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Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 26

(Juliyanto, et al.)

Analiysis of Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei

Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Intensive Pond, Jatisari Village,
Nabilla Anggi Wijayanti Juliyanto1, Maftuch1, Endang Dewi Masithah2
1 Study Program of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
2 Study Program Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Phytoplankton can be used to estimate the potential for vannamei shrimp production. It can be used as a provider of
nutrient sources and has an important role in improving water quality. This study aims to analyze the phytoplankton
community structure on the productivity of intensive vannamei shrimp ponds. The research was conducted in Jatisari
Village, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. Carried out parameters were the calculation of density, phytoplankton
diversity index, culture performance (SR, FCR, ADG), and water quality (temperature, water transparency, salinity, pH,
DO, NO2, NO3, PO4, NH4). The results showed that there were six classes and 33 genera from both ponds,
Chlorophyceae (10 genera), Bacillariophyceae (8 genera), Cyanophyceae (9 genera), Dinophyceae (3 genera),
Euglonophyceae (1 genus), Criptophyceae (1 genus). The index value of the two ponds shows moderate diversity, H'
pond 1 is 1.76, and pond 2 is 2.02. The two plots' cultivation performance was SR 92% and 80%, FCR 1.08 and 1.13, ADG
0.31 g.day-1 and 0.35 g.day-1, respectively. The physical and chemical parameters of the research showed a good
enough value for the life of vannamei shrimp and phytoplankton.
Keywords: Cultivation performance, Phytoplankton, Vannamei shrimp.

INTRODUCTION become nutrients (N and P) and can be used for

Indonesia is the third-largest seafood microalgae growth [7]. On the other hand, if the
consumer country after China and Japan, organic material is not in accordance with the
Indonesia is the fourth largest shrimp exporter carrying capacity, it will have a negative impact
after India, Ecuador, and Argentina [1]. Vannamei because it will increase the rate of O2 reduction
shrimp is an aquaculture species whose and increase the O2 requirement in the sediment,
production has increased the fastest over the which will produce reduced compounds, such as
past five years [2]. Indonesia can produce shrimp NH3, CH4, and H2S [6]. In addition, the
up to 919,959 tons [3]. Production of vannamei effectiveness and amount of nutrients by
shrimp in East Java in 2017 was 156,139 tonnes. phytoplankton depends on the availability of
This value is higher than other provinces in NO3-N, PO4-P absorption and organic materials,
Indonesia [3]. which are influenced by pH, dissolved oxygen,
To increase production yields, many temperature, water transparency, salinity, NO2-N
cultivators adopt an intensive cultivation system, and NH3-N [8].
characterized by probiotics, commercial feed Phytoplankton is microorganisms that live
with high protein content, and stocking densities hovering in the oceans, lakes, rivers, and other
ranging from 100-300 individuals.m-2 [4]. The water bodies, are autotrophic microorganisms
higher the stocking density, the more metabolic that can produce their own food with the help of
waste will increase [5]. The distribution of feed sunlight [9]. The level of plankton production in
that is used and not utilized by shrimp was an area of water can be used to estimate the
controlled [4] so that shrimp feed in intensive potential for shrimp and fish production [10]. As
cultivation systems becomes the main source of well as providing a nutritional source for shrimp,
producing organic material, which can cause phytoplankton is also very important in
nutrient overload. Organic material in an amount improving water quality [8]. The existence of
suitable for carrying capacity has a positive phytoplankton can be used as a bioindicator of
impact because it can benefit aquatic organisms changes in the aquatic environment caused by an
such as phytoplankton [6]. The organic material imbalance of an ecosystem due to pollution [11].
is decomposed by decomposer microbes to The high uniformity of plankton with the high
number of individuals of each plankton and
 evenly distributed plankton will result in prime
Corespondence address :
Nabilla Anggi Wijayanti Juliyanto environmental conditions and can increase pond
Email : nabillaanggi06@student.ub.ac.id productivity [12]. The fluctuation in air quality
Address : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, parameters can cause a decrease in shrimp
Brawijaya University, Veteran, Malang, 65145

J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 27
(Juliyanto, et al.)

survival which continues to decrease in Description:

production [13]. This research was conducted to nA, nB, nC, nD : Number of of phytoplankton cell in
blocks A, B, C, D
analyze the relationship between phytoplankton
4 : Number of blocks counted
community structure in the waters and its 104 : Conversion factor mm3 to cm3
relationship with the productivity of white
shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture, by The diversity index is calculated using the
observing the diversity, density of Shannon-Wiener method with the following
phytoplankton, water quality during cultivation, formula:
and the productivity of the aquaculture pond.
𝐻 ′ = − ∑ 𝑝𝑖 ln 𝑝𝑖
The research was conducted from 5th January
th Description:
– 5 February 2021. Samples were taken from
H' : Shannon-Wiener diversity index
two vannamei ponds in Jatisari Village, Pi : ni / N
Banyuwangi Regency. Identification is carried out ni : Number of individuals of type i
in the research location laboratory. We used N : Total number of individuals
plankton net, film bottle, water sampler, coolbox,
Aquaculture Performance Measurement
hemocytometer, cover glass, dropper pipette,
The formula used to measure the value of SR
microscope, identification book, washing bottle,
[15] is:
DO meter, refractometer, Secchi disk, and 5L 𝑁𝑡
bucket. We also used water samples, 70% 𝑆𝑅 = 𝑥 100%
alcohol, lugol, distilled water, test kits for NH4,
NO3, NO2, PO4, and pH paper. Description:
SR : Survival (%)
Parameters Nt : Amount of harvest
The main parameters observed were N0 : Total stocking
phytoplankton density, diversity index, and The Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is calculated
performance of cultivation which included using the formula according to [15] is:
productivity, survival rate, FCR (Feed Conversion 𝐹
Ratio), and ADG (Average Daily Growth). The 𝐹𝐶𝑅 =
𝑊𝑡 + 𝐷
supporting parameters observed during the
study were water quality. Water quality FCR : Feed conversion ratio
parameters observed during the study were F : Weight of feed given (g)
temperature, water transparency, dissolved Wt : Biomass at the end of maintenance (g)
oxygen, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and W0 : Initial maintenance weight (g)
phosphate. D : Weight of dead fish (g)
Average Daily Growth (ADG) is calculated
Phytoplankton sampling
using the formula [16]:
The research samples were taken at four (Wt − W0)
points, inlet, outlet, and two ancho shrimp ponds 𝐴𝐷𝐺 (𝑔. 𝑑𝑎𝑦 −1 ) =
(Litopaneaus vannamei). Samples were taken
every day at 13.00 WIB (West Indonesian Time). ADG : Daily weight gain
The collection was done using a bucket with a Wt : Final weight (g)
volume of 5 L for each point. The sample water is W0 : Initial weight (g)
put into the plankton net, which has been given a T : Duration of maintenance (days)
20 mL film bottle, then given four drops of lugol Water Chemical Physics Parameters
solution to preserve the phytoplankton and Dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, water
ensure that there is no eating process in the film transparency, salinity were measured every day
bottle. Samples that have been taken are labeled during the study, while ammonia, nitrite, nitrate,
and placed in the coolbox. and phosphate were measured every three days.
Phytoplankton identification and calculation Dissolved oxygen was measured at 06.00, 13.00,
Calculation of phytoplankton density (cells. and 20.00 WIB (West Indonesian Time), water
mL-1) using the Big Block calculation formula [14] transparency, temperature, and pH were
as follows: measured at 06.00 and 13.00 WIB, salinity was
nA + nB + nC + nD measured at 06.00 WIB. Ammonia, nitrate,
Phytoplankton density = × 104

J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 28
(Juliyanto, et al.)

nitrite, and phosphate were measured every environments and is cosmopolitan [22].
three days at 06.00 WIB. Generally, Bacillariophycea class has high
nutritional value, is easy to digest, and is very
good, especially for the survival of shrimp larvae,
Phytoplankton Identification
and this species is preferred by shrimp compared
The results obtained in the two ponds, in
to other classes [8].
pond 1, there were six classes with a total of 31
The high percentage of Cyanophyceae in both
genera consisting of Cyanophyceae (10 genera),
ponds could be due to the high phosphate value
Chlorophyceae (9 genera), Bacillariophyceae (7
in both ponds. Phosphate levels greater than
genera), Dinophyceae (3 genera),
0.01 mg.L-1 can lead to predominance in waters
Euglenophyceae (1 genus), Cryptophyceae (1
[18]. If there is a blooming of Cyanophyceae in
genus). In pond 2, six classes were found, with a
the waters, it will cause the water to be green,
total of 31 genera. The classes found in pond 2
blue, and even black, and it will be less profitable
are Cyanophyceae (10 genera), Chlorophyceae (8
because Cyanophyceae releases toxins that are
genera), Bacillariophyceae (8 genera),
harmful to shrimp which can cause death before
Dinophyceae (3 genera), Euglenophyceae (1
harvest [21].
genus), Criptophyceae (1 genus). The highest
number of genera in both ponds is
Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae are
phytoplankton, which are expected in cultivation
[17] as natural food and oxygen ponder [18],
while Cyanophyceae are types that are avoided
for cultivation because they contain toxins that
will cause the organism to be susceptible to
disease [19]. Bacillariophyceae are often found in
the sea in large numbers [18], so that this class is
commonly found in vannamei shrimp farming
Phytoplankton Composition and Density
The percentage of phytoplankton
composition in pond 1 is known to have three
classes that dominate with high values,
Cholophyceae, Cyanophyceae, and
Bacillariophyceae, with the percentages that can
be seen in Figure 1. The percentage of other
classes found in both ponds is below 10%. The
dominant phytoplankton classes found during
the study were common in the white shrimp
Figure 1. Composition of Phytoplankton
(Litopenaeus vannamei) cultivation location. The
results of the research conducted previously The diversity index value in the study can be
have three dominant classes, which are the same seen in Table 1. The research diversity index has
as the results for which the study was conducted an index similar to the study by Umami et al [8]
[8,18,20]. The phytoplankton that is expected to and Mansyah et al [19] and higher than the study
grow in pond waters is Bacillariophyceae and by Hendrajat and Sahrijanna [23]. The index
Chlorophyceae because these two classes can be shows that the diversity value is moderate
used as natural food for shrimp other than as an (1<H'<3), which means that pond water quality is
oxygen enhancer in the water column [18]. still good to support the development and
Bacillariophyceae in both ponds had the same diversity of phytoplankton [19]. The greater the
percentage. The genus of the class H', indicating that the more diverse life in water
Bacillariophyceae can dominate in pond waters is [24]. If the diversity index is close to 1 (> 0.5),
because of the availability of nutrients essential then the uniformity of organisms in the waters is
for growth in the form of ammonia, nitrite, and in a balanced state, and there is no competition
nitrate due to feeding [21]. Bacillariophyceae is a for both place and food, but these values
phytoplankton that can adapt to various indicate unstable biota [23].

J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 29
(Juliyanto, et al.)

The effectiveness and uptake of nutrients by [20], the SR value in pond 1 is 92%, with a yield of
phytoplankton in pond waters depend on the 5636 kg for a pond area of 2000 m2 and in pond 2
availability and absorption rate of NO 3-N, PO4-P, is 80%, with a yield of 7688.5 kg for a pond area
and organic matter which is influenced by pH, of 2500 m2. The high SR value indicates that the
dissolved oxygen, temperature, water environmental conditions in the water for the
transparency, salinity, NO2-N, and NH3-N [25]. production process are quite good [13].
Optimal water conditions will spur the The FCR value for pond 1 is 1.08, and pond 2
absorption rate of nutrients by phytoplankton so is 1.13. The FCR value in this study is greater than
that it can improve the structure of the plankton Budiardi et al [13]. The lower the FCR value, the
community. The N:P value in both ponds ranged better condition, which shows that the optimal
from 1.91-13.79, and the average N:P value in feeding for cultivation. Generally, the FCR value
pond 1 was 6.59 and in pond 2 was 7.28. in vannamei shrimp culture is 1.4-1.8 [27]. In
Cyanophyceae were found to be more dominant addition, water quality also affects shrimp
at low N:P ratios below 10: 1 [26]. appetite, which will affect the FCR value.
Cultivation Performance Temperature, salinity, and alkalinity have a close
Based on Table 2, yields and SR of both ponds relationship with the FCR value of vannamei
have a higher value than the study by Aridin et al shrimp [28].
Table 1. Phytoplankton Genera and Average Density
Pond 1 Pond 2
No Genus name Class Average density Average genus Average density Average
(cell.mL-1) (%) (cell.mL-1) genus (%)
1 Oocystis 3,666 1.02 4,750 1.85
2 Nanochloropsis 159,916 44.8 48,333 18.8
3 Cosmarium 83 0.02 166 0.06
4 Tetreselmis 416 0.11 0 0
5 Golenkinia 250 0.07 83 0.03
6 Closterium Chlorophyceae 166 0.04 83 0.03
7 Tetraselmis 0 0 1,000 0.39
8 Tetraedron 83 0.02 0 0
9 Dictyosphaerium 83 0.02 166 0.06
10 Gleocystis 683 1.91 3,833 1.49
11 Skeletonema 14,750 4.14 31,666 12.36
12 Cyclotella 11,916 3.34 12,750 4.9
13 Nitzchia 166 0.04 833 0.3
14 Coscinodiscus 666 0.18 666 0.26
15 Navicula Bacillariophyceae 166 0.04 500 0.19
16 Bidulphia 0 0 83 0.03
17 Chaetoceros 16,750 4.70 27,000 10.54
18 Thallasiosira 750 0.21 15,666 6.11
19 Microcystis 14,750 4.14 23,000 8.9
20 Chrococcus 40,750 11.44 1,4750 5.7
21 Oscillatoria 28,416 7.97 27,166 10.6
22 Merismopedia 666 0.18 1,000 0.39
23 Anabaenopsis 916 0.25 916 0.35
24 Anabaena Cyanophyceae 30,083 8.44 22,833 8.91
25 Gleocapsa 666 0.18 1,416 0.55
26 Pseudanabaena 666 0.18 2,000 0.78
27 Synechochoccus 3,250 0.92 2,500 0.97
28 Spirulina 2,166 0.60 4750 1.85
29 Protoperidinium 250 0.07 166 0.06
30 Gymnodinium Dinophyceae 1,083 0.30 1,166 0.45
31 Noctiluca 666 0.18 250 0.09
32 Euglena Euglenophyceae 2,000 3.55 566 2.2
33 Criptomonas Criptophyceae 2,500 0.7 833 0.3
Total 356166 100 256000 100
H’ 1.7602442 2.0218753

J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 30
(Juliyanto, et al.)

The ADG value in pond 1 ranged from 0.19- the two ponds was 20-53 cm. The highest water
0.48 g.day-1, with an average of 0.31 g.day-1, and transparency is in pond 1, which is 48 cm in the
in pond 2, it ranged from 0.19-0.55 g.day-1 with morning, and the lowest is 20 cm during the day.
an average of 0.357 g.day-1. The highest ADG in The highest water transparency is in pond 2,
the study had a higher value than the study [16]. which is 53 cm during the day and the lowest is
The lowest ADG value of the two ponds was 27 cm during the day. The lower the water
caused by the adjustment period of the transparency value, the increased phytoplankton
vanmamei shrimp from natural feed to artificial abundance [13], besides that, turbidity or low
feed. water transparency can be caused by nutrient
Table 2. Cultivation Performance
content and sludge [31]. Good pond water
transparency for shrimp rearing is 35-45 cm [32].
No Indicator Pond 1 Pond 2
1 Cultivation age (day) 72 73
The pH range values obtained in the two
2 Yields (kg) 5,636 7,688.5 ponds were 7.6-8.5. The pH value range of 7.17-
3 Survival rate (%) 92 80 8.98 in ponds does not harm cultivation
4 FCR 1.08 1.13 organisms, including plankton [3]. The optimum
5 ADG (gr.day-1) 0.316 0.357 pH range for cultivation activities is between 7.0-
Water Quality 9.0 [33]. The limit of tolerance of organisms to
Water quality during the study can be seen in pH varies and is influenced by temperature,
Table 3. The temperature range during the study dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, the type of
was 27.5-31°C. Bacillariophyceae and organism, and its place of life [33].
Chlorophyceae are found in many stable water Salinity is a reflection of the amount of salt
conditions. The optimum temperature for the dissolved in water [21]. Vannamei shrimp can
growth of phytoplankton from Bacillariophyceae tolerate a wide range of salinity, 0.5-45 ppt, can
is 30-35°C and Chlorophyceae 20-30°C, grow well in the range of 7-34 ppt [30], and grow
Cyanophyceae can tolerate higher temperatures optimally at 25-30 ppt [32]. The diatom class
(above 35°C) than the Chlorophyceae and group was able to adapt to salinity up to 90 ppt
Bacillariophyceae classes [5]. [12]. So that the salinity obtained during the
The temperature has an influence on the study is in the optimal range for the growth of
oxygen consumption, growth, survival rate of shrimp and phytoplankton in water. Salinity
shrimp in a cultured environment [29]. In during the study ranged from 25-31 ppt.
addition, the temperature has a direct influence Oxygen has an important role in the survival
in controlling the rate of various metabolic of aquatic organisms. The lowest DO (dissolved
processes of microalgae cells [21]. The oxygen) value was in pond 1, 2.9 ppm at night,
temperature tolerated by vannamei shrimp [30] and the highest was 8.7 ppm during the day. The
ranges from 23-30°C and grows optimally at lowest DO (dissolved oxygen) value was in pond
temperatures of 30°C (for small shrimp, 1g) and 2, 2.5 ppm at night, and the highest was 9 ppm
27°C (for large shrimp, 12-18g). Vannamei shrimp during the day. Marine species will die if DO
can also tolerate temperatures below 15°C and levels are below 1.25 mg.L-1 for several hours. DO
above 33°C, but their growth will be stunted. values between 2.5-3 mg.L-1 result in reduced
Water transparency is a condition that swimming speed, and DO levels of 5.3-8 mg.L-1
describes the ability of sunlight to penetrate the are good for the survival and growth of marine
water layer to a certain depth [31]. The range of organisms [34]. Plankton can live well at oxygen
water transparency measured during the study in concentrations of more than 3 mg.L-1 [35].
Table 3. The average value of water quality during study
Pond 1 Pond 2
Parameters Optimum value References
06.00 13.00 20.00 06.00 13.00 20.00
Temperature (°C) 28.1 29.2 - 29.3 30.45 - 23-30°C [30]
Water transparency (cm) 31.8 30.4 - 35.4 34.2 - 35-45 cm [32]
pH 7.7 8.17 - 7.7 8.2 - 7.0-9.0 [33]
Salinity (ppt) 28 27.9 - 28.5 28.3 - 25-30 ppt [32]
DO (ppm) 3.8 6.4 3.6 4.0 7.1 3.8 5.3-8 ppm [34]
NH4 (mg.L-1) 1.25 1.3 < 1.7 mg.L-1 [39]
NO2 (mg.L-1) 6.47 7.2 < 0.05 mg.L-1 [40]
NO3 (mg.L-1) 14.9 14.8 < 0.5 mg.L-1 [41]
PO4 (mg.L-1) 2.75 2.7 0.27-5.51 mg.L-1 [41]

J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 31
(Juliyanto, et al.)

The DO value of the two ponds at night is found that in pond 1, the phosphate values
lower than the optimum value for phytoplankton ranged from 2.5-3 mg.L-1 with an average of 2.75
and vannamei shrimp. The high DO content mg.L-1. In pond 2, the phosphate values ranged
during the day in both ponds was caused by from 2.2-3 mg.L-1 with an average of 2.7 mg.L-1,
oxygen intake produced by phytoplankton [18] so that the results obtained during the study
and waterwheels [34]. The availability of have an optimal range for cultivation and
windmills provides dissolved oxygen is always phytoplankton.
available, and the pond is always in aerobic The higher NH4, PO4, and NO3 content with
conditions. It is the response to the decomposing the support of high water temperature and
bacteria that accelerate the decomposition water transparency will result in increased
process of organic waste into N and P nutrients, chlorophyll biomass content [38] so that the
which are fixed into NO3-N and PO4-P. These abundance of phytoplankton biomass increases.
conditions can effectively accelerate nutrient The process of decomposing organic matter into
uptake of phytoplankton growth [25]. Dissolved mineral salts is faster when the pH range is in the
oxygen dynamics in aquatic ecosystems are alkaline range [32].
determined by the balance between oxygen
production and consumption [36].
The performance value of vannamei shrimp
In intensive ponds, ammonia is mostly in the
culture in this study shows a good value. It can be
form of NH4+, which can be ionized due to the
caused by the optimal aquatic environment so
availability of dissolved oxygen, and the N source
that the shrimp's appetite can be maintained.
from NH4+ is not toxic to aquatic organisms and
Phytoplankton stability during the study also
can be utilized directly by phytoplankton [25].
affected the cultivation performance value. ADG
NH4+ is required for phytoplankton to form
and FCR values indicate that the shrimp make
protein and cell formation [37]. The range of
good use of the feed.
NH4+ values during the study in pond 1 was 0.4-
2.5 mg.L-1, and in pond 2, it was 0.2-2.5 mg.L-1. REFERENCES
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J.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021 ISSN. 2087-2852

E-ISSN. 2338-1655
Phytoplankton Diversity on the Productivity of Vannamei Shrimp 32
(Juliyanto, et al.)

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