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Analysis of Phytoplankton Community Structure

Using Similarity Indices: A New Methodology for
Discriminating Among Eutrophication Levels in
Coastal Marine Ecosystems
G. ARHONDITSIS*, coastal marine ecosystems. The structure of the oligotro-
M. KARYDIS phic habitat as a potential source of ambiguity for the re-
G. TSIRTSIS sults was discussed, whereas the validity ranges and the
Department of Marine Sciences potential applicability of this method were deemed to be
University of the Aegean dependent on the size of the fraction of the common spe-
Sapfous 5, 81100 Mytilene, Greece cies among the samples, and the similarity of the classifica-
tion patterns resulted from this subcategory and those ex-
ABSTRACT / Nine similarity indices based on phytoplankton tracted from the overall community data. Furthermore, the
community structure were examined for their sensitivity to as- study provides a new technique based on the use of the
sess different levels of eutrophication. Two phytoplankton Box and Whisker Plot designed to distinguish opportunis-
data sets, one from an open coastal system and one from a tic and rare phytoplanktonic species. The similarity indices,
semi-enclosed gulf, associated with different nutrient dynam- applied solely to the dominant species abundance, were
ics and circulation patterns were used for evaluating the indi- more sensitive to resolve eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligo-
ces. The results have shown that similarity indices, measuring trophic conditions. This procedure can be proposed as an
interspecific association and resemblance of phytoplankton effective methodology for water characterization and can
communities between enriched areas and control sites, were also be used as a qualitative tracer for detecting renewal
effective for detecting spatial and temporal dissimilarities in processes of coastal marine ecosystems.

One of the complex environmental issues often brates and fish communities. Although the effects of
occurring on coastal ecosystems is the assessment of marine eutrophication expand to all the above types
eutrophication levels, a problem that is further com- of community, depending on the phase of cutrophic
plicated by seasonal trends and the difficulty in dis- conditions, the primary stages concern mainly the
tinguishing between natural and human-induced phytoplankton (Gray 1992). Therefore, if new meth-
stresses in the environment (Lipiatou and Cornaert odologies are going to be used as early warning
1999). Various attempts to develop more sensitive systems to detect eutrophic trends in the marine
tools for pollution assessment and coastal manage- environment, they should focus on phytoplankton
ment have focused on the structural changes of com- community changes during the phase of the initial
munities, which is the most reliable level of biological effects (Karydis and Tsirtsis 1996).
organization for environmental impact studies The evaluation and systemization of phytoplank-
(Clarke 1993, Warwick 1993). The term community ton community structural analyses have been sup-
is rather general and may include various types of ported extensively by ecological indices. Numerous
aquatic communities such as phytoplankton, per- diversity, evenness and dominance indices have been
iphyton, macrophyte, zooplankton, benthic inverte- reviewed with special relevance to aquatic ecosystems
and coastal marine eutrophication (Vollenweider
KEY WORDS: Eutrophication; Similarity indices; Water quality assess- and others 1992, Spellerberg 1993, Death and Win-
ment; Phytoplankton community; Ecological diversity; terbourn 1995, Karydis and Tsirtsis 1996, Tsirtsis and
Mediterranean Sea
Karydis 1998). However, it has been found that most

of the ecological indices are not producing consis-

Present address: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer-
ing, University of Washington, 313B More Hall, Box 352700, Seattle,
tent results when applied to different phytoplankton
Washington 98195, USA. data-sets and they are also lacking sensitivity at the
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; email: intermediate -mesotrophic levels of environmental
georgea@u.washington.edu stress (Karydis and Tsirtsis 1996). These indices are

Environmental Management Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 619 632 2003 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
620 G. Arhonditsis and others

not sufficient in describing either the initial structure nutrient exports from the surrounding watershed
of the community or its response to external stress due to soil erosion and surface runoff (Arhonditsis
factors, properties that are essential when changes in and others 2002). The most important point dis-
phytoplankton communities are used for water qual- charges in the water body are untreated domestic
ity assessment (Boyle and others 1990). effluents and wastewater from local industrial activi-
Consequently, the development of analytical proce- ties mainly a by-product from the processing of oil
dures for the study of phytoplankton community struc- crops by centrifugal type oil presses. Data collection
ture should take into account both the significance of was based on 17 cruises carried out on a monthly
the baseline information collected from unimpacted basis from June 1996 to October 1997. Samples were
(control) sites and the divergence between these refer- collected from eight sampling stations [GG1] to
ence levels and data from affected areas. The applica- [GG8] shown in Figure 1A. Six stations [GG3]-[GG8]
tion of the similarity indices seems to be more consis- were located inside the gulf and the other two were
tent in this context. They can be used to measure the situated in the entrance (station [GG2]) and outside
compositional overlap along with the species abun- of the gulf (station [GG1]), in order to monitor
dance differences among samples from enriched and transport processes and reference levels, respectively.
control areas, which is likely to lead to a sensitive meth- Phytoplankton samples were fixed with Lugol Iodine
odology that detects eutrophic trends and properly and the phytoplankton enumeration and classifica-
classifies different pollution levels. tion were carried out on an inverted microscope
The present study basically aims at evaluating the (Lund and others 1958). Analytical procedures used
effectiveness of nine similarity indices, measuring inter- for the determination of the physical (salinity, tem-
specific association and resemblance of phytoplankton perature), chemical (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, dis-
communities between polluted and control sites, as solved organic nitrogen, phosphate, silicate) and bi-
estimators of different levels of marine quality. The ological (chlorophyll a and total bacterial number)
selection of the reference area was proven to be critical variables have been described elsewhere (Arhonditsis
and therefore an objectivity criterion is proposed in and others 2000).
order to secure validity of the results. The sensitivity of Coastal area of the city of Rhodes. The second data
these similarity indices was tested against the whole collection was carried out on a monthly basis from
data-set and solely to the subset of the dominant species 1 m depth during May 1983-April 1984 at 10 stations
that promptly respond to nutrient enrichment. The (Figure 1B) situated along the coastal area of the city
discrimination between dominant and rare phytoplank- of Rhodes, Island of Rhodes, Greece, as described in
ton species is the result of a technique focused on the previous papers (Karydis and Coccosis 1990, Karydis
detection of outlying values. The basic purpose for the 1992, Karydis 1994). Stations [RH3], [RH4] and
development of the present methodology was to estab- [RH5] were located in the vicinity of harbors, defin-
lish an effective classification scheme with high resolu- ing the upper eutrophication limits in the area. Two
tion under mesotrophic conditions, when there are still stations ([RH7] and [RH9]) located about 1 mile
wide margins for alternative management practices in offshore (in an area with intense circulation and
the coastal zone. depth greater than 200 m) were chosen as the con-
trol sites (the baseline information of the system);
the remaining stations were spaced out near shore
Methodology used for swimming and other recreational activities.
Sampling network, analytical procedures and results
Study Areas of the measured variables (temperature, salinity, ox-
Gulf of Gera. The gulf of Gera, Island of Lesvos, ygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and
Greece, is a semi-enclosed water body with a mean chl a), have been described in detail elsewhere (Kary-
depth of 10 m and a total volume of 0.9 109 m3 dis and Coccosis 1990).
(Figure 1). The surrounding 194.01 km2 drainage The eligibility of the two areas and the specific net-
area, mainly cultivated with olive trees and inhabited works used for the present eutrophication study were
by 7064 people according to the 1991 census, influ- tested by isolating the effects of the physical environ-
ences this shallow marine environment. Nutrient ment and verifying the dominant role of the external
fluxes from agricultural run-off and non-point loading to the observed patterns of the water quality
sources, especially during the winter period, vary variables. For this purpose, analysis of covariance (AN-
from 40 to 60% of the total nutrient stock (Arhon- COVA) and t test (Zar 1999) were used to compare the
ditsis and others 2000). Table 1 shows estimates of variability attributed to the physical parameters with the
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 621

Figure 1. (a) The gulf of Gera, Island of Lesvos, Greece: station locations. (b) The coastal area of the city of Rhodes, Island of
Rhodes, Greece: station locations.

residual variability (mostly due to nutrient discharges) mass, were used as estimators of the resemblance
and quantify their contribution to the total spatial het- among discharged areas and control sites. The fol-
erogeneity of the eutrophication parameters (nutri- lowing similarity indices were used (Whittaker 1973,
ents, chlorophyll a). Legendre and Legendre 1983, Valiela 1995):

Phytoplankton Community Similarity Indices (x y )

i i

(x y )
Nine similarity indices, quantifying the contribu- (1) Gleasons index: SIGL
i i
tion of each species to the total phytoplankton bio- i
622 G. Arhonditsis and others

Table 1. Cumulative monthly exports (kg) of dissolved-phase nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate and solid-phase
ammonium, and phosphate from Geras watershed*
Dissolved phase Solid phase
Date Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Ammonium Phosphate
Nov-95 45 23 19 8.7 5.8
Dec-95 130 84 121 13.5 10.2
Jan-96 388 172 122 45 32
Feb-96 9574 4509 3295 434 176
Mar-96 165 88 55 88 33
Apr-96 955 418 272 167 172
Sep-96 0 0 0 68 39
Oct-96 0 0 0 23 11
Nov-96 1745 552 825 444 201
Dec-96 5988 2576 2119 223 155
Jan-97 544 192 202 134 78
Feb-97 420 209 103 78 49
Mar-97 311 119 89 58 32
Apr-97 95 55 45 44 45
Oct-97 72 49 36 99 36
Nov-97 1296 502 392 185 123
Dec-97 5630 1582 905 345 75
Jan-98 590 337 420 134 76
Feb-98 420 202 203 78 30
Mar-98 162 55 69 55 45
Apr-98 99 54 40 34 33
*Study period was September 1995-May 1998 and the nutrient loading during the non-reported months was negligible. For further details, see
Arhonditsis and others 2002.

(2) Kulczynskis index: where xi, yi are the abundances of the ith phytoplank-
1 1
2 xi


minx , y )
i i
ton species in the two sampling sites, T is the subset of
species occurring in both samples, U and V are those
occurring in one or other only and D1, D2 are the

min(x , y )
(3) Ruzickas index: Simpsons index of the two samples, which is a proba-
i i bilistic measure expressing the likelihood that two in-
x y min(x , y )
SIRU dividuals sampled randomly and independently from a
i i i i

(x y )
i i i community will be found to belong to the same species.
i i ni (ni 1)

(x y ) x y
Pandeyas index: SI
(4) PA The Simpsons equation is D and
i i i i n (n 1)
i iT
ni, n are the number of the ith species and the total

(x y )
(5) Ellenbergs index:
number of individuals in the sample, respectively.
i i

2 x 2 y (x y )
i i i i
Data Manipulation and Classification
iU iV iT
Gulf of Gera. The data set consisted of 232 sampling
(6) Whittakers index of association:

units, taken from standard depths of the eight stations
1 xi yi
SIWH during a time period of 17 months. The total number
2 i xi yi of phytoplanktonic species present was 139. The simi-

(x y )
i i
x y i i larity indices were used to compare the monthly subsets
(7) Canberrra metric: SICA
(containing samples from the standard depths) of each
2 x y
i i i

i i
of the internal stations [GG2]-[GG8] with the respec-

(D D ) x y
(8) Morisitas index: SIMO tive depths of the reference site [GG1]. Thus, a
1 2 i i monthly value was assigned to the seven stations of the
x y
i i
gulf reflecting the mean deviations of their phytoplank-
i i

(x y )
i ton communities from the baseline conditions of the
(9) Bray-Curtis index: SIBC
i i study area (9 indices 7 stations 17 months).
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 623

Table 2. Summary statistics of temperature, salinitya, nutrients, chl a concentrations and species number (ranges
and mean values) recorded at the sampling sites of the Gulf of Gera (stations GG1GG8) and the coastal area of the
city of Rhodes (RH1RH10)
Temperature Salinity Nitrate Nitrite Ammonia Phosphate nitrogen chl Species
Sites Stations (C) () (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (g/L) number

Gulf of Gera GG1 (12.3721.59) (38.9939.15) (0.060.76) (0.010.26) (0.070.79) (0.050.29) (1.0123.54) (0.020.73) (632)
18.47 39.04 0.26 0.06 0.24 0.13 7.83 0.18 14
GG2 (12.1624.14) (38.2239.49) (0.121.17) (0.020.17) (0.072.55) (0.060.27) (0.5814.33) (0.032.00) (837)
18.68 38.93 0.42 0.08 0.43 0.14 7.96 0.58 17
GG3 (11.0023.99) (38.0940.11) (0.092.01) (0.010.26) (0.114.94) (0.060.62) (0.9827.99) (0.092.37) (1324)
18.86 38.97 0.58 0.08 1.10 0.19 8.68 0.86 19
GG4 (10.0325.95) (38.0940.19) (0.132.57) (0.010.34) (0.125.39) (0.020.41) (0.5516.01) (0.152.05) (1135)
18.69 39.12 0.65 0.10 0.88 0.18 6.26 0.85 18
GG5 (10.1126.13) (37.7140.28) (0.122.45) (0.020.24) (0.124.20) (0.080.85) (0.1717.88) (0.172.58) (825)
18.77 39.12 0.84 0.10 0.67 0.25 7.05 1.03 17
GG6 (10.0126.14) (38.0140.23) (0.102.02) (0.020.56) (0.124.02) (0.080.59) (4.2118.65) (0.043.03) (826)
18.90 39.12 0.71 0.13 0.76 0.21 8.94 1.19 17
GG7 (10.5824.78) (38.1740.25) (0.091.48) (0.010.17) (0.056.62) (0.070.51) (1.7020.51) (0.063.07) (922)
18.53 39.17 0.53 0.07 0.89 0.19 8.44 1.02 16
GG8 (9.8825.84) (38.1740.22) (0.121.09) (0.020.44) (0.063.01) (0.070.35) (1.2023.45) (0.032.13) (1131)
18.70 39.10 0.52 0.09 0.64 0.15 8.09 0.89 17
Rhodes RH1 (16.1025.80) (0.161.46) (0.000.10) (0.212.01) (0.000.30) (0.020.19) (923)
20.60 0.68 0.05 0.82 0.09 0.10 18
RH2 (16.5025.80) (0.160.99) (0.010.11) (0.141.64) (0.010.13) (0.010.15) (1224)
20.57 0.45 0.05 0.58 0.06 0.11 16
RH3 (16.8025.80) (0.435.37) (0.020.14) (0.330.83) (0.010.10) (0.070.33) (1428)
20.27 2.51 0.09 0.52 0.06 0.18 19
RH4 (16.7026.50) (2.1222.79) (0.040.39) (0.211.22) (0.040.18) (0.051.18) (1428)
20.62 6.25 0.13 0.59 0.07 0.43 18
RH5 (16.2026.50) (1.014.89) (0.060.16) (0.310.90) (0.030.13) (0.211.48) (1428)
20.68 3.00 0.10 0.61 0.07 0.65 19
RH6 (16.6026.50) (0.171.23) (0.000.10) (0.236.99) (0.010.23) (0.080.47) (730)
20.88 0.60 0.05 1.06 0.07 0.18 17
RH7 (16.6026.50) (0.010.79) (0.000.14) (0.040.92) (0.010.14) (0.010.17) (921)
21.01 0.35 0.05 0.44 0.06 0.08 14
RH8 (16.8026.50) (0.090.92) (0.000.11) (0.192.74) (0.020.20) (0.010.15) (826)
20.88 0.42 0.04 0.62 0.07 0.08 18
RH9 (16.8026.50) (0.040.51) (0.000.11) (0.151.44) (0.010.13) (0.010.17) (520)
21.10 0.28 0.04 0.59 0.06 0.08 13
RH10 (16.5026.50) (0.012.76) (0.000.10) (0.081.75) (0.010.11) (0.030.13) (920)
20.72 0.51 0.04 0.50 0.05 13

Salinity in the coastal area of the city of Rhodes was measured on a seasonal basis (n 5) with a range of 38.90 39.39%0 and mean value of

Coastal area of Rhodes. In a similar way, the calcula- grams form statistically significant distinct groups
tion of the similarity indices was based on a data set that (Clarke and Green 1988).
consisted of 120 sampling units (10 stations 12
months) and the total number of phytoplanktonic spe-
cies was 197. The application of these indices has led to Results
a final data matrix of 9 columns (indices) and 96 rows
(8 12 sampling units), measuring the mean resem- Whole Body of Data
blance per month of the two control stations [RH7] The mean annual levels of temperature, salinity,
and [RH9] with each of the other eight sampling sites. nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, organic nitro-
Cluster analysis was applied for each index to study gen and chlorophyll a concentrations in the eight sta-
the grouping of the stations. The Euclidean distance tions of the gulf of Gera are presented in Table 2. It can
was used as a similarity measure and the group average be observed that the six internal stations [GG3]-[GG8]
distance was chosen as the clustering algorithm since showed higher nutrient and chlorophyll levels com-
this clustering technique introduces relatively little dis- pared with the control site [GG1]; these mean values
tortion to the relationships between stations. Finally, are characteristic of a marine environment that can be
Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) was used as a con- classified as mesotrophic with eutrophic trends accord-
servative test to determine if stations that appear to be ing to a proposed scaling for the Aegean Sea (Ignatia-
grouped together in separate clusters of the dendro- des and others 1992). The respective concentrations at
624 G. Arhonditsis and others

Table 3. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and least square difference test for detecting differences among the
sampling sites of the Gulf of Gera for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), phosphate and chlorophyll a concentrations
Sources of variance Degrees of freedoma F ratio Level of significance Overall adjusted r2 Groups
Stations 7/119 3.87 0.00b 0.72 A: GG1 B: GG2
Temperature 1/119 0.70 0.40 C: GG3-GG4-GG5-
Salinity 1/119 0.34 0.56
Stations 7/119 6.73 0.00b 0.89 A: GG1 B: GG2-GG3
Temperature 1/119 4.38 0.01b C: GG4-GG5-GG6-
Salinity 1/119 2.63 0.10
Stations 7/119 6.23 0.00b 0.73 A: GG1 B: GG2
Temperature 1/119 5.14 0.03b C: GG3-GG4-GG5-
Salinity 1/119 4.82 0.08
DF of groups/DF of error.
Significant value at 0.05.

station [GG2] located in the entrance of the gulf were munity. Similar classification patterns have resulted
at intermediate levels. The grouping of the stations in from the remaining similarity indices, and the statistical
terms of their total dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phos- testing of this grouping, based on the use of the non-
phate and chlorophyll concentrations after eliminating parametric permutation test ANOSIM, has led to its
the effects of the physical variability, was tested using statistical confirmation at the level of 5% (Table 5).
the analysis of covariance where the sites IDs were the Conclusively, the similarity indices, as measures of the
values of the categorical variable and the physical vari- deviations among affected and control sites, seem to be
ables (temperature, salinity) were the covariates. The a sensitive methodology for water characterization, en-
sources of differences among the stations were sought abling the detection of spatial trends in the structure of
by the least square difference test (LSD). The results of phytoplankton communities.
these statistical analyses are presented in Table 3. The The mean annual values of the nitrate, nitrite, am-
physical environment (especially temperature) has a monium, phosphate and chlorophyll a concentrations
significant contribution in some cases, however, the in the 10 stations of the coastal area of Rhodes are also
residual variability (spatial heterogeneity) is still signif- presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the stations in
icant in the observed patterns of nutrients and chloro- the harbor ([RH3], [RH4] and [RH5]) were character-
phyll (higher and statistically significant F values). The ized by higher nutrient and chlorophyll values. Mean-
application of the LSD test has resulted in a grouping while, the two offshore stations ([RH7] and [RH9])
of the stations similar to the one previously described. exhibited the lowest concentrations, especially for ni-
The compositional overlap of phytoplankton species trate and ammonium. The respective values in the re-
between the stations of the gulf and the control site was maining stations (used for swimming and other recre-
also remarkable, exceeding in proportion the level of ational activities) were at intermediate levels. The
65%. effects of the hydrodynamics and the physical variability
The numerical classification of the stations based on were initially evaluated using the analysis of covariance
the application of the Morisitas index (randomly se- (not presented in this paper), but the resulting r2s were
lected) is represented in Figure 2A. It can be seen that low (30%) and therefore not sufficient for addressing
the internal stations of Gera formed two distinct the specific question. We followed an indirect approach
groups: the group of stations [GG5], [GG6], [GG7] by dividing the dataset into two subsets; the summer
located at the northwestern part of the gulf and the period (May-October) characterized by strong stratifi-
group of stations [GG3], [GG4], [GG8] characterizing cation of the waters in the area and the winter period
the southeastern spatial compartment of the area, (November-April) when the mixing is particularly
whereas the station [GG2] at the entrance of the gulf strong, and comparing the grouping of the stations
had a discrete performance of its phytoplankton com- under the two different hydrodynamic regimes. Total
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 625

Figure 2. Grouping of (a) the nearshore stations of the coastal area of the city of Rhodes and (b) the internal stations of the
gulf of Gera, based on the whole body of data. The resemblance measure among the stations and the reference sites was Morisitas

Table 4. Testing the difference (paired t-test) between stations (Rhodes) of the seasonal mean of total inorganic
RH1 RH2 RH3 RH4 RH5 RH6 RH7 RH8 RH9 RH10
RH1 1.47 1.11 5.97 2.43 1.41 1.69 0.89 1.95 1.20
RH2 2.43 2.63a 4.70b 5.02b 0.13 0.93 0.03 0.20 0.43
RH3 1.16 1.19 3.83 1.63 3.49a 3.60a 2.39 3.13a 2.94
RH4 2.38 2.41 0.63 1.84 5.20b 5.16b 4.66b 6.51b 4.85b
RH5 4.18b 4.31b 0.96 1.61 5.15b 5.39b 2.62a 3.68a 4.47b
RH6 0.89 1.18 1.09 2.90a 1.80 1.97 0.02 0.13 0.62
RH7 2.93a 1.20 1.21 2.60a 5.20b 1.59 0.33 0.52 0.06
RH8 1.22 1.37 1.19 2.61a 5.22b 1.39 2.11 0.09 0.30
RH9 2.00 0.81 1.21 2.53 5.44b 1.37 0.25 1.06 0.29
RH10 0.61 0.27 1.18 2.73a 4.93b 1.63 1.36 0.39 0.91
*Upper triangle: comparisons between stations during the summer period; lower triangle: comparisons between stations during the winter period.
Critical values for statistical significance: a(5%) 2.571; b(1%) 4.032; degrees of freedom 5. Table modified from Karydis and Coccosis

inorganic nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite and ammonium) sites (enriched and offshore) is one of the main factors
was considered as the main eutrophication parameter used in the present methodology.
(Karydis and Coccosis 1990), and the seasonal means of The application of the similarity indices in the spe-
the stations were compared using the t-test. Table 4 cific area, which in fact means the comparison of the
shows that during the summer period (upper triangle) discharged stations in terms of their resemblances to
significant differences were detected between the the control sites, is illustrated in Figure 2B. This repre-
highly eutrophic stations RH4, RH5 and most of the sentation involves the classification results derived from
remaining stations. Similar patterns were also observed Morisitas index, but analogous inferences were ex-
during the winter period (lower triangle), indicating tracted from the rest of the similarity measures. It is
dominance of the nutrient loading over the circulation clear that we have a clear bipolar pattern: stations
processes and the physical variability in the study area. [RH3], [RH4], [RH5] were clustered closely together
The phytoplankton communities of the offshore and and the remaining stations [RH1], [RH2], [RH6],
inshore stations showed a significant overlap of their [RH8] and [RH10] were clumped into a single group
species composition (75%) and the differences in the at a mean level varying from 45 to 55% of similarity.
abundance of these common species between the two Table 5 presents the results of the ANOSIM test, where
626 G. Arhonditsis and others

Table 5. ANOSIM randomization test to confirm statistically significant differences between groups of stations
Significance Significance
Pairwise comparisons between groups of stations (%) Pairwise comparisons between groups of stations (%)

Gleasons index Whittakers index of association

Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 4.76* Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 4.02*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 4.12* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 3.52*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 3.98* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 2.44*
Rhodes: [RH3, RH4, RH5] vs [RH1, RH2, RH6, RH8, RH10] 3.39* Rhodes: [RH3, RH4, RH5] vs [RH1, RH2, RH6, RH8, RH10] 2.67*
Kulczynskis index Canberra metric
Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 4.76* Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 3.99*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 4.25* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 2.33*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 3.69* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 1.78*
Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 4.42* Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 2.79*
Ruzickas index Morisitas index
Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 4.49* Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 3.46*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 4.02* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 2.79*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 3.59* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 1.31*
Rhodes: [RH3,RH4, RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 3.67* Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 2.57*
Pandeyas index Bray-Curtis index
Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 4.89* Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 3.94*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 4.17* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 2.56*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 3.59* [GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 1.68*
Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 4.16* Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 2.92*
Ellenbergs index
Gera: [GG3, GG4, GG8] vs [GG2] 3.50*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG3, GG4, GG8] 2.87*
[GG5, GG6, GG7] vs [GG2] 1.99*
Rhodes: [RH3,RH4,RH5] vs [RH1,RH2,RH6,RH8,RH10] 3.46*

*Indicates significant differences between the 1% and 5% levels.

The test was applied to the results of the clustering based on the application of the similarity indices to the whole body of data.

it can be seen that all the similarity indices have re- ferent trophic potential and different physical structure
sulted in the same grouping of stations and the exis- is not clear, it seems likely that most of the above-
tence of these spatial discontinuities was confirmed mentioned factors are partly removed from the study by
statistically at the level of 5%. utilizing the overlapping fraction of these communities.
However, the intra- and interspecific differences in Hence, a new data set was formed by excluding phyto-
abundance levels among discharged and control sites plankton species, observed solely in the eutrophic or
are not always associated with eutrophication phenom- the oligotrophic habitat during the annual cycle, and
ena. The dynamics of the phytoplankton populations thus containing individuals with inherent physiological
are also influenced by several ecological factors of vary- adjustments that enable their propagation in broader
ing importance with respect to the spatial scale of in- areas. The computation of the similarity indices and the
terest, such as the requirement for a specific vitamin or resultant classification patterns for the coastal area of
a trace element, the demand for a certain substrate if Rhodes and the gulf of Gera are represented in Figure
the species forms a sedentary stage, the annual variabil- 3A and B, respectively. It can be seen that the grouping
ity of salinity, and temperature and current transport of the stations and the intra- or intergroup distances
(Pagou and Ignatiades 1988). The basic concept of the were almost identical to those derived from the whole
present method presupposes that all these factors, vir- data set. It seems possible that a compositional overlap
tually a kind of environmental noise for this study, are above the level of 60 65% is indicative of environments
isolated and that the sampling points used for spatial with structural analogies, suitable for objective compar-
control objectively provide the baseline information for isons in the level of individual species. Contrarily, in the
the communities encountered in the coastal areas. cases where the proportion of the common species is
Thus, the selection of the unaffected stations seems to lower or there is an inconsistency among the results of
be a potential source of ambiguity for interpretation of this subset and those extracted from the whole data set,
the results and a key issue for the reliability of this it would be safer to seek another control site in the
method. neighborhood of the coastal stations. Furthermore, the
The most rational practice to define the structure of following paragraph investigates an alternative ap-
the oligotrophic habitat is to seek sampling sites located proach to overcome the problem of the environmental
in the vicinity of the coastal system. However, in cases noise in the spatial distribution of phytoplankton
where the distinction between environments with dif- communities by exploiting species with significant
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 627

Figure 3. Grouping of (a) the nearshore stations of Rhodes and (b) the internal stations of the gulf of Gera based on the
common phytoplankton species among the coastal area and the reference sites. The resemblance measure among the stations
and the reference sites was Morisitas index.

growth rates and a permanent or a temporary behav- tive number of observations was deemed more appro-
ioral adaptation in the nutrient enrichment of the priate than using solely one of these two quantitative
coastal ecosystems. characteristics of the phytoplankton ecology. This cri-
terion emphasizes not only the dominant species with a
Opportunistic Species frequent occurrence over the annual cycle, but also
Fundamental concept. Nutrient accumulation in species with perennation mechanisms that operate at
coastal waters leads to nonequilibrium processes at the seasonal cycles and temporarily constitute a significant
phytoplankton community level producing patterns of fraction of the opportunistic part of communities
abundance and species occurrences significantly differ- (Gasol and others 1997). Furthermore, it was consid-
ent from those of the equilibrium situations (Harris ered that since the high values of this ratio express
1986). Under such conditions, the communities are mostly extreme environmental states, the detection
characterized by the presence of opportunistic species procedure of the opportunistic species should handle
with an inherent capability to promptly react to envi- them as outliers. The discrimination of the outlying
ronmental changes and show rapid growth rates until observations was based on the use of a simple algorith-
an upper limit is reached or until the excessive nutrient mic procedure known as the Box and Whisker Plot
stock is exhausted (Sanford and Crawford 2000). Mean- (Ott 1988). This method does not assume normality
while, these dominant phytoplankton species co-exist and can be used in nonsymmetrical distributions. A box
with species that remain substantially unaffected from plot can be easily constructed from the information
the external perturbations and present low levels of referring to the quartiles. The second and third quar-
biomass. These rare species, resulting either from com- tiles are graphically displayed as boxes while straight
petitive exclusion or from brief and occasional growth lines connect each box to the minimum and maximum
potential, seem to be unsuitable for eutrophication value, respectively. Data points lying outside 1.5 times
studies (Allen and Star 1982, Cao and others 1998). the interquartile range of the upper quartile were re-
Thus, the partitioning of the phytoplankton communi- corded as outliers.
ties into the opportunistic and rare species categories Applications in the study areas. The frequency distri-
and the combined use of the first category with the butions of phytoplankton species in the study areas are
previous described similarity indices is likely to improve presented in Figure 4. The construction of these pro-
the resolution of this method. files was obtained by summing the abundances of indi-
The critical point of this approach is the selection of vidual species from all the sampling units of the dis-
the criterion to distinguish between opportunistic and charged sites of Gera [GG2]-[GG8] and Rhodes (all the
rare species. In the present work, the ratio of the total stations except the oligotrophic sites [RH7] and [RH9]
annual abundance of individual species to the respec- over the annual cycle). The distribution patterns are
628 G. Arhonditsis and others

Figure 4. Frequency distribution of

phytoplankton species (a) in the gulf
of Gera (stations GG2GG8) and (b)
in the coastal area of the city of
Rhodes (all the stations except the
oligotrophic sites RH7 and RH9).

highly asymmetrical with a well-expressed skew to the gulf of Gera and the near shore stations of the coastal
right, indicating that (a) rare species constitute the area of Rhodes. The resemblance measure among the
major portion of these phytoplankton communities; stations and the control sites is Morisitas index, but
and (b) there is a number of species loosely related to similar inferences were extracted from the rest of the
the central tendency of the studied populations (outli- indices. In the case of Gera, the classification pattern of
ers). The extreme values detected by the Box and the stations was the same as the one observed with the
Whisker Plot are shown in Figure 5. It was an iterated whole body of data. The stations [GG5], [GG6], [GG7]
process until outlying values could not be further de- formed a small cluster; a similar cluster was formed by
tected. The number of opportunistic species was about the stations [GG3], [GG4] and [GG8], whereas both
25% and 33% of the total number of species observed the groups differed significantly from the station [GG2]
in the coastal area of Rhodes and the gulf of Gera, at the entrance of the gulf. However, it is evident that
respectively. The highest number of outlying observa- the clusters based on the outlying observations are
tions in the gulf of Gera should be attributed to its more discrete and fuse at lower distances compared
morphology, i.e., a shallow and semi-enclosed basin with the pattern illustrated in Figure 2B. A similar
with limited exchanges with the open sea, constituting coherent grouping can be seen from the dendrogram
an unstable marine environment associated quite fre- of Rhodes (Figure 6B). Moreover, in this particular case
quently with non-equilibrium processes due to the the use of the opportunistic species has led to another
wider fluctuations of the physical (temperature, den- interesting result for the station [RH6], which is no
sity, salinity) and chemical (nutrient accumulation) longer linked with the other stations that monitor wa-
conditions. ters used for swimming and other recreational activi-
The application of the similarity indices intended to ties. The distinct behavior of this site should be attrib-
measure the deviations of the opportunistic part of the uted mostly to a) the larger number of swimmers,
enriched sites from the reference levels. Figure 6A resulting in the highest level of ammonium in the
illustrates the grouping of the internal stations of the coastal area, and b) the proximity to the harbor, both
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 629

shallow gulf denser than the external system. Meanwhile,

the inlet of the gulf has a screening role that limits the
entrance of the oligotrophic waters of the Aegean Sea, a
process that is associated with the group formed by the
stations [GG2] and [GG3] at a mean distance of 55%.
Conversely, the warm months of the year (April to Octo-
ber), the limiting physical factors are eliminated and the
gulf is characterized by rapid exchanges with the open
sea. The classification pattern of Figure 7b leads to three
groups containing the stations of the northwestern part of
the gulf [GG5], [GG6], [GG7], those of the southeastern
part [GG3], [GG4], [GG8] and the station [GG2] at the
entrance of the gulf. These groups are linked at higher
distances indicating the importance of the advective and
diffusion transport to the phytoplankton patterns, since
these processes provide energy supplement to the com-
munity, increasing the spatial heterogeneity inside the

The choice of an index for water quality studies should
be the result of careful consideration and understanding
of the natural mechanisms that cause the stress. In the
case of eutrophication, it must be realized that the initial
Figure 5. Box-and whisker plots for detecting opportunistic
nutrient enrichment may cause an increase in diversity,
species: the procedure was reiterated until no further extreme
but this can be at the expense of a shift in species com-
values could be detected.
position of the community (Van Donk and others 1997).
In the present work, considering the ambiguity that covers
constituting stimulants for additional growth of the the spectrum of perturbation-diversity interactions, a new
dominant fraction of phytoplankton community. Thus, methodology is proposed focusing on the intra- and in-
the combined use of the similarity indices with the terspecific alteration of phytoplankton communities
dominant phytoplankton species creates a sensitive among sites with different levels of nutrient loading. The
technique that provides additional information about basic aim of this approach is the comparison among
the structural shifts of the phytoplankton communities enriched sites (i.e., coastal areas) in terms of the compo-
under external perturbations and emphasizes disconti- sitional divergence of their phytoplankton communities
nuities in the mesotrophic levels. from the baseline conditions. In striving for objectivity of
Finally, the specific method can be proposed as a these comparisons, the effects of spatial heterogeneity
qualitative measure of the renewal processes of coastal and seasonality are isolated using nearby unaffected areas
marine ecosystems that regulate the residence time of and comparing sampling units that cover all of the annual
excessive nutrient loads, especially in lagoons and gulfs. cycle. Moreover, the variability of selective grazing pres-
Figure 7 illustrates the differences in grouping of the sures among sites with different trophic conditions and
internal stations of the gulf of Gera, between winter and the effects of this variability on the interspecific abun-
summer. These classification patterns were based on a dance distributions is not excluded from the analysis,
further separation of the set of opportunistic species since the alterations in the phytoplankton-zooplankton
into two subsets, consisting of their abundances during relationships usually weak in marine ecosystems (Mich-
the stratified (April-October) and the nonstratified eli 1999) were regarded as a sequential process of the
(November-March) period. In Figure 7a, the internal sta- eutrophication phenomenon that should be inherent in
tions ([GG4]-[GG8]) show a significant homogeneity the results.
forming a cluster with a mean similarity level of 65%. This Nine common similarity indices, measuring the re-
result is indicative of the insularity of the system during semblance between enriched and control areas, were
the winter, when the ambient temperature and the in- screened for their sensitivity to assess different levels of
flows of the cold-water masses of the runoff render this eutrophication. These indices varied in terms of a) the
630 G. Arhonditsis and others

Figure 6. Grouping of (a) the internal stations of the gulf of Gera and (b) the nearshore stations of Rhodes based on the
opportunistic phytoplankton species. The resemblance measure among the stations and the reference sites was Morisitas index.

Figure 7. Grouping of the internal stations of the gulf of Gera, after the detection of opportunistic species, using numerical
classification based on Morisitas index: (a) during the winter and (b) summer period.

assigned priorities in the deviations among the abun- application of the similarity indices classified the inter-
dant (i.e., Pandeyas index) and rare (i.e., Camberra nal stations into two groups representing the northwest-
metric) species, b) the different (i.e., Ellenbergs in- ern [GG5], [GG6], [GG7] and southeastern [GG3],
dex) or the same (Bray-Curtis index) processing of the [GG4], [GG8] part of the gulf, due to the differences of
common and noncommon subcategories. Two phyto- the nutrient discharges from the respective segments of
plankton data sets, one from an open coastal system the watershed in combination with the circulation pattern
and one from a semi-enclosed gulf, associated with of the gulf that leads to an inadequate renewal of the
different nutrient dynamics and circulation patterns seawater of the inner parts, especially during the periods
were used for evaluating the consistency and potential of limited exchanges with the open sea (Arhonditsis and
extrapolation of these methods. Generally, all the sim- others 2000). In a similar way, the classification patterns of
ilarity indices have led to clear-cut patterns and have the coastal area of Rhodes indicated a clear distinction
stimulated rational hypotheses concerning the spatial between polluted sites [RH3], [RH4], [RH5] near the
variability of the study areas. In the case of Gera, the harbor and the sites used for swimming and other recre-
Eutrophication Assessment Using Similarity Indices 631

ational activities [RH1], [RH2], [RH6], [RH8], [RH10]. distorted when analyzing the overall communities, can
On the other hand, the application of evenness, diversity form an objectivity criterion for comparisons that seek
and dominance indices in the same data sets was charac- out dissimilarities caused from eutrophication pro-
terized by reduced sensitivity in discriminating among cesses.
different eutrophication levels and resulted in inconsis- A further improvement of the specific method was
tent and confusing patterns (Karydis and Tsirtsis 1996, attempted by exploiting the abundances of the species
Tsirtsis and Karydis 1998, Arhonditsis 1998). that are favored mostly under conditions of excessive
These indices exclusively express the richness and nutrient loading, the so-called opportunistic species. The
variety of natural ecological communities (diversity in- criterion for their identification was the ratio of the total
dices), the equitability of species abundance in the annual abundance of individual species to the respective
sample/community (evenness), or emphasize the role number of observations. The non-parametric Box and
of the most important species (dominance) (Washing- Whisker Plot was deemed appropriate for detecting the
ton 1984). Apparently, the sole use of one of these dominant species (Karydis 1994), since the basic assump-
properties as a tracer for elucidating the phytoplankton tion of this work was the idea that the opportunistic
community responses under conditions of nutrient en- species represent the most flexible fraction of phytoplank-
richment is not a robust and consistent methodological ton communities and should be considered as outliers
tool. In contrast, the multi-component nature of the induced from extreme environmental states. The use of
similarity indices formulations, incorporating most of the abundances of these species has improved the results,
the above information along with the divergence of emphasizing discrete sites and smoothing out differences
these structural characteristics from the baseline con- between similar sites. Furthermore, in the data set of
ditions, enables the identification of even small quan- Rhodes, the specific method showed an increased sensi-
titative or qualitative differences in the trophic status. tivity in detecting structural dissimilarities in the mesotro-
The structure of the oligotrophic environment and the phic level, thus, the hypotheses involving the trophic sta-
extent to which it regulates the subsequent habitat, an tus of the station RH6 that seems to lie between the
implicit source of bias for the results, was also examined polluted and the waters used for swimming, possibly due
by the study. It was deemed that the information concern- to its vicinity to urban areas. This property of the method
ing the fraction of the non-occurring species between two is essential for coastal management since mesotrophic
neighboring sites is more liable to sampling and counting waters form the early warning systems for environmental
problems, whereas its magnitude is mostly associated with quality assessment (Karydis 1992).
ecological conditions and physical processes that have Finally, there is a possibility that the correspondence
little to do with eutrophication processes and anthropog- between opportunists and outliers and consequently
enous disturbances (Harris 1986). Thus, the validity of the the application of the Box and Whisker Plot will not
method and the suitability of the control sites to provide be so effective when the frequency distribution of spe-
the baseline information for the phytoplankton commu- cies abundance is symmetrical and not so skewed as in
nity structure can be sought in the overlapping fraction of these particular cases. Under such conditions, the dis-
species among the different areas. This procedure ex- crimination of the opportunistic part will be deter-
cludes from the analysis a useful part of the community, mined by introducing in the analysis of phytoplankton
such as the species that have different levels of adaptation communities the concepts of central and marginal pop-
(i.e., competitive exclusion) under low and high nutrient ulations (Emlen 1984). The development of an objec-
concentrations. However, the cost of loosing this piece of tive technique that distinguishes the two categories for
information is compensated by focusing on the abun- different locations and physical conditions constitutes
dance patterns of species with a greater resilience in the an aim for on-going research.
spatial variability of the physical forcing and thus partly
removing the environmental noise, as outlined for this
particular study. Acknowledgments
The classification patterns of this data set were al- We thank Joe Ravet and Fania Vlatsiotou for their
most similar to those that resulted from the whole body helpful comments to an earlier draft of this manuscript.
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