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Anime (/n..me/) is a lightweight JavaScript animation

library. It works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS
transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript

Migrating from v1.x ? Make sure to read the changelog

Main features

Keyframes: Chain multiple animation properties.

Timeline: Synchronize multiple instances together.
Playback controls: Play, pause, restart, seek animations or timelines.
CSS transforms: Animate CSS transforms individually.
Function based values: Multiple animated targets can have individual value.
SVG Animations: Motion path, line drawing and morphing animations.
Easing functions: Use the built in functions or create your own Cubic Bzier curve easing.

Demos and examples

CodePen demos and examples

Stress test

Browser support

Chrome Safari IE / Edge Firefox Opera

24+ 6+ 10+ 32+ 15+

$ npm install animejs# OR

$ bower install animejs

import anime from 'animejs'

Or manually download and link anime.min.js in your HTML:

<script src="anime.min.js"></script>

Then start animating:


targets: 'div',

translateX: [

{ value: 100, duration: 1200 },

{ value: 0, duration: 800 }


rotate: '1turn',

backgroundColor: '#FFF',

duration: 2000,

loop: true


The targets property defines the elements or JS Objects to animate.

Types Examples

CSS Selectors 'div', '.item', 'path', '#el path' ...

DOM Element document.querySelector('.item')

NodeList document.querySelectorAll('.item')

Object {prop1: 100, prop2: 200}

Array ['div', '.item', domNode]

Targets examples

Animatable properties
Types Examples

CSS opacity, backgroundColor, fontSize ...

Transforms translateX, rotate, scale ...

Object properties Any Object property containing numerical values

DOM attributes Any DOM attributes containing numerical values

SVG attributes Any SVG attributes containing numerical values

Animatable properties examples


Any CSS properties can be animated:


targets: 'div',

left: '80%', // Animate all divs left position to 80%

opacity: .8, // Animate all divs opacity to .8

backgroundColor: '#FFF' // Animate all divs background color to #FFF


CSS properties example

Individual CSS transforms

CSS transforms can be animated individually:


targets: 'div',

translateX: 250, // Animate all divs translateX property to 250px

scale: 2, // Animate all divs scale to 2

rotate: '1turn' // Animate all divs rotation to 1 turn


CSS Transforms example

JavaScript Object properties

Any Object property containing a numerical value can be animated:

var myObject = {

prop1: 0,

prop2: '0%'


targets: myObject,
prop1: 50, // Animate the 'prop1' property from myObject to 50

prop2: '100%' // Animate the 'prop2' property from myObject to 100%


Object properties example

DOM Attributes

Any DOM Attribute containing a numerical values can be animated:

<input value="0">


targets: input,

value: 1000 // Animate the input value to 1000

round: 1 // Remove decimals by rounding the value


DOM Attributes example

SVG Attributes

Any SVG Attribute containing a numerical values can be animated:

<svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">

<polygon points="64 68.73508918222262 8.574 99.9935923731656

63.35810017508558 67.62284396863708 64 3.993592373165592
64.64189982491442 67.62284396863708 119.426



targets: 'polygon',

points: '64 128 8.574 96 8.574 32 64 0 119.426 32 119.426 96'


SVG Attributes example

Property parameters

Defines duration, delay and easing for each property animations.

Can be set globally, or individually to each properties:

Names Defaults Types Info

duration 1000 number, function millisecond

delay 0 number, function millisecond

See Easing
easing 'easeOutElastic' function

elasticity 500 number, function Range [0 - 1000]

number, boolean,
round false Power of 10

translateX: {

value: 250,

duration: 800


rotate: {

value: 360,

duration: 1800,

easing: 'easeInOutSine'


scale: {

value: 2,

duration: 1600,

delay: 800,

easing: 'easeInOutQuart'


delay: 250 // All properties except 'scale' inherit 250ms delay


Property parameters examples

Function based property parameters

Get different property parameters for every target of the animation.

The function accepts 3 arguments: target, index, targetsLength.

targets: 'div',

translateX: 250,

rotate: 180,

duration: function(target) {

// Duration based on every div 'data-duration' attribute

return target.getAttribute('data-duration');


delay: function(target, index) {

// 100ms delay multiplied by every div index, in ascending order

return index * 100;


elasticity: function(target, index, totalTargets) {

// Elasticity multiplied by every div index, in descending order

return 200 + ((totalTargets - index) * 200);


Function based parameters examples

Animation parameters

Parameters relative to the animation to specify the direction, the number of loops or

Names Defaults Types

Names Defaults Types

loop false number, boolean

direction 'normal' 'normal', 'reverse', 'alternate'

autoplay true boolean


targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

duration: 2000,

loop: 3, // Play the animation 3 times

direction: 'reverse' // Play the animation in reverse

autoplay: false // Animation paused by default


Animation parameters examples

Property values
Single value

Defines the end value of the animation.

Start value is the original target value, or default transforms value.

Types Examples Infos

Automatically add original or

Number 100
default unit if needed

'10em', '1turn', 'M21 Must contains at least one

1v160', '50%' numerical value

Relative Add, subtract or multiply the

'+=100px', '-=20em', '*=4'
values original property value

'#FFF', 'rgb(255,0,0)', Accepts 3 or 6 hex digit, rgb,

'hsl(100, 20%, 80%)' or hsl values

Values examples

targets: 'div',

translateX: 100, // Add 'px' by default (from 0px to 100px)

rotate: '1turn', // Use 'turn' as unit (from 0turn to 1turn)

scale: '*=2', // Multiply the current scale value by 2 (from 1 to (1

* 2))

backgroundColor: '#FFF', // Animate the background color to #FFF (from

'rgb(0,0,0)' to 'rgb(255,255,255)')

duration: 1500


From > To values

Force the animation to start at a certain value.


targets: 'div',

translateX: [100, 200], // Translate X from 100 to 200

rotate: ['.5turn', '1turn'], // Rotate from 180deg to 360deg

scale: ['*=2', 1], // Scale from 2 times the original value to 1,

backgroundColor: ['rgb(255,0,0)', '#FFF'], // Will transition the

background color from red to white

duration: 1500


Specific initial value example

Function based values

Same as function based property parameters.

Get different values for every target of the animation.
The function accepts 3 arguments: target, index, targetsLength.


targets: 'div',

translateX: function(el) {

return el.getAttribute('data-x');


translateY: function(el, i) {

return 50 + (-50 * i);


scale: function(el, i, l) {

return (l - i) + .25;


rotate: function() { return anime.random(-360, 360); },

duration: function() { return anime.random(800, 1600); },

delay: function() { return anime.random(0, 1000); }


Function based value example

Keyframes are defined using an Array of property Object.
Instance's duration is divided by the number of keyframes of each properties if not


targets: 'div',

translateX: [

{ value: 250, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 },

{ value: 0, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 }


translateY: [

{ value: -40, duration: 500, elasticity: 100 },

{ value: 40, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 },

{ value: 0, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 }


scaleX: [

{ value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },

{ value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 },

{ value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },

{ value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 }


scaleY: [

{ value: [1.75, 1], duration: 500 },

{ value: 2, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },

{ value: 1, duration: 450 },

{ value: 1.75, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },

{ value: 1, duration: 450 }


Specific keyframes properties example

Basic timeline

Play animations in sequence by creating a timeline:

var myTimeline = anime.timeline();

A timeline accepts the same parameters as an animation: direction, loop and


var myTimeline = anime.timeline({

direction: 'alternate',

loop: 3,

autoplay: false


Add animations to the timeline with .add() :



targets: '.square',
translateX: 250



targets: '.circle',

translateX: 250



targets: '.triangle',

translateX: 250


Access timeline children animations with myTimeline.children

Basic timeline example

Timeline animations offsets

offset defines the starting time of an animation on the timeline.

Relative offset

Defines starting time relative to the previous animations duration.

Types Examples Infos

+= '+=100' Starts 100ms after the previous animation ends

-= '-=100' Starts 100ms before the previous animation ends

*= '*=2' Starts at 2 times the previous animations duration


targets: '.square',

translateX: 250



targets: '.circle',

translateX: 250,

offset: '-=600' // Starts 600ms before the previous animation ends



targets: '.triangle',

translateX: 250,

offset: '-=800' // Starts 800ms before the previous animation ends


Relative offset example

Absolute offset

Defines an absolute starting time on the timeline with a number.



targets: '.square',

translateX: 250,

offset: 1000 // Starts at 1000ms



targets: '.circle',

translateX: 250,

offset: 500 // Starts at 500ms



targets: '.triangle',

translateX: 250,

offset: 0 // Starts at 0ms


Absolute offset example

Playback controls
Play, pause, restart, seek animations or timelines.

Play / Pause

var playPauseAnim = anime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 250,

direction: 'alternate',

loop: true,

autoplay: false // prevent the instance from playing


playPauseAnim.play(); // Manually playplayPauseAnim.pause(); //

Manually pause

Play / Pause example


var restartAnim = anime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 250,

direction: 'alternate',

loop: true,

autoplay: false


restartAnim.restart(); // Restart the animation and reset the loop count

/ current direction

Restart example

var reverseAnim = anime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 250,

direction: 'alternate',

loop: true


reverseAnim.reverse(); // Change the animation direction

Reverse example


Change animations or timelines current time.

var seekAnim = anime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 250,

delay: function(el, i, l) { return i * 100; },

elasticity: 200,

autoplay: false


seekAnim.seek(500); // Set the animation current time to 500ms

Seek example

Execute a function at the beginning, during or when an animation or timeline is

Names Types Arguments Info

update function Called at time = 0

begin function Called after animation delay is over

animation Called only after all the loops are

complete function
Object completed

Callbacks examples


update() is called on every frame while the instance is playing.

var myAnimation = anime({

targets: '#update .el',

translateX: 250,

delay: 1000,

update: function(anim) {

console.log(anim.currentTime + 'ms'); // Get current animation time

with `myAnimation.currentTime`, return value in ms.

console.log(anim.progress + '%'); // Get current animation progress

with `myAnimation.progress`, return value in %

Update example


begin() is called once after the delay is finished.

var myAnimation = anime({

targets: '#begin .el',

translateX: 250,

delay: 1000,

begin: function(anim) {

console.log(anim.began); // true after 1000ms


Check if the animation has begun with myAnimation.began, return true or false.

Begin example


run() is called every frame after the delay is finished.

var myAnimation = anime({

targets: '#run .el',

translateX: 250,

delay: 1000,

run: function(anim) {



Run example


complete() is called once after the animation is finished.

var myAnimation = anime({

targets: '#complete .el',

translateX: 250,

complete: function(anim) {



Check if the animation has finished with myAnimation.completed, return true or


Complete example

myAnimation.finished returns a Promise object which will resolve once the
animation has finished running.

Promises example

Motion path

Translate and rotate DOM elements along an SVG path:

// Create a path `Object`var path = anime.path('#motionPath path');

var motionPath = anime({

targets: '#motionPath .el',

translateX: path('x'), // Follow the x values from the path `Object`

translateY: path('y'), // Follow the y values from the path `Object`

rotate: path('angle') // Follow the angle values from the path



Motion path example


Animate the transition between two SVG shapes:

<svg class="shape" width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">

<polygon points="64 68.64 8.574 100 63.446 67.68 64 4 64.554 67.68

119.426 100"></polygon>


var svgAttributes = anime({

targets: '.shape polygon',

points: '64 128 8.574 96 8.574 32 64 0 119.426 32 119.426 96'


Shapes need to have the same number of points.

Morphing example

Line drawing
Line drawing animation of an SVG shape:


targets: '.shape path',

strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0]


Line drawing example

Easing functions
The easing parameter can accept either a string or a custom Bzier curve coordinates

Types Examples Infos

String 'easeOutExpo' Built in function names

Custom Bzier curve coordinates ([x1, y1, x2,

Array [.91,-0.54,.29,1.56]

Built in functions

Linear easing: 'linear'

Penner's equations:

easeIn easeOut easeInOut

easeInQuad easeOutQuad easeInOutQuad

easeInCubic easeOutCubic easeInOutCubic

easeIn easeOut easeInOut

easeInQuart easeOutQuart easeInOutQuart

easeInQuint easeOutQuint easeInOutQuint

easeInSine easeOutSine easeInOutSine

easeInExpo easeOutExpo easeInOutExpo

easeInCirc easeOutCirc easeInOutCirc

easeInBack easeOutBack easeInOutBack

easeInElastic easeOutElastic easeInOutElastic

Built in easing functions examples



targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

easing: 'easeOutExpo' // Default 'easeOutElastic'


Elasticity of Elastic easings can be configured with the elasticity parameters:


targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

easing: 'easeOutElastic',

elasticity: 600 // Default 500, range [0-1000]


Elasticity examples

Custom Bzier curves

Define a Bzier curve with an Array of 4 coordinates:


targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

easing: [.91,-0.54,.29,1.56]


Custom Bzier curves coordinates can be generated here


Custom Bzier curves example

Defining custom functions

Expand the built in easing functions from anime.easings.

// Add custom functionanime.easings['myCustomEasingName'] = function(t)


return Math.pow(Math.sin(t * 3), 3);

// Usageanime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

easing: 'myCustomEasingName'


// add custom Bzier curve functionanime.easings['myCustomCurve'] =


// Usageanime({

targets: 'div',

translateX: 100,

easing: 'myCustomCurve'


Custom easing functions example

anime.speed = x

Change all animations speed (from 0 to 1).

anime.speed = .5; // Slow down all animations by half of their original



Return an Array of all active Anime instances.



Remove one or multiple targets from the animation.

anime.remove('.item-2'); // Remove all elements with the class 'item-2'

anime.getValue(target, property)

Get current valid value from an element.

anime.getValue('div', 'translateX'); // Return '100px'


Create a path Function for motion path animation.

Accepts either a DOM node or CSS selector.

var path = anime.path('svg path', 'translateX'); // Return


Motion path example


An helper for line drawing animation.

Sets the 'stroke-dasharray' to the total path length and return its value.


targets: '.shape path',

strokeDashoffset: [anime.pathDashoffset, 0]


Line drawing example


Return the complete list of built in easing functions


anime.bezier(x1, x2, y1, y2)

Return a custom Bzier curve easing function

anime.bezier(x1, x2, y1, y2); // Return function(t)


Create a timeline to synchronise other Anime instances.

var timeline = anime.timeline();timeline.add([instance1,

instance2, ...]);

Timeline examples

anime.random(x, y)

Generate a random number between two numbers.

anime.random(10, 40); // Will return a random number between 10 and 40


MIT License. 2017 Julian Garnier.

Thanks to Animate Plus and Velocity that inspired anime.js API, BezierEasing and
jQuery UI for the easing system. Tim Branyen For the Promise implementation.

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