g): NA
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): NA
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): NA
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): NA
Average CO2 yield (g/g): NA
Average CO yield (g/g): NA

Initial mass (g): 81
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 83
Time to ignition (s):
Time to flameout (s):

Appendix A - 16
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -1.68 0.01 -0.33 -0.04 15262.06 NA 0.06 0.03 25.76 25.98 -168.14
3 -3.15 0.01 -0.34 -0.05 14165.01 NA 0.05 0.03 26.54 26.78 -315.08
6 -6.15 0 -4.1 -0.39 0.0 NA 0.06 0.03 26.11 26.34 0.0
9 -2.71 -4.43 0 0 -44.24 NA 0.08 0.03 25.75 25.97 0.61
12 -3.84 1.9 0 0 55.16 NA 0.04 0.03 26.07 26.3 -2.02
15 -6.84 3.32 0 0 118.63 NA 0.15 0.03 26.12 26.35 -2.06
18 -5.82 -1.27 0 0 -472.61 NA 0.23 0.03 25.65 25.89 4.59
21 -3.29 3.56 0 0 217.86 NA 0.29 0.03 26.52 26.78 -0.92
24 -4.97 4.18 0 0 148.51 NA 0.24 0.03 25.92 26.18 -1.19
27 -6.34 0.09 -0.06 0 7066.89 NA 0.24 0.03 25.72 25.99 -72.07
30 -3.68 -2.65 0 0 -228.11 NA 0.23 0.03 25.46 25.74 1.39
33 -2.24 0.41 -0.01 0 1874.97 NA 0.3 0.03 25.96 26.25 -5.41
36 -4.1 7.91 0 0 77.95 NA 0.24 0.03 25.64 25.94 -0.52
39 -4.47 2.74 0 0 194.83 NA 0.2 0.03 25.95 26.25 -1.63
42 -2.48 -4.02 0 0 -132.62 NA 0.2 0.03 25.86 26.18 0.62
45 -1.85 0.61 -0.01 0 740.08 NA 0.17 0.03 26.01 26.34 -3.04
48 -3.81 3.3 0 0 154.43 NA 0.2 0.03 25.74 26.07 -1.15
51 -0.83 2.05 0 0.01 299.51 NA 0.23 0.03 25.84 26.17 -0.4
54 -0.35 2.5 0 0.01 211.1 NA 0.2 0.03 25.92 26.25 -0.14
57 -0.86 5.03 0 0.01 99.02 NA 0.19 0.03 26.22 26.55 -0.17
60 -2.11 0.58 -0.01 0.07 872.61 NA 0.19 0.03 25.62 25.95 -3.64
63 0.29 -4.69 0 -0.01 -107.69 NA 0.2 0.03 25.4 25.73 -0.06
66 1.74 -0.65 0.01 -0.08 -644.33 NA 0.16 0.03 25.64 25.97 -2.67
69 -0.38 6.06 0 0.01 69.48 NA 0.16 0.03 26.01 26.34 -0.06
72 -0.69 4.69 0 0.02 101.9 NA 0.19 0.03 25.46 25.79 -0.15
75 3.06 -2.27 0 -0.04 -215.73 NA 0.19 0.03 25.96 26.29 -1.34
78 3.17 2.52 0 0.03 161.47 NA 0.16 0.03 25.85 26.18 1.26
81 0.82 5.39 0 0.02 70.25 NA 0.14 0.03 25.93 26.26 0.15
84 1.93 -3.34 0 -0.03 -108.67 NA 0.14 0.03 25.75 26.08 -0.58
87 4.19 1.68 0 0.08 221.59 NA 0.14 0.03 25.36 25.69 2.5
90 4.28 7.72 0 0.02 38.57 NA 0.11 0.03 25.89 26.23 0.55
93 1.46 2.01 0 0.07 133.14 NA 0.1 0.03 25.91 26.25 0.73
96 4.13 0.15 -0.04 0.97 2106.5 NA 0.12 0.03 25.54 25.88 27.48
99 5.61 3.17 0 0.05 86.2 NA 0.11 0.03 25.5 25.84 1.77
102 3.75 -1.62 0 -0.1 -146.39 NA 0.09 0.03 25.63 25.98 -2.31
105 3.34 -1.25 0 -0.14 -196.74 NA 0.1 0.03 25.36 25.7 -2.67
108 5.78 5.82 0 0.03 38.74 NA 0.09 0.03 25.4 25.74 0.99
111 5.61 6.39 0 0.03 27.32 NA 0.07 0.03 25.82 26.16 0.88
114 4.28 1.5 0 0.14 146.81 NA 0.08 0.03 25.98 26.33 2.86
117 5 -2.03 0 -0.1 -136.96 NA 0.11 0.03 26.14 26.49 -2.46
120 7.12 1.46 0 0.16 105.65 NA 0.06 0.03 26.07 26.42 4.87
123 5.9 4.19 0 0.05 30.32 NA 0.05 0.03 25.34 25.68 1.41

Appendix A - 17
126 5.08 2.89 0 0.07 69.34 NA 0.08 0.03 25.78 26.12 1.76
129 6.74 0.94 -0.01 0.23 117.98 NA 0.04 0.03 25.23 25.57 7.19
132 6.68 3.41 0 0.07 22.22 NA 0.03 0.03 25.59 25.93 1.96
135 4.7 6.43 0 0.04 8.57 NA 0.02 0.03 25.69 26.03 0.73
138 7.17 -2.69 0 -0.09 -29.86 NA 0.03 0.03 26.22 26.56 -2.66
141 8.77 -0.85 0.01 -0.33 -116.95 NA 0.04 0.03 26.11 26.46 -10.26
144 7.5 5.6 0 0.05 23.71 NA 0.05 0.03 26.56 26.9 1.34
147 6.34 0.86 -0.01 0.31 117.37 NA 0.04 0.03 25.48 25.8 7.34
150 8.14 0.01 -0.46 27 21821.93 NA 0.08 0.03 25.7 26.02 814.05
153 8.88 0.01 -0.54 26.61 17434.65 NA 0.07 0.03 25.6 25.93 888.24

Appendix A - 18
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): NA
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 10.03
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 155.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 0.09
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 3.25
Total Mass Loss (g): NA
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): NA
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): NA
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): NA
Average CO2 yield (g/g): NA
Average CO yield (g/g): NA

Initial mass (g): 82.6
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): NA
Time to flameout (s): NA

Appendix A - 19
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 3.64 0.01 -0.53 -0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 26.04 26.28 364.24

5 4.1 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 25.77 26.02 410.24
8 1.27 2.14 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.51 25.77 0.59
11 1.84 0.75 -0.01 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.84 26.08 2.47
14 3.15 -0.75 0.01 0 0 NA 0 0.03 26.61 26.87 -4.21
17 1.94 -0.29 0.02 0 0 NA 0 0.03 26.03 26.3 -6.59
20 -0.16 0.45 -0.01 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.81 26.08 -0.36
23 0.5 -2.81 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.64 25.92 -0.18
26 3.87 3.58 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 26.05 26.33 1.08
29 2.02 7.98 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 26.51 26.8 0.25
32 0.57 -0.95 0 0 -134.35 NA 0.05 0.03 26.04 26.33 -0.6
35 1.1 -1.9 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.97 26.27 -0.58
38 3.09 1.69 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.66 25.96 1.82
41 3.35 0.36 -0.02 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.46 25.76 9.3
44 0.96 1.71 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.54 25.85 0.57
47 2.24 0.67 -0.01 0 52.4 NA 0.01 0.03 25.6 25.91 3.34
50 4.93 3.91 0 0 9.43 NA 0.01 0.03 25.54 25.84 1.26
53 2.71 2.82 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.2 25.5 0.96
56 2.65 -5.01 0 0 -1.44 NA 0 0.03 26.14 26.46 -0.53
59 2.42 -0.15 0.04 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.74 26.06 -16.58
62 5.63 5 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.76 26.08 1.13
65 5.18 3.64 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.7 26.02 1.42
68 3.41 0 1.47 -5.54 0 NA 0 0.03 25.78 26.11 0
71 3.97 0.47 -0.01 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 25.88 26.21 8.5
74 6.92 0.3 -0.01 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 26.69 27.03 22.71
77 5.72 2.36 0 0.01 0 NA 0 0.03 25.34 25.67 2.42
80 3.82 0.42 -0.01 0.06 0 NA 0 0.03 25.82 26.14 9.21
83 5.39 0.86 -0.01 0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 25.67 26 6.26
86 8.17 6.77 0 0.01 0 NA 0 0.03 25.82 26.14 1.21
89 5.77 -0.43 0.01 -0.15 0 NA 0 0.03 25.9 26.23 -13.53
92 5.28 -5.35 0 -0.01 0 NA 0 0.03 25.71 26.04 -0.99
95 6.77 0.73 -0.01 0.08 0 NA 0 0.03 25.31 25.62 9.21
98 7.32 5.37 0 0.01 0 NA 0 0.03 25.41 25.72 1.36
101 6.05 5.15 0 0.02 23.06 NA 0.04 0.03 26.08 26.4 1.17
104 5.15 1.1 0 0.07 0 NA 0 0.03 25.42 25.74 4.67
107 7.71 -2.55 0 -0.03 -6.06 NA 0.01 0.03 25.18 25.51 -3.02
110 8.8 1.25 0 0.07 0 NA 0 0.03 25.17 25.49 7.03
113 5.17 3.06 0 0.03 3.39 NA 0 0.03 25.49 25.82 1.69
116 6.23 -0.26 0.02 -0.31 -153.88 NA 0.02 0.03 25.83 26.15 -24.17
119 8.19 4 0 0.02 0.55 NA 0 0.03 25.95 26.27 2.05
122 8.39 7.43 0 0.01 0 NA 0 0.03 25.52 25.84 1.13
125 6 -1.4 0 -0.06 -6.44 NA 0 0.03 25.49 25.81 -4.3

Appendix A - 20
128 7.57 -2.11 0 -0.05 0 NA 0 0.03 25.72 26.05 -3.59
131 9.37 3.89 0 0.03 0.92 NA 0 0.03 26.07 26.4 2.41
134 8.9 2.93 0 0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 25.99 26.32 3.04
137 5.83 0.81 -0.01 0.14 0 NA 0 0.03 25.62 25.95 7.23
140 8.47 2.31 0 0.05 0 NA 0 0.03 25.44 25.77 3.66
143 9.8 4.89 0 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 25.69 26.02 2
146 7.84 3.78 0 0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 25.9 26.23 2.07
149 6.85 -3.15 0 -0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 26.39 26.72 -2.18
152 9.35 0.01 -0.51 10.26 0 NA 0 0.03 25.94 26.27 934.81
155 10.03 0.01 -0.54 10.76 0 NA 0 0.03 25.64 25.98 1003.48

Appendix A - 21
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s):
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 12.43
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 157.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 0.10
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 3.70
Total Mass Loss (g): NA
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): NA
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): NA
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): NA
Average CO2 yield (g/g): NA
Average CO yield (g/g): NA

Initial mass (g): 74.1
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 73
Time to ignition (s):
Time to flameout (s):

Appendix A - 22
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 1.86 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 25.66 25.91 186.29

4 1.05 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 4955.74 NA 0.02 0.03 25.67 25.93 104.84
7 2.28 -1.8 0 0 -56.39 NA 0.04 0.03 25.78 26.02 -1.27
10 4.01 -1.91 0 0 -65.89 NA 0.05 0.03 25.28 25.53 -2.1
13 0.06 4.04 0 0 0 NA 0 0.03 25.96 26.22 0.02
16 0.41 6.64 0 0 17.58 NA 0.05 0.03 25.54 25.81 0.06
19 2.16 -3.29 0 0 -91.57 NA 0.12 0.03 25.72 26 -0.66
22 0.65 -4.42 0 0 -69.4 NA 0.12 0.03 25.53 25.82 -0.15
25 0.58 2.5 0 0 123.77 NA 0.12 0.03 26.21 26.51 0.23
28 2.12 0.72 -0.01 0 435.06 NA 0.12 0.03 26.17 26.47 2.94
31 2.32 -0.83 0.01 0 -324.73 NA 0.1 0.03 25.65 25.95 -2.8
34 0.43 6.97 0 0 38.5 NA 0.1 0.03 25.49 25.8 0.06
37 2.96 5.61 0 0 45.68 NA 0.1 0.03 26.22 26.54 0.53
40 3.82 -2.18 0 0 -45.63 NA 0.04 0.03 25.46 25.79 -1.75
43 0.91 1.35 0 0 75.18 NA 0.04 0.03 25.98 26.31 0.68
46 2.55 2.25 0 0 29.85 NA 0.03 0.03 25.61 25.95 1.13
49 5.17 -2.65 0 0 -23.76 NA 0.02 0.03 26.09 26.43 -1.95
52 4.33 -2.72 0 0 -28.47 NA 0.03 0.03 25.98 26.33 -1.59
55 2.74 3.24 0 0.01 6.63 NA 0.01 0.03 25.84 26.18 0.85
58 4.92 5.55 0 0 0.94 NA 0 0.03 25.41 25.75 0.89
61 5.65 2.18 0 0.01 26.19 NA 0.02 0.03 26.12 26.46 2.6
64 3.82 -0.06 0.08 -0.42 0 NA 0 0.03 25.65 25.99 -63.5
67 5.58 1.21 0 0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 25.87 26.22 4.61
70 7.34 0.17 -0.03 0.27 0 NA 0 0.03 25.9 26.25 42.71
73 4.54 -0.23 0.02 -0.24 0 NA 0 0.03 25.71 26.07 -19.53
76 5.78 4.5 0 0.01 4.84 NA 0.01 0.03 25.82 26.18 1.28
79 7.72 3.77 0 0.02 4.64 NA 0.01 0.03 25.77 26.13 2.05
82 5.98 0.6 -0.01 0.12 0 NA 0 0.03 25.92 26.29 10
85 6.15 4.75 0 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 25.73 26.1 1.29
88 8.49 1.38 0 0.07 0 NA 0 0.03 26.15 26.52 6.16
91 8.62 -4.18 0 -0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 26.06 26.42 -2.06
94 5.16 1.38 0 0.07 0 NA 0 0.03 25.53 25.88 3.73
97 10.25 5.32 0 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 25.95 26.31 1.93
100 9.37 1.39 0 0.08 0 NA 0 0.03 25.33 25.69 6.72
103 7.69 0.23 -0.02 0.54 0 NA 0 0.03 25.66 26.01 33.31
106 7.59 5.09 0 0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 25.75 26.11 1.49
109 9.83 1.84 0 0.08 0 NA 0 0.03 25.76 26.11 5.33
112 8.23 -3.8 0 -0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 25.24 25.59 -2.17
115 7.8 5.7 0 0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 26.06 26.42 1.37
118 11.44 3.96 0 0.04 0 NA 0 0.03 26.07 26.42 2.89
121 9.6 -4.66 0 -0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 25.89 26.25 -2.06
124 8.22 4.84 0 0.03 0 NA 0 0.03 25.73 26.07 1.7

Appendix A - 23
127 9.21 7.62 0 0.02 0 NA 0 0.03 25.59 25.93 1.21
130 10.79 1.28 0 0.13 0 NA 0 0.03 25.92 26.28 8.44
133 8.95 3.05 0 0.06 0 NA 0 0.03 26.16 26.52 2.94
136 10.23 3.39 0 0.05 0 NA 0 0.03 26.2 26.55 3.01
139 12.25 -2.99 0 -0.06 0 NA 0 0.03 25.98 26.32 -4.1
142 10.58 -1.94 0 -0.1 -5.61 NA 0 0.03 25.54 25.88 -5.47
145 10.72 5.04 0 0.04 4.22 NA 0.01 0.03 25.6 25.94 2.13
148 12.42 3.44 0 0.05 9.72 NA 0.01 0.03 25.9 26.25 3.61
151 12.36 0.63 -0.01 0.31 136.63 NA 0.03 0.03 26.46 26.8 19.63
154 9.96 0.01 -0.47 20.89 10475.17 NA 0.04 0.03 26.26 26.59 995.85
157 12.43 0.01 -0.51 21.2 8755.62 NA 0.03 0.03 26.15 26.48 1242.65

Appendix A - 24
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 24.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 68.13
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 32.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 1.86
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 39.56
Total Mass Loss (g): 1.88
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.048
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 9.92
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 22.56
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0031

Initial mass (g): 76.2
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 24
Time to flameout (s): 62

Appendix A - 25
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.86 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 0 111.55 0 0.03 25.69 25.9 86.37

5 3.71 0.01 -0.43 -0.03 0 111.61 0 0.03 25.65 25.85 371.22
8 2.05 -2.22 0 0 0 111.65 0 0.03 26.38 26.58 -0.93
11 0.5 -0.12 0.04 0 0 111.72 0 0.03 25.54 25.76 -4.12
14 2.82 5.25 0 0 5.28 111.64 0.01 0.03 25.97 26.19 0.54
17 0.38 1.92 0 0 0 111.47 0 0.03 25.82 26.03 0.2
20 1.57 -2.84 0 0 -19.76 111.54 0.02 0.03 25.75 25.97 -0.55
23 20.07 -0.47 0.01 0 -747.93 111.58 0.14 0.03 25.44 25.66 -42.65
26 50.86 11.74 0 0 86.29 111.5 0.39 0.03 25.92 26.18 4.33
29 66.13 11.71 0 0 0 110.97 0 0.03 25 25.43 5.65
32 68.13 0.4 -0.01 0 0 110.88 0 0.03 25.02 25.58 168.75
35 59.89 5.71 0 0 0 110.84 0 0.03 25.63 26.26 10.49
38 52.74 6.52 0 0 0 110.56 0 0.03 25.46 26.11 8.09
41 49.24 2.74 0 0 0 110.48 0 0.03 25.51 26.16 17.99
44 43.94 6.15 0 0.01 0 110.35 0 0.03 25.76 26.4 7.15
47 39.07 0.15 -0.03 0.53 0 110.17 0 0.03 25.83 26.45 252.56
50 40.94 -0.65 0.01 -0.19 0 110.3 0 0.03 25.98 26.57 -62.81
53 35.54 9.29 0 0.02 1.85 110.13 0.01 0.03 25.99 26.55 3.83
56 32.66 4.96 0 0.04 5.11 109.84 0.01 0.03 25.51 26.04 6.59
59 32.49 2.01 0 0.13 2.67 109.84 0 0.03 25.81 26.31 16.16
62 29.45 1.34 0 0.26 0 109.7 0 0.03 26.28 26.77 21.93
65 26.23 -1.35 0 -0.32 -5.87 109.76 0 0.03 26.12 26.57 -19.43
68 27.23 3.96 0 0.12 16.31 109.73 0.02 0.03 25.9 26.3 6.88
71 25.31 8.6 0 0.05 5.17 109.53 0.02 0.03 25.96 26.34 2.94
74 25.28 0.01 -0.55 46.28 5660.74 109.29 0.02 0.03 26.14 26.5 2527.78
77 26.53 0.01 -0.54 47.05 7988.38 109.33 0.03 0.03 25.93 26.28 2653.43

Appendix A - 26
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 22.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 71.61
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 27.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 1.74
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 40.12
Total Mass Loss (g): 1.39
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.039
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.45
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 0.00
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0035

Initial mass (g): 76.3
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 22
Time to flameout (s): 57

Appendix A - 27
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 2.69 0.01 -0.41 -0.03 0 76.38 0 0.03 25.93 26.17 268.74

3 0.53 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 0 76.59 0 0.03 25.89 26.14 52.68
6 -0.14 4.32 0 0 0 76.48 0 0.03 25.97 26.21 -0.03
9 3 2.34 0 0 0 76.39 0 0.03 25.68 25.92 1.28
12 1.56 -3.52 0 0 0 76.37 0 0.03 25.5 25.74 -0.44
15 0.22 -3.8 0 0 0 76.55 0 0.03 25.82 26.06 -0.06
18 3.87 7.1 0 0 0 76.52 0 0.03 26.08 26.34 0.54
21 20.84 6.36 0 0 0 76.21 0 0.03 25.97 26.23 3.27
24 51.8 1.44 0 0 0 76.17 0 0.03 26.2 26.48 36.03
27 71.61 6.13 0 0 0 76.06 0 0.03 25.79 26.21 11.69
30 67.71 8.87 0 0 0 75.82 0 0.03 25.14 25.72 7.63
33 59.11 5.96 0 0 0 75.57 0 0.03 25.78 26.45 9.93
36 52.28 5.4 0 0 0 75.45 0 0.03 25.64 26.32 9.68
39 48.43 5.68 0 0 0 75.24 0 0.03 25.85 26.53 8.52
42 40.93 -0.68 0.01 -0.11 0 75.15 0 0.03 25.8 26.46 -59.84
45 39.23 0.65 -0.01 0.18 0 75.22 0 0.03 25.84 26.47 60.21
48 35.41 6.53 0 0.03 0 75.07 0 0.03 25.24 25.82 5.42
51 29.67 3.44 0 0.07 0 74.9 0 0.03 25.15 25.69 8.63
54 32.06 0.77 -0.01 0.33 0 74.87 0 0.03 25.53 26.05 41.57
57 29.4 2.74 0 0.11 0 74.82 0 0.03 26.1 26.59 10.74
60 26.93 3.93 0 0.1 0 74.71 0 0.03 25.85 26.3 6.84
63 27.14 3.73 0 0.12 0 74.59 0 0.03 25.82 26.24 7.28
66 26.36 0.01 -0.55 48.88 0 74.49 0 0.03 26.28 26.69 2636.02
69 23.18 0.01 -0.63 45.9 0 74.42 0 0.03 25.66 26.04 2318.37

Appendix A - 28
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 25.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 66.28
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 29.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 1.71
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 37.31
Total Mass Loss (g): 1.64
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.046
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.41
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 6.80
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0021

Initial mass (g): 77.9
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 25
Time to flameout (s): 61

Appendix A - 29
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 1.31 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 78.08 0 0.03 25.48 25.74 131.37

5 2.66 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 0 78.09 0 0.03 25.13 25.37 266.25
8 0.2 -1.16 0 0 0 78.15 0 0.03 26.17 26.41 -0.17
11 2.31 3.1 0 0 0 78.13 0 0.03 25.71 25.95 0.75
14 2.18 3.75 0 0 0 78 0 0.03 26.35 26.6 0.58
17 0.06 -2.3 0 0 0 77.95 0 0.03 25.69 25.93 -0.03
20 2.03 -1.62 0 0 0 78.08 0 0.03 25.82 26.07 -1.25
23 22.87 5.14 0 0 32.93 78 0.07 0.03 25.75 26.01 4.45
26 52.53 12.11 0 0 16.76 77.78 0.08 0.03 25.66 25.93 4.34
29 66.28 5.19 0 0 0 77.38 0 0.03 24.96 25.38 12.76
32 64.72 0.51 -0.01 0 0 77.46 0 0.03 25.17 25.74 125.85
35 55.43 7.77 0 0 0 77.26 0 0.03 25.89 26.55 7.13
38 52.23 3.04 0 0 0 77.06 0 0.03 26.4 27.09 17.17
41 47.1 6.7 0 0 0 77.03 0 0.03 25.96 26.64 7.03
44 40 6.95 0 0.01 0 76.69 0 0.03 25.86 26.52 5.75
47 38.21 0.51 -0.01 0.2 0 76.66 0 0.03 25.77 26.4 75.48
50 36.86 1.22 0 0.14 0 76.61 0 0.03 25.56 26.16 30.11
53 31.49 1.3 0 0.18 0 76.58 0 0.03 25.71 26.29 24.3
56 32.16 3.92 0 0.07 0 76.51 0 0.03 26.24 26.8 8.21
59 30.06 5.69 0 0.05 0 76.36 0 0.03 26.25 26.77 5.28
62 26.32 3.3 0 0.12 0 76.2 0 0.03 26.5 27 7.98
65 27.84 -1.96 0 -0.23 0 76.18 0 0.03 25.65 26.1 -14.19
68 24.03 2.57 0 0.19 0 76.25 0 0.03 26.28 26.71 9.35
71 24.63 7.05 0 0.07 0 76.02 0 0.03 26.25 26.66 3.49
74 25.93 3.8 0 0.13 0 75.88 0 0.03 25.84 26.22 6.82
77 24.44 0.01 -0.47 51.17 0 75.77 0 0.03 26.2 26.57 2444.03
80 23.01 0.01 -0.45 48.11 0 75.61 0 0.03 25.75 26.1 2300.69

Appendix A - 30
Computer Monitor Case Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 54.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 432.22
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 195.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 48.09
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 248.74
Total Mass Loss (g): 32.72
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.198
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.70
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2363.31
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1416

Initial mass (g): 38.1
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 77
Time to ignition (s): 54
Time to flameout (s): 219

Appendix A - 31
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -0.08 0.01 -0.5 -0.04 0 38.08 0 0.03 25.35 25.62 -7.64

3 1.86 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 0 38.04 0 0.03 25.55 25.82 186.45
6 -0.6 -1.33 0 0 0 38.09 0 0.03 25.17 25.42 0.45
9 0.86 -2.28 0 0 0 38.11 0 0.03 25.66 25.93 -0.38
12 0.72 -1.74 0 0 0 38.21 0 0.03 25 25.25 -0.41
15 0.07 1.3 0 0 0 38.2 0 0.03 25.75 26.01 0.05
18 2.17 -2.97 0 0 0 38.18 0 0.03 25.73 25.99 -0.73
21 2.57 0.31 -0.02 0 0 38.33 0 0.03 26.16 26.43 8.43
24 -1.02 2.29 0 0 0 38.17 0 0.03 25.3 25.57 -0.45
27 1.29 1.73 0 0 0 38.22 0 0.03 25.7 25.98 0.75
30 1.67 0.47 -0.01 0 0 38.07 0 0.03 25.5 25.77 3.57
33 0.08 1.03 0 0 0 38.18 0 0.03 25.67 25.96 0.08
36 1.6 0.6 -0.01 0 0 38.02 0 0.03 25.62 25.9 2.7
39 0.84 1.07 0 0 0 38.13 0 0.03 25.94 26.22 0.79
42 -0.21 1.6 0 0 0 37.95 0 0.03 25.76 26.05 -0.13
45 1.22 -3.17 0 0 -32.5 38.07 0.04 0.03 25.4 25.7 -0.38
48 1.42 3.54 0 0.02 315.53 38.06 0.43 0.03 25.52 25.81 0.4
51 9.94 5.99 0 0.14 973.77 37.87 2.27 0.03 25.31 25.66 1.66
54 31.25 14.38 0 0.13 1242.75 37.67 7.07 0.03 24.76 25.27 2.17
57 70.35 17.98 0 0.13 1933.96 37.04 13.69 0.03 24.69 25.4 3.91
60 128.14 19.05 0 0.15 2083.32 36.61 15.42 0.03 24.83 25.74 6.73
63 190.47 21.96 0 0.13 1834.63 35.9 15.31 0.03 25.17 26.31 8.67
66 209.09 16.9 0 0.17 2519.3 35.35 16.53 0.03 24.53 25.75 12.37
69 221.61 13.05 0 0.23 3742.99 34.87 19.15 0.03 24.21 25.5 16.99
72 240.31 27 0 0.11 1934.72 34.45 20.22 0.03 24.44 25.83 8.9
75 252.74 26.15 0 0.12 1952.23 33.35 19.34 0.03 24.95 26.4 9.67
78 260.81 14.53 0 0.22 3533.35 32.95 19.55 0.03 24.74 26.27 17.95
81 263.77 22.83 0 0.14 2421.8 32.35 21.43 0.03 24.24 25.79 11.56
84 276.93 23.91 0 0.14 1960.56 31.62 18.07 0.03 24.34 25.94 11.58
87 297.31 21.87 0 0.16 2677.34 30.94 21.92 0.03 25.07 26.71 13.59
90 301.29 22.68 0 0.15 2644.66 30.3 22.7 0.03 24.72 26.42 13.29
93 302.68 19.36 0 0.18 2752.51 29.6 20.35 0.02 24.5 26.2 15.63
96 311.74 25.98 0 0.13 2244.07 29.07 22.11 0.03 24.65 26.37 12
99 312.83 25.48 0 0.13 2033.74 28.09 19.46 0.03 24.9 26.63 12.28
102 316.67 14.99 0 0.21 3817.52 27.61 21.07 0.03 25.41 27.15 21.13
105 310.25 21.56 0 0.16 2792.57 27.07 22.25 0.03 25.37 27.07 14.39
108 302.43 26.67 0 0.13 2080.3 26.32 20.82 0.03 24.95 26.64 11.34
111 309.09 24.69 0 0.15 2136.51 25.53 19.76 0.03 25.01 26.7 12.52
114 313.75 24.22 0 0.15 2338.38 24.84 20.97 0.03 25.34 27.01 12.95
117 305.07 16.53 0 0.22 3273.67 24.11 20.15 0.03 25.22 26.85 18.45
120 293.4 25.5 0 0.13 2004.05 23.73 19.69 0.02 24.41 25.95 11.51
123 296.44 30.58 0 0.11 1511.49 22.62 17.45 0.02 24.95 26.49 9.7

Appendix A - 32
126 295.25 15.71 0 0.21 3741.78 22.03 21.83 0.03 25.4 26.92 18.8
129 293.11 20.08 0 0.17 2480.16 21.54 18.38 0.03 25.6 27.09 14.6
132 283.46 25.43 0 0.14 2089.13 20.81 20.09 0.02 25.01 26.45 11.15
135 282.72 22.02 0 0.17 2539.29 20.08 21.34 0.02 24.76 26.2 12.84
138 297.68 22.76 0 0.15 2480.54 19.46 21.29 0.02 25.1 26.52 13.08
141 296.99 25.89 0 0.14 1973.17 18.7 19.33 0.02 25.04 26.44 11.47
144 304.69 23.3 0 0.16 2627.56 17.95 22.31 0.03 26.01 27.45 13.08
147 303.49 23.75 0 0.15 2588.9 17.28 22.43 0.03 26.02 27.41 12.78
150 282.74 20.31 0 0.15 3048.09 16.54 23.67 0.02 24.85 26.15 13.92
153 277.02 24.61 0 0.13 2250.26 16.01 20.85 0.02 25.29 26.56 11.26
156 270.42 28.02 0 0.12 2076.71 15.08 21.95 0.02 25.27 26.51 9.65
159 267.82 18.89 0 0.19 3068.51 14.41 21.96 0.02 25.17 26.39 14.18
162 271.11 21 0 0.17 2903.29 13.87 22.87 0.03 25.45 26.67 12.91
165 277.98 29.38 0 0.12 2033.02 13.11 22.12 0.03 25.78 27 9.46
168 273.12 24.39 0 0.15 2663.7 12.2 24.71 0.02 25.12 26.29 11.2
171 285.66 20.18 0 0.18 3171.2 11.64 23.88 0.03 25.62 26.8 14.15
174 295.4 27.92 0 0.13 2253.98 10.91 23.51 0.03 25.58 26.76 10.58
177 302.58 23.9 0 0.15 2484.05 10.04 22.23 0.03 25.51 26.7 12.66
180 331.18 20.74 0 0.15 3029.08 9.47 23.58 0.02 25.41 26.64 15.97
183 352.63 22.43 0 0.13 2308.59 8.77 19.46 0.02 25.32 26.61 15.72
186 375.6 18.12 0 0.13 2280.61 8.17 15.68 0.02 25 26.35 20.73
189 407.36 14.99 0 0.13 2406.37 7.67 13.86 0.02 24.6 26.03 27.17
192 425.64 16.87 0 0.09 1755.89 7.23 11.23 0.02 24.88 26.37 25.23
195 432.22 11.81 0 0.1 2029.88 6.71 9.06 0.02 24.91 26.44 36.61
198 420.03 10.6 0 0.1 1965 6.5 7.79 0.02 25.19 26.73 39.62
201 391.35 13.09 0 0.07 1319.71 6.05 6.55 0.02 24.85 26.35 29.9
204 373.2 7.19 0 0.12 2066.32 5.77 5.55 0.02 25.26 26.74 51.93
207 344.27 9.44 0 0.08 1456.39 5.56 5.08 0.02 25.62 27.04 36.46
210 295.56 6.48 0 0.1 1122.46 5.24 2.66 0.03 26.01 27.3 45.63
213 257.83 0.15 -0.04 3.37 35660.9 5.2 2 0.03 26.46 27.63 1666.34
216 189.13 4.94 0 0.08 534.45 5.15 0.97 0.03 26.27 27.29 38.3
219 152.8 2.02 0 0.16 76.08 4.95 0.06 0.03 26.5 27.33 75.66
222 117.53 1.3 0 0.2 0 5.02 0 0.03 26.56 27.23 90.53
225 82.9 3.46 0 0.04 20.45 4.85 0.03 0.03 26.91 27.47 23.99
228 65.43 -1.47 0 -0.08 0 4.85 0 0.03 26.27 26.71 -44.59
231 55.48 2.66 0 0.04 0 4.88 0 0.03 26.66 26.99 20.84
234 50.03 0.45 -0.01 0.23 0 4.73 0 0.03 26.58 26.84 110.25
237 44.68 1.34 0 0.07 0 4.84 0 0.03 25.86 26.05 33.36
240 44.22 3.34 0 0.03 0 4.65 0 0.03 26.08 26.21 13.23
243 42.26 -2.57 0 -0.04 0 4.68 0 0.03 26.1 26.19 -16.46
246 40.51 2.79 0 0.04 0 4.73 0 0.03 26.24 26.3 14.5
249 41.46 1.47 0 0.07 0 4.56 0 0.03 26.5 26.52 28.27
252 38.87 -2.39 0 -0.05 0 4.66 0 0.03 26.15 26.15 -16.29
255 39.24 4.19 0 0.03 0 4.63 0 0.03 26.07 26.07 9.37
258 38.79 0.6 -0.01 0.22 0 4.47 0 0.03 26.04 26.04 64.8
261 36.81 0.17 -0.02 0.84 0 4.58 0 0.03 26.17 26.16 211.53
264 39.48 4.32 0 0.03 0 4.43 0 0.03 26.34 26.33 9.14
267 36.88 0.01 -0.41 12.98 0 4.37 0 0.03 26.32 26.31 3688.4

Appendix A - 33
Computer Monitor Case Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 45.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 413.33
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 195.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 44.40
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 206.93
Total Mass Loss (g): 30.66
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.182
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.48
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2369.74
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1385

Initial mass (g): 35.8
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 45
Time to flameout (s): 214

Appendix A - 34
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 0.12 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 35.78 0 0.03 25.36 25.56 11.84

3 2.04 0.01 -0.39 -0.04 0 35.94 0 0.03 25.34 25.55 203.77
6 2.07 -0.62 0.01 0 0 35.85 0 0.03 25.76 25.96 -3.32
9 2.48 0.32 -0.02 0 0 35.98 0 0.03 25.79 26 7.86
12 4.76 2.06 0 0 0 35.83 0 0.03 26.17 26.38 2.32
15 1.36 -1.44 0 0 0 35.89 0 0.03 25.13 25.34 -0.95
18 2.56 -2.21 0 0 0 35.89 0 0.03 25.48 25.7 -1.16
21 3.28 1.76 0 0 0 35.99 0 0.03 25.09 25.32 1.87
24 0.06 -0.3 0.02 0 0 35.83 0 0.03 25.68 25.92 -0.21
27 2.1 -4.23 0 0 0 36.02 0 0.03 25.41 25.64 -0.5
30 1.82 4.27 0 0 30.74 36 0.05 0.03 26.39 26.63 0.43
33 -1.58 2.14 0 0 50.75 35.83 0.04 0.03 25.33 25.56 -0.74
36 2.05 -0.25 0.01 0 -1589.65 35.88 0.15 0.03 25.59 25.83 -8.17
39 1.47 0.58 -0.01 0 334.3 35.82 0.08 0.03 25.32 25.57 2.53
42 -0.08 2.05 0 0 289.57 35.83 0.23 0.03 25.6 25.86 -0.04
45 4.14 4.3 0 0.11 1191.2 35.69 2 0.03 25.28 25.56 0.96
48 19.32 12.18 0 0.12 1058.93 35.54 5.09 0.03 24.96 25.31 1.59
51 54.65 14.68 0 0.14 1714.64 34.99 9.98 0.03 24.8 25.23 3.72
54 93.67 14.58 0 0.17 2449.86 34.68 14.02 0.03 24.83 25.48 6.42
57 156.23 20.33 0 0.12 1807.01 34.09 14.08 0.03 25.31 26.09 7.69
60 179.12 15.99 0 0.15 2163.44 33.52 13.31 0.03 25.12 26 11.2
63 192.63 16.83 0 0.16 2392.87 33.09 15.61 0.03 24.84 25.8 11.44
66 204.94 20.57 0 0.13 2004.58 32.49 16.31 0.03 24.27 25.28 9.96
69 220.19 18.89 0 0.14 2569.69 31.9 18.84 0.03 24.64 25.76 11.66
72 234.52 19.12 0 0.15 2428.58 31.35 17.75 0.03 24.98 26.16 12.27
75 239.48 18.43 0 0.15 2565.7 30.75 18.26 0.03 24.68 25.9 12.99
78 253.46 19.81 0 0.14 2507.47 30.23 18.64 0.03 25.36 26.65 12.79
81 258.53 23.18 0 0.14 2134.94 29.55 18.48 0.03 25.45 26.78 11.15
84 256.19 18.49 0 0.17 2990.86 28.89 21.29 0.03 24.62 25.98 13.85
87 275.2 16.13 0 0.19 3198.77 28.43 19.32 0.03 25.32 26.71 17.06
90 271.87 23.7 0 0.13 1949.62 27.86 17.61 0.03 24.85 26.24 11.47
93 275.73 19.92 0 0.15 2483.87 27.08 18.75 0.03 24.98 26.39 13.84
96 284.32 20.79 0 0.16 2742.02 26.64 21.38 0.03 25.22 26.67 13.67
99 289.63 24.05 0 0.13 2290.8 25.82 20.59 0.03 25.3 26.76 12.04
102 296.33 17.53 0 0.19 3157.95 25.26 20.42 0.03 25.62 27.1 16.91
105 285.38 21.35 0 0.15 2430.94 24.7 19.93 0.02 24.62 26.04 13.37
108 289.33 20.62 0 0.16 2390.55 24 18.57 0.03 25.12 26.54 14.03
111 282.67 24.41 0 0.13 2082.15 23.43 19.06 0.03 25.26 26.67 11.58
114 273.53 22.87 0 0.14 2130.77 22.57 18.48 0.02 25 26.37 11.96
117 277.2 17.24 0 0.19 3237.27 22.09 20.98 0.03 25.25 26.61 16.08
120 274.26 23.39 0 0.14 2293.63 21.46 20.27 0.03 25.12 26.46 11.73
123 269.88 19.31 0 0.17 2621.59 20.75 19.27 0.02 24.97 26.27 13.98

Appendix A - 35
126 276.09 20.58 0 0.17 2756.14 20.27 21.1 0.03 25.56 26.88 13.42
129 268.9 22.65 0 0.14 2368.07 19.51 20.41 0.02 25.02 26.28 11.87
132 264.78 20.55 0 0.15 2574.82 18.94 19.82 0.03 25.44 26.69 12.89
135 260.41 20.83 0 0.16 2569.3 18.26 19.97 0.03 25.56 26.79 12.5
138 259.33 18.25 0 0.18 3029.66 17.7 20.68 0.03 25.54 26.75 14.21
141 258.03 25.7 0 0.13 2098.66 17.1 20.4 0.03 25.26 26.44 10.04
144 255.85 22.47 0 0.14 2345.21 16.23 19.95 0.03 25.27 26.42 11.39
147 248.2 16.09 0 0.19 3362.46 15.77 20.81 0.02 24.9 26 15.43
150 254.95 26.23 0 0.12 2066.82 15.16 20.18 0.03 25.74 26.86 9.72
153 250.42 23.24 0 0.14 2251.95 14.29 19.91 0.02 25.21 26.28 10.77
156 253.77 18.24 0 0.18 3288.03 13.78 22.34 0.03 25.78 26.86 13.91
159 243.89 21.94 0 0.14 2515.52 13.13 20.94 0.03 25.32 26.35 11.12
162 240.43 23.06 0 0.12 2243.38 12.48 19.82 0.02 25.09 26.09 10.43
165 248.46 20.14 0 0.15 2759.59 11.78 20.94 0.03 25.54 26.55 12.34
168 253.55 17.87 0 0.16 2851.16 11.27 19.45 0.02 25.19 26.19 14.19
171 260.82 24.04 0 0.12 2103.27 10.65 19.27 0.02 25.24 26.24 10.85
174 274.03 20.35 0 0.14 2362.71 9.89 18.41 0.02 25.1 26.13 13.46
177 281.87 16.12 0 0.16 2998.99 9.43 18.86 0.02 24.59 25.63 17.49
180 300.02 19.84 0 0.12 2017.26 8.87 15.47 0.02 24.78 25.86 15.13
183 320.3 20.67 0 0.11 1854.07 8.26 14.67 0.02 24.97 26.12 15.5
186 346.65 16.11 0 0.12 2114.22 7.67 13.19 0.02 24.63 25.83 21.51
189 378.91 10.48 0 0.17 2799.61 7.3 11.2 0.02 24.86 26.18 36.17
192 386.01 17.56 0 0.08 1567.39 6.95 10.81 0.02 24.11 25.46 21.99
195 413.33 16.94 0 0.07 1177.09 6.3 7.61 0.02 24.74 26.18 24.41
198 410.72 7.24 0 0.13 2477 6 6.86 0.02 24.68 26.14 56.71
201 385.46 5.57 0 0.15 2976.74 5.81 6.24 0.02 25.11 26.57 69.22
204 364.87 10.52 0 0.07 1254.99 5.62 4.83 0.02 25.89 27.34 34.68
207 322.17 10.67 0 0.06 1063.17 5.21 4.16 0.02 25.92 27.3 30.19
210 281.56 2.73 0 0.19 2577.92 5.04 2.52 0.03 26.6 27.86 103.29
213 225.05 -1.94 0 -0.23 -1392.18 5.03 0.97 0.03 26.7 27.84 -115.77
216 162.38 -0.61 0.01 -0.45 -101.29 5.11 0.02 0.03 26.09 27.03 -264.59
219 117.8 3.58 0 0.06 0 5.04 0 0.03 26.42 27.22 32.91
222 77.92 2.72 0 0.05 0 4.93 0 0.03 26.63 27.29 28.68
225 60.13 -1.81 0 -0.05 0 4.9 0 0.03 27.16 27.72 -33.16
228 48.79 1.84 0 0.05 0 4.98 0 0.03 26.67 27.14 26.48
231 43.56 5.22 0 0.02 0 4.8 0 0.03 26.27 26.62 8.34
234 36.64 -2.9 0 -0.03 0 4.75 0 0.03 26.28 26.59 -12.65
237 37.08 -2.02 0 -0.04 0 4.91 0 0.03 26.24 26.47 -18.36
240 36.9 5.74 0 0.02 0 4.82 0 0.03 26.18 26.38 6.43
243 34.28 1.97 0 0.04 0 4.64 0 0.03 26.46 26.63 17.43
246 33.54 -0.05 0.09 -2.04 0 4.69 0 0.03 26 26.14 -681.04
249 35.05 2.69 0 0.04 0 4.61 0 0.03 26.17 26.28 13.04
252 33.43 -0.59 0.01 -0.17 0 4.57 0 0.03 26.25 26.34 -56.33
255 32.51 -0.02 0.25 -4.53 0 4.63 0 0.03 26.15 26.24 -1648.4
258 34.1 -0.16 0.03 -0.6 0 4.57 0 0.03 26.26 26.32 -219.4
261 32.49 3.36 0 0.02 0 4.61 0 0.03 25.84 25.89 9.67
264 30.8 4.58 0 0.02 0 4.39 0 0.03 25.73 25.78 6.73
267 31.85 0.01 -0.39 10.18 0 4.4 0 0.03 25.67 25.73 3184.59

Appendix A - 36
Computer Monitor Case Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 45.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 370.72
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 182.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 43.28
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 227.93
Total Mass Loss (g): 29.23
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.168
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.81
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2425.63
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1420

Initial mass (g): 34.4
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 78
Time to ignition (s): 45
Time to flameout (s): 218

Appendix A - 37
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -0.19 0.01 -0.4 -0.03 7249.05 34.55 0.03 0.03 25.25 25.43 -18.77
5 2.76 0.01 -0.62 -0.03 0 34.41 0 0.03 25.47 25.65 275.64
8 4.5 -5.63 0 0 -0.36 34.44 0 0.03 25.2 25.37 -0.8
11 3.73 -2.57 0 0 -32.59 34.66 0.03 0.03 25.16 25.33 -1.45
14 0.57 4.38 0 0 32.86 34.56 0.06 0.03 25.29 25.47 0.13
17 0.22 -1.68 0 0 -77.22 34.49 0.05 0.03 25.32 25.5 -0.13
20 1.11 -1.5 0 0 -123.53 34.62 0.07 0.03 25 25.19 -0.74
23 2.29 3.02 0 0 115.84 34.55 0.13 0.03 25.95 26.15 0.76
26 1.26 -0.74 0.01 0 -561.92 34.5 0.17 0.03 24.95 25.15 -1.69
29 -0.8 -0.67 0 0 -504.12 34.57 0.13 0.03 25.78 25.98 1.19
32 -0.04 3.02 0 0 194.61 34.51 0.23 0.03 25.31 25.51 -0.01
35 1.91 -1.6 0 0 -401.63 34.44 0.25 0.03 25.64 25.85 -1.19
38 -0.4 2.86 0 0 323.42 34.55 0.36 0.03 25.6 25.81 -0.14
41 -1.04 6.77 0 0 227.35 34.27 0.6 0.03 25.36 25.58 -0.15
44 9.08 4.22 0 0.17 1412.05 34.18 2.32 0.03 25.38 25.63 2.15
47 27.94 11.98 0 0.14 1988.2 33.94 9.54 0.03 24.64 24.97 2.33
50 73.47 19.25 0 0.14 2091.05 33.46 15.93 0.03 24.86 25.28 3.82
53 126.76 18.84 0 0.15 2672 32.85 19.37 0.03 25.4 26 6.73
56 189.43 14.92 0 0.2 3060.52 32.36 17.99 0.03 24.7 25.38 12.7
59 217.45 15.1 0 0.19 2935.22 31.92 17.4 0.03 24.68 25.49 14.4
62 240.26 23.79 0 0.12 2012.36 31.4 18.64 0.03 24.81 25.68 10.1
65 249.46 24.28 0 0.13 2094.28 30.55 19.54 0.03 25.07 26.02 10.28
68 260.45 19.28 0 0.17 2760.99 29.98 20.72 0.03 24.7 25.7 13.51
71 274.3 19.22 0 0.17 2752.54 29.36 20.23 0.03 25.06 26.15 14.27
74 285.7 22.35 0 0.15 2220.38 28.81 18.96 0.03 25.05 26.18 12.78
77 286.18 21.37 0 0.15 2662.1 28.04 22 0.03 24.69 25.85 13.39
80 291.11 22.23 0 0.13 2229.55 27.52 18.91 0.03 25.03 26.21 13.09
83 277.77 19.41 0 0.15 2464.1 26.73 18.81 0.02 24.26 25.43 14.31
86 283.02 21.82 0 0.14 2630.68 26.31 21.69 0.03 25.22 26.46 12.97
89 277.72 26.25 0 0.12 1829.5 25.41 18.45 0.03 24.8 26.03 10.58
92 285.23 18.01 0 0.18 2969.04 24.83 20.27 0.03 25.13 26.37 15.84
95 290.86 17.9 0 0.18 2739.14 24.28 18.28 0.03 25.55 26.81 16.25
98 279.79 22.43 0 0.14 2229.81 23.71 19.36 0.02 24.6 25.83 12.48
101 279.64 25.18 0 0.12 2076.01 22.95 20.03 0.02 24.86 26.09 11.11
104 280.89 19.46 0 0.16 2600.16 22.26 19.24 0.03 25.06 26.29 14.44
107 281.19 19.98 0 0.15 2631.74 21.74 19.69 0.03 25.47 26.72 14.07
110 273.28 20.16 0 0.14 2500.42 21.06 19.02 0.03 25.29 26.5 13.56
113 267.35 24.63 0 0.12 2238.8 20.51 20.33 0.03 25.92 27.12 10.86
116 252.31 20.28 0 0.15 2709.62 19.64 21.25 0.02 24.72 25.86 12.44
119 254.4 18.68 0 0.17 3147.27 19.27 23.06 0.02 24.38 25.49 13.62
122 270.01 22.36 0 0.14 2287.42 18.48 19.12 0.03 25.58 26.75 12.08
125 262.15 23.28 0 0.12 1958.04 17.95 17.5 0.02 24.92 26.05 11.26

Appendix A - 38
128 262.04 22.51 0 0.12 2246.77 17.1 19.12 0.03 25.33 26.45 11.64
131 259.28 17.63 0 0.18 3322.46 16.62 22.07 0.03 25.43 26.53 14.71
134 260.65 20.88 0 0.15 2599.66 15.99 20.5 0.03 25.4 26.49 12.48
137 264.9 25.2 0 0.13 2350.12 15.36 22.3 0.03 25.48 26.56 10.51
140 268.53 24.08 0 0.14 2534.18 14.52 22.76 0.03 25.74 26.81 11.15
143 259.57 18.04 0 0.17 2785.36 13.95 19.35 0.02 24.94 25.97 14.39
146 259.2 19.99 0 0.16 2691.01 13.38 20.53 0.02 25.17 26.2 12.97
149 258.85 25.17 0 0.13 2327.2 12.73 21.98 0.03 25.62 26.66 10.28
152 261.18 25.12 0 0.13 2541.36 11.91 23.48 0.03 26.15 27.18 10.4
155 258.6 16.59 0 0.2 3400.27 11.28 21.12 0.03 25.7 26.7 15.59
158 263.43 20.82 0 0.15 2514.64 10.83 19.71 0.03 25.55 26.55 12.65
161 262.02 23.51 0 0.13 2081.15 10.04 18.7 0.02 25.18 26.17 11.14
164 266.94 20.13 0 0.15 2195.55 9.46 17.14 0.02 24.79 25.78 13.26
167 277.57 14.78 0 0.18 2774.76 8.84 16.04 0.02 24.56 25.57 18.78
170 302.07 15.76 0 0.16 2586.16 8.53 15.66 0.02 24.96 26.02 19.17
173 318.38 19.77 0 0.12 1868.61 7.87 14.35 0.02 24.62 25.74 16.1
176 333.42 16.18 0 0.12 2061.77 7.4 13.26 0.02 24.01 25.16 20.6
179 366.46 12.32 0 0.14 2339.42 6.91 10.84 0.02 25.32 26.58 29.75
182 370.72 9.14 0 0.14 2741.18 6.65 9.4 0.02 25.37 26.65 40.55
185 357.1 11.65 0 0.1 1779.85 6.32 7.72 0.02 25.58 26.85 30.65
188 329.01 10.92 0 0.09 1857.41 5.97 7.73 0.02 25.03 26.24 30.12
191 306.83 8.08 0 0.1 2135.73 5.69 6.4 0.02 25.76 26.97 37.98
194 276.78 3.39 0 0.2 3753.52 5.5 4.79 0.02 25.45 26.6 81.58
197 251.29 7.09 0 0.08 1423.61 5.43 3.74 0.03 25.91 27.01 35.45
200 223.89 4.49 0 0.1 1579.48 5.11 2.6 0.03 26.21 27.25 49.89
203 182.68 -1.32 0 -0.28 -1771.55 5.18 0.85 0.03 26.53 27.46 -138.49
206 147.94 -0.45 0.01 -0.63 -3639.45 5.14 0.62 0.03 26.06 26.89 -325.46
209 111.72 7.12 0 0.04 220.01 5.16 0.57 0.03 26.64 27.37 15.7
212 83.39 4.73 0 0.04 319.93 4.79 0.56 0.03 26.35 26.98 17.64
215 71.11 -4.46 0 -0.04 -217.33 4.92 0.36 0.03 26.38 26.93 -15.93
218 62.54 1.21 0 0.13 525.57 4.95 0.24 0.03 26.35 26.82 51.71
221 53.73 4.18 0 0.04 175.25 4.86 0.27 0.03 26.41 26.81 12.86
224 44.97 -0.77 0 -0.18 -772.09 4.76 0.22 0.03 26.18 26.51 -58.66
227 44.72 1.1 0 0.11 554.26 4.86 0.23 0.03 26.58 26.88 40.68
230 40.51 5.73 0 0.02 119.54 4.67 0.26 0.03 26.09 26.32 7.07
233 35.72 0.12 -0.03 0.94 5143.78 4.59 0.23 0.03 26.17 26.38 299.95
236 37.6 -4.56 0 -0.02 -177.62 4.66 0.3 0.03 26.45 26.62 -8.24
239 36.62 2.98 0 0.03 209.23 4.78 0.24 0.03 26.13 26.29 12.29
242 34.46 3.95 0 0.03 156.24 4.52 0.24 0.03 26.13 26.25 8.73
245 33.83 -2.18 0 -0.05 -316.73 4.59 0.26 0.03 25.9 26.01 -15.55
248 36.53 1.59 0 0.07 304.95 4.59 0.18 0.03 27.01 27.1 23.03
251 33.9 3.42 0 0.04 185.21 4.51 0.24 0.03 25.89 25.97 9.93
254 32.85 -1.42 0 -0.09 -219.23 4.43 0.12 0.03 25.77 25.84 -23.19
257 33.9 -2.58 0 -0.04 -235.72 4.57 0.23 0.03 26.07 26.14 -13.15
260 35.07 5.22 0 0.02 93.01 4.52 0.19 0.03 26.16 26.22 6.72
263 33 5.44 0 0.02 60.1 4.31 0.12 0.03 26.12 26.18 6.07
266 31.1 0.01 -0.49 12.89 41373.64 4.26 0.16 0.03 25.54 25.6 3109.94
269 32.71 0.01 -0.36 11.17 37808 4.41 0.15 0.03 25.85 25.92 3271.45

Appendix A - 39
Letter Tray Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 61.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1002.42
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 132.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 60.37
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 353.81
Total Mass Loss (g): 18.11
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.159
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 33.34
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1409.04
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.61
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0848

Initial mass (g): 20.4
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 95
Time to ignition (s): 61
Time to flameout (s): 174

Appendix A - 40
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 2.49 0.01 -0.39 -0.04 7359.1 20.38 0.03 0.03 26.02 26.11 248.54
3 2.55 0.01 -0.5 -0.04 10905.69 20.33 0.04 0.03 25.82 25.91 254.94
6 -0.28 -2.58 0 0 -43.22 20.28 0.04 0.03 25.76 25.85 0.11
9 -0.26 -3.77 0 0 -18.55 20.45 0.03 0.03 26.06 26.15 0.07
12 1.08 2.43 0 0 39.66 20.45 0.04 0.03 25.96 26.05 0.44
15 0.25 -0.74 0 0 -99.52 20.37 0.03 0.03 25.87 25.96 -0.33
18 -0.79 -3.66 0 0 -28.69 20.5 0.04 0.03 25.78 25.88 0.22
21 0.65 -0.59 0.01 0 -220.16 20.54 0.05 0.03 25.63 25.74 -1.09
24 1.44 1.9 0 0 51.38 20.53 0.04 0.03 26.21 26.33 0.76
27 -0.7 -0.87 0 0 -64.64 20.47 0.02 0.03 25.91 26.02 0.8
30 -2.37 -1.12 0 0 -120.33 20.57 0.05 0.03 26.07 26.19 2.12
33 -1.87 5.16 0 0 33.98 20.49 0.07 0.03 25.76 25.89 -0.36
36 -0.05 -1.24 0 0 -168.85 20.34 0.08 0.03 25.34 25.47 0.04
39 0.51 -4.08 0 0 -45.1 20.54 0.07 0.03 25.03 25.16 -0.13
42 0.22 4.81 0 0 60.64 20.51 0.12 0.03 25.19 25.33 0.05
45 -0.72 0.99 0 0 266.94 20.34 0.1 0.03 26.21 26.36 -0.73
48 -1.66 -2.44 0 0 -151.09 20.45 0.14 0.03 25.92 26.07 0.68
51 -2.27 2.6 0 0 189.48 20.43 0.19 0.03 25.96 26.11 -0.87
54 -2.38 2.05 0 0 216.22 20.33 0.18 0.03 25.18 25.33 -1.16
57 -0.7 -0.47 0.01 0 -867.51 20.32 0.16 0.03 25.31 25.45 1.51
60 0.83 -1 0.01 0 -506.43 20.34 0.19 0.03 26.07 26.22 -0.82
63 2.97 4.88 0 0 203.97 20.34 0.38 0.03 25.72 25.87 0.61
66 13.32 5.59 0 0 579.88 20.09 1.28 0.03 25.16 25.35 2.38
69 32.61 0.49 -0.01 0.19 12060.73 20.04 2.33 0.03 25.11 25.4 66.41
72 59.57 4.34 0 0.04 2012.11 20 3.48 0.03 24.71 25.11 13.72
75 107.33 4.96 0 0.05 2155.41 19.8 4.26 0.03 24.53 25.09 21.65
78 141.59 7.3 0 0.05 1557.8 19.68 4.54 0.03 24.34 25.03 19.39
81 175.74 13.17 0 0.03 1013.12 19.34 5.24 0.03 24.68 25.48 13.34
84 212.61 7.71 0 0.06 1902.72 18.97 5.85 0.03 24.14 25.09 27.56
87 246.53 8.43 0 0.08 2122.91 18.83 7 0.03 24.38 25.54 29.26
90 282.95 14.95 0 0.05 1244.85 18.42 7.33 0.02 24.02 25.38 18.92
93 350.21 13.66 0 0.08 1487.31 17.98 8.03 0.02 23.72 25.32 25.63
96 414.19 19.8 0 0.07 1177.79 17.56 8.99 0.02 24.08 25.93 20.91
99 489.62 24.2 0.02 0.06 1060.37 16.81 10.17 0.02 23.12 25.24 20.23
102 552.08 18.75 0.21 0.09 1600.17 16.17 11.69 0.02 23.23 25.67 29.44
105 594.86 22.75 0.27 0.07 1282.33 15.62 11.63 0.02 22.5 25.09 26.14
108 670.34 24.44 0.42 0.08 1302.35 14.82 12.26 0.02 23 25.97 27.43
111 714.65 27.53 0.51 0.07 1185.18 14.15 12.34 0.02 23.23 26.44 25.96
114 753.34 27.82 0.61 0.08 1205.02 13.19 12.63 0.02 23.17 26.54 27.08
117 800.19 19.15 1.14 0.12 1946.99 12.54 13.84 0.02 23.28 26.95 41.78
120 814.42 30.73 0.84 0.08 1130.23 11.91 13.15 0.02 22.65 26.42 26.5
123 824.23 30.79 0.9 0.08 1057.9 10.77 12.79 0.02 21.68 25.46 26.77

Appendix A - 41
126 889.6 19.14 1.63 0.13 1786.93 10.13 12.97 0.02 22.24 26.37 46.49
129 915.95 35.27 0.93 0.07 985.72 9.44 13.11 0.02 22.26 26.53 25.97
132 1002.42 33.62 1.04 0.08 1150.25 8.14 13.59 0.02 23.81 28.45 29.82
135 968.89 19.59 1.58 0.13 1769.09 7.51 12.62 0.02 22.91 27.48 49.45
138 975.91 31.36 0.88 0.08 1104.3 6.79 12.33 0.02 23.5 28.1 31.12
141 975.8 25.17 0.87 0.09 1080.3 5.74 9.33 0.02 24.54 29.15 38.76
144 907.03 15.6 0.96 0.13 2178.9 5.31 11.95 0.02 24.1 28.45 58.16
147 858.88 21.58 0.46 0.09 1366.06 4.7 10.06 0.02 25 29.29 39.8
150 799.77 16.62 0.18 0.1 1794.74 4.08 10.07 0.02 25.61 29.62 48.12
153 741.91 15.63 0 0.09 1956.86 3.69 10.25 0.02 26.09 29.83 47.46
156 658.43 14.06 0 0.09 1927.27 3.15 8.96 0.02 26.78 30.24 46.84
159 570.09 8.64 0 0.1 2489.24 2.87 7.24 0.02 26.72 29.68 66.01
162 507.41 9.1 0 0.07 1731.25 2.59 5.2 0.02 27.58 30.27 55.77
165 395.54 5.97 0 0.07 1397.93 2.34 2.77 0.02 27.87 30.17 66.28
168 311.92 2.85 0 0.09 2459.31 2.24 2.33 0.02 28.26 30.09 109.51
171 235.76 -0.08 0.06 -1.73 0 2.17 1.42 0.02 27.83 29.25 0
174 155.42 -2.22 0 -0.02 -702.94 2.23 0.55 0.02 27.41 28.42 -70.06
177 115.17 -0.41 0.01 -0.01 -1035.01 2.27 0.15 0.02 27.52 28.27 -283.17
180 87.57 0.94 0 0 0 2.26 0 0.02 27.65 28.13 92.97
183 55.67 2.37 0 0 0 2.22 0 0.02 27.62 27.86 23.51
186 43.27 1.44 0 0 0 2.14 0 0.03 27.64 27.71 30.08
189 33.97 -2.42 0 0 0 2.15 0 0.02 27.1 27 -14.06
192 30.85 -0.92 0 0 0 2.24 0 0.03 27.08 26.85 -33.44
195 28.49 0.43 -0.01 0 0 2.2 0 0.03 27.61 27.28 66.08
198 23.49 1.17 0 0 81.34 2.22 0.04 0.03 27.19 26.78 20.05
201 20.79 0.85 0 0 49.47 2.14 0.02 0.03 27.46 26.99 24.53
204 18.66 -1.3 0 0 0 2.18 0 0.03 27.27 26.75 -14.39
207 17.48 0.42 -0.01 0 0 2.2 0 0.03 27.01 26.45 41.31
210 17.15 -1.74 0 0 -22.4 2.18 0.01 0.03 26.65 26.08 -9.85
213 15.88 -0.33 0.01 0 -287.42 2.27 0.04 0.03 26.94 26.34 -47.4
216 13.42 4.3 0 0 14.19 2.18 0.02 0.03 26.64 26.05 3.12
219 11.47 0.45 -0.01 0 7.28 2.08 0 0.03 27.62 27 25.37
222 10.28 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 0 2.13 0 0.03 26.68 26.12 1027.67
225 10.85 0.01 -0.42 -0.04 2421.38 2.05 0.01 0.03 26.18 25.61 1084.91

Appendix A - 42
Letter Tray Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 73.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 829.02
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 156.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 59.41
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 312.41
Total Mass Loss (g): 18.35
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.153
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 32.37
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1410.88
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.35
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0832

Initial mass (g): 20.9
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 92
Time to ignition (s): 73
Time to flameout (s): 194

Appendix A - 43
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -1.14 0.01 -0.43 -0.04 0 -16.5 0 0.03 25.87 25.98 -113.71

3 0.61 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 0 152.18 0 0.03 26.11 26.22 60.95
6 0.51 464.63 0 0 0 152.25 0 0.03 26.34 26.44 0
9 0.28 -1.26 0 0 0 152.37 0 0.03 25.87 25.97 -0.22
12 1.32 3.83 0 0 0 152.32 0 0.03 25.63 25.73 0.34
15 -0.19 -11.03 0 0 0 152.33 0 0.03 25.43 25.53 0.02
18 -1.15 -74.39 0 0 0 153.28 0 0.03 25.96 26.07 0.02
21 1.11 -44.91 0 0 0 156.05 0 0.03 26 26.11 -0.02
24 -0.41 81 0 0 0 155.3 0 0.03 25.98 26.1 -0.01
27 -1.97 54.19 0 0 0 152.29 0 0.03 25.99 26.12 -0.04
30 1.98 -9.31 0 0 0 152.4 0 0.03 25.67 25.8 -0.21
33 1.9 -2.87 0 0 0 152.37 0 0.03 25.82 25.95 -0.66
36 -1.35 -2.13 0 0 0 152.55 0 0.03 25.67 25.8 0.63
39 -2.19 2.48 0 0 0 152.47 0 0.03 25.77 25.91 -0.88
42 -1.44 0 -1.45 -0.21 0 152.45 0 0.03 26.01 26.16 -681.03
45 0.09 -0.26 0.02 0 0 152.46 0 0.03 25.69 25.84 -0.35
48 -1.86 -1.07 0 0 0 152.47 0 0.03 25.46 25.61 1.74
51 -2.21 -1.29 0 0 0 152.52 0 0.03 25.33 25.48 1.71
54 -1.11 1.78 0 0 0 152.52 0 0.03 25.4 25.55 -0.63
57 0.55 1.99 0 0 53.7 152.43 0.04 0.03 25.22 25.37 0.27
60 0.63 -2.45 0 0 -26.31 152.43 0.02 0.03 25.72 25.88 -0.26
63 -0.51 0.01 -0.3 -0.03 19837.8 152.53 0.1 0.03 25.9 26.07 -37.9
66 -1.76 1.59 0 0 87.65 152.44 0.05 0.03 25.59 25.75 -1.11
69 -1.63 -2.82 0 0 -3.91 152.48 0 0.03 25.72 25.89 0.58
72 -0.93 -0.08 0.04 0 -1497.98 152.56 0.05 0.03 25.92 26.09 11.22
75 1.42 5.6 0 0 51.71 152.46 0.11 0.03 26.17 26.35 0.25
78 7.3 3.3 0 0.01 616.78 152.28 0.78 0.03 26.07 26.26 2.21
81 19.54 2.2 0 0.03 2307.69 152.26 2.02 0.03 24.88 25.14 8.89
84 47.53 6.19 0 0.02 1391.59 152.11 3.46 0.03 24.54 24.88 7.67
87 91.84 8.42 0 0.03 1215.14 151.89 3.93 0.03 25.49 26 10.91
90 124.77 10.19 0 0.03 928.16 151.61 3.83 0.03 24.13 24.71 12.24
93 166.79 5.26 0 0.07 2496.46 151.33 5.14 0.03 24.81 25.54 31.74
96 196.74 7.87 0 0.06 1714.89 151.24 5.14 0.03 25.36 26.24 25
99 236.02 14.2 0 0.05 1189.23 150.83 6.29 0.03 25.82 26.85 16.62
102 261.85 15 0 0.06 1092.36 150.43 6.53 0.02 24.04 25.11 17.46
105 321.55 13.35 0 0.08 1546.26 149.95 8 0.02 24.4 25.8 24.09
108 385.55 12.55 0 0.1 1807.77 149.62 8.79 0.02 24.21 25.82 30.72
111 427.68 17.6 0 0.08 1412.06 149.15 9.75 0.02 23.6 25.48 24.3
114 497.45 21.52 0 0.07 1156.98 148.57 9.5 0.02 24.08 26.2 23.12
117 553.03 22.38 0 0.07 1218.49 147.89 10.3 0.02 24.12 26.47 24.71
120 585.03 19.87 0.07 0.09 1324.15 147.25 10.02 0.02 23.72 26.25 29.45
123 624.34 20.78 0.21 0.09 1434.4 146.67 11.29 0.02 23.7 26.39 30.05

Appendix A - 44
126 640.03 19.04 0.31 0.1 1585.36 146.02 11.57 0.02 23.32 26.09 33.61
129 674.36 18.27 0.39 0.11 1768.22 145.52 12.19 0.02 23.47 26.5 36.91
132 698.78 26.43 0.32 0.07 1044.81 144.87 10.34 0.02 23.54 26.7 26.43
135 697.89 24.89 0.46 0.08 1075.62 144 10.27 0.02 22.87 26.08 28.04
138 706.36 19.66 0.68 0.1 1539.24 143.4 11.81 0.02 22.37 25.62 35.93
141 739.19 22.29 0.61 0.09 1466.35 142.77 12.47 0.02 22.83 26.21 33.16
144 779.64 23.31 0.6 0.09 1430.57 142.07 12.27 0.02 23.63 27.17 33.44
147 768.11 25.84 0.56 0.08 1250.68 141.36 12.15 0.02 23.1 26.6 29.73
150 762.19 27.21 0.59 0.08 1143.14 140.53 11.88 0.02 22.68 26.17 28.01
153 799.25 28.34 0.61 0.08 1116.6 139.74 11.68 0.02 23.46 27.09 28.2
156 829.02 22.34 0.8 0.1 1413.2 138.88 11.29 0.02 24.17 27.95 37.11
159 820.87 17.41 0.95 0.13 1869.05 138.39 11.74 0.02 23.95 27.71 47.14
162 824.17 21.9 0.73 0.1 1642.65 137.77 12.82 0.02 24.27 28.05 37.63
165 812.03 23.76 0.43 0.09 1393.89 137.09 11.64 0.02 24.68 28.44 34.18
168 771.05 23.9 0.22 0.08 1240.24 136.36 10.52 0.02 24.59 28.18 32.26
171 749.68 17.1 0.03 0.09 1750.04 135.71 10.34 0.02 25.46 28.94 43.84
174 696.58 12.16 0 0.11 2016.18 135.33 8.24 0.02 26.4 29.74 57.28
177 624.71 10.63 0 0.11 1763.5 134.95 6.35 0.02 26.52 29.54 58.74
180 531.59 6.99 0 0.11 2444.8 134.7 5.77 0.02 26.94 29.64 76.01
183 455.93 7.02 0 0.06 1860.95 134.5 4.37 0.02 27.47 29.91 64.97
186 379.95 6.31 0 0.05 1367.14 134.28 2.91 0.02 27.63 29.67 60.19
189 282.43 1.04 -0.01 0.19 5433.25 134.16 1.91 0.02 27.91 29.6 271.98
192 212.33 -2.44 0 -0.04 -897.66 134.2 0.76 0.02 27.7 29.01 -86.92
195 140.8 0.84 0 0 380.3 134.25 0.11 0.02 27.4 28.39 166.96
198 98.63 2.59 0 0 0 134.16 0 0.02 27.61 28.36 38.12
201 71.12 -1.45 0 0 0 134.14 0 0.02 27.6 28.09 -49.14
204 49.43 -1.88 0 0 0 134.23 0 0.03 27.68 27.95 -26.22
207 39.92 1.58 0 0 0 134.22 0 0.03 27.31 27.5 25.34
210 30.71 1.36 0 0 0 134.16 0 0.03 27.34 27.33 22.62
213 25.07 0.14 -0.03 0 0 134.15 0 0.03 26.83 26.68 180.12
216 23.51 -3.29 0 0 0 134.16 0 0.03 27.03 26.77 -7.14
219 23.11 0.21 -0.02 0 0 134.3 0 0.03 27.08 26.75 108.28
222 21.81 3.93 0 0 0 134.15 0 0.03 27.1 26.7 5.54
225 16.51 -1.4 0 0 0 134.13 0 0.03 27.12 26.67 -11.81
228 14.94 -1.29 0 0 0 134.2 0 0.03 26.71 26.25 -11.58
231 15.01 -0.54 0.01 0 0 134.2 0 0.03 27.03 26.53 -27.56
234 14.89 3.21 0 0 0 134.21 0 0.03 26.73 26.22 4.64
237 12.95 3.26 0 0 0 134.03 0 0.03 26.62 26.11 3.97
240 9.87 -3.98 0 0 0 134.07 0 0.03 26.32 25.82 -2.48
243 10.59 -2.51 0 0 0 134.21 0 0.03 26.55 26.05 -4.22
246 11.9 0.72 -0.01 0 0 134.2 0 0.03 26.66 26.17 16.62
249 11.77 3.03 0 0 0 134.18 0 0.03 26.53 26.05 3.88
252 9.01 0.01 -0.49 -0.04 0 134.05 0 0.03 26.68 26.23 900.91
255 6.73 0.01 -0.47 -0.03 0 134.17 0 0.03 26.53 26.08 672.89

Appendix A - 45
Letter Tray Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 63.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1224.65
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 132.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 61.05
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 463.14
Total Mass Loss (g): 18.77
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.209
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 32.53
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1259.39
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.99
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0844

Initial mass (g): 21.3
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 89
Time to ignition (s): 63
Time to flameout (s): 153

Appendix A - 46
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 1.26 0.01 -0.48 -0.03 0 21.15 0 0.03 25.43 25.55 125.95

3 -0.81 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 0 21.15 0 0.03 25.45 25.58 -81.21
6 -1 -6.22 0 0 0 21.32 0 0.03 25.81 25.94 0.16
9 0.35 6.61 0 0 0 21.46 0 0.03 26.87 26.99 0.05
12 0.49 -51.98 0 0 0 21.37 0 0.03 26.05 26.18 -0.01
15 -0.27 -22.54 0 0 0 23.93 0 0.03 25.73 25.86 0.01
18 -0.41 57.96 0 0 0 22.36 0 0.03 25.67 25.81 -0.01
21 0.37 17.62 0 0 0 21.3 0 0.03 25.85 25.99 0.02
24 0.59 -3.41 0 0 0 21.25 0 0.03 25.67 25.82 -0.17
27 -1.46 -3.08 0 0 0 21.33 0 0.03 25.47 25.62 0.47
30 -2.4 0.49 -0.01 0 0 21.39 0 0.03 25.6 25.75 -4.87
33 -2.32 3.54 0 0 0 21.31 0 0.03 25.63 25.78 -0.65
36 -0.71 -4.73 0 0 0 21.25 0 0.03 25.6 25.76 0.15
39 0.38 -3.28 0 0 0 21.53 0 0.03 25.23 25.4 -0.12
42 -0.05 3.91 0 0 0 21.41 0 0.03 25.46 25.62 -0.01
45 -1.49 0.31 -0.02 0 0 21.37 0 0.03 25.97 26.13 -4.85
48 -2.57 0.5 -0.01 0 0 21.37 0 0.03 25.71 25.87 -5.15
51 -2.1 2.6 0 0 0 21.32 0 0.03 25.39 25.56 -0.8
54 -2.26 1.92 0 0 0 21.23 0 0.03 25.65 25.83 -1.18
57 -1.12 -2.42 0 0 0 21.23 0 0.03 25.87 26.05 0.46
60 0.71 -4.28 0 0 -20.42 21.36 0.03 0.03 25.72 25.89 -0.17
63 1.58 0.47 -0.01 0 221.12 21.44 0.04 0.03 25.76 25.93 3.34
66 4.56 5.81 0 0 48.34 21.32 0.11 0.03 26.07 26.26 0.78
69 17.6 5.1 0 0.01 426.3 21.13 0.85 0.03 25.3 25.55 3.45
72 41.56 6.7 0 0.02 946.11 21.01 2.46 0.03 25.35 25.7 6.21
75 76.66 6.61 0 0.03 1609.1 20.74 4.22 0.03 24.73 25.18 11.6
78 129.41 9.22 0 0.04 1321.41 20.59 4.78 0.03 24.84 25.46 14.04
81 179.77 11.5 0 0.04 1241.25 20.19 5.71 0.03 24.22 25.01 15.63
84 233.22 9.37 0 0.08 1919.48 19.93 7.14 0.03 24.26 25.2 24.89
87 270.07 11.72 0 0.08 1351.65 19.6 6.33 0.02 23.91 25.04 23.04
90 329.08 12.54 0 0.09 1113.49 19.23 5.6 0.02 23.55 24.94 26.24
93 405.23 17.17 0 0.08 1074.18 18.82 7.3 0.02 23.54 25.27 23.6
96 461.83 17.56 0.02 0.09 1424.06 18.22 9.94 0.02 23.1 25.15 26.31
99 540.65 24.78 0.14 0.08 1078.52 17.72 10.52 0.02 23.09 25.39 21.82
102 635.74 33.29 0.36 0.06 791.78 16.74 10.15 0.02 23.22 25.97 19.1
105 684.4 24.68 0.74 0.09 1254.11 15.84 12.25 0.02 22.23 25.27 27.73
108 765.28 23.83 1.02 0.1 1456.23 15.21 13.3 0.02 22.71 26.08 32.12
111 851.87 30.32 1.04 0.09 1093.86 14.36 12.54 0.02 22.69 26.44 28.1
114 908.13 32.99 1.11 0.09 1107.71 13.41 14.06 0.02 22.01 25.99 27.53
117 996.47 32.02 1.33 0.1 1272.11 12.41 15.34 0.02 22.28 26.55 31.12
120 1071.35 29.33 1.68 0.12 1428.14 11.5 15.23 0.02 22.84 27.49 36.53
123 1121.58 36.33 1.45 0.09 1143.91 10.58 15.02 0.02 22.74 27.67 30.87
126 1166.36 43.66 1.3 0.08 929.88 9.33 14.61 0.02 22.67 27.79 26.72
129 1163.02 30.94 1.79 0.11 1354.13 8.1 15.38 0.02 22.11 27.24 37.59
132 1224.65 32.32 1.81 0.11 1206.51 7.38 13.72 0.02 22.97 28.42 37.89
135 1213.06 37.09 1.35 0.09 1071.99 6.13 13.99 0.02 22.93 28.42 32.71

Appendix A - 47
138 1177.37 28.22 1.47 0.1 1502.03 5.25 14.92 0.02 23.04 28.42 41.72
141 1146.43 23.54 1.41 0.11 1619.03 4.42 13.17 0.02 23.61 28.94 48.71
144 1098.03 16.45 1.33 0.12 2047.86 3.85 11.12 0.02 25.03 30.31 66.74
147 969.45 15.36 0.52 0.1 1844.67 3.39 9.24 0.02 25.77 30.66 63.1
150 795.99 12.96 0 0.07 1653.56 2.94 6.94 0.02 26.42 30.87 61.4
153 670.68 2.6 0 0.17 4955.71 2.67 4.06 0.02 27.62 31.68 258.09
156 502.99 1.74 0 0.18 2472.76 2.71 1.35 0.02 28.36 31.75 289.78
159 328.77 2.9 0 0.04 0 2.54 0 0.02 28.89 31.59 113.43
162 206.73 -0.28 0.01 -0.09 0 2.57 0 0.02 28.96 31.05 -728.34
165 141.65 -3.79 0 0 0 2.56 0 0.02 28.88 30.6 -37.42
168 89.1 -4.69 0 0 0 2.77 0 0.02 28.32 29.59 -19
171 63.24 1.85 0 0 0 2.79 0 0.02 28.29 29.18 34.14
174 51.31 2.88 0 0 0 2.7 0 0.02 28.01 28.64 17.79
177 46.46 0.57 -0.01 0 0 2.65 0 0.02 27.96 28.36 82.05
180 41.68 -0.81 0 0 0 2.66 0 0.03 27.94 28.11 -51.48
183 36.02 -1.03 0 0 0 2.69 0 0.03 27.86 27.84 -34.86
186 32.29 0.25 -0.02 0 0 2.71 0 0.03 28.42 28.25 128.94
189 28.29 3.88 0 0 0 2.66 0 0.03 27.67 27.42 7.29
192 26.51 -0.58 0.01 0 0 2.53 0 0.03 27.96 27.6 -45.95
195 25.2 -2.97 0 0 0 2.68 0 0.03 27.49 27.06 -8.48
198 22.21 -0.96 0 0 0 2.68 0 0.03 26.77 26.32 -23.22
201 19.83 0.01 -0.27 -0.02 0 2.75 0 0.03 26.96 26.46 1982.61
204 17.8 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 0 2.74 0 0.03 27.08 26.53 1780.48

Appendix A - 48
Office Chair Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 10.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 196.25
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 73.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 130.93
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 172.72
Total Mass Loss (g): 94.43
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.059
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.87
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 63.21
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0086

E (MJ/kg): 13.1
Initial mass (g): 142
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 103
Time to ignition (s): 10
Time to flameout (s): 1603

Appendix A - 49
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 4.31 0.01 -0.35 -0.04 1328.9 141.83 0.01 0.03 25.7 26 430.69
4 5.46 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 13313.56 141.91 0.05 0.03 25.48 25.76 546.28
7 31.78 -0.24 0.02 0 -646.06 142.02 0.06 0.03 25.62 25.9 -132.79
10 78.04 7.08 0 0.01 326.41 141.89 0.88 0.03 25.85 26.15 11.03
13 144.37 8.65 0 0.07 764 141.63 2.57 0.03 25.19 25.73 16.69
16 165.73 15.01 0 0.05 633.77 141.35 3.82 0.03 24.16 24.89 11.04
19 183.49 16.15 0 0.05 633.33 140.77 4 0.03 24.54 25.56 11.36
22 181.78 8.9 0 0.09 1178.37 140.44 4.09 0.03 24.46 25.62 20.42
25 176.38 7.24 0 0.11 1305.75 140.2 3.65 0.03 24.6 25.9 24.37
28 178.7 13.98 0 0.05 665.05 139.95 3.53 0.03 25.02 26.37 12.78
31 185.9 16.08 0 0.04 824.44 139.39 4.9 0.03 25.67 27.08 11.56
34 178.5 7.91 0 0.09 1161.41 139.06 3.48 0.03 25.01 26.42 22.56
37 174.68 6.24 0 0.12 1432.28 138.87 3.41 0.03 24.77 26.18 28.01
40 178.98 11.04 0 0.07 791.44 138.63 3.26 0.03 25.36 26.79 16.21
43 182.25 14.57 0 0.05 651.06 138.22 3.54 0.03 25.35 26.78 12.51
46 181.58 9.59 0 0.07 727.14 137.82 2.6 0.03 25.41 26.85 18.93
49 175.54 9.72 0 0.06 769.42 137.62 2.84 0.03 24.88 26.29 18.06
52 179.62 10.03 0 0.05 586.42 137.23 2.17 0.03 25.66 27.1 17.91
55 176.52 5.67 0 0.08 719.87 137.04 1.52 0.03 25.49 26.92 31.12
58 176.41 10.02 0 0.04 454.61 136.83 1.68 0.03 25.73 27.15 17.61
61 169.78 12.25 0 0.03 309.05 136.45 1.48 0.03 24.34 25.65 13.86
64 173.85 7.45 0 0.04 575.96 136.15 1.66 0.03 24.59 25.92 23.32
67 189.82 7.65 0 0.04 542.17 135.98 1.53 0.03 25.73 27.11 24.81
70 195.21 7.91 0 0.03 451.95 135.68 1.34 0.03 25.32 26.68 24.68
73 196.25 9.1 0 0.03 605.45 135.49 2.07 0.03 25.23 26.6 21.58
76 195.55 11.91 0 0.02 285.01 135.13 1.26 0.03 25.46 26.89 16.42
79 192.24 13.44 0 0.02 260.45 134.79 1.31 0.03 25.28 26.7 14.3
82 194.54 7.59 0 0.02 501.18 134.37 1.44 0.03 25.06 26.46 25.62
85 192.44 6.49 0 0.02 400.46 134.3 0.99 0.03 24.97 26.36 29.64
88 190.37 11.64 0 0.01 178.69 133.94 0.79 0.03 24.9 26.3 16.35
91 190.23 8.52 0 0.02 319.25 133.66 1.01 0.03 25.41 26.82 22.34
94 187.15 8.75 0 0.01 272.15 133.41 0.9 0.03 25.16 26.56 21.39
97 190.67 8.1 0 0.01 307.33 133.14 0.92 0.03 25.74 27.13 23.55
100 183.92 6.33 0 0.01 403.55 132.93 0.97 0.03 25.11 26.45 29.03
103 177.72 9.07 0 0.01 278.77 132.72 0.98 0.02 24.5 25.8 19.6
106 185.22 16.14 0 0.01 161.87 132.36 0.96 0.03 25.77 27.12 11.48
109 179.96 9.97 0 0.01 181.35 131.85 0.68 0.03 25.23 26.55 18.04
112 177.1 3.72 0 0.02 384.16 131.76 0.53 0.03 25.64 26.97 47.63
115 175.48 9.46 0 0.01 136.61 131.54 0.47 0.03 26.02 27.33 18.55
118 162.39 9.18 0 0 86.91 131.23 0.3 0.03 25.04 26.28 17.68
121 168.35 10.35 0 0 108.64 130.99 0.41 0.03 26.18 27.45 16.27
124 163.3 8.31 0 0 152.69 130.63 0.48 0.03 25.23 26.4 19.65
127 165.19 5.13 0 0 158.88 130.49 0.3 0.03 25.64 26.82 32.22
130 164.99 12.04 0 0 36.71 130.25 0.16 0.03 25.95 27.14 13.71
133 155.65 12.36 0 0 43.26 129.82 0.2 0.03 25.47 26.61 12.6
136 154.26 6.17 0 0 79.58 129.56 0.18 0.03 25.7 26.83 24.98

Appendix A - 50
139 150.46 3.7 0 0 40.45 129.41 0.06 0.03 25.92 27.02 40.64
142 147.54 10.52 0 0 8.93 129.27 0.03 0.03 25.92 27 14.02
145 141.05 12.1 0 0 16.85 128.82 0.08 0.03 25.64 26.7 11.65
148 133.86 4.98 0 0 0 128.61 0 0.03 25.9 26.92 26.9
151 127.44 7.35 0 0 0 128.46 0 0.03 25.54 26.51 17.35
154 129.59 7.16 0 0 11.67 128.18 0.03 0.03 26.51 27.49 18.1
157 122.41 7.81 0 0 0 128.03 0 0.03 25.2 26.1 15.67
160 120.93 10.51 0 0 0 127.7 0 0.03 25.88 26.77 11.5
163 116.02 6.36 0 0 0 127.44 0 0.03 25.87 26.74 18.23
166 112.94 4.41 0 0 0 127.31 0 0.03 25.77 26.6 25.62
169 106.76 5.35 0 0 0 127.15 0 0.03 25.13 25.91 19.96
172 114.37 9.61 0 0 0 126.96 0 0.03 26.82 27.62 11.91
175 109.28 9.7 0 0 0 126.6 0 0.03 25.62 26.38 11.27
178 108.6 9.48 0 0 0 126.38 0 0.03 25.98 26.73 11.46
181 101.97 8.66 0 0 0 126.05 0 0.03 25.62 26.36 11.77
184 101.3 0.77 -0.01 0 0 125.91 0 0.03 26.24 26.97 131.32
187 97 5.81 0 0 0 125.91 0 0.03 25.45 26.14 16.71
190 97.63 13.28 0 0 0 125.54 0 0.03 26.04 26.72 7.35
193 90.95 6.09 0 0 0 125.21 0 0.03 25.31 25.97 14.93
196 88.07 3.36 0 0 0 125.15 0 0.03 25.99 26.63 26.19
199 84.57 4.08 0 0 0 124.98 0 0.03 25.63 26.24 20.74
202 85.39 5.79 0 0 0 124.9 0 0.03 25.99 26.6 14.74
205 83.16 6.14 0 0 0 124.64 0 0.03 25.54 26.12 13.54
208 81.22 9.68 0 0 0 124.51 0 0.03 25.77 26.33 8.39
211 80.9 8.97 0 0 0 124.09 0 0.03 26.33 26.89 9.02
214 79.01 4.03 0 0 0 124 0 0.03 25.78 26.32 19.62
217 80.03 6.05 0 0 0 123.81 0 0.03 25.41 25.93 13.24
220 79.17 3.97 0 0 0 123.66 0 0.03 25.84 26.37 19.96
223 74.05 6.62 0 0 0 123.54 0 0.03 25.37 25.9 11.19
226 71.42 6.33 0 0 0 123.28 0 0.03 26.26 26.79 11.28
229 71.31 3.51 0 0 0 123.18 0 0.03 25.57 26.07 20.3
232 74.33 3.65 0 0 0 123.05 0 0.03 25.82 26.31 20.39
235 76.8 10.97 0 0 0 122.91 0 0.03 26.09 26.58 7
238 74.89 10.59 0 0 0 122.45 0 0.03 26.11 26.62 7.07
241 74.7 2.85 0 0 0 122.33 0 0.03 26.06 26.58 26.2
244 73.25 3.08 0 0 0 122.22 0 0.03 25.93 26.43 23.77
247 76.55 4.86 0 0 0 122.12 0 0.03 25.75 26.27 15.75
250 77.06 7.88 0 0 0 121.92 0 0.03 25.83 26.36 9.77
253 76.28 7 0 0 0 121.68 0 0.03 25.7 26.24 10.89
256 73.88 8.16 0 0 0 121.49 0 0.03 25.79 26.35 9.06
259 73.69 4.52 0 0 0 121.22 0 0.03 26.11 26.67 16.3
262 72.96 3.6 0 0 0 121.2 0 0.03 25.79 26.34 20.26
265 75.92 8.22 0 0 0 120.97 0 0.03 25.83 26.39 9.24
268 76.91 6.89 0 0 0 120.75 0 0.03 25.95 26.52 11.16
271 74.93 4.22 0 0 0 120.57 0 0.03 25.63 26.2 17.74
274 73.34 3.53 0 0 0 120.48 0 0.03 25.87 26.45 20.8
277 75.03 8.31 0 0 0 120.31 0 0.03 25.73 26.31 9.03
280 76.35 9.77 0 0.01 0 120 0 0.03 25.9 26.49 7.81
283 78.2 7.12 0 0.01 0 119.76 0 0.03 26.19 26.79 10.98
286 76.21 6.54 0 0.01 0 119.57 0 0.03 26.19 26.79 11.65
289 72.65 4.15 0 0.01 0 119.38 0 0.03 25.74 26.32 17.52
292 72.73 1.31 0 0.03 0 119.31 0 0.03 25.8 26.39 55.6

Appendix A - 51
295 77.21 6.43 0 0 0 119.24 0 0.03 25.81 26.39 12.01
298 77.08 11.63 0 0 0 118.93 0 0.03 25.91 26.5 6.62
301 75.91 6.73 0 0.01 0 118.62 0 0.03 25.69 26.28 11.29
304 73.61 1.65 0 0.03 0 118.53 0 0.03 25.53 26.12 44.71
307 77.24 7.27 0 0.01 0 118.44 0 0.03 26 26.6 10.63
310 80.37 7.2 0 0.01 0 118.13 0 0.03 26.01 26.63 11.16
313 80.9 6.22 0 0.01 0 118.02 0 0.03 25.91 26.54 13
316 79.28 8.05 0 0.01 0 117.74 0 0.03 25.87 26.5 9.85
319 78.29 6.7 0 0.01 0 117.56 0 0.03 25.69 26.31 11.68
322 79.94 6.18 0 0.01 0 117.33 0 0.03 26.44 27.09 12.94
325 81.95 3.85 0 0.02 0 117.19 0 0.03 25.75 26.39 21.28
328 82.15 10.81 0 0.01 0 117.04 0 0.03 25.71 26.36 7.6
331 83.11 10.79 0 0.01 0 116.6 0 0.03 25.91 26.57 7.7
334 79.79 3.47 0 0.01 0 116.44 0 0.03 25.84 26.5 22.96
337 81.45 2.7 0 0.02 0 116.34 0 0.03 26.19 26.86 30.15
340 81.74 6.61 0 0.01 0 116.24 0 0.03 25.71 26.39 12.37
343 83.62 9.31 0 0.01 0 115.95 0 0.03 26.36 27.05 8.98
346 76.43 6.29 0 0.01 0 115.73 0 0.03 25.22 25.87 12.15
349 77.47 7.69 0 0.01 0 115.55 0 0.03 25.78 26.45 10.08
352 80.6 5.97 0 0.01 0 115.28 0 0.03 25.91 26.58 13.5
355 80.37 7.29 0 0 0 115.17 0 0.03 25.56 26.22 11.03
358 80.98 8.68 0 0.01 0 114.84 0 0.03 25.65 26.32 9.33
361 78.24 5.95 0 0.01 0 114.68 0 0.03 25.23 25.88 13.16
364 82.91 8.2 0 0.01 0 114.46 0 0.03 26.13 26.82 10.11
367 82.89 5.89 0 0.01 0 114.22 0 0.03 25.66 26.34 14.08
370 86.61 2.63 0 0.01 0 114.11 0 0.03 25.89 26.57 32.98
373 84.45 6.52 0 0 0 114.01 0 0.03 25.7 26.38 12.96
376 84.25 9.9 0 0 0 113.72 0 0.03 26.13 26.84 8.51
379 85.23 7.52 0 0.01 0 113.46 0 0.03 26.37 27.08 11.33
382 83.83 4.97 0 0.01 0 113.27 0 0.03 25.36 26.04 16.88
385 85.44 7.87 0 0.01 0 113.12 0 0.03 26.1 26.8 10.85
388 80.79 11.27 0 0 0 112.8 0 0.03 25.11 25.79 7.17
391 80.7 6.82 0 0.01 0 112.5 0 0.03 25.93 26.62 11.83
394 79.83 2.91 0 0.02 0 112.39 0 0.03 25.35 26.03 27.44
397 85.16 4.78 0 0.01 0 112.28 0 0.03 26.18 26.88 17.82
400 79.76 7.51 0 0.01 0 112.09 0 0.03 25.12 25.79 10.63
403 79.96 7.49 0 0.01 0 111.85 0 0.03 25.86 26.55 10.68
406 76.41 10.36 0 0 0 111.63 0 0.03 25.14 25.8 7.37
409 81.19 6.63 0 0 0 111.27 0 0.03 25.9 26.58 12.24
412 78.78 2.26 0 0.01 0 111.23 0 0.03 25.73 26.4 34.92
415 75.76 9.1 0 0 0 111.06 0 0.03 25.36 26 8.33
418 74.83 8.83 0 0 0 110.73 0 0.03 26 26.66 8.47
421 75.01 4.36 0 0.01 0 110.56 0 0.03 25.83 26.46 17.2
424 76.88 5.15 0 0.01 0 110.43 0 0.03 26.02 26.65 14.92
427 75.15 4.52 0 0.01 0 110.26 0 0.03 25.77 26.39 16.61
430 72.27 8.25 0 0 0 110.13 0 0.03 25.96 26.57 8.76
433 71.28 8.85 0 0.01 0 109.79 0 0.03 25.99 26.6 8.05
436 73.27 6.99 0 0 0 109.62 0 0.03 25.64 26.24 10.49
439 75.6 6.19 0 0 0 109.36 0 0.03 25.78 26.37 12.21
442 75.26 3.63 0 0.01 0 109.26 0 0.03 25.75 26.35 20.74
445 70.28 8.73 0 0 0 109.09 0 0.03 25.27 25.85 8.05
448 72.42 8.87 0 0 0 108.77 0 0.03 25.66 26.25 8.16

Appendix A - 52
451 72.49 1.08 0 0.02 0 108.61 0 0.03 25.16 25.74 66.96
454 74.93 5.35 0 0 0 108.62 0 0.03 25.72 26.33 14.01
457 73.07 12.55 0 0 0 108.27 0 0.03 25.84 26.44 5.82
460 69.82 7.04 0 0.01 0 107.96 0 0.03 25.76 26.36 9.92
463 68.11 2.68 0 0.02 0 107.84 0 0.03 25.5 26.07 25.45
466 72.57 5.35 0 0.01 0 107.75 0 0.03 26.08 26.67 13.55
469 73.15 5.81 0 0.01 0 107.53 0 0.03 26.09 26.68 12.6
472 70.83 6.43 0 0 0 107.4 0 0.03 25.8 26.39 11.02
475 68.54 8.87 0 0 0 107.14 0 0.03 26.05 26.64 7.72
478 69.69 3.54 0 0.01 0 106.92 0 0.03 25.71 26.29 19.67
481 71.33 3.43 0 0.01 0 106.89 0 0.03 25.79 26.37 20.81
484 72.33 8.3 0 0 0 106.67 0 0.03 25.66 26.24 8.72
487 71.27 9.82 0 0 0 106.42 0 0.03 26.34 26.94 7.25
490 70.27 6.25 0 0 0 106.13 0 0.03 26.42 27.02 11.25
493 69.07 0.19 -0.02 0.09 0 106.06 0 0.03 25.88 26.46 357.91
496 71.05 5.78 0 0 0 106.03 0 0.03 25.92 26.5 12.3
499 70.05 8.95 0 0 0 105.72 0 0.03 25.62 26.19 7.82
502 68.91 6.81 0 0 0 105.53 0 0.03 25.86 26.43 10.11
505 65.65 6.95 0 0 0 105.3 0 0.03 25.73 26.31 9.44
508 66.62 4.76 0 0 0 105.13 0 0.03 25.86 26.44 14.01
511 70.78 5.77 0 0 0 105 0 0.03 26.64 27.24 12.27
514 69.04 6.8 0 0 0 104.78 0 0.03 25.51 26.08 10.15
517 66.16 6.11 0 0 0 104.6 0 0.03 25.36 25.92 10.83
520 65.11 5.12 0 0 0 104.42 0 0.03 25.76 26.33 12.72
523 66.43 2.89 0 0 0 104.3 0 0.03 25.75 26.3 23.02
526 69.35 6.17 0 0 0 104.21 0 0.03 26.03 26.59 11.24
529 67.82 8.18 0 0 0 103.93 0 0.03 25.32 25.87 8.29
532 66.73 9.44 0 0 0 103.73 0 0.03 25.84 26.4 7.07
535 66.54 6.07 0 0 0 103.41 0 0.03 25.77 26.33 10.97
538 67.83 1.39 0 0.02 0 103.37 0 0.03 25.7 26.27 48.91
541 72.27 4.73 0 0 0 103.26 0 0.03 25.84 26.4 15.28
544 70.89 8.07 0 0 0 103.08 0 0.03 26.02 26.6 8.78
547 67.88 7.35 0 0 0 102.81 0 0.03 25.45 26.03 9.23
550 69.89 4.82 0 0 0 102.66 0 0.03 26.29 26.88 14.49
553 71.89 3.28 0 0 0 102.51 0 0.03 26.21 26.81 21.94
556 69.04 4.86 0 0.01 0 102.44 0 0.03 25.64 26.22 14.2
559 65.71 7.87 0 0 0 102.21 0 0.03 25.85 26.43 8.34
562 68.58 9.92 0 0 0 101.97 0 0.03 26.14 26.73 6.91
565 69.36 6.42 0 0 0 101.66 0 0.03 25.43 26.01 10.81
568 69.63 1.63 0 0.01 0 101.6 0 0.03 25.77 26.35 42.81
571 66.78 6.27 0 0 0 101.49 0 0.03 25.98 26.57 10.65
574 65.86 8.77 0 0 0 101.23 0 0.03 25.87 26.45 7.51
577 67.68 4.53 0 0 0 101.01 0 0.03 25.75 26.33 14.96
580 68.33 3.69 0 0 0 100.94 0 0.03 25.9 26.47 18.5
583 64.58 5.16 0 0.01 0 100.77 0 0.03 25.3 25.85 12.53
586 64.19 7.33 0 0.01 0 100.63 0 0.03 25.46 26.03 8.76
589 71.07 6.47 0 0.01 0 100.35 0 0.03 26.46 27.04 10.98
592 70.1 6.07 0 0 0 100.24 0 0.03 25.82 26.39 11.54
595 67.31 5.4 0 0 0 99.99 0 0.03 25.85 26.42 12.46
598 67.61 3.62 0 0.01 0 99.91 0 0.03 25.79 26.37 18.68
601 71 9.87 0 0 0 99.72 0 0.03 25.97 26.55 7.2
604 70.33 6.91 0 0 0 99.39 0 0.03 25.46 26.03 10.17

Appendix A - 53
607 68.74 -0.66 0.01 -0.02 0 99.34 0 0.03 25.91 26.49 -104.81
610 66.57 7.08 0 0 0 99.32 0 0.03 25.41 25.97 9.4
613 70.49 9.88 0 0 0 98.94 0 0.03 25.47 26.03 7.14
616 69.41 3.61 0 0 0 98.79 0 0.03 24.86 25.41 19.23
619 72.8 7.23 0 0 0 98.67 0 0.03 25.92 26.51 10.07
622 69.07 3.75 0 0 0 98.4 0 0.03 25.67 26.26 18.44
625 70.76 5.58 0 0 0 98.4 0 0.03 25.8 26.39 12.68
628 70.47 11.03 0 0 0 98.04 0 0.03 25.47 26.06 6.39
631 72.43 3.56 0 0 0 97.83 0 0.03 25.71 26.31 20.34
634 72.42 1.34 0 0.02 0 97.79 0 0.03 26.6 27.22 54.19
637 70.12 10.5 0 0 0 97.67 0 0.03 25.92 26.52 6.68
640 69.6 7.79 0 0 0 97.25 0 0.03 25.57 26.17 8.93
643 74.2 -0.05 0.09 -0.42 0 97.24 0 0.03 26.01 26.62 0
646 71.41 6.93 0 0 0 97.15 0 0.03 25.51 26.11 10.31
649 72.03 10.89 0 0 0 96.84 0 0.03 26.07 26.68 6.62
652 69 6.94 0 0 0 96.55 0 0.03 25.92 26.52 9.94
655 69.49 1.72 0 0.01 0 96.44 0 0.03 25.31 25.91 40.4
658 72.31 4.4 0 0 0 96.39 0 0.03 25.71 26.31 16.42
661 71.9 7.65 0 0 0 96.16 0 0.03 25.7 26.3 9.39
664 69.19 7.55 0 0 0 95.96 0 0.03 25.69 26.29 9.17
667 68.38 7.16 0 0 0 95.72 0 0.03 25.86 26.46 9.55
670 72.34 0.97 0 0.01 0 95.57 0 0.03 25.93 26.54 74.4
673 70.73 3.52 0 0 0 95.6 0 0.03 25.54 26.13 20.07
676 69.43 11.83 0 0 0 95.31 0 0.03 25.28 25.88 5.87
679 69.13 9.36 0 0 0 94.97 0 0.03 25.92 26.52 7.38
682 70.62 1.6 0 0.01 0 94.79 0 0.03 25.65 26.24 44.23
685 73.44 3.95 0 0 0 94.8 0 0.03 26.21 26.82 18.61
688 72.19 7.77 0 0 0 94.54 0 0.03 25.42 26.01 9.29
691 69.97 6.06 0 0 0 94.37 0 0.03 25.8 26.4 11.55
694 68.14 7.29 0 0 0 94.16 0 0.03 25.77 26.36 9.34
697 70.35 4.8 0 0 0 93.96 0 0.03 26.79 27.4 14.66
700 69.83 1.42 0 0.01 0 93.88 0 0.03 25.69 26.26 49.32
703 70.03 6.91 0 0 0 93.81 0 0.03 25.68 26.25 10.14
706 68.49 9.13 0 0 0 93.49 0 0.03 25.93 26.51 7.5
709 65.25 3.23 0 0 0 93.32 0 0.03 25.59 26.15 20.18
712 66.24 4.75 0 0 0 93.24 0 0.03 25.27 25.83 13.94
715 70.16 7.2 0 0 0 93.03 0 0.03 26.3 26.89 9.75
718 70 4.5 0 0 0 92.84 0 0.03 25.83 26.4 15.57
721 67.63 8.57 0 0 0 92.72 0 0.03 25.66 26.23 7.89
724 66.02 5.89 0 0 0 92.38 0 0.03 25.63 26.2 11.21
727 68.59 0.59 -0.01 0 0 92.38 0 0.03 25.93 26.5 116.17
730 68.75 5.16 0 0 0 92.27 0 0.03 25.64 26.21 13.33
733 69.63 7.7 0 0 0 92.08 0 0.03 25.76 26.34 9.05
736 66.96 6.38 0 0 0 91.84 0 0.03 25.93 26.49 10.5
739 68.39 5.77 0 0 0 91.7 0 0.03 26.18 26.76 11.86
742 68.3 5.4 0 0 0 91.49 0 0.03 25.89 26.46 12.64
745 70.56 0.89 -0.01 0 0 91.39 0 0.03 25.83 26.4 79.22
748 68.37 7.22 0 0 0 91.36 0 0.03 25.5 26.06 9.47
751 66.37 11.23 0 0 0 90.98 0 0.03 26.09 26.65 5.91
754 64.79 3.68 0 0 0 90.77 0 0.03 25.91 26.46 17.6
757 66.84 3.01 0 0 0 90.71 0 0.03 25.31 25.85 22.24
760 68.08 4.32 0 0 0 90.57 0 0.03 25.64 26.18 15.76

Appendix A - 54
763 66.17 6.43 0 0 0 90.45 0 0.03 25.87 26.43 10.3
766 65.57 6.77 0 0 0 90.2 0 0.03 25.87 26.42 9.68
769 66.22 4.84 0 0 0 90.06 0 0.03 25.42 25.97 13.67
772 69.76 0.97 0 0.01 0 89.92 0 0.03 25.57 26.13 71.66
775 69.27 2.75 0 0 0 89.95 0 0.03 25.39 25.94 25.21
778 68.46 13.24 0 0 0 89.7 0 0.03 26.26 26.83 5.17
781 65.48 8.74 0 0 0 89.27 0 0.03 25.83 26.39 7.49
784 67.18 0.88 -0.01 0 0 89.2 0 0.03 26.13 26.7 76.66
787 69.38 3.19 0 0 0 89.14 0 0.03 26.27 26.84 21.72
790 67.9 5.74 0 0 0 89 0 0.03 25.62 26.17 11.83
793 66.77 6.78 0 0 0 88.81 0 0.03 26.09 26.66 9.85
796 63.65 6.53 0 0 0 88.61 0 0.03 25.55 26.09 9.75
799 64.79 3.46 0 0 0 88.44 0 0.03 26.05 26.6 18.75
802 68.31 5.32 0 0 0 88.36 0 0.03 26.41 26.96 12.84
805 67.82 9.27 0 0 0 88.1 0 0.03 25.78 26.34 7.32
808 67.29 7.1 0 0 0 87.86 0 0.03 26.06 26.62 9.48
811 64.71 2.16 0 0.01 0 87.7 0 0.03 25.67 26.22 29.93
814 64.75 3.91 0 0 0 87.68 0 0.03 25.73 26.29 16.54
817 66.54 4.86 0 0 0 87.46 0 0.03 25.9 26.46 13.68
820 66.81 5.72 0 0 0 87.39 0 0.03 25.45 26 11.67
823 66.52 8.66 0 0 0 87.11 0 0.03 25.81 26.36 7.68
826 65.26 2.31 0 0 0 86.93 0 0.03 25.86 26.41 28.19
829 65.33 0.39 -0.01 0.05 0 86.94 0 0.03 26.12 26.68 167.09
832 67.39 7.31 0 0 0 86.84 0 0.03 25.95 26.5 9.22
835 69.22 8.2 0 0 0 86.54 0 0.03 25.95 26.51 8.44
838 69.41 6.73 0 0 0 86.37 0 0.03 26.32 26.89 10.31
841 66.15 6.39 0 0 0 86.13 0 0.03 25.84 26.4 10.36
844 64.01 5.45 0 0 0 85.99 0 0.03 25.3 25.84 11.75
847 67.01 1.61 0 0.03 0 85.82 0 0.03 25.9 26.46 41.65
850 68.69 2.55 0 0.01 0 85.86 0 0.03 25.6 26.15 26.96
853 68.72 9.89 0 0 0 85.62 0 0.03 25.78 26.33 6.95
856 68.67 10.78 0 0 0 85.32 0 0.03 25.75 26.31 6.37
859 68.12 3.07 0 0.01 0 85.04 0 0.03 26.06 26.64 22.16
862 68.95 0.67 -0.01 0 0 85.09 0 0.03 25.45 26.02 103.36
865 70.68 7.23 0 0 0 84.93 0 0.03 25.57 26.15 9.78
868 70.47 8.06 0 0 0 84.7 0 0.03 25.33 25.91 8.74
871 70.15 4.6 0 0 0 84.49 0 0.03 26.24 26.82 15.26
874 68.45 3.02 0 0.01 0 84.41 0 0.03 25.79 26.37 22.65
877 71.64 4.46 0 0.01 0 84.28 0 0.03 26.32 26.91 16.06
880 72.36 7.14 0 0 0 84.13 0 0.03 25.61 26.21 10.13
883 73.83 9.2 0 0 0 83.86 0 0.03 25.68 26.28 8.03
886 72.23 7.81 0 0 0 83.61 0 0.03 25.73 26.32 9.25
889 72.52 4.32 0 0 0 83.4 0 0.03 26.34 26.96 16.78
892 71.11 5.41 0 0 0 83.31 0 0.03 25.7 26.32 13.14
895 73.01 6.96 0 0 0 83.07 0 0.03 25.6 26.23 10.49
898 75.63 7.06 0 0 0 82.91 0 0.03 25.55 26.17 10.72
901 74.98 6.93 0 0 0 82.66 0 0.03 25.52 26.16 10.82
904 74.6 2.25 0 0.01 0 82.52 0 0.03 25.51 26.14 33.16
907 76.96 4.68 0 0 0 82.47 0 0.03 25.58 26.21 16.44
910 79.74 7.14 0 0 0 82.23 0 0.03 25.34 25.99 11.17
913 81.03 6.13 0 0.01 0 82.07 0 0.03 26.02 26.7 13.23
916 79.13 8.03 0 0 0 81.85 0 0.03 25.99 26.67 9.86

Appendix A - 55
919 78.11 5.24 0 0 0 81.62 0 0.03 26.39 27.07 14.9
922 79.83 2.13 0 0 0 81.54 0 0.03 25.94 26.61 37.42
925 81.2 7.33 0 0 0 81.43 0 0.03 25.83 26.5 11.08
928 80.99 8.34 0 0 0 81.12 0 0.03 25.79 26.46 9.71
931 80.84 7.52 0 0 0 80.95 0 0.03 26.29 26.98 10.75
934 79.38 8.74 0 0 0 80.66 0 0.03 25.67 26.34 9.08
937 81.12 7.57 0 0 0 80.44 0 0.03 25.79 26.47 10.71
940 81.76 6.79 0 0 0 80.2 0 0.03 25.2 25.87 12.05
943 82.82 7.24 0 0 0 80.02 0 0.03 25.68 26.36 11.45
946 80.65 8.67 0 0 0 79.77 0 0.03 25.65 26.33 9.3
949 80.98 5.46 0 0 0 79.53 0 0.03 25.58 26.28 14.84
952 82.56 3.48 0 0 0 79.43 0 0.03 25.52 26.2 23.75
955 85.26 6.16 0 0 0 79.29 0 0.03 25.16 25.84 13.83
958 88.46 8.13 0 0 0 79.06 0 0.03 26.14 26.84 10.88
961 83.33 7.88 0 0 0 78.82 0 0.03 25.3 26 10.57
964 86.45 5.76 0 0 0 78.6 0 0.03 26.56 27.28 15
967 86.63 5.54 0 0 0 78.46 0 0.03 25.62 26.32 15.63
970 87.84 9.17 0 0 0 78.24 0 0.03 25.81 26.53 9.58
973 87.69 10.55 0 0 0 77.93 0 0.03 25.7 26.42 8.31
976 88.17 7.63 0 0 0 77.64 0 0.03 25.94 26.65 11.55
979 89.23 4.7 0 0 0 77.47 0 0.03 25.64 26.35 18.97
982 91.2 5.34 0 0 0 77.33 0 0.03 25.72 26.45 17.07
985 91.44 8.22 0 0 0 77.13 0 0.03 25.72 26.45 11.13
988 90.16 8.45 0 0 0 76.86 0 0.03 25.9 26.63 10.67
991 89.93 9.08 0 0 0 76.62 0 0.03 25.78 26.51 9.9
994 93.98 7.8 0 0 0 76.33 0 0.03 26.07 26.81 12.05
997 92.65 5.21 0 0 0 76.16 0 0.03 25.39 26.12 17.8
1000 93.68 6.53 0 0 0 75.99 0 0.03 25.64 26.38 14.35
1003 92.09 8.97 0 0 0 75.76 0 0.03 25.79 26.54 10.27
1006 93.83 9.12 0 0 0 75.47 0 0.03 25.51 26.26 10.29
1009 96.98 5.18 0 0 0 75.25 0 0.03 25.86 26.62 18.72
1012 96.98 2.82 0 0 0 75.14 0 0.03 25.59 26.34 34.36
1015 92.49 9.92 0 0 0 75.01 0 0.03 24.91 25.65 9.33
1018 95.54 12.04 0 0 0 74.58 0 0.03 25.53 26.29 7.94
1021 96.72 5.94 0 0 0 74.35 0 0.03 25.44 26.21 16.27
1024 98.59 6.45 0 0 0 74.18 0 0.03 25.69 26.46 15.29
1027 97.89 9.59 0 0 0 73.94 0 0.03 25.81 26.58 10.2
1030 96.29 11.7 0 0 0 73.61 0 0.03 25.61 26.39 8.23
1033 101.07 10.47 0 0 0 73.26 0 0.03 26.15 26.94 9.65
1036 100.88 5.63 0 0 0 73.01 0 0.03 25.5 26.27 17.92
1039 103.73 4.41 0 0 0 72.9 0 0.03 25.81 26.6 23.51
1042 100.63 9.99 0 0 0 72.7 0 0.03 25.62 26.4 10.07
1045 101.96 10.39 0 0 0 72.33 0 0.03 26.08 26.88 9.82
1048 102.36 6.27 0 0 0 72.11 0 0.03 25.91 26.7 16.31
1051 103.69 6.7 0 0 0 71.92 0 0.03 25.27 26.03 15.48
1054 105.44 9.49 0 0 0 71.69 0 0.03 25.85 26.64 11.11
1057 103.61 10.81 0 0 0 71.37 0 0.03 25.59 26.38 9.58
1060 105.01 6.73 0 0 0 71.08 0 0.03 25.65 26.45 15.59
1063 105.5 4.3 0 0 0 70.95 0 0.03 25.22 26.01 24.54
1066 109.43 8.7 0 0 0 70.77 0 0.03 25.9 26.72 12.58
1069 106.3 10.45 0 0 0 70.44 0 0.03 25.28 26.09 10.17
1072 109.03 10.27 0 0 0 70.16 0 0.03 26.18 27.02 10.62

Appendix A - 56
1075 105.4 9.46 0 0 0 69.84 0 0.03 25.02 25.82 11.14
1078 114.67 8.31 0 0 0 69.59 0 0.03 26.24 27.09 13.8
1081 112.57 9.17 0 0 0 69.32 0 0.03 25.73 26.56 12.28
1084 112.98 11.59 0 0 0 69.03 0 0.03 26.02 26.86 9.75
1087 111.18 8.93 0 0 0 68.66 0 0.03 25.84 26.69 12.45
1090 114.88 6.95 0 0 0 68.49 0 0.03 25.86 26.71 16.52
1093 114.88 7.56 0 0 0 68.22 0 0.03 25.58 26.42 15.19
1096 114.35 7.15 0 0 0 68.04 0 0.03 25.94 26.79 15.99
1099 112.51 12.23 0 0 0 67.76 0 0.03 25.5 26.34 9.2
1102 114.36 10.94 0 0 0 67.35 0 0.03 25.44 26.29 10.45
1105 117.58 5.9 0 0 0 67.13 0 0.03 25.52 26.38 19.93
1108 121.15 7.46 0 0 0 66.95 0 0.03 26.09 26.96 16.23
1111 118.47 9.72 0 0 0 66.67 0 0.03 25.83 26.7 12.19
1114 115.29 10.98 0 0 0 66.38 0 0.03 25.36 26.23 10.5
1117 122.73 10.22 0 0 0 66.03 0 0.03 26 26.88 12.01
1120 120.11 6.54 0 0 0 65.78 0 0.03 25.23 26.08 18.36
1123 120.79 7.87 0 0 0 65.6 0 0.03 25.82 26.7 15.35
1126 117.83 12.41 0 0 0 65.29 0 0.03 25.64 26.52 9.49
1129 120.08 9.67 0 0 0 64.91 0 0.03 25.6 26.47 12.42
1132 122.26 5.76 0 0 0 64.72 0 0.03 25.45 26.32 21.21
1135 122.83 7.35 0 0 0 64.52 0 0.03 25.87 26.75 16.72
1138 119.8 14.68 0 0 0 64.24 0 0.03 25.47 26.34 8.16
1141 116.62 12.51 0 0 0 63.71 0 0.03 25.21 26.06 9.32
1144 120.93 5.83 0 0 0 63.52 0 0.03 25.8 26.67 20.73
1147 118.08 7.14 0 0 0 63.31 0 0.03 25.09 25.94 16.54
1150 120.88 7.39 0 0 0 63.1 0 0.03 25.79 26.64 16.35
1153 115.79 10.15 0 0 0 62.85 0 0.03 25.3 26.14 11.4
1156 115.33 10.81 0 0 0 62.51 0 0.03 25.65 26.49 10.66
1159 114.92 3.84 0 0 0 62.25 0 0.03 25.31 26.13 29.93
1162 117.29 5.1 0 0 0 62.21 0 0.03 25.56 26.38 23.01
1165 113.7 12.61 0 0 0 61.9 0 0.03 25.42 26.22 9.02
1168 110.64 9.91 0 0 0 61.53 0 0.03 25.29 26.08 11.16
1171 112.68 8.65 0 0 0 61.3 0 0.03 26.07 26.87 13.02
1174 110.3 7.36 0 0 0 61.01 0 0.03 25.18 25.94 14.98
1177 113.2 7.94 0 0 0 60.84 0 0.03 26.03 26.81 14.26
1180 110.28 10.71 0 0 0 60.52 0 0.03 25.75 26.51 10.3
1183 108.19 8.71 0 0 0 60.24 0 0.03 25.86 26.62 12.42
1186 103.5 4.48 0 0 0 60.01 0 0.03 25.34 26.06 23.11
1189 102.68 4.11 0 0 0 59.94 0 0.03 25.48 26.2 25
1192 107.99 9.22 0 0 0 59.72 0 0.03 26.17 26.9 11.71
1195 105.6 10.18 0 0 0 59.41 0 0.03 25.74 26.46 10.37
1198 102.32 9.21 0 0 0 59.13 0 0.03 25.47 26.17 11.11
1201 102.29 4.87 0 0 0 58.88 0 0.03 26.32 27.03 20.98
1204 101.28 3.54 0 0 0 58.82 0 0.03 26.02 26.71 28.65
1207 100.18 9.12 0 0 0 58.62 0 0.03 25.64 26.31 10.98
1210 102.05 8.63 0 0 0 58.31 0 0.03 25.84 26.5 11.82
1213 99.63 4.8 0 0 0 58.13 0 0.03 25.96 26.62 20.75
1216 93.08 4.48 0 0 0 58 0 0.03 25.01 25.66 20.79
1219 93.49 7.78 0 0 0 57.83 0 0.03 25.54 26.19 12.01
1222 95.29 9.32 0 0 0 57.54 0 0.03 25.48 26.11 10.22
1225 93.78 9.19 0 0 0 57.29 0 0.03 25.23 25.85 10.2
1228 94.56 7.27 0 0 0 57.01 0 0.03 25.93 26.55 13

Appendix A - 57
1231 91.03 3.17 0 0 0 56.87 0 0.03 25.88 26.5 28.69
1234 87.19 4.11 0 0 0 56.78 0 0.03 25.64 26.24 21.24
1237 88.19 6.94 0 0 0 56.6 0 0.03 26.15 26.76 12.7
1240 89.15 7.6 0 0 0 56.38 0 0.03 25.89 26.47 11.73
1243 89.23 6.94 0 0 0 56.16 0 0.03 25.98 26.55 12.85
1246 85.55 5.72 0 0 0 55.97 0 0.03 25.47 26.02 14.95
1249 84.09 1.7 0 0 0 55.83 0 0.03 25.84 26.4 49.4
1252 83.4 4.97 0 0 0 55.81 0 0.03 26 26.55 16.77
1255 84.41 8.19 0 0 0 55.53 0 0.03 26.08 26.63 10.3
1258 84.75 6.04 0 0 0 55.36 0 0.03 25.93 26.47 14.03
1261 81.68 7.07 0 0 0 55.15 0 0.03 26.15 26.7 11.56
1264 78.88 3.87 0 0 0 54.97 0 0.03 26.13 26.67 20.4
1267 76.58 0.93 -0.01 0 0 54.92 0 0.03 26.05 26.58 82.28
1270 78.76 5.25 0 0 0 54.86 0 0.03 26.05 26.57 14.99
1273 76.93 7.76 0 0 0 54.61 0 0.03 25.79 26.3 9.92
1276 75.59 7.16 0 0 0 54.42 0 0.03 26.03 26.52 10.55
1279 70.98 4.02 0 0 0 54.21 0 0.03 25.62 26.11 17.67
1282 74.07 0.36 -0.01 0 0 54.18 0 0.03 26.33 26.82 203.11
1285 74.24 3.52 0 0 0 54.13 0 0.03 26.2 26.68 21.12
1288 71.49 8.22 0 0 0 53.95 0 0.03 25.62 26.09 8.7
1291 69.67 6.8 0 0 0 53.68 0 0.03 26.46 26.93 10.25
1294 65.2 4.83 0 0 0 53.56 0 0.03 25.51 25.95 13.51
1297 67.32 0.87 0 0 0 53.41 0 0.03 26.4 26.84 77.06
1300 69.45 -1.52 0 0 0 53.48 0 0.03 26.34 26.78 -45.66
1303 67.88 8.4 0 0 0 53.41 0 0.03 26.09 26.53 8.08
1306 64.3 8.33 0 0 0 53.05 0 0.03 25.68 26.1 7.72
1309 62.31 1.29 0 0.01 0 52.97 0 0.03 25.67 26.1 48.19
1312 62.25 2.46 0 0 0 52.92 0 0.03 25.56 25.98 25.33
1315 61.26 2.7 0 0 0 52.82 0 0.03 25.1 25.5 22.71
1318 61.1 4.57 0 0 0 52.75 0 0.03 25.84 26.24 13.36
1321 59.72 5.66 0 0 0 52.55 0 0.03 26.37 26.77 10.54
1324 57.36 0.89 0 0.01 0 52.44 0 0.03 25.81 26.19 64.33
1327 58.38 3.4 0 0 0 52.45 0 0.03 25.25 25.62 17.16
1330 62.22 4.83 0 0 0 52.24 0 0.03 26.33 26.71 12.89
1333 59.47 3.65 0 0 0 52.18 0 0.03 25.79 26.16 16.28
1336 54.82 4.51 0 0.01 0 52.01 0 0.03 25.7 26.07 12.17
1339 54.3 4.22 0 0 0 51.92 0 0.03 26.36 26.74 12.88
1342 54.89 0.48 -0.01 0 0 51.78 0 0.03 26.25 26.61 113.71
1345 58.1 2.15 0 0.01 0 51.85 0 0.03 26.51 26.87 27.07
1348 55.33 7.36 0 0.01 0 51.63 0 0.03 25.74 26.1 7.52
1351 54.68 3.16 0 0.01 0 51.48 0 0.03 25.96 26.33 17.33
1354 53.25 -0.05 0.11 -0.55 0 51.44 0 0.03 25.93 26.29 0
1357 53.96 1.04 0 0.01 0 51.45 0 0.03 25.61 25.97 51.8
1360 55.11 1.16 0 0.03 0 51.38 0 0.03 26.1 26.48 47.35
1363 53.65 5.73 0 0.01 0 51.35 0 0.03 26.03 26.4 9.36
1366 49.74 5.47 0 0 0 51.07 0 0.03 25.22 25.57 9.09
1369 48.18 -0.51 0.01 -0.03 0 51.06 0 0.03 25.8 26.15 -94.69
1372 47.67 1.83 0 0.02 0 51.04 0 0.03 26.15 26.48 26.01
1375 48.97 2 0 0.01 0 50.96 0 0.03 26 26.34 24.54
1378 49.59 6.19 0 0.01 0 50.9 0 0.03 25.77 26.1 8.01
1381 48.42 5.93 0 0.01 0 50.62 0 0.03 25.89 26.21 8.17
1384 45.72 -0.15 0.04 -0.23 0 50.59 0 0.03 26.27 26.6 -304.32

Appendix A - 58
1387 41.97 -0.81 0 -0.03 0 50.59 0 0.03 25.59 25.9 -51.76
1390 42.49 1.52 0 0.02 0 50.61 0 0.03 25.76 26.07 28.03
1393 45.5 5.15 0 0.01 0 50.49 0 0.03 26.4 26.71 8.83
1396 45.53 2.85 0 0.02 0 50.34 0 0.03 26.02 26.32 16
1399 41.74 0.46 -0.01 0.11 0 50.32 0 0.03 24.81 25.1 90.92
1402 43.25 -0.14 0.03 -0.36 0 50.3 0 0.03 25.83 26.13 -301.17
1405 41.21 0.26 -0.02 0.18 0 50.32 0 0.03 26.07 26.37 161.41
1408 41.95 6.59 0 0.01 0 50.24 0 0.03 25.87 26.17 6.37
1411 42.8 5.5 0 0.01 0 49.98 0 0.03 26.14 26.46 7.78
1414 42.4 -0.32 0.01 -0.19 0 49.95 0 0.03 26.11 26.41 -131.59
1417 38.52 -0.46 0.01 -0.15 0 49.96 0 0.03 25.43 25.73 -83.18
1420 37.51 1.72 0 0.05 0 49.96 0 0.03 25.9 26.19 21.86
1423 36.21 3.18 0 0.02 0 49.86 0 0.03 25.48 25.76 11.38
1426 39.77 2.96 0 0.03 0 49.78 0 0.03 26.19 26.48 13.42
1429 37.82 0.62 -0.01 0.2 0 49.7 0 0.03 26.22 26.51 61.41
1432 37.12 1.23 0 0.09 0 49.72 0 0.03 26.37 26.64 30.29
1435 34.05 2.33 0 0.04 0 49.62 0 0.03 25.64 25.9 14.59
1438 35.58 0.45 -0.01 0.17 0 49.6 0 0.03 25.92 26.19 79.83
1441 37.8 2.46 0 0.03 0 49.57 0 0.03 25.87 26.14 15.36
1444 37.65 4.41 0 0.01 0 49.46 0 0.03 25.87 26.16 8.55
1447 35.27 3.22 0 0.03 0 49.33 0 0.03 26.21 26.49 10.94
1450 33.14 -0.43 0.01 -0.3 0 49.28 0 0.03 26 26.28 -77.84
1453 33.25 -1.96 0 -0.07 0 49.34 0 0.03 25.93 26.22 -16.98
1456 34.29 0.67 -0.01 0.23 0 49.36 0 0.03 26.24 26.52 51.22
1459 34.01 4.44 0 0.04 0 49.29 0 0.03 26.03 26.31 7.66
1462 31.62 2.72 0 0.06 0 49.14 0 0.03 26.06 26.33 11.61
1465 30.03 -1.37 0 -0.11 0 49.14 0 0.03 25.45 25.71 -21.94
1468 32.09 -0.64 0.01 -0.23 0 49.19 0 0.03 25.96 26.22 -50.45
1471 33.56 1.96 0 0.06 0 49.16 0 0.03 25.15 25.41 17.12
1474 31.31 2.79 0 0.05 0 49.08 0 0.03 25.72 25.99 11.23
1477 30.08 3.46 0 0.04 0 49 0 0.03 25.79 26.06 8.69
1480 31.13 2.38 0 0.06 0 48.89 0 0.03 25.51 25.77 13.08
1483 32.75 -1.03 0 -0.12 0 48.87 0 0.03 25.63 25.89 -31.89
1486 32.8 1.17 0 0.12 0 48.91 0 0.03 25.9 26.16 28.08
1489 29.53 3.32 0 0.04 0 48.8 0 0.03 25.85 26.13 8.88
1492 30.07 3.61 0 0.04 0 48.73 0 0.03 26.28 26.56 8.32
1495 30.27 2.82 0 0.04 0 48.6 0 0.03 25.68 25.95 10.73
1498 31.91 -4.01 0 -0.04 0 48.59 0 0.03 26.08 26.35 -7.96
1501 28.57 -0.08 0.05 -1.87 0 48.76 0 0.03 25.93 26.2 -353.92
1504 27.06 5.38 0 0.03 0 48.59 0 0.03 26.22 26.48 5.03
1507 28.01 1.85 0 0.08 0 48.5 0 0.03 26.24 26.5 15.13
1510 30.62 -1.74 0 -0.08 0 48.48 0 0.03 26.4 26.65 -17.62
1513 29.66 -2.06 0 -0.06 0 48.58 0 0.03 26.23 26.49 -14.4
1516 26.96 3.97 0 0.04 0 48.56 0 0.03 26.31 26.56 6.8
1519 26.21 4.43 0 0.03 0 48.38 0 0.03 25.72 25.97 5.91
1522 29.93 -0.4 0.01 -0.28 0 48.33 0 0.03 25.81 26.07 -75.72
1525 31.55 -0.41 0.01 -0.29 0 48.37 0 0.03 26.14 26.41 -77.48
1528 29.84 3.79 0 0.03 0 48.32 0 0.03 25.63 25.9 7.87
1531 28.34 5.27 0 0.02 0 48.17 0 0.03 26.41 26.7 5.38
1534 26.6 -0.51 0.01 -0.23 0 48.06 0 0.03 26.05 26.34 -52.57
1537 28.25 -2.86 0 -0.04 0 48.17 0 0.03 26.36 26.65 -9.89
1540 27.93 -0.24 0.02 -0.49 0 48.19 0 0.03 26.23 26.5 -117.53

Appendix A - 59
1543 25.79 3.17 0 0.04 0 48.18 0 0.03 26.04 26.3 8.13
1546 24.14 3.4 0 0.04 0 48.03 0 0.03 26.14 26.4 7.09
1549 25.99 -0.97 0 -0.12 0 48.01 0 0.03 25.57 25.83 -26.83
1552 27.92 -0.47 0.01 -0.23 0 48.05 0 0.03 25.72 25.99 -59.86
1555 29.03 -0.53 0.01 -0.19 0 48.03 0 0.03 25.82 26.1 -54.74
1558 25.64 1.65 0 0.06 0 48.07 0 0.03 26.31 26.6 15.55
1561 24.76 4.36 0 0.02 0 47.94 0 0.03 26.24 26.53 5.68
1564 24.75 -2.14 0 -0.04 0 47.87 0 0.03 25.94 26.22 -11.59
1567 28.78 -3.42 0 -0.03 0 48.03 0 0.03 26.4 26.68 -8.42
1570 27.89 4.79 0 0.02 0 48.01 0 0.03 26.17 26.44 5.83
1573 26.76 5.32 0 0.02 0 47.79 0 0.03 26.12 26.4 5.03
1576 25.2 -0.51 0.01 -0.22 0 47.74 0 0.03 26.27 26.57 -49.12
1579 25.81 -1.3 0 -0.09 0 47.79 0 0.03 25.97 26.27 -19.92
1582 26.68 1.52 0 0.08 0 47.79 0 0.03 25.61 25.91 17.6
1585 27.78 0.61 -0.01 0.17 0 47.72 0 0.03 25.79 26.08 45.33
1588 26.28 2.91 0 0.03 0 47.73 0 0.03 26.03 26.32 9.04
1591 23.85 3.88 0 0.02 0 47.56 0 0.03 25.72 26.01 6.14
1594 22.84 -3.3 0 -0.03 0 47.55 0 0.03 26.28 26.58 -6.92
1597 22.54 -1.75 0 -0.07 0 47.7 0 0.03 25.79 26.06 -12.85
1600 23.09 4.9 0 0.03 0 47.62 0 0.03 25.82 26.09 4.71
1603 23.93 2.53 0 0.06 0 47.47 0 0.03 25.78 26.05 9.44
1606 22.41 -2.61 0 -0.07 0 47.49 0 0.03 25.65 25.91 -8.59
1609 20.22 -1.3 0 -0.13 0 47.58 0 0.03 25.77 26.03 -15.55
1612 19.62 2.66 0 0.07 0 47.55 0 0.03 26.52 26.77 7.38
1615 23.26 2.79 0 0.07 0 47.44 0 0.03 26.73 26.98 8.34
1618 23.24 3.27 0 0.05 0 47.38 0 0.03 25.82 26.08 7.1
1621 23.4 0.36 -0.01 0.47 0 47.27 0 0.03 25.76 26.01 64.47
1624 20.11 -1.83 0 -0.1 0 47.36 0 0.03 26.39 26.65 -10.97
1627 19.74 -0.19 0.02 -0.88 0 47.35 0 0.03 26.04 26.29 -105.25
1630 20.65 2.46 0 0.07 0 47.36 0 0.03 26.08 26.34 8.38
1633 23.06 4.86 0 0.03 0 47.21 0 0.03 26.09 26.34 4.74
1636 21.79 2.68 0 0.06 0 47.1 0 0.03 25.95 26.19 8.14
1639 19.68 -1.07 0 -0.15 0 47.06 0 0.03 25.6 25.85 -18.34
1642 18.89 -3.37 0 -0.05 0 47.15 0 0.03 26.37 26.63 -5.6
1645 21.47 0.11 -0.05 1.4 0 47.22 0 0.03 25.54 25.78 195.55
1648 22.32 4.39 0 0.04 0 47.14 0 0.03 26.15 26.4 5.09
1651 22.17 0.01 -0.37 16.39 0 47 0 0.03 25.73 25.97 2217.47
1654 19.04 0.01 -0.58 17.65 0 47 0 0.03 25.64 25.89 1904.13

Appendix A - 60
Office Chair Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 10.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 207.46
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 182.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 177.47
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 155.55
Total Mass Loss (g): 96.51
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.068
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 18.39
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 234.75
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0074

Initial mass (g): 139.8
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 96
Time to ignition (s): 10
Time to flameout (s): 1424

Appendix A - 61
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 2.44 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 0 139.67 0 0.03 25.83 26.06 243.96

5 9.59 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 0 139.62 0 0.03 25.88 26.1 958.53
8 30.18 0.17 -0.03 0 1901.53 139.68 0.13 0.03 25.55 25.76 176.11
11 68.6 2.07 0 0.01 744.12 139.59 0.6 0.03 25.35 25.59 33.14
14 115.59 4.06 0 0.02 1014.92 139.55 1.61 0.03 25.26 25.67 28.46
17 132.12 9.9 0 0.02 455.86 139.33 1.77 0.03 24.9 25.54 13.35
20 139.63 8.36 0 0.03 673.39 139.01 2.19 0.03 24.95 25.73 16.71
23 142.39 9.48 0 0.03 577.67 138.81 2.07 0.03 25.54 26.46 15.03
26 140.03 8.42 0 0.03 603.12 138.46 1.92 0.03 25.45 26.48 16.63
29 140.22 2.38 0 0.08 2140.92 138.34 1.93 0.03 25.29 26.35 59
32 144.91 9.86 0 0.02 452.44 138.22 1.72 0.03 24.9 25.95 14.7
35 148.85 11.81 0 0.02 408.72 137.78 1.83 0.03 25.23 26.34 12.6
38 155.43 7.43 0 0.03 709.32 137.56 2.01 0.03 25.06 26.21 20.93
41 165.07 5.19 0 0.04 1021.52 137.32 2.02 0.03 25.11 26.28 31.8
44 176.8 6.73 0 0.04 830.23 137.22 2.08 0.03 25.63 26.87 26.25
47 180.17 12.37 0 0.02 452.16 136.89 2.09 0.03 25.56 26.81 14.56
50 188.49 10.19 0 0.03 592.6 136.53 2.24 0.03 25.64 26.92 18.5
53 194.47 10.25 0 0.03 769.91 136.27 2.94 0.03 25.53 26.81 18.98
56 198.83 9.79 0 0.04 676.98 135.92 2.51 0.03 25.06 26.37 20.32
59 205.36 6.85 0 0.06 986.79 135.7 2.52 0.03 25.49 26.87 29.99
62 204.69 9.39 0 0.04 680.74 135.47 2.39 0.03 25.31 26.69 21.81
65 203.2 11.46 0 0.03 635.58 135.13 2.73 0.03 25.3 26.68 17.73
68 191.42 12.08 0 0.03 494.69 134.8 2.28 0.03 24.83 26.21 15.85
71 189.48 7.11 0 0.05 986.2 134.45 2.62 0.03 25.36 26.75 26.66
74 185.98 5.32 0 0.06 1104.75 134.34 2.21 0.03 25.24 26.57 34.96
77 191.35 14.04 0 0.03 453.02 134.05 2.35 0.03 25.71 27.02 13.63
80 191.48 14.37 0 0.03 309.32 133.56 1.66 0.03 25.47 26.74 13.32
83 198.07 6.14 0 0.06 990.8 133.26 2.29 0.03 25.34 26.59 32.28
86 204.4 4.7 0 0.09 1258.37 133.14 2.23 0.03 25.28 26.53 43.48
89 204.78 12.61 0 0.04 379.03 132.9 1.82 0.03 25 26.23 16.23
92 201.03 14.2 0 0.03 479.18 132.43 2.58 0.03 25.13 26.36 14.16
95 203.37 10.09 0 0.04 549.26 132.1 2.05 0.03 25.78 27.06 20.15
98 204.73 10.86 0 0.04 670.25 131.8 2.7 0.03 25.69 26.93 18.86
101 202.89 9.26 0 0.05 811.4 131.46 2.85 0.03 25.18 26.39 21.92
104 202.2 7.06 0 0.06 954.52 131.24 2.54 0.03 25.36 26.57 28.64
107 199.42 14.44 0 0.03 469.69 130.97 2.53 0.03 25.55 26.76 13.81
110 189.64 12.15 0 0.04 373.8 130.44 1.75 0.02 24.81 25.98 15.61
113 189.89 7.65 0 0.05 729.27 130.26 2.13 0.03 24.99 26.15 24.83
116 194.39 9.1 0 0.04 528.15 129.94 1.78 0.03 25.84 27.03 21.35
119 181.26 7.8 0 0.04 633.58 129.73 1.89 0.03 25.05 26.17 23.24
122 187.35 14.76 0 0.02 349.07 129.42 1.92 0.03 25.77 26.9 12.69
125 183.23 10.21 0 0.03 494.13 128.92 1.91 0.03 25.34 26.42 17.95
128 181.31 3.32 0 0.09 1300.78 128.82 1.64 0.03 25.27 26.36 54.58
131 179.98 13.3 0 0.02 398.19 128.61 1.98 0.03 25.7 26.77 13.53
134 169.6 13.42 0 0.02 397.57 128.09 2.02 0.03 25.38 26.43 12.64
137 174.49 7.09 0 0.04 517.54 127.85 1.36 0.03 25.98 27.01 24.61

Appendix A - 62
140 175.37 6.29 0 0.05 753.92 127.63 1.76 0.03 25.92 26.93 27.89
143 173.44 4.04 0 0.08 1342.3 127.48 2.01 0.03 25.98 26.96 42.95
146 165.7 8.91 0 0.03 519.7 127.33 1.76 0.03 25.3 26.25 18.59
149 174.73 13.15 0 0.02 305.14 126.95 1.49 0.03 25.97 26.91 13.29
152 175.06 7.98 0 0.03 637.82 126.61 1.93 0.03 25.42 26.36 21.94
155 175.6 6.98 0 0.04 772.32 126.44 2.03 0.03 25.57 26.52 25.16
158 174.84 8.84 0 0.03 579.26 126.17 1.93 0.03 25.65 26.59 19.79
161 176.92 8.53 0 0.03 579.65 125.92 1.82 0.03 26.21 27.18 20.75
164 173.85 11.07 0 0.02 378.06 125.65 1.61 0.03 25.1 26.03 15.7
167 180.01 7.84 0 0.03 984.65 125.3 2.92 0.03 25.5 26.45 22.97
170 183.83 2.93 0 0.08 1453.35 125.18 1.61 0.03 25.47 26.43 62.73
173 188.21 12.03 0 0.02 503.55 125.03 2.29 0.03 25.49 26.43 15.64
176 194.06 13.33 0 0.02 308.1 124.51 1.54 0.03 25.61 26.61 14.56
179 202.88 4.8 0 0.05 1087.45 124.3 1.96 0.03 25.66 26.67 42.31
182 207.46 6.71 0 0.04 873.75 124.15 2.19 0.03 25.74 26.78 30.92
185 199.11 10.97 0 0.03 561.85 123.88 2.3 0.03 25.71 26.8 18.15
188 182.22 11.12 0 0.02 356.98 123.53 1.5 0.03 25.43 26.51 16.39
191 180.82 7.79 0 0.03 548.28 123.24 1.59 0.03 25.81 26.88 23.22
194 176.86 4.17 0 0.04 990.96 123.06 1.55 0.03 25.73 26.75 42.4
197 171.07 6.39 0 0.03 820.97 122.94 1.95 0.03 25.85 26.86 26.78
200 166.97 10.9 0 0.01 275.46 122.66 1.13 0.03 25.49 26.47 15.32
203 178.38 11.85 0 0.01 264.05 122.32 1.16 0.03 26.07 27.02 15.06
206 178.41 5.66 0 0.02 657.32 122 1.4 0.03 25.68 26.63 31.51
209 176.01 3.41 0 0.03 894.29 121.95 1.14 0.03 25.79 26.76 51.54
212 176.49 11.86 0 0.01 222.07 121.72 1 0.03 25.51 26.44 14.89
215 178.59 12.74 0 0.01 220.73 121.29 1.06 0.03 25.68 26.65 14.02
218 186.27 4.91 0 0.02 545.47 121.02 0.98 0.03 26.25 27.24 37.93
221 179.51 6.74 0 0.01 460.75 120.93 1.18 0.03 25.42 26.41 26.62
224 178.71 11.48 0 0.01 265.45 120.59 1.15 0.03 25.49 26.5 15.57
227 177.26 10.97 0 0.01 251.39 120.28 1.04 0.03 25.61 26.63 16.16
230 179.4 10.53 0 0.01 223 119.94 0.88 0.03 25.82 26.84 17.03
233 173.03 5.38 0 0.01 410.24 119.68 0.84 0.02 25.24 26.24 32.16
236 174.12 6.74 0 0.01 272.66 119.57 0.68 0.03 26.16 27.2 25.83
239 169.53 11.16 0 0 162.04 119.25 0.67 0.03 26.02 27.06 15.19
242 169.26 7.06 0 0.01 401.09 118.96 1.07 0.03 25.56 26.55 23.96
245 178.07 5.85 0 0.01 338.8 118.81 0.74 0.03 25.93 26.95 30.44
248 176.84 9.86 0 0 241.25 118.57 0.9 0.03 25.48 26.49 17.93
251 173.7 8.19 0 0.01 304.91 118.25 0.95 0.02 25.27 26.27 21.21
254 171.74 9.17 0 0 178.54 118.06 0.63 0.02 25.11 26.12 18.74
257 180.32 9.62 0 0 221.68 117.71 0.8 0.03 25.62 26.66 18.75
260 170.55 4.71 0 0.01 289.32 117.52 0.53 0.02 24.69 25.72 36.24
263 170.25 9.01 0 0 242.28 117.36 0.82 0.03 25.54 26.6 18.89
266 170.91 9.92 0 0 206.94 117 0.76 0.03 25.86 26.91 17.24
269 163.31 9.52 0 0 202.55 116.78 0.74 0.02 25.14 26.18 17.16
272 168 6.29 0 0 224.99 116.45 0.53 0.03 25.52 26.54 26.72
275 170.43 7.03 0 0 188.58 116.37 0.5 0.03 25.63 26.64 24.26
278 172.51 12.16 0 0 122.22 115.99 0.55 0.03 26.18 27.24 14.18
281 162.88 9.68 0 0 126.35 115.7 0.47 0.02 24.94 25.95 16.83
284 175.07 7.71 0 0 189.15 115.41 0.53 0.03 26.58 27.63 22.69
287 163.77 7.44 0 0 203.57 115.22 0.58 0.02 25.34 26.35 22
290 166.21 11.28 0 0 98.42 114.94 0.41 0.03 25.82 26.85 14.74
293 165.85 9.48 0 0 159.81 114.58 0.58 0.02 25.35 26.33 17.49

Appendix A - 63
296 166.83 10.47 0 0 154.47 114.36 0.6 0.03 26.02 27.03 15.93
299 160.2 8.15 0 0 143.01 113.97 0.44 0.03 25.6 26.61 19.66
302 165.13 5.66 0 0 297.21 113.86 0.63 0.03 25.72 26.7 29.19
305 174.51 11.58 0 0 121.03 113.58 0.51 0.03 26.5 27.52 15.07
308 169.52 9.81 0 0 116.63 113.22 0.43 0.03 25.86 26.86 17.28
311 167.11 6.71 0 0 202.21 113 0.5 0.03 26.08 27.11 24.91
314 164.87 5.58 0 0 195.47 112.8 0.41 0.02 25.45 26.43 29.53
317 169.7 13.86 0 0 92.1 112.6 0.48 0.03 25.59 26.58 12.24
320 166.93 10.02 0 0 95.37 112.05 0.36 0.02 25.26 26.25 16.66
323 170.35 6.29 0 0 199.05 112.01 0.46 0.03 26.06 27.07 27.09
326 166.9 9.54 0 0 88.56 111.62 0.32 0.03 25.8 26.81 17.49
329 166.88 9.13 0 0 94.67 111.45 0.32 0.03 25.79 26.78 18.29
332 165.56 13.38 0 0 102.6 111.05 0.5 0.03 26.37 27.39 12.37
335 156.9 6.1 0 0 209.23 110.73 0.48 0.03 25.79 26.79 25.73
338 156.17 2.58 0 0 331.12 110.66 0.32 0.03 25.71 26.68 60.63
341 155.58 10.43 0 0 129.34 110.49 0.51 0.03 25.54 26.49 14.92
344 146.64 10.04 0 0 117.12 110.09 0.45 0.02 25.2 26.12 14.6
347 149.5 7.86 0 0 139.61 109.91 0.41 0.03 26.09 27.04 19.01
350 150.39 9.69 0 0 134.03 109.59 0.48 0.03 25.93 26.85 15.52
353 147.86 11.74 0 0 48.14 109.33 0.21 0.03 25.58 26.49 12.6
356 145.96 6.4 0 0 122.84 108.94 0.29 0.03 25.88 26.78 22.79
359 145.84 0.63 -0.01 0 1189.67 108.94 0.28 0.03 25.82 26.71 230.3
362 150.97 11.2 0 0 81.43 108.79 0.34 0.03 26.21 27.1 13.48
365 145.2 11.37 0 0 71.82 108.34 0.31 0.03 25.72 26.6 12.77
368 142.05 5.71 0 0 127.9 108.15 0.28 0.03 25.56 26.42 24.87
371 146.84 5.62 0 0 176.67 107.95 0.37 0.03 25.92 26.79 26.15
374 146.07 10.51 0 0 65.88 107.77 0.26 0.02 25.41 26.27 13.89
377 147.18 14.67 0 0 28.37 107.33 0.16 0.03 25.95 26.82 10.04
380 144.54 6.79 0 0 105.08 106.98 0.27 0.03 25.77 26.65 21.29
383 144.97 5.08 0 0 96.21 106.89 0.19 0.02 25.43 26.29 28.54
386 146.45 7.13 0 0 74.94 106.64 0.2 0.03 25.66 26.53 20.54
389 146.83 8.05 0 0 84.17 106.46 0.25 0.03 25.74 26.6 18.24
392 148.25 9.38 0 0 57.12 106.16 0.2 0.03 25.89 26.78 15.81
395 151.1 5.33 0 0 93.59 105.93 0.19 0.03 25.79 26.69 28.34
398 149.48 13.28 0 0 33.4 105.76 0.17 0.02 25.42 26.3 11.25
401 149.02 10.58 0 0 27.29 105.21 0.11 0.02 25.32 26.21 14.08
404 152.26 4.39 0 0 111.56 105.15 0.18 0.03 25.73 26.65 34.66
407 154.56 10.37 0 0 72.77 104.86 0.28 0.03 25.79 26.71 14.91
410 154.54 11.19 0 0 85.65 104.56 0.36 0.03 25.58 26.48 13.81
413 149.85 8.57 0 0 90.15 104.22 0.29 0.03 25.55 26.46 17.49
416 148.88 5.86 0 0 131.03 104.05 0.29 0.03 25.79 26.75 25.42
419 151.51 8.14 0 0 100.51 103.83 0.31 0.02 25.46 26.37 18.61
422 154.01 11.88 0 0 38.09 103.55 0.17 0.03 25.77 26.69 12.96
425 149.61 7.24 0 0 16.75 103.17 0.05 0.02 25.25 26.19 20.67
428 150.13 9.23 0 0 7.78 103.07 0.03 0.02 25.46 26.39 16.26
431 153.31 11.46 0 0 18.54 102.62 0.08 0.03 26.02 26.97 13.38
434 149.89 9.65 0 0 43.55 102.42 0.16 0.03 25.79 26.72 15.53
437 148.37 7.63 0 0 83.61 102.04 0.24 0.03 25.87 26.78 19.45
440 145.58 7.78 0 0 104.88 101.94 0.31 0.03 25.66 26.58 18.72
443 144.88 12.78 0 0 21.93 101.54 0.11 0.03 25.71 26.61 11.34
446 143.92 8.2 0 0 105.73 101.24 0.33 0.03 25.64 26.54 17.55
449 145.23 3.09 0 0 187.35 101.05 0.21 0.03 26.19 27.1 47.05

Appendix A - 64
452 142.46 8.22 0 0 25.35 100.98 0.08 0.03 25.99 26.89 17.34
455 142.26 14.24 0 0 19.48 100.55 0.1 0.03 25.97 26.84 9.99
458 137.65 8.66 0 0 79.73 100.21 0.26 0.03 25.68 26.53 15.9
461 142.12 5.53 0 0 75.97 100.02 0.16 0.03 26.13 26.99 25.71
464 142.9 7.62 0 0 57.67 99.83 0.17 0.03 25.73 26.57 18.76
467 144.16 12.62 0 0 15.7 99.55 0.08 0.03 25.55 26.39 11.42
470 144.5 9.02 0 0 22.25 99.14 0.08 0.03 25.54 26.37 16.02
473 143.7 2.67 0 0 62.17 99.02 0.06 0.03 25.79 26.64 53.78
476 148.07 9.59 0 0 29.41 98.88 0.1 0.03 26.27 27.15 15.43
479 146.23 15.62 0 0 29.37 98.45 0.17 0.03 25.86 26.71 9.36
482 140 5.56 0 0 90.35 98.06 0.19 0.02 24.99 25.82 25.16
485 143.62 5.94 0 0 117.77 98.05 0.26 0.03 25.77 26.64 24.18
488 146.13 10.4 0 0 53.21 97.67 0.21 0.03 25.95 26.82 14.05
491 150.26 9.94 0 0 57.6 97.46 0.21 0.03 25.87 26.72 15.11
494 147.86 7.21 0 0 104.55 97.09 0.28 0.03 25.78 26.65 20.5
497 147.57 8.61 0 0 42.36 97 0.14 0.03 25.75 26.63 17.15
500 148.09 11.53 0 0 37.62 96.56 0.16 0.02 25.42 26.32 12.85
503 151.01 11.83 0 0 22.92 96.33 0.1 0.03 25.89 26.77 12.77
506 152.03 7.49 0 0 73.92 95.89 0.21 0.03 26.08 26.98 20.31
509 154.54 5.7 0 0 132.99 95.86 0.28 0.03 25.83 26.73 27.12
512 151.4 11.31 0 0 64.34 95.49 0.27 0.03 25.57 26.49 13.38
515 150.07 10.71 0 0 61.77 95.22 0.25 0.03 25.65 26.57 14.01
518 151.15 6.46 0 0 166.59 94.88 0.4 0.03 25.92 26.85 23.41
521 157.27 9.41 0 0 80.8 94.79 0.28 0.03 26.23 27.19 16.7
524 161.49 11.77 0 0 76.91 94.31 0.34 0.03 25.97 26.91 13.72
527 155.85 9.55 0 0 47.06 94.11 0.17 0.03 25.72 26.68 16.33
530 149.9 7.98 0 0 53.81 93.74 0.16 0.03 25.7 26.67 18.78
533 155.35 7.52 0 0 94.68 93.62 0.26 0.03 26.38 27.35 20.66
536 156.27 11.48 0 0 44.14 93.26 0.19 0.03 26.29 27.23 13.61
539 151.75 9.74 0 0 77.32 92.97 0.29 0.02 25.15 26.07 15.59
542 159.25 9.67 0 0 95.23 92.67 0.35 0.02 25.36 26.3 16.47
545 156.72 8.08 0 0 76.38 92.4 0.24 0.02 25.2 26.15 19.4
548 156.01 11.93 0 0 59.91 92.15 0.27 0.03 25.69 26.66 13.08
551 162.51 11.85 0 0 106.2 91.71 0.47 0.03 25.86 26.81 13.72
554 167.61 4.43 0 0 261.12 91.48 0.44 0.02 25.55 26.51 37.8
557 166.86 8.84 0 0 126.81 91.36 0.42 0.03 25.66 26.68 18.88
560 164.5 13.78 0 0 84.63 90.94 0.44 0.03 25.74 26.78 11.94
563 163.49 12.06 0 0 110.02 90.59 0.5 0.03 25.68 26.71 13.56
566 162.12 7.35 0 0 165.71 90.24 0.46 0.02 25.25 26.28 22.04
569 166.14 10.92 0 0 117.8 90.09 0.47 0.03 26.07 27.13 15.22
572 162.04 11.61 0 0 94.93 89.61 0.41 0.03 26.03 27.07 13.95
575 163.41 8.5 0 0 174.61 89.42 0.55 0.03 26.13 27.15 19.22
578 169.72 9.13 0 0 178.67 89.07 0.61 0.03 25.83 26.84 18.59
581 166.52 11.68 0 0 141.15 88.86 0.62 0.02 25.43 26.43 14.25
584 159.93 12.25 0 0 87.18 88.38 0.41 0.02 24.83 25.83 13.06
587 162.15 8.56 0 0 139.62 88.15 0.45 0.02 25.63 26.66 18.95
590 159.86 9.3 0 0 98.71 87.84 0.35 0.02 25.48 26.5 17.18
593 165.91 13.47 0 0 103.02 87.57 0.52 0.02 25.62 26.62 12.32
596 166.88 10.06 0 0 141.75 87.08 0.55 0.02 25 25.99 16.59
599 169.19 7.45 0 0 159.22 86.96 0.45 0.02 25.19 26.2 22.71
602 172.52 12.64 0 0 71.55 86.58 0.33 0.03 26.01 27.09 13.64
605 170.93 11.88 0 0 104.52 86.24 0.45 0.03 26.24 27.32 14.39

Appendix A - 65
608 167.82 8.19 0 0 161.52 85.89 0.5 0.02 25.56 26.59 20.5
611 174.49 7.13 0 0 152.96 85.73 0.41 0.02 25.54 26.58 24.48
614 174.47 16.9 0 0 95.29 85.39 0.6 0.02 25.68 26.73 10.32
617 168.74 14.13 0 0 78.87 84.8 0.42 0.02 25.31 26.36 11.94
620 178.1 5.17 0 0 328.19 84.59 0.63 0.02 25.79 26.84 34.44
623 178.89 11.3 0 0 111.24 84.39 0.47 0.02 25.58 26.61 15.83
626 188.02 14.15 0 0 90.52 83.93 0.47 0.03 26.36 27.46 13.29
629 174.6 8.36 0 0 175.55 83.6 0.57 0.02 24.57 25.62 20.88
632 184.54 8.19 0 0 191.55 83.39 0.58 0.03 26.02 27.16 22.54
635 181.22 13.83 0 0 95.58 83.06 0.49 0.02 25.8 26.92 13.1
638 174.68 17.24 0 0 81.54 82.58 0.53 0.02 25.33 26.45 10.13
641 180.81 8.68 0 0 189.13 82.12 0.61 0.02 25.61 26.72 20.83
644 181.87 6.16 0 0 260.22 82.02 0.61 0.02 25.11 26.19 29.54
647 181.13 13.6 0 0 90.59 81.67 0.46 0.02 25.56 26.69 13.32
650 177.23 17.41 0 0 73.22 81.23 0.47 0.02 25.86 27.01 10.18
653 177.95 8.66 0 0 162.03 80.72 0.53 0.02 25.53 26.62 20.54
656 184.65 9.78 0 0 168.71 80.64 0.62 0.02 25.69 26.79 18.89
659 180.17 14.53 0 0 102.05 80.1 0.56 0.02 25.43 26.54 12.4
662 178.75 10.23 0 0 119.02 79.83 0.46 0.02 25.21 26.3 17.48
665 183.42 13.58 0 0 87.26 79.44 0.45 0.02 25.38 26.48 13.51
668 183.41 13.64 0 0 92.51 79.04 0.48 0.02 25.38 26.47 13.45
671 186.97 8.77 0 0 174.1 78.66 0.56 0.03 26.37 27.5 21.33
674 186.51 9.05 0 0 167.65 78.47 0.56 0.02 25.98 27.09 20.62
677 186.02 14.32 0 0 104.76 78.08 0.57 0.02 25.4 26.5 12.99
680 185.9 16.01 0 0 96.53 77.64 0.58 0.02 25.51 26.61 11.61
683 187.76 10.75 0 0 92.4 77.17 0.36 0.03 26.13 27.28 17.46
686 190.06 8.8 0 0 148.55 76.97 0.48 0.02 25.98 27.11 21.6
689 188.91 11.91 0 0 141.11 76.6 0.62 0.02 25.82 26.95 15.86
692 190.6 15.95 0 0 81.48 76.25 0.48 0.02 25.87 27 11.95
695 196.84 15.71 0 0 81.97 75.68 0.47 0.03 26.13 27.27 12.53
698 197.11 8.87 0 0 173.25 75.36 0.57 0.02 25.81 26.95 22.23
701 191.97 9.34 0 0 169.07 75.09 0.59 0.02 25.51 26.66 20.55
704 198.05 13.42 0 0 74.05 74.76 0.37 0.02 25.79 26.96 14.76
707 203.3 15.74 0 0 86.6 74.3 0.51 0.02 25.74 26.9 12.91
710 197 10.72 0 0 120.65 73.87 0.49 0.02 25.31 26.51 18.38
713 193.68 14.03 0 0 104.88 73.61 0.55 0.02 25.68 26.89 13.81
716 195 12.75 0 0 107.42 73.06 0.52 0.02 25.35 26.52 15.29
719 201.94 9.33 0 0 160.12 72.85 0.54 0.03 26.37 27.59 21.63
722 193.3 19.6 0 0 78.58 72.41 0.57 0.02 25.8 26.98 9.86
725 193.07 16.52 0 0 99.48 71.77 0.62 0.02 25.38 26.54 11.69
728 203.8 8.37 0 0 171.49 71.46 0.53 0.02 25.93 27.08 24.35
731 202.57 9.76 0 0 196.39 71.19 0.71 0.02 25.84 27.03 20.76
734 203.2 16.62 0 0 86.69 70.83 0.53 0.02 26.14 27.36 12.22
737 196.45 12.63 0 0 103.11 70.27 0.49 0.02 25.26 26.44 15.55
740 206.14 7.97 0 0 192.64 70.08 0.56 0.03 26.32 27.56 25.88
743 198.92 16.59 0 0 87.15 69.71 0.55 0.02 25.26 26.4 11.99
746 200.55 13.74 0 0 94.83 69.16 0.48 0.02 25.92 27.13 14.6
749 195.47 8.44 0 0 166.31 68.9 0.53 0.02 25.46 26.64 23.17
752 198.6 16.45 0 0 79.84 68.56 0.48 0.02 25.98 27.16 12.07
755 194.73 14.6 0 0 124.39 67.98 0.68 0.02 25.45 26.6 13.34
758 196.58 10.31 0 0 140 67.71 0.54 0.02 25.5 26.67 19.07
761 198.54 11.33 0 0 181.24 67.32 0.77 0.02 25.63 26.79 17.53

Appendix A - 66
764 201.84 17.01 0 0 90.99 66.99 0.57 0.02 26 27.16 11.86
767 199.47 15.42 0 0 87.59 66.35 0.51 0.02 25.25 26.39 12.94
770 193.75 6.77 0 0 142.55 66.11 0.37 0.02 25.19 26.35 28.61
773 189.38 16.19 0 0 77.18 65.83 0.47 0.02 25.21 26.35 11.7
776 197.08 15.28 0 0 104.4 65.21 0.6 0.02 25.65 26.77 12.9
779 197.81 8.84 0 0 137.68 64.95 0.46 0.02 25.48 26.61 22.37
782 189.88 11.63 0 0 147.97 64.62 0.65 0.02 25.44 26.57 16.32
785 188.87 14.44 0 0 64.09 64.25 0.35 0.02 25.49 26.61 13.08
788 194.08 14.92 0 0 120.57 63.77 0.67 0.02 25.83 26.94 13.01
791 187.87 9.72 0 0 135.57 63.39 0.5 0.02 25.47 26.58 19.32
794 191.08 12.98 0 0 94.68 63.13 0.45 0.02 26.08 27.18 14.73
797 187.05 12 0 0 147.85 62.64 0.68 0.02 25.12 26.17 15.59
800 187.81 8.55 0 0 199.98 62.43 0.65 0.02 25.44 26.5 21.97
803 180.79 12.18 0 0 155.68 62.07 0.72 0.02 25.37 26.44 14.84
806 179.73 15.37 0 0 89.32 61.7 0.52 0.02 25.34 26.36 11.69
809 186.92 12.05 0 0 129.15 61.2 0.58 0.02 25.73 26.76 15.52
812 189.92 7.31 0 0 221.1 60.99 0.59 0.02 26.16 27.23 25.98
815 183.21 11.87 0 0 135.28 60.7 0.6 0.02 25.7 26.74 15.43
818 188.17 13.58 0 0 120.44 60.29 0.59 0.03 26.46 27.51 13.85
821 180.42 9.31 0 0 158.23 59.93 0.54 0.02 26.04 27.04 19.38
824 178.02 9.86 0 0 138.34 59.7 0.51 0.02 25.94 26.93 18.06
827 176.08 16 0 0 87.27 59.3 0.53 0.02 25.57 26.52 11
830 176.08 11.24 0 0 157.46 58.81 0.66 0.02 26.03 27.02 15.66
833 171.11 6.68 0 0 322.29 58.62 0.81 0.02 25.64 26.57 25.6
836 171.95 16.03 0 0 112.94 58.32 0.69 0.02 25.45 26.36 10.73
839 167.66 9.89 0 0 165.19 57.76 0.62 0.02 25.23 26.13 16.96
842 163.67 5.17 0 0 477.46 57.72 0.93 0.02 25.57 26.47 31.68
845 165.97 13.6 0 0 116.21 57.36 0.59 0.02 25.85 26.76 12.2
848 169.17 10.09 0 0 165.65 56.98 0.63 0.02 25.86 26.74 16.76
851 167.79 8.37 0 0 213.35 56.75 0.67 0.02 25.9 26.78 20.04
854 164.13 9.16 0 0 218.2 56.46 0.75 0.02 25.88 26.76 17.92
857 161.9 13.1 0 0 111.25 56.18 0.55 0.02 25.66 26.51 12.36
860 162.11 7.54 0 0 214.91 55.74 0.6 0.02 25.98 26.82 21.5
863 156.64 5.51 0 0 343.31 55.7 0.71 0.02 25.82 26.64 28.41
866 153.82 14.84 0 0 114.15 55.33 0.65 0.02 25.39 26.19 10.36
869 155.69 7.01 0 0 235.19 54.93 0.62 0.02 25.97 26.78 22.2
872 152.89 3.78 0 0 498.16 54.88 0.69 0.03 26.48 27.29 40.49
875 148.07 13.5 0 0 110.45 54.61 0.57 0.02 25.58 26.35 10.96
878 152.18 10.94 0 0 139.96 54.15 0.57 0.02 25.89 26.67 13.91
881 148.46 3.43 0 0 503.63 53.99 0.64 0.03 26.18 26.95 43.25
884 143.72 10.71 0 0 171.31 53.85 0.68 0.03 26.08 26.82 13.42
887 141.72 8.84 0 0 142.61 53.41 0.47 0.03 26.08 26.81 16.04
890 140.35 1.98 0 0 809.4 53.35 0.6 0.03 26.04 26.74 71.05
893 137.22 8.9 0 0 181.34 53.19 0.61 0.02 25.82 26.5 15.41
896 135.37 9.13 0 0 210.58 52.86 0.71 0.03 26.37 27.06 14.82
899 130.02 4.17 0 0 359.29 52.68 0.57 0.02 25.56 26.21 31.2
902 129.82 9.23 0 0 134.19 52.54 0.47 0.03 26 26.63 14.07
905 124.17 9.57 0 0 160.46 52.16 0.58 0.03 25.98 26.59 12.97
908 120.79 3.09 0 0 433.99 52.02 0.51 0.02 25.78 26.37 39.06
911 121.97 1.36 0 0 1033.9 51.94 0.53 0.03 25.92 26.5 89.72
914 121.98 8.29 0 0 179.65 51.87 0.55 0.03 26.37 26.94 14.72
917 118.3 11.98 0 0 111.21 51.47 0.5 0.03 26.28 26.82 9.87

Appendix A - 67
920 113.82 1.02 0 0 1248.5 51.26 0.48 0.03 26.14 26.68 111.77
923 115.39 3.31 0 0 436.65 51.32 0.54 0.03 26.5 27.03 34.84
926 111.95 10.97 0 0 124.32 51.02 0.52 0.03 25.81 26.3 10.21
929 108.38 2.4 0 0 614.07 50.77 0.56 0.03 25.66 26.16 45.06
932 106 0.68 -0.01 0 1776.79 50.83 0.45 0.03 26.18 26.68 155.98
935 103.78 5.08 0 0 220.97 50.68 0.43 0.03 25.8 26.28 20.43
938 105.68 6.66 0 0 176.07 50.55 0.44 0.03 26.45 26.92 15.86
941 101.58 5.02 0 0 228.69 50.31 0.43 0.03 26.39 26.85 20.23
944 100.99 2.77 0 0 372.78 50.25 0.39 0.03 26.1 26.56 36.43
947 100.67 5.89 0 0 173.86 50.1 0.39 0.03 26.12 26.58 17.11
950 97.58 6.95 0 0 143.15 49.91 0.38 0.03 25.77 26.2 14.04
953 94.26 1.29 0 0 919.85 49.73 0.46 0.03 25.54 25.95 72.88
956 96.52 1.46 0 0 729.75 49.79 0.4 0.03 26.34 26.76 66.07
959 97.74 8 0 0 119.94 49.6 0.36 0.03 26.14 26.56 12.21
962 93.27 3.38 0 0 305.82 49.39 0.39 0.03 26.15 26.57 27.58
965 87.81 0.9 0 0 1234.08 49.39 0.43 0.03 25.66 26.08 97.38
968 88.1 4.83 0 0 168.59 49.29 0.31 0.03 25.8 26.2 18.22
971 91.4 4.15 0 0 251.31 49.13 0.39 0.03 26 26.4 22.04
974 88.64 3.75 0 0 247.2 49.04 0.35 0.03 26.16 26.57 23.62
977 85.39 2.88 0 0 325.81 48.91 0.35 0.03 26.29 26.7 29.6
980 84.23 0.13 -0.04 0 6771.58 48.88 0.35 0.03 25.78 26.17 628.62
983 87.8 5.72 0 0 172.04 48.84 0.36 0.03 26.83 27.23 15.35
986 80.33 3.94 0 0 229.86 48.58 0.34 0.03 25.94 26.32 20.4
989 79.12 -1.31 0 0 -600.79 48.63 0.3 0.03 26.03 26.41 -60.22
992 81.79 4.64 0 0 189.23 48.58 0.33 0.03 26.22 26.61 17.61
995 77.01 6.83 0 0 110.21 48.38 0.29 0.03 25.62 25.99 11.28
998 76.5 1.71 0 0 479.86 48.23 0.31 0.03 26.05 26.42 44.85
1001 75.42 -0.22 0.02 0 -4100.8 48.25 0.35 0.03 25.81 26.17 -341.65
1004 76.62 4.83 0 0 165.76 48.19 0.3 0.03 26.08 26.45 15.87
1007 73.83 6.1 0 0 127.06 47.99 0.29 0.03 26.17 26.54 12.1
1010 68.71 1.05 0 0 701.98 47.87 0.28 0.03 26.02 26.37 65.43
1013 69.45 -2.64 0 0 -297.21 47.91 0.29 0.03 26.5 26.85 -26.29
1016 68.42 2.67 0 0 295.92 47.96 0.3 0.03 25.92 26.26 25.66
1019 68.32 6.88 0 0 101.42 47.76 0.27 0.03 25.78 26.1 9.93
1022 63.17 -0.29 0.02 0 -2574.22 47.63 0.29 0.03 25.79 26.11 -216.01
1025 62.25 0.32 -0.02 0 2416.02 47.73 0.29 0.03 26.25 26.58 193.46
1028 63.95 6.9 0 0 109.39 47.57 0.28 0.03 26.29 26.6 9.28
1031 61.15 1.54 0 0 454.65 47.4 0.27 0.03 25.63 25.93 39.59
1034 58.95 -0.65 0.01 0 -1217.07 47.46 0.31 0.03 25.48 25.77 -91.17
1037 57.65 3.22 0 0 255.18 47.39 0.31 0.03 26 26.3 17.88
1040 59.96 2.95 0 0 219.83 47.29 0.24 0.03 26.39 26.69 20.34
1043 56.77 1.44 0 0 412.33 47.23 0.23 0.03 25.16 25.44 39.38
1046 55.81 -0.62 0.01 0 -1472.09 47.21 0.35 0.03 26.05 26.33 -89.57
1049 53.54 4.67 0 0 157.15 47.21 0.28 0.03 25.91 26.19 11.46
1052 54.63 6.8 0 0 100.06 46.95 0.26 0.03 26.16 26.44 8.04
1055 54.32 -2.22 0 0 -300 46.88 0.25 0.03 25.91 26.18 -24.43
1058 51.68 -2.78 0 0 -285.04 47.03 0.3 0.03 26.46 26.73 -18.56
1061 49.3 2.32 0 0 295.26 47 0.26 0.03 25.8 26.06 21.29
1064 52.31 4.41 0 0 166.7 46.91 0.28 0.03 26.04 26.3 11.87
1067 50.78 1.5 0 0 523.97 46.78 0.3 0.03 26.12 26.38 33.82
1070 50.25 -0.98 0 0 -879.06 46.82 0.32 0.03 26.83 27.09 -51.02
1073 48.7 2.05 0 0 381.05 46.8 0.29 0.03 26.33 26.59 23.81

Appendix A - 68
1076 49.96 2.73 0 0 265.86 46.71 0.28 0.03 26.07 26.33 18.3
1079 49.36 4.26 0 0 159.21 46.63 0.26 0.03 26.11 26.37 11.6
1082 46.71 0.67 -0.01 0 1059.18 46.49 0.27 0.03 26.29 26.54 69.83
1085 47.31 -1.64 0 0 -404.92 46.58 0.25 0.03 26.19 26.46 -28.84
1088 48.74 4.11 0 0 197.93 46.53 0.31 0.03 26.12 26.38 11.85
1091 46.48 4.77 0 0 135.81 46.37 0.25 0.03 25.75 26.01 9.74
1094 44.08 -1.41 0 0 -544.53 46.29 0.29 0.03 26.36 26.63 -31.17
1097 42.31 -0.74 0.01 0 -1012.46 46.41 0.29 0.03 25.7 25.96 -57.08
1100 46.18 4.76 0 0 158.88 46.3 0.28 0.03 26.3 26.56 9.7
1103 46.34 4.43 0 0 179.63 46.16 0.3 0.03 26.4 26.66 10.46
1106 43.54 -1.48 0 0 -491.47 46.08 0.28 0.03 26.01 26.28 -29.33
1109 43.37 -1.29 0 0 -671.91 46.21 0.33 0.03 26.29 26.56 -33.67
1112 45.16 6.43 0 0 132.28 46.1 0.32 0.03 26.25 26.5 7.03
1115 44.58 4.14 0 0 165.4 45.89 0.26 0.03 26.33 26.57 10.76
1118 40.48 -3.77 0 0 -248.79 45.89 0.36 0.03 25.94 26.18 -10.74
1121 40.52 -0.79 0.01 0 -1055.55 46.04 0.32 0.03 25.8 26.04 -51.18
1124 43.92 6.42 0 0 123.9 45.91 0.3 0.03 26.48 26.73 6.84
1127 41.98 1.25 0 0 597.81 45.74 0.28 0.03 26.03 26.26 33.57
1130 40.39 -3.74 0 0 -180.41 45.83 0.26 0.03 26.17 26.41 -10.79
1133 39.58 1 0 0 754.96 45.89 0.29 0.03 25.79 26.04 39.51
1136 43.75 6.96 0 0 93.47 45.77 0.25 0.03 26.04 26.29 6.29
1139 43.14 0.69 -0.01 0 1077.37 45.57 0.27 0.03 26.94 27.2 62.67
1142 38.46 -3.81 0 0 -185.06 45.71 0.27 0.03 25.74 25.99 -10.08
1145 36.89 4.43 0 0 161.01 45.71 0.27 0.03 25.97 26.23 8.34
1148 39.47 1.59 0 0 471.68 45.52 0.29 0.03 25.79 26.04 24.78
1151 42.08 -0.53 0.01 0 -1210.32 45.61 0.24 0.03 26.79 27.06 -79.95
1154 39.99 3.11 0 0 218.33 45.51 0.25 0.03 26.38 26.65 12.86
1157 37.43 0.48 -0.01 0 1366.38 45.46 0.25 0.03 25.82 26.09 77.17
1160 37.35 1.97 0 0 346.03 45.46 0.26 0.03 26.1 26.38 18.93
1163 41.32 3.94 0 0 172.24 45.34 0.26 0.03 26.16 26.43 10.48
1166 37.85 -1.36 0 0 -562.58 45.27 0.29 0.03 25.84 26.12 -27.83
1169 34.43 -2.9 0 0 -266.32 45.39 0.3 0.03 25.69 25.97 -11.86
1172 35.49 7.03 0 0 100.78 45.37 0.27 0.03 25.55 25.84 5.04
1175 38.59 2.82 0 0 218.51 45.07 0.24 0.03 25.33 25.61 13.67
1178 39.46 -5.04 0 0 -167.42 45.22 0.32 0.03 26.26 26.56 -7.83
1181 34.65 2.89 0 0 233.66 45.26 0.26 0.03 26.06 26.35 11.99
1184 36.39 3.84 0 0 197.9 45.09 0.28 0.03 26.43 26.71 9.48
1187 37.76 0.37 -0.01 0 1741.29 45.07 0.25 0.03 25.86 26.14 101.81
1190 35.22 0.22 -0.02 0 3599.87 45.05 0.31 0.03 25.99 26.26 158.2
1193 34.38 -1.73 0 0 -437.85 45.06 0.29 0.03 25.71 25.98 -19.91
1196 35.07 2.34 0 0 322.57 45.11 0.28 0.03 26.23 26.5 14.99
1199 36.79 4.23 0 0 167.45 44.94 0.27 0.03 25.99 26.27 8.7
1202 34.91 1.82 0 0 414.87 44.89 0.29 0.03 26.07 26.34 19.13
1205 32.62 -1.17 0 0 -713.66 44.83 0.32 0.03 26.16 26.43 -27.92
1208 33.26 -0.42 0.01 0 -1751.91 44.93 0.28 0.03 25.95 26.22 -79.44
1211 34.96 5.87 0 0 123.76 44.82 0.28 0.03 25.97 26.24 5.96
1214 35.58 1.86 0 0.01 331.58 44.66 0.24 0.03 25.86 26.13 19.12
1217 32.95 -4.43 0 0 -169.82 44.73 0.29 0.03 26.12 26.4 -7.44
1220 31.12 0.06 -0.08 -0.01 12643.29 44.84 0.31 0.03 25.93 26.2 492.1
1223 33.39 6.82 0 0 101.99 44.71 0.26 0.03 26.35 26.63 4.89
1226 34.92 0.21 -0.02 0.02 3465.69 44.53 0.27 0.03 26.21 26.48 167.82
1229 32.11 -4.51 0 0 -164.51 44.68 0.28 0.03 26.01 26.28 -7.12

Appendix A - 69
1232 29.9 0.95 0 0.01 808.01 44.72 0.29 0.03 26.1 26.38 31.32
1235 31.32 3.13 0 0 217.69 44.65 0.26 0.03 25.7 25.97 10.01
1238 31.03 1.57 0 0 390.65 44.57 0.24 0.03 25.45 25.73 19.83
1241 29.64 -0.99 0 -0.02 -770.89 44.56 0.29 0.03 25.76 26.03 -30.03
1244 27.88 -0.23 0.02 -0.03 -2904.33 44.6 0.25 0.03 25.59 25.85 -123.89
1247 30.85 3.51 0 0 145.28 44.55 0.19 0.03 26.22 26.49 8.79
1250 33.08 2.13 0 0 265.71 44.43 0.22 0.03 25.76 26.04 15.56
1253 29.58 -1.04 0 -0.01 -699.15 44.44 0.28 0.03 25.69 25.96 -28.38
1256 29.48 -2.11 0 -0.01 -304.7 44.47 0.24 0.03 26.02 26.29 -13.99
1259 31.65 3.25 0 0 217.63 44.52 0.27 0.03 26.18 26.45 9.75
1262 32.75 4.14 0 0 147.5 44.31 0.23 0.03 26.3 26.58 7.92
1265 30.03 -1.66 0 -0.02 -339.88 44.32 0.21 0.03 26.16 26.44 -18.12
1268 28.05 -1.46 0 -0.02 -406.65 44.37 0.23 0.03 25.92 26.19 -19.21
1271 30.49 1.71 0 0.02 372.35 44.38 0.24 0.03 26.11 26.38 17.79
1274 29.62 4.86 0 0.01 117.39 44.27 0.22 0.03 26.24 26.52 6.09
1277 27.07 -0.06 0.07 -0.41 -9248.42 44.15 0.21 0.03 26 26.26 -448.73
1280 26.07 -3.15 0 -0.01 -195.93 44.26 0.23 0.03 26.14 26.41 -8.27
1283 26.28 1.78 0 0.02 370.25 44.28 0.25 0.03 25.84 26.11 14.76
1286 29.37 7.1 0 0.01 83.18 44.15 0.22 0.03 26.02 26.29 4.14
1289 28.53 -0.2 0.02 -0.31 -3127.21 43.94 0.24 0.03 26.31 26.58 -142.23
1292 25.86 -5.27 0 -0.01 -110.18 44.15 0.22 0.03 25.66 25.92 -4.91
1295 26.41 3.73 0 0.01 150.91 44.16 0.21 0.03 26.69 26.96 7.08
1298 28.81 4.04 0 0.01 112.69 43.98 0.17 0.03 26.36 26.63 7.13
1301 27.74 -2.88 0 -0.02 -156.85 43.97 0.18 0.03 25.44 25.7 -9.64
1304 26.17 -1.49 0 -0.03 -394.46 44.09 0.23 0.03 25.76 26.01 -17.58
1307 23.88 5.58 0 0.01 69.68 44.02 0.15 0.03 25.52 25.77 4.28
1310 25.05 1.08 0 0.07 250.21 43.84 0.1 0.03 26.19 26.45 23.21
1313 27.21 -2.39 0 -0.03 -172.91 43.95 0.16 0.03 25.84 26.09 -11.36
1316 27.42 0.67 -0.01 0.11 653.8 43.93 0.16 0.03 26.71 26.97 40.72
1319 24.66 2.28 0 0.03 154.86 43.92 0.13 0.03 25.87 26.12 10.83
1322 24.6 3.82 0 0.01 24.35 43.81 0.04 0.03 26.05 26.3 6.44
1325 27.7 -2.16 0 -0.02 -87.41 43.74 0.07 0.03 26.1 26.36 -12.84
1328 27.06 -3.63 0 -0.02 -63.72 43.9 0.09 0.03 26.25 26.52 -7.46
1331 24.81 3.16 0 0.03 46.39 43.9 0.06 0.03 26 26.26 7.85
1334 23.07 3.4 0 0.02 20.81 43.76 0.03 0.03 25.87 26.13 6.79
1337 25.19 0.97 0 0.09 0 43.72 0 0.03 26.09 26.35 26.02
1340 26.16 -0.83 0.01 -0.11 -45.88 43.69 0.01 0.03 26.17 26.43 -31.54
1343 23.61 0.83 -0.01 0.1 0 43.74 0 0.03 25.62 25.87 28.46
1346 23.18 0.13 -0.04 0.64 0 43.66 0 0.03 26.12 26.38 179.68
1349 24.07 1.87 0 0.04 0 43.72 0 0.03 26.02 26.28 12.85
1352 26.61 2.26 0 0.03 0 43.56 0 0.03 25.58 25.83 11.76
1355 25.92 -3.11 0 -0.03 0 43.62 0 0.03 25.81 26.08 -8.34
1358 23.53 1.11 -0.01 0.05 0 43.68 0 0.03 25.92 26.19 21.15
1361 23.68 5.2 0 0.01 0 43.55 0 0.03 26.59 26.86 4.55
1364 25.94 1.25 0 0.07 0 43.43 0 0.03 25.63 25.89 20.75
1367 25.61 -4.61 0 -0.02 0 43.49 0 0.03 25.95 26.23 -5.55
1370 23.3 -1.12 0 -0.09 0 43.63 0 0.03 26.25 26.53 -20.75
1373 23.37 5.32 0 0.02 0 43.54 0 0.03 25.66 25.92 4.39
1376 26.32 2.34 0 0.04 0 43.38 0 0.03 26.19 26.46 11.25
1379 23.38 -2.57 0 -0.03 0 43.41 0 0.03 25.81 26.08 -9.09
1382 21.69 -0.55 0.01 -0.14 0 43.48 0 0.03 25.79 26.06 -39.39
1385 22.24 3.99 0 0.03 0 43.43 0 0.03 26.18 26.46 5.57

Appendix A - 70
1388 23.74 0.62 -0.01 0.2 0 43.3 0 0.03 25.47 25.74 38.31
1391 23.16 -1.69 0 -0.06 0 43.39 0 0.03 25.93 26.21 -13.73
1394 21.78 -0.3 0.01 -0.39 0 43.37 0 0.03 25.82 26.09 -71.91
1397 23.79 0.59 -0.01 0.17 0 43.4 0 0.03 25.99 26.27 40.33
1400 25.22 4.56 0 0.02 0 43.32 0 0.03 26.41 26.68 5.53
1403 23.98 1.5 0 0.07 0 43.18 0 0.03 25.98 26.25 15.98
1406 20.29 -3.79 0 -0.03 0 43.25 0 0.03 26.08 26.35 -5.35
1409 21.17 -1.89 0 -0.06 0 43.35 0 0.03 25.67 25.92 -11.2
1412 23.47 7.05 0 0.02 0 43.31 0 0.03 26.01 26.26 3.33
1415 20.41 2.62 0 0.04 0 43.03 0 0.03 25.86 26.12 7.8
1418 20.29 -4.51 0 -0.02 0 43.18 0 0.03 26.35 26.62 -4.5
1421 22.81 0.47 -0.01 0.31 0 43.21 0 0.03 25.79 26.05 48.63
1424 21.21 2.41 0 0.06 0 43.17 0 0.03 25.71 25.97 8.81
1427 20.06 -2.1 0 -0.05 0 43.11 0 0.03 26.02 26.29 -9.56
1430 20.54 -0.36 0.01 -0.3 0 43.25 0 0.03 26.45 26.73 -57.1
1433 22.76 2.06 0 0.06 0 43.12 0 0.03 25.79 26.06 11.06
1436 22.75 3.6 0 0.04 0 43.14 0 0.03 25.71 25.98 6.33
1439 19.7 0.87 -0.01 0.15 0 42.94 0 0.03 25.98 26.25 22.57
1442 19.01 -4.61 0 -0.03 0 43.1 0 0.03 25.8 26.08 -4.13
1445 22.27 0.38 -0.02 0.31 0 43.14 0 0.03 26.06 26.33 57.98
1448 22.41 5.09 0 0.03 0 43.08 0 0.03 27.26 27.55 4.4
1451 16.91 -0.54 0.01 -0.3 0 42.91 0 0.03 26.14 26.42 -31.6
1454 15.58 -1.76 0 -0.12 0 43.08 0 0.03 25.71 25.97 -8.88
1457 18.76 1.45 0 0.18 0 42.98 0 0.03 26.36 26.62 12.93
1460 17.83 1.12 0 0.23 0 43.02 0 0.03 26.02 26.27 15.88
1463 15.07 -1.19 0 -0.23 0 42.93 0 0.03 25.62 25.87 -12.69
1466 16.31 -0.47 0.01 -0.55 0 43.07 0 0.03 25.75 26 -34.92
1469 18.02 4.57 0 0.06 0 42.93 0 0.03 25.74 25.99 3.94
1472 17.48 0.01 -0.43 28.09 0 42.85 0 0.03 26.03 26.29 1747.97
1475 15.05 0.01 -0.52 26.56 0 42.85 0 0.03 26.13 26.38 1505.18

Appendix A - 71
Office Chair Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 13.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 211.60
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 840.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 178.07
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 138.19
Total Mass Loss (g): 97.01
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.066
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 18.36
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 263.58
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0054

Initial mass (g): 143.3
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 80
Time to ignition (s): 13
Time to flameout (s): 1481

Appendix A - 72
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 8.68 0.01 -0.39 -0.04 37232.48 133.09 0.14 0.03 25.95 26.15 867.59
3 7.7 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 41742.41 127.71 0.16 0.03 25.77 25.97 769.88
6 4.65 -17 0 0 -25.17 127.7 0.17 0.03 25.59 25.79 -0.27
9 6.9 0.05 -0.06 -0.01 12449.43 127.8 0.26 0.03 25.56 25.75 126.49
12 27.08 3.55 0 0 309.32 127.69 0.43 0.03 25.36 25.55 7.62
15 73.26 5.3 0 0 389.05 127.6 0.77 0.03 26.4 26.63 13.84
18 89.49 5.23 0 0.01 735.3 127.39 1.5 0.03 25.2 25.55 17.12
21 103.25 4.28 0 0.03 939.49 127.29 1.56 0.03 25.31 25.87 24.1
24 108.26 4.7 0 0.03 853.29 127.12 1.54 0.03 25.45 26.12 23.03
27 105.8 8.5 0 0.01 531.62 126.99 1.74 0.03 25.17 25.91 12.44
30 105.62 6.67 0 0.02 556.34 126.65 1.43 0.03 25.11 25.9 15.83
33 110.68 5.53 0 0.03 749.99 126.58 1.58 0.03 25.44 26.28 20.01
36 119.72 6.42 0 0.02 590.49 126.3 1.43 0.03 25.64 26.52 18.64
39 126.5 9.23 0 0.01 463.13 126.19 1.6 0.03 25.75 26.67 13.7
42 127.36 5.15 0 0.03 964.8 125.79 1.94 0.03 24.7 25.61 24.74
45 144.35 3.24 0 0.06 1696.84 125.86 2.05 0.03 25.73 26.73 44.59
48 154.17 12.74 0 0.02 513.58 125.52 2.54 0.03 24.79 25.8 12.1
51 171.15 11.34 0 0.02 571.48 125.17 2.45 0.03 25.36 26.45 15.09
54 182.9 6.56 0 0.05 1055.36 124.87 2.58 0.03 25.71 26.87 27.89
57 192.28 4.44 0 0.08 1813.8 124.75 3.02 0.03 25.44 26.65 43.28
60 193.37 13.42 0 0.03 637.06 124.53 3.27 0.03 24.9 26.15 14.41
63 188.86 11.89 0 0.03 636.54 124.02 2.88 0.03 24.94 26.24 15.89
66 188.77 7.08 0 0.05 1029.04 123.84 2.69 0.03 25.72 27.07 26.65
69 190.92 8.95 0 0.04 666.28 123.55 2.22 0.03 25.55 26.89 21.32
72 198.14 11.56 0 0.03 600.74 123.3 2.58 0.03 25.54 26.89 17.14
75 195.35 9.08 0 0.04 780.31 122.89 2.67 0.03 25.18 26.52 21.52
78 194.99 5.55 0 0.07 1285.41 122.76 2.65 0.03 25.52 26.88 35.15
81 193.17 11.85 0 0.03 561.47 122.49 2.48 0.03 25.45 26.8 16.3
84 193.81 10.72 0 0.03 784.81 122.09 3.11 0.03 25.68 27.04 18.08
87 185.76 10.2 0 0.03 689.39 121.85 2.61 0.03 25.67 26.99 18.2
90 172.82 6.08 0 0.06 1171.02 121.5 2.66 0.03 25.51 26.8 28.41
93 174 7.71 0 0.04 590.88 121.44 1.68 0.03 25.94 27.19 22.57
96 172.15 12.59 0 0.03 485.99 121.02 2.26 0.03 25.87 27.08 13.68
99 164.7 7.66 0 0.04 792.04 120.76 2.24 0.03 25.86 27.03 21.51
102 153.84 6.76 0 0.04 762.53 120.54 1.96 0.03 25.16 26.26 22.75
105 158.23 6.3 0 0.04 949.08 120.34 2.21 0.03 26.02 27.11 25.12
108 156.61 12.79 0 0.02 386.73 120.11 1.84 0.03 25.78 26.83 12.25
111 155.17 9.42 0 0.03 457.14 119.64 1.63 0.03 25.38 26.38 16.47
114 159.27 4.27 0 0.07 1231.13 119.56 1.95 0.03 25.94 26.93 37.32
117 157.53 8.87 0 0.03 574.04 119.31 1.95 0.03 25.18 26.12 17.76
120 159.74 12.19 0 0.02 423.3 119.04 1.96 0.03 25.36 26.3 13.11
123 156.85 8.48 0 0.03 644.16 118.64 2.04 0.03 25.81 26.75 18.5
126 153.95 3.41 0 0.08 1332.56 118.54 1.67 0.03 26.28 27.24 45.11
129 145.87 8.8 0 0.03 585.94 118.36 1.94 0.03 25.64 26.55 16.57
132 144.68 11.9 0 0.02 344.58 118.03 1.53 0.03 25.9 26.78 12.16
135 146.26 4.95 0 0.04 892 117.71 1.63 0.03 26.17 27.04 29.53

Appendix A - 73
138 149.49 5.5 0 0.04 779 117.67 1.6 0.03 25.9 26.75 27.16
141 157.11 14.75 0 0.02 352.02 117.32 1.92 0.03 26.17 27.02 10.65
144 145.21 8.44 0 0.03 615.87 116.9 2.01 0.03 25.04 25.89 17.2
147 143.18 4.82 0 0.04 629.15 116.81 1.13 0.03 26 26.88 29.73
150 139.44 5.67 0 0.03 702.2 116.57 1.48 0.03 26.02 26.87 24.6
153 142.13 8.93 0 0.02 662.58 116.45 2.21 0.03 26 26.83 15.91
156 142.03 10.26 0 0.02 472.84 116.05 1.83 0.03 25.7 26.52 13.84
159 138.15 7.22 0 0.03 630.6 115.86 1.71 0.03 25.83 26.64 19.15
162 137.77 5.03 0 0.04 998.75 115.61 1.85 0.03 26.32 27.15 27.41
165 138.48 5.78 0 0.03 669.34 115.54 1.44 0.03 25.98 26.79 23.94
168 139.11 10.62 0 0.02 369.47 115.24 1.49 0.03 25.61 26.41 13.1
171 137.61 3.87 0 0.04 1260.22 114.98 1.82 0.03 25.96 26.77 35.55
174 136.51 5.31 0 0.03 1062.62 114.95 2.08 0.03 26.35 27.17 25.69
177 139.11 11 0 0.01 410.23 114.63 1.69 0.03 25.97 26.77 12.64
180 133.24 9.61 0 0.01 539.53 114.35 1.97 0.03 25.52 26.3 13.87
183 127.42 3.45 0 0.04 1288.76 114.09 1.65 0.03 26.12 26.91 36.89
186 126.6 1.19 0 0.11 3458.95 114.11 1.53 0.03 26.2 26.97 106.25
189 123.87 7.07 0 0.02 623.47 113.96 1.67 0.03 25.64 26.38 17.52
192 123.43 8.3 0 0.02 515.09 113.71 1.62 0.03 25.73 26.46 14.87
195 128.56 5.88 0 0.02 575.37 113.49 1.26 0.03 26.22 26.95 21.86
198 134.62 3.5 0 0.04 1012.15 113.36 1.35 0.03 25.66 26.36 38.42
201 135.36 9.51 0 0.02 508.18 113.22 1.82 0.03 25.77 26.52 14.24
204 127.6 5.85 0 0.02 663.85 112.85 1.46 0.03 25.83 26.58 21.82
207 121.01 0.26 -0.02 0.43 16110.53 112.89 1.61 0.03 25.56 26.3 459.62
210 128.41 5.73 0 0.02 595.24 112.76 1.27 0.03 26.03 26.76 22.41
213 128.26 8.11 0 0.01 574.21 112.56 1.8 0.03 25.17 25.86 15.81
216 131.4 9.04 0 0.01 356.43 112.29 1.2 0.03 26.05 26.79 14.54
219 124.91 1.57 0 0.08 1761.68 112.07 1.07 0.03 25.15 25.85 79.45
222 130.53 5.14 0 0.02 812.36 112.12 1.58 0.03 25.79 26.51 25.39
225 134.22 9.52 0 0.01 393.69 111.76 1.41 0.03 25.86 26.57 14.1
228 135.09 4.13 0 0.03 939.2 111.62 1.45 0.03 26.09 26.82 32.69
231 133.16 4.92 0 0.03 759.21 111.47 1.41 0.03 25.78 26.52 27.04
234 130.74 8.63 0 0.01 365.32 111.3 1.22 0.03 25.14 25.88 15.16
237 138.13 9.12 0 0.01 377.89 110.97 1.28 0.03 26.15 26.91 15.15
240 140.16 5.65 0 0.02 605.37 110.78 1.28 0.03 25.91 26.66 24.79
243 137.05 3.62 0 0.04 856.24 110.62 1.18 0.03 25.45 26.22 37.82
246 139.3 7.03 0 0.02 387.51 110.52 1.02 0.03 25.97 26.77 19.82
249 131.12 10.71 0 0.01 439.94 110.2 1.82 0.03 25.14 25.9 12.25
252 134.45 1.14 0 0.11 2246.46 109.97 0.94 0.03 26.25 27.05 118.34
255 133.83 2.16 0 0.05 1629.67 110.06 1.33 0.03 25.73 26.51 61.95
258 134.06 11.18 0 0.01 383.46 109.78 1.61 0.03 25.76 26.55 11.99
261 129.22 10.84 0 0.01 344.01 109.46 1.43 0.03 25.39 26.16 11.92
264 126.79 4.09 0 0.02 740.62 109.18 1.15 0.03 25.54 26.31 31.02
267 124.03 7.79 0 0.01 414.48 109.14 1.23 0.03 25.5 26.28 15.91
270 126.5 7.86 0 0.01 341.68 108.74 1 0.03 26.04 26.81 16.1
273 127.79 -0.24 0.01 -0.22 -13463.88 108.73 1.2 0.03 25.76 26.5 -542.39
276 130.18 4.87 0 0.01 618.33 108.66 1.11 0.03 26.31 27.09 26.72
279 123.08 5.81 0 0 414.28 108.45 0.91 0.03 25.57 26.33 21.19
282 118.58 10.45 0 0 207.73 108.29 0.82 0.03 25.68 26.42 11.35
285 115.29 8.17 0 0 298.34 107.88 0.93 0.03 25.5 26.24 14.12
288 122.83 2.63 0 0 829.43 107.83 0.81 0.03 26.29 27.05 46.72
291 122.25 4 0 0 559.66 107.67 0.86 0.03 25.19 25.91 30.59

Appendix A - 74
294 124.76 10.08 0 0 195.46 107.56 0.74 0.03 25.7 26.45 12.38
297 126.4 4.54 0 0 590.4 107.14 1.02 0.03 25.53 26.28 27.86
300 129.29 4.32 0 0 391.03 107.25 0.64 0.03 25.66 26.43 29.92
303 123.6 11.01 0 0 170.18 106.83 0.72 0.03 25.21 25.98 11.23
306 121.57 6.28 0 0 339.25 106.66 0.8 0.03 25.83 26.63 19.35
309 121.92 4.83 0 0 427.04 106.44 0.79 0.03 25.23 26 25.25
312 130.1 8.62 0 0 230.01 106.34 0.74 0.03 26.19 26.98 15.08
315 124.69 6.67 0 0 286.35 105.96 0.73 0.03 25.47 26.25 18.69
318 125.48 2.75 0 0.01 619.07 105.95 0.64 0.03 25.68 26.48 45.66
321 128.1 5.21 0 0 390.52 105.75 0.76 0.03 26.08 26.89 24.58
324 122.34 8.63 0 0 262.33 105.63 0.85 0.03 25.8 26.59 14.17
327 122.76 11.05 0 0 165.66 105.24 0.68 0.03 26.19 27 11.11
330 123.58 4.82 0 0 369.78 105.03 0.67 0.03 25.79 26.6 25.64
333 125.64 3.38 0 0 550.2 104.92 0.69 0.03 26.05 26.84 37.22
336 120.75 7.15 0 0 238.02 104.78 0.66 0.02 24.88 25.65 16.88
339 130.01 8.9 0 0 176.32 104.51 0.59 0.03 25.89 26.69 14.61
342 133.52 3.33 0 0 593.43 104.3 0.73 0.03 26.16 26.97 40.11
345 127.42 6.05 0 0 230.28 104.25 0.54 0.03 25.21 26.01 21.05
348 126.13 10.86 0 0 141.79 103.92 0.59 0.03 25.22 26.01 11.62
351 131.24 7.9 0 0 213.29 103.66 0.63 0.03 25.83 26.65 16.61
354 133.97 4.32 0 0 428.91 103.45 0.7 0.03 25.74 26.56 31.04
357 133.92 7.27 0 0 308.48 103.35 0.85 0.03 25.64 26.47 18.43
360 134.34 8.69 0 0 185.92 103.03 0.6 0.03 26.07 26.94 15.46
363 134.91 3.38 0 0 438.18 102.88 0.55 0.03 25.91 26.77 39.91
366 135.11 4.15 0 0 393.11 102.78 0.61 0.03 25.99 26.84 32.57
369 135.71 9.13 0 0 164.6 102.6 0.56 0.03 25.76 26.62 14.86
372 136.21 7.99 0 0 228.41 102.27 0.7 0.03 25.37 26.22 17.05
375 136.61 5.9 0 0 202.99 102.13 0.45 0.03 25.62 26.49 23.14
378 131.89 7.22 0 0 208.11 101.9 0.58 0.03 25.25 26.11 18.27
381 132.16 10.17 0 0 173.48 101.69 0.68 0.03 25.1 25.97 13
384 140.9 2.55 0 0 575.62 101.36 0.54 0.03 26.19 27.09 55.25
387 132.23 5.06 0 0 318.08 101.46 0.62 0.03 25.12 25.99 26.16
390 136.47 9.86 0 0 157.93 101.04 0.58 0.03 25.75 26.65 13.84
393 140.17 3.33 0 0 462.33 100.94 0.58 0.03 25.82 26.72 42.13
396 139.69 8.81 0 0 181.65 100.76 0.6 0.03 25.85 26.75 15.85
399 150.3 11.69 0 0 129.62 100.43 0.55 0.03 26.56 27.5 12.86
402 149.38 8.02 0 0 230.68 100.11 0.69 0.03 25.91 26.83 18.62
405 144.12 3.24 0 0 383.24 99.95 0.47 0.03 25.72 26.65 44.44
408 146.01 11.17 0 0 141.8 99.83 0.6 0.03 25.58 26.51 13.07
411 151.27 8.09 0 0 163.06 99.36 0.51 0.02 25.08 25.99 18.71
414 154.99 4.09 0 0 409.01 99.35 0.62 0.03 25.84 26.82 37.93
417 159.42 7.16 0 0 190 99.06 0.5 0.03 26.23 27.24 22.27
420 157.55 11.32 0 0 137.32 98.91 0.59 0.03 25.46 26.43 13.92
423 154.79 7.88 0 0 174.81 98.44 0.52 0.03 25.4 26.41 19.63
426 156.36 3.78 0 0 379.9 98.44 0.53 0.03 26 27.01 41.33
429 156.19 11.03 0 0 127.4 98.13 0.53 0.03 25.72 26.74 14.16
432 152.06 7.18 0 0 200.1 97.85 0.54 0.03 25.61 26.62 21.16
435 148.75 4.65 0 0 295.01 97.7 0.52 0.03 25.49 26.5 31.97
438 156.39 9.14 0 0 168.58 97.52 0.59 0.03 25.36 26.33 17.11
441 160.78 10.44 0 0 128.15 97.17 0.5 0.03 25.62 26.62 15.4
444 157.81 3.77 0 0 374.77 96.95 0.52 0.03 26.01 27.05 41.83
447 156.09 9.32 0 0 152.69 96.86 0.53 0.03 25.97 27.01 16.74

Appendix A - 75
450 153.22 9.47 0 0 135.48 96.43 0.49 0.02 25.37 26.38 16.19
453 151.06 5.74 0 0 244.74 96.32 0.53 0.03 25.72 26.75 26.3
456 146.53 9.74 0 0 129.32 96.03 0.48 0.02 25.11 26.1 15.05
459 155.11 8.73 0 0 130.38 95.78 0.43 0.02 25.4 26.4 17.77
462 159.93 2.27 0 0 632.54 95.54 0.54 0.03 25.63 26.63 70.35
465 157.19 6.29 0 0 214.36 95.56 0.52 0.02 24.71 25.67 25
468 169.58 13.03 0 0 98.17 95.15 0.47 0.03 26 27.02 13.01
471 158.9 5.86 0 0 276.06 94.88 0.62 0.02 24.97 26 27.1
474 158.61 6.06 0 0 192.03 94.75 0.43 0.03 25.77 26.82 26.16
477 154.62 11.58 0 0 70.97 94.47 0.31 0.02 25.23 26.23 13.35
480 157.93 10.18 0 0 146.98 94.1 0.56 0.03 25.59 26.61 15.52
483 157.33 5.22 0 0 261.9 93.89 0.51 0.03 25.64 26.65 30.16
486 158.7 11.42 0 0 120.58 93.72 0.51 0.03 25.76 26.78 13.9
489 164.26 8.72 0 0 158.14 93.26 0.51 0.03 25.85 26.88 18.84
492 166.64 5.24 0 0 299.39 93.2 0.58 0.03 26.12 27.16 31.81
495 159.81 9.16 0 0 150.82 92.9 0.52 0.02 25.5 26.52 17.45
498 160.44 7.81 0 0 166.18 92.68 0.49 0.02 25.29 26.3 20.53
501 163.98 4.53 0 0 264.64 92.44 0.45 0.02 25.44 26.46 36.17
504 161.93 6.76 0 0 189.58 92.37 0.48 0.03 25.84 26.87 23.96
507 161.54 11.24 0 0 85.43 92.02 0.35 0.03 26.3 27.34 14.37
510 155.25 6.34 0 0 202.96 91.76 0.49 0.02 25.29 26.29 24.47
513 158.5 7.34 0 0 188.68 91.6 0.51 0.03 26.26 27.28 21.59
516 155.43 8.81 0 0 131.25 91.31 0.43 0.03 25.7 26.67 17.64
519 157.43 10.37 0 0 125.4 91.08 0.49 0.03 25.63 26.6 15.18
522 154.77 6.87 0 0 194.38 90.72 0.49 0.03 26.15 27.15 22.52
525 146.67 8.62 0 0 164.59 90.63 0.53 0.03 25.73 26.71 17.01
528 150.39 10.47 0 0 119.93 90.21 0.46 0.03 26.22 27.18 14.36
531 148.77 5.32 0 0 256.14 90.05 0.52 0.02 25.51 26.43 27.96
534 153.1 5.65 0 0 206.42 89.85 0.43 0.03 25.94 26.88 27.1
537 153.18 10.13 0 0 130.97 89.68 0.5 0.03 25.67 26.61 15.12
540 152.97 10 0 0 97.22 89.28 0.37 0.03 25.65 26.57 15.3
543 152.72 4.57 0 0 258.62 89.12 0.44 0.03 26.21 27.16 33.39
546 146.36 6.19 0 0 219.81 88.95 0.51 0.02 25.53 26.44 23.66
549 150.63 10.44 0 0 116.44 88.73 0.46 0.02 25.46 26.34 14.43
552 153.57 6.67 0 0 242.56 88.38 0.6 0.03 25.89 26.8 23.01
555 145.99 6.12 0 0 221.54 88.3 0.51 0.02 25.54 26.43 23.86
558 146.4 13.15 0 0 102.09 87.97 0.5 0.03 25.75 26.62 11.13
561 153.56 6.71 0 0 229.29 87.6 0.57 0.03 26.04 26.93 22.87
564 153.01 7.09 0 0 142.89 87.52 0.37 0.03 26.28 27.17 21.59
567 149.38 12.55 0 0 98.87 87.14 0.46 0.03 26.27 27.18 11.9
570 148.97 9.67 0 0 96.59 86.83 0.35 0.03 25.99 26.89 15.41
573 148.23 3.66 0 0 287.82 86.58 0.39 0.03 26.03 26.91 40.52
576 143.35 8.24 0 0 135.22 86.53 0.42 0.02 25.49 26.36 17.4
579 147.71 11.76 0 0 89.69 86.1 0.39 0.03 25.94 26.82 12.56
582 148.26 4.24 0 0 218.05 85.9 0.34 0.03 26.17 27.07 34.97
585 136.89 9.86 0 0 111.45 85.76 0.42 0.02 25.54 26.41 13.89
588 134.86 10.89 0 0 87.53 85.34 0.36 0.03 25.66 26.52 12.38
591 138.58 6.39 0 0 152.74 85.14 0.37 0.03 25.82 26.66 21.7
594 142.65 7.18 0 0 189.93 84.91 0.51 0.03 25.96 26.8 19.85
597 148.82 10.52 0 0 85.61 84.69 0.34 0.03 26 26.84 14.15
600 147.63 13.09 0 0 84.85 84.29 0.42 0.02 25.55 26.41 11.28
603 144.57 6.61 0 0 137.3 83.96 0.34 0.03 25.65 26.54 21.86

Appendix A - 76
606 138.25 9.55 0 0 85.91 83.84 0.31 0.02 25.52 26.41 14.48
609 134.1 9.97 0 0 85.09 83.41 0.32 0.02 25.52 26.38 13.45
612 136.41 6.99 0 0 111.02 83.26 0.3 0.02 25.08 25.91 19.53
615 147.44 5.87 0 0 185.22 82.97 0.4 0.03 26.49 27.35 25.1
618 142.96 11.15 0 0 105.03 82.87 0.44 0.02 25.53 26.38 12.83
621 138.32 11.79 0 0 78.49 82.34 0.36 0.02 24.55 25.38 11.73
624 144.6 3.93 0 0 280.72 82.21 0.42 0.03 25.59 26.46 36.76
627 146.77 9.6 0 0 80.95 82.01 0.29 0.03 26.29 27.19 15.29
630 143.29 11.09 0 0 82.58 81.66 0.34 0.03 25.7 26.57 12.93
633 143.74 9.86 0 0 100.48 81.37 0.38 0.02 25.49 26.37 14.58
636 143.7 7.37 0 0 111.69 81.08 0.31 0.03 25.75 26.62 19.49
639 137.56 12.85 0 0 56.95 80.87 0.28 0.02 25.56 26.44 10.71
642 139.77 10.71 0 0 91.82 80.36 0.38 0.02 25.29 26.14 13.05
645 146.52 6.5 0 0 180.32 80.25 0.44 0.03 25.8 26.66 22.56
648 145.65 10.14 0 0 123.87 79.91 0.46 0.03 26.43 27.34 14.36
651 138.87 12.46 0 0 78.44 79.65 0.37 0.03 25.83 26.72 11.14
654 141.36 6.55 0 0 181.13 79.22 0.44 0.03 25.97 26.86 21.59
657 140.77 6.42 0 0 207.89 79.21 0.5 0.03 26.01 26.9 21.93
660 138.18 14.77 0 0 60.03 78.78 0.33 0.03 25.68 26.54 9.36
663 142.02 8.21 0 0 145.03 78.43 0.44 0.03 25.95 26.83 17.3
666 139.48 6.23 0 0 151.05 78.26 0.35 0.03 25.76 26.65 22.4
669 137.21 8.26 0 0 133.94 78.02 0.42 0.02 25.47 26.32 16.6
672 137.85 12.42 0 0 83.79 77.75 0.4 0.02 25.15 26 11.1
675 136.95 8.33 0 0 106.27 77.33 0.33 0.03 25.66 26.55 16.44
678 133.69 7.78 0 0 121.5 77.23 0.35 0.03 25.9 26.76 17.19
681 133.56 13.8 0 0 59.72 76.82 0.31 0.03 25.65 26.5 9.68
684 138.2 11.1 0 0 84.05 76.46 0.35 0.03 25.66 26.51 12.45
687 140.52 9.15 0 0 133.45 76.15 0.46 0.02 25.55 26.38 15.35
690 143.66 9.41 0 0 98.62 75.89 0.34 0.03 26.3 27.19 15.27
693 140.08 12.21 0 0 65.48 75.57 0.3 0.03 25.98 26.87 11.48
696 140.72 6.61 0 0 113.27 75.21 0.28 0.03 25.87 26.75 21.29
699 138.63 8.91 0 0 103.3 75.12 0.35 0.02 25.45 26.3 15.57
702 138.08 11.94 0 0 91.62 74.67 0.42 0.02 25.28 26.14 11.57
705 144.64 9.38 0 0 105.91 74.45 0.38 0.02 25.4 26.26 15.42
708 152.27 6.08 0 0 181.93 74.11 0.41 0.03 26.18 27.07 25.04
711 146.72 11.74 0 0 108.92 74.02 0.49 0.02 25.28 26.15 12.5
714 151.55 13.25 0 0 66.47 73.44 0.32 0.03 26.27 27.2 11.43
717 148.25 5.87 0 0 179.32 73.29 0.4 0.02 25.38 26.29 25.24
720 155.22 12.54 0 0 88.7 73 0.41 0.03 25.95 26.9 12.38
723 156.36 11.58 0 0 118.03 72.58 0.52 0.02 25.47 26.41 13.51
726 162.36 10.18 0 0 127.81 72.31 0.49 0.02 25.61 26.58 15.94
729 156.1 10.36 0 0 114.64 71.96 0.46 0.02 24.83 25.79 15.06
732 154.11 11.9 0 0 74.33 71.67 0.34 0.02 25.26 26.25 12.95
735 156.59 13.78 0 0 75.27 71.24 0.39 0.03 25.72 26.72 11.36
738 161.52 8.41 0 0 152.85 70.9 0.48 0.02 25.55 26.54 19.2
741 161.35 8.88 0 0 149.38 70.7 0.5 0.02 25.41 26.41 18.17
744 161.74 15.25 0 0 102.55 70.32 0.59 0.02 25.63 26.66 10.61
747 167.5 10.17 0 0 119.91 69.86 0.45 0.03 26.06 27.13 16.47
750 174.41 8.06 0 0 160.52 69.69 0.47 0.03 26.52 27.61 21.65
753 168.41 14.27 0 0 88.75 69.32 0.47 0.03 25.96 27.03 11.8
756 164.22 12.42 0 0 88.62 68.89 0.42 0.02 24.92 25.97 13.23
759 171.62 9.56 0 0 139.3 68.58 0.5 0.02 25.69 26.77 17.95

Appendix A - 77
762 168.85 10.08 0 0 129.66 68.29 0.49 0.02 25.42 26.51 16.75
765 168.05 13.26 0 0 81.81 67.96 0.41 0.02 25.49 26.6 12.67
768 169.89 11.4 0 0 93.9 67.53 0.4 0.02 25.43 26.53 14.91
771 170.48 9.58 0 0 134.14 67.28 0.48 0.02 25.69 26.78 17.8
774 177.38 12.28 0 0 107.6 66.93 0.47 0.03 26.74 27.88 14.45
777 180.56 14.09 0 0 107.1 66.55 0.54 0.03 26.61 27.75 12.81
780 172.44 9.88 0 0 124.08 66.12 0.46 0.02 25.48 26.57 17.46
783 171.69 11.18 0 0 114.11 65.92 0.48 0.02 25.33 26.43 15.35
786 183.69 14.89 0 0 111.3 65.43 0.6 0.03 26.36 27.5 12.34
789 183.42 10.38 0 0 176.1 65.08 0.68 0.02 25.61 26.72 17.68
792 177.35 9.97 0 0 140.17 64.78 0.54 0.02 24.94 26.02 17.79
795 182.95 14.58 0 0 95.42 64.45 0.52 0.02 25.6 26.73 12.55
798 185.16 14.27 0 0 97.73 63.95 0.53 0.02 25.41 26.55 12.97
801 187.02 6.59 0 0 228.97 63.64 0.57 0.02 25.39 26.54 28.37
804 188.48 11.68 0 0 145.93 63.46 0.64 0.02 25.34 26.48 16.14
807 196.33 13.18 0 0 138.17 62.96 0.67 0.02 25.85 27.03 14.89
810 197.8 12.65 0 0 136.23 62.69 0.64 0.02 25.91 27.11 15.64
813 197.17 15.46 0 0 114.48 62.18 0.65 0.02 25.96 27.18 12.75
816 197.67 14.49 0 0 114.92 61.79 0.62 0.02 25.55 26.77 13.64
819 198.76 10.99 0 0 180.84 61.33 0.74 0.02 25.66 26.89 18.08
822 198.94 10.5 0 0 163.47 61.1 0.63 0.02 25.84 27.08 18.95
825 200.54 17.95 0 0 94.29 60.64 0.63 0.02 25.75 26.99 11.17
828 208.07 14.9 0 0 127.53 60.1 0.69 0.03 26.36 27.65 13.96
831 205.33 10.29 0 0 215.32 59.76 0.81 0.02 26.14 27.41 19.95
834 202.85 12.83 0 0 153.02 59.43 0.73 0.02 25.67 26.92 15.8
837 201.7 15.97 0 0 130.54 58.99 0.79 0.02 25.25 26.5 12.63
840 211.6 10.13 0 0 242.45 58.53 0.88 0.03 26.52 27.83 20.88
843 207.53 11.56 0 0 217.11 58.33 0.93 0.02 25.74 27 17.96
846 202.58 17.13 0 0 120.6 57.81 0.79 0.02 24.82 26.06 11.83
849 205.94 13.25 0 0 176.66 57.37 0.87 0.02 25.57 26.85 15.55
852 202.78 11.65 0 0 172.56 57 0.75 0.02 25.41 26.68 17.41
855 207.18 16.34 0 0 154.06 56.63 0.94 0.02 25.59 26.84 12.68
858 209.08 14.97 0 0 192.49 56.06 1.06 0.02 25.81 27.08 13.97
861 209.13 9.35 0 0 262.21 55.76 0.9 0.02 26.02 27.28 22.37
864 210.04 17.18 0 0 155.66 55.41 0.99 0.02 25.88 27.13 12.22
867 204.52 14.27 0 0 174.87 54.8 0.95 0.02 25.1 26.34 14.34
870 207.3 8.29 0 0 353.27 54.58 1.08 0.02 25.77 27.02 25.01
873 206.18 17.16 0 0 167.67 54.2 1.06 0.02 25.9 27.16 12.02
876 204.41 16.9 0 0 165.86 53.61 1.04 0.02 25.71 26.96 12.1
879 199.95 10.79 0 0 233.57 53.23 0.95 0.02 25.36 26.58 18.53
882 201.8 11.99 0 0 228.88 52.91 1.01 0.02 25.99 27.23 16.83
885 200.93 17.19 0 0 160.13 52.48 1.01 0.02 26.05 27.29 11.69
888 192.75 8.46 0 0 320.71 51.97 1.02 0.02 25.45 26.64 22.78
891 190.41 11.24 0 0 227.08 51.9 0.96 0.02 25.52 26.68 16.94
894 191.76 20.57 0 0 131.67 51.25 1 0.02 25.92 27.08 9.32
897 186.64 7.95 0 0 314.84 50.81 0.94 0.02 25.53 26.65 23.47
900 182.54 9.53 0 0 290.91 50.68 1.05 0.02 25.36 26.45 19.16
903 187.92 14.86 0 0 182.84 50.21 1 0.02 26.12 27.21 12.64
906 190.22 12.08 0 0 229.48 49.85 1.01 0.02 26.26 27.34 15.74
909 188.37 9 0 0 321.38 49.48 1.05 0.03 26.44 27.53 20.94
912 174.62 13.29 0 0 178.94 49.26 0.89 0.02 25.53 26.58 13.14
915 174.98 13.82 0 0 181.88 48.71 0.94 0.02 25.69 26.7 12.66

Appendix A - 78
918 176.49 7.71 0 0 375.71 48.47 1.06 0.03 26.41 27.42 22.89
921 162.7 11.25 0 0 229.56 48.19 0.98 0.02 25.38 26.36 14.46
924 162.92 13.46 0 0 181.24 47.81 0.93 0.02 25.42 26.35 12.1
927 160.33 8.83 0 0 288.16 47.43 0.98 0.02 25.16 26.05 18.15
930 162.35 7.1 0 0 397.02 47.25 1.05 0.02 25.95 26.85 22.85
933 161.31 14.36 0 0 154.15 46.94 0.82 0.02 25.99 26.86 11.24
936 159.92 9.31 0 0 269.16 46.48 0.93 0.02 26 26.85 17.17
939 158.24 6.66 0 0 380.71 46.37 0.94 0.02 26.04 26.87 23.76
942 158.35 11.27 0 0 176.58 46.03 0.74 0.02 26 26.82 14.06
945 163.14 9.8 0 0 199.55 45.73 0.72 0.03 26.39 27.21 16.64
948 155.91 8.25 0 0 285.65 45.44 0.86 0.03 26.41 27.25 18.91
951 149.34 9.74 0 0 202.82 45.21 0.73 0.03 26.32 27.12 15.33
954 145.4 12.61 0 0 149.62 44.85 0.71 0.02 25.96 26.74 11.53
957 142.55 5.97 0 0 344.82 44.52 0.77 0.02 25.89 26.63 23.87
960 139.18 7.07 0 0 291.38 44.44 0.78 0.02 25.52 26.25 19.68
963 144.41 11.7 0 0 148.8 44.07 0.65 0.03 26.1 26.82 12.34
966 146.63 7.68 0 0 244.66 43.8 0.7 0.03 26.11 26.83 19.1
969 139.7 7.69 0 0 250.83 43.59 0.71 0.03 26.3 27.03 18.17
972 135.58 9 0 0 126.73 43.32 0.42 0.03 26.14 26.84 15.07
975 133.58 8.59 0 0 176.89 43.06 0.57 0.02 25.77 26.45 15.54
978 133 5.4 0 0 347.4 42.82 0.69 0.03 26.55 27.23 24.63
981 126.41 10.24 0 0 148.97 42.68 0.58 0.02 25.61 26.24 12.35
984 125.66 8.35 0 0 228.14 42.25 0.72 0.02 25.72 26.35 15.04
987 124.48 5.43 0 0 199.13 42.19 0.41 0.03 26.05 26.66 22.92
990 114.8 6.7 0 0 188.72 41.9 0.48 0.02 25.72 26.3 17.13
993 112.66 7.42 0 0 132.2 41.79 0.37 0.03 25.97 26.54 15.18
996 110.52 6.77 0 0 208.87 41.47 0.53 0.03 26 26.55 16.32
999 105.65 3.6 0 0 232.19 41.4 0.31 0.03 26.02 26.55 29.36
1002 105 8.23 0 0 117.4 41.2 0.37 0.03 25.75 26.24 12.75
1005 105.23 4.43 0 0 214.74 40.96 0.36 0.02 25.67 26.15 23.75
1008 101.81 5.33 0 0 137.72 40.9 0.28 0.03 26.1 26.58 19.11
1011 99.07 5.81 0 0 171.06 40.64 0.37 0.03 26.28 26.74 17.06
1014 100.23 4.38 0 0 156.14 40.57 0.25 0.03 26.6 27.04 22.86
1017 99.55 3.03 0 0 309.82 40.38 0.35 0.03 26.11 26.54 32.87
1020 97.21 3.29 0 0 255.02 40.37 0.32 0.03 26.16 26.58 29.54
1023 94.57 10.38 0 0 49.59 40.14 0.19 0.03 26.65 27.07 9.11
1026 94.24 1.49 0 0 459.98 39.86 0.26 0.03 26.15 26.56 63.23
1029 92.01 1.95 0 0 377.52 39.99 0.28 0.03 25.95 26.34 47.28
1032 89.7 8.05 0 0 76.08 39.7 0.23 0.03 26.16 26.54 11.14
1035 91.85 0.55 -0.01 0 1128.38 39.59 0.23 0.03 26.26 26.64 168.02
1038 89.29 6.27 0 0 110.07 39.58 0.26 0.03 25.89 26.26 14.24
1041 84.15 6.45 0 0 56.39 39.25 0.14 0.03 26.24 26.61 13.06
1044 83.76 3.13 0 0 197.71 39.23 0.23 0.03 26.26 26.62 26.79
1047 85.38 2.33 0 0 241.56 39.05 0.21 0.03 25.93 26.29 36.67
1050 82.43 1.44 0 0 402.25 39.08 0.22 0.03 25.44 25.8 57.26
1053 83.36 9.95 0 0 50.09 38.9 0.19 0.03 26.31 26.68 8.38
1056 81.79 2.8 0 0 137.1 38.59 0.14 0.03 26.23 26.61 29.22
1059 83.7 0.34 -0.01 0 1249.79 38.71 0.16 0.03 26.29 26.66 244.85
1062 81 4.93 0 0 100.52 38.51 0.19 0.03 26.13 26.48 16.45
1065 77.47 3.67 0 0 109.39 38.45 0.15 0.03 26.17 26.53 21.13
1068 81.86 2.43 0 0 148.38 38.3 0.14 0.03 26.35 26.7 33.66
1071 79.45 1.84 0 0 181.03 38.29 0.13 0.03 26.02 26.37 43.11

Appendix A - 79
1074 76.76 7.32 0 0 54.59 38.15 0.15 0.03 26.21 26.57 10.49
1077 74.05 3.58 0 0 107.73 37.92 0.15 0.03 25.85 26.19 20.66
1080 76.29 -0.51 0.01 0 -948.71 37.93 0.18 0.03 26.15 26.5 -148.7
1083 76.86 8.46 0 0 36.36 37.86 0.12 0.03 26.22 26.56 9.09
1086 75.16 2.32 0 0 160.35 37.53 0.14 0.03 26.36 26.7 32.44
1089 75.38 -1.97 0 0 -199.12 37.71 0.15 0.03 25.91 26.26 -38.28
1092 78.29 5.83 0 0 60.06 37.56 0.13 0.03 26.67 27.03 13.44
1095 74.05 3.45 0 0 92.23 37.43 0.12 0.03 26.28 26.63 21.43
1098 73.01 3.64 0 0 85.49 37.35 0.12 0.03 26.28 26.65 20.08
1101 74.03 0.78 -0.01 0 583.09 37.23 0.17 0.03 26.1 26.46 95.3
1104 72.18 2.43 0 0 134.59 37.27 0.13 0.03 25.7 26.04 29.74
1107 73.89 6.84 0 0 49.19 37.06 0.13 0.03 26.2 26.55 10.81
1110 74.85 2.42 0 0 108.6 36.92 0.1 0.03 26.14 26.5 30.95
1113 73.27 -1.77 0 0 -199.54 36.92 0.13 0.03 25.93 26.3 -41.39
1116 72.29 3.31 0 0 110.64 36.96 0.14 0.03 25.73 26.09 21.81
1119 77.34 6.81 0 0 58.92 36.73 0.15 0.03 26 26.38 11.36
1122 75.12 -0.46 0.01 0 -951.38 36.62 0.17 0.03 26.04 26.43 -163.51
1125 72.76 1.38 0 0 213.08 36.7 0.11 0.03 26.63 27.03 52.91
1128 72.35 6.92 0 0 37.5 36.51 0.1 0.03 25.88 26.26 10.45
1131 74.17 2.71 0 0 118.06 36.35 0.12 0.03 25.82 26.21 27.33
1134 72.51 -1.59 0 0 -235.44 36.35 0.14 0.03 26.06 26.47 -45.54
1137 73.72 3.28 0 0 140.61 36.38 0.17 0.03 26.1 26.5 22.45
1140 74.74 6.74 0 0 45.38 36.17 0.12 0.03 25.56 25.96 11.09
1143 76.24 -0.48 0.01 0 -790.21 36.05 0.14 0.03 25.98 26.39 -159.82
1146 78.3 2.4 0 0 235.2 36.13 0.21 0.03 26.86 27.3 32.61
1149 77.73 7.18 0 0 44.12 35.89 0.12 0.03 25.96 26.39 10.82
1152 77.17 -2.4 0 0 -155.18 35.79 0.14 0.03 26.3 26.74 -32.15
1155 73.41 2.76 0 0 127.12 35.94 0.13 0.03 26.11 26.55 26.6
1158 72.04 7.25 0 0 51.67 35.63 0.14 0.03 25.97 26.4 9.94
1161 73.86 -0.55 0.01 0 -625.9 35.59 0.13 0.03 25.33 25.77 -134.54
1164 75.53 1.2 0 0 379.72 35.6 0.17 0.03 25.8 26.24 63.01
1167 73 4.03 0 0 89.73 35.5 0.14 0.03 25.8 26.23 18.12
1170 75.1 6.58 0 0 46.38 35.37 0.12 0.03 25.87 26.31 11.42
1173 75.93 -1.88 0 0 -234.92 35.18 0.17 0.03 25.84 26.28 -40.31
1176 71.47 1.27 0 0 410.63 35.39 0.2 0.03 26.01 26.46 56.08
1179 72.49 12.09 0 0 31.61 35.06 0.14 0.03 26.34 26.8 6
1182 74.59 -2.61 0 0 -137.67 34.84 0.14 0.03 25.48 25.93 -28.62
1185 75.58 -0.43 0.01 0 -1058.03 35.1 0.17 0.03 25.85 26.29 -175.23
1188 73.61 7.71 0 0 43.5 34.82 0.13 0.03 25.69 26.16 9.55
1191 71.51 2.42 0 0 95.97 34.73 0.09 0.03 25.64 26.09 29.53
1194 68.01 1.6 0 0 218.1 34.65 0.13 0.03 25.93 26.39 42.63
1197 67.74 1.64 0 0 233.96 34.62 0.15 0.03 25.99 26.43 41.25
1200 72.15 4.49 0 0 65.56 34.54 0.11 0.03 26.63 27.08 16.06
1203 69.45 -0.41 0.01 0 -1051.91 34.4 0.16 0.03 26.12 26.57 -168.49
1206 65.37 2.34 0 0 150.69 34.51 0.14 0.03 25.68 26.12 27.89
1209 64.82 7.26 0 0 38.6 34.25 0.11 0.03 25.72 26.15 8.93
1212 69.57 -3.01 0 0 -110.06 34.17 0.12 0.03 26.3 26.73 -23.14
1215 67.28 0.43 -0.01 0 592.29 34.34 0.1 0.03 25.8 26.23 155.44
1218 62.71 6.23 0 0 43.46 34.13 0.1 0.03 26.07 26.49 10.07
1221 63.23 0.74 -0.01 0 418.21 34.05 0.12 0.03 26.15 26.57 85.37
1224 64.62 1.02 0 0 244.2 34.05 0.09 0.03 26.24 26.65 63.61
1227 60.67 3.31 0 0 100.16 33.97 0.13 0.03 26.14 26.55 18.31

Appendix A - 80
1230 58.37 3.89 0 0 70.53 33.86 0.1 0.03 26 26.39 14.99
1233 61.9 -0.79 0 0 -335.29 33.77 0.1 0.03 26.29 26.69 -78.74
1236 58.98 0.4 -0.01 0 796.87 33.87 0.12 0.03 25.64 26.02 146.92
1239 58.15 7.33 0 0 32.21 33.71 0.09 0.03 26.3 26.68 7.93
1242 58.12 0.18 -0.03 0 843.03 33.52 0.06 0.03 25.82 26.21 330.82
1245 60.99 -1.17 0 0 -274.92 33.66 0.12 0.03 26.22 26.58 -52.26
1248 58.38 5.11 0 0 51.6 33.54 0.1 0.03 25.83 26.2 11.43
1251 56.33 1.38 0 0 106.07 33.42 0.06 0.03 26.13 26.5 40.82
1254 57.09 0.19 -0.02 0 1460.93 33.44 0.11 0.03 26.08 26.43 297.3
1257 55.11 0.87 -0.01 0 276.7 33.39 0.09 0.03 26.26 26.6 63.2
1260 51.7 3.93 0 0 85.6 33.37 0.13 0.03 25.53 25.87 13.16
1263 53.68 5.88 0 0 38.14 33.17 0.08 0.03 26.09 26.43 9.12
1266 53.49 -1.61 0 0 -155.28 33.08 0.09 0.03 26.19 26.53 -33.24
1269 48.34 1.64 0 0 157.85 33.19 0.1 0.03 25.87 26.2 29.39
1272 50 5.64 0 0 38.96 32.98 0.08 0.03 26.12 26.46 8.87
1275 52.79 -0.61 0.01 0 -289.14 32.92 0.06 0.03 26.75 27.09 -87.22
1278 47.84 1.05 0 0 278.33 32.97 0.11 0.03 26.14 26.47 45.37
1281 47.14 1.68 0 0 131.47 32.86 0.08 0.03 26.32 26.64 28.05
1284 50.53 2.06 0 0 85.9 32.87 0.07 0.03 26.58 26.9 24.47
1287 48.43 -0.81 0.01 0 -258.11 32.76 0.08 0.03 26.37 26.68 -59.84
1290 48.82 0.99 0 0 197.27 32.88 0.07 0.03 26.36 26.66 49.21
1293 51.74 6.71 0 0 24.26 32.68 0.06 0.03 26.21 26.51 7.71
1296 50.17 -3.94 0 0 -61.85 32.59 0.09 0.03 25.83 26.14 -12.74
1299 44.87 0.33 -0.01 0 465.03 32.81 0.06 0.03 25.71 26.02 136.79
1302 47.24 7.3 0 0 15.47 32.55 0.04 0.03 26.23 26.55 6.47
1305 48.8 -2.94 0 0 -80.45 32.49 0.09 0.03 26.57 26.88 -16.6
1308 43.57 1.09 0 0 218.19 32.63 0.09 0.03 26.28 26.57 39.96
1311 42.64 5.59 0 0 35.21 32.42 0.07 0.03 25.96 26.26 7.63
1314 45.04 -1.61 0 0 -188.8 32.38 0.11 0.03 26.21 26.51 -28.03
1317 44.59 -0.11 0.04 0 -1973.96 32.46 0.08 0.03 26 26.29 -423.95
1320 44.9 3.72 0 0 42.95 32.36 0.06 0.03 26.21 26.5 12.07
1323 48.32 1.51 0 0 112.62 32.28 0.06 0.03 26.49 26.78 31.96
1326 47.71 -0.43 0.01 0 -873.75 32.27 0.14 0.03 26.03 26.34 -110.44
1329 45.64 1.37 0 0 199.65 32.28 0.1 0.03 26.01 26.32 33.34
1332 44.57 4.65 0 0 53.09 32.18 0.09 0.03 25.93 26.26 9.59
1335 45.15 0.25 -0.02 0 805.31 32.05 0.08 0.03 26.39 26.71 180.12
1338 39.39 -1.31 0 0 -177.76 32.15 0.09 0.03 25.88 26.19 -30.14
1341 37.36 5.61 0 0 45.69 32.07 0.1 0.03 25.74 26.05 6.66
1344 39.01 1.44 0 0 160.97 31.89 0.09 0.03 25.92 26.23 27.09
1347 38.51 -3.34 0 0 -100.28 31.99 0.13 0.03 26.51 26.81 -11.51
1350 36.43 6.11 0 0 41.1 31.99 0.09 0.03 26.52 26.81 5.96
1353 37.86 3.19 0 0 63.77 31.71 0.08 0.03 26.41 26.71 11.85
1356 38.63 -4.27 0 0 -50.3 31.83 0.08 0.03 26.52 26.81 -9.05
1359 34.88 2.96 0 0 104.31 31.86 0.12 0.03 26.29 26.57 11.77
1362 35.69 3.51 0 0 67.64 31.69 0.09 0.03 25.95 26.22 10.18
1365 38.51 1.31 0 0 169.92 31.68 0.08 0.03 26.18 26.45 29.46
1368 35.8 -0.24 0.02 0 -1370.62 31.61 0.12 0.03 26.04 26.3 -150.1
1371 34.43 -0.72 0.01 0 -385.57 31.68 0.11 0.03 26.16 26.42 -47.64
1374 37.41 4.48 0 0 39.07 31.62 0.07 0.03 26.15 26.41 8.34
1377 37.51 -0.26 0.02 0 -972.19 31.47 0.1 0.03 26.3 26.58 -141.83
1380 34.66 0.06 -0.08 0 5404.09 31.6 0.11 0.03 25.91 26.19 622.45
1383 34.96 5.46 0 0 55.47 31.44 0.11 0.03 26.24 26.52 6.41

Appendix A - 81
1386 35.89 -2.87 0 0 -106.5 31.36 0.12 0.03 26 26.27 -12.51
1389 33.53 -0.92 0 0 -327.65 31.54 0.11 0.03 26.41 26.69 -36.56
1392 33.26 4.64 0 0 62.16 31.39 0.11 0.03 26.23 26.51 7.17
1395 35.07 -1.86 0 0 -145.53 31.35 0.1 0.03 26.11 26.38 -18.85
1398 34.35 0.4 -0.01 0.01 1207.44 31.45 0.18 0.03 26.09 26.36 85.72
1401 31.89 3.96 0 0 81.78 31.31 0.12 0.03 26.36 26.64 8.05
1404 33.2 -0.99 0 0 -272.52 31.27 0.1 0.03 25.91 26.18 -33.46
1407 33.76 -0.65 0.01 -0.02 -553.75 31.34 0.14 0.03 25.99 26.26 -51.8
1410 30.51 0.73 -0.01 0.02 395.42 31.3 0.11 0.03 26.53 26.81 41.69
1413 29.91 2.37 0 0.01 81.76 31.29 0.07 0.03 26.13 26.4 12.63
1416 32.49 3.24 0 0 81.31 31.16 0.1 0.03 26.21 26.48 10.04
1419 31.63 -2.26 0 0 -179.48 31.14 0.15 0.03 26.29 26.56 -14.01
1422 29.2 0.95 0 0 222.8 31.24 0.08 0.03 26.15 26.42 30.85
1425 27.6 5.03 0 0 38.17 31.08 0.07 0.03 26.34 26.62 5.49
1428 30.79 -3.19 0 -0.01 -101.12 31.02 0.12 0.03 26.2 26.46 -9.66
1431 30.27 0.61 -0.01 0.05 466.16 31.19 0.11 0.03 25.84 26.1 49.28
1434 26.78 7.25 0 0 27.72 30.96 0.08 0.03 26.03 26.3 3.7
1437 26.51 -1.5 0 -0.01 -160.72 30.86 0.09 0.03 25.95 26.21 -17.72
1440 27.38 -2.69 0 -0.01 -78.77 31 0.08 0.03 25.97 26.23 -10.17
1443 25.5 4.75 0 0 46.06 30.96 0.08 0.03 25.93 26.2 5.37
1446 24.1 -0.84 0.01 -0.04 -241.84 30.81 0.08 0.03 26.13 26.39 -28.76
1449 26.99 -2.58 0 -0.01 -130.34 30.98 0.13 0.03 25.71 25.96 -10.46
1452 26.74 4.41 0 0.01 65.52 30.9 0.11 0.03 25.61 25.85 6.06
1455 24.87 -0.29 0.01 -0.14 -834.94 30.8 0.09 0.03 25.67 25.91 -87.03
1458 23.93 -3.36 0 -0.01 -73.09 30.91 0.09 0.03 25.87 26.11 -7.12
1461 26.56 2.78 0 0.02 127.9 30.94 0.14 0.03 26.12 26.37 9.54
1464 26.75 1.36 0 0.06 194.69 30.79 0.1 0.03 26.42 26.68 19.69
1467 23.45 -0.37 0.01 -0.21 -485.48 30.86 0.07 0.03 25.38 25.64 -63.2
1470 23.07 0.61 -0.01 0.12 584.37 30.8 0.14 0.03 26.08 26.34 37.81
1473 22.52 -1.81 0 -0.06 -210.12 30.84 0.15 0.03 25.82 26.07 -12.42
1476 21.7 3.64 0 0.05 90.75 30.85 0.12 0.03 26.36 26.61 5.96
1479 19.76 1.73 0 0.08 203.25 30.67 0.13 0.03 26.02 26.25 11.43
1482 23.27 -3.17 0 -0.04 -119.14 30.77 0.14 0.03 26.75 26.99 -7.33
1485 23.4 3.07 0 0.03 122.64 30.79 0.14 0.03 26.36 26.6 7.62
1488 20.78 1.89 0 0.06 153.18 30.63 0.11 0.03 26.16 26.39 11
1491 19.51 -0.8 0 -0.16 -440.16 30.69 0.13 0.03 26.49 26.73 -24.45
1494 21.2 1.94 0 0.07 169.87 30.64 0.13 0.03 26.1 26.34 10.92
1497 19.53 1.86 0 0.11 181.94 30.59 0.13 0.03 26.34 26.57 10.51
1500 18.12 2.15 0 0.1 152.17 30.53 0.12 0.03 26.26 26.49 8.42
1503 17.53 -0.37 0.01 -0.35 -1082.5 30.48 0.16 0.03 25.89 26.12 -46.82
1506 19.17 -4.32 0 -0.03 -68.36 30.56 0.11 0.03 25.82 26.05 -4.43
1509 18.49 1.16 0 0.19 348.39 30.67 0.16 0.03 25.63 25.86 15.99
1512 15.2 5.15 0 0.04 50.55 30.51 0.1 0.03 25.9 26.12 2.95
1515 15.65 -5.21 0 -0.04 -56.02 30.46 0.11 0.03 26.09 26.32 -3
1518 17.84 -1.19 0.01 -0.17 -347.04 30.72 0.15 0.03 26.93 27.16 -14.99
1521 17.38 6.03 0 0.04 52.21 30.51 0.12 0.03 26.33 26.54 2.88
1524 13.92 -2.28 0 -0.1 -160.22 30.47 0.14 0.03 26.48 26.69 -6.1
1527 14.51 0.01 -0.52 23.22 37575.71 30.58 0.14 0.03 25.85 26.06 1451.16
1530 15.74 0.01 -0.46 23.43 36339.86 30.47 0.14 0.03 25.75 25.97 1573.76

Appendix A - 82
Paper (stacked flat) Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 214.42
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 23.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 54.09
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 149.48
Total Mass Loss (g): 41.20
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.064
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.13
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 61.05
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0373

Initial mass (g): 371.8
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 704

Appendix A - 83
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -0.15 0.01 -0.4 -0.03 0 371.71 0 0.03 25.51 25.7 -14.52

5 -0.58 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 0 371.74 0 0.03 25.77 25.96 -57.81
8 3.46 0.16 -0.02 0.01 2758.2 371.82 0.17 0.03 25.17 25.36 21.66
11 14.75 14.41 0 0 7.52 371.65 0.04 0.03 24.52 24.73 1.02
14 59.91 19.49 0 0 27.66 371.03 0.23 0.02 23.32 23.78 3.07
17 115.72 12.44 0 0.01 111.93 370.57 0.56 0.03 23.97 24.69 9.3
20 194 15.61 0 0.01 20.37 370.23 0.13 0.03 24.42 25.27 12.43
23 214.42 11.09 0 0.01 0 369.68 0 0.03 24.8 25.79 19.34
26 207.46 7.02 0 0.01 0 369.55 0 0.03 24.69 25.72 29.53
29 190.23 17.78 0 0.01 0 369.16 0 0.03 24.94 26.03 10.7
32 177.27 15.62 0 0.01 0 368.57 0 0.03 24.6 25.72 11.35
35 171.09 8.76 0 0.02 0 368.26 0 0.03 24.81 25.95 19.52
38 172.16 7.64 0 0.03 2.26 368 0.01 0.03 25.08 26.23 22.54
41 166.6 14.51 0 0.01 0 367.75 0 0.03 24.91 26.05 11.48
44 155.76 10.31 0 0.02 0 367.21 0 0.03 24.74 25.86 15.11
47 155.34 3.94 0 0.06 0 367.14 0 0.03 25.38 26.53 39.43
50 151.8 14.96 0 0.01 0.59 366.85 0 0.03 24.74 25.85 10.15
53 155.07 18.23 0 0.01 5.63 366.3 0.04 0.03 25.46 26.59 8.51
56 159.84 10.08 0 0.03 0 365.84 0 0.03 25.72 26.86 15.85
59 164.09 9.38 0 0.03 0 365.64 0 0.03 25 26.12 17.49
62 169.29 13.85 0 0.02 3.62 365.24 0.02 0.03 25.25 26.36 12.23
65 166.77 10.78 0 0.03 7.38 364.86 0.03 0.03 24.83 25.94 15.47
68 174.06 13.76 0 0.02 0 364.56 0 0.03 25.97 27.11 12.65
71 163.31 14.93 0 0.02 0.85 364.05 0 0.03 24.85 25.93 10.94
74 164.35 12.02 0 0.03 8.75 363.69 0.04 0.03 25.25 26.36 13.68
77 168.04 7.92 0 0.05 2.24 363.33 0.01 0.02 24.86 25.95 21.23
80 171.21 12.6 0 0.03 6.39 363.15 0.03 0.03 25.18 26.28 13.58
83 166.86 17.03 0 0.02 3.88 362.58 0.02 0.03 25.4 26.48 9.8
86 166.07 5.99 0 0.06 0.33 362.24 0 0.03 25.44 26.52 27.72
89 161.28 10.49 0 0.03 2.9 362.12 0.01 0.02 24.75 25.78 15.37
92 157.13 14.65 0 0.02 0 361.6 0 0.02 24.86 25.87 10.72
95 161.32 10.47 0 0.04 14.11 361.3 0.05 0.03 26.05 27.1 15.41
98 157.35 9 0 0.04 0 360.96 0 0.03 25.66 26.67 17.48
101 150.81 8.42 0 0.04 6.19 360.75 0.02 0.03 25.37 26.34 17.91
104 144.63 13.05 0 0.02 12.74 360.42 0.06 0.03 25.28 26.23 11.09
107 143.23 5.51 0 0.05 6.19 360.04 0.01 0.03 25.78 26.72 26.01
110 144.27 11.46 0 0.03 9.1 360.01 0.04 0.03 26.15 27.08 12.59
113 136.13 14 0 0.02 0 359.38 0 0.03 25.43 26.32 9.72
116 135.11 1.88 0 0.13 75.98 359.26 0.05 0.03 25.55 26.42 72.04
119 133.37 12.06 0 0.02 6.4 359.12 0.03 0.03 25.6 26.46 11.06
122 134.72 10.13 0 0.02 3.78 358.61 0.01 0.03 26.14 26.98 13.3
125 123.7 5.01 0 0.04 5.66 358.54 0.01 0.03 25.36 26.17 24.72
128 119.95 6.62 0 0.03 0 358.26 0 0.03 25.38 26.16 18.12
131 120.91 9.46 0 0.02 11.56 358.13 0.04 0.03 25.83 26.6 12.77
134 117.97 9.81 0 0.02 11.97 357.72 0.04 0.03 25.7 26.45 12.03
137 113.23 7.07 0 0.03 0 357.56 0 0.03 25.37 26.1 16.01

Appendix A - 84
140 116.51 11.45 0 0.02 1.06 357.25 0 0.03 25.68 26.41 10.18
143 116.04 8.98 0 0.03 15.25 356.92 0.05 0.03 25.66 26.38 12.93
146 111.85 2.77 0 0.09 18.28 356.73 0.02 0.03 25.61 26.3 40.43
149 111.56 6.78 0 0.04 2.6 356.68 0.01 0.03 25.79 26.47 16.47
152 111.96 14.45 0 0.02 5.9 356.3 0.03 0.03 25.84 26.5 7.75
155 108.42 8.08 0 0.04 0 355.92 0 0.03 25.72 26.38 13.41
158 103.52 1.1 -0.01 0.27 8.94 355.82 0 0.03 25.15 25.78 93.75
161 107.01 6.7 0 0.04 0 355.76 0 0.03 25.92 26.55 15.97
164 107.31 11.24 0 0.02 4.88 355.43 0.02 0.03 26.04 26.65 9.55
167 104.69 5.18 0 0.04 13.14 355.16 0.03 0.03 26.18 26.78 20.21
170 97.88 2.28 0 0.11 11.46 355.09 0.01 0.03 25.84 26.41 42.95
173 96.6 9.59 0 0.03 1.01 354.95 0 0.03 25.64 26.2 10.07
176 96.87 8.06 0 0.03 0 354.58 0 0.03 25.69 26.25 12.03
179 95.94 6.34 0 0.04 0 354.48 0 0.03 26.07 26.62 15.13
182 96.36 7.96 0 0.03 4.02 354.17 0.01 0.03 25.81 26.36 12.1
185 96.32 5.58 0 0.04 0 354.02 0 0.03 25.84 26.37 17.25
188 91.57 4.45 0 0.06 0 353.83 0 0.03 25.83 26.36 20.55
191 90.67 7.01 0 0.03 0 353.73 0 0.03 25.81 26.32 12.93
194 93.03 11.16 0 0.02 0 353.4 0 0.03 26.34 26.85 8.33
197 90.58 5.83 0 0.04 1.43 353.13 0 0.03 25.97 26.47 15.55
200 86.12 0.1 -0.04 2.12 0 353.05 0 0.03 25.54 26.03 849.69
203 88.08 4.52 0 0.05 0 353.04 0 0.03 25.79 26.28 19.47
206 89.88 12.71 0 0.02 0 352.75 0 0.03 26 26.48 7.07
209 86.96 9.45 0 0.02 0 352.37 0 0.03 25.72 26.19 9.2
212 86.71 -0.44 0.01 -0.51 0 352.23 0 0.03 25.79 26.26 -199.01
215 87.04 8.88 0 0.03 0 352.26 0 0.03 25.99 26.45 9.8
218 82.28 11.89 0 0.02 0 351.74 0 0.03 25.29 25.73 6.92
221 80.59 -0.09 0.05 -2.75 0 351.65 0 0.03 25.71 26.16 -933.77
224 81.94 7.3 0 0.03 0 351.62 0 0.03 25.49 25.92 11.22
227 83.3 10.57 0 0.02 0 351.23 0 0.03 25.56 25.99 7.88
230 78.51 2.54 0 0.08 0 351.06 0 0.03 24.97 25.4 30.87
233 80.89 4.72 0 0.05 0 351.01 0 0.03 25.61 26.05 17.13
236 83.26 9.77 0 0.02 0 350.76 0 0.03 25.79 26.23 8.53
239 80.35 8.64 0 0.03 0 350.48 0 0.03 25.31 25.74 9.3
242 78.65 -0.15 0.03 -1.55 0 350.29 0 0.03 25.69 26.11 -539.18
245 76.58 5.43 0 0.04 0 350.38 0 0.03 25.72 26.15 14.1
248 76.98 10.3 0 0.02 0 349.96 0 0.03 25.99 26.42 7.47
251 73.71 3.8 0 0.06 0 349.85 0 0.03 25.6 26.01 19.39
254 70.96 4.8 0 0.04 0 349.69 0 0.03 25.65 26.06 14.79
257 73.26 6.2 0 0.03 0 349.55 0 0.03 25.45 25.86 11.82
260 75.34 7 0 0.03 0 349.33 0 0.03 25.52 25.93 10.77
263 70.87 3.08 0 0.06 0 349.16 0 0.03 24.96 25.36 22.98
266 74.13 5.75 0 0.03 0 349.09 0 0.03 25.96 26.37 12.9
269 74.78 9.4 0 0.02 0 348.81 0 0.03 25.81 26.22 7.96
272 74.07 1.2 0 0.17 0 348.61 0 0.03 25.64 26.04 61.9
275 71.86 5.51 0 0.03 0 348.66 0 0.03 25.44 25.84 13.04
278 70.52 8.68 0 0.02 0 348.28 0 0.03 25.18 25.58 8.12
281 74.56 3.83 0 0.05 0 348.19 0 0.03 26.15 26.57 19.46
284 73.76 3.17 0 0.07 0 348.03 0 0.03 26.19 26.61 23.29
287 70.87 4.68 0 0.04 12.28 347.98 0.02 0.03 25.85 26.25 15.13
290 73.07 10.8 0 0.02 5.07 347.72 0.02 0.03 25.8 26.21 6.77
293 72.19 6.16 0 0.03 0 347.41 0 0.03 25.24 25.64 11.72

Appendix A - 85
296 70.26 4.09 0 0.05 0 347.34 0 0.03 25.71 26.12 17.18
299 70.73 2.68 0 0.08 57.4 347.15 0.06 0.03 26.05 26.47 26.36
302 70.11 7.07 0 0.03 27.33 347.14 0.07 0.03 25.39 25.79 9.91
305 70.04 4.97 0 0.04 36.65 346.77 0.07 0.03 25.78 26.19 14.08
308 66.74 2 0 0.1 93.3 346.84 0.07 0.03 25.55 25.95 33.37
311 70.12 8.8 0 0.02 26.19 346.59 0.09 0.03 26.18 26.6 7.96
314 68.19 6.97 0 0.03 44.97 346.37 0.12 0.03 25.59 26 9.78
317 66.97 3 0 0.07 109.16 346.19 0.12 0.03 25.95 26.35 22.33
320 67.74 2.95 0 0.07 127.84 346.16 0.14 0.03 25.99 26.39 22.97
323 68.12 8.38 0 0.02 54.39 345.97 0.18 0.03 25.42 25.8 8.13
326 66.48 7.22 0 0.03 63.56 345.71 0.18 0.03 25.77 26.16 9.21
329 64.44 1.53 0 0.15 326.38 345.57 0.19 0.03 25.6 25.99 42.24
332 65.31 4.33 0 0.05 129.97 345.55 0.22 0.03 25.61 26 15.1
335 66.58 10 0 0.02 56.66 345.29 0.22 0.03 25.59 25.98 6.66
338 63.19 3.84 0 0.06 162.06 345.03 0.24 0.03 25.19 25.57 16.47
341 62.34 3.29 0 0.06 203.08 345.03 0.26 0.03 25.32 25.69 18.94
344 63.48 4.35 0 0.05 155.33 344.82 0.26 0.03 25.39 25.77 14.59
347 63.27 7.55 0 0.03 103.08 344.75 0.3 0.03 25.3 25.68 8.38
350 63.52 4.55 0 0.05 190.16 344.41 0.33 0.03 25.93 26.31 13.96
353 66.26 3.62 0 0.06 237.1 344.47 0.32 0.03 26.09 26.48 18.29
356 63.48 7.88 0 0.03 92.51 344.16 0.28 0.03 25.38 25.76 8.06
359 61.87 0.97 -0.01 0.22 927.82 344.06 0.35 0.03 25.62 26.01 63.91
362 63.38 5.74 0 0.04 150.35 344.02 0.33 0.03 25.7 26.09 11.04
365 64.99 9.97 0 0.02 85.86 343.72 0.33 0.03 25.56 25.95 6.52
368 64.34 2.82 0 0.08 254.76 343.51 0.28 0.03 25.75 26.14 22.79
371 61.5 -0.29 0.02 -0.74 -2679.92 343.52 0.31 0.03 25.28 25.66 -209.48
374 61.82 6.73 0 0.04 124.12 343.45 0.32 0.03 25.47 25.85 9.18
377 63.95 10.61 0 0.02 86.55 343.15 0.35 0.03 25.76 26.15 6.03
380 62.37 0.81 -0.01 0.28 1086.91 342.91 0.34 0.03 25.84 26.21 76.77
383 60.56 0.05 -0.08 4.54 16783.61 343.03 0.34 0.03 25.5 25.87 1166
386 61.49 10.58 0 0.02 82.11 342.83 0.33 0.03 25.72 26.09 5.81
389 61.38 7.72 0 0.03 111.84 342.49 0.33 0.03 25.47 25.84 7.95
392 59.23 -0.42 0.01 -0.58 -2049.46 342.4 0.33 0.03 25.82 26.19 -141.07
395 59.4 2.74 0 0.09 333.68 342.44 0.35 0.03 25.58 25.95 21.69
398 60.28 9.09 0 0.03 99.09 342.22 0.35 0.03 25.48 25.85 6.63
401 61.45 2.54 0 0.1 297.62 341.98 0.29 0.03 25.54 25.91 24.17
404 57.12 5.18 0 0.05 173.84 342 0.35 0.03 25.31 25.68 11.02
407 60.32 7.25 0 0.03 136.94 341.67 0.37 0.03 26.11 26.5 8.32
410 61.18 4.58 0 0.05 203.08 341.6 0.35 0.03 25.9 26.29 13.36
413 58.23 2.58 0 0.09 364.66 341.39 0.36 0.03 25.42 25.79 22.56
416 57.36 5.43 0 0.05 166 341.41 0.35 0.03 25.58 25.95 10.57
419 59.01 9.6 0 0.03 98.12 341.06 0.36 0.03 25.77 26.14 6.15
422 58.54 1.84 0 0.13 479.46 340.92 0.34 0.03 25.31 25.67 31.82
425 57.83 -0.2 0.02 -1.15 -4698.01 340.91 0.36 0.03 26.08 26.45 -288.91
428 55.07 7.13 0 0.03 136.63 340.86 0.38 0.03 25.37 25.73 7.72
431 57.91 8.83 0 0.03 102.22 340.52 0.35 0.03 25.28 25.64 6.56
434 59.28 -0.34 0.02 -0.64 -2779.39 340.41 0.36 0.03 25.66 26.02 -175.35
437 57.47 4.7 0 0.05 201.67 340.44 0.36 0.03 26.09 26.46 12.23
440 55.75 8.11 0 0.03 125.79 340.13 0.39 0.03 25.97 26.33 6.87
443 57.7 5.13 0 0.05 206.3 340.01 0.4 0.03 26 26.36 11.24
446 56.97 1.85 0 0.14 551.78 339.83 0.39 0.03 25.6 25.96 30.77
449 54.82 2.63 0 0.1 342.45 339.86 0.35 0.03 25.31 25.67 20.85

Appendix A - 86
452 56.47 8.99 0 0.03 110.64 339.63 0.39 0.03 25.37 25.74 6.28
455 56.71 6.47 0 0.04 148.66 339.38 0.37 0.03 25.46 25.83 8.76
458 54.7 3.3 0 0.08 283.8 339.25 0.36 0.03 25.49 25.85 16.56
461 53.23 0.59 -0.01 0.41 1752.85 339.18 0.4 0.03 25.33 25.69 90.6
464 57.23 6.9 0 0.03 155.13 339.16 0.41 0.03 26.02 26.39 8.3
467 57.09 6.62 0 0.04 146.65 338.81 0.38 0.03 25.36 25.72 8.62
470 54.06 2.5 0 0.1 397.85 338.79 0.38 0.03 25.47 25.84 21.63
473 55.81 8.32 0 0.03 124.02 338.59 0.4 0.03 25.72 26.09 6.71
476 57.26 7.45 0 0.04 144.79 338.33 0.41 0.03 25.98 26.35 7.69
479 55.05 1.58 0 0.18 629.07 338.18 0.39 0.03 25.1 25.46 34.9
482 53.78 1.92 0 0.14 552.8 338.19 0.41 0.03 25.35 25.71 28.08
485 55.81 6.2 0 0.04 158.75 338.04 0.38 0.03 25.41 25.77 9.01
488 56.25 6.49 0 0.04 162.72 337.85 0.41 0.03 25.13 25.48 8.67
491 55.62 1.03 -0.01 0.26 942.51 337.69 0.37 0.03 25.9 26.27 54.04
494 54.17 3.4 0 0.08 336.22 337.73 0.43 0.03 26.03 26.4 15.95
497 57.15 8.45 0 0.03 127.7 337.46 0.41 0.03 25.82 26.19 6.77
500 58.58 5.38 0 0.05 180.48 337.28 0.37 0.03 26.18 26.55 10.88
503 56.67 3.62 0 0.07 263.13 337.14 0.36 0.03 25.93 26.3 15.67
506 55.7 2.85 0 0.09 353.15 337.06 0.38 0.03 25.8 26.17 19.54
509 57.85 6.27 0 0.04 159.26 336.94 0.38 0.03 26.04 26.41 9.23
512 57.59 3.46 0 0.08 291.78 336.72 0.38 0.03 26.07 26.44 16.65
515 54.54 4.21 0 0.06 238.49 336.71 0.39 0.03 25.37 25.74 12.97
518 56.31 5.52 0 0.05 169.97 336.46 0.36 0.03 25.49 25.86 10.21
521 57.88 4.76 0 0.06 198.07 336.39 0.36 0.03 25.82 26.2 12.16
524 55.86 2.67 0 0.1 353.37 336.19 0.36 0.03 25.62 26 20.94
527 55.03 4.76 0 0.06 217.03 336.2 0.4 0.03 25.7 26.08 11.56
530 57.36 9.65 0 0.03 97.96 335.88 0.37 0.03 25.51 25.89 5.94
533 55.32 4.41 0 0.06 201.13 335.69 0.35 0.03 25.32 25.69 12.53
536 54.39 1.49 0 0.18 505.62 335.61 0.29 0.03 25.42 25.8 36.45
539 56.44 2.35 0 0.11 395.33 335.57 0.36 0.03 25.36 25.75 24
542 58.59 8.8 0 0.03 104.58 335.43 0.34 0.03 26.32 26.71 6.66
545 56.05 3.29 0 0.09 277.32 335.13 0.34 0.03 26.09 26.48 17.02
548 54.42 -2.26 0 -0.12 -365.82 335.23 0.32 0.03 25.38 25.75 -24.1
551 54.67 9.85 0 0.03 81.01 335.14 0.31 0.03 25.11 25.48 5.55
554 53.78 5.2 0 0.05 152.07 334.75 0.3 0.03 25.62 26 10.35
557 56.44 1.43 0 0.2 565.91 334.83 0.3 0.03 26.22 26.6 39.42
560 57.31 6.03 0 0.05 142.17 334.6 0.32 0.03 26.27 26.65 9.5
563 54.41 5.46 0 0.05 148.7 334.5 0.31 0.03 25.66 26.03 9.97
566 52.46 4.77 0 0.06 167 334.28 0.3 0.03 25.84 26.22 11
569 54.71 0.51 -0.01 0.56 1172.31 334.23 0.23 0.03 25.36 25.72 106.51
572 54.53 6.78 0 0.04 91.14 334.18 0.24 0.03 25.72 26.09 8.05
575 51.61 4.29 0 0.07 144.22 333.88 0.24 0.03 25.44 25.81 12.04
578 53.96 3.7 0 0.08 128.2 333.92 0.18 0.03 25.57 25.93 14.6
581 53.97 2.97 0 0.1 145.73 333.66 0.17 0.03 25.49 25.84 18.17
584 51.85 4.6 0 0.07 73.08 333.72 0.13 0.03 25.4 25.76 11.26
587 50.9 5.14 0 0.06 62.39 333.39 0.13 0.03 25.27 25.62 9.91
590 53.89 3.65 0 0.08 52.52 333.43 0.07 0.03 25.67 26.03 14.76
593 52.69 8.2 0 0.04 19.44 333.14 0.06 0.03 25.76 26.12 6.42
596 50.92 4.32 0 0.07 9.07 332.99 0.02 0.03 25.63 25.99 11.78
599 55.09 1.06 0 0.28 33.26 332.87 0.01 0.03 26.12 26.49 52.05
602 54.74 7.66 0 0.04 11.56 332.86 0.03 0.03 26.13 26.49 7.15
605 51.22 5 0 0.06 6.11 332.48 0.01 0.03 25.46 25.81 10.24

Appendix A - 87
608 51.41 -2.02 0 -0.15 0 332.59 0 0.03 25.89 26.24 -25.46
611 52.88 8.88 0 0.03 0 332.48 0 0.03 25.4 25.75 5.95
614 53.11 7.91 0 0.04 0 332.13 0 0.03 25.61 25.96 6.72
617 50.07 1.19 0 0.24 0 332.05 0 0.03 25.43 25.77 41.91
620 51.61 0.75 -0.01 0.38 0 332.02 0 0.03 25.76 26.11 68.43
623 52.47 4.89 0 0.06 0 331.97 0 0.03 25.84 26.19 10.74
626 48.83 2.98 0 0.09 0 331.76 0 0.03 25.02 25.37 16.36
629 50.74 3.15 0 0.08 0 331.77 0 0.03 25.76 26.11 16.13
632 53.31 9.43 0 0.03 0 331.54 0 0.03 25.47 25.82 5.65
635 50.62 5.4 0 0.05 0 331.28 0 0.03 25.7 26.05 9.37
638 49.76 -2.04 0 -0.12 0 331.23 0 0.03 25.45 25.79 -24.36
641 52.09 5.35 0 0.05 0 331.3 0 0.03 25.42 25.77 9.74
644 51.93 5.34 0 0.05 0 330.96 0 0.03 25.58 25.92 9.72
647 49.61 3.14 0 0.09 0 331 0 0.03 25.77 26.11 15.8
650 50.68 1.71 0 0.16 0 330.76 0 0.03 25.48 25.82 29.62
653 52.17 0.01 -0.58 28.38 0 330.88 0 0.03 26.11 26.46 5216.72
656 50.25 0.01 -0.45 27.69 0 330.62 0 0.03 25.55 25.89 5024.91

Appendix A - 88
Paper (stacked flat) Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 319.63
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 21.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 64.78
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 199.67
Total Mass Loss (g): 48.62
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.075
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.32
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 3.56
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0388

Initial mass (g): 407.4
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 77
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 704

Appendix A - 89
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 0.71 0.01 -0.31 -0.04 4829.98 407.35 0.02 0.03 25.63 25.82 70.64
3 -0.89 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 4104.73 407.16 0.02 0.03 25.46 25.64 -88.96
6 1.94 -3.31 0 0 -34.06 407.37 0.04 0.03 25.38 25.56 -0.59
9 9.37 15.55 0 0 17.43 407.21 0.11 0.03 25.16 25.35 0.6
12 42.22 18.27 0 0 0 406.54 0 0.03 23.37 23.73 2.31
15 126.46 19.81 0 0 143.57 406.14 1.2 0.02 22.95 23.7 6.38
18 226.23 21.46 0 0 100.21 405.36 0.87 0.02 23.59 24.63 10.54
21 319.63 13.66 0 0.01 27.09 404.91 0.14 0.03 24.62 25.91 23.4
24 317.26 21.99 0 0.01 0 404.44 0 0.02 23.85 25.23 14.43
27 308.2 18.34 0 0.01 1.34 403.67 0.01 0.02 24.04 25.56 16.8
30 285.55 16.7 0 0.02 0 403.33 0 0.02 23.34 24.88 17.1
33 284.58 18.3 0 0.02 0 402.64 0 0.02 24.78 26.44 15.55
36 262.34 15.85 0 0.02 0 402.26 0 0.02 24.8 26.44 16.55
39 246.66 16.67 0 0.02 0 401.67 0 0.02 24.94 26.57 14.79
42 234.13 17.49 0 0.02 0 401.26 0 0.02 24.76 26.36 13.39
45 225.56 12.29 0 0.02 0 400.67 0 0.02 24.77 26.36 18.35
48 218.12 5.64 0 0.04 0 400.52 0 0.02 24.92 26.47 38.64
51 206.43 16.79 0 0.01 0 400.21 0 0.03 25.33 26.86 12.29
54 194.87 11.17 0 0.02 0 399.63 0 0.03 25.52 26.99 17.45
57 183.61 7.43 0 0.03 0 399.53 0 0.03 26.02 27.45 24.72
60 167.87 15.82 0 0.01 0 399.09 0 0.02 24.91 26.24 10.61
63 166.97 18.11 0 0.01 0 398.62 0 0.03 25.31 26.59 9.22
66 165.15 9.79 0 0.02 0 398.09 0 0.03 25.34 26.6 16.87
69 170.17 7.5 0 0.03 0 397.99 0 0.03 25.51 26.76 22.7
72 179.69 21.72 0 0.01 0 397.52 0 0.03 25.65 26.88 8.27
75 183.3 19.54 0 0.01 0 396.8 0 0.02 25.05 26.25 9.38
78 191.51 11.64 0 0.02 0 396.4 0 0.03 25.53 26.74 16.45
81 185.37 15.83 0 0.02 0 396.02 0 0.02 24.8 25.95 11.71
84 186.1 16.97 0 0.03 0 395.46 0 0.02 25.36 26.5 10.97
87 177.51 13.4 0 0.04 0 395.04 0 0.03 25.55 26.64 13.25
90 168.22 9.35 0 0.07 0 394.67 0 0.03 26.31 27.38 18
93 154.76 3.97 0 0.17 0 394.47 0 0.03 25.72 26.68 38.96
96 145.79 11.12 0 0.06 0 394.34 0 0.03 25.62 26.55 13.11
99 140.21 12.56 0 0.05 0 393.84 0 0.03 25.61 26.49 11.16
102 138.82 9.56 0 0.06 0 393.62 0 0.03 26.13 27 14.52
105 135.44 14.72 0 0.03 0 393.22 0 0.03 25.59 26.4 9.2
108 136.36 10.7 0 0.04 0 392.8 0 0.03 25.7 26.47 12.74
111 134.33 6.7 0 0.06 0 392.57 0 0.03 25.69 26.46 20.04
114 137.74 14.88 0 0.02 0 392.31 0 0.03 25.75 26.52 9.26
117 143.41 17.09 0 0.02 0 391.72 0 0.03 25.61 26.37 8.39
120 148.65 13.39 0 0.02 0 391.33 0 0.03 26.09 26.85 11.1
123 148.28 7.93 0 0.04 0 390.93 0 0.03 25.55 26.31 18.69

Appendix A - 90
126 152.84 9.7 0 0.03 0 390.8 0 0.03 25.6 26.36 15.75
129 151.36 12.28 0 0.02 0 390.35 0 0.03 25.22 25.97 12.32
132 147.67 3.2 0 0.09 0 390.14 0 0.03 25.51 26.26 46.14
135 146.03 6.81 0 0.04 0 390.07 0 0.03 25.75 26.49 21.45
138 141.52 8.01 0 0.04 0 389.74 0 0.03 25.89 26.62 17.66
141 128.48 8.12 0 0.04 0 389.6 0 0.03 25.59 26.28 15.82
144 123.31 3.65 0 0.09 0 389.29 0 0.03 25.76 26.42 33.76
147 119.21 5.51 0 0.05 0 389.33 0 0.03 25.76 26.41 21.62
150 113.97 14.8 0 0.02 0 388.91 0 0.03 25.73 26.36 7.7
153 110 7.74 0 0.04 0 388.56 0 0.03 25.63 26.24 14.21
156 109.17 3.01 0 0.1 0 388.43 0 0.03 25.83 26.42 36.28
159 107.12 11.52 0 0.03 0 388.29 0 0.03 25.56 26.14 9.3
162 102.26 11.68 0 0.03 0 387.8 0 0.02 24.86 25.42 8.75
165 110.26 0.39 -0.01 0.92 0 387.66 0 0.03 26.08 26.65 285.89
168 108.13 8.75 0 0.05 0 387.64 0 0.03 26 26.55 12.36
171 102.26 12.1 0 0.04 0 387.17 0 0.03 25.71 26.25 8.45
174 101.51 4.77 0 0.1 0 386.99 0 0.03 25.59 26.11 21.29
177 101.78 6.35 0 0.07 0 386.82 0 0.03 25.85 26.36 16.02
180 100.8 12.05 0 0.03 0 386.58 0 0.03 26.22 26.74 8.36
183 97.63 6.03 0 0.05 0 386.18 0 0.03 25.41 25.9 16.2
186 99.63 5.61 0 0.05 0 386.18 0 0.03 25.25 25.74 17.76
189 99.02 8.8 0 0.03 0 385.81 0 0.03 25.44 25.94 11.25
192 98.54 5.54 0 0.05 0 385.7 0 0.03 25.62 26.12 17.78
195 102.28 8.43 0 0.03 0 385.44 0 0.03 25.87 26.37 12.13
198 104.26 7.76 0 0.04 0 385.21 0 0.03 25.91 26.42 13.43
201 100.32 9.98 0 0.03 0 384.96 0 0.03 25.04 25.55 10.06
204 103.03 5.36 0 0.05 0 384.66 0 0.03 25.44 25.96 19.22
207 103.48 8.32 0 0.03 0 384.59 0 0.03 25.62 26.13 12.44
210 101.61 10.2 0 0.03 0 384.16 0 0.03 25.5 26.01 9.97
213 100.34 4.91 0 0.07 0 384.03 0 0.03 25.52 26.03 20.44
216 100.6 5.94 0 0.07 0 383.83 0 0.03 25.53 26.03 16.95
219 97.21 10.07 0 0.04 0 383.65 0 0.03 25.84 26.34 9.65
222 94.58 9.42 0 0.04 0 383.26 0 0.03 25.58 26.07 10.04
225 94.74 3.89 0 0.09 0 383.11 0 0.03 24.95 25.43 24.35
228 100.91 11.66 0 0.03 0 382.94 0 0.03 26.1 26.61 8.66
231 99.02 11.19 0 0.03 0 382.47 0 0.03 25.53 26.03 8.85
234 103.29 4.21 0 0.08 0 382.31 0 0.03 25.98 26.47 24.55
237 105.19 7.45 0 0.04 0 382.14 0 0.03 26.11 26.62 14.12
240 100.07 12.53 0 0.02 0 381.85 0 0.03 25.39 25.88 7.99
243 101.25 6.15 0 0.05 0 381.47 0 0.03 25.85 26.34 16.47
246 101.02 7.98 0 0.04 0 381.43 0 0.03 25.33 25.81 12.66
249 98.36 7.43 0 0.04 0 381.01 0 0.03 25.04 25.52 13.23
252 96.97 0.79 -0.01 0.33 0 381.02 0 0.03 25.4 25.87 123.51
255 102.39 7.33 0 0.04 0 380.87 0 0.03 26.26 26.75 13.98
258 98.87 10.67 0 0.03 0 380.6 0 0.03 25.74 26.22 9.27
261 99.43 7.99 0 0.04 0 380.28 0 0.03 26.48 26.98 12.44
264 100.81 4.98 0 0.06 0 380.12 0 0.03 25.83 26.32 20.23
267 101.25 8.38 0 0.04 0 379.93 0 0.03 25.85 26.35 12.09

Appendix A - 91
270 99.37 11.69 0 0.03 0 379.63 0 0.03 26.04 26.53 8.5
273 99.65 4.33 0 0.08 0 379.3 0 0.03 25.78 26.27 23
276 102.11 6.26 0 0.06 0 379.3 0 0.03 26.1 26.6 16.32
279 95.98 12.67 0 0.03 0 378.9 0 0.03 25.29 25.76 7.58
282 95.14 1.36 0 0.27 0 378.66 0 0.03 25.06 25.53 69.98
285 96.98 5.02 0 0.07 0 378.72 0 0.03 25.8 26.27 19.32
288 93.46 10.49 0 0.03 0 378.34 0 0.03 25.59 26.05 8.91
291 94.81 6.32 0 0.05 0 378.16 0 0.03 25.71 26.17 15.01
294 93.29 4.03 0 0.09 0 377.95 0 0.03 25.53 25.99 23.16
297 92.03 8.71 0 0.04 0 377.87 0 0.03 25.83 26.28 10.56
300 96.21 8.5 0 0.03 0 377.46 0 0.03 26.23 26.68 11.32
303 93.39 4.48 0 0.07 0 377.38 0 0.03 25.71 26.14 20.85
306 91.87 8.93 0 0.04 0 377.13 0 0.03 25.91 26.35 10.28
309 90.57 9.98 0 0.03 0 376.87 0 0.03 25.57 26.01 9.08
312 90.63 5.35 0 0.06 0 376.58 0 0.03 25.33 25.76 16.93
315 89.52 3.02 0 0.11 0 376.53 0 0.03 25.86 26.29 29.64
318 85.34 11.7 0 0.03 0 376.32 0 0.03 25.37 25.79 7.29
321 87.95 4.49 0 0.07 0 375.93 0 0.03 25.65 26.07 19.59
324 87.23 3.54 0 0.09 0 376.01 0 0.03 26.12 26.54 24.67
327 85.91 11.57 0 0.03 0 375.66 0 0.03 25.92 26.34 7.43
330 87.27 3.97 0 0.08 0 375.42 0 0.03 25.57 25.99 21.99
333 87.38 5.62 0 0.06 0 375.36 0 0.03 26.01 26.44 15.55
336 88.5 9.89 0 0.03 0 375.07 0 0.03 26.22 26.65 8.94
339 87.78 2.26 0 0.13 0 374.85 0 0.03 25.51 25.92 38.89
342 83.41 4.89 0 0.06 0 374.86 0 0.03 24.8 25.21 17.07
345 85.72 14.63 0 0.02 0 374.51 0 0.03 25.74 26.16 5.86
348 85.79 3.84 0 0.07 0 374.12 0 0.03 25.31 25.72 22.33
351 84.83 2.53 0 0.12 0 374.21 0 0.03 25.67 26.09 33.5
354 82.09 11.6 0 0.03 0 373.9 0 0.03 25.57 25.98 7.08
357 87.73 6.03 0 0.05 0 373.62 0 0.03 26.27 26.69 14.55
360 85.11 0.73 -0.01 0.4 0 373.53 0 0.03 25.81 26.21 115.89
363 82.96 9.04 0 0.03 0 373.48 0 0.03 26.04 26.45 9.18
366 83.36 7.68 0 0.04 0 373.06 0 0.03 25.7 26.11 10.85
369 82.31 4.26 0 0.07 0 373.04 0 0.03 25.51 25.91 19.32
372 80.63 4.68 0 0.06 0 372.77 0 0.03 25.84 26.24 17.24
375 81.35 5 0 0.06 0 372.76 0 0.03 25.52 25.92 16.27
378 81.66 6.47 0 0.05 0 372.47 0 0.03 25.25 25.65 12.63
381 79.76 5.15 0 0.06 0 372.39 0 0.03 25.75 26.15 15.49
384 78.18 7.16 0 0.04 0 372.14 0 0.03 25.3 25.7 10.92
387 82.18 4.93 0 0.06 0 371.98 0 0.03 25.73 26.14 16.69
390 82.99 9.13 0 0.03 0 371.8 0 0.03 25.87 26.28 9.09
393 80.52 6.28 0 0.05 0 371.48 0 0.03 26.09 26.5 12.83
396 82.54 2.64 0 0.12 0 371.43 0 0.03 26.06 26.47 31.28
399 82.58 7.64 0 0.04 0 371.26 0 0.03 25.92 26.33 10.81
402 76.35 7.93 0 0.04 0 371 0 0.03 25.21 25.6 9.63
405 78.14 3.29 0 0.09 0 370.82 0 0.03 26.21 26.61 23.76
408 76.79 6.44 0 0.05 0 370.75 0 0.03 25.8 26.19 11.93
411 74.15 8.66 0 0.03 0 370.44 0 0.03 25.74 26.13 8.56

Appendix A - 92
414 75.17 6.38 0 0.04 0 370.27 0 0.03 25.84 26.24 11.78
417 76.6 1.73 0 0.16 0 370.07 0 0.03 25.76 26.15 44.28
420 75.75 8.97 0 0.03 0 370.09 0 0.03 25.72 26.1 8.45
423 73.75 4.76 0 0.06 0 369.61 0 0.03 25.69 26.08 15.51
426 74.26 0.89 -0.01 0.34 0 369.8 0 0.03 25.55 25.94 83.07
429 74.1 9.3 0 0.03 0 369.47 0 0.03 25.59 25.97 7.97
432 71.87 6.74 0 0.04 0 369.31 0 0.03 26.13 26.51 10.66
435 71.52 2.06 0 0.13 0 369.08 0 0.03 25.86 26.22 34.71
438 73.76 4.77 0 0.06 0 369.14 0 0.03 26.2 26.58 15.47
441 70.51 10.13 0 0.03 0 368.78 0 0.03 25.66 26.03 6.96
444 69.28 4.73 0 0.06 0 368.6 0 0.03 26.31 26.68 14.65
447 70.16 5.93 0 0.05 0 368.46 0 0.03 25.96 26.32 11.83
450 67.56 6.13 0 0.05 0 368.25 0 0.03 25.23 25.59 11.02
453 67.59 3.17 0 0.08 0 368.11 0 0.03 25.66 26.02 21.32
456 68.14 4.96 0 0.05 0 368.03 0 0.03 25.62 25.97 13.73
459 71.13 5.09 0 0.05 0 367.82 0 0.03 25.78 26.14 13.96
462 67.99 5.71 0 0.05 0 367.72 0 0.03 25.21 25.56 11.9
465 67.73 1.77 0 0.16 0 367.51 0 0.03 25.79 26.15 38.22
468 67.84 3.1 0 0.09 0 367.58 0 0.03 25.83 26.19 21.9
471 68.83 11.12 0 0.03 0 367.28 0 0.03 25.82 26.18 6.19
474 68.28 2.85 0 0.09 0 367.02 0 0.03 26.21 26.57 23.95
477 65.1 2.49 0 0.1 0 367.06 0 0.03 25.71 26.06 26.15
480 67.2 10.03 0 0.03 0 366.81 0 0.03 25.65 26 6.7
483 66.7 6.35 0 0.05 0 366.53 0 0.03 26.05 26.4 10.5
486 64.04 0.13 -0.04 2.09 0 366.45 0 0.03 25.68 26.02 485.56
489 65.91 8.83 0 0.03 0 366.42 0 0.03 25.74 26.08 7.46
492 63.95 5.91 0 0.04 0 366 0 0.03 25.24 25.58 10.81
495 63.07 -0.17 0.03 -1.6 0 366.09 0 0.03 25.74 26.08 -378.04
498 63.34 4.46 0 0.06 0 365.93 0 0.03 26.09 26.43 14.21
501 65.33 10.05 0 0.03 0 365.82 0 0.03 26.31 26.65 6.5
504 63.13 5.99 0 0.05 0 365.4 0 0.03 25.84 26.17 10.53
507 61.44 -0.07 0.07 -4.29 0 365.47 0 0.03 25.77 26.1 -922.93
510 62.06 6.18 0 0.04 0 365.32 0 0.03 25.46 25.79 10.05
513 61.78 5.74 0 0.05 0 365.14 0 0.03 25.89 26.23 10.77
516 58.83 2.75 0 0.1 0 365 0 0.03 25.55 25.88 21.42
519 58.7 1.38 0 0.19 0 364.96 0 0.03 25.64 25.97 42.58
522 59.81 8.54 0 0.03 0 364.86 0 0.03 25.15 25.47 7
525 60.01 6.25 0 0.04 0 364.52 0 0.03 25.18 25.5 9.59
528 58.83 -0.3 0.01 -0.89 0 364.51 0 0.03 25.75 26.07 -195.5
531 58.31 4.5 0 0.06 0 364.45 0 0.03 25.67 25.99 12.96
534 63.09 9.14 0 0.03 0 364.24 0 0.03 26.31 26.64 6.91
537 59.56 3.35 0 0.08 0 363.98 0 0.03 25.19 25.5 17.8
540 57.43 2.59 0 0.1 0 364.01 0 0.03 24.97 25.28 22.18
543 57.76 6.49 0 0.04 0 363.79 0 0.03 25.34 25.66 8.91
546 59.65 6.79 0 0.04 0 363.65 0 0.03 25.53 25.85 8.78
549 59.73 1.68 0 0.17 0 363.42 0 0.03 25.8 26.13 35.52
552 57.48 4.38 0 0.06 0 363.49 0 0.03 25.78 26.11 13.12
555 59.09 7.21 0 0.04 0 363.15 0 0.03 25.71 26.03 8.2

Appendix A - 93
558 59.54 3.09 0 0.09 0 363.11 0 0.03 25.62 25.95 19.25
561 57.08 1.46 0 0.18 0 362.95 0 0.03 25.61 25.94 39.11
564 57.11 5.74 0 0.05 0 362.98 0 0.03 26.42 26.75 9.95
567 54.48 8.52 0 0.03 0 362.62 0 0.03 25.69 26.01 6.39
570 56.95 1.63 0 0.17 0 362.53 0 0.03 25.9 26.22 34.96
573 56.28 1.52 0 0.18 0 362.47 0 0.03 25.79 26.11 36.99
576 54.4 7.3 0 0.04 0 362.4 0 0.03 25.78 26.1 7.45
579 54.24 7.05 0 0.04 0 362.08 0 0.03 25.79 26.11 7.69
582 55.45 -0.56 0.01 -0.47 0 362.02 0 0.03 25.45 25.77 -98.24
585 55.8 6.35 0 0.04 0 362.02 0 0.03 25.69 26.01 8.79
588 53.71 9.12 0 0.03 0 361.67 0 0.03 25.83 26.15 5.89
591 52.83 4.96 0 0.05 0 361.52 0 0.03 25.36 25.67 10.66
594 56.47 2.61 0 0.09 0 361.36 0 0.03 25.71 26.03 21.6
597 57.13 4.19 0 0.06 0 361.33 0 0.03 25.92 26.25 13.64
600 54.05 6.8 0 0.04 0 361.1 0 0.03 25.59 25.92 7.95
603 55.53 5.03 0 0.05 0 360.96 0 0.03 25.91 26.23 11.03
606 56.24 0.8 -0.01 0.33 0 360.81 0 0.03 25.49 25.82 70.69
609 55.49 6.07 0 0.04 0 360.85 0 0.03 25.49 25.82 9.14
612 54.09 4.84 0 0.06 0 360.49 0 0.03 25.6 25.93 11.17
615 55.63 2.93 0 0.09 0 360.56 0 0.03 25.53 25.85 18.99
618 57.46 5.81 0 0.04 0 360.28 0 0.03 25.92 26.26 9.89
621 56.49 1.05 0 0.23 0 360.26 0 0.03 26.18 26.52 53.85
624 53.76 7.81 0 0.03 0 360.15 0 0.03 25.74 26.07 6.88
627 55.78 5 0 0.05 0 359.85 0 0.03 25.69 26.02 11.16
630 55.92 1.87 0 0.13 0 359.85 0 0.03 25.58 25.91 29.96
633 53.38 4.14 0 0.06 0 359.7 0 0.03 25.43 25.76 12.91
636 56.5 7.54 0 0.03 0 359.6 0 0.03 26.04 26.38 7.49
639 55.25 7.86 0 0.03 0 359.28 0 0.03 25.45 25.77 7.03
642 54.58 1.22 0 0.18 0 359.17 0 0.03 25.83 26.15 44.67
645 53.9 3.72 0 0.06 0 359.14 0 0.03 25.9 26.22 14.51
648 55.42 6.66 0 0.04 0 358.94 0 0.03 25.58 25.91 8.32
651 55.23 6.02 0 0.04 0 358.77 0 0.03 25.81 26.15 9.17
654 52.23 0.01 -0.49 22.91 0 358.62 0 0.03 25.29 25.62 5222.87
657 54.85 0.01 -0.4 23.78 0 358.75 0 0.03 25.62 25.95 5484.54

Appendix A - 94
Paper (stacked flat) Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 238.24
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 23.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 47.83
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 177.81
Total Mass Loss (g): 38.75
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.060
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.34
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 72.33
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0390

Initial mass (g): 378.6
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 99
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 705

Appendix A - 95
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -0.55 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 0 378.52 0 0.03 25.54 25.72 -55.29

5 -0.7 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 0 378.65 0 0.03 26.05 26.23 -69.96
8 5.3 4.25 0 0 69.64 378.68 0.11 0.03 25.76 25.93 1.25
11 14.76 16.23 0 0 10.41 378.37 0.07 0.03 25.2 25.46 0.91
14 65.51 14.35 0 0 45.66 377.81 0.27 0.03 23.75 24.26 4.56
17 155.05 15.43 0 0 54.2 377.49 0.34 0.02 23.5 24.25 10.05
20 216.34 22.68 0 0 5.9 376.85 0.05 0.03 24.96 25.99 9.54
23 238.24 13.89 0 0 0 376.24 0 0.03 24.1 25.19 17.16
26 230.85 12.9 0 0.01 0 375.96 0 0.02 23.59 24.67 17.89
29 231.63 18.99 0 0.01 0 375.42 0 0.02 24.17 25.45 12.2
32 226.32 13.8 0 0.01 0 374.9 0 0.02 24.4 25.68 16.4
35 211.06 9.5 0 0.02 0 374.59 0 0.03 24.85 26.19 22.22
38 197.74 9.85 0 0.02 0 374.29 0 0.03 24.84 26.14 20.08
41 189.07 18.43 0 0.01 0 373.94 0 0.03 25.06 26.4 10.26
44 180.73 13.54 0 0.02 1.3 373.27 0.01 0.02 24.3 25.62 13.35
47 197.6 13.21 0 0.02 0 373.1 0 0.03 24.97 26.36 14.95
50 206.05 18.31 0 0.02 0 372.44 0 0.02 24.67 26.06 11.25
53 213.96 16.36 0 0.02 3.77 372.05 0.02 0.03 25.23 26.65 13.08
56 206.13 12.15 0 0.02 0 371.48 0 0.02 24.8 26.18 16.96
59 209.12 8.65 0 0.03 0 371.31 0 0.03 25.72 27.15 24.17
62 193.36 17.25 0 0.01 0 370.88 0 0.02 24.95 26.27 11.21
65 177.56 12.37 0 0.01 3.45 370.37 0.02 0.03 25.25 26.53 14.35
68 167.62 5.96 0 0.02 0 370.15 0 0.03 25.95 27.2 28.12
71 154.3 10.5 0 0.01 0 369.93 0 0.03 25.26 26.43 14.7
74 146.18 14.71 0 0.01 0 369.53 0 0.03 25.49 26.61 9.94
77 141.9 8.67 0 0.02 0 369.12 0 0.03 25.63 26.7 16.36
80 137.67 6.75 0 0.02 0 368.98 0 0.03 26.07 27.1 20.39
83 129.37 14.5 0 0.01 0 368.65 0 0.03 25.76 26.73 8.92
86 122.71 7.36 0 0.02 0 368.21 0 0.03 25.46 26.38 16.68
89 123.73 3.75 0 0.05 0 368.19 0 0.03 25.51 26.39 32.97
92 124.85 10.29 0 0.02 0 367.91 0 0.03 26.3 27.17 12.13
95 117.65 9.54 0 0.02 0 367.62 0 0.03 25.91 26.73 12.33
98 113.8 7.28 0 0.02 0 367.35 0 0.03 25.65 26.43 15.62
101 112.32 8.88 0 0.02 0 367.15 0 0.03 25.77 26.52 12.65
104 109.27 11.43 0 0.02 0 366.82 0 0.03 25.99 26.72 9.56
107 101.43 2.39 0 0.08 0 366.54 0 0.03 25.48 26.15 42.35
110 98.72 5.49 0 0.03 0 366.59 0 0.03 25.2 25.84 17.97
113 97.57 11.76 0 0.02 0 366.19 0 0.03 26.16 26.78 8.3
116 93.75 4.56 0 0.04 0 365.98 0 0.03 26.1 26.69 20.54
119 92.94 5.15 0 0.04 0 365.87 0 0.03 26.07 26.64 18.06
122 92.57 7.84 0 0.03 0 365.65 0 0.03 26.07 26.62 11.81
125 87.23 6.84 0 0.03 0 365.43 0 0.03 25.68 26.2 12.75

Appendix A - 96
128 85.06 1.31 0 0.17 0 365.26 0 0.03 26.13 26.64 65.15
131 86.26 8.58 0 0.03 0 365.26 0 0.03 26.27 26.77 10.06
134 85.54 11.35 0 0.02 1.02 364.78 0 0.03 26.05 26.53 7.54
137 82.17 1.91 0 0.12 0 364.66 0 0.03 25.72 26.18 43.05
140 81.12 4.95 0 0.04 0 364.58 0 0.03 25.58 26.04 16.39
143 80.64 8.59 0 0.02 0 364.36 0 0.03 25.4 25.85 9.39
146 77.69 7.65 0 0.02 0 364.11 0 0.03 25.31 25.75 10.15
149 76.12 1.77 0 0.11 31.55 363.93 0.02 0.03 25.72 26.15 43.08
152 76.99 6.5 0 0.04 0.16 363.93 0 0.03 25.91 26.33 11.85
155 72.51 9.56 0 0.02 0 363.55 0 0.03 25.31 25.71 7.58
158 70.84 1.27 0 0.2 0 363.43 0 0.03 25.61 26.01 55.92
161 72.37 7.6 0 0.03 6.69 363.38 0.02 0.03 25.77 26.16 9.53
164 75.42 10.16 0 0.03 0.13 362.99 0 0.03 26.18 26.57 7.42
167 72.07 6.62 0 0.04 0 362.82 0 0.03 25.46 25.84 10.88
170 71.29 3.76 0 0.08 0 362.59 0 0.03 25.83 26.21 18.94
173 73.76 5.51 0 0.06 0 362.55 0 0.03 26.1 26.49 13.38
176 72.56 10.27 0 0.03 0 362.25 0 0.03 25.91 26.29 7.06
179 69.74 0.54 -0.01 0.54 0 362.03 0 0.03 25.75 26.12 128.79
182 69.42 5.3 0 0.06 0 362.11 0 0.03 25.6 25.97 13.1
185 69.36 13.03 0 0.02 0.22 361.69 0 0.03 25.4 25.76 5.32
188 67.88 5.2 0 0.06 0 361.44 0 0.03 25.78 26.15 13.06
191 66.78 2.91 0 0.1 0 361.35 0 0.03 25.58 25.94 22.96
194 71.41 4.95 0 0.06 0 361.23 0 0.03 26.45 26.82 14.43
197 69.69 6.23 0 0.05 0 361.06 0 0.03 25.8 26.17 11.19
200 66.54 2.71 0 0.11 0 360.89 0 0.03 25.65 26.01 24.6
203 65.23 6.71 0 0.04 0 360.84 0 0.03 25.35 25.71 9.72
206 69 10.57 0 0.03 0 360.49 0 0.03 25.78 26.15 6.53
209 67.03 4.44 0 0.07 0 360.28 0 0.03 25.79 26.15 15.11
212 65.16 4.18 0 0.07 0 360.19 0 0.03 25.5 25.87 15.6
215 65.42 3.5 0 0.09 0 360.02 0 0.03 25.48 25.84 18.67
218 65.12 5.2 0 0.06 0 359.96 0 0.03 25.5 25.86 12.53
221 63.2 3.71 0 0.09 0 359.73 0 0.03 25.55 25.91 17.02
224 63.53 5.8 0 0.06 0 359.71 0 0.03 25.88 26.24 10.96
227 63.54 9.91 0 0.03 0 359.37 0 0.03 25.32 25.67 6.41
230 62.02 3.31 0 0.1 0 359.19 0 0.03 25.24 25.59 18.74
233 61.54 4.41 0 0.07 0 359.13 0 0.03 25.57 25.92 13.94
236 61.68 2.2 0 0.13 0 358.94 0 0.03 25.79 26.16 28.07
239 63.31 6.11 0 0.05 0 358.96 0 0.03 25.63 25.98 10.35
242 60.54 3.53 0 0.08 0 358.62 0 0.03 25.64 25.99 17.15
245 60.33 0.78 -0.01 0.35 0 358.74 0 0.03 26.02 26.38 77.78
248 59.97 12.38 0 0.02 0 358.48 0 0.03 25.63 25.98 4.84
251 59.01 5.18 0 0.05 0 358.13 0 0.03 25.57 25.92 11.39
254 59.66 2.5 0 0.12 0 358.14 0 0.03 26.09 26.44 23.84
257 59.18 4.15 0 0.07 8.32 357.94 0.01 0.03 25.37 25.72 14.25
260 59.69 4.72 0 0.06 0 357.9 0 0.03 25.54 25.9 12.64
263 56.9 8.28 0 0.03 0 357.64 0 0.03 25.48 25.84 6.87
266 60.53 10.65 0 0.03 0 357.41 0 0.03 26.1 26.47 5.68
269 61.63 14.47 0 0.02 3.95 357 0.02 0.03 25.99 26.34 4.26

Appendix A - 97
272 59.21 8.69 0 0.03 0.73 356.61 0 0.03 25.52 25.87 6.81
275 58.55 -0.07 0.07 -3.95 -546.06 356.49 0.02 0.03 25.47 25.82 -786.93
278 59.57 5.31 0 0.06 0 356.51 0 0.03 25.08 25.43 11.21
281 61.42 11.05 0 0.03 0 356.17 0 0.03 25.77 26.12 5.56
284 60.02 5.88 0 0.05 10.51 355.93 0.02 0.03 25.95 26.3 10.2
287 59.1 2.24 0 0.14 0 355.81 0 0.03 25.54 25.88 26.36
290 60.76 3.5 0 0.09 6.15 355.75 0.01 0.03 25.94 26.29 17.38
293 58.54 7.86 0 0.04 9.1 355.58 0.03 0.03 26.13 26.49 7.45
296 56.98 2.53 0 0.12 30.18 355.35 0.03 0.03 25.55 25.9 22.5
299 59.74 3.37 0 0.09 35.62 355.38 0.05 0.03 25.93 26.29 17.75
302 57.63 9.36 0 0.03 11 355.11 0.04 0.03 25.53 25.87 6.16
305 54.42 0.24 -0.03 1.19 240.76 354.92 0.02 0.03 25.6 25.94 226.43
308 56.99 3.2 0 0.09 38.9 355.02 0.05 0.03 25.79 26.14 17.82
311 59.1 10.48 0 0.03 9.04 354.7 0.04 0.03 26.11 26.46 5.64
314 56.24 3.55 0 0.08 43.09 354.49 0.06 0.03 25.65 26 15.86
317 54.45 2.45 0 0.11 48.14 354.45 0.05 0.03 25.6 25.95 22.26
320 55.38 3.95 0 0.07 42.67 354.31 0.07 0.03 25.08 25.43 14.02
323 56.63 7.46 0 0.04 26.38 354.2 0.08 0.03 25.84 26.2 7.59
326 55 6.49 0 0.05 31.05 353.9 0.08 0.03 25.95 26.31 8.48
329 56.45 -0.79 0.01 -0.36 -276.77 353.85 0.08 0.03 25.72 26.08 -71.7
332 57.44 7.71 0 0.04 25.6 353.85 0.07 0.03 25.98 26.34 7.45
335 53.3 3.43 0 0.08 69.55 353.47 0.09 0.03 25.44 25.79 15.54
338 54.47 0.41 -0.01 0.67 543.23 353.63 0.09 0.03 25.41 25.76 133.24
341 57.25 11.85 0 0.02 30.96 353.35 0.14 0.03 25.55 25.9 4.83
344 55.64 3.7 0 0.07 107.95 353.05 0.15 0.03 25.79 26.15 15.04
347 53.87 1.5 0 0.18 271.87 353.1 0.16 0.03 25.86 26.22 35.8
350 54.85 2.72 0 0.1 143.25 352.93 0.15 0.03 25.29 25.64 20.2
353 56.36 5.15 0 0.05 82.61 352.92 0.16 0.03 26.02 26.39 10.95
356 54.3 7.79 0 0.03 54.84 352.63 0.16 0.03 26.15 26.51 6.97
359 53.18 -1.01 0 -0.24 -471 352.53 0.18 0.03 25.55 25.91 -52.48
362 53.71 5.46 0 0.04 83.95 352.58 0.18 0.03 25.56 25.91 9.84
365 53.19 11.08 0 0.02 43.37 352.21 0.18 0.03 26.1 26.47 4.8
368 51.71 -0.36 0.02 -0.65 -1486.51 352.04 0.2 0.03 25.61 25.97 -144.85
371 53.56 2 0 0.11 282.77 352.14 0.22 0.03 25.34 25.69 26.73
374 53.41 10.06 0 0.02 68.85 351.88 0.26 0.03 25.89 26.25 5.31
377 50.54 1.56 0 0.16 434.37 351.65 0.26 0.03 25.62 25.98 32.47
380 53.03 2.02 0 0.13 271.15 351.72 0.21 0.03 25.52 25.88 26.3
383 53.64 7.69 0 0.03 81.56 351.49 0.24 0.03 25.63 25.99 6.97
386 50.83 2.97 0 0.08 244.57 351.33 0.28 0.03 25.78 26.13 17.12
389 50.88 2.64 0 0.09 268.1 351.28 0.28 0.03 25.28 25.63 19.28
392 49.62 4.77 0 0.05 154.65 351.15 0.29 0.03 24.86 25.2 10.4
395 50.71 6.34 0 0.04 131.95 351 0.32 0.03 25.65 26.01 8
398 49.3 3.94 0 0.06 206.66 350.8 0.31 0.03 25.69 26.04 12.5
401 51.69 2.94 0 0.08 311.79 350.75 0.35 0.03 26.17 26.53 17.6
404 48.84 7.38 0 0.03 122.04 350.59 0.35 0.03 25.1 25.44 6.62
407 48.43 2.27 0 0.11 351.43 350.38 0.31 0.03 25.55 25.9 21.35
410 50.64 0.97 -0.01 0.25 886.1 350.43 0.33 0.03 25.81 26.17 52.27
413 51.5 8.71 0 0.03 109.39 350.26 0.36 0.03 25.76 26.12 5.91

Appendix A - 98
416 48.7 4.35 0 0.06 226.61 349.99 0.38 0.03 25.86 26.21 11.2
419 49.55 2.73 0 0.09 334.53 349.98 0.35 0.03 25.77 26.11 18.18
422 51.68 7.39 0 0.03 130.01 349.78 0.37 0.03 25.88 26.21 6.99
425 49.73 5.99 0 0.04 167.82 349.58 0.39 0.03 25.61 25.95 8.3
428 48.76 1.45 0 0.15 642.1 349.44 0.36 0.03 25.79 26.13 33.52
431 50.45 2.14 0 0.11 441.5 349.45 0.36 0.03 25.53 25.88 23.59
434 50.93 7.27 0 0.03 126.78 349.28 0.36 0.03 25.46 25.82 7.01
437 50.5 5.32 0 0.05 170.86 349.07 0.34 0.03 26.19 26.56 9.5
440 50.86 0.42 -0.01 0.58 2204.8 348.98 0.35 0.03 25.69 26.05 121.75
443 50.36 4.63 0 0.05 205.07 348.98 0.37 0.03 25.22 25.57 10.87
446 49.16 8.83 0 0.03 121.24 348.71 0.41 0.03 25.79 26.15 5.57
449 49.2 0.35 -0.01 0.7 2698.62 348.53 0.36 0.03 25.59 25.95 142.08
452 51.76 3.51 0 0.07 285.54 348.61 0.39 0.03 25.5 25.86 14.73
455 50.49 9.62 0 0.03 112.07 348.3 0.42 0.03 25.57 25.93 5.25
458 49.93 0.3 -0.02 0.82 3406.7 348.14 0.38 0.03 26.05 26.41 168.24
461 52.77 1.97 0 0.12 489.49 348.21 0.36 0.03 26.15 26.52 26.81
464 51.13 7.89 0 0.03 113.47 347.98 0.35 0.03 25.31 25.68 6.48
467 49.47 5.01 0 0.05 189.5 347.8 0.36 0.03 25.68 26.05 9.87
470 50.52 2.51 0 0.09 411.74 347.68 0.4 0.03 25.62 25.99 20.16
473 49.86 2.82 0 0.09 366.28 347.62 0.4 0.03 25.19 25.55 17.69
476 48.48 8.14 0 0.03 120.71 347.48 0.38 0.03 25.36 25.73 5.95
479 48.74 4.27 0 0.06 243.27 347.2 0.4 0.03 25.48 25.84 11.41
482 51.39 0.78 -0.01 0.34 1345.28 347.22 0.39 0.03 26.33 26.69 65.72
485 49.21 6.84 0 0.04 155.86 347.09 0.41 0.03 25.74 26.1 7.19
488 46.71 3.13 0 0.08 315.69 346.88 0.39 0.03 25.26 25.61 14.93
491 48.23 0.03 -0.2 8.59 34207.92 346.9 0.38 0.03 25.35 25.71 1683.04
494 51.5 7.36 0 0.03 152.27 346.81 0.43 0.03 25.71 26.07 7
497 50.37 5.11 0 0.05 209.75 346.52 0.41 0.03 25.66 26.02 9.86
500 49.04 2.25 0 0.11 455.57 346.51 0.39 0.03 25.89 26.25 21.83
503 50.85 7.23 0 0.03 146.72 346.33 0.41 0.03 25.7 26.06 7.03
506 49.71 4.67 0 0.05 246.92 346.12 0.44 0.03 25.73 26.09 10.64
509 49 2.18 0 0.12 508.28 346.05 0.42 0.03 25.96 26.32 22.49
512 51.3 3.54 0 0.07 295.92 345.96 0.4 0.03 26.03 26.39 14.47
515 50.19 5.71 0 0.04 187.27 345.83 0.41 0.03 25.57 25.93 8.8
518 47.71 5.77 0 0.04 179.5 345.64 0.4 0.03 25.7 26.06 8.27
521 47.89 -1.14 0 -0.22 -820.38 345.53 0.36 0.03 25.49 25.85 -42.04
524 50.68 4.35 0 0.06 249.93 345.62 0.41 0.03 25.92 26.28 11.64
527 51.2 9.62 0 0.03 114.9 345.28 0.42 0.03 25.95 26.3 5.32
530 48.01 -2.08 0 -0.12 -450.68 345.16 0.37 0.03 25.19 25.53 -23.13
533 47.79 4 0 0.06 238.49 345.28 0.37 0.03 25.23 25.57 11.95
536 51.7 12.81 0 0.02 80.63 344.9 0.39 0.03 25.88 26.23 4.04
539 51.83 1.56 0 0.16 671.1 344.65 0.4 0.03 25.93 26.29 33.21
542 50.24 0.79 -0.01 0.3 1235.07 344.74 0.37 0.03 26.15 26.52 63.21
545 49.96 8.56 0 0.03 105.08 344.54 0.35 0.03 25.07 25.42 5.84
548 52.06 4.76 0 0.05 179.43 344.3 0.33 0.03 25.5 25.87 10.93
551 52.62 1.16 0 0.19 822.32 344.26 0.36 0.03 26.08 26.46 45.29
554 49.16 4.55 0 0.05 192.36 344.18 0.34 0.03 25.71 26.08 10.8
557 48.8 5.18 0 0.04 171.74 344 0.34 0.03 25.44 25.81 9.43

Appendix A - 99
560 50.63 4.17 0 0.06 235.44 343.88 0.39 0.03 25.03 25.4 12.13
563 49.96 4.31 0 0.05 189.27 343.74 0.32 0.03 25.33 25.7 11.59
566 49.43 3.42 0 0.07 262.59 343.63 0.35 0.03 25.43 25.8 14.44
569 50.99 6.74 0 0.03 139.52 343.51 0.36 0.03 25.78 26.15 7.56
572 50.52 4.86 0 0.04 175.74 343.26 0.33 0.03 25.44 25.81 10.38
575 49.68 -1.44 0 -0.16 -610.67 343.24 0.34 0.03 25.64 26 -34.47
578 50.56 7.22 0 0.03 113.61 343.25 0.31 0.03 25.75 26.12 7.01
581 52.3 9.83 0 0.02 84.12 342.85 0.32 0.03 25.48 25.84 5.32
584 53.04 -1.72 0 -0.13 -484.12 342.75 0.32 0.03 25.73 26.1 -30.86
587 50.58 3.28 0 0.06 248.91 342.85 0.31 0.03 25.54 25.91 15.44
590 52.35 9 0 0.03 103.56 342.55 0.36 0.03 25.81 26.19 5.82
593 53.7 2.55 0 0.09 302.19 342.39 0.3 0.03 25.49 25.86 21.09
596 52.43 0.37 -0.01 0.63 2014.25 342.37 0.29 0.03 25.48 25.85 142.45
599 50.1 3.41 0 0.07 249.94 342.33 0.33 0.03 25.41 25.78 14.71
602 51.05 7.4 0 0.03 102.09 342.16 0.29 0.03 25.41 25.78 6.89
605 52.59 6.72 0 0.03 130.3 341.92 0.34 0.03 25.74 26.11 7.82
608 51.15 0.98 0 0.24 919.4 341.79 0.34 0.03 25.94 26.31 52.23
611 49.76 4.33 0 0.05 199.22 341.8 0.33 0.03 25.65 26.02 11.5
614 52.88 10.66 0 0.02 86.14 341.51 0.35 0.03 25.71 26.08 4.96
617 52.12 1.71 0 0.12 467.02 341.26 0.31 0.03 25.66 26.02 30.48
620 49.47 0.32 -0.02 0.65 2454.93 341.36 0.31 0.03 25.65 26.02 152.86
623 50.69 8.49 0 0.03 99.84 341.18 0.32 0.03 25.92 26.28 5.97
626 52.92 4.23 0 0.05 188.25 340.93 0.31 0.03 25.76 26.12 12.5
629 51.35 0.55 -0.01 0.36 1230.83 340.92 0.26 0.03 25.54 25.9 93.92
632 50.04 3.79 0 0.05 176.5 340.85 0.26 0.03 25.14 25.49 13.19
635 50.58 6.11 0 0.03 91.59 340.7 0.22 0.03 25.44 25.81 8.28
638 52.56 6.46 0 0.03 92.38 340.5 0.23 0.03 25.52 25.89 8.14
641 51.62 0.64 -0.01 0.37 835.32 340.35 0.2 0.03 25.87 26.23 80.98
644 49.02 0.54 -0.01 0.42 1001.45 340.42 0.21 0.03 25.72 26.09 90.64
647 50.57 10.41 0 0.02 49.32 340.25 0.19 0.03 26.03 26.39 4.86
650 50.71 3.15 0 0.07 146.39 339.91 0.18 0.03 25.07 25.42 16.12
653 49.69 0.01 -0.42 22.09 43539.98 340.05 0.17 0.03 25.39 25.76 4969.45
656 48.57 0.01 -0.5 23.64 53071.67 339.93 0.2 0.03 25.95 26.32 4857.43

Appendix A - 100
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 245.55
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 24.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.97
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 66.07
Total Mass Loss (g): 0.92
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.034
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 21.61
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 87.19
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): -0.0001

Initial mass (g): 382.2
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 161
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 38

Appendix A - 101
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 7.57 0.01 -0.61 -0.06 270.07 382.26 0 0.03 25.46 25.64 756.65
3 15.15 0.01 -0.92 -0.06 0 382.42 0 0.03 25.86 26.04 1514.63
6 15.54 5.2 0 0 0 382.46 0 0.03 26.08 26.26 2.99
9 8.52 6.93 0 0 91.23 382.3 0.12 0.03 25.37 25.55 1.23
12 31.77 13.63 0 0 68.96 382.24 0.18 0.03 25.32 25.62 2.33
15 89.28 20.59 0 0 97.14 381.9 0.39 0.03 24.98 25.57 4.34
18 177.36 9.57 0 0 119.41 381.69 0.22 0.03 24.97 25.68 18.53
21 237.82 1.6 -0.01 0 388.54 381.6 0.12 0.03 25.15 25.98 148.95
24 245.55 7.97 0 0 0.81 381.58 0 0.03 25.47 26.33 30.83
27 204.52 13.76 0 0 0 381.37 0 0.03 25.6 26.41 14.86
30 164.93 -3.01 0 -0.02 0 381.25 0 0.03 25.99 26.72 -54.87
33 104.89 -6.95 0 -0.01 0 381.41 0 0.03 26.33 26.95 -15.1
36 59.64 10.61 0 0 0 381.38 0 0.03 26.24 26.76 5.62
39 29.34 4.97 0 0 0 381.17 0 0.03 26.1 26.57 5.9
42 13.83 -8.98 0 0 0 381.26 0 0.03 26.22 26.64 -1.54
45 13.62 7.12 0 0 0 381.34 0 0.03 25.97 26.34 1.91
48 8.27 12.07 0 0 0 381.09 0 0.03 25.94 26.26 0.69
51 2.57 -8.32 0 0 0 381.06 0 0.03 26.23 26.54 -0.31
54 -0.44 -3.58 0 0 0 381.25 0 0.03 25.42 25.69 0.12
57 2.32 15.78 0 0 0 381.12 0 0.03 25.92 26.18 0.15
60 -1.83 3.32 0 0 0 380.89 0 0.03 26.02 26.26 -0.55
63 -2.6 -9.44 0 0 0 381.02 0 0.03 25.98 26.21 0.28
66 -0.79 0.01 -0.98 -0.08 0 381.06 0 0.03 26.03 26.24 -79.23
69 -1.11 0.01 -1.16 -0.07 0 380.84 0 0.03 25.62 25.83 -111.03

Appendix A - 102
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 7.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 256.98
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 20.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.89
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 70.23
Total Mass Loss (g):
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.044
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 16.36
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 50.01
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0004

Initial mass (g): 388.2
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 93
Time to ignition (s): 7
Time to flameout (s): 32

Appendix A - 103
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 30.09 0.01 -0.84 -0.06 0 388.18 0 0.03 26.06 26.3 3009.47

5 24.06 0.01 -0.85 -0.08 0 388.31 0 0.03 25.97 26.21 2406.2
8 20.56 6.5 0 0 80.35 388.2 0.1 0.03 25.42 25.66 3.16
11 44.46 18.75 0 0 12.63 388.1 0.05 0.03 24.71 25.12 2.37
14 123.28 27.97 0 0 25.51 387.66 0.15 0.03 23.87 24.46 4.41
17 225.27 10.98 0 0 211.18 387.36 0.46 0.03 24.48 25.33 20.52
20 256.98 3.46 0 0.01 50.21 387.3 0.03 0.03 24.8 25.68 74.2
23 238.61 -0.32 0.02 -0.32 0 387.24 0 0.03 25.37 26.18 -754.08
26 177.79 -1.46 0.01 -0.08 0 387.3 0 0.03 26.24 26.99 -121.67
29 113.33 6.72 0 0.01 0 387.25 0 0.03 25.57 26.25 16.87
32 72.88 7.35 0 0.01 0 387.12 0 0.03 25.36 25.95 9.91
35 53.09 0.24 -0.03 0.47 203.95 387.05 0.01 0.03 25.84 26.35 216.88
38 32.24 1.51 0 0.09 0 387.09 0 0.03 25.93 26.38 21.33
41 18.57 2.21 0 0.04 0 387.01 0 0.03 25.74 26.16 8.42
44 14.92 5.73 0 0.01 9.61 387.01 0.01 0.03 25.7 26.09 2.6
47 14.42 7.12 0 0 0.1 386.84 0 0.03 26.36 26.72 2.03
50 15.19 -0.25 0.04 0 0 386.83 0 0.03 25.72 26.03 -61.65
53 9.53 -4.26 0 0 0 386.84 0 0.03 25.71 26.01 -2.24
56 4.43 7 0 0 0 386.9 0 0.03 25.82 26.1 0.63
59 3.55 11.25 0 0 0 386.66 0 0.03 25.59 25.86 0.32
62 4.5 -10.67 0 0 0 386.65 0 0.03 25.47 25.72 -0.42
65 7.16 0.01 -0.99 -0.07 0 386.88 0 0.03 24.97 25.2 716.17
68 8.08 0.01 -0.79 -0.08 0 386.76 0 0.03 25.44 25.67 807.63

Appendix A - 104
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 117.83
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 19.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 0.88
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 27.51
Total Mass Loss (g): 0.44
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.037
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 9.88
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 53.91
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): -0.0001

Initial mass (g): 381.7
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 97
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 20

Appendix A - 105
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.26 0.01 -0.81 -0.06 0 381.82 0 0.03 25.8 26.05 25.78

4 8.62 0.01 -0.78 -0.07 0 381.8 0 0.03 25.62 25.87 862.06
7 13.4 10.1 0 0 0 381.7 0 0.03 25.41 25.66 1.33
10 14.72 12.95 0 0 123.08 381.51 0.31 0.03 25.21 25.46 1.14
13 48.01 13.04 0 0 0 381.33 0 0.03 25.38 25.81 3.68
16 98.05 1.88 0 0.01 0 381.16 0 0.03 25.23 25.75 52.18
19 117.83 -5.77 0 -0.01 0 381.26 0 0.03 25.19 25.72 -20.41
22 101.96 4.2 0 0.03 0 381.27 0 0.03 25.8 26.29 24.29
25 60.98 9.1 0 0.01 0 381.15 0 0.03 25.53 25.96 6.7
28 38.52 -1.76 0.01 -0.05 0 381.06 0 0.03 26.2 26.61 -21.86
31 21.78 -8 0 -0.01 0 381.18 0 0.03 26.06 26.44 -2.72
34 10.49 7.93 0 0.01 0 381.22 0 0.03 25.78 26.13 1.32
37 7.47 14.11 0 0.01 0 380.98 0 0.03 25.8 26.13 0.53
40 9.36 -4.38 0 0 0 380.88 0 0.03 25.75 26.06 -2.14
43 7.4 -5.44 0 0 0 381.05 0 0.03 25.57 25.88 -1.36
46 2.73 9.77 0 0.01 0 380.99 0 0.03 25.94 26.25 0.28
49 4.88 2.99 0 0.02 0 380.84 0 0.03 25.95 26.25 1.63
52 6.4 -6.93 0 -0.01 0 380.91 0 0.03 26.28 26.58 -0.92
55 4.97 4.15 0 0.01 0 380.97 0 0.03 26.1 26.38 1.2
58 -0.54 14.32 0 0 0 380.79 0 0.03 25.32 25.6 -0.04
61 -0.89 -0.42 0.02 0 0 380.63 0 0.03 25.42 25.7 2.11
64 4.46 0.01 -0.64 -0.08 0 380.77 0 0.03 25.65 25.91 445.76
67 5.76 0.01 -0.91 -0.07 0 380.71 0 0.03 25.33 25.6 576.36

Appendix A - 106
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 17.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 299.32
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 55.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 61.70
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 227.09
Total Mass Loss (g): 46.03
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.072
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.40
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 54.83
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0345

Initial mass (g): 368.9
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 100
Time to ignition (s): 17
Time to flameout (s): 703

Appendix A - 107
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.3 0.01 -0.32 -0.04 0 369.04 0 0.03 25.39 25.61 30.31

4 0.4 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 0 369.22 0 0.03 25.41 25.64 39.67
7 0.73 1.28 0 0 0 369.08 0 0.03 26.02 26.25 0.57
10 4.06 -3.9 0 0 0 369.18 0 0.03 25.78 26.01 -1.04
13 3.51 1.86 0 0 0 369.23 0 0.03 25.38 25.63 1.89
16 4.08 13 0 0 36.18 369.02 0.19 0.03 25.09 25.35 0.31
19 31.12 27.52 0 0.01 58.62 368.44 0.65 0.03 24.23 24.79 1.13
22 114.87 27.68 0 0 29.91 367.49 0.34 0.02 23.04 24.29 4.15
25 196.36 11.7 0 0 4.97 366.89 0.02 0.03 24.49 25.98 16.78
28 251.03 19.36 0 0 5.64 366.63 0.04 0.03 24.13 25.67 12.97
31 258.87 24.54 0 0 32.73 365.74 0.31 0.02 23.93 25.64 10.55
34 275.53 10.52 0 0 6.39 365.29 0.03 0.03 24.71 26.6 26.19
37 270.63 13.52 0 0 0 365 0 0.03 24.93 26.77 20.01
40 241.36 19.22 0 0 0 364.45 0 0.03 24.96 26.74 12.56
43 216.36 16.81 0 0 0 363.91 0 0.03 24.79 26.5 12.87
46 213.16 10.86 0 0.01 0 363.46 0 0.02 23.99 25.74 19.62
49 241.63 12.34 0 0.01 2.54 363.2 0.01 0.02 24.01 26 19.59
52 288.46 20.94 0 0.01 0 362.67 0 0.02 24.44 26.57 13.78
55 299.32 18.18 0 0.01 0 362.02 0 0.02 24.73 26.79 16.46
58 283.24 11.71 0 0.02 0 361.61 0 0.02 25.05 27.05 24.19
61 261.11 14.89 0 0.02 0 361.25 0 0.02 24.66 26.59 17.53
64 261.52 21.28 0 0.02 0 360.7 0 0.02 24.71 26.62 12.29
67 268.47 12.45 0 0.02 0 360.08 0 0.02 24.85 26.76 21.56
70 271.64 4.7 0 0.07 0 359.94 0 0.02 25.11 27 57.74
73 264.25 21.5 0 0.02 0 359.62 0 0.02 25.02 26.82 12.29
76 255.94 29.93 0 0.02 0 358.7 0 0.02 25.11 26.83 8.55
79 244.92 22.21 0 0.03 0 357.95 0 0.02 24.77 26.38 11.03
82 245.38 14.4 0 0.04 0 357.38 0 0.03 25.72 27.3 17.04
85 230.37 11.37 0 0.05 0 357.05 0 0.03 25.69 27.16 20.27
88 209.67 10.08 0 0.05 0 356.68 0 0.02 25.27 26.58 20.8
91 204.93 12 0 0.04 0 356.43 0 0.03 26.27 27.55 17.08
94 184.71 7.99 0 0.06 0 356 0 0.03 25.66 26.79 23.13
97 170.2 5.19 0 0.08 0 355.93 0 0.03 26.16 27.2 32.77
100 154.78 14.34 0 0.03 0 355.6 0 0.03 25.72 26.66 10.8
103 152.25 15.32 0 0.02 0 355.13 0 0.03 26.1 26.99 9.94
106 148.53 15.42 0 0.02 0 354.7 0 0.03 25.87 26.7 9.63
109 141.81 13.95 0 0.02 0 354.22 0 0.03 25.63 26.4 10.16
112 139.1 3.57 0 0.08 0 353.92 0 0.03 25.85 26.6 38.91
115 138.38 1.29 0 0.21 0 353.94 0 0.03 25.96 26.68 107.35
118 136.92 13.51 0 0.02 0 353.74 0 0.03 25.73 26.41 10.14
121 134.28 16.49 0 0.02 0 353.2 0 0.03 25.9 26.55 8.14
124 128.23 3.19 0 0.08 0 352.87 0 0.03 25.88 26.51 40.15

Appendix A - 108
127 123.19 -4.82 0 -0.05 0 352.97 0 0.03 25.55 26.15 -25.56
130 125.43 3.4 0 0.09 0 353.04 0 0.03 26.1 26.69 36.94
133 123.31 10.46 0 0.03 0 352.77 0 0.03 26.26 26.84 11.79
136 115.75 6.77 0 0.04 0 352.49 0 0.03 25.82 26.36 17.1
139 108.62 3.06 0 0.08 0 352.37 0 0.03 25.28 25.78 35.51
142 110.1 5.48 0 0.04 0 352.26 0 0.03 26.05 26.54 20.1
145 107.71 12.05 0 0.02 0 352.01 0 0.03 26.07 26.53 8.94
148 104.03 11.89 0 0.02 0 351.59 0 0.03 25.89 26.33 8.75
151 99.52 2.2 0 0.12 0 351.36 0 0.03 25.93 26.36 45.24
154 96.28 4.01 0 0.07 0 351.38 0 0.03 25.5 25.92 24
157 100.19 8.85 0 0.03 0 351.1 0 0.03 26.02 26.45 11.32
160 100.29 4.48 0 0.07 0 350.91 0 0.03 25.7 26.13 22.38
163 100.69 8.67 0 0.04 0 350.77 0 0.03 26.43 26.87 11.61
166 96.13 9.91 0 0.03 0 350.41 0 0.03 25.77 26.19 9.7
169 96.62 7.05 0 0.04 0 350.21 0 0.03 25.8 26.22 13.7
172 98 9.18 0 0.03 0 349.95 0 0.03 25.96 26.39 10.68
175 93.27 5.74 0 0.05 0 349.69 0 0.03 25.31 25.74 16.26
178 90.99 6.29 0 0.05 0 349.58 0 0.03 25.63 26.05 14.46
181 90.58 5.61 0 0.06 0 349.32 0 0.03 26.06 26.49 16.14
184 91.39 2.6 0 0.11 0 349.26 0 0.03 25.9 26.34 35.21
187 90.73 10.77 0 0.03 0 349.09 0 0.03 26.11 26.55 8.43
190 86.69 13.15 0 0.02 0 348.65 0 0.03 25.56 25.98 6.59
193 87.81 5.95 0 0.05 0 348.37 0 0.03 25.69 26.11 14.76
196 90.82 2.92 0 0.1 0 348.27 0 0.03 26.06 26.49 31.07
199 87.53 8.15 0 0.04 0 348.14 0 0.03 25.16 25.58 10.74
202 87.16 10.33 0 0.03 0 347.8 0 0.03 26 26.44 8.44
205 85.92 6.09 0 0.05 0 347.57 0 0.03 26.09 26.53 14.1
208 85.44 1.03 0 0.25 0 347.43 0 0.03 25.34 25.76 82.63
211 85.36 7.4 0 0.03 0 347.42 0 0.03 25.44 25.87 11.54
214 84.63 13.69 0 0.02 0 346.99 0 0.03 25.82 26.25 6.18
217 84.57 4.94 0 0.05 0 346.71 0 0.03 25.82 26.26 17.11
220 85.8 0.26 -0.02 1.06 0 346.67 0 0.03 25.68 26.11 326.51
223 84.66 6.01 0 0.04 0 346.61 0 0.03 25.3 25.74 14.08
226 82.85 13.69 0 0.02 0 346.3 0 0.03 25.33 25.77 6.05
229 84.46 10.64 0 0.02 0 345.87 0 0.03 25.81 26.27 7.94
232 86.1 2.19 0 0.11 0 345.7 0 0.03 25.92 26.38 39.24
235 86.19 1.89 0 0.14 0 345.68 0 0.03 25.8 26.25 45.52
238 83.42 10.02 0 0.03 0 345.53 0 0.03 25.79 26.24 8.32
241 81.06 6.91 0 0.04 0 345.16 0 0.03 25.73 26.18 11.73
244 82.86 -1.23 0 -0.19 0 345.14 0 0.03 26.03 26.47 -67.21
247 81.37 5.47 0 0.05 0 345.12 0 0.03 25.51 25.94 14.87
250 79.67 13.91 0 0.02 0 344.8 0 0.03 25.49 25.93 5.73
253 82.24 8.48 0 0.03 0 344.39 0 0.03 26.53 26.99 9.7
256 80.06 -0.58 0.01 -0.42 0 344.32 0 0.03 25.42 25.85 -136.97
259 82.53 1.17 -0.01 0.22 0 344.34 0 0.03 25.7 26.13 70.79
262 83.73 11.09 0 0.02 0 344.19 0 0.03 25.91 26.36 7.55
265 81.8 12.48 0 0.02 0 343.75 0 0.03 25.73 26.19 6.55
268 79.33 0.04 -0.11 7.33 0 343.54 0 0.03 25.37 25.82 2259.3

Appendix A - 109
271 80.8 1.28 0 0.2 0 343.64 0 0.03 25.83 26.29 62.96
274 81.33 12.46 0 0.02 0 343.39 0 0.03 25.93 26.39 6.53
277 82.07 11.44 0 0.03 0 342.99 0 0.03 26.5 26.98 7.17
280 77.87 2.33 0 0.11 0 342.77 0 0.03 25.84 26.3 33.48
283 78.06 0.31 -0.02 0.86 0 342.79 0 0.03 26.06 26.52 254.88
286 80.24 9.63 0 0.03 0 342.66 0 0.03 25.98 26.43 8.33
289 78.12 12.32 0 0.02 0 342.26 0 0.03 25.41 25.85 6.34
292 77.72 4.19 0 0.06 0 342.01 0 0.03 25.59 26.04 18.54
295 76.32 0.73 -0.01 0.32 0 341.98 0 0.03 25.84 26.29 105.06
298 78.49 7.29 0 0.03 0 341.89 0 0.03 26.23 26.69 10.76
301 79.01 11.42 0 0.02 0 341.56 0 0.03 25.93 26.39 6.92
304 78.01 6.35 0 0.04 0 341.27 0 0.03 25.85 26.3 12.28
307 76.19 0.04 -0.1 5.62 0 341.19 0 0.03 25.95 26.4 1945.44
310 73.99 2.43 0 0.1 0 341.2 0 0.03 25.8 26.24 30.4
313 74.85 10.42 0 0.02 0 341 0 0.03 25.67 26.11 7.18
316 75.49 12.43 0 0.02 0 340.62 0 0.03 25.27 25.71 6.07
319 74.42 6.05 0 0.04 0 340.32 0 0.03 25.23 25.67 12.3
322 73.46 -1.03 0 -0.26 0 340.26 0 0.03 25.49 25.93 -71.01
325 73.2 2.93 0 0.09 0 340.29 0 0.03 25.54 25.96 25.01
328 74.25 10.89 0 0.02 0 340.06 0 0.03 25.7 26.11 6.82
331 73.93 7.45 0 0.04 0 339.73 0 0.03 25.85 26.26 9.93
334 72.77 1.34 0 0.21 0 339.64 0 0.03 25.99 26.4 54.44
337 69.44 2.3 0 0.12 0 339.59 0 0.03 25.65 26.06 30.16
340 71.47 8.7 0 0.03 0 339.45 0 0.03 25.9 26.31 8.21
343 70.87 14.18 0 0.02 0 339.08 0 0.03 25.27 25.68 5
346 69.84 8.65 0 0.03 0 338.69 0 0.03 25.43 25.83 8.07
349 69.12 0.54 -0.01 0.49 0 338.58 0 0.03 25.36 25.76 128.07
352 70.84 1.13 0 0.24 0 338.59 0 0.03 25.59 26 62.97
355 71.09 7.85 0 0.03 0 338.46 0 0.03 25.43 25.83 9.06
358 71.02 11.26 0 0.02 0 338.14 0 0.03 26.2 26.62 6.31
361 67.2 8.1 0 0.03 0 337.84 0 0.03 25.61 26.01 8.3
364 68.35 5.11 0 0.05 0 337.66 0 0.03 25.71 26.12 13.37
367 70.99 4.19 0 0.06 0 337.52 0 0.03 26.08 26.5 16.94
370 70.58 6.48 0 0.04 0 337.38 0 0.03 26.04 26.46 10.9
373 69.86 7.54 0 0.04 0 337.14 0 0.03 26.15 26.58 9.26
376 69.79 1.42 0 0.2 0 336.98 0 0.03 26.28 26.71 49.23
379 69.91 -0.59 0.01 -0.47 0 337.02 0 0.03 25.93 26.35 -119.04
382 69.6 9.44 0 0.03 0 336.93 0 0.03 25.49 25.91 7.38
385 68.95 11.8 0 0.02 0 336.51 0 0.03 25.9 26.33 5.84
388 66.26 1.29 0 0.19 0 336.31 0 0.03 25.57 26 51.28
391 68.65 -0.64 0.01 -0.42 0 336.37 0 0.03 25.76 26.19 -107.09
394 70.12 8.08 0 0.03 0 336.27 0 0.03 25.82 26.25 8.68
397 67.15 11.94 0 0.02 0 335.92 0 0.03 25.52 25.94 5.62
400 65.18 5.47 0 0.05 0 335.63 0 0.03 25.46 25.87 11.92
403 66.68 1.7 0 0.15 0 335.58 0 0.03 25.65 26.07 39.16
406 66.73 2.78 0 0.09 0 335.49 0 0.03 25.22 25.63 23.98
409 66.4 4.85 0 0.05 0 335.4 0 0.03 25.69 26.11 13.7
412 65.14 8.92 0 0.03 0 335.19 0 0.03 25.72 26.14 7.3

Appendix A - 110
415 66.22 3.77 0 0.07 0 334.93 0 0.03 25.83 26.24 17.58
418 68.07 -1.34 0 -0.19 0 334.96 0 0.03 25.88 26.29 -50.95
421 68.2 7.01 0 0.04 0 334.91 0 0.03 25.88 26.29 9.73
424 66.17 11.67 0 0.02 0 334.57 0 0.03 25.68 26.08 5.67
427 65.84 4.58 0 0.06 0 334.3 0 0.03 25.86 26.26 14.37
430 67.13 -0.86 0.01 -0.26 0 334.28 0 0.03 25.59 26 -78.3
433 69.54 5.12 0 0.05 0 334.27 0 0.03 25.61 26.02 13.58
436 67.86 12.25 0 0.02 6.75 333.97 0.03 0.03 25.65 26.07 5.54
439 67.33 5.68 0 0.04 21.5 333.63 0.05 0.03 25.93 26.34 11.86
442 65.66 -0.01 0.7 -37.79 -21981.29 333.62 0.06 0.03 26.4 26.82 0
445 63.95 3.68 0 0.07 35.29 333.56 0.05 0.03 25.61 26.01 17.4
448 66.04 6.52 0 0.04 38.49 333.4 0.1 0.03 25.69 26.1 10.13
451 64.91 6.98 0 0.03 43.88 333.19 0.12 0.03 25.71 26.12 9.3
454 63.09 4.98 0 0.05 51.01 333 0.1 0.03 25.37 25.77 12.67
457 64.13 5.35 0 0.04 81.67 332.88 0.17 0.03 25.09 25.49 11.98
460 68.88 6.01 0 0.04 93.65 332.68 0.21 0.03 26.24 26.67 11.46
463 66.46 4.77 0 0.05 131.09 332.53 0.24 0.03 25.81 26.23 13.93
466 65.71 3.56 0 0.07 184.94 332.39 0.25 0.03 25.8 26.22 18.47
469 68.5 5.71 0 0.04 130.68 332.29 0.28 0.03 26.37 26.81 12
472 68.28 8.46 0 0.03 89.61 332.05 0.29 0.03 25.44 25.87 8.07
475 68.02 6.66 0 0.03 126.17 331.82 0.32 0.03 25.84 26.27 10.22
478 66.13 6.09 0 0.04 147.22 331.64 0.34 0.03 25.59 26.01 10.85
481 65.87 2.75 0 0.08 333.44 331.47 0.36 0.03 25.04 25.46 23.97
484 69.33 -0.86 0.01 -0.26 -1150.27 331.47 0.38 0.03 26.03 26.47 -80.26
487 66.55 4.22 0 0.05 255.75 331.46 0.41 0.03 25.81 26.24 15.75
490 64.59 10.08 0 0.02 124.52 331.21 0.47 0.03 26.04 26.47 6.41
493 65.74 8.4 0 0.03 155.08 330.91 0.49 0.03 25.96 26.39 7.83
496 66.92 0 -1.96 106.12 559693.97 330.76 0.48 0.03 25.66 26.08 0
499 66.44 1.53 0 0.15 861 330.84 0.5 0.03 25.8 26.23 43.35
502 63.68 7.68 0 0.03 166.77 330.63 0.49 0.03 25.48 25.89 8.29
505 64.5 5.25 0 0.05 245.1 330.44 0.49 0.03 25.66 26.08 12.29
508 66.35 3.28 0 0.07 386.64 330.32 0.49 0.03 25.76 26.18 20.2
511 66.33 4.3 0 0.05 322.55 330.22 0.53 0.03 25.74 26.15 15.43
514 63.98 8.13 0 0.03 173.33 330.04 0.54 0.03 25.65 26.07 7.87
517 63.03 8.14 0 0.03 174.93 329.76 0.54 0.03 25.98 26.4 7.74
520 64.05 4.57 0 0.05 311.38 329.58 0.54 0.03 25.93 26.35 14.02
523 64.94 4.89 0 0.05 284.24 329.46 0.54 0.03 25.46 25.87 13.28
526 63.75 4.36 0 0.06 314.43 329.29 0.53 0.03 25.33 25.73 14.63
529 63.88 2.19 0 0.12 657.76 329.21 0.54 0.03 26.07 26.49 29.18
532 62.6 5.69 0 0.04 239.81 329.12 0.52 0.03 25.99 26.4 11
535 63.39 9.52 0 0.03 151.26 328.86 0.55 0.03 25.7 26.11 6.66
538 66.76 4.81 0 0.05 291.22 328.61 0.52 0.03 26.32 26.74 13.88
541 64.87 1.49 0 0.16 951.73 328.57 0.53 0.03 26.35 26.77 43.45
544 62.98 1.88 0 0.14 765.38 328.49 0.54 0.03 26.2 26.62 33.44
547 60.21 5.57 0 0.04 262.9 328.43 0.57 0.03 25.2 25.6 10.81
550 62.38 8.42 0 0.03 155.03 328.16 0.51 0.03 25.39 25.79 7.4
553 64.1 4.52 0 0.05 282.48 327.97 0.49 0.03 25.48 25.89 14.17
556 63.11 2.58 0 0.09 493.75 327.88 0.49 0.03 25.41 25.83 24.5

Appendix A - 111
559 62.8 1.63 0 0.14 803.65 327.8 0.5 0.03 25.73 26.16 38.42
562 62.57 9.09 0 0.02 141.11 327.72 0.49 0.03 25.62 26.04 6.88
565 64.48 12.86 0 0.02 105.34 327.29 0.52 0.03 25.57 25.97 5.01
568 64.64 2.72 0 0.08 477.44 327.05 0.5 0.03 25.49 25.9 23.75
571 62.17 1.33 0 0.18 918.39 327.07 0.47 0.03 25.69 26.11 46.8
574 59.7 4.69 0 0.05 262.78 326.93 0.48 0.03 25.5 25.91 12.72
577 61.85 5.21 0 0.05 245.77 326.8 0.49 0.03 25.93 26.34 11.87
580 62.26 5.34 0 0.04 228.26 326.63 0.47 0.03 25.67 26.08 11.67
583 59.98 1.04 0 0.22 1132.62 326.51 0.46 0.03 25.32 25.72 57.79
586 60.63 0.8 -0.01 0.29 1356.33 326.53 0.41 0.03 26.24 26.64 75.68
589 59.54 6.52 0 0.04 180.25 326.42 0.45 0.03 25.5 25.88 9.14
592 62.96 10.02 0 0.02 119.82 326.16 0.46 0.03 25.91 26.29 6.28
595 62.62 6.52 0 0.04 186.54 325.88 0.47 0.03 25.62 26 9.6
598 61.3 0.52 -0.01 0.45 2371.41 325.79 0.47 0.03 25.83 26.21 117.84
601 59.76 1.53 0 0.16 814.16 325.79 0.47 0.03 25.95 26.34 39.19
604 59.63 7.47 0 0.03 159.73 325.65 0.46 0.03 25.33 25.71 7.98
607 62.34 10.74 0 0.02 115.41 325.37 0.48 0.03 25.56 25.95 5.8
610 61.8 4.46 0 0.05 281.11 325.08 0.48 0.03 25.67 26.05 13.85
613 59.43 -0.66 0.01 -0.35 -1708.12 325.09 0.44 0.03 25.25 25.63 -89.55
616 60.41 3.37 0 0.07 357.84 325.05 0.47 0.03 25.17 25.56 17.91
619 63.11 10.94 0 0.02 108.17 324.86 0.45 0.03 25.62 26.01 5.77
622 62.9 9.76 0 0.02 123.19 324.46 0.47 0.03 25.43 25.82 6.44
625 61.34 1.07 0 0.21 1087.38 324.33 0.45 0.03 25.64 26.03 57.06
628 59.3 -0.38 0.01 -0.55 -3201.65 324.34 0.47 0.03 25.34 25.73 -155.72
631 62.22 5.67 0 0.04 231.37 324.29 0.5 0.03 25.89 26.29 10.97
634 62.3 13.12 0 0.02 96.7 323.99 0.49 0.03 25.71 26.12 4.75
637 60.62 9.78 0 0.02 131.49 323.59 0.5 0.03 25.55 25.95 6.2
640 59.56 -0.4 0.01 -0.59 -2748.44 323.46 0.42 0.03 25.86 26.26 -149.34
643 61.46 -1.25 0 -0.19 -934.33 323.54 0.44 0.03 26.02 26.42 -49.03
646 62.65 6.41 0 0.04 194.83 323.47 0.48 0.03 25.67 26.07 9.78
649 61.87 0.01 -0.49 22.28 124153.05 323.2 0.48 0.03 25.67 26.07 6187.08
652 58.92 0.01 -0.41 22.04 119283.43 322.99 0.46 0.03 25.65 26.05 5892.05

Appendix A - 112
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 15.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 334.90
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 35.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 63.23
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 232.74
Total Mass Loss (g): 46.80
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.073
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.51
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 6.33
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0357

Initial mass (g): 403.6
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 87
Time to ignition (s): 15
Time to flameout (s): 705

Appendix A - 113
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -1.5 0.01 -0.46 -0.04 3417.52 403.59 0.01 0.03 25.75 25.95 -150.13
5 -1.85 0.01 -0.48 -0.03 0 403.66 0 0.03 25.52 25.72 -184.64
8 0.07 -1.54 0 0 0 403.82 0 0.03 25.43 25.62 -0.04
11 2.25 8.89 0 0 29.34 403.7 0.1 0.03 25.87 26.07 0.25
14 1.66 9.26 0 0 68.63 403.36 0.24 0.03 25.89 26.11 0.18
17 11.39 15.44 0 0.01 83.38 403.11 0.52 0.03 24.51 24.85 0.74
20 60.34 21.72 0 0 45.83 402.43 0.42 0.02 22.56 23.47 2.78
23 164.01 20.25 0 0 37.75 401.86 0.3 0.03 23.71 25.07 8.1
26 236.67 27.2 0 0 31.21 401.17 0.33 0.03 24.2 25.67 8.7
29 259.56 25.51 0 0 54.94 400.3 0.56 0.02 23.42 25.11 10.18
32 295.02 17.09 0 0.01 91.94 399.69 0.62 0.02 23.5 25.52 17.26
35 334.9 14.41 0 0.01 43.34 399.23 0.24 0.02 24.31 26.44 23.24
38 334.23 17.33 0 0 16.94 398.78 0.11 0.03 25.23 27.33 19.28
41 294.06 16.7 0 0.01 0 398.21 0 0.03 25.58 27.61 17.6
44 252.59 11.17 0 0.01 0 397.81 0 0.03 24.92 26.88 22.62
47 238.38 12.42 0 0.01 17.72 397.49 0.09 0.02 23.89 25.84 19.19
50 261.91 20.2 0 0.01 17.6 397.02 0.14 0.02 24.08 26.17 12.96
53 286.96 24.04 0 0.01 5.19 396.31 0.05 0.02 24.38 26.52 11.94
56 283.9 22.97 0 0.01 3.26 395.62 0.03 0.02 23.63 25.67 12.36
59 293.66 11.79 0 0.02 0 395.01 0 0.02 24.7 26.84 24.91
62 286.73 4.14 0 0.07 0 394.88 0 0.02 24.77 26.81 69.33
65 273.18 13.12 0 0.02 3.17 394.63 0.02 0.02 24.97 26.93 20.83
68 255.78 17.43 0 0.02 0 394.12 0 0.02 25.25 27.12 14.68
71 238.47 17.78 0 0.02 0 393.63 0 0.02 25.47 27.21 13.41
74 224.18 13.67 0 0.03 0 393.09 0 0.02 25.57 27.18 16.4
77 211.81 10.62 0 0.03 0 392.8 0 0.03 25.76 27.26 19.95
80 196.53 14.48 0 0.02 5.99 392.41 0.03 0.03 25.73 27.1 13.57
83 182.44 11.35 0 0.03 4.8 391.97 0.02 0.03 25.6 26.87 16.08
86 172.69 9.48 0 0.03 0 391.72 0 0.02 25.4 26.55 18.22
89 167.04 12.1 0 0.03 0 391.37 0 0.02 25.27 26.35 13.81
92 163.95 12.77 0 0.03 0 391 0 0.03 25.56 26.58 12.83
95 163.88 10.94 0 0.04 0 390.62 0 0.03 26.06 27.04 14.98
98 165.05 12.5 0 0.03 0 390.32 0 0.03 26.42 27.36 13.2
101 163.5 14.73 0 0.03 0 389.87 0 0.03 25.82 26.7 11.1
104 165.61 10.15 0 0.04 0 389.49 0 0.03 25.95 26.81 16.32
107 163.95 8.06 0 0.05 0.91 389.24 0 0.03 25.84 26.7 20.33
110 164.59 9.39 0 0.05 0 388.97 0 0.03 25.54 26.41 17.52
113 167.87 12.85 0 0.03 0 388.66 0 0.02 25.23 26.09 13.06
116 176.64 16.03 0 0.03 0 388.21 0 0.03 25.88 26.77 11.02
119 176.23 12.25 0 0.04 0 387.75 0 0.03 25.76 26.64 14.38
122 171.01 8.15 0 0.05 2.6 387.48 0.01 0.02 25.19 26.05 20.97
125 172.44 11.68 0 0.04 2.53 387.21 0.01 0.03 25.66 26.53 14.77

Appendix A - 114
128 172.1 16.3 0 0.02 0 386.77 0 0.03 25.65 26.52 10.56
131 167.45 16.37 0 0.02 0.93 386.27 0.01 0.02 25.13 25.96 10.23
134 164.32 9.45 0 0.04 0 385.84 0 0.02 25.27 26.08 17.39
137 159.89 4.55 0 0.08 0 385.68 0 0.02 25.2 25.99 35.13
140 160.07 10.74 0 0.03 0 385.48 0 0.03 25.4 26.17 14.91
143 161.58 17.32 0 0.02 0 385.03 0 0.03 26.05 26.85 9.33
146 156.2 13.19 0 0.02 0 384.52 0 0.03 25.54 26.32 11.84
149 156.29 5.74 0 0.05 0 384.27 0 0.03 25.83 26.61 27.25
152 156.62 3.04 0 0.1 0 384.14 0 0.03 25.85 26.62 51.55
155 151.25 13.39 0 0.02 0 384 0 0.03 25.48 26.2 11.29
158 145.22 14.99 0 0.02 0 383.4 0 0.03 25.86 26.56 9.69
161 138.14 1.43 0 0.22 0 383.21 0 0.03 25.97 26.63 96.77
164 132.36 0.68 -0.01 0.42 0 383.22 0 0.03 25.77 26.39 195.14
167 127.7 11.07 0 0.02 0 383.07 0 0.03 25.85 26.42 11.53
170 122.65 17.36 0 0.02 0 382.59 0 0.03 26.1 26.64 7.06
173 118.65 14.89 0 0.02 0.31 382.11 0 0.03 26.4 26.9 7.97
176 116.3 5.02 0 0.05 0 381.75 0 0.03 26.6 27.07 23.15
179 111.47 -1.77 0 -0.14 0 381.78 0 0.03 25.75 26.19 -62.84
182 108.96 7.62 0 0.03 0 381.74 0 0.03 25.65 26.07 14.31
185 106.28 14.36 0 0.01 0 381.34 0 0.03 25.77 26.18 7.4
188 103.74 10.68 0 0.02 0 380.96 0 0.03 26.07 26.47 9.72
191 100.57 4.14 0 0.05 0 380.72 0 0.03 25.43 25.8 24.29
194 101.3 8.5 0 0.03 0 380.63 0 0.03 25.9 26.26 11.91
197 100.07 13.99 0 0.02 0 380.2 0 0.03 26.11 26.46 7.15
200 97.52 5.33 0 0.05 0 379.89 0 0.03 26.14 26.49 18.28
203 95.2 2.16 0 0.12 0 379.84 0 0.03 25.67 26 44.09
206 94.35 8.3 0 0.03 0 379.69 0 0.03 25.47 25.8 11.36
209 94.38 10.92 0 0.02 0 379.37 0 0.03 25.69 26.02 8.64
212 93.55 10.19 0 0.02 0 379.07 0 0.03 26.05 26.39 9.18
215 91.31 3.11 0 0.07 0 378.8 0 0.03 25.85 26.19 29.39
218 92.71 0.67 -0.01 0.32 0 378.84 0 0.03 25.82 26.16 139.29
221 93.21 10.6 0 0.02 0 378.67 0 0.03 25.68 26.03 8.79
224 91.63 14.05 0 0.02 0 378.25 0 0.03 25.6 25.96 6.52
227 91.31 6.99 0 0.03 0 377.91 0 0.03 25.92 26.29 13.06
230 89.79 1.05 -0.01 0.23 0 377.83 0 0.03 25.38 25.75 85.51
233 92.92 4.53 0 0.06 0 377.77 0 0.03 25.81 26.18 20.53
236 92.32 9.31 0 0.03 0 377.54 0 0.03 25.66 26.04 9.91
239 90.45 10.01 0 0.03 0 377.25 0 0.03 25.84 26.21 9.04
242 86.6 6.61 0 0.05 0 376.97 0 0.03 25.67 26.03 13.11
245 85.68 4.27 0 0.08 0 376.85 0 0.03 25.61 25.97 20.04
248 88.32 4.68 0 0.07 1.62 376.69 0 0.03 25.82 26.18 18.86
251 86.22 4.5 0 0.08 11.2 376.57 0.02 0.03 25.4 25.74 19.17
254 85.36 5.37 0 0.06 0.24 376.42 0 0.03 25.94 26.29 15.91
257 80.84 3.56 0 0.09 0 376.26 0 0.03 25.59 25.93 22.69
260 78.1 5.03 0 0.07 0 376.18 0 0.03 25.41 25.74 15.51
263 80.44 5.63 0 0.06 0 375.96 0 0.03 25.84 26.17 14.29
266 78.68 4.41 0 0.07 0 375.86 0 0.03 25.39 25.72 17.85
269 77.58 5.25 0 0.07 2.5 375.68 0.01 0.03 25.52 25.84 14.77

Appendix A - 115
272 77.17 7.66 0 0.05 0 375.53 0 0.03 25.65 25.98 10.08
275 78.52 10.97 0 0.03 0 375.22 0 0.03 25.93 26.27 7.16
278 80.26 8.43 0 0.04 0 374.91 0 0.03 26.07 26.42 9.53
281 78.1 7.08 0 0.05 0 374.71 0 0.03 25.93 26.27 11.04
284 73.33 2.79 0 0.11 0 374.51 0 0.03 25.48 25.81 26.32
287 70.63 -0.06 0.1 -5.31 0 374.53 0 0.03 25.3 25.62 0
290 74.38 5.27 0 0.06 4.38 374.45 0.01 0.03 25.98 26.32 14.12
293 74.33 7.4 0 0.04 0 374.24 0 0.03 25.58 25.91 10.04
296 72.74 5.95 0 0.05 3.72 374.04 0.01 0.03 25.7 26.04 12.22
299 70.98 5.13 0 0.06 0 373.88 0 0.03 25.61 25.94 13.84
302 72.09 4.7 0 0.06 9.07 373.73 0.02 0.03 25.47 25.81 15.35
305 73.93 3.84 0 0.08 9.63 373.6 0.01 0.03 26.12 26.47 19.27
308 70.84 4.25 0 0.07 0 373.49 0 0.03 25.85 26.2 16.66
311 70.09 4.26 0 0.07 0 373.34 0 0.03 26.17 26.54 16.45
314 69.55 6.53 0 0.04 0 373.21 0 0.03 25.62 25.98 10.65
317 71.15 8.7 0 0.03 3.64 372.95 0.01 0.03 25.72 26.08 8.18
320 69.93 6.05 0 0.04 0.33 372.73 0 0.03 25.61 25.97 11.55
323 67.15 3.36 0 0.08 13.32 372.59 0.02 0.03 25.46 25.83 19.99
326 66.89 1.24 0 0.21 0 372.52 0 0.03 25.56 25.93 53.85
329 69.27 4.77 0 0.06 0 372.47 0 0.03 25.77 26.14 14.52
332 70.12 10.32 0 0.03 0 372.22 0 0.03 25.64 26.01 6.79
335 68.18 6.46 0 0.04 0 371.93 0 0.03 25.7 26.06 10.55
338 66.01 -0.07 0.07 -3.73 0 371.85 0 0.03 25.56 25.93 -957.8
341 67.11 3.58 0 0.08 0 371.85 0 0.03 25.98 26.35 18.77
344 68.82 11.28 0 0.02 0 371.61 0 0.03 26.16 26.54 6.1
347 66.09 8.08 0 0.03 2.94 371.26 0.01 0.03 25.73 26.08 8.18
350 64.18 4.2 0 0.06 0 371.13 0 0.03 25.9 26.26 15.28
353 63.96 4.62 0 0.06 0 370.97 0 0.03 25.56 25.92 13.83
356 65.11 4.13 0 0.07 0 370.86 0 0.03 25.45 25.81 15.78
359 65.77 5.67 0 0.05 0 370.71 0 0.03 25.73 26.1 11.61
362 63.96 5 0 0.05 0 370.53 0 0.03 25.75 26.13 12.79
365 61.83 2.82 0 0.1 0 370.42 0 0.03 25.64 26.02 21.91
368 61.78 6.34 0 0.05 0 370.32 0 0.03 25.51 25.89 9.75
371 63.62 7.95 0 0.04 0 370.05 0 0.03 25.95 26.33 8
374 61.81 5.1 0 0.05 0 369.88 0 0.03 26.02 26.39 12.12
377 59.58 2.05 0 0.13 0 369.75 0 0.03 25.76 26.12 29.01
380 61.48 1.67 0 0.16 0 369.74 0 0.03 25.98 26.33 36.75
383 63.24 6.05 0 0.05 0 369.61 0 0.03 25.9 26.25 10.46
386 61.13 8.21 0 0.03 0 369.39 0 0.03 25.55 25.89 7.45
389 59.87 6.1 0 0.04 0 369.16 0 0.03 25.83 26.18 9.82
392 59.06 1.63 0 0.15 0 369.04 0 0.03 25.02 25.36 36.31
395 61.82 2.8 0 0.09 0 369.02 0 0.03 25.64 25.99 22.1
398 61.27 7.05 0 0.04 0 368.85 0 0.03 25.95 26.3 8.69
401 59.9 8.08 0 0.03 0 368.62 0 0.03 25.96 26.31 7.41
404 61.6 4.73 0 0.05 0 368.4 0 0.03 26.14 26.49 13.02
407 61.68 4.42 0 0.06 0 368.32 0 0.03 25.37 25.71 13.97
410 59.94 4.57 0 0.06 0 368.13 0 0.03 25.81 26.16 13.11
413 57.25 3.25 0 0.08 10.22 368.05 0.01 0.03 25.55 25.9 17.64

Appendix A - 116
416 57.92 4.97 0 0.05 0 367.91 0 0.03 25.45 25.81 11.66
419 59.96 4.25 0 0.06 0 367.77 0 0.03 25.3 25.65 14.11
422 59.85 6.17 0 0.04 0 367.64 0 0.03 25.75 26.11 9.7
425 58.32 6.78 0 0.04 0 367.41 0 0.03 26.19 26.55 8.6
428 58.31 3.64 0 0.07 0 367.26 0 0.03 26.02 26.38 16.04
431 59.06 2.52 0 0.11 0 367.17 0 0.03 25.65 26 23.41
434 57.46 8.44 0 0.03 0 367.06 0 0.03 25.53 25.88 6.81
437 55.91 9.39 0 0.03 0 366.7 0 0.03 25.55 25.91 5.95
440 57.19 4.1 0 0.06 0 366.54 0 0.03 25.79 26.15 13.94
443 59.22 2.57 0 0.1 0 366.43 0 0.03 25.77 26.13 23.05
446 60.09 3.11 0 0.09 0 366.37 0 0.03 25.96 26.32 19.3
449 59.07 7.17 0 0.04 0 366.22 0 0.03 25.58 25.94 8.24
452 58.16 6.12 0 0.05 0 365.97 0 0.03 25.63 26 9.5
455 59.05 3.66 0 0.07 0 365.86 0 0.03 25.97 26.35 16.13
458 59.44 3.58 0 0.08 0 365.74 0 0.03 25.33 25.69 16.6
461 61.01 4.14 0 0.07 0 365.64 0 0.03 25.93 26.3 14.72
464 58.65 5.42 0 0.05 0 365.48 0 0.03 26.1 26.47 10.83
467 58.46 6.38 0 0.04 0 365.32 0 0.03 26.11 26.49 9.17
470 59.41 8.41 0 0.03 0 365.09 0 0.03 25.82 26.2 7.07
473 60.77 6.74 0 0.04 2.73 364.84 0.01 0.03 25.5 25.88 9.02
476 61.08 1.1 0 0.25 0 364.72 0 0.03 25.72 26.11 55.72
479 59.27 1.14 0 0.24 0 364.73 0 0.03 25.76 26.15 52.1
482 59.17 6.8 0 0.04 0 364.61 0 0.03 25.55 25.94 8.7
485 61.27 8.12 0 0.03 0 364.35 0 0.03 25.62 26.02 7.55
488 63.82 7.73 0 0.03 0 364.14 0 0.03 25.92 26.33 8.25
491 64.26 5.81 0 0.04 0 363.91 0 0.03 26.18 26.59 11.06
494 60.97 2.08 0 0.11 0 363.8 0 0.03 25.74 26.13 29.35
497 59.74 2.25 0 0.11 0 363.75 0 0.03 25.54 25.95 26.51
500 63.04 6.58 0 0.04 0 363.63 0 0.03 25.58 25.99 9.58
503 62.61 7.72 0 0.03 0 363.38 0 0.03 25.47 25.87 8.11
506 63.02 4.73 0 0.05 0 363.2 0 0.03 26.11 26.53 13.32
509 61 2.44 0 0.09 0 363.09 0 0.03 25.62 26.03 24.96
512 62.66 1.66 0 0.13 0 363.04 0 0.03 25.84 26.25 37.79
515 63.16 6.97 0 0.03 0 362.95 0 0.03 25.6 26.01 9.06
518 60.61 8.24 0 0.03 0 362.65 0 0.03 25.51 25.92 7.35
521 59.89 1.15 0 0.19 0 362.51 0 0.03 26.04 26.46 52.22
524 59 2.53 0 0.09 0 362.52 0 0.03 25.21 25.61 23.33
527 62.01 10.83 0 0.02 0.97 362.31 0 0.03 25.72 26.13 5.72
530 60.55 10.55 0 0.02 1.42 361.94 0.01 0.03 25.55 25.96 5.74
533 58.87 2.54 0 0.08 0 361.74 0 0.03 25.62 26.02 23.14
536 57.98 -1.46 0 -0.15 0 361.76 0 0.03 25.34 25.74 -39.83
539 59.13 1.53 0 0.14 0 361.77 0 0.03 25.32 25.71 38.75
542 59.21 8.63 0 0.02 0 361.63 0 0.03 25.8 26.19 6.86
545 56.97 11.19 0 0.02 0 361.29 0 0.03 25.78 26.16 5.09
548 56.01 4.1 0 0.05 0 361.03 0 0.03 25.06 25.45 13.65
551 59.86 2.45 0 0.09 0 361.01 0 0.03 25.59 25.98 24.45
554 59.92 5.11 0 0.04 0 360.85 0 0.03 25.82 26.2 11.72
557 57.61 4.02 0 0.06 0 360.72 0 0.03 25.85 26.23 14.34

Appendix A - 117
560 58.48 1.92 0 0.13 0 360.62 0 0.03 26.13 26.51 30.43
563 56.63 4.48 0 0.05 0 360.57 0 0.03 25.31 25.66 12.65
566 55.63 8.47 0 0.03 0 360.34 0 0.03 25.46 25.81 6.57
569 54.72 5.85 0 0.04 0 360.11 0 0.03 25.63 25.99 9.35
572 55.21 2.8 0 0.09 0 360 0 0.03 25.82 26.19 19.75
575 57.49 0.55 -0.01 0.46 0 359.94 0 0.03 25.49 25.86 105.41
578 59.63 3.67 0 0.07 0 359.92 0 0.03 26.42 26.79 16.24
581 56.17 9.51 0 0.03 0 359.7 0 0.03 26.04 26.4 5.91
584 57.22 7.01 0 0.04 4.03 359.41 0.01 0.03 26.15 26.51 8.17
587 58.43 2.06 0 0.13 0 359.3 0 0.03 25.86 26.2 28.35
590 56.55 1.44 0 0.18 0 359.26 0 0.03 25.37 25.71 39.28
593 54.85 3.75 0 0.07 0 359.19 0 0.03 25.65 25.99 14.63
596 55.4 5.66 0 0.04 0 359.03 0 0.03 25.82 26.16 9.79
599 57.88 5.6 0 0.05 0 358.86 0 0.03 26.22 26.57 10.34
602 57.83 4.18 0 0.06 0 358.7 0 0.03 25.78 26.13 13.84
605 54.88 8.03 0 0.03 0 358.58 0 0.03 25.48 25.83 6.83
608 53.19 6.39 0 0.04 0 358.27 0 0.03 25.29 25.63 8.32
611 54.72 -1.88 0 -0.13 0 358.24 0 0.03 25.45 25.78 -29.12
614 57.89 0.62 -0.01 0.37 0 358.3 0 0.03 25.95 26.3 92.73
617 56.31 7.55 0 0.03 1.99 358.17 0.01 0.03 25.87 26.22 7.46
620 56.17 7.37 0 0.03 0 357.9 0 0.03 25.88 26.24 7.62
623 56.96 2.71 0 0.09 0 357.76 0 0.03 25.56 25.9 21.05
626 56.23 4.46 0 0.06 0 357.69 0 0.03 25.97 26.32 12.62
629 53.85 8.31 0 0.03 0 357.48 0 0.03 25.87 26.22 6.48
632 53.41 4.17 0 0.06 0 357.25 0 0.03 25.51 25.87 12.82
635 55.54 -1.71 0 -0.15 0 357.24 0 0.03 25.35 25.69 -32.53
638 56.22 2.31 0 0.12 0 357.28 0 0.03 25.51 25.87 24.33
641 55 8.24 0 0.03 0 357.08 0 0.03 25.77 26.12 6.68
644 54.24 6.87 0 0.04 0 356.84 0 0.03 25.6 25.96 7.89
647 54.41 1.85 0 0.14 0 356.7 0 0.03 25.27 25.61 29.44
650 53.47 0.01 -0.5 25.99 0 356.69 0 0.03 25.46 25.81 5346.88
653 52.51 0.01 -0.52 24.19 0 356.55 0 0.03 25.74 26.1 5250.75

Appendix A - 118
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 13.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 320.63
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 49.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 48.21
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 230.08
Total Mass Loss (g): 49.61
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.078
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 9.72
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 123.31
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0295

Initial mass (g): 385.5
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 109
Time to ignition (s): 13
Time to flameout (s): 701

Appendix A - 119
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -25.48 0.01 -0.49 -0.03 70543.33 385.81 0.27 0.03 25.79 25.97 0
4 -27.13 0.01 -0.3 -0.03 75414.09 385.58 0.29 0.03 26.04 26.22 0
7 -28.57 -4.15 0 0 -189.47 385.62 0.31 0.03 25.4 25.56 6.88
10 -30.5 -3.62 0 0 -263.68 385.76 0.37 0.03 25.68 25.85 8.43
13 -29.2 5.74 0 0.01 203 385.76 0.45 0.03 25.79 25.97 -5.09
16 -4.54 21.66 0 0.01 49.02 385.37 0.41 0.03 25.54 25.79 -0.21
19 64.75 25.57 0 0 42.64 384.55 0.46 0.02 22.96 23.87 2.53
22 172.25 14.64 0 0 108.54 383.94 0.62 0.03 24.11 25.54 11.77
25 240.13 29.54 0 0 47.13 383.5 0.53 0.03 24.64 26.16 8.13
28 248.97 35.17 0 0 76.05 382.24 1.06 0.02 23.54 25.18 7.08
31 276.17 14.16 0 0.01 136.37 381.59 0.75 0.02 23.71 25.75 19.5
34 310.99 8.2 0 0.01 144.81 381.29 0.44 0.03 24.78 26.91 37.94
37 296.86 11.94 0 0.01 83.04 381.01 0.37 0.03 24.96 27.06 24.87
40 263.52 19.76 0 0.01 43.72 380.54 0.33 0.02 24.07 26.12 13.34
43 253.5 22.89 0 0.01 52.93 379.86 0.48 0.02 23.17 25.3 11.07
46 291.98 22.28 0 0.01 33.26 379.2 0.29 0.02 23.31 25.6 13.11
49 320.63 18.15 0 0.01 43.21 378.55 0.29 0.02 24.59 26.99 17.66
52 312.95 12.89 0 0.01 60.74 378.12 0.29 0.02 24.51 26.84 24.27
55 306.9 11.11 0 0.01 73.48 377.75 0.3 0.02 25.18 27.48 27.62
58 287.59 10.11 0 0.02 83.02 377.44 0.31 0.02 25 27.18 28.46
61 270.97 15.98 0 0.01 51.45 377.1 0.3 0.02 25.07 27.15 16.96
64 255.74 11.74 0 0.02 64.28 376.55 0.27 0.02 25.72 27.78 21.79
67 239.43 8.53 0 0.03 91.24 376.39 0.28 0.02 25.69 27.56 28.07
70 230.39 15.27 0 0.02 51.02 375.97 0.28 0.02 25.71 27.52 15.09
73 221.72 13.39 0 0.02 58.38 375.53 0.29 0.02 25.49 27.21 16.56
76 213.22 15.91 0 0.02 57.07 375.14 0.33 0.02 25.53 27.15 13.4
79 200.24 17.33 0 0.01 47.41 374.58 0.31 0.02 25.39 26.92 11.56
82 192.61 12.89 0 0.02 61.53 374.14 0.29 0.03 25.97 27.42 14.94
85 184.73 13.61 0 0.02 59.91 373.77 0.3 0.03 26.06 27.41 13.58
88 173.24 16.68 0 0.01 54.17 373.31 0.33 0.03 25.84 27.09 10.39
91 161.65 10.25 0 0.02 85.29 372.84 0.32 0.03 25.85 27.01 15.77
94 149.48 9.12 0 0.03 100.23 372.66 0.34 0.03 25.8 26.88 16.39
97 145.62 16.13 0 0.02 62.55 372.23 0.38 0.03 25.86 26.86 9.03
100 142.76 17.06 0 0.02 61.14 371.73 0.39 0.03 26.1 27.04 8.37
103 135.96 12.86 0 0.02 79.09 371.25 0.38 0.03 25.78 26.66 10.57
106 134.45 9.29 0 0.03 107.47 370.96 0.37 0.03 25.96 26.81 14.47
109 133.98 7.96 0 0.03 115.38 370.67 0.35 0.03 25.62 26.43 16.82
112 134.84 14.4 0 0.02 66.65 370.43 0.37 0.02 25.47 26.26 9.37
115 133.05 14.28 0 0.02 68.22 369.85 0.37 0.02 25.35 26.11 9.32
118 132.9 7.32 0 0.05 129.22 369.62 0.36 0.03 25.73 26.48 18.16
121 132.94 9.18 0 0.03 105.38 369.35 0.36 0.03 25.86 26.6 14.48
124 135.55 10.9 0 0.03 96.69 369.06 0.39 0.03 26.18 26.91 12.43

Appendix A - 120
127 132.21 14.43 0 0.02 66.61 368.69 0.36 0.03 25.77 26.48 9.16
130 130.02 15.35 0 0.02 62.22 368.22 0.36 0.03 25.73 26.41 8.47
133 127.48 8.03 0 0.04 108.13 367.83 0.33 0.03 25.69 26.36 15.88
136 128.76 6.25 0 0.05 139.28 367.7 0.33 0.03 26.06 26.73 20.61
139 125.73 12.97 0 0.02 63.11 367.39 0.31 0.03 25.89 26.54 9.69
142 120.8 13.37 0 0.02 69.21 366.96 0.35 0.03 25.65 26.29 9.04
145 120.1 7.68 0 0.04 117.73 366.63 0.34 0.03 26.21 26.85 15.63
148 115.1 10.27 0 0.03 91.6 366.44 0.36 0.03 25.26 25.87 11.21
151 115.51 15.34 0 0.02 60.39 366 0.36 0.03 25.47 26.07 7.53
154 115.02 10.37 0 0.02 104.18 365.6 0.41 0.03 25.7 26.31 11.09
157 108.25 6.49 0 0.04 149.27 365.37 0.37 0.03 25.66 26.25 16.68
160 104.65 7.31 0 0.04 116.31 365.17 0.33 0.03 25.57 26.12 14.32
163 102.77 9.76 0 0.03 81.76 364.92 0.3 0.03 25.76 26.31 10.52
166 100.07 10.84 0 0.03 81.7 364.6 0.34 0.03 25.77 26.31 9.23
169 95.21 5.63 0 0.05 154.14 364.31 0.33 0.03 25.67 26.19 16.93
172 95.89 7.96 0 0.04 122.14 364.21 0.36 0.03 26.64 27.17 12.05
175 92.83 10.95 0 0.03 87.86 363.82 0.37 0.03 25.6 26.1 8.48
178 92.39 7.63 0 0.04 108.22 363.59 0.31 0.03 26 26.5 12.1
181 89.68 8.37 0 0.04 119.1 363.34 0.38 0.03 26.07 26.56 10.72
184 87.43 7.43 0 0.04 121.35 363.1 0.34 0.03 25.98 26.46 11.76
187 86.35 5.51 0 0.06 160.79 362.9 0.34 0.03 25.77 26.25 15.66
190 84.65 8.01 0 0.04 101.32 362.74 0.31 0.03 25.95 26.43 10.56
193 81.3 12.82 0 0.03 68.47 362.41 0.33 0.03 25.91 26.38 6.34
196 79.45 8.58 0 0.04 89.13 362.04 0.29 0.03 25.48 25.94 9.26
199 79.61 0.94 -0.01 0.35 795.32 361.92 0.29 0.03 25.42 25.87 84.28
202 77.2 3.73 0 0.09 181.24 361.9 0.26 0.03 25.97 26.43 20.7
205 76.65 14.41 0 0.02 57.35 361.64 0.31 0.03 26.15 26.61 5.32
208 76.18 9.13 0 0.03 86.62 361.15 0.3 0.03 25.52 25.95 8.35
211 73.83 -1.11 0 -0.27 -648.34 361.13 0.28 0.03 25.27 25.69 -66.78
214 70.96 7.62 0 0.04 86.93 361.08 0.25 0.03 25.58 26 9.31
217 68.5 11.69 0 0.02 61.15 360.68 0.28 0.03 25.49 25.9 5.86
220 67.38 19.73 0 0.01 34.16 360.36 0.26 0.03 25.97 26.38 3.42
223 63.42 17.88 0 0.02 38.99 359.58 0.26 0.03 25.9 26.31 3.55
226 61.23 5.17 0 0.06 143.8 359.37 0.28 0.03 25.81 26.2 11.84
229 61.86 7.89 0 0.04 80.08 359.17 0.24 0.03 25.8 26.2 7.84
232 61.23 7.19 0 0.04 84.49 358.91 0.23 0.03 26.17 26.56 8.51
235 56.2 4.14 0 0.07 146.18 358.75 0.23 0.03 25.98 26.37 13.56
238 56.47 3.96 0 0.07 152.98 358.64 0.23 0.03 25.95 26.33 14.25
241 56.94 6.44 0 0.04 110.93 358.49 0.27 0.03 25.86 26.23 8.85
244 55.25 9.09 0 0.03 78.59 358.25 0.27 0.03 26.11 26.48 6.08
247 52.31 5.66 0 0.05 106.54 357.99 0.23 0.03 25.61 25.97 9.24
250 53.95 8.59 0 0.03 79.82 357.87 0.26 0.03 25.82 26.19 6.28
253 52.86 10.91 0 0.03 63.84 357.48 0.27 0.03 25.54 25.91 4.85
256 51.09 1.72 0 0.16 317.11 357.3 0.21 0.03 25.66 26.04 29.69
259 52.34 1.57 0 0.17 377.32 357.32 0.23 0.03 25.81 26.19 33.4
262 53.45 6.73 0 0.04 92.92 357.16 0.24 0.03 25.93 26.31 7.94
265 50.31 5.97 0 0.04 115.18 356.95 0.26 0.03 25.69 26.07 8.43
268 48.65 6.74 0 0.04 105.94 356.79 0.27 0.03 26.37 26.76 7.22

Appendix A - 121
271 48.32 8.53 0 0.03 88.02 356.54 0.29 0.03 25.84 26.21 5.67
274 48.58 8.32 0 0.03 96.09 356.3 0.31 0.03 25.58 25.95 5.84
277 47.37 2.58 0 0.1 250.79 356.08 0.25 0.03 25.7 26.07 18.33
280 44.6 0.93 0 0.26 667.49 356.11 0.24 0.03 25.72 26.09 47.74
283 45.19 10.14 0 0.02 61.33 355.95 0.24 0.03 25.38 25.74 4.46
286 45.08 5.72 0 0.04 102.61 355.6 0.23 0.03 25.43 25.79 7.88
289 43.32 1.64 0 0.15 404.63 355.6 0.25 0.03 25.84 26.2 26.43
292 43.63 9.06 0 0.03 77.61 355.42 0.27 0.03 25.61 25.97 4.81
295 44.61 8.89 0 0.03 72.02 355.11 0.25 0.03 25.75 26.12 5.02
298 43.28 6.18 0 0.04 92.6 354.91 0.21 0.03 26.43 26.8 7
301 40.32 3.07 0 0.07 177.7 354.74 0.21 0.03 25.67 26.04 13.11
304 43.11 3.35 0 0.07 167.93 354.7 0.22 0.03 25.77 26.14 12.86
307 44.15 4.38 0 0.05 136.73 354.53 0.23 0.03 26 26.37 10.09
310 41.82 3.88 0 0.06 135.9 354.44 0.2 0.03 25.96 26.33 10.78
313 39.66 7.61 0 0.03 73.25 354.27 0.21 0.03 25.6 25.96 5.21
316 41.19 9.14 0 0.02 52.05 354.01 0.18 0.03 25.95 26.32 4.51
319 41.98 4.77 0 0.05 95.87 353.77 0.17 0.03 26.08 26.45 8.8
322 39.72 0.71 -0.01 0.32 801.5 353.71 0.22 0.03 25.8 26.17 55.97
325 39.78 10.17 0 0.02 52.41 353.63 0.21 0.03 25.51 25.89 3.91
328 41.39 9.36 0 0.03 55.46 353.17 0.2 0.03 25.03 25.41 4.42
331 42.35 -0.56 0.01 -0.42 -820.29 353.14 0.18 0.03 25.11 25.49 -76.02
334 41.62 4.87 0 0.05 85.68 353.1 0.16 0.03 25.65 26.05 8.55
337 40.32 10.36 0 0.02 51.96 352.84 0.2 0.03 26.01 26.42 3.89
340 41.06 6.53 0 0.04 63.05 352.55 0.16 0.03 25.83 26.23 6.28
343 39.98 3.15 0 0.08 99.26 352.45 0.12 0.03 25.56 25.95 12.7
346 37.98 7.32 0 0.03 53.14 352.31 0.15 0.03 25.39 25.78 5.18
349 37.42 4.47 0 0.05 101.73 352.05 0.17 0.03 25.98 26.38 8.37
352 38.87 0.03 -0.19 7.37 13507.78 352.05 0.16 0.03 26.1 26.49 1254.1
355 38.9 4.92 0 0.05 91.53 351.98 0.17 0.03 25.58 25.97 7.9
358 37.66 8.19 0 0.03 55.96 351.76 0.17 0.03 25.95 26.35 4.6
361 36.16 8.49 0 0.03 48.21 351.52 0.16 0.03 25.98 26.37 4.26
364 37.08 5.75 0 0.04 46.09 351.28 0.1 0.03 25.53 25.92 6.45
367 38.49 1.84 0 0.13 127.85 351.18 0.09 0.03 25.41 25.8 20.89
370 37.9 8.02 0 0.03 34.22 351.1 0.1 0.03 26.06 26.46 4.73
373 35.72 10.65 0 0.02 33.61 350.73 0.14 0.03 25.74 26.13 3.35
376 37.86 -0.83 0.01 -0.3 -397.36 350.56 0.13 0.03 25.88 26.28 -45.36
379 37.51 -2.26 0 -0.1 -114.97 350.7 0.1 0.03 25.2 25.59 -16.62
382 36.15 7.51 0 0.03 44.42 350.61 0.13 0.03 25.26 25.66 4.81
385 35.46 9.83 0 0.02 37.71 350.3 0.14 0.03 25.86 26.27 3.61
388 37.31 4.54 0 0.05 67.91 350.08 0.12 0.03 25.7 26.11 8.22
391 38.78 3.99 0 0.05 83.25 350 0.13 0.03 25.8 26.22 9.71
394 37.38 9.01 0 0.02 36.64 349.79 0.13 0.03 25.82 26.24 4.15
397 36.55 9.6 0 0.02 30.46 349.49 0.11 0.03 26.09 26.51 3.81
400 37.02 1.97 0 0.12 99.2 349.28 0.07 0.03 25.74 26.15 18.77
403 36.38 1.41 0 0.16 176.24 349.32 0.1 0.03 25.29 25.69 25.76
406 35.75 8.51 0 0.03 27.97 349.14 0.09 0.03 25.74 26.15 4.2
409 35 7.9 0 0.03 39.42 348.87 0.12 0.03 25.84 26.26 4.43
412 37.06 2.09 0 0.1 143.02 348.7 0.11 0.03 25.95 26.37 17.76

Appendix A - 122
415 38.27 2.69 0 0.08 116.47 348.7 0.12 0.03 25.56 25.98 14.23
418 36.98 6.44 0 0.03 64.19 348.52 0.16 0.03 25.48 25.88 5.75
421 34.25 5.17 0 0.04 75.99 348.34 0.15 0.03 25.18 25.57 6.62
424 33.98 5.78 0 0.03 70.18 348.2 0.16 0.03 24.9 25.3 5.87
427 36.66 5.96 0 0.03 52.23 348 0.12 0.03 25.52 25.93 6.15
430 36.16 8.77 0 0.02 51.7 347.82 0.17 0.03 25.62 26.03 4.12
433 36.55 7.98 0 0.02 54.82 347.5 0.16 0.03 26.34 26.76 4.58
436 36.59 3.22 0 0.06 171.54 347.37 0.21 0.03 25.64 26.05 11.37
439 38.97 3.12 0 0.06 181.14 347.27 0.21 0.03 26.04 26.44 12.47
442 37.25 5.03 0 0.04 108.28 347.17 0.21 0.03 25.74 26.14 7.41
445 34.67 6.97 0 0.03 85.55 346.97 0.23 0.03 25.66 26.07 4.97
448 36.01 3.42 0 0.06 196.31 346.79 0.25 0.03 26.13 26.55 10.51
451 38.37 2.13 0 0.1 325.86 346.75 0.26 0.03 26.34 26.76 18.01
454 37.78 6.92 0 0.03 123.29 346.61 0.32 0.03 25.89 26.31 5.46
457 35.82 9.42 0 0.02 93.85 346.35 0.34 0.03 25.76 26.17 3.8
460 37.13 6.49 0 0.03 122.97 346.09 0.3 0.03 26.22 26.64 5.72
463 37.57 0.67 -0.01 0.32 1202.88 345.98 0.31 0.03 25.77 26.19 55.9
466 35.7 5.11 0 0.04 170.97 345.98 0.34 0.03 25.37 25.79 6.99
469 34.37 11.74 0 0.02 74.73 345.66 0.34 0.03 25.57 26 2.93
472 35.8 6.67 0 0.03 127.58 345.36 0.32 0.03 26 26.43 5.37
475 38.47 2.54 0 0.08 375.24 345.25 0.36 0.03 26.11 26.55 15.17
478 37.24 6.84 0 0.03 152.1 345.14 0.4 0.03 25.83 26.25 5.44
481 36.01 7.55 0 0.03 142.9 344.87 0.41 0.03 25.75 26.18 4.77
484 35.38 0.64 -0.01 0.31 1656.39 344.75 0.4 0.03 25.85 26.29 55.45
487 36.81 -0.64 0.01 -0.32 -1705.35 344.79 0.42 0.03 25.78 26.2 -57.35
490 33.8 6.7 0 0.03 167.48 344.72 0.43 0.03 25.45 25.87 5.05
493 31.88 9.16 0 0.02 123.88 344.42 0.44 0.03 25.42 25.84 3.48
496 34.06 5.22 0 0.04 233.72 344.22 0.47 0.03 25.62 26.05 6.52
499 36.31 3.97 0 0.05 315.71 344.09 0.48 0.03 25.83 26.26 9.15
502 34.06 5.26 0 0.04 253.36 343.96 0.51 0.03 25.89 26.31 6.47
505 32.05 9.41 0 0.02 143.04 343.76 0.51 0.03 26.04 26.45 3.41
508 32.19 7.6 0 0.03 162.24 343.44 0.48 0.03 25.3 25.7 4.24
511 34.06 -1.17 0 -0.19 -1141.85 343.35 0.52 0.03 25.39 25.78 -29.01
514 33.16 0.49 -0.01 0.5 2882.61 343.43 0.55 0.03 25.45 25.84 67.2
517 33.04 8.12 0 0.03 184.63 343.27 0.57 0.03 25.75 26.15 4.07
520 32.73 7.36 0 0.03 206.89 343.01 0.59 0.03 25.39 25.78 4.45
523 34.3 2.21 0 0.11 649.68 342.87 0.55 0.03 25.59 25.99 15.52
526 32.89 3.23 0 0.07 459.45 342.83 0.57 0.03 25.79 26.19 10.2
529 31.98 10.15 0 0.02 156.99 342.63 0.61 0.03 25.83 26.23 3.15
532 32.66 9.27 0 0.02 158.39 342.28 0.58 0.03 25.06 25.44 3.52
535 32.56 3.07 0 0.07 483.15 342.11 0.58 0.03 25.28 25.67 10.6
538 31.5 5.93 0 0.04 286.9 342.03 0.64 0.03 26.28 26.68 5.31
541 31.26 6.63 0 0.04 241.38 341.77 0.61 0.03 25.88 26.28 4.72
544 33.09 0.65 -0.01 0.38 2432.88 341.68 0.61 0.03 25.73 26.13 50.85
547 32.25 1.48 0 0.16 1073 341.68 0.61 0.03 25.64 26.03 21.79
550 31.25 7.35 0 0.03 216.22 341.55 0.61 0.03 25.53 25.92 4.25
553 32.69 8.65 0 0.03 185.26 341.27 0.62 0.03 25.46 25.86 3.78
556 34.18 6.43 0 0.03 249.02 341.06 0.62 0.03 25.48 25.88 5.32

Appendix A - 123
559 32.54 4.47 0 0.05 355.1 340.89 0.61 0.03 25.7 26.1 7.28
562 31.65 4.83 0 0.05 341.97 340.77 0.63 0.03 25.83 26.23 6.55
565 33.19 9.08 0 0.02 182.6 340.57 0.64 0.03 25.32 25.71 3.65
568 34.06 5.15 0 0.04 316.02 340.29 0.62 0.03 25.77 26.17 6.61
571 30.92 -2.02 0 -0.11 -834.43 340.28 0.64 0.03 25.78 26.17 -15.3
574 30.23 2.58 0 0.09 655.15 340.33 0.66 0.03 25.37 25.76 11.7
577 32.16 7.85 0 0.03 218.65 340.12 0.66 0.03 25.67 26.06 4.1
580 31.62 4.82 0 0.05 364.42 339.91 0.67 0.03 25.66 26.05 6.56
583 30.94 6.09 0 0.04 286.79 339.81 0.66 0.03 25.94 26.34 5.08
586 30.72 9.65 0 0.02 174.88 339.53 0.65 0.03 25.57 25.97 3.18
589 32.93 3.2 0 0.06 532.86 339.29 0.66 0.03 25.45 25.85 10.29
592 32.34 4.84 0 0.04 335.24 339.29 0.62 0.03 25.74 26.14 6.69
595 29.79 7.31 0 0.03 239.35 339 0.68 0.03 25.27 25.66 4.08
598 31.42 2.83 0 0.07 635.62 338.9 0.69 0.03 25.79 26.18 11.1
601 33 0.89 0 0.23 1916.07 338.81 0.65 0.03 25.57 25.96 37.29
604 31.21 2.32 0 0.09 716.37 338.81 0.65 0.03 25.34 25.73 13.44
607 29.98 9.1 0 0.02 197.36 338.63 0.7 0.03 25.39 25.78 3.3
610 31.88 10.67 0 0.02 173.37 338.31 0.71 0.03 25.71 26.11 2.99
613 32.3 4.67 0 0.04 382.37 338.05 0.68 0.03 25.78 26.17 6.92
616 29.89 1.18 0 0.18 1469.18 338.01 0.67 0.03 25.51 25.9 25.43
619 30.26 4.81 0 0.05 358.92 337.93 0.66 0.03 25.61 26 6.29
622 31.96 8.38 0 0.03 213.41 337.72 0.68 0.03 25.75 26.14 3.81
625 31.21 4.65 0 0.05 395.52 337.48 0.69 0.03 26.43 26.84 6.71
628 27.8 1.59 0 0.14 1068.2 337.44 0.66 0.03 25.22 25.61 17.52
631 28.83 5.48 0 0.04 316.28 337.33 0.67 0.03 25.46 25.85 5.26
634 32.04 6.36 0 0.04 270.82 337.13 0.66 0.03 25.61 26 5.04
637 30.49 4.08 0 0.05 408.74 336.97 0.64 0.03 25.68 26.08 7.47
640 28.76 6.54 0 0.03 266.87 336.85 0.67 0.03 25.48 25.88 4.4
643 30.07 8.94 0 0.02 189.18 336.58 0.65 0.03 25.78 26.18 3.37
646 30.94 5.8 0 0.04 286.68 336.36 0.63 0.03 26.05 26.44 5.33
649 29.35 0.01 -0.49 20.43 0 336.23 0.65 0.03 25.77 26.16 2934.53
652 30.01 0.01 -0.38 20.99 0 336.14 0.6 0.03 25.27 25.65 3000.64

Appendix A - 124
Plastic Wastebasket Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 70.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1417.86
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 164.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 83.59
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 168.46
Total Mass Loss (g): 17.93
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.139
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 46.61
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 429.73
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 1.55
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0280

Initial mass (g): 21.4
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 87
Time to ignition (s): 70
Time to flameout (s): 198

Appendix A - 125
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -2.43 0.01 -0.48 -0.03 9978.67 21.45 0.04 0.03 25.16 25.34 -242.51
5 -0.09 0.01 -0.31 -0.04 13287.85 21.65 0.05 0.03 25.75 25.92 -9.08
8 -0.63 1.91 0 0 95.77 21.71 0.07 0.03 25.69 25.86 -0.33
11 -0.61 -1.06 0 0 -150.51 21.6 0.06 0.03 25.72 25.89 0.58
14 1.18 -2.72 0 0 -59.85 21.76 0.06 0.03 25.24 25.41 -0.43
17 -0.22 4.99 0 0 39.49 21.71 0.08 0.03 25.44 25.6 -0.04
20 -1.22 0.62 -0.01 0 223.57 21.55 0.05 0.03 25.79 25.96 -1.97
23 0.99 -1.29 0 0 -86.56 21.66 0.04 0.03 25.23 25.4 -0.77
26 -1.01 1.97 0 0 70.01 21.59 0.05 0.03 25.39 25.57 -0.51
29 -4.12 -2.48 0 0 -39.12 21.59 0.04 0.03 25.86 26.03 1.66
32 -0.64 -0.67 0.01 0 -113.75 21.7 0.03 0.03 25.54 25.73 0.95
35 -0.61 1.35 0 0 91.8 21.62 0.05 0.03 25.9 26.11 -0.45
38 -2.38 -0.73 0.01 0 -179.17 21.64 0.05 0.03 26.16 26.36 3.25
41 -3.04 -0.2 0.02 0 -906.04 21.65 0.07 0.03 25.81 26 15.46
44 -1.74 0.45 -0.01 0 398.2 21.65 0.07 0.03 25.37 25.57 -3.91
47 -0.52 2.89 0 0 67.29 21.61 0.08 0.03 25.42 25.63 -0.18
50 -1.58 1.63 0 0 184.7 21.51 0.12 0.03 25.07 25.29 -0.97
53 -2.5 -2.74 0 0 -138.25 21.53 0.14 0.03 26.02 26.24 0.91
56 -2.22 1.12 0 0.01 364.63 21.61 0.16 0.03 25.67 25.9 -1.99
59 0.41 1.98 0 0 171.91 21.49 0.13 0.03 25.29 25.51 0.21
62 0.81 -4.11 0 0 -99.51 21.54 0.16 0.03 25.75 25.98 -0.2
65 0.15 -0.34 0.01 -0.08 -1679.11 21.67 0.22 0.03 25.45 25.69 -0.45
68 0.76 0.75 -0.01 0.07 825.07 21.58 0.24 0.03 25.35 25.59 1.02
71 3.77 -1.28 0 -0.04 -192.69 21.64 0.1 0.03 25.1 25.35 -2.94
74 10.5 5.86 0 0 15.29 21.59 0.04 0.03 25.06 25.35 1.79
77 23.41 9.26 0 0 13.27 21.32 0.05 0.03 25.04 25.39 2.53
80 38.63 0.67 -0.01 0 270.71 21.12 0.07 0.03 25.73 26.15 57.62
83 49.23 -1.13 0 0 -362.51 21.23 0.16 0.03 24.86 25.32 -43.63
86 62.52 4.07 0 0 163.11 21.14 0.26 0.03 24.89 25.47 15.37
89 82.03 2.85 0 0 433.83 21.03 0.48 0.03 24.95 25.64 28.73
92 112.72 2.42 0 0 639.23 20.97 0.6 0.03 24.73 25.54 46.66
95 133.15 2.43 0 0.01 751.18 20.88 0.72 0.03 24.44 25.34 54.71
98 154.93 3.64 0 0.01 646.25 20.81 0.91 0.03 24.74 25.78 42.55
101 177.92 7.31 0 0.01 340.09 20.64 0.93 0.03 25.54 26.72 24.35
104 187.63 9.84 0 0.01 242.23 20.38 0.91 0.03 24.84 26.07 19.07
107 201.84 6.8 0 0.01 324.43 20.1 0.86 0.03 24.32 25.6 29.68
110 225.49 3.37 0 0.03 886.19 19.97 1.14 0.03 24.88 26.28 66.82
113 239.9 8.52 0 0.01 461.52 19.83 1.54 0.02 24.1 25.58 28.16
116 271.06 10.35 0 0.01 401.45 19.48 1.6 0.02 24.25 25.97 26.19
119 306.8 5.8 0 0.03 797.53 19.26 1.8 0.02 23.87 25.76 52.92
122 365.05 8.46 0 0.02 594.67 19.09 1.96 0.02 23.56 25.66 43.17
125 416.8 12.36 0 0.02 466.04 18.74 2.24 0.02 23.36 25.73 33.72

Appendix A - 126
128 473.41 11.49 0 0.02 582.06 18.37 2.57 0.02 23.2 25.98 41.2
131 513.36 15.88 0.21 0.02 427.39 18.01 2.72 0.02 21.95 24.98 32.33
134 630.17 22.58 0.45 0.02 331.51 17.41 2.91 0.02 22.23 25.7 27.91
137 706.58 21.38 0.97 0.03 415.01 16.71 3.56 0.02 21.15 24.9 33.05
140 803.66 24.06 1.28 0.03 334.81 16.1 3.21 0.02 20.84 25.07 33.4
143 895.48 24.47 1.74 0.03 309.53 15.28 3.01 0.02 20.58 25.19 36.59
146 1027.33 22.08 2.49 0.04 408.31 14.65 3.38 0.02 21.03 26.67 46.54
149 1225.31 26.31 2.59 0.04 370.85 13.91 3.49 0.02 21.51 27.93 46.58
152 1369.41 33.87 2.22 0.03 331.7 13.05 3.85 0.02 22.12 29.18 40.44
155 1410.67 32.71 2.11 0.03 327.58 11.94 3.71 0.02 21.69 28.87 43.12
158 1392.83 27.29 2.22 0.03 350.81 11.13 3.37 0.02 21.29 28.43 51.04
161 1310.11 26.25 1.98 0.03 392.31 10.28 3.75 0.02 20.61 27.43 49.9
164 1417.86 21.05 2.55 0.04 491.86 9.57 3.34 0.02 23.39 30.96 67.35
167 1249.37 21.85 1.9 0.03 409.34 8.98 3.14 0.02 21.72 28.5 57.18
170 1186.06 23.24 1.58 0.03 415.24 8.26 3.4 0.02 21.85 28.36 51.03
173 1195.3 19.44 1.65 0.03 523.31 7.62 3.39 0.02 23.46 30.06 61.48
176 1133.67 17.37 1.85 0.03 582.42 7.08 3.32 0.02 24 30.45 65.26
179 1099.53 18.49 1.74 0.03 519.87 6.55 3.16 0.02 24.18 30.41 59.46
182 1088.9 23.95 1.31 0.02 405.69 5.94 3.17 0.02 24.56 30.65 45.47
185 1009.88 20.09 1.3 0.03 446.14 5.18 3.1 0.02 23.32 28.88 50.26
188 1019.4 13.12 1.54 0.03 679.38 4.76 3 0.02 24.3 29.73 77.69
191 938.73 13.71 0.91 0.03 602.07 4.34 2.81 0.02 24.29 29.33 68.46
194 884.89 12.05 0.23 0.03 658.79 3.95 2.6 0.02 25.72 30.5 73.43
197 818.16 6.95 0.01 0.04 764.83 3.64 1.65 0.02 27.85 32.25 117.8
200 700.67 2.61 0 0.05 0 3.53 0 0.02 29.87 33.31 268.39
203 485.1 -1.12 0 -0.04 0 3.48 0 0.02 29.66 32.21 -432.94
206 252.91 -3.29 0 0 0 3.58 0 0.02 29.1 30.9 -76.84
209 162.83 2 0 0 0 3.62 0 0.02 28.96 30.15 81.39
212 116.95 1.7 0 0 0 3.5 0 0.02 29.26 29.82 68.67
215 91 -6.11 0 0 0 3.57 0 0.02 29.45 29.55 -14.89
218 71.84 -0.3 0.01 0 0 3.77 0 0.02 29.08 28.85 -236.29
221 58.29 6.26 0 0 0 3.59 0 0.02 29.04 28.54 9.31
224 51.63 -2.64 0 0 0 3.5 0 0.02 28.42 27.71 -19.52
227 46.16 -2.81 0 0 0 3.69 0 0.02 28.09 27.2 -16.43
230 40.45 4.4 0 0 0 3.62 0 0.02 27.88 26.83 9.19
233 36.14 2.86 0 0 0 3.48 0 0.02 27.96 26.8 12.62
236 33.84 -1.95 0 0 0 3.47 0 0.03 28.13 26.89 -17.34
239 30.3 -2.71 0 0 0 3.57 0 0.03 27.77 26.5 -11.19
242 26.91 0.1 -0.04 0 0 3.61 0 0.02 27.25 25.97 264.63
245 26.35 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 3.58 0 0.03 27.55 26.24 2635.13
248 24.02 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 3.58 0 0.03 27.33 26.04 2402.28

Appendix A - 127
Plastic Wastebasket Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 67.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1645.51
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 148.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 89.25
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 240.71
Total Mass Loss (g): 17.56
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.113
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 50.81
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 478.06
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 2.03
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0362

Initial mass (g): 20.4
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 85
Time to ignition (s): 67
Time to flameout (s): 225

Appendix A - 128
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -0.02 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 17373.28 20.29 0.07 0.03 25.57 25.66 -2.44
4 -0.2 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 7611.85 20.38 0.03 0.03 25.79 25.89 -19.55
7 3.12 0.63 0 0 145.86 20.48 0.03 0.03 26.13 26.24 4.97
10 2.41 0.73 -0.01 0 363.58 20.37 0.1 0.03 25.82 25.92 3.31
13 -0.76 -4.45 0 0 -55.86 20.48 0.1 0.03 25.49 25.59 0.17
16 1.78 -1.53 0 0 -127.88 20.58 0.08 0.03 25.16 25.27 -1.16
19 1.15 0.74 -0.01 0 188.5 20.57 0.05 0.03 25.3 25.42 1.56
22 -1.01 0.12 -0.04 0 1601.23 20.56 0.07 0.03 25.44 25.57 -8.45
25 0.3 2.59 0 0 81.06 20.54 0.08 0.03 25.26 25.39 0.12
28 1.19 1.73 0 0 122.79 20.42 0.08 0.03 25.74 25.88 0.69
31 -0.74 -0.65 0 0 -422.94 20.45 0.11 0.03 26.19 26.34 1.13
34 -0.81 -0.51 0.01 0 -586.29 20.45 0.12 0.03 25.68 25.83 1.6
37 0.98 -2.01 0 0 -85.18 20.49 0.07 0.03 25.69 25.84 -0.49
40 0.57 -1.09 0 0 -215.73 20.55 0.09 0.03 25.75 25.91 -0.52
43 -0.61 -0.25 0.02 0 -1224.51 20.56 0.12 0.03 25.68 25.84 2.44
46 -1.35 -0.95 0 0 -221.98 20.57 0.08 0.03 25.63 25.79 1.43
49 1.31 1.98 0 0 167.51 20.59 0.13 0.03 25.66 25.83 0.66
52 2.45 1.04 0 0.01 378.62 20.48 0.15 0.03 25.43 25.6 2.35
55 1.52 -0.81 0 -0.02 -527.35 20.53 0.17 0.03 24.93 25.11 -1.88
58 1 2.35 0 0.01 244.85 20.5 0.22 0.03 25.42 25.61 0.43
61 3.3 1.67 0 0.03 467.46 20.42 0.3 0.03 25.73 25.93 1.98
64 4.98 -1.12 0 -0.06 -693.48 20.41 0.3 0.03 25.73 25.92 -4.46
67 4.76 2.3 0 0.04 342.49 20.44 0.31 0.03 25.61 25.81 2.07
70 6.65 5.15 0 0.01 41.94 20.28 0.08 0.03 25.44 25.67 1.29
73 16.52 -0.62 0.01 -0.01 -260.06 20.2 0.06 0.03 25.72 26 -26.74
76 36.45 -2.31 0 0 -85.11 20.29 0.08 0.03 25.69 26.03 -15.76
79 53.56 4.26 0 0 81.5 20.27 0.13 0.03 25.41 25.82 12.58
82 70.6 6.9 0 0 149.43 20.06 0.4 0.03 25.18 25.68 10.24
85 88.71 3.63 0 0 433.43 19.9 0.62 0.03 24.7 25.34 24.43
88 121.31 2.58 0 0.01 797.43 19.83 0.79 0.03 25.18 25.97 47.05
91 147.17 2.93 0 0.02 798.03 19.74 0.91 0.03 24.96 25.85 50.17
94 165.04 5.2 0 0.01 482.03 19.64 1 0.03 24.18 25.17 31.73
97 190.55 7.26 0 0.01 411.81 19.43 1.16 0.03 24.52 25.66 26.26
100 213.41 3.61 0 0.03 957.77 19.24 1.36 0.02 24.19 25.49 59.17
103 242.01 5.95 0 0.02 596.89 19.17 1.4 0.02 23.9 25.34 40.66
106 281.19 13.45 0 0.01 260.28 18.85 1.38 0.02 23.82 25.42 20.91
109 307.81 9.82 0 0.02 469.15 18.44 1.85 0.02 23.1 24.85 31.34
112 341.35 8.89 0 0.02 518.1 18.24 1.86 0.02 22.75 24.82 38.38
115 393.35 12.89 0 0.02 391.04 17.87 1.97 0.02 23.15 25.54 30.5
118 478.21 12.37 0 0.02 467.67 17.49 2.24 0.02 23.15 25.87 38.66
121 518.41 15.94 0.15 0.02 314.47 17.1 2.06 0.02 21.43 24.36 32.51
124 629.95 22.5 0.5 0.02 310.59 16.52 2.7 0.02 22.44 25.84 28

Appendix A - 129
127 747.99 21.22 1.23 0.02 404.7 15.8 3.17 0.02 23.03 27.09 35.24
130 852.24 19.51 1.98 0.04 490.47 15.25 3.58 0.02 22.02 26.75 43.68
133 1019.48 24.78 2.14 0.03 404.36 14.58 3.76 0.02 21.37 26.63 41.15
136 1172.33 35.24 1.91 0.03 306.27 13.72 3.98 0.02 21.25 27.15 33.27
139 1241.37 38.59 2.12 0.03 290.23 12.52 4.3 0.02 19.86 26.04 32.17
142 1473.07 34.4 2.84 0.04 300.87 11.47 3.55 0.02 21.53 29.12 42.82
145 1464.12 32.05 2.82 0.04 361.19 10.45 4.34 0.02 19.4 26.69 45.69
148 1645.51 29.86 3.22 0.04 418.75 9.54 4.29 0.02 21.04 29.17 55.11
151 1644.38 32.86 2.65 0.04 372.69 8.62 4.19 0.02 21.05 29.22 50.04
154 1631.45 27.11 2.68 0.03 474.9 7.63 4.33 0.02 21.58 29.73 60.18
157 1553.03 18.28 3.29 0.05 618.21 7.02 3.8 0.02 21.91 29.77 84.97
160 1461.03 20.18 2.56 0.04 592.55 6.46 3.92 0.02 22.83 30.54 72.38
163 1353.07 24.76 1.77 0.03 489.87 5.78 4 0.02 23.06 30.35 54.65
166 1271.7 23.15 1.25 0.02 477.78 5.02 3.59 0.02 23.77 30.76 54.94
169 1237.26 15.79 0.85 0.03 602.22 4.44 2.94 0.02 25.8 32.37 78.37
172 1033.09 8.96 0.33 0.04 1108.28 4.07 3.11 0.02 26.12 31.92 115.28
175 855.94 6.77 0.01 0.05 1377.51 3.86 2.97 0.02 26.26 31.42 126.47
178 726.52 14.68 0 0.02 512.24 3.59 2.45 0.02 26.21 30.71 49.49
181 650.76 11.68 0 0.02 723.39 3.06 2.72 0.02 27.17 31.08 55.73
184 576.37 0.28 -0.01 0.72 29386.29 2.96 2.63 0.02 28.2 31.41 2053.06
187 443.41 -1.49 0 -0.08 -3592.92 2.98 1.74 0.02 28.29 30.87 -297.23
190 358.94 0.53 -0.01 0.09 4095.41 3.01 0.69 0.02 29.3 31.33 675.43
193 270.77 2.55 0 0 321.21 2.94 0.26 0.02 29.91 31.37 106.33
196 188.49 1.48 0 0 455.51 2.88 0.22 0.02 29.35 30.08 127.77
199 118.48 1.79 0 0 335.4 2.85 0.21 0.02 28.65 28.94 66.04
202 84.7 0.03 -0.12 -0.01 21767.71 2.78 0.21 0.02 28.29 28.25 3067.52
205 71.85 -1.22 0 0 -422.67 2.84 0.18 0.02 28.43 28.13 -59.02
208 63.81 2.65 0 0 198.65 2.82 0.19 0.02 28.36 27.8 24.04
211 57.85 0.77 0 0 659.48 2.72 0.18 0.02 28.74 27.93 74.99
214 49.29 -4.29 0 0 -124.01 2.8 0.19 0.03 29.02 28.07 -11.5
217 43.68 -4.02 0 0 -146.96 2.94 0.22 0.02 28.3 27.26 -10.87
220 41.23 1.4 0 0 387.5 3 0.2 0.02 27.99 26.88 29.51
223 39.39 3.51 0 0 154.75 2.88 0.2 0.02 27.81 26.64 11.23
226 34.26 0 1.65 0.11 0 2.83 0.22 0.02 27.44 26.24 0
229 29.67 -1.69 0 0 -377.58 2.87 0.24 0.02 27.33 26.11 -17.59
232 27.28 -0.01 0.2 0.02 -42112.7 2.91 0.23 0.03 27.52 26.28 0
235 26.43 3.43 0 0 173.69 2.86 0.23 0.03 27.22 26 7.71
238 26.32 2.83 0 0 205.89 2.73 0.23 0.03 26.96 25.77 9.3
241 21.94 -2.27 0 0 -252.97 2.72 0.22 0.03 27.3 26.12 -9.66
244 20.62 -5.69 0 0 -105.63 2.85 0.23 0.03 27.88 26.69 -3.62
247 19.85 2.31 0 0 276.91 2.98 0.24 0.03 27.97 26.81 8.6
250 19.83 5.39 0 0 119.17 2.75 0.24 0.03 27.44 26.37 3.68
253 18.11 -3.63 0 0 -165.35 2.74 0.24 0.03 26.5 25.48 -4.98
256 15.88 -4.41 0 0 -117.97 2.91 0.2 0.03 27.17 26.16 -3.61
259 13.37 -1.02 0 0 -558.46 2.97 0.22 0.03 26.63 25.67 -13.09
262 14.1 1.2 0 0 488.27 2.98 0.23 0.03 26.55 25.64 11.78
265 14.08 2.46 0 0 238.48 2.91 0.23 0.03 26.28 25.43 5.73
268 11.95 1.55 0 0 343.65 2.85 0.21 0.03 26.09 25.28 7.7

Appendix A - 130
Plastic Wastebasket Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 67.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1613.97
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 167.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 91.53
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 218.36
Total Mass Loss (g): 19.15
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.148
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 47.79
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 501.55
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 1.87
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0293

Initial mass (g): 22.1
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 84
Time to ignition (s): 67
Time to flameout (s): 196

Appendix A - 131
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.49 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 69851.8 22.02 0.27 0.03 26.06 26.16 49.05
5 -1.11 0.01 -0.49 -0.04 68660.82 22.19 0.27 0.03 25.68 25.76 -111.01
8 -0.57 1.73 0 0 474.33 22.19 0.31 0.03 26.29 26.38 -0.33
11 1.51 1.24 0 0 679.81 22.13 0.33 0.03 25.56 25.64 1.22
14 0.7 -2.01 0 0 -377.18 22.14 0.3 0.03 25.35 25.44 -0.35
17 -1.47 -3.21 0 0 -230.57 22.23 0.29 0.03 25.76 25.86 0.46
20 0.17 -0.13 0.03 0 -6441.56 22.3 0.32 0.03 25.72 25.83 -1.29
23 0.59 0.22 -0.02 0 3936.08 22.26 0.33 0.03 25.48 25.59 2.72
26 -0.59 -1.9 0 0 -449.94 22.31 0.33 0.03 25.61 25.72 0.31
29 -1.6 -0.37 0.01 0 -2565.16 22.34 0.37 0.03 25.53 25.65 4.36
32 -0.56 4.32 0 0 195.43 22.31 0.34 0.03 25 25.11 -0.13
35 0.7 0.54 -0.01 0 1332.14 22.14 0.27 0.03 26.26 26.39 1.28
38 1.9 -2.8 0 0 -295.97 22.27 0.32 0.03 25.9 26.02 -0.68
41 1.41 2.12 0 0 472.77 22.25 0.39 0.03 25.74 25.86 0.66
44 -0.39 3.28 0 0 333.02 22.17 0.42 0.03 25.65 25.78 -0.12
47 -0.01 0.44 -0.01 0.01 2327.31 22.09 0.4 0.03 25.6 25.74 -0.02
50 1.05 -2.22 0 0 -500.16 22.14 0.43 0.03 25.95 26.1 -0.47
53 3.31 -0.08 0.05 -0.12 -15903.8 22.19 0.48 0.03 25.49 25.64 -42.68
56 4.06 0.47 -0.01 0.08 2830.34 22.16 0.52 0.03 25.49 25.64 8.61
59 3.61 -2.06 0 -0.01 -690.63 22.18 0.56 0.03 25.17 25.33 -1.75
62 3.66 -0.03 0.16 -2.07 -47674.48 22.25 0.51 0.03 25.7 25.87 -132.59
65 4.13 5.53 0 0.02 313.38 22.16 0.67 0.03 25.62 25.8 0.75
68 6.92 2.2 0 0.04 743.3 21.98 0.64 0.03 25.53 25.72 3.14
71 12.94 -1.42 0 -0.02 -747.54 22.03 0.41 0.03 25.79 26.02 -9.12
74 30.25 5.3 0 0 179.66 21.99 0.36 0.03 25.81 26.1 5.71
77 44.98 5.28 0 0 199.26 21.75 0.41 0.03 25.47 25.82 8.52
80 61.24 4.12 0 0 339.06 21.69 0.55 0.03 25.14 25.58 14.88
83 81.38 3.41 0 0 542 21.51 0.73 0.03 24.81 25.37 23.89
86 108.3 -1.74 0 -0.01 -1424.18 21.51 0.97 0.03 24.88 25.55 -62.13
89 131.04 3.54 0 0.01 709.08 21.54 0.97 0.03 25.03 25.81 37.03
92 151.58 6.56 0 0.01 469.79 21.31 1.2 0.03 24.77 25.68 23.12
95 175.62 4.64 0 0.02 744.49 21.18 1.36 0.03 24.27 25.31 37.89
98 201.07 6.62 0 0.01 615.38 21.01 1.61 0.02 24.19 25.35 30.36
101 226.13 6.74 0 0.02 627.03 20.79 1.67 0.02 24.01 25.3 33.57
104 275.77 6.77 0 0.02 614.99 20.6 1.61 0.02 24.34 25.88 40.75
107 313.15 8.11 0 0.02 655.43 20.38 2.06 0.02 24.05 25.75 38.63
110 338.93 11.84 0 0.02 392.92 20.1 1.87 0.02 23.05 24.91 28.63
113 384.57 13.67 0 0.01 360.13 19.68 1.93 0.02 23.31 25.5 28.13
116 445.04 12.62 0 0.02 551.65 19.3 2.72 0.02 23.16 25.57 35.26
119 467.76 10.71 0 0.02 617.12 18.93 2.68 0.02 22.16 24.7 43.68
122 543.44 15.69 0 0.02 473.49 18.61 2.81 0.02 23.44 26.41 34.63
125 581.31 16.18 0.19 0.02 445.17 18.02 2.78 0.02 22.64 25.89 35.94

Appendix A - 132
128 686.55 12.17 0.7 0.03 634.07 17.67 2.83 0.02 23.56 27.27 56.4
131 707.8 20.42 0.84 0.02 408.51 17.2 3.21 0.02 22.13 25.97 34.65
134 779.14 21.79 1.09 0.02 438.34 16.49 3.71 0.02 21.56 25.74 35.75
137 886.98 20.52 1.72 0.03 496.1 15.91 3.87 0.02 21.55 26.28 43.22
140 1008.1 28.23 1.69 0.03 385.17 15.2 4 0.02 21.87 27.16 35.71
143 1061.2 31.88 1.69 0.02 322.19 14.25 3.93 0.02 20.74 26.16 33.28
146 1162.19 30.29 1.91 0.02 337.26 13.33 3.89 0.02 20.49 26.27 38.37
149 1276.22 26.82 2.4 0.03 404.48 12.44 3.94 0.02 21.25 27.53 47.58
152 1306.03 31.11 2.25 0.03 382.44 11.66 4.35 0.02 20.96 27.38 41.98
155 1327.28 33.72 2.16 0.02 341.11 10.59 4.3 0.02 20.21 26.77 39.36
158 1485.95 25.66 3.3 0.04 518.29 9.71 4.58 0.02 21.74 29.03 57.91
161 1497.97 35.01 2.53 0.03 349.56 8.94 4.3 0.02 21.1 28.49 42.79
164 1559.24 32.42 2.66 0.03 368.18 7.69 4.11 0.02 21.41 29.06 48.09
167 1613.97 18.6 4.36 0.05 704.59 7.08 4.36 0.02 22.26 30.07 86.79
170 1551.25 21.58 2.74 0.04 599.03 6.46 4.33 0.02 22.31 29.88 71.88
173 1448.13 23.3 1.86 0.03 516.26 5.78 4.02 0.02 22.74 29.95 62.14
176 1306.91 19.99 1.52 0.03 552.54 5.1 3.62 0.02 23.68 30.54 65.37
179 1202.72 17.07 1.05 0.03 656.86 4.58 3.59 0.02 24.91 31.23 70.46
182 1087.7 17.78 0.42 0.02 621.91 4.05 3.45 0.02 26.12 32.04 61.19
185 944.75 14.95 0.06 0.02 695.63 3.54 3.19 0.02 27.23 32.56 63.21
188 799.97 8.13 0 0.04 1271.54 3.19 3.19 0.02 27.8 32.4 98.42
191 693.19 2.68 0 0.08 2846.17 3.04 2.34 0.02 28.56 32.55 258.71
194 532 -0.5 0.01 -0.28 -9669.11 3.01 1.48 0.02 29.23 32.57 0
197 385.63 -2.14 0 -0.03 -811.62 3.06 0.55 0.02 29.15 31.55 -180.06
200 280.18 -2.37 0 -0.01 -471.16 3.12 0.36 0.02 29.49 31.23 -118.26
203 194.12 4.59 0 0 242.19 3.15 0.36 0.02 29.54 30.73 42.28
206 122.57 2.97 0 0 377.96 2.91 0.37 0.02 29.67 30.22 41.28
209 91.8 -5.39 0 0 -184.94 3.02 0.34 0.02 28.82 28.99 -17.03
212 78.67 -2.48 0 0 -416.74 3.15 0.35 0.02 29.28 29.15 -31.78
215 63.84 -0.85 0 0 -1168.45 3.17 0.34 0.02 29.17 28.91 -75.16
218 54.72 1.27 0 0 702.51 3.2 0.32 0.02 28.4 27.72 42.93
221 49.3 3.53 0 0 269.14 3.1 0.34 0.02 28.49 27.65 13.98
224 45.23 -1.05 0 0 -863.73 3.04 0.34 0.02 27.93 26.97 -42.87
227 42.75 -2.11 0 0 -428.01 3.14 0.34 0.02 27.76 26.69 -20.28
230 40.74 1.93 0 0 484.58 3.12 0.35 0.02 28.11 26.95 21.06
233 36.01 3.35 0 0 292.61 3.04 0.36 0.02 28.07 26.86 10.76
236 30.93 3.46 0 0 270.02 2.94 0.35 0.02 27.58 26.36 8.93
239 28.89 -1.02 0 0 -836.36 2.86 0.33 0.02 27.59 26.34 -28.21
242 28.14 -2.61 0 0 -310.2 2.98 0.31 0.02 27.27 26.03 -10.79
245 27.29 -1.21 0 0 -695.36 2.99 0.32 0.03 27.36 26.13 -22.53
248 24.88 0.01 -0.37 -0.04 92831.2 3.05 0.36 0.03 27.21 26 2488.25
251 21.69 0.01 -0.37 -0.04 91642.62 3.01 0.35 0.03 27.68 26.46 2169.2

Appendix A - 133
Vinyl Blinds Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 51.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 109.56
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 66.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.51
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 75.65
Total Mass Loss (g): 4.63
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.040
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.05
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1142.92
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0376

Initial mass (g): 12.4
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 51
Time to flameout (s): 170

Appendix A - 134
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -0.33 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 1334.88 37.75 0.01 0.03 25.87 26.14 -33.49
3 2.39 0.01 -0.49 -0.03 431.63 145.48 0 0.03 25.62 25.9 239.05
6 2.64 299.06 0 0 0 145.59 0 0.03 25.41 25.69 0.01
9 1.05 -5.54 0 0 -1.47 145.54 0 0.03 25.57 25.84 -0.19
12 2.68 -2.47 0 0 0 145.86 0 0.03 25.99 26.26 -1.08
15 1.48 7.25 0 0 0 145.64 0 0.03 26.05 26.32 0.2
18 0.02 4.27 0 0 10.58 145.52 0.02 0.03 25.85 26.12 0
21 1.43 1.47 0 0 66.14 145.39 0.04 0.03 25.76 26.03 0.97
24 0.62 -0.84 0 0 -740.64 145.42 0.24 0.03 26 26.28 -0.74
27 1.75 2.99 0 0 565.02 145.4 0.64 0.03 26.11 26.4 0.59
30 1.88 6.89 0 0 354.39 145.24 0.94 0.03 25.8 26.1 0.27
33 1.08 10.62 0 0 311.02 144.99 1.25 0.03 26.1 26.4 0.1
36 2.67 10.73 0 0 348.93 144.63 1.44 0.03 25.6 25.91 0.25
39 0.83 12.2 0 0 323.12 144.34 1.48 0.03 26.27 26.61 0.07
42 2.78 9.17 0 0 455.55 143.93 1.59 0.03 25.99 26.34 0.3
45 3.99 2.79 0 0 1260.54 143.81 1.34 0.03 25.88 26.24 1.43
48 8.53 6.71 0 0 538.55 143.69 1.38 0.03 25.93 26.27 1.27
51 28.66 11.2 0 0 285.25 143.4 1.22 0.03 25.8 26.14 2.56
54 56.9 9.39 0 0.02 542.55 143.06 1.94 0.03 25.87 26.27 6.06
57 89.44 12.97 0 0.03 840.96 142.8 4.16 0.03 25.73 26.23 6.9
60 108.88 15.82 0 0.03 879.44 142.29 5.3 0.03 25.62 26.26 6.88
63 108.92 7.15 0 0.08 1597.89 141.93 4.44 0.03 24.97 25.71 15.23
66 109.56 12.11 0 0.05 746 141.77 3.4 0.03 25.71 26.57 9.05
69 102.01 12.25 0 0.04 766.08 141.24 3.42 0.03 26.53 27.46 8.33
72 93.23 4.66 0 0.09 1660.22 141.09 2.89 0.03 25.88 26.81 20
75 89 10.01 0 0.04 756.24 140.87 2.87 0.03 25.42 26.33 8.89
78 80.76 8.29 0 0.04 850.23 140.53 2.69 0.03 25.33 26.23 9.74
81 81.63 6.42 0 0.05 1091.07 140.38 2.63 0.03 25.7 26.6 12.72
84 82.26 6.64 0 0.04 1108 140.13 2.75 0.03 25.89 26.77 12.38
87 78.83 3.34 0 0.07 2281.76 140 2.89 0.03 25.5 26.34 23.59
90 80.25 4.54 0 0.05 1795.09 139.91 3.1 0.03 25.45 26.28 17.66
93 76.53 0.71 -0.01 0.27 9158.07 139.76 2.4 0.03 26.1 26.92 108.32
96 70.47 2.33 0 0.07 2570.21 139.83 2.23 0.03 26.02 26.81 30.22
99 66.36 5.3 0 0.02 1015.71 139.61 2.02 0.03 25.94 26.7 12.53
102 56.73 2.78 0 0.03 1960.81 139.54 2.05 0.03 25.89 26.61 20.42
105 48.72 6.89 0 0.01 512.67 139.4 1.33 0.03 25.83 26.51 7.07
108 42.79 1.13 0 0.05 2534.68 139.19 1.08 0.03 26.07 26.71 37.77
111 36.67 1.41 0 0.03 1661.87 139.3 0.88 0.03 26.03 26.63 26.07
114 34.44 3.07 0 0.01 700.57 139.1 0.82 0.03 25.77 26.32 11.22
117 33.8 -4.92 0 0 -367.7 139.17 0.68 0.03 26.1 26.61 -6.86
120 31.08 3.07 0 0.01 588.36 139.29 0.68 0.03 26.24 26.71 10.11
123 31.83 6.26 0 0.01 289.31 139.02 0.68 0.03 26.36 26.81 5.08

Appendix A - 135
126 30.56 -2.09 0 0 -924.83 138.99 0.72 0.03 26.36 26.79 -14.59
129 31.2 2.57 0 0 690.36 139.06 0.67 0.03 26.27 26.68 12.14
132 34.5 4.06 0 0 383.41 138.86 0.59 0.03 26.19 26.57 8.5
135 35.15 -1.75 0 0 -888.67 138.87 0.59 0.03 26.2 26.57 -20.06
138 36.64 1.21 0 0 1657.08 138.91 0.75 0.03 26.43 26.81 30.39
141 36 0.55 -0.01 0 3794.25 138.81 0.8 0.03 26.1 26.46 64.91
144 34.42 -1.59 0 0 -1247.56 138.88 0.75 0.03 25.96 26.32 -21.7
147 35.22 1.72 0 0 1071.04 138.87 0.69 0.03 26.39 26.75 20.48
150 29.61 1.46 0 0 1028.2 138.8 0.58 0.03 25.68 26.02 20.27
153 27.64 3.31 0 0 369.51 138.78 0.46 0.03 26.39 26.74 8.34
156 28.64 0.76 0 0 1551.55 138.63 0.44 0.03 26.58 26.92 37.62
159 27 -0.53 0.01 0 -1649.12 138.72 0.33 0.03 26.2 26.52 -50.78
162 22.3 4.3 0 0 175.32 138.63 0.29 0.03 26.12 26.44 5.18
165 22.61 -3.65 0 0 -182.25 138.54 0.25 0.03 26.49 26.79 -6.19
168 18.78 0.41 -0.01 0 1237.37 138.77 0.19 0.03 26 26.29 45.97
171 15.92 3.66 0 0 141.32 138.52 0.2 0.03 26.1 26.38 4.35
174 18.51 -5.23 0 0 -86.41 138.63 0.17 0.03 26.73 27 -3.54
177 15.52 0.14 -0.04 0.01 2929.59 138.74 0.15 0.03 26.18 26.43 113.51
180 13.52 3.67 0 0 115.14 138.63 0.16 0.03 26.49 26.75 3.68
183 17.16 -0.49 0.01 0 -908.08 138.58 0.17 0.03 26.11 26.35 -34.88
186 14.11 1.84 0 0 211.41 138.62 0.15 0.03 25.91 26.15 7.66
189 13.87 0.01 -0.49 0.19 43111.2 138.47 0.16 0.03 26.62 26.86 1387.1
192 15.23 0.01 -0.51 -0.02 41390.55 138.45 0.15 0.03 26.58 26.82 1522.97

Appendix A - 136
Vinyl Blinds Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 48.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 111.74
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 60.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.65
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 79.61
Total Mass Loss (g): 4.58
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.041
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.52
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1130.59
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0398

Initial mass (g): 12.5
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 48
Time to flameout (s): 159

Appendix A - 137
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 3.86 0.01 -0.56 -0.03 0 12.71 0 0.03 26.28 26.54 386.44

3 2.53 0.01 -0.52 -0.04 0 12.76 0 0.03 26.06 26.33 253.43
6 1.74 -1.37 0 0 0 12.77 0 0.03 26.46 26.73 -1.27
9 3.66 -1.09 0 0 0 12.83 0 0.03 25.93 26.18 -3.34
12 1.48 5.32 0 0 0 12.79 0 0.03 25.94 26.17 0.28
15 1.96 0.91 -0.01 0 69.98 12.59 0.02 0.03 25.71 25.95 2.16
18 2.38 -4.29 0 0 -32.92 12.75 0.05 0.03 26.04 26.28 -0.55
21 -0.58 -0.47 0.01 0 -289.44 12.78 0.05 0.03 26.02 26.27 1.23
24 2.77 2.93 0 0 193.36 12.77 0.22 0.03 25.7 25.94 0.95
27 3.36 7.79 0 0 255.94 12.59 0.77 0.03 25.75 26.01 0.43
30 1.94 8.58 0 0 435.45 12.33 1.43 0.03 25.93 26.2 0.23
33 4.28 13.24 0 0 334.65 12.06 1.68 0.03 26.04 26.33 0.32
36 2.82 13.57 0 0 354.86 11.57 1.86 0.03 25.53 25.83 0.21
39 2.5 8.86 0 0 456.7 11.28 1.56 0.03 25.6 25.93 0.28
42 4.7 4.47 0 0 938.03 11.03 1.57 0.03 26.36 26.7 1.05
45 12.57 10.46 0 0 351.97 10.94 1.41 0.03 25.83 26.18 1.2
48 40.04 14.77 0 0 260.2 10.41 1.46 0.03 26.02 26.38 2.71
51 70.22 8.62 0 0.02 755.82 10.12 2.52 0.03 25.47 25.88 8.15
54 93.11 13.19 0 0.04 946.32 9.83 4.85 0.03 25.22 25.74 7.06
57 108.77 12.3 0 0.05 1247.85 9.37 5.93 0.03 25.26 25.89 8.84
60 111.74 6.66 0 0.09 2054.73 9.12 5.25 0.03 25.34 26.08 16.77
63 111.6 13.35 0 0.05 889.62 8.89 4.53 0.03 25.43 26.23 8.36
66 107.92 10.69 0 0.05 907.65 8.38 3.66 0.03 25.69 26.54 10.09
69 100.8 7.69 0 0.07 1220.7 8.25 3.55 0.03 25.56 26.45 13.11
72 101.12 12.73 0 0.04 768.34 7.87 3.65 0.03 25.87 26.78 7.94
75 92.47 6.05 0 0.07 1617.17 7.56 3.63 0.03 26.02 26.94 15.29
78 89.57 6.48 0 0.05 1424.71 7.46 3.49 0.03 25.52 26.41 13.83
81 88.68 5.71 0 0.05 1514.16 7.18 3.25 0.03 25.73 26.62 15.52
84 82.66 0.26 -0.02 0.94 28749.2 7.15 2.86 0.03 25.56 26.43 314.88
87 78.67 5.13 0 0.04 1515.92 7.09 2.94 0.03 25.56 26.4 15.35
90 71.04 7.7 0 0.02 803.32 6.86 2.35 0.03 25.49 26.3 9.22
93 62.6 1.65 0 0.07 2521.6 6.69 1.57 0.03 25.72 26.5 37.9
96 59.55 4.09 0 0.02 751.65 6.7 1.16 0.03 25.67 26.43 14.57
99 56.16 4.17 0 0.01 708.63 6.46 1.09 0.03 26.32 27.04 13.46
102 49.64 0.43 -0.01 0.1 5451.61 6.48 0.9 0.03 25.53 26.19 114.93
105 49.38 0.33 -0.01 0.12 6351.16 6.41 0.79 0.03 25.53 26.17 151.88
108 46.15 0.57 -0.01 0.06 3429.76 6.45 0.73 0.03 26.17 26.79 81.01
111 43.1 3.92 0 0.01 453.71 6.36 0.67 0.03 25.94 26.5 10.98
114 44.04 -2.15 0 -0.01 -720.9 6.28 0.59 0.03 25.78 26.32 -20.45
117 40.43 1.61 0 0.02 1045.73 6.42 0.64 0.03 25.97 26.48 25.04
120 39.28 7.34 0 0 199.43 6.17 0.56 0.03 25.67 26.15 5.35
123 40.7 -1.09 0 0 -1114.98 6.07 0.45 0.03 26.52 26.99 -37.38
126 35.81 0.22 -0.02 0.02 5381.48 6.17 0.45 0.03 26.13 26.59 162.7
129 38.29 3.05 0 0 383.89 6.05 0.44 0.03 26.29 26.71 12.54
132 33.83 0.31 -0.01 0.02 3803.4 6.02 0.45 0.03 25.69 26.09 110.74
135 34.25 3.27 0 0 327.31 6 0.41 0.03 25.8 26.19 10.46

Appendix A - 138
138 33.48 -0.5 0.01 -0.01 -1645.36 5.87 0.31 0.03 26.24 26.62 -66.54
141 28.79 -3.39 0 0 -194.33 6.02 0.26 0.03 25.5 25.85 -8.49
144 29.27 2.13 0 0 152.65 6.02 0.12 0.03 26.62 26.96 13.74
147 24.28 0.96 -0.01 0 172.57 5.93 0.06 0.03 26.43 26.75 25.4
150 21.82 2.58 0 0 0 5.95 0 0.03 26.57 26.88 8.47
153 21.98 3.04 0 0.01 0 5.79 0 0.03 26.33 26.63 7.24
156 16.79 -1.44 0 -0.02 0 5.8 0 0.03 26.03 26.29 -11.68
159 18.51 0.24 -0.01 0.08 0 5.83 0 0.03 26.4 26.65 78.39
162 17.79 -0.94 0 -0.03 0 5.8 0 0.03 26.39 26.62 -18.9
165 15.15 -0.71 0.01 -0.05 0 5.88 0 0.03 25.98 26.19 -21.29
168 15.96 1.99 0 0.01 0 5.83 0 0.03 25.57 25.78 8.04
171 15.57 -2.63 0 -0.01 0 5.81 0 0.03 26.08 26.28 -5.93
174 15.11 0.51 -0.01 0.02 0 5.93 0 0.03 25.9 26.1 29.65
177 16.44 6.06 0 0 0 5.76 0 0.03 25.58 25.79 2.71
180 14.98 -2.6 0 0 0 5.66 0 0.03 26.31 26.52 -5.75
183 14.38 -0.31 0.01 0 0 5.85 0 0.03 25.95 26.17 -46.91
186 16.16 5.91 0 0 0 5.65 0 0.03 25.97 26.19 2.73
189 13.25 -0.05 0.09 -0.15 0 5.58 0 0.03 26.63 26.86 -255.27
192 15.83 -0.8 0.01 0 0 5.63 0 0.03 26.21 26.44 -19.67
195 14.03 -1.38 0 0 0 5.62 0 0.03 25.97 26.21 -10.18
198 13.82 -0.3 0.01 0 0 5.7 0 0.03 26.2 26.43 -45.45
201 13.68 -1.02 0 0 0 5.65 0 0.03 26 26.23 -13.42
204 11.48 -2.21 0 0 0 5.76 0 0.03 26.14 26.37 -5.2
207 15 4.54 0 0 0 5.73 0 0.03 26.59 26.83 3.3
210 13.72 0.01 -0.55 -0.04 0 5.56 0 0.03 26.06 26.29 1371.99
213 10.64 0.01 -0.43 -0.02 0 5.67 0 0.03 25.67 25.9 1064.43

Appendix A - 139
Vinyl Blinds Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 43.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 112.63
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 57.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.84
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 73.19
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.19
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.039
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.18
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 986.12
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0387

Initial mass (g): 12.7
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 77
Time to ignition (s): 43
Time to flameout (s): 174

Appendix A - 140
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 2.86 0.01 -0.5 -0.03 0 12.81 0 0.03 25.68 25.93 285.58

3 1.6 0.01 -0.36 -0.04 0 12.91 0 0.03 25.85 26.11 160.26
6 1.41 -1.46 0 0 0 12.97 0 0.03 26.32 26.57 -0.97
9 2.5 -2.23 0 0 -8.48 13.01 0.01 0.03 26.3 26.56 -1.12
12 -0.1 -2.6 0 0 0 13.09 0 0.03 25.93 26.18 0.04
15 1.48 2.5 0 0 12.29 13.13 0.01 0.03 25.51 25.76 0.59
18 0.57 2.33 0 0 69.37 12.98 0.06 0.03 26.22 26.48 0.24
21 -0.66 1.03 0 0 191.22 13 0.08 0.03 25.88 26.14 -0.64
24 3.84 4.41 0 0 185.44 12.88 0.31 0.03 26.21 26.48 0.87
27 0.83 9.44 0 0 254.07 12.72 0.92 0.03 25.72 26 0.09
30 1.19 9.98 0 0 425.59 12.35 1.61 0.03 26.05 26.35 0.12
33 3.12 6.69 0 0 649.52 12.15 1.65 0.03 26.08 26.4 0.47
36 0.79 9.23 0 0 439.07 11.91 1.54 0.03 26.04 26.37 0.09
39 2.17 12.17 0 0 296.27 11.6 1.36 0.03 26.24 26.58 0.18
42 8.67 8.33 0 0 467.97 11.22 1.47 0.03 26.1 26.45 1.04
45 21.69 9.41 0 0 357.03 11.06 1.25 0.03 26.44 26.79 2.31
48 58.83 15.11 0 0.01 191.59 10.63 1.12 0.03 25.53 25.91 3.89
51 87.95 10.59 0 0.04 880.02 10.23 3.59 0.03 25.49 25.94 8.3
54 100.97 10.49 0 0.05 1220.34 9.97 5.01 0.03 24.99 25.53 9.63
57 112.63 14.78 0 0.04 906.19 9.57 5.18 0.03 25.18 25.85 7.62
60 110.03 10 0 0.06 1181.39 9.14 4.53 0.03 25.32 26.1 11.01
63 102.85 7.74 0 0.07 1286.45 8.95 3.8 0.03 25.38 26.22 13.29
66 100.76 8.04 0 0.07 1183.22 8.66 3.59 0.03 25.66 26.53 12.53
69 92.26 9.6 0 0.05 811.64 8.46 2.98 0.03 25.29 26.16 9.61
72 88.61 10.28 0 0.04 906.65 8.09 3.52 0.03 25.63 26.5 8.62
75 90.53 5.43 0 0.06 1588.89 7.88 3.21 0.03 26 26.88 16.66
78 86.93 5.67 0 0.05 1562.37 7.73 3.33 0.03 25.72 26.56 15.33
81 84.52 7.14 0 0.04 1149.19 7.53 3.12 0.03 25.43 26.26 11.84
84 84.72 3.78 0 0.06 1958.9 7.34 2.74 0.03 26.17 27 22.44
87 69.2 1.41 0 0.14 4933.39 7.3 2.62 0.03 25.86 26.65 48.96
90 62.39 1.76 0 0.09 2745.67 7.23 1.81 0.03 25.85 26.61 35.52
93 54.76 3.02 0 0.03 1067.6 7.19 1.23 0.03 25.62 26.35 18.1
96 44.97 4.38 0 0.02 438.4 7.05 0.73 0.03 25.71 26.39 10.27
99 39.11 2.78 0 0.02 390.45 6.94 0.41 0.03 25.86 26.49 14.09
102 34.59 3.46 0 0.02 350.74 6.87 0.45 0.03 26.35 26.96 10
105 30.03 4.05 0 0.02 177.7 6.74 0.27 0.03 26.32 26.88 7.42
108 31.24 1.2 0 0.08 915.09 6.65 0.42 0.03 25.82 26.33 26.07
111 29.25 1.15 0 0.07 953.46 6.65 0.42 0.03 25.9 26.38 25.33
114 27.97 1.03 0 0.08 1287.26 6.58 0.5 0.03 26.07 26.51 27.05
117 33.02 -1.06 0 -0.09 -1448.4 6.6 0.57 0.03 26.66 27.08 -31.1
120 30.92 1.78 0 0.04 947.87 6.61 0.62 0.03 26.63 27.03 17.37
123 29.05 3.84 0 0.01 372.67 6.49 0.54 0.03 26.23 26.62 7.56

Appendix A - 141
126 34.46 2.08 0 0.02 508.7 6.4 0.4 0.03 26.19 26.56 16.56
129 32.72 2.99 0 0.01 422.15 6.35 0.48 0.03 25.95 26.3 10.95
132 32.75 0.37 -0.02 0.04 2875.41 6.25 0.41 0.03 26.17 26.53 87.57
135 35.47 -0.45 0.01 -0.02 -2616 6.32 0.45 0.03 25.58 25.94 -78.84
138 36.9 1.28 0 0 738.56 6.26 0.36 0.03 26.15 26.51 28.92
141 38.8 0.36 -0.01 0 4443.72 6.26 0.59 0.03 26.38 26.73 108.8
144 40.26 0.84 -0.01 0 2151.63 6.23 0.69 0.03 25.78 26.13 47.75
147 37.07 1.55 0 0 1181.23 6.21 0.68 0.03 26.6 26.97 23.97
150 36.91 2.54 0 0 513.94 6.13 0.48 0.03 26.83 27.22 14.56
153 36.49 2.03 0 0 529.9 6.06 0.4 0.03 26.7 27.08 18.01
156 32.26 2.11 0 0 289.75 6.01 0.23 0.03 26.45 26.82 15.28
159 27.97 0.72 -0.01 0 851.35 5.95 0.23 0.03 26.17 26.54 38.87
162 27.93 -1.85 0 0 -175.43 5.97 0.12 0.03 26.77 27.12 -15.08
165 23.38 -0.96 0 0 -195.24 6.04 0.07 0.03 26.19 26.5 -24.45
168 20.38 -1.61 0 -0.01 -130.01 6.04 0.08 0.03 26.11 26.42 -12.67
171 20.36 -0.07 0.07 -0.1 -3055.51 6.12 0.08 0.03 26.33 26.63 -299
174 18.01 2.71 0 0.01 42.01 6.03 0.04 0.03 26.3 26.59 6.64
177 14.96 1.27 0 0 128.94 5.98 0.06 0.03 25.93 26.2 11.8
180 17.92 2.17 0 0 46.42 5.94 0.04 0.03 25.9 26.15 8.26
183 15.57 2.92 0 0.01 12.08 5.86 0.01 0.03 25.96 26.21 5.33
186 13.39 0.05 -0.08 0.34 1775.67 5.79 0.04 0.03 26.04 26.3 252.4
189 17.79 -1.85 0 -0.01 -40.9 5.85 0.03 0.03 25.84 26.08 -9.63
192 15.66 -0.38 0.01 -0.06 -193.16 5.88 0.03 0.03 26.63 26.88 -40.82
195 14.36 1.48 0 0.02 61.09 5.86 0.03 0.03 26.74 26.98 9.73
198 16.11 -0.12 0.03 -0.12 -1414.09 5.81 0.07 0.03 26.03 26.27 -129.13
201 14.21 -0.07 0.07 -0.32 -798.64 5.86 0.02 0.03 26.56 26.82 -193.54
204 13.68 -0.62 0.01 -0.02 -338.68 5.82 0.08 0.03 26.58 26.84 -22.05
207 15.17 0.18 -0.03 0 1194.31 5.89 0.08 0.03 26.16 26.41 85.42
210 12.56 2.09 0 0.01 82.36 5.8 0.06 0.03 26.53 26.79 6.01
213 13.5 0.17 -0.02 0 941.5 5.79 0.06 0.03 26.52 26.78 80.84
216 15.08 1.16 0 0 107.42 5.78 0.05 0.03 26.36 26.62 13.03
219 12.21 0.01 -0.47 -0.04 19300.75 5.72 0.07 0.03 26.38 26.63 1221.43
222 12.29 0.01 -0.55 -0.04 15058.72 5.69 0.06 0.03 26.06 26.31 1229.14

Appendix A - 142
Wall Covering Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 19.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 343.70
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 39.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 7.49
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 141.00
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.21
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.174
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.38
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 775.17
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0715

Initial mass (g): 11.3
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 92
Time to ignition (s): 19
Time to flameout (s): 48

Appendix A - 143
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 0.92 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 39035.81 11.24 0.15 0.03 25.1 25.38 91.93
3 2.91 0.01 -0.46 -0.03 52721.15 11.31 0.21 0.03 25.18 25.45 291.11
6 3.91 -1.22 0 0 -450.41 11.3 0.22 0.03 24.78 25.04 -3.2
9 3.59 0.89 -0.01 0 627.64 11.36 0.22 0.03 24.53 24.79 4.05
12 1.56 4.48 0 0 185 11.24 0.33 0.03 24.73 24.99 0.35
15 1.71 0.63 -0.01 0 2640.54 11.13 0.67 0.03 24.74 25.01 2.7
18 9.04 10.47 0 0.09 253.48 11.09 1.06 0.03 24.83 25.11 0.86
21 35.85 26.97 0 0.12 266 10.46 3.05 0.03 23.16 23.51 1.33
24 148.25 29.24 0 0.12 927.17 9.58 11.23 0.03 23.29 24.14 5.07
27 235.9 28.92 0 0.08 845.25 8.74 10.04 0.02 23.29 24.35 8.16
30 315.85 19.92 0 0.09 940.48 7.9 7.47 0.02 23.74 25.09 15.85
33 338.42 24.43 0 0.05 605.22 7.46 5.78 0.03 24.1 25.6 13.85
36 340.9 25.15 0 0.04 644.12 6.47 6.46 0.02 23.47 25.09 13.56
39 343.7 6.08 0 0.08 2551.28 6.09 5.98 0.03 24.24 25.94 56.55
42 321.04 3.33 0 0.1 1762.28 6 2.2 0.03 25.06 26.73 96.36
45 234.44 1.7 0 0.08 739.97 5.86 0.47 0.03 25.51 27.03 137.91
48 172.57 1.06 0 0.19 762.58 5.89 0.29 0.03 25.99 27.38 163.55
51 98.51 2.61 0 0.1 329.3 5.78 0.32 0.03 25.62 26.77 37.69
54 68.4 1.15 0 0.26 745.6 5.75 0.32 0.03 25.77 26.8 59.41
57 48.93 0.11 -0.05 3.09 7948.76 5.71 0.31 0.03 25.9 26.8 465.99
60 43.86 1.94 0 0.18 456.19 5.72 0.33 0.03 26.03 26.83 22.59
63 38.55 2.47 0 0.14 384.07 5.6 0.35 0.03 26.23 26.95 15.63
66 35.7 1.8 0 0.2 458.52 5.58 0.31 0.03 25.7 26.31 19.81
69 35.81 0.82 -0.01 0.42 1180.99 5.5 0.37 0.03 25.81 26.36 43.85
72 32.26 0.46 -0.01 0.76 2253.74 5.53 0.4 0.03 25.46 25.93 70.82
75 30.26 2.42 0 0.13 414.7 5.46 0.39 0.03 25.24 25.67 12.5
78 32.84 0.01 -0.45 31.98 0 5.41 0.41 0.03 25.68 26.1 3283.69
81 31.6 0.01 -0.45 28.9 0 5.42 0.39 0.03 25.4 25.77 3160.16

Appendix A - 144
Wall Covering Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 15.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 341.03
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 37.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 7.52
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 142.97
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.63
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.171
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.35
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 626.80
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0663

Initial mass (g): 11.2
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 15
Time to flameout (s): 48

Appendix A - 145
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.42 0.01 -0.26 -0.03 9377.12 11.23 0.04 0.03 24.96 25.2 41.85
4 0.59 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 11547.35 11.15 0.05 0.03 25.35 25.58 59.29
7 -0.53 -3.42 0 0 -5.78 11.26 0.01 0.03 24.98 25.22 0.15
10 -0.04 1.21 0 0 556.06 11.3 0.27 0.03 25.06 25.3 -0.03
13 1.1 7.27 0 0 188.91 11.17 0.54 0.03 25.32 25.56 0.15
16 5.79 12.16 0 0.06 177.86 10.86 0.84 0.03 25.38 25.63 0.48
19 62.61 25.42 0 0.14 219.87 10.39 2.37 0.02 23.06 23.57 2.46
22 147.43 32.81 0 0.1 833.93 9.39 11.33 0.03 23.33 24.15 4.49
25 259.55 21.71 0 0.11 978.35 8.55 8.77 0.02 23.12 24.21 11.96
28 309.74 26.49 0 0.06 627.15 7.99 6.64 0.02 23.75 25.04 11.69
31 328.79 25.81 0 0.04 561.18 7 5.67 0.03 24.17 25.53 12.74
34 332.37 14.95 0 0.06 966.58 6.52 5.81 0.02 23.32 24.9 22.23
37 341.03 12.38 0 0.05 878.42 6.05 4.26 0.02 23.86 25.53 27.54
40 307.46 3.5 0 0.07 880.08 5.81 1.16 0.03 24.99 26.63 87.76
43 252.72 4.74 0 0.05 77.94 5.77 0.14 0.03 25.76 27.3 53.31
46 157.48 2.58 0 0.12 37.01 5.54 0.04 0.03 25.79 27.13 61
49 112.09 -1.02 0 -0.45 -29.55 5.63 0.01 0.03 26.48 27.7 -110.04
52 80.97 2.54 0 0.19 0 5.55 0 0.03 25.29 26.35 31.85
55 60.06 0 1.58 -130.16 0 5.51 0 0.03 25.78 26.7 0
58 50.31 0.96 0 0.43 75.01 5.53 0.03 0.03 25.48 26.3 52.66
61 44.36 0.42 -0.01 0.92 0 5.46 0 0.03 25.18 25.88 105.43
64 42.64 1.82 0 0.19 0 5.49 0 0.03 26.3 26.96 23.47
67 35.7 5.11 0 0.06 0 5.34 0 0.03 24.94 25.48 6.99
70 36.71 -1.35 0 -0.22 -73.13 5.25 0.04 0.03 25.97 26.49 -27.2
73 33.41 -2.53 0 -0.11 -21.8 5.39 0.02 0.03 26.43 26.91 -13.21
76 30.07 1.39 0 0.19 0.39 5.36 0 0.03 25.44 25.85 21.59
79 29.61 0.01 -0.45 26.22 0 5.32 0 0.03 25.5 25.89 2961.02
82 27.2 0.01 -0.45 24.11 0 5.23 0 0.03 25.66 26 2719.97

Appendix A - 146
Wall Covering Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 18.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 328.49
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 37.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.89
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 130.25
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.34
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.162
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.91
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 683.26
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0560

Initial mass (g): 11.9
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 94
Time to ignition (s): 18
Time to flameout (s): 49

Appendix A - 147
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 3.17 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 0 11.93 0 0.03 24.64 24.87 316.51

4 3.43 0.01 -0.56 -0.03 0 11.97 0 0.03 25.03 25.26 343.45
7 0.9 -0.79 0 0 -62.99 11.99 0.02 0.03 24.92 25.15 -1.14
10 1.97 3.03 0 0 79.87 12 0.09 0.03 25.29 25.53 0.65
13 3.11 2.63 0 0 342 11.84 0.35 0.03 25.79 26.04 1.18
16 0.75 4.61 0 0 409.18 11.81 0.75 0.03 25 25.24 0.16
19 18.22 17.36 0 0.05 314.19 11.48 2.19 0.03 24.7 24.94 1.05
22 60.57 25.67 0 0.1 256.97 10.8 2.65 0.03 24.38 24.86 2.36
25 121.33 28.72 0 0.09 1081.64 9.99 13.14 0.02 22.92 23.64 4.22
28 233.77 24.59 0 0.09 917.95 9.14 9.37 0.02 23.02 24.08 9.51
31 293.26 25.45 0 0.06 565.97 8.49 5.76 0.02 23.75 25.02 11.52
34 320.41 25.35 0 0.04 508 7.62 5.14 0.02 23.6 25.06 12.64
37 328.49 14.69 0 0.05 1003.68 7.05 5.79 0.02 23.89 25.46 22.36
40 321.31 4.53 0 0.09 2119.45 6.74 3.68 0.03 24.48 26.08 70.93
43 262.21 1.79 0 0.12 1211.16 6.71 0.81 0.03 25.11 26.63 146.58
46 209.87 4.42 0 0.06 27.63 6.59 0.05 0.03 25.6 27.02 47.44
49 127.67 2.54 0 0.12 65.55 6.47 0.06 0.03 25.53 26.73 50.26
52 91.73 3.57 0 0.11 0 6.42 0 0.03 25.57 26.65 25.68
55 64.22 0 1.14 -80.1 -28644.6 6.29 0.05 0.03 25.85 26.8 0
58 51.26 -3.82 0 -0.1 -10.18 6.42 0.01 0.03 25.4 26.24 -13.41
61 44.28 4.29 0 0.08 0 6.44 0 0.03 25.36 26.12 10.32
64 43.04 -0.18 0.03 -1.92 -637.44 6.24 0.04 0.03 26.19 26.87 -233.8
67 38.42 -0.49 0.01 -0.71 -25.97 6.42 0 0.03 26.38 27 -78.56
70 37.57 6.21 0 0.05 0 6.23 0 0.03 25.65 26.18 6.05
73 34.36 -1.81 0 -0.18 -40.33 6.15 0.03 0.03 25.77 26.26 -18.98
76 32.43 0.19 -0.02 1.63 296.13 6.27 0.02 0.03 25.72 26.15 170.25
79 32.88 0.01 -0.45 30.87 0 6.12 0 0.03 25.58 25.98 3287.87
82 30.48 0.01 -0.46 30.38 14726.97 6.08 0.06 0.03 26.02 26.4 3047.95

Appendix A - 148
Workstation Side Panel Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 57.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 113.50
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 76.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 4.08
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 65.97
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.68
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.047
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 15.20
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 160.19
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0350

Initial mass (g): 74.7
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 199
Time to ignition (s): 57
Time to flameout (s): 113

Appendix A - 149
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 1.68 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 0 74.88 0 0.03 25.51 25.73 167.89

4 2.08 0.01 -0.43 -0.03 0 74.79 0 0.03 25.19 25.4 208.23
7 4.01 -2.37 0 0 0 74.8 0 0.03 25.16 25.38 -1.69
10 3.23 3.63 0 0 0 74.86 0 0.03 25.34 25.57 0.89
13 0.93 1.8 0 0 0 74.64 0 0.03 25.02 25.26 0.52
16 1.78 -2.66 0 0 0 74.77 0 0.03 25.2 25.46 -0.67
19 2.05 5.21 0 0 0 74.71 0 0.03 25.16 25.43 0.39
22 2.22 2.21 0 0 0 74.53 0 0.03 24.94 25.2 1.01
25 4.55 -2.9 0 0 0 74.6 0 0.03 25.18 25.47 -1.57
28 3.34 0.88 0 0.05 0 74.64 0 0.03 25.25 25.54 3.79
31 4.73 3.2 0 0.02 0 74.55 0 0.03 25.01 25.3 1.48
34 4.44 -0.76 0 -0.1 0 74.5 0 0.03 24.59 24.89 -5.86
37 6.05 0.29 -0.01 0.33 0 74.57 0 0.03 25.2 25.5 21.04
40 7.97 3.03 0 0.03 0 74.47 0 0.03 25.13 25.43 2.63
43 6.54 0.88 0 0.12 0 74.42 0 0.03 25.31 25.62 7.47
46 8.76 -0.56 0.01 -0.19 0 74.41 0 0.03 25.69 26.01 -15.52
49 8.54 2.35 0 0.05 0 74.42 0 0.03 25.17 25.49 3.64
52 7.26 0.62 -0.01 0.24 0 74.29 0 0.03 25.02 25.34 11.75
55 10.31 3.37 0 0.04 0 74.35 0 0.03 25.08 25.41 3.06
58 15.01 9.33 0 0.01 0 74.08 0 0.03 25.53 25.88 1.61
61 30.27 1.9 0 0.07 848.65 73.88 0.65 0.03 24.48 24.91 15.96
64 59.18 6.1 0 0.03 350.83 73.89 0.86 0.03 24.51 24.99 9.71
67 84.12 9.04 0 0.03 254.48 73.52 0.91 0.03 24.56 25.14 9.31
70 103.5 5.59 0 0.05 384.79 73.38 0.84 0.03 24.89 25.56 18.5
73 111.54 11.94 0 0.02 98.87 73.13 0.47 0.03 24.59 25.32 9.35
76 113.5 6.44 0 0.04 230.02 72.75 0.58 0.03 24.86 25.63 17.62
79 113.5 4.68 0 0.05 259.69 72.72 0.47 0.03 24.83 25.62 24.24
82 107.48 5.88 0 0.03 227.89 72.45 0.53 0.03 24.47 25.27 18.29
85 100.21 1.84 0 0.1 493.58 72.4 0.36 0.03 24.71 25.51 54.5
88 93.15 6.51 0 0.02 0 72.28 0 0.03 24.68 25.47 14.31
91 81.7 5.49 0 0.02 0 72.05 0 0.03 25.22 26 14.89
94 69.1 2.58 0 0.04 0 71.97 0 0.03 25.45 26.2 26.73
97 60.52 1.24 0 0.1 0 71.88 0 0.03 25.2 25.9 48.85
100 53.31 0.48 -0.01 0.22 0 71.88 0 0.03 25.67 26.35 111.08
103 45.83 4.4 0 0.02 0 71.82 0 0.03 25.76 26.39 10.42
106 41.35 1.27 0 0.09 0 71.67 0 0.03 25.66 26.25 32.62
109 34.49 -1.04 0 -0.14 0 71.74 0 0.03 25.58 26.13 -33.06
112 31.6 5.63 0 0.03 0 71.67 0 0.03 25.73 26.24 5.62
115 25.61 0.85 -0.01 0.24 0 71.48 0 0.03 25.35 25.81 30.13
118 22.93 -2.54 0 -0.07 0 71.61 0 0.03 25.6 26.03 -9.04
121 20.04 2.91 0 0.06 0 71.57 0 0.03 25.66 26.06 6.9
124 18.16 0.37 -0.01 0.37 0 71.49 0 0.03 25.53 25.91 49.15
127 18.75 -0.67 0 -0.22 0 71.54 0 0.03 25.64 25.99 -27.88
130 16.2 2.77 0 0.05 0 71.5 0 0.03 26.18 26.52 5.84
133 17.36 1.29 0 0.1 0 71.4 0 0.03 25.73 26.06 13.41
136 17.02 2.51 0 0.05 0 71.41 0 0.03 25.37 25.67 6.78

Appendix A - 150
139 15.01 2.58 0 0.05 0 71.26 0 0.03 25.63 25.93 5.81
142 16.51 -2.05 0 -0.07 0 71.28 0 0.03 25.81 26.11 -8.04
145 16.03 0.24 -0.02 0.54 0 71.34 0 0.03 25.45 25.74 67.05
148 15.1 0.01 -0.36 11.56 0 71.27 0 0.03 25.69 25.98 0
151 15.86 0.01 -0.46 10.69 0 71.3 0 0.03 25.83 26.12 0

Appendix A - 151
Workstation Side Panel Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 46.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 113.55
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 70.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 4.19
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 65.13
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.74
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.044
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 15.28
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 645.19
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0246

Initial mass (g): 73.3
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 46
Time to flameout (s): 110

Appendix A - 152
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -1.61 0.01 -0.46 -0.03 16913.55 73.33 0.07 0.03 25.67 25.9 -160.87
4 -3.05 0.01 -0.35 -0.04 14659.05 73.43 0.06 0.03 25.47 25.7 -305.35
7 0.4 2.1 0 0 87.73 73.35 0.07 0.03 25.04 25.26 0.19
10 -0.84 -0.18 0.02 0 -2217.57 73.34 0.16 0.03 24.99 25.22 4.73
13 -1.25 -0.84 0.01 0 -463.62 73.35 0.15 0.03 25.24 25.49 1.48
16 1.16 0.17 -0.02 0 2377.83 73.37 0.16 0.03 25.72 25.98 6.7
19 -1.74 3.36 0 0 73.74 73.33 0.1 0.03 25.22 25.48 -0.52
22 -0.81 1.34 0 0 257.58 73.21 0.14 0.03 24.79 25.06 -0.6
25 1.69 -1.21 0 0 -313.38 73.25 0.15 0.03 24.67 24.95 -1.4
28 0.34 2.56 0 0 160.91 73.24 0.16 0.03 25.08 25.37 0.13
31 1.71 1.28 0 0.01 313.57 73.13 0.16 0.03 25.47 25.77 1.33
34 1.58 -1.68 0 0 -287.41 73.17 0.19 0.03 24.91 25.21 -0.94
37 1.41 4.4 0 0 115.03 73.17 0.2 0.03 25.43 25.73 0.32
40 3.17 4.19 0 0.01 149.76 72.95 0.25 0.03 24.7 25 0.76
43 1.27 -3.06 0 -0.01 -255.89 72.96 0.31 0.03 25.18 25.48 -0.41
46 4.39 2.26 0 0.02 364.21 73.05 0.32 0.03 25.33 25.65 1.94
49 7.59 6.47 0 0.01 289.1 72.83 0.73 0.03 25.16 25.5 1.17
52 21.54 1.85 0 0.05 1922.4 72.72 1.41 0.03 24.79 25.2 11.67
55 45.43 6.58 0 0.02 638.07 72.66 1.71 0.03 24.04 24.51 6.91
58 70.45 7.96 0 0.02 652.78 72.34 2.07 0.03 24.56 25.13 8.85
61 96.14 5 0 0.04 890.51 72.21 1.73 0.03 25.14 25.8 19.22
64 109.54 9.44 0 0.02 405.9 72 1.48 0.03 25.21 25.92 11.6
67 113.11 6.16 0 0.03 723.45 71.7 1.73 0.03 25.04 25.8 18.37
70 113.55 9.29 0 0.02 456.03 71.59 1.65 0.03 24.85 25.64 12.22
73 108.67 6.68 0 0.02 613.57 71.18 1.58 0.03 25.12 25.92 16.26
76 96.18 -0.32 0.02 -0.35 -9922.37 71.22 1.21 0.03 25.34 26.14 -301.02
79 88.17 5.8 0 0.02 556.56 71.11 1.23 0.03 25.34 26.13 15.21
82 78.76 5.48 0 0.02 556.06 70.91 1.16 0.03 25.5 26.28 14.36
85 71.09 2.84 0 0.03 791.9 70.8 0.88 0.03 24.89 25.62 25.06
88 65.85 5.26 0 0.02 364.16 70.71 0.74 0.03 25.29 25.99 12.53
91 56.81 0.55 -0.01 0.17 3472.62 70.53 0.73 0.03 25.2 25.88 104.05
94 54.62 3.14 0 0.03 472.84 70.63 0.58 0.03 25.13 25.78 17.4
97 47.09 4.51 0 0.02 273.16 70.35 0.48 0.03 25.26 25.89 10.44
100 44.71 -1.69 0 -0.03 -625.21 70.41 0.41 0.03 25.35 25.95 -26.43
103 39.23 4.32 0 0.02 228.49 70.37 0.38 0.03 25.66 26.22 9.09
106 34.85 1.06 0 0.1 913.86 70.21 0.37 0.03 25.74 26.27 32.78
109 28.85 -1.54 0 -0.08 -657.69 70.3 0.39 0.03 25.17 25.65 -18.74
112 24.4 1.3 0 0.13 769.18 70.26 0.38 0.03 26.05 26.51 18.83
115 19.26 0.56 -0.01 0.23 1877.68 70.25 0.4 0.03 25.6 26.02 34.59
118 16.05 2.08 0 0.06 494.81 70.21 0.4 0.03 25.61 26 7.73
121 14.58 0.1 -0.04 1.23 10760.06 70.14 0.4 0.03 25.22 25.59 152.67
124 15.43 1.51 0 0.08 696.44 70.19 0.41 0.03 25.61 25.97 10.19
127 12.63 3.08 0 0.04 346.71 70.05 0.41 0.03 25.41 25.75 4.1
130 14.99 -0.86 0.01 -0.15 -1281.69 70.04 0.42 0.03 25.78 26.1 -17.41
133 12.45 -0.21 0.02 -0.54 -4830.59 70.08 0.4 0.03 25.58 25.89 -57.97
136 14.61 1.01 0 0.13 1061.49 70.05 0.42 0.03 25.3 25.6 14.45

Appendix A - 153
139 13.1 -0.48 0.01 -0.26 -2352.34 70.03 0.43 0.03 25.4 25.69 -27.57
142 12.2 3.48 0 0.04 296.83 70.04 0.41 0.03 25.15 25.43 3.5
145 13.38 1.96 0 0.07 546.69 69.86 0.41 0.03 25.83 26.12 6.83
148 13.61 0.01 -0.34 13.55 103779.9 69.92 0.41 0.03 25.28 25.56 1361.11
151 12.34 0.01 -0.35 13.95 110501.3 69.79 0.43 0.03 25.58 25.86 1234.36

Appendix A - 154
Workstation Side Panel Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 33.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 181.10
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 48.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.89
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 67.34
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.55
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.061
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 15.29
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 629.36
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0257

Initial mass (g): 70.7
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 86
Time to ignition (s): 33
Time to flameout (s): 76

Appendix A - 155
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -2.68 0.01 -0.45 -0.04 77112.88 70.6 0.31 0.03 25.03 25.26 -268.38
3 0.26 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 67466.28 70.67 0.26 0.03 25.41 25.63 25.95
6 -1.48 -3.24 0 0 -234.89 70.93 0.3 0.03 25.12 25.34 0.46
9 0.4 4.84 0 0 149.24 70.83 0.28 0.03 25.26 25.49 0.08
12 -1.14 3.29 0 0 269.59 70.71 0.35 0.03 25.38 25.62 -0.35
15 -1.92 2.66 0 0 322.25 70.64 0.34 0.03 24.92 25.16 -0.72
18 -1.84 0.77 0 0 1278.36 70.56 0.39 0.03 24.92 25.17 -2.4
21 -1.17 -0.11 0.04 0 -8808.08 70.58 0.38 0.03 25.21 25.47 10.6
24 -0.89 1.74 0 0 460.55 70.55 0.32 0.03 24.76 25.02 -0.51
27 -0.06 0.2 -0.02 0 4778.45 70.5 0.37 0.03 25.16 25.43 -0.32
30 -0.91 -0.2 0.02 0 -5955.34 70.53 0.47 0.03 25.33 25.61 4.55
33 2.61 1.82 0 0.01 886.18 70.49 0.64 0.03 24.96 25.24 1.44
36 9.06 7.55 0 0.01 514.97 70.39 1.56 0.03 24.62 24.95 1.2
39 49.85 11.84 0 0.02 568.01 70.04 2.69 0.03 24.53 25 4.21
42 103.03 15.64 0 0.03 528.7 69.69 3.37 0.03 23.88 24.55 6.59
45 150.88 11.08 0 0.04 582.88 69.17 2.63 0.03 23.68 24.52 13.62
48 181.1 6.4 0 0.05 813.64 69.03 2.04 0.03 24.63 25.56 28.28
51 171.31 10.71 0 0.02 426.24 68.73 1.78 0.03 24.71 25.66 15.99
54 138.28 2.86 0 0.06 1505.14 68.46 1.63 0.03 25.44 26.39 48.34
57 113.9 1.92 0 0.06 1615.13 68.51 1.19 0.03 25.03 25.94 59.41
60 97.59 6.07 0 0.02 420.92 68.31 0.97 0.03 25.48 26.37 16.07
63 80.91 1.29 0 0.07 1740.48 68.2 0.86 0.03 25.27 26.12 62.49
66 69.76 5.48 0 0.02 275.67 68.18 0.57 0.03 25.77 26.58 12.72
69 51.25 4.68 0 0.02 210.8 67.91 0.38 0.03 25.15 25.89 10.95
72 41.49 -1.58 0 -0.08 -633.06 67.93 0.38 0.03 25.62 26.29 -26.21
75 36.45 1.11 0 0.16 864.38 67.94 0.36 0.03 25.83 26.46 32.75
78 26.15 -0.71 0.01 -0.28 -1360.93 67.89 0.38 0.03 25.24 25.81 -36.64
81 23.46 2.03 0 0.09 458.99 67.96 0.35 0.03 25.83 26.35 11.55
84 18.85 3.19 0 0.05 239.63 67.78 0.3 0.03 25.35 25.82 5.9
87 15.95 -2.75 0 -0.06 -337.54 67.81 0.36 0.03 25.63 26.07 -5.81
90 16.44 3.79 0 0.05 239.53 67.87 0.35 0.03 25.34 25.74 4.34
93 15.89 1.11 0 0.16 928.35 67.64 0.4 0.03 25.73 26.11 14.29
96 15.75 -2.63 0 -0.07 -356.74 67.81 0.37 0.03 25.31 25.67 -5.98
99 16.43 2.58 0 0.07 307.88 67.74 0.31 0.03 25.55 25.9 6.36
102 14.71 0.15 -0.03 1.08 5900.43 67.7 0.34 0.03 24.92 25.24 99.8
105 15.29 1.46 0 0.11 721.22 67.71 0.4 0.03 25.9 26.21 10.48
108 16.19 1.59 0 0.09 607.05 67.62 0.36 0.03 26.08 26.38 10.21
111 13.61 0.87 -0.01 0.16 1047.56 67.62 0.35 0.03 25.53 25.82 15.63
114 13.45 0.37 -0.01 0.4 2657.83 67.56 0.38 0.03 25.86 26.14 36.38
117 15.5 1.81 0 0.08 516.68 67.58 0.36 0.03 25.58 25.86 8.59
120 13.15 3.11 0 0.05 303.04 67.46 0.37 0.03 25.13 25.39 4.23
123 14.07 0.82 -0.01 0.17 1153.77 67.42 0.37 0.03 25.04 25.3 17.12
126 14.2 -0.55 0.01 -0.27 -1805.09 67.4 0.39 0.03 25.43 25.69 -25.89
129 12.65 1.39 0 0.09 597.96 67.43 0.32 0.03 25.51 25.77 9.08
132 13.89 2.8 0 0.05 308.49 67.32 0.34 0.03 25.36 25.62 4.96
135 12.81 -1.37 0 -0.09 -747.28 67.3 0.4 0.03 25.73 26 -9.32

Appendix A - 156
138 12.46 0.1 -0.03 1.06 9271.46 67.37 0.37 0.03 25.05 25.31 123.87
141 13.8 0.96 0 0.12 919.93 67.3 0.34 0.03 25.47 25.75 14.41
144 11.84 -1 0 -0.11 -884.84 67.33 0.35 0.03 25.21 25.48 -11.86
147 12.62 0.01 -0.46 11.06 0 67.31 0.39 0.03 25.7 25.97 1262.06
150 11.86 0.01 -0.42 10.54 95281.46 67.13 0.37 0.03 25.43 25.7 1185.53

Appendix A - 157
Workstation - Work Surface Test 1
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 53.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 333.92
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 67.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 73.36
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 202.76
Total Mass Loss (g): 55.54
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.092
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.21
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 5.40
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0014

Initial mass (g): 215.9
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 76
Time to ignition (s): 53
Time to flameout (s): 702

Appendix A - 158
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.12 0.01 -0.45 -0.04 0 216.05 0 0.03 26.35 26.6 11.55

4 1.15 0.01 -0.45 -0.04 0 216.03 0 0.03 26.27 26.52 115.2
7 3.96 -1.71 0 0 0 215.93 0 0.03 26.32 26.56 -2.32
10 3.09 -4.69 0 0 0 216.12 0 0.03 25.71 25.95 -0.66
13 1.27 2.2 0 0 0 216.14 0 0.03 25.91 26.15 0.58
16 2.39 3.57 0 0 0 216.03 0 0.03 25.83 26.07 0.67
19 -0.46 -1.58 0 0 0 215.97 0 0.03 26.1 26.35 0.29
22 0.14 -0.65 0.01 0 0 216.08 0 0.03 26.11 26.37 -0.21
25 -0.61 1.77 0 0 0 216 0 0.03 25.97 26.23 -0.34
28 0.43 -1.96 0 0 0 216.02 0 0.03 25.94 26.21 -0.22
31 0.15 -1.91 0 0 0 216.09 0 0.03 25.43 25.7 -0.08
34 -0.38 2.16 0 0 0 216.1 0 0.03 25.62 25.89 -0.18
37 1.64 6.16 0 0 122.92 215.97 0.29 0.03 25.92 26.22 0.27
40 0.34 3.25 0 0 610.33 215.78 0.77 0.03 25.56 25.88 0.11
43 2.52 5.57 0 0 241.55 215.74 0.52 0.03 25.5 25.84 0.45
46 2.18 7.69 0 0.01 185.48 215.44 0.54 0.03 25.92 26.27 0.28
49 6.1 1.63 0 0.11 1742.56 215.33 1.08 0.03 25.84 26.2 3.74
52 43.97 8.3 0 0.04 555.11 215.25 1.7 0.03 26.78 27.17 5.3
55 143.03 18.93 0 0.02 161.42 214.8 1.16 0.03 25.85 26.28 7.56
58 192.97 19.18 0 0.02 0 214.19 0 0.03 24.36 25.07 10.06
61 230.14 21.11 0 0.01 0 213.65 0 0.03 24.42 25.48 10.9
64 290.66 19.71 0 0.01 13.24 212.95 0.1 0.03 25.23 26.63 14.75
67 333.92 20.65 0 0.01 12.96 212.44 0.1 0.03 24.61 26.18 16.17
70 331.99 30.29 0 0.01 25.01 211.66 0.3 0.02 23.71 25.49 10.96
73 320.9 20.77 0 0.01 50.83 210.76 0.4 0.03 24.62 26.73 15.45
76 289.3 12.88 0 0.01 0 210.41 0 0.02 24.42 26.57 22.46
79 266.27 17.49 0 0 0 209.9 0 0.03 24.62 26.84 15.22
82 236.43 17.66 0 0 0 209.38 0 0.02 24.63 26.85 13.39
85 212.23 13.47 0 0 0 208.87 0 0.03 24.93 27.09 15.75
88 197.72 10.94 0 0 0 208.56 0 0.03 25.38 27.5 18.08
91 176.03 14.99 0 0 0 208.17 0 0.02 24.67 26.63 11.74
94 159.69 8.36 0 0 0 207.73 0 0.03 25.47 27.34 19.1
97 153.16 11.57 0 0 0 207.61 0 0.03 25.34 27.07 13.24
100 143.52 11.9 0 0 0 207.05 0 0.03 25.14 26.75 12.06
103 136.01 5.79 0 0 0 206.93 0 0.03 25.38 26.9 23.51
106 134.59 12.49 0 0 0 206.62 0 0.03 25.75 27.16 10.78
109 133.32 9.32 0 0 0 206.25 0 0.03 26.45 27.82 14.31
112 132.1 8.65 0 0 0 206.05 0 0.03 26.05 27.31 15.26
115 126.95 9.44 0 0 0 205.72 0 0.03 25.26 26.4 13.45
118 129.47 7.31 0 0 0 205.5 0 0.03 25.7 26.83 17.7
121 133.4 11.39 0 0 0 205.24 0 0.03 26.38 27.5 11.71
124 134.55 7.89 0 0 0 204.87 0 0.03 26.41 27.48 17.06
127 131.89 4.18 0 0 0 204.77 0 0.03 25.55 26.56 31.54
130 130.23 9.87 0 0 0 204.55 0 0.03 25.5 26.48 13.2
133 135.88 10.69 0 0 0 204.2 0 0.03 25.82 26.79 12.71
136 134.99 9.8 0 0 0 203.92 0 0.03 25.63 26.59 13.78

Appendix A - 159
139 139.27 10.9 0 0 0 203.61 0 0.03 25.88 26.85 12.78
142 139.26 8.18 0 0 0 203.29 0 0.03 25.83 26.8 17.02
145 138.7 11.16 0 0 0 203.08 0 0.03 25.77 26.75 12.43
148 144.23 10.58 0 0 0 202.65 0 0.03 26.06 27.05 13.64
151 142.4 11.22 0 0 0 202.44 0 0.03 25.96 26.95 12.7
154 140.33 10.92 0 0 0 201.98 0 0.03 25.34 26.3 12.86
157 146.29 9.15 0 0 0 201.79 0 0.03 26.35 27.34 15.98
160 141.34 12.78 0 0 0 201.4 0 0.03 25.46 26.43 11.06
163 144.83 11.28 0 0 0 201.06 0 0.03 25.49 26.46 12.84
166 146.51 10.9 0 0 0 200.71 0 0.03 26.12 27.13 13.45
169 144.55 11.21 0 0 0 200.4 0 0.03 25.86 26.85 12.89
172 146.32 13.7 0 0 0 200.03 0 0.03 25.94 26.94 10.68
175 145.89 8.92 0 0 0 199.62 0 0.03 25.89 26.89 16.35
178 149.56 10.49 0 0 0 199.45 0 0.03 26.24 27.26 14.26
181 144.46 12.37 0 0 0 198.99 0 0.03 25.63 26.63 11.68
184 146.04 7.51 0 0 0 198.76 0 0.03 25.9 26.9 19.45
187 144.74 7.99 0 0 0 198.5 0 0.03 25.78 26.77 18.12
190 145.23 9.88 0 0 0 198.26 0 0.03 25.93 26.91 14.7
193 144.08 12.12 0 0 0 197.91 0 0.03 25.6 26.54 11.88
196 143.88 13.6 0 0 0 197.54 0 0.03 26.14 27.1 10.58
199 147.97 9.32 0 0 0 197.13 0 0.03 26.53 27.49 15.88
202 142.66 10.63 0 0 0 196.95 0 0.03 25.89 26.85 13.42
205 141.51 11.26 0 0 0 196.5 0 0.03 26.15 27.11 12.56
208 144.37 9.52 0 0 0 196.29 0 0.03 26.36 27.33 15.17
211 142.22 13.52 0 0 0 195.89 0 0.03 26.47 27.43 10.52
214 142.29 8.91 0 0 0 195.53 0 0.03 26.21 27.15 15.97
217 139.31 8.78 0 0 0 195.33 0 0.03 25.66 26.57 15.86
220 135.41 11.85 0 0 0 194.98 0 0.03 25.5 26.4 11.42
223 137.57 9.94 0 0 0 194.65 0 0.03 25.73 26.64 13.85
226 136.65 9.27 0 0 0 194.38 0 0.03 25.85 26.76 14.74
229 135.51 9.36 0 0 0 194.09 0 0.03 25.66 26.56 14.48
232 133.67 9.96 0 0 0 193.81 0 0.03 25.67 26.56 13.42
235 132.46 9.67 0 0 0 193.49 0 0.03 25.5 26.37 13.7
238 132.19 12.24 0 0 0 193.22 0 0.03 25.46 26.33 10.8
241 133.76 10.87 0 0 0 192.79 0 0.03 26 26.88 12.3
244 133.25 8.54 0 0 0 192.57 0 0.03 25.99 26.87 15.6
247 130.23 13.35 0 0 0 192.23 0 0.03 25.83 26.68 9.75
250 132.09 11.68 0 0 0 191.81 0 0.03 26.12 26.98 11.31
253 126.13 6.66 0 0 0 191.55 0 0.03 25.58 26.42 18.94
256 127.25 10.97 0 0 0 191.35 0 0.03 25.64 26.49 11.6
259 129.23 9.77 0 0 0 190.92 0 0.03 25.76 26.59 13.23
262 127.41 7.07 0 0 0 190.77 0 0.03 26.04 26.88 18.02
265 126.41 11.11 0 0 0 190.46 0 0.03 25.53 26.35 11.38
268 124.5 8.56 0 0 0 190.15 0 0.03 25.61 26.42 14.55
271 125.94 7.12 0 0 0 189.94 0 0.03 25.75 26.56 17.68
274 128.96 10.79 0 0 0 189.69 0 0.03 26.16 26.99 11.95
277 125.88 10.3 0 0 0 189.32 0 0.03 26.09 26.9 12.22
280 124.98 7.78 0 0 0 189.08 0 0.03 25.69 26.49 16.07
283 124.3 11.39 0 0 0 188.81 0 0.03 25.99 26.79 10.91
286 126.3 9.02 0 0 0 188.44 0 0.03 26.45 27.26 14
289 125.72 8.56 0 0 0 188.26 0 0.03 26.29 27.09 14.68
292 121.22 10.83 0 0 0 187.9 0 0.03 25.88 26.64 11.2

Appendix A - 160
295 125.85 11.1 0 0 0 187.62 0 0.03 26.4 27.18 11.34
298 123.24 9.83 0 0 0 187.25 0 0.03 26.08 26.84 12.54
301 122.65 8.37 0 0 0 187.03 0 0.03 26.19 26.96 14.66
304 121.2 12.68 0 0 0 186.72 0 0.03 26.16 26.93 9.56
307 117.88 4.03 0 0 0 186.35 0 0.03 25.83 26.59 29.24
310 122.09 8.99 0 0 0 186.38 0 0.03 26.53 27.31 13.58
313 117.33 11.84 0 0 0 185.83 0 0.03 25.8 26.55 9.91
316 119.15 1.16 0 0 0 185.76 0 0.03 25.96 26.72 102.82
319 118.57 11.64 0 0 0 185.62 0 0.03 26.37 27.13 10.19
322 115.06 10.24 0 0 0 185.14 0 0.03 25.72 26.46 11.23
325 116.86 6.59 0 0 0 185.02 0 0.03 26.02 26.77 17.72
328 114.86 11.78 0 0 0 184.68 0 0.03 25.91 26.65 9.75
331 116.51 9.49 0 0 0 184.36 0 0.03 25.8 26.53 12.28
334 111.33 11.04 0 0 0 184.09 0 0.03 25.62 26.33 10.09
337 113.05 10.27 0 0 0 183.72 0 0.03 25.79 26.51 11.01
340 114 6.58 0 0 0 183.5 0 0.03 25.79 26.5 17.33
343 111.91 7.23 0 0 0 183.29 0 0.03 25.85 26.56 15.49
346 114.13 8.64 0 0 0 183.05 0 0.03 26.02 26.74 13.22
349 109.8 7.9 0 0 0 182.79 0 0.03 25.75 26.46 13.9
352 113.47 7.22 0 0 0 182.58 0 0.03 25.93 26.64 15.71
355 112.07 10.04 0 0 0 182.33 0 0.03 26.2 26.92 11.17
358 110.6 6.9 0 0 0 182.02 0 0.03 25.93 26.64 16.02
361 110.29 7.77 0 0 0 181.89 0 0.03 25.92 26.62 14.19
364 109.71 10.05 0 0 0 181.54 0 0.03 26.24 26.94 10.92
367 108.84 4.49 0 0 0 181.34 0 0.03 26 26.68 24.21
370 106.41 10.96 0 0 0 181.19 0 0.03 25.73 26.41 9.71
373 108.81 8.86 0 0 0 180.74 0 0.03 25.9 26.59 12.28
376 109.63 6.27 0 0 0 180.67 0 0.03 26.23 26.92 17.49
379 104.44 10.33 0 0 0 180.32 0 0.03 25.27 25.94 10.11
382 106.38 5.03 0 0 0 180.1 0 0.03 25.87 26.54 21.16
385 104.3 10.71 0 0 0 179.95 0 0.03 25.65 26.31 9.73
388 112.66 9.29 0 0 0 179.51 0 0.03 27.25 27.93 12.12
391 107.75 5.85 0 0 0 179.41 0 0.03 26.6 27.26 18.41
394 105.33 8.99 0 0 0 179.11 0 0.03 26.02 26.67 11.71
397 103.31 8.95 0 0 0 178.88 0 0.03 25.72 26.35 11.54
400 103.64 7.98 0 0 0 178.58 0 0.03 26.13 26.79 12.99
403 105.54 6.96 0 0 0 178.4 0 0.03 26.22 26.88 15.16
406 103.48 9.71 0 0 0 178.14 0 0.03 26.52 27.17 10.66
409 105.02 6.76 0 0 0 177.86 0 0.03 26.54 27.19 15.53
412 104.26 6.95 0 0 0 177.72 0 0.03 26.66 27.31 14.99
415 101.13 9.19 0 0 0 177.43 0 0.03 26.02 26.65 11.01
418 102.6 9.34 0 0 0 177.18 0 0.03 25.89 26.5 10.99
421 101.76 9.55 0 0 0 176.87 0 0.03 25.94 26.52 10.65
424 106.68 6.71 0 0 0 176.63 0 0.03 26.07 26.65 15.91
427 104.02 9.2 0 0 0 176.43 0 0.03 26.04 26.63 11.31
430 105.25 8.96 0 0 0 176.09 0 0.03 25.94 26.54 11.75
433 107.22 8.42 0 0 0 175.9 0 0.03 26 26.61 12.74
436 106.4 8.18 0 0 0 175.58 0 0.03 25.71 26.32 13.01
439 110.7 7.18 0 0 0 175.41 0 0.03 25.85 26.47 15.41
442 107.27 10.63 0 0 0 175.13 0 0.03 25.79 26.42 10.09
445 107.87 7.21 0 0 0 174.82 0 0.03 25.73 26.37 14.95
448 110.86 8.9 0 0 0 174.66 0 0.03 26.45 27.1 12.45

Appendix A - 161
451 110.19 7.97 0 0 0 174.3 0 0.03 26.32 26.96 13.83
454 109.29 6.8 0 0 0 174.18 0 0.03 25.51 26.14 16.08
457 110.71 11.22 0 0 0 173.86 0 0.03 26.25 26.91 9.87
460 110.98 2.65 0 0 0 173.59 0 0.03 26.15 26.82 41.91
463 108.34 8.06 0 0 0 173.61 0 0.03 25.87 26.53 13.44
466 109.38 11.15 0 0 0 173.12 0 0.03 26.28 26.95 9.81
469 110.6 1.66 0 0 0 173.02 0 0.03 26.58 27.26 66.53
472 105.67 12 0 0 0 172.9 0 0.03 25.89 26.56 8.8
475 109.52 6.72 0 0 0 172.4 0 0.03 27.04 27.73 16.3
478 100.9 4.55 0 0 0 172.48 0 0.03 25.66 26.32 22.17
481 102.12 7.66 0 0 0 172.08 0 0.03 26.04 26.68 13.32
484 99.09 8.5 0 0 0 172.03 0 0.03 25.25 25.84 11.66
487 100.6 10.63 0 0 0 171.57 0 0.03 26.07 26.68 9.46
490 102.8 5.33 0 0 0 171.44 0 0.03 26.58 27.22 19.29
493 99.07 11.82 0 0 0 171.18 0 0.03 26 26.63 8.38
496 101.93 6.74 0 0 0 170.8 0 0.03 26.41 27.04 15.12
499 100.22 6.61 0 0 0 170.74 0 0.03 26.21 26.84 15.16
502 97.9 10.74 0 0 0 170.38 0 0.03 26.24 26.87 9.11
505 96.55 6.44 0 0 0 170.15 0 0.03 25.4 26.01 14.99
508 96.05 8.75 0 0 0 169.95 0 0.03 25.44 26.05 10.97
511 95.14 8.32 0 0 0 169.64 0 0.03 25.69 26.31 11.43
514 96.8 8.27 0 0 0 169.45 0 0.03 26.07 26.68 11.7
517 95.63 7.59 0 0 0 169.15 0 0.03 26.6 27.21 12.6
520 97.46 5.72 0 0 0 169 0 0.03 26.34 26.94 17.05
523 95.01 7.56 0 0 0 168.78 0 0.03 26.07 26.66 12.56
526 94.86 7.63 0 0 0 168.56 0 0.03 26.18 26.78 12.43
529 95.17 9.13 0 0 0 168.32 0 0.03 26.09 26.69 10.42
532 91.78 5.47 0 0 0 168.04 0 0.03 26 26.59 16.77
535 92.9 6.51 0 0 0 167.96 0 0.03 25.63 26.23 14.27
538 94.19 10.17 0 0 0 167.64 0 0.03 26.47 27.08 9.26
541 91.56 2.49 0 0 0 167.42 0 0.03 26.44 27.03 36.83
544 89.93 6.59 0 0 0 167.41 0 0.03 25.57 26.15 13.64
547 89.34 7.89 0 0 0 167.04 0 0.03 26.13 26.73 11.33
550 91.23 7.22 0 0 0 166.95 0 0.03 26.07 26.66 12.63
553 90.99 9 0 0 0 166.6 0 0.03 26.29 26.89 10.11
556 87.33 2.45 0 0 0 166.47 0 0.03 26.23 26.82 35.62
559 89.22 7.84 0 0 0 166.37 0 0.03 25.88 26.46 11.38
562 85.74 7.8 0 0 0 166.03 0 0.03 26.24 26.82 10.99
565 88.99 5.33 0 0 0 165.92 0 0.03 26.25 26.83 16.7
568 88.02 8.22 0 0 0 165.67 0 0.03 26.21 26.78 10.71
571 82.08 6.03 0 0 0 165.46 0 0.03 25.7 26.27 13.6
574 85.15 9.44 0 0 0 165.28 0 0.03 25.57 26.13 9.02
577 82.1 6.46 0 0 0 164.93 0 0.03 25.75 26.3 12.7
580 88.06 4.77 0 0 0 164.88 0 0.03 26.79 27.37 18.45
583 83.89 8.98 0 0 0 164.61 0 0.03 26.17 26.73 9.34
586 82.93 4.99 0 0 0 164.4 0 0.03 25.9 26.45 16.63
589 83.62 7.02 0 0 0 164.27 0 0.03 25.9 26.45 11.92
592 80 10.18 0 0 0 163.97 0 0.03 25.75 26.29 7.86
595 84.28 6.58 0 0 0 163.7 0 0.03 26.63 27.18 12.8
598 81.06 7.45 0 0 0 163.55 0 0.03 25.89 26.41 10.88
601 81.35 5.54 0 0 0 163.27 0 0.03 25.69 26.21 14.69
604 82.54 6.32 0 0 0 163.19 0 0.03 25.97 26.52 13.05

Appendix A - 162
607 77.83 8.2 0 0 0 162.89 0 0.03 25.4 25.93 9.49
610 80.27 6.16 0 0 0 162.73 0 0.03 25.71 26.25 13.04
613 79.36 10.18 0 0 0 162.48 0 0.03 25.77 26.29 7.8
616 79.38 5.76 0 0 0 162.17 0 0.03 25.65 26.17 13.79
619 81.09 4.94 0 0 0 162.11 0 0.03 26.38 26.91 16.43
622 78.95 7.06 0 0 0 161.85 0 0.03 26.12 26.65 11.18
625 79.11 5.5 0 0 0 161.71 0 0.03 25.62 26.13 14.39
628 79.72 6.1 0 0 0 161.51 0 0.03 25.89 26.41 13.07
631 80.34 6.09 0 0 0 161.35 0 0.03 25.87 26.4 13.2
634 80.29 8.49 0 0 0 161.13 0 0.03 26.26 26.78 9.46
637 78.25 7.19 0 0 0 160.86 0 0.03 25.97 26.49 10.88
640 80.78 6 0 0 0 160.7 0 0.03 26.09 26.61 13.47
643 80.21 7.57 0 0 0 160.49 0 0.03 26.06 26.57 10.59
646 79.54 6.19 0 0 0 160.26 0 0.03 25.72 26.23 12.85
649 77.55 7.5 0 0 0 160.1 0 0.03 25.71 26.22 10.34
652 77.22 0.01 -0.49 -0.04 0 159.83 0 0.03 25.77 26.29 7722.34
655 78.95 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 159.72 0 0.03 25.86 26.38 7894.77

Appendix A - 163
Workstation - Work Surface Test 2
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 57.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 304.02
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 80.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 74.96
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 215.42
Total Mass Loss (g): 57.08
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.096
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.13
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 14.42
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0093

Initial mass (g): 228.6
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 57
Time to flameout (s): 704

Appendix A - 164
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 2.3 0.01 -0.5 -0.04 2105.06 228.87 0.01 0.03 26.12 26.43 229.9
5 1.61 0.01 -0.4 -0.01 7224.33 228.86 0.03 0.03 25.38 25.67 161.46
8 2.24 1.47 0 0 12.19 228.86 0.01 0.03 25.2 25.48 1.52
11 3.9 -0.86 0.01 0 -13.8 228.79 0 0.03 25.84 26.13 -4.52
14 1.93 -0.73 0.01 0 -88.06 228.9 0.02 0.03 25.59 25.88 -2.66
17 2.93 3.18 0 0 5.25 228.81 0.01 0.03 25.3 25.59 0.92
20 0.99 -1.44 0 0 -2.32 228.76 0 0.03 25.75 26.05 -0.69
23 2.86 -0.77 0.01 0 -35.48 228.86 0.01 0.03 25.48 25.78 -3.71
26 0.26 2.81 0 0 29.05 228.79 0.03 0.03 25.59 25.9 0.09
29 1.61 -3.5 0 0 -3.68 228.76 0.01 0.03 25 25.31 -0.46
32 0.41 0.55 -0.01 0 93.73 228.93 0.02 0.03 25.19 25.49 0.74
35 1.8 10.43 0 0 17.22 228.69 0.07 0.03 25.23 25.54 0.17
38 0.28 3.53 0 0.02 896.9 228.42 1.23 0.03 25.42 25.74 0.08
41 1.49 2.46 0 0.05 1188.97 228.44 1.14 0.03 25.36 25.7 0.61
44 0.27 9.14 0 0.02 363.73 228.21 1.31 0.03 25.02 25.37 0.03
47 2.07 6.21 0 0.04 728.67 227.96 1.75 0.03 25.43 25.81 0.33
50 1.94 5.07 0 0.07 796.35 227.83 1.57 0.03 25.31 25.71 0.38
53 4.76 6.73 0 0.05 437.69 227.63 1.14 0.03 25.4 25.8 0.71
56 15.14 8.92 0 0.03 133.25 227.41 0.47 0.03 24.82 25.27 1.7
59 41.17 20.14 0 0.01 10.74 227.03 0.09 0.03 24.04 24.71 2.04
62 111.22 22.24 0 0.02 16.15 226.27 0.15 0.03 23.55 24.68 5
65 170.07 23.24 0 0.01 15.8 225.72 0.15 0.03 23.9 25.32 7.32
68 240.11 20.1 0 0.02 46.44 224.9 0.36 0.03 24.06 25.85 11.95
71 266.24 23.44 0 0.01 28.21 224.47 0.25 0.03 24.29 26.21 11.36
74 277.88 22.91 0 0.01 62.43 223.53 0.56 0.02 23.35 25.45 12.13
77 300.76 15.35 0 0.01 41.85 223.14 0.24 0.03 24.5 26.77 19.6
80 304.02 17.24 0 0.01 11.77 222.54 0.07 0.03 24.88 27.21 17.64
83 280.76 16.34 0 0 24.63 222.12 0.15 0.02 24.16 26.47 17.19
86 287.59 20.02 0 0 17.49 221.53 0.13 0.03 24.76 27.16 14.36
89 283.44 18.37 0 0 20.16 220.95 0.14 0.02 24.21 26.63 15.43
92 289.78 15.78 0 0 32.29 220.44 0.19 0.02 24.51 26.95 18.37
95 274.57 15.06 0 0.01 40.16 220 0.22 0.02 24.73 27.05 18.23
98 256.85 9.48 0 0.01 41.82 219.57 0.15 0.02 24.98 27.2 27.1
101 233.34 12.48 0 0.01 27.02 219.37 0.12 0.03 25.16 27.26 18.7
104 207.98 12.62 0 0.01 24.45 218.83 0.11 0.03 25.94 27.9 16.48
107 188.57 9.44 0 0.02 40.05 218.64 0.14 0.03 25.89 27.7 19.98
110 172.41 9.44 0 0.02 48.51 218.25 0.17 0.03 25.89 27.55 18.27
113 160.32 10.92 0 0.01 39.78 218.06 0.16 0.03 25.23 26.75 14.69
116 161.61 12.03 0 0.01 37.12 217.6 0.16 0.03 25.65 27.11 13.43
119 154.01 9.61 0 0.02 44.08 217.36 0.16 0.02 24.76 26.09 16.02
122 163.15 13.17 0 0.01 32.64 216.98 0.16 0.03 25.9 27.26 12.39
125 159.33 12.13 0 0.01 42.13 216.6 0.19 0.03 25.11 26.37 13.13
128 159.06 13.2 0 0.01 38.39 216.24 0.2 0.02 24.67 25.88 12.05
131 163.45 11.31 0 0.01 40.29 215.83 0.17 0.03 25.57 26.8 14.45
134 162.98 9.38 0 0.02 42.72 215.56 0.15 0.03 25.36 26.57 17.38
137 162.01 10.25 0 0.01 60.2 215.24 0.23 0.03 25.47 26.66 15.8

Appendix A - 165
140 161.51 10.22 0 0.01 44.7 214.95 0.17 0.03 25.16 26.31 15.8
143 160.88 13.13 0 0.01 38.6 214.61 0.19 0.03 25.31 26.47 12.25
146 162.04 13.39 0 0.01 31.99 214.18 0.16 0.03 25.33 26.47 12.1
149 165.57 12.25 0 0.01 35.5 213.82 0.16 0.03 26.09 27.26 13.52
152 162.75 13.47 0 0.01 31.1 213.44 0.16 0.03 25.49 26.63 12.08
155 158.01 8.73 0 0.01 65.38 213.05 0.22 0.03 25.22 26.33 18.1
158 160.57 9.58 0 0.01 38.66 212.87 0.14 0.03 25.52 26.63 16.77
161 156.61 10.84 0 0.01 30.67 212.46 0.13 0.03 25.48 26.56 14.45
164 158.55 14.04 0 0 14.27 212.21 0.07 0.03 25.67 26.75 11.3
167 156.19 11.58 0 0.01 20.39 211.66 0.09 0.03 25.95 27.03 13.49
170 153.3 12.36 0 0.01 6.94 211.5 0.03 0.03 25.34 26.38 12.4
173 152.38 12.88 0 0.01 16.96 210.92 0.08 0.03 25.63 26.66 11.83
176 153.69 7.55 0 0.01 20.07 210.76 0.06 0.03 25.8 26.83 20.36
179 151.88 8.65 0 0.01 19.01 210.43 0.06 0.03 25.91 26.93 17.55
182 150 9.83 0 0.01 0 210.24 0 0.03 25.38 26.35 15.26
185 147.72 11.72 0 0.01 1.37 209.83 0.01 0.03 25.26 26.22 12.6
188 149.88 10.68 0 0.01 0 209.55 0 0.03 25.76 26.73 14.04
191 145.87 14.04 0 0.01 0 209.16 0 0.03 25.22 26.16 10.39
194 146.12 13.92 0 0 5.92 208.74 0.03 0.03 25.37 26.32 10.5
197 147.31 7.15 0 0.01 17.77 208.37 0.05 0.03 25.71 26.66 20.6
200 142.62 9.8 0 0.01 6.1 208.25 0.02 0.03 25.4 26.34 14.56
203 148.43 10.95 0 0.01 6.88 207.79 0.03 0.03 26.04 27 13.55
206 143.82 9.37 0 0.01 13.56 207.61 0.05 0.03 25.72 26.67 15.35
209 144.76 10.8 0 0.01 10.84 207.21 0.04 0.03 25.64 26.58 13.4
212 139.76 7.91 0 0.01 19.45 206.98 0.06 0.02 25.07 25.97 17.67
215 138.71 12.8 0 0.01 13.55 206.69 0.07 0.02 24.55 25.44 10.83
218 140.44 12.71 0 0.01 2.12 206.25 0.01 0.03 25.31 26.22 11.05
221 143.14 9.18 0 0.01 27.47 205.95 0.09 0.03 26 26.94 15.59
224 138.27 11.7 0 0.01 10.58 205.66 0.05 0.03 25.46 26.35 11.82
227 137.51 8.23 0 0.01 10.57 205.28 0.03 0.03 25.76 26.66 16.71
230 136.58 10.57 0 0.01 15.62 205.13 0.06 0.03 25.77 26.66 12.93
233 133.84 8.54 0 0.01 28.98 204.67 0.09 0.03 25.64 26.51 15.67
236 129.27 10.74 0 0.01 13.88 204.59 0.06 0.02 24.81 25.65 12.04
239 130.03 11.85 0 0.01 27.01 204.04 0.12 0.03 25.31 26.15 10.98
242 131.95 7.97 0 0.01 33.44 203.91 0.1 0.03 25.63 26.48 16.56
245 129.39 12.25 0 0 29.78 203.51 0.14 0.03 25.6 26.44 10.56
248 126.93 4.83 0 0.02 47.29 203.25 0.09 0.02 24.89 25.7 26.29
251 127.36 9.49 0 0.01 22.07 203.14 0.08 0.03 25.39 26.2 13.42
254 128.69 9.74 0 0.01 42.29 202.7 0.16 0.03 25.59 26.4 13.21
257 129.36 12.41 0 0.01 27.56 202.55 0.13 0.03 25.92 26.75 10.42
260 129.24 9.26 0 0.01 44.16 202 0.15 0.03 26.07 26.89 13.96
263 125.93 10.28 0 0.01 25.52 201.97 0.1 0.03 25.86 26.63 12.25
266 125.88 13.11 0 0.01 19.99 201.37 0.1 0.03 25.63 26.39 9.6
269 122.58 6.33 0 0.01 28.61 201.24 0.07 0.03 25.55 26.31 19.37
272 123.18 9.05 0 0.01 34.14 200.93 0.12 0.03 25.4 26.15 13.61
275 122.17 9.8 0 0.01 29.5 200.71 0.11 0.03 25.85 26.6 12.47
278 123.1 7.74 0 0.01 48.43 200.36 0.14 0.03 25.61 26.36 15.9
281 118.84 6.96 0 0.01 53.68 200.23 0.14 0.03 25.4 26.13 17.08
284 123.31 12.68 0 0.01 22.24 199.9 0.11 0.03 25.83 26.58 9.72
287 119.22 10.99 0 0.01 26.07 199.53 0.11 0.03 25.49 26.24 10.85
290 120.77 3.29 0 0.02 89.06 199.28 0.11 0.03 25.55 26.29 36.65
293 115.23 10.25 0 0.01 23.97 199.23 0.1 0.02 24.83 25.56 11.24

Appendix A - 166
296 117.1 13.23 0 0.01 21.28 198.69 0.11 0.03 25.47 26.22 8.85
299 119.4 7.14 0 0.01 40.27 198.5 0.11 0.03 25.78 26.53 16.72
302 115.73 5.72 0 0.01 18.05 198.23 0.04 0.03 25.46 26.2 20.25
305 116.35 10.96 0 0.01 13.54 198.11 0.06 0.03 25.22 25.97 10.62
308 116.53 12.11 0 0 0 197.6 0 0.03 25.7 26.45 9.62
311 116.74 5.21 0 0.01 0 197.43 0 0.03 25.47 26.23 22.43
314 116.24 10.47 0 0 0 197.21 0 0.03 25.98 26.74 11.11
317 115.92 9.89 0 0.01 0 196.84 0 0.03 25.53 26.28 11.72
320 116.76 7.92 0 0.01 0 196.63 0 0.03 26.3 27.06 14.73
323 113.26 6.34 0 0.01 0 196.36 0 0.03 25.17 25.91 17.86
326 113.54 12.12 0 0 0 196.2 0 0.03 25.66 26.4 9.37
329 112.34 9.3 0 0 0 195.69 0 0.03 25.21 25.94 12.08
332 108.66 5.36 0 0.01 0 195.65 0 0.03 25 25.73 20.27
335 110.95 9.01 0 0.01 0 195.32 0 0.03 25.19 25.92 12.31
338 110.2 11.48 0 0 0 195.12 0 0.03 25.26 25.99 9.6
341 110.11 7.99 0 0.01 0 194.67 0 0.03 25 25.72 13.78
344 109.89 4.97 0 0.01 0 194.64 0 0.03 25.54 26.27 22.12
347 111.33 10 0 0 0 194.32 0 0.03 25.45 26.17 11.13
350 109.56 7.19 0 0.01 0 194.09 0 0.03 25.34 26.06 15.24
353 108.35 6.43 0 0.01 0 193.87 0 0.03 24.97 25.69 16.86
356 109.48 10.71 0 0 0 193.66 0 0.03 25.59 26.32 10.22
359 111.91 12.05 0 0 0 193.25 0 0.03 25.65 26.38 9.28
362 111.75 7.23 0 0.01 0 192.99 0 0.03 25.91 26.65 15.47
365 111.01 6.87 0 0.01 0 192.79 0 0.03 25.27 25.99 16.15
368 112.22 9.95 0 0.01 0 192.55 0 0.03 25.33 26.07 11.28
371 114.07 9.96 0 0.01 0 192.21 0 0.03 25.09 25.82 11.45
374 114.79 7.45 0 0.01 0 191.97 0 0.03 25.48 26.23 15.42
377 117.09 9.83 0 0.01 0 191.73 0 0.03 25.3 26.06 11.91
380 116.52 11.85 0 0.01 0 191.38 0 0.03 25.31 26.07 9.83
383 120.87 6.83 0 0.01 0 191.07 0 0.03 25.41 26.18 17.7
386 120.68 7.66 0 0.01 0 190.93 0 0.03 25.41 26.18 15.76
389 123.05 6.99 0 0.01 0 190.61 0 0.03 25.23 26 17.61
392 119.26 10.15 0 0.01 0 190.49 0 0.03 24.94 25.7 11.75
395 123.28 10.58 0 0.01 0 190.02 0 0.03 25.26 26.04 11.65
398 120.43 8.65 0 0.01 0 189.87 0 0.03 25.46 26.25 13.93
401 122.49 12.9 0 0.01 0 189.47 0 0.03 25.71 26.5 9.49
404 119.07 8.21 0 0.01 0 189.16 0 0.03 25.68 26.47 14.5
407 119.43 6.21 0 0.01 0 188.96 0 0.03 25.47 26.25 19.24
410 115.23 6.21 0 0.01 0 188.76 0 0.03 25.33 26.1 18.56
413 116.28 11.28 0 0.01 0 188.55 0 0.03 25.6 26.36 10.31
416 113.37 10.48 0 0.01 0 188.13 0 0.03 25.61 26.36 10.81
419 112.33 8.74 0 0.01 0 187.94 0 0.03 25.43 26.17 12.85
422 109.38 8.39 0 0.01 0 187.59 0 0.03 25.14 25.86 13.04
425 108.06 6.94 0 0.01 0 187.44 0 0.03 25.03 25.75 15.57
428 107.64 6.05 0 0.01 0 187.17 0 0.03 25.03 25.73 17.78
431 108.45 4.35 0 0.02 0 187.07 0 0.03 25.7 26.42 24.95
434 108.28 11.54 0 0.01 0 186.85 0 0.03 25.4 26.12 9.38
437 105.11 10.69 0 0.01 0 186.44 0 0.03 25.13 25.81 9.83
440 105.32 4.97 0 0.01 0 186.25 0 0.03 25.23 25.91 21.2
443 106.5 9.38 0 0.01 0 186.07 0 0.03 26.09 26.78 11.35
446 106.96 7.12 0 0.01 0 185.73 0 0.03 25.89 26.57 15.02
449 101.62 5.43 0 0.01 0 185.64 0 0.03 25.15 25.81 18.73

Appendix A - 167
452 103.88 10.96 0 0.01 0 185.35 0 0.03 25.43 26.09 9.48
455 101.96 8.43 0 0.01 0 185.04 0 0.03 25.47 26.12 12.1
458 104.36 10.22 0 0.01 0 184.82 0 0.03 25.76 26.42 10.21
461 101.62 7.09 0 0.01 0 184.45 0 0.03 25.81 26.47 14.33
464 103.11 6.89 0 0.01 0 184.38 0 0.03 25.55 26.19 14.96
467 100.54 7.04 0 0.01 0 184.03 0 0.03 25.47 26.11 14.29
470 103.19 10.23 0 0 0 183.94 0 0.03 25.61 26.27 10.08
473 98.76 8.37 0 0.01 0 183.46 0 0.03 25.24 25.89 11.8
476 103.13 4.78 0 0.01 0 183.45 0 0.03 26.04 26.69 21.59
479 99.72 5.97 0 0.01 0 183.13 0 0.03 25.58 26.2 16.69
482 100.8 10.51 0 0.01 0 183.07 0 0.03 25.81 26.43 9.59
485 98.9 8.85 0 0.01 0 182.55 0 0.03 25.9 26.52 11.18
488 98.68 7.9 0 0.01 0 182.53 0 0.03 25.26 25.88 12.49
491 97.87 8.25 0 0.01 0 182.06 0 0.03 25.88 26.52 11.87
494 99.23 7.42 0 0.01 0 182.05 0 0.03 25.68 26.32 13.37
497 95.67 7.99 0 0.01 0 181.61 0 0.03 25.46 26.09 11.98
500 98.71 5.98 0 0.01 0 181.58 0 0.03 25.63 26.26 16.52
503 96.34 6.16 0 0.01 0 181.23 0 0.03 25.95 26.59 15.65
506 97.78 9.42 0 0.01 0 181.19 0 0.03 25.61 26.24 10.38
509 95.22 8.64 0 0.01 0 180.7 0 0.03 25.57 26.2 11.03
512 95.74 8.24 0 0.01 0 180.67 0 0.03 25.35 25.97 11.62
515 95 8.97 0 0.01 0 180.2 0 0.03 25.59 26.21 10.59
518 91.37 4.77 0 0.01 0 180.17 0 0.02 24.62 25.21 19.15
521 95.79 5.58 0 0.01 0 179.87 0 0.03 25.83 26.45 17.15
524 94.81 8.71 0 0.01 0 179.81 0 0.03 25.99 26.61 10.89
527 96.73 8.45 0 0.01 0 179.38 0 0.03 25.91 26.53 11.45
530 92.21 7.03 0 0.01 0 179.32 0 0.03 25.81 26.43 13.11
533 94.95 7.98 0 0.01 0 178.94 0 0.03 26 26.63 11.9
536 92.27 7.84 0 0.01 0 178.84 0 0.03 25.16 25.77 11.77
539 93.78 6.93 0 0.01 0 178.48 0 0.03 26.14 26.75 13.53
542 94.54 4.34 0 0.02 0 178.44 0 0.03 25.93 26.54 21.79
545 90.01 8.46 0 0.01 0 178.17 0 0.03 25.53 26.13 10.64
548 91.3 8.9 0 0.01 0 177.95 0 0.03 25.35 25.94 10.26
551 88.45 7.51 0 0.01 0 177.65 0 0.03 25.66 26.26 11.77
554 90.08 10.2 0 0.01 0 177.48 0 0.03 25.47 26.07 8.83
557 87.85 10.57 0 0.01 0 177.06 0 0.03 25.58 26.19 8.31
560 88.9 2.26 0 0.02 0 176.9 0 0.03 25.22 25.81 39.3
563 88.41 5.64 0 0.01 0 176.84 0 0.03 26.12 26.73 15.67
566 86.58 6.72 0 0.01 0 176.57 0 0.03 25.17 25.76 12.88
569 88.1 10.85 0 0 0 176.42 0 0.03 25.81 26.41 8.12
572 89.92 8.88 0 0.01 0 175.96 0 0.03 26.83 27.45 10.12
575 87.86 3.4 0 0.02 0 175.91 0 0.03 25.64 26.23 25.87
578 84.58 7.55 0 0.01 0 175.69 0 0.03 25.48 26.07 11.21
581 89.26 5.88 0 0.01 0 175.49 0 0.03 26.08 26.67 15.18
584 84.68 7.54 0 0.01 0 175.32 0 0.03 25.51 26.07 11.23
587 86.24 6.01 0 0.01 0 175.06 0 0.03 25.43 26 14.36
590 85.87 11.47 0 0 0 174.92 0 0.03 25.56 26.14 7.49
593 85.43 8.21 0 0.01 0 174.43 0 0.03 25.74 26.31 10.4
596 86.4 3.72 0 0.01 0 174.43 0 0.03 26.2 26.78 23.21
599 85.03 9.49 0 0 0 174.14 0 0.03 26.31 26.9 8.96
602 84.92 5.66 0 0.01 0 173.93 0 0.03 25.5 26.07 15
605 81.86 5.77 0 0.01 0 173.78 0 0.03 25.6 26.17 14.19

Appendix A - 168
608 82.28 4.21 0 0.01 0 173.58 0 0.03 25.14 25.7 19.53
611 82.73 7.78 0 0.01 0 173.49 0 0.03 25.57 26.14 10.63
614 81.92 8.94 0 0.01 0 173.13 0 0.03 25.3 25.86 9.16
617 83.94 6.07 0 0.01 0 172.98 0 0.03 25.81 26.38 13.83
620 79.46 8.27 0 0.01 0 172.74 0 0.03 25.41 25.96 9.61
623 81.21 8.48 0 0.01 0 172.5 0 0.03 25.22 25.76 9.58
626 79.83 7.1 0 0.01 0 172.24 0 0.03 25.85 26.42 11.24
629 80.63 5.3 0 0.01 0 172.08 0 0.03 25.36 25.9 15.2
632 77.92 5.71 0 0.01 0 171.91 0 0.03 25.27 25.82 13.65
635 78.66 3.16 0 0.01 0 171.75 0 0.03 25.21 25.75 24.87
638 78.72 9.75 0 0.01 0 171.66 0 0.03 25.44 25.98 8.08
641 78.03 8.68 0 0.01 0 171.21 0 0.03 25.36 25.9 8.99
644 79.5 4.86 0 0.01 0 171.16 0 0.03 25.55 26.09 16.37
647 78.75 7.83 0 0.01 0 170.88 0 0.03 25.88 26.42 10.06
650 77.89 0.01 -0.58 5.26 0 170.7 0 0.03 25.34 25.86 7788.86
653 78.17 0.01 -0.39 6.48 0 170.33 0 0.03 26.07 26.61 7816.86

Appendix A - 169
Workstation - Work Surface Test 3
External Heat Flux 35 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 56.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 371.52
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 75.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 73.51
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 199.07
Total Mass Loss (g): 55.79
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.093
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.18
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 32.45
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0058

Initial mass (g): 221.3
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 56
Time to flameout (s): 704

Appendix A - 170
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -1.51 0.01 -0.4 -0.04 30067.38 221.38 0.12 0.03 25.67 25.86 -151.17
3 1.99 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 20595.12 221.56 0.08 0.03 26.01 26.21 199.05
6 -1.39 -0.08 0.06 0 -2679.43 221.47 0.08 0.03 25.66 25.86 17.67
9 0.01 2.03 0 0 64.63 221.57 0.05 0.03 25.49 25.68 0
12 -1.67 0.06 -0.07 -0.01 2473.44 221.38 0.06 0.03 25.66 25.86 -28.85
15 1.91 0.03 -0.16 -0.01 2154.21 221.55 0.03 0.03 25.71 25.92 58.06
18 -1.48 0.96 0 0 115.25 221.37 0.04 0.03 25.91 26.14 -1.55
21 -0.24 -1.03 0 0 -98.17 221.52 0.04 0.03 25.52 25.74 0.23
24 1.35 -2.44 0 0 -38.04 221.43 0.04 0.03 25.92 26.16 -0.56
27 -1.18 -2.03 0 0 -19.56 221.64 0.02 0.03 25.74 25.98 0.58
30 -0.61 2.87 0 0 0.87 221.51 0 0.03 25.54 25.79 -0.21
33 1.3 5.84 0 0 0 221.49 0 0.03 25.5 25.75 0.22
36 -1.01 2.83 0 0 404.23 221.21 0.44 0.03 25.49 25.76 -0.36
39 1.63 7.35 0 0.01 250.87 221.27 0.75 0.03 24.39 24.67 0.22
42 0.2 5.19 0 0.02 316.53 220.81 0.63 0.03 25.92 26.24 0.04
45 1.16 2.08 0 0.07 1345.61 220.97 1.09 0.03 25.26 25.59 0.56
48 2.92 6.82 0 0.03 435.5 220.63 1.12 0.03 26.09 26.44 0.43
51 1.15 4.95 0 0.06 654.96 220.6 1.26 0.03 25.28 25.62 0.23
54 4.64 4.68 0 0.08 562.74 220.32 1.02 0.03 25.45 25.81 0.99
57 10.09 11.21 0 0.03 97.83 220.26 0.43 0.03 25.07 25.44 0.9
60 23.37 19.69 0 0.02 8.81 219.64 0.07 0.03 25.04 25.6 1.19
63 72.16 15.17 0 0.02 0 219.16 0 0.03 24.06 24.91 4.76
66 157.17 34.88 0 0.01 6.01 218.57 0.08 0.03 23.95 25.13 4.51
69 259.81 36.17 0 0.01 19.66 217.2 0.29 0.02 22.89 24.64 7.18
72 326.81 17.43 0 0.02 80.83 216.55 0.54 0.02 23.86 25.97 18.74
75 371.52 16.59 0 0.02 0.84 216.04 0.01 0.03 24.54 26.74 22.4
78 336.72 13.02 0 0.01 0 215.56 0 0.03 25.09 27.28 25.87
81 279.78 19.16 0 0.01 2.38 215.19 0.02 0.03 24.63 26.77 14.6
84 268.9 15.79 0 0.01 2.35 214.47 0.01 0.03 25.12 27.32 17.03
87 257.65 12.87 0 0.01 15.01 214.24 0.07 0.03 24.9 27.08 20.02
90 252.85 20.9 0 0.01 0.76 213.63 0.01 0.02 24.72 26.83 12.1
93 238.11 10.52 0 0.01 0 213.11 0 0.02 24.78 26.79 22.64
96 221.41 9.32 0 0.01 0 212.94 0 0.03 25 26.97 23.76
99 208.05 14.76 0 0 14.76 212.5 0.08 0.02 24.78 26.63 14.1
102 202.65 11.92 0 0.01 7.66 212.11 0.03 0.03 25.42 27.21 17
105 194.51 9.61 0 0.01 7.45 211.79 0.03 0.03 25.44 27.14 20.24
108 176.12 8.77 0 0.01 6.81 211.52 0.02 0.03 25.63 27.2 20.09
111 164.72 10.77 0 0 2.79 211.24 0.01 0.03 25.4 26.81 15.3
114 153.35 10.84 0 0.01 0 210.89 0 0.03 25.67 26.96 14.14
117 136.77 5.89 0 0.01 0 210.62 0 0.03 25.56 26.78 23.21
120 129.9 9.22 0 0.01 0 210.48 0 0.03 25.54 26.66 14.08
123 127.04 8.16 0 0.01 0 210.1 0 0.03 26.01 27.06 15.56

Appendix A - 171
126 120.9 6.29 0 0.01 6.81 210 0.02 0.03 25.71 26.67 19.23
129 118.56 10.15 0 0 0 209.68 0 0.03 25.03 25.93 11.68
132 119.33 8.52 0 0 12.85 209.42 0.04 0.03 25.88 26.77 14
135 122.35 11.69 0 0 11.15 209.14 0.05 0.03 26.09 26.97 10.47
138 122.12 9.86 0 0 15.55 208.75 0.06 0.03 25.56 26.4 12.39
141 123.29 9.55 0 0.01 10.2 208.54 0.04 0.03 25.69 26.54 12.91
144 125.19 8.5 0 0.01 27.42 208.18 0.09 0.03 25.33 26.16 14.74
147 124 9.17 0 0.01 20.19 208.02 0.07 0.03 25.4 26.24 13.52
150 128.09 11.57 0 0 37.89 207.62 0.17 0.03 25.59 26.45 11.07
153 128.14 5.06 0 0.01 64.61 207.38 0.12 0.03 25.52 26.38 25.34
156 127.58 9.76 0 0 33.32 207.25 0.12 0.03 25.32 26.17 13.07
159 132.11 11.81 0 0 36.96 206.81 0.16 0.03 25.61 26.49 11.18
162 131.62 6.9 0 0.01 82.9 206.58 0.22 0.03 25.5 26.38 19.09
165 138.29 13.11 0 0 41.32 206.33 0.2 0.03 26.16 27.07 10.55
168 133.87 12.99 0 0 46.61 205.84 0.23 0.03 25.4 26.28 10.3
171 137.32 9.74 0 0.01 47.7 205.58 0.17 0.03 25.82 26.71 14.1
174 136.7 7.81 0 0.01 59.88 205.24 0.18 0.03 25.74 26.65 17.51
177 138.07 7.98 0 0 60.34 205.08 0.18 0.03 26.03 26.95 17.3
180 136.84 14.78 0 0 40.53 204.72 0.23 0.03 25.38 26.28 9.26
183 137.02 10.08 0 0 51.49 204.27 0.2 0.03 25.67 26.58 13.59
186 135.64 11.13 0 0 55.11 204.09 0.24 0.03 25.16 26.07 12.18
189 137.93 9.56 0 0 68.55 203.62 0.25 0.03 25.29 26.2 14.42
192 138.98 3.9 0 0.01 165.33 203.53 0.24 0.03 25.68 26.6 35.62
195 140.17 12.45 0 0 39.55 203.29 0.19 0.03 25.32 26.24 11.26
198 139.22 11.99 0 0 70.35 202.84 0.32 0.03 25.52 26.47 11.61
201 143.64 13.13 0 0 68.38 202.57 0.34 0.03 25.82 26.78 10.94
204 141.09 12.06 0 0 55.87 202.07 0.26 0.03 25.34 26.27 11.7
207 138.62 9.46 0 0 94.25 201.86 0.34 0.03 25.34 26.26 14.65
210 146.11 11.86 0 0 74.94 201.47 0.33 0.03 25.88 26.84 12.32
213 142.39 8.18 0 0 100.26 201.18 0.31 0.03 25.3 26.26 17.41
216 143.91 11.81 0 0 71.33 200.93 0.32 0.03 25.64 26.61 12.19
219 142.63 12.21 0 0 75.97 200.49 0.36 0.03 25.12 26.06 11.69
222 141.15 12.08 0 0 74.21 200.21 0.34 0.03 25.35 26.3 11.68
225 143.15 10.75 0 0 76.17 199.78 0.31 0.02 25.06 26 13.32
228 143.57 7.71 0 0.01 127.62 199.57 0.37 0.03 25.67 26.64 18.62
231 146.89 13.34 0 0 80.31 199.26 0.4 0.03 25.74 26.71 11.01
234 141.53 8.48 0 0 90.2 198.84 0.29 0.03 25.15 26.1 16.69
237 146.09 8.03 0 0.01 112.41 198.72 0.33 0.03 25.98 26.95 18.19
240 145.05 12.43 0 0 76.71 198.32 0.36 0.03 25.89 26.86 11.67
243 141.6 10.34 0 0 84.95 198.02 0.33 0.03 25.45 26.39 13.69
246 142.13 11.33 0 0 92.69 197.69 0.39 0.03 25.7 26.65 12.54
249 137.19 8.53 0 0.01 115.95 197.36 0.38 0.03 25.25 26.17 16.09
252 141.38 12.24 0 0 83.71 197.13 0.38 0.03 25.71 26.64 11.55
255 139.85 11.88 0 0 85.36 196.66 0.37 0.03 26.15 27.09 11.77
258 139.38 5.44 0 0.01 175.75 196.46 0.35 0.03 26.07 26.98 25.64
261 132.76 12.75 0 0 77.87 196.24 0.38 0.02 25 25.87 10.41
264 134.39 8.79 0 0 83.8 195.76 0.27 0.03 25.92 26.81 15.29
267 134.97 6.65 0 0 132.06 195.7 0.33 0.03 25.6 26.47 20.31

Appendix A - 172
270 135.35 10.79 0 0 83.88 195.32 0.33 0.03 26.16 27.05 12.55
273 134.32 11.14 0 0 70.67 195.08 0.3 0.03 25.73 26.59 12.05
276 132.79 11.96 0 0 68.76 194.66 0.31 0.03 25.8 26.65 11.1
279 130.45 6.53 0 0 104.1 194.4 0.26 0.03 25.36 26.19 19.96
282 129.07 11.68 0 0 55.11 194.19 0.24 0.03 25.67 26.51 11.05
285 130.64 8.62 0 0 62.87 193.75 0.2 0.03 25.65 26.48 15.15
288 127 9.72 0 0 59.55 193.65 0.22 0.03 25.43 26.24 13.07
291 128.27 11.73 0 0 54.99 193.16 0.25 0.03 25.37 26.18 10.94
294 124.97 8.93 0 0 54.07 192.98 0.19 0.03 25.19 25.97 14
297 127.28 11.27 0 0 60.03 192.59 0.26 0.03 25.65 26.44 11.29
300 125.61 8.3 0 0 86.02 192.34 0.27 0.03 25.58 26.36 15.14
303 123.53 10.36 0 0 49.67 192.06 0.2 0.03 25.32 26.07 11.93
306 127.88 7.4 0 0 84.71 191.74 0.23 0.03 25.93 26.7 17.29
309 123.73 12.12 0 0 51.27 191.57 0.24 0.03 25.62 26.38 10.21
312 122.45 9.4 0 0 65.61 191.07 0.24 0.03 25.3 26.05 13.02
315 123.77 3.15 0 0.01 227.6 191.03 0.27 0.03 25.64 26.38 39.3
318 122.32 10.1 0 0 60.18 190.79 0.23 0.03 25.48 26.22 12.12
321 121.55 8.97 0 0.01 41.68 190.47 0.14 0.03 25.72 26.46 13.55
324 120.87 9.6 0 0.01 59.97 190.25 0.22 0.03 25.44 26.17 12.59
327 119.28 6.38 0 0 56.39 189.92 0.14 0.03 25.77 26.5 18.7
330 119.88 8.02 0 0 76.75 189.83 0.24 0.03 25.38 26.1 14.94
333 118.93 14.97 0 0 38.84 189.4 0.22 0.03 25.83 26.56 7.94
336 121.04 12.27 0 0 40.92 189 0.19 0.03 25.78 26.5 9.86
339 117.34 7.06 0 0 75.66 188.69 0.2 0.03 25.61 26.31 16.63
342 116.87 6.91 0 0.01 77.87 188.54 0.21 0.03 25.14 25.85 16.91
345 116.91 7.4 0 0.01 51.43 188.26 0.14 0.03 25.77 26.49 15.81
348 121.62 10.81 0 0 43.07 188.08 0.17 0.03 26.02 26.74 11.25
351 117.98 7.56 0 0.01 60.38 187.66 0.17 0.03 25.74 26.46 15.61
354 115.31 7.92 0 0.01 47.82 187.6 0.15 0.03 25.36 26.07 14.55
357 116.75 8.77 0 0 62.5 187.18 0.21 0.03 25.33 26.05 13.32
360 116.72 10.37 0 0 37.9 187.07 0.15 0.03 25.66 26.38 11.26
363 117 10.04 0 0 33.41 186.57 0.13 0.03 25.79 26.51 11.65
366 118.01 7.71 0 0.01 53.01 186.48 0.15 0.03 25.97 26.69 15.31
369 118.07 8.28 0 0.01 36.74 186.09 0.11 0.03 26.19 26.91 14.26
372 110.71 10.34 0 0 24.96 185.97 0.1 0.02 24.77 25.44 10.71
375 117.58 8.44 0 0 41.29 185.5 0.13 0.03 25.83 26.54 13.92
378 112.79 5.92 0 0 26.7 185.47 0.06 0.03 25.49 26.18 19.05
381 115.17 10.44 0 0 28.08 185.09 0.11 0.03 25.42 26.11 11.03
384 113.3 8.82 0 0 34.84 184.88 0.12 0.03 25.6 26.3 12.85
387 116.39 6.81 0 0 25.86 184.57 0.07 0.03 25.78 26.48 17.1
390 110.8 8.03 0 0 20.46 184.45 0.06 0.03 25.47 26.16 13.8
393 116.66 9.76 0 0 20.15 184.09 0.07 0.03 26.28 26.98 11.95
396 111.24 6.29 0 0 14.59 183.9 0.04 0.03 25.38 26.06 17.68
399 112.28 11.94 0 0 10.39 183.65 0.05 0.03 25.75 26.44 9.4
402 109.35 6.91 0 0 0 183.25 0 0.03 25.45 26.13 15.83
405 110.48 6.24 0 0 4.44 183.21 0.01 0.03 25.56 26.23 17.71
408 110.23 7.75 0 0 8.78 182.86 0.03 0.03 25.76 26.42 14.23
411 107.96 10.91 0 0 7.25 182.73 0.03 0.03 25.54 26.18 9.9

Appendix A - 173
414 111.51 10.87 0 0 5.65 182.23 0.02 0.03 25.82 26.48 10.26
417 107.03 7.5 0 0 7.72 182.11 0.02 0.03 25.44 26.09 14.27
420 109.22 5.32 0 0 13.24 181.77 0.03 0.03 25.32 25.96 20.54
423 108.33 6.21 0 0 5.4 181.76 0.01 0.03 25.61 26.25 17.45
426 109.1 11.07 0 0 6.24 181.37 0.03 0.03 25.75 26.39 9.86
429 104.45 10.83 0 0 0 181.14 0 0.03 25.23 25.86 9.64
432 107.71 7.03 0 0 20.6 180.75 0.05 0.03 25.71 26.34 15.32
435 104.47 6.13 0 0 9.73 180.69 0.02 0.03 25.73 26.37 17.04
438 108.15 9.31 0 0 0 180.35 0 0.03 25.84 26.49 11.62
441 106.94 4.95 0 0 8.75 180.18 0.02 0.03 26.08 26.72 21.6
444 105.61 10.32 0 0 7.33 179.99 0.03 0.03 25.68 26.31 10.24
447 101.54 6.51 0 0 19.2 179.62 0.05 0.03 25.54 26.16 15.59
450 103.77 6.15 0 0 1.12 179.58 0 0.03 25.39 26.02 16.88
453 101.99 9.58 0 0 4.49 179.22 0.02 0.03 25.52 26.15 10.65
456 103.16 7.99 0 0 3.12 179.04 0.01 0.03 25.72 26.35 12.91
459 101.11 8.38 0 0 8.76 178.73 0.03 0.03 25.88 26.51 12.07
462 102.23 8.19 0 0 13.8 178.54 0.04 0.03 25.71 26.32 12.48
465 101.83 5.35 0 0 14.38 178.26 0.03 0.03 25.94 26.57 19.02
468 98.24 6.8 0 0 7.02 178.19 0.02 0.03 25.13 25.74 14.44
471 100.73 9.66 0 0 9.53 177.84 0.04 0.03 25.6 26.22 10.43
474 98.89 9.27 0 0 0 177.63 0 0.03 25.53 26.14 10.67
477 98.76 8.42 0 0 6.76 177.29 0.02 0.03 25.36 25.97 11.73
480 95.83 7.44 0 0 0 177.13 0 0.03 25.16 25.76 12.88
483 102.55 7 0 0 0 176.84 0 0.03 26.38 27 14.65
486 98.23 6.43 0 0.01 0 176.71 0 0.03 26.1 26.71 15.28
489 98.81 7.26 0 0.01 0 176.44 0 0.03 25.86 26.46 13.61
492 95.51 10.14 0 0 0 176.26 0 0.03 25.42 26.03 9.42
495 98.94 8.3 0 0.01 0 175.87 0 0.03 25.67 26.27 11.92
498 95.3 3.58 0 0.01 0 175.78 0 0.03 25.18 25.77 26.61
501 97.78 9.31 0 0 0.86 175.59 0 0.03 25.91 26.52 10.5
504 96.05 4.92 0 0 0 175.28 0 0.03 25.56 26.14 19.53
507 99 7.52 0 0 0 175.25 0 0.03 26.43 27.03 13.16
510 93.54 9.42 0 0 0 174.84 0 0.03 25.17 25.73 9.93
513 94.99 7.95 0 0 0 174.71 0 0.03 25.74 26.31 11.94
516 96.86 7.81 0 0 0 174.35 0 0.03 25.77 26.34 12.4
519 93.43 5.14 0 0 0 174.25 0 0.03 25.15 25.71 18.18
522 93.87 7.89 0 0 0 174.01 0 0.03 25.48 26.05 11.91
525 94.1 10.36 0 0 0 173.78 0 0.03 26.09 26.67 9.08
528 95 7.04 0 0.01 0 173.43 0 0.03 25.73 26.31 13.49
531 92.64 5.45 0 0 0 173.34 0 0.03 25.92 26.5 17.01
534 93.44 10.57 0 0 0 173.05 0 0.03 25.56 26.14 8.84
537 91.38 7.26 0 0.01 0 172.77 0 0.03 25.74 26.33 12.59
540 93.7 6.48 0 0.01 0 172.61 0 0.03 25.59 26.17 14.46
543 89.67 4.88 0 0.01 0 172.38 0 0.03 25.08 25.65 18.39
546 93.46 7.7 0 0 0 172.28 0 0.03 25.91 26.51 12.13
549 91.81 6.7 0 0 0 171.94 0 0.03 25.88 26.46 13.71
552 93.34 8.61 0 0 0 171.86 0 0.03 25.87 26.44 10.85
555 91.42 9.3 0 0 0 171.43 0 0.03 26.09 26.67 9.83

Appendix A - 174
558 89.96 8 0 0.01 0 171.32 0 0.03 25.44 26 11.24
561 89.06 7.07 0 0 0 170.95 0 0.03 25.27 25.83 12.6
564 89.81 4.96 0 0.01 0 170.9 0 0.03 25.29 25.87 18.1
567 91.18 5.62 0 0.01 0 170.63 0 0.03 25.74 26.32 16.23
570 89.7 6.77 0 0.01 0 170.56 0 0.03 25.75 26.34 13.26
573 91.22 6.87 0 0 0 170.23 0 0.03 25.79 26.37 13.29
576 88.38 8.26 0 0 0 170.14 0 0.03 25.55 26.12 10.7
579 89.55 11.05 0 0 0 169.73 0 0.03 25.63 26.19 8.11
582 86.41 8.18 0 0 0 169.52 0 0.03 25.36 25.93 10.56
585 91.08 5.19 0 0 0 169.25 0 0.03 25.84 26.43 17.56
588 89.04 2.41 0 0.02 0 169.2 0 0.03 25.88 26.47 37.01
591 88.83 8.92 0 0.01 0 169.03 0 0.03 25.67 26.24 9.96
594 87.69 11.14 0 0 0 168.69 0 0.03 25.68 26.25 7.87
597 87.24 6.93 0 0 0 168.42 0 0.03 25.51 26.08 12.59
600 88.87 5.94 0 0.01 0 168.26 0 0.03 25.74 26.31 14.97
603 87.21 8.31 0 0 0 168.04 0 0.03 25.59 26.15 10.5
606 89.63 3.96 0 0 0 167.8 0 0.03 25.9 26.47 22.64
609 87.08 6.09 0 0.01 0 167.76 0 0.03 25.96 26.53 14.3
612 88.29 5.41 0 0.01 0 167.45 0 0.03 25.72 26.28 16.32
615 86.88 7.37 0 0 0 167.41 0 0.03 26.31 26.88 11.78
618 87.43 9.35 0 0 0 167.01 0 0.03 25.76 26.32 9.35
621 85.03 8.51 0 0.01 0 166.87 0 0.03 25.42 25.96 9.99
624 85.57 8.54 0 0 0 166.49 0 0.03 25.66 26.21 10.02
627 85.56 7.36 0 0 0 166.37 0 0.03 25.91 26.47 11.63
630 81.9 6.08 0 0.01 0 166.06 0 0.03 25.15 25.69 13.48
633 84 2.16 0 0.01 0 166.02 0 0.03 24.83 25.35 38.88
636 83.49 9.33 0 0 0 165.85 0 0.03 25.48 26.01 8.95
639 86.34 7.91 0 0 0 165.51 0 0.03 25.47 26.01 10.91
642 85.71 7.01 0 0 0 165.38 0 0.03 25.91 26.46 12.23
645 86.49 7.02 0 0 0 165.08 0 0.03 26.35 26.92 12.32
648 86.03 7.99 0 0 0 164.95 0 0.03 25.71 26.26 10.76
651 81.77 0.01 -0.41 1.5 0 164.62 0 0.03 25.43 25.97 8176.63
654 85.81 0.01 -0.29 3.42 0 164.53 0 0.03 25.73 26.29 8580.91

Appendix A - 175
Carpeting Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results::
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 22.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 374.82
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 64.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 42.67
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 294.84
Total Mass Loss (g): 14.75
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.083
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 28.94
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 813.33
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0170

Initial mass (g): 28.2
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 79
Time to ignition (s): 22
Time to flameout (s): 199

Appendix A - 176
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -0.27 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 75166.04 28.16 0.3 0.03 25.03 25.32 -27.43
4 0.31 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 97235.8 28.1 0.37 0.03 26 26.32 31.26
7 0.43 -3.16 0 0 -283.64 28.07 0.34 0.03 26.15 26.47 -0.14
10 1.64 -3.37 0 0 -267.22 28.25 0.35 0.03 25.34 25.65 -0.49
13 1.47 7.12 0 0 132.48 28.2 0.36 0.03 25.91 26.23 0.21
16 0.06 2.24 0 0 389.18 27.93 0.34 0.03 25.27 25.59 0.03
19 -0.24 -2.33 0 0 -486.57 28.07 0.45 0.03 24.93 25.25 0.1
22 3.97 4.41 0 0 442.81 27.99 0.76 0.03 25.45 25.77 0.9
25 32.62 8 0 0 208 27.82 0.67 0.02 24.31 24.83 4.08
28 99.66 15.06 0 0 142.55 27.49 0.88 0.02 23.57 24.46 6.62
31 186.12 14.68 0 0 154.6 26.97 0.92 0.02 23.43 24.64 12.68
34 256.03 9.55 0 0 309.47 26.64 1.21 0.02 23.01 24.43 26.81
37 301.21 14.67 0 0 262.49 26.33 1.53 0.02 23.56 25.2 20.53
40 329.92 14.08 0 0 361.47 25.8 1.95 0.02 24.23 26.08 23.44
43 334.15 9.05 0 0.01 570.29 25.52 2.01 0.02 23.8 25.73 36.94
46 346.45 11.38 0 0.01 490.45 25.21 2.13 0.02 24.2 26.23 30.45
49 354.29 13.18 0 0.01 508.38 24.83 2.54 0.02 24.24 26.34 26.87
52 359.94 13.66 0 0.01 578.96 24.42 2.99 0.02 24.31 26.47 26.35
55 358.34 17.52 0 0.01 519.81 23.99 3.5 0.02 23.88 26.03 20.45
58 361.66 18.46 0 0.01 427.83 23.4 3.04 0.02 23.8 25.95 19.59
61 371 7.7 0 0.04 1198.77 22.96 3.45 0.02 24.52 26.73 48.18
64 374.82 11.06 0 0.03 805.51 22.84 3.26 0.02 25.1 27.35 33.89
67 367.15 14.32 0 0.02 635.68 22.29 3.36 0.02 24.9 27.08 25.63
70 356.87 13.53 0 0.02 753.75 22.01 3.82 0.02 24.6 26.71 26.37
73 348.71 12.71 0 0.03 790.62 21.49 3.82 0.02 24.31 26.34 27.43
76 364.73 9.13 0 0.04 1258.98 21.26 4.15 0.02 25.61 27.7 39.94
79 346.36 15.05 0 0.02 646.38 20.88 3.64 0.02 24.76 26.74 23.02
82 337.73 11.81 0 0.03 845.09 20.42 3.71 0.02 24.98 26.92 28.6
85 322.71 12.61 0 0.02 833.02 20.15 3.97 0.02 24.63 26.48 25.59
88 311.75 8.16 0 0.04 1197.48 19.7 3.71 0.02 24.54 26.31 38.22
91 320.85 4.75 0 0.06 1954.24 19.65 3.34 0.02 25.96 27.79 67.55
94 301.72 11.22 0 0.02 737.63 19.34 3.09 0.02 25.13 26.82 26.89
97 289.31 9.32 0 0.02 886.94 19.03 3.07 0.02 25.25 26.89 31.05
100 276.8 5.83 0 0.04 1499.83 18.8 3.24 0.02 25.45 27.02 47.48
103 266.98 10.66 0 0.02 875.15 18.62 3.45 0.02 25.59 27.09 25.03
106 246.66 13.42 0 0.01 585.18 18.18 3.01 0.02 24.69 26.07 18.38
109 238.45 1.55 0 0.11 5696.04 17.91 3.37 0.02 24.87 26.21 153.76
112 233.36 5.33 0 0.03 1536.49 17.98 3.1 0.02 25.12 26.42 43.75
115 238.54 10.08 0 0.01 848.13 17.58 3.14 0.02 25.9 27.2 23.66
118 233.9 6.09 0 0.02 1604.44 17.43 3.63 0.02 25.66 26.9 38.4
121 225.77 13.34 0 0.01 572.51 17.15 2.87 0.02 25.41 26.59 16.92
124 220.34 7.26 0 0.01 1108.71 16.72 3.05 0.02 25.29 26.44 30.34

Appendix A - 177
127 216.9 2.2 0 0.05 2569.84 16.71 2.13 0.02 25.41 26.54 98.57
130 215.65 8.73 0 0.01 846.85 16.51 2.73 0.02 25.95 27.08 24.72
133 209.34 4.26 0 0.02 1637.65 16.25 2.59 0.02 25.82 26.9 49.19
136 206.81 5.68 0 0.02 1276.86 16.21 2.66 0.02 26.2 27.27 36.39
139 195.24 11.93 0 0.01 621.92 15.88 2.81 0.02 25.42 26.43 16.37
142 194.73 5.34 0 0.02 1351.22 15.59 2.7 0.02 25.71 26.71 36.47
145 195.84 3.65 0 0.03 2317.24 15.53 3.16 0.02 25.8 26.81 53.59
148 195.86 7.92 0 0.01 1021.98 15.32 3 0.02 25.98 26.98 24.73
151 190.59 5.67 0 0.02 1263.5 15.1 2.76 0.02 25.01 25.97 33.62
154 199.08 6.07 0 0.02 1328.36 14.97 3.03 0.02 25.63 26.62 32.78
157 199.13 7.87 0 0.01 1004.79 14.72 3.02 0.02 25.22 26.2 25.29
160 203.56 7.1 0 0.02 1039.93 14.51 2.81 0.02 25.25 26.25 28.69
163 207.97 7.52 0 0.01 1022.07 14.29 2.88 0.02 25.7 26.71 27.66
166 206.56 7.86 0 0.01 982.22 14.07 2.88 0.02 25.73 26.76 26.29
169 204.14 1.4 0 0.07 5228.06 13.86 2.74 0.02 25.7 26.71 145.64
172 195.8 1.66 0 0.05 3586.76 13.93 2.27 0.02 25.38 26.36 117.61
175 190.49 7.07 0 0.01 850.69 13.73 2.24 0.02 25.91 26.89 26.93
178 179.46 2.29 0 0.01 1812.6 13.57 1.55 0.02 25.82 26.76 78.24
181 162.87 7.45 0 0 454.86 13.53 1.27 0.02 25.82 26.69 21.85
184 140.97 4.82 0 0 406.13 13.18 0.73 0.02 26.18 27 29.25
187 114.83 -2.81 0 0 -449.31 13.27 0.48 0.02 25.46 26.18 -40.85
190 95.07 2.18 0 0 226.34 13.26 0.19 0.02 25.9 26.55 43.62
193 76.5 1.48 0 0.01 275.71 13.18 0.15 0.02 25.86 26.42 51.53
196 61.42 -1.78 0 -0.03 -75.81 13.19 0.05 0.02 25.81 26.28 -34.44
199 46.96 0.65 0 0.1 317.02 13.24 0.08 0.02 26.1 26.51 72.43
202 41.46 5.73 0 0.01 17.26 13.14 0.04 0.02 25.97 26.34 7.23
205 34.09 -0.55 0.01 -0.12 -282.99 12.97 0.06 0.02 25.15 25.45 -61.45
208 32.9 1.76 0 0.04 74.74 13.12 0.05 0.03 26.2 26.47 18.67
211 30.26 0.87 0 0.09 0 12.89 0 0.03 26.38 26.63 34.59
214 27.12 -3.02 0 -0.03 -3.39 13.08 0 0.02 25.97 26.19 -8.98
217 25.95 2.42 0 0.03 0 13.01 0 0.03 26.18 26.39 10.7
220 25.25 -0.76 0.01 -0.11 0 12.99 0 0.03 25.94 26.13 -33.33
223 24.65 0.57 -0.01 0.15 0 13.03 0 0.03 25.95 26.14 43.27
226 24.25 2.4 0 0.03 0 12.95 0 0.03 25.83 26.01 10.1
229 23.32 0.02 -0.27 3.55 0 12.91 0 0.03 25.77 25.95 1464.59
232 21.24 1.28 0 0.04 0 12.93 0 0.02 25.62 25.8 16.65
235 20.45 3.21 0 0.02 0 12.83 0 0.02 25.45 25.63 6.37
238 19.4 -4.8 0 -0.01 0 12.8 0 0.03 25.62 25.8 -4.04
241 18.72 -2.46 0 -0.02 0 13.05 0 0.03 26.1 26.3 -7.61
244 18.21 3.9 0 0.01 0 12.92 0 0.03 25.86 26.07 4.67
247 16.49 0.01 -0.36 1.99 0 12.89 0 0.03 26.13 26.34 1649.25
250 16.38 0.01 -0.34 1.57 0 12.92 0 0.02 25.17 25.37 1638.11

Appendix A - 178
Carpeting Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results::
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 23.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 358.71
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 67.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 43.59
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 293.28
Total Mass Loss (g): 15.20
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.087
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 28.67
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 743.06
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0151

Initial mass (g): 28.8
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 94
Time to ignition (s): 23
Time to flameout (s): 198

Appendix A - 179
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -1.95 0.01 -0.53 -0.03 0 29.03 0 0.03 25.93 26.28 -194.56

4 -1.78 0.01 -0.39 -0.03 0 29.05 0 0.03 25.36 25.71 -178.39
7 -1.13 4.91 0 0 6.37 29 0.01 0.03 25.55 25.91 -0.23
10 -1.78 0.61 -0.01 0 186.14 28.82 0.04 0.03 25.41 25.77 -2.94
13 -1.04 -1.16 0 0 -42.39 28.95 0.02 0.03 25.26 25.63 0.89
16 -1.42 3.18 0 0 43.58 28.84 0.05 0.03 25.35 25.73 -0.45
19 1.03 0.17 -0.02 0 3543.36 28.8 0.23 0.03 25.05 25.42 6.26
22 6.45 5.49 0 0 263.82 28.78 0.57 0.03 25.05 25.44 1.18
25 34.96 7.71 0 0 107.33 28.48 0.34 0.02 23.88 24.44 4.54
28 135.84 15.2 0 0 89.61 28.29 0.55 0.02 23.48 24.62 8.94
31 241.22 15.84 0 0 99.29 27.62 0.62 0.02 23.99 25.5 15.23
34 301.89 11.75 0 0 174.37 27.37 0.8 0.02 24.03 25.76 25.68
37 307.71 13.91 0 0 214.27 26.88 1.18 0.02 23.32 25.16 22.12
40 316.42 3.06 0 0.02 1062.82 26.61 1.26 0.02 23.74 25.71 103.52
43 318.37 14.68 0 0 276.27 26.55 1.57 0.02 23.71 25.75 21.69
46 330.11 15.45 0 0.01 318.61 25.8 1.88 0.02 24.06 26.18 21.37
49 332.47 9.09 0 0.01 592.89 25.67 2.03 0.02 24.33 26.49 36.57
52 334.7 17.23 0 0.01 339.39 25.16 2.19 0.02 24.53 26.71 19.43
55 335.3 13.75 0 0.01 531.15 24.71 2.75 0.02 24.39 26.58 24.39
58 347.14 10.6 0 0.02 885.53 24.34 3.45 0.02 24.99 27.22 32.75
61 344.84 16.31 0 0.02 569.84 24.02 3.48 0.02 24.52 26.7 21.15
64 347.56 12.34 0 0.02 698.68 23.42 3.22 0.02 24.59 26.75 28.17
67 358.71 15.06 0 0.02 607.92 23.24 3.31 0.02 25.42 27.62 23.82
70 356.9 15.53 0 0.02 711.67 22.53 4.06 0.02 25.09 27.23 22.98
73 352.02 9.07 0 0.04 1035.06 22.35 3.53 0.02 24.51 26.59 38.8
76 356.09 12.85 0 0.03 760.52 21.92 3.65 0.02 24.72 26.79 27.71
79 351.29 10.52 0 0.03 963.74 21.62 3.82 0.02 24.5 26.52 33.39
82 348.86 13.73 0 0.02 808.98 21.26 4.13 0.02 24.88 26.88 25.4
85 352.33 13.76 0 0.02 684.13 20.82 3.4 0.02 25.66 27.66 25.6
88 338.15 3.73 0 0.07 2663.19 20.5 3.65 0.02 25.26 27.18 90.72
91 325.71 8.27 0 0.03 1072.15 20.49 3.27 0.02 25.22 27.07 39.39
94 312.24 11.76 0 0.02 779.77 20 3.37 0.02 25.39 27.19 26.56
97 300.98 8.03 0 0.02 975.68 19.84 2.87 0.02 25.58 27.32 37.49
100 289.06 13.85 0 0.01 637.88 19.47 3.22 0.02 25.79 27.47 20.87
103 268.59 5.84 0 0.03 1291.26 19.1 2.84 0.02 24.98 26.53 45.96
106 258.97 4.74 0 0.03 1378.32 19.07 2.48 0.02 24.89 26.38 54.63
109 259.88 12.82 0 0.01 523.6 18.75 2.48 0.02 25.59 27.08 20.28
112 256.22 9.34 0 0.01 836.51 18.38 2.87 0.02 25.79 27.24 27.45
115 244.2 8.42 0 0.01 826.56 18.18 2.64 0.02 25.03 26.39 29.02
118 248.36 8.17 0 0.01 1001.71 17.87 3.01 0.02 25.81 27.17 30.4
121 239.84 4.47 0 0.03 1686.8 17.7 2.83 0.02 25.39 26.69 53.64
124 243.75 10.31 0 0.01 882.19 17.53 3.31 0.02 26.23 27.52 23.64

Appendix A - 180
127 232.8 10.51 0 0.01 678.84 17.12 2.67 0.02 25.48 26.72 22.16
130 228.76 7.5 0 0.01 1041.99 16.93 2.95 0.02 25.29 26.49 30.51
133 228.17 7.38 0 0.01 1023.14 16.66 2.82 0.02 25.57 26.76 30.92
136 229.55 3.05 0 0.04 2561.25 16.51 2.86 0.02 26.15 27.34 75.31
139 221.31 7.95 0 0.01 848.2 16.41 2.54 0.02 25.38 26.52 27.84
142 222.05 10.42 0 0.01 746.99 16.05 2.91 0.02 25.62 26.76 21.3
145 223.2 5.76 0 0.02 1374.86 15.83 2.96 0.02 25.62 26.75 38.77
148 223.17 9.68 0 0.01 833.81 15.65 3.03 0.02 25.51 26.63 23.05
151 226.75 3.25 0 0.04 2144.41 15.32 2.61 0.02 25.6 26.73 69.81
154 228.81 2.48 0 0.05 3626.01 15.41 3.37 0.02 25.59 26.73 92.12
157 225.25 13.04 0 0.01 593 15.09 2.92 0.02 25.33 26.45 17.27
160 223.79 5.98 0 0.02 1251.19 14.75 2.79 0.02 25.71 26.85 37.39
163 213.12 3.65 0 0.02 1668.97 14.71 2.3 0.02 25.38 26.49 58.43
166 209.62 6.87 0 0.01 1007.7 14.49 2.55 0.02 26.06 27.18 30.53
169 194.72 3.51 0 0.02 1763.27 14.34 2.33 0.02 25.56 26.61 55.48
172 184.96 8.44 0 0.01 606.52 14.23 1.9 0.02 25.88 26.9 21.92
175 170.76 6.05 0 0.01 854.93 13.88 1.92 0.02 25.97 26.94 28.25
178 157.15 2.66 0 0.01 1466.72 13.88 1.45 0.02 25.89 26.81 59.14
181 135.66 1.13 0 0.01 2522.7 13.71 1.07 0.02 25.83 26.66 120.5
184 123.73 -0.29 0.01 0 -7542 13.81 0.8 0.02 26.49 27.27 -429.06
187 104.1 -0.57 0.01 0 -2933.62 13.71 0.63 0.02 25.85 26.54 -182.46
190 90.88 2.78 0 0 289.61 13.82 0.3 0.02 26.32 26.95 32.73
193 73.51 4.56 0 0 55 13.56 0.09 0.03 27.01 27.57 16.12
196 60.54 1.55 0 0.03 43.3 13.58 0.03 0.02 25.78 26.24 39.03
199 49.45 1.63 0 0.04 39.18 13.45 0.02 0.02 25.89 26.28 30.25
202 41.09 2.34 0 0.04 0 13.48 0 0.03 26.32 26.68 17.59
205 34.48 -0.49 0.01 -0.2 -17.28 13.33 0 0.02 25.9 26.21 -70.97
208 31.35 -6.86 0 -0.01 0 13.52 0 0.03 26.55 26.81 -4.57
211 28.87 2.45 0 0.04 0 13.64 0 0.03 26.95 27.2 11.8
214 24.69 2.92 0 0.03 0 13.43 0 0.02 25.38 25.6 8.46
217 25.22 -1.49 0 -0.05 0 13.5 0 0.03 26.59 26.81 -16.93
220 23.89 2.54 0 0.03 0 13.47 0 0.02 25.76 25.97 9.4
223 24.26 2.78 0 0.02 24.33 13.37 0.03 0.03 25.8 26 8.72
226 23.41 -1.83 0 -0.03 0 13.33 0 0.03 25.98 26.19 -12.81
229 23.1 0.71 -0.01 0.06 0 13.43 0 0.03 25.98 26.19 32.33
232 20.54 2.42 0 0.02 0 13.29 0 0.03 25.84 26.05 8.49
235 20.83 -2.56 0 -0.01 0 13.33 0 0.03 25.83 26.04 -8.15
238 17.33 0.29 -0.01 0.04 0 13.39 0 0.03 25.7 25.92 59.8
241 17.73 3.79 0 0 0 13.31 0 0.03 25.63 25.86 4.68
244 15.53 0.96 0 0.02 0 13.21 0 0.03 26.3 26.55 16.22
247 15.21 0.01 -0.43 0.85 0 13.25 0 0.03 25.78 26.03 1521.3
250 12.52 0.01 -0.35 0.22 0 13.27 0 0.02 25.14 25.4 1252.44

Appendix A - 181
Carpeting Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 20.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 402.33
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 59.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 43.87
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 314.87
Total Mass Loss (g): 15.08
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.077
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 29.09
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 672.66
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0166

Initial mass (g): 28.1
Thickness (mm): 4
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 87
Time to ignition (s): 20
Time to flameout (s): 216

Appendix A - 182
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.56 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 5124.43 27.89 0.02 0.03 24.78 25.14 55.62
5 1.18 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 6549.15 28.21 0.03 0.03 25.05 25.41 118.27
8 1.58 3.33 0 0 43.07 28.07 0.06 0.03 25.71 26.08 0.47
11 0.22 0.92 0 0 163.24 28.07 0.06 0.03 25.2 25.56 0.24
14 2.39 2.23 0 0 111.73 27.99 0.1 0.03 25.31 25.67 1.07
17 0.59 1.15 0 0 492.33 27.94 0.21 0.03 26.34 26.72 0.52
20 6.06 10.04 0 0 101.84 27.86 0.41 0.03 24.85 25.22 0.6
23 33.23 11.28 0 0 74.53 27.4 0.34 0.02 24.19 24.77 2.95
26 100.46 0.22 -0.01 0 5343.51 27.26 0.49 0.02 22.91 23.83 463.06
29 186.9 13.62 0 0 79.7 27.22 0.45 0.02 22.89 24.25 13.72
32 304.19 16.58 0 0 82.75 26.51 0.54 0.02 23.74 25.55 18.35
35 330.34 10.87 0 0 191.24 26.29 0.84 0.02 22.92 24.82 30.38
38 342.88 15.08 0 0 193.87 25.79 1.14 0.02 23.56 25.62 22.74
41 333.95 14 0 0 194 25.42 1.07 0.02 23.14 25.28 23.86
44 358.55 14.77 0 0.01 295.91 24.94 1.63 0.02 24.41 26.76 24.28
47 369.36 14.78 0 0.01 262.66 24.54 1.45 0.02 24.41 26.83 25
50 375.72 14.34 0 0.01 375.88 24.06 2.03 0.02 24.16 26.6 26.2
53 387.82 14.17 0 0.01 434.43 23.67 2.27 0.02 24.55 27.08 27.38
56 383.55 16.9 0 0.01 390.63 23.19 2.48 0.02 24.12 26.58 22.7
59 402.33 13.14 0 0.02 608.94 22.7 2.87 0.02 25.29 27.84 30.61
62 380.67 10.51 0 0.03 703.24 22.39 2.82 0.02 23.79 26.21 36.22
65 394.8 15.21 0 0.02 552.27 22.02 3.09 0.02 24.67 27.15 25.96
68 395.58 15.43 0 0.02 666.22 21.51 3.77 0.02 24.87 27.29 25.63
71 381.42 11.88 0 0.03 942.39 21.12 4.2 0.02 24.34 26.68 32.11
74 388.24 16.18 0 0.02 657.82 20.75 3.87 0.02 25.15 27.49 24
77 382.73 10.71 0 0.04 890.92 20.21 3.46 0.02 25.32 27.6 35.74
80 373.4 11.64 0 0.03 991.85 20.07 4.19 0.02 25.31 27.53 32.08
83 354.21 12.05 0 0.03 810.45 19.52 3.65 0.02 24.65 26.74 29.4
86 360.52 7.24 0 0.05 1437.23 19.38 3.72 0.02 25.89 28 49.79
89 332.9 11.72 0 0.03 645.77 19.02 2.82 0.02 24.9 26.86 28.41
92 323.21 7.33 0 0.04 1334.62 18.73 3.61 0.02 25.18 27.09 44.11
95 314.69 11.45 0 0.02 770.23 18.53 3.21 0.02 25.63 27.47 27.48
98 293.69 7.97 0 0.03 1030.71 18.09 3.07 0.02 25.01 26.73 36.84
101 284.34 8.1 0 0.03 1099.22 18.03 3.2 0.02 26.12 27.85 35.11
104 273.04 10.49 0 0.02 832.5 17.59 3.12 0.02 26.39 28 26.04
107 251.04 9.35 0 0.02 839.77 17.43 2.85 0.02 26.03 27.55 26.85
110 235.61 4.95 0 0.03 1272.58 17.05 2.33 0.02 25.73 27.12 47.55
113 218.9 8.18 0 0.01 818.24 17.08 2.54 0.02 25 26.29 26.78
116 207.52 6.97 0 0.02 902.24 16.59 2.37 0.02 25.36 26.59 29.77
119 203.96 0.47 -0.01 0.25 11183.14 16.69 1.93 0.02 25.81 27 437.67
122 196.77 7.22 0 0.02 874.35 16.47 2.35 0.02 25.8 26.93 27.25
125 194.65 8.52 0 0.01 687.21 16.3 2.16 0.02 26.07 27.17 22.84

Appendix A - 183
128 190.03 4.09 0 0.03 1694.09 16 2.62 0.02 25.44 26.48 46.45
131 190.35 7 0 0.02 978.3 16 2.58 0.02 25.5 26.53 27.18
134 193.12 8.39 0 0.02 818.19 15.59 2.56 0.02 25.78 26.81 23.02
137 192.79 5.06 0 0.02 1170.32 15.53 2.24 0.02 25.44 26.45 38.13
140 195.83 9.2 0 0.01 780.2 15.24 2.72 0.02 25.39 26.4 21.28
143 198.51 6.18 0 0.02 1114.73 15.02 2.59 0.02 25.53 26.54 32.14
146 195.31 9.15 0 0.01 724.63 14.83 2.55 0.02 25.03 26.01 21.35
149 194.91 5.41 0 0.02 1239.87 14.52 2.54 0.02 25.39 26.39 36.03
152 187.97 1.29 0 0.09 4743.87 14.51 2.38 0.02 24.73 25.7 145.83
155 185.38 3.37 0 0.03 1684.75 14.39 2.21 0.02 24.79 25.76 54.95
158 186.39 10.3 0 0.01 441.65 14.28 1.72 0.02 25.53 26.51 18.09
161 184.56 6.63 0 0.01 692.96 13.85 1.69 0.02 26.15 27.14 27.86
164 174.06 1.56 0 0.04 3223.58 13.89 1.89 0.02 25.65 26.59 111.6
167 161.43 6.44 0 0.01 795.01 13.69 1.97 0.02 25.09 25.98 25.06
170 155.28 1.3 0 0.02 3004.78 13.56 1.46 0.02 25.73 26.6 119.85
173 142.26 3.53 0 0 924.15 13.57 1.23 0.02 25.61 26.43 40.35
176 132.29 1.84 0 0 1298.73 13.37 0.89 0.02 26.12 26.93 71.8
179 114.51 3.27 0 0 731.26 13.44 0.92 0.02 25.29 26 35
182 101.26 2.47 0 0 654.83 13.19 0.63 0.02 25.17 25.85 40.96
185 94.11 3.58 0 0 343.02 13.28 0.46 0.02 25.9 26.52 26.26
188 84.43 1.4 0 0 864.02 13 0.46 0.02 25.72 26.31 60.3
191 77.46 2.35 0 0 465.01 13.17 0.42 0.02 25.72 26.28 33
194 75.08 4.19 0 0 180.13 12.85 0.29 0.02 25.87 26.39 17.92
197 65.66 -1.76 0 0 -365.26 12.97 0.25 0.02 25.35 25.84 -37.26
200 62.27 1.39 0 0 437.28 12.9 0.23 0.02 25.94 26.41 44.74
203 56.86 2.07 0 0 113.94 12.9 0.09 0.02 26.06 26.5 27.53
206 49.65 -1.38 0 0 -111.69 12.8 0.06 0.02 25.7 26.09 -35.95
209 46.41 0.76 0 0.01 173.15 12.95 0.05 0.02 26.01 26.39 61.06
212 40.54 3.72 0 0 26.74 12.75 0.04 0.03 26.31 26.66 10.9
215 37.82 -1.14 0 -0.05 -34.22 12.78 0.01 0.03 26.43 26.76 -33.1
218 32.39 2.31 0 0.03 34.2 12.77 0.03 0.03 25.92 26.23 14.04
221 31.18 1.99 0 0.05 53 12.66 0.04 0.03 26.72 27.01 15.63
224 26.61 -1.79 0 -0.06 -40.5 12.67 0.03 0.03 25.84 26.13 -14.87
227 24.86 -1.34 0 -0.08 -59.6 12.74 0.03 0.02 25.47 25.73 -18.55
230 24.5 1.9 0 0.05 33.4 12.73 0.02 0.03 26.17 26.43 12.92
233 22.83 2.66 0 0.03 17.51 12.64 0.02 0.03 25.83 26.08 8.58
236 24.79 -1.54 0 -0.05 -29.33 12.6 0.02 0.03 25.94 26.2 -16.07
239 22.1 2.63 0 0.02 49.28 12.68 0.05 0.03 26.55 26.8 8.41
242 22.64 1.59 0 0.04 108.42 12.48 0.07 0.03 25.89 26.14 14.2
245 19.21 -1.43 0 -0.04 -147.37 12.6 0.08 0.03 25.66 25.9 -13.47
248 18.74 2.14 0 0.02 69.9 12.52 0.06 0.03 25.47 25.72 8.76
251 16.23 1.58 0 0.03 122.73 12.5 0.08 0.02 24.84 25.09 10.27
254 15.7 -1.09 0 -0.03 -70.19 12.44 0.03 0.03 25.46 25.73 -14.39
257 16.94 -1.02 0 -0.03 -119.15 12.55 0.05 0.03 25.38 25.65 -16.61
260 18.21 0.61 -0.01 0 145.29 12.49 0.03 0.03 25.84 26.13 29.67
263 17.12 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 19836.94 12.53 0.08 0.03 25.52 25.81 1712.31
266 14.97 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 20229.23 12.54 0.08 0.03 25.52 25.81 1497.1

Appendix A - 184
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 11.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 45.04
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 28.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 1.98
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 31.40
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.40
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.040
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 8.23
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 6.26
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0368

Initial mass (g): 76.1
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 76
Time to ignition (s): 11
Time to flameout (s): 72

Appendix A - 185
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.75 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 76.18 0 0.03 25.45 75.11

4 1.09 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 0 76.24 0 0.03 25.92 26.39 109.37
7 -1.67 2.24 0 0 0 76.32 0 0.03 25.29 25.76 -0.74
10 -0.2 7.26 0 0.01 68.99 76.11 0.19 0.03 25.27 25.75 -0.03
13 7.54 3.61 0 0.02 0 75.95 0 0.03 25.29 25.8 2.09
16 14.6 7.6 0 0.01 0 75.85 0 0.03 25.28 25.84 1.92
19 30.34 8.84 0 0 0 75.51 0 0.03 25.24 25.85 3.43
22 41.67 -0.17 0.02 -0.17 0 75.39 0 0.03 25.03 25.7 -245.46
25 43.55 0.21 -0.02 0.16 0 75.45 0 0.03 25.27 25.97 207.9
28 45.04 8.6 0 0.01 0 75.32 0 0.03 24.99 25.69 5.24
31 44.75 10.78 0 0.01 0 74.99 0 0.03 24.97 25.67 4.15
34 43.04 -1.25 0 -0.13 0 74.77 0 0.03 25.92 26.65 -34.33
37 38.05 1.72 0 0.13 0 74.96 0 0.03 24.82 25.51 22.09
40 38.04 9.8 0 0.03 0 74.63 0 0.03 25.9 26.63 3.88
43 36.44 -0.95 0 -0.32 0 74.5 0 0.03 25.34 26.03 -38.41
46 33.71 2.92 0 0.1 0 74.59 0 0.03 25.38 26.06 11.56
49 33.85 7.24 0 0.04 0 74.32 0 0.03 25.53 26.19 4.67
52 34.14 0.58 -0.01 0.64 0 74.23 0 0.03 25.6 26.25 58.88
55 30.9 3.5 0 0.12 0 74.22 0 0.03 25.35 25.99 8.82
58 30.16 2.97 0 0.16 0 74.04 0 0.03 25.89 26.52 10.16
61 30.1 1.9 0 0.25 0 74.05 0 0.03 25.42 26.04 15.84
64 27.72 4.04 0 0.12 0 73.91 0 0.03 25.45 26.05 6.86
67 28.26 3.22 0 0.16 0 73.82 0 0.03 25.81 26.4 8.79
70 27.66 3.04 0 0.18 0 73.71 0 0.03 25.27 25.84 9.09
73 25.31 1.85 0 0.31 0 73.64 0 0.03 25.36 25.93 13.67
76 24.77 4.83 0 0.12 0 73.57 0 0.03 25.56 26.13 5.13
79 25.76 4.63 0 0.12 0 73.38 0 0.03 25.49 26.05 5.57
82 26.05 -0.37 0.02 -1.46 0 73.32 0 0.03 25.93 26.49 -70.22
85 24.19 5.82 0 0.1 0 73.33 0 0.03 25.39 25.94 4.16
88 21.84 4.11 0 0.13 0 73.03 0 0.03 24.84 25.37 5.31
91 23.97 -2.35 0 -0.23 0 73.11 0 0.03 26.05 26.6 -10.21
94 21.5 8.42 0 0.06 0 73.06 0 0.03 25.57 26.1 2.55
97 22.53 4.82 0 0.11 0 72.7 0 0.03 25.94 26.48 4.67
100 22.6 0.01 -0.61 52.14 0 72.79 0 0.03 24.78 25.28 2260.34
103 22.51 0.01 -0.5 53.36 0 72.68 0 0.03 26.02 26.55 2250.77

Appendix A - 186
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 16.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 23.19
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 37.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 0.94
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 17.41
Total Mass Loss (g): 1.62
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.032
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 5.81
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 0.00
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0513

Initial mass (g): 77.4
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 73
Time to ignition (s): 16
Time to flameout (s): 69

Appendix A - 187
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -1.45 0.01 -0.39 -0.03 0 225.44 0 0.03 25.23 25.68 -145

4 -3.07 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 0 313.27 0 0.03 25.93 26.38 -306.82
7 -0.86 249.38 0 0 0 312.99 0 0.03 25.62 26.07 0
10 0.63 -0.34 0.01 0 -881.09 312.98 0.12 0.03 24.73 25.18 -1.84
13 0.86 3.48 0 0.01 0 312.94 0 0.03 24.31 24.76 0.25
16 3.98 5.49 0 0.02 0 312.78 0 0.03 25.05 25.51 0.73
19 7.91 5.17 0 0.04 0 312.63 0 0.03 25.29 25.78 1.53
22 8.91 3.63 0 0.04 0 312.48 0 0.03 25.37 25.89 2.45
25 14.01 3.39 0 0.05 0 312.4 0 0.03 24.71 25.24 4.13
28 20.61 3.74 0 0.05 0 312.27 0 0.03 25.56 26.12 5.51
31 22.97 2.44 0 0.08 0 312.19 0 0.03 25.42 26 9.4
34 21.83 2.57 0 0.08 0 312.12 0 0.03 25.21 25.79 8.51
37 23.19 1.31 0 0.17 0 312.04 0 0.03 26.56 27.19 17.76
40 21.9 1.08 0 0.22 0 312.03 0 0.03 25.63 26.23 20.28
43 19.57 3.19 0 0.08 0 311.96 0 0.03 25.58 26.17 6.13
46 20.15 4.36 0 0.06 0 311.85 0 0.03 25.59 26.18 4.62
49 18.04 1.98 0 0.13 0 311.73 0 0.03 25.04 25.62 9.11
52 19.34 2.23 0 0.12 0 311.71 0 0.03 25.6 26.19 8.66
55 19.29 4.77 0 0.05 0 311.58 0 0.03 25.18 25.76 4.04
58 19.29 0.72 -0.01 0.38 0 311.47 0 0.03 25.37 25.95 26.7
61 17.5 0.48 -0.01 0.67 0 311.51 0 0.03 25.84 26.41 36.64
64 17.63 6.79 0 0.05 0 311.4 0 0.03 25.53 26.09 2.6
67 17.4 4.33 0 0.09 0 311.16 0 0.03 25.83 26.38 4.02
70 17.88 -2.89 0 -0.15 0 311.17 0 0.03 25.74 26.29 -6.18
73 16.17 4.41 0 0.1 0 311.24 0 0.03 25.46 26.02 3.66
76 17.99 4.31 0 0.09 0 310.95 0 0.03 25.37 25.92 4.17
79 16.11 -0.02 0.2 -18.31 0 311.01 0 0.03 25.26 25.8 -735.85
82 14.07 6.36 0 0.06 0 310.88 0 0.03 25.44 25.98 2.21
85 14.83 0.01 -0.58 39.7 0 310.66 0 0.03 25 25.53 1482.82
88 16.17 0.01 -0.53 39.2 0 310.48 0 0.03 24.96 25.48 1617.48

Appendix A - 188
Ceiling Tile (face-down) Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 6.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 38.92
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 22.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 1.74
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 25.36
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.54
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.039
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 6.86
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 172.07
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0372

Initial mass (g): 84.3
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 91
Time to ignition (s): 6
Time to flameout (s): 72

Appendix A - 189
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.42 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 47326.52 84.34 0.18 0.03 25.76 26.21 41.61
4 0.78 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 41792.68 84.28 0.16 0.03 25.25 25.69 78.36
7 2.22 3.5 0 0 332.89 84.39 0.45 0.03 25.18 25.61 0.64
10 4.29 14.29 0 0 47.93 84.04 0.26 0.03 25.69 26.18 0.3
13 17.27 3.75 0 0 164.17 83.68 0.24 0.03 25.21 25.77 4.6
16 32.21 3.93 0 0.01 195.73 83.75 0.3 0.03 25.48 26.08 8.2
19 37.63 8.34 0 0.01 82.04 83.41 0.26 0.03 25.36 25.98 4.51
22 38.92 -0.53 0.01 -0.21 -1265.39 83.34 0.26 0.03 24.99 25.62 -73.14
25 37.86 -0.65 0.01 -0.2 -732.83 83.39 0.18 0.03 25.5 26.15 -57.85
28 35.63 3.6 0 0.04 158.37 83.34 0.22 0.03 25.13 25.79 9.9
31 35.4 5.72 0 0.03 109.1 83.18 0.24 0.03 25.32 25.97 6.19
34 33.41 4.49 0 0.04 129.48 83.02 0.22 0.03 25.95 26.62 7.45
37 30.62 3.42 0 0.07 216.44 82.92 0.29 0.03 25.03 25.66 8.95
40 30.12 4.42 0 0.07 136.46 82.8 0.23 0.03 25.65 26.28 6.81
43 27.88 1.22 0 0.26 500.05 82.68 0.23 0.03 25.77 26.41 22.79
46 24.81 0.18 -0.03 1.8 3401.91 82.71 0.23 0.03 25.21 25.83 141
49 25.51 7.49 0 0.04 88.58 82.62 0.26 0.03 25.13 25.73 3.41
52 23.1 -1.04 0 -0.31 -675.55 82.37 0.27 0.03 25.38 25.98 -22.15
55 22.95 -0.23 0.02 -1.45 -3004.4 82.61 0.26 0.03 25.33 25.91 -101.98
58 24.95 13.83 0 0.03 38.01 82.29 0.2 0.03 25.5 26.09 1.8
61 22.08 2.89 0 0.13 156.46 81.95 0.18 0.03 25.06 25.63 7.63
64 24.92 -1.03 0.01 -0.42 -599.28 82.08 0.23 0.03 26.36 26.95 -24.17
67 25.19 7.33 0 0.07 78.82 81.93 0.22 0.03 25.61 26.17 3.43
70 23.64 0.69 -0.01 0.76 790.21 81.74 0.21 0.03 25.22 25.78 34.4
73 22.99 -3.27 0 -0.17 -180.64 81.87 0.22 0.03 25.69 26.24 -7.04
76 24.2 5.71 0 0.1 91 81.84 0.2 0.03 25.73 26.28 4.24
79 20.77 3.68 0 0.14 154.05 81.6 0.21 0.03 25.86 26.41 5.65
82 20.19 1.36 0 0.38 394.82 81.63 0.21 0.03 25.48 26.01 14.89
85 21.87 8.25 0 0.06 59.63 81.46 0.19 0.03 25.52 26.06 2.65
88 19.42 6.17 0 0.09 89.06 81.19 0.21 0.03 25.75 26.3 3.15
91 20.67 0.01 -0.57 52.87 64347.18 81.11 0.25 0.03 25.58 26.13 2066.92
94 21.38 0.01 -0.45 52.38 49233.42 81.09 0.19 0.03 25.59 26.13 2138.33

Appendix A - 190
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 89.34
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 20.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.04
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 52.16
Total Mass Loss (g): 2.85
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.053
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.67
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2.91
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0014

Initial mass (g): 77.6
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 78
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 64

Appendix A - 191
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 1.22 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 0 77.59 0 0.03 24.99 25.38 122.27

5 0.28 0.01 -0.42 -0.03 0 77.72 0 0.03 25.8 26.18 27.89
8 4.78 7.36 0 0 0.02 77.49 0 0.03 25.4 25.79 0.65
11 12.81 9.87 0 0 27.99 77.31 0.11 0.02 24.04 24.53 1.3
14 50.07 14 0 0 0 76.9 0 0.02 24.26 24.99 3.58
17 79.86 7.08 0 0 0 76.54 0 0.03 25.04 25.86 11.28
20 89.34 6.55 0 0 0 76.44 0 0.03 24.95 25.8 13.64
23 85.07 5.6 0 0 0 76.15 0 0.03 24.98 25.84 15.2
26 75.19 7.18 0 0 0 76.08 0 0.03 26 26.88 10.48
29 67.84 6.45 0 0 0 75.73 0 0.03 25.37 26.22 10.51
32 61 2.2 0 0 0 75.72 0 0.03 25.28 26.1 27.68
35 58 9.39 0 0 0 75.53 0 0.03 25.3 26.11 6.17
38 54.08 2.23 0 0 0 75.25 0 0.03 25.33 26.12 24.21
41 52.18 1.85 0 0.01 0 75.35 0 0.02 24.86 25.61 28.23
44 51.13 3.12 0 0.01 0 75.12 0 0.03 25.8 26.57 16.39
47 49.75 4.46 0 0.01 0 75.17 0 0.03 25.71 26.45 11.16
50 48.63 0.75 -0.01 0.06 0 74.88 0 0.03 25.53 26.24 65.11
53 44.6 2.41 0 0.03 0 75.09 0 0.03 25.15 25.82 18.5
56 45.44 6.6 0 0.01 0 74.72 0 0.03 25.63 26.3 6.88
59 42.14 0.1 -0.04 0.89 0 74.76 0 0.02 25.04 25.67 402.26
62 42.29 5.88 0 0.02 0 74.64 0 0.03 25.15 25.77 7.2
65 41.48 4.28 0 0.03 0 74.45 0 0.03 25.55 26.16 9.69
68 39.77 5.17 0 0.02 0 74.37 0 0.03 25.35 25.94 7.69
71 40.75 0.01 -0.43 11.36 0 74.16 0 0.03 25.57 26.16 4075.4
74 38.14 0.01 -0.36 12.89 0 74.19 0 0.03 25.62 26.2 3813.84

Appendix A - 192
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 78.93
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 21.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.28
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 46.90
Total Mass Loss (g): 3.22
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.047
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.21
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 87.16
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0059

Initial mass (g): 74.7
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 80
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 75

Appendix A - 193
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -0.56 0.01 -0.34 -0.03 27201.46 74.7 0.11 0.03 25.35 25.76 -56.1
3 2.19 0.01 -0.26 -0.03 24521.74 74.69 0.1 0.03 25.35 25.76 219.43
6 -0.7 7.28 0 0 38.1 74.72 0.11 0.03 25.51 25.93 -0.1
9 5.86 9.33 0 0 147.03 74.31 0.53 0.03 25.69 26.11 0.63
12 18.96 4.24 0 0 95.08 74.21 0.16 0.03 24.75 25.32 4.47
15 57.1 10.27 0 0 25.1 73.98 0.1 0.03 25.01 25.77 5.56
18 73.58 4.81 0 0 50.25 73.67 0.09 0.03 24.98 25.79 15.31
21 78.93 5.92 0 0 37.38 73.66 0.08 0.03 25.5 26.32 13.32
24 74.23 6.72 0 0 34.98 73.32 0.09 0.03 26.22 27.07 11.05
27 67.25 1.19 0 0 258.46 73.29 0.11 0.03 26.08 26.91 56.31
30 60.6 4.84 0 0 53.5 73.18 0.1 0.03 25.57 26.38 12.53
33 57.27 6.05 0 0 51.1 73.01 0.12 0.03 25.56 26.36 9.46
36 54.3 5.18 0 0 57.77 72.84 0.11 0.03 25.41 26.19 10.48
39 50.79 3.87 0 0 91.66 72.71 0.14 0.03 25.52 26.28 13.11
42 50.81 2.62 0 0.01 147.76 72.6 0.15 0.03 25.87 26.61 19.36
45 45.95 6 0 0.01 69.81 72.52 0.16 0.03 26.03 26.76 7.65
48 44.82 2.66 0 0.03 140.34 72.29 0.15 0.03 24.97 25.65 16.86
51 43.93 2.04 0 0.04 180.74 72.34 0.14 0.03 26.07 26.77 21.51
54 41.71 9.26 0 0.01 42.24 72.12 0.15 0.03 25.01 25.66 4.5
57 40.32 -0.32 0.01 -0.32 -1309.22 71.9 0.16 0.03 25.31 25.95 -125.17
60 41.31 4.09 0 0.03 95.59 72.05 0.15 0.03 25.6 26.23 10.1
63 37.56 3.39 0 0.03 120.53 71.68 0.16 0.02 24.72 25.33 11.09
66 40.25 1.03 0 0.12 434.95 71.86 0.17 0.03 25.31 25.92 39.25
69 37.21 4.34 0 0.03 92.73 71.58 0.15 0.03 25.59 26.19 8.58
72 35.53 0.42 -0.01 0.35 952.11 71.64 0.16 0.03 25.12 25.7 83.61
75 36.62 4.23 0 0.04 92.58 71.51 0.15 0.03 25.58 26.17 8.65
78 36.29 4.06 0 0.04 110.96 71.41 0.17 0.03 26.09 26.67 8.93
81 36.06 5.52 0 0.03 75.64 71.25 0.16 0.03 25.38 25.94 6.53
84 35.73 6.16 0 0.03 80.93 71.08 0.19 0.03 26 26.57 5.8
87 36.18 4.08 0 0.04 111.76 70.9 0.17 0.03 26.41 27 8.86
90 34.33 3.88 0 0.05 130.06 70.83 0.19 0.03 25.89 26.46 8.84
93 34.6 5.95 0 0.03 75.86 70.66 0.18 0.03 25.17 25.73 5.81
96 33.13 0.01 -0.46 20.22 48752.03 70.51 0.19 0.03 25.32 25.87 3313.49
99 34.68 0.01 -0.53 22.07 54791.58 70.52 0.21 0.03 25.57 26.12 3467.77

Appendix A - 194
Ceiling Tile (face-up) Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 91.44
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 20.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 3.73
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 50.80
Total Mass Loss (g): 3.66
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.049
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.18
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 6.90
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0089

Initial mass (g): 77.8
Thickness (mm): 19
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 85

Appendix A - 195
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.03 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 130.37 78.11 0 0.03 24.77 25.18 3.12
5 2.77 0.01 -0.43 -0.04 0 77.81 0 0.03 25.02 25.45 276.59
8 4.98 3.89 0 0 27.3 77.72 0.04 0.03 25.3 25.74 1.28
11 18.74 13.99 0 0 30.96 77.49 0.17 0.03 25.05 25.54 1.34
14 49.95 11.26 0 0 10.66 76.96 0.05 0.02 24.49 25.24 4.44
17 85.98 6.22 0 0 0 76.84 0 0.02 24.66 25.5 13.82
20 91.44 8.83 0 0 0 76.54 0 0.02 24.22 25.07 10.35
23 84.95 0.85 0 0 0 76.37 0 0.03 25.25 26.14 99.76
26 73.48 5.18 0 0 4.28 76.41 0.01 0.03 25.43 26.31 14.19
29 65.55 8.24 0 0 0 76.06 0 0.03 24.89 25.75 7.96
32 57.61 3.28 0 0 0 75.97 0 0.03 25.15 25.98 17.57
35 58.08 4.95 0 0.01 0 75.83 0 0.03 26.3 27.14 11.74
38 50.64 -0.09 0.04 -0.37 0 75.71 0 0.03 25.36 26.15 -536.88
41 48.01 4.34 0 0.01 2.85 75.77 0 0.03 25.36 26.12 11.07
44 47.9 7.01 0 0.01 0 75.47 0 0.03 25.72 26.49 6.83
47 45.98 -1.63 0 -0.05 0 75.42 0 0.03 25.88 26.62 -28.19
50 44.76 6.92 0 0.01 1.94 75.45 0.01 0.03 25.46 26.17 6.47
53 43.37 3.09 0 0.03 0 75.08 0 0.03 25.3 26 14.04
56 41.93 2.53 0 0.04 0 75.25 0 0.03 25.49 26.18 16.6
59 42.28 7.41 0 0.01 0 74.9 0 0.03 25.8 26.49 5.7
62 37.82 -3.63 0 -0.03 0 74.9 0 0.03 25.13 25.76 -10.41
65 36.74 6.29 0 0.02 0 74.98 0 0.02 24.51 25.13 5.84
68 36.64 6.71 0 0.02 0 74.59 0 0.03 25.4 26.02 5.46
71 35.94 2.41 0 0.06 17.14 74.62 0.02 0.03 25.42 26.02 14.89
74 36.03 5.27 0 0.03 15.82 74.4 0.03 0.03 25.85 26.46 6.84
77 33.87 -0.87 0 -0.18 0 74.35 0 0.03 25.82 26.42 -39.01
80 35.5 5.83 0 0.03 0 74.37 0 0.03 25.19 25.76 6.09
83 34.15 4.09 0 0.04 2.5 74.06 0 0.03 25.36 25.94 8.35
86 35.1 2.69 0 0.08 0 74.12 0 0.03 25.92 26.5 13.04
89 34.36 8 0 0.02 0 73.86 0 0.03 25.38 25.95 4.3
92 31.96 -3.31 0 -0.06 0 73.75 0 0.03 25.57 26.14 -9.66
95 32.88 3.5 0 0.06 0 73.94 0 0.03 25.77 26.33 9.4
98 31.02 5.91 0 0.04 0 73.56 0 0.03 25.48 26.04 5.25
101 31.01 -2.14 0 -0.1 -14.75 73.65 0.01 0.03 25.47 26.03 -14.49
104 31.99 5.39 0 0.04 5.09 73.59 0.01 0.03 25.19 25.75 5.93
107 29.74 0.01 -0.43 23.52 0 73.38 0 0.03 25.13 25.69 2973.94
110 30.47 0.01 -0.45 23.39 2922.03 73.35 0.01 0.03 25.34 25.89 3047.36

Appendix A - 196
Computer Monitor Case Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 18.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 512.61
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 109.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 42.12
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 372.50
Total Mass Loss (g): 32.61
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.329
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.91
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2297.85
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1161

Initial mass (g): 37.5
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 76
Time to ignition (s): 18
Time to flameout (s): 115

Appendix A - 197
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.21 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 68706.9 37.55 0.27 0.03 25.21 25.58 21
4 0.46 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 62277.68 37.56 0.25 0.03 24.88 25.24 46.27
7 -1.14 -1.18 0 0 -506.29 37.55 0.23 0.03 25.19 25.55 0.96
10 0.11 3.28 0 0 252.41 37.6 0.32 0.03 25.5 25.86 0.03
13 2.54 -0.87 0 0 -1345.07 37.4 0.45 0.03 25.35 25.71 -2.92
16 2.52 7.7 0 0.06 341.38 37.56 1.03 0.03 25.29 25.64 0.33
19 26.82 19.1 0 0.12 1598.1 36.92 12.18 0.03 24.58 25.06 1.4
22 93.92 24.59 0 0.12 1941.07 36.45 19.51 0.02 23.87 24.47 3.82
25 153.89 29.83 0 0.12 2246.69 35.45 27.26 0.02 23.73 24.58 5.16
28 250.89 29.05 0 0.13 2532.04 34.7 29.54 0.02 23.84 24.91 8.64
31 330.12 39.93 0 0.11 1645.33 33.64 25.93 0.02 24.05 25.33 8.27
34 369.24 37.36 0 0.11 1998.96 32.4 29.02 0.02 24.25 25.74 9.88
37 408.84 30.47 0 0.15 2873.43 31.43 33.43 0.02 24.58 26.19 13.42
40 427.87 37.89 0 0.12 2002.73 30.48 29.39 0.02 24.07 25.82 11.29
43 457.14 34.56 0 0.14 2523.74 29.22 32.54 0.02 24.89 26.8 13.23
46 469.47 32 0 0.15 2640.59 28.4 32.02 0.02 24.45 26.39 14.67
49 483.63 43 0 0.11 1724.61 27.21 27.82 0.02 24.62 26.65 11.25
52 483.11 37.36 0 0.13 2265.35 25.93 31.73 0.02 24.6 26.67 12.93
55 465.06 31.62 0 0.15 2675.53 24.97 32.75 0.02 23.82 25.83 14.71
58 474.02 46.72 0 0.1 1949.68 23.9 34.16 0.02 24.58 26.66 10.15
61 457.48 35.27 0 0.13 2465.64 22.34 33.53 0.02 23.96 25.94 12.97
64 490.89 32.74 0 0.15 2684.02 21.73 31.72 0.02 25.58 27.71 14.99
67 476.52 42.76 0 0.12 2340.61 20.29 37.77 0.02 24.46 26.5 11.14
70 497.41 35.21 0 0.14 2763.15 19.27 35.85 0.02 25.04 27.14 14.13
73 497.16 47.47 0 0.1 1905.1 18.05 34.03 0.02 24.54 26.58 10.47
76 506.39 46.17 0 0.11 1924.65 16.51 32.97 0.02 24.9 26.95 10.97
79 501.28 35.88 0 0.15 2911.69 15.35 39.08 0.02 24.68 26.73 13.97
82 501.4 43 0 0.12 2280.96 14.24 36.59 0.02 24.77 26.81 11.66
85 491.42 48.89 0 0.1 1917.25 12.78 35.21 0.02 24.62 26.62 10.05
88 479.95 34.96 0 0.14 2864.45 11.45 37.74 0.02 24.57 26.53 13.73
91 472.24 33.44 0 0.14 2733.11 10.6 34.12 0.02 24.84 26.79 14.12
94 471.33 33.86 0 0.15 2698.98 9.42 33.73 0.02 25.17 27.1 13.92
97 474.25 28.79 0 0.15 3064.73 8.6 32.31 0.02 25.39 27.31 16.47
100 466.94 32.29 0 0.12 2374.65 7.64 28.55 0.02 25.01 26.85 14.46
103 482.38 27.2 0 0.1 2303.77 6.73 23.15 0.02 25.19 27.07 17.74
106 496.14 19.77 0 0.11 2508.25 6.03 18.48 0.02 24.93 26.83 25.09
109 512.61 11.99 0 0.13 3143.26 5.54 13.83 0.02 25.32 27.24 42.76
112 476.9 10.41 0 0.08 1600.07 5.27 6.1 0.02 25.48 27.3 45.8
115 389.64 4.11 0 0.15 1020.94 4.95 1.47 0.02 26.78 28.52 94.88
118 257.58 0.09 -0.06 5.2 33769.76 5.01 1.11 0.02 26.42 27.85 2816.49
121 174.61 -1.78 0 -0.21 -1537.1 4.92 0.99 0.02 26.56 27.75 -98.02
124 122.93 2.68 0 0.14 1066.82 5.06 1.01 0.02 27.24 28.32 45.88

Appendix A - 198
127 92.31 7.87 0 0.05 358.04 4.76 1.03 0.02 26.57 27.45 11.73
130 79.75 -2.97 0 -0.13 -993.47 4.7 1.08 0.02 26.46 27.22 -26.87
133 74.19 1.1 0 0.35 2446.66 4.84 0.98 0.02 26.63 27.3 67.6
136 69.52 5.7 0 0.07 439.91 4.62 0.92 0.02 26.56 27.14 12.2
139 62.73 3.24 0 0.11 803.77 4.54 0.97 0.02 26.21 26.7 19.38
142 62.7 1.58 0 0.23 1657.01 4.43 0.97 0.03 26.7 27.16 39.58
145 60.65 1.95 0 0.18 1404.52 4.44 1.01 0.03 26.73 27.13 31.13
148 57.85 -1.79 0 -0.17 -1101.99 4.33 0.74 0.02 26.15 26.5 -32.39
151 56.54 1.17 0 0.25 1528.1 4.5 0.66 0.03 26.67 26.99 48.31
154 52.96 5.24 0 0.05 357.54 4.26 0.71 0.02 26.12 26.41 10.11
157 52.52 -0.07 0.04 -3.85 -25192.53 4.25 0.66 0.03 26.63 26.91 -749.02
160 48.37 2.32 0 0.1 635.3 4.22 0.57 0.02 25.7 25.96 20.81
163 44.31 0.01 -0.37 24.23 0 4.15 0.49 0.02 25.81 26.06 4430.95
166 43.88 0.01 -0.3 23.19 0 4.31 0.44 0.02 25.52 25.79 4387.95

Appendix A - 199
Computer Monitor Case Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 15.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 479.51
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 85.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 42.67
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 342.11
Total Mass Loss (g): 31.88
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.287
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.39
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2338.73
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1222

Initial mass (g): 36.7
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 15
Time to flameout (s): 124

Appendix A - 200
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -0.42 0.01 -0.3 -0.04 8216.91 36.69 0.03 0.03 25.65 26.02 -41.78
4 1.91 0.01 -0.32 -0.04 4218.18 36.76 0.02 0.03 25.92 26.29 191.42
7 0.33 2.98 0 0 14.87 36.66 0.02 0.03 25.24 25.6 0.11
10 -0.08 -2.15 0 0 -94.9 36.63 0.08 0.03 25.4 25.77 0.04
13 0.1 0.09 -0.04 0 7067.16 36.73 0.23 0.03 25.72 26.08 1.11
16 8.73 11.21 0 0.07 138.59 36.55 0.6 0.03 25.44 25.8 0.78
19 36.34 23.8 0 0.1 1680.89 36.04 16.17 0.02 24.27 24.74 1.53
22 108.24 27.43 0 0.13 2693.51 35.19 29.32 0.02 24.49 25.19 3.95
25 208.03 27.34 0 0.14 2260.29 34.43 24.98 0.02 23.84 24.74 7.61
28 295.72 31.43 0 0.13 2015 33.53 25.06 0.02 24.17 25.27 9.41
31 350.84 34 0 0.12 1965.33 32.56 25.87 0.02 24.56 25.83 10.32
34 382.71 35.87 0 0.11 2070.58 31.5 28.67 0.02 24.52 25.91 10.67
37 386.94 28.02 0 0.16 2637.35 30.47 29.42 0.02 23.66 25.12 13.81
40 408.74 33.42 0 0.13 2276.08 29.73 29.92 0.02 23.87 25.42 12.23
43 429.02 39.5 0 0.11 1975.77 28.46 30.09 0.02 24.28 25.94 10.86
46 437.51 33.39 0 0.13 2508.83 27.44 31.95 0.02 24.5 26.22 13.1
49 440.14 37.83 0 0.12 2307.45 26.39 33.6 0.02 24.24 25.98 11.64
52 453.96 34.78 0 0.14 2660.92 25.22 34.83 0.02 24.73 26.56 13.05
55 445.33 32.74 0 0.14 2450.79 24.29 31.24 0.02 23.89 25.68 13.6
58 461.03 41.85 0 0.12 2027.12 23.17 32.17 0.02 24.52 26.37 11.02
61 476.03 44.1 0 0.11 1931.81 21.83 31.18 0.02 25.39 27.32 10.79
64 463.02 36.21 0 0.13 2424.13 20.61 32.77 0.02 24.91 26.79 12.79
67 462.57 35.27 0 0.13 2577.77 19.61 33.84 0.02 24.99 26.87 13.11
70 464.89 41.34 0 0.11 2248.94 18.44 34.8 0.02 24.85 26.72 11.24
73 464.42 38.93 0 0.12 2230.18 17.19 32.81 0.02 24.62 26.46 11.93
76 473.51 34.06 0 0.15 2570.86 16.12 32.78 0.02 24.84 26.71 13.9
79 476.09 37.81 0 0.13 2394.9 15.08 33.87 0.02 24.87 26.73 12.59
82 472.52 41.66 0 0.12 2415.77 13.85 37.81 0.02 24.78 26.62 11.34
85 479.51 39.07 0 0.13 2456.87 12.63 35.13 0.02 25.45 27.32 12.27
88 461.27 37.62 0 0.13 2420.41 11.51 34.19 0.02 24.84 26.64 12.26
91 466.43 28.55 0 0.16 2955.29 10.42 31.06 0.02 25.36 27.17 16.34
94 456.15 27.55 0 0.16 2968.13 9.73 30.86 0.02 24.75 26.49 16.56
97 468.58 34.03 0 0.12 2242.34 8.72 28.14 0.02 25.35 27.11 13.77
100 455.2 27.16 0 0.14 2648.54 7.79 26.98 0.02 24.95 26.67 16.76
103 437.6 20.93 0 0.14 2802.36 7.09 22.1 0.02 24.86 26.54 20.91
106 419.8 16.41 0 0.13 2784.25 6.52 17.32 0.02 24.74 26.39 25.58
109 418.68 15.74 0 0.11 2380.44 6.08 13.58 0.02 25.92 27.59 26.59
112 384.29 12.67 0 0.1 2187.82 5.59 10.24 0.02 25.47 27.08 30.33
115 358.7 9.41 0 0.12 2671.7 5.32 9.17 0.02 25.85 27.43 38.12
118 326.35 10.64 0 0.08 1639.88 5 6.32 0.02 26.08 27.61 30.67
121 282.92 1.84 0 0.36 4142.31 4.75 2.77 0.02 26.16 27.58 153.63
124 202.12 -2.72 0 -0.19 -912.7 4.85 0.91 0.02 26.08 27.34 -74.24

Appendix A - 201
127 155.46 4.48 0 0.09 428.92 4.83 0.68 0.02 26.96 28.11 34.74
130 116.49 3.41 0 0.1 536.24 4.64 0.64 0.03 27.71 28.76 34.15
133 85.29 -0.34 0.01 -0.91 -4677.95 4.65 0.58 0.02 27.02 27.94 -248.1
136 69.45 0.28 -0.02 1.11 6141.41 4.62 0.63 0.02 26.46 27.26 247.29
139 62.62 3.68 0 0.08 424.41 4.61 0.58 0.02 26.43 27.14 17
142 56.94 3.46 0 0.09 456.42 4.43 0.59 0.02 26.25 26.88 16.46
145 58.91 3.97 0 0.08 392.7 4.4 0.57 0.03 26.88 27.48 14.84
148 55.51 -2.62 0 -0.11 -622.73 4.24 0.6 0.03 26.51 27.04 -21.16
151 51.93 -1.48 0 -0.2 -951.12 4.5 0.53 0.02 26.05 26.53 -35.07
154 48.62 9.01 0 0.03 164.48 4.26 0.56 0.02 26.09 26.55 5.39
157 47.3 1.45 0 0.19 906.35 4.09 0.49 0.03 26.4 26.82 32.66
160 45.07 -3.13 0 -0.09 -425.11 4.16 0.5 0.03 26.2 26.58 -14.39
163 47.09 -1.57 0 -0.17 -801.33 4.22 0.47 0.03 26.29 26.64 -29.94
166 44.15 8.22 0 0.03 137.97 4.2 0.43 0.03 26.02 26.36 5.37
169 41.12 2.17 0 0.12 545.57 3.84 0.46 0.02 25.7 26.03 18.92
172 38.4 0.01 -0.41 24.72 93840.84 4.09 0.36 0.03 26.1 26.43 3840.07
175 40.55 0.01 -0.48 21.69 90314.7 4.08 0.34 0.03 26.2 26.52 4055.13

Appendix A - 202
Computer Monitor Case Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 15.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 482.91
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 78.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 43.91
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 361.16
Total Mass Loss (g): 32.27
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.283
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.61
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2351.71
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.1240

Initial mass (g): 37.1
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 83
Time to ignition (s): 15
Time to flameout (s): 131

Appendix A - 203
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 1.89 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 0 37.15 0.41 0.03 25.28 25.65 189.37
3 1.45 0.01 -0.32 -0.03 0 37.05 0.4 0.03 25.54 25.92 144.79
6 1.63 -0.69 0.01 0 -1521.47 37.13 0.4 0.03 25.92 26.32 -2.34
9 1.29 0.66 0 0 2046.59 37.07 0.51 0.03 26.07 26.46 1.96
12 1.27 -2.8 0 0 -612.62 37.11 0.66 0.03 25.59 25.97 -0.45
15 7.18 8.92 0 0.02 531.46 37.12 1.83 0.03 25.54 25.94 0.81
18 40.55 24.57 0 0.11 1492.86 36.54 14.51 0.03 24.83 25.27 1.65
21 105.01 29.44 0 0.12 2020.02 35.73 23.42 0.03 24.77 25.4 3.57
24 177.46 28.39 0 0.13 2200.79 34.82 26.32 0.02 22.98 23.73 6.25
27 294.87 34.42 0 0.12 2155.16 33.99 29.8 0.02 23.92 24.89 8.57
30 346.15 30.21 0 0.14 2187.07 32.82 26.51 0.02 23.78 24.92 11.46
33 386.42 32.34 0 0.13 2506.44 32.14 32.17 0.02 23.95 25.2 11.95
36 407.98 35.21 0 0.12 2154.2 30.88 29.59 0.02 24.26 25.63 11.59
39 431.74 31.9 0 0.14 2206.73 30.07 26.25 0.02 25.27 26.81 13.54
42 416.93 34.57 0 0.12 2391.09 28.93 32.46 0.02 23.94 25.46 12.06
45 427.77 30.87 0 0.14 2598.14 28.03 31.16 0.02 24.16 25.74 13.86
48 432.57 37.77 0 0.11 2184.69 27.01 31.86 0.02 24.27 25.89 11.45
51 437.58 38.09 0 0.12 2169.33 25.81 31.7 0.02 24.39 26.06 11.49
54 446.3 35.58 0 0.13 2311.73 24.74 31.48 0.02 24.42 26.13 12.54
57 456.5 35.31 0 0.13 2560.33 23.66 33.99 0.02 24.83 26.6 12.93
60 448.8 36.66 0 0.13 2315.77 22.61 32.73 0.02 24.2 25.94 12.24
63 448.86 39.95 0 0.12 2238.8 21.44 34.85 0.02 23.93 25.67 11.24
66 461.69 39.11 0 0.12 2171.46 20.25 32.6 0.02 24.27 26.05 11.8
69 473.33 33.32 0 0.15 2742.42 19.13 34.19 0.02 24.89 26.72 14.21
72 466.33 33.18 0 0.14 2676.65 18.21 33.72 0.02 24.55 26.34 14.05
75 470.4 36.07 0 0.14 2237.28 17.12 30.07 0.02 25.02 26.84 13.04
78 482.91 37.18 0 0.13 2215.76 16.05 29.67 0.02 25.89 27.76 12.99
81 463.48 40.21 0 0.12 2195.68 14.88 32.66 0.02 25.22 27.03 11.53
84 451.6 37.5 0 0.13 2396.25 13.68 33.77 0.02 24.86 26.61 12.04
87 458.84 32.29 0 0.15 2646.08 12.65 31.34 0.02 25.47 27.27 14.21
90 442.18 31.4 0 0.14 2576 11.71 30.43 0.02 24.83 26.58 14.08
93 431.84 33.33 0 0.13 2539.79 10.74 32.11 0.02 24.65 26.36 12.96
96 430.7 29.83 0 0.14 2504.16 9.75 27.87 0.02 25.08 26.8 14.44
99 426.79 27.59 0 0.14 2514.7 8.95 26.06 0.02 24.94 26.62 15.47
102 430.5 27.1 0 0.12 2403.75 8.09 24.35 0.02 25.05 26.76 15.88
105 438.47 20.32 0 0.14 2753.31 7.36 20.77 0.02 25.23 26.94 21.58
108 443.01 21.45 0 0.13 2478.56 6.82 19.29 0.02 25.82 27.55 20.66
111 413.94 17.17 0 0.11 2771.57 6.11 17.88 0.02 24.95 26.61 24.11
114 391.05 7.91 0 0.19 3915.41 5.82 11.3 0.02 25.75 27.39 49.47
117 354.36 8.29 0 0.14 2829.07 5.57 8.43 0.02 26.23 27.85 42.72
120 314.47 8.84 0 0.1 2257.91 5.32 7.16 0.02 26.35 27.88 35.56
123 269.87 5.71 0 0.12 1985.17 5.07 4.11 0.02 26.13 27.57 47.26

Appendix A - 204
126 223.15 3.27 0 0.18 2672.07 4.97 3.12 0.02 26.69 28.06 68.16
129 186.04 2.74 0 0.17 2214.81 4.85 2.18 0.02 26.56 27.8 67.94
132 146.5 2.33 0 0.18 1600.57 4.8 1.35 0.02 26.46 27.58 62.76
135 113.06 1.28 0 0.31 2946.8 4.72 1.36 0.02 26.56 27.6 88.58
138 93.58 4.63 0 0.08 772.06 4.7 1.27 0.02 27.11 28.07 20.19
141 74.9 1.33 0 0.27 2856.71 4.49 1.39 0.02 26.56 27.39 56.24
144 66.91 -3.51 0 -0.1 -1054.69 4.63 1.37 0.02 26.3 27.05 -19.09
147 62.77 1.42 0 0.25 2616.68 4.63 1.34 0.03 26.98 27.68 44.22
150 59.1 2.98 0 0.12 1254.09 4.56 1.39 0.02 26.27 26.89 19.82
153 57 0.45 -0.01 0.71 7776 4.47 1.31 0.02 26.38 26.95 125.39
156 57.07 4.7 0 0.07 797.26 4.49 1.41 0.02 26.14 26.66 12.13
159 53.95 7.39 0 0.05 498.24 4.21 1.39 0.02 25.97 26.46 7.3
162 54.83 1.26 0 0.27 2871.26 4.11 1.35 0.02 26.18 26.65 43.67
165 51.96 0.44 -0.01 0.74 7812.84 4.1 1.29 0.02 26.13 26.57 118.12
168 51.56 -2.72 0 -0.12 -1285.69 4.1 1.3 0.03 26.46 26.88 -18.99
171 48.31 -1.07 0 -0.28 -3072.09 4.23 1.22 0.03 26.54 26.94 -45.06
174 50.15 0.97 0 0.27 3381.58 4.15 1.22 0.03 26.49 26.87 51.55
177 44.87 4.1 0 0.06 790.85 4.16 1.23 0.03 25.97 26.32 10.96
180 45.06 2.46 0 0.1 1164.16 3.94 1.09 0.02 25.83 26.18 18.31
183 43.36 2.47 0 0.09 1142.86 4.01 1.04 0.03 26.72 27.08 17.56
186 39.71 0.01 -0.4 20.25 0 3.8 1.02 0.02 25.59 25.93 3970.61
189 37.91 0.01 -0.32 18.93 0 3.91 1.01 0.02 25.7 26.04 3790.8

Appendix A - 205
Letter Tray Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 25.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1272.24
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 75.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 56.81
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 803.49
Total Mass Loss (g): 17.97
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.240
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 31.61
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1497.15
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.95
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0800

Initial mass (g): 20.5
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 77
Time to ignition (s): 25
Time to flameout (s): 100

Appendix A - 206
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 2.91 0.01 -0.44 -0.04 2389.66 20.56 0.01 0.03 25.32 25.62 291.39
3 1.74 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 3348.38 20.37 0.01 0.03 26.14 26.47 173.99
6 0.08 -3.73 0 0 -37.33 20.5 0.05 0.03 26.3 26.61 -0.02
9 0.25 -0.04 0.12 0.01 -1824.21 20.53 0.03 0.03 26.58 26.89 -5.95
12 2.4 0.94 0 0 56.39 20.52 0.02 0.03 25.45 25.74 2.54
15 1.19 -1.45 0 0 -108.07 20.5 0.06 0.03 25.48 25.79 -0.82
18 1.35 0.36 -0.01 0 474.46 20.58 0.07 0.03 25.78 26.09 3.76
21 22.8 2.13 0 0 118.76 20.48 0.1 0.03 26.19 26.5 10.7
24 68.5 0.28 -0.01 0 2377.73 20.47 0.25 0.03 25.79 26.11 245.38
27 164.91 3.45 0 0.01 1349.34 20.42 1.81 0.03 25.27 25.7 47.82
30 235.29 10.53 0 0.03 1335.51 20.23 5.37 0.03 25.33 26.16 22.35
33 309.62 15.52 0 0.04 1085.45 19.81 6.58 0.02 24.44 25.62 19.95
36 402.8 14.71 0 0.05 1403.21 19.35 7.82 0.02 24.68 26.39 27.38
39 488.11 13.17 0 0.08 1878.42 18.94 9.22 0.02 24.66 26.82 37.07
42 556 10.35 0 0.13 2368.55 18.55 9.3 0.02 23.88 26.38 53.7
45 714.27 26.14 0 0.06 1259.95 18.19 12.25 0.02 23.92 26.89 27.33
48 776.86 28.96 0.23 0.07 1179.97 17.07 12.82 0.02 23.29 26.66 26.83
51 814.07 22.12 0.68 0.1 1724.94 16.52 14.36 0.02 22.58 26.58 36.8
54 910.49 29.36 0.61 0.08 1440.98 15.65 15.27 0.02 23.12 27.71 31.01
57 981.17 32.37 0.79 0.08 1281.83 14.78 15.19 0.02 22.51 27.32 30.31
60 1116.41 31.78 1.06 0.09 1413.75 13.74 15.47 0.02 23.62 29.04 35.13
63 1075.79 37.71 0.99 0.08 1209.37 12.84 17.06 0.02 21.42 26.73 28.53
66 1134.2 35.14 1.24 0.09 1398.83 11.53 17.75 0.02 21.85 27.7 32.27
69 1183.06 30.3 1.58 0.11 1774.57 10.74 18.78 0.02 22.35 28.64 39.04
72 1248.57 43.76 1.2 0.08 1321.61 9.59 19.55 0.02 22.94 29.58 28.53
75 1272.24 41.81 1.35 0.09 1334.88 8.22 18.72 0.02 23.02 29.8 30.43
78 1251.12 30.59 1.94 0.12 1757.66 7.15 17.98 0.02 22.97 29.92 40.89
81 1158.45 44.42 1.24 0.08 1250.57 6.22 18.73 0.02 22.74 29.65 26.08
84 1011.41 41.26 1.23 0.08 1369.77 4.61 18.49 0.02 23.55 30.57 24.51
87 789.53 20.82 1.54 0.11 2284.62 3.88 15.8 0.02 23.45 30.1 37.92
90 529.5 15.52 0.74 0.11 2456.08 3.25 11.94 0.02 25.4 31.92 34.12
93 361.84 13.94 0 0.06 1988.1 2.91 8.59 0.02 26.6 32.27 25.96
96 237.48 7.19 0 0.04 1593.13 2.46 3.58 0.02 27.67 32.05 33.01
99 145.08 -3.1 0 -0.05 -1225.63 2.5 1.23 0.02 27.85 30.89 -46.86
102 94.67 -3.58 0 -0.01 -41.63 2.57 0.05 0.02 28.97 30.85 -26.46
105 72.13 -0.22 0.02 -0.02 0 2.68 0 0.02 28.66 29.55 -331.17
108 55.4 2.52 0 0 0 2.58 0 0.02 28.22 28.53 22.01
111 46.52 3.51 0 0 0 2.54 0 0.02 28.43 28.26 13.24
114 39.79 1.02 0 0 0 2.4 0 0.02 27.98 27.35 39.04
117 36.79 -2.04 0 0 0 2.49 0 0.02 27.52 26.68 -18.06
120 34.38 -1.94 0 0 -80.24 2.5 0.06 0.02 27.83 26.79 -17.68
123 31.78 -0.79 0 0 0 2.59 0 0.02 27.4 26.25 -40.27

Appendix A - 207
126 26.97 2.47 0 0 0 2.53 0 0.02 27.6 26.37 10.92
129 24.42 2.72 0 0 0 2.47 0 0.02 27.75 26.48 8.99
132 22.54 -0.52 0.01 0 0 2.39 0 0.03 28.26 26.95 -43.15
135 21.7 0.74 -0.01 0 0 2.47 0 0.02 27.28 26.04 29.36
138 20.44 -2.35 0 0 0 2.38 0 0.02 26.91 25.73 -8.69
141 19.32 -3.61 0 0 0 2.6 0 0.02 27.11 25.97 -5.35
144 15 0.34 -0.01 0 0 2.55 0 0.02 26.77 25.71 44.57
147 14.32 1.41 0 0 0 2.59 0 0.02 27.02 26 10.16
150 14.05 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 0 2.47 0 0.02 26.94 25.99 1405.42
153 14.39 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 0 2.46 0 0.03 27.02 26.13 1438.69

Appendix A - 208
Letter Tray Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 20.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1195.00
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 73.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 57.11
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 724.04
Total Mass Loss (g): 18.07
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.213
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 31.60
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1449.38
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.89
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0826

Initial mass (g): 21.2
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 20
Time to flameout (s): 105

Appendix A - 209
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

3 2.42 0.01 -0.38 -0.04 866.62 21.52 0 0.03 25.97 26.34 242.17
8 2.29 0.01 -0.33 -0.03 0 21.23 0 0.03 25.33 25.67 229.15
13 0.54 0.05 -0.07 -0.01 1184.16 21.1 0.02 0.03 26.43 26.77 10.62
18 27.25 -2.81 0 0 -24.28 21.19 0.03 0.03 26.55 26.89 -9.71
23 120.82 2.36 0 0 608.58 21.27 0.56 0.03 25.43 25.8 51.19
28 280.89 12.03 0 0.03 1174.94 20.9 5.59 0.02 24.48 25.27 23.36
33 376.1 14.68 0 0.05 1386.47 20.15 7.85 0.02 24.43 25.92 25.62
38 514.64 14.71 0 0.07 2068.01 19.46 11.5 0.02 24.33 26.46 34.98
43 651.84 20.06 0 0.09 1433 18.61 10.96 0.02 23.56 26.22 32.49
48 841.1 27.02 0.37 0.08 1240.86 17.43 12.5 0.02 23.35 26.81 31.13
53 979.76 31.86 0.72 0.08 1338.05 15.94 15.57 0.02 23.14 27.39 30.75
58 1048.59 31.09 1.03 0.09 1239.85 14.32 14.19 0.02 22.31 27.15 33.73
63 1169.2 35.47 1.24 0.09 1372.05 12.78 17.06 0.02 23.04 28.53 32.96
68 1167.14 38.47 1.28 0.09 1295.93 10.78 18.24 0.02 21.64 27.33 30.34
73 1195 39.97 1.39 0.09 1156.41 8.96 16.18 0.02 22.37 28.56 29.89
78 1040.17 36.36 1.3 0.09 1393.74 6.86 17.55 0.02 22.5 28.88 28.6
83 888.03 27.05 1.06 0.09 1719.01 5.41 15.26 0.02 24.15 30.47 32.83
88 559.88 18.94 0.4 0.09 2235.98 4.15 13.83 0.02 25.09 30.62 29.57
93 333.01 11.17 0 0.04 2257.71 3.51 8.06 0.02 26.98 31.28 29.8
98 144.92 3.5 0 0.04 1144.85 3.03 1.3 0.02 28.07 30.78 41.41
103 84.61 -2.57 0 -0.01 -199.68 3.12 0.18 0.02 27.84 29.08 -32.91
108 72.04 1.1 0 0 519.72 3.16 0.2 0.02 28.39 28.69 65.68
113 59.27 1.85 0 0 279.8 3.03 0.19 0.02 28.03 27.74 32.08
118 48.37 0.12 -0.03 0 1447.25 3.01 0.06 0.02 27.52 26.9 419.83
123 43.13 1.3 0 0 168.6 2.99 0.08 0.02 27.08 26.28 33.13
128 39.48 -0.04 0.11 0.01 -3820.41 2.9 0.06 0.02 27.01 26.13 0
133 32.55 -1.05 0 0 -39.67 2.99 0.02 0.02 27.03 26.15 -31.07
138 28.97 2.62 0 0 51.23 2.96 0.05 0.02 27.11 26.23 11.04
143 27.71 2.36 0 0 0 2.78 0 0.02 26.99 26.19 11.73
148 23.89 -3.29 0 0 -18.48 2.78 0.02 0.03 26.97 26.23 -7.25
153 17.78 -1.17 0 0 0 3.02 0 0.03 26.97 26.3 -15.14
158 15.97 2.63 0 0 0 2.88 0 0.03 26.97 26.37 6.07
163 16.91 0.01 -0.3 -0.04 0 2.83 0 0.03 26.71 26.19 1690.63
168 12.93 0.01 -0.27 -0.03 0 2.88 0 0.03 26.94 26.48 1292.92

Appendix A - 210
Letter Tray Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 18.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1028.36
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 89.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 55.58
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 550.30
Total Mass Loss (g): 17.72
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.197
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 31.37
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1614.38
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.59
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0744

Initial mass (g): 20.3
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 18
Time to flameout (s): 108

Appendix A - 211
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 1.83 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 2483.43 20.34 0.01 0.03 26.04 26.44 183.14
5 3.87 0.01 -0.41 -0.03 0 20.5 0 0.03 25.79 26.16 387.41
8 3.6 5.86 0 0 0 20.37 0 0.03 25.82 26.2 0.61
11 0.2 0.51 -0.01 0 0 20.23 0 0.03 26.15 26.53 0.4
14 0.18 0.89 -0.01 0 0 20.31 0 0.03 25.61 25.99 0.2
17 18.55 1.43 0 0 0 20.17 0 0.03 25.48 25.85 12.94
20 43.51 -1.37 0 0 0 20.24 0 0.03 25.99 26.37 -31.83
23 109.14 2.06 0 0.01 952.39 20.21 0.76 0.03 25.57 25.99 52.93
26 157.75 8.14 0 0.01 961.13 20.09 3.04 0.03 25.13 25.75 19.39
29 212.16 10.38 0 0.02 1225.13 19.75 4.91 0.03 25.03 25.88 20.45
32 259.18 8.03 0 0.04 1815.44 19.51 5.64 0.03 24.85 25.86 32.27
35 317.53 9.06 0 0.05 1924.88 19.24 6.73 0.02 24.55 25.92 35.03
38 381.2 11.79 0 0.05 1678.26 18.95 7.7 0.02 24.15 25.71 32.34
41 475.18 14.3 0 0.07 1610.75 18.54 8.76 0.02 24.37 26.28 33.23
44 550.15 18.49 0 0.07 1356.85 18.08 9.52 0.02 24.2 26.36 29.75
47 620.63 17.5 0 0.09 1597.65 17.46 10.56 0.02 23.83 26.48 35.46
50 681.82 20.56 0.03 0.08 1793.32 17 13.75 0.02 23.84 26.82 33.15
53 743.15 27.55 0.19 0.07 1167.09 16.2 11.9 0.02 23.76 27.02 26.98
56 768.36 26.86 0.33 0.07 1375.03 15.41 13.77 0.02 23.23 26.83 28.6
59 818.37 23.3 0.52 0.09 1689.58 14.61 14.48 0.02 23.32 27.19 35.13
62 862.48 24.32 0.64 0.09 1485.59 13.97 12.81 0.02 23.94 28.21 35.46
65 873.55 30.16 0.58 0.08 1518.76 13.12 16.52 0.02 23.4 27.73 28.96
68 894.77 29.12 0.69 0.08 1557.01 12.21 16.06 0.02 23.7 28.23 30.73
71 926.58 26.33 0.83 0.1 1921.41 11.39 17.46 0.02 24.24 28.98 35.19
74 932.92 31.46 0.73 0.08 1628.54 10.58 17.79 0.02 24.01 28.79 29.66
77 909.41 29.55 0.76 0.08 1470.1 9.55 15.59 0.02 23.17 27.87 30.77
80 930.72 26.07 0.95 0.09 1635.71 8.82 15.45 0.02 22.88 27.6 35.69
83 994.91 31.03 0.9 0.08 1631.58 7.92 17.66 0.02 23.75 28.67 32.06
86 980.5 38.16 0.83 0.07 1111.15 6.94 15.42 0.02 22.64 27.5 25.7
89 1028.36 31.78 1.12 0.08 1642.02 5.73 18.01 0.02 23.9 28.98 32.36
92 892.79 26.67 1.3 0.1 1724.88 5.03 16.46 0.02 22.91 27.95 33.47
95 779.7 34.33 0.81 0.07 1434.05 4.05 17.11 0.02 23.63 28.78 22.71
98 586.62 21.11 0.51 0.09 2204.56 3.12 15.27 0.02 25.34 30.47 27.79
101 400.22 7.51 0.2 0.16 4664.66 2.79 11.14 0.02 26.58 31.46 53.26
104 234.93 5.18 0 0.05 2884.11 2.58 4.7 0.02 27.87 31.82 45.33
107 141.83 5.46 0 0.03 1009.39 2.46 1.7 0.02 29.11 32.35 25.96
110 85.88 1.03 0 0.04 423.43 2.29 0.14 0.02 28.26 30.27 83.35
113 62.96 -3.94 0 0 0 2.4 0 0.02 28.45 29.84 -15.99
116 51.63 -4.37 0 0 0 2.48 0 0.02 27.78 28.46 -11.83
119 46.96 1.48 0 0 9.14 2.61 0 0.02 28.5 28.82 31.64
122 38.57 5.31 0 0 0 2.41 0 0.02 27.97 27.98 7.26
125 32.62 -1.23 0 0 0 2.37 0 0.02 27.76 27.46 -26.44
128 28.86 -3.71 0 0 0 2.46 0 0.02 27.52 27.01 -7.78
131 27.87 -1.56 0 0 0 2.55 0 0.02 28.05 27.39 -17.82
134 26.71 4.66 0 0 0 2.52 0 0.02 27.51 26.77 5.73
137 23.48 2.85 0 0 0 2.33 0 0.02 26.88 26.1 8.23

Appendix A - 212
140 20.49 -2.75 0 0 0 2.38 0 0.03 27.44 26.61 -7.44
143 17.47 -0.41 0.01 0 0 2.44 0 0.03 27.38 26.54 -42.82
146 17.37 -0.3 0.01 0 0 2.42 0 0.02 26.95 26.14 -58.7
149 17.7 1.71 0 0 0 2.45 0 0.03 27.21 26.42 10.37
152 16.74 1.28 0 0 0 2.33 0 0.02 26.44 25.7 13.08
155 15.55 1.44 0 0 0 2.37 0 0.03 26.94 26.22 10.77
158 11.54 -3.45 0 0 0 2.28 0 0.02 26.43 25.77 -3.34
161 11.54 -5.29 0 0 0 2.55 0 0.03 26.96 26.34 -2.18
164 10.84 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 0 2.52 0 0.03 26.6 26.05 1084.31
167 13.84 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 2.43 0 0.03 26.63 26.11 1384.1

Appendix A - 213
Office Chair Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 7.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 373.21
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 140.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 170.37
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 220.57
Total Mass Loss (g): 98.75
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.119
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 17.25
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 226.29
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0126

Initial mass (g): 135.4
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 93
Time to ignition (s): 7
Time to flameout (s): 833

Appendix A - 214
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 2.71 0.01 -0.23 -0.03 6011.65 135.41 0.02 0.03 25.24 25.73 271.46
5 4.06 0.01 -0.44 0.47 157696.4 135.24 0.61 0.03 25.17 25.65 406.35
8 33.82 7.79 0 0.04 941.42 135.05 2.92 0.02 24.45 25.12 4.34
11 81.11 17.42 0 0.03 411.49 134.72 2.89 0.02 23.94 24.81 4.66
14 161.46 17.31 0 0.04 549.5 134.08 3.83 0.02 23.7 24.82 9.33
17 211.91 9.52 0 0.07 928.81 133.74 3.57 0.02 23.48 24.79 22.26
20 246 13.37 0 0.05 659.45 133.43 3.47 0.02 23.94 25.39 18.4
23 268.58 16.7 0 0.04 638.16 132.94 4.11 0.02 24.34 25.94 16.08
26 271.75 15.98 0 0.04 686.57 132.46 4.17 0.02 24.63 26.3 17.01
29 264.14 11.07 0 0.06 925.14 132.01 3.91 0.02 24.49 26.19 23.87
32 257.78 14.33 0 0.04 647.39 131.74 3.57 0.02 24.28 25.98 17.99
35 251.63 15.54 0 0.04 660.21 131.16 3.94 0.02 24.37 26.07 16.19
38 252.56 13.34 0 0.04 737.84 130.84 3.73 0.02 24.69 26.41 18.94
41 245.69 12.82 0 0.04 763.79 130.35 3.8 0.02 24.1 25.77 19.16
44 248.61 11.42 0 0.05 925.51 130.07 4.02 0.02 24.56 26.27 21.77
47 254.72 15.68 0 0.04 734.12 129.63 4.34 0.02 24.82 26.55 16.24
50 260.09 11.27 0 0.06 1080.67 129.18 4.66 0.02 24.42 26.12 23.09
53 270.74 17.14 0 0.04 690.3 128.89 4.44 0.02 24.87 26.63 15.8
56 266.2 16.59 0 0.04 606.34 128.2 3.84 0.02 24.51 26.21 16.05
59 257.4 5.29 0 0.11 2200.98 127.96 4.5 0.02 24.22 25.87 48.62
62 267.18 15.46 0 0.04 611.96 127.74 3.46 0.02 25.63 27.36 17.28
65 256.56 16.28 0 0.04 685.04 127.09 4.12 0.02 25.39 27.07 15.75
68 248.5 12.49 0 0.04 828.84 126.8 3.88 0.02 25.07 26.69 19.89
71 234.63 13.55 0 0.04 892.54 126.31 4.7 0.02 24.19 25.74 17.32
74 245.72 16.38 0 0.04 617.67 125.97 3.76 0.02 25.34 26.93 15
77 243.17 19.36 0 0.03 577.14 125.33 4.21 0.02 24.99 26.55 12.56
80 247.39 10.54 0 0.06 1105.78 124.89 4.41 0.02 24.88 26.45 23.48
83 248.19 10.95 0 0.06 867.18 124.64 3.63 0.02 24.63 26.19 22.66
86 256.73 15.35 0 0.04 596.9 124.2 3.36 0.02 25.69 27.3 16.72
89 249.87 13.04 0 0.05 887.19 123.76 4.37 0.02 24.9 26.47 19.16
92 258.21 13.43 0 0.05 879.42 123.4 4.47 0.02 24.85 26.43 19.22
95 264 13.86 0 0.05 834.37 122.95 4.46 0.02 24.35 25.93 19.05
98 277.96 14.55 0 0.05 968.9 122.57 5.34 0.02 24.78 26.42 19.1
101 285.15 12.5 0 0.05 926.93 122.09 4.43 0.02 24.5 26.15 22.82
104 291.25 14.65 0 0.04 755.9 121.79 4.22 0.02 24.55 26.24 19.88
107 305.88 18.03 0 0.04 792.76 121.21 5.28 0.02 25.29 27.05 16.96
110 308.51 10.15 0 0.06 1139.49 120.78 4.32 0.02 25.02 26.79 30.4
113 307.44 12.62 0 0.05 1045.9 120.53 5.01 0.02 24.59 26.35 24.36
116 311.12 19.25 0 0.03 629.11 119.99 4.62 0.02 24.43 26.21 16.16
119 327.78 16.36 0 0.04 684.94 119.44 4.15 0.02 25.14 27 20.04
122 328.56 12.52 0 0.05 976.43 119.02 4.67 0.02 24.32 26.17 26.23
125 349.3 17.55 0 0.04 633.2 118.63 4.11 0.02 25.08 27.02 19.9

Appendix A - 215
128 352.08 20.04 0 0.03 584.6 117.99 4.46 0.02 24.32 26.27 17.57
131 352.08 11.36 0 0.04 903.65 117.5 3.98 0.02 23.83 25.79 31
134 350.36 13.67 0 0.03 748.17 117.23 4 0.02 23.56 25.57 25.64
137 363.62 18.45 0 0.03 484.35 116.66 3.41 0.02 24.13 26.22 19.71
140 373.21 16.18 0 0.03 589.89 116.17 3.56 0.02 24.65 26.8 23.06
143 364.5 14.91 0 0.03 565.05 115.69 3.2 0.02 24.22 26.36 24.44
146 362.72 16.46 0 0.02 441.24 115.26 2.78 0.02 24.05 26.17 22.04
149 370.87 16.93 0 0.02 488.92 114.71 3.05 0.02 24.93 27.13 21.91
152 368.61 12.78 0 0.03 602.93 114.27 2.82 0.02 25.13 27.34 28.83
155 367.92 15.43 0 0.02 622.75 113.9 3.5 0.02 25.23 27.46 23.84
158 360.34 16.56 0 0.02 496.25 113.35 3.04 0.02 24.86 27.01 21.76
161 368.13 15.57 0 0.02 540.85 112.92 3.04 0.02 25.51 27.71 23.65
164 345.73 16.06 0 0.02 452.59 112.41 2.79 0.02 24.04 26.07 21.53
167 347.78 15.05 0 0.02 462.66 111.96 2.63 0.02 24.38 26.45 23.11
170 342.98 15.83 0 0.02 468.26 111.5 2.82 0.02 24.28 26.33 21.66
173 344.39 14.4 0 0.02 476.36 111.03 2.59 0.02 24.43 26.48 23.91
176 334.76 16.64 0 0.02 319.95 110.61 2.06 0.02 23.9 25.91 20.12
179 336.54 15.69 0 0.02 371.24 110.05 2.24 0.02 24.03 26.03 21.45
182 341.63 16.89 0 0.02 315.83 109.65 2.01 0.02 24.56 26.6 20.23
185 337.45 17.62 0 0.01 315.89 109.04 2.1 0.02 24.46 26.46 19.15
188 337.05 11.5 0 0.02 518.79 108.64 2.24 0.02 24.64 26.64 29.32
191 339.95 15.44 0 0.01 347.67 108.29 2.01 0.02 24.76 26.76 22.02
194 338.56 13.73 0 0.02 389.2 107.74 1.99 0.02 24.89 26.89 24.65
197 339.96 18.19 0 0.01 286.96 107.42 1.93 0.02 25.12 27.11 18.69
200 337.49 18.42 0 0.01 211.23 106.68 1.45 0.02 24.83 26.82 18.32
203 334.02 14.92 0 0.01 284.34 106.35 1.6 0.02 24.52 26.47 22.38
206 338.14 15.92 0 0.01 265.31 105.76 1.58 0.02 24.84 26.8 21.24
209 326.62 15.49 0 0.01 272.05 105.4 1.6 0.02 24.35 26.26 21.09
212 332.19 17.22 0 0.01 241.09 104.82 1.54 0.02 25.05 27.01 19.29
215 324.91 8.3 0 0.02 443.22 104.43 1.36 0.02 25.19 27.11 39.14
218 313.6 14.71 0 0.01 285.04 104.22 1.58 0.02 24.65 26.5 21.33
221 312.68 18.09 0 0.01 192.12 103.56 1.29 0.02 25.13 26.99 17.28
224 304.89 16 0 0.01 204.27 103.18 1.23 0.02 24.82 26.61 19.05
227 308.13 14.8 0 0.01 220.25 102.6 1.19 0.02 25.54 27.38 20.82
230 288.47 16.88 0 0.01 176.26 102.27 1.14 0.02 24.33 26.02 17.08
233 295.01 16.02 0 0.01 199.68 101.61 1.18 0.02 25.38 27.13 18.41
236 284.5 8.42 0 0.01 330.35 101.35 1.02 0.02 25.63 27.34 33.8
239 275.62 13.42 0 0.01 176.6 101.02 0.87 0.02 25.52 27.19 20.53
242 266.31 13.84 0 0.01 193.72 100.56 0.98 0.02 25.63 27.26 19.25
245 259.92 16.71 0 0 160.03 100.18 0.99 0.02 25.39 26.98 15.55
248 246.74 15.65 0 0 83.87 99.59 0.5 0.02 24.63 26.15 15.77
251 244.36 10.46 0 0.01 221.02 99.27 0.88 0.02 24.77 26.25 23.35
254 250.17 12.24 0 0.01 108.62 98.92 0.49 0.02 25.82 27.36 20.44
257 236.02 12.83 0 0.01 107.32 98.53 0.52 0.02 25.2 26.65 18.4
260 235.02 15.42 0 0 137.09 98.13 0.78 0.02 25.6 27.04 15.25
263 225.03 17.45 0 0 99.52 97.62 0.65 0.02 25.35 26.72 12.89
266 220.11 8.45 0 0.01 127.88 97.16 0.41 0.02 25.3 26.65 26.06
269 219.02 9.96 0 0.01 169.58 97.04 0.63 0.02 25.62 26.97 21.99

Appendix A - 216
272 211.6 17.84 0 0 88.19 96.52 0.59 0.02 25.17 26.47 11.86
275 212.02 12.87 0 0 108.76 96.05 0.52 0.02 25.43 26.74 16.47
278 213.97 12.61 0 0 112.67 95.72 0.52 0.02 25.84 27.14 16.96
281 207.33 14.64 0 0 80.18 95.28 0.44 0.02 25.28 26.55 14.16
284 203.54 15.14 0 0 39.25 94.85 0.23 0.02 24.85 26.09 13.44
287 206.58 9.94 0 0 179.15 94.41 0.67 0.02 25.28 26.54 20.79
290 196.12 13.09 0 0 73.19 94.2 0.37 0.02 24.51 25.72 14.98
293 197.92 16.12 0 0 88.45 93.62 0.54 0.02 25.26 26.49 12.28
296 188.18 12.99 0 0 73.74 93.28 0.37 0.02 24.48 25.67 14.48
299 188.91 14.66 0 0 47.05 92.81 0.26 0.02 25.13 26.34 12.89
302 187.33 11.28 0 0 46.69 92.43 0.2 0.02 25.19 26.4 16.6
305 186.58 12.23 0 0 68.91 92.11 0.32 0.02 25.21 26.4 15.25
308 184.79 11.48 0 0 82.13 91.7 0.35 0.02 25.58 26.77 16.09
311 181.2 15.35 0 0 51.78 91.39 0.3 0.02 25.51 26.7 11.81
314 185.43 10.68 0 0 99.53 90.83 0.38 0.02 26.4 27.61 17.36
317 171.78 12.7 0 0 59.08 90.71 0.29 0.02 24.92 26.06 13.53
320 173.74 16.97 0 0 72.22 90.06 0.46 0.02 25.62 26.78 10.24
323 168.8 8.82 0 0 62.73 89.77 0.21 0.02 25.13 26.26 19.14
326 171.4 10.49 0 0 19.63 89.47 0.08 0.02 25.6 26.76 16.34
329 169.96 9.08 0 0 71.37 89.16 0.24 0.02 25.92 27.07 18.73
332 172.13 12.83 0 0 47.68 88.89 0.22 0.02 26.06 27.22 13.42
335 165.17 12.51 0 0 39.73 88.41 0.19 0.02 25.18 26.28 13.2
338 166.45 16.4 0 0 40.88 88.12 0.26 0.02 25.1 26.2 10.15
341 162.9 12.95 0 0 68.22 87.48 0.34 0.02 24.74 25.83 12.58
344 162.91 10.68 0 0 64.8 87.33 0.27 0.02 24.65 25.73 15.26
347 165.69 12.08 0 0 68.04 86.81 0.32 0.02 24.95 26.05 13.72
350 168.91 7.81 0 0 74.73 86.64 0.22 0.02 25.28 26.4 21.64
353 171.7 13.9 0 0 52.54 86.28 0.27 0.02 25.76 26.9 12.35
356 170.42 12.93 0 0 61.54 85.85 0.3 0.02 25.54 26.67 13.18
359 170.24 14.86 0 0 59.23 85.49 0.33 0.02 25.58 26.72 11.46
362 165.4 13.18 0 0 73.24 84.98 0.37 0.02 25.13 26.24 12.55
365 159.83 9.47 0 0 51.65 84.71 0.19 0.02 24.43 25.52 16.88
368 159.42 12.25 0 0 41.58 84.37 0.2 0.02 24.54 25.63 13.02
371 166.75 12.45 0 0 38.19 83.99 0.18 0.02 25.48 26.61 13.39
374 159.36 12.9 0 0 66.32 83.62 0.33 0.02 24.7 25.8 12.35
377 165.64 16.71 0 0 28.83 83.19 0.18 0.02 25.39 26.53 9.91
380 163.67 12.5 0 0 53.36 82.68 0.25 0.02 25.34 26.46 13.1
383 160.16 8.43 0 0 11.54 82.45 0.04 0.02 24.63 25.74 19.01
386 167.06 9.31 0 0 47.22 82.13 0.16 0.02 25.55 26.7 17.93
389 160.42 16.99 0 0 57.96 81.84 0.38 0.02 24.48 25.58 9.44
392 167.07 13.62 0 0 43.38 81.19 0.22 0.02 25.45 26.61 12.27
395 168.08 12.16 0 0 44.01 81.01 0.2 0.02 25.39 26.55 13.82
398 167.89 16.62 0 0 37.56 80.42 0.24 0.02 25.34 26.5 10.1
401 169.41 11.41 0 0 78.69 80.08 0.34 0.02 25.41 26.58 14.85
404 168.52 9.55 0 0 27.12 79.72 0.1 0.02 24.99 26.15 17.65
407 169.85 7.36 0 0 37.85 79.5 0.11 0.02 25.03 26.19 23.08
410 173.02 17.39 0 0 45.4 79.19 0.29 0.02 25.63 26.81 9.95
413 172 10.53 0 0 77.14 78.56 0.31 0.02 25.43 26.62 16.33

Appendix A - 217
416 170.04 14.38 0 0 20.54 78.5 0.11 0.02 24.98 26.14 11.82
419 181.88 16.47 0 0 42.64 77.71 0.25 0.02 26.67 27.92 11.04
422 175.38 9.78 0 0 22.05 77.57 0.08 0.02 25.36 26.56 17.94
425 179.58 13.07 0 0 0 77.06 0 0.02 25.69 26.92 13.74
428 176.57 10.36 0 0 45.6 76.82 0.18 0.02 25.24 26.44 17.05
431 176.66 14.08 0 0 24.82 76.4 0.13 0.02 25.37 26.58 12.54
434 177.15 14.01 0 0 4.46 76 0.02 0.02 25.47 26.69 12.65
437 181.31 11.92 0 0 2.75 75.58 0.01 0.02 25.87 27.12 15.21
440 178.27 9.69 0 0 70.48 75.28 0.26 0.02 25.48 26.7 18.41
443 178.72 14.35 0 0 0 74.95 0 0.02 25.38 26.61 12.46
446 176.03 16.26 0 0 0 74.43 0 0.02 25.07 26.3 10.82
449 178.86 16.26 0 0 0 73.99 0 0.02 25.22 26.45 11
452 186.34 13.52 0 0 0 73.48 0 0.02 26.45 27.73 13.79
455 177.99 9.74 0 0 0 73.18 0 0.02 25.18 26.4 18.27
458 175.33 15.9 0 0 0 72.83 0 0.02 24.7 25.91 11.03
461 183.29 15.39 0 0 0 72.27 0 0.02 25.95 27.21 11.91
464 183.1 11.98 0 0 0 71.93 0 0.02 25.87 27.14 15.28
467 176.32 14.67 0 0 0 71.52 0 0.02 24.85 26.05 12.02
470 176.19 10.6 0 0 0 71.09 0 0.02 25.12 26.33 16.62
473 177.98 9.29 0 0 0 70.86 0 0.02 25.11 26.33 19.16
476 177.21 16.5 0 0 0 70.48 0 0.02 25.24 26.45 10.74
479 177.42 11.33 0 0 0 69.95 0 0.02 25.28 26.49 15.66
482 175.12 10.61 0 0 0 69.77 0 0.02 24.9 26.09 16.51
485 180.61 14.78 0 0 0 69.28 0 0.02 25.49 26.72 12.22
488 174.23 13.67 0 0 0 68.92 0 0.02 24.65 25.85 12.74
491 180.52 11.23 0 0 0 68.47 0 0.02 25.22 26.44 16.07
494 175.35 12.77 0 0 0 68.22 0 0.02 24.34 25.53 13.73
497 181.39 10.68 0 0 0 67.72 0 0.02 25.09 26.33 16.99
500 178.24 10.33 0 0 0 67.56 0 0.02 24.27 25.47 17.25
503 186.94 20.54 0 0 0 67.04 0 0.02 25.17 26.43 9.1
506 194.34 15.58 0 0 0 66.44 0 0.02 25.65 26.94 12.47
509 188.64 10.02 0 0 0 66.11 0 0.02 24.95 26.2 18.83
512 194.37 13.81 0 0 0 65.77 0 0.02 25.42 26.7 14.08
515 187.81 16.19 0 0 0 65.29 0 0.02 23.92 25.17 11.6
518 200.71 15.65 0 0 0 64.82 0 0.02 25.18 26.5 12.82
521 201.57 15.84 0 0 6.48 64.35 0.04 0.02 25.09 26.41 12.72
524 204.1 11.72 0 0 0 63.89 0 0.02 24.88 26.22 17.42
527 209.27 17.37 0 0 0 63.58 0 0.02 24.97 26.33 12.05
530 212.09 18.75 0 0 9.38 62.88 0.07 0.02 24.82 26.19 11.31
533 219.91 9.59 0 0.01 2.95 62.52 0.01 0.02 25.23 26.63 22.94
536 221.17 20.63 0 0 0 62.17 0 0.02 24.9 26.31 10.72
539 218.09 17.14 0 0 0 61.38 0 0.02 24.27 25.66 12.72
542 218.98 11.35 0 0.01 0 61.16 0 0.02 24.24 25.64 19.29
545 228.03 19.45 0 0 0 60.61 0 0.02 24.93 26.39 11.73
548 227.54 13.52 0 0.01 0 60.08 0 0.02 24.45 25.89 16.82
551 230.82 15.68 0 0 40.44 59.74 0.24 0.02 24.86 26.35 14.72
554 245.82 16.73 0 0 7.25 59.15 0.04 0.02 26.17 27.73 14.7
557 239.77 15.54 0 0 49.05 58.75 0.28 0.02 25.42 26.96 15.42

Appendix A - 218
560 237.06 21.47 0 0 31.2 58.17 0.25 0.02 24.81 26.32 11.04
563 234.54 20.19 0 0 7.92 57.52 0.06 0.02 24.21 25.69 11.62
566 240.35 14.05 0 0 14.53 56.99 0.08 0.02 24.48 26 17.1
569 249.67 16.56 0 0 4.6 56.61 0.03 0.02 25 26.58 15.08
572 247.78 20.32 0 0 44.85 55.99 0.35 0.02 24.41 25.95 12.19
575 252.97 19.07 0 0.01 18.86 55.43 0.14 0.02 24.75 26.34 13.26
578 254.66 17.49 0 0.01 15.33 54.85 0.1 0.02 24.66 26.27 14.56
581 261.15 19.71 0 0 33.34 54.35 0.25 0.02 24.87 26.5 13.25
584 263.34 23.03 0 0 27.04 53.66 0.24 0.02 24.84 26.49 11.44
587 262.95 15.78 0 0.01 45.26 53.04 0.28 0.02 24.33 25.95 16.66
590 262.28 14.64 0 0.01 44.43 52.67 0.26 0.02 23.8 25.42 17.91
593 270.5 16.71 0 0.01 53.06 52.14 0.34 0.02 24.42 26.1 16.18
596 273.19 15.35 0 0.01 60.84 51.69 0.36 0.02 24.4 26.08 17.8
599 275.56 23.53 0 0 33.86 51.16 0.3 0.02 24.46 26.15 11.71
602 268.2 21.66 0 0 85.78 50.35 0.73 0.02 23.72 25.37 12.38
605 281.67 15.34 0 0.01 30.73 49.89 0.18 0.02 24.68 26.39 18.36
608 287.62 21.27 0 0 25.63 49.34 0.2 0.02 25.05 26.79 13.52
611 280.19 21.81 0 0 20.29 48.65 0.17 0.02 24.44 26.13 12.85
614 276.64 14.94 0 0 38.67 48.09 0.22 0.02 24.21 25.86 18.52
617 281.46 18.14 0 0 59.02 47.69 0.4 0.02 25.16 26.87 15.51
620 270.45 16.25 0 0 32.91 47.03 0.21 0.02 24.32 25.97 16.65
623 275.47 14.21 0 0.01 72.12 46.71 0.38 0.02 25.16 26.83 19.39
626 267.92 22.2 0 0 37.23 46.11 0.31 0.02 25.04 26.66 12.07
629 266.42 12.84 0 0.01 88.79 45.49 0.42 0.02 25.36 26.97 20.74
632 251.18 10.48 0 0.01 112.04 45.29 0.45 0.02 24.67 26.2 23.96
635 249.02 20.6 0 0 30.42 44.78 0.23 0.02 25.32 26.83 12.09
638 238.44 9.48 0 0.01 61.22 44.2 0.22 0.02 24.94 26.4 25.15
641 234.96 9.13 0 0.01 0 44.14 0 0.02 25.48 26.9 25.73
644 228.2 17.07 0 0 29.62 43.59 0.19 0.02 25.73 27.13 13.36
647 219.23 7.04 0 0.01 0 43.24 0 0.02 25.74 27.1 31.16
650 206.87 7.58 0 0.01 0.32 43.1 0 0.02 25.39 26.65 27.3
653 197.59 14.98 0 0 0 42.74 0 0.02 25.15 26.35 13.19
656 192.2 9.32 0 0 0 42.29 0 0.02 25.35 26.53 20.62
659 187.54 7.33 0 0 0 42.16 0 0.02 25.41 26.54 25.57
662 180.14 9.71 0 0 0 41.82 0 0.02 24.99 26.07 18.56
665 181.91 7.19 0 0 0 41.6 0 0.02 25.86 26.95 25.31
668 174.18 10.83 0 0 0 41.35 0 0.02 25.48 26.52 16.09
671 171.02 6.96 0 0 0 41 0 0.02 25.35 26.36 24.58
674 174.56 3.97 0 0.01 0 40.93 0 0.02 25.89 26.9 43.95
677 167.15 8.12 0 0 0 40.72 0 0.02 25.48 26.46 20.58
680 159.45 6.56 0 0 0 40.48 0 0.02 25.04 25.96 24.32
683 161.11 0.97 0 0 0 40.35 0 0.02 25.55 26.48 166.89
686 155.17 8.21 0 0 0 40.34 0 0.02 25.45 26.35 18.9
689 146.99 10.05 0 0 0 39.89 0 0.02 25.14 26 14.62
692 142.32 1.62 0 0 0 39.81 0 0.02 25.06 25.9 87.96
695 140.96 1.22 0 0 0 39.74 0 0.02 25.75 26.59 115.15
698 134.98 4.7 0 0 0 39.7 0 0.02 24.96 25.75 28.7
701 132.25 7.2 0 0 0 39.47 0 0.02 25.19 25.97 18.37

Appendix A - 219
704 129.13 3.95 0 0 0 39.31 0 0.02 25.69 26.48 32.72
707 121.46 4.01 0 0 0 39.21 0 0.02 25.51 26.26 30.29
710 119.61 5.66 0 0 0 39.06 0 0.02 25.61 26.33 21.13
713 113.54 2.32 0 0 0 38.9 0 0.02 25.45 26.16 48.92
716 107.9 2.29 0 0 0 38.89 0 0.02 25.34 26.02 47.14
719 106.71 6.55 0 0 0 38.73 0 0.02 25.42 26.1 16.28
722 105.16 4.1 0 0 0 38.55 0 0.02 25.6 26.28 25.63
725 99.22 1.31 0 0 0 38.49 0 0.02 24.75 25.39 75.97
728 96.23 2.37 0 0 0 38.44 0 0.02 25.06 25.71 40.55
731 95.55 8.16 0 0 0 38.32 0 0.02 25.77 26.42 11.71
734 87 1.33 0 0 0 38.03 0 0.02 24.96 25.56 65.26
737 85.47 0.4 -0.01 0.01 0 38.2 0 0.02 25.84 26.44 214.8
740 81.44 5.5 0 0 0 37.97 0 0.02 25.84 26.43 14.81
743 77.46 -0.07 0.06 -0.24 0 37.94 0 0.02 26.36 26.95 0
746 72.92 3.59 0 0 0 37.91 0 0.02 25.82 26.36 20.31
749 71.37 3.61 0 0 0 37.75 0 0.02 26.22 26.77 19.79
752 66.24 2.07 0 0.02 0 37.71 0 0.02 25.44 25.96 32
755 65.45 1.88 0 0.01 0 37.62 0 0.02 25.33 25.83 34.88
758 64.61 0.79 0 0.02 0 37.6 0 0.02 25.99 26.49 81.84
761 57.59 0.47 -0.01 0.06 0 37.56 0 0.02 25.42 25.89 121.29
764 56.84 5.87 0 0.01 0 37.54 0 0.02 25.48 25.95 9.68
767 55.67 3.03 0 0.01 0 37.27 0 0.02 25.4 25.86 18.38
770 56.02 -4.15 0 0 0 37.39 0 0.02 25.68 26.15 -13.51
773 55.93 2.23 0 0 0 37.42 0 0.02 25.97 26.43 25.08
776 51.51 2.61 0 0.01 0 37.29 0 0.02 25.35 25.79 19.72
779 49.12 -0.8 0.01 -0.04 0 37.29 0 0.02 25.32 25.75 -61.35
782 50.46 1.4 0 0.02 0 37.3 0 0.02 25.99 26.45 35.93
785 48.22 2.83 0 0.01 0 37.21 0 0.02 25.68 26.12 17.07
788 47.05 0.38 -0.01 0.1 0 37.15 0 0.02 25.9 26.35 124.78
791 46.66 2.67 0 0.01 0 37.16 0 0.02 25.54 25.98 17.47
794 45.49 2.62 0 0.02 0 37.01 0 0.02 25.6 26.04 17.37
797 45.06 0.56 -0.01 0.05 0 37.02 0 0.02 25.48 25.92 79.91
800 44.32 4.96 0 0.01 0 36.93 0 0.02 25.5 25.94 8.93
803 44.29 2.88 0 0.01 0 36.76 0 0.02 25.1 25.54 15.37
806 42.56 -1.75 0 -0.01 0 36.78 0 0.02 25.15 25.58 -24.38
809 40.72 1.27 0 0.03 0 36.81 0 0.02 25.11 25.56 32.18
812 41.39 4.04 0 0.01 0 36.7 0 0.02 25.23 25.68 10.25
815 41.72 2.63 0 0.02 0 36.6 0 0.02 25.67 26.12 15.88
818 40 0.82 0 0.02 0 36.55 0 0.02 25.39 25.83 48.8
821 38.46 0.06 -0.06 0.01 0 36.54 0 0.02 24.97 25.41 617.2
824 38.44 1.54 0 0.01 0 36.53 0 0.02 25.49 25.94 25.01
827 37.38 1.48 0 0.03 0 36.46 0 0.02 25.92 26.37 25.23
830 36.38 -0.72 0 -0.07 0 36.46 0 0.02 25.56 26 -50.52
833 36.66 -1.45 0 -0.05 0 36.49 0 0.02 25.06 25.51 -25.22
836 38.34 1.6 0 0.04 0 36.52 0 0.02 25.56 26.03 23.97
839 37.94 1.77 0 0.03 0 36.42 0 0.02 25.49 25.95 21.45
842 36.64 3.2 0 0.02 0 36.41 0 0.02 25.26 25.72 11.45
845 38.71 2.57 0 0.02 0 36.24 0 0.03 26.12 26.6 15.04

Appendix A - 220
848 38.19 -1.66 0 -0.03 0 36.27 0 0.02 25.72 26.19 -23.02
851 37.13 1.16 0 0.04 0 36.29 0 0.02 25.77 26.23 31.88
854 37.32 0.24 -0.02 0.21 0 36.23 0 0.02 25.41 25.87 154.83
857 37.12 -0.16 0.02 -0.38 0 36.27 0 0.02 25.61 26.07 -231.33
860 36.69 3.77 0 0.02 0 36.21 0 0.03 25.97 26.44 9.73
863 36.67 4.6 0 0.01 0 36.07 0 0.03 26.06 26.54 7.97
866 37.38 0.5 0 0.14 0 35.97 0 0.02 25.5 25.96 74.14
869 35.99 -0.41 0.01 -0.17 0 36.02 0 0.02 25.71 26.19 -88
872 35.99 2.79 0 0.02 0 35.96 0 0.02 25.31 25.78 12.9
875 35.98 -1.37 0 -0.05 0 35.9 0 0.02 25.44 25.92 -26.29
878 35.29 -1.26 0 -0.03 0 36.02 0 0.02 24.81 25.28 -27.97
881 35.99 0.01 -0.41 5.26 0 35.95 0 0.02 25.29 25.78 3599.19
884 34.13 0.01 -0.43 4.37 0 35.9 0 0.02 24.99 25.46 3412.67

Appendix A - 221
Office Chair Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 5.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 335.31
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 225.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 179.73
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 182.68
Total Mass Loss (g): 101.95
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.116
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 17.63
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 206.06
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0104

Initial mass (g): 139.3
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 83
Time to ignition (s): 5
Time to flameout (s): 880

Appendix A - 222
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -0.52 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 0 139.39 0 0.03 25.76 26.14 -51.79

3 -0.44 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 0 139.47 0 0.03 25.09 25.45 -44.34
6 8.75 10.02 0 0 298.15 139.19 1.18 0.03 24.85 25.26 0.87
9 33.87 9.99 0 0.04 718.33 138.91 2.85 0.02 24.53 25.18 3.39
12 92.28 16.74 0 0.03 386.27 138.55 2.63 0.02 23.75 24.62 5.51
15 159.53 15.22 0 0.04 490.66 137.97 3 0.02 23.87 24.94 10.48
18 201.51 8.81 0 0.07 955.85 137.67 3.33 0.02 24.06 25.25 22.88
21 221.97 12.72 0 0.04 717.93 137.37 3.52 0.02 24.65 25.96 17.44
24 226.73 12.63 0 0.04 713.18 136.93 3.41 0.02 25.06 26.41 17.96
27 220.64 13.09 0 0.04 681.62 136.62 3.44 0.02 24.62 25.98 16.85
30 216.87 9.56 0 0.05 854.69 136.18 3.16 0.02 24.49 25.88 22.69
33 223.59 2.53 0 0.17 3785.59 136.06 3.57 0.02 25.38 26.84 88.37
36 219.87 12.68 0 0.04 678.2 135.9 3.23 0.02 25.17 26.62 17.35
39 213.72 15.47 0 0.03 520.53 135.34 3.12 0.02 24.43 25.84 13.82
42 214.65 11.36 0 0.04 734.93 135.03 3.21 0.02 24.57 26 18.9
45 217.29 15.3 0 0.03 573.22 134.61 3.37 0.02 24.6 26.03 14.2
48 216.75 13.11 0 0.03 741.18 134.15 3.77 0.02 24.37 25.8 16.53
51 225.68 10.37 0 0.05 986.73 133.83 3.86 0.02 25.05 26.52 21.77
54 226.26 10.4 0 0.05 867.33 133.51 3.45 0.02 24.69 26.15 21.75
57 226.48 11.09 0 0.04 747.85 133.2 3.23 0.02 24.26 25.69 20.43
60 233.71 13.67 0 0.04 621.45 132.83 3.25 0.02 24.66 26.12 17.09
63 236.5 12.13 0 0.04 868.36 132.41 3.98 0.02 24.99 26.46 19.49
66 229.19 11.36 0 0.04 900.13 132.1 3.93 0.02 24.59 26.02 20.17
69 224.19 13.95 0 0.03 661.04 131.71 3.55 0.02 24.55 25.96 16.08
72 220.08 10.04 0 0.05 825.73 131.3 3.22 0.02 24.37 25.77 21.91
75 227.03 12.88 0 0.04 645.61 131.06 3.17 0.02 24.86 26.28 17.62
78 239.98 16.34 0 0.03 594.12 130.53 3.57 0.02 25.74 27.22 14.69
81 233.81 11.69 0 0.04 747.47 130.13 3.35 0.02 24.66 26.07 20.01
84 235.46 12.28 0 0.04 720.68 129.79 3.35 0.02 25.03 26.43 19.18
87 227.29 12.42 0 0.04 760.92 129.4 3.65 0.02 24.55 25.92 18.3
90 232 13.39 0 0.04 746.72 129.04 3.73 0.02 25.39 26.79 17.33
93 229.71 11.96 0 0.04 878.75 128.61 3.94 0.02 25.29 26.69 19.21
96 231.29 10.95 0 0.04 923.76 128.32 3.74 0.02 25.62 27.01 21.12
99 231.35 14.6 0 0.03 498.81 127.92 2.71 0.02 25.51 26.88 15.85
102 221.13 9.48 0 0.05 869.68 127.5 3.2 0.02 24.5 25.82 23.31
105 239.75 10.32 0 0.05 901.91 127.31 3.32 0.02 26.67 28.07 23.22
108 221.68 15.43 0 0.03 560.68 126.85 3.29 0.02 25.01 26.32 14.37
111 229.81 9.32 0 0.05 899.67 126.46 3.06 0.02 26.02 27.38 24.65
114 226.84 13.81 0 0.03 676.9 126.23 3.46 0.02 25.63 26.97 16.43
117 225.64 14.34 0 0.03 555.56 125.66 2.98 0.02 25.43 26.76 15.74
120 220.34 7.97 0 0.05 979.84 125.41 2.98 0.02 24.96 26.26 27.63
123 221.55 10.37 0 0.04 807.67 125.12 3.17 0.02 25.09 26.39 21.37
126 225.69 16.53 0 0.03 531.52 124.76 3.33 0.02 25.05 26.37 13.66
129 236.95 17.45 0 0.03 578.28 124.17 3.8 0.02 25.22 26.56 13.58
132 246.25 11.02 0 0.04 850.33 123.77 3.53 0.02 25.19 26.55 22.34
135 253.93 7.27 0 0.07 1379.6 123.49 3.82 0.02 24.91 26.28 34.94

Appendix A - 223
138 258.3 11.43 0 0.04 976.36 123.28 4.29 0.02 24.63 26.03 22.59
141 265.32 11.11 0 0.04 904.86 122.83 3.79 0.02 25.1 26.53 23.88
144 258.53 12.99 0 0.03 665.48 122.6 3.33 0.02 24.56 25.96 19.9
147 261.78 14.49 0 0.03 568.7 122.05 3.11 0.02 25.02 26.47 18.07
150 263.71 13.4 0 0.03 688.8 121.75 3.49 0.02 24.95 26.41 19.68
153 272.89 15.87 0 0.03 571.32 121.23 3.33 0.02 25.75 27.26 17.19
156 257.72 8.23 0 0.05 1134.65 120.86 3.66 0.02 24.09 25.52 31.33
159 271.29 11.14 0 0.04 712.05 120.66 3.01 0.02 24.82 26.31 24.35
162 273.33 13.93 0 0.03 528.16 120.19 2.86 0.02 24.21 25.69 19.62
165 290.12 8.03 0 0.06 1030.51 119.88 3.12 0.02 24.95 26.52 36.15
168 290.95 14.4 0 0.03 500.84 119.63 2.79 0.02 24.24 25.8 20.21
171 303.41 16.03 0 0.02 513.18 119.05 3.11 0.02 24.85 26.48 18.93
174 307.38 15.69 0 0.02 495.53 118.68 2.95 0.02 24.67 26.32 19.6
177 311.83 15.58 0 0.02 376.84 118.11 2.22 0.02 24.76 26.44 20.01
180 308.24 11.96 0 0.03 628.5 117.77 2.89 0.02 24.33 25.98 25.78
183 309.57 12.53 0 0.03 490.57 117.36 2.37 0.02 24.31 25.98 24.71
186 328.79 11.51 0 0.03 503.45 117.02 2.12 0.02 25.59 27.35 28.56
189 313.2 20.76 0 0.01 282.21 116.61 2.24 0.02 24.4 26.1 15.09
192 320.45 17.33 0 0.01 345.37 115.86 2.22 0.02 25.19 26.98 18.49
195 317.2 11.77 0 0.02 440.37 115.59 1.93 0.02 25.02 26.79 26.95
198 310.91 12.55 0 0.02 331.07 115.11 1.57 0.02 24.72 26.48 24.77
201 304.21 14.99 0 0.01 313.51 114.82 1.82 0.02 24.12 25.87 20.29
204 316.85 17.23 0 0.01 250.85 114.22 1.61 0.02 25.05 26.85 18.39
207 314.79 9.55 0 0.02 437.5 113.85 1.56 0.02 24.94 26.76 32.97
210 317.23 14.4 0 0.01 300.66 113.56 1.62 0.02 24.86 26.69 22.03
213 332.12 16.47 0 0.01 226.34 113 1.37 0.02 25.43 27.31 20.16
216 317.2 10.72 0 0.01 313.96 112.63 1.29 0.02 24.21 26.02 29.6
219 327.9 15.69 0 0.01 207.76 112.29 1.21 0.02 25.12 26.98 20.9
222 316.08 19.2 0 0.01 122.75 111.69 0.9 0.02 24.34 26.14 16.46
225 335.31 16.5 0 0.01 196.65 111.18 1.17 0.02 25.88 27.79 20.32
228 315.96 14.76 0 0.01 193.53 110.7 1.09 0.02 24.39 26.2 21.4
231 326.62 15.19 0 0.01 207.26 110.28 1.16 0.02 25.25 27.14 21.5
234 311.65 17.02 0 0.01 130.19 109.78 0.85 0.02 24.12 25.94 18.32
237 315.27 11.73 0 0.01 208.73 109.3 0.93 0.02 24.37 26.2 26.88
240 332.39 19.73 0 0 103.39 108.99 0.74 0.02 25.77 27.7 16.85
243 317.56 19.31 0 0 88.97 108.17 0.64 0.02 24.84 26.72 16.45
246 321.65 9.6 0 0.01 225.18 107.89 0.79 0.02 25.35 27.23 33.52
249 321.89 14.96 0 0.01 140.74 107.5 0.76 0.02 25.9 27.8 21.52
252 299.87 15.01 0 0.01 104.79 107.03 0.59 0.02 24.89 26.67 19.98
255 286.89 11.6 0 0.01 118.61 106.62 0.52 0.02 24.51 26.23 24.74
258 287.62 13.03 0 0.01 90.33 106.3 0.44 0.02 25.18 26.91 22.08
261 278.51 13.92 0 0.01 111.98 105.84 0.58 0.02 24.97 26.65 20.01
264 281.12 15.44 0 0.01 22.43 105.46 0.13 0.02 25.52 27.19 18.21
267 271.34 18.94 0 0 47.59 104.91 0.34 0.02 24.85 26.46 14.33
270 274.37 14.05 0 0 103.55 104.38 0.54 0.02 25.18 26.78 19.53
273 273.14 13.07 0 0 6.68 104.04 0.03 0.02 25.13 26.74 20.91
276 273.41 17.75 0 0 52.56 103.56 0.35 0.02 25.12 26.7 15.4
279 273.49 14.73 0 0 15.99 103.02 0.09 0.02 25.18 26.76 18.56
282 264.61 15.5 0 0 6.97 102.65 0.04 0.02 25.03 26.56 17.07
285 258.13 19.76 0 0 11.95 102.07 0.09 0.02 24.93 26.45 13.06
288 257.35 11.68 0 0 0 101.55 0 0.02 25.19 26.7 22.04
291 250.38 10.75 0 0 33.88 101.33 0.14 0.02 24.85 26.29 23.29

Appendix A - 224
294 245.16 8.91 0 0.01 0 100.89 0 0.02 25.39 26.83 27.51
297 234.68 17.16 0 0 0 100.72 0 0.02 24.53 25.9 13.68
300 240.4 21.45 0 0 0 99.9 0 0.02 25.16 26.57 11.21
303 238.87 8.05 0 0 0 99.55 0 0.02 25.15 26.52 29.66
306 233.62 13 0 0 0 99.29 0 0.02 24.91 26.25 17.97
309 231.77 18.31 0 0 0 98.77 0 0.02 24.64 26 12.66
312 233.06 13.96 0 0 6.06 98.26 0.03 0.02 24.95 26.31 16.7
315 231.67 13.47 0 0 0 97.91 0 0.02 25.2 26.56 17.2
318 230.69 12.85 0 0 0 97.45 0 0.02 25.47 26.82 17.96
321 217.34 11.52 0 0 0 97.14 0 0.02 24.67 25.94 18.87
324 221.46 17.49 0 0 0 96.72 0 0.02 25.74 27.04 12.67
327 216.81 15.2 0 0 0 96.14 0 0.02 25.52 26.81 14.26
330 210.45 10.43 0 0 0 95.82 0 0.02 25.09 26.34 20.17
333 215.17 14.5 0 0 0 95.46 0 0.02 26.14 27.4 14.84
336 202.73 17.34 0 0 0 94.96 0 0.02 25.48 26.69 11.69
339 201.43 7.49 0 0 0 94.5 0 0.02 25.25 26.47 26.89
342 202.29 15.42 0 0 0 94.39 0 0.02 25.59 26.8 13.12
345 199.42 18.45 0 0 0 93.61 0 0.02 25.79 26.97 10.81
348 189.2 8.48 0 0 0 93.38 0 0.02 25.26 26.4 22.31
351 186.42 6.92 0 0 0 93.04 0 0.02 25.31 26.45 26.93
354 183.41 8.51 0 0 0 92.93 0 0.02 25.27 26.39 21.54
357 185.9 17.58 0 0 0 92.48 0 0.02 25.9 27.03 10.58
360 180.91 14.55 0 0 0 91.96 0 0.02 25.47 26.58 12.43
363 180 9.22 0 0 0 91.63 0 0.02 25.85 26.95 19.52
366 175.81 11.69 0 0 0 91.35 0 0.02 25.37 26.44 15.04
369 178.61 15.19 0 0 0 90.92 0 0.02 25.53 26.61 11.76
372 172.69 13.99 0 0 0 90.47 0 0.02 24.99 26.06 12.34
375 177.71 13.72 0 0 0 90.08 0 0.02 25.8 26.87 12.95
378 175.43 12.95 0 0 0 89.66 0 0.02 25.54 26.6 13.54
381 172.72 7.14 0 0 0 89.33 0 0.02 25.29 26.34 24.18
384 171.34 13.95 0 0 0 89.14 0 0.02 25.18 26.24 12.28
387 170.56 15.06 0 0 0 88.53 0 0.02 25.04 26.07 11.32
390 170.75 9.24 0 0 0 88.29 0 0.02 25.4 26.46 18.48
393 170.03 11.45 0 0 0 87.92 0 0.02 25.29 26.33 14.84
396 168.1 16.45 0 0 0 87.58 0 0.02 24.74 25.76 10.22
399 168.52 15.37 0 0 0 86.98 0 0.02 24.99 26.04 10.97
402 173.72 8.86 0 0 0 86.7 0 0.02 25.87 26.96 19.61
405 171.81 11.5 0 0 0 86.38 0 0.02 25.39 26.46 14.94
408 170.14 13.64 0 0 0 86.01 0 0.02 25.55 26.62 12.48
411 165.16 12.74 0 0 0 85.59 0 0.02 24.78 25.81 12.96
414 169.72 12.12 0 0 0 85.24 0 0.02 25.35 26.43 14.01
417 170.11 11.57 0 0 0 84.86 0 0.02 25.22 26.28 14.7
420 168.36 14.02 0 0 0 84.53 0 0.02 25.12 26.19 12.01
423 175.78 16.07 0 0 0 84.02 0 0.02 25.83 26.94 10.94
426 174.73 9.93 0 0 0 83.62 0 0.02 25.44 26.54 17.6
429 167.09 8.19 0 0 0 83.39 0 0.02 24.5 25.57 20.41
432 172.99 13.96 0 0 0 83.07 0 0.02 25.08 26.17 12.39
435 175.64 19.27 0 0 0 82.56 0 0.02 25.31 26.41 9.11
438 175.29 12.66 0 0 0 82 0 0.02 25.05 26.17 13.85
441 177.19 7.4 0 0 0 81.79 0 0.02 25.18 26.3 23.95
444 179.26 14.33 0 0 0 81.47 0 0.02 25.07 26.21 12.51
447 185.9 17.4 0 0 0 80.96 0 0.02 25.65 26.85 10.68

Appendix A - 225
450 184.77 13.01 0 0 0 80.48 0 0.02 24.78 25.97 14.2
453 187.49 11.75 0 0 0 80.16 0 0.02 24.9 26.1 15.95
456 184.93 17.34 0 0 0 79.73 0 0.02 24.56 25.76 10.66
459 192.67 13.02 0 0 23.48 79.18 0.11 0.02 25.39 26.62 14.8
462 195.59 12.1 0 0 0 78.93 0 0.02 25.41 26.67 16.17
465 199.19 16.86 0 0 0 78.42 0 0.02 25.43 26.69 11.82
468 204.5 12.94 0 0 0 77.97 0 0.02 25.92 27.23 15.8
471 199.39 13.34 0 0 14.1 77.62 0.07 0.02 25.07 26.36 14.95
474 206.47 11.77 0 0 41.61 77.18 0.18 0.02 25.55 26.86 17.54
477 204.44 12.58 0 0 43.04 76.89 0.2 0.02 25.19 26.49 16.25
480 206.93 21.23 0 0 2.15 76.38 0.02 0.02 25.36 26.68 9.74
483 208.2 14.01 0 0 26.24 75.72 0.14 0.02 24.89 26.21 14.86
486 216.23 9.91 0 0 61.12 75.51 0.23 0.02 25.51 26.86 21.81
489 222.3 20.36 0 0 20.37 75.03 0.15 0.02 25.56 26.95 10.92
492 224.82 16.43 0 0 49.66 74.39 0.3 0.02 25.52 26.89 13.69
495 220.53 13.54 0 0 92.36 74.04 0.48 0.02 24.58 25.97 16.28
498 238.26 18.61 0 0 44.59 73.52 0.3 0.02 25.75 27.22 12.8
501 240.56 13.96 0 0 49.06 72.98 0.26 0.02 25.34 26.81 17.23
504 250.66 16.97 0 0 99.29 72.64 0.62 0.02 25.57 27.07 14.77
507 247.2 16.76 0 0 53.08 71.98 0.34 0.02 24.73 26.23 14.75
510 254.63 18.98 0 0 48.9 71.62 0.35 0.02 24.94 26.48 13.41
513 249.89 19.88 0 0 19.91 70.86 0.15 0.02 24.3 25.78 12.57
516 260.11 8.26 0 0 115.6 70.5 0.36 0.02 24.93 26.5 31.48
519 259.21 17.26 0 0 69.5 70.23 0.45 0.02 24.9 26.47 15.02
522 266.43 19.43 0 0 62.79 69.51 0.45 0.02 25.52 27.13 13.71
525 257.03 10.74 0 0 96.43 69.13 0.39 0.02 24.79 26.36 23.94
528 255.03 16.27 0 0 68.9 68.77 0.43 0.02 24.48 26.04 15.68
531 258.96 21.08 0 0 35.98 68.16 0.29 0.02 24.43 26.03 12.29
534 270.08 18.44 0 0 43.75 67.56 0.3 0.02 25.17 26.8 14.65
537 267.16 17.35 0 0 63.83 67.05 0.42 0.02 24.83 26.45 15.39
540 269.59 12.4 0 0 117.43 66.54 0.54 0.02 25.09 26.72 21.75
543 272.07 17.91 0 0 65.59 66.23 0.43 0.02 25.45 27.08 15.19
546 271.1 19.6 0 0 80.21 65.49 0.58 0.02 25.3 26.91 13.83
549 270.9 17.19 0 0 82.21 65.09 0.53 0.02 25.26 26.87 15.76
552 269.02 21.64 0 0 44.76 64.42 0.37 0.02 24.84 26.46 12.43
555 272.13 11.42 0 0 64.39 63.89 0.28 0.02 24.86 26.5 23.82
558 279.53 9.25 0 0 147.85 63.67 0.5 0.02 25.61 27.28 30.22
561 277.01 22.39 0 0 43.71 63.22 0.36 0.02 25.37 27.03 12.37
564 271.39 22.26 0 0 65 62.42 0.55 0.02 24.82 26.43 12.19
567 266.05 16.55 0 0 97.76 61.93 0.63 0.02 24.29 25.88 16.07
570 275.15 18.34 0 0 62.26 61.38 0.43 0.02 24.85 26.51 15.01
573 279.67 15.52 0 0 120.67 60.85 0.7 0.02 25.12 26.78 18.02
576 274.98 18.84 0 0 111.73 60.41 0.8 0.02 24.7 26.32 14.6
579 272.11 19.08 0 0 82.88 59.74 0.61 0.02 24.37 25.97 14.26
582 288.45 17.36 0 0 133.39 59.28 0.84 0.02 25.7 27.41 16.61
585 283.32 22.34 0 0 92.09 58.66 0.77 0.02 24.93 26.6 12.68
588 283.22 13.59 0 0.01 154.84 58.02 0.8 0.02 24.78 26.43 20.84
591 289.78 20.69 0 0 105.14 57.74 0.82 0.02 24.98 26.66 14
594 294.89 25.32 0 0 76.43 56.8 0.72 0.02 25.29 27.01 11.65
597 289.69 10.42 0 0.01 186.43 56.35 0.73 0.02 24.83 26.51 27.81
600 295.68 23.47 0 0 90.89 55.99 0.8 0.02 25 26.69 12.6
603 298.47 21.47 0 0 86.92 55.04 0.7 0.02 25.13 26.85 13.9

Appendix A - 226
606 294.42 12.08 0 0.01 230.36 54.76 1.05 0.02 24.81 26.48 24.37
609 302.49 22.28 0 0 96.44 54.18 0.79 0.02 25.31 27.03 13.58
612 295.53 20.03 0 0 95.68 53.5 0.72 0.02 24.76 26.45 14.75
615 303.63 18.68 0 0 104.74 52.98 0.72 0.02 25.56 27.27 16.25
618 291.34 20.89 0 0 79.75 52.35 0.63 0.02 24.69 26.35 13.94
621 297.56 18.44 0 0 79.01 51.76 0.54 0.02 25.25 26.95 16.13
624 285.36 19.77 0 0 86.56 51.23 0.66 0.02 24.35 25.96 14.43
627 277.05 14 0 0 104.04 50.61 0.56 0.02 24.29 25.88 19.79
630 282.28 19.16 0 0 79.42 50.31 0.57 0.02 24.99 26.6 14.73
633 280.98 22.18 0 0 94.67 49.48 0.79 0.02 25.04 26.63 12.67
636 281.77 7.37 0 0.01 278.73 49.1 0.75 0.02 25.61 27.22 38.24
639 269.88 17.73 0 0 70.79 48.87 0.48 0.02 24.8 26.32 15.23
642 271.24 19.93 0 0 94.63 48.09 0.69 0.02 25.78 27.3 13.61
645 257.67 8.64 0 0 173.28 47.77 0.57 0.02 25.05 26.5 29.82
648 261.09 15.34 0 0 75.37 47.45 0.42 0.02 25.81 27.28 17.02
651 250.4 16.16 0 0 103.08 46.88 0.62 0.02 25.32 26.75 15.5
654 242.94 14.39 0 0 94.88 46.5 0.51 0.02 25.17 26.55 16.88
657 239.46 12.12 0 0 96.63 46.03 0.44 0.02 25.51 26.86 19.75
660 228.13 7.73 0 0 146.22 45.79 0.42 0.02 25.59 26.89 29.51
663 220 12.31 0 0 112.84 45.5 0.52 0.02 25.42 26.66 17.87
666 217.42 14.52 0 0 52.33 45.06 0.28 0.02 25.92 27.17 14.97
669 206.86 10.82 0 0 30.8 44.67 0.13 0.02 25.17 26.34 19.12
672 205 7.24 0 0 79.75 44.41 0.21 0.02 25.77 26.93 28.31
675 193.98 13.43 0 0 43.81 44.17 0.22 0.02 25.2 26.29 14.44
678 201.41 11.79 0 0 37.08 43.66 0.16 0.02 26.61 27.72 17.08
681 194.98 4.98 0 0 193.96 43.5 0.35 0.02 26.34 27.42 39.15
684 192.88 9.74 0 0 23.23 43.28 0.08 0.02 26.02 27.08 19.81
687 186.25 9.06 0 0 78.49 42.95 0.27 0.02 25.55 26.55 20.56
690 175.75 5.41 0 0 66.75 42.76 0.14 0.02 25 25.95 32.5
693 173.71 7.45 0 0 28.25 42.59 0.08 0.02 25.35 26.29 23.33
696 172.8 5.17 0 0 80.58 42.34 0.16 0.02 25.89 26.83 33.43
699 164.48 5.77 0 0 32.51 42.26 0.07 0.02 25.47 26.37 28.53
702 160.09 7.24 0 0 0 41.99 0 0.02 25.55 26.43 22.12
705 154.51 6.22 0 0 74.99 41.84 0.18 0.02 25.35 26.2 24.83
708 151.27 7.4 0 0 3.7 41.6 0.01 0.02 25.78 26.61 20.43
711 148.25 5.48 0 0 0 41.42 0 0.02 25.84 26.65 27.05
714 141.81 4.19 0 0 0 41.27 0 0.02 25.3 26.08 33.86
717 137.49 3.96 0 0 0 41.16 0 0.02 24.92 25.69 34.7
720 136.32 4.86 0 0 0 41.02 0 0.02 24.94 25.69 28.07
723 139.68 6.76 0 0 0 40.86 0 0.02 25.46 26.23 20.66
726 141.52 2.51 0 0 0 40.65 0 0.02 25.71 26.49 56.39
729 137.7 7.16 0 0 0 40.66 0 0.02 25.4 26.18 19.23
732 135.28 5.35 0 0 0 40.27 0 0.02 25.33 26.09 25.3
735 135.45 -3.16 0 0 0 40.37 0 0.02 26.18 26.95 -42.83
738 124.85 8.35 0 0 0 40.33 0 0.02 25.67 26.39 14.95
741 120.8 5.05 0 0 0 39.97 0 0.02 25.55 26.24 23.91
744 114.87 -0.53 0.01 0 0 40.04 0 0.02 25.31 25.99 -216.35
747 112.8 8.06 0 0 0 39.91 0 0.02 26.14 26.84 14
750 107.32 4.59 0 0 0 39.64 0 0.02 25.95 26.61 23.39
753 100.48 0.81 0 0 0 39.64 0 0.02 26.1 26.74 124.57
756 94.32 4.28 0 0 0 39.54 0 0.02 25.38 25.98 22.01
759 88.94 3.28 0 0 0 39.41 0 0.02 25.73 26.3 27.08

Appendix A - 227
762 80.5 1.66 0 0 0 39.35 0 0.02 25.38 25.93 48.37
765 76.86 1.09 0 0 0 39.3 0 0.02 25.59 26.1 70.36
768 68.92 5.98 0 0 0 39.25 0 0.02 25.39 25.88 11.52
771 69.76 2.28 0 0 0 39 0 0.02 26.23 26.72 30.6
774 66.77 -3.98 0 0 0 39.12 0 0.02 26.36 26.82 -16.79
777 62.9 6.52 0 0 0 39.13 0 0.02 25.82 26.26 9.64
780 61.63 3.34 0 0 0 38.82 0 0.02 25.96 26.39 18.43
783 57.24 0.27 -0.01 0.02 0 38.93 0 0.02 25.47 25.88 210.93
786 58.48 5.99 0 0 0 38.75 0 0.02 25.67 26.08 9.76
789 55.78 0.26 -0.01 0.05 0 38.64 0 0.02 25.54 25.95 213.59
792 54.22 0.34 -0.01 0 0 38.7 0 0.02 25.45 25.86 159.83
795 52.16 2.7 0 0 0 38.61 0 0.02 25.26 25.66 19.34
798 49.57 -0.41 0.01 -0.04 0 38.57 0 0.02 25.61 26 -120.5
801 51.43 2.09 0 0.02 0 38.59 0 0.02 25.93 26.32 24.61
804 51.26 2.3 0 0.01 0 38.46 0 0.02 26.13 26.53 22.25
807 49.01 0.09 -0.04 0.02 0 38.47 0 0.02 25.25 25.64 525.47
810 49.69 1.34 0 0 0 38.43 0 0.02 25.65 26.04 37.11
813 49.43 -0.68 0 -0.04 0 38.41 0 0.02 26.34 26.76 -72.48
816 50.48 2.61 0 0.01 0 38.44 0 0.02 26.28 26.7 19.31
819 47.05 2.07 0 0.01 0 38.28 0 0.02 25.6 26.01 22.72
822 46.75 -0.29 0.01 -0.03 0 38.33 0 0.02 26.14 26.55 -160.03
825 45.28 2.68 0 0 0 38.26 0 0.02 26.2 26.6 16.87
828 41.09 -0.03 0.12 0 0 38.2 0 0.02 25.39 25.78 0
831 40.78 1.21 0 0 0 38.24 0 0.02 25.86 26.25 33.58
834 40.14 2.05 0 0 0 38.13 0 0.03 26.22 26.62 19.55
837 38.08 2.29 0 0 0 38.12 0 0.02 25.61 26 16.64
840 38.18 4.49 0 0 0 37.98 0 0.02 25.29 25.68 8.51
843 39.16 -2.42 0 0 0 37.91 0 0.02 25.4 25.8 -16.19
846 36.99 0.15 -0.02 0 0 38.06 0 0.02 25.46 25.86 251.1
849 38.34 4.01 0 0 0 37.89 0 0.02 25.59 26 9.55
852 38.5 -1.66 0 -0.01 0 37.89 0 0.02 25.76 26.18 -23.21
855 38.5 0.87 0 0 0 37.94 0 0.02 25.57 25.98 44.2
858 38.39 2.64 0 0 0 37.84 0 0.02 25.46 25.87 14.56
861 38.14 0.43 -0.01 0 0 37.81 0 0.02 26 26.41 88.1
864 35.89 -2 0 0 0 37.81 0 0.02 25.49 25.9 -17.95
867 35.27 3.07 0 0 0 37.88 0 0.02 25.26 25.67 11.49
870 36.76 2.41 0 0 0 37.67 0 0.03 26.2 26.63 15.27
873 34.73 -1.52 0 -0.01 0 37.76 0 0.02 25.77 26.2 -22.79
876 35.75 5.48 0 0.01 0 37.69 0 0.02 25.63 26.06 6.52
879 33.65 -2.31 0 -0.01 0 37.52 0 0.02 24.96 25.39 -14.6
882 34.9 -2.55 0 -0.01 0 37.78 0 0.02 25.61 26.05 -13.66
885 35.35 5.33 0 0.01 0 37.62 0 0.02 25.66 26.1 6.63
888 32.2 0.15 -0.02 0.16 0 37.54 0 0.02 25.54 25.98 220.98
891 33.94 -0.59 0.01 -0.04 0 37.58 0 0.02 25.65 26.09 -57.16
894 32.07 2.49 0 0 0 37.55 0 0.02 25.08 25.51 12.9
897 33 0.07 -0.04 0.29 0 37.47 0 0.02 25.37 25.8 455.78
900 33.17 1.62 0 0.01 0 37.52 0 0.02 25.78 26.21 20.5
903 33.82 4.25 0 0 0 37.37 0 0.03 25.94 26.37 7.96
906 30.03 -5.33 0 0 0 37.35 0 0.02 25.14 25.56 -5.63
909 32.93 1.08 0 0.01 0 37.58 0 0.02 25.73 26.16 30.38
912 31.44 4.58 0 0 0 37.29 0 0.02 25.41 25.84 6.87
915 29.97 1.94 0 0.02 0 37.35 0 0.02 25.62 26.06 15.46

Appendix A - 228
918 33.32 1.37 0 0.02 0 37.17 0 0.02 25.57 26.01 24.3
921 30.74 -0.19 0.02 -0.07 0 37.28 0 0.02 25.05 25.48 -163.29
924 30.58 3.33 0 0 0 37.15 0 0.02 25.33 25.75 9.17
927 28.8 -3.98 0 0 0 37.14 0 0.02 25.29 25.73 -7.24
930 29.25 -0.33 0.01 -0.06 0 37.32 0 0.02 25.33 25.77 -88.55
933 26.86 0.01 -0.37 1.6 0 37.17 0 0.02 25.2 25.64 2686.3
936 28.85 0.01 -0.4 1.07 0 37.26 0 0.02 25.64 26.08 2885.47

Appendix A - 229
Office Chair Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 4.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 354.70
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 172.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 171.06
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 178.68
Total Mass Loss (g): 98.11
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.117
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 17.44
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 257.28
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0096

Initial mass (g): 135.1
Thickness (mm): 92
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 4
Time to flameout (s): 842

Appendix A - 230
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -1.49 0.01 -0.43 -0.03 0 135.14 0 0.03 24.82 25.17 -148.78

4 2.09 0.01 -0.44 -0.03 8001.97 135.2 0.03 0.03 25.52 25.87 208.59
7 13.55 9.04 0 0.01 385.79 135.12 1.4 0.02 24.45 24.85 1.5
10 61.99 12.06 0 0.03 571.98 134.71 2.77 0.02 24.31 24.95 5.14
13 110.21 10.25 0 0.04 806.69 134.43 3.31 0.02 24.17 24.96 10.75
16 151.27 12.04 0 0.04 634.75 134.07 2.96 0.02 24.87 25.84 12.57
19 182.09 10.8 0 0.05 732.58 133.73 3.02 0.02 25.13 26.21 16.86
22 188 11.39 0 0.04 647.53 133.41 2.86 0.02 24.66 25.79 16.51
25 193.44 12.86 0 0.04 548.03 133.04 2.71 0.02 24.76 25.99 15.04
28 196.57 9.64 0 0.05 827.77 132.67 3.07 0.02 24.72 25.98 20.4
31 199.32 12.26 0 0.04 721.43 132.43 3.37 0.02 24.98 26.29 16.25
34 197.02 11.01 0 0.04 724.58 131.96 3.11 0.02 24.34 25.65 17.89
37 203.26 8.71 0 0.05 820.69 131.77 2.71 0.02 25.03 26.38 23.34
40 201.58 10.94 0 0.04 711.22 131.41 3.03 0.02 24.35 25.69 18.42
43 205.29 12.08 0 0.04 729.79 131.12 3.41 0.02 24.47 25.83 16.99
46 216.65 11.39 0 0.04 745.56 130.69 3.28 0.02 24.51 25.91 19.03
49 229.55 14.57 0 0.04 609.84 130.42 3.35 0.02 25.02 26.5 15.76
52 241.65 11.86 0 0.05 755.03 129.86 3.34 0.02 25.34 26.82 20.38
55 245.49 7.42 0 0.08 1452.56 129.71 4.01 0.02 25.33 26.86 33.11
58 239.36 17.04 0 0.03 585.41 129.32 3.83 0.02 24.53 26.01 14.05
61 239.25 13.57 0 0.04 697.25 128.78 3.64 0.02 24.53 26.01 17.64
64 234.69 11.53 0 0.05 810.93 128.5 3.63 0.02 24.3 25.76 20.35
67 234.71 16.47 0 0.03 624.47 128.04 3.91 0.02 24.88 26.34 14.25
70 230.98 7.68 0 0.06 1226.31 127.6 3.56 0.02 25.04 26.48 30.06
73 222.98 12.38 0 0.04 642.76 127.49 3.04 0.02 24.76 26.17 18.01
76 217.19 14.54 0 0.03 696.58 126.87 3.91 0.02 24.53 25.92 14.93
79 220.99 10.83 0 0.04 787.3 126.66 3.22 0.02 25.12 26.51 20.41
82 218.19 13.92 0 0.03 707.36 126.18 3.77 0.02 24.8 26.15 15.67
85 222.31 12.53 0 0.04 804.57 125.85 3.79 0.02 25.26 26.6 17.74
88 222.31 11.7 0 0.04 830.06 125.42 3.67 0.02 25.14 26.49 19
91 219.88 16.59 0 0.03 570.5 125.11 3.63 0.02 24.77 26.08 13.26
94 220.96 13.64 0 0.04 806.36 124.49 4.27 0.02 24.47 25.77 16.2
97 229 4.55 0 0.12 2266.47 124.33 3.92 0.02 24.96 26.29 50.34
100 232.28 14.93 0 0.03 691.08 124.08 3.99 0.02 24.55 25.88 15.56
103 240.58 12.4 0 0.04 944.73 123.52 4.45 0.02 24.97 26.34 19.4
106 245.96 11.47 0 0.05 1050.56 123.33 4.61 0.02 24.78 26.16 21.44
109 250.15 13.91 0 0.04 793.12 122.81 4.22 0.02 24.76 26.16 17.99
112 253.78 8.62 0 0.06 1158.26 122.55 3.81 0.02 24.78 26.18 29.45
115 251.56 12.28 0 0.04 846.56 122.23 3.99 0.02 24.65 26.04 20.49
118 250.84 17.26 0 0.03 737.83 121.8 4.95 0.02 24.36 25.75 14.53
121 258.13 12.49 0 0.04 825.66 121.26 3.95 0.02 24.69 26.09 20.67
124 255.02 9.56 0 0.05 964.9 121.04 3.59 0.02 24.32 25.71 26.68
127 265.51 14.86 0 0.03 827.85 120.63 4.61 0.02 25.26 26.72 17.87
130 268.88 13.25 0 0.04 761.97 120.19 3.84 0.02 24.85 26.29 20.3
133 276.1 10.12 0 0.05 939.94 119.85 3.57 0.02 25.13 26.63 27.28
136 268.57 13.1 0 0.04 744.1 119.54 3.88 0.02 23.65 25.09 20.51

Appendix A - 231
139 281.56 19.06 0 0.03 503.29 119.04 3.73 0.02 24.2 25.71 14.77
142 301.08 14.58 0 0.04 661.69 118.47 3.69 0.02 24.55 26.14 20.65
145 316.25 9.67 0 0.05 857.68 118.17 3.13 0.02 24.84 26.51 32.71
148 319.87 16.26 0 0.02 518.53 117.81 3.21 0.02 24.6 26.28 19.67
151 327.21 15.79 0 0.02 616.91 117.24 3.62 0.02 25.12 26.89 20.73
154 320.99 14.45 0 0.02 548.11 116.87 3.01 0.02 24.56 26.31 22.22
157 336.31 15.5 0 0.02 467.17 116.36 2.67 0.02 25.32 27.14 21.7
160 341.68 15.06 0 0.02 480.9 115.95 2.67 0.02 25.28 27.17 22.69
163 341.3 18.26 0 0.02 384.16 115.44 2.61 0.02 24.98 26.89 18.69
166 351.24 9.8 0 0.03 612.29 114.93 2.2 0.02 25.3 27.28 35.83
169 346.99 15.21 0 0.02 396.55 114.75 2.25 0.02 24.85 26.82 22.81
172 354.7 20.33 0 0.01 274.8 114.02 2.05 0.02 25.18 27.2 17.45
175 337.68 13.7 0 0.01 389.26 113.62 2.05 0.02 24.12 26.06 24.65
178 345.28 15.83 0 0.01 315.96 113.14 1.85 0.02 25 27 21.81
181 337.58 15.77 0 0.01 307.56 112.68 1.8 0.02 24.95 26.94 21.41
184 336.14 12.52 0 0.01 443.84 112.21 2.06 0.02 24.94 26.94 26.85
187 336.34 15.44 0 0.01 333.63 111.88 1.9 0.02 25.16 27.14 21.78
190 337.26 16.54 0 0.01 295.15 111.3 1.78 0.02 25.43 27.42 20.39
193 336.7 14.16 0 0.01 378.02 110.91 1.93 0.02 25.69 27.69 23.77
196 326.32 18.2 0 0.01 287.82 110.41 1.94 0.02 25.03 26.95 17.93
199 335.3 17.34 0 0.01 249.04 109.85 1.55 0.02 25.81 27.79 19.33
202 331.38 18.14 0 0.01 212.89 109.36 1.4 0.02 25.61 27.58 18.27
205 315.59 13.39 0 0.01 344.09 108.8 1.76 0.02 24.33 26.18 23.57
208 322.89 14.71 0 0.01 321.32 108.52 1.75 0.02 25.12 27 21.95
211 317.59 16.87 0 0.01 227.4 107.91 1.44 0.02 24.76 26.61 18.83
214 328.47 11.92 0 0.01 364.09 107.55 1.58 0.02 25.61 27.51 27.55
217 316.81 14.86 0 0.01 256.17 107.14 1.43 0.02 24.74 26.56 21.32
220 326.01 18.07 0 0.01 251.1 106.66 1.66 0.02 25.41 27.28 18.04
223 318.19 15.22 0 0.01 238.32 106.1 1.36 0.02 24.89 26.7 20.9
226 321.47 19.57 0 0.01 175.47 105.7 1.28 0.02 25.03 26.88 16.43
229 323.08 19.09 0 0.01 166.81 104.96 1.18 0.02 25.24 27.08 16.93
232 322.42 16.53 0 0 177.58 104.57 1.07 0.02 25.53 27.37 19.51
235 311.4 15.94 0 0.01 223.31 103.95 1.3 0.02 25.54 27.36 19.54
238 302.37 13.65 0 0.01 195.43 103.62 0.99 0.02 25.28 27.07 22.15
241 293.21 15.79 0 0 172.35 103.1 1.01 0.02 25.16 26.89 18.57
244 291.84 16.28 0 0 202.7 102.69 1.2 0.02 25.65 27.39 17.93
247 286.48 12.66 0 0 184.37 102.15 0.86 0.02 25.38 27.08 22.63
250 287.38 15.99 0 0 131.31 101.88 0.77 0.02 25.71 27.41 17.97
253 287.7 16.4 0 0 115.21 101.21 0.68 0.02 25.93 27.63 17.54
256 275.36 12.78 0 0 217.93 100.92 1.03 0.02 25.39 27.01 21.54
259 266.27 17.2 0 0 133.01 100.4 0.86 0.02 25.18 26.76 15.48
262 264.88 14.33 0 0 132.76 99.94 0.7 0.02 25.72 27.3 18.49
265 251.22 16.82 0 0 121.37 99.5 0.77 0.02 25.08 26.59 14.94
268 245.58 17.12 0 0 77.85 98.94 0.5 0.02 25.19 26.66 14.35
271 244.9 14.73 0 0 95.47 98.5 0.52 0.02 25.56 27.04 16.62
274 233.27 14.36 0 0 126.26 98.04 0.68 0.02 25.27 26.68 16.25
277 232.01 14.13 0 0 99.53 97.63 0.52 0.02 25.73 27.13 16.42
280 221.24 11.55 0 0 114.9 97.21 0.5 0.02 25.36 26.69 19.15
283 218.63 16.33 0 0 97.63 96.89 0.6 0.02 25.48 26.78 13.39
286 212.34 18.99 0 0 60.46 96.25 0.43 0.02 25.33 26.59 11.18
289 214.12 9.86 0 0 108.47 95.83 0.39 0.02 25.82 27.1 21.72
292 209.36 17.12 0 0 70.12 95.55 0.45 0.02 25.66 26.9 12.23

Appendix A - 232
295 205.51 13.43 0 0 59.58 94.87 0.3 0.02 25.4 26.64 15.3
298 208.65 11.72 0 0 91.17 94.73 0.4 0.02 25.56 26.78 17.81
301 212.89 15.93 0 0 72.19 94.12 0.42 0.02 25.9 27.14 13.36
304 206.79 11.95 0 0 104 93.83 0.48 0.02 24.78 25.98 17.31
307 216.73 18.48 0 0 88.28 93.34 0.61 0.02 25.35 26.6 11.73
310 223.29 13.47 0 0 108.26 92.79 0.53 0.02 25.99 27.28 16.58
313 222.25 13.79 0 0 92.95 92.51 0.47 0.02 25.79 27.08 16.11
316 222.38 14.55 0 0 94.27 91.96 0.49 0.02 26.42 27.73 15.28
319 205.82 14.35 0 0 92.21 91.64 0.5 0.02 25.2 26.43 14.34
322 205.75 14.74 0 0 66.61 91.09 0.37 0.02 25.5 26.73 13.96
325 201.62 13.87 0 0 70.81 90.76 0.37 0.02 25.47 26.69 14.53
328 197.78 13.73 0 0 99.42 90.26 0.52 0.02 25.2 26.39 14.4
331 192.28 12 0 0 91.98 89.95 0.42 0.02 25.06 26.24 16.02
334 192.97 15.67 0 0 66.97 89.5 0.39 0.02 25.46 26.64 12.31
337 192.92 14.53 0 0 100.14 89.04 0.55 0.02 25.42 26.58 13.28
340 188.23 11.21 0 0 73.49 88.65 0.31 0.02 25.24 26.4 16.79
343 186.13 15.07 0 0 56.87 88.32 0.33 0.02 24.83 25.97 12.35
346 181.57 12.76 0 0 91.88 87.78 0.46 0.02 24.44 25.57 14.23
349 188.83 9.81 0 0 108.92 87.55 0.4 0.02 25.68 26.84 19.25
352 188.74 17.56 0 0 64.71 87.12 0.43 0.02 25.39 26.54 10.75
355 187.91 12.02 0 0 121.87 86.59 0.55 0.02 25.33 26.47 15.63
358 192.63 14.06 0 0 101.71 86.36 0.53 0.02 25.96 27.12 13.71
361 187.94 12.83 0 0 91.18 85.76 0.44 0.02 25.33 26.48 14.65
364 190.47 10.19 0 0 117.48 85.59 0.45 0.02 25.53 26.68 18.68
367 184.39 17.19 0 0 71.73 85.09 0.48 0.02 24.43 25.54 10.73
370 195.28 11.53 0 0 112.15 84.65 0.48 0.02 25.76 26.94 16.93
373 192.12 12.67 0 0 71.05 84.35 0.34 0.02 25.34 26.52 15.17
376 195.65 16.85 0 0 93.53 83.86 0.59 0.02 25.56 26.75 11.61
379 198.47 14.96 0 0 84.62 83.39 0.47 0.02 25.83 27.07 13.27
382 199.49 12.97 0 0 126.1 82.97 0.62 0.02 25.14 26.35 15.38
385 199.5 15.6 0 0 110.02 82.58 0.66 0.02 24.91 26.12 12.79
388 210.26 13.22 0 0 113.74 82.06 0.55 0.02 26.28 27.58 15.91
391 203.61 15.57 0 0 87.49 81.75 0.51 0.02 25.25 26.51 13.08
394 201.63 15.88 0 0 94.14 81.14 0.57 0.02 25.14 26.39 12.7
397 201.41 12.43 0 0 128.64 80.83 0.61 0.02 25.17 26.42 16.2
400 205.69 12.72 0 0 141.77 80.37 0.67 0.02 25.5 26.76 16.17
403 197 14.94 0 0 85.04 80.04 0.5 0.02 24.35 25.58 13.18
406 210.91 21.58 0 0 51.14 79.45 0.41 0.02 25.48 26.79 9.77
409 206.01 14.2 0 0 85.51 78.85 0.47 0.02 24.79 26.07 14.51
412 210.54 10.15 0 0 130.48 78.58 0.49 0.02 25.55 26.85 20.73
415 205.14 14.2 0 0 119.76 78.18 0.65 0.02 24.91 26.18 14.45
418 207.31 15.13 0 0 81.86 77.74 0.46 0.02 25.4 26.71 13.7
421 201.42 14.32 0 0 110.17 77.29 0.61 0.02 24.51 25.78 14.07
424 205.25 10.67 0 0 116.7 76.9 0.48 0.02 24.74 26.02 19.24
427 208.56 15.94 0 0 91.26 76.59 0.55 0.02 25.04 26.35 13.09
430 212.66 14.31 0 0 112.77 75.99 0.6 0.02 25.47 26.8 14.86
433 209.46 10.93 0 0 107.75 75.74 0.45 0.02 24.98 26.29 19.17
436 208.9 22.81 0 0 75.25 75.24 0.65 0.02 25.1 26.41 9.16
439 209.22 14.98 0 0 124.44 74.5 0.71 0.02 24.88 26.2 13.96
442 208.96 9.75 0 0 186.77 74.32 0.7 0.02 24.65 25.97 21.43
445 219.13 18.46 0 0 74.9 73.82 0.52 0.02 25.31 26.68 11.87
448 228.58 15.2 0 0 139.77 73.29 0.78 0.02 25.66 27.07 15.04

Appendix A - 233
451 224.75 14.62 0 0 102.48 72.89 0.57 0.02 24.94 26.33 15.37
454 235.61 18.02 0 0 104.78 72.39 0.7 0.02 25.61 27.06 13.07
457 232.97 16.65 0 0 114.89 71.85 0.73 0.02 24.95 26.38 13.99
460 238.84 14.96 0 0 141.68 71.39 0.79 0.02 25.38 26.84 15.97
463 244.34 17.53 0 0 170.24 70.92 1.1 0.02 25.54 27.03 13.94
466 242.24 18.05 0 0 143.45 70.35 0.98 0.02 25 26.45 13.42
469 256.03 14.28 0 0 214.14 69.87 1.1 0.02 26.33 27.89 17.93
472 242.86 13.52 0 0 191.39 69.47 0.99 0.02 24.61 26.07 17.97
475 252.1 15.3 0 0 182.45 69.03 1.04 0.02 25.33 26.85 16.48
478 249.2 18.28 0 0 132.31 68.55 0.92 0.02 24.78 26.29 13.63
481 252.95 18.08 0 0 184.98 67.96 1.26 0.02 24.99 26.52 13.99
484 255.27 15.35 0 0 180.47 67.48 1.03 0.02 25.29 26.8 16.63
487 250.6 17.96 0 0 164.34 67.01 1.12 0.02 24.87 26.41 13.95
490 257.57 16.22 0 0 189.47 66.43 1.14 0.02 25.33 26.87 15.88
493 257.24 14.94 0 0 213.33 66.03 1.18 0.02 25.43 26.98 17.22
496 246.09 13.17 0 0 204.4 65.53 1.04 0.02 24.33 25.82 18.69
499 252.65 16.43 0 0 180.7 65.2 1.13 0.02 24.82 26.33 15.37
502 261.43 21.33 0 0 160.48 64.54 1.26 0.02 25.61 27.18 12.25
505 251.24 14.45 0 0 199.58 64.01 1.11 0.02 24.54 26.03 17.38
508 257.18 14.61 0 0 207.91 63.63 1.14 0.02 25.16 26.69 17.61
511 256.79 19.86 0 0 151.48 63.09 1.13 0.02 25.15 26.68 12.93
514 254.18 16.06 0 0 169.28 62.5 1.03 0.02 24.89 26.41 15.83
517 264.82 12.9 0 0 229.23 62.13 1.09 0.02 25.58 27.16 20.53
520 264.9 15.59 0 0 177.45 61.68 1.04 0.02 25.05 26.6 17
523 256.71 21.56 0 0 123.23 61.17 1.03 0.02 24.19 25.72 11.9
526 268.59 23.25 0 0 115.33 60.42 1.01 0.02 24.94 26.53 11.55
529 272.19 14.07 0 0 224.17 59.85 1.18 0.02 25.09 26.7 19.34
532 267.74 15.39 0 0 211.4 59.5 1.23 0.02 24.76 26.35 17.4
535 271.69 19.68 0 0 154.32 58.9 1.15 0.02 24.86 26.48 13.81
538 274.32 19.54 0 0 190.99 58.35 1.41 0.02 24.85 26.48 14.04
541 280.7 19.66 0 0 165.77 57.73 1.21 0.02 25.23 26.89 14.28
544 281.53 17.57 0 0 171.43 57.18 1.12 0.02 25.14 26.8 16.03
547 275.59 24.38 0 0 125.01 56.62 1.17 0.02 24.4 26.01 11.31
550 285.15 19.56 0 0 148.47 55.8 1.09 0.02 25 26.65 14.58
553 281.43 15.62 0 0 157.7 55.44 0.95 0.02 24.42 26.06 18.02
556 285.5 19.96 0 0 137.91 54.81 1.06 0.02 24.25 25.92 14.3
559 287.64 16.79 0 0 113.83 54.29 0.74 0.02 24.25 25.94 17.13
562 288.61 23.13 0 0 104.12 53.74 0.93 0.02 24.1 25.8 12.48
565 291.55 19.86 0 0 106.64 52.96 0.82 0.02 24.17 25.9 14.68
568 301.09 16.81 0 0 118.83 52.55 0.75 0.02 24.88 26.65 17.91
571 300.05 22.07 0 0 84.19 51.9 0.7 0.02 24.68 26.46 13.59
574 303.26 17.82 0 0 128.02 51.29 0.85 0.02 24.93 26.73 17.02
577 294.51 17 0 0 103.8 50.81 0.68 0.02 24.18 25.9 17.32
580 300.63 23.62 0 0 100.49 50.22 0.89 0.02 24.94 26.69 12.73
583 307.53 19.41 0 0 99.41 49.47 0.7 0.02 25.83 27.65 15.84
586 293.2 11.79 0 0.01 206.11 49.08 0.91 0.02 24.88 26.59 24.87
589 285.91 19.29 0 0 105.34 48.65 0.77 0.02 24.78 26.44 14.82
592 290.73 21.38 0 0 92.01 47.95 0.72 0.02 25.55 27.26 13.6
595 281.17 20.13 0 0 111.98 47.4 0.85 0.02 25.04 26.67 13.96
598 281.04 15.43 0 0 143.95 46.77 0.81 0.02 25.74 27.38 18.21
601 270.14 13.6 0 0 138.31 46.45 0.7 0.02 25.39 26.94 19.86
604 262.84 16.07 0 0 105.69 45.92 0.63 0.02 25.56 27.09 16.36

Appendix A - 234
607 258.03 15.85 0 0 71.37 45.51 0.41 0.02 25.99 27.49 16.28
610 245.07 14.69 0 0 61.03 44.98 0.33 0.02 25.42 26.82 16.68
613 236.07 7.93 0 0 113.54 44.66 0.33 0.02 25.6 26.95 29.78
616 229.72 10.51 0 0 96.32 44.44 0.37 0.02 25.86 27.18 21.86
619 215.03 12.22 0 0 53.88 44.03 0.25 0.02 25.45 26.68 17.59
622 205.9 11.76 0 0 52.53 43.73 0.23 0.02 25.84 27.05 17.51
625 200.15 8.12 0 0 39.87 43.35 0.12 0.02 25.77 26.91 24.65
628 191.29 9.6 0 0 35.68 43.2 0.13 0.02 25.86 26.95 19.93
631 184.72 11.46 0 0 19.85 42.77 0.08 0.02 26.15 27.22 16.12
634 180.52 6.91 0 0 33.29 42.56 0.09 0.02 25.97 26.98 26.11
637 173.82 6.74 0 0 0 42.33 0 0.02 25.57 26.53 25.78
640 170.25 6.08 0 0 0 42.15 0 0.02 26.15 27.11 28.01
643 165.73 8.41 0 0 3.61 41.94 0.01 0.02 26.06 26.96 19.7
646 161.73 5.91 0 0 0 41.68 0 0.02 26.65 27.58 27.38
649 150.78 4.22 0 0 0 41.59 0 0.02 25.97 26.8 35.71
652 144.63 2.14 0 0 0 41.43 0 0.02 25.82 26.61 67.43
655 139.46 4.01 0 0 0 41.43 0 0.02 25.68 26.45 34.75
658 135.1 7.86 0 0 0 41.17 0 0.02 25.78 26.52 17.2
661 131.94 6.99 0 0 0 40.99 0 0.02 25.56 26.28 18.87
664 130.89 5.36 0 0 0 40.76 0 0.02 25.74 26.46 24.44
667 128.41 1.82 0 0 0 40.68 0 0.02 25.64 26.36 70.69
670 129.38 6.97 0 0 0 40.6 0 0.02 26.05 26.75 18.56
673 124.83 5.68 0 0 0 40.3 0 0.02 25.55 26.24 21.98
676 122.05 0.99 0 0 0 40.28 0 0.02 25.95 26.63 122.78
679 119.18 5.88 0 0 0 40.18 0 0.02 26.3 26.97 20.28
682 111.47 3.12 0 0 0 39.97 0 0.02 25.59 26.22 35.72
685 110.23 4.51 0 0 0 39.97 0 0.02 26.09 26.72 24.46
688 105.97 6.97 0 0 0 39.7 0 0.02 26.26 26.88 15.2
691 103.09 1.64 0 0 0 39.61 0 0.02 26.11 26.72 62.7
694 100.41 -2.7 0 0 0 39.59 0 0.02 26.63 27.23 -37.25
697 96.3 6.57 0 0 0 39.67 0 0.02 26.36 26.94 14.65
700 94.58 9.69 0 0 0 39.24 0 0.02 26.28 26.85 9.76
703 89.09 -1.73 0 0 0 39.19 0 0.02 25.96 26.5 -51.37
706 82.41 -0.17 0.02 0 0 39.26 0 0.02 25.43 25.95 -488.06
709 80.95 3.17 0 0 0 39.18 0 0.02 25.8 26.31 25.51
712 78.43 2.57 0 0 0 39.09 0 0.02 25.43 25.92 30.52
715 79.07 0.52 -0.01 0 0 39.04 0 0.02 26.36 26.86 153.28
718 78.91 5.74 0 0 0 39.02 0 0.02 26.34 26.83 13.74
721 71.04 4.16 0 0 0 38.74 0 0.02 25.45 25.94 17.06
724 69.49 -4.27 0 0 0 38.81 0 0.02 26.26 26.74 -16.27
727 67.8 -0.03 0.1 0.01 0 38.91 0 0.02 25.78 26.23 0
730 65.53 5.18 0 0 0 38.8 0 0.02 26.01 26.46 12.66
733 60.49 3.26 0 0 0 38.65 0 0.02 25.7 26.13 18.54
736 58.05 2.76 0 0 0 38.6 0 0.02 25.83 26.26 21.06
739 56.06 0.66 0 0 0 38.49 0 0.02 25.4 25.82 85.29
742 54.47 0.79 0 0 0 38.55 0 0.02 25.58 25.98 69.33
745 50.81 4.53 0 0 0 38.42 0 0.02 25.44 25.83 11.22
748 52.22 -0.8 0 0 0 38.34 0 0.02 26.33 26.72 -64.94
751 48.86 -1.52 0 0 0 38.44 0 0.02 25.53 25.91 -32.11
754 48.16 1.92 0 0 0 38.39 0 0.02 26.24 26.64 25.05
757 47.64 3.36 0 0 0 38.34 0 0.02 25.45 25.84 14.19
760 47.83 2.75 0 0 0 38.21 0 0.02 25.81 26.19 17.38

Appendix A - 235
763 45.66 -0.23 0.01 0 0 38.19 0 0.02 25.46 25.84 -202.62
766 44.79 3 0 0 0 38.18 0 0.02 25.89 26.28 14.91
769 44.62 0.34 -0.01 0 0 38.05 0 0.03 26.4 26.78 132.37
772 44.98 -1.78 0 0 0 38.16 0 0.02 25.74 26.12 -25.21
775 44.31 6.74 0 0 0 38.08 0 0.02 25.4 25.78 6.57
778 41.75 3.39 0 0 0 37.84 0 0.02 25.33 25.72 12.32
781 40.99 -5.45 0 0 0 37.92 0 0.02 25.04 25.42 -7.51
784 42.15 3.57 0 0 0 38.04 0 0.02 25.8 26.19 11.8
787 40.86 7.32 0 0 0 37.74 0 0.02 25.92 26.31 5.58
790 39.85 -2.49 0 0 0 37.7 0 0.02 26.16 26.56 -15.98
793 42.1 -0.11 0.04 0 0 37.81 0 0.02 26.05 26.45 -382.61
796 39.91 3.2 0 0 0 37.69 0 0.02 25.86 26.25 12.49
799 39.05 -1.56 0 0 0 37.67 0 0.02 25.42 25.81 -25.03
802 37.59 -1.25 0 0 0 37.75 0 0.02 25.19 25.57 -30.09
805 38.95 3.01 0 0 0 37.71 0 0.02 25.93 26.33 12.94
808 38.79 4.98 0 0 0 37.59 0 0.02 25.48 25.88 7.79
811 36.87 -0.95 0 0 0 37.47 0 0.02 25.33 25.73 -38.8
814 37.68 -2.25 0 0 0 37.61 0 0.02 25.36 25.76 -16.72
817 38.56 5.87 0 0 0 37.54 0 0.02 25.57 25.96 6.57
820 35.64 2.92 0 0 0 37.34 0 0.02 25.2 25.6 12.23
823 34.8 -2.08 0 0 0 37.39 0 0.02 25.23 25.63 -16.71
826 37.84 0.97 0 0 0 37.4 0 0.03 26.35 26.76 38.82
829 36.12 2.29 0 0 0 37.34 0 0.02 25.57 25.98 15.8
832 34.2 0.78 -0.01 0 0 37.29 0 0.02 25.46 25.87 44.11
835 36.22 0.92 0 0 0 37.28 0 0.02 25.59 26.01 39.23
838 37.29 3.77 0 0 0 37.22 0 0.02 25.03 25.44 9.9
841 35.74 0.13 -0.02 0 0 37.09 0 0.02 25.42 25.83 277.69
844 34.23 0.73 0 0 0 37.18 0 0.02 25.22 25.63 46.92
847 34.32 4.08 0 0 0 37.03 0 0.02 25.2 25.6 8.42
850 35.15 -2.41 0 0 0 37 0 0.02 25.46 25.87 -14.59
853 34.09 -0.66 0 0 0 37.12 0 0.02 25.77 26.19 -51.55
856 32.43 1.42 0 0 0 37.03 0 0.02 25.72 26.14 22.84
859 32.28 -1.53 0 0 0 37.07 0 0.02 25.18 25.59 -21.17
862 34.76 3.5 0 0 0 37.08 0 0.02 25.34 25.75 9.94
865 33.34 1.9 0 0 0 36.91 0 0.02 25.55 25.97 17.57
868 31.81 -3.81 0 0 0 36.99 0 0.02 25.34 25.76 -8.36
871 32.69 2.11 0 0.01 0 37.05 0 0.02 25.71 26.14 15.5
874 32.86 6.39 0 0.01 0 36.87 0 0.02 25.47 25.9 5.14
877 32.75 -0.98 0 0 0 36.75 0 0.03 25.94 26.38 -33.51
880 31.37 -3.62 0 0 0 36.9 0 0.02 25.51 25.93 -8.66
883 32.97 3.9 0 0 0 36.9 0 0.02 25.3 25.71 8.46
886 34.58 3.27 0 0.01 0 36.72 0 0.03 26.24 26.67 10.58
889 33.18 -1.77 0 -0.02 0 36.74 0 0.03 25.97 26.39 -18.71
892 34.84 0.01 -0.43 2.25 0 36.78 0 0.03 26.25 26.69 3483.53
895 34.75 0.01 -0.38 2.7 552.1 36.71 0 0.03 26.02 26.46 3475.07

Appendix A - 236
Paper (stacked flat) Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 4.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 336.38
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 18.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 91.68
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 225.86
Total Mass Loss (g): 71.25
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.094
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.87
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1.11
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0129

Initial mass (g): 396.1
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 89
Time to ignition (s): 4
Time to flameout (s): 762

Appendix A - 237
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 1.74 0.01 -0.4 -0.03 0 396.12 0 0.03 25.27 25.67 173.84

3 4.35 0.01 -0.32 -0.04 0 395.96 0 0.03 25.6 26.02 434.75
6 19.98 15.24 0 0 0 395.79 0 0.03 25.07 25.5 1.31
9 109.75 25.67 0 0 66.24 395.05 0.7 0.02 23.62 24.38 4.28
12 220.36 25.21 0 0 14.29 394.34 0.14 0.02 23.71 24.91 8.74
15 329.04 16.01 0 0 0.11 393.61 0 0.02 23.57 24.99 20.55
18 336.38 15.63 0 0 0 393.32 0 0.02 24.05 25.61 21.53
21 317.81 18.42 0 0 0 392.64 0 0.02 24.21 25.87 17.25
24 274.73 17.92 0 0.01 0 392.23 0 0.02 24.65 26.36 15.33
27 249.35 18.17 0 0.01 0 391.57 0 0.02 24.52 26.24 13.73
30 228.27 12.78 0 0.01 0 391.18 0 0.02 24.65 26.36 17.86
33 221.4 17.96 0 0.01 0 390.73 0 0.02 25.2 26.95 12.33
36 216.36 20.54 0 0.01 0 390.12 0 0.02 24.74 26.47 10.53
39 227.74 16.82 0 0.01 0 389.54 0 0.02 24.95 26.73 13.54
42 234.39 22.29 0 0.01 0 389.05 0 0.02 24.31 26.07 10.52
45 248.52 16.94 0 0.01 0 388.27 0 0.02 24.27 26.08 14.67
48 262.24 18.2 0 0.02 0 387.99 0 0.02 24.67 26.52 14.41
51 263.89 22.18 0 0.02 0 387.16 0 0.02 24.71 26.57 11.9
54 260.19 16.4 0 0.02 0 386.73 0 0.02 25 26.87 15.87
57 252.5 15.12 0 0.02 0 386.15 0 0.02 25.14 27 16.7
60 236.65 14.47 0 0.01 9.81 385.81 0.05 0.02 24.79 26.59 16.35
63 229.08 18.94 0 0.01 13.17 385.25 0.09 0.02 24.94 26.73 12.1
66 228.43 16.41 0 0.01 4.65 384.72 0.03 0.02 25.68 27.46 13.92
69 217.08 12.95 0 0.01 5.98 384.27 0.03 0.02 25.27 26.98 16.76
72 215.71 18.29 0 0.01 2.13 383.89 0.01 0.02 25.73 27.44 11.8
75 211.73 16.18 0 0.01 0 383.22 0 0.02 25.93 27.61 13.09
78 205.55 11 0 0.01 0 382.94 0 0.02 25.86 27.5 18.68
81 195.04 13.68 0 0 0 382.51 0 0.02 25.35 26.9 14.25
84 193.58 12.22 0 0.01 0 382.14 0 0.02 26.06 27.62 15.85
87 180.65 11.14 0 0.01 0 381.77 0 0.02 24.99 26.45 16.21
90 180.85 10.99 0 0.01 0 381.46 0 0.02 25.7 27.17 16.45
93 187.28 15.9 0 0.01 0 381.08 0 0.03 27.29 28.78 11.78
96 170.22 16.84 0 0.01 0 380.54 0 0.02 25.83 27.2 10.11
99 167.79 13.67 0 0.01 0 380.1 0 0.02 25.68 27.02 12.27
102 159.43 9.1 0 0.01 0 379.72 0 0.02 25.66 26.93 17.52
105 161.58 14.64 0 0 0 379.49 0 0.02 26.36 27.63 11.04
108 154.65 9.72 0 0.01 0 378.91 0 0.02 26.33 27.56 15.9
111 148.28 7.35 0 0.01 0 378.89 0 0.02 25.56 26.72 20.18
114 147.25 15.94 0 0 0 378.39 0 0.02 26.11 27.25 9.24
117 145.8 15.35 0 0 0 377.99 0 0.02 26.3 27.43 9.5
120 140.16 11.95 0 0.01 0 377.5 0 0.02 25.57 26.65 11.73
123 141.62 14.05 0 0 0 377.24 0 0.02 25.99 27.05 10.08
126 141.42 13.07 0 0.01 0 376.68 0 0.02 25.79 26.83 10.82
129 137.53 5.74 0 0.01 0 376.49 0 0.02 25.18 26.17 23.98
132 141.68 14.64 0 0 0 376.22 0 0.02 25.75 26.76 9.68
135 138.52 15.29 0 0 0 375.67 0 0.02 25.59 26.58 9.06

Appendix A - 238
138 139.84 7.62 0 0.01 0 375.37 0 0.02 26.05 27.05 18.36
141 134.13 7.81 0 0.01 0 375.16 0 0.02 25.28 26.23 17.18
144 133.87 12.13 0 0.01 0 374.87 0 0.02 25.82 26.78 11.03
147 134.12 14.13 0 0.01 0 374.45 0 0.02 25.78 26.74 9.49
150 130.09 13.14 0 0.01 0 374.04 0 0.02 25.72 26.67 9.9
153 134.05 13.38 0 0 0 373.65 0 0.02 26.32 27.28 10.02
156 132.57 12.49 0 0 0 373.25 0 0.02 26.38 27.33 10.62
159 133.37 10.35 0 0.01 0 372.91 0 0.02 26.45 27.39 12.89
162 128.04 8.67 0 0.01 0 372.62 0 0.02 25.58 26.47 14.76
165 128.34 6.86 0 0.01 0 372.39 0 0.02 25.7 26.61 18.72
168 127.07 7.79 0 0.01 0 372.19 0 0.02 25.44 26.33 16.32
171 126.11 8.93 0 0.01 0 371.93 0 0.02 25.47 26.36 14.12
174 124.44 4.87 0 0.02 0 371.69 0 0.02 25.41 26.3 25.53
177 125.94 5.43 0 0.01 0 371.6 0 0.02 26.13 27.02 23.18
180 122.93 14.64 0 0.01 0 371.31 0 0.02 25.94 26.83 8.4
183 121.2 8.2 0 0.01 0 370.83 0 0.02 26.46 27.35 14.77
186 118.23 0.36 -0.01 0.31 0 370.83 0 0.02 25.76 26.63 332.08
189 116.59 2.66 0 0.04 0 370.73 0 0.02 26.16 27.03 43.82
192 117.76 9.42 0 0.01 0 370.64 0 0.02 25.98 26.85 12.5
195 116.47 7.57 0 0.01 0 370.22 0 0.02 26.09 26.94 15.38
198 114.49 8.28 0 0.01 0 370.16 0 0.02 25.42 26.25 13.83
201 113.33 14.35 0 0.01 0 369.69 0 0.02 25.87 26.7 7.89
204 113.62 15.17 0 0.01 0 369.35 0 0.02 26.09 26.93 7.49
207 107.79 7.97 0 0.01 0 368.84 0 0.02 25.18 25.99 13.52
210 111.33 5.65 0 0.02 0 368.83 0 0.02 26.09 26.93 19.69
213 111.28 12.45 0 0.01 0 368.44 0 0.02 25.99 26.81 8.94
216 111.8 5.16 0 0.02 0 368.18 0 0.03 26.38 27.21 21.68
219 113.1 3.16 0 0.03 0 368.09 0 0.02 26.21 27.04 35.78
222 110.61 8.45 0 0.01 0 367.93 0 0.02 25.89 26.7 13.09
225 110.44 11.88 0 0.01 0 367.6 0 0.02 25.78 26.6 9.29
228 109.24 7.47 0 0.01 0 367.27 0 0.02 25.8 26.61 14.63
231 106.38 8.52 0 0.01 0 367.12 0 0.02 25.27 26.06 12.49
234 110.91 8.95 0 0.01 0 366.77 0 0.02 26.24 27.06 12.39
237 109.43 7.05 0 0.02 0 366.6 0 0.02 26.18 27.01 15.52
240 108.41 3.81 0 0.03 0 366.35 0 0.02 25.99 26.81 28.49
243 108.34 7.2 0 0.02 0 366.32 0 0.02 25.82 26.63 15.04
246 109.02 10.05 0 0.01 0 365.92 0 0.02 25.81 26.63 10.85
249 110.47 5.35 0 0.02 0 365.77 0 0.02 25.99 26.8 20.65
252 108.11 8.56 0 0.01 0 365.54 0 0.02 25.61 26.42 12.63
255 111.33 18.18 0 0.01 0 365.21 0 0.02 26.04 26.87 6.13
258 107.59 23.54 0 0.01 0 364.49 0 0.02 25.71 26.52 4.57
261 106.79 12.12 0 0.01 0 363.92 0 0.02 25.52 26.33 8.81
264 108.19 11.23 0 0.01 0 363.7 0 0.02 25.92 26.74 9.63
267 108.1 13.89 0 0.01 0 363.21 0 0.02 25.46 26.27 7.78
270 109.8 8.04 0 0.02 0 362.92 0 0.02 25.47 26.28 13.66
273 110.22 10.75 0 0.01 0 362.68 0 0.02 25.62 26.45 10.25
276 111.36 8.74 0 0.02 0 362.3 0 0.02 25.38 26.19 12.74
279 112.92 9.72 0 0.01 0 362.14 0 0.02 25.95 26.79 11.62
282 113.5 6.36 0 0.02 0 361.74 0 0.02 25.84 26.66 17.84
285 114.57 9.53 0 0.01 0 361.71 0 0.02 25.91 26.73 12.02
288 113.48 11.8 0 0.01 0 361.17 0 0.02 25.65 26.48 9.61
291 116.85 10.6 0 0.01 0 361.03 0 0.02 25.77 26.61 11.02

Appendix A - 239
294 112.05 8.89 0 0.01 0 360.54 0 0.02 25.07 25.9 12.61
297 118.7 6.92 0 0.02 0 360.49 0 0.02 25.91 26.77 17.15
300 116.24 11.09 0 0.01 0 360.09 0 0.02 25.55 26.4 10.48
303 120.44 4.01 0 0.03 0 359.9 0 0.02 25.77 26.63 30.07
306 119.22 7.19 0 0.02 0 359.79 0 0.02 25.57 26.42 16.59
309 117.68 4.09 0 0.03 0 359.5 0 0.02 25.41 26.27 28.8
312 120.4 11.81 0 0.01 0 359.47 0 0.02 25.84 26.71 10.2
315 116.22 15.35 0 0.01 0 358.82 0 0.02 25.65 26.52 7.57
318 117.19 6.28 0 0.02 0 358.63 0 0.02 25.58 26.43 18.66
321 118.3 11.65 0 0.01 0 358.35 0 0.02 26.18 27.05 10.15
324 115.74 12.22 0 0.01 0 357.97 0 0.02 25.67 26.53 9.47
327 117.6 6.63 0 0.02 0 357.67 0 0.02 26.06 26.94 17.72
330 115 -2.31 0 -0.06 0 357.59 0 0.02 25.52 26.39 -49.78
333 116.6 3.96 0 0.03 0 357.7 0 0.02 25.69 26.55 29.47
336 115.32 5.3 0 0.02 0 357.38 0 0.02 25.6 26.45 21.74
339 116.17 1.14 0 0.1 0 357.42 0 0.02 25.49 26.33 101.46
342 116.27 5.42 0 0.02 0 357.25 0 0.02 25.5 26.35 21.47
345 118.17 5.46 0 0.02 0 357.12 0 0.02 25.75 26.62 21.65
348 120.65 6.54 0 0.02 0 356.92 0 0.02 25.9 26.76 18.44
351 117.86 4.94 0 0.03 0 356.75 0 0.02 25.92 26.79 23.88
354 116.83 5.56 0 0.03 0 356.61 0 0.02 25.93 26.78 21.02
357 112.97 9.85 0 0.01 0 356.39 0 0.02 25.58 26.43 11.47
360 112.45 6.37 0 0.02 0 356.07 0 0.02 25.74 26.58 17.66
363 113.6 9.83 0 0.01 0 355.96 0 0.02 25.75 26.6 11.56
366 113.29 14.27 0 0.01 0 355.47 0 0.02 25.75 26.59 7.94
369 113.17 14 0 0.01 0 355.14 0 0.02 25.87 26.71 8.08
372 112.84 11.17 0 0.01 0 354.65 0 0.02 25.74 26.57 10.1
375 110.98 8.96 0 0.01 0 354.47 0 0.02 25.94 26.77 12.38
378 113.68 10.33 0 0.01 0 354.09 0 0.02 25.85 26.67 11
381 112.27 8.33 0 0.02 0 353.87 0 0.02 25.86 26.67 13.48
384 111.97 8.98 0 0.01 0 353.57 0 0.02 25.56 26.37 12.47
387 113.8 11.16 0 0.01 0 353.32 0 0.02 25.93 26.75 10.2
390 110.37 9.67 0 0.01 0 352.93 0 0.02 25.54 26.36 11.41
393 109.37 8.83 0 0.01 0 352.74 0 0.02 25.12 25.93 12.39
396 111.07 3.4 0 0.04 0 352.42 0 0.02 25.98 26.79 32.68
399 108.27 8.03 0 0.02 0 352.47 0 0.02 25.37 26.16 13.49
402 110.67 8.86 0 0.02 0 351.96 0 0.02 25.54 26.35 12.49
405 108.94 5.51 0 0.02 0 351.96 0 0.02 25.48 26.28 19.76
408 113.24 15.19 0 0.01 0 351.55 0 0.03 26.24 27.07 7.45
411 110.37 9.83 0 0.02 0 351.14 0 0.02 25.75 26.56 11.23
414 111.74 12.42 0 0.01 0 350.92 0 0.02 25.87 26.68 8.99
417 113.49 6.31 0 0.02 0 350.46 0 0.02 26.12 26.93 17.98
420 112.39 2.7 0 0.05 0 350.52 0 0.02 26.18 26.99 41.65
423 107.86 14.36 0 0.01 0 350.19 0 0.02 25.35 26.14 7.51
426 112.46 12.58 0 0.01 0 349.75 0 0.03 26.32 27.14 8.94
429 107.91 8.22 0 0.02 0 349.46 0 0.02 26.02 26.82 13.13
432 110.14 8.63 0 0.02 0 349.22 0 0.02 25.9 26.7 12.76
435 109.03 6.95 0 0.02 0 348.95 0 0.02 25.85 26.64 15.69
438 107.89 4.92 0 0.03 0 348.81 0 0.02 25.87 26.66 21.95
441 108.32 4.53 0 0.03 0 348.64 0 0.02 25.82 26.61 23.89
444 105.95 6.34 0 0.03 0 348.52 0 0.02 25.38 26.14 16.72
447 107.64 8.26 0 0.02 0 348.27 0 0.02 25.91 26.69 13.04

Appendix A - 240
450 104.82 4.54 0 0.04 0 348.06 0 0.02 25.34 26.11 23.08
453 104.85 6.75 0 0.02 0 347.95 0 0.02 25.92 26.68 15.54
456 105.71 12.58 0 0.01 0 347.63 0 0.02 25.91 26.67 8.4
459 103.35 4.35 0 0.04 0 347.29 0 0.02 25.9 26.66 23.76
462 101.62 6.03 0 0.03 0 347.31 0 0.02 25.28 26.03 16.85
465 103.78 9.7 0 0.02 0 346.91 0 0.02 25.69 26.45 10.7
468 102.88 9.38 0 0.02 0 346.75 0 0.03 26.27 27.04 10.97
471 99.97 12.86 0 0.01 0 346.33 0 0.02 25.64 26.39 7.78
474 101.88 2.91 0 0.06 0 346.07 0 0.02 25.79 26.54 34.99
477 99.36 6.76 0 0.03 0 346.07 0 0.02 25.52 26.27 14.7
480 101.34 9.51 0 0.02 0 345.67 0 0.02 25.33 26.07 10.65
483 101.3 1.79 0 0.1 0 345.56 0 0.03 26.12 26.88 56.7
486 97.8 7.32 0 0.03 0 345.48 0 0.02 25.87 26.63 13.37
489 100.45 3.86 0 0.05 0 345.18 0 0.02 25.83 26.57 25.99
492 98.07 5.35 0 0.04 0 345.21 0 0.02 25.86 26.6 18.33
495 100.22 11.45 0 0.02 0 344.83 0 0.02 25.51 26.24 8.75
498 99.39 4.65 0 0.04 0 344.61 0 0.02 25.47 26.2 21.38
501 98.08 12.52 0 0.02 0 344.46 0 0.02 25.45 26.19 7.84
504 100.02 5.29 0 0.04 0 343.95 0 0.02 25.63 26.37 18.92
507 100.87 1 0 0.18 0 344.13 0 0.03 26.59 27.34 100.6
510 98.65 6.55 0 0.03 0 343.82 0 0.03 26.14 26.88 15.06
513 93.9 8.99 0 0.02 0 343.75 0 0.02 24.87 25.57 10.44
516 95.97 11.76 0 0.01 0 343.29 0 0.02 25.69 26.42 8.16
519 97.43 5.1 0 0.03 0 343.11 0 0.02 26.01 26.75 19.11
522 96.9 7.37 0 0.02 0 342.92 0 0.02 25.82 26.55 13.15
525 94.99 8.5 0 0.02 0 342.67 0 0.02 25.74 26.47 11.18
528 95.41 6.59 0 0.03 0 342.44 0 0.02 25.71 26.44 14.47
531 94.75 5.44 0 0.03 0 342.27 0 0.02 25.91 26.64 17.41
534 91.31 8.3 0 0.02 0 342.08 0 0.02 24.96 25.67 11
537 94.35 9.57 0 0.02 0 341.78 0 0.02 25.55 26.27 9.86
540 94.28 7.48 0 0.02 0 341.53 0 0.02 25.76 26.5 12.6
543 94.83 12.92 0 0.01 0 341.28 0 0.02 25.62 26.36 7.34
546 95.24 9.83 0 0.01 0 340.81 0 0.02 25.68 26.41 9.69
549 94.65 7 0 0.02 0 340.69 0 0.02 25.93 26.67 13.53
552 93.96 12.52 0 0.01 0 340.34 0 0.02 25.85 26.59 7.5
555 93.1 5.14 0 0.03 0 340.02 0 0.02 25.48 26.21 18.12
558 93.82 11.86 0 0.01 0 339.94 0 0.02 25.69 26.43 7.91
561 91.72 5.61 0 0.02 0 339.39 0 0.02 25.13 25.86 16.36
564 95.62 4.44 0 0.03 0 339.57 0 0.03 26.14 26.88 21.55
567 94.25 12.54 0 0.01 0 339.06 0 0.03 26 26.74 7.52
570 93.98 4.57 0 0.03 0 338.92 0 0.02 25.4 26.12 20.57
573 92.16 9.74 0 0.02 0 338.71 0 0.02 25.52 26.25 9.46
576 96.45 4.37 0 0.04 0 338.4 0 0.03 26.31 27.08 22.09
579 95.12 8.05 0 0.02 0 338.39 0 0.02 25.9 26.65 11.82
582 95.15 12.38 0 0.01 0 337.91 0 0.02 25.96 26.71 7.68
585 97.04 4.74 0 0.03 0 337.73 0 0.03 26 26.75 20.49
588 93.26 10.74 0 0.01 0 337.54 0 0.02 25.61 26.34 8.68
591 91.69 10.92 0 0.01 0 337.12 0 0.02 25.16 25.88 8.4
594 94.05 2.32 0 0.05 0 336.95 0 0.02 25.97 26.7 40.59
597 90.86 6.42 0 0.02 0 336.89 0 0.02 25.2 25.92 14.15
600 92.35 11.82 0 0.01 0 336.55 0 0.02 25.28 26.01 7.81
603 95.15 6.02 0 0.02 0 336.26 0 0.02 25.72 26.46 15.81

Appendix A - 241
606 95.22 6.81 0 0.02 0 336.15 0 0.02 25.87 26.61 13.97
609 94.57 7.13 0 0.02 0 335.85 0 0.02 25.89 26.63 13.26
612 93.27 7.7 0 0.02 0 335.72 0 0.02 25.86 26.59 12.11
615 92.98 8.86 0 0.01 0 335.39 0 0.02 25.93 26.67 10.5
618 94.7 1.26 0 0.1 0 335.24 0 0.03 26.04 26.79 75.14
621 93.92 10.98 0 0.01 0 335.2 0 0.03 25.99 26.74 8.56
624 93.65 9.93 0 0.01 0 334.66 0 0.02 25.85 26.59 9.43
627 92.98 -0.96 0 -0.13 0 334.67 0 0.02 25.9 26.64 -96.71
630 94.89 13 0 0.01 0 334.55 0 0.03 26.15 26.9 7.3
633 95.54 11.88 0 0.01 0 333.99 0 0.03 26.25 26.99 8.04
636 92.23 3.22 0 0.04 0 333.89 0 0.02 25.46 26.18 28.63
639 92.02 6.04 0 0.02 0 333.71 0 0.02 25.26 25.98 15.23
642 92.15 8.92 0 0.01 0 333.52 0 0.02 25.82 26.56 10.33
645 92.24 12.09 0 0.01 0 333.19 0 0.02 25.91 26.65 7.63
648 90.52 2.93 0 0.04 0 332.88 0 0.02 25.33 26.07 30.87
651 91.56 5.65 0 0.02 0 332.93 0 0.02 25.84 26.58 16.19
654 96 14.78 0 0.01 0 332.5 0 0.03 26.74 27.5 6.5
657 92.41 5.93 0 0.02 0 332.16 0 0.02 25.76 26.5 15.58
660 89.74 7.39 0 0.01 0 332.08 0 0.02 25.6 26.32 12.15
663 90.65 9.09 0 0.01 0 331.71 0 0.02 25.42 26.15 9.97
666 88.27 4.05 0 0.02 0 331.58 0 0.02 25.38 26.11 21.79
669 87.34 7.98 0 0.01 0 331.41 0 0.02 25.47 26.2 10.94
672 91.5 7.82 0 0.01 0 331.12 0 0.03 26.28 27.04 11.7
675 88.71 7.94 0 0.01 0 330.94 0 0.03 26.18 26.93 11.17
678 90.72 10.38 0 0.01 0 330.63 0 0.02 25.85 26.59 8.74
681 89.41 5.17 0 0.02 0 330.37 0 0.03 26.07 26.81 17.28
684 88.77 8.72 0 0.01 0 330.26 0 0.02 25.9 26.63 10.18
687 89.88 10.89 0 0.01 0 329.85 0 0.02 25.6 26.32 8.26
690 87.44 1.91 0 0.05 0 329.68 0 0.02 25.41 26.13 45.82
693 85.55 11.11 0 0.01 0 329.62 0 0.02 25.29 26.01 7.7
696 87.37 8.06 0 0.01 0 329.09 0 0.02 25.71 26.44 10.84
699 86.64 2.96 0 0.03 0 329.15 0 0.03 25.97 26.71 29.25
702 88.44 14 0 0.01 0 328.81 0 0.03 26.24 26.99 6.32
705 87.84 7.5 0 0.01 0 328.42 0 0.02 25.73 26.44 11.71
708 86.45 7.44 0 0.01 0 328.32 0 0.02 25.89 26.62 11.62
711 86.96 11.26 0 0.01 0 327.95 0 0.02 25.68 26.4 7.72
714 85.19 4.36 0 0.02 0 327.72 0 0.02 25.28 25.99 19.55
717 87.44 5.67 0 0.02 0 327.64 0 0.03 26.03 26.77 15.43
720 88.18 7.12 0 0.01 0 327.37 0 0.03 25.94 26.67 12.39
723 86.7 6.26 0 0.02 0 327.23 0 0.02 25.91 26.64 13.86
726 87.11 9.2 0 0.01 0 326.97 0 0.03 25.94 26.68 9.47
729 85.43 4.94 0 0.02 0 326.72 0 0.02 25.66 26.38 17.29
732 84.56 4.6 0 0.02 0 326.65 0 0.02 25.54 26.26 18.37
735 88.73 9.53 0 0.01 0 326.41 0 0.03 26.29 27.02 9.31
738 86.04 7.11 0 0.01 0 326.13 0 0.02 25.8 26.52 12.1
741 87.65 4.15 0 0.02 0 325.99 0 0.03 26.11 26.84 21.11
744 87.05 8.83 0 0.01 0 325.83 0 0.03 25.93 26.66 9.86
747 87.06 9.56 0 0.01 0 325.48 0 0.03 25.99 26.72 9.1
750 87.78 3.97 0 0.02 0 325.3 0 0.02 25.63 26.36 22.11
753 88.51 4.73 0 0.02 0 325.2 0 0.03 26.34 27.08 18.71
756 89.32 0.01 -0.4 10.52 0 324.99 0 0.03 26.12 26.84 8931.96
759 87.69 0.01 -0.34 9.43 0 324.71 0 0.03 26.24 26.97 8768.7

Appendix A - 242
Paper (stacked flat) Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 4.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 340.53
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 17.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 90.49
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 230.93
Total Mass Loss (g): 73.04
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.096
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.39
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 2.69
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0132

Initial mass (g): 378.2
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 4
Time to flameout (s): 762

Appendix A - 243
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 -1.35 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 0 378.27 0 0.03 25.49 25.91 -134.85

5 18.58 0.01 -0.35 -0.04 0 378.12 0 0.03 26.69 27.13 1858.01
8 80.44 29.49 0 0 0 377.37 0 0.02 22.65 23.27 2.73
11 204.04 22.97 0 0 45.67 376.51 0.45 0.02 22.12 23.25 8.88
14 324.45 17.84 0 0 0 375.99 0 0.02 23.41 24.84 18.19
17 340.53 19.38 0 0 0 375.39 0 0.02 23.77 25.33 17.57
20 312.8 18.5 0 0.01 0 374.84 0 0.02 24.51 26.21 16.91
23 285.6 19.82 0 0.01 0 374.27 0 0.02 24.92 26.7 14.41
26 267.93 17.29 0 0.01 0 373.67 0 0.02 24.63 26.42 15.5
29 260.28 22.16 0 0.01 0 373.19 0 0.02 24.45 26.26 11.74
32 261.08 23 0 0.01 0 372.38 0 0.02 24.49 26.35 11.35
35 263.31 14.42 0 0.02 0 371.87 0 0.02 24.06 25.94 18.27
38 270.7 18.04 0 0.01 0 371.43 0 0.02 23.6 25.49 15.01
41 284.21 20.6 0 0.01 0 370.8 0 0.02 24.66 26.65 13.8
44 278.86 11.78 0 0.02 0 370.27 0 0.02 25.12 27.11 23.67
47 262.95 17.35 0 0.01 0 369.99 0 0.02 25.33 27.31 15.15
50 252.58 18.04 0 0.01 0 369.25 0 0.02 25.68 27.63 14
53 231.76 18.68 0 0.01 0 368.91 0 0.02 24.92 26.75 12.41
56 226.14 19.95 0 0.01 0 368.13 0 0.02 25.45 27.27 11.34
59 214.1 15.04 0 0.02 0 367.76 0 0.02 25.33 27.07 14.23
62 210.63 19.29 0 0.01 0 367.17 0 0.02 25.57 27.3 10.92
65 205.37 9.65 0 0.02 0 366.69 0 0.02 25.33 27 21.29
68 205.56 11.05 0 0.02 0 366.52 0 0.02 25.69 27.34 18.6
71 206.82 20.5 0 0.01 0 365.97 0 0.02 26.29 27.95 10.09
74 197.6 12.98 0 0.02 0 365.4 0 0.02 25.75 27.31 15.23
77 190.55 12.97 0 0.02 0 365.14 0 0.02 25.96 27.49 14.69
80 186.6 15.95 0 0.02 0 364.6 0 0.02 26.68 28.2 11.7
83 170.95 10.61 0 0.02 0 364.24 0 0.02 25.57 26.96 16.12
86 164.51 12.59 0 0.01 0 363.92 0 0.02 25.66 27.02 13.06
89 161.85 17.07 0 0.01 0 363.47 0 0.02 25.69 27.01 9.48
92 157.43 12.71 0 0.02 0 362.96 0 0.02 25.57 26.85 12.39
95 155 7.22 0 0.03 0 362.72 0 0.02 25.64 26.89 21.48
98 149.21 9.82 0 0.02 0 362.46 0 0.02 25.49 26.7 15.2
101 144.41 12.82 0 0.01 0 362.12 0 0.02 25.72 26.92 11.26
104 141.51 8.46 0 0.02 0 361.74 0 0.02 25.76 26.92 16.72
107 142.84 10.77 0 0.01 0 361.57 0 0.02 26.47 27.63 13.27
110 139.4 12.94 0 0.01 0 361.1 0 0.02 26.41 27.53 10.77
113 136.15 5.98 0 0.03 0 360.85 0 0.02 26.11 27.21 22.77
116 132.79 12.13 0 0.01 0 360.66 0 0.02 25.84 26.91 10.95
119 129.42 9.75 0 0.02 0 360.18 0 0.02 25.46 26.49 13.27
122 132.45 8.29 0 0.02 0 360.07 0 0.02 25.8 26.82 15.98
125 132.02 12.66 0 0.02 0 359.64 0 0.02 25.99 27.01 10.42

Appendix A - 244
128 132.5 6.91 0 0.03 0 359.37 0 0.02 25.68 26.67 19.18
131 136.45 14.76 0 0.01 0 359.14 0 0.02 26.21 27.21 9.24
134 133.39 12.33 0 0.01 0 358.55 0 0.02 25.82 26.8 10.82
137 132.2 2.39 0 0.05 0 358.45 0 0.02 25.98 26.96 55.32
140 131.41 15.03 0 0.01 0 358.26 0 0.02 25.42 26.37 8.75
143 133.68 12.32 0 0.01 0 357.65 0 0.02 26.17 27.15 10.85
146 130.21 2.08 0 0.03 0 357.58 0 0.02 25.74 26.69 62.5
149 129.58 4.46 0 0.02 0 357.44 0 0.02 25.78 26.73 29.05
152 130.61 2.11 0 0.04 0 357.33 0 0.02 25.9 26.84 61.76
155 127.94 12.49 0 0.01 0 357.23 0 0.02 25.9 26.82 10.24
158 129.2 11.8 0 0.01 0 356.66 0 0.02 26.38 27.31 10.95
161 124.27 0.06 -0.05 0.98 0 356.6 0 0.02 25.55 26.45 2011.49
164 119.51 10.07 0 0.01 0 356.51 0 0.02 25.31 26.18 11.86
167 119.51 13.32 0 0 0 356.04 0 0.02 25.6 26.48 8.97
170 122.43 3.66 0 0.01 0 355.8 0 0.02 26.1 26.99 33.48
173 117.74 9.32 0 0 0 355.71 0 0.02 25.59 26.44 12.64
176 119.57 14.38 0 0 0 355.24 0 0.02 26.07 26.93 8.31
179 115.98 8.56 0 0.01 0 354.93 0 0.02 25.4 26.23 13.54
182 113.43 8.05 0 0.01 0 354.69 0 0.02 25.35 26.18 14.08
185 114.33 8.01 0 0.01 0 354.43 0 0.02 25.79 26.63 14.28
188 115.04 12.55 0 0.01 0 354.18 0 0.02 25.84 26.68 9.16
191 116.24 8.96 0 0.01 0 353.73 0 0.02 26.18 27.01 12.97
194 111.27 9.91 0 0.01 0 353.62 0 0.02 25.63 26.43 11.22
197 108.95 15.7 0 0.01 0 353.11 0 0.02 25.38 26.19 6.94
200 109.85 7.89 0 0.01 0 352.76 0 0.02 25.32 26.13 13.92
203 106.64 11.63 0 0.01 0 352.56 0 0.02 25.2 26 9.17
206 109.31 12.22 0 0.01 0 352.09 0 0.02 25.75 26.56 8.95
209 109.39 4.91 0 0.02 0 351.88 0 0.02 25.74 26.54 22.26
212 104.91 12.51 0 0.01 0 351.69 0 0.02 25.55 26.36 8.39
215 106.01 7.99 0 0.01 0 351.2 0 0.02 25.74 26.55 13.27
218 108.14 18.73 0 0 0 351.12 0 0.02 26.12 26.94 5.77
221 107.94 21.9 0 0.01 0 350.13 0 0.03 26.38 27.2 4.93
224 103 10.62 0 0.02 0 349.91 0 0.02 25.57 26.36 9.7
227 101.32 10.26 0 0.02 0 349.43 0 0.02 25.01 25.8 9.87
230 106.61 -0.11 0.04 -1.51 0 349.34 0 0.02 25.7 26.52 0
233 106.07 10.3 0 0.02 0 349.29 0 0.02 25.91 26.73 10.3
236 106.53 16.74 0 0.01 0 348.75 0 0.02 25.92 26.73 6.36
239 106.52 3.49 0 0.05 0 348.43 0 0.02 25.95 26.75 30.55
242 102.59 5.27 0 0.04 0 348.44 0 0.02 25.36 26.15 19.47
245 102.6 12.39 0 0.01 0 348.07 0 0.02 25.4 26.21 8.28
248 106.8 6.2 0 0.03 0 347.79 0 0.02 25.71 26.51 17.22
251 103.42 6.88 0 0.03 0 347.65 0 0.02 25.44 26.23 15.03
254 106.34 8.99 0 0.02 0 347.36 0 0.02 25.71 26.52 11.83
257 106.86 6.21 0 0.03 0 347.15 0 0.02 25.6 26.41 17.21
260 108.31 6.36 0 0.03 0 346.97 0 0.02 25.94 26.76 17.03
263 109.29 11.51 0 0.02 0 346.73 0 0.03 26.46 27.31 9.5
266 106.96 7.5 0 0.03 0 346.34 0 0.02 25.81 26.63 14.26
269 108.19 5.45 0 0.04 0 346.27 0 0.02 25.89 26.72 19.86

Appendix A - 245
272 106.91 16.19 0 0.01 0 345.93 0 0.02 25.63 26.45 6.6
275 105.58 8.04 0 0.02 0 345.42 0 0.02 25.12 25.95 13.14
278 105.88 2.52 0 0.07 0 345.43 0 0.02 25.34 26.17 42.03
281 106.44 13.04 0 0.01 0 345.16 0 0.02 25.73 26.56 8.16
284 110.43 12.41 0 0.01 0 344.73 0 0.03 26.7 27.57 8.9
287 109.44 6.84 0 0.02 0 344.46 0 0.02 26.08 26.93 16
290 108.38 5.54 0 0.02 0 344.28 0 0.02 26.15 27.01 19.55
293 108.51 8.15 0 0.02 0 344.09 0 0.02 26.07 26.94 13.32
296 108.74 11.46 0 0.01 0 343.79 0 0.02 25.83 26.68 9.49
299 107.32 4.83 0 0.02 0 343.47 0 0.02 25.72 26.56 22.21
302 108.41 5.96 0 0.01 0 343.45 0 0.02 26.28 27.14 18.18
305 107.6 10.65 0 0.01 0 343.09 0 0.02 25.44 26.27 10.1
308 109.78 7.22 0 0.01 0 342.87 0 0.02 25.65 26.48 15.21
311 104.33 7.8 0 0.01 0 342.63 0 0.02 24.96 25.78 13.38
314 108.34 7.05 0 0.01 0 342.4 0 0.02 25.81 26.65 15.36
317 108.85 8.29 0 0.01 0 342.19 0 0.02 25.61 26.44 13.14
320 106.8 13.1 0 0.01 0 341.89 0 0.02 25.84 26.68 8.15
323 108.32 5.39 0 0.02 0 341.49 0 0.02 25.75 26.59 20.11
326 109.65 8.25 0 0.01 0 341.49 0 0.02 25.74 26.56 13.29
329 111.39 25.04 0 0 0 340.9 0 0.02 26.23 27.08 4.45
332 109.36 14.83 0 0.01 0 340.18 0 0.02 26.05 26.89 7.37
335 111.84 1.39 0 0.07 0 340.04 0 0.02 26.12 26.97 80.55
338 115.63 8.83 0 0.01 0 339.94 0 0.03 26.87 27.73 13.09
341 107.37 12.47 0 0.01 0 339.53 0 0.02 25.14 25.94 8.61
344 110.27 3.43 0 0.03 0 339.28 0 0.02 25.67 26.5 32.13
347 109.67 6.29 0 0.02 0 339.24 0 0.02 25.25 26.07 17.44
350 110.65 16.6 0 0.01 0 338.86 0 0.02 25.93 26.78 6.67
353 111.71 7.33 0 0.02 0 338.38 0 0.02 25.98 26.83 15.24
356 115.17 5.52 0 0.02 0 338.36 0 0.02 26.12 26.97 20.88
359 111.4 25.6 0 0.01 0 337.9 0 0.02 25.68 26.51 4.35
362 114.22 23.15 0 0.01 0 336.99 0 0.02 25.52 26.35 4.93
365 121.77 6.01 0 0.05 0 336.63 0 0.02 25.73 26.57 20.27
368 124.41 4.57 0 0.05 0 336.51 0 0.02 25.4 26.23 27.25
371 122.51 11.18 0 0.02 0 336.29 0 0.02 25.6 26.43 10.96
374 122.93 9.77 0 0.02 0 335.9 0 0.02 25.6 26.42 12.58
377 121.41 5.54 0 0.03 0 335.72 0 0.02 25.89 26.73 21.93
380 116.44 7.74 0 0.02 0 335.52 0 0.02 25.71 26.55 15.04
383 114.27 10.94 0 0.02 0 335.25 0 0.02 25.86 26.7 10.45
386 116 7.65 0 0.02 0 334.91 0 0.03 26.34 27.2 15.16
389 110.49 10.1 0 0.02 0 334.75 0 0.02 25.64 26.47 10.94
392 110.27 9.75 0 0.02 0 334.32 0 0.02 25.63 26.46 11.31
395 109.69 2.77 0 0.05 0 334.21 0 0.02 25.35 26.17 39.64
398 107.51 13.93 0 0.01 0 334.03 0 0.02 25.04 25.85 7.72
401 109.16 14.75 0 0.01 0 333.44 0 0.02 25.5 26.33 7.4
404 111.52 2.44 0 0.06 0 333.24 0 0.02 25.86 26.7 45.63
407 111 9.31 0 0.02 0 333.17 0 0.02 25.8 26.63 11.93
410 110.64 14.95 0 0.01 0 332.69 0 0.02 25.82 26.66 7.4
413 111.44 5.99 0 0.03 0 332.37 0 0.02 25.78 26.61 18.59

Appendix A - 246
416 110.98 3.49 0 0.05 0 332.28 0 0.02 25.45 26.27 31.83
419 113.65 10.32 0 0.02 0 332.09 0 0.02 26.18 27.03 11.02
422 113.78 12.92 0 0.01 0 331.7 0 0.02 26.1 26.95 8.81
425 107.25 5.14 0 0.03 0 331.39 0 0.02 25.14 25.94 20.85
428 107.74 4.4 0 0.03 0 331.34 0 0.02 25.29 26.1 24.47
431 110.94 13.28 0 0.01 0 331.06 0 0.02 25.85 26.69 8.35
434 110.59 6.97 0 0.02 0 330.64 0 0.02 25.9 26.75 15.87
437 109.53 0.8 0 0.17 0 330.64 0 0.02 25.83 26.67 136.45
440 107.29 15.11 0 0.01 0 330.46 0 0.02 25.35 26.17 7.1
443 109.48 11.96 0 0.01 0 329.85 0 0.02 25.62 26.44 9.15
446 105.37 2.76 0 0.04 0 329.78 0 0.02 25.07 25.87 38.22
449 109.89 12.19 0 0.01 0 329.56 0 0.02 25.91 26.73 9.02
452 110.92 18.82 0 0.01 0 329.07 0 0.02 26.04 26.87 5.89
455 107.86 7.04 0 0.02 0 328.56 0 0.02 25.71 26.53 15.32
458 106.14 10.11 0 0.01 0 328.56 0 0.02 25.27 26.08 10.5
461 109.76 11.1 0 0.01 0 327.96 0 0.02 25.54 26.35 9.89
464 111.53 0.36 -0.01 0.29 0 327.96 0 0.02 26.26 27.09 310.35
467 109.44 11.33 0 0.01 0 327.8 0 0.02 26.16 26.99 9.66
470 106.39 7.87 0 0.01 0 327.37 0 0.02 25.41 26.21 13.52
473 108.84 5.76 0 0.02 0 327.32 0 0.02 26.17 26.98 18.89
476 105.47 17.45 0 0 0 326.94 0 0.02 25.82 26.62 6.04
479 103.16 8.17 0 0.01 0 326.41 0 0.02 25.22 26.01 12.62
482 106.05 1.44 0 0.07 0 326.43 0 0.02 25.64 26.44 73.46
485 104.24 15.04 0 0.01 0 326.19 0 0.02 25.56 26.35 6.93
488 106.14 8.8 0 0.01 0 325.66 0 0.02 26.09 26.89 12.07
491 106.21 2.61 0 0.03 0 325.66 0 0.02 25.89 26.68 40.68
494 105.76 15.09 0 0.01 0 325.38 0 0.03 26.26 27.06 7.01
497 101.78 9.22 0 0.01 0.52 324.88 0 0.02 25.84 26.63 11.04
500 100.59 1.83 0 0.06 14.72 324.84 0.01 0.02 25.31 26.07 55.03
503 102.29 13.07 0 0.01 0.28 324.64 0 0.02 25.55 26.32 7.83
506 105.6 17.44 0 0.01 0 324.1 0 0.03 26.55 27.36 6.05
509 99.98 5.97 0 0.02 0 323.71 0 0.02 25.68 26.46 16.76
512 102.28 2.54 0 0.04 3.61 323.69 0 0.02 25.9 26.67 40.2
515 102.55 8.86 0 0.01 11.65 323.48 0.04 0.02 25.92 26.69 11.57
518 98.07 8.72 0 0.01 5.91 323.2 0.02 0.02 25.18 25.93 11.25
521 100.62 4.78 0 0.02 3.04 322.99 0.01 0.03 26.19 26.96 21.06
524 97.24 3.16 0 0.03 9.07 322.89 0.01 0.02 25.67 26.44 30.74
527 96.81 10.83 0 0.01 8.41 322.73 0.03 0.02 25.65 26.41 8.94
530 95.41 12.61 0 0.01 9.37 322.29 0.04 0.02 25.84 26.59 7.57
533 95.65 1.55 0 0.05 117.35 322.07 0.07 0.02 25.61 26.35 61.62
536 100.31 4.71 0 0.02 20.46 322.09 0.04 0.03 26.45 27.22 21.3
539 95.49 13.79 0 0.01 10.24 321.74 0.05 0.02 25.58 26.33 6.92
542 93.38 5.1 0 0.02 35.27 321.39 0.07 0.02 25.08 25.8 18.3
545 97.35 4.44 0 0.03 37.62 321.38 0.06 0.02 26.02 26.78 21.91
548 97.46 10.12 0 0.01 15.44 321.08 0.06 0.02 26.05 26.81 9.63
551 97.86 5.79 0 0.02 33.51 320.84 0.07 0.03 26.43 27.19 16.92
554 97.2 6.39 0 0.01 24.7 320.7 0.06 0.03 26.19 26.93 15.22
557 96.82 8.93 0 0.01 12.41 320.45 0.04 0.03 26.2 26.95 10.84

Appendix A - 247
560 95.45 5.66 0 0.02 23.5 320.2 0.05 0.02 25.91 26.65 16.88
563 93.78 9.24 0 0.01 12.85 320.06 0.05 0.02 25.56 26.29 10.15
566 95.82 10.81 0 0.01 14.23 319.66 0.06 0.02 25.87 26.6 8.87
569 95.72 3.79 0 0.03 26.31 319.47 0.04 0.03 26.33 27.07 25.27
572 91.3 5.71 0 0.02 37.8 319.37 0.08 0.02 25.35 26.07 15.99
575 92.16 11.9 0 0.01 9 319.1 0.04 0.02 25.61 26.33 7.74
578 96.69 7.57 0 0.01 16.07 318.73 0.05 0.03 26.2 26.95 12.77
581 94.8 4.68 0 0.02 0.31 318.64 0 0.03 26.19 26.94 20.25
584 91.54 8.42 0 0.01 5.87 318.4 0.02 0.02 25.89 26.62 10.88
587 90.81 6.78 0 0.01 4.45 318.16 0.01 0.02 25.87 26.59 13.38
590 90.81 7.5 0 0.02 10.9 317.98 0.03 0.02 25.53 26.24 12.11
593 90.86 11.84 0 0.01 0 317.69 0 0.02 25.51 26.24 7.68
596 91.29 6.62 0 0.02 0.58 317.34 0 0.02 25.46 26.18 13.78
599 94.26 4.41 0 0.03 2.36 317.27 0 0.02 25.94 26.68 21.36
602 92.99 13.34 0 0.01 0 317 0 0.02 25.59 26.31 6.97
605 89.96 9.54 0 0.01 0 316.56 0 0.02 25.66 26.38 9.43
608 90.29 3.01 0 0.03 0 316.45 0 0.02 25.3 26.01 30.05
611 92.81 7.82 0 0.01 2.83 316.3 0.01 0.02 25.71 26.43 11.86
614 93.62 6.9 0 0.02 0 316.01 0 0.02 25.8 26.53 13.58
617 92.63 0.76 0 0.13 0 315.92 0 0.02 25.59 26.31 122.63
620 92.18 10.71 0 0.01 0 315.86 0 0.02 25.77 26.5 8.6
623 94.38 10.24 0 0.01 0 315.35 0 0.02 26 26.73 9.22
626 93.55 4.09 0 0.02 0 315.29 0 0.02 25.78 26.5 22.89
629 93.48 10.88 0 0.01 0 315.01 0 0.02 26.01 26.74 8.59
632 89.03 11.04 0 0.01 0 314.68 0 0.02 25.41 26.12 8.07
635 92.95 4.48 0 0.03 0 314.4 0 0.02 25.58 26.3 20.74
638 90.72 5.3 0 0.02 0 314.35 0 0.02 25.64 26.37 17.12
641 88.5 13.14 0 0.01 0 314.04 0 0.02 25.45 26.17 6.74
644 89.57 8.54 0 0.01 0 313.65 0 0.02 25.63 26.34 10.48
647 89.64 4.79 0 0.02 0 313.52 0 0.02 25.46 26.17 18.71
650 88.97 6.61 0 0.02 0 313.33 0 0.02 25.23 25.94 13.45
653 88.78 4.55 0 0.03 0 313.14 0 0.02 25.36 26.08 19.51
656 89.03 8.96 0 0.01 0 313.01 0 0.02 25.43 26.15 9.93
659 90.49 13.93 0 0.01 0 312.61 0 0.02 25.75 26.48 6.5
662 89.35 3.33 0 0.03 0 312.28 0 0.02 25.34 26.05 26.82
665 88.04 7.03 0 0.01 0 312.31 0 0.02 25.45 26.16 12.53
668 91.43 13.99 0 0.01 0 311.83 0 0.03 26.04 26.77 6.53
671 93.31 3.98 0 0.03 0 311.59 0 0.03 26.31 27.06 23.47
674 89.52 6.39 0 0.02 0 311.51 0 0.02 25.47 26.19 14.01
677 87.31 10.67 0 0.01 0 311.19 0 0.02 25.69 26.41 8.18
680 89.84 7.45 0 0.01 0 310.92 0 0.02 25.81 26.53 12.07
683 89.56 6.91 0 0.02 2.28 310.72 0.01 0.02 25.97 26.69 12.97
686 86.24 8.28 0 0.01 1.39 310.5 0 0.02 25.18 25.88 10.41
689 86.71 4.16 0 0.03 1.07 310.26 0 0.02 25.31 26.02 20.83
692 89.36 6.99 0 0.02 0 310.2 0 0.03 26.04 26.78 12.79
695 88.59 7.14 0 0.01 4.93 309.86 0.01 0.02 25.95 26.67 12.41
698 85.44 4.37 0 0.03 5.88 309.79 0.01 0.02 25.39 26.1 19.55
701 86.33 8.84 0 0.01 0.08 309.55 0 0.02 25.82 26.53 9.76

Appendix A - 248
704 85.68 12.31 0 0.01 3.42 309.27 0.02 0.02 25.15 25.85 6.96
707 87.59 3.28 0 0.04 14.57 308.89 0.02 0.02 25.3 26.01 26.69
710 87.52 3.78 0 0.03 17.31 309.01 0.02 0.02 25.5 26.22 23.13
713 85.27 12.43 0 0.01 1.39 308.61 0.01 0.02 25.37 26.07 6.86
716 85.8 6.63 0 0.02 1.75 308.36 0 0.02 25.53 26.24 12.95
719 85.35 5.02 0 0.02 16.93 308.19 0.03 0.02 25.24 25.94 17
722 83.21 7.48 0 0.01 25.21 308.03 0.07 0.02 25.18 25.87 11.13
725 83.5 4.89 0 0.02 29.18 307.77 0.05 0.02 25.46 26.17 17.08
728 85.65 3.99 0 0.03 51.16 307.72 0.08 0.02 25.47 26.17 21.49
731 85.12 9.74 0 0.01 16.53 307.49 0.06 0.02 25.61 26.3 8.74
734 84.8 6.46 0 0.02 21.77 307.2 0.05 0.02 25.7 26.4 13.13
737 83.24 3.32 0 0.04 39.14 307.1 0.05 0.02 25.17 25.85 25.05
740 87.8 9.41 0 0.01 12.78 306.94 0.05 0.02 25.9 26.61 9.33
743 86.37 7.33 0 0.02 21.36 306.59 0.06 0.02 25.67 26.38 11.79
746 85.55 2.97 0 0.04 59.2 306.51 0.07 0.02 25.53 26.24 28.79
749 86.08 9.68 0 0.01 17.85 306.33 0.07 0.02 25.43 26.13 8.89
752 85.39 16.02 0 0.01 6.03 305.94 0.04 0.02 25.5 26.19 5.33
755 83.27 6.96 0 0.02 12.99 305.48 0.03 0.02 25.29 25.98 11.96
758 81.59 0.01 -0.29 12.13 22826.45 305.49 0.09 0.02 25.2 25.87 8158.96
761 84.34 0.01 -0.38 13.69 13182.69 305.23 0.05 0.02 25.66 26.36 8434.37

Appendix A - 249
Paper (stacked flat) Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 4.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 329.49
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 17.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 75.93
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 221.35
Total Mass Loss (g): 61.26
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.080
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.39
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1.28
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0183

Initial mass (g): 400.7
Thickness (mm): 51
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 4
Time to flameout (s): 765

Appendix A - 250
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 2.13 0.01 -0.31 -0.04 0 400.84 0 0.03 24.88 25.26 213.1

5 15.18 0.01 -0.39 0.71 0 400.61 0 0.03 24.45 24.83 1518.16
8 75.18 22.8 0 0 1.74 399.96 0.02 0.02 22.66 23.32 3.3
11 201.72 25.09 0 0 0.27 399.28 0 0.02 22.03 23.17 8.04
14 306.39 27.66 0 0 0 398.47 0 0.02 23.21 24.63 11.08
17 329.49 16.23 0 0.01 0 397.72 0 0.02 23.54 25.14 20.31
20 322.94 16.45 0 0.01 0 397.41 0 0.02 23.79 25.48 19.63
23 312.6 28.27 0 0.01 0 396.65 0 0.02 24 25.82 11.06
26 305.35 24.74 0 0.01 0 395.83 0 0.02 24.32 26.23 12.34
29 291.14 16.64 0 0.01 0 395.21 0 0.02 24.16 26.09 17.5
32 282.09 13.94 0 0.01 0 394.79 0 0.02 24.94 26.9 20.24
35 265.03 16.1 0 0.01 0 394.33 0 0.02 25.26 27.24 16.46
38 246.74 15.57 0 0.01 0 393.84 0 0.02 25.2 27.14 15.85
41 238.27 11.75 0 0.01 0 393.42 0 0.02 25.22 27.12 20.27
44 223.23 15.4 0 0.01 0 393.08 0 0.02 25.12 26.96 14.49
47 223.46 22.32 0 0.01 0 392.47 0 0.02 26.24 28.12 10.01
50 207.74 16.02 0 0.01 0 391.84 0 0.02 24.99 26.74 12.97
53 201.1 10.92 0 0.01 0 391.51 0 0.02 25.17 26.89 18.42
56 209.49 13.84 0 0.01 0 391.12 0 0.02 26.7 28.46 15.14
59 199.98 14.62 0 0.01 0 390.69 0 0.02 26.17 27.86 13.68
62 189.2 11.72 0 0.01 0 390.27 0 0.02 25.73 27.33 16.14
65 174.32 9.71 0 0.01 0 389.98 0 0.02 24.73 26.22 17.94
68 176.9 10.73 0 0.01 0 389.67 0 0.02 26 27.54 16.48
71 167.9 12.77 0 0.01 0 389.33 0 0.02 25.61 27.06 13.14
74 161.86 14.65 0 0 0 388.9 0 0.02 25.65 27.06 11.05
77 156.71 16.07 0 0 0 388.45 0 0.02 25.27 26.61 9.75
80 155.28 15.71 0 0 0 387.95 0 0.02 25.28 26.59 9.89
83 156.03 12.73 0 0.01 0 387.53 0 0.02 25.66 26.96 12.26
86 156.48 9.34 0 0.01 0 387.19 0 0.02 25.35 26.63 16.75
89 160.5 9.38 0 0.02 0 386.94 0 0.02 25.45 26.71 17.1
92 160.34 13.05 0 0.01 0 386.6 0 0.02 25.53 26.76 12.28
95 162.36 14.53 0 0.01 0 386.18 0 0.02 26.1 27.33 11.18
98 159.49 12.96 0 0.01 0 385.75 0 0.02 26.11 27.31 12.31
101 153.36 10.78 0 0.01 0 385.4 0 0.02 25.67 26.83 14.22
104 147.9 11.04 0 0.01 0 385.09 0 0.02 25.75 26.88 13.39
107 148.57 12.18 0 0.01 0 384.73 0 0.02 26.43 27.57 12.2
110 148.05 13 0 0.01 0 384.36 0 0.02 26.06 27.15 11.39
113 142.83 11.28 0 0.01 0 383.97 0 0.02 25.79 26.85 12.66
116 137.78 8.08 0 0.01 0 383.69 0 0.02 25.41 26.46 17.06
119 135.46 11.17 0 0.01 0 383.45 0 0.02 25.53 26.54 12.12
122 133.55 9.95 0 0.01 0 383.05 0 0.02 25.45 26.44 13.42
125 133.01 7.09 0 0.02 0 382.86 0 0.02 26.11 27.1 18.76

Appendix A - 251
128 131.5 9.56 0 0.01 0 382.59 0 0.02 25.73 26.69 13.76
131 131.15 11.85 0 0.01 0 382.29 0 0.02 26.04 26.99 11.07
134 125.96 8.16 0 0.01 0 381.92 0 0.02 25.61 26.54 15.43
137 124.75 4.79 0 0.02 0 381.79 0 0.02 25.84 26.76 26.06
140 122.88 13.27 0 0.01 0 381.55 0 0.02 25.82 26.71 9.26
143 119.4 12.67 0 0.01 0 381.06 0 0.02 25.81 26.69 9.42
146 115.29 6.35 0 0.02 0 380.84 0 0.02 25.36 26.21 18.17
149 115.28 5.19 0 0.03 0 380.64 0 0.02 25.69 26.53 22.19
152 110.72 9.23 0 0.02 0 380.49 0 0.02 25.41 26.23 11.99
155 108.25 7 0 0.03 0 380.13 0 0.02 25.72 26.55 15.46
158 108.11 5.5 0 0.04 0 380.06 0 0.02 25.8 26.6 19.66
161 104.66 10.7 0 0.02 0 379.75 0 0.02 25.12 25.88 9.78
164 105.63 10.01 0 0.02 0 379.46 0 0.02 25.53 26.3 10.55
167 105.55 8.75 0 0.03 0 379.16 0 0.02 25.88 26.64 12.07
170 105.76 6.56 0 0.04 0 378.94 0 0.02 26.11 26.88 16.13
173 100.56 7.96 0 0.03 0 378.74 0 0.02 25.78 26.53 12.63
176 97.53 6.65 0 0.04 0 378.48 0 0.02 25.86 26.59 14.66
179 95.7 2.42 0 0.1 0 378.36 0 0.02 25.54 26.25 39.49
182 96.17 6.49 0 0.04 0 378.27 0 0.02 25.85 26.56 14.83
185 92.1 16.43 0 0.01 0 377.94 0 0.02 25.69 26.4 5.6
188 88.32 8.69 0 0.03 0 377.41 0 0.02 25.27 25.96 10.16
191 91.55 0.73 0 0.33 0 377.42 0 0.02 25.77 26.47 124.8
194 89.36 10.27 0 0.02 0 377.25 0 0.02 25.75 26.45 8.7
197 87.04 7.19 0 0.03 0 376.89 0 0.02 25.46 26.15 12.11
200 91.36 -1.73 0 -0.12 0 376.86 0 0.03 26.1 26.81 -52.96
203 91.32 6.47 0 0.03 0 376.86 0 0.02 25.73 26.42 14.12
206 90.41 16.67 0 0.01 0 376.46 0 0.02 25.78 26.48 5.42
209 87.47 6.39 0 0.03 0 376.01 0 0.02 25.58 26.27 13.68
212 88.8 0.67 0 0.25 0 376.04 0 0.02 25.48 26.16 131.74
215 88.35 13.35 0 0.01 0 375.84 0 0.02 25.65 26.34 6.62
218 88.05 8.38 0 0.02 0 375.36 0 0.02 25.89 26.6 10.51
221 87.9 -1.78 0 -0.1 0 375.38 0 0.02 25.93 26.63 -49.35
224 88.29 6.32 0 0.03 0 375.34 0 0.02 25.68 26.38 13.96
227 88.45 11.26 0 0.02 0 375.02 0 0.02 25.59 26.29 7.86
230 88.53 8.42 0 0.02 0 374.72 0 0.02 25.89 26.6 10.52
233 87.52 5.48 0 0.03 0 374.52 0 0.02 25.6 26.31 15.98
236 85.9 4.93 0 0.03 0 374.37 0 0.02 25.17 25.87 17.41
239 86.45 6.18 0 0.03 0 374.2 0 0.02 25.64 26.36 13.98
242 84.34 6.82 0 0.02 0 374.01 0 0.02 25.62 26.33 12.37
245 84.5 6.63 0 0.02 0 373.8 0 0.03 25.97 26.68 12.74
248 86.68 8.61 0 0.02 0 373.59 0 0.03 26.1 26.82 10.07
251 86.5 9.05 0 0.02 0 373.3 0 0.02 25.86 26.57 9.55
254 82.7 4.24 0 0.04 0 373.09 0 0.02 25.24 25.94 19.5
257 82.9 5.99 0 0.03 0 373 0 0.02 25.09 25.78 13.84
260 86.93 9.13 0 0.02 0 372.72 0 0.03 25.94 26.67 9.52
263 85.38 6.61 0 0.03 0 372.49 0 0.02 25.6 26.31 12.91
266 82.78 1.97 0 0.08 0 372.33 0 0.02 25.64 26.37 42.01
269 81.53 3.91 0 0.04 0 372.32 0 0.02 25.46 26.18 20.87

Appendix A - 252
272 84.01 14.78 0 0.01 0 372.04 0 0.02 25.63 26.35 5.68
275 83.8 8.5 0 0.02 0 371.56 0 0.02 25.53 26.25 9.86
278 81.47 1.15 0 0.11 0 371.54 0 0.02 25.38 26.09 70.82
281 84.71 10.6 0 0.01 0 371.37 0 0.02 25.86 26.58 7.99
284 82.46 10.82 0 0.01 0 370.97 0 0.02 25.04 25.74 7.62
287 81.49 0.25 -0.02 0.58 0 370.8 0 0.02 25.39 26.1 327.12
290 81.03 0.6 -0.01 0.22 0 370.87 0 0.02 25.56 26.28 134.49
293 82.59 12.37 0 0.01 0 370.68 0 0.03 25.9 26.63 6.68
296 81.75 9.3 0 0.01 0 370.24 0 0.02 25.6 26.32 8.79
299 79.76 0.52 -0.01 0.27 0 370.16 0 0.02 25.54 26.25 154.26
302 83.03 8.37 0 0.02 0 370.09 0 0.03 26.43 27.16 9.92
305 79.55 13.08 0 0.01 0 369.68 0 0.02 25.55 26.25 6.08
308 79.62 4.4 0 0.04 0 369.4 0 0.02 25.84 26.55 18.11
311 77.62 2.35 0 0.06 25.41 369.37 0.02 0.02 25.75 26.46 33.05
314 77.26 8.39 0 0.02 8.93 369.2 0.03 0.02 25.16 25.85 9.2
317 82.78 7.63 0 0.02 0 368.92 0 0.03 26.1 26.82 10.85
320 80.9 3.41 0 0.04 21.05 368.77 0.03 0.02 25.66 26.37 23.76
323 78.13 7.2 0 0.02 5.89 368.66 0.02 0.02 25.13 25.82 10.85
326 78.91 10.07 0 0.01 7 368.34 0.03 0.02 25.48 26.19 7.84
329 79.71 5.51 0 0.02 1.67 368.1 0 0.02 25.52 26.22 14.47
332 80.46 5.55 0 0.02 5.97 367.98 0.01 0.02 25.61 26.3 14.49
335 80.21 7.96 0 0.01 2.96 367.75 0.01 0.03 25.96 26.67 10.08
338 78.2 5.19 0 0.02 2.13 367.54 0 0.02 25.63 26.33 15.06
341 79.98 6.73 0 0.02 4.79 367.42 0.01 0.03 25.85 26.56 11.89
344 80.58 5.95 0 0.02 19.73 367.15 0.04 0.03 26 26.71 13.54
347 77.63 5.61 0 0.03 13.92 367.05 0.03 0.02 25.73 26.44 13.85
350 76.86 8.22 0 0.02 4.52 366.79 0.01 0.02 25.79 26.5 9.35
353 78.03 6.73 0 0.02 13.5 366.59 0.03 0.02 25.76 26.46 11.59
356 79.23 6.93 0 0.02 15.66 366.38 0.04 0.02 25.78 26.48 11.43
359 78.22 4.38 0 0.03 10.13 366.19 0.02 0.03 25.9 26.59 17.88
362 77.3 9.69 0 0.01 1.61 366.06 0.01 0.03 26.05 26.75 7.98
365 76.93 8.28 0 0.02 3.18 365.65 0.01 0.03 25.84 26.53 9.29
368 76.69 1.97 0 0.08 92.62 365.6 0.07 0.02 25.42 26.09 38.84
371 76.95 7.74 0 0.02 9.58 365.45 0.03 0.02 25.35 26.03 9.94
374 76.67 12.79 0 0.01 14.31 365.14 0.07 0.02 25.48 26.17 6
377 76.26 7.67 0 0.02 18.87 364.76 0.05 0.02 25.69 26.38 9.95
380 75.2 -3.11 0 -0.05 -32.13 364.72 0.04 0.02 25.38 26.06 -24.18
383 77 1.99 0 0.07 41.43 364.83 0.03 0.02 25.53 26.21 38.63
386 76.96 16.54 0 0.01 6.63 364.53 0.04 0.03 26.17 26.87 4.65
389 77.58 11.83 0 0.01 6.63 363.98 0.03 0.03 26.31 27.01 6.56
392 74.74 0.41 -0.01 0.36 206.47 363.87 0.03 0.02 25.1 25.77 183.59
395 77.33 5.87 0 0.03 45.07 363.83 0.1 0.03 25.81 26.51 13.18
398 78.52 8.71 0 0.02 7.72 363.53 0.03 0.03 26.14 26.85 9.01
401 75.72 2.67 0 0.06 35.36 363.37 0.04 0.02 25.6 26.3 28.34
404 75.89 4.39 0 0.03 4.65 363.32 0.01 0.03 25.79 26.49 17.3
407 76.77 10.63 0 0.02 0.55 363.08 0 0.03 25.83 26.51 7.22
410 75.34 8.23 0 0.02 10.94 362.74 0.03 0.02 25.55 26.23 9.16
413 72.67 4.81 0 0.03 0 362.59 0 0.02 25.2 25.87 15.12

Appendix A - 253
416 75.09 8.25 0 0.02 0 362.4 0 0.02 25.68 26.38 9.11
419 77.93 12.29 0 0.01 0 362.1 0 0.03 25.87 26.57 6.34
422 80.51 5.21 0 0.03 0 361.75 0 0.03 26.35 27.07 15.45
425 76.55 2.53 0 0.06 0 361.75 0 0.02 25.32 26 30.21
428 75.57 9.2 0 0.02 1.24 361.53 0 0.02 25.41 26.09 8.21
431 77.71 4.99 0 0.03 0 361.28 0 0.03 25.85 26.55 15.56
434 77.73 -0.84 0 -0.17 0 361.24 0 0.02 25.17 25.85 -92.81
437 80.48 6.02 0 0.02 0 361.23 0 0.03 26.1 26.81 13.37
440 77.95 14.72 0 0.01 0 360.87 0 0.02 25.3 26 5.3
443 77.62 8.52 0 0.01 0 360.46 0 0.02 25.22 25.91 9.11
446 80.94 -0.36 0.01 -0.33 0 360.38 0 0.02 25.42 26.13 -225.96
449 81.7 3.46 0 0.03 0 360.39 0 0.03 25.94 26.65 23.58
452 79.72 10.59 0 0.01 0 360.14 0 0.03 25.89 26.61 7.53
455 77.07 4.42 0 0.03 0 359.84 0 0.02 25.62 26.33 17.45
458 78.02 3.94 0 0.04 0 359.84 0 0.02 25.5 26.2 19.78
461 77.9 12.84 0 0.01 0 359.54 0 0.02 25.38 26.08 6.07
464 80.61 11.78 0 0.01 0 359.14 0 0.02 25.63 26.34 6.85
467 80.13 4.5 0 0.03 0 358.88 0 0.02 25.67 26.38 17.8
470 80.57 3.41 0 0.04 0 358.83 0 0.03 25.8 26.5 23.64
473 79.4 6.32 0 0.02 0 358.64 0 0.03 25.96 26.67 12.57
476 77.01 9.99 0 0.02 0 358.44 0 0.02 25.34 26.02 7.71
479 77.86 11.65 0 0.01 0 358.06 0 0.02 25.48 26.17 6.68
482 79.29 7.63 0 0.02 0 357.79 0 0.02 25.36 26.05 10.4
485 79.03 0.96 0 0.17 0 357.63 0 0.02 25.48 26.18 82.55
488 78.25 -2.01 0 -0.09 0 357.69 0 0.02 25.41 26.12 -38.97
491 78.68 7.72 0 0.02 0 357.65 0 0.02 25.55 26.26 10.19
494 81.01 13.64 0 0.01 0 357.26 0 0.03 25.8 26.52 5.94
497 80.32 8.63 0 0.02 0 356.92 0 0.02 25.38 26.08 9.31
500 81.23 0.03 -0.14 6.06 0 356.77 0 0.03 25.77 26.48 2839.86
503 77.86 0.81 0 0.19 0 356.84 0 0.02 25.42 26.12 95.87
506 78.18 12.61 0 0.01 0 356.64 0 0.02 25.62 26.33 6.2
509 77.27 14.36 0 0.01 0 356.16 0 0.02 25.55 26.25 5.38
512 79.06 7.37 0 0.02 0 355.85 0 0.03 25.89 26.6 10.73
515 80.11 4.08 0 0.04 0 355.7 0 0.02 25.65 26.35 19.62
518 80 1.96 0 0.08 0 355.59 0 0.02 25.71 26.41 40.8
521 78.19 3.26 0 0.05 0 355.55 0 0.03 25.8 26.5 24
524 77.47 7.82 0 0.02 0 355.37 0 0.02 25.7 26.39 9.91
527 81.3 8.57 0 0.02 0 355.11 0 0.03 26.38 27.09 9.49
530 79.22 7.01 0 0.02 0 354.88 0 0.02 25.53 26.21 11.3
533 76.55 1.77 0 0.09 0 354.71 0 0.02 25.2 25.88 43.15
536 76.76 0.29 -0.01 0.53 0 354.74 0 0.03 25.75 26.44 268.47
539 77.61 10.2 0 0.01 0 354.61 0 0.02 25.57 26.26 7.61
542 77.56 16.35 0 0.01 0 354.15 0 0.02 25.43 26.11 4.74
545 79.92 9.6 0 0.01 0 353.73 0 0.03 26.02 26.71 8.32
548 78.01 2.09 0 0.07 0 353.59 0 0.02 25.44 26.13 37.4
551 75.94 1.98 0 0.07 0 353.54 0 0.02 24.98 25.66 38.4
554 79.31 8.68 0 0.02 0 353.42 0 0.03 26.11 26.82 9.14
557 77.98 11.84 0 0.01 0 353.05 0 0.02 25.27 25.95 6.59

Appendix A - 254
560 78.28 3.8 0 0.04 0 352.78 0 0.02 25.3 25.99 20.6
563 78.29 6.42 0 0.03 0 352.75 0 0.02 25.57 26.26 12.19
566 79.44 10.81 0 0.01 0 352.38 0 0.03 25.94 26.64 7.35
569 79.16 5.26 0 0.03 0 352.17 0 0.03 25.98 26.69 15.04
572 76.9 5.96 0 0.03 0 352.03 0 0.02 25.49 26.19 12.9
575 76.1 9.03 0 0.02 0 351.79 0 0.02 25.19 25.88 8.42
578 78.13 10.37 0 0.02 0 351.5 0 0.03 25.76 26.46 7.53
581 79.52 4.56 0 0.03 0 351.22 0 0.02 25.65 26.35 17.43
584 79.32 2.59 0 0.06 0 351.2 0 0.02 25.48 26.18 30.59
587 77.61 8.59 0 0.02 0 351.01 0 0.02 25.23 25.93 9.03
590 77.47 11.03 0 0.01 0 350.71 0 0.03 25.77 26.49 7.02
593 75.74 9.04 0 0.02 0 350.39 0 0.02 25.41 26.12 8.38
596 77.81 3.56 0 0.04 0 350.19 0 0.02 25.65 26.36 21.83
599 78.08 1.72 0 0.08 0 350.14 0 0.02 25.67 26.37 45.28
602 79.53 7.67 0 0.02 0 350.03 0 0.03 26.17 26.89 10.37
605 76.41 6.94 0 0.02 0 349.73 0 0.02 25.4 26.1 11.01
608 75.04 3.71 0 0.04 0 349.63 0 0.02 25.06 25.75 20.24
611 78.1 8.14 0 0.02 0 349.45 0 0.02 25.61 26.32 9.6
614 77.9 11.46 0 0.01 0 349.15 0 0.02 25.56 26.27 6.8
617 76.56 9.51 0 0.02 0 348.81 0 0.02 25.63 26.34 8.05
620 77.93 1.26 0 0.12 0 348.63 0 0.03 25.91 26.63 61.84
623 78.7 0.21 -0.02 0.76 0 348.67 0 0.03 26.03 26.74 367.16
626 78.29 10.3 0 0.02 0 348.53 0 0.03 25.76 26.47 7.6
629 76.53 13.09 0 0.01 0 348.11 0 0.02 25.73 26.44 5.85
632 75.22 5.66 0 0.03 0 347.83 0 0.02 25.4 26.09 13.29
635 75.09 -1.07 0 -0.14 0 347.77 0 0.02 25.18 25.86 -70.07
638 76.77 2.17 0 0.08 0 347.81 0 0.02 25.66 26.36 35.34
641 76.2 7.72 0 0.02 0 347.61 0 0.02 25.5 26.19 9.87
644 79.76 11.88 0 0.01 0 347.36 0 0.03 26.29 27.01 6.72
647 77.32 12.01 0 0.01 0 346.94 0 0.03 25.83 26.54 6.44
650 75.79 4.04 0 0.04 0 346.7 0 0.02 25.72 26.42 18.76
653 74.87 1.23 0 0.13 0 346.65 0 0.02 25.42 26.11 60.82
656 78.28 8.11 0 0.02 0 346.56 0 0.03 25.95 26.66 9.65
659 77.57 10.06 0 0.01 0 346.2 0 0.03 25.83 26.53 7.71
662 74.72 1.78 0 0.08 14.29 346.02 0.01 0.02 25.22 25.9 41.95
665 73.4 4.62 0 0.03 0 346.02 0 0.02 25.15 25.84 15.9
668 73.56 11.95 0 0.01 0 345.71 0 0.02 25.55 26.25 6.16
671 75.89 9.9 0 0.01 0 345.37 0 0.02 25.52 26.22 7.67
674 77.22 1.99 0 0.07 0 345.17 0 0.02 25.52 26.21 38.85
677 76.34 -0.22 0.02 -0.59 0 345.21 0 0.02 25.68 26.37 -342.41
680 74.55 6.94 0 0.02 0 345.1 0 0.03 25.78 26.47 10.74
683 73.1 12.63 0 0.01 0 344.8 0 0.02 25.65 26.34 5.79
686 73.04 11.9 0 0.01 0 344.4 0 0.02 25.35 26.04 6.14
689 74.76 5.57 0 0.03 0 344.13 0 0.02 25.5 26.19 13.43
692 77.68 -0.14 0.03 -1.08 0 344.06 0 0.03 25.96 26.66 -551.17
695 75.78 1.8 0 0.08 0 344.08 0 0.03 25.99 26.68 41.99
698 74.5 9.55 0 0.02 0 343.91 0 0.02 25.67 26.36 7.8
701 72.47 12.04 0 0.01 0 343.55 0 0.02 25.14 25.81 6.02

Appendix A - 255
704 74.64 4.84 0 0.03 0 343.26 0 0.02 25.51 26.2 15.42
707 75.36 -0.89 0 -0.16 0 343.25 0 0.03 25.93 26.63 -84.85
710 74.35 4.85 0 0.03 0 343.23 0 0.03 26.12 26.81 15.33
713 72.4 9.38 0 0.02 0 342.96 0 0.03 25.73 26.41 7.72
716 72.47 7.24 0 0.02 0 342.71 0 0.02 25.31 25.98 10.01
719 74.47 6.85 0 0.02 0 342.51 0 0.02 25.56 26.23 10.88
722 73.72 10.38 0 0.01 0 342.28 0 0.02 25.68 26.35 7.1
725 72.12 8.52 0 0.02 0 341.93 0 0.03 25.73 26.4 8.47
728 71.4 1.19 0 0.12 0 341.8 0 0.02 25.47 26.15 60.23
731 72.97 6.14 0 0.02 0 341.78 0 0.02 25.45 26.14 11.89
734 73.01 10.37 0 0.01 0 341.44 0 0.02 25.31 25.99 7.04
737 74.17 4.49 0 0.03 0 341.23 0 0.02 25.6 26.28 16.54
740 74.13 0.47 -0.01 0.26 0 341.15 0 0.03 25.8 26.48 156.56
743 71.77 8.03 0 0.01 0 341.11 0 0.03 25.86 26.53 8.94
746 69.93 15.65 0 0.01 0 340.68 0 0.02 25.07 25.74 4.47
749 72.23 6.49 0 0.02 0 340.3 0 0.02 25.47 26.15 11.13
752 75.09 -0.56 0.01 -0.22 0 340.27 0 0.03 25.99 26.7 -135.09
755 75.63 5.15 0 0.02 0 340.23 0 0.03 26.18 26.87 14.69
758 72.84 8.98 0 0.01 0 339.97 0 0.03 25.85 26.54 8.11
761 72.18 0.01 -0.31 10.39 0 339.74 0 0.03 25.76 26.44 7218.47
764 73.27 0.01 -0.29 10 0 339.58 0 0.03 26.04 26.73 7327.35

Appendix A - 256
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 3.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 289.77
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 16.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 65.17
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 150.61
Total Mass Loss (g): 34.66
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.050
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 9.40
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 56.61
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0003

Initial mass (g): 385
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 91
Time to ignition (s): 3
Time to flameout (s): 690

Appendix A - 257
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 10.79 0.01 -0.83 -0.07 0 385.07 0 0.03 25.37 25.81 1078.84

4 13.54 0.01 -0.87 -0.08 0 385.14 0 0.03 26.35 26.8 1354.38
7 46.61 29.25 0 0 3.76 384.86 0.02 0.03 25.82 26.29 1.59
10 130.95 25.47 0 0 66.41 384.37 0.35 0.02 23.57 24.21 5.14
13 244.55 6.47 0 0.01 262.17 384.16 0.33 0.03 24.87 25.7 37.8
16 289.77 -0.9 0.01 -0.05 -825.04 384.13 0.14 0.03 26.03 26.93 -320.19
19 239.99 5.57 0 0.02 0 384.13 0 0.03 25.29 26.16 43.09
22 180.64 12.72 0 0.01 0 383.96 0 0.03 25.39 26.24 14.2
25 131.67 10.1 0 0.02 0 383.79 0 0.03 25.46 26.28 13.04
28 100.04 1.49 0 0.14 0 383.68 0 0.03 25.72 26.52 67.03
31 84.26 4.53 0 0.02 0 383.69 0 0.03 25.21 25.97 18.58
34 90.67 23.26 0 0 0 383.49 0 0.03 25.07 25.86 3.9
37 115.56 27.06 0 0 0 383.05 0 0.03 25.2 26.02 4.27
40 144.92 16.82 0 0 0 382.73 0 0.02 24.92 25.78 8.61
43 167.78 12.35 0 0 0 382.53 0 0.02 24.64 25.53 13.58
46 183.71 22.52 0 0 1.46 382.31 0.01 0.02 25.14 26.09 8.16
49 195.92 25.79 0 0 0 381.88 0 0.03 25.41 26.38 7.6
52 201.03 11.27 0 0 0 381.6 0 0.02 25.35 26.34 17.84
55 197.81 3.12 0 0.01 20.69 381.52 0.01 0.02 25.17 26.17 63.43
58 196.63 11.66 0 0 0 381.44 0 0.02 24.96 25.97 16.86
61 195.99 24.71 0 0 0 381.14 0 0.02 25.13 26.14 7.93
64 187.72 28.41 0 0 0 380.74 0 0.02 24.84 25.85 6.61
67 180.04 21.75 0 0 0 380.34 0 0.02 25.03 26.04 8.28
70 181.89 12.08 0 0 0 380.1 0 0.03 25.7 26.73 15.05
73 179.59 10.18 0 0 0 379.94 0 0.03 25.97 27 17.64
76 169.11 19.34 0 0 0 379.75 0 0.02 25.41 26.41 8.75
79 165.24 19.75 0 0 0 379.39 0 0.02 25.42 26.4 8.37
82 160.74 10.49 0 0 0 379.19 0 0.02 24.97 25.92 15.33
85 163.86 7.95 0 0 0 379.06 0 0.03 25.84 26.8 20.61
88 153.15 9.61 0 0 0 378.93 0 0.02 24.88 25.8 15.93
91 150.21 20.76 0 0 0 378.73 0 0.02 25.45 26.38 7.24
94 148.38 25.11 0 0 0 378.34 0 0.02 25.42 26.33 5.91
97 147.19 19.48 0 0 0 378.02 0 0.03 25.96 26.88 7.56
100 138.76 9.42 0 0 0 377.77 0 0.03 25.69 26.58 14.74
103 137.26 9.41 0 0 0 377.7 0 0.03 26.42 27.33 14.59
106 134.23 20.58 0 0 0 377.45 0 0.03 25.69 26.56 6.52
109 132.57 14.9 0 0 0 377.14 0 0.02 25.56 26.41 8.9
112 128.67 7.47 0 0 0 377.01 0 0.03 25.72 26.56 17.22
115 126.9 1.44 -0.01 0 0 376.91 0 0.02 25.22 26.03 88.03
118 128.86 7.78 0 0 0 376.92 0 0.02 25.48 26.28 16.56
121 128.67 22.11 0 0 0 376.65 0 0.03 25.74 26.54 5.82
124 123.71 20.01 0 0 0 376.32 0 0.02 25.25 26.03 6.18
127 124.41 7.59 0 0 0 376.09 0 0.02 25.23 26.01 16.4
130 126.12 9.61 0 0 0 376.04 0 0.03 25.96 26.75 13.13
133 119.69 21.98 0 0 0 375.76 0 0.02 25.48 26.24 5.45
136 119.8 20.8 0 0 0 375.43 0 0.03 25.72 26.49 5.76

Appendix A - 258
139 115.81 8.52 0 0 0 375.18 0 0.02 25.2 25.94 13.6
142 115.67 1.76 0 0 0 375.15 0 0.03 26.1 26.86 65.67
145 113.63 6.5 0 0 0 375.08 0 0.03 25.68 26.42 17.47
148 117.51 16.76 0 0 0 374.94 0 0.03 26.01 26.75 7.01
151 116.78 16.88 0 0 0 374.62 0 0.03 25.63 26.36 6.92
154 119.06 2.45 0 0 0 374.48 0 0.03 26.04 26.78 48.53
157 113.65 6.21 0 0 0 374.48 0 0.03 25.66 26.38 18.29
160 107.1 21.37 0 0 0 374.25 0 0.02 25.24 25.96 5.01
163 108.29 22.74 0 0 0 373.89 0 0.03 25.74 26.47 4.76
166 107.97 12.67 0 0 0 373.62 0 0.03 25.73 26.44 8.52
169 108.13 5.43 0 0 0 373.5 0 0.03 25.55 26.26 19.9
172 110.26 11.35 0 0 0 373.4 0 0.03 26.18 26.92 9.71
175 106.52 16.06 0 0 0 373.16 0 0.02 25.43 26.13 6.63
178 104.27 8.08 0 0 0 372.97 0 0.02 25.23 25.92 12.9
181 105.92 3.86 0 0 0 372.91 0 0.03 25.52 26.22 27.47
184 101.63 1.95 0 0 0 372.83 0 0.03 25.53 26.22 52.01
187 99.86 13.78 0 0 0 372.8 0 0.03 25.63 26.31 7.25
190 96.65 22.7 0 0 0 372.43 0 0.02 25.21 25.89 4.26
193 98.7 13.14 0 0 0 372.19 0 0.02 25.07 25.75 7.51
196 107.29 6.09 0 0 0 372.04 0 0.03 26.22 26.93 17.62
199 104.61 4.72 0 0 0 371.98 0 0.03 25.65 26.34 22.17
202 97.53 14.9 0 0 0 371.85 0 0.02 25.27 25.95 6.55
205 93.06 14.62 0 0 0 371.57 0 0.02 25.22 25.89 6.37
208 94.54 1.66 0 0 0 371.46 0 0.03 25.58 26.26 56.82
211 95.6 1.77 0 0 0 371.47 0 0.03 25.5 26.17 54.16
214 97.82 16.42 0 0 0 371.35 0 0.03 25.63 26.31 5.96
217 97.89 24.51 0 0 0 371 0 0.02 25.37 26.03 3.99
220 96.32 13.95 0 0 0 370.69 0 0.03 25.44 26.11 6.91
223 95.16 2.83 0 0 0 370.59 0 0.02 25 25.67 33.68
226 98.04 4.17 0 0 0 370.56 0 0.03 25.56 26.24 23.53
229 94.15 5.92 0 0 0 370.46 0 0.03 25.51 26.18 15.9
232 90.99 9.36 0 0 0 370.37 0 0.03 25.58 26.24 9.72
235 91.94 15.29 0 0 0 370.17 0 0.02 25.39 26.05 6.01
238 90.25 14.84 0 0 0 369.94 0 0.02 25.22 25.88 6.08
241 89.53 10.22 0 0 0 369.74 0 0.03 25.51 26.18 8.76
244 89.36 7.22 0 0 0 369.62 0 0.02 25.36 26.02 12.38
247 89.86 9.98 0 0 0 369.5 0 0.02 25.03 25.68 9.01
250 90.81 13.29 0 0 0 369.32 0 0.03 25.43 26.09 6.83
253 92.81 6.59 0 0 0 369.14 0 0.03 25.74 26.4 14.07
256 94.69 1.12 -0.01 0 0 369.12 0 0.03 25.96 26.63 84.6
259 91.47 9.27 0 0 0 369.05 0 0.03 25.71 26.37 9.86
262 86.73 18.49 0 0 0 368.84 0 0.03 25.5 26.15 4.69
265 84.88 20.32 0 0 0 368.53 0 0.02 25.17 25.81 4.18
268 85.86 8.8 0 0 0 368.28 0 0.03 25.41 26.06 9.76
271 91.46 -4.86 0 0 0 368.27 0 0.03 25.87 26.54 -18.83
274 93.9 3.18 0 0 0 368.34 0 0.03 25.83 26.49 29.49
277 90.17 17.35 0 0 0 368.15 0 0.03 25.57 26.21 5.2
280 88.19 12.82 0 0 0 367.89 0 0.03 25.74 26.39 6.88
283 84.68 6.42 0 0 0 367.78 0 0.03 25.56 26.2 13.19
286 84.48 10.42 0 0 0 367.66 0 0.03 25.95 26.62 8.11
289 83.96 12.65 0 0 0 367.47 0 0.02 25.29 25.93 6.64
292 87.11 8.64 0 0 0 367.3 0 0.03 25.46 26.11 10.09

Appendix A - 259
295 85.54 6.18 0 0 0 367.2 0 0.02 25.13 25.76 13.85
298 86.15 16.72 0 0 0 367.07 0 0.02 25.06 25.69 5.15
301 88.53 20.25 0 0 0 366.73 0 0.03 25.62 26.27 4.37
304 85.73 1.53 0 0 0 366.55 0 0.03 25.62 26.27 56.01
307 84.25 -4.97 0 0 0 366.64 0 0.03 25.88 26.53 -16.94
310 86.46 6.42 0 0 0 366.62 0 0.03 25.82 26.46 13.47
313 89.24 19.76 0 0 0 366.44 0 0.03 25.87 26.52 4.52
316 86 15.34 0 0 0 366.1 0 0.03 25.59 26.23 5.61
319 82.63 6.1 0 0 0 366 0 0.03 26.24 26.91 13.54
322 77.59 6.49 0 0 0 365.88 0 0.02 25.31 25.95 11.95
325 78.06 4.32 0 0 0 365.81 0 0.02 25.29 25.92 18.08
328 82.67 10.92 0 0 0 365.72 0 0.03 25.4 26.03 7.57
331 85.68 8.83 0 0 0 365.51 0 0.03 25.9 26.54 9.7
334 79.53 6.45 0 0 0 365.46 0 0.02 24.69 25.3 12.32
337 86.12 8.51 0 0 0 365.3 0 0.03 25.69 26.32 10.12
340 84.96 10.39 0 0 0 365.2 0 0.03 25.6 26.23 8.17
343 82.49 14.75 0 0 0 364.98 0 0.03 25.52 26.16 5.59
346 81.28 12.5 0 0 0 364.79 0 0.03 25.37 26.01 6.5
349 79.63 7.4 0 0 0 364.62 0 0.03 25.65 26.29 10.77
352 79.68 2.24 0 0 0 364.56 0 0.03 25.76 26.39 35.6
355 75.15 1.72 0 0 0 364.54 0 0.02 25.19 25.82 43.69
358 74.97 7.24 0 0 0 364.49 0 0.03 25.37 26 10.36
361 79.32 15.87 0 0 0 364.31 0 0.03 25.86 26.5 5
364 79.77 13.8 0 0 0 364.05 0 0.03 25.9 26.54 5.78
367 76.14 6.66 0 0 0 363.92 0 0.03 25.52 26.15 11.44
370 80.04 7.57 0 0 0 363.82 0 0.03 25.69 26.33 10.58
373 78.93 8.19 0 0 0 363.68 0 0.03 26.19 26.84 9.63
376 75.86 11.36 0 0 3.92 363.57 0.01 0.03 26.04 26.68 6.68
379 73.99 16.13 0 0 8.75 363.34 0.03 0.03 25.77 26.4 4.59
382 78.5 12.84 0 0 9.51 363.11 0.02 0.03 25.79 26.43 6.11
385 78.29 10.7 0 0 13.52 362.96 0.03 0.03 25.59 26.23 7.32
388 78.58 5.14 0 0 73.74 362.81 0.07 0.03 25.78 26.41 15.3
391 80.4 1.21 -0.01 0 322.11 362.79 0.07 0.03 25.63 26.26 66.71
394 80.91 4.97 0 0 74.97 362.74 0.07 0.03 25.9 26.55 16.28
397 80.99 5.43 0 0 108.45 362.65 0.11 0.03 26.14 26.78 14.92
400 74.98 9.97 0 0 87.66 362.57 0.17 0.03 25.48 26.1 7.52
403 73.95 9.19 0 0 94.55 362.37 0.17 0.03 25.44 26.07 8.05
406 77.03 3.12 0 0 252.15 362.31 0.15 0.03 25.93 26.57 24.69
409 75.46 7.82 0 0 107.67 362.24 0.16 0.03 25.53 26.16 9.65
412 70.87 13.5 0 0 86.68 362.07 0.23 0.02 24.46 25.06 5.25
415 76.44 15.09 0 0 83.8 361.85 0.24 0.03 25.76 26.4 5.06
418 76.12 8.08 0 0 151.41 361.65 0.23 0.03 25.57 26.2 9.43
421 72.81 3.61 0 0 349.94 361.6 0.24 0.03 25.35 25.97 20.15
424 73.11 13.29 0 0 93.45 361.49 0.24 0.03 25.41 26.04 5.5
427 74.97 9.88 0 0 137.55 361.24 0.26 0.03 25.55 26.18 7.59
430 81.19 6.38 0 0 253.12 361.2 0.3 0.03 26.02 26.65 12.73
433 79.91 10.56 0 0 143.26 361.03 0.29 0.03 25.35 25.96 7.57
436 76.51 10.61 0 0 139.78 360.89 0.29 0.02 25.21 25.83 7.21
439 78.4 12.21 0 0 134.84 360.71 0.31 0.03 25.77 26.41 6.42
442 79.45 10.19 0 0 180.43 360.54 0.35 0.03 25.79 26.42 7.79
445 76.5 5.54 0 0 338.86 360.41 0.36 0.02 25.2 25.81 13.8
448 73.03 3.05 0 0 560.35 360.36 0.32 0.03 25.73 26.36 23.97

Appendix A - 260
451 80.15 3.54 0 0 506.86 360.31 0.34 0.03 25.61 26.24 22.62
454 80.55 5.55 0 0 315.61 360.25 0.33 0.03 25.75 26.38 14.52
457 76.46 9.13 0 0 184.56 360.13 0.32 0.03 25.8 26.42 8.38
460 73.41 15.6 0 0 114.83 359.97 0.34 0.03 25.63 26.26 4.7
463 74.52 16.65 0 0 101.48 359.69 0.32 0.03 25.97 26.62 4.48
466 72.95 7.06 0 0 240.12 359.51 0.33 0.03 25.41 26.04 10.33
469 73.16 4.76 0 0 397.3 359.45 0.36 0.03 25.57 26.2 15.36
472 73.9 7.23 0 0 234.93 359.34 0.33 0.03 25.41 26.04 10.22
475 75.38 9.47 0 0 180.45 359.23 0.33 0.03 25.5 26.13 7.96
478 78.52 10.58 0 0 166.36 359.06 0.33 0.03 25.91 26.55 7.42
481 75.93 13.91 0 0 113.68 358.91 0.3 0.03 25.52 26.14 5.46
484 74.59 10.89 0 0 156.71 358.67 0.32 0.03 25.7 26.34 6.85
487 71.26 1.35 -0.01 0 1334.36 358.61 0.34 0.03 25.5 26.13 52.93
490 72.12 0.15 -0.04 0 11514.98 358.6 0.34 0.03 25.75 26.38 466.2
493 75.29 3.93 0 0 449.16 358.58 0.34 0.03 25.51 26.14 19.14
496 73.23 10.44 0 0 138.14 358.47 0.28 0.02 24.86 25.47 7.01
499 70.99 12.87 0 0 126.74 358.28 0.31 0.03 25.66 26.28 5.52
502 68.96 15.42 0 0 90.48 358.09 0.27 0.02 25.04 25.65 4.47
505 69.61 13.88 0 0 96.72 357.84 0.26 0.02 25.23 25.85 5.01
508 70.31 4.25 0 0 287.86 357.7 0.24 0.02 24.98 25.6 16.54
511 73.15 0 2.66 0.2 0 357.69 0.24 0.03 25.37 26 0
514 76 1.24 -0.01 0 914.2 357.67 0.21 0.03 26.24 26.88 61.37
517 76.24 11.18 0 0 98.75 357.62 0.21 0.02 25.2 25.82 6.82
520 75.65 18.57 0 0 59.17 357.35 0.21 0.02 25.22 25.85 4.07
523 71.77 16.05 0 0 67.12 357.1 0.21 0.03 25.35 25.98 4.47
526 70.47 8.37 0 0 131.39 356.89 0.21 0.03 25.49 26.12 8.42
529 70.14 2.57 0 0 477.91 356.84 0.23 0.03 25.74 26.37 27.31
532 72.38 3.82 0 0 328.52 356.79 0.24 0.03 25.71 26.34 18.97
535 69.33 0.16 -0.05 0 7907.89 356.74 0.24 0.02 24.91 25.52 445.37
538 71.46 3.83 0 0 336.91 356.76 0.25 0.03 25.31 25.93 18.64
541 72.19 11.82 0 0 115.73 356.61 0.26 0.03 25.79 26.42 6.11
544 70.07 23.02 0 0 61.96 356.39 0.27 0.03 25.77 26.4 3.04
547 69.15 19.34 0 0 75.57 355.98 0.27 0.03 26.02 26.66 3.58
550 68.31 -2.37 0 0 -662.6 355.88 0.3 0.03 25.95 26.6 -28.82
553 71.49 5.98 0 0 261.76 355.94 0.3 0.03 25.41 26.04 11.96
556 73 15.82 0 0 96.3 355.69 0.29 0.02 25.27 25.88 4.61
559 73.84 7.34 0 0 219.35 355.53 0.31 0.03 25.64 26.27 10.06
562 70.73 3.51 0 0 475.65 355.45 0.32 0.02 25.26 25.89 20.17
565 74.26 5.3 0 0 345.4 355.4 0.34 0.03 25.97 26.61 14.01
568 74 10.72 0 0 165.16 355.28 0.34 0.03 25.74 26.36 6.9
571 73.9 10.64 0 0 161.07 355.1 0.33 0.03 25.39 26 6.94
574 70.56 5.77 0 0 300.74 354.98 0.33 0.03 25.44 26.06 12.22
577 71.12 -1.53 0 0 -1096.15 354.94 0.32 0.03 25.85 26.48 -46.36
580 70.68 -0.11 0.06 0.01 -15223.29 354.99 0.32 0.03 26.32 26.95 -619.79
583 68.11 13.03 0 0 118.65 354.9 0.3 0.03 25.5 26.11 5.23
586 69.04 15.43 0 0 114.88 354.64 0.34 0.03 25.55 26.18 4.48
589 68.91 7.43 0 0 231.56 354.48 0.33 0.03 25.74 26.37 9.28
592 69.01 8.14 0 0 207.08 354.39 0.33 0.02 25.25 25.86 8.48
595 70.22 9.01 0 0 186.45 354.23 0.33 0.02 24.66 25.26 7.79
598 71.61 7.69 0 0 227.59 354.12 0.34 0.03 25.44 26.06 9.31
601 73.76 12.42 0 0 128.77 353.98 0.3 0.03 25.98 26.61 5.94
604 72.39 14.71 0 0 116.45 353.76 0.33 0.03 25.31 25.93 4.92

Appendix A - 261
607 68.59 14.66 0 0 112.03 353.55 0.32 0.02 25.09 25.7 4.68
610 64.69 5.76 0 0 266.5 353.35 0.3 0.02 25.18 25.81 11.24
613 65.79 -3.08 0 0 -581.88 353.37 0.34 0.03 25.38 26.02 -21.39
616 68.64 -3.32 0 0 -479.63 353.41 0.3 0.03 25.73 26.37 -20.7
619 68.92 16.44 0 0 93.4 353.4 0.29 0.03 25.45 26.07 4.19
622 67.71 14.6 0 0 106.82 352.99 0.3 0.02 25.11 25.73 4.64
625 71.83 -0.43 0.02 0 -3638.85 353.01 0.29 0.03 26.03 26.67 -166.97
628 68.22 9.99 0 0 142.16 352.92 0.27 0.03 25.54 26.17 6.83
631 71.82 11.44 0 0 112.72 352.74 0.24 0.03 25.88 26.51 6.28
634 69.86 10.68 0 0 97.45 352.59 0.2 0.02 24.89 25.49 6.54
637 71.62 10.78 0 0 85.63 352.42 0.18 0.03 25.65 26.28 6.64
640 67.64 6.95 0 0 131.26 352.28 0.17 0.03 25.85 26.49 9.74
643 62.74 6.25 0 0 130.16 352.2 0.16 0.03 25.5 26.13 10.04
646 64.82 10.02 0 0 74.38 352.07 0.14 0.03 25.84 26.47 6.47
649 69.79 11.62 0 0 43.68 351.91 0.1 0.03 25.57 26.18 6.01
652 68.45 10.61 0 0 43.86 351.73 0.09 0.03 25.75 26.36 6.45
655 64.4 5.98 0 0 69.39 351.6 0.08 0.03 25.87 26.5 10.77
658 65.49 2.47 0 0 151.44 351.55 0.07 0.03 25.51 26.13 26.54
661 68.39 -0.25 0.02 0 -481.89 351.52 0.02 0.03 25.61 26.23 -277.95
664 69.48 8.46 0 0 16.99 351.51 0.03 0.03 25.68 26.3 8.21
667 69.95 19.31 0 0 7.33 351.26 0.03 0.03 26.21 26.85 3.62
670 65.81 15.76 0 0 0.42 350.99 0 0.03 25.66 26.27 4.18
673 63.88 7.47 0 0 12.06 350.81 0.02 0.03 25.6 26.23 8.56
676 65.06 0.7 -0.01 0 44.95 350.76 0.01 0.03 25.88 26.51 93.49
679 65.43 10.75 0 0 0 350.73 0 0.03 25.95 26.58 6.09
682 66.68 10.35 0 0 0 350.47 0 0.03 25.72 26.34 6.44
685 63.8 0.01 -0.68 -0.07 0 350.45 0 0.03 25.55 26.16 6380.38
688 63.77 0.01 -0.77 -0.06 0 350.42 0 0.03 25.64 26.26 6377.04

Appendix A - 262
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 3.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 225.63
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 45.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 73.86
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 160.89
Total Mass Loss (g): 36.94
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.054
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.00
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 448.70
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): -0.0000

Initial mass (g): 389.2
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 116
Time to ignition (s): 3
Time to flameout (s): 690

Appendix A - 263
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 14.31 0.01 -0.64 -0.06 0 389.26 0.48 0.03 24.92 25.34 1430.63
3 12.77 0.01 -0.74 -0.08 0 389.49 0.49 0.03 25.56 25.98 1277.38
6 33.36 17.45 0 0 150.41 389.41 0.51 0.03 25.17 25.63 1.91
9 87.84 23.93 0 0 172.51 389.04 0.8 0.03 25.16 25.74 3.67
12 142.63 11.11 0 0 312.54 388.77 0.67 0.03 25.31 25.95 12.84
15 149.7 1.32 0 0.05 2319.71 388.7 0.59 0.03 25.32 25.96 113.08
18 100.51 8.31 0 0.01 364.57 388.66 0.58 0.03 25.29 25.92 12.09
21 99.63 13.46 0 0 218.46 388.45 0.57 0.03 25.23 25.91 7.4
24 118.78 13.13 0 0 239.82 388.28 0.61 0.03 25 25.73 9.05
27 147.19 21.52 0 0 149.85 388.03 0.63 0.02 24.8 25.59 6.84
30 179.82 19.28 0 0 176.85 387.67 0.67 0.02 24.67 25.52 9.33
33 207.05 14.58 0 0 255.97 387.46 0.73 0.02 24.84 25.74 14.2
36 221.67 23.7 0 0 178.68 387.18 0.81 0.02 25.12 26.09 9.36
39 219.62 29.72 0 0 140.67 386.76 0.81 0.02 24.79 25.78 7.39
42 218.72 19.25 0 0 218.41 386.35 0.83 0.02 24.44 25.45 11.36
45 225.63 11.25 0 0 386.38 386.18 0.83 0.02 25.22 26.28 20.05
48 220.16 16.51 0 0 268.93 385.97 0.84 0.02 25.37 26.44 13.33
51 212.1 14.46 0 0 307.15 385.7 0.85 0.02 25.17 26.22 14.67
54 206.67 21.25 0 0 203.95 385.5 0.83 0.02 25.14 26.19 9.72
57 203.18 26.5 0 0 170.12 385.07 0.85 0.03 25.58 26.65 7.67
60 189.59 21.56 0 0 212.84 384.75 0.86 0.02 25.48 26.54 8.79
63 182.13 13.47 0 0 323.14 384.44 0.83 0.02 25.05 26.08 13.52
66 182.77 9.26 0 0 483.83 384.33 0.85 0.02 25.29 26.33 19.74
69 179.44 13.45 0 0 334.18 384.12 0.85 0.02 25.34 26.36 13.34
72 175.73 16.66 0 0 274.87 383.92 0.86 0.02 25.66 26.67 10.55
75 172.02 22.31 0 0 212.09 383.62 0.89 0.02 25.5 26.49 7.71
78 167.28 20.84 0 0 215.79 383.28 0.85 0.02 25.6 26.58 8.03
81 160.39 19.67 0 0 231.3 383 0.86 0.02 25.53 26.49 8.15
84 156.8 15.32 0 0 302.85 382.7 0.88 0.02 25.49 26.43 10.24
87 155.26 8.83 0 0 510.58 382.54 0.85 0.02 25.64 26.58 17.58
90 155.37 11.54 0 0 392.74 382.41 0.85 0.03 25.83 26.77 13.47
93 152.91 11.82 0 0 379.53 382.2 0.84 0.02 25.67 26.57 12.94
96 146.95 13.62 0 0 322.73 382.04 0.84 0.02 25.17 26.05 10.79
99 149.2 19.87 0 0 228.05 381.78 0.85 0.03 25.82 26.71 7.51
102 139.46 18.8 0 0 241.51 381.48 0.86 0.02 25.54 26.41 7.42
105 139.69 10.03 0 0 439.14 381.24 0.84 0.02 25.52 26.38 13.92
108 138.28 11.37 0 0 389.35 381.14 0.84 0.02 25.36 26.2 12.17
111 137.3 14.84 0 0 296.98 380.89 0.83 0.03 25.8 26.66 9.26
114 140.03 10.86 0 0 417.85 380.72 0.83 0.03 26.38 27.23 12.9
117 130.18 12.2 0 0 352.07 380.55 0.82 0.02 25.38 26.2 10.67
120 130.3 17.52 0 0 250.71 380.34 0.82 0.03 25.88 26.71 7.44
123 131.58 13.2 0 0 339.2 380.06 0.82 0.03 26.4 27.24 9.97
126 125.87 5.65 0 0 782.93 379.96 0.84 0.02 25.55 26.35 22.29
129 120.32 6.45 0 0 657.13 379.86 0.82 0.02 24.97 25.74 18.67
132 130.19 15.71 0 0 273.06 379.73 0.81 0.03 25.81 26.6 8.29
135 125.46 14.8 0 0 287.72 379.42 0.82 0.02 25.2 25.96 8.48

Appendix A - 264
138 120.82 11.45 0 0 358.24 379.3 0.79 0.02 25.25 26.02 10.55
141 122.18 16.97 0 0 250.03 379.05 0.8 0.03 25.7 26.47 7.2
144 120.08 14.83 0 0 282.23 378.82 0.79 0.03 25.63 26.39 8.1
147 121.98 10.47 0 0 401.49 378.61 0.8 0.03 25.67 26.42 11.65
150 124.1 7.26 0 0 573.27 378.5 0.79 0.02 25.48 26.24 17.08
153 124.03 6.45 0 0 668.31 378.38 0.82 0.03 25.61 26.36 19.23
156 121.26 6.44 0 0 632.49 378.3 0.77 0.03 25.63 26.38 18.82
159 118.19 15.94 0 0 254.05 378.16 0.77 0.02 25.5 26.24 7.42
162 115.33 17.18 0 0 233.21 377.85 0.76 0.03 25.78 26.52 6.71
165 112.72 9.17 0 0 438.11 377.68 0.77 0.02 25.35 26.07 12.3
168 115.36 8.66 0 0 482.13 377.55 0.79 0.03 25.62 26.35 13.32
171 117.67 10.26 0 0 401.17 377.41 0.78 0.03 25.81 26.53 11.46
174 119.12 5.53 0 0 727.14 377.26 0.75 0.03 26 26.74 21.53
177 111.35 5.76 0 0 661.99 377.22 0.72 0.03 25.6 26.32 19.32
180 112.04 21.49 0 0 179.75 377.04 0.73 0.03 25.66 26.39 5.21
183 109.24 17.3 0 0 237.69 376.65 0.78 0.03 25.73 26.45 6.31
186 108.86 7.29 0 0 555.37 376.54 0.77 0.03 25.7 26.42 14.94
189 112.94 9.05 0 0 458.44 376.39 0.78 0.03 25.88 26.6 12.49
192 106.35 17.67 0 0 226.8 376.24 0.77 0.02 25.23 25.93 6.02
195 105.59 22.78 0 0 176.12 375.87 0.77 0.02 25.5 26.21 4.64
198 110.16 10.36 0 0 389.61 375.62 0.75 0.03 26.32 27.05 10.63
201 109.47 1.2 -0.01 0 3548.29 375.55 0.81 0.03 25.82 26.53 90.92
204 106.69 7.14 0 0 559.94 375.53 0.77 0.02 25.19 25.89 14.94
207 107.25 14.78 0 0 282.23 375.33 0.79 0.03 25.56 26.27 7.26
210 104.95 11.23 0 0 368.91 375.12 0.79 0.03 25.54 26.23 9.35
213 106.24 14.28 0 0 279.88 374.97 0.75 0.03 25.92 26.62 7.44
216 104.44 14.61 0 0 271.54 374.71 0.76 0.03 25.57 26.27 7.15
219 105.37 5.14 0 0 789.81 374.57 0.78 0.02 25.27 25.96 20.49
222 107.8 9.85 0 0 404.84 374.51 0.77 0.02 25.24 25.93 10.94
225 104.88 3.5 0 0 1151.97 374.3 0.77 0.03 25.5 26.2 29.95
228 102.72 8.29 0 0 513.31 374.36 0.81 0.03 25.71 26.41 12.39
231 100.66 23.27 0 0 173.79 374.02 0.77 0.03 25.51 26.2 4.33
234 103.06 12.09 0 0 350.94 373.76 0.8 0.03 25.72 26.42 8.52
237 104.52 4.32 0 0 960 373.65 0.79 0.02 25.47 26.16 24.19
240 104.29 6.63 0 0 638.04 373.59 0.81 0.02 25.47 26.16 15.73
243 106.04 4.48 0 0 960.65 373.46 0.82 0.03 25.69 26.38 23.67
246 104.65 7.99 0 0 546.05 373.43 0.82 0.03 25.95 26.65 13.1
249 99.2 18.26 0 0 236.31 373.2 0.83 0.02 25.43 26.12 5.43
252 103.84 16.27 0 0 264.44 372.93 0.83 0.02 25.28 25.96 6.38
255 105.13 7.44 0 0 591.74 372.74 0.83 0.03 25.83 26.53 14.13
258 103.28 8.68 0 0 506.82 372.67 0.84 0.03 25.49 26.18 11.9
261 105.21 9.09 0 0 480.16 372.48 0.83 0.03 25.66 26.34 11.58
264 100.65 3.26 0 0 1344.71 372.42 0.86 0.02 24.85 25.51 30.92
267 98.74 9.9 0 0 451.55 372.34 0.86 0.02 25.26 25.94 9.98
270 100.01 14.65 0 0 314.58 372.13 0.88 0.03 25.46 26.14 6.83
273 101.98 13.06 0 0 355.92 371.92 0.89 0.03 25.51 26.18 7.81
276 102.38 12.79 0 0 369.21 371.74 0.9 0.03 25.53 26.21 8
279 100.75 8.2 0 0 580.67 371.56 0.91 0.03 25.51 26.18 12.29
282 100.51 -0.19 0.04 0 -26114.96 371.5 0.94 0.02 25.4 26.06 -538.05
285 99.86 15.94 0 0 295.01 371.48 0.9 0.03 25.59 26.26 6.26
288 101.38 17.97 0 0 277.72 371.07 0.94 0.03 25.88 26.56 5.64
291 101.91 6.79 0 0 752.7 370.99 0.97 0.03 25.79 26.46 15.01

Appendix A - 265
294 99.86 11.38 0 0 431.98 370.81 0.94 0.03 25.57 26.23 8.77
297 96.68 7.51 0 0 657.76 370.67 0.95 0.02 25.28 25.95 12.87
300 96.5 14.92 0 0 342.81 370.55 0.95 0.03 26.14 26.82 6.47
303 97.31 19.01 0 0 273.29 370.23 0.99 0.03 25.58 26.24 5.12
306 101.94 8.93 0 0 572.3 370.03 0.96 0.03 25.9 26.58 11.42
309 99.97 2.87 0 0 1808.77 369.95 0.99 0.03 25.58 26.25 34.82
312 99.12 3.62 0 0 1455.75 369.92 0.99 0.03 25.93 26.6 27.42
315 94.77 7.59 0 0 713.59 369.83 1.02 0.03 25.77 26.44 12.48
318 93.97 16.12 0 0 331.13 369.67 1.03 0.02 25.35 26.01 5.83
321 96.96 19.92 0 0 269.58 369.37 1.01 0.03 25.92 26.59 4.87
324 96.5 11.29 0 0 487.5 369.13 1.05 0.03 25.47 26.14 8.55
327 97.3 -0.94 0.01 0 -5977.42 369.04 1.08 0.02 25.27 25.93 -103.99
330 94.47 6.4 0 0 866.93 369.08 1.06 0.03 25.58 26.25 14.77
333 92.33 16.15 0 0 343.19 368.84 1.06 0.02 25.4 26.06 5.72
336 94.21 7.83 0 0 709.82 368.66 1.05 0.03 25.87 26.54 12.03
339 96.06 11.77 0 0 486 368.56 1.1 0.02 25.35 26.02 8.16
342 96.51 10.88 0 0 542.14 368.32 1.11 0.03 25.83 26.5 8.87
345 88.48 6.67 0 0 887.28 368.25 1.11 0.03 25.92 26.59 13.26
348 93.38 13.2 0 0 446.34 368.08 1.11 0.03 25.83 26.5 7.07
351 97.83 11.81 0 0 489.45 367.88 1.09 0.03 25.74 26.42 8.28
354 96.8 6.16 0 0 944.52 367.75 1.12 0.02 25.34 26.01 15.7
357 95.72 5.75 0 0 1054.57 367.67 1.14 0.03 26 26.67 16.65
360 88.42 13.38 0 0 424.87 367.55 1.11 0.02 24.89 25.53 6.61
363 96.26 8.93 0 0 653.73 367.31 1.1 0.03 25.88 26.56 10.78
366 97.63 7.7 0 0 748.02 367.27 1.09 0.03 25.76 26.43 12.67
369 92.06 10.65 0 0 537.42 367.07 1.12 0.02 24.93 25.58 8.65
372 90.62 4.09 0 0 1404.53 366.98 1.13 0.02 24.84 25.49 22.17
375 92.46 3.52 0 0 1709.94 366.92 1.14 0.03 25.64 26.31 26.29
378 92.77 9.49 0 0 632.32 366.85 1.16 0.02 25.32 25.97 9.77
381 93.87 20.9 0 0 284.04 366.62 1.13 0.03 25.56 26.22 4.49
384 93.35 19.6 0 0 305.01 366.27 1.14 0.03 25.61 26.28 4.76
387 97.1 5.14 0 0 1177.35 366.08 1.16 0.03 25.39 26.06 18.89
390 93.72 1.03 0 0 5924.77 366.08 1.17 0.03 25.49 26.15 91.03
393 93.33 7.57 0 0 808.34 366.01 1.17 0.03 25.4 26.06 12.33
396 95.01 9.81 0 0 620.9 365.86 1.16 0.03 25.58 26.25 9.69
399 97.84 13.32 0 0 464.6 365.71 1.17 0.03 25.71 26.38 7.35
402 97.64 16.35 0 0 383.61 365.47 1.19 0.03 25.66 26.32 5.97
405 92.04 9.36 0 0 644.4 365.26 1.16 0.02 25.31 25.96 9.83
408 91.42 8.23 0 0 723.03 365.17 1.14 0.03 25.49 26.15 11.11
411 93.83 10.2 0 0 583.85 365 1.13 0.03 25.72 26.37 9.2
414 96.64 6.57 0 0 902.97 364.88 1.13 0.03 25.67 26.33 14.7
417 97.02 7.92 0 0 737.55 364.78 1.1 0.03 25.92 26.59 12.24
420 91.78 11.83 0 0 478.45 364.63 1.09 0.02 25.31 25.97 7.76
423 94.58 9.09 0 0 631.27 364.45 1.09 0.03 25.65 26.31 10.4
426 91.75 11.37 0 0 490.31 364.34 1.07 0.03 25.43 26.08 8.07
429 92.99 13.72 0 0 412.45 364.11 1.09 0.03 25.4 26.05 6.78
432 94.65 8.82 0 0 627.79 363.96 1.06 0.03 25.53 26.19 10.74
435 96.65 1.4 0 0 3932.14 363.85 1.03 0.03 26.04 26.71 69.13
438 93.36 8.57 0 0 651.51 363.87 1.05 0.03 26.03 26.68 10.9
441 91.61 12.86 0 0 404.62 363.6 0.99 0.03 25.52 26.17 7.13
444 95.51 7.95 0 0 653.76 363.51 0.98 0.03 25.73 26.39 12.01
447 95.14 18.11 0 0 287.13 363.32 0.99 0.03 25.72 26.37 5.25

Appendix A - 266
450 92.56 12.45 0 0 412.02 363.02 0.98 0.03 25.45 26.09 7.44
453 88.35 5.03 0 0 1010.22 362.95 0.97 0.03 25.53 26.17 17.57
456 91.91 8.93 0 0 569.07 362.83 0.96 0.03 25.8 26.46 10.29
459 93.8 8.01 0 0 629.61 362.7 0.95 0.03 25.8 26.46 11.71
462 92.5 6.46 0 0 764.42 362.59 0.94 0.03 25.71 26.36 14.32
465 87.51 12.58 0 0 386.48 362.48 0.93 0.03 25.37 26.02 6.96
468 86.59 4.56 0 0 1072.12 362.26 0.96 0.02 24.75 25.39 18.97
471 89.92 6.84 0 0 725.47 362.31 0.95 0.03 25.46 26.12 13.14
474 90.71 19.74 0 0 254.42 362.02 0.96 0.03 25.62 26.28 4.59
477 89.09 14.31 0 0 353.4 361.78 0.97 0.03 25.39 26.06 6.23
480 88.81 1.4 0 0 3762.06 361.62 0.99 0.03 25.7 26.38 63.66
483 88.31 3.03 0 0 1835.07 361.69 1.04 0.03 25.94 26.61 29.15
486 87.85 15.25 0 0 361.21 361.49 1.04 0.03 25.78 26.44 5.76
489 88.83 8.66 0 0 637.61 361.29 1.05 0.03 25.7 26.37 10.26
492 88.73 9.19 0 0 613.1 361.21 1.06 0.03 25.8 26.47 9.65
495 90.67 8.18 0 0 688.77 361.02 1.09 0.02 25.26 25.91 11.09
498 91.28 3.89 0 0 1498.4 360.97 1.12 0.02 25.32 25.97 23.46
501 87.81 11.26 0 0 511.59 360.86 1.1 0.03 25.47 26.12 7.8
504 86.09 16.5 0 0 358.45 360.64 1.11 0.03 25.91 26.57 5.22
507 87.75 14.89 0 0 395.52 360.4 1.12 0.03 25.58 26.22 5.89
510 92 6.69 0 0 870.46 360.22 1.12 0.03 25.42 26.07 13.74
513 91.53 -1.66 0 0 -3515.87 360.2 1.11 0.03 25.69 26.35 -55.01
516 90.22 3.42 0 0 1725.26 360.22 1.13 0.02 25.37 26.01 26.41
519 90.09 11.74 0 0 512.64 360.08 1.15 0.03 25.42 26.06 7.67
522 90.35 14.94 0 0 397 359.89 1.12 0.03 25.81 26.48 6.05
525 92.98 13.67 0 0 426.42 359.65 1.12 0.03 25.44 26.09 6.8
528 94.84 5.14 0 0 1161.34 359.5 1.14 0.03 25.43 26.08 18.45
531 91.58 5.79 0 0 1033.42 359.46 1.14 0.03 25.48 26.12 15.83
534 90.69 6.74 0 0 887.95 359.33 1.13 0.03 25.77 26.42 13.46
537 91.68 3.98 0 0 1509.78 359.27 1.14 0.03 25.73 26.38 23.04
540 91.15 8.31 0 0 715.25 359.18 1.12 0.03 25.77 26.44 10.96
543 91.59 14.96 0 0 405.81 359.02 1.14 0.03 25.86 26.52 6.12
546 92.2 5.78 0 0 1018.1 358.79 1.11 0.03 25.83 26.49 15.95
549 89.92 5.8 0 0 986.97 358.81 1.11 0.02 25.16 25.8 15.5
552 89.67 18.45 0 0 313.57 358.57 1.1 0.03 25.66 26.32 4.86
555 87.51 15.31 0 0 375.63 358.31 1.09 0.03 25.71 26.37 5.72
558 85.28 10.42 0 0 558.27 358.12 1.11 0.03 25.64 26.3 8.18
561 83.88 5.04 0 0 1132.58 358 1.09 0.03 25.54 26.2 16.66
564 87.42 2.22 0 0 2541.05 357.96 1.08 0.03 25.55 26.2 39.39
567 90.64 5.88 0 0 938.16 357.91 1.04 0.03 25.76 26.41 15.42
570 88.94 13.55 0 0 397.39 357.77 1.06 0.02 24.88 25.51 6.56
573 91.54 17.02 0 0 311.12 357.52 1.02 0.02 25.24 25.88 5.38
576 86.36 14.9 0 0 344.18 357.28 0.99 0.02 25.26 25.9 5.8
579 85.08 6.47 0 0 782.53 357.1 0.98 0.02 25.1 25.74 13.15
582 88.06 2.04 0 0 2459.84 357.07 0.97 0.02 25.22 25.86 43.21
585 91.16 8.85 0 0 572.37 356.99 0.95 0.03 25.92 26.58 10.3
588 92.56 11.66 0 0 425.28 356.82 0.94 0.03 25.72 26.37 7.94
591 94.49 6.6 0 0 740.94 356.67 0.93 0.03 25.58 26.24 14.32
594 93.38 9.15 0 0 521.62 356.59 0.91 0.03 25.68 26.33 10.21
597 87.89 17.86 0 0 261.5 356.38 0.9 0.03 25.39 26.04 4.92
600 87.2 3.97 0 0 1176.57 356.13 0.9 0.02 25.33 25.98 21.94
603 85.88 4.85 0 0 950.47 356.21 0.89 0.02 25.32 25.97 17.69

Appendix A - 267
606 88.06 11.91 0 0 381.06 355.97 0.87 0.02 25.34 25.98 7.39
609 90.2 -0.71 0.01 0 -6429.21 355.92 0.87 0.03 25.59 26.24 -126.39
612 91.19 2.83 0 0 1637.5 355.93 0.87 0.03 25.98 26.64 32.24
615 85.13 15.22 0 0 304.79 355.8 0.88 0.03 25.58 26.22 5.59
618 85.08 18.64 0 0 242.41 355.51 0.87 0.03 25.44 26.09 4.56
621 86.4 13.76 0 0 319 355.27 0.84 0.03 25.46 26.11 6.28
624 84.42 10.15 0 0 427.55 355.1 0.83 0.03 25.39 26.04 8.32
627 88.85 3.41 0 0 1298.61 354.98 0.85 0.03 25.48 26.13 26.07
630 87.12 1.51 -0.01 0 2895.89 354.97 0.83 0.03 25.5 26.15 57.8
633 80.55 13.23 0 0 300.41 354.88 0.79 0.02 24.63 25.25 6.09
636 80.65 13.3 0 0 305.23 354.61 0.79 0.02 25.02 25.67 6.06
639 86.43 7.25 0 0 579.52 354.51 0.8 0.03 25.73 26.38 11.91
642 88.7 12.25 0 0 353.12 354.36 0.82 0.03 25.57 26.22 7.24
645 90.63 5.62 0 0 740.05 354.18 0.79 0.03 25.55 26.19 16.13
648 92.62 5.2 0 0 913.95 354.17 0.9 0.03 25.66 26.31 17.81
651 87.36 16 0 0 253.99 353.98 0.78 0.02 25.26 25.89 5.46
654 86.52 15.29 0 0 263.3 353.73 0.76 0.03 25.68 26.34 5.66
657 84.83 5.7 0 0 692.98 353.56 0.77 0.02 25.15 25.78 14.88
660 88.93 -0.06 0.11 0.01 -70558.91 353.55 0.79 0.03 25.77 26.41 0
663 89.15 1.55 0 0 2685.18 353.53 0.79 0.03 25.79 26.43 57.54
666 88.93 5.47 0 0 760.26 353.49 0.79 0.03 25.69 26.33 16.26
669 89.51 13.62 0 0 301.3 353.35 0.79 0.03 25.46 26.09 6.57
672 88.87 19.66 0 0 205.33 353.09 0.77 0.03 25.44 26.08 4.52
675 90.07 15.25 0 0 270.93 352.8 0.78 0.03 25.79 26.44 5.91
678 88.83 5.38 0 0 767.29 352.66 0.79 0.03 25.46 26.09 16.5
681 89.94 1.21 -0.01 0 3533.37 352.62 0.81 0.03 25.61 26.26 74.27
684 89.42 0.01 -0.62 -0.06 0 352.6 0.82 0.03 25.58 26.22 8941.66
687 86.71 0.01 -0.81 -0.06 0 352.56 0.83 0.03 25.67 26.31 8670.57

Appendix A - 268
Paper (stacked on edge) Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 6.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 235.52
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 41.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 73.41
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 158.04
Total Mass Loss (g): 37.83
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.052
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 9.70
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 101.43
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0001

Initial mass (g): 394.4
Thickness (mm): 100
Surface area (cm): 50
Test start time (s): 87
Time to ignition (s): 6
Time to flameout (s): 732

Appendix A - 269
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 9.47 0.01 -0.58 -0.08 6470.23 394.35 0.01 0.03 25.72 26.1 947.44
5 9.89 0.01 -0.63 -0.06 5080.27 394.36 0.01 0.03 25.29 25.68 988.66
8 40.56 22.17 0 0 61.97 394.25 0.27 0.03 24.63 25.04 1.83
11 101.7 17.06 0 0 134.95 393.79 0.46 0.03 24.63 25.18 5.96
14 141.85 0.95 -0.01 0.11 0 393.78 0 0.03 25.31 25.93 149.16
17 127.75 5.27 0 0.04 39.13 393.69 0.04 0.03 26 26.63 24.25
20 88.92 8.44 0 0.01 0 393.62 0 0.03 25.13 25.72 10.54
23 78.74 7.79 0 0 0 393.45 0 0.03 25.24 25.84 10.11
26 91.65 18.94 0 0 0 393.35 0 0.03 25.43 26.11 4.84
29 123.57 30.1 0 0 0 392.88 0 0.02 24.88 25.61 4.11
32 161.04 17.92 0 0 0 392.53 0 0.02 24.27 25.07 8.98
35 214.86 11.33 0 0 0 392.33 0 0.02 24.98 25.88 18.96
38 231.57 13.49 0 0 0 392.15 0 0.02 24.97 25.92 17.17
41 235.52 18.34 0 0 0 391.91 0 0.02 25.11 26.1 12.84
44 227.75 21.03 0 0 0 391.61 0 0.02 24.82 25.83 10.83
47 225.42 28.06 0 0 0 391.27 0 0.02 25.39 26.44 8.03
50 221.07 20.61 0 0 0.28 390.82 0 0.02 25.48 26.54 10.72
53 210.19 16.03 0 0 0 390.65 0 0.02 24.88 25.93 13.11
56 204.91 15.14 0 0 0 390.32 0 0.02 25.34 26.4 13.53
59 201.76 11.31 0 0 15.61 390.2 0.03 0.03 25.7 26.76 17.84
62 193.17 16.25 0 0 8.79 389.95 0.03 0.03 25.79 26.84 11.88
65 187.05 17.39 0 0 9.27 389.72 0.03 0.02 25.5 26.54 10.76
68 182.54 19.49 0 0 0 389.43 0 0.02 25.62 26.65 9.37
71 177.41 18.45 0 0 0 389.15 0 0.02 25.63 26.64 9.62
74 175.68 19.98 0 0 0 388.87 0 0.03 25.87 26.88 8.79
77 167.22 9.36 0 0 0 388.58 0 0.03 25.97 26.96 17.86
80 159.02 26.73 0 0 0 388.5 0 0.02 25.48 26.43 5.95
83 157.5 23.83 0 0 0 387.85 0 0.02 25.25 26.18 6.61
86 157.58 2.15 0 0 0 387.85 0 0.03 25.82 26.76 73.39
89 149.76 11.63 0 0 0 387.68 0 0.02 25.25 26.15 12.88
92 143.48 11 0 0 0 387.53 0 0.02 25.47 26.36 13.04
95 143.03 17.27 0 0 0 387.33 0 0.02 25.45 26.32 8.28
98 142.14 23.08 0 0 0 387.01 0 0.02 25.57 26.44 6.16
101 140.12 15.14 0 0 0 386.69 0 0.02 25.44 26.29 9.26
104 134.24 7.71 0 0 0 386.56 0 0.02 25.01 25.84 17.42
107 133.82 6.7 0 0 0 386.43 0 0.02 25.48 26.31 19.98
110 133.99 14.35 0 0 0 386.32 0 0.02 25.68 26.5 9.34
113 128.84 17.62 0 0 0 386.02 0 0.02 25.41 26.21 7.31
116 131.05 17.07 0 0 0 385.81 0 0.02 25.63 26.44 7.68
119 127.54 18.06 0 0 0 385.5 0 0.03 25.72 26.52 7.06
122 121.04 10.11 0 0 0 385.3 0 0.02 25.41 26.18 11.98
125 121.65 5.06 0 0 0 385.19 0 0.02 25.18 25.94 24.06
128 125.57 5.96 0 0 0 385.12 0 0.03 25.71 26.48 21.06
131 125.26 13.05 0 0 0 384.99 0 0.03 25.96 26.72 9.6
134 121.25 20.26 0 0 0 384.74 0 0.02 25.57 26.32 5.98
137 121.73 7.1 0 0 0.83 384.45 0 0.03 25.86 26.62 17.15

Appendix A - 270
140 123.18 5.15 0 0 5.67 384.48 0.01 0.03 26.56 27.35 23.9
143 113.37 17.93 0 0 8.54 384.24 0.03 0.02 25.26 25.99 6.32
146 118 13.53 0 0 0 384 0 0.03 26.1 26.84 8.72
149 121.52 12.12 0 0 0 383.83 0 0.03 25.84 26.59 10.03
152 114.19 8.77 0 0 13.99 383.65 0.02 0.02 25.26 25.99 13.02
155 113.59 4.83 0 0 63.07 383.57 0.06 0.02 25.48 26.2 23.52
158 111.8 9.13 0 0 27.24 383.47 0.05 0.02 25.41 26.12 12.25
161 112.71 20.4 0 0 13.66 383.27 0.05 0.03 25.74 26.47 5.53
164 115.11 21.39 0 0 12.21 382.9 0.05 0.03 26.09 26.82 5.38
167 115.16 9.31 0 0 18.98 382.68 0.03 0.03 25.79 26.5 12.37
170 115 2.19 0 0 122.08 382.6 0.05 0.02 25.52 26.23 52.54
173 112.01 3.03 0 0 88.02 382.58 0.05 0.03 25.79 26.49 36.95
176 109.52 12.47 0 0 23.09 382.48 0.05 0.03 25.61 26.3 8.78
179 114.64 17.34 0 0 18.97 382.22 0.06 0.02 25.42 26.12 6.61
182 116.13 10.91 0 0 37.59 382 0.08 0.03 26.04 26.76 10.65
185 110.57 7.03 0 0 73.32 381.89 0.1 0.02 25.54 26.23 15.73
188 106.98 10.74 0 0 31.13 381.76 0.06 0.02 25.42 26.1 9.96
191 111.13 10.16 0 0 50.89 381.58 0.1 0.03 25.97 26.66 10.94
194 106.67 10.58 0 0 39.92 381.45 0.08 0.02 25.42 26.1 10.08
197 109.09 17.4 0 0 32.46 381.24 0.11 0.03 25.62 26.3 6.27
200 112.03 8.08 0 0 80.11 380.99 0.12 0.03 25.73 26.41 13.86
203 108.47 2.08 0 0 322.87 380.99 0.13 0.03 25.56 26.24 52.05
206 106.23 13.14 0 0 51.92 380.86 0.13 0.03 25.89 26.58 8.08
209 106.62 22.82 0 0 28.43 380.6 0.12 0.03 25.89 26.57 4.67
212 108.14 20.46 0 0 29.47 380.23 0.11 0.03 25.75 26.43 5.29
215 106.61 5.02 0 0 137.32 380.03 0.13 0.02 25.46 26.13 21.25
218 106.87 0.07 -0.1 -0.01 11668.06 380.04 0.15 0.03 26.09 26.77 1542.74
221 101.7 1.63 0 0 536.58 380 0.16 0.03 25.89 26.56 62.45
224 98.39 11.22 0 0 65.05 379.96 0.14 0.02 25.41 26.08 8.77
227 100.43 22.73 0 0 36.95 379.66 0.16 0.03 25.88 26.56 4.42
230 101.19 14.42 0 0 61.96 379.35 0.17 0.03 25.72 26.38 7.02
233 99.33 9.19 0 0 91.1 379.22 0.16 0.02 25.3 25.96 10.8
236 97.3 6.49 0 0 142.55 379.06 0.18 0.03 25.57 26.24 15
239 97.4 14.75 0 0 64.91 378.99 0.18 0.02 25.4 26.06 6.6
242 96.92 17.67 0 0 37.82 378.64 0.13 0.02 25.32 25.97 5.48
245 94.47 1.97 0 0 399.56 378.52 0.15 0.02 25.35 26.01 48
248 98.25 2.18 0 0 351.16 378.52 0.14 0.03 26.42 27.1 45.12
251 98.39 11.06 0 0 76.77 378.42 0.17 0.02 24.95 25.59 8.9
254 98.23 16.19 0 0 39.73 378.2 0.12 0.03 25.64 26.29 6.07
257 98.5 16.57 0 0 40 377.96 0.13 0.02 25.42 26.08 5.94
260 98.34 10.82 0 0 61.24 377.73 0.13 0.03 25.58 26.24 9.09
263 97.7 3.82 0 0 160.28 377.63 0.11 0.03 26.02 26.69 25.57
266 99.17 6.21 0 0 90.36 377.58 0.11 0.03 25.98 26.66 15.96
269 96.43 3.6 0 0 173.69 377.46 0.12 0.02 25.26 25.92 26.76
272 95.98 5.03 0 0 113.4 377.46 0.11 0.03 25.48 26.14 19.09
275 94.73 18.17 0 0 26.1 377.27 0.09 0.02 25.01 25.67 5.21
278 94.04 13.92 0 0 44.41 376.97 0.12 0.03 25.97 26.64 6.76
281 94.03 7.26 0 0 92.57 376.87 0.13 0.03 25.48 26.14 12.95
284 94.27 10.24 0 0 68.54 376.72 0.13 0.03 25.72 26.39 9.2
287 92.96 5.59 0 0 130.86 376.58 0.13 0.03 26.46 27.15 16.62
290 92.97 4.86 0 0 138.58 376.54 0.13 0.03 25.94 26.61 19.14
293 93.09 11.74 0 0 60.14 376.41 0.14 0.02 25.04 25.69 7.93

Appendix A - 271
296 96.22 15.86 0 0 53.4 376.2 0.16 0.03 25.57 26.23 6.07
299 96.99 17.23 0 0 39.12 375.95 0.13 0.03 25.59 26.25 5.63
302 97.37 10.71 0 0 70.32 375.71 0.14 0.03 25.67 26.34 9.09
305 97.35 6.51 0 0 127.42 375.62 0.16 0.03 25.8 26.46 14.95
308 92.83 5.99 0 0 139.62 375.5 0.16 0.03 25.51 26.16 15.5
311 89.98 6.21 0 0 148.38 375.43 0.17 0.03 25.7 26.36 14.48
314 90.7 10.55 0 0 87.57 375.3 0.18 0.03 25.61 26.26 8.6
317 91.31 5.79 0 0 150.78 375.15 0.17 0.02 25.4 26.05 15.76
320 91.03 4.44 0 0 197.27 375.11 0.17 0.02 25.4 26.05 20.48
323 92.28 19.97 0 0 47.85 374.96 0.18 0.03 25.59 26.23 4.62
326 88.85 8.56 0 0 113.49 374.61 0.19 0.02 24.89 25.52 10.39
329 90.08 -0.11 0.04 0.01 -11436.31 374.69 0.24 0.03 25.69 26.35 -800.75
332 90.11 15.7 0 0 96.81 374.53 0.29 0.03 25.44 26.07 5.74
335 89.85 9.92 0 0 138.76 374.29 0.26 0.03 26.01 26.67 9.05
338 92.45 3 0 0 403.38 374.23 0.23 0.03 25.82 26.47 30.83
341 90.77 15.56 0 0 79.45 374.13 0.24 0.02 25.13 25.77 5.83
344 90.1 23.38 0 0 57.07 373.79 0.26 0.02 25.29 25.93 3.85
347 91.63 8.02 0 0 175.94 373.52 0.27 0.03 25.68 26.33 11.42
350 90.6 -2.8 0 0 -497.86 373.53 0.26 0.03 26.07 26.72 -32.4
353 87.96 7.47 0 0 194.43 373.53 0.28 0.02 25.26 25.9 11.78
356 88.84 6.18 0 0 232.76 373.34 0.27 0.03 26.16 26.81 14.36
359 84.01 2.34 0 0 556.4 373.35 0.25 0.02 25.07 25.69 35.84
362 88.06 10.98 0 0 133.73 373.23 0.28 0.02 25.27 25.9 8.02
365 88.1 17 0 0 91.04 373.03 0.29 0.03 26.24 26.89 5.18
368 89.28 14.97 0 0 100.3 372.75 0.29 0.03 25.67 26.3 5.96
371 91.17 8.81 0 0 201.75 372.6 0.33 0.03 25.9 26.54 10.35
374 88.48 9.86 0 0 161.96 372.46 0.3 0.03 25.73 26.36 8.97
377 86.17 8.52 0 0 180.62 372.31 0.3 0.02 25.1 25.72 10.12
380 88.57 3.9 0 0 411.18 372.21 0.3 0.03 25.92 26.55 22.69
383 87.98 14.74 0 0 112.63 372.14 0.32 0.03 25.56 26.19 5.97
386 87.53 12.54 0 0 123.74 371.82 0.29 0.03 25.98 26.63 6.98
389 83.35 2.18 0 0 728.69 371.79 0.3 0.03 25.42 26.05 38.32
392 89.71 9.58 0 0 178.94 371.69 0.33 0.03 25.66 26.3 9.36
395 89.05 10.76 0 0 158.15 371.52 0.32 0.03 25.8 26.44 8.27
398 89.58 6.57 0 0 272.36 371.39 0.34 0.03 25.77 26.41 13.64
401 90.04 10.37 0 0 188.97 371.3 0.37 0.03 25.57 26.2 8.68
404 88.09 16.22 0 0 109.02 371.07 0.34 0.02 25.1 25.71 5.43
407 88.85 6.39 0 0 294.82 370.87 0.35 0.03 26.12 26.77 13.9
410 83.18 1.6 0 0 1169.89 370.86 0.36 0.02 25.31 25.93 51.91
413 83.31 12.7 0 0 151.49 370.76 0.37 0.03 25.42 26.04 6.56
416 84.69 12.08 0 0 159.02 370.52 0.37 0.03 25.46 26.1 7.01
419 82.48 3.44 0 0 549.99 370.43 0.37 0.02 25.1 25.72 23.99
422 87.07 10.22 0 0 191.06 370.36 0.38 0.02 25.32 25.95 8.52
425 86.95 14.35 0 0 133.79 370.13 0.36 0.03 25.71 26.35 6.06
428 89.88 9.61 0 0 212.39 369.96 0.38 0.03 26.19 26.83 9.36
431 89.13 11.25 0 0 192.98 369.82 0.4 0.03 26.24 26.89 7.92
434 83.69 9.2 0 0 219.72 369.64 0.39 0.02 25.29 25.9 9.1
437 82.91 0.69 -0.01 0 3038.43 369.56 0.41 0.02 25.23 25.86 119.39
440 83.97 13.03 0 0 171.64 369.55 0.43 0.03 25.56 26.19 6.44
443 84.93 13.65 0 0 150.58 369.21 0.39 0.03 25.49 26.12 6.22
446 83.48 2.02 0 0 1076.69 369.18 0.42 0.03 25.49 26.13 41.33
449 84.31 10.89 0 0 200.59 369.08 0.42 0.02 25.34 25.97 7.75

Appendix A - 272
452 86.69 12.09 0 0 176.18 368.88 0.41 0.03 25.58 26.21 7.17
455 84.85 8.85 0 0 250.7 368.74 0.42 0.03 25.61 26.25 9.59
458 84.99 9.71 0 0 234.88 368.6 0.44 0.03 25.35 25.98 8.75
461 86.6 6.47 0 0 354 368.46 0.43 0.03 25.87 26.51 13.38
464 86.23 2.08 0 0 1056.73 368.4 0.42 0.03 25.69 26.32 41.5
467 84.47 14.32 0 0 151.2 368.34 0.41 0.03 25.69 26.32 5.9
470 84.42 14.71 0 0 139.2 368.02 0.39 0.03 25.68 26.32 5.74
473 85.45 5.17 0 0 402.43 367.93 0.39 0.03 25.7 26.34 16.53
476 86.8 12.45 0 0 155.76 367.8 0.37 0.03 25.8 26.44 6.97
479 83.55 13.73 0 0 147.76 367.58 0.39 0.02 25.31 25.94 6.09
482 86 9.22 0 0 227.27 367.42 0.4 0.03 25.44 26.07 9.33
485 86.68 5.65 0 0 372.32 367.3 0.4 0.03 25.58 26.2 15.35
488 85.92 1.17 -0.01 0 1650.99 367.25 0.37 0.03 25.64 26.27 73.64
491 83.63 -0.86 0.01 0 -2371.1 367.25 0.38 0.03 25.76 26.4 -97.68
494 77.99 14.56 0 0 130.91 367.21 0.37 0.02 24.99 25.6 5.36
497 81.14 16.81 0 0 107.64 366.86 0.34 0.03 25.65 26.28 4.83
500 83.7 10.18 0 0 176.76 366.74 0.34 0.03 25.68 26.31 8.22
503 82.6 12.94 0 0 147.11 366.53 0.36 0.03 26.06 26.7 6.39
506 85.58 4.67 0 0 400.6 366.39 0.36 0.03 25.58 26.21 18.33
509 84.51 6.81 0 0 295.83 366.35 0.38 0.03 25.93 26.57 12.4
512 82.74 9.06 0 0 226.49 366.18 0.39 0.03 25.61 26.24 9.13
515 86.6 4.97 0 0 418.54 366.1 0.39 0.03 26.18 26.83 17.42
518 83.44 4.99 0 0 401.04 366.02 0.38 0.03 25.54 26.18 16.72
521 84.81 12.92 0 0 164.51 365.92 0.4 0.03 25.68 26.31 6.56
524 84.39 18.12 0 0 114.94 365.64 0.4 0.03 25.57 26.21 4.66
527 80.93 14.42 0 0 141.5 365.42 0.39 0.03 25.4 26.03 5.61
530 84.07 9.07 0 0 214.86 365.22 0.37 0.03 25.5 26.13 9.27
533 80.53 2.71 0 0 724.36 365.14 0.37 0.03 25.75 26.39 29.68
536 81.43 4.95 0 0 433.88 365.11 0.41 0.03 25.73 26.38 16.47
539 82.19 6.15 0 0 340.34 365 0.4 0.02 25.31 25.94 13.37
542 78.58 2.64 0 0 791.56 364.94 0.41 0.02 25.01 25.63 29.76
545 81.55 8.03 0 0 267.49 364.89 0.41 0.02 25.32 25.95 10.16
548 85.47 12.91 0 0 162.38 364.69 0.39 0.03 26.13 26.77 6.62
551 84.03 15.22 0 0 129.54 364.51 0.37 0.03 25.74 26.37 5.52
554 85.86 14.28 0 0 156.74 364.25 0.43 0.03 25.57 26.21 6.01
557 82.25 8.5 0 0 254.22 364.1 0.42 0.02 24.89 25.51 9.68
560 83.87 1.75 0 0 1284.35 364 0.42 0.03 25.89 26.53 47.85
563 79.19 1.77 0 0 1186.32 364.02 0.4 0.03 25.35 25.98 44.85
566 78.23 9.08 0 0 228.98 363.92 0.4 0.02 25.21 25.83 8.62
569 79.42 15.4 0 0 136.6 363.75 0.4 0.03 25.77 26.41 5.16
572 77.81 13.43 0 0 146.17 363.49 0.37 0.03 25.66 26.28 5.79
575 80.88 7.83 0 0 245.73 363.37 0.37 0.03 25.48 26.1 10.33
578 83.11 3.6 0 0 531.07 363.25 0.36 0.03 25.87 26.51 23.07
581 81.59 6.58 0 0 287.95 363.23 0.37 0.02 24.98 25.59 12.41
584 83.42 7.86 0 0 248.7 363.05 0.37 0.03 25.9 26.54 10.61
587 79.56 6.69 0 0 312.29 363 0.4 0.03 25.75 26.38 11.9
590 84.44 9.59 0 0 197.25 362.84 0.36 0.03 25.79 26.42 8.8
593 81.12 12.87 0 0 141.23 362.71 0.34 0.03 25.79 26.43 6.3
596 82.49 17.64 0 0 99.76 362.45 0.34 0.03 25.51 26.14 4.68
599 84.61 11.38 0 0 143.91 362.23 0.31 0.03 25.91 26.55 7.43
602 82.4 5.38 0 0 309.45 362.11 0.31 0.03 26.24 26.89 15.32
605 76.15 4.32 0 0 356.28 362.05 0.3 0.02 25.24 25.86 17.64

Appendix A - 273
608 79.7 0.38 -0.02 0 4313.37 361.99 0.31 0.03 25.67 26.31 211.84
611 77.71 2.19 0 0 809.96 362.01 0.34 0.02 25.11 25.73 35.53
614 78.39 12.44 0 0 129.5 361.89 0.3 0.03 25.9 26.54 6.3
617 84.94 12.93 0 0 133.17 361.67 0.32 0.03 26.07 26.71 6.57
620 79.98 2.93 0 0 571.46 361.54 0.32 0.03 25.48 26.1 27.32
623 81.25 8.86 0 0 172.86 361.53 0.29 0.03 25.53 26.15 9.17
626 81.91 13.71 0 0 105.6 361.28 0.27 0.03 25.9 26.54 5.97
629 81.19 6.55 0 0 216 361.16 0.27 0.03 25.54 26.17 12.4
632 81.26 9.51 0 0 145.94 361.05 0.26 0.03 25.58 26.21 8.55
635 81.41 12.31 0 0 111.66 360.87 0.27 0.02 25.21 25.83 6.61
638 81.78 12.62 0 0 106.78 360.69 0.26 0.03 25.56 26.18 6.48
641 79.81 12.31 0 0 115.67 360.5 0.27 0.03 25.76 26.39 6.49
644 78.69 8.47 0 0 168.1 360.34 0.27 0.03 25.83 26.45 9.29
647 81.24 2.71 0 0 508.9 360.25 0.26 0.03 25.79 26.42 29.94
650 77.95 1.8 0 0 741.84 360.24 0.26 0.03 25.37 25.98 43.19
653 78.21 2.28 0 0 483.87 360.19 0.21 0.03 25.61 26.24 34.31
656 77.34 7.86 0 0 139.72 360.15 0.21 0.03 26.07 26.7 9.84
659 77.67 14.83 0 0 77.86 359.95 0.22 0.03 25.37 25.98 5.24
662 76.84 11.54 0 0 95.1 359.74 0.21 0.02 25.24 25.85 6.66
665 78.15 12.46 0 0 77.72 359.59 0.19 0.02 24.96 25.56 6.27
668 79.82 13.26 0 0 53.33 359.37 0.14 0.02 25.08 25.69 6.02
671 80.32 7.1 0 0 107.78 359.22 0.15 0.03 25.38 25.99 11.32
674 78.26 2.62 0 0 272.99 359.15 0.14 0.03 25.53 26.15 29.87
677 80.63 9.99 0 0 82.86 359.1 0.16 0.03 25.51 26.13 8.07
680 81.08 9.2 0 0 74.8 358.87 0.13 0.03 25.38 26 8.81
683 82.6 6.03 0 0 104.42 358.83 0.12 0.03 25.52 26.13 13.71
686 79.66 7.55 0 0 84.47 358.68 0.12 0.03 25.47 26.09 10.56
689 74.15 4.31 0 0 142.72 358.62 0.12 0.02 24.93 25.53 17.2
692 76.86 14.04 0 0 43.83 358.5 0.12 0.03 25.8 26.43 5.47
695 78.07 17.8 0 0 36.54 358.22 0.13 0.02 25.29 25.9 4.39
698 80.18 8.97 0 0 55.03 358.02 0.09 0.03 25.79 26.42 8.94
701 78.7 4.68 0 0 122.37 357.94 0.11 0.02 25.24 25.85 16.82
704 77.04 0.38 -0.02 0 1367.89 357.87 0.1 0.03 25.35 25.97 201.13
707 77.23 -0.57 0.01 0 -704.29 357.91 0.08 0.02 25.27 25.89 -135.87
710 81.76 10.52 0 0 32.99 357.84 0.07 0.03 25.68 26.31 7.77
713 84.76 16.13 0 0 21.66 357.61 0.07 0.03 25.52 26.14 5.26
716 82.96 11.65 0 0 32.32 357.4 0.07 0.03 25.7 26.33 7.12
719 81.72 9.74 0 0 26.45 357.26 0.05 0.03 25.72 26.36 8.39
722 76.1 11.56 0 0 15.88 357.09 0.04 0.03 25.39 26.03 6.59
725 76.68 14.98 0 0 17.66 356.91 0.05 0.02 24.86 25.47 5.12
728 81.01 0.01 -0.61 -0.06 24723.91 356.67 0.05 0.03 25.46 26.1 8100.57
731 81.44 0.01 -0.62 -0.08 11170.85 356.54 0.02 0.03 25.82 26.46 8144.44

Appendix A - 274
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 7.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 505.05
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 10.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 92.02
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 311.21
Total Mass Loss (g): 73.97
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.098
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.44
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 12.23
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.01
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0111

Initial mass (g): 395.1
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 94
Time to ignition (s): 7
Time to flameout (s): 762

Appendix A - 275
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 131.71 0.01 -0.45 -0.04 31928.23 395.19 0.13 0.02 24.09 24.54 0
4 323.98 0.01 -0.43 1.06 45845.58 395.3 0.18 0.03 24.51 24.97 0
7 474.81 36.03 0.08 0 33.38 394.23 0.54 0.02 21.68 22.36 13.18
10 505.05 43.6 0.18 0 63.94 393.24 1.22 0.02 21.45 22.77 11.58
13 475.18 41.64 0.33 0 77.06 391.71 1.4 0.02 21.19 22.86 11.41
16 439.17 28.67 0.12 0 76.59 390.84 0.93 0.02 21.71 23.73 15.32
19 430.1 14.81 0 0.01 72.12 390 0.43 0.02 22.82 25.12 29.04
22 402.28 2.51 0 0.02 130.63 389.91 0.13 0.02 22.91 25.35 160.03
25 365.61 24.71 0 0 34.78 389.6 0.35 0.02 21.92 24.32 14.79
28 346.36 35.22 0 0 18.88 388.51 0.26 0.02 23.38 25.98 9.83
31 316.79 18.44 0 0 32.44 387.69 0.23 0.02 23.48 26.07 17.18
34 282.81 20 0 0 33.23 387.28 0.25 0.02 23.62 26.15 14.14
37 264.22 27.05 0 0 13.41 386.45 0.14 0.02 23.79 26.25 9.77
40 253.41 15.6 0 0 32.39 385.79 0.19 0.02 24.08 26.49 16.25
43 243.46 11.12 0 0.01 38.79 385.47 0.16 0.02 24.49 26.8 21.9
46 235.78 14.41 0 0.01 10.36 385.06 0.06 0.02 24.41 26.63 16.36
49 230.74 13.37 0 0.01 38.39 384.62 0.19 0.02 24.44 26.55 17.26
52 230.82 21.02 0 0 21.56 384.2 0.17 0.02 24.71 26.76 10.98
55 225.97 24.79 0 0 12.3 383.4 0.11 0.02 24.75 26.71 9.12
58 220.21 8.68 0 0.01 55.74 382.85 0.18 0.02 25.25 27.21 25.36
61 212.53 10.81 0 0.01 54.31 382.75 0.21 0.02 25.73 27.66 19.67
64 189.95 16.27 0 0 10.98 382.17 0.07 0.02 24.84 26.63 11.68
67 190.2 11.98 0 0.01 25.46 381.85 0.11 0.02 25.61 27.39 15.88
70 179.21 8.71 0 0.01 17.81 381.44 0.06 0.02 24.62 26.25 20.58
73 179.13 17.59 0 0 3.3 381.24 0.02 0.02 24.91 26.49 10.18
76 174.72 16.82 0 0 28.49 380.46 0.19 0.02 24.36 25.86 10.39
79 174.38 3.46 0 0.02 83.22 380.32 0.11 0.02 24.85 26.31 50.44
82 165.59 10.97 0 0.01 15.14 380.11 0.07 0.02 24.08 25.47 15.09
85 162 13.77 0 0 21.28 379.68 0.11 0.02 24.71 26.08 11.76
88 162.5 17.8 0 0 22.52 379.28 0.15 0.02 25.54 26.92 9.13
91 153.77 12.53 0 0.01 25.82 378.69 0.12 0.02 25.02 26.32 12.28
94 150.41 -3.57 0 -0.02 -61.83 378.6 0.08 0.02 25.05 26.32 -42.16
97 149.24 6.84 0 0.01 0 378.71 0 0.02 25.29 26.54 21.83
100 143.52 10.68 0 0.01 19.83 378.22 0.08 0.02 25.2 26.4 13.43
103 139.7 9.76 0 0 52.47 378.11 0.2 0.02 24.88 26.03 14.32
106 140.15 14.68 0 0 32.39 377.59 0.18 0.02 25.17 26.3 9.54
109 139.67 19.65 0 0 32.36 377.23 0.24 0.02 25.38 26.49 7.11
112 134.69 16.9 0 0 18.77 376.48 0.12 0.02 24.72 25.78 7.97
115 133.02 4.57 0 0.02 35.24 376.28 0.06 0.02 24.67 25.7 29.12
118 132.79 4.71 0 0.02 33.04 376.12 0.06 0.02 25.03 26.06 28.17
121 130.24 11.47 0 0.01 27.03 375.94 0.12 0.02 25.18 26.18 11.35
124 127.16 14.79 0 0.01 31.21 375.45 0.18 0.02 25.05 26.04 8.6
127 122.22 10.99 0 0.01 17.22 375.11 0.07 0.02 24.44 25.38 11.13
130 124.3 13.3 0 0.01 43.71 374.76 0.22 0.02 24.96 25.9 9.34
133 120.89 12.26 0 0.01 17.59 374.33 0.08 0.02 24.6 25.53 9.86
136 122.87 10.45 0 0.01 36.06 374.03 0.14 0.02 25.27 26.2 11.76

Appendix A - 276
139 123.33 13.23 0 0.01 29.84 373.67 0.15 0.02 25.38 26.29 9.32
142 118.15 11.13 0 0.01 53.5 373.26 0.23 0.02 24.64 25.53 10.62
145 119.6 12.99 0 0.01 32.8 372.98 0.16 0.02 25.02 25.91 9.21
148 118.56 11.96 0 0.01 23.62 372.51 0.11 0.02 24.89 25.77 9.91
151 120.39 5.69 0 0.02 38.57 372.3 0.08 0.02 25.08 25.95 21.15
154 118.12 5.97 0 0.02 30.36 372.12 0.07 0.02 24.38 25.22 19.79
157 121.29 6.72 0 0.02 34.51 371.93 0.09 0.02 24.83 25.68 18.05
160 120.77 15.6 0 0.01 23.44 371.66 0.14 0.02 24.96 25.82 7.74
163 123.16 15.72 0 0.01 16.76 371.06 0.1 0.02 25.23 26.1 7.83
166 121.15 10.37 0 0.01 42.95 370.76 0.17 0.02 24.8 25.65 11.68
169 120.55 11.1 0 0.01 16.18 370.39 0.07 0.02 25.16 26.02 10.86
172 116.26 10.15 0 0.01 28.3 370.1 0.11 0.02 24.6 25.44 11.46
175 120.56 9.25 0 0.01 37.16 369.78 0.13 0.02 25.55 26.42 13.03
178 117.04 10.52 0 0.01 21.07 369.53 0.09 0.02 25.03 25.89 11.12
181 116.83 13.23 0 0.01 12.49 369.14 0.06 0.02 25.32 26.18 8.83
184 113.28 12.42 0 0.01 22.24 368.76 0.11 0.02 24.73 25.56 9.12
187 112.52 12.19 0 0.01 12.69 368.4 0.06 0.02 24.8 25.63 9.23
190 113.33 9.67 0 0.01 16.34 368.05 0.06 0.02 25.33 26.17 11.71
193 110 5.21 0 0.02 15.9 367.83 0.03 0.02 25.03 25.86 21.11
196 109.69 11.99 0 0.01 0 367.66 0 0.02 25.16 25.99 9.15
199 106.57 11.34 0 0.01 2.48 367.15 0.01 0.02 24.76 25.57 9.4
202 109.46 8.18 0 0.01 0 367 0 0.02 25.53 26.36 13.39
205 105.91 10.22 0 0.01 0 366.63 0 0.02 24.86 25.68 10.36
208 105.25 5.62 0 0.02 0 366.42 0 0.02 24.66 25.46 18.71
211 108.3 10.02 0 0.01 0 366.24 0 0.02 25.06 25.87 10.8
214 108.73 10.12 0 0.01 0 365.84 0 0.02 25.02 25.83 10.74
217 108.37 14.65 0 0.01 0 365.6 0 0.02 24.97 25.77 7.4
220 106.2 15.43 0 0.01 0 365 0 0.02 24.7 25.49 6.88
223 106.29 9.2 0 0.01 0 364.73 0 0.02 24.83 25.63 11.55
226 104.44 8.72 0 0.01 0 364.4 0 0.02 24.96 25.76 11.98
229 105.29 11.77 0 0.01 0 364.18 0 0.02 25.17 25.98 8.95
232 104.5 6.73 0 0.02 0 363.76 0 0.02 25.22 26.02 15.54
235 102.41 -0.54 0.01 -0.22 0 363.78 0 0.02 24.9 25.7 -188.14
238 102.81 12.53 0 0.01 0 363.65 0 0.02 24.78 25.58 8.2
241 103.95 13.46 0 0.01 0 363.11 0 0.02 24.98 25.78 7.72
244 101.56 6.32 0 0.01 0 362.9 0 0.02 24.43 25.22 16.06
247 102.15 10.35 0 0.01 0 362.66 0 0.02 24.47 25.26 9.87
250 103.9 8.46 0 0.01 0 362.31 0 0.02 24.79 25.59 12.29
253 103.77 10.1 0 0.01 0 362.13 0 0.02 25 25.8 10.28
256 104.04 10.07 0 0.01 0 361.72 0 0.02 24.95 25.75 10.34
259 101.29 5 0 0.02 0 361.56 0 0.02 24.37 25.14 20.27
262 102.08 5.37 0 0.02 0 361.39 0 0.02 24.91 25.71 19
265 100.29 4.78 0 0.02 0 361.24 0 0.02 24.7 25.5 20.98
268 100.97 8.5 0 0.01 0 361.07 0 0.02 24.72 25.52 11.88
271 100.94 9.97 0 0.01 0 360.74 0 0.02 24.62 25.41 10.12
274 105.19 11 0 0.01 0 360.48 0 0.02 25.35 26.17 9.56
277 105.2 10.47 0 0.01 0 360.1 0 0.02 25.1 25.91 10.05
280 101.86 10.05 0 0.01 0 359.85 0 0.02 24.31 25.1 10.13
283 104.62 10.41 0 0.01 0 359.49 0 0.02 24.97 25.78 10.05
286 102.85 12.41 0 0.01 0 359.21 0 0.02 24.59 25.39 8.29
289 101.76 11.09 0 0.01 0 358.77 0 0.02 24.59 25.38 9.17
292 102.49 5.02 0 0.02 0 358.58 0 0.02 24.99 25.79 20.44

Appendix A - 277
295 100.1 6.07 0 0.02 0 358.42 0 0.02 24.6 25.39 16.48
298 101.76 6.74 0 0.02 0 358.21 0 0.02 25.23 26.04 15.11
301 102.81 10.07 0 0.01 0 358 0 0.02 25.34 26.15 10.22
304 99.49 8.94 0 0.01 0 357.64 0 0.02 24.73 25.53 11.13
307 99.91 6.61 0 0.02 0 357.47 0 0.02 25.05 25.86 15.13
310 101.67 9.12 0 0.01 0 357.21 0 0.02 25.3 26.12 11.15
313 98.58 8.58 0 0.01 0 356.94 0 0.02 24.51 25.31 11.49
316 97.34 10.05 0 0.01 0 356.69 0 0.02 24.53 25.32 9.68
319 99.98 8.1 0 0.02 0 356.36 0 0.02 24.86 25.66 12.34
322 102.77 11.27 0 0.01 0 356.17 0 0.02 25.3 26.11 9.12
325 98.46 12.49 0 0.01 0 355.7 0 0.02 24.58 25.37 7.88
328 97.29 5.52 0 0.02 0 355.48 0 0.02 24.55 25.33 17.63
331 97.65 4.36 0 0.03 0 355.33 0 0.02 24.94 25.73 22.4
334 95.93 4.72 0 0.03 0 355.19 0 0.02 24.85 25.65 20.3
337 95.24 8.13 0 0.01 0 355.02 0 0.02 24.69 25.47 11.71
340 98.25 8.63 0 0.02 0 354.73 0 0.02 25.09 25.89 11.38
343 98.14 9.07 0 0.01 0 354.51 0 0.02 24.74 25.52 10.82
346 99.44 9.19 0 0.01 0 354.18 0 0.02 24.95 25.74 10.82
349 97.27 9.18 0 0.02 0 353.96 0 0.02 24.46 25.23 10.59
352 97.84 9.13 0 0.01 0 353.64 0 0.02 24.65 25.43 10.72
355 98.63 6.33 0 0.02 0 353.43 0 0.02 24.81 25.59 15.58
358 96.65 9.8 0 0.01 0 353.21 0 0.02 24.56 25.33 9.86
361 97.15 13.82 0 0.01 0 352.84 0 0.02 24.75 25.53 7.03
364 95.84 9.09 0 0.01 0 352.45 0 0.02 24.71 25.49 10.54
367 97.16 4.94 0 0.02 0 352.29 0 0.02 24.96 25.74 19.66
370 97.63 4.23 0 0.03 0 352.12 0 0.02 24.87 25.65 23.06
373 99.17 8.07 0 0.01 0 352 0 0.02 25.02 25.81 12.29
376 99.38 8.56 0 0.01 0 351.65 0 0.02 25.05 25.84 11.61
379 98.29 12.92 0 0.01 0 351.47 0 0.02 24.43 25.21 7.61
382 98.99 12.25 0 0.01 0 350.92 0 0.02 24.64 25.42 8.08
385 97.61 6.97 0 0.02 0 350.76 0 0.02 24.36 25.13 14
388 101.17 10.74 0 0.01 0 350.44 0 0.02 25 25.79 9.42
391 97.71 5.91 0 0.02 0 350.17 0 0.02 24.41 25.19 16.53
394 101.65 8.32 0 0.01 0 350.04 0 0.02 25.13 25.93 12.21
397 98.29 9.15 0 0.01 0 349.68 0 0.02 24.71 25.49 10.74
400 96.63 4.52 0 0.03 0 349.53 0 0.02 24.5 25.28 21.38
403 98.89 4.4 0 0.03 0 349.38 0 0.02 25.37 26.19 22.46
406 96.94 7.52 0 0.02 0 349.24 0 0.02 24.7 25.5 12.89
409 97.42 8.69 0 0.01 0 348.94 0 0.02 24.9 25.7 11.22
412 98.55 12.32 0 0.01 0 348.7 0 0.02 24.79 25.6 8
415 97.35 11.55 0 0.01 0 348.23 0 0.02 24.55 25.34 8.43
418 98.76 10.73 0 0.01 0 348.02 0 0.02 24.91 25.71 9.21
421 97.89 10.47 0 0.01 0 347.59 0 0.02 24.82 25.61 9.35
424 97.62 4.59 0 0.03 0 347.42 0 0.02 24.69 25.48 21.28
427 99.11 8.35 0 0.01 0 347.24 0 0.02 25.12 25.92 11.87
430 97.83 10.14 0 0.01 0 346.93 0 0.02 24.81 25.6 9.65
433 98.8 5.69 0 0.02 0 346.68 0 0.02 25.3 26.1 17.36
436 96.46 4.74 0 0.02 0 346.57 0 0.02 24.81 25.6 20.36
439 93.81 8.37 0 0.01 0 346.36 0 0.02 24.38 25.16 11.21
442 96.54 8.52 0 0.01 0 346.09 0 0.02 24.89 25.69 11.33
445 99.57 6.77 0 0.02 0 345.87 0 0.03 25.87 26.69 14.7
448 98 8.5 0 0.01 0 345.66 0 0.02 24.84 25.64 11.54

Appendix A - 278
451 101.41 12.41 0 0.01 0 345.34 0 0.02 25.35 26.15 8.17
454 98.95 11.22 0 0.01 0 344.95 0 0.02 24.47 25.25 8.82
457 99.91 11.37 0 0.01 0 344.66 0 0.02 24.74 25.53 8.78
460 100.91 9.1 0 0.01 0 344.28 0 0.02 24.67 25.46 11.1
463 101.65 5.99 0 0.02 0 344.12 0 0.02 24.68 25.47 16.98
466 101.72 8.81 0 0.02 0 343.88 0 0.02 24.92 25.72 11.55
469 98.29 5.42 0 0.03 0 343.63 0 0.02 24.6 25.4 18.13
472 98.19 4.35 0 0.03 0 343.54 0 0.02 24.76 25.56 22.55
475 97.19 4.95 0 0.02 0 343.35 0 0.02 24.57 25.37 19.62
478 100.6 8.76 0 0.02 0 343.22 0 0.02 25.39 26.21 11.48
481 99.88 11.88 0 0.01 0 342.84 0 0.02 25.14 25.95 8.41
484 96.11 9.6 0 0.01 0 342.55 0 0.02 24.15 24.93 10.01
487 97.84 7.65 0 0.02 0 342.26 0 0.02 24.45 25.25 12.8
490 100.04 9.73 0 0.01 0 342.06 0 0.02 25.17 25.99 10.28
493 98.88 8.69 0 0.01 0 341.7 0 0.02 24.65 25.46 11.38
496 100.64 5.7 0 0.02 0 341.56 0 0.02 24.74 25.55 17.67
499 101.88 8.03 0 0.02 0 341.32 0 0.02 24.77 25.58 12.69
502 98.71 4.79 0 0.02 0 341.11 0 0.02 23.93 24.71 20.62
505 103.66 6.87 0 0.02 0 341 0 0.02 24.9 25.72 15.08
508 103.92 8.08 0 0.02 0 340.7 0 0.02 24.81 25.63 12.86
511 103.56 8.92 0 0.01 0 340.52 0 0.02 25.03 25.86 11.61
514 102.61 9.98 0 0.01 0 340.16 0 0.02 24.89 25.71 10.28
517 103.48 5.8 0 0.02 0 339.95 0 0.02 25.36 26.19 17.83
520 102.61 9.79 0 0.01 0 339.76 0 0.02 25.1 25.93 10.48
523 101.77 9.66 0 0.01 0 339.39 0 0.02 25.2 26.03 10.54
526 100.51 9.75 0 0.01 0 339.18 0 0.02 24.67 25.48 10.31
529 98.8 13.98 0 0.01 0 338.78 0 0.02 24.4 25.2 7.07
532 100.6 9.69 0 0.01 0 338.4 0 0.02 25.13 25.96 10.38
535 99.44 8.76 0 0.01 0 338.18 0 0.02 25.01 25.83 11.36
538 100.04 7.73 0 0.01 0 337.87 0 0.02 25.11 25.94 12.94
541 104.4 7.84 0 0.01 0 337.7 0 0.02 25.68 26.53 13.31
544 103.38 10.21 0 0.01 0 337.39 0 0.02 25.2 26.04 10.13
547 100.62 8.01 0 0.02 0 337.12 0 0.02 24.36 25.16 12.56
550 102.53 11.88 0 0.01 0 336.87 0 0.02 24.6 25.41 8.63
553 102.17 8.57 0 0.01 0 336.46 0 0.02 24.83 25.65 11.92
556 100.98 5.03 0 0.03 0 336.36 0 0.02 24.6 25.41 20.07
559 99.46 9.11 0 0.02 0 336.1 0 0.02 24.19 24.99 10.91
562 102.64 7.31 0 0.02 0 335.85 0 0.02 25.12 25.94 14.04
565 99.44 4.81 0 0.03 0 335.67 0 0.02 24.7 25.51 20.65
568 97.56 5.84 0 0.02 0 335.53 0 0.02 24.59 25.39 16.72
571 96.7 9.1 0 0.01 0 335.3 0 0.02 24.39 25.18 10.63
574 94.98 11.32 0 0.01 0 335 0 0.02 24.39 25.18 8.39
577 96.64 6.3 0 0.02 0 334.67 0 0.02 24.99 25.79 15.34
580 96.77 6.85 0 0.02 0 334.58 0 0.02 25.21 26.02 14.13
583 93.95 12.86 0 0.01 0 334.22 0 0.02 24.77 25.56 7.31
586 95.21 9.7 0 0.01 0 333.87 0 0.02 25.09 25.9 9.81
589 94.25 8.41 0 0.02 0 333.63 0 0.02 24.8 25.6 11.21
592 95 11.92 0 0.01 0 333.34 0 0.02 24.74 25.53 7.97
595 96.65 8.43 0 0.02 0 332.97 0 0.02 25.15 25.95 11.46
598 95.98 4.94 0 0.03 0 332.83 0 0.02 25.08 25.88 19.41
601 95.58 7.42 0 0.02 0 332.63 0 0.02 24.9 25.69 12.88
604 94.76 5.49 0 0.02 0 332.41 0 0.02 24.91 25.69 17.27

Appendix A - 279
607 94.85 4.79 0 0.03 0 332.29 0 0.02 24.64 25.42 19.82
610 95.93 5.35 0 0.03 0 332.11 0 0.02 24.89 25.67 17.92
613 94.34 7.8 0 0.02 0 331.95 0 0.02 24.44 25.2 12.09
616 96.97 11.21 0 0.01 0 331.64 0 0.02 24.93 25.71 8.65
619 97.14 6.31 0 0.02 0 331.34 0 0.02 25.11 25.88 15.4
622 96.41 4.86 0 0.03 0 331.24 0 0.02 25.21 25.99 19.83
625 94.93 9.8 0 0.01 0 331 0 0.02 24.95 25.72 9.68
628 93.97 9.53 0 0.01 0 330.69 0 0.02 24.99 25.77 9.87
631 94.12 6 0 0.02 0 330.45 0 0.02 25.17 25.96 15.68
634 95.6 10.06 0 0.01 0 330.28 0 0.02 25.5 26.3 9.51
637 91.67 10.95 0 0.01 0 329.87 0 0.02 24.68 25.45 8.37
640 91.51 9.53 0 0.01 0 329.64 0 0.02 24.7 25.46 9.6
643 91.24 11.23 0 0.01 0 329.28 0 0.02 24.93 25.7 8.13
646 91.96 6.64 0 0.02 0 329.01 0 0.02 24.92 25.69 13.85
649 93.58 5.28 0 0.02 0 328.86 0 0.02 25 25.77 17.72
652 93.78 9.13 0 0.01 0 328.65 0 0.02 24.94 25.71 10.27
655 94.34 4.53 0 0.02 0 328.37 0 0.02 24.87 25.64 20.83
658 93.76 6.09 0 0.02 0 328.34 0 0.02 24.55 25.31 15.4
661 94.09 8.91 0 0.01 0 327.99 0 0.02 24.49 25.25 10.56
664 93.72 5.39 0 0.02 0 327.85 0 0.02 24.73 25.5 17.4
667 92.04 5.76 0 0.02 0 327.64 0 0.02 24.57 25.33 15.99
670 94.3 7.59 0 0.01 0 327.49 0 0.02 25.09 25.87 12.43
673 94.21 9.17 0 0.01 0 327.19 0 0.02 25.22 26 10.28
676 89.77 6.53 0 0.02 0 326.97 0 0.02 24.47 25.22 13.75
679 90.21 7.66 0 0.01 0 326.77 0 0.02 24.9 25.67 11.78
682 91.31 11.2 0 0.01 0 326.49 0 0.02 25.28 26.06 8.15
685 90.36 9.87 0 0.01 0 326.14 0 0.02 24.8 25.56 9.15
688 90.37 6.72 0 0.02 0 325.91 0 0.02 24.68 25.43 13.44
691 91.57 9.57 0 0.01 0 325.69 0 0.02 25.47 26.26 9.57
694 90.94 9.87 0 0.01 0 325.36 0 0.02 25.07 25.85 9.21
697 89.48 7.1 0 0.02 0 325.12 0 0.02 24.48 25.23 12.6
700 89 7 0 0.02 0 324.91 0 0.02 24.24 24.99 12.71
703 91.65 8.49 0 0.01 0 324.69 0 0.02 24.86 25.63 10.79
706 93.7 7.1 0 0.01 0 324.42 0 0.02 25.15 25.92 13.21
709 92.67 5.26 0 0.02 0 324.27 0 0.02 24.89 25.64 17.62
712 93.07 5.86 0 0.02 0 324.09 0 0.02 24.76 25.51 15.89
715 94.06 6.93 0 0.01 0 323.91 0 0.02 24.73 25.48 13.56
718 94.1 9.73 0 0.01 0 323.66 0 0.02 24.64 25.4 9.67
721 93 10.28 0 0.01 0 323.35 0 0.02 24.51 25.26 9.04
724 93.72 6.09 0 0.02 0 323.08 0 0.02 24.77 25.53 15.38
727 94.13 8.17 0 0.01 0 322.94 0 0.02 24.94 25.7 11.52
730 93.73 9.5 0 0.01 0 322.59 0 0.02 25.01 25.78 9.87
733 92.12 7.59 0 0.02 0 322.39 0 0.02 24.85 25.62 12.14
736 90.97 7.99 0 0.01 0 322.12 0 0.02 24.41 25.17 11.39
739 89.06 6.38 0 0.02 0 321.92 0 0.02 24.42 25.18 13.97
742 89.76 8.79 0 0.01 0 321.71 0 0.02 24.91 25.68 10.22
745 89.32 9.92 0 0.01 0 321.4 0 0.02 25.21 25.99 9
748 88.05 6.27 0 0.02 0 321.15 0 0.02 25.04 25.8 14.05
751 85.58 7.4 0 0.01 0 321 0 0.02 24.64 25.39 11.56
754 85.66 9.4 0 0.01 0 320.7 0 0.02 24.37 25.11 9.11
757 88.53 6.91 0 0.01 0 320.46 0 0.02 24.96 25.71 12.82
760 88.13 0.01 -0.39 10.66 0 320.26 0 0.02 24.75 25.5 8813.36

Appendix A - 280
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 407.04
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 7.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 86.37
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 290.64
Total Mass Loss (g): 67.67
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.090
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.76
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 7.51
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0130

Initial mass (g): 387.6
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 73
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 765

Appendix A - 281
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 32.79 0.01 -0.34 -0.03 7109.68 387.68 0.03 0.03 25.15 25.53 0
4 213.63 0.01 -0.46 -0.03 17771.54 387.74 0.07 0.03 25.73 26.12 0
7 407.04 27.78 0 0 50.66 387.58 0.55 0.03 25.07 25.46 14.65
10 374.15 43.6 0.13 0 34.57 386.18 0.71 0.02 20.32 21.16 8.58
13 364.74 31.06 0 0.01 87.52 385.19 1.18 0.02 21.75 23.08 11.74
16 341.23 24.15 0 0.01 116.56 384.3 1.15 0.02 22.9 24.55 14.13
19 341.34 23.32 0 0 65.1 383.69 0.61 0.02 23.13 24.91 14.64
22 358.59 21.13 0 0 85.33 382.9 0.7 0.02 23.75 25.62 16.97
25 343.87 19.66 0 0 116.8 382.41 0.91 0.02 23.36 25.3 17.49
28 320.48 25.08 0 0 50.77 381.68 0.51 0.02 23.02 25.04 12.78
31 315.82 21.14 0 0 38.81 380.97 0.31 0.02 24.1 26.23 14.94
34 291.12 23.86 0 0 15.36 380.37 0.14 0.02 23.57 25.67 12.2
37 291.95 23.86 0 0 3.88 379.56 0.03 0.02 24.39 26.56 12.24
40 274.39 13.4 0 0 0 379.01 0 0.02 23.73 25.8 20.47
43 265.78 17.53 0 0 0 378.66 0 0.02 24 26.06 15.16
46 257.27 14.44 0 0 0.98 378 0.01 0.02 24.38 26.42 17.81
49 247.53 9.85 0 0 0 377.8 0 0.02 24.67 26.66 25.12
52 235.53 19.37 0 0 0 377.31 0 0.02 24.4 26.3 12.16
55 230.67 20.84 0 0 10.15 376.69 0.08 0.02 24.83 26.68 11.07
58 220.86 14.73 0 0 1.83 376.11 0.01 0.02 24.69 26.48 14.99
61 210.91 16.47 0 0 0 375.76 0 0.02 24.45 26.17 12.81
64 207.33 16.49 0 0 0 375.14 0 0.02 24.67 26.33 12.57
67 202.88 7.92 0 0 3.63 374.82 0.01 0.02 24.78 26.38 25.6
70 198.38 13.3 0 0 0 374.57 0 0.02 24.9 26.44 14.92
73 191.33 13.3 0 0 0 374.05 0 0.02 24.73 26.2 14.39
76 187.39 16.62 0 0 0 373.75 0 0.02 24.72 26.13 11.27
79 186.96 19 0 0 0 373.07 0 0.02 25.43 26.83 9.84
82 176.77 9.97 0 0 0 372.69 0 0.02 25.09 26.42 17.72
85 172.54 14.12 0 0 3.06 372.38 0.02 0.02 25.03 26.31 12.22
88 171.18 11.43 0 0 0 371.88 0 0.02 25 26.22 14.97
91 168.83 8.9 0 0 0 371.69 0 0.02 25.17 26.36 18.98
94 164.29 14.06 0 0 0 371.3 0 0.02 24.83 25.97 11.69
97 164.21 13.98 0 0 0 370.88 0 0.02 24.98 26.09 11.74
100 161.82 13.57 0 0 0 370.46 0 0.02 25.08 26.17 11.92
103 160 11.14 0 0 0 370.08 0 0.02 25.36 26.43 14.36
106 154.58 11.7 0 0.01 0 369.78 0 0.02 25.02 26.08 13.21
109 150.91 10.61 0 0 0 369.39 0 0.02 24.98 26 14.22
112 146.82 9.75 0 0.01 0 369.14 0 0.02 25.04 26.03 15.05
115 144.38 11.94 0 0.01 0 368.79 0 0.02 25.25 26.23 12.09
118 143.85 11.37 0 0.01 0 368.44 0 0.02 25.26 26.22 12.65
121 144.88 10.44 0 0.01 0 368.11 0 0.02 25.41 26.34 13.88
124 138.48 11.09 0 0.01 0 367.8 0 0.02 24.72 25.61 12.49
127 136.14 16.11 0 0.01 0 367.42 0 0.02 24.84 25.72 8.45
130 138.76 11.67 0 0.01 0 366.9 0 0.02 25.27 26.13 11.89
133 135.27 6.35 0 0.01 0 366.72 0 0.02 24.66 25.49 21.29
136 133.81 11.57 0 0.01 0 366.44 0 0.02 24.68 25.5 11.56

Appendix A - 282
139 136.58 13.43 0 0.01 0.58 366.05 0 0.02 25.28 26.11 10.17
142 135.39 8.93 0 0.01 0 365.68 0 0.02 25.01 25.82 15.16
145 133.22 9.13 0 0.01 0 365.48 0 0.02 24.9 25.7 14.59
148 133.99 12.51 0 0.01 0 365.11 0 0.02 25.21 26.01 10.71
151 133.47 8.92 0 0.01 0 364.78 0 0.02 25.15 25.94 14.96
154 132.68 8.62 0 0.01 0 364.56 0 0.02 25.28 26.07 15.39
157 132.07 8.83 0 0.01 0 364.25 0 0.02 25.5 26.3 14.96
160 129.35 7.82 0 0.01 0 364.04 0 0.02 25.05 25.83 16.54
163 124.91 8.36 0 0.01 0 363.77 0 0.02 24.79 25.58 14.94
166 122.28 9.51 0 0.01 0 363.53 0 0.02 24.73 25.5 12.85
169 123.39 10.14 0 0.01 0 363.2 0 0.02 25.02 25.79 12.17
172 124.56 11.65 0 0.01 0 362.92 0 0.02 25.4 26.18 10.69
175 121.24 12.54 0 0.01 0 362.51 0 0.02 24.88 25.65 9.67
178 120.21 9.59 0 0.01 0 362.19 0 0.02 25.17 25.93 12.54
181 116.64 8.65 0 0.01 0 361.92 0 0.02 24.72 25.46 13.48
184 115.57 9.98 0 0.01 0 361.65 0 0.02 24.63 25.37 11.58
187 116.79 10.37 0 0.01 0 361.33 0 0.02 24.96 25.71 11.26
190 118 10.49 0 0.01 0 361.03 0 0.02 25.33 26.08 11.24
193 119.28 11.34 0 0.01 0 360.7 0 0.02 25.42 26.17 10.52
196 120.07 11.28 0 0.01 0 360.36 0 0.02 25.31 26.05 10.65
199 119.55 9.7 0 0.01 0 360.03 0 0.02 25.17 25.91 12.33
202 121.68 6.79 0 0.02 0 359.79 0 0.02 25.65 26.41 17.92
205 116.63 8.92 0 0.02 0 359.59 0 0.02 24.89 25.63 13.08
208 115.45 11.19 0 0.01 0 359.25 0 0.02 25.05 25.79 10.31
211 115.46 6.1 0 0.02 0 358.97 0 0.02 25.26 26.01 18.93
214 113.39 8.63 0 0.02 0 358.83 0 0.02 24.74 25.47 13.14
217 113.16 12.32 0 0.01 0 358.44 0 0.02 24.8 25.53 9.19
220 111.7 7.27 0 0.02 0 358.16 0 0.02 24.84 25.57 15.37
223 113.17 4.01 0 0.03 0 357.99 0 0.02 25.29 26.02 28.22
226 110.3 11.83 0 0.01 0 357.84 0 0.02 24.79 25.5 9.32
229 113.37 13.74 0 0.01 0 357.32 0 0.02 25 25.72 8.25
232 114.84 5.15 0 0.03 0 357.09 0 0.02 25.22 25.94 22.28
235 111.38 8.37 0 0.02 0 356.93 0 0.02 25 25.73 13.3
238 108.62 11.88 0 0.01 0 356.58 0 0.02 24.81 25.52 9.14
241 112.75 8.23 0 0.02 0 356.27 0 0.02 25.5 26.23 13.7
244 111.25 7.77 0 0.02 0 356.07 0 0.02 24.96 25.67 14.31
247 110.56 9.21 0 0.02 0 355.79 0 0.02 24.9 25.61 12
250 111.88 6.66 0 0.02 0 355.54 0 0.02 25.03 25.75 16.81
253 111.15 5.61 0 0.03 0 355.38 0 0.02 24.77 25.48 19.8
256 111.07 10.3 0 0.01 0 355.16 0 0.02 25.14 25.85 10.78
259 109.01 11.28 0 0.01 0 354.79 0 0.02 25 25.72 9.66
262 105.51 10.54 0 0.01 0 354.5 0 0.02 24.61 25.32 10.01
265 106.19 9.84 0 0.01 0 354.16 0 0.02 24.85 25.56 10.8
268 105.41 7.09 0 0.02 0 353.92 0 0.02 25.19 25.9 14.87
271 103.1 7.88 0 0.02 0 353.71 0 0.02 24.86 25.57 13.08
274 105.88 9.46 0 0.02 0 353.44 0 0.02 25.26 25.98 11.19
277 99.82 9.63 0 0.02 0 353.15 0 0.02 24.29 24.98 10.37
280 99.86 5.6 0 0.03 0 352.89 0 0.02 24.72 25.42 17.82
283 100.21 8.31 0 0.02 0 352.77 0 0.02 24.75 25.45 12.06
286 100.72 11.9 0 0.01 0 352.39 0 0.02 24.91 25.61 8.47
289 101.9 10.05 0 0.01 0 352.09 0 0.02 25.1 25.8 10.14
292 99.79 9.3 0 0.02 0 351.78 0 0.02 24.43 25.11 10.73

Appendix A - 283
295 104.71 8.34 0 0.02 0 351.53 0 0.02 25.4 26.11 12.56
298 100.2 9.4 0 0.02 0 351.26 0 0.02 24.55 25.24 10.66
301 99.4 9.96 0 0.02 0 350.97 0 0.02 24.68 25.37 9.98
304 102.72 9.25 0 0.02 0 350.68 0 0.02 25.29 26 11.11
307 101.25 7.7 0 0.02 0 350.42 0 0.02 25.15 25.85 13.15
310 97.09 10.7 0 0.01 0 350.19 0 0.02 24.34 25.01 9.08
313 98.82 9.17 0 0.02 0 349.81 0 0.02 24.9 25.59 10.78
316 94.99 6.24 0 0.03 0 349.65 0 0.02 24.52 25.2 15.22
319 92.86 6.83 0 0.03 0 349.41 0 0.02 24.42 25.09 13.59
322 93.91 4.44 0 0.04 0 349.25 0 0.02 24.66 25.33 21.16
325 96.39 5.91 0 0.03 0 349.12 0 0.02 25.07 25.75 16.3
328 92.03 6.45 0 0.03 0 348.9 0 0.02 24.31 24.96 14.27
331 94.11 7.35 0 0.03 0 348.73 0 0.02 25.31 25.99 12.8
334 91.25 11.01 0 0.02 0 348.44 0 0.02 25.19 25.87 8.29
337 91.16 8.56 0 0.02 0 348.11 0 0.02 25.47 26.16 10.65
340 87.39 5.95 0 0.03 0 347.93 0 0.02 24.67 25.32 14.7
343 87.95 6.87 0 0.03 0 347.73 0 0.02 24.72 25.38 12.81
346 89.21 5.66 0 0.04 0 347.53 0 0.02 24.95 25.62 15.76
349 86.68 5.83 0 0.04 0 347.38 0 0.02 24.7 25.35 14.87
352 87.28 7.25 0 0.03 0 347.17 0 0.02 25.07 25.74 12.04
355 85.96 10.18 0 0.02 0 346.94 0 0.02 25.06 25.72 8.45
358 86.98 9.81 0 0.02 0 346.59 0 0.02 25.24 25.91 8.87
361 83.76 8.92 0 0.02 0 346.36 0 0.02 24.63 25.28 9.39
364 85.22 9.05 0 0.02 0 346.05 0 0.02 24.95 25.6 9.41
367 86.07 6.13 0 0.03 0 345.83 0 0.02 24.4 25.04 14.03
370 88.78 5.35 0 0.04 0 345.66 0 0.02 24.85 25.49 16.59
373 89.15 9.62 0 0.02 0 345.48 0 0.02 24.83 25.48 9.27
376 89.56 8.89 0 0.03 0 345.12 0 0.02 24.82 25.47 10.08
379 89.83 5.05 0 0.04 0 344.96 0 0.02 24.64 25.29 17.8
382 90.19 8.32 0 0.02 0 344.77 0 0.02 24.76 25.41 10.84
385 90.83 6.1 0 0.03 0 344.5 0 0.02 24.68 25.33 14.9
388 92.13 5.58 0 0.03 0 344.39 0 0.02 24.97 25.63 16.5
391 91.06 7.59 0 0.02 0 344.15 0 0.02 25.15 25.81 12
394 88.09 3.73 0 0.05 0 343.98 0 0.02 24.81 25.46 23.62
397 87.87 4.75 0 0.04 0 343.89 0 0.02 25.2 25.87 18.51
400 84.75 7.54 0 0.02 0 343.68 0 0.02 24.9 25.56 11.24
403 83.09 5.93 0 0.03 0 343.47 0 0.02 24.81 25.47 14
406 83.92 8.63 0 0.02 0 343.29 0 0.02 24.85 25.5 9.72
409 82.86 8.93 0 0.02 0 342.97 0 0.02 24.79 25.44 9.28
412 80.4 4.78 0 0.04 0 342.79 0 0.02 24.44 25.09 16.8
415 84.99 5.12 0 0.04 0 342.65 0 0.02 25.31 25.98 16.6
418 83.73 5.31 0 0.03 0 342.48 0 0.02 25.12 25.78 15.77
421 82.15 5.97 0 0.03 0 342.33 0 0.02 24.82 25.47 13.76
424 85.95 8.03 0 0.02 0 342.11 0 0.03 25.61 26.29 10.7
427 86.55 8.83 0 0.02 0 341.85 0 0.02 25.36 26.03 9.8
430 83.73 8.52 0 0.02 0 341.59 0 0.02 24.86 25.52 9.82
433 85.88 5.87 0 0.02 0 341.36 0 0.02 25.32 25.99 14.62
436 83.68 8.07 0 0.02 0 341.21 0 0.02 24.69 25.33 10.37
439 83.88 7.98 0 0.02 0 340.89 0 0.02 25.3 25.96 10.51
442 82.93 4.55 0 0.03 0 340.75 0 0.02 25.19 25.85 18.22
445 80.43 7.09 0 0.02 0 340.58 0 0.02 24.82 25.47 11.35
448 78.86 5.32 0 0.03 0 340.35 0 0.02 24.67 25.31 14.82

Appendix A - 284
451 81.83 4.83 0 0.03 0 340.25 0 0.02 25.24 25.9 16.96
454 81.34 6.99 0 0.02 0 340.05 0 0.02 25.11 25.76 11.64
457 81.58 5.56 0 0.03 0 339.86 0 0.02 25.37 26.03 14.66
460 81.66 3.64 0 0.04 0 339.72 0 0.02 24.99 25.64 22.41
463 84.07 3.83 0 0.04 0 339.62 0 0.02 25.01 25.66 21.92
466 86.03 8.29 0 0.02 0 339.45 0 0.02 25.56 26.22 10.37
469 85.26 9.57 0 0.02 0 339.15 0 0.02 24.85 25.51 8.91
472 84.62 5.95 0 0.03 0 338.92 0 0.02 24.52 25.16 14.22
475 85.74 6.16 0 0.02 0 338.76 0 0.02 25.11 25.77 13.92
478 84.46 9.78 0 0.02 0 338.52 0 0.02 25.14 25.81 8.64
481 83.14 9.42 0 0.01 0 338.2 0 0.02 24.48 25.12 8.83
484 83.53 7.38 0 0.02 0 337.97 0 0.02 24.9 25.56 11.33
487 82.54 6.8 0 0.02 0 337.75 0 0.02 24.78 25.44 12.14
490 82.82 6.25 0 0.02 0 337.56 0 0.02 24.95 25.61 13.26
493 82.89 7.22 0 0.02 0 337.37 0 0.02 24.93 25.59 11.48
496 80.94 5.84 0 0.02 0 337.15 0 0.02 24.88 25.54 13.85
499 80.61 3.23 0 0.04 0 337.03 0 0.02 24.97 25.62 24.97
502 81.18 1.81 0 0.07 0 336.94 0 0.02 25.1 25.76 44.77
505 81.31 8.05 0 0.02 0 336.86 0 0.02 25.49 26.16 10.1
508 80.27 7.24 0 0.02 0 336.5 0 0.02 25.42 26.09 11.09
511 80.72 4.36 0 0.03 0 336.45 0 0.02 25.34 26.01 18.51
514 79.57 7.21 0 0.02 0 336.2 0 0.02 24.88 25.54 11.04
517 80.27 8 0 0.01 0 336.03 0 0.02 25.1 25.76 10.03
520 80.09 7.13 0 0.02 0 335.74 0 0.02 24.81 25.46 11.24
523 84.85 6.22 0 0.02 0 335.6 0 0.03 25.75 26.42 13.64
526 79.75 7.63 0 0.01 0 335.35 0 0.02 24.31 24.95 10.45
529 83.01 4.33 0 0.03 0 335.17 0 0.02 24.97 25.62 19.18
532 83.26 5.91 0 0.02 0 335.06 0 0.02 25.06 25.72 14.09
535 80.45 7.53 0 0.01 0 334.81 0 0.02 24.51 25.15 10.68
538 81.54 5.85 0 0.02 0 334.63 0 0.02 25.05 25.71 13.93
541 81.36 4.86 0 0.02 0 334.46 0 0.02 24.86 25.51 16.74
544 81.5 6.65 0 0.02 0 334.32 0 0.02 25.24 25.9 12.25
547 81.12 6.56 0 0.02 0 334.07 0 0.02 24.84 25.48 12.37
550 79.75 6.3 0 0.02 0 333.93 0 0.02 24.65 25.29 12.67
553 81.27 6.73 0 0.02 0 333.69 0 0.02 25.33 25.99 12.07
556 80.05 4.02 0 0.03 0 333.54 0 0.02 25.02 25.67 19.9
559 80.73 3.65 0 0.03 0 333.43 0 0.02 24.7 25.35 22.09
562 80.44 4.64 0 0.03 0 333.31 0 0.02 24.93 25.59 17.34
565 80.42 5.63 0 0.02 0 333.15 0 0.02 25.1 25.76 14.29
568 82.33 7.94 0 0.01 0 332.96 0 0.02 24.79 25.43 10.37
571 84.1 9.99 0 0.01 0 332.68 0 0.02 25.18 25.84 8.42
574 81.94 9.6 0 0.01 0 332.39 0 0.02 24.65 25.29 8.54
577 82.95 6.71 0 0.02 0 332.12 0 0.02 24.88 25.52 12.37
580 82.85 5.72 0 0.02 0 331.97 0 0.02 24.67 25.31 14.48
583 82.08 8.05 0 0.01 0 331.75 0 0.02 24.69 25.34 10.2
586 82.34 7.37 0 0.02 0 331.5 0 0.02 24.74 25.38 11.17
589 81.71 7.73 0 0.02 0 331.31 0 0.02 24.6 25.24 10.57
592 79.26 7.33 0 0.01 0 331.05 0 0.02 24.85 25.5 10.82
595 79.53 4.65 0 0.02 0 330.89 0 0.02 24.83 25.48 17.12
598 81.76 2.32 0 0.05 0 330.76 0 0.02 25.4 26.07 35.18
601 79.33 6.96 0 0.01 0 330.7 0 0.02 25.04 25.69 11.4
604 76.72 8.1 0 0.01 0 330.37 0 0.02 24.71 25.35 9.47

Appendix A - 285
607 78.48 2.73 0 0.03 0 330.26 0 0.02 25.04 25.69 28.78
610 79.1 5.83 0 0.01 0 330.15 0 0.02 25.28 25.93 13.58
613 77.84 8.61 0 0.01 0 329.9 0 0.02 24.9 25.54 9.04
616 77.32 7.32 0 0.01 0 329.66 0 0.02 24.38 25.01 10.56
619 79.66 5.17 0 0.02 0 329.47 0 0.02 25.09 25.73 15.42
622 78.71 6.67 0 0.01 0 329.33 0 0.02 24.57 25.2 11.81
625 82.08 9.25 0 0.01 0 329.07 0 0.02 25.23 25.87 8.88
628 79.11 6.96 0 0.01 0 328.8 0 0.02 24.24 24.86 11.37
631 80.56 6.88 0 0.01 0 328.63 0 0.02 25.03 25.67 11.71
634 80.25 10.06 0 0.01 0 328.37 0 0.02 24.8 25.44 7.97
637 78.11 4.72 0 0.02 0 328.09 0 0.02 24.35 24.97 16.54
640 77.57 3.08 0 0.03 0 328.07 0 0.02 24.58 25.21 25.17
643 77.99 5.02 0 0.02 0 327.87 0 0.02 24.8 25.44 15.54
646 77.68 5.1 0 0.02 0 327.77 0 0.02 24.75 25.39 15.23
649 77.4 6.21 0 0.02 0 327.56 0 0.02 25.3 25.95 12.47
652 75.35 7.19 0 0.01 0 327.41 0 0.02 24.72 25.35 10.48
655 75.17 4.67 0 0.02 0 327.16 0 0.02 24.44 25.06 16.11
658 77.63 2.91 0 0.03 0 327.12 0 0.02 25.25 25.9 26.72
661 73.78 9.13 0 0.01 0 326.93 0 0.02 24.31 24.93 8.08
664 76.33 8.43 0 0.01 0 326.62 0 0.02 25.12 25.77 9.05
667 77.13 4.25 0 0.02 0 326.45 0 0.02 25.26 25.91 18.15
670 76.65 5.59 0 0.02 0 326.32 0 0.02 24.8 25.44 13.71
673 76.09 8.39 0 0.01 0 326.1 0 0.02 24.87 25.51 9.07
676 77.08 7.98 0 0.01 0 325.84 0 0.02 25.05 25.69 9.66
679 77.9 5.7 0 0.02 0 325.63 0 0.02 24.82 25.46 13.67
682 78.97 9.88 0 0.01 0 325.46 0 0.02 25.16 25.81 7.99
685 83.31 11.41 0 0.01 0 325.06 0 0.03 26.19 26.86 7.3
688 80.26 3.98 0 0.03 0 324.83 0 0.02 25.14 25.79 20.18
691 77.77 5.11 0 0.02 0 324.77 0 0.02 24.77 25.41 15.21
694 77.47 6.91 0 0.02 0 324.52 0 0.02 24.64 25.28 11.21
697 80.93 4.95 0 0.03 0 324.37 0 0.02 25.49 26.15 16.34
700 78.96 7.36 0 0.02 0 324.19 0 0.02 24.71 25.35 10.73
703 79.44 5.75 0 0.02 0 323.96 0 0.02 25.28 25.93 13.81
706 78.9 2.93 0 0.04 0 323.86 0 0.02 25.2 25.85 26.93
709 79.98 8.28 0 0.01 0 323.73 0 0.02 25.22 25.88 9.66
712 78.38 7.9 0 0.02 0 323.4 0 0.02 24.95 25.6 9.93
715 76.42 4.12 0 0.03 0 323.28 0 0.02 24.73 25.37 18.55
718 77.29 4.34 0 0.03 0 323.12 0 0.02 24.82 25.45 17.82
721 77.17 6.55 0 0.02 0 323 0 0.02 25.07 25.72 11.78
724 73.19 7.95 0 0.01 0 322.74 0 0.02 24.34 24.97 9.2
727 76.33 6.99 0 0.02 0 322.55 0 0.02 25.35 26 10.92
730 74.29 6.02 0 0.02 0 322.32 0 0.02 24.54 25.17 12.35
733 75.17 6.02 0 0.02 0 322.17 0 0.02 24.82 25.47 12.49
736 73.91 9.36 0 0.01 0 321.93 0 0.02 24.89 25.54 7.9
739 75.76 7.47 0 0.01 0 321.65 0 0.02 25.25 25.91 10.14
742 75.28 7.12 0 0.01 0 321.48 0 0.02 25.11 25.76 10.57
745 74.02 9.01 0 0.01 0 321.21 0 0.02 24.63 25.27 8.22
748 74.24 7.92 0 0.02 0 320.96 0 0.02 24.68 25.32 9.37
751 77.01 6.12 0 0.02 0 320.74 0 0.02 25.02 25.67 12.59
754 78.54 7.44 0 0.02 0 320.57 0 0.02 25.42 26.08 10.55
757 77.55 8.24 0 0.01 0 320.29 0 0.02 24.95 25.6 9.41
760 78.54 0.01 -0.35 12.53 0 320.09 0 0.02 24.9 25.54 7853.62

Appendix A - 286
Paper (stacked flat - covered with cardboard) Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 454.88
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 24.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 92.87
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 308.81
Total Mass Loss (g): 70.73
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.094
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.13
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 81.78
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0155

Initial mass (g): 391.6
Thickness (mm): 56
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 765

Appendix A - 287
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 10.83 0.01 -0.28 -0.03 0 391.56 0 0.03 25.55 25.92 1083.04

3 96.3 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 0 391.75 0 0.03 25.62 25.99 9629.53
6 354.24 15.65 0 0 19.98 391.73 0.12 0.03 24.99 25.37 22.64
9 412.53 29.56 0.12 0 20.6 390.86 0.27 0.02 22.26 22.87 13.96
12 421.1 31 0.06 0 87.84 390.05 1.18 0.02 21.89 23.09 13.59
15 399.04 37.58 0.05 0 68.22 388.98 1.07 0.02 22.54 24.01 10.62
18 397.79 28.91 0 0 66.74 387.91 0.77 0.02 23.09 24.93 13.76
21 453.1 22.25 0 0 48.21 387.24 0.42 0.02 23.53 25.46 20.37
24 454.88 23.5 0.05 0 60.24 386.52 0.59 0.02 22.14 24.07 19.35
27 408.45 16.26 0.2 0 61.93 385.9 0.42 0.02 21.93 24.2 25.11
30 373.56 -4.3 0 -0.01 -34.15 385.64 0.06 0.02 23.43 25.95 -86.89
33 305.93 -6.12 0 0 -20.16 386.01 0.05 0.02 23.68 26.19 -49.99
36 287.78 14.44 0 0 0 385.82 0 0.02 24.63 27.15 19.93
39 268.1 30.86 0 0 0 385.17 0 0.02 24.72 27.12 8.69
42 246.04 26.44 0 0 0 384.13 0 0.02 24.64 26.93 9.3
45 236.58 20.5 0 0 0 383.61 0 0.02 24.78 26.97 11.54
48 227.8 20.47 0 0 0 382.86 0 0.02 25 27.1 11.13
51 222.82 16.94 0 0 0 382.4 0 0.02 25.25 27.28 13.15
54 212.85 17.73 0 0 0 381.82 0 0.02 24.73 26.6 12
57 209.43 8.08 0 0 0 381.39 0 0.02 25.16 26.99 25.92
60 203.31 23.93 0 0 0 381.17 0 0.02 25.11 26.86 8.5
63 198.13 25.42 0 0 0 380.06 0 0.02 25.09 26.76 7.8
66 191.53 3.37 0 0.02 0 379.8 0 0.02 25.01 26.6 56.83
69 183.82 12.78 0 0.01 0 379.64 0 0.02 25.05 26.59 14.38
72 177.5 22.59 0 0 0 379.02 0 0.02 24.94 26.42 7.86
75 176.15 17.84 0 0 0 378.39 0 0.02 25.35 26.78 9.87
78 173.99 18.41 0 0 0 377.92 0 0.02 25.4 26.78 9.45
81 170.07 18.95 0 0 0 377.29 0 0.02 24.86 26.15 8.97
84 169.62 11.31 0 0 0 376.84 0 0.02 25.18 26.44 15
87 168.25 14.7 0 0 0 376.54 0 0.02 25.43 26.67 11.44
90 164.64 13.48 0 0 0 375.99 0 0.02 24.79 25.96 12.22
93 164.74 6.14 0 0.01 0 375.76 0 0.02 24.96 26.1 26.83
96 163.89 15.12 0 0 0 375.51 0 0.02 25.14 26.27 10.84
99 160.93 16.78 0 0 0 374.9 0 0.02 24.73 25.82 9.59
102 162.73 9.59 0 0.01 0 374.56 0 0.02 25.18 26.27 16.96
105 163.26 13.15 0 0.01 0 374.26 0 0.02 25.36 26.44 12.41
108 160.72 9.57 0 0.01 0 373.82 0 0.02 25.32 26.39 16.79
111 152.03 5.38 0 0.01 0 373.69 0 0.02 25.27 26.31 28.27
114 145.16 11.51 0 0.01 0 373.42 0 0.02 24.79 25.79 12.61
117 142.06 13.84 0 0 0 373.02 0 0.02 24.84 25.81 10.26
120 139.55 7.54 0 0.01 0 372.65 0 0.02 25.55 26.51 18.51
123 131.51 10.82 0 0.01 0 372.51 0 0.02 24.65 25.56 12.15
126 131.88 11.31 0 0.01 0 372.02 0 0.02 25.45 26.35 11.66
129 129.61 6.25 0 0.02 0 371.86 0 0.02 25.55 26.44 20.73
132 129.67 15.76 0 0.01 0 371.55 0 0.02 25.48 26.35 8.23
135 122.43 12.54 0 0.01 0 371 0 0.02 24.71 25.53 9.77

Appendix A - 288
138 124.77 7.07 0 0.02 0 370.82 0 0.02 25.23 26.05 17.64
141 126.19 8.15 0 0.01 0 370.54 0 0.02 25.54 26.35 15.48
144 123.36 4.88 0 0.02 0 370.35 0 0.02 25.28 26.06 25.26
147 123.34 8.32 0 0.01 0 370.2 0 0.02 25.07 25.82 14.83
150 124.79 11.2 0 0.01 0 369.86 0 0.02 25.6 26.37 11.15
153 121.7 7.91 0 0.02 0 369.56 0 0.02 25.25 25.99 15.39
156 122.07 14.08 0 0.01 0 369.32 0 0.02 25.42 26.16 8.67
159 116.79 16.9 0 0.01 0 368.74 0 0.02 24.86 25.59 6.91
162 117.94 10.27 0 0.02 0 368.38 0 0.02 25.39 26.13 11.48
165 116.63 9.72 0 0.02 0 368.09 0 0.02 25.18 25.91 12
168 119.58 10.17 0 0.02 0 367.78 0 0.02 25.63 26.36 11.76
171 118.15 9.2 0 0.02 0 367.49 0 0.02 25.09 25.8 12.85
174 118.33 7.03 0 0.02 0 367.24 0 0.02 25.19 25.91 16.82
177 114.57 5.57 0 0.02 0 367.06 0 0.02 24.67 25.37 20.58
180 117.65 6.34 0 0.03 0 366.88 0 0.02 25.37 26.09 18.56
183 116.68 12.17 0 0.01 0 366.64 0 0.02 25.35 26.06 9.59
186 110.85 13.65 0 0.01 0 366.19 0 0.02 24.69 25.39 8.12
189 110.18 9.54 0 0.02 0 365.87 0 0.02 24.92 25.63 11.55
192 108.97 12.25 0 0.01 0 365.57 0 0.02 25.04 25.75 8.89
195 111.81 9.51 0 0.01 6.14 365.17 0.02 0.02 25.09 25.79 11.75
198 114.61 6.72 0 0.02 22.48 365 0.06 0.02 25.54 26.25 17.06
201 111.43 5.69 0 0.03 26.18 364.75 0.06 0.02 24.82 25.51 19.59
204 113.96 5.97 0 0.02 37.37 364.65 0.09 0.02 24.99 25.68 19.08
207 114.88 7.68 0 0.02 30.86 364.38 0.09 0.02 25.19 25.89 14.97
210 111.98 6.47 0 0.02 38.41 364.21 0.1 0.02 25.05 25.74 17.31
213 115 9.33 0 0.02 31.46 363.97 0.11 0.02 25.54 26.25 12.33
216 113.08 8 0 0.02 42.94 363.68 0.13 0.02 25.74 26.46 14.13
219 110.59 6.98 0 0.02 40.61 363.48 0.11 0.02 25.11 25.81 15.85
222 113.37 11.22 0 0.01 34.46 363.22 0.15 0.02 25.47 26.2 10.1
225 109.27 10.79 0 0.01 31.98 362.84 0.14 0.02 24.75 25.45 10.13
228 110.29 7.32 0 0.02 49.8 362.6 0.14 0.02 24.77 25.47 15.07
231 113.1 8.57 0 0.02 50.77 362.37 0.17 0.02 24.97 25.68 13.19
234 110.52 8.61 0 0.02 50.14 362.09 0.17 0.02 24.55 25.25 12.84
237 110.43 11.78 0 0.01 36.25 361.84 0.17 0.02 24.75 25.46 9.38
240 113.39 9.73 0 0.02 48.01 361.41 0.18 0.02 25.31 26.03 11.65
243 108.55 11.35 0 0.01 36.68 361.23 0.17 0.02 24.45 25.14 9.56
246 109.68 12.58 0 0.01 41.5 360.74 0.2 0.02 24.88 25.58 8.72
249 108.74 6.58 0 0.03 88.06 360.52 0.23 0.02 24.48 25.18 16.53
252 106.67 9.31 0 0.02 51.04 360.28 0.19 0.02 24.44 25.14 11.45
255 106.67 11.66 0 0.02 45.18 359.96 0.21 0.02 24.79 25.5 9.15
258 106.03 10.67 0 0.02 50.5 359.61 0.21 0.02 24.79 25.49 9.94
261 103.41 5.04 0 0.04 121.94 359.36 0.24 0.02 25 25.71 20.5
264 106.24 6.63 0 0.03 89.52 359.26 0.23 0.02 25.45 26.17 16.02
267 107.72 10.43 0 0.02 58.41 358.94 0.24 0.02 25.08 25.8 10.32
270 108.99 3.77 0 0.05 179.58 358.7 0.26 0.02 24.99 25.69 28.93
273 111.24 7.08 0 0.03 94.72 358.65 0.26 0.02 25.3 26.01 15.7
276 107.22 9.02 0 0.02 73.45 358.28 0.26 0.02 24.64 25.34 11.89
279 106.57 7.89 0 0.02 90.72 358.13 0.28 0.02 24.94 25.65 13.52
282 102.67 9.26 0 0.02 77.51 357.79 0.28 0.02 24.58 25.27 11.09
285 104.99 8.63 0 0.02 84.42 357.59 0.28 0.02 25.48 26.19 12.17
288 106.44 12.4 0 0.02 61.43 357.25 0.29 0.02 25.47 26.18 8.58
291 107.12 11.42 0 0.02 75.02 356.88 0.33 0.02 25.25 25.95 9.38

Appendix A - 289
294 106.04 7.44 0 0.03 107.99 356.59 0.31 0.02 24.84 25.54 14.24
297 108.38 5.09 0 0.03 157.62 356.42 0.31 0.02 25.03 25.74 21.31
300 107.67 8.15 0 0.02 114.03 356.24 0.36 0.02 25.23 25.94 13.21
303 105.35 8.41 0 0.02 113.13 355.94 0.37 0.02 24.86 25.56 12.53
306 105.37 12.03 0 0.01 78.11 355.72 0.37 0.02 24.81 25.51 8.76
309 105.4 6.4 0 0.03 149.54 355.29 0.37 0.02 25.28 25.98 16.48
312 103.64 2.41 0 0.08 366.87 355.32 0.35 0.02 24.91 25.6 43.01
315 105.94 10.54 0 0.02 88.1 355.05 0.35 0.02 25.55 26.26 10.05
318 103.36 10.73 0 0.02 82.6 354.74 0.34 0.02 25.33 26.04 9.63
321 102.92 10.72 0 0.02 83.68 354.42 0.35 0.02 24.67 25.36 9.6
324 103.28 9.71 0 0.02 92.62 354.11 0.35 0.02 24.85 25.55 10.64
327 107.09 7.1 0 0.03 124.68 353.85 0.34 0.02 25.39 26.11 15.08
330 104.15 5.47 0 0.03 162.97 353.67 0.35 0.02 24.73 25.43 19.05
333 102.17 7.8 0 0.02 111.62 353.49 0.34 0.02 24.84 25.54 13.1
336 101.32 6.15 0 0.03 147.03 353.23 0.35 0.02 24.93 25.62 16.46
339 100.73 5.75 0 0.03 172.28 353.12 0.38 0.02 25.19 25.89 17.52
342 100.67 7.41 0 0.03 128.06 352.87 0.37 0.02 25.19 25.88 13.59
345 97.85 9.28 0 0.02 92.25 352.67 0.34 0.02 24.47 25.15 10.55
348 100.12 10.44 0 0.02 92.92 352.32 0.37 0.02 25.27 25.97 9.59
351 100.49 11.13 0 0.02 88.07 352.05 0.38 0.02 24.88 25.57 9.03
354 101.51 10.26 0 0.02 93.26 351.66 0.37 0.02 25.07 25.77 9.89
357 100.98 6.51 0 0.02 151.37 351.46 0.38 0.02 25.06 25.75 15.5
360 101.97 4.21 0 0.04 226.19 351.26 0.37 0.02 25.06 25.75 24.21
363 99.16 8.89 0 0.02 108.26 351.15 0.37 0.02 25.04 25.72 11.15
366 98.86 9.04 0 0.02 106.44 350.75 0.37 0.02 25.23 25.93 10.94
369 98.85 8.25 0 0.02 116.29 350.62 0.37 0.02 25.08 25.76 11.98
372 99.38 10.42 0 0.02 91.95 350.24 0.37 0.02 25.21 25.9 9.54
375 94.16 5.72 0 0.03 157.49 350.04 0.36 0.02 24.37 25.03 16.46
378 99.61 9.67 0 0.02 102.82 349.84 0.38 0.02 25.38 26.06 10.31
381 97.21 8.92 0 0.02 104.09 349.49 0.37 0.02 24.68 25.35 10.9
384 98.96 4.67 0 0.04 211.35 349.33 0.38 0.02 25.12 25.8 21.2
387 101.74 8.05 0 0.02 132.61 349.16 0.41 0.02 25.48 26.17 12.64
390 99.61 6.11 0 0.03 164.42 348.88 0.39 0.02 24.91 25.59 16.31
393 102.26 3.47 0 0.04 297.7 348.79 0.4 0.02 25.28 25.97 29.5
396 99.81 8.61 0 0.02 118.32 348.62 0.4 0.02 24.98 25.66 11.59
399 98.36 7.73 0 0.02 137.42 348.31 0.42 0.02 24.88 25.57 12.73
402 100.79 10.43 0 0.02 105.23 348.14 0.42 0.02 25.54 26.24 9.67
405 97.54 10.39 0 0.02 98.39 347.71 0.4 0.02 24.82 25.5 9.39
408 94.28 7.21 0 0.03 146.28 347.54 0.42 0.02 24.63 25.3 13.07
411 96.77 7.37 0 0.02 154.39 347.25 0.44 0.02 25.29 25.98 13.13
414 98.19 8.03 0 0.02 136.4 347.09 0.42 0.02 25.32 26 12.23
417 96.37 7.12 0 0.03 151.22 346.78 0.42 0.02 24.92 25.6 13.53
420 99.52 2.88 0 0.06 378.72 346.68 0.42 0.02 25.06 25.73 34.6
423 98.94 6.51 0 0.02 164.87 346.56 0.42 0.02 24.61 25.28 15.2
426 101.74 6.89 0 0.03 164.83 346.31 0.44 0.02 25.25 25.93 14.77
429 102.2 8.67 0 0.02 128.85 346.14 0.43 0.02 25.22 25.91 11.79
432 98.85 8.25 0 0.02 129.64 345.81 0.42 0.02 24.75 25.43 11.98
435 95.82 6.48 0 0.03 160.75 345.65 0.41 0.02 24.64 25.31 14.78
438 98.65 10.67 0 0.02 108.83 345.38 0.45 0.02 25.37 26.07 9.25
441 96.91 13.15 0 0.01 79.99 345.02 0.41 0.02 25.22 25.92 7.37
444 97.22 9.23 0 0.02 116.13 344.64 0.42 0.02 25.07 25.76 10.53
447 98.31 7.32 0 0.02 160.74 344.46 0.45 0.02 25.28 25.98 13.43

Appendix A - 290
450 96.7 8.73 0 0.02 132.3 344.18 0.46 0.02 24.66 25.35 11.07
453 100 3.44 0 0.05 345.1 343.97 0.46 0.02 25.28 25.98 29.09
456 97.84 5.42 0 0.03 211.59 343.92 0.45 0.02 24.82 25.51 18.06
459 99.43 6.1 0 0.03 192.36 343.66 0.46 0.02 25 25.68 16.3
462 99.92 3.69 0 0.05 322.12 343.57 0.46 0.02 25.1 25.79 27.11
465 98.1 9.42 0 0.02 120.71 343.38 0.44 0.02 25.11 25.8 10.41
468 96.85 9.49 0 0.02 117.6 343.04 0.43 0.02 25.16 25.85 10.21
471 96.38 9.58 0 0.02 119.03 342.81 0.44 0.02 25.04 25.72 10.06
474 96.16 10.6 0 0.02 111.01 342.46 0.45 0.02 25.19 25.88 9.07
477 95.51 9.64 0 0.02 115.12 342.19 0.44 0.02 24.61 25.28 9.91
480 97.14 5.71 0 0.03 206.47 341.9 0.46 0.02 24.97 25.65 17.02
483 96.88 8.89 0 0.02 122.84 341.8 0.43 0.02 24.77 25.45 10.9
486 100.65 8.59 0 0.02 140.08 341.39 0.46 0.02 25.42 26.11 11.71
489 99.42 5.43 0 0.03 230.2 341.31 0.48 0.02 25.49 26.18 18.32
492 97.51 7.84 0 0.02 157.4 341.03 0.48 0.02 25.14 25.83 12.44
495 98.41 6.16 0 0.03 206.04 340.86 0.49 0.02 25.32 26.01 15.98
498 93.85 6.62 0 0.03 183.49 340.64 0.47 0.02 25.05 25.74 14.19
501 94.29 10.39 0 0.02 115.6 340.44 0.46 0.02 25.35 26.04 9.08
504 93.55 11.85 0 0.02 99 340.04 0.45 0.02 25.27 25.95 7.89
507 92.81 8.12 0 0.02 149.99 339.77 0.48 0.02 24.94 25.62 11.44
510 94.4 4.94 0 0.04 230.7 339.55 0.45 0.02 24.69 25.36 19.09
513 95.73 5.92 0 0.03 193.55 339.44 0.44 0.02 25.09 25.77 16.18
516 96.08 5.67 0 0.03 202.46 339.2 0.44 0.02 25.14 25.82 16.93
519 98.23 3.9 0 0.04 312.49 339.11 0.47 0.02 25.51 26.19 25.17
522 94.79 7.92 0 0.02 153.13 338.93 0.47 0.02 24.87 25.54 11.97
525 93.78 7.24 0 0.02 158.52 338.67 0.45 0.02 24.69 25.36 12.95
528 94.32 6.76 0 0.03 176.47 338.49 0.46 0.02 25.09 25.76 13.95
531 92.03 10.1 0 0.02 110.27 338.23 0.43 0.02 25.01 25.69 9.11
534 92.83 12.65 0 0.01 93.28 337.9 0.46 0.02 25.19 25.87 7.34
537 91.73 6.66 0 0.02 176.04 337.53 0.46 0.02 24.8 25.48 13.78
540 93.02 6.27 0 0.02 168.77 337.46 0.42 0.02 24.57 25.23 14.83
543 94.58 11.83 0 0.01 95.28 337.12 0.44 0.02 24.69 25.35 8
546 95.89 8.56 0 0.02 130.08 336.81 0.43 0.02 25.05 25.72 11.2
549 95.61 2.79 0 0.06 391.5 336.62 0.43 0.02 24.55 25.21 34.22
552 96.72 6.3 0 0.03 187.33 336.57 0.47 0.02 24.68 25.34 15.36
555 95.84 11.43 0 0.02 99.19 336.23 0.44 0.02 25.08 25.76 8.38
558 95.34 8.05 0 0.02 137.53 335.95 0.43 0.02 25.09 25.77 11.84
561 94.8 7.19 0 0.03 150.96 335.73 0.42 0.02 25.11 25.79 13.18
564 93.24 10.17 0 0.02 97.26 335.49 0.39 0.02 24.83 25.51 9.17
567 98.33 10.68 0 0.02 101.71 335.14 0.41 0.03 25.68 26.38 9.2
570 95.85 5.88 0 0.03 188.39 334.88 0.43 0.02 25.13 25.82 16.31
573 97.36 8.1 0 0.02 124.95 334.74 0.39 0.02 24.96 25.65 12.02
576 99.03 10.08 0 0.02 110.72 334.4 0.43 0.02 25.21 25.91 9.82
579 97.83 7.67 0 0.02 139.35 334.17 0.41 0.02 25.2 25.9 12.75
582 97.05 2.91 0 0.05 354.21 333.95 0.4 0.02 25.06 25.75 33.4
585 97.04 6.69 0 0.02 159.45 333.93 0.41 0.02 25.45 26.15 14.5
588 91.73 12.6 0 0.01 77.18 333.54 0.38 0.02 24.69 25.37 7.28
591 92.35 7.58 0 0.02 134.93 333.25 0.4 0.02 24.8 25.48 12.18
594 96.03 6.23 0 0.03 165.27 333.06 0.39 0.03 25.77 26.48 15.42
597 96.3 8.91 0 0.02 113.61 332.85 0.39 0.02 25.13 25.82 10.81
600 94.97 8.8 0 0.02 113.24 332.54 0.39 0.02 24.94 25.63 10.79
603 95.52 7.5 0 0.02 136.33 332.33 0.4 0.02 25.07 25.76 12.73

Appendix A - 291
606 95.26 6.11 0 0.03 168.07 332.1 0.4 0.02 24.92 25.6 15.58
609 94.47 2.78 0 0.07 384.09 331.97 0.41 0.02 25.42 26.11 34.02
612 89.92 3.68 0 0.05 278.26 331.9 0.4 0.02 24.85 25.53 24.45
615 92.46 9.5 0 0.02 110.43 331.72 0.4 0.02 25.41 26.11 9.73
618 90.39 7.99 0 0.02 128.75 331.37 0.4 0.02 25.03 25.71 11.32
621 94.27 9.76 0 0.02 100.08 331.22 0.38 0.02 25.24 25.93 9.66
624 95.64 8.95 0 0.02 110.1 330.81 0.38 0.02 25.53 26.21 10.69
627 95.36 7.59 0 0.02 132.3 330.69 0.39 0.02 24.88 25.55 12.56
630 94.66 6.57 0 0.03 154.41 330.35 0.4 0.02 24.77 25.44 14.4
633 96.86 7.41 0 0.02 133.21 330.29 0.38 0.02 25.54 26.23 13.08
636 93.23 6.69 0 0.03 143.27 329.92 0.37 0.02 24.93 25.6 13.94
639 92.49 4.21 0 0.04 245.17 329.89 0.4 0.02 25.17 25.85 21.96
642 92.17 5.88 0 0.03 160.88 329.63 0.37 0.02 24.96 25.64 15.67
645 91.8 5.05 0 0.03 181.31 329.55 0.36 0.02 24.86 25.53 18.18
648 93.79 9.81 0 0.02 96.84 329.29 0.37 0.02 25 25.67 9.56
651 94.34 10.69 0 0.02 87.56 328.99 0.36 0.02 25 25.68 8.82
654 92.71 7.91 0 0.02 124.65 328.69 0.38 0.02 25.25 25.93 11.72
657 92.64 3.12 0 0.05 355.11 328.53 0.43 0.02 25.36 26.04 29.7
660 87.56 3.4 0 0.04 299.64 328.46 0.4 0.02 24.7 25.36 25.79
663 88.33 5.2 0 0.03 207.01 328.31 0.42 0.02 25.01 25.67 17
666 87 7.83 0 0.02 125.79 328.14 0.39 0.02 24.36 25.01 11.11
669 90.89 9.19 0 0.02 103.38 327.85 0.37 0.02 25.23 25.9 9.89
672 92.08 6.83 0 0.02 139.07 327.61 0.37 0.02 24.74 25.39 13.48
675 92.16 10.05 0 0.02 91.99 327.41 0.36 0.02 24.83 25.49 9.17
678 93.47 11.35 0 0.02 85.66 327.03 0.37 0.02 25.4 26.07 8.23
681 88.48 8.06 0 0.02 111.84 326.76 0.36 0.02 24.52 25.17 10.97
684 87.99 3.47 0 0.05 289.77 326.55 0.39 0.02 25.06 25.73 25.37
687 88.78 2.97 0 0.05 327.47 326.52 0.38 0.02 25.22 25.89 29.87
690 88.61 6.65 0 0.02 152.7 326.34 0.39 0.02 25.36 26.03 13.33
693 89.45 7.76 0 0.02 130.13 326.14 0.39 0.02 25.5 26.17 11.53
696 89.77 8.44 0 0.02 110.9 325.88 0.37 0.02 24.9 25.55 10.64
699 91.41 6.74 0 0.03 144.44 325.65 0.37 0.02 25.34 26 13.56
702 91.73 7.28 0 0.03 140.39 325.46 0.39 0.02 25.42 26.09 12.6
705 90.28 11.74 0 0.02 84.87 325.19 0.39 0.02 25.2 25.87 7.69
708 87.7 7.84 0 0.02 132.51 324.82 0.41 0.02 24.94 25.6 11.18
711 85.83 4.76 0 0.04 202.83 324.72 0.38 0.02 24.88 25.54 18.02
714 84.93 4.13 0 0.04 251.79 324.51 0.4 0.02 25.14 25.8 20.57
717 85.44 8.52 0 0.02 118.17 324.43 0.39 0.02 25.06 25.72 10.02
720 88.17 12.02 0 0.01 82.61 324 0.38 0.02 25.43 26.09 7.33
723 87.05 8 0 0.02 128.89 323.76 0.4 0.02 25.2 25.87 10.88
726 86.99 6.25 0 0.02 167.96 323.51 0.41 0.02 24.83 25.47 13.92
729 88.55 4.9 0 0.03 219.96 323.38 0.42 0.02 25.04 25.69 18.09
732 88.78 7.71 0 0.02 145.74 323.19 0.43 0.02 25.21 25.87 11.52
735 86.7 6.48 0 0.03 176.41 322.94 0.46 0.02 24.43 25.06 13.38
738 88.58 5.1 0 0.04 246.91 322.8 0.48 0.02 25.41 26.05 17.37
741 86.39 6.66 0 0.03 178.95 322.62 0.46 0.02 25.06 25.7 12.97
744 86.22 5.17 0 0.03 233.27 322.42 0.47 0.02 25.16 25.81 16.69
747 87.14 7.81 0 0.02 158.73 322.28 0.47 0.02 25.44 26.1 11.16
750 87.4 10.61 0 0.01 108.52 321.95 0.45 0.02 24.93 25.57 8.24
753 88.41 8.75 0 0.02 142.31 321.67 0.49 0.02 24.89 25.53 10.1
756 90.66 11.97 0 0.01 106.58 321.4 0.5 0.02 25.09 25.74 7.57
759 93.32 0.01 -0.38 15.3 0 321.02 0.51 0.02 25.11 25.76 9332.06

Appendix A - 292
Plastic Wastebasket Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 21.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 3247.70
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 74.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 124.03
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1462.64
Total Mass Loss (g): 19.34
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.230
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 64.15
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 278.01
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 4.23
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.2392

Initial mass (g): 22.5
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 75
Time to ignition (s): 21
Time to flameout (s): 104

Appendix A - 293
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.56 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 22.69 0 0.03 25.09 25.47 55.95

5 -1.25 0.01 -0.47 -0.02 0 22.6 0 0.03 25.41 25.78 -125.34
8 -1.74 1.72 0 0 0 22.58 0 0.03 24.69 25.05 -1.02
11 4.5 0.96 0 0 0 22.5 0 0.03 25.44 25.8 4.67
14 10.35 0.33 -0.01 0 0 22.52 0 0.03 24.78 25.14 31.34
17 28.73 2.02 0 0 0 22.46 0 0.03 25.22 25.57 14.23
20 54.46 3.57 0 0 0 22.4 0 0.02 23.91 24.26 15.24
23 112.01 0.85 0 0 0 22.28 0 0.02 24.23 24.62 131.69
26 166.14 -0.43 0.01 0 0 22.34 0 0.03 24.48 24.95 -386.95
29 270.73 6.4 0 0.01 252.38 22.24 0.64 0.03 24.49 25.06 42.3
32 320.53 9.92 0 0.01 380.42 21.97 1.56 0.02 23.52 24.26 32.31
35 415.47 10.89 0 0.02 414.07 21.67 1.83 0.02 23.72 24.67 38.17
38 478.51 8.87 0 0.03 570.46 21.35 2.11 0.02 22.82 23.97 53.93
41 559.12 6.3 0 0.04 839.31 21.14 2.18 0.02 22.95 24.21 88.73
44 694.01 14.42 0 0.02 440.21 20.89 2.66 0.02 22.25 23.91 48.12
47 816.34 22.15 0.24 0.02 295.34 20.28 2.76 0.02 21.73 23.68 36.85
50 1098.48 17.73 0.93 0.03 395.69 19.64 2.95 0.02 21.49 23.78 61.94
53 1419.76 21.53 1.59 0.05 422.36 19.16 3.8 0.02 21.04 23.9 65.95
56 1667.03 26.54 2.19 0.06 338.69 18.33 3.87 0.02 19.92 23.23 62.82
59 2001.76 38.85 2.44 0.07 235.3 17.52 4.04 0.02 18.59 22.61 51.52
62 2593.76 35.17 4.02 0.11 185.84 16.11 2.44 0.02 20.82 26.79 73.76
65 3173.26 36.14 5.53 0.2 208.66 15.38 2.66 0.02 21.11 28.31 87.8
68 2892.08 51.56 3.94 0.21 23.92 13.85 0.49 0.01 17.67 25.38 56.09
71 3146.46 43.43 4.86 0.28 16.82 12.44 0.25 0.01 19.18 29.77 72.44
74 3247.7 54.3 3.93 0.18 2.68 11.13 0.04 0.01 20.45 34.08 59.81
77 2986.79 49.21 4.06 0.21 20.58 9.29 0.28 0.01 20.21 35.69 60.69
80 2600.97 36.4 5.06 0.32 243.08 8.24 2.55 0.01 19.11 34.67 71.46
83 2566.52 41.89 5.11 0.32 166.91 6.99 1.71 0.01 22.87 40.95 61.27
86 2090.48 34.73 5.53 0.38 430.12 5.8 3.93 0.01 22.29 38.01 60.19
89 1607.52 26.98 4.33 0.44 521.89 4.92 3.74 0.01 23.52 37.61 59.58
92 1216.38 17.58 3.94 0.56 771.71 4.19 3.88 0.01 23.16 34.96 69.19
95 1039.96 18.59 1.59 0.69 724.35 3.8 3.78 0.01 25.73 35.59 55.93
98 838.33 13.63 1.06 1.08 835.22 3.12 3.24 0.02 27.96 35.11 61.49
101 706.7 -1.15 -2.05 -12.29 -7519.01 3.04 2.53 0.02 28.84 34.13 -614.91
104 561.13 0.7 -0.07 21.15 3854.43 3.07 0.83 0.02 29.68 32.4 805.66
107 505.9 6.3 -0.01 2.56 0 2.97 0 0.02 30.97 31.83 80.24
110 449.46 0.95 -0.05 16.9 0 2.77 0 0.02 30.86 30.05 475.44
113 395.02 -7.04 0.01 -1.81 0 2.93 0 0.02 30.81 28.71 -56.13
116 362.7 -1.38 0.03 -8.26 0 3.09 0 0.02 30.09 27.48 -262.19
119 334.93 5.87 -0.01 1.9 0 2.99 0 0.02 30.16 26.91 57.09
122 309.96 3.91 -0.01 2.73 0 2.81 0 0.02 29.69 26.2 79.25
125 296.62 -1.49 0.02 -7.05 0 2.79 0 0.02 29.76 26.08 -198.75

Appendix A - 294
128 275.61 -5.48 0.01 -1.76 0 2.88 0 0.02 29.1 25.45 -50.3
131 269.13 -0.57 0.06 -16.68 0 3.05 0 0.02 29.46 25.77 -473.85
134 240.31 4.26 -0.01 2.08 0 2.91 0 0.02 28.77 25.23 56.41
137 221.84 3.01 -0.01 2.69 0 2.84 0 0.02 28.56 25.16 73.64
140 191.97 0.15 -0.16 43.36 0 2.75 0 0.02 28.2 24.97 1260.88
143 179.96 -2.99 0.01 -1.93 0 2.83 0 0.02 28.59 25.51 -60.28
146 166.66 -0.76 0.03 -7.04 0 2.89 0 0.02 28.28 25.36 -219.27
149 152.51 2.03 -0.01 2.41 0 2.87 0 0.02 28.14 25.39 75.12
152 137.36 0.01 -1.76 456.34 0 2.79 0 0.02 27.96 25.39 0
155 131.08 0.01 -1.65 417.44 0 2.78 0 0.02 28.07 25.61 0

Appendix A - 295
Plastic Wastebasket Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 19.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 2447.86
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 61.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 93.81
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1233.32
Total Mass Loss (g): 18.61
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.239
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 50.40
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 442.37
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 2.87
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0399

Initial mass (g): 21.3
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 19
Time to flameout (s): 98

Appendix A - 296
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 0.76 0.01 -0.35 -0.04 0 21.18 0 0.03 25.92 26.27 76.37

4 -0.69 0.01 -0.54 -0.04 0 21.41 0 0.03 26.13 26.47 -68.82
7 -2.84 -0.06 0.07 0.01 0 21.37 0 0.03 25.98 26.28 47.1
10 3.42 1.08 0 0 0 21.43 0 0.03 25.17 25.46 3.18
13 9.69 0.06 -0.06 0 0 21.32 0 0.03 25.5 25.8 154.75
16 24.68 -0.23 0.02 -0.06 -458.3 21.41 0.04 0.03 25.68 26 -107.74
19 60.86 7.86 0 0 0 21.28 0 0.03 25.85 26.21 7.74
22 112.34 4.44 0 0 0 21.02 0 0.03 25.51 25.99 25.29
25 190.95 0.79 0 0 476.57 21.02 0.15 0.03 25.13 25.94 241.63
28 263.88 2.28 0 0.02 1438.65 20.93 1.24 0.03 25.14 26.49 115.6
31 334.91 6.73 0 0.01 654.62 20.86 1.7 0.02 24.2 25.91 49.78
34 416.04 11.02 0 0.01 454.48 20.53 1.86 0.02 24.39 26.88 37.77
37 483.03 12.21 0 0.02 540.11 20.22 2.42 0.02 24.26 27.22 39.56
40 620.1 15.4 0 0.01 380.06 19.79 2.19 0.02 23.4 26.76 40.26
43 780.69 9.96 0 0.03 755.82 19.35 2.74 0.02 23.39 27.47 78.36
46 996.77 14.01 0.75 0.03 653.69 19.12 3.35 0.02 22.4 27.31 71.15
49 1326.28 30.2 0.89 0.02 328.06 18.43 3.58 0.02 21.92 27.7 43.92
52 1658.24 25.77 2.25 0.04 488.03 17.45 4.4 0.02 21.38 28.6 64.35
55 1898.48 29.63 2.52 0.05 458.55 16.82 4.81 0.02 20.22 28.25 64.07
58 2208.97 51.19 2.34 0.03 230.93 15.55 4.05 0.02 19.65 29.17 43.15
61 2447.86 49 3.25 0.05 204.85 13.92 3.19 0.02 19.96 31.42 49.95
64 2336.54 42.53 4.09 0.06 307.25 12.65 4.06 0.01 19.49 32.19 54.94
67 2162.8 52.34 3.21 0.04 298.98 11.26 4.76 0.01 19.34 32.87 41.32
70 2109.75 45.5 3.44 0.04 357.27 9.63 4.77 0.01 20.44 34.09 46.37
73 1852.84 31.88 4.04 0.05 427.13 8.58 4.19 0.01 19.66 32.49 58.13
76 2038.5 42.66 3.28 0.04 355.01 7.55 3.95 0.02 24.15 38.32 47.78
79 1599.93 32.99 2.99 0.04 499.27 6.15 5.02 0.01 21.38 32.78 48.49
82 1584.22 23.16 4 0.06 758.53 5.57 4.96 0.02 23.7 35.39 68.4
85 1209.63 37.23 1.87 0.03 400.5 4.61 4.68 0.01 22.22 31.83 32.49
88 1019.22 25.76 1.62 0.03 650.12 3.52 4.93 0.02 24.59 33.99 39.56
91 759.74 5.16 3.54 0.11 3107.08 3.13 4.61 0.02 26.62 34.78 147.11
94 496.96 7.48 0 0.05 1900.32 3.04 4.06 0.02 28.72 35.03 66.44
97 300.36 10.09 0 0.01 458 2.67 1.36 0.02 30.05 34.06 29.76
100 190.33 -0.28 0 -0.14 0 2.53 0 0.02 30.27 32.59 -675.65
103 148.78 -4.41 0 0 0 2.64 0 0.02 30.21 30.6 -33.77
106 119.74 -1.68 0 0 0 2.74 0 0.02 29.82 28.91 -71.28
109 102.12 -0.58 0 -0.02 0 2.75 0 0.02 29.93 28.43 -174.72
112 86.48 1.65 0 0 0 2.77 0 0.02 29.69 27.56 52.54
115 74.98 1.85 0 0 0 2.66 0 0.02 29.09 26.68 40.62
118 67.17 3.61 0 0 0 2.65 0 0.02 28.86 26.27 18.62
121 65.32 0.64 0 0 0 2.49 0 0.02 29.16 26.37 102.4
124 60.78 -6.78 0 0 0 2.64 0 0.02 28.63 25.85 -8.97

Appendix A - 297
127 53.91 -1.09 0 0 0 2.8 0 0.02 28.07 25.37 -49.35
130 46.67 3.73 0 0 0 2.71 0 0.02 27.45 24.87 12.52
133 43.75 -0.36 0.01 0 0 2.64 0 0.02 27.8 25.28 -120.53
136 41.38 3.03 0 0 0 2.68 0 0.02 27.67 25.26 13.65
139 40.9 2 0 0 0 2.49 0 0.02 27.97 25.63 20.41
142 37.15 -4.67 0 0 0 2.6 0 0.02 27.27 25.12 -7.96
145 34.03 0.01 -0.24 -0.03 0 2.7 0 0.02 27.44 25.42 3403.14
148 30.52 0.01 -0.25 -0.03 0 2.71 0 0.02 27.49 25.6 3052.44

Appendix A - 298
Plastic Wastebasket Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 17.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 3199.33
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 70.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 101.36
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 1345.84
Total Mass Loss (g): 19.30
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.247
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 52.51
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 312.33
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 3.49
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0624

Initial mass (g): 21.9
Thickness (mm): 2
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 88
Time to ignition (s): 17
Time to flameout (s): 94

Appendix A - 299
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 2.65 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 0 21.9 0 0.03 25.92 26.26 265.36

4 3.88 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 0 22.17 0 0.03 25.7 26.03 388.21
7 2.76 -0.26 0.02 0 0 22.13 0 0.03 25.65 25.95 -10.66
10 2.28 0.5 -0.01 0 0 22.21 0 0.03 25.77 26.07 4.57
13 14.14 -0.46 0.01 0 -191.8 22.12 0.03 0.03 25.65 25.93 -30.95
16 41.07 -2.32 0 0 -196.96 22.24 0.18 0.03 25.65 25.95 -17.74
19 72.68 4.1 0 0 0 22.2 0 0.03 25.49 25.86 17.73
22 160.22 6.25 0 0 31.67 22.02 0.08 0.03 25.36 25.9 25.63
25 244.36 8.66 0 0 155.26 21.83 0.52 0.03 25.26 26.08 28.23
28 315.08 8.93 0 0.01 413.76 21.52 1.44 0.02 24.38 25.56 35.3
31 390.97 4.78 0 0.03 999.92 21.32 1.87 0.02 23.86 25.51 81.81
34 490.41 7.31 0 0.03 752.94 21.18 2.1 0.02 24.09 26.27 67.08
37 617.39 14.05 0 0.02 468.01 20.85 2.43 0.02 24.26 27.1 43.95
40 740.8 17.17 0 0.02 433.3 20.36 2.73 0.02 23.89 27.29 43.14
43 866.19 17.63 0.23 0.02 529.95 19.84 3.46 0.02 23 26.97 49.14
46 1034.99 16.8 0.95 0.03 587.92 19.31 3.64 0.02 22.31 27.14 61.62
49 1242.8 21.33 1.38 0.02 474.2 18.79 3.69 0.02 21.58 27.39 58.27
52 1487.79 30.95 1.53 0.02 339.17 18 3.87 0.02 20.57 27.13 48.07
55 1835.45 30.41 2.41 0.04 421.1 17 4.48 0.02 20.86 28.57 60.35
58 2144.42 34.34 3.23 0.05 385.67 16.14 4.47 0.02 20.65 29.65 62.44
61 2552.07 50.08 2.66 0.04 226.54 14.86 3.88 0.02 19.22 29.28 50.96
64 2750.78 52.08 3.53 0.03 167.94 13.23 2.99 0.01 18.33 29.21 52.81
67 3017.94 47.2 4.57 0.07 126.2 11.78 1.88 0.01 18.81 31.74 63.95
70 3199.33 56.62 3.9 0.09 19.94 10.31 0.31 0.01 20.25 36.31 56.5
73 2579.41 57.97 3.27 0.07 31.21 8.44 0.54 0.01 18.24 33.26 44.5
76 2478.42 50.37 4.22 0.09 91.88 6.9 1.2 0.01 21.32 38.46 49.2
79 1939.6 48.5 3.73 0.06 348.15 5.4 4.48 0.01 21.82 37.68 39.99
82 1348.97 33.75 3.29 0.05 607.31 4.09 5.72 0.01 22.06 35.86 39.98
85 902.1 9.01 4.84 0.09 1808.47 3.45 4.36 0.02 24.87 37.4 100.13
88 632.31 2.61 0.22 0.18 4303.4 3.41 2.91 0.02 29.53 38.65 242.28
91 405.59 9.42 0 0.03 696.83 3.18 1.87 0.02 29.28 35.06 43.04
94 296.08 2.75 0 0.05 0 2.93 0 0.02 30.82 33.87 107.52
97 218.68 -6.78 0 -0.01 0 3.04 0 0.02 31.14 31.79 -32.24
100 166.98 -2.61 0 -0.02 0 3.24 0 0.02 30.84 29.83 -63.92
103 141.85 6.27 0 0.01 0 3.16 0 0.02 30.31 28.39 22.62
106 124.36 3.08 0 0.01 0 2.95 0 0.02 29.97 27.38 40.44
109 108.23 -1.75 0 -0.02 0 2.99 0 0.02 29.43 26.41 -61.75
112 96.68 -4.46 0 0 0 3.03 0 0.02 29.15 25.88 -21.68
115 86.95 -0.55 0 -0.01 0 3.21 0 0.02 28.72 25.38 -156.89
118 82.1 5.44 0 0 0 3.05 0 0.02 29.04 25.63 15.1
121 74.85 2.96 0 0 0 2.95 0 0.02 28.36 25.07 25.27
124 69.74 -1.74 0 0 0 2.9 0 0.02 28.1 24.92 -40.08
127 64.2 -2.02 0 0 0 3.02 0 0.02 27.94 24.91 -31.81
130 58.63 -2.45 0 0 0 3.01 0 0.02 28.09 25.15 -23.9
133 53.44 0.34 -0.01 0 0 3.14 0 0.02 27.69 24.91 157.97
136 50.68 0.01 -0.24 -0.03 0 2.99 0 0.02 27.84 25.22 5067.95

Appendix A - 300
Vinyl Blinds Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 21.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 164.15
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 28.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.47
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 99.43
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.44
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.082
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 11.89
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 985.52
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0620

Initial mass (g): 12.4
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 85
Time to ignition (s): 21
Time to flameout (s): 87

Appendix A - 301
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 4.3 0.01 -0.39 -0.03 0 12.53 0 0.03 24.96 25.39 430.35

4 5.74 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 0 12.61 0 0.03 25.3 25.73 573.74
7 3.44 1.75 0 0 0 12.64 0 0.03 25.47 25.9 1.96
10 0.94 9.57 0 0 0 12.49 0 0.03 25.32 25.75 0.1
13 2.32 5.62 0 0 542.86 12.14 1.21 0.03 24.83 25.26 0.41
16 5.24 17.52 0 0 476.18 12.03 3.22 0.03 25.48 25.94 0.3
19 21.47 37.04 0 0.03 343.19 11.04 4.99 0.03 24.87 25.47 0.58
22 73.31 27.9 0 0.05 857.91 10.03 9.54 0.02 24.24 25.08 2.63
25 135.5 16.59 0 0.08 1284.92 9.4 8.31 0.02 24.66 25.65 8.17
28 164.15 17.69 0 0.07 924.94 8.94 6.29 0.03 24.94 26 9.28
31 159.27 15.83 0 0.07 1011.79 8.36 6.18 0.02 24.85 25.92 10.06
34 155.79 8.55 0 0.11 1517.72 8.03 4.95 0.03 25.14 26.23 18.21
37 140.64 11.79 0 0.07 1018.6 7.77 4.54 0.03 25.36 26.46 11.93
40 130.38 16.48 0 0.05 653.15 7.31 4.03 0.03 25.59 26.68 7.91
43 120.51 12.44 0 0.05 786.44 6.84 3.76 0.02 24.99 26.04 9.69
46 114.78 5.33 0 0.1 1865.04 6.58 3.74 0.03 25.54 26.58 21.54
49 107.07 7.3 0 0.06 1222.45 6.46 3.38 0.03 25.38 26.38 14.67
52 102.83 7.91 0 0.05 993.81 6.15 2.98 0.03 25.4 26.37 13.01
55 99.62 3.13 0 0.09 1575.67 6.02 1.86 0.03 25.59 26.53 31.8
58 93.63 1.36 0 0.14 3031.28 5.94 1.56 0.03 25.59 26.5 68.65
61 88.13 1.93 0 0.06 1842.03 5.92 1.33 0.03 25.85 26.76 45.57
64 79.58 4.04 0 0.02 643.32 5.82 1.02 0.02 24.72 25.55 19.71
67 75.07 2.97 0 0.03 339.86 5.7 0.39 0.02 25.11 25.91 25.24
70 69.42 0.34 -0.01 0.18 0 5.65 0 0.03 26.09 26.88 203.72
73 60.23 1.32 0 0.04 0 5.66 0 0.03 25.97 26.72 45.76
76 53.12 2.41 0 0.03 0 5.57 0 0.03 26.34 27.07 22
79 43.55 -0.87 0 -0.08 0 5.54 0 0.03 25.93 26.6 -50.14
82 35.1 -1.49 0 -0.06 0 5.6 0 0.03 25.74 26.35 -23.61
85 34.67 2.22 0 0.04 0 5.6 0 0.03 25.47 26.04 15.65
88 30.32 2.11 0 0.05 0 5.5 0 0.03 25.71 26.27 14.39
91 27.17 0.28 -0.01 0.34 0 5.49 0 0.03 25.64 26.18 95.74
94 25.02 2.22 0 0.04 0 5.45 0 0.03 25.52 26.03 11.27
97 25.59 1.91 0 0.05 0 5.37 0 0.03 25.32 25.81 13.38
100 23.67 -1.47 0 -0.07 0 5.36 0 0.03 25.88 26.36 -16.06
103 23.97 -1.12 0 -0.08 0 5.43 0 0.03 25.89 26.36 -21.49
106 22.91 0.76 -0.01 0.12 0 5.42 0 0.03 26.53 26.99 30.31
109 20.02 0.88 0 0.1 0 5.4 0 0.03 25.68 26.11 22.8
112 17.88 -1.54 0 -0.05 0 5.38 0 0.03 25.15 25.58 -11.64
115 18.68 1.68 0 0.05 0 5.45 0 0.03 25.55 25.96 11.1
118 20.14 5.12 0 0.02 0 5.28 0 0.03 25.59 26.01 3.94
121 18.45 -0.09 0.04 -0.75 0 5.21 0 0.03 25.23 25.65 -211.7
124 19.37 -2.04 0 -0.01 0 5.26 0 0.03 25.81 26.24 -9.48
127 19.31 0.01 -0.33 5.52 0 5.28 0 0.03 25.22 25.64 1931.4
130 18.02 0.01 -0.34 5.26 0 5.14 0 0.03 25.76 26.2 1801.77

Appendix A - 302
Vinyl Blinds Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 19.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 157.44
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 32.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.52
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 98.65
Total Mass Loss (g): 6.12
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.089
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.66
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 985.64
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0515

Initial mass (g): 12.5
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 87
Time to ignition (s): 19

Appendix A - 303
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 1.36 0.01 -0.25 -0.03 36589.44 12.57 0.14 0.03 25.05 25.49 136.27
5 2.23 0.01 -0.34 -0.03 48062.87 12.78 0.19 0.03 25.42 25.87 223.16
8 1.91 3.86 0 0 104.2 12.77 0.16 0.03 25.08 25.52 0.5
11 3.06 7.98 0 0 101.12 12.57 0.31 0.03 25.32 25.76 0.38
14 1.41 12.65 0 0 422.1 12.29 2.09 0.03 25.08 25.53 0.11
17 6.07 20.39 0 0.01 590.77 11.79 4.83 0.03 24.45 24.94 0.3
20 33.24 29.49 0 0.03 502.36 11.06 5.94 0.02 24.29 24.95 1.13
23 85.91 30.74 0 0.04 847.56 10.09 10.55 0.02 23.84 24.7 2.8
26 135.39 21.52 0 0.06 903.38 9.3 7.74 0.02 24.16 25.11 6.29
29 156.05 13.03 0 0.09 1067.47 8.8 5.41 0.02 24.7 25.73 11.97
32 157.44 11.87 0 0.08 870.87 8.46 3.95 0.03 25.07 26.18 13.27
35 149.36 15.15 0 0.06 627.86 8.04 3.62 0.03 25.14 26.29 9.86
38 148.41 20.69 0 0.04 643.88 7.54 4.96 0.03 25.66 26.88 7.17
41 140.81 12.99 0 0.06 1224.69 6.9 6.13 0.02 24.75 25.93 10.84
44 136.46 2.05 0 0.34 6550.23 6.79 5.06 0.03 25.31 26.49 66.65
47 126.32 8.84 0 0.06 1587.32 6.65 5.4 0.02 24.84 25.97 14.29
50 122.03 5.77 0 0.07 1985.58 6.31 4.32 0.03 25.43 26.55 21.14
53 113.37 2.83 0 0.11 3143.98 6.31 3.38 0.02 25.25 26.32 40.02
56 106.35 7.14 0 0.03 885.78 6.1 2.37 0.03 25.64 26.67 14.89
59 92.95 -0.18 0.02 -0.63 -23742.69 5.95 1.63 0.03 25.47 26.44 -511.91
62 81.01 2.63 0 0.02 1299.52 6.04 1.29 0.03 25.57 26.48 30.79
65 71.86 7.06 0 0.01 274.2 5.78 0.74 0.03 25.25 26.1 10.18
68 63.27 1.85 0 0.02 745.59 5.69 0.53 0.03 25.22 26.02 34.14
71 54.25 -1.97 0 -0.02 -224.95 5.66 0.17 0.03 25.65 26.41 -27.58
74 48.39 2.66 0 0.02 1.49 5.74 0 0.03 25.63 26.36 18.21
77 42.74 3.45 0 0.02 0 5.53 0 0.03 25.8 26.49 12.41
80 39.08 -4.3 0 -0.03 0 5.6 0 0.03 25.92 26.56 -9.1
83 34.16 -1.44 0 -0.09 0 5.72 0 0.03 25.65 26.25 -23.78
86 28.84 2.24 0 0.05 0 5.67 0 0.03 25.61 26.18 12.88
89 27.83 -0.01 0.29 -10.77 0 5.62 0 0.03 25.64 26.17 0
92 26.17 3.05 0 0.03 0 5.64 0 0.03 25.6 26.11 8.57
95 22.98 -1.14 0 -0.08 0 5.49 0 0.03 26.14 26.65 -20.09
98 22.75 -1.77 0 -0.04 0 5.68 0 0.03 25.36 25.85 -12.84
101 23.21 5.56 0 0.01 0 5.54 0 0.03 25.63 26.12 4.18
104 21.14 3.17 0 0.02 0 5.42 0 0.03 26.02 26.5 6.67
107 21.25 -0.96 0 -0.06 0 5.36 0 0.03 25.27 25.73 -22.07
110 18.14 0.01 -0.44 6.97 0 5.44 0 0.03 25.71 26.17 1814.28
113 19.23 0.01 -0.36 7.53 0 5.32 0 0.03 26.27 26.73 1923.22

Appendix A - 304
Vinyl Blinds Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 19.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 153.64
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 32.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 6.53
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 91.67
Total Mass Loss (g): 6.23
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.077
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 10.48
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 1032.35
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0537

Initial mass (g): 12.4
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 84
Time to ignition (s): 19
Time to flameout (s): 99

Appendix A - 305
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.14 0.01 -0.39 -0.04 0 12.56 0 0.03 25.83 26.3 13.54

5 3.04 0.01 -0.43 -0.03 0 12.37 0 0.03 25.25 25.71 303.93
8 5.02 -4.61 0 0 0 12.46 0 0.03 25.29 25.75 -1.09
11 5.07 1.43 0 0 0 12.55 0 0.03 25.21 25.66 3.54
14 3.5 16.29 0 0 255.88 12.3 1.6 0.03 25.56 26.02 0.22
17 6.42 25.49 0 0 410.19 11.61 3.97 0.03 25.81 26.32 0.25
20 25.03 28.51 0 0.04 626.68 10.83 6.98 0.03 24.94 25.58 0.88
23 68.78 23.91 0 0.05 1236.56 9.97 11.94 0.02 23.92 24.76 2.88
26 120.28 16.65 0 0.07 1191.85 9.42 7.96 0.02 23.96 24.92 7.22
29 149.65 16.11 0 0.07 964.29 8.92 6.06 0.02 24.61 25.66 9.29
32 153.64 17.18 0 0.06 791.41 8.43 5.2 0.03 25.05 26.16 8.94
35 138.61 17.65 0 0.05 646.97 7.9 4.52 0.02 24.15 25.24 7.85
38 136.83 12.01 0 0.07 833.32 7.42 3.78 0.03 25.37 26.5 11.39
41 127.85 7.37 0 0.1 1423 7.17 3.95 0.03 25.39 26.53 17.34
44 119.18 8.72 0 0.07 1139.15 6.94 3.75 0.03 25.39 26.51 13.67
47 111.68 6.29 0 0.08 1410.53 6.67 3.34 0.03 25.53 26.61 17.75
50 102.82 3.8 0 0.12 2463.67 6.56 3.55 0.03 25.28 26.33 27.08
53 95.15 5.78 0 0.06 1802.04 6.41 4.01 0.02 25.01 26.02 16.45
56 90.85 9.19 0 0.03 1113.46 6.2 3.91 0.02 25.16 26.14 9.89
59 88.94 8.91 0 0.03 961.77 5.89 3.26 0.03 25.3 26.26 9.98
62 85.14 -0.09 0.05 -1.89 -57091.17 5.73 1.91 0.03 25.23 26.14 -975.36
65 77.88 -3.41 0 -0.04 -899.49 5.85 1.18 0.02 25.11 25.97 -22.83
68 68.09 2.61 0 0.04 828.86 5.86 0.83 0.03 25.23 26.05 26.13
71 57.82 4.79 0 0.01 388.1 5.72 0.7 0.03 25.66 26.45 12.08
74 53.1 4.65 0 0.01 363.22 5.6 0.63 0.03 26.1 26.86 11.43
77 47.25 1.3 0 0.04 1101.22 5.47 0.55 0.03 25.33 26.02 36.23
80 45.92 -1.75 0 -0.02 -897.01 5.51 0.6 0.03 25.52 26.18 -26.3
83 45.61 0.75 0 0.05 1372.29 5.53 0.38 0.03 26.28 26.95 60.44
86 38.17 0.68 0 0.05 761.67 5.48 0.2 0.03 25.32 25.93 56.53
89 33.93 1.74 0 0.02 27.9 5.48 0.02 0.03 25.37 25.96 19.52
92 32.56 2.42 0 0.01 0 5.38 0 0.03 25.82 26.4 13.46
95 29.21 -0.25 0.02 -0.2 0 5.36 0 0.03 25.91 26.48 -116.83
98 26.45 0.12 -0.03 0.61 0 5.38 0 0.03 26.08 26.63 218.43
101 25.51 0.89 0 0.09 0 5.35 0 0.03 26.08 26.6 28.66
104 25.12 -0.6 0.01 -0.13 0 5.34 0 0.03 25.78 26.28 -41.94
107 22.03 3.08 0 0.03 0 5.35 0 0.03 25.27 25.75 7.16
110 19.95 5.19 0 0.01 0 5.17 0 0.03 25.07 25.55 3.84
113 19.59 -2.37 0 -0.03 0 5.11 0 0.03 25.53 26.01 -8.25
116 19.09 -5.56 0 -0.01 0 5.28 0 0.03 25.52 25.99 -3.44
119 18.81 -0.09 0.03 -0.83 0 5.37 0 0.03 26.13 26.6 -212.49
122 16.46 5.42 0 0.01 0 5.28 0 0.03 25.28 25.72 3.04
125 16.02 3.25 0 0.01 0 5.11 0 0.03 25.51 25.96 4.93
128 17 -1.89 0 -0.03 0 5.11 0 0.03 25.96 26.42 -8.98
131 17.68 0.98 0 0.05 0 5.16 0 0.03 25.33 25.76 18.03
134 18.08 0.01 -0.44 4.75 0 5.05 0 0.03 25.49 25.93 1807.91
137 16.23 0.01 -0.37 4.17 0 4.97 0 0.03 25.91 26.37 1622.91

Appendix A - 306
Wall Covering Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 7.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 481.65
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 17.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 7.76
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 160.06
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.38
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.224
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 14.43
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 763.72
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0542

Initial mass (g): 11.1
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 93
Time to ignition (s): 7
Time to flameout (s): 30

Appendix A - 307
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 25.81 0.01 -0.43 -0.03 2978.04 11.08 0.01 0.03 26.33 26.74 2580.77
5 112.1 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 9865.73 10.91 0.04 0.03 25.91 26.3 0
8 259.68 17.88 0 0.1 162.58 10.91 1.11 0.03 25.77 26.18 14.53
11 348.46 30.79 0 0.11 1026.91 9.86 12.65 0.02 24.15 24.99 11.32
14 467.5 30.7 0 0.12 820.7 9.15 9.54 0.03 25.04 26.41 15.23
17 481.65 41.83 0 0.07 549.57 7.96 9.04 0.02 23.44 25.44 11.52
20 397.2 36.28 0.01 0.06 676.72 6.77 9.54 0.02 23.27 25.75 10.95
23 259.91 21.53 0 0.04 973.94 5.87 7.83 0.02 23.74 26.79 12.07
26 161.33 4.18 0 0.09 1875.3 5.5 2.77 0.02 25.34 28.33 38.57
29 99.84 -1.42 0 -0.15 -542.27 5.53 0.27 0.03 26.46 29.06 -70.15
32 73.25 2.01 0 0.1 74.8 5.51 0.05 0.03 26.57 28.77 36.52
35 59.35 4.66 0 0.04 34.4 5.4 0.06 0.03 26.27 27.98 12.73
38 52.91 6.82 0 0.03 5.19 5.24 0.01 0.03 26.67 28.14 7.75
41 45.6 0.01 -0.27 9.38 10619 5.06 0.06 0.03 25.9 27.04 3207.28
44 41.4 -4.38 0 -0.03 -28.06 5.22 0.04 0.03 26.27 27.29 -9.46
47 39.08 -1 0 -0.11 -223.98 5.26 0.08 0.03 25.78 26.58 -39.23
50 39.05 4.13 0 0.02 14.7 5.26 0.02 0.03 26.25 26.98 9.46
53 37.95 4.57 0 0.02 23.93 5.05 0.04 0.03 25.76 26.33 8.31
56 34.26 0.01 -0.42 7.86 9668.6 5.05 0.04 0.03 26.26 26.78 3426.25
59 30.67 0.01 -0.27 5.82 23747.96 5.2 0.09 0.03 26.31 26.77 3067.35

Appendix A - 308
Wall Covering Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 8.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 470.12
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 17.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 7.41
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 145.93
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.35
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.255
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.84
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 754.37
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0554

Initial mass (g): 11.3
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 81
Time to ignition (s): 8
Time to flameout (s): 31

Appendix A - 309
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 23.19 0.01 -0.47 -0.03 4940.69 11.3 0.02 0.03 25.98 26.41 2319.4
5 80.88 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 6924.99 11.41 0.03 0.03 25.97 26.39 8087.64
8 237.75 15.6 0 0.15 108.16 11.28 0.65 0.03 25.42 25.83 15.24
11 343.06 29.7 0 0.12 936.06 10.5 11.23 0.02 24 24.77 11.55
14 448.16 33.93 0 0.11 835.56 9.57 11.13 0.02 24.16 25.48 13.21
17 470.12 43.65 0 0.07 500.21 8.44 8.5 0.02 23.72 25.68 10.77
20 417.03 38.67 0 0.05 586.73 7.08 8.66 0.02 23.61 26.19 10.79
23 269.54 15.6 0 0.06 1350.3 6.26 8.05 0.02 23.27 26.15 17.28
26 166.61 3.89 0 0.11 2584.02 6.06 3.48 0.02 25.85 28.89 42.85
29 117.7 4.87 0 0.04 233.72 5.93 0.4 0.02 25.89 28.51 24.19
32 77.92 4.55 0 0.05 0 5.77 0 0.02 25.26 27.41 17.13
35 66.54 3.8 0 0.07 0 5.66 0 0.03 26.06 27.87 17.5
38 56.67 1.75 0 0.13 0 5.55 0 0.03 26.48 28.04 32.41
41 51.85 1.25 0 0.17 0 5.54 0 0.03 26.83 28.12 41.64
44 46.92 -0.69 0.01 -0.22 -78.81 5.48 0.02 0.03 26.06 27.15 -68.3
47 44.45 -3.37 0 -0.04 -15.51 5.58 0.02 0.03 26.03 26.92 -13.19
50 44.6 0.77 0 0.13 64.9 5.64 0.02 0.03 26.49 27.27 57.62
53 41.97 1.55 0 0.05 16.66 5.56 0.01 0.03 25.96 26.63 27.02
56 38.81 3.64 0 0.02 0 5.54 0 0.03 26.31 26.89 10.65
59 37.04 5.05 0 0.01 0 5.35 0 0.03 26.44 26.97 7.33
62 30.43 0.02 -0.15 2.46 4329.91 5.28 0.04 0.03 26.13 26.59 1246.98
65 29.84 -0.75 0 -0.05 -111.11 5.32 0.03 0.03 26.33 26.77 -40.04
68 27.56 -2.23 0 -0.01 0 5.32 0 0.03 26.61 27.03 -12.37
71 27.24 -1.19 0 -0.01 -92.14 5.43 0.04 0.03 26.75 27.13 -22.9
74 26.25 3.04 0 0 0 5.37 0 0.03 26.57 26.94 8.64
77 22.15 0.01 -0.37 0.72 3550.69 5.28 0.01 0.03 26.01 26.36 2214.82
80 19.01 0.01 -0.45 0.01 0 5.24 0 0.03 26.41 26.75 1900.95

Appendix A - 310
Wall Covering Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 9.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 441.55
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 16.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 7.25
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 153.25
Total Mass Loss (g): 5.45
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.260
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 13.30
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 729.72
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0531

Initial mass (g): 11.2
Thickness (mm): 1
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 97
Time to ignition (s): 9
Time to flameout (s): 30

Appendix A - 311
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 10.13 0.01 -0.47 -0.03 0 11.38 0 0.03 25.25 25.68 1013.48

4 83.65 0.01 -0.48 -0.04 0 11.33 0 0.03 25.88 26.33 8365.27
7 251.61 -2.29 0 -0.81 0 11.11 0 0.03 25.92 26.35 -109.94
10 342.43 28.05 0 0.13 780.63 11.19 8.68 0.03 24.58 25.23 12.21
13 429.34 53.94 0 0.07 604.25 9.46 13.25 0.02 23.57 24.6 7.96
16 441.55 42.88 0 0.06 557.05 8.24 9.74 0.02 22.71 24.54 10.3
19 393.11 33.5 0 0.06 707.54 6.92 9.35 0.02 23.07 25.35 11.73
22 256.42 13.32 0 0.07 1665.06 6.3 8.63 0.02 23.09 25.72 19.24
25 193.43 10.83 0 0.04 770.49 6 2.97 0.02 25.26 28.07 17.87
28 108.94 4.69 0 0.07 0 5.66 0 0.02 25.62 28.06 23.21
31 72.18 2.18 0 0.14 0 5.69 0 0.03 25.96 28.04 33.1
34 61.34 2.15 0 0.14 0 5.51 0 0.03 26.22 27.93 28.58
37 53.4 0.63 -0.01 0.4 0 5.57 0 0.03 26.34 27.82 84.3
40 48.4 0.93 -0.01 0.21 0 5.46 0 0.03 26.64 27.9 51.86
43 42.46 -3.96 0 -0.04 0 5.54 0 0.03 26.25 27.28 -10.72
46 39.97 1.75 0 0.09 0 5.62 0 0.03 26.11 27.03 22.85
49 38.34 6.28 0 0.02 0 5.44 0 0.03 25.78 26.56 6.11
52 40.34 3.11 0 0.04 0 5.3 0 0.03 26.41 27.11 12.95
55 35.63 0.05 -0.07 2.38 0 5.26 0 0.03 26.04 26.69 678.13
58 33.89 0.01 -0.42 8.16 0 5.29 0 0.03 26.48 27.07 3389.1
61 29.02 0.01 -0.39 7.07 0 5.34 0 0.03 26.09 26.61 2901.89

Appendix A - 312
Workstation Side Panel Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 14.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 218.85
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 234.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 59.33
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 85.53
Total Mass Loss (g): 36.69
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.063
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 16.17
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 404.30
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0060

Initial mass (g): 75.7
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 83
Time to ignition (s): 14
Time to flameout (s): 593

Appendix A - 313
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 1.4 0.01 -0.3 -0.04 0 75.78 1.11 0.03 25.92 26.45 140.31
3 1.33 0.01 -0.38 -0.04 0 76.02 1.13 0.03 25.97 26.5 133.11
6 10.42 17.84 0 0 160.85 76.3 1.11 0.03 25.46 25.97 0.58
9 28.03 13.82 0 0 233.37 75.19 1.22 0.03 25.87 26.41 2.03
12 70.48 -6.58 0 -0.01 -504.15 75.6 1.28 0.03 25.39 25.95 -10.72
15 124.67 8.77 0 0.02 642 75.34 2.15 0.03 25.56 26.17 14.21
18 142.82 10.84 0 0.02 726.99 75.14 3.04 0.03 25.18 25.97 13.17
21 151.42 11.93 0 0.03 803.38 74.72 3.73 0.03 24.64 25.67 12.7
24 144.3 3.82 0 0.09 1935.62 74.49 2.85 0.03 24.82 25.97 37.77
27 138.37 8.48 0 0.04 958.78 74.4 3.03 0.03 25.51 26.83 16.31
30 122.55 13.1 0 0.02 656.24 73.98 3.21 0.03 25.39 26.77 9.35
33 111.21 8.03 0 0.03 835.71 73.68 2.49 0.03 25.53 26.91 13.85
36 100.74 6.89 0 0.03 953.71 73.48 2.45 0.03 25.49 26.85 14.62
39 94.97 4.25 0 0.04 1486.5 73.28 2.31 0.03 26.07 27.41 22.34
42 85.87 2.37 0 0.06 2307.14 73.21 2.04 0.03 25.55 26.83 36.23
45 80.7 9.4 0 0.01 636.84 73.07 2.21 0.03 25.81 27.05 8.58
48 74.28 8.63 0 0.01 517.69 72.7 1.64 0.03 26 27.21 8.61
51 65.65 -0.24 0.02 -0.31 -15937.43 72.61 1.36 0.03 26.38 27.55 -278.43
54 53.19 -0.1 0.04 -0.6 -31848.8 72.65 1.22 0.03 26.16 27.27 -510.6
57 48.24 3.26 0 0.02 821.82 72.59 0.99 0.03 26.13 27.15 14.79
60 42.14 2.16 0 0.04 1128.74 72.49 0.89 0.03 26.27 27.22 19.53
63 40.96 5.72 0 0.02 419.35 72.44 0.87 0.03 26.63 27.54 7.17
66 37.57 4.92 0 0.03 471.81 72.18 0.85 0.03 26.33 27.16 7.64
69 35.35 -4.19 0 -0.04 -580.01 72.2 0.87 0.03 27.04 27.83 -8.43
72 30.74 -0.2 0.02 -0.84 -11476.88 72.34 0.84 0.03 26.3 27.03 -155.26
75 28.78 2.5 0 0.07 898.26 72.21 0.84 0.03 26 26.69 11.5
78 31.21 2.7 0 0.07 825.32 72.2 0.82 0.03 26.63 27.29 11.54
81 31.02 7.42 0 0.03 292.07 72.02 0.81 0.03 26.24 26.87 4.18
84 29.77 3.07 0 0.05 691.37 71.83 0.79 0.03 26.29 26.9 9.68
87 26.27 -3.9 0 -0.05 -514.45 71.86 0.77 0.03 25.56 26.14 -6.74
90 25.08 -1.29 0 -0.14 -1624.34 71.99 0.79 0.03 25.85 26.42 -19.41
93 23.2 4.65 0 0.04 427.04 71.91 0.75 0.03 25.89 26.45 4.99
96 25.95 3.66 0 0.05 532.2 71.76 0.73 0.03 26.11 26.66 7.1
99 25.72 3.07 0 0.06 640.32 71.69 0.73 0.03 26.25 26.8 8.38
102 24.99 3.54 0 0.06 574.88 71.57 0.75 0.03 26.41 26.96 7.06
105 20.83 -0.5 0.01 -0.38 -3830.3 71.5 0.74 0.03 25.61 26.14 -41.47
108 21.03 1.52 0 0.13 1324.79 71.55 0.75 0.03 26.18 26.73 13.85
111 21.29 6.57 0 0.03 296.99 71.39 0.74 0.03 26 26.54 3.24
114 24.61 4.71 0 0.05 407.03 71.21 0.72 0.03 26.25 26.8 5.22
117 23.28 5.11 0 0.05 382.24 71.1 0.74 0.03 25.82 26.37 4.56
120 22.27 1.1 0 0.23 1850.37 70.93 0.77 0.03 25.78 26.33 20.29
123 22.71 -3.26 0 -0.08 -619.51 71.03 0.77 0.03 25.59 26.14 -6.96
126 30.37 5.31 0 0.04 365.18 71.03 0.73 0.03 25.9 26.47 5.72
129 35.42 10.44 0 0.01 177.69 70.74 0.7 0.03 25.8 26.37 3.39
132 40 4.54 0 0.02 416.98 70.49 0.72 0.03 25.72 26.34 8.8
135 41.42 2.41 0 0.03 763.95 70.44 0.7 0.03 25.61 26.26 17.16

Appendix A - 314
138 44.53 4.68 0 0.02 414.35 70.32 0.74 0.03 25.71 26.4 9.51
141 46.32 0.67 -0.01 0.08 2832.8 70.2 0.72 0.03 25.84 26.57 68.94
144 55.25 2.85 0 0.02 685.93 70.23 0.74 0.03 25.86 26.62 19.36
147 58.02 12.26 0 0 152.67 69.98 0.72 0.03 25.21 26 4.73
150 62.13 10.48 0 0 181.71 69.58 0.73 0.03 25.43 26.27 5.93
153 63.21 -2.99 0 0 -645.23 69.43 0.74 0.03 25.14 26.02 -21.14
156 72.53 2.44 0 0 813.58 69.62 0.75 0.03 25.52 26.44 29.71
159 82.24 12.34 0 0 162.31 69.25 0.75 0.03 25.63 26.6 6.67
162 88.66 8.32 0 0 237.47 68.98 0.75 0.03 25.36 26.38 10.66
165 92.08 9.15 0 0 216.6 68.72 0.76 0.02 24.99 26.03 10.06
168 101.18 8.67 0 0 253.43 68.44 0.84 0.03 25.17 26.27 11.67
171 113.36 4.24 0 0 516.93 68.23 0.82 0.03 25.5 26.69 26.71
174 121.37 6.81 0 0 367.95 68.13 0.94 0.03 25.55 26.79 17.82
177 126.14 12.85 0 0 187.07 67.79 0.92 0.02 24.94 26.21 9.82
180 137.05 11.45 0 0 215.14 67.42 0.91 0.03 25.71 27.08 11.97
183 144.91 9.58 0 0 295.89 67.12 1.04 0.03 25.78 27.23 15.13
186 149.96 8.11 0 0 351.48 66.84 1.05 0.03 25.61 27.09 18.5
189 159.63 7.68 0 0 386.36 66.61 1.11 0.02 25.32 26.84 20.78
192 166.61 14.42 0 0 211.1 66.32 1.12 0.02 25.53 27.11 11.56
195 166.28 17.91 0 0 190.57 65.78 1.29 0.02 24.84 26.44 9.29
198 176.33 9.84 0 0 357.36 65.34 1.31 0.02 25.12 26.75 17.92
201 188.18 7.05 0 0 519.27 65.15 1.36 0.02 25.22 26.91 26.7
204 189.4 13.87 0 0 250.18 64.84 1.31 0.02 24.68 26.38 13.66
207 193.28 15.25 0 0 242.69 64.35 1.4 0.02 24.67 26.4 12.67
210 197.83 16.06 0 0 236.67 63.93 1.42 0.02 24.97 26.76 12.32
213 203.76 18.98 0 0 215.04 63.38 1.52 0.02 25.04 26.86 10.74
216 208.83 9.96 0 0 413.39 62.88 1.53 0.02 25.13 26.97 20.97
219 210.78 8.08 0 0 483.61 62.73 1.44 0.02 25.21 27.06 26.1
222 210.89 21.12 0 0 204.35 62.29 1.6 0.02 25.19 27.03 9.98
225 210.98 19.77 0 0 208.83 61.56 1.52 0.02 25.26 27.11 10.67
228 211.73 10.49 0 0 405.72 61.16 1.58 0.02 25.1 26.96 20.19
231 212.76 11.02 0 0 395.93 60.86 1.63 0.02 24.92 26.75 19.3
234 218.85 15.11 0 0 284.52 60.47 1.57 0.02 25.44 27.3 14.49
237 209.83 18.8 0 0 211.57 59.96 1.49 0.02 24.86 26.66 11.16
240 214.62 15.62 0 0 292.03 59.39 1.67 0.02 25.44 27.28 13.74
243 216.29 8.14 0 0 531.63 59.05 1.57 0.02 25.7 27.53 26.57
246 211.54 12.61 0 0 335.41 58.82 1.55 0.02 25.47 27.26 16.78
249 206.16 18 0 0 228.81 58.29 1.51 0.02 25.56 27.36 11.46
252 203.76 13.93 0 0 307.94 57.81 1.58 0.02 25.41 27.15 14.63
255 204.05 13.18 0 0 333.94 57.43 1.59 0.02 25.89 27.62 15.48
258 199.28 13.61 0 0 269.02 57.01 1.34 0.02 25.59 27.27 14.65
261 196.31 10.75 0 0 324.67 56.64 1.27 0.02 25.75 27.41 18.26
264 188.79 14.74 0 0 259.84 56.31 1.42 0.02 25.37 26.98 12.8
267 184.5 19 0 0 202.76 55.76 1.42 0.02 25.62 27.19 9.71
270 182.01 8.1 0 0 476.31 55.28 1.42 0.02 25.55 27.09 22.48
273 182.81 6.44 0 0 538.15 55.21 1.28 0.02 25.65 27.16 28.38
276 177.33 14.66 0 0 231.88 54.82 1.27 0.02 25.35 26.8 12.1
279 177 14.5 0 0 210.87 54.38 1.12 0.02 25.89 27.35 12.21
282 172.75 11.83 0 0 236.02 53.98 1.02 0.02 25.85 27.27 14.6
285 175.25 6.95 0 0 415.4 53.69 1.04 0.02 26.29 27.71 25.23
288 176.81 5.89 0 0 462.53 53.52 0.97 0.02 26.62 28.03 30.02
291 167.39 16.61 0 0 130.02 53.25 0.81 0.02 25.34 26.68 10.08

Appendix A - 315
294 163.67 16.59 0 0 144.16 52.6 0.89 0.02 25.6 26.92 9.87
297 159.96 7.35 0 0 351.81 52.33 0.97 0.02 25.42 26.72 21.77
300 162.49 8.58 0 0 302.18 52.09 0.96 0.02 25.79 27.09 18.95
303 163.91 12.59 0 0 180.63 51.79 0.84 0.02 25.69 26.96 13.02
306 163.11 10.35 0 0 202.44 51.38 0.76 0.02 26.19 27.48 15.76
309 159.03 10.25 0 0 202.21 51.15 0.76 0.02 25.92 27.2 15.52
312 158.38 12.72 0 0 177.66 50.75 0.83 0.02 25.92 27.18 12.45
315 153.63 8.32 0 0 266.82 50.44 0.84 0.02 25.22 26.42 18.46
318 150.89 8.37 0 0 293.55 50.22 0.92 0.02 25.5 26.7 18.02
321 145.06 12.9 0 0 145.4 49.9 0.71 0.02 25.3 26.48 11.25
324 144.46 13.27 0 0 118.89 49.48 0.59 0.02 25.52 26.69 10.89
327 147.09 5.12 0 0 285.93 49.17 0.54 0.02 26.08 27.25 28.71
330 147.54 4.91 0 0 298.54 49.11 0.54 0.02 26.07 27.22 30.07
333 144.02 9.88 0 0 166.33 48.83 0.61 0.02 25.93 27.05 14.57
336 143.87 9.91 0 0 165.64 48.55 0.6 0.02 26.19 27.3 14.51
339 142.76 13.32 0 0 102.35 48.22 0.51 0.02 25.75 26.84 10.71
342 141.56 9.5 0 0 139.9 47.8 0.51 0.02 24.88 25.94 14.9
345 147.42 2.72 0 0 401.83 47.67 0.41 0.02 25.71 26.81 54.26
348 147.92 9.23 0 0 167.43 47.54 0.57 0.02 26.21 27.32 16.03
351 144.12 16.07 0 0 72.39 47.11 0.43 0.02 25.71 26.82 8.97
354 146.12 9.33 0 0 125.11 46.68 0.43 0.02 25.94 27.05 15.67
357 148.45 2.88 0 0 562.37 46.55 0.6 0.02 26.04 27.16 51.56
360 146.91 8.32 0 0 125.71 46.42 0.39 0.02 25.87 26.98 17.65
363 145.51 16.9 0 0 61.66 46.03 0.38 0.02 25.97 27.09 8.61
366 141.82 10.48 0 0 94.23 45.51 0.37 0.02 25.92 27.04 13.53
369 138.76 1.87 0 0 776.34 45.42 0.54 0.02 25.72 26.83 74.28
372 139.28 7.14 0 0 167.04 45.3 0.43 0.02 26.35 27.49 19.5
375 133.93 11.55 0 0 87.14 44.99 0.37 0.02 25.8 26.9 11.6
378 126.74 11.34 0 0 65.95 44.65 0.28 0.02 25.63 26.7 11.18
381 123.3 8.07 0 0 121.37 44.34 0.37 0.02 25.7 26.78 15.28
384 121.76 1.39 0 0 637.38 44.18 0.33 0.02 25.78 26.83 87.47
387 121.23 3.88 0 0 193.5 44.18 0.28 0.02 25.62 26.64 31.28
390 122.19 10.45 0 0 85.32 43.92 0.33 0.02 26.08 27.09 11.7
393 113.01 9.66 0 0 111.09 43.61 0.4 0.02 25.89 26.91 11.7
396 104.47 3.19 0 0 87.12 43.38 0.1 0.02 26.4 27.4 32.75
399 98.62 -1.45 0 0 -684.8 43.4 0.37 0.02 26.21 27.17 -68
402 96.28 6.07 0 0 49.72 43.38 0.11 0.02 25.81 26.7 15.85
405 94.21 7.81 0 0 32.55 43.08 0.1 0.02 25.49 26.33 12.06
408 87.48 3.47 0 0 91.87 42.96 0.12 0.02 25.83 26.68 25.21
411 80.94 2.3 0 0 57.86 42.85 0.05 0.03 26.37 27.19 35.26
414 74.82 0.48 -0.01 0 494.02 42.82 0.09 0.02 26 26.75 157.11
417 73.16 1.34 0 0 120.83 42.8 0.06 0.02 25.81 26.51 54.71
420 72.4 7.24 0 0 22.2 42.71 0.06 0.03 26.2 26.87 10.01
423 70.01 4.38 0 0 59.17 42.43 0.1 0.03 26.16 26.8 15.99
426 65.27 -0.7 0 0 -613.8 42.47 0.16 0.03 26.49 27.1 -92.81
429 62.56 -3.74 0 0 -121.12 42.45 0.17 0.02 25.96 26.52 -16.75
432 61.98 0.29 -0.01 0 1207.89 42.64 0.13 0.03 26.37 26.93 210.47
435 60.24 7.03 0 0 77.09 42.42 0.2 0.03 25.95 26.47 8.57
438 59.72 2.78 0 0 174.17 42.29 0.18 0.03 26.59 27.1 21.5
441 56.11 3.04 0 0 170.07 42.23 0.2 0.02 25.77 26.25 18.44
444 55.66 -1.39 0 0 -488.93 42.14 0.26 0.03 26.08 26.55 -40.11
447 55.83 -5.33 0 0 -129.5 42.3 0.26 0.02 25.68 26.15 -10.48

Appendix A - 316
450 56.83 5.68 0 0 136.91 42.35 0.29 0.03 25.92 26.39 10.01
453 55.97 10.2 0 0 79.89 42.01 0.31 0.03 26.13 26.6 5.49
456 52.72 -0.12 0.04 0 -7541.74 41.85 0.33 0.03 25.72 26.19 -455.79
459 55.06 -1.43 0 0 -716.08 41.96 0.39 0.02 25.62 26.09 -38.55
462 58.42 0.89 0 0 1360.28 41.9 0.46 0.03 25.75 26.24 65.9
465 62.7 1.7 0 0 705.82 41.91 0.45 0.03 25.9 26.41 36.98
468 61.94 4.54 0 0 279.92 41.79 0.48 0.03 25.98 26.52 13.65
471 61.33 5.06 0 0 293.12 41.66 0.56 0.03 25.78 26.33 12.13
474 61.15 -0.83 0 0 -2041.65 41.53 0.64 0.03 25.97 26.54 -73.87
477 64.85 -3.12 0 0 -565.43 41.68 0.66 0.03 26.14 26.73 -20.79
480 66.53 7.61 0 0 215.41 41.63 0.64 0.02 25.23 25.82 8.74
483 68.35 8.26 0 0 214.99 41.29 0.67 0.03 25.8 26.42 8.27
486 64.53 3.33 0 0 523.99 41.18 0.67 0.02 25.56 26.2 19.36
489 63.24 0.91 0 0 2233.85 41.08 0.76 0.03 25.95 26.61 69.42
492 62.73 -1.97 0 0 -1055.67 41.12 0.79 0.03 25.61 26.29 -31.8
495 66.09 1.29 0 0 1718.49 41.15 0.85 0.02 25.47 26.15 51.36
498 68.32 6.01 0 0 351.38 41.03 0.81 0.02 25.52 26.22 11.36
501 70.37 3.75 0 0 611.08 40.84 0.86 0.03 25.86 26.58 18.79
504 65.93 -0.89 0 0 -2830.64 40.83 0.97 0.02 25.26 25.97 -73.99
507 65.31 2.06 0 0 1230.37 40.84 0.93 0.03 26.56 27.32 31.7
510 66.02 7.03 0 0 381.16 40.69 0.98 0.03 26.45 27.2 9.4
513 64.48 5.04 0 0 570.25 40.47 1.08 0.03 25.85 26.58 12.81
516 66.12 1.75 0 0 1677.72 40.4 1.1 0.03 25.87 26.62 37.84
519 65.87 1.18 0 0 2532.56 40.34 1.13 0.03 25.7 26.45 55.78
522 67.59 -1.88 0 0 -1636.68 40.34 1.15 0.03 26.05 26.8 -36.01
525 69.66 0.43 -0.01 0 7343.21 40.41 1.18 0.03 25.85 26.59 162.87
528 66.67 7.77 0 0 408.95 40.28 1.21 0.03 25.6 26.34 8.59
531 65.4 5.04 0 0 663.3 40.02 1.25 0.03 26.1 26.85 12.97
534 61.66 1.8 0 0 1848.6 39.99 1.26 0.03 25.57 26.31 34.3
537 61.5 1 0 0 3312.54 39.9 1.24 0.03 26.08 26.83 61.23
540 60.66 0.02 -0.22 -0.02 0 39.92 1.18 0.03 25.93 26.66 3639.67
543 61.11 1.69 0 0 1857.87 39.87 1.18 0.03 25.91 26.63 36.09
546 60.69 7.57 0 0 403.63 39.8 1.17 0.02 25.45 26.16 8.02
549 58.09 6.3 0 0 494 39.47 1.18 0.03 25.59 26.3 9.22
552 55.8 -1.22 0 0 -2687.78 39.46 1.23 0.03 25.83 26.53 -45.89
555 54.1 1.15 0 0 2659.93 39.48 1.16 0.03 25.74 26.43 46.88
558 54.82 2.92 0 0 998.97 39.4 1.11 0.03 25.55 26.22 18.8
561 56.56 -2.84 0 0 -1069.09 39.35 1.14 0.03 26.01 26.7 -19.95
564 53.89 0.98 0 0 3136.71 39.5 1.16 0.03 25.76 26.44 55.24
567 52.17 4.68 0 0 632.59 39.29 1.11 0.03 26.01 26.69 11.16
570 48.94 1.85 0 0 1509.67 39.27 1.07 0.03 25.51 26.15 26.4
573 48.14 2.73 0 0 1097.38 39.16 1.12 0.03 26.03 26.68 17.66
576 47.48 2.43 0 0 1210.12 39.11 1.11 0.03 25.82 26.46 19.58
579 48.8 0.4 -0.01 0 7416.21 39.02 1.09 0.03 26.34 26.99 122.55
582 46.65 -0.5 0.01 0 -5989.73 39.08 1.14 0.03 25.82 26.44 -92.5
585 46.1 0.63 -0.01 0 4900.3 39.04 1.15 0.03 26.17 26.79 73.49
588 42.57 2.28 0 0 1343.73 39.03 1.15 0.03 26.05 26.65 18.67
591 41.34 3.59 0 0 830.79 38.91 1.12 0.03 26.05 26.64 11.53
594 40.67 1.34 0 0 2234.38 38.84 1.13 0.03 25.9 26.47 30.39
597 42.27 3.33 0 0 873.79 38.8 1.09 0.03 25.97 26.54 12.71
600 43.31 -1.45 0 0 -2197.86 38.69 1.19 0.03 26.22 26.81 -29.93
603 41.67 -3.35 0 0 -901.52 38.87 1.13 0.03 26.18 26.75 -12.43

Appendix A - 317
606 40.15 2.37 0 0 1327.75 38.83 1.17 0.03 26.23 26.81 16.96
609 36.43 4.09 0 0 736.28 38.75 1.12 0.03 26.29 26.88 8.91
612 36.15 3.09 0 0 912.54 38.61 1.06 0.03 25.98 26.56 11.7
615 38.35 3.63 0 0 864.31 38.56 1.15 0.03 26.61 27.21 10.57
618 39.16 -2 0 0 -1460.87 38.44 1.12 0.03 25.6 26.17 -19.56
621 41.31 -6.93 0 0 -433.33 38.67 1.12 0.03 26.22 26.8 -5.96
624 39.78 -0.08 0.05 0 -35140.6 38.76 1.12 0.03 25.65 26.23 -475.04
627 38.31 5.83 0 0 532.05 38.68 1.17 0.03 25.94 26.52 6.58
630 35.15 4.74 0 0 622.42 38.47 1.13 0.03 25.57 26.14 7.42
633 37.39 1.98 0 0 1481.47 38.41 1.1 0.03 26.05 26.63 18.93
636 39.75 1.42 0 0 2077.83 38.34 1.1 0.03 26.11 26.69 28.02
639 42.9 -4.95 0 0 -610.5 38.36 1.13 0.03 26.08 26.67 -8.67
642 41.86 -4.43 0 0 -684.85 38.58 1.15 0.03 25.89 26.49 -9.45
645 41.34 3.51 0 0 856.94 38.57 1.13 0.03 25.98 26.57 11.76
648 37.68 0.01 -0.36 -0.03 295170.8 38.4 1.13 0.03 25.54 26.12 3768.01
651 38.32 0.01 -0.27 -0.03 0 38.14 1.08 0.03 25.39 25.98 3831.93

Appendix A - 318
Workstation Side Panel Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 25.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 225.30
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 271.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 55.59
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 77.79
Total Mass Loss (g): 34.61
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.060
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 16.06
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 71.25
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0087

Initial mass (g): 75.3
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 25
Time to flameout (s): 602

Appendix A - 319
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -1.17 0.01 -0.38 -0.03 14857.83 75.65 0.06 0.03 25.78 26.23 -116.89
4 2.14 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 22745.27 74.99 0.09 0.03 25.28 25.72 213.55
7 7.93 2.27 0 0 156.65 74.28 0.13 0.03 26.68 27.14 3.5
10 10.51 -19.59 0 0 -18.16 74.83 0.14 0.03 25.36 25.82 -0.54
13 11.43 -2.81 0 -0.04 -121.26 75.17 0.13 0.03 25.86 26.36 -4.07
16 14.26 6.13 0 0.03 224.91 75.03 0.52 0.03 25.92 26.43 2.33
19 36.67 2.6 0 0.11 954.05 74.9 0.93 0.03 25.98 26.51 14.12
22 94.75 4.48 0 0.09 782.46 74.84 1.34 0.03 25.66 26.21 21.15
25 157.65 12.84 0 0.04 508.31 74.59 2.49 0.03 25.61 26.24 12.28
28 170.43 11.32 0 0.04 684.48 74.14 3.03 0.03 24.71 25.58 15.06
31 171.1 6.17 0 0.07 1294.17 73.94 2.99 0.03 25.49 26.68 27.72
34 148.6 7.16 0 0.04 941.91 73.73 2.58 0.03 24.82 26.11 20.75
37 130.75 9.21 0 0.03 567.53 73.5 1.95 0.03 25.47 26.84 14.2
40 110.21 8.67 0 0.02 483.73 73.2 1.57 0.03 25.41 26.8 12.71
43 97.97 4.5 0 0.04 865.34 73 1.43 0.03 25.89 27.26 21.78
46 84.67 2.89 0 0.05 1159.98 72.9 1.23 0.03 25.86 27.18 29.31
49 73.68 7.62 0 0.01 329 72.79 0.93 0.03 25.7 26.96 9.67
52 67.7 6.01 0 0.02 344 72.49 0.76 0.03 26.01 27.21 11.26
55 62.11 3.11 0 0.04 406.69 72.43 0.47 0.03 25.77 26.92 19.99
58 52.72 7.81 0 0.01 72.91 72.26 0.21 0.03 25.68 26.76 6.75
61 45.99 -0.75 0.01 -0.15 -637.17 72.06 0.18 0.03 26.18 27.19 -61.06
64 39.19 -7.02 0 -0.02 -44.75 72.28 0.12 0.03 26.33 27.28 -5.58
67 36.49 2.39 0 0.05 148.1 72.36 0.13 0.03 25.92 26.78 15.27
70 35.07 8.6 0 0.02 38.18 72.16 0.12 0.03 25.84 26.64 4.08
73 35.18 3.77 0 0.04 158.48 71.93 0.22 0.03 26.22 26.98 9.32
76 32.45 -3.54 0 -0.05 -161.37 71.96 0.21 0.03 26.26 26.99 -9.16
79 30.24 -2.08 0 -0.08 -357.7 72.08 0.28 0.03 26.2 26.88 -14.5
82 25.74 2.85 0 0.05 231.43 72.05 0.25 0.03 25.42 26.05 9.05
85 25.73 6.3 0 0.02 96.4 71.92 0.22 0.03 26.4 27.02 4.08
88 27.18 4.69 0 0.04 122.46 71.71 0.22 0.03 25.9 26.48 5.79
91 28 -0.34 0.01 -0.44 -2287.24 71.67 0.29 0.03 26.7 27.26 -81.45
94 27.86 -2.6 0 -0.06 -301.16 71.71 0.29 0.03 26.19 26.73 -10.7
97 24.46 -0.39 0.01 -0.4 -1914.91 71.78 0.28 0.03 26.02 26.55 -62.96
100 23.94 3.38 0 0.04 215.88 71.72 0.28 0.03 25.99 26.52 7.08
103 20.74 3.7 0 0.04 169.98 71.6 0.24 0.03 25.5 26 5.61
106 21.61 6.15 0 0.03 112.45 71.49 0.26 0.03 26.42 26.94 3.51
109 22.98 4.12 0 0.04 174.08 71.27 0.27 0.03 26.33 26.84 5.57
112 23.24 -3.3 0 -0.05 -241.74 71.28 0.3 0.03 26.14 26.66 -7.04
115 21.75 -1.04 0.01 -0.15 -755.23 71.4 0.3 0.03 26 26.51 -20.89
118 18.75 5.53 0 0.03 135.34 71.31 0.28 0.03 26.15 26.67 3.39
121 18.35 5.35 0 0.03 128.71 71.11 0.26 0.03 26.06 26.58 3.43
124 17.02 2.9 0 0.05 181.74 71.01 0.2 0.03 26.01 26.54 5.87
127 19.42 2.37 0 0.06 274.18 70.93 0.25 0.03 25.75 26.27 8.19
130 20.52 0.49 -0.01 0.35 1415.16 70.87 0.26 0.03 26.22 26.74 41.69
133 20.1 -2.86 0 -0.06 -225.42 70.91 0.25 0.03 25.76 26.28 -7.02
136 19.89 1.71 0 0.1 341.77 70.99 0.21 0.03 26.76 27.3 11.62

Appendix A - 320
139 16.27 8.68 0 0.02 42.6 70.79 0.14 0.03 26.06 26.6 1.87
142 16.14 5.18 0 0.04 29.47 70.54 0.06 0.03 25.78 26.3 3.12
145 16.19 1.26 0 0.16 0 70.49 0 0.03 25.76 26.27 12.82
148 18.98 0.17 -0.03 1.13 0 70.44 0 0.03 25.61 26.11 108.67
151 19.36 1.37 0 0.16 0 70.46 0 0.03 25.62 26.13 14.14
154 19.25 1.92 0 0.12 0 70.36 0 0.03 25.19 25.7 10.02
157 20.05 2.55 0 0.1 0 70.34 0 0.03 25.9 26.43 7.87
160 21.56 7 0 0.03 0 70.19 0 0.03 25.97 26.5 3.08
163 27 8.35 0 0.02 0 69.94 0 0.03 26.03 26.55 3.23
166 31.32 3.84 0 0.03 0 69.73 0 0.03 25.9 26.45 8.16
169 37.72 -0.22 0.02 -0.34 0 69.71 0 0.03 25.76 26.36 -172.44
172 42.68 -0.22 0.02 -0.33 0 69.71 0 0.03 25.64 26.27 -197.76
175 47.54 5.37 0 0.01 0 69.68 0 0.03 25.97 26.62 8.85
178 48.53 9.1 0 0.01 0 69.4 0 0.03 25.82 26.51 5.33
181 52.37 3.83 0 0.01 0 69.2 0 0.03 25.17 25.89 13.69
184 56.28 5 0 0.01 0 69.13 0 0.03 25.5 26.28 11.25
187 64.92 8.66 0 0 0 68.88 0 0.03 26.01 26.85 7.49
190 71.72 4.35 0 0 0 68.67 0 0.03 25.89 26.78 16.47
193 76.73 2.43 0 0.01 0 68.6 0 0.03 25.26 26.18 31.57
196 84.44 4.82 0 0.01 0 68.48 0 0.03 25.52 26.51 17.5
199 89.9 12.29 0 0 0 68.28 0 0.03 26.02 27.1 7.32
202 92.31 10.12 0 0 0 67.82 0 0.02 24.78 25.85 9.12
205 103.96 4.19 0 0 0 67.7 0 0.03 25.44 26.6 24.84
208 110.81 10.93 0 0 0 67.48 0 0.02 25 26.2 10.14
211 119.15 7.72 0 0 0 67.11 0 0.03 25.86 27.15 15.43
214 123.79 4.51 0 0 0 67.02 0 0.03 25.48 26.82 27.44
217 127.77 9.69 0 0 0 66.78 0 0.02 25.43 26.82 13.19
220 135.65 13.09 0 0 0 66.45 0 0.02 25.15 26.57 10.36
223 144.1 13.29 0 0 0 66.02 0 0.02 24.99 26.43 10.85
226 155.14 7.24 0 0 0 65.7 0 0.02 25.24 26.73 21.43
229 163.34 3.81 0 0 0 65.56 0 0.02 25.15 26.69 42.82
232 171.54 10.42 0 0 0 65.39 0 0.03 25.8 27.41 16.47
235 172.71 17.44 0 0 0 64.93 0 0.02 25.2 26.81 9.9
238 180.49 15.96 0 0 0 64.41 0 0.02 25.38 27.03 11.31
241 182.38 11.89 0 0 0 64 0 0.02 24.98 26.64 15.33
244 194.45 15.23 0 0 27.13 63.65 0.15 0.02 25.53 27.26 12.77
247 195.39 13.53 0 0 15.27 63.12 0.08 0.02 24.85 26.57 14.45
250 201.44 8.53 0 0 61.38 62.86 0.2 0.02 25 26.75 23.61
253 210.81 12.37 0 0 67.12 62.54 0.3 0.02 25.69 27.51 17.04
256 209.93 16.46 0 0 58.91 62.11 0.36 0.02 25.33 27.13 12.75
259 214.48 17.26 0 0 0 61.58 0 0.02 25.63 27.48 12.43
262 223.29 12.77 0 0 23.85 61.11 0.11 0.02 26 27.88 17.48
265 223.33 13.29 0 0 68.92 60.78 0.33 0.02 25.72 27.58 16.8
268 219.24 14.53 0 0 49.99 60.3 0.27 0.02 25.07 26.9 15.09
271 225.3 14.6 0 0 63.68 59.92 0.34 0.02 25.66 27.53 15.44
274 222.92 15.84 0 0 29.62 59.42 0.17 0.02 25.58 27.46 14.08
277 221.75 16.07 0 0 2.27 58.98 0.01 0.02 25.5 27.36 13.8
280 218.44 13.36 0 0 112.74 58.48 0.56 0.02 25.23 27.05 16.35
283 221.88 10.99 0 0 48.1 58.17 0.19 0.02 25.66 27.51 20.19
286 218.42 12.61 0 0 69.27 57.79 0.32 0.02 25.25 27.05 17.32
289 221.36 16.05 0 0 26.78 57.4 0.16 0.02 25.75 27.56 13.79
292 215.46 18.58 0 0 28.13 56.84 0.19 0.02 25.08 26.82 11.59

Appendix A - 321
295 215.54 14.98 0 0 51.59 56.33 0.29 0.02 25.29 27.02 14.39
298 221.23 15.19 0 0 21.01 55.91 0.11 0.02 26.19 27.97 14.56
301 211.37 18.56 0 0 28.74 55.4 0.2 0.02 25.51 27.21 11.39
304 206.95 14.26 0 0 48.89 54.85 0.26 0.02 25.42 27.08 14.51
307 206.92 8.69 0 0 21.72 54.55 0.07 0.02 25.54 27.19 23.81
310 211.06 10.58 0 0 12.87 54.28 0.05 0.02 26.39 28.07 19.95
313 199.69 14.24 0 0 8.28 53.9 0.04 0.02 25.36 26.97 14.02
316 199.4 11.72 0 0 0 53.46 0 0.02 25.53 27.12 17.01
319 197.91 14.13 0 0 0 53.16 0 0.02 25.56 27.12 14.01
322 202.7 18.83 0 0 0 52.6 0 0.02 26.22 27.78 10.77
325 193.19 13.29 0 0 0 52.11 0 0.02 25.63 27.14 14.54
328 189.66 9.72 0 0 0 51.8 0 0.02 25.64 27.11 19.52
331 188.56 6.09 0 0 0 51.52 0 0.02 25.83 27.28 30.97
334 181.83 11.15 0 0 0 51.36 0 0.02 25.47 26.87 16.31
337 177.42 17.7 0 0 11.65 50.84 0.08 0.02 25.34 26.71 10.02
340 177.47 13.67 0 0 0 50.38 0 0.02 25.7 27.07 12.98
343 176.93 10.44 0 0 0 50.02 0 0.02 25.79 27.15 16.94
346 173.5 13.21 0 0 0 49.71 0 0.02 25.59 26.92 13.13
349 171.99 11.86 0 0 0 49.25 0 0.02 25.65 26.97 14.5
352 167.59 6.52 0 0 0 49.03 0 0.02 25.31 26.58 25.72
355 172.3 6.02 0 0 0 48.82 0 0.02 26.16 27.44 28.64
358 161.32 9.45 0 0 0 48.63 0 0.02 25.07 26.28 17.08
361 158.42 13.57 0 0 0 48.26 0 0.02 25.22 26.42 11.67
364 160.13 9.73 0 0 0 47.88 0 0.02 25.85 27.06 16.46
367 158.42 11.9 0 0 0 47.63 0 0.02 26.01 27.21 13.31
370 156.21 13.59 0 0 0 47.16 0 0.02 26.26 27.46 11.49
373 155.31 13.16 0 0 0 46.84 0 0.02 26.3 27.49 11.81
376 148.74 10.97 0 0 0 46.39 0 0.02 25.57 26.71 13.56
379 145.76 3.93 0 0 0 46.21 0 0.02 25.61 26.74 37.14
382 143.9 7.6 0 0 0 46.08 0 0.02 25.63 26.77 18.94
385 142.06 8.47 0 0 0 45.77 0 0.02 25.94 27.07 16.76
388 135.44 1.71 0 0 0 45.62 0 0.02 25.73 26.81 79.05
391 130.4 7.2 0 0 0 45.58 0 0.02 25.8 26.86 18.11
394 125.55 13.25 0 0 0 45.18 0 0.02 26.06 27.09 9.48
397 116.63 10.06 0 0 0 44.86 0 0.02 25.77 26.76 11.59
400 111.67 6.71 0 0 0 44.59 0 0.02 26.2 27.17 16.64
403 103.66 3.79 0 0 0 44.44 0 0.02 26.09 27 27.34
406 91.7 7.87 0 0 0 44.31 0 0.02 25.77 26.64 11.66
409 85.35 7.98 0 0 0 44 0 0.02 26.03 26.86 10.7
412 79.13 0.82 -0.01 0 0 43.89 0 0.02 25.8 26.56 96.42
415 75.56 0.39 -0.01 0 0 43.91 0 0.02 26.07 26.77 192.66
418 74.32 2.71 0 0 0 43.84 0 0.02 26.15 26.82 27.41
421 73.17 4.78 0 0 0 43.75 0 0.03 26.54 27.19 15.3
424 71.69 -0.07 0.06 0 0 43.6 0 0.03 26.5 27.09 -987.65
427 68.98 0.88 0 0 0 43.71 0 0.02 25.85 26.4 78.51
430 69.82 5.27 0 0 0 43.52 0 0.03 26.32 26.84 13.26
433 65.49 2.19 0 0 0 43.45 0 0.03 26.37 26.87 29.87
436 63.47 1.73 0 0 0 43.37 0 0.03 26.19 26.67 36.62
439 61 2.61 0 0 0 43.33 0 0.03 26.57 27.03 23.36
442 55.66 6.83 0 0 0 43.2 0 0.03 26.25 26.7 8.14
445 54.43 2.99 0 0 0 42.98 0 0.03 26.18 26.62 18.19
448 51.38 -0.47 0.01 0 0 43.02 0 0.02 25.85 26.27 -109.55

Appendix A - 322
451 48.72 -1.48 0 0 0 42.98 0 0.02 25.45 25.86 -32.99
454 50.83 -0.51 0.01 0 0 43.09 0 0.03 26.26 26.68 -99.67
457 48.12 2.85 0 0 0 43 0 0.02 25.78 26.19 16.87
460 47.08 -1.88 0 0 0 42.97 0 0.03 25.99 26.41 -25.1
463 47.3 -0.22 0.02 0 0 43.07 0 0.02 25.77 26.18 -216.28
466 45.79 1.51 0 0 0 42.98 0 0.03 25.81 26.21 30.38
469 45.57 1.55 0 0 0 42.99 0 0.03 26.12 26.53 29.46
472 44.72 1.69 0 0 0 42.89 0 0.03 25.8 26.22 26.52
475 44.39 2.97 0 0 0 42.88 0 0.03 26.19 26.62 14.96
478 43.74 5.94 0 0 0 42.7 0 0.03 26.22 26.65 7.36
481 42.91 2.85 0 0 0 42.57 0 0.03 26.03 26.46 15.06
484 42.5 1.21 0 0 0 42.52 0 0.03 25.87 26.3 35.24
487 43.14 -2.62 0 0 0 42.51 0 0.03 25.78 26.24 -16.49
490 45.46 1.56 0 0 0 42.62 0 0.02 25.54 26.01 29.22
493 49.9 4.46 0 0 0 42.42 0 0.03 26.19 26.69 11.18
496 54.25 0.02 -0.24 -0.02 0 42.41 0 0.03 26.11 26.62 3530.57
499 58.75 -0.44 0.01 0 0 42.4 0 0.03 25.81 26.35 -134
502 63.07 -0.99 0 0 0 42.43 0 0.03 26.07 26.64 -63.71
505 64 4.36 0 0 0 42.41 0 0.02 25.31 25.91 14.66
508 65.07 7.1 0 0 0 42.18 0 0.02 25.35 25.97 9.17
511 64.15 7.42 0 0 0 42.01 0 0.02 25.33 25.97 8.65
514 65.66 2.19 0 0 0 41.78 0 0.03 25.89 26.57 30.03
517 66.03 3.12 0 0 0 41.84 0 0.03 25.69 26.39 21.16
520 66.57 5.45 0 0 0 41.58 0 0.03 25.84 26.56 12.22
523 69.06 -1.72 0 0 0 41.57 0 0.03 26.18 26.93 -40.16
526 69.83 3.07 0 0 0 41.61 0 0.03 25.98 26.74 22.77
529 70.23 5.04 0 0 0 41.4 0 0.03 26.13 26.92 13.93
532 72.5 3.09 0 0 0 41.33 0 0.03 25.88 26.67 23.47
535 71.38 1.85 0 0 0 41.22 0 0.02 25.52 26.31 38.55
538 69.79 -3.36 0 0 0 41.24 0 0.02 25.6 26.41 -20.79
541 70.4 2.39 0 0 0 41.34 0 0.03 26.19 27.01 29.45
544 66.45 8.16 0 0 0 41.1 0 0.02 25.62 26.44 8.14
547 64.6 5.09 0 0 0 40.92 0 0.02 25.65 26.46 12.69
550 60.39 1.58 0 0 0 40.8 0 0.02 25.57 26.38 38.15
553 58.3 1.52 0 0 0 40.79 0 0.03 25.91 26.71 38.43
556 52.66 5.7 0 0 0 40.68 0 0.02 25.19 25.96 9.25
559 51.61 3.56 0 0 0 40.5 0 0.03 25.92 26.68 14.49
562 48.49 1.17 0 0 0 40.47 0 0.02 25.37 26.1 41.42
565 48.15 -0.99 0 0 0 40.42 0 0.03 26.02 26.75 -48.73
568 47.76 -1.71 0 0 0 40.52 0 0.03 26.43 27.15 -27.93
571 46.76 1.8 0 0 0 40.5 0 0.03 26.43 27.13 25.95
574 44.65 2.38 0 0 0 40.43 0 0.03 26.34 27.01 18.79
577 42.05 2.81 0 0 0 40.36 0 0.03 25.71 26.35 14.95
580 41.08 0.4 -0.01 0 0 40.28 0 0.03 26.56 27.2 103.33
583 38.95 2.93 0 0 0 40.3 0 0.03 26.45 27.07 13.31
586 35.96 3.19 0 0 0 40.12 0 0.03 26.03 26.61 11.28
589 34.53 1.88 0 0 0 40.12 0 0.03 26.37 26.95 18.37
592 33.32 0.57 -0.01 0 0 40.01 0 0.03 27.01 27.58 58.65
595 30.91 -1.72 0 0 0 40.09 0 0.03 25.49 26.01 -17.97
598 31.84 2.92 0 0 0 40.06 0 0.03 25.89 26.42 10.89
601 32.93 -0.94 0 0 0 39.97 0 0.03 26.2 26.73 -34.93
604 34.74 -2.93 0 0 0 40.11 0 0.03 26.43 26.95 -11.86

Appendix A - 323
607 34.44 -1.3 0 0 0 40.12 0 0.03 25.87 26.38 -26.47
610 35.08 1.68 0 0 0 40.18 0 0.03 26.22 26.73 20.88
613 35.34 4.36 0 0 0 40.03 0 0.03 25.75 26.26 8.1
616 35.59 -0.37 0.01 0 0 39.97 0 0.03 25.9 26.4 -96.44
619 33.62 -0.48 0.01 0 0 40.02 0 0.03 25.68 26.19 -69.6
622 33.55 3.16 0 0 0 39.96 0 0.03 25.52 26.02 10.62
625 33.11 4.78 0 0 0 39.84 0 0.03 25.68 26.19 6.92
628 30.91 3.99 0 0 0 39.7 0 0.03 25.84 26.35 7.75
631 30.92 -1.09 0 0 0 39.63 0 0.03 26.22 26.75 -28.44
634 32.34 -2.34 0 0 0 39.74 0 0.03 25.93 26.46 -13.85
637 31.52 -1.42 0 0 0 39.75 0 0.03 26.01 26.54 -22.17
640 31.89 2.42 0 0 0 39.8 0 0.03 25.81 26.35 13.16
643 32.56 1.57 0 0 0 39.64 0 0.03 25.48 26.03 20.75
646 32.37 -4.03 0 0 0 39.74 0 0.03 26.16 26.72 -8.02
649 31.54 -1.07 0 0 0 39.82 0 0.03 26.04 26.62 -29.37
652 33.12 1.24 0 0 0 39.81 0 0.03 26.09 26.67 26.78
655 33.78 2.3 0 0 0 39.76 0 0.03 26.44 27.03 14.71
658 33.16 3.4 0 0 0 39.67 0 0.03 25.4 25.96 9.74
661 34.33 2.31 0 0 0 39.57 0 0.03 25.52 26.08 14.89
664 32.45 2.63 0 0 0 39.52 0 0.03 25.57 26.13 12.34
667 32.59 2.81 0 0 0 39.42 0 0.03 26.04 26.61 11.61
670 32.86 0.66 -0.01 0 0 39.37 0 0.03 25.62 26.18 50.15
673 31.61 -2.49 0 0 0 39.38 0 0.03 25.75 26.32 -12.7
676 32.07 -0.76 0.01 0 0 39.48 0 0.03 26 26.57 -42.45
679 32.17 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 0 39.4 0 0.03 26.36 26.94 3216.62
682 30.28 0.01 -0.45 -0.03 0 39.25 0 0.03 26.11 26.68 3028.48

Appendix A - 324
Workstation Side Panel Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 20.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 250.74
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 253.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 58.64
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 84.08
Total Mass Loss (g): 35.26
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.059
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 16.63
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 283.03
Average CO2 yield (g/g): -0.00
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0079

Initial mass (g): 73.8
Thickness (mm): 50
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 82
Time to ignition (s): 20
Time to flameout (s): 621

Appendix A - 325
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

1 -0.61 0.01 -0.37 -0.03 38011.4 73.97 0.15 0.03 25.54 25.99 -60.95
4 1.75 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 54134.63 73.92 0.21 0.03 25.6 26.05 175
7 4.47 6.44 0 0 109.63 73.31 0.27 0.03 25.38 25.82 0.69
10 8.39 -8.01 0 0 -85.5 73.59 0.26 0.03 26 26.47 -1.05
13 14.71 -1.88 0 -0.06 -320.01 73.64 0.23 0.03 25.74 26.22 -7.82
16 27.36 -1.12 0 -0.17 -867.22 73.72 0.38 0.03 25.08 25.56 -24.44
19 64.49 5.14 0 0.05 717.1 73.67 1.42 0.03 25.51 26.02 12.55
22 116.04 10.47 0 0.03 607.28 73.42 2.44 0.03 25.5 26.07 11.08
25 150.28 11.29 0 0.03 629.34 73.08 2.75 0.03 25.11 25.89 13.31
28 157.08 10.75 0 0.04 661.17 72.76 2.76 0.03 24.74 25.73 14.61
31 152.95 7.45 0 0.05 927.98 72.45 2.61 0.03 25.29 26.48 20.53
34 138.64 10.36 0 0.03 695.56 72.27 2.7 0.03 25.35 26.64 13.38
37 123.67 12.63 0 0.02 492.69 71.84 2.34 0.03 25.31 26.63 9.79
40 110.04 5.07 0 0.04 1074.9 71.58 2.07 0.03 25.03 26.32 21.68
43 102.27 1.82 0 0.1 2704.61 71.5 1.84 0.03 25.52 26.81 56.22
46 92.25 3.78 0 0.04 1061.22 71.43 1.51 0.03 25.26 26.52 24.42
49 85.2 6.11 0 0.02 661.99 71.27 1.5 0.03 25.68 26.92 13.94
52 74.3 6.82 0 0.02 453.88 71.07 1.17 0.03 25.4 26.57 10.89
55 66.41 3.05 0 0.03 845 70.9 0.93 0.03 26.43 27.58 21.81
58 58.13 -1.96 0 -0.04 -900.76 70.9 0.65 0.03 25.86 26.92 -29.71
61 51.79 0.77 -0.01 0.1 1498.95 70.96 0.44 0.03 25.26 26.23 66.96
64 47.62 3.41 0 0.03 365.56 70.85 0.46 0.03 25.97 26.9 13.97
67 42.18 3.95 0 0.03 268.26 70.77 0.4 0.03 25.77 26.62 10.68
70 39.04 2.03 0 0.08 480.85 70.63 0.37 0.03 25.92 26.72 19.21
73 34.42 -0.78 0.01 -0.23 -1316.24 70.65 0.39 0.03 25.59 26.33 -44.01
76 30.68 2.98 0 0.06 429.06 70.63 0.47 0.03 26.19 26.89 10.31
79 28.25 5.15 0 0.03 216.08 70.48 0.43 0.03 25.44 26.08 5.49
82 28.63 2.57 0 0.07 465.41 70.36 0.45 0.03 25.82 26.44 11.13
85 26.08 1.04 0 0.14 1021.5 70.33 0.41 0.03 25.55 26.13 25.07
88 25.15 0.2 -0.02 0.85 5594.27 70.29 0.42 0.03 26.29 26.88 126.01
91 25.02 1.51 0 0.11 662.1 70.29 0.38 0.03 26.12 26.68 16.56
94 24.31 7.03 0 0.02 170.52 70.17 0.45 0.03 25.84 26.37 3.46
97 23.43 3.48 0 0.05 311.6 69.94 0.41 0.03 25.91 26.43 6.74
100 23.67 -1.27 0 -0.12 -872.87 69.97 0.43 0.03 25.63 26.13 -18.59
103 23.29 2.37 0 0.07 472.01 69.95 0.42 0.03 25.94 26.44 9.82
106 22.94 4.38 0 0.04 267.87 69.84 0.44 0.03 26.11 26.62 5.24
109 21.93 3.95 0 0.04 298.29 69.71 0.45 0.03 25.87 26.36 5.55
112 22.01 1.83 0 0.08 653.69 69.62 0.45 0.03 26.11 26.59 11.99
115 21.77 -0.43 0.01 -0.33 -2879.39 69.6 0.47 0.03 26.22 26.7 -50.31
118 21.93 4.37 0 0.03 284.68 69.59 0.47 0.03 26.09 26.57 5.02
121 21.29 7.27 0 0.02 154.3 69.35 0.42 0.03 26.31 26.79 2.93
124 21.68 1.08 0 0.14 1070.53 69.22 0.44 0.03 26.12 26.61 20.05
127 21.17 -1.1 0 -0.14 -1123.89 69.26 0.47 0.03 26.14 26.62 -19.19
130 19.57 1.13 0 0.14 1134.06 69.25 0.47 0.03 26.49 26.97 17.33
133 18.21 2.5 0 0.07 531.61 69.19 0.5 0.03 26.18 26.66 7.29
136 16.66 5.32 0 0.03 249.52 69.09 0.5 0.03 25.88 26.36 3.13

Appendix A - 326
139 16.43 3.34 0 0.05 401.83 68.91 0.51 0.03 25.93 26.4 4.92
142 16.73 -2.27 0 -0.08 -616.72 68.92 0.53 0.03 25.94 26.42 -7.36
145 17.19 2.32 0 0.09 641.9 68.98 0.56 0.03 25.99 26.49 7.43
148 19.42 6.58 0 0.04 212.5 68.78 0.52 0.03 26.39 26.91 2.95
151 23.83 5.3 0 0.04 262.17 68.62 0.52 0.03 26.09 26.61 4.5
154 28.57 2.41 0 0.07 563.76 68.48 0.52 0.03 25.81 26.34 11.87
157 33.94 -0.6 0.01 -0.22 -2219.19 68.47 0.5 0.03 25.98 26.54 -56.51
160 38.86 5.91 0 0.02 212.56 68.44 0.48 0.03 25.82 26.4 6.57
163 42.61 8.71 0 0.01 141.79 68.14 0.47 0.03 25.46 26.07 4.89
166 48.6 7.05 0 0 177.79 67.96 0.47 0.03 26.02 26.69 6.89
169 52.44 5.94 0 0 206.41 67.72 0.47 0.03 25.6 26.31 8.83
172 59.68 1 0 0.01 1298.65 67.62 0.49 0.03 25.56 26.32 59.94
175 69.91 5.4 0 0 218.26 67.59 0.46 0.03 25.08 25.9 12.94
178 79.44 11.64 0 0 102.65 67.28 0.46 0.03 25.33 26.21 6.82
181 89.08 7.35 0 0 179.18 66.97 0.5 0.03 25.59 26.54 12.12
184 98.07 6.34 0 0 181.4 66.83 0.43 0.03 25.59 26.6 15.48
187 104.82 4.23 0 0 299.81 66.6 0.49 0.02 25.08 26.15 24.78
190 114.6 2.7 0 0 575.19 66.56 0.58 0.03 25.55 26.7 42.4
193 121.97 10.11 0 0 141.41 66.37 0.53 0.03 25.57 26.8 12.07
196 127.62 12.81 0 0 111.51 65.99 0.54 0.02 25.04 26.31 9.97
199 135.93 9.46 0 0 164.13 65.65 0.59 0.02 25.09 26.43 14.37
202 147.08 9.28 0 0 156.65 65.4 0.54 0.02 25.3 26.73 15.86
205 157.91 11.94 0 0 134.52 65.07 0.61 0.02 24.97 26.43 13.22
208 170.49 13.64 0 0 137.77 64.69 0.69 0.02 25.52 27.06 12.5
211 177.68 13.9 0 0 146.49 64.27 0.75 0.02 25.41 27 12.79
214 182.4 9.85 0 0 261.28 63.89 0.96 0.02 25.21 26.84 18.51
217 190.55 7.75 0 0 329.54 63.66 0.95 0.02 25.27 26.96 24.59
220 196.93 11.93 0 0 245.94 63.37 1.1 0.02 25 26.73 16.5
223 207.2 15.95 0 0 210.55 62.94 1.25 0.02 25.08 26.85 12.99
226 215.95 15.56 0 0 199.91 62.45 1.15 0.02 25.19 27.02 13.88
229 223.54 13.3 0 0 236.77 62.02 1.15 0.02 25.44 27.32 16.81
232 227.5 19.83 0 0 180.52 61.6 1.32 0.02 25.24 27.13 11.47
235 230.96 20.59 0 0 164.91 60.87 1.26 0.02 25.04 26.97 11.22
238 236.69 14.44 0 0 232.4 60.41 1.24 0.02 25.07 27.02 16.39
241 236.22 15.9 0 0 207.1 59.95 1.25 0.02 24.4 26.33 14.86
244 243.47 16.15 0 0 229.23 59.46 1.39 0.02 24.71 26.67 15.07
247 250.55 15.11 0 0 278.81 59 1.55 0.02 25.17 27.17 16.58
250 246.14 12.27 0 0 338.46 58.56 1.56 0.02 24.74 26.71 20.05
253 250.74 15.07 0 0 249.59 58.22 1.38 0.02 25.22 27.23 16.64
256 248.94 20.77 0 0 190.1 57.64 1.47 0.02 24.82 26.8 11.98
259 249.88 22.05 0 0 192.51 57.01 1.58 0.02 24.86 26.85 11.33
262 247.1 15.69 0 0 281.12 56.38 1.65 0.02 24.76 26.72 15.75
265 248.72 9.01 0 0 386.34 56.07 1.27 0.02 25.36 27.35 27.6
268 244.55 13.24 0 0 285.98 55.75 1.39 0.02 25.2 27.16 18.48
271 240.67 19.89 0 0 188.65 55.25 1.39 0.02 25.07 26.99 12.1
274 243.45 21.91 0 0 214.39 54.6 1.71 0.02 25.49 27.43 11.11
277 240.13 16.19 0 0 258.41 54 1.53 0.02 25.47 27.39 14.83
280 243.13 10.22 0 0 383.68 53.63 1.4 0.02 26.02 27.92 23.78
283 239.99 10.04 0 0 403.93 53.33 1.45 0.02 26.05 27.92 23.89
286 235.95 15.32 0 0 251.67 52.98 1.39 0.02 25.97 27.82 15.4
289 232.98 21.17 0 0 186.08 52.41 1.43 0.02 25.83 27.62 11.01
292 227.64 20.79 0 0 182 51.76 1.4 0.02 25.36 27.08 10.95

Appendix A - 327
295 230.4 10.57 0 0 344.85 51.24 1.33 0.02 25.67 27.41 21.8
298 223.99 12.71 0 0 301.19 51.04 1.42 0.02 25.3 26.97 17.62
301 221.61 16.37 0 0 249.9 50.46 1.52 0.02 25.28 26.92 13.54
304 216.67 12.05 0 0 316.06 50.11 1.42 0.02 25.17 26.77 17.98
307 215.69 17.92 0 0 196.19 49.67 1.3 0.02 25.37 26.96 12.04
310 213.95 18.7 0 0 212.93 49.07 1.46 0.02 25.66 27.24 11.44
313 205.77 14.35 0 0 241.74 48.59 1.3 0.02 25.25 26.78 14.34
316 198.98 7.06 0 0 519.3 48.23 1.36 0.02 25.51 27.01 28.2
319 190.13 8.14 0 0 429.36 48.1 1.3 0.02 25.36 26.82 23.35
322 189.56 13.21 0 0 234.71 47.71 1.13 0.02 26.02 27.47 14.35
325 182.55 16.18 0 0 203.21 47.33 1.19 0.02 26.13 27.54 11.28
328 172.78 13.97 0 0 224.52 46.78 1.14 0.02 26.2 27.56 12.37
331 167.4 5.01 0 0 545.11 46.54 0.99 0.02 26.25 27.55 33.44
334 159.1 5.75 0 0 414.22 46.41 0.89 0.02 25.62 26.85 27.68
337 154.64 9.34 0 0 241.62 46.16 0.83 0.02 25.85 27.05 16.55
340 146.97 11.87 0 0 200.12 45.86 0.89 0.02 25.57 26.69 12.38
343 145.81 10.99 0 0 206.98 45.48 0.85 0.02 25.82 26.9 13.27
346 145.62 9.99 0 0 248.53 45.2 0.91 0.02 26.14 27.21 14.58
349 137.44 9.79 0 0 218.61 44.88 0.8 0.02 25.71 26.71 14.04
352 136.59 3.97 0 0 515.39 44.65 0.75 0.02 26.16 27.15 34.41
355 133.11 4.24 0 0 450.91 44.59 0.71 0.02 26.11 27.06 31.37
358 130.54 12.12 0 0 151.91 44.34 0.68 0.02 26.18 27.11 10.77
361 122.9 11.67 0 0 145.29 43.93 0.64 0.02 25.59 26.46 10.53
364 116.16 2.82 0 0 708.3 43.7 0.74 0.02 26.03 26.89 41.15
367 118.14 2.97 0 0 477.69 43.69 0.52 0.02 26.33 27.18 39.81
370 115.83 8.59 0 0 160.49 43.48 0.51 0.02 26.25 27.05 13.49
373 111.23 5.73 0 0 269.22 43.24 0.56 0.02 26.54 27.33 19.41
376 105.73 5.28 0 0 208.49 43.13 0.41 0.02 26.23 26.99 20.02
379 101.2 4.77 0 0 222.63 42.92 0.4 0.02 26.11 26.84 21.23
382 97.65 4.22 0 0 332.55 42.84 0.51 0.03 26.59 27.32 23.14
385 84.55 3.63 0 0 255.78 42.66 0.34 0.02 26.35 27.03 23.3
388 76.56 2.54 0 0 295.93 42.63 0.28 0.02 26.16 26.79 30.09
391 76.48 6.29 0 0 99.71 42.48 0.23 0.02 26.24 26.83 12.16
394 73.68 5.06 0 0 101.3 42.29 0.19 0.02 26.21 26.76 14.55
397 69.14 -2.89 0 0 -191.38 42.23 0.21 0.02 26.07 26.58 -23.95
400 68.97 -3.6 0 0 -155.37 42.41 0.21 0.03 26.27 26.76 -19.14
403 68.05 3.04 0 0 136.52 42.38 0.16 0.02 25.75 26.19 22.4
406 64.64 8.86 0 0 39.66 42.23 0.13 0.02 25.78 26.22 7.29
409 62.95 3.32 0 0 128.58 41.93 0.16 0.02 26.06 26.49 18.95
412 64.48 -0.87 0.01 0 -451.06 42.03 0.15 0.03 26.57 26.99 -74.03
415 63.75 2.61 0 0 140.75 41.93 0.14 0.02 25.87 26.28 24.4
418 59.67 0.4 -0.01 0 719.42 41.91 0.11 0.03 26.44 26.86 148.11
421 55.59 -0.93 0 0 -262.57 41.9 0.09 0.03 26.5 26.91 -59.86
424 53.19 2.31 0 0 137.45 41.93 0.12 0.03 26.6 27 23
427 50.86 6.19 0 0 33.87 41.76 0.08 0.03 26.63 27.02 8.22
430 47.1 2.66 0 0 85.79 41.61 0.09 0.03 25.87 26.25 17.72
433 49.35 -4.52 0 0 -61.99 41.63 0.1 0.03 26.54 26.93 -10.92
436 50.64 -1.96 0 0 -109.93 41.81 0.08 0.03 26.35 26.73 -25.84
439 48.56 3.73 0 0 16.18 41.72 0.02 0.03 25.78 26.17 13.03
442 47.16 2.63 0 0 105.67 41.64 0.11 0.02 25.67 26.07 17.96
445 49.72 0.2 -0.02 0 1238.22 41.57 0.09 0.03 26.16 26.57 254.18
448 53.45 4.04 0 0 87.07 41.58 0.13 0.03 26.47 26.9 13.22

Appendix A - 328
451 56.45 7.37 0 0 18.29 41.34 0.05 0.03 26.19 26.63 7.66
454 56.81 -2.5 0 0 -92.99 41.23 0.09 0.03 26.28 26.73 -22.75
457 61.5 -5.11 0 0 -62.99 41.43 0.12 0.03 25.96 26.43 -12.04
460 68.81 8.14 0 0 47.06 41.42 0.14 0.03 25.99 26.49 8.45
463 72.58 9 0 0 33.94 41.03 0.12 0.03 26.02 26.54 8.07
466 72.43 0.03 -0.1 -0.01 22955.8 40.96 0.23 0.03 25.87 26.43 2723.42
469 73.84 -0.98 0 0 -632.88 40.97 0.23 0.03 26.02 26.61 -75.33
472 75.65 6.76 0 0 125.77 40.95 0.32 0.03 25.66 26.28 11.19
475 76.56 6.53 0 0 120.46 40.62 0.3 0.03 25.93 26.58 11.72
478 75.92 -2.07 0 0 -273.44 40.62 0.21 0.03 26.17 26.86 -36.7
481 74.61 1.76 0 0 481.46 40.66 0.32 0.03 26.04 26.77 42.41
484 74.74 9.69 0 0 46.85 40.48 0.17 0.03 25.67 26.41 7.71
487 78.81 6.29 0 0 108.99 40.16 0.26 0.03 25.98 26.73 12.54
490 75.03 -3.31 0 0 -248.62 40.15 0.31 0.02 25.45 26.2 -22.65
493 76.1 -0.67 0.01 0 -1183.99 40.27 0.3 0.02 25.62 26.39 -114.04
496 76.32 8.22 0 0 49.24 40.14 0.16 0.02 25.26 26.04 9.28
499 77.59 7.55 0 0 114.59 39.85 0.32 0.03 26.06 26.86 10.28
502 73.73 -0.12 0.03 0 -5541.78 39.74 0.25 0.03 25.9 26.71 -622.38
505 69.57 -1.37 0 0 -433.97 39.81 0.22 0.03 26.31 27.12 -50.62
508 67.7 5.72 0 0 62.17 39.77 0.13 0.03 26.27 27.07 11.85
511 64.57 3.82 0 0 86.01 39.53 0.12 0.02 25.62 26.39 16.89
514 64.7 -0.86 0 0 -110.36 39.56 0.03 0.03 26.69 27.48 -75.64
517 58.88 2.3 0 0 74.75 39.52 0.06 0.03 26.14 26.88 25.58
520 56.38 7.09 0 0 25.98 39.41 0.07 0.03 26.47 27.2 7.96
523 55.18 3.45 0 0 10.34 39.16 0.01 0.03 25.86 26.56 15.99
526 54.17 -4.23 0 0 0 39.23 0 0.03 25.97 26.65 -12.79
529 50.87 -2.99 0 0 0 39.34 0 0.03 26.24 26.9 -17.03
532 47.41 6.55 0 0 0 39.35 0 0.03 26.5 27.16 7.24
535 45.29 9.21 0 0 0 39.01 0 0.03 26.13 26.76 4.92
538 46.48 -1.59 0 0 0 38.9 0 0.03 26.45 27.09 -29.14
541 43.36 -4.78 0 0 0 39.05 0 0.03 26.13 26.73 -9.07
544 39.64 -0.91 0.01 -0.02 0 39.12 0 0.03 26.17 26.77 -43.48
547 40.28 5.27 0 0 0 39.09 0 0.03 26.44 27.02 7.65
550 41.37 3.53 0 0 0 38.87 0 0.03 26.12 26.68 11.72
553 39.35 -2.78 0 0 0 38.91 0 0.03 26.28 26.83 -14.14
556 38.01 2.45 0 0.01 0 38.95 0 0.03 26.33 26.87 15.49
559 34.05 5.28 0 0 0 38.78 0 0.03 26.22 26.75 6.44
562 35.97 1.21 0 0 0 38.69 0 0.03 26.67 27.2 29.71
565 36.16 -6.23 0 0 0 38.73 0 0.03 26.01 26.52 -5.81
568 33.83 -2.44 0 0 0 38.98 0 0.03 26.32 26.83 -13.87
571 33.33 6.26 0 0 0 38.83 0 0.03 26.18 26.68 5.32
574 34.01 6.3 0 0 0 38.67 0 0.03 26.37 26.87 5.4
577 35.78 -1.5 0 0 0 38.52 0 0.03 25.93 26.43 -23.87
580 33.4 -6.82 0 0 0 38.74 0 0.03 25.5 26 -4.9
583 32.52 4.57 0 0 0 38.81 0 0.03 25.98 26.49 7.11
586 34.56 4.23 0 0 0 38.54 0 0.03 26.22 26.74 8.18
589 35.67 -2.3 0 0 0 38.6 0 0.03 25.58 26.07 -15.49
592 35 -0.79 0.01 -0.03 0 38.62 0 0.03 26.1 26.6 -44.34
595 30.92 2.89 0 0.01 0 38.63 0 0.03 26.23 26.74 10.69
598 32.08 5.5 0 0 0 38.46 0 0.03 25.9 26.41 5.83
601 34.36 1.55 0 0 0 38.35 0 0.03 26.3 26.82 22.21
604 34.45 -5.7 0 0 0 38.39 0 0.03 26.2 26.72 -6.05

Appendix A - 329
607 32.29 -2.16 0 0 0 38.61 0 0.03 26.2 26.73 -14.92
610 30.76 3.86 0 0 0 38.5 0 0.03 26.06 26.59 7.97
613 34.59 1.72 0 0 0 38.44 0 0.03 26.03 26.56 20.15
616 32.92 0.3 -0.01 0 0 38.39 0 0.03 25.59 26.12 109.57
619 31.67 1.07 0 0.02 0 38.41 0 0.03 25.75 26.28 29.6
622 29.82 4.02 0 0 0 38.32 0 0.03 25.74 26.28 7.41
625 30.99 3.09 0 0.01 0 38.2 0 0.03 26.08 26.63 10.02
628 33.64 -2.75 0 0 0 38.17 0 0.03 26.16 26.71 -12.23
631 33.05 -4.2 0 0 0 38.32 0 0.03 26.36 26.9 -7.86
634 29.54 2.77 0 0.01 0 38.36 0 0.03 26.31 26.87 10.68
637 29.39 3.59 0 0 0 38.2 0 0.03 26.72 27.29 8.18
640 30.06 -1.64 0 0 0 38.19 0 0.03 26.34 26.89 -18.34
643 31.28 -0.73 0.01 0 0 38.26 0 0.03 26.44 26.98 -42.77
646 28.23 2.51 0 0 0 38.21 0 0.03 26.27 26.78 11.26
649 26.61 1.32 0 0 0 38.14 0 0.03 26.6 27.11 20.23
652 30.18 0.44 -0.01 0 0 38.14 0 0.03 26.58 27.08 68.6
655 30.12 -2.78 0 0 0 38.13 0 0.03 26.14 26.62 -10.84
658 30.25 -0.53 0.01 0 0 38.26 0 0.03 26.26 26.74 -57.15
661 28.48 3.08 0 0 0 38.15 0 0.03 26.29 26.76 9.25
664 29.94 1.02 0 0 0 38.12 0 0.03 26.48 26.94 29.42
667 31.73 -0.77 0.01 -0.03 0 38.09 0 0.03 26.46 26.95 -40.96
670 33.09 0.01 -0.4 0.93 0 38.15 0 0.03 26.06 26.55 3308.77
673 32.42 0.01 -0.43 2.26 0 38.09 0 0.03 26.34 26.86 3241.5

Appendix A - 330
Workstation - Work Surface Test 1
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 15.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 606.55
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 33.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 127.31
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 273.89
Total Mass Loss (g): 99.71
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.118
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.77
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 67.51
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.02
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0010

Initial mass (g): 229.2
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 77
Time to ignition (s): 15
Time to flameout (s): 898

Appendix A - 331
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -0.53 0.01 -0.32 -0.04 51922.84 228.95 0.2 0.03 25.54 26.06 -52.56
3 3.69 0.01 -0.41 -0.04 42865.57 229.07 0.17 0.03 24.94 25.43 368.67
6 4.68 -2.6 0 0 -195.48 229.06 0.19 0.03 26.16 26.66 -1.8
9 4.48 -4.95 0 0 -104.32 229.21 0.2 0.03 25.2 25.68 -0.9
12 11.46 18.47 0 0 160.29 229.17 1.14 0.03 25.44 25.94 0.62
15 48.71 31.54 0 0 9.13 228.18 0.12 0.02 22.79 23.62 1.54
18 122.9 23.08 0 0.01 16.54 227.43 0.15 0.02 23.67 24.89 5.32
21 202.02 36.21 0 0.01 24.13 226.65 0.34 0.02 23.94 25.49 5.58
24 322.54 50.55 0.13 0.01 38.37 225.25 0.8 0.02 22.31 24.33 6.38
27 409.68 50.06 0.61 0.01 71.89 223.75 1.55 0.02 20.77 23.22 8.18
30 603.35 26.51 0.49 0.02 163.65 222.42 1.6 0.02 23.96 27.11 22.76
33 606.55 15.34 0 0.01 113.5 222.08 0.61 0.02 25.22 28.31 39.55
36 508.56 16.73 0 0.01 40.35 221.4 0.24 0.02 25.63 28.57 30.39
39 341.71 7.54 0 0 78.89 221.13 0.21 0.02 25.85 28.49 45.34
42 268.39 9.5 0 0 115.81 220.87 0.39 0.02 25.59 28.02 28.25
45 213.83 9.66 0 0 116.19 220.56 0.41 0.02 24.94 27.11 22.12
48 205.16 18.45 0 0 65.6 220.24 0.45 0.02 25.01 27.09 11.12
51 202.74 19.7 0 0 64.75 219.51 0.48 0.02 24.8 26.77 10.29
54 204.18 13 0 0 83.38 219.11 0.4 0.02 24.98 26.9 15.71
57 206.36 14.31 0 0 79.64 218.67 0.42 0.02 25.02 26.9 14.42
60 207.29 13.8 0 0 107.03 218.26 0.56 0.02 24.69 26.48 15.02
63 209.1 14.81 0 0 93.55 217.84 0.52 0.02 24.68 26.44 14.12
66 213.12 13.06 0 0 109.73 217.39 0.53 0.02 25.05 26.8 16.32
69 217 19.03 0 0 75.89 217 0.53 0.02 25.29 27.05 11.4
72 222.88 16.89 0 0 121.17 216.3 0.74 0.02 25.95 27.72 13.2
75 215.71 14.24 0 0 116.2 216 0.62 0.02 24.97 26.66 15.15
78 219.03 17.93 0 0 82.71 215.4 0.56 0.02 24.95 26.64 12.21
81 220.46 15.4 0 0 116.07 214.96 0.67 0.02 24.99 26.69 14.31
84 226.34 18.09 0 0 100.34 214.45 0.67 0.02 25.31 27.02 12.52
87 229.81 16.92 0 0 108.02 213.9 0.68 0.02 25.12 26.82 13.58
90 225.89 12.19 0 0 162.76 213.46 0.75 0.02 24.63 26.28 18.53
93 231.97 16.36 0 0 136.94 213.11 0.83 0.02 25.31 27.01 14.18
96 235.22 18.68 0 0 101.66 212.48 0.7 0.02 25.41 27.1 12.59
99 226.08 19.16 0 0 102.94 212 0.75 0.02 24.52 26.14 11.8
102 232.89 16.6 0 0 121.51 211.35 0.75 0.02 25.21 26.88 14.03
105 233.05 17.87 0 0 118.19 210.98 0.79 0.02 25.19 26.86 13.04
108 230.52 19.41 0 0 111.72 210.28 0.81 0.02 25.15 26.79 11.88
111 231.61 15.11 0 0 128.27 209.85 0.72 0.02 25.33 26.97 15.33
114 228.44 18.04 0 0 107.68 209.33 0.73 0.02 25.03 26.65 12.66
117 215.44 15.72 0 0 116.09 208.8 0.71 0.02 24.1 25.64 13.7
120 232.02 15.4 0 0 112.05 208.38 0.63 0.02 25.92 27.58 15.07
123 225.27 14.31 0 0 148.81 207.88 0.78 0.02 25.68 27.29 15.74

Appendix A - 332
126 222.6 15.94 0 0 105.13 207.5 0.62 0.02 25.55 27.13 13.96
129 210.51 17.45 0 0 106.11 206.93 0.71 0.02 24.72 26.21 12.06
132 210.04 15.55 0 0 113.44 206.47 0.67 0.02 24.84 26.34 13.51
135 208.72 15.94 0 0 127.32 205.98 0.77 0.02 24.76 26.26 13.09
138 210.35 12.58 0 0 166.29 205.54 0.78 0.02 25.24 26.74 16.73
141 207.42 17.74 0 0 95.14 205.17 0.64 0.02 25.02 26.5 11.69
144 210.87 17.65 0 0 100.81 204.51 0.66 0.02 25.49 26.98 11.94
147 206.48 15.86 0 0 118.81 204.13 0.7 0.02 25.37 26.84 13.02
150 204.32 16.79 0 0 106.12 203.54 0.67 0.02 25.19 26.64 12.17
153 199.45 10.77 0 0 180.03 203.16 0.74 0.02 24.74 26.15 18.51
156 213.42 15.97 0 0 126.98 202.82 0.73 0.02 26.41 27.9 13.36
159 200.38 15.41 0 0 96.9 202.24 0.56 0.02 25.34 26.75 13
162 198.17 14.05 0 0 116.25 201.9 0.61 0.02 25.3 26.7 14.11
165 194.74 18.11 0 0 68.91 201.36 0.48 0.02 24.85 26.22 10.75
168 194.34 12.55 0 0 87.3 200.88 0.41 0.02 25.04 26.42 15.48
171 193.59 13.05 0 0 87.86 200.57 0.43 0.02 25.18 26.56 14.84
174 193.98 16.52 0 0 55.31 200.07 0.34 0.02 25.53 26.91 11.74
177 187.13 14.7 0 0 59.39 199.61 0.33 0.02 24.93 26.27 12.73
180 190.9 11.8 0 0 79.19 199.2 0.35 0.02 25.51 26.84 16.18
183 182.28 13.18 0 0 63.87 198.88 0.33 0.02 24.47 25.74 13.83
186 182.33 13.6 0 0 13.98 198.41 0.07 0.02 25.44 26.74 13.41
189 179.55 11.32 0 0 11.16 198.07 0.05 0.02 25 26.27 15.86
192 186.51 19.09 0 0 10.77 197.67 0.08 0.02 25.91 27.22 9.77
195 174.94 16.36 0 0 0 197 0 0.02 24.74 25.99 10.69
198 177.91 11.53 0 0 0 196.71 0 0.02 25.39 26.66 15.42
201 181.17 13.67 0 0 0 196.26 0 0.02 25.48 26.76 13.25
204 182.06 13.52 0 0 0 195.9 0 0.02 25.79 27.08 13.47
207 175.7 14.69 0 0 0 195.44 0 0.02 24.91 26.15 11.96
210 177.41 11.16 0 0 0 195.05 0 0.02 25.49 26.75 15.9
213 178.9 10.42 0 0 0 194.76 0 0.02 25.65 26.92 17.18
216 177.5 12.06 0 0 0 194.4 0 0.02 25.86 27.13 14.72
219 170.59 18.71 0 0 0 194 0 0.02 25.06 26.29 9.12
222 171.59 14.96 0 0 0 193.35 0 0.02 25.43 26.66 11.47
225 167.85 10.3 0 0 0 193.11 0 0.02 25.04 26.26 16.3
228 169.1 13.89 0 0 0 192.68 0 0.02 25.56 26.79 12.17
231 163.36 11.98 0 0 0 192.31 0 0.02 24.87 26.06 13.64
234 168.84 14.88 0 0 0 191.93 0 0.02 25.75 26.97 11.35
237 162.78 12.48 0 0 0 191.45 0 0.02 25.4 26.59 13.04
240 163.49 9.39 0 0 0 191.19 0 0.02 25.86 27.05 17.41
243 158.49 10.98 0 0 0 190.85 0 0.02 25.13 26.27 14.44
246 157.85 16.95 0 0 0 190.5 0 0.02 25.12 26.26 9.31
249 159.33 14.58 0 0 0 189.9 0 0.02 25.38 26.54 10.92
252 164.25 6.06 0 0 0 189.66 0 0.02 26.17 27.35 27.09
255 153.26 13.73 0 0 0 189.42 0 0.02 24.8 25.92 11.17
258 155.35 17.35 0 0 0 188.87 0 0.02 25.15 26.28 8.95
261 159.24 8.61 0 0 0 188.47 0 0.02 25.74 26.88 18.49
264 156.19 7.73 0 0 0 188.3 0 0.02 25.93 27.08 20.2
267 151.84 9.66 0 0 0 187.97 0 0.02 25.13 26.24 15.71

Appendix A - 333
270 158.66 16.25 0 0 0 187.69 0 0.02 26.14 27.31 9.76
273 154.18 15.7 0 0 0 187.05 0 0.02 25.43 26.56 9.82
276 157.21 11.48 0 0 0 186.78 0 0.02 26.06 27.22 13.7
279 152.69 12.52 0 0 0 186.33 0 0.02 25.25 26.36 12.19
282 153.28 8.96 0 0 0 186.05 0 0.02 25.49 26.61 17.1
285 147.14 11.52 0 0 0 185.75 0 0.02 24.66 25.73 12.77
288 145.16 12.56 0 0 0 185.37 0 0.02 24.84 25.92 11.55
291 151.09 11.87 0 0 0 185.01 0 0.02 25.92 27.05 12.73
294 148.53 9.71 0 0 0 184.66 0 0.02 25.65 26.77 15.3
297 147.63 14.18 0 0 0 184.39 0 0.02 25.54 26.64 10.41
300 148.08 13.22 0 0 0 183.85 0 0.02 25.68 26.77 11.21
303 144.62 12.34 0 0 0 183.6 0 0.02 25.38 26.45 11.72
306 142.56 12.67 0 0 0 183.1 0 0.02 25.1 26.18 11.25
309 147.36 9.14 0 0 0 182.86 0 0.02 25.72 26.8 16.11
312 148.29 8.38 0 0 0 182.53 0 0.02 26.17 27.26 17.69
315 139.87 8.26 0 0 0 182.35 0 0.02 25.24 26.29 16.93
318 139.68 13.38 0 0 0 182 0 0.02 24.94 25.98 10.44
321 139.61 11.92 0 0 0 181.59 0 0.02 25.5 26.55 11.71
324 140.9 8.61 0 0 0 181.3 0 0.02 25.73 26.79 16.37
327 140.74 12.2 0 0 0 181.03 0 0.02 25.83 26.89 11.54
330 138.73 12.61 0 0 0 180.59 0 0.02 25.19 26.23 11
333 138.97 12.13 0 0 0 180.28 0 0.02 25.32 26.35 11.46
336 136.82 11.51 0 0 0 179.87 0 0.02 24.79 25.81 11.89
339 140.31 6.06 0 0 0 179.62 0 0.02 25.52 26.57 23.14
342 135.67 10.11 0 0 0 179.43 0 0.02 24.96 25.98 13.42
345 139.8 13.16 0 0 0 179.01 0 0.02 25.7 26.74 10.63
348 135.52 13.13 0 0 0 178.67 0 0.02 25.08 26.1 10.33
351 131.25 9.18 0 0 0 178.25 0 0.02 24.7 25.7 14.29
354 137.06 11.64 0 0 0 178.07 0 0.02 25.85 26.9 11.77
357 141.75 16.84 0 0 0 177.54 0 0.02 26.01 27.07 8.42
360 135.49 8.15 0 0 0 177.16 0 0.02 25.32 26.34 16.63
363 132.19 8.25 0 0 0 176.99 0 0.02 24.89 25.9 16.03
366 138.2 11.19 0 0 0 176.64 0 0.02 25.81 26.86 12.35
369 133.7 9.92 0 0 0 176.35 0 0.02 25 26 13.48
372 133.06 10.63 0 0 0 176.03 0 0.02 25.71 26.73 12.52
375 129.18 12.22 0 0 0 175.71 0 0.02 25 25.99 10.57
378 137.45 11 0 0 0 175.32 0 0.02 26.65 27.71 12.49
381 130.94 7.56 0 0 0 175.06 0 0.02 25.41 26.4 17.33
384 127.75 13.4 0 0 0 174.8 0 0.02 25.16 26.15 9.54
387 133.19 13.43 0 0 0 174.29 0 0.02 25.57 26.6 9.92
390 133.22 9.44 0 0 0 174.03 0 0.02 25.75 26.77 14.11
393 132.88 8.95 0 0 0 173.7 0 0.02 25.98 27 14.84
396 129.11 9.16 0 0 0 173.48 0 0.02 25.23 26.22 14.1
399 130.15 12.41 0 0 0 173.14 0 0.02 25.78 26.8 10.49
402 128.68 9.1 0 0 0 172.78 0 0.02 25.24 26.24 14.14
405 128.67 9.09 0 0 0 172.57 0 0.02 25.38 26.37 14.16
408 124.41 9.46 0 0 0 172.23 0 0.02 24.72 25.68 13.15
411 126.6 13.7 0 0 0 171.97 0 0.02 25.29 26.28 9.24

Appendix A - 334
414 128.24 17.21 0 0 0 171.42 0 0.02 25.66 26.65 7.45
417 129.17 5.8 0 0 0 171.05 0 0.02 25.74 26.73 22.27
420 130.33 3.31 0 0 52.54 171.01 0.06 0.02 26.04 27.05 39.33
423 123.99 10.25 0 0 0 170.77 0 0.02 25.15 26.12 12.1
426 124.18 12.14 0 0 0 170.43 0 0.02 25.14 26.1 10.23
429 123.95 9.43 0 0 8.79 170.08 0.03 0.02 25.55 26.52 13.14
432 121.08 14.97 0 0 0.91 169.81 0.01 0.02 25.03 25.98 8.09
435 125 12.6 0 0 9.74 169.24 0.05 0.02 25.45 26.43 9.92
438 127.24 5.57 0 0 9.4 169.09 0.02 0.02 25.67 26.65 22.85
441 126.69 11.3 0 0 14.41 168.82 0.06 0.02 25.88 26.86 11.21
444 122.09 10.67 0 0 11.86 168.45 0.05 0.02 24.92 25.88 11.44
447 122.26 7.76 0 0 17.8 168.19 0.05 0.02 24.93 25.87 15.75
450 123.24 11.2 0 0 13.95 167.94 0.06 0.02 25.23 26.2 11
453 120.47 10.98 0 0 25.56 167.54 0.11 0.02 25.2 26.16 10.97
456 124 10.58 0 0 26.12 167.29 0.11 0.02 25.32 26.28 11.72
459 124.12 8.34 0 0 49.45 166.92 0.16 0.02 25.37 26.33 14.88
462 125.18 10.89 0 0 38.06 166.75 0.15 0.02 26.03 27.01 11.5
465 121.91 11.77 0 0 27.89 166.28 0.12 0.02 25.4 26.35 10.36
468 121.27 9.92 0 0 37.9 166.06 0.14 0.02 25.09 26.03 12.22
471 120.97 13.51 0 0 23.03 165.65 0.12 0.02 25.1 26.05 8.96
474 119.1 6.74 0 0 58.13 165.32 0.15 0.02 25.1 26.05 17.68
477 119.62 4.4 0 0 112.4 165.21 0.19 0.02 25.05 26 27.16
480 122.07 14.13 0 0 33.4 164.97 0.18 0.02 25.39 26.35 8.64
483 122.82 12.29 0 0 49.11 164.44 0.23 0.02 25.76 26.73 9.99
486 122.07 10 0 0 56.89 164.25 0.21 0.02 25.6 26.56 12.2
489 120.34 10.83 0 0 50.89 163.82 0.21 0.02 25.08 26.03 11.11
492 122.19 7.15 0 0 101.05 163.62 0.27 0.02 25.53 26.49 17.09
495 118.64 11.32 0 0 55.29 163.34 0.24 0.02 25.28 26.23 10.48
498 122.83 8.41 0 0 83.51 162.99 0.26 0.02 25.82 26.79 14.6
501 119.59 5.01 0 0 133.68 162.84 0.25 0.02 25.36 26.32 23.88
504 120.52 13.03 0 0 48.78 162.61 0.24 0.02 25.34 26.29 9.25
507 118.51 13.17 0 0 60.24 162.11 0.3 0.02 25.43 26.37 9
510 119.86 9.34 0 0 76.94 161.85 0.27 0.02 25.61 26.55 12.84
513 119.82 11.72 0 0 64.38 161.51 0.29 0.02 25.46 26.39 10.23
516 119.65 9.53 0 0 70.18 161.18 0.25 0.02 25.76 26.71 12.56
519 116.04 7.35 0 0 113.47 160.94 0.32 0.02 25.29 26.21 15.78
522 118.14 7.52 0 0 102.78 160.72 0.29 0.02 25.39 26.32 15.71
525 119.71 11.99 0 0 62.87 160.46 0.29 0.02 25.49 26.44 9.99
528 115.64 11.93 0 0 66.5 160.03 0.31 0.02 24.89 25.81 9.69
531 118.17 9.78 0 0 71.01 159.76 0.26 0.02 25.37 26.31 12.09
534 120 12.36 0 0 59.24 159.41 0.28 0.02 25.57 26.52 9.71
537 117.98 8.84 0 0 93.33 159.06 0.31 0.02 25.48 26.41 13.34
540 115.53 7.03 0 0 122.38 158.87 0.33 0.02 25.26 26.17 16.44
543 113.35 8.91 0 0 83.18 158.61 0.29 0.02 24.36 25.26 12.72
546 116.89 9.56 0 0 88.93 158.34 0.32 0.02 25.55 26.49 12.22
549 117.66 7.37 0 0 118.86 158.05 0.33 0.02 25.54 26.47 15.97
552 118.46 10.77 0 0 86 157.86 0.35 0.02 25.59 26.52 11
555 116.73 13.74 0 0 61.84 157.41 0.33 0.02 25.18 26.11 8.5

Appendix A - 335
558 118.81 10.08 0 0 81.15 157.09 0.3 0.02 25.86 26.82 11.79
561 115.62 9.06 0 0 80.76 156.79 0.28 0.02 24.96 25.88 12.76
564 114.14 8.13 0 0 82.28 156.54 0.26 0.02 24.82 25.73 14.04
567 116.07 8.48 0 0 78.95 156.29 0.25 0.02 25.43 26.36 13.68
570 116.07 10.6 0 0 75.63 156.02 0.3 0.02 25.52 26.46 10.95
573 116.1 9.64 0 0 71.78 155.67 0.26 0.02 25.2 26.11 12.05
576 116.85 11.79 0 0 57.97 155.42 0.26 0.02 25.29 26.22 9.91
579 117.67 11.52 0 0 71.76 154.99 0.31 0.02 25.47 26.4 10.21
582 120.53 6.14 0 0 141.92 154.76 0.32 0.02 26.48 27.44 19.63
585 117.63 8.93 0 0 84.38 154.56 0.28 0.02 25.66 26.58 13.17
588 116.33 10.57 0 0 60.24 154.23 0.24 0.02 25.32 26.24 11
591 112.19 8.45 0 0 81.68 153.95 0.27 0.02 24.97 25.88 13.28
594 114.25 13.33 0 0 54.63 153.68 0.28 0.02 25.49 26.4 8.57
597 113.89 10.08 0 0 73.33 153.21 0.28 0.02 25.25 26.15 11.29
600 117.53 6.05 0 0 125.6 153.09 0.28 0.02 25.88 26.82 19.44
603 115.51 8.87 0 0 79.97 152.79 0.27 0.02 25.76 26.68 13.02
606 115.62 11.13 0 0 66.77 152.56 0.28 0.02 25.32 26.24 10.39
609 116.02 8.03 0 0 86.2 152.17 0.26 0.02 25.38 26.31 14.45
612 120.86 5.06 0 0 137.8 152.07 0.25 0.03 26.57 27.53 23.86
615 117.45 10.54 0 0 62.06 151.8 0.24 0.02 25.82 26.75 11.14
618 115.73 12.96 0 0 48.42 151.46 0.24 0.02 25.5 26.42 8.93
621 114.96 10.84 0 0 58.7 151.06 0.24 0.02 26.15 27.09 10.6
624 110.85 8.98 0 0 69.64 150.81 0.24 0.02 25.08 25.98 12.35
627 112.5 8.93 0 0 66.91 150.51 0.23 0.02 25.11 26.02 12.6
630 115.12 8.83 0 0 76.25 150.27 0.25 0.02 25.96 26.91 13.03
633 115.09 10.01 0 0 68.2 149.97 0.26 0.02 25.83 26.76 11.49
636 115.03 7.49 0 0 89.76 149.69 0.25 0.02 25.94 26.87 15.36
639 112.39 7.51 0 0 96.09 149.5 0.28 0.02 25.3 26.2 14.96
642 114.18 11.32 0 0 62.22 149.22 0.27 0.02 25.56 26.47 10.09
645 115.22 8.53 0 0 79.08 148.87 0.25 0.02 25.83 26.75 13.51
648 114.08 8.15 0 0 76.76 148.69 0.24 0.02 25.65 26.56 14
651 115.04 11.82 0 0 60.09 148.35 0.27 0.02 25.7 26.61 9.73
654 112.55 8.64 0 0 84.37 148.03 0.28 0.02 25.41 26.32 13.02
657 112.34 8.46 0 0 93.09 147.81 0.3 0.02 25.13 26.03 13.28
660 114.93 14.18 0 0 58.54 147.48 0.31 0.02 25.67 26.6 8.1
663 117.95 14.44 0 0 61.89 147.01 0.33 0.02 26.42 27.38 8.17
666 112.84 3.53 0 0 260.74 146.69 0.35 0.02 25.41 26.33 31.93
669 113.66 4.28 0 0 225.57 146.71 0.36 0.02 25.63 26.56 26.55
672 112.48 11.83 0 0 93.63 146.38 0.42 0.02 25.46 26.38 9.51
675 112.21 7.68 0 0 143.2 146.08 0.42 0.02 25.12 26.02 14.61
678 112.92 10.2 0 0 112.24 145.88 0.44 0.02 25.38 26.27 11.08
681 111.29 8.05 0 0 152.15 145.49 0.47 0.02 25.27 26.17 13.83
684 109.01 8.69 0 0 146.45 145.38 0.49 0.02 24.9 25.79 12.54
687 115.07 14.26 0 0 97.02 144.94 0.52 0.02 25.6 26.51 8.07
690 115.08 9.47 0 0 150.01 144.6 0.54 0.02 25.56 26.47 12.15
693 115.21 7.05 0 0 209.81 144.36 0.56 0.02 25.69 26.6 16.34
696 115.5 10.98 0 0 134.87 144.13 0.56 0.02 25.69 26.6 10.52
699 113.36 10.34 0 0 142.87 143.73 0.56 0.02 25.67 26.58 10.96

Appendix A - 336
702 113.15 5.19 0 0 317.08 143.54 0.62 0.02 25.51 26.42 21.8
705 111.7 10.23 0 0 152.37 143.35 0.59 0.02 25.38 26.28 10.91
708 112.82 10.33 0 0 156.68 142.95 0.61 0.02 25.53 26.44 10.92
711 113.72 7.85 0 0 198.04 142.75 0.59 0.02 25.57 26.49 14.49
714 108.6 7.79 0 0 202.02 142.47 0.62 0.02 24.66 25.54 13.95
717 110.34 8.32 0 0 183.32 142.28 0.59 0.02 24.78 25.67 13.26
720 113.14 11.4 0 0 145.66 141.95 0.63 0.02 25.46 26.37 9.93
723 115.27 13.23 0 0 119.81 141.61 0.59 0.02 25.9 26.83 8.71
726 115.09 7.8 0 0 209.21 141.21 0.62 0.02 25.41 26.32 14.75
729 114.63 6.53 0 0 256.47 141.11 0.64 0.02 25.42 26.34 17.54
732 113.39 13.14 0 0 126.43 140.76 0.63 0.02 25.52 26.44 8.63
735 115.16 10.34 0 0 162.62 140.38 0.63 0.02 25.85 26.79 11.14
738 116.91 5.28 0 0 313.35 140.16 0.61 0.02 26.03 26.97 22.15
741 116.91 9.24 0 0 181.16 140 0.63 0.02 25.8 26.73 12.65
744 118.03 11.95 0 0 137.92 139.61 0.61 0.02 26.01 26.94 9.88
747 115.27 8.34 0 0 191.03 139.33 0.6 0.02 25.53 26.46 13.81
750 117.28 10.16 0 0 164.76 139.08 0.63 0.02 25.77 26.71 11.55
753 116.84 7.1 0 0 229.21 138.75 0.61 0.02 25.88 26.83 16.46
756 111.6 9.06 0 0 170.94 138.62 0.6 0.02 24.81 25.7 12.32
759 115.9 9.46 0 0 168.38 138.22 0.6 0.02 25.51 26.43 12.25
762 116.25 4.14 0 0 385.81 138.08 0.61 0.02 25.44 26.37 28.08
765 117.25 11.32 0 0 142.38 137.89 0.61 0.02 25.45 26.39 10.36
768 117.63 12.05 0 0 130.65 137.44 0.6 0.02 25.39 26.32 9.76
771 119.24 11.87 0 0 138.12 137.18 0.61 0.02 25.77 26.72 10.04
774 119.2 10.81 0 0 148.07 136.74 0.6 0.02 25.78 26.72 11.03
777 117.18 5.34 0 0 301.42 136.55 0.61 0.02 25.64 26.58 21.95
780 118.32 10.97 0 0 143.4 136.35 0.59 0.02 25.63 26.57 10.79
783 112.77 10.85 0 0 139.48 135.93 0.6 0.02 24.51 25.41 10.39
786 117.49 11.09 0 0 133.04 135.69 0.56 0.02 25.53 26.47 10.59
789 119.21 16.07 0 0 89.53 135.24 0.54 0.02 25.6 26.54 7.42
792 117.28 6.9 0 0 203.35 134.83 0.53 0.02 25.32 26.25 16.99
795 116.88 4.27 0 0 328.48 134.78 0.53 0.02 25.36 26.28 27.35
798 117.91 12.14 0 0 103.67 134.49 0.48 0.02 25.23 26.16 9.71
801 114.61 12.33 0 0 92.72 134.1 0.45 0.02 24.74 25.67 9.3
804 118 8.01 0 0 145.34 133.79 0.44 0.02 25.29 26.24 14.73
807 118.81 6.98 0 0 166.83 133.6 0.44 0.02 25.28 26.23 17.02
810 124.57 12.1 0 0 101.56 133.33 0.45 0.02 26.15 27.14 10.29
813 122.72 10.16 0 0 107.41 132.92 0.41 0.02 25.6 26.56 12.07
816 118.17 6.64 0 0 160.52 132.73 0.41 0.02 25.16 26.1 17.81
819 118.07 11.36 0 0 80.61 132.46 0.35 0.02 24.95 25.88 10.39
822 123.06 10.69 0 0 85 132.08 0.34 0.02 25.68 26.65 11.51
825 121.16 7.84 0 0 106.19 131.84 0.32 0.02 25.42 26.39 15.45
828 122.17 10.26 0 0 81.88 131.58 0.32 0.02 25.17 26.13 11.91
831 123.78 10.82 0 0 69.66 131.23 0.29 0.02 25.44 26.42 11.44
834 125.24 10.01 0 0 70.32 130.94 0.27 0.02 25.34 26.3 12.51
837 120.47 6.91 0 0 93.99 130.65 0.25 0.02 24.79 25.74 17.44
840 128.81 7.44 0 0 77.34 130.5 0.21 0.02 26.44 27.45 17.32
843 123.25 12.1 0 0 44.27 130.17 0.21 0.02 25.1 26.06 10.18

Appendix A - 337
846 121.36 10.88 0 0 33.72 129.81 0.14 0.02 24.96 25.92 11.15
849 122.58 10.99 0 0 48.35 129.51 0.2 0.02 25.06 26.02 11.15
852 123.79 13.59 0 0 26.76 129.14 0.14 0.02 25.35 26.32 9.11
855 125.04 0.01 -0.29 -0.03 27206.5 128.73 0.1 0.02 25.53 26.5 0
858 124.81 0.01 -0.28 -0.03 27254.95 128.46 0.1 0.02 25.12 26.09 0

Appendix A - 338
Workstation - Work Surface Test 2
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 17.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 539.53
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 36.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 122.29
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 263.66
Total Mass Loss (g): 96.22
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.114
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.71
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 278.89
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.01
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0010

Initial mass (g): 225.8
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 74
Time to ignition (s): 17
Time to flameout (s): 899

Appendix A - 339
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

0 -1.73 0.01 -0.39 -0.04 0 225.39 0.59 0.03 25.59 26.01 -172.82
3 -1.45 0.01 -0.39 -0.03 0 225.72 0.58 0.03 25.62 26.04 -144.73
6 0.96 1.47 0 0 1112.44 225.71 0.63 0.03 25.74 26.15 0.65
9 -0.06 -2.27 0 0 -727.89 225.69 0.64 0.03 25.44 25.84 0.02
12 1.29 9.56 0 0 225.02 225.73 0.85 0.03 24.87 25.29 0.13
15 15.32 29.99 0 0 223.17 225.06 2.63 0.03 25.04 25.46 0.51
18 76.45 26.18 0 0.01 53.58 224.11 0.61 0.02 22.38 23.11 2.92
21 194.94 20.6 0 0.01 80.28 223.5 0.69 0.02 22.68 24.13 9.46
24 317.04 37.43 0 0.01 58.93 222.71 0.87 0.02 23.43 25.41 8.47
27 398.37 49.88 0.1 0.01 73.87 221.29 1.46 0.02 22.93 25.21 7.99
30 466.36 44.63 0.42 0.01 110.3 219.86 1.98 0.02 22.22 24.82 10.45
33 538.23 27.26 0.22 0.01 169.57 218.72 1.77 0.02 23.23 26.17 19.74
36 539.53 12.94 0 0.02 257.87 218.2 1.19 0.02 25.01 28.02 41.69
39 437.88 13.72 0 0.01 219.61 217.82 1.07 0.02 25.47 28.26 31.91
42 326.2 15.66 0 0 187.72 217.36 1.06 0.02 25.31 27.83 20.82
45 256.35 12.97 0 0 208.34 216.92 0.98 0.02 25.35 27.67 19.76
48 215.8 11.08 0 0 246.19 216.58 1.01 0.02 24.78 26.88 19.48
51 201.05 12.6 0 0 229.13 216.22 1.06 0.02 25.16 27.16 15.95
54 196.46 13.44 0 0 222.66 215.82 1.09 0.02 25.53 27.44 14.61
57 189.62 14.82 0 0 190.34 215.42 1.05 0.02 24.98 26.75 12.79
60 195 14.8 0 0 217.69 214.94 1.17 0.02 25.78 27.53 13.17
63 193.53 14.28 0 0 208.35 214.53 1.1 0.02 25.45 27.12 13.55
66 192.79 13.6 0 0 227.4 214.09 1.15 0.02 25.3 26.9 14.17
69 191.53 14.68 0 0 225.01 213.7 1.25 0.02 24.9 26.45 13.05
72 193.61 15.75 0 0 208.11 213.21 1.23 0.02 25.05 26.57 12.29
75 200.71 13.43 0 0 253.02 212.78 1.23 0.02 25.95 27.52 14.95
78 191.66 16.28 0 0 197.59 212.37 1.24 0.02 24.52 25.98 11.77
81 193.63 16.26 0 0 187.04 211.82 1.16 0.02 24.73 26.2 11.91
84 202.68 14.13 0 0 247 211.41 1.28 0.02 25.78 27.3 14.34
87 203.16 16.2 0 0 210.38 210.95 1.25 0.02 25.68 27.19 12.54
90 204.86 12.19 0 0 275.06 210.47 1.23 0.02 25.85 27.35 16.8
93 203.21 15.01 0 0 216.96 210.17 1.21 0.02 25.37 26.84 13.54
96 204.18 15.3 0 0 226.08 209.59 1.28 0.02 25.5 26.97 13.35
99 199.97 15.26 0 0 217.01 209.26 1.26 0.02 24.91 26.34 13.11
102 200.52 18.48 0 0 177.85 208.65 1.24 0.02 25.09 26.51 10.85
105 199.45 12.58 0 0 245.96 208.21 1.17 0.02 24.99 26.41 15.86
108 206.37 16.12 0 0 219.91 207.84 1.29 0.02 25.99 27.46 12.8
111 195.52 15.62 0 0 197.26 207.27 1.18 0.02 24.67 26.06 12.52
114 198.98 11.17 0 0 292.95 206.93 1.23 0.02 25.15 26.56 17.82
117 199.83 13.71 0 0 234.64 206.55 1.2 0.02 25.44 26.85 14.57
120 197.75 14.24 0 0 224.07 206.11 1.2 0.02 25.28 26.67 13.88
123 208.69 16.73 0 0 176.1 205.68 1.04 0.02 26.91 28.38 12.47
126 192.45 14.98 0 0 194.96 205.14 1.11 0.02 24.84 26.19 12.85
129 196.09 13.57 0 0 243.91 204.78 1.24 0.02 25.28 26.63 14.45
132 194.18 16.53 0 0 181.62 204.3 1.12 0.02 25.42 26.77 11.75
135 197.07 13.85 0 0 224.5 203.83 1.15 0.02 25.77 27.13 14.23

Appendix A - 340
138 194.01 12.37 0 0 241.34 203.46 1.12 0.02 25.4 26.74 15.68
141 194.46 12.45 0 0 253.67 203.07 1.17 0.02 25.66 27.02 15.62
144 190.83 14.78 0 0 192.43 202.7 1.07 0.02 25.34 26.68 12.91
147 190.79 13.88 0 0 211.51 202.21 1.09 0.02 25.69 27.03 13.75
150 191.94 14.22 0 0 214.4 201.86 1.12 0.02 25.88 27.22 13.5
153 186.13 16.05 0 0 172.79 201.35 1.04 0.02 25.47 26.78 11.6
156 188.69 11.35 0 0 249.57 200.94 1.04 0.02 25.94 27.25 16.62
159 186.58 14.34 0 0 187.23 200.61 0.99 0.02 25.79 27.09 13.01
162 181.86 16.1 0 0 159.48 200.08 0.96 0.02 25.39 26.66 11.3
165 177.27 11.28 0 0 240.84 199.69 1.05 0.02 24.7 25.93 15.71
168 181.29 11.21 0 0 230.3 199.37 0.97 0.02 25.44 26.7 16.18
171 177.67 14.26 0 0 178.91 199 0.97 0.02 25.16 26.4 12.46
174 177.79 14.92 0 0 172.42 198.54 0.97 0.02 25.35 26.59 11.91
177 182.43 11.41 0 0 235.1 198.13 0.98 0.02 26.12 27.38 15.98
180 175.55 13.69 0 0 194.43 197.81 1 0.02 25.41 26.62 12.82
183 176.36 13.75 0 0 167.98 197.32 0.86 0.02 25.66 26.88 12.82
186 178.58 11.05 0 0 200.49 197 0.82 0.02 25.91 27.14 16.16
189 173.78 16.47 0 0 138.74 196.61 0.86 0.02 25.43 26.64 10.55
192 175.21 14.68 0 0 159.45 196.07 0.87 0.02 25.81 27.01 11.94
195 169.18 11.41 0 0 193.88 195.74 0.84 0.02 25.21 26.38 14.83
198 164.67 10.74 0 0 192.95 195.36 0.8 0.02 24.74 25.88 15.33
201 163.9 11.83 0 0 174.74 195.08 0.79 0.02 24.87 26.01 13.85
204 165.36 12.25 0 0 165.53 194.66 0.77 0.02 25.28 26.44 13.49
207 164.12 10.29 0 0 175.11 194.36 0.68 0.02 25.28 26.43 15.95
210 163.75 14.9 0 0 125.63 194 0.71 0.02 25.35 26.49 10.99
213 164.5 11.69 0 0 166.38 193.52 0.72 0.02 25.87 27.03 14.08
216 163.47 8.3 0 0 212.44 193.3 0.65 0.02 25.96 27.12 19.69
219 159.24 15.15 0 0 109.14 192.95 0.62 0.02 25.43 26.56 10.51
222 157.17 19.02 0 0 81.67 192.41 0.59 0.02 25.26 26.38 8.26
225 154.08 12.84 0 0 119 191.88 0.59 0.02 24.78 25.86 12
228 156.99 8.76 0 0 190.44 191.62 0.63 0.02 25.28 26.37 17.92
231 157.93 13.32 0 0 116 191.29 0.58 0.02 25.61 26.72 11.86
234 152.7 12.39 0 0 118.82 190.86 0.56 0.02 25.1 26.18 12.32
237 152.75 8.1 0 0 168.16 190.57 0.52 0.02 25.18 26.26 18.85
240 151.05 10.69 0 0 123.86 190.33 0.5 0.02 25.4 26.49 14.12
243 155.79 15.11 0 0 89.57 189.92 0.5 0.02 25.97 27.08 10.31
246 154.02 12.51 0 0 103.06 189.47 0.48 0.02 25.93 27.03 12.31
249 152.53 10.36 0 0 121.73 189.16 0.47 0.02 25.54 26.61 14.72
252 151.22 15.03 0 0 80.25 188.8 0.45 0.02 25.46 26.53 10.06
255 148.35 12.23 0 0 88.58 188.32 0.41 0.02 25.14 26.19 12.13
258 150.44 7.3 0 0 163.19 188.08 0.45 0.02 25.38 26.44 20.6
261 146.49 13.39 0 0 92.03 187.8 0.47 0.02 25.1 26.14 10.94
264 152.7 10.43 0 0 130.45 187.34 0.5 0.02 26.2 27.3 14.64
267 150.21 9.1 0 0 144.94 187.17 0.49 0.02 25.85 26.93 16.51
270 150.16 13.81 0 0 97.15 186.75 0.5 0.02 25.84 26.91 10.87
273 152.09 11.95 0 0 109.84 186.38 0.48 0.02 26.18 27.27 12.73
276 143.84 10.45 0 0 128.04 186.03 0.51 0.02 25.18 26.23 13.77
279 143.14 11.45 0 0 116.42 185.74 0.5 0.02 25.6 26.65 12.5
282 143.52 14.97 0 0 83.62 185.33 0.47 0.02 25.71 26.76 9.58
285 142.57 8.9 0 0 158.45 184.9 0.53 0.02 25.45 26.49 16.02
288 138.7 10.36 0 0 122.06 184.75 0.49 0.02 24.87 25.88 13.39
291 139.39 13.26 0 0 95.83 184.27 0.48 0.02 25.22 26.25 10.51

Appendix A - 341
294 140.19 8.63 0 0 146.69 184 0.48 0.02 25.51 26.56 16.25
297 139.13 11.02 0 0 110.44 183.7 0.46 0.02 25.4 26.44 12.63
300 137.82 12.14 0 0 99.14 183.35 0.46 0.02 25.2 26.23 11.35
303 139.57 10.28 0 0 128.37 183 0.49 0.02 25.65 26.69 13.57
306 139.03 8.51 0 0 145.32 182.73 0.46 0.02 25.78 26.82 16.33
309 133.98 14.3 0 0 82.01 182.44 0.45 0.02 25.03 26.04 9.37
312 135.31 11.81 0 0 97.82 181.92 0.44 0.02 25.3 26.31 11.45
315 135.01 7.94 0 0 150.99 181.74 0.46 0.02 25.15 26.15 16.99
318 134.49 13.53 0 0 81.18 181.39 0.42 0.02 25.11 26.1 9.94
321 136.54 11.03 0 0 102.03 180.98 0.42 0.02 25.56 26.57 12.37
324 135.31 7.9 0 0 146.7 180.73 0.43 0.02 25.71 26.72 17.12
327 134.06 13.39 0 0 75.65 180.45 0.39 0.02 25.29 26.28 10.01
330 131.69 15.42 0 0 62.27 179.95 0.37 0.02 24.98 25.96 8.54
333 131.35 7.83 0 0 125.23 179.59 0.38 0.02 24.9 25.87 16.77
336 134.66 7 0 0 160.5 179.43 0.42 0.02 25.64 26.64 19.25
339 132.26 13.15 0 0 75.72 179.12 0.38 0.02 25.35 26.34 10.05
342 134.91 9.16 0 0 103.55 178.71 0.36 0.02 25.47 26.46 14.74
345 135.77 7.89 0 0 121.03 178.55 0.36 0.02 25.6 26.6 17.22
348 137.09 13.74 0 0 69.12 178.19 0.35 0.02 25.95 26.95 9.98
351 131.41 11 0 0 87.18 177.79 0.37 0.02 25.04 26.01 11.94
354 129.76 6.07 0 0 150.62 177.54 0.35 0.02 25.08 26.05 21.39
357 129.83 11.93 0 0 78.68 177.35 0.36 0.02 24.94 25.9 10.88
360 132.83 14.8 0 0 64.85 176.85 0.36 0.02 25.46 26.45 8.98
363 132.11 9.45 0 0 92.62 176.52 0.33 0.02 25.16 26.14 13.99
366 134.88 8.38 0 0 99.88 176.25 0.31 0.02 25.65 26.65 16.1
369 136.59 9.48 0 0 96.67 176 0.33 0.02 26.42 27.43 14.4
372 128.38 14.31 0 0 47.88 175.66 0.27 0.02 24.9 25.84 8.97
375 130.46 11.36 0 0 59.39 175.19 0.25 0.02 25.54 26.53 11.49
378 129.43 7.3 0 0 95.52 174.99 0.27 0.02 25.18 26.14 17.73
381 129.97 9.42 0 0 71.84 174.71 0.26 0.02 25.45 26.41 13.79
384 136.12 8.6 0 0 91.82 174.44 0.29 0.02 26.67 27.68 15.84
387 133.55 13.84 0 0 49.22 174.15 0.25 0.02 26.13 27.12 9.65
390 132.96 15.42 0 0 38.6 173.63 0.22 0.02 25.94 26.93 8.62
393 130.94 12.23 0 0 43.4 173.27 0.2 0.02 25.3 26.26 10.71
396 127.66 9.59 0 0 62.21 172.9 0.22 0.02 25.58 26.55 13.31
399 122.67 5.32 0 0 107.56 172.7 0.22 0.02 24.53 25.46 23.04
402 129.84 11.71 0 0 45.59 172.51 0.2 0.02 26.1 27.09 11.09
405 125.17 12.95 0 0 41.05 172.03 0.2 0.02 25.22 26.18 9.67
408 128.09 7.5 0 0 76.96 171.78 0.22 0.02 25.46 26.43 17.08
411 125.17 9.56 0 0 50.08 171.53 0.18 0.02 25.1 26.05 13.09
414 129.02 8.55 0 0 65.7 171.22 0.21 0.02 25.93 26.9 15.1
417 131.48 11.53 0 0 51.08 170.99 0.22 0.02 26.37 27.35 11.4
420 126.99 12.71 0 0 44.48 170.54 0.22 0.02 25.31 26.25 9.99
423 127.68 12.98 0 0 43.84 170.24 0.21 0.02 25.54 26.49 9.84
426 126.22 12.75 0 0 48.58 169.77 0.23 0.02 25.63 26.59 9.9
429 126.06 6.32 0 0 108.14 169.51 0.26 0.02 25.43 26.4 19.96
432 128.05 9.25 0 0 76.18 169.32 0.27 0.02 25.47 26.43 13.84
435 127.36 11 0 0 58.42 168.96 0.24 0.02 25.43 26.38 11.58
438 125.7 6.6 0 0 95.37 168.7 0.24 0.02 25.39 26.33 19.05
441 126.52 10.35 0 0 66.84 168.51 0.26 0.02 25.74 26.7 12.23
444 123.6 14.58 0 0 46.15 168.08 0.26 0.02 25.05 25.99 8.48
447 126.23 9.96 0 0 73.03 167.7 0.27 0.02 25.69 26.65 12.67

Appendix A - 342
450 124.84 6.92 0 0 105.74 167.47 0.28 0.02 25.52 26.47 18.03
453 123.24 10.39 0 0 66.25 167.24 0.26 0.02 25.15 26.09 11.86
456 124.8 10.59 0 0 62.45 166.87 0.25 0.02 25.9 26.87 11.79
459 123.26 7.97 0 0 96.4 166.62 0.29 0.02 25.73 26.67 15.47
462 121.09 10.35 0 0 71.57 166.36 0.28 0.02 25.16 26.09 11.7
465 122.53 10.23 0 0 71.82 166.01 0.28 0.02 25.41 26.35 11.98
468 119.98 12.55 0 0 58.58 165.73 0.28 0.02 25.03 25.95 9.56
471 124.87 10.23 0 0 85.1 165.3 0.32 0.02 26.21 27.17 12.21
474 122.18 6.12 0 0 136.41 165.13 0.32 0.02 25.5 26.43 19.98
477 125.27 9.88 0 0 80.67 164.87 0.29 0.02 26.28 27.24 12.68
480 123.03 12.57 0 0 66.88 164.54 0.31 0.02 25.75 26.7 9.79
483 119.03 11.42 0 0 78.27 164.15 0.34 0.02 25.31 26.23 10.42
486 121.04 9.21 0 0 103 163.87 0.36 0.02 25.52 26.45 13.14
489 121.58 8.46 0 0 111.75 163.58 0.36 0.02 25.61 26.53 14.37
492 120.34 10.03 0 0 96.46 163.34 0.37 0.02 25.4 26.33 12
495 122.66 11.31 0 0 86.5 162.98 0.37 0.02 25.81 26.75 10.85
498 122.7 11.22 0 0 108.15 162.67 0.45 0.02 26.03 26.98 10.94
501 123.3 9.04 0 0 175.04 162.33 0.59 0.02 26.1 27.04 13.64
504 116.89 9.02 0 0 233.16 162.12 0.81 0.02 25.03 25.92 12.95
507 116.27 10.31 0 0 217.63 161.77 0.86 0.02 25.12 26.02 11.28
510 120.12 9.54 0 0 270.06 161.51 0.96 0.02 25.82 26.75 12.6
513 119.76 9.11 0 0 300.61 161.2 1.02 0.02 25.86 26.78 13.14
516 120.3 9.44 0 0 302.77 160.96 1.07 0.02 25.81 26.73 12.74
519 117.76 11.53 0 0 239.42 160.62 1.05 0.02 25.34 26.22 10.21
522 123.37 9.46 0 0 305.95 160.3 1.07 0.02 26.06 26.98 13.04
525 119.4 6.79 0 0 423.83 160.06 1.1 0.02 25.33 26.22 17.59
528 120.37 6.58 0 0 437.33 159.87 1.07 0.02 26.02 26.94 18.29
531 116.23 10.91 0 0 253.33 159.63 1.04 0.02 25.57 26.48 10.65
534 116.22 12.18 0 0 233.69 159.23 1.08 0.02 25.38 26.28 9.54
537 120.83 10.49 0 0 287.89 158.93 1.11 0.02 26.28 27.22 11.52
540 119.54 11.62 0 0 264.13 158.59 1.14 0.02 26 26.92 10.29
543 117.83 6.88 0 0 463.95 158.26 1.19 0.02 25.83 26.74 17.13
546 116.83 10.14 0 0 340.87 158.12 1.31 0.02 25.47 26.35 11.52
549 117.11 12.5 0 0 277.28 157.66 1.32 0.02 25.45 26.34 9.37
552 114.47 7.83 0 0 434.05 157.42 1.3 0.02 25.17 26.05 14.63
555 118.93 7.81 0 0 461.93 157.16 1.33 0.02 26.19 27.1 15.23
558 113.39 10.03 0 0 353.18 156.94 1.36 0.02 25.27 26.16 11.3
561 114.44 11.84 0 0 304.29 156.57 1.36 0.02 25.66 26.57 9.67
564 112.97 5.44 0 0 654.09 156.28 1.35 0.02 25.41 26.31 20.76
567 115.6 9.36 0 0 393.36 156.17 1.38 0.02 25.7 26.6 12.36
570 116.26 13.53 0 0 273.13 155.72 1.37 0.02 26.06 26.96 8.59
573 117.98 7.73 0 0 487.15 155.43 1.39 0.02 26.27 27.17 15.27
576 114.99 6.19 0 0 589.82 155.22 1.39 0.02 25.35 26.21 18.57
579 112.59 10.7 0 0 347.81 155.01 1.4 0.02 25.63 26.52 10.52
582 113.51 13.35 0 0 277.41 154.6 1.4 0.02 25.64 26.53 8.5
585 110.72 8.81 0 0 426.11 154.26 1.43 0.02 25.31 26.19 12.56
588 114.52 7.94 0 0 483.83 154.04 1.44 0.02 25.81 26.7 14.43
591 112.37 11.98 0 0 327.85 153.75 1.48 0.02 25.62 26.51 9.38
594 113.81 9.03 0 0 423.22 153.37 1.42 0.02 25.97 26.86 12.6
597 110.9 7.89 0 0 481.93 153.2 1.46 0.02 25.18 26.04 14.05
600 111.18 11.44 0 0 341.24 152.86 1.49 0.02 25.25 26.12 9.72
603 111.86 9.91 0 0 440.52 152.55 1.65 0.02 25.58 26.48 11.29

Appendix A - 343
606 111.18 3.1 0 0 1439.72 152.3 1.7 0.02 25.39 26.28 35.88
609 109.69 6.27 0 0 710.12 152.29 1.7 0.02 25.27 26.16 17.5
612 110.14 12.61 0 0 348.1 151.9 1.69 0.02 25.13 26 8.73
615 112.47 10.41 0 0 445.35 151.6 1.74 0.02 25.76 26.65 10.81
618 112.74 6.83 0 0 684.34 151.29 1.74 0.02 26.03 26.92 16.5
621 110.46 7.84 0 0 593.16 151.15 1.77 0.02 25.46 26.33 14.09
624 111.88 13.9 0 0 332.47 150.79 1.74 0.02 25.66 26.53 8.05
627 109.38 9.18 0 0 509.08 150.39 1.78 0.02 25.41 26.28 11.91
630 110.12 7.8 0 0 616.52 150.22 1.82 0.02 25.55 26.41 14.12
633 110.82 9 0 0 532.83 149.9 1.82 0.02 25.45 26.31 12.31
636 111.51 10.47 0 0 469.69 149.68 1.84 0.02 25.83 26.71 10.65
639 110.01 8.42 0 0 573.69 149.3 1.86 0.02 25.11 25.96 13.06
642 111.5 6.87 0 0 720.92 149.17 1.86 0.02 25.68 26.55 16.23
645 110.92 10.09 0 0 489.78 148.85 1.88 0.02 25.49 26.35 10.99
648 108.56 7.43 0 0 666.39 148.6 1.93 0.02 24.85 25.69 14.61
651 111.34 8.81 0 0 574.92 148.38 1.91 0.02 25.72 26.59 12.64
654 110.38 11.14 0 0 455.64 148.06 1.92 0.02 25.61 26.48 9.91
657 107.87 8.58 0 0 594.99 147.75 1.98 0.02 24.94 25.79 12.57
660 109.77 7.75 0 0 666.58 147.54 1.97 0.02 25.33 26.2 14.16
663 110.33 11.59 0 0 464.58 147.25 2.03 0.02 25.67 26.55 9.52
666 107.38 8.92 0 0 557.61 146.88 1.94 0.02 24.77 25.62 12.04
669 108.67 9.7 0 0 500.55 146.7 1.84 0.02 25.46 26.34 11.21
672 109.8 8.06 0 0 604.72 146.32 1.86 0.02 25.28 26.15 13.62
675 110.18 5.5 0 0 904.07 146.21 1.88 0.02 25.59 26.47 20.02
678 109.54 12.43 0 0 396.13 145.92 1.87 0.02 25.52 26.39 8.81
681 109.84 11.71 0 0 419.49 145.52 1.86 0.02 25.54 26.42 9.38
684 110.72 6.65 0 0 762.81 145.25 1.89 0.02 25.94 26.83 16.66
687 110.2 7.76 0 0 648.08 145.08 1.9 0.02 25.6 26.48 14.21
690 110.26 8.14 0 0 620.98 144.79 1.91 0.02 25.67 26.54 13.54
693 110.73 9.45 0 0 542.18 144.59 1.92 0.02 25.84 26.71 11.71
696 108.55 10.14 0 0 505.46 144.23 1.96 0.02 25.33 26.18 10.71
699 110.86 7.27 0 0 737.28 144 2 0.02 25.91 26.78 15.24
702 111.51 10.47 0 0 515.29 143.75 2.03 0.02 25.77 26.64 10.65
705 110.04 10.94 0 0 510 143.39 2.1 0.02 25.69 26.56 10.06
708 108.1 8.92 0 0 667.35 143.11 2.27 0.02 25.39 26.25 12.12
711 109.11 10.71 0 0 635.62 142.83 2.56 0.02 25.72 26.59 10.18
714 108.28 9.11 0 0 779.48 142.49 2.7 0.02 25.41 26.28 11.88
717 112 7.45 0 0 1045.48 142.28 2.9 0.02 25.96 26.86 15.04
720 103.25 7.62 0 0 944.49 142.03 2.85 0.02 24.38 25.23 13.55
723 110.31 3.93 0 0 1659.91 141.85 2.48 0.02 25.44 26.32 28.05
726 112.95 12.56 0 0 504.32 141.72 2.39 0.02 25.64 26.51 8.99
729 111.55 10.54 0 0 578.68 141.16 2.31 0.02 25.56 26.44 10.58
732 110.2 4.54 0 0 1267.36 141.11 2.22 0.02 25 25.85 24.29
735 110.85 13.35 0 0 417.8 140.8 2.12 0.02 25.5 26.37 8.3
738 113.25 8.72 0 0 653.83 140.4 2.16 0.02 25.59 26.47 12.98
741 112.11 7.98 0 0 701.65 140.25 2.13 0.02 25.46 26.33 14.04
744 113.69 11.78 0 0 481.18 139.89 2.14 0.02 25.63 26.5 9.65
747 112.44 6.53 0 0 896.3 139.6 2.22 0.02 25.55 26.42 17.21
750 113.36 8.87 0 0 671.52 139.45 2.23 0.02 25.87 26.77 12.78
753 112.42 10.2 0 0 566.09 139.07 2.19 0.02 25.45 26.32 11.02
756 109.7 8.6 0 0 675.8 138.86 2.23 0.02 25.15 26.02 12.76
759 114.45 9.15 0 0 670.91 138.54 2.28 0.02 26.01 26.9 12.51

Appendix A - 344
762 115.73 11.24 0 0 583.83 138.3 2.39 0.03 26.55 27.46 10.3
765 113.58 8.82 0 0 738.44 137.9 2.44 0.02 25.77 26.66 12.88
768 112.2 11.42 0 0 524.51 137.74 2.28 0.02 25.44 26.32 9.83
771 112.66 11.87 0 0 621.46 137.23 2.79 0.02 25.55 26.43 9.49
774 111.05 6.1 0 0 1314.73 137.06 3.09 0.02 25.11 25.98 18.21
777 113.25 10.41 0 0 833.92 136.8 3.25 0.02 25.84 26.73 10.88
780 110.53 6.88 0 0 1238.3 136.49 3.3 0.02 24.97 25.84 16.06
783 110.2 7.23 0 0 1105.34 136.36 3.11 0.02 24.87 25.73 15.24
786 117 10.09 0 0 734.76 136.04 2.73 0.02 26.21 27.12 11.59
789 114.83 5.13 0 0 1386.13 135.8 2.66 0.02 25.82 26.71 22.4
792 116.97 8.54 0 0 797.79 135.67 2.55 0.02 25.78 26.67 13.7
795 117.16 11.66 0 0 492.2 135.29 2.16 0.02 25.72 26.62 10.05
798 115.1 10.79 0 0 524.13 135 2.14 0.02 25.59 26.48 10.66
801 118.59 8.83 0 0 643.08 134.65 2.1 0.02 26.12 27.03 13.43
804 114.48 10.45 0 0 509.15 134.45 2.01 0.02 25.6 26.5 10.95
807 114.82 8.84 0 0 601.57 134.05 2.03 0.02 25.3 26.2 12.99
810 114.6 5.03 0 0 1051.17 133.93 2.02 0.02 25.29 26.2 22.79
813 115.62 11.86 0 0 442.5 133.68 1.99 0.02 25.49 26.4 9.75
816 115.39 8.84 0 0 599.61 133.28 1.98 0.02 25.8 26.72 13.06
819 118.05 8.45 0 0 631.72 133.13 1.98 0.02 26.02 26.95 13.97
822 118.31 12.48 0 0 428.3 132.75 1.98 0.02 26.11 27.04 9.48
825 114.77 8.84 0 0 601.54 132.43 1.99 0.02 25.85 26.78 12.98
828 116.43 6.75 0 0 789.61 132.21 2.01 0.02 25.56 26.48 17.26
831 115.09 10.43 0 0 517.63 131.99 2.04 0.02 25.61 26.53 11.03
834 117.06 10.79 0 0 512.68 131.6 2.08 0.02 25.68 26.6 10.85
837 116.98 11.45 0 0 478.17 131.34 2.06 0.02 25.65 26.57 10.21
840 116.57 7.06 0 0 807.81 130.95 2.13 0.02 25.78 26.71 16.52
843 119.79 5.42 0 0 1062.25 130.9 2.14 0.02 25.94 26.88 22.08
846 115.79 14.35 0 0 394.03 130.56 2.16 0.02 25.27 26.19 8.07
849 119.15 7.15 0 0 804.83 130.14 2.18 0.02 25.51 26.43 16.67
852 118.34 10.49 0 0 556.74 130.06 2.22 0.02 25.44 26.36 11.28
855 120.32 12.04 0 0 501.09 129.52 2.28 0.02 25.54 26.48 9.99
858 116.53 0.01 -0.31 -0.03 0 129.36 2.35 0.02 25.23 26.15 0
861 118.54 0.01 -0.32 -0.04 0 128.84 2.35 0.02 25.78 26.72 0

Appendix A - 345
Workstation - Work Surface Test 3
External Heat Flux 70 kW/m2

Test Results:
Time to Sustained Ignition (s): 16.00
Peak Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 610.54
Time to Peak Heat Release Rate (s): 32.00
Total Heat Release (MJ/m2): 127.85
60 s Average Heat Release Rate (kW/m2): 272.31
Total Mass Loss (g): 100.66
Average Mass Loss Rate (g/s): 0.119
Average Effective Heat of Combustion (MJ/kg): 12.70
Average Smoke Extinction Area (m2/kg): 5.64
Average CO2 yield (g/g): 0.02
Average CO yield (g/g): 0.0008

Initial mass (g): 223.7
Thickness (mm): 29
Surface area (cm): 100
Test start time (s): 93
Time to ignition (s): 16
Time to flameout (s): 861

Appendix A - 346
Time HRR MLR CO2 CO Specific Mass Smoke Duct Mass Duct Vol Smoke Vol Effective
yield yield Ext. Area Ext. Coef. Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate HOC
2 2 2
(s) (kW/m ) (g/m s) (g/g) (g/g) (m /kg) (g) (1/m) (kg/s) (l/s) (l/s) (MJ/kg)

2 0.45 0.01 -0.35 -0.04 0 223.75 0 0.03 25.32 25.73 45.2

5 -0.03 0.01 -0.39 -0.03 0 223.78 0 0.03 25.38 25.78 -3.26
8 1.85 -0.91 0 0 0 223.77 0 0.03 25.93 26.32 -2.03
11 1.08 0.74 0 0 0 223.81 0 0.03 24.87 25.25 1.45
14 7.86 17.16 0 0 934.51 223.62 6.23 0.03 25.33 25.73 0.46
17 32.73 24.97 0 0.01 0 222.82 0 0.02 22.93 23.58 1.31
20 147.83 39.66 0 0 0 222.08 0 0.02 23.53 24.58 3.73
23 261.72 53.87 0.09 0 0 220.46 0 0.02 22.32 23.7 4.86
26 387.5 50.04 0.53 0.01 26.72 218.99 0.55 0.02 22.02 24.24 7.74
29 552.19 39.5 0.58 0.01 39.2 217.54 0.62 0.02 22.31 24.93 13.98
32 610.54 18.22 0.05 0.01 0 216.7 0 0.02 24.06 26.9 33.51
35 544.48 9.2 0 0.01 0 216.34 0 0.02 24.21 26.9 59.18
38 401.39 17.71 0 0 0 216.01 0 0.02 24.94 27.52 22.66
41 319.67 15.64 0 0 0 215.34 0 0.02 24.6 26.95 20.44
44 263.93 16.04 0 0 0 215.06 0 0.02 25.27 27.56 16.45
47 243.7 17.14 0 0 0 214.38 0 0.02 25.05 27.2 14.22
50 235.94 13.9 0 0 0 214.06 0 0.02 25.22 27.27 16.98
53 225.7 17.28 0 0 0 213.51 0 0.02 25.25 27.21 13.06
56 217.45 8.92 0 0 0 213.1 0 0.02 24.95 26.79 24.39
59 209.57 15.3 0 0 0 212.87 0 0.02 24.59 26.34 13.69
62 213.04 16.93 0 0 0 212.21 0 0.02 25.14 26.88 12.58
65 211.55 11.39 0 0 0 211.91 0 0.02 25.17 26.85 18.58
68 213.37 15.82 0 0 0 211.46 0 0.02 25.36 27.03 13.48
71 209.01 15.97 0 0 0 210.98 0 0.02 24.84 26.44 13.08
74 209.34 14.49 0 0 0 210.51 0 0.02 24.8 26.37 14.45
77 216.48 14.63 0 0 0 210.1 0 0.02 25.42 27.03 14.8
80 211.84 16.62 0 0 0 209.62 0 0.02 24.79 26.33 12.74
83 209.26 16.48 0 0 0 209.12 0 0.02 24.39 25.9 12.7
86 216.37 16.88 0 0 0 208.63 0 0.02 25.27 26.83 12.82
89 214.89 16.1 0 0 0 208.11 0 0.02 24.93 26.45 13.35
92 218.25 17.38 0 0 0 207.65 0 0.02 25.6 27.15 12.56
95 217.42 18.14 0 0 0 207.07 0 0.02 25.39 26.93 11.99
98 210.87 15.57 0 0 0 206.59 0 0.02 24.59 26.06 13.54
101 218.19 13.32 0 0 0 206.14 0 0.02 25.46 26.98 16.38
104 213.07 14.4 0 0 0 205.76 0 0.02 25 26.48 14.79
107 212.81 18.9 0 0 0 205.25 0 0.02 25.05 26.52 11.26
110 212.02 12.58 0 0 0 204.7 0 0.02 25.19 26.67 16.85
113 207.03 12.09 0 0 0 204.46 0 0.02 24.83 26.27 17.12
116 210.65 17.28 0 0 0 203.94 0 0.02 25.37 26.84 12.19
119 209 12.55 0 0 0 203.48 0 0.02 25.35 26.81 16.66
122 207 18.87 0 0 0 203.12 0 0.02 25.06 26.49 10.97
125 211.8 16.58 0 0 0 202.41 0 0.02 26.02 27.48 12.77
128 206.6 10.95 0 0 0 202.14 0 0.02 25.35 26.76 18.86
131 206.18 18.3 0 0 0 201.66 0 0.02 25.71 27.13 11.27
134 201.77 18.25 0 0 0 201.09 0 0.02 25.24 26.62 11.06
137 205.04 13.67 0 0 0 200.61 0 0.02 25.76 27.15 15

Appendix A - 347
140 205.63 13.39 0 0 0 200.24 0 0.02 26.03 27.44 15.35
143 192.15 13.95 0 0 0 199.79 0 0.02 24.23 25.54 13.77
146 200.54 14.52 0 0 0 199.4 0 0.02 25.6 26.98 13.81
149 198.04 18.12 0 0 0 198.9 0 0.02 25.23 26.58 10.93
152 194.38 15.26 0 0 0 198.36 0 0.02 25.07 26.39 12.74
155 193.58 13.68 0 0 0 197.98 0 0.02 24.9 26.2 14.15
158 193.53 15.95 0 0 0 197.52 0 0.02 24.97 26.27 12.14
161 193.08 13.07 0 0 0 197.06 0 0.02 25.13 26.42 14.77
164 193.89 10.85 0 0 0 196.72 0 0.02 25.37 26.67 17.87
167 190.77 17.95 0 0 0 196.34 0 0.02 25.2 26.48 10.63
170 192.92 15.58 0 0 0 195.71 0 0.02 25.6 26.89 12.38
173 189.64 14.38 0 0 0 195.4 0 0.02 25.58 26.87 13.19
176 187.3 16.66 0 0 0 194.82 0 0.02 25.22 26.48 11.24
179 188.38 12.63 0 0 0 194.45 0 0.02 25.64 26.91 14.92
182 185.4 13.25 0 0 0 194.04 0 0.02 25.12 26.38 13.99
185 183.98 13.15 0 0 0 193.65 0 0.02 25.12 26.38 14
188 185.23 13.59 0 0 0 193.24 0 0.02 25.53 26.79 13.63
191 183.18 13.17 0 0 0 192.84 0 0.02 25.36 26.6 13.91
194 181.18 14.94 0 0 0 192.44 0 0.02 25.37 26.59 12.12
197 183.39 11.43 0 0 0 191.98 0 0.02 25.89 27.12 16.04
200 176.11 13.44 0 0 0 191.72 0 0.02 25.03 26.22 13.1
203 182.41 17.77 0 0 0 191.16 0 0.02 25.95 27.17 10.26
206 174.99 10.52 0 0 0 190.73 0 0.02 25.18 26.37 16.64
209 173.76 13.29 0 0 0 190.46 0 0.02 25.04 26.2 13.08
212 168.87 12.63 0 0 0 189.95 0 0.02 24.77 25.91 13.38
215 172.13 14.27 0 0 0 189.7 0 0.02 25.29 26.46 12.06
218 170.82 11.37 0 0 0 189.12 0 0.02 25.27 26.44 15.03
221 165.44 14.67 0 0 0 188.97 0 0.02 24.48 25.6 11.27
224 167.66 16.96 0 0 0 188.25 0 0.02 25.15 26.29 9.89
227 167.3 10.46 0 0 0 188.01 0 0.02 25.03 26.17 16
230 165.18 14.5 0 0 0 187.55 0 0.02 24.95 26.08 11.4
233 167.78 13.93 0 0 0 187.17 0 0.02 25.26 26.39 12.04
236 166.37 11.18 0 0 0 186.74 0 0.02 25.23 26.36 14.88
239 167.42 8.97 0 0 0 186.49 0 0.02 25.66 26.79 18.65
242 161.64 16.01 0 0 0 186.14 0 0.02 25.19 26.28 10.1
245 163.13 10.63 0 0 0 185.61 0 0.02 25.49 26.6 15.35
248 161.35 11.02 0 0 0 185.47 0 0.02 25.53 26.64 14.64
251 162.28 12 0 0 0 184.94 0 0.02 25.6 26.71 13.52
254 161.06 13.14 0 0 0 184.74 0 0.02 25.76 26.86 12.26
257 159.22 13.92 0 0 0 184.16 0 0.02 25.45 26.54 11.44
260 161.86 14.87 0 0 0 183.91 0 0.02 26.03 27.14 10.88
263 156 13.56 0 0 0 183.28 0 0.02 25.14 26.2 11.51
266 157.33 8.35 0 0 0 183.12 0 0.02 25.82 26.92 18.85
269 153.78 12.79 0 0 0 182.72 0 0.02 25.12 26.18 12.03
272 151.13 10.82 0 0 0 182.39 0 0.02 25.05 26.11 13.97
275 154.42 8.02 0 0 0 182.07 0 0.02 25.51 26.59 19.27
278 152.79 15.37 0 0 0 181.84 0 0.02 25.54 26.61 9.94
281 149.37 13.93 0 0 0 181.21 0 0.02 24.93 25.97 10.72
284 152.44 9.2 0 0 0 181.03 0 0.02 25.47 26.52 16.56
287 150.39 11.59 0 0 0 180.61 0 0.02 25.69 26.75 12.98
290 147.21 14.09 0 0 0 180.34 0 0.02 25.03 26.05 10.45
293 145.87 8.21 0 0 0 179.82 0 0.02 25.01 26.04 17.77

Appendix A - 348
296 149.22 12.12 0 0 0 179.78 0 0.02 25.46 26.5 12.31
299 144.37 17.05 0 0 0 179.08 0 0.02 25.1 26.14 8.47
302 141.87 9.97 0 0 0 178.84 0 0.02 24.74 25.75 14.23
305 141.17 10.01 0 0 0 178.44 0 0.02 24.85 25.86 14.11
308 146.65 11.58 0 0 0 178.23 0 0.02 25.87 26.91 12.66
311 143.51 9.78 0 0 0 177.77 0 0.02 25.51 26.54 14.67
314 139.25 8.47 0 0 0 177.63 0 0.02 25.04 26.05 16.44
317 141.56 14.28 0 0 0 177.21 0 0.02 25.26 26.27 9.91
320 145.44 11.23 0 0 0 176.84 0 0.02 25.98 27.02 12.95
323 144.73 7.06 0 0 0 176.55 0 0.02 25.58 26.59 20.5
326 142.6 11.55 0 0 0 176.35 0 0.02 25.57 26.59 12.35
329 145.3 10.19 0 0 0 175.89 0 0.02 25.9 26.93 14.26
332 138.74 9.58 0 0 0 175.73 0 0.02 25.33 26.33 14.48
335 139.32 21.48 0 0 0 175.24 0 0.02 25.23 26.23 6.49
338 136.67 11.37 0 0 0 174.6 0 0.02 25.12 26.1 12.02
341 138.61 4.99 0 0 0 174.54 0 0.02 25.54 26.53 27.8
344 135.9 12.69 0 0 0 174.19 0 0.02 25.31 26.31 10.71
347 135.59 13.21 0 0 0 173.82 0 0.02 25.13 26.12 10.26
350 139.27 8.92 0 0 0 173.44 0 0.02 25.71 26.72 15.61
353 134.83 9.31 0 0 0 173.25 0 0.02 25.02 26 14.47
356 139.81 10.22 0 0 0 172.87 0 0.02 25.65 26.66 13.68
359 142.71 11.14 0 0 0 172.64 0 0.02 26.67 27.7 12.81
362 135.63 11.19 0 0 0 172.21 0 0.02 25.11 26.08 12.12
365 132.07 11.08 0 0 0 171.97 0 0.02 24.82 25.78 11.92
368 136.97 10.57 0 0 0 171.55 0 0.02 25.75 26.74 12.96
371 135.39 10.81 0 0 0 171.33 0 0.02 25.5 26.48 12.53
374 134.36 12.69 0 0 0 170.89 0 0.02 25.58 26.55 10.59
377 137.72 10.2 0 0 0 170.6 0 0.02 26.01 27 13.5
380 132.8 15.05 0 0 0 170.24 0 0.02 25.38 26.34 8.83
383 132.69 9.29 0 0 0 169.76 0 0.02 25.07 26.02 14.28
386 129.17 7.44 0 0 0 169.65 0 0.02 24.55 25.48 17.37
389 131.38 10.09 0 0 0 169.28 0 0.02 24.84 25.79 13.02
392 132.84 14.22 0 0 0 169.04 0 0.02 25.27 26.23 9.34
395 130.9 12.66 0 0 0 168.47 0 0.02 25.38 26.32 10.34
398 132.46 6.93 0 0 0 168.3 0 0.02 25.54 26.49 19.12
401 126.59 13.14 0 0 0 167.98 0 0.02 24.67 25.59 9.63
404 132.81 10.61 0 0 0 167.57 0 0.02 25.71 26.67 12.52
407 128.66 11.22 0 0 0 167.32 0 0.02 25.05 25.98 11.47
410 131.28 12.78 0 0 0 166.89 0 0.02 25.56 26.51 10.27
413 132.25 9.22 0 0 0 166.59 0 0.02 25.7 26.65 14.34
416 128.28 8.27 0 0 0 166.32 0 0.02 25.2 26.13 15.5
419 132.95 10.96 0 0 0 166.07 0 0.02 25.93 26.89 12.13
422 128.2 9.79 0 0 0 165.69 0 0.02 25.54 26.47 13.09
425 127.14 9.47 0 0 0 165.47 0 0.02 25.19 26.11 13.42
428 127.24 12.74 0 0 0 165.09 0 0.02 25.52 26.44 9.99
431 127.08 12.36 0 0 0 164.74 0 0.02 25.24 26.17 10.28
434 126.85 9.2 0 0 0 164.37 0 0.02 25.4 26.33 13.78
437 126.68 13.94 0 0 0 164.13 0 0.02 25.3 26.22 9.09
440 125.79 11.21 0 0 0 163.59 0 0.02 25.08 26.01 11.22
443 124.1 5.3 0 0 0 163.48 0 0.02 25.17 26.1 23.43
446 123.29 8.83 0 0 0 163.2 0 0.02 24.83 25.75 13.96
449 122.63 10.02 0 0 0 162.96 0 0.02 25.09 26.02 12.24

Appendix A - 349
452 124.81 10.03 0 0 0 162.61 0 0.02 25.33 26.27 12.44
455 122.78 10.98 0 0 0 162.36 0 0.02 25.34 26.27 11.18
458 124.43 12.59 0 0 0 161.95 0 0.02 25.36 26.28 9.88
461 126.15 6.49 0 0 0 161.65 0 0.02 25.4 26.33 19.44
464 128.19 13.88 0 0 0 161.47 0 0.02 26.13 27.08 9.24
467 130.02 11.25 0 0 0 160.88 0 0.02 26.32 27.28 11.56
470 127.07 6.93 0 0 0 160.81 0 0.02 25.96 26.89 18.33
473 124.86 10.22 0 0 0 160.41 0 0.02 25.49 26.41 12.21
476 125.12 10.62 0 0 0 160.22 0 0.02 25.69 26.61 11.79
479 121.19 5.81 0 0 0 159.81 0 0.02 25.21 26.12 20.86
482 122.86 11.51 0 0 0 159.8 0 0.02 25.27 26.18 10.67
485 124.03 18.79 0 0 0 159.11 0 0.02 25.73 26.66 6.6
488 119.67 6.67 0 0 0 158.8 0 0.02 24.72 25.61 17.94
491 117.82 9.42 0 0 0 158.62 0 0.02 24.62 25.5 12.51
494 121.14 10.62 0 0 0 158.24 0 0.02 25.37 26.29 11.41
497 120.73 7.35 0 0 0 158.01 0 0.02 25.2 26.1 16.42
500 120.47 10.51 0 0 0 157.76 0 0.02 25.39 26.3 11.46
503 121.92 9.44 0 0 0 157.4 0 0.02 25.08 25.98 12.92
506 120.11 12.99 0 0 0 157.16 0 0.02 25.15 26.06 9.24
509 120.47 8.53 0 0 0 156.67 0 0.02 25.18 26.08 14.12
512 125.26 11.78 0 0 0 156.61 0 0.02 26.44 27.38 10.64
515 118.92 9.29 0 0 0 156 0 0.02 25.18 26.08 12.8
518 120.7 4.83 0 0 0 156.06 0 0.02 25.45 26.35 25.01
521 121.22 12.07 0 0 0 155.64 0 0.02 25.86 26.76 10.04
524 119.32 6.88 0 0 0 155.41 0 0.02 25.28 26.17 17.34
527 122.49 14.7 0 0 0 155.15 0 0.02 25.91 26.81 8.33
530 117.82 12.44 0 0 0 154.6 0 0.02 25 25.87 9.47
533 120.08 5.54 0 0 0 154.43 0 0.02 25.17 26.04 21.68
536 121.43 8.66 0 0 0 154.19 0 0.02 25.73 26.62 14.01
539 120.12 11.41 0 0 0 153.91 0 0.02 25.12 25.98 10.53
542 121.78 12.37 0 0 0 153.53 0 0.02 25.69 26.57 9.84
545 120.25 5.23 0 0 0 153.22 0 0.02 25.41 26.27 23
548 120.42 12.65 0 0 0 153.12 0 0.02 25.54 26.41 9.52
551 116.64 11 0 0 0 152.52 0 0.02 24.87 25.72 10.61
554 120.48 7 0 0 0 152.48 0 0.02 25.69 26.55 17.21
557 118.33 11.81 0 0 0 152.04 0 0.02 25.4 26.26 10.02
560 120 7.33 0 0 0 151.82 0 0.02 25.75 26.61 16.37
563 117.86 14.47 0 0 0 151.53 0 0.02 25.52 26.36 8.15
566 118.43 9.14 0 0 0 151.03 0 0.02 25.59 26.45 12.96
569 120.3 10.42 0 0 0 150.95 0 0.02 25.77 26.63 11.54
572 116.94 9.25 0 0 0 150.42 0 0.02 25.11 25.97 12.64
575 118.2 5.46 0 0 0 150.41 0 0.02 25.1 25.96 21.66
578 114.37 9.29 0 0 0 150.04 0 0.02 25.02 25.86 12.31
581 115.48 7.02 0 0 0 149.88 0 0.02 25.08 25.93 16.45
584 115.61 14.84 0 0 0 149.56 0 0.02 25.29 26.15 7.79
587 118.05 10.66 0 0 0 149.07 0 0.02 25.9 26.78 11.07
590 119.71 9.49 0 0 0 148.91 0 0.02 25.89 26.76 12.62
593 114.77 6.78 0 0 0 148.51 0 0.02 25.35 26.2 16.94
596 118.08 7.42 0 0 0 148.48 0 0.02 25.45 26.31 15.91
599 116.66 14.12 0 0 0 148.02 0 0.02 25.41 26.27 8.26
602 117.71 7.05 0 0 0 147.72 0 0.02 25.57 26.43 16.71
605 116.45 8.61 0 0 0 147.55 0 0.02 25.66 26.52 13.53

Appendix A - 350
608 115.4 12.65 0 0 0 147.19 0 0.02 25.76 26.63 9.12
611 114.92 7.41 0 0 0 146.85 0 0.02 25.37 26.22 15.5
614 116.29 8.26 0 0 0 146.7 0 0.02 25.77 26.64 14.08
617 114.41 9.26 0 0 0 146.35 0 0.02 25.1 25.95 12.35
620 115.37 9.19 0 0 0 146.15 0 0.02 25.24 26.1 12.55
623 115.2 11.64 0 0 0 145.78 0 0.02 25.11 25.98 9.89
626 116.99 8.27 0 0 0 145.49 0 0.02 25.19 26.06 14.15
629 116.43 10.98 0 0 0 145.25 0 0.02 25.32 26.19 10.6
632 117.9 6.54 0 0 0 144.88 0 0.02 25.47 26.34 18.03
635 113.56 8.37 0 0 0 144.82 0 0.02 24.75 25.59 13.57
638 115.44 13.79 0 0 0 144.35 0 0.02 25.6 26.47 8.37
641 114.64 8.61 0 0 0 144.06 0 0.02 24.96 25.8 13.32
644 117.47 8.55 0 0 0 143.8 0 0.02 25.64 26.5 13.74
647 115.19 7.67 0 0 0 143.54 0 0.02 25.27 26.1 15.03
650 112.53 14 0 0 0 143.3 0 0.02 24.54 25.36 8.04
653 114.3 7.74 0 0 0 142.79 0 0.02 25.18 26.03 14.77
656 116.05 4.49 0 0 0 142.81 0 0.02 25.07 25.92 25.86
659 115.21 13.34 0 0 0 142.44 0 0.02 25.38 26.25 8.63
662 118.79 11.67 0 0 0 142.08 0 0.02 26.21 27.1 10.18
665 116.91 8.17 0 0 0 141.76 0 0.02 25.61 26.47 14.3
668 117.76 5.29 0 0 0 141.59 0 0.02 25.7 26.58 22.26
671 118.75 8.39 0 0 0 141.4 0 0.02 25.67 26.54 14.16
674 117.37 9.71 0 0 0 141.09 0 0.02 25.55 26.42 12.09
677 114.07 12.98 0 0 0 140.81 0 0.02 25 25.85 8.79
680 114.85 11.13 0 0 0 140.35 0 0.02 25.15 26 10.32
683 111.3 6.8 0 0 0 140.16 0 0.02 24.59 25.41 16.37
686 109.99 5.09 0 0 0 139.92 0 0.02 24.14 24.95 21.61
689 120.87 9.56 0 0 0 139.8 0 0.02 26.27 27.16 12.64
692 115.8 14.77 0 0 0 139.35 0 0.02 25.72 26.58 7.84
695 117.78 6.82 0 0 0 139.01 0 0.02 25.67 26.54 17.27
698 116.2 8.3 0 0 0 138.87 0 0.02 24.85 25.69 14
701 118.49 12.67 0 0 0 138.49 0 0.02 25.67 26.55 9.35
704 115.21 7.4 0 0 0 138.18 0 0.02 24.79 25.63 15.57
707 113.59 8.3 0 0 0 138 0 0.02 24.86 25.72 13.69
710 116.91 12.5 0 0 0 137.66 0 0.02 25.22 26.1 9.35
713 119.2 5.43 0 0 0 137.33 0 0.02 25.77 26.67 21.94
716 116.79 10.81 0 0 0 137.25 0 0.02 25.31 26.18 10.8
719 116.62 12.55 0 0 0 136.7 0 0.02 25.31 26.17 9.3
722 118.19 7.8 0 0 0 136.55 0 0.02 25.47 26.34 15.16
725 117.82 5.81 0 0 0 136.21 0 0.02 25.28 26.14 20.27
728 115.67 8.35 0 0 0 136.16 0 0.02 24.85 25.7 13.85
731 114.7 16.91 0 0 0 135.68 0 0.02 24.88 25.73 6.78
734 117.24 8.32 0 0 0 135.26 0 0.02 24.88 25.74 14.08
737 120.85 6.38 0 0 0 135.13 0 0.02 25.55 26.44 18.94
740 119.29 13.91 0 0 0 134.82 0 0.02 25.56 26.45 8.57
743 115.08 7.63 0 0 0 134.39 0 0.02 24.59 25.44 15.08
746 119.46 5.64 0 0 0 134.33 0 0.02 25.6 26.49 21.17
749 120.46 14.51 0 0 0 133.98 0 0.02 25.69 26.58 8.3
752 117.91 9.36 0 0 0 133.55 0 0.02 25.04 25.91 12.6
755 118.77 5.97 0 0 0 133.41 0 0.02 25.24 26.11 19.89
758 118.13 12.73 0 0 0 133.12 0 0.02 25.32 26.19 9.28
761 119.49 11.45 0 0 0 132.7 0 0.02 25.18 26.05 10.44

Appendix A - 351
764 121.58 7.56 0 0 0 132.46 0 0.02 25.42 26.3 16.09
767 120.86 4.99 0 0 0 132.23 0 0.02 25.14 26.01 24.23
770 120.33 11.18 0 0 0 132.1 0 0.02 25.33 26.2 10.76
773 117.09 15.65 0 0 0 131.58 0 0.02 24.88 25.75 7.48
776 122.12 4 0 0 0 131.27 0 0.02 25.52 26.42 30.56
779 121.17 7.01 0 0 0 131.23 0 0.02 25.45 26.34 17.29
782 121.18 19.46 0 0 0 130.78 0 0.02 25.11 26 6.23
785 120.27 8.52 0 0 0 130.23 0 0.02 25.05 25.94 14.12
788 122.55 4.29 0 0 0 130.23 0 0.02 25.4 26.3 28.58
791 121.81 14.62 0 0 0 129.87 0 0.02 25.12 26.01 8.33
794 121.24 9.53 0 0 0 129.45 0 0.02 24.83 25.72 12.72
797 124.37 8.29 0 0 0 129.28 0 0.02 25.77 26.7 15.01
800 123.62 8.24 0 0 0 128.94 0 0.02 25.35 26.27 15
803 125.67 7.7 0 0 0 128.78 0 0.02 25.58 26.5 16.31
806 122.63 11.56 0 0 0 128.45 0 0.02 25.33 26.24 10.61
809 125.41 9.59 0 0 0 128.13 0 0.02 25.55 26.47 13.08
812 127.19 9.08 0 0 0 127.87 0 0.02 25.88 26.82 14.01
815 128.81 10.78 0 0 0 127.57 0 0.02 26.18 27.13 11.94
818 124.7 9.36 0 0 0 127.24 0 0.02 24.91 25.82 13.33
821 124.26 12.85 0 0 0 126.98 0 0.02 25.02 25.94 9.67
824 125.27 13.03 0 0 0 126.5 0 0.02 25.03 25.95 9.61
827 128.79 7.23 0 0 0 126.23 0 0.02 25.37 26.32 17.82
830 122.4 10.66 0 0 0 126 0 0.02 24.64 25.56 11.48
833 125.5 5.56 0 0 0 125.64 0 0.02 25.34 26.28 22.57
836 129.75 9.28 0 0 0 125.61 0 0.02 25.57 26.51 13.98
839 128.1 20.27 0 0 0 125.05 0 0.02 25.47 26.41 6.32
842 128.96 6.43 0 0 0 124.56 0 0.02 25.65 26.61 20.04
845 131.96 5.26 0 0 0 124.57 0 0.02 25.51 26.46 25.1
848 125.99 16.76 0 0 0 124.16 0 0.02 24.61 25.53 7.52
851 129.91 8.06 0 0 0 123.7 0 0.02 25.66 26.62 16.13
854 124.86 5.79 0 0 0 123.63 0 0.02 24.89 25.82 21.56
857 128.7 0.01 -0.35 -0.03 0 123.29 0 0.02 25.37 26.32 0
860 130.79 0.01 -0.29 -0.03 0 122.95 0 0.02 25.31 26.26 0

Appendix A - 352

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