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This subject will cover the following: Cube, Rectangular

Parallelepiped, Prism, Cylinder, Cone, Frustums, Spheres,
Solids of Revolution, Prismatoid, etcetera.

[Course title]

Challenging Problems in Solid

Darwin Bas
Challenging Problems in Solid Geometry
001 Review Problem - Weight of a brass water pipe
002 Review Problem - Great wall of China moved to the equator
003 Review Problem - Sphere melted into cylinder
004 Review Problem - Size of a column in Fingal's Cave
005 Review Problem - Weight of gravity dam
006 Review Problem - Area illuminated by light placed in front of the globe
007 Review Problem - Length of wire
008 Review Problem - Pint tin can
009 Review Problem - Volume of anchor ring
010 Review Problem - Volume of a stick
011 Review Problem - Cutting the strongest square timber
012 Review Problem - Lake for household water supply
013 Review Problem - Volume of water inside the Venturi meter
014 Review Problem - Weight of concrete surge chamber when full of water
015 Review Problem - Volume of spherical shell
016 Review Problem - Mammoth Dredges Used in Panama Canal
017 Review Problem - Amount of water to fill the large network of city pipes
018 Review Problem - Volume of Stone Bridge
019 Review Problem - Which buy is more economical?
020 Review Problem - Volume of a factory chimney
021 Review Problem - Finding the volume of a stone
022 Review Problem - Tin required to create a funnel
023 Review Problem - Lead pipe melt into a cube
024 Review Problem - Will the pail hold all the water in the pipe?
025 Review Problem - Time required to fill a reservoir of water
026 Review Problem - Find the diameter of a wooden ball
027 Review Problem - Amount of concrete in making fencing posts
028 Review Problem - Amount of metal sheet used to construct a water tank
029 Review Problem - Chinese coin pierced by a square hole
030 Review Problem - Amount of molten glass in a lump
031 Review Problem - Cost of mainline sewer pipe
032 Review Problem - How many cups of coffee a coffee pot can hold?
033 Review Problem - Finding which one is the better bargain
034 Review Problem - Sphere dropped into a cone
035 Review Problem - Amount of concrete in a caisson
036 Review Problem - Circular hole bored through a sphere
037 Review Problem - Amount of material the factory chimney contain
038 Review Problem - Circular log with non-uniform cross-section
039 Review Problem - Bushels of wheat the grain elevator can hold
040 Review Problem - Volume comparisons of two water crystals
041 Review Problem - Weight capacity of industrial soap kettle
042 Review Problem - Water is poured by tilting the glass

Problem 1
Find the weight of a brass water pipe 20 ft. long whose inside diameter is 1.5 in. and whose thickness
is 1/4 in., if brass weighs 520 lb. per cu. ft.

Solution 1

Problem 2
The great Chinese wall is said to be 1500 miles long, 20 ft. high, 15 ft wide at the top, and 25 ft. wide at
the bottom. If it were possible to build with this material a wall around the earth at the equator, of a
uniform thickness of 4 ft., how high could it be made? (The equator is approximately 24,900 miles

Solution 2

Problem 3
Two spheres of lead, of radii 2 and 3 in., respectively, are melted into a cylinder of revolution of radius
1 in. Find the altitude of the cylinder.

Solution 3

Problem 4
In Fingals Cave, on the Island of Staffa (Hebrides, Scotland), the walls are formed by basaltic
prismatic columns varying in height from 18 to 36 ft. These columns, mostly hexagonal, are so perfect
as to suggest the hand of man. One of the vertical columns is 29.3 ft. in height and has a base of 4.7 sq.
ft. What is its volume?

Solution 4

Problem 5
If the gravity whose cross section is shown in the figure weighs 150 lb. per cu. ft., find the total weight
of a section of a dam 50 ft. long.

Solution 5

Problem 6
A light is placed 5 ft. from the center of the globe 3 ft. in diameter. Find the area of the illuminated

Solution 6

Problem 7
If a piece of brass 8 by 6 by 12 in. is drawn out into a wire 1/30 in. in diameter, what will be the length
of the wire?

Solution 7

Problem 8
Find the diameter of the base of the pint tin can whose height is 4 in. (231 cu. in. = 1 gal.); also, find
the number of square feet of tin required to manufacture 10,000 such cans with tops. (Neglect the
waste due to seams, etc.)

Solution 8

Problem 9
An anchor ring is formed by revolving a circle 2 in. in diameter about a line lying in the plane of the
circle and at a distance of 7 in. from its center. Find the volume of the solid formed.

Solution 9

Problem 10
How many cubic inches of lumber does a stick contain if it is 4 in. by 4 in. at one end, 2 in. by 2 in. at
the other end, and 16 ft. long?
Solution 10

Another Solution

Problem 11
Find the waste in cutting the strongest square timber from a circular log of uniform diameter 2 ft. and
length 8 ft.

Solution 11

Problem 12
The water supply of a district consists of a lake whose surface area is 1000 acres. The number of
household supplied with water is 60,000. Supposing each household to use 25 gal. per day, calculate
how many days supply (to the nearest day below the exact number) is represented by a depth of 1 ft.
of water in the lake. (1 acre equals 43,560 sq. ft.)

Solution 12

Problem 13
The accompanying figure represents the longitudinal view of a Venturi meter, a device designed to
measure the flow of water in pipes. If the throat of the of the meter is 6 in. long and has an inside
diameter of 4 in., find the volume of water in the meter which is used in 12-in. pipe line if the altitudes
of the tapering parts are in the ratio 1:3 and the smaller altitude measures 12 in.

Solution 13

Problem 14
A concrete surge chamber with circular cross section and vertical inner walls has an inside diameter of
100 ft. The outer walls taper uniformly. The outer walls taper uniformly in. to 1 ft. of rise, and at
the base the thickness is 5 ft. The height of the surge chamber is 150 ft. above the pressure tunnel, and
the material used in its construction weighs 150 lb. per cu. ft. Find the total weight of the chamber
when full of water.

Solution 14

Problem 15
A spherical shell 2 in. thick has an outer diameter of 12 in. Find the volume of the material of which it is made.
Solution 15

Problem 16
Each of mammoth dredges used in digging the Panama Canal had a dipper the capacity of which was
15 cu. yd. If the height of the dipper was 10 ft. 9 in., what was the area of the bottom?

Solution 16

Problem 17
Assuming that a city has 400 miles of water pipes and that the average diameter of the pies is 1 ft.,
how much water is required to fill this entire system?

Solution 17

Problem 18
A stone bridge has three equal semicircular arches resting on four equal rectangular piers. The radius
of each arch is R, the dimensions of the piers L, W, H, while the distance from the top of each pier to
the top of the bridge is D. If L = 50 ft., W = 5 ft., H = 10 ft., R = 6 ft., D = 12 ft., find the number of
cubic yards of material used in building the bridge.

Solution 18

Problem 19
A druggist sells a certain kind of powder in a rectangular box 4 by 2 by 1 in. for 25 cents, and in a
cylindrical can 2 in. high and 2 in. in diameter for 10 cents. Which is the more economical buy?

Solution 19

Problem 20
A factory chimney has the shape of a frustum of a regular pyramid. Its height is 180 ft., and its upper
and lower bases are squares whose sides are 10 ft. and 16 ft., respectively. The cross section of the flue
is a square whose side is 7 ft. How many cubic feet of material does the chimney contain?

Solution 20

Problem 21
A stone is dropped into a circular tub 40 in. in diameter, causing the water therein to rise 20 in. What
is the volume of the stone?
Solution 21

Problem 22
How many square feet of tin are required to make a funnel, if the diameters of the top and bottom are
28 in. and 14 in., respectively, and the height is 24 in.?

Solution 22

Problem 23
It is desired to cut off a piece of lead pipe 2 in. in outside diameter and 1/4 in. thick, so that it will melt
into a cube of edge 4 in. How long a piece will be required?
Solution 23

Problem 24
A pipe of 3/4-in. inside diameter conducts water from a spring to a house 300 ft. distant. It is desired
to empty the pipe after the water has been turned off the spring. Will a 10-qt. pail hold the water?
(One gal. = 231 cu. in.)

Solution 24

Problem 25
A reservoir 10 ft. deep is in the form of a frustum of inverted square pyramid with bases of 100 and 90
ft. on a side respectively. How long will it require an inlet pipe to fill the reservoir if the water pours in
at the rate of 200 gal. per min.? (One gal. = 231 cu. in.)

Solution 25

Problem 26
A wooden ball 2 ft. in diameter weighs 200 lb. Find the diameter of a ball of the same material which
weighs 50 lb.

Solution 26

Problem 27
One hundred and fifty posts are used in fencing a lawn. Each post is built in the form of frustum of a
pyramid surmounted by a pyramid whose lower base is common with the upper base of the frustum.
The height of the pyramidal top is 2 in. and the common base is a square 4 in. on an edge. The lower
base of the frustum has an edge of 6 in. If the overall height of each is 6 ft., how much concrete will be

used in making the posts?

Solution 27

Problem 28
A water tank, open at the top, consists of a right circular cylinder and a right circular
cone, as shown. If the altitude of the cylinder is three times its radius, and the altitude
of the cone is two times the same radius, find the number of square feet of sheet metal
required to construct a tank having a capacity of 10,000 gal. (One gal. = 231 cu. in.)

Solution 28

Problem 29
A certain Chinese coin, 1/2 in. in diameter and 1/16 in. thick, is pierced by a square hole 1/8 in. on a side. Find
the amount of metal in a coin.
Solution 29

Problem 30
Window glass formerly was made by gathering a lump of molten glass on the end of a hollow rod and
blowing it into the form of large hollow cylinder about 6 ft. long and 1-1/2 ft. in diameter. This was cut
longitudinally and then placed in an oven and heated until it softened, when it was flattened out into
plates and cut into desired sizes. If this plate was 0.12 in. thick, find the amount of glass in the original

Solution 30

Problem 31
One section of the mainline sewer pipe for the city of Annapolis passes through a tunnel 484 ft. long.
The cross section of the tunnel is shown in the figure. The sewer pipe is 16 in. in external diameter and
is partially embedded, in a mattress of concrete, a cross section of which is shown in the figure. Find
the total cost (a) of digging the tunnel at$5.00 per cubic yard, (b) of pouring of concrete at $9.00 per
cubic yard.

Solution 31


Problem 32
A coffee pot is 5 in. deep, 4-1/2 in. in diameter at the top, and 5-3/4 in. in diameter at the bottom.
How many cups of coffee will it hold if 6 cups equal 1 quart? Answer to the nearest whole number.
Solution 32

Problem 33
Disregarding quality, and considering oranges as spheres, determine which is the better bargain,
oranges 2-3/4 in. in diameter at 15 cents per dozen, or oranges averaging 3-1/2 in. in diameter at 30
cents per dozen.

Solution 33

Problem 34
The inside of a vase is an inverted cone 2.983 in. across the top and 5.016 in. deep. If a heavy sphere
2.498 in. in diameter is dropped into it when the vase is full of water, how much water will overflow?

Solution 34

Problem 35
In the foundation work of the Woolworth Building, a 55-story building in New York City, it was
necessary, in order to reach the bedrock, to penetrate the sand and quicksand to a depth, in some
instances, of 131 ft. If the largest circular caisson, 19 ft. in diameter, was 130 ft. deep and was filled
with concrete to within 30 ft, of the surface, how many cubic yards of concrete were required?

Solution 35

Problem 36
A hole 6 in. in diameter was bored through a sphere 10 in. in diameter. Find the volume of the part cut
Solution 36

Problem 37
A factory chimney is in the form of frustum of regular square pyramid. The chimney is 125 ft. high the
edges of its bases are 12 ft. and 8 ft., respectively. The cross-section of the flue is 6 ft. square. How
many cubic feet of material does the chimney contain?

Solution 37

Problem 38
A log 18 ft. long is 2 ft. in diameter at the top end and 3 ft. in diameter at the butt end.

1. How many cubic feet of wood does the log contain?
2. How many cubic feet are there in the largest piece of timber of square cross section that can be
cut from the log?
3. How many cubic feet are in the largest piece of square timber of the same size throughout its
whole length?
4. How many board feet does the piece of timber in (c), a board foot being equivalent to a board 1 ft.
square and 1 in. thick?

Hint: In (b) the larger end is the square ABCD. What is the smaller end? In (c) one end is the square
EFGH. What is the other end?
Solution 38

Problem 39
A grain elevator in the form of a frustum of a right circular cone is 24 ft. high, and the radii of its bases
are 10 ft. and 5 ft., respectively; how many bushels of wheat will it hold if 1-1/4 cu. ft. equals 1 bu.?

Solution 39

Problem 40
When a liquid freezes, it changes into a mass of solid bodies, each of which has a definite geometric
form and is known as a crystal. Crystals are always bounded by plane surfaces, which are arranged in
an orderly fashion with reference to imaginary lines drawn through the crystal and called its area.
Every crystal has therefore a definite geometric form. Compare the volumes of crystals, one in the
shape of a hexagonal right prism 'a' units on a side and '2a' units in altitude, and the other in the
shape of two oppositely directed hexagonal regular pyramids, each 'a' units high with a common base
'a' units on a side.

Solution 40

Problem 41
Soap kettles used in the commercial manufacture of soap are as a rule large cylindrical vats, 50,000
lb. or more of soap being made in a single beating. Find the capacity of such a kettle having an inside
diameter of 18 ft and an altitude of 30 ft. if soap weighs 70 lb. per cu. ft.

Solution 41

Problem 42
From a cylindrical glass 6 in. high and 3 in. in diameter, water is poured by tilting the glass until the
highest point of the bottom of the glass lies in the plane of the water surface. How much water

Solution 42


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