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Oregon Observer

The Buy Local in Oregon

112 Janesville Street, Oregon, WI 53575

Thursday, July 27, 2017 Vol. 133, No. 4 Oregon, WI ConnectOregonWI.com $1 Phone: 835-8276 Fax: 835-8277
Mon., Fri. & Sat. appointment only
Tues. & Thurs. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Wed. 12 p.m.-6 p.m.,

A little
improvisation Arts Center off-limits due
Venue change to HVAC repairs, a poten-
prompts new tial roadblock was turned
into an opportunity, show
approach for Straw producer Steve Zach told
Hat Players the Observer last week.
We usually plan these
for a long time, because
SCOTT DE LARUELLE we have to get the rights,
Unified Newspaper Group get the director and orga-
nize that, so it was kind
When youre a theater of, Oh, what do we
company and you lose do? he said. Do we
your theater, its a pretty go through a summer not
significant obstacle. doing one because of the
But the show must go last-minute nature of this,
on, of course, and the or do we do something
Oregon Straw Hat Play- else?
ers are taking their tem- An answer was provid-
Photo by Tristan McGough porary venue change in ed by a pair of OSHP vet-
Legacy Effects co-owner Alan Scott, left, and artist Jason Matthews, middle, stand next to the life-like statue of Geshe Sopa stride as they prepare for erans who came up with
Matthews created over the course of a year. The statue, honoring Sopa, the founder of Deer Park Buddhist Center in the two weeks of shows at a plan to both stretch the
Town of Dunn, was unveiled at a July 23 ceremony. new locations with a new group out creatively and

A Guiding Likeness
approach. adapt to the confines of
The Players are known a smaller stage and pro-
for putting on a large duction a recent piece
musical show each sum- on the life and works of
mer, but with the Oregon
High School Performing Turn to Venue/Page 3
200-plus attend unveiling of Geshe Sopas memorial statue
Observer correspondent
University of Wisconsin-Madison in
the South Asian studies department.
With the lamas of the Tibetan Bud-
teaching, known as the Dharma, as
well as ceremonies such as this Guru
Puja, to practice the religious side of
Summer camp for librarians
dhist Gelug Order sitting cross-legged Buddhism. l i b r a r y s t a ff m e m b e r s
Monks, scholars, students and
admirers from around the world in the front row, clad in tradition- Jangtse Rinpoche remarked during OPLs Borden chosen across the state who pro-
assembled at the Deer Park Buddhist al orchid and burgundy robes and this special memorial service, which for development vide services to young
Center in the Town of Dunn over the stretched out to include nuns of the was dedicated to the swift and aus- people and their families
weekend to commemorate the passing order, the commemorative ceremony picious return of our precious guru, program who was selected for the
of the centers founder and the dedi- was led by the newly elected 104th Gehse Sopa, The best way we can 2017 Youth
cation of a Hollywood-created memo- Ganden Tripa, Jangtse Choje Rin- show our gratitude for the kindness of SCOTT DE LARUELLE Services
rial statue in his honor. poche, the official head of the Gelug- Geshe Sopa is to practice his teach- Unified Newspaper Group Devel-
The July 23 ceremony, a special pas. ings. opment
Guru Puja, marked the third anniver- Jangtse Choje Rinpoche was in the The Head of the Order asked each Even summer is a great Institute.
sary of the passing of the renowned midst of presenting the second of person who had known Geshela time to learn new things. According
Buddhist monk, philosopher, teacher the two summer courses he had been (la, being the Tibetan suffix desig- Next month, Oregon t o a n ew s
and author, the venerable Venerble scheduled to teach at the center, 4548 nating honor as well as admiration Public Library staff mem- release from
Geshe Lhundub Sopa Rinpoche, Schneider Drive. and respect), to search within them- ber Wendy Borden will the Wiscon- Borden
who transitioned Aug. 28, 2014, The center was purchased in selves to remember his words, recall attend a leadership devel- sin Depart-
into what Buddhists refer to as the 1981 with the intent of hosting the his teachings. For those too young opment program that ment of Public Instruction,
Clear Light. Geshe Sopa, as he was Kalachakra empowerment initiation to have met the centers forefather, should allow her to bring the librarians are begin-
known, had served as tutor to the 14th by the Dalai Lama and serving as a Tri-Rinpoche encouraged them and plenty of new ideas and ning a journey that will
Dalai Lama and was the first Tibet- teaching center for Buddhist philos- everyone else to read the books programming back to Ore- likely change them and
an to become a tenured professor ophy. Since then, it has held regular gon.
at an American university at the philosophical classes on the Buddhas Turn to Statue/Page 12 Borden is one of 25 Turn to Borden/Page 2

Police, fire departments host annual National Night Out Aug. 1

HELU WANG Seg. Luke Kass told the and public works depart- hospital and library, will about local organizations
Observer that new to the ment will also hold live set up tables and introduce and resources.
Unified Newspaper Group
event this year is a fire demonstrations and dis- their organizations. People The event aims to build If You Go
The annual National department demonstration play their vehicles police can play hockey and rock a good relationship between
of a vehicle extrication. squad cars, fire trucks and climb. The event will be the police and and commu- What: National Night Out
Night Out will be held from
5-8p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 1 Firefighters will show EMS dump trucks. Kids will be followed by a Disney mov- nity and raise awareness of Where: Oregon Fire De-
on Spring Street in front of tools they use during car able to go inside the vehi- ie, Moana. Everything is crimes. But its more like- partment, 131 Spring St.
the Oregon Fire Department accidents, for example, like cles and learn about how to free of charge. ly to be a family-friendly When: 5-8p.m. Tuesday,
to connect the community how to open a crashed car use the equipments. Kass said the event is block party, Kass said. Aug. 1
and discuss crime preven- door with the tools. Over 30 local groups and to provide the community For information, call
The police department businesses, including the opportunities to get to know Kass at 835-3111. Info: Call 835-3111

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2 July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer ConnectOregonWI.com

Summer community
ed, rec classes continue
through August
Oregon School District of glass and about the tools
Community Education and and techniques needed to
Recreation will hold pub- work with glass.
lic classes for children and The cost for two projects
adults in August. Class is $30
fees include all materials.
To register, visit ore- Art workshop
gonsd.org/community. Students ages 6-11 will
For information, call 835- explore drawing, painting
4097. and sculpting during the
Art Explorer Workshop
Drama camp f r o m 2 - 4 p . m . M o n d a y
Students ages 8-14 will through Thursday, Aug.
spend a week learning what 14-17, at Netherwood
makes theater so much Knoll Elementary School.
fun at Dramatic Play- Eliza Tysinski will teach
ers Camp from 9a.m. to kids how to create a vari-
Photos by Helu Wang 2p.m. Monday, Aug. 7, and ety of works of art in the
Lewis Renegar (center) a Michigan native, performs passionately for seniors at the senior center. Wednesday through Satur- exploration of 2-D and 3-D
day, Aug. 9-12, at Prairie art forms.
View Elementary School The cost for all four

A show
Theater. classes is $70.
Frank Mozer will teach
kids improv games, acting Junior robotics
techniques and prop design Ages 5 1/2 to 11 can

for seniors while preparing a short

excerpt from a play or a
monologue suitable for an
sign up for Amusement
Park Junior Robotics
Camp, which will be held
Teenagers from Shadow audition. from 9a.m. to noon Mon-
Drum and Bugle, an ensem- The cost for the five day through Friday, Aug.
ble based in Oregon, perform classes is $85. 14-18, at Netherwood
for seniors at the senior cen- Knoll Elementary School.
ter Tuesday afternoon, July Lego mining, crafting Bricks4Kidz staff will
25. The performers are from The popular Mine- teach kids how to build a
all over the country and per- craft-based Lego mining new ride each day. Using
form nationally during the and crafting workshop is Lego bricks with the chal-
summer. back from 1-4p.m. Mon- lenge of computer pro-
day through Thursday, Aug. gramming, kids can make
On the web 7-10, at Netherwood Knoll
Elementary School.
motorized, programmed
models. The camp includes
See more photos of the Shadow Bricks4Kidz staff will carnival-themed games and
Drum and Bugle performance: teach students ages 6-12 group challenges.
how to build shelters, crit- The cost for all four
ConnectOregonWI.com Olivia Rito (right) an Indiana native, performs for seniors at the senior center. ters and tools in a Minecraft classes is $130.
environment. There will be
fun challenges, models and Mission to Mars
more. Students ages 8-13 will
Borden: Will attend leadership session next month The cost for all four learn principles of robot-
classes is $130. ics, programming and
teamwork during Robot-
Continued from page 1 leadership and make pro- providing leadership in invaluable to the services Model boats ics Lego EV3 Mission to
fessional contacts within community settings. with provide to community
their communities. the larger library com- State Superintendent youth. Students ages 8-14 will Mars.
The four-day event, to munity, according to the Tony Evers said the insti- This is an amazing use a variety of recycled Engineering for Kids
be held at the Heartwood release. tute has a track record of opportunity for Wendy and materials, wood, art sup- s t a ff w i l l t e a c h c l a s s -
Conference Center in Wo r k s h o p s w i l l p r o - providing important train- the library, Busch said. plies, tape and glue to make es from 1-4p.m. Mon-
Trego from Aug. 27-30, is vide guidance on planning ing to library staff who Kudos to Wendy for seek- model boats that float, cul- day through Friday, Aug.
targeted to youth services library programs that serve might not otherwise have ing out this advanced train- minating in a regatta at a 1 4 - 1 8 , a t N e t h e r w o o d
staff members who do not community needs, devel- this opportunity. ing and for securing one of local park. Knoll Elementary School.
have a graduate degree in oping library collections, I commend the 2017 the limited spots. Eliza Tysinski will teach Kids can design, create,
librarianship or who work incorporating STEAM participants on their invest- The 2017 Youth Services the class from 2-4:30p.m. program and control robots
in smaller public libraries. (science, technology, engi- ment in themselves, their Development Institute will Monday through Thursday, they design to explore an
The institute offers par- neering, art and math) libraries, and their com- be led by library profes- Aug. 7-10, at Netherwood unknown planet, find safe
ticipants an opportunity into library experiences munities, he said. Strong sionals with local, regional, Knoll Elementary. shelter and collect soil
to develop library skills, for youth and families, libraries add so much to a and statewide experience. The cost four all four samples.
identify short-term and understanding the physi- community. Cohort members are also classes is $70. T h e c o s t f o r a l l five
classes is $145.
long-term goals focusing cal and social development Oregon library director part of an online commu- Glass jewelry
on professional skills and of children and teens and Nikki Busch said Borden nity where they can share
Adults and older teens Essential oils
is a highly involved and information and ideas and
integral part of the library support each other pre- and can sign up for a fused Adults and older teens
whose contributions are post-institute. glass jewelry class from can learn how to use essen-
Funding is made pos- 6:30-8:30p.m. Thursday, tial oils to support over-
sible through a feder- Aug. 10. all wellness from 6:30-
EMERALD INVESTMENTS al Library Services and Ann Kleckner will teach 8:30p.m. Wednesday, Aug.
MINI STORAGE Technology Act (LSTA) the class at her Art Glass 16, at Netherwood Knoll
5'x10' $38 Month grant from the Institute for Delights Studio, 5545 Elementary.
10'x10' $60 Month Museum and Library Ser- County A, Brooklyn. Par- Nike Loomis will teach
10'x15' $65 Month vices (IMLS). ticipants will learn how to the class, and participants
10'x20' $80 Month create two jewelry items c a n t a ke h o m e a m u s -
10'x25' $90 Month Email Unified Newspaper (pendants or earrings) as cle blend massage oil or

At Cleary Building Corp. Group reporter Scott De they learn about forms, cream.
190 S. Paoli St., Verona WI Laruelle at scott.delaruel- types and characteristics The cost is $22.
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ConnectOregonWI.com July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer 3
Village of Oregon
Peaceful Heart receives
Sewer claims will cost $6,845 $10K for faade
Board agrees to pay three same meeting, however, village offi- were alerted to the problem.
cials said they hoped to find a way Earlier this month, the board BILL LIVICK their historic building.
homeowners after setting to pay the claims, as long as they approved a policy to assist home- Unified Newspaper Group The village revised its
werent setting a legal precedent in owners in such circumstances. It
new policy doing so. sets aside $30,000 a year from sewer
program to help down-
Peaceful Heart Gifts and town property owners
The three claims, totaling $19,219, utility funds to essentially self-in- Books is the first business who need financial assis-
BILL LIVICK were the result of two sewer back- sure for claims from homeowners tance to improve building
to benefit from the vil-
Unified Newspaper Group ups on March 5 at residences on Ash when sanitary sewers back up into lages new faade grant facades in June.
Street and one Jan. 21 on East Neth- their basements. Considered a rare program. The program is limited
The Village Board on Monday erwood Road. event, staff and trustees agreed it The Village Board last to properties in or imme-
unanimously authorized the village On Monday, the board approved would allow the village to be respon- Monday approved Doris diately adjacent to the
to pay three residents for damages a $5,000 payment to Tennyson, a sive but save money on the other and John Deits grant downtown tax-increment
that occurred in January when san- $1,365 payment to Lund and a $480 option: no-fault insurance through application, and the busi- financing district TID
itary sewers in their homes backed payment to Christensen. the League of Wisconsin Municipal- ness owners will receive 3. It allows village fund-
up. Public works director Jeff Rau said ities, at roughly $18,000 a year. a $10,000 grant to help ing of up to 25 percent of
The residents Debbie Tennyson, the blockages were caused by a large The policy limits payments to a defray the $39,000 cost of total project costs, not to
Pam Lund and Shawn Christensen root mass growing in the sewer maximum of $5,000 per claim. improving their building exceed $5,000 per facade,
filed insurance claims with the vil- pipes, which catches objects that Contact Bill Livick at bill.livick@ at 123 S. Main St. They and requires property
lage earlier this year seeking com- shouldnt be in the sewer line. He wcinet.com plan improvements to the owners to document their
pensation, but in March the board said the village worked to remove south and west facades of matching contribution to
voted to deny the claims. At the the blockages once he and his staff the project.

Student earns gold medal for ad design Get Connected

Find updates and links right away.
in national SkillsUSA competition Search for us on Facebook
AMBER LEVENHAGEN - participants were required competed at the conference, transfer student, she will
Unified Newspaper Group to design a logo, hang tag according to the release. serve as page designer for
as Oregon Observer
and coffee cup holder for a More than 6,000 career and the Clarion, Madison Col- and then LIKE us.
Oregon resident Alexan- non-profit organization. technical education stu- leges student newspaper,
dra Christensen was award- I didnt think I would get dents competed hands-on in in the coming school year,
ed a gold medal last week a medal because I used the 100 different trade, techni- according to the release.
at the SkillsUSA National wrong proportions on one cal and leadership fields.
Leadership and Skills con- of my pieces, Christensen Her involvement in Skill- Contact Amber Levenha-
ference in Louisville, Ken- said in a news release. I sUSA began at Oregon gen at amber.levenhagen@
tucky. learned not to give up. High School, where she wcinet.com.
She was awarded for She was among 15 Madi- learned desktop publishing
h e r a d ve r t i s i n g d e s i g n son Area Technical College and competed in photog-
students and advisors who raphy. Now a liberal arts

Venue: Sondheim on Sondheim opens Aug. 4

Continued from page 1

legendary Broadway lyr-

Cast and crew If You Go
icist/composer Stephen The cast is, in alphabetical order: Micheal Brunner, What: Oregon Straw Hat SIGN UP FOR A FALL BOWLING LEAGUE AND
David Lawver, whos
Pamela Crary, Stephanie Drahozal, Samantha Elmer, Jackie
Gessert, Randy Kessenich, Natalie Long, Owen Metzger,
Players production of
Sondheim on Sond- BOWL FREE
a long-time director and Rebecca Rosenow, Caitlin Rutz, Rei Tangko and Mark heim FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AUGUST
producer and artistic guru Wegner.
of our group, and Duane When: 7:30p.m. Friday, No matter what your age or ability,

Draper, who is similar, The staff is: producer Steve Zach, director David Lawver, Aug. 4 and Saturday Aug. we have the perfect league for you.
said, Lets do Sondheim directors assistant/music director Duane Draper, stage 5, 2p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2; Mens, Womens, Mixed, Couples, Senior
o n S o n d h e i m , Z a c h manager John Unertl III, assistant stage manager Emily 7:30p.m. Thursday, Aug. & Junior Leagues. Come join the fun!
said. This fit perfectly Richardson, video engineer John Unertl IV, sound de- 10, Friday, Aug. 11 and
its a piece Duane and signer Curtis White, sound operator Nathan Anderson and Saturday, Aug. 12
carpenter Tom Elmer. VIKING LANES
David wanted to do, and Where: Prairie View 1410 Hwy 51 Stoughton, WI
it hasnt been done in the Music and lyrics are by Stephen Sondheim, while the Elementary School, 300 (608) 873-5959 www.vikinglanes.com
area. show was conceived and directed on Broadway by James Soden Drive (Aug. 4-6)
The show, which hit Lapine. and Charlies on Main,
Broadway a few years 113 S. Main St. (Aug.
ago, is different from
the typical musical, as
10-12) You're
i t s m o r e o f a r ev i ew, On Sondheim Tickets: $17 ($12 youth, AUGUST 10-11 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Zach said, which suits the $15 seniors, $17 for AUGUST 12 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Described by The New York Times as the greatest and adults)
groups situation this year. perhaps best-known artist in the American musical
I t s c o m p i l a t i o n o f
S o n d h e i m w o r k s , h e theater, Stephen Sondheim has received an Academy
Award, eight Tony Awards, eight Grammy Awards, a Pulit-
Info: Call 835-9126, email
tickets@oshponline.org BEST PRICES OF THE SEASON!
said. It also has a vid- or visit oshponline.org.
eo of Sondheim, talking zer Prize and a 2015 Presidential Medal of Freedom. STOP IN
Dinner show: Tickets
about his life and career, His best-known works include A Funny Thing Happened
$40; call 291-2255 or & SAVE!
and then the music fills in on the Way to the Forum, A Little Night Music, Sweeney
visit charliesmainevent.
and carries the story and Todd, Merrily We Roll Along, Sunday in the Park with
weaves a web of Sond- George, Into the Woods, West Side Story and Gypsy.
heims life and his music
together. (Its) a limited seat around 100 people, so the great living broadway
cast as opposed to play a
musical; its not like we
On the Web space is limited, compared music theater composer
to past shows at the spa- and lyricist.
have big sets and lots of Find out more about the Oregon cious high school PAC
costumes its more of a He writes complicated, FREE GIFT with every
Straw Hat Players at: This is different it
cabaret dinner theater sort beautiful stuff compli- building designed with our
oshponline.org will be more intimate, he cated and simple all at the DreamMaker 3D Software.
of production. said. We dont have sets,
To host the productions, same time, he said. Hes presents the
we dont do costumes a pretty accomplished guy Seventh Annual Refreshments Served!
the group will travel to two its performances of songs
dinner package is available and his music is just beau- Family Fishing Clinic!
new locations the theater set to a story thats shown Saturday, August 12
Stop in, or contact us today
in Prairie View Elemen- for the final three shows. tiful. for a FREE consultation!
I t s a $ 4 0 p a c k a g e by video interview foot- There are some great 9 a.m. to Noon
tary School and a down-
town restaurant, Charlies which includes a three- age of Sondheim, he said, songs in this show. Meet the Ultimate VERONA, WI
course meal and a terrific noting that a small orches- Outdoors Crew!
190 Paoli St. (Hwy 69 & 18/151)
on Main. The first weeks tra will provide the live
show, he said. I just love Email Unified Newspaper You could be featured
shows, set for Aug. 4-6,
the music of this, its a music. Group reporter Scott De in pictures and 608-845-9700

will be at PVE, while the Calling him his favor- interviews!

shows from Aug. 10-12 beautiful show and I think Laruelle at scott.delaruel- FEATURING:
the community is going to ite Broadway songwriter, le@wcinet.com. Bring Your Rod & Reel...
will be above Charlies on Zach said Sondheim is We Provide the Bait!
113 N. Main St., where a love it.
Zach said both locations generally perceived as
800-373-5550 ClearyBuilding.com
4 July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer Opinion ConnectOregonWI.com

Letters to the editor

Thanks to all volunteer coaches
Over the last seven to eight years, Tim Erickson, Mike Victorson and
our son has had the opportunity all the other dads that invested so
to grow and learn from a group of much time working with our kids.
amazing parent coaches. It was a privilege to watch our
As we approach our last baseball kids become young men under your
tournament and the end of youth guidance. We look forward to the
sports for this class, we wanted to next four years where you get to
say thank you. These men have sit in the stands with us and enjoy
invested so much of their time with watching your own sons play sports.
so many of our sons throughout the
years. We would like to personally Joe and Megan Burvan
thank Dave Jameson, Mike Statz, Village of Oregon

Letters to the editor policy

Unified Newspaper Group is proud to offer a venue for public debate and
welcomes letters to the editor, provided they comply with our guidelines.
Letters should be no longer than 400 words. They should also contain
contact information the writers full name, address, and phone number so
that the paper may confirm authorship. Unsigned or anonymous letters will
not be printed under any circumstances.
The editorial staff of Unified Newspaper Group reserves the right to
edit letters for length, clarity and appropriateness. Letters with libelous or
obscene content will not be printed.
Letters that are strictly personal lost pets, for example will not be print-
ed. Letters that recount personal experiences, good or bad, with individual
businesses will not be printed unless there is an overwhelming and compel-
ling public interest to do so. Letters that urge readers to patronize specific Community Voices
businesses or specific religious faiths will not be printed, either. Thank-

Happy to take my turn

you letters can be printed under limited circumstances, provided they do
not contain material that should instead be placed as an advertisement and
reflect public, rather than promotional interests.
Unified Newspaper Group encourages lively public debate on issues, but
it reserves the right to limit the number of exchanges between individual let-

leading the senior center

ter writers to ensure all writers have a chance to have their voices heard.

This policy will be printed from time to time in an abbreviated form here
and will be posted in its entirety on our websites.

Summer Steels name was left out of the Oregon 10U Black softball teams
F or the past 37 years,
the Oregon Area Senior
Center was led by just two
very capable directors: Alison
Koelsch for the last 20 years and
Fish Hatchery Road. He and
his wife raised a large family
there, including a daughter who
became my grandmother.
My grandmother raised a
Street, in the building that now
houses Gerlachs Flooring)
before there were any traffic
lights downtown, and no Hwy.
14 bypass behind the high
photo that ran on page 8 of the July 20 sports section. The name was left out Nell Mally for the first 17. large family of her own. While school.
of the initial email sent to the Observer. They saw the center grow the economic necessities of the The joke in town was: Do you
from a mere idea in the minds of Great Depression drove them know how to get to the other
community activists into the sol- around the state in search of a side of Main Street in Oregon?
id organization it is today. Now way to put food in their mouths, The answer was: Yes, be born
I step into that role as the third my grandparents spent much of there.
director, hav- their lives in Oregon. My mother Now it is easy to get to this
Thursday, July 27, 2017 Vol. 133, No. 4 ing benefitted graduated from Oregon High building, no matter from which
USPS No. 411-300 greatly from School with the Class of 1944. direction you approach. It is also
Periodical Postage Paid, Oregon, WI and additional offices. the years I I grew up hearing the stories easy to get help here, which is
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, spent working of many of Oregons original one of the reasons I feel fortu-
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. for Alison, and families that my mother told me, nate to be the new director.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to a professional some of which she had heard The staff here is friendly,
The Oregon Observer, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.
lifetime devot- from her own parents and grand- capable and committed to serv-
Office Location: 156 N. Main Street, Oregon, WI 53575 ed mainly to parents. While the Oregon area ing our area seniors, whether
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday and Thursday people born Brickner has grown and changed a lot they have lived in the area all
Phone: 608-835-6677 FAX: 608-835-0130 prior to 1957. even in just the last 20 years, it of their lives, or just moved in
e-mail: ungeditor@wcinet.com I have been is helpful to have some perspec- today.
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 involved with seniors in the tive on Oregons past. The staff is supported in this
ConnectOregonWI.com community since the 1970s, I am a fourth-generation endeavor by a large group of
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. when my grandmother moved local, and other than the one amazing volunteers who give
into Oregon Manor. Each time misguided year when I lived in freely of their time and talents to
my parents announced that it the Appleton area shortly after improve the lives of the seniors
General Manager Circulation was time to go visit her, some college, I have lived in the Ore- in the community (while bene-
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz of my siblings would declare gon School District all my life. fitting themselves from the good
lborkowski@wcinet.com ungcirculation@wcinet.com they suddenly had to finish I grew up on the Hogs Back feelings they get from helping
News their homework, walk the dog between Oregon and Brooklyn others). I feel privileged to work
Sales Manager Jim Ferolie or clean the chicken house. I (that would be County Trunk with these generous souls.
Kathy Neumeister ungeditor@wcinet.com would go find my sketchbook Hwy. MM in modern parlance). People familiar with the
kathy.neumeister@wcinet.com Sports and my violin and get in the car. In addition to my historical Senior Center probably will not
Advertising Jeremy Jones I had found there was a senior perspective on Oregon, I also notice any big changes with a
Dawn Zapp ungsportseditor@wcinet.com at the manor who drew marvel- have the pleasure of knowing new director in place. While we
ous cartoons, and another who a lot of people who live in the are always striving to improve,
oregonsales@wcinet.com Assistant Editor was an accomplished fiddler. I area. There is a tremendous our Senior Center is strong and
Classifieds Scott Girard enjoyed visiting with them, and amount of satisfaction in work- not in need of big changes. The
Diane Beaman ungreporter@wcinet.com I always came home happier for ing for people with whom I feel strength and stability of the
ungclassified@wcinet.com Reporters having made the trip. a sense of connection. Center is largely due to the dedi-
Inside Sales Samantha Christian, Bill Livick, I should have realized at As a teenager, and through cated efforts of the two previous
Monica Morgan Anthony Iozzo, that point that I was destined college, I worked for the Oregon directors, the staff, the volun-
Amber Levenhagen, to spend my professional life Observer and spent much time teers and the seniors in the area.
Scott De Laruelle, Helu Wang working with seniors, but it took literally running advertising I feel honored to be entrusted
me several more years to come copy around town. Every week, with the leadership of an organi-
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of to that conclusion. Eventually, the grocery ad would be deliv- zation that encompasses so many
Woodward Communications,Inc. I worked as a geriatric nurse, ered to Pauls Grocery Store for inspiring people, in the commu-
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
a position that allowed me to him to review. nity I have always been happy
experience the satisfaction of Little did I know then that the to call home. Please stop in and
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results. helping seniors and the pleasure grocery store building would say hello, regardless of whether
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville of hearing their tales about the eventually morph into todays we are already acquainted and
past. Senior Center. I certainly did let me know if you have ideas
Stories about bygone times not anticipate then that I would about how we can continue to
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER have always held my interest, spend so many hours of my life strengthen our organization.
ASSOCIATION and I especially enjoy the ones here.
that focus on local life. One of I remember just how difficult Rachel Brickner is the direc-
SUBSCRIPTION RATES my great-grandfathers came it was to get to this building tor of the Oregon Area Senior
One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 here from England as a young from the Observers office Center.
man, and in the 1880s, he set- (which was then located next to
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 tled on a farm in Fitchburg, on Dads Barbershop on Janesville
Oregon Observer
Stoughton Courier Hub Verona Press
ConnectOregonWI.com July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer 5
Scott A. Novotny princess.
Many of his friends will
remember his playboy
van. Scott had a won-
derful sense of humor
and always had a smile
on his face. No one was
ever surprised to see Scott
hanging from his toes.
He brought out the best
in everyone and believed
everyone deserved a sec-
ond chance.
He loved spending
time with his family and
was a loving husband,
son, father and grand-
father. Scott is survived
by his wife of nearly 30
Scott Novotny years, Sherry; sons, Shane
(Sara) Novotny and Sky-
Scott A. Novotny, age ler (Stephanie Strandlie)
55, of New Glarus, passed Novotny; daughter, Shaw-
away on Thursday, July na (Edwin Kovacs) Novot-
20, 2017 at his home. ny; grandson, Michael
He was born on Jan. Johnson; granddaughter,
Photos submitted 25, 1962, in Madison, the Sophia Novotny; sister,
Dozens of neighborhood children participated in the parade. son of Ralph Novotny and Lisa Novotny; mother-in-
Gloria (Fritsch) Novotny.
Merri-Hill He graduated from Ore-
gon High School in 1980.
law, Lorraine Otis; father-
in-law, Delbert Otis; and

holds Fourth Scott married Sherry Otis

on March 19, 1988. Scott
many nieces, nephews,
cousins and many special
of July took pride in running his
own business, Quality
Funeral services will
be held at gunderson east
parade True Value Hardware,
w h i c h h a s b e e n fa m i -
funeral and cremation
care, 5203 Monona Dr.,
For the 23rd year, the ly owned for almost 50 Madison, at 7p.m. on
Merri-Hill Neighborhood years. He was also proud Wednesday, July 26, 2017.
held its Fourth of July to work with the Porch- Visitation will be held
parade on July 4. light homeless shelters. at the funeral home from
S c o t t l ove d fi s h i n g , 3p.m. until 7p.m. on
hunting, camping, and rid- We d n e s d a y. S c o t t h a s
ing his Harley. He espe- touched so many lives and
At left, second-generation cially enjoyed bike nights will be greatly missed by
paraders (and their parents, with his good friends many. If you love life
not pictured) include, from in Vinyl Thunder. Scott then life loves you back.
left, Jannik (Kevin Krenz), loved working in his yard, Online condolences
Graham (Grant Schnelle) and was a jack of all trades may be made at gunder-
Myla (Erin Heaton Jaeger). and enjoyed building any- sonfh.com.
thing. Sherry would dream
it, and he would build
it. He especially loved Gunderson East

Oregon native returns for military fundraiser building Sophias play-

house and spending time
with her in it, she was and
Funeral & Cremation
5203 Monona Drive
The event, from 10a.m. things like that.
Paltz is active duty to 4p.m. Saturday, July 29, He said planning the
will always be his little 608-221-5420
Air Force, stationed If You Go will include a dog wash and event from Florida was
What: K9s for a cause nail clippings, food for pur- stressful, but very reward-
in Florida chase, vendors, a silent auc- ing and added that his
When: 10a.m. to 4p.m. tion and a Madison police parents played a huge part Carol F. Eugster
SCOTT GIRARD Saturday, July 29 K9 demonstration. All pro- in the process. He said he
Unified Newspaper Group Where: Old Stone Pet ceeds will go to the Amer- hopes the event can become Memorial service for Carol Fosshage Eugster
ican Warrior Initiative, an annual fundraiser. 6p.m., Friday, July 28
Lodge, 4353 Old Stone
which partners with Sun The K9 show will be lat- Mt. Horeb Evangelical Lutheran
An Oregon native on Road Church Chapel
active duty in the Air Force Info: oldstonepetlodge. Prairie organization Custom er in the afternoon, fea-
in Florida is returning home Canines to help bring dogs turing a bite demonstration 315 East Main St., Mt. Horeb
com to people in need, Paltz and a search and rescue
for a fundraiser to help oth-
ers in the military. explained. demonstration.
Keean Paltz, who grad- I just like helping people
uated from Oregon High use the visit home to plan a out, he said. Being in the Contact Scott Girard at
School in 2012, is between
deployments and decided to
K9s for a Cause fundrais- military I have friends that
er at his familys pet busi- suffer from various issues,
and follow him on Twitter Good Shepherd
ness, Old Stone Pet Lodge. as in depression or PTSD, @sgirard9.
by the Lake
1860 US HWY 51

First Brooklyn Send it here

If you have news youd like to share with readers of
The Oregon Observer, there are many ways to contact
July 31 - August 3
9:00 12:30 p.m. 212 years old

Night Out Aug. 3

us. Kids will enjoy Bible stories,

For general questions or inquiries, call our office at

835-6677 or email ungeditor@wcinet.com. music, games, crafts, treats
Our website accepts story ideas, community items, Phone: 608-873-5924
The Village of Brooklyn photos and letters to the editor, at ConnectOregonWI.
com. Births, engagements and anniversaries can also be
recreation committee will
host the first Brooklyn Night If You Go sent to the website.
Out event Thursday, Aug. 3. Several types of items have specific emails where
What: Brooklyn Night Out they can be sent directly.
The event, from 5:30-
7:30p.m. at Legion Park, Where: Legion Park, 205
S. 1st St. (Rain location: Advertising inquiries
will feature a photo booth,
petting zoo, games, music Community Building) oregonsales@wcinet.com
and food.
In the past, the committee
has held a party at the end
When: 5:30-7:30p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 3 Business announcements Special Sale Pricing
of the summer but limited
Info: brooklynrecreation. ungbusiness@wcinet.com Friday, July 28 1-6 p.m.
attendance to kids partici- College notes/graduations Saturday & Sunday, July 29 & 30 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
pating in the six-week sum-
mer recreation program. ungcollege@wcinet.com HUNDREDS OF VARIETIES
This year we decided departments will also be on Community news MINIATURE TO TALL BEARDED
to invite the community, hand for the event. In case
committee member Stacey of rain, the event will move communityreporter@wcinet.com

Hardy wrote in an email to to the Brooklyn Community George Bacon

the Observer. Building. Upcoming events 4600 Rome Corners Rd., Brooklyn, WI 53521
T h e fi r e a n d p o l i c e Scott Girard
ungcalendar@wcinet.com (608) 334-4594 www.breezewayiris.com
6 July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer ConnectOregonWI.com

Coming up Churches
All Saints Lutheran Church Good Shepherd Lutheran
Coloring group binders and 1/2-inch binders. Dona- Buddys; and Aug. 22 with Back 40 2951 Chapel Valley Rd., Fitchburg Church ECLA
tions will be collected at the senior and food by Ziggys. (608) 276-7729 Central Campus: Raymond Road and
The senior center will offer an center until Friday, Aug. 18. For information, visit oregonwi. Interim pastor Whitney Way
adult coloring group at 12:30 p.m. the For information, call 835-5801. com. SUNDAY SATURDAY - 5 p.m. Worship
fourth Thursday of each month. 8:30 a.m. classic service SUNDAY - 8:15, 9:30 and10:45 a.m.
Coloring materials are provided. Library storytimes Adventures in travel 10:45 a.m. new song service Worship West Campus: Corner of Hwy.
Just come to relax your mind, tap into PD and Nine Mound Road, Verona
The library will hold Everybody Sue and Ron Marsden of See Your Brooklyn Lutheran Church SUNDAY - 9 &10:15 a.m., 6 p.m.
your creativity and spend time with Storytime for ages 0-6 at 10 a.m. World Adventures will share the top 101 Second Street, Brooklyn Worship (608) 271-6633
others. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays travel destinations and planning tips (608) 455-3852
For information, call 835-5801. Pastor Rebecca Ninke Hillcrest Bible Church
through Aug. 4. There will be short from 6-7 p.m. Monday, July 31, at the SUNDAY 752 E. Netherwood, Oregon
Wellness Walks stories, puppets, songs, fingerplays, library. 9 a.m. Holy Communion Eric Vander Ploeg, Lead Pastor
movement activities and crafts. For information, call 835-3656. 10 a.m. Fellowship (608) 835-7972, www.hbclife.com
The Oregon Area Wellness Coa- Bouncing Babies Storytime for SUNDAY
lition is sponsoring Wednesday ages 0-12 months will be held at 11 Blood drive Community of Life Lutheran 8:30 a.m. worship at the Hillcrest
Wellness Walks, which start at the a.m. Tuesdays through Aug. 1. The Church Campus and 10:15 a.m. worship with
The Oregon Band Boosters are PO Box 233, Oregon Childrens ministries, birth 4th grade
senior center at 9 a.m. Wednesdays. program consists of 15 minutes of hosting a Red Cross blood drive from (608) 286-3121, office@
People will be taking a brisk walk for storytime and 15 minutes of social 2-7 p.m. Monday, July 31 at Hill- communityoflife.us Holy Mother of Consolation
45 minutes each week, rain or shine, and play time for children and care- crest Bible Church, 752 E. Nether- Pastor Jim McCoid Catholic Church
through October. SUNDAY 651 N. Main Street, Oregon
givers to develop early literacy skills wood Drive. Organizers have a goal 10 a.m. Worship at 1111 S. Perry Pastor: Fr. Gary Wankerl
Those interested should bring an through rhymes and songs. of 100 donors for the event. For an Parkway, Oregon (608) 835-5763
ID and water bottle. Coffee and water For information, call 835-3656. appointment, or for information, call holymotherchurch.weconnect.com
will be available at the senior center 1-800-RED-CROSS. Brooklyn Community United SATURDAY: 5 p.m. Worship
after the walk. Sounds of Summer Methodist Church SUNDAY: 8 and 10:15 a.m. Worship
201 Church Street, Brooklyn
For information, call 835-5801. The Sounds of Summer concerts Kids triathlon clinic (608) 455-3344 Peoples United Methodist
School supplies return to Waterman Triangle Park Zone Fitness and Training will host Pastor George Kaminski Church
from 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays through Aug. Kids Triathlon clinics at 11 a.m. to SUNDAY 103 North Alpine Parkway, Oregon
The senior center is partnering with 22 (no concert Aug. 1). The rain loca- noon or 6:15-7:15 p.m at the gym, 9 a.m. Worship (Nov.-April) Pastor Jason Mahnke
10:30 a.m. Worship (May-Oct.) (608)835-3755, www.peoplesumc.org
the Oregon Youth Center to gather tion is Rome Corners Intermediate 280 W. Netherwood Road. Communion is the 1st & 3rd weekend
school supply donations for kids in School. Food and soft drinks will be Led by USAT coach Miranda Bush, Faith Evangelical Lutheran SATURDAY - 5 p.m. Worship
the Oregon School District who need offered from 6-8 p.m. these clinics include bike and run Church SUNDAY - 9 a.m. Worship and Sunday
them most. 143 Washington Street, Oregon school; 10:30 a.m. Worship
The schedule is July 25 with Marcy training, nutrition advice and tran- (608) 835-3554
Most wanted items are pocket and the Highlights with food by Piz- sition tips for ages 5-15. Registra- Interim pastor St. Johns Lutheran Church
folders, washable markers, scissors, za Pit; Aug. 8 with The Byrd Broth- tion cost is $20 and includes a Zone SUNDAY - 9 a.m. Worship 625 E. Netherwood, Oregon
highlighters, glue sticks, Scotch ers with food by JL Richards; Aug. tech-fabric t-shirt. Holy Communion 2nd & last Pastor Paul Markquart (Lead Pastor)
tape, colored pencils, No. 2 pencils, 15 with Red Hot Horn Dawgs after a Sundays (608) 835-3154
For information, call 835-9094 or WEDNESDAY - 6 p.m. Worship
wide-ruled spiral notebooks, loose 6-6:45 p.m. performance by Academy email jen@thezoneoregon.com. First Presbyterian Church SATURDAY - 5 p.m. Worship
leaf paper, 3-by-5-inch index cards, of Sound students with food by Lil 408 N. Bergamont Blvd. (north of SUNDAY - 9 a.m. Worship
fine-tipped dry erase markers, 1-inch CC), Oregon, WI
(608) 835-3082 - fpcoregonwi.org Vineyard Community Church
Pastor Kathleen Owens Oregon Community Bank & Trust, 105
Community calendar SUNDAY
10 a.m. Service
S. Alpine Parkway, Oregon - Bob Groth,
Wednesday, July 26 Kids Triathlon Clinics, Zone Fitness
blood drive, Hill Crest Bible Church, 10:15 a.m. Sunday School (608) 513-3435, welcometovineyard.
752 Netherwood St., redcross- and Training, 280 W. Netherwood 11 a.m. Fellowship com
10 a.m., Everybody storytime SUNDAY - 10 a.m. Worship
blood.org Road, 835-9094 11:15 a.m. Adult Education
(0-6), library, 835-3656
Noon to 1:30 p.m., Estate Plan- 6-7 p.m., Adventures in Travel, 2-2:45 p.m., ZooZort animal Fitchburg Memorial UCC Zwingli United Church of Christ
ning workshop (free), Krause library, 835-3656 program, Prairie View Elementary 5705 Lacy Road, Fitchburg Paoli
School, 300 Soden Dr., oregonpub- (608) 273-1008, www.memorialucc. At the Intersection of Hwy. 69 & PB
Donovan Estate Law Partners, 116 Tuesday, August 1 Rev. Sara Thiessen
liclibrary.com org
Spring St., 268-5751 10 a.m., Everybody storytime Interim pastor Laura Crow (608) 845-5641
6-7:45 p.m., Sew What: beverage SUNDAY SUNDAY -
Thursday, July 27 (0-6), library, 835-3656 cozy (registration required), library, 9:30 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Family Worship
1 p.m., Movie Matinee: La La 2-6 p.m., Oregon Farmers Market, 835-3656
Land, senior center, 835-5801 Dorn True Value Hardware parking 6:30-8 p.m., Free living trust work-
2-2:45 p.m., Mad scientist pro- lot, 131 W. Richards Road shop, Krause Donovan Estate Law
gram, library, 835-3656 5-8 p.m., National Night Out, 100 Partners, 116 Spring St., 268-5751
block of Spring Street, 835-3111
Support groups
3-7 p.m., Oregon Area Food Pan-
try distribution, 1092 Union Road, Friday, August 4 Alcoholics Anonymous Relationship & Divorce
Wednesday, August 2 7 p.m., Drum and Bugle Corps, meeting, First Support Group, State
obfp.org 10:30-11:30 a.m., Great begin-
6:30-7:30 p.m., Lifetree Cafe, OHS Panther Stadium, oregonwi. Presbyterian Church, Bank of Cross Plains,
nings book club, senior center, 835- com every Monday and every other Monday at
Headquarters, 101 Concord Dr., 6268
communityoflife.us/lifetreecafe 7:30 p.m., Oregon Straw Hat Friday at 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
6:30-7:30 p.m., Wellness in the Players presents Sondheim on Caregiver Support Veterans Group,
Friday, July 28 Park- flow yoga, Waterman Triangle Sondheim ($17, $15 seniors and
Group, Oregon Area Oregon Area Senior
10 a.m., Everybody storytime Park, 101 Janesville St., facebook. $12 students), Prairie View Elemen-
com/OAWCWI Senior Center, third Center, every second
(0-6), library, 835-3656 tary, 300 Soden Dr., oshponline.org Monday of each month Wednesday at 9 a.m.
Monday, July 31 Thursday, August 3 at 9 a.m. Weight-Loss Support
2-7 p.m.,Oregon Band Boosters 11 a.m. to noon or 6:15-7:15 p.m., Dementia Caregivers Group, Oregon Area
Supper and Support, Senior Center, every
Community cable listings Senior center fourth Wednesday of
every month from 6-7:30
Monday at 3:30 p.m.
Monday, July 31 Monday, July 31 Navigating Life Elder
p.m., Sienna Crest, 845 Support Group, Peoples
Village of Oregon Cable Access TV channels: Chicken Salad on Morning Reflexology Market St., Suite 1
WOW #983 & ORE #984 Whole Wheat Bun 9:00 CLUB United Methodist
Phone: 291-0148 Email: oregoncableaccess@charter.net Carrots 10:00 Dominoes Diabetes Support Church, 103 N. Alpine
Website: ocamedia.com Facebook: ocamediawi Fruit Cup 10:30 StrongWomen Group, Oregon Area Pkwy., every first
New programs daily at 1 p.m. Senior Center, second Monday at 7 p.m.
and repeats at 4, 7 and 10 p.m. and 1, 4, 7 and 10 a.m. Sugar Cookie 1:00 Get Fit
VO- Egg Salad on Bun 1:00 RSVP Sewing Thursday of each month
Thursday, July 27 Monday, July 31 Tuesday, August 1 1:30 Bridge at 1:30 p.m.
WOW: Village of WOW: Village & Town Ham and Swiss Croissant 3:30 Weight Loss Support
Oregon Board Meeting of Oregon Joint Board Low salt-Turkey Croisssant Tuesday, August 1 Getting Our Lives in Order
(of July 24) Meeting (of July 26) Kidney Bean Salad 8:30 Zumba Gold Advanced I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should
ORE: Oregon/ ORE: School Board Fresh Apple 9:30 Wii Bowling go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Stoughton Rugby Club Meeting (of July 10) Lemon Bar 9:45 Zumba Gold Psalm 32:8 NIV
vs Waukesha (of April 7) Tuesday, August 1 VO- Cheese Sandwich 10:30 Parkinsons Exercise
Friday, July 28 WOW: Sounds of Wednesday, August 2 12:30 Sheepshead If you are unhappy with your life, or with certain
WOW: Oregon Summer: Funky Chunky Roast Pork w/Gravy 12:30 Shopping at Pick-N-Save aspects of it and everyone has some area of their life
Summer Fest Music: (of July 18) Mixed Greens 1:00 Movie: Beauty and that needs work perhaps it is because you have tried
Time Travelers (of June ORE: 2016 Oregon Corn The Beast to manage it by yourself. It might relieve you to know
25) Kids Triathlon (of August Fruit Cocktail 5:00 National Night Out that God has a better plan for your life than you do,
ORE: OHS Fine Arts 13, 2016) Whole Wheat Bread Wednesday, August 2 and it takes a lot of the pressure off ourselves when we
Week: Jazz Concert (of Wednesday, August 2 Pudding MorningFoot Care decide to live by Gods plan. We arent responsible for
March 13) WOW: Stoughton Forsted Cake 9:00 Wednesday Walkers our being here, since none of us created ourselves, and
Saturday, July 29 Hospital: The Healthy VO-Veggie Patty 9:00 CLUB so it shouldnt surprise us to realize that our Creator
WOW: Sounds of Aging Brain (of June 28) Thursday, August 3 10:00 Shopping in Madison already has a plan for us. We should of course take
Summer: All That Jazz ORE: Oregon Library: My Meal, My Way Lunch 10:30 Book Club some responsibility for our own well-being, striving
(of July 11) Mad Scientist @ PVE (of at Ziggys Smokehouse 1:00 Get Fit to be as happy, healthy and virtuous as possible, but
ORE: OHS Orchestra July 27) (drop in between 11:30 1:00 Euchre putting the responsibility for our entire life and life plan
Performance (of March Thursday, August 3 a.m. and 1 p.m.) 3:30 1-on-1 Computer on ourselves is too heavy a burden. It is folly to try to
21) WOW: Village & Town Friday, August 4 Thursday, August 3 be the engineer and director of our own lives. Many
Sunday, July 30 of Oregon Joint Board Biscuits and Gravy 8:30 Zumba Gold Advanced of us have lived poorly by following our own path and
WOW: Community Meeting (of July 26) Hash Brown Patty 9:00 Pool Players need some help from God to get it together. Consider
of Life Lutheran Church ORE: OHS Girls Soccer Tomato Juice 9:45 Zumba Gold Gods word as a users manual for how to get your
Service Playoffs vs Wilmot Union Low salt- three tomato slices 12:30 Shopping at Bills life together. If youre not sure what God has planned
ORE: OHS Improv: (of June 1) Mandarin Oranges 1:00 Cribbage for you, a good place to start in the Bible is the Book
Silence of the Hams (of Cinnamon Roll Friday, August 4 of Proverbs. It is filled with Godly wisdom for living a
May 31) VO- Spinnach/Cheese Quiche 9:00 CLUB good life.
SO- Sante Fe Chicken 9:30 Blood Pressure Christopher Simon
1:00 Get Fit
*Contains Pork
ConnectOregonWI.com July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer 7

You Should Know

Peter Beierle
I get a huge amount of satisfaction from serving the community.
During every incident that I am paged out to, regardless of the
situation, there is a time that I know that me being there is making
a difference for someone. Sometimes, I see it right in front of my
face with a smile and someone saying thank you. Sometimes,
its just the way the situation de-escalates. It is an indescribable
feeling knowing that you personally made a difference to
someone. That feeling is something that I can be proud of.
-Peter Beierle

sports and play with my into the community as if I is something that I can be
dogs. Whenever I go home have lived here forever. proud of.
during my time off, you can What personal satisfac- If money were no object,
usually catch my friends and tion do you get from serving what kind of gift would
I playing intense games of in your community?: I get a you give your community?:
basketball in my driveway or huge amount of satisfaction If money were no object, I
playing fetch with my dogs. from serving the community. would set up an after school
Usually, my dogs think that During every incident that program that mentors and
they are playing basketball as I am paged out to, regard- helps troubled kids. I think
well and try to join in. less of the situation, there that a lot of trouble makers
What do you like best is a time that I know that and bad kids get a bad
about your community and me being there is making reputation in the community
why?: I love the atmosphere a difference for someone. and all communities in gen-
of Oregon. Everyone is Sometimes, I see it right in eral. I think that people put
extremely friendly and polite. front of my face with a smile a label on these kids without
Whether it is stopping by and someone saying thank knowing their story or even
the fire station or seeing you. Sometimes, its just the attempting to learn it. I
someone in public, everyone way the situation de-esca- think by helping these kids
is almost always smiling. lates. It is an indescribable who will become our future
Although I have not lived in feeling knowing that you leaders, our community and
Oregon my whole life, I feel personally made a difference all communities will benefit
as if I have been welcomed to someone. That feeling greatly.

Take Action Against Identity Theft

Age: 20 years old
City/town of residence:
Originally from Madison, cur-
the final year of a three-year
internship here at the fire
department. Throughout the
of the things I do.
How do you feel you help
make a difference in your
rently living in Oregon internship I have gone to
school to advance my skills
community?: I think that its (50 lbs per person)
Occupation/place of not how I make a difference
in both the fire and emergen- in my community as much
employment or business cy medical services. Most
name: Oregon Area Fire EMS as how the community
recently I have completed
District paramedic schooling and
makes a difference in my
life. With the support and Corner of Spring and Park Streets
Who are the members of now I use those skills in pro- kindness from the members
your family?: Cindy (Mom) tecting the community. of the community, I go to
54, Brian (Dad) 56, Jesse How else are you active work almost every day with
(Brother) 19, Cheddar (Dog) in the community?: Not a smile on my face. It makes
9, Lucy (Dog) 3. only do I get to interact with me happy knowing that I am
How long have you lived people in their time of need going to interact with some
in the area?: I have lived in
the area for two years.
What organizations are
as a result of my job at the
fire department, I am able
to see friendly faces in the
of the nicest people around
and potentially make a differ-
ence in their lives as well.
you involved in and how
long have you been with
them?: I am currently in
community on a daily basis.
Participating in community
events and giving tours of
Hobbies/interests: In my
free time I like to spend time
with friends and family, play
August 1
the fire station are just some
5pm to 7pm
Tiffany, Judy and Jeni work tirelessly behind
Oregon National Night Out
Ladies and in front of the scenes making our community
a great place to call home.


Thanks for your commitment and enthusiasm!


You are appreciated! 883 North Main Street

608.835.2265 www.ub-t.com
8 July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer You Should Know ConnectOregonWI.com

Kelly Kornaus Deb Bossingham

I feel very strongly about easing fears and worries of families I try to find
in our community that need to choose between paying rent solutions to
or buying groceries. Ive worked hard, along with our other problems to keep the
coordinators, to bring improvements to our food pantry to community happy.
better provide food to these families, along with personal care I am not always
items, detergents, and books for children, to offer them a well- successful, but I
rounded healthy life. try. With the kids in
town, I try to have
-Kelly Kornaus a place for them
to go, a safe place
the Oregon Area Food Pantry gents, and books for children, What personal satisfaction
since 2003, a coordinator to offer them a well-rounded do you get from serving in where they can have
since 2012, Chair of the healthy life. your community?: I enjoy the City/town/village of resi- fun. We try to have
Management Committee since Hobbies/interests: I love work I do because it gives dence: Village of Oregon
2015, and became a board me a sense of being helpful
different activities
antiquing and restoring How long have you lived
of director in 2016 when the antiques and floor lamps back to others, and filling a need in the area?: I have lived in
going on here at the
board began. to their original beauty. I also in our community. But more the Oregon Area all of my pool for kids to do.
Age: 57 How else are you active enjoy crafting and sewing, than that, I meet so many life.
City/town of residence: in the community?: I am an walking 2 miles every day with good people going through Who are the members of -Deb Bossingham
Oregon active volunteer at my church my dog, and biking around rough times that I feel blessed your family? (Names/ages):
having been on the pastoral town with my husband. to have a life without those My husband Steve, Ian (22),
Occupation/place of where they can have fun. We
council for six years, Parish worries, and it makes me Quincey (19), Brooke (16) try to have different activities
employment or business What do you like best
Life Committee for four years want to do all that I can to Occupation/place of going on here at the pool for
name: I worked in banking about your community and
and various other activities. help these families and ease employment or business kids to do.
until becoming a stay-at- why?: I like the small town
My husband and I volunteer their worries. name: Oregon School Hobbies/interests:
home mom to my three feel. Oregon has quadrupled
for Special Olympics at the If money were no object, District, Oregon Community Obviously, I like pretty much
sons. I also volunteered at in size since I moved here, but Pool aquatics director
the schools and had coached state level to provide eyecare I can still go into the grocery what kind of gift would you anything having to do with
to the athletes. give your community?: I What organizations water. Love to swim, be out-
Forensics for Kids. store and everyone knows my
would love to give our com- are you involved in and doors, kayak, pretty much
Who are the members How do you feel you help name. While out walking, peo- how long have you been
munity a great family park like anything involving water. I
of your family?: Husband make a difference in your ple I pass always smile and with them?: Oregon Kids like being outdoors.
community?: I feel very say Hi or how are you? Bay Beach in Green Bay. It Triathlon (12 years), Oregon
of 35 years Mark (58), son What do you like best
strongly about easing fears Strangers will sometimes would be a sprawling, green National Night Out (over 15
Aaron (32) and wife Melissa, about your community and
and worries of families in stop and chat before going park with kiddie rides, a mer- years), Oregon Wellness
Daniel (29) and wife Kathleen, why?: I like that Oregon
our community that need on their way. I love the lovely ry-go-round, bumper cars, Committee, Badger Aquatics
Andrew (27) and wife Kelsey. still has a bit of the small
to choose between paying historic homes and downtown and elaborate play structure Professionals (over 15 town feel that I grew up in.
Expecting our first grandbaby.
rent or buying groceries. Ive buildings. And Ive come to with bridges and look-out years), Oregon Community You can still walk down the
How long have you lived in towers and slides, and a wad- Swim Club (11 years),
worked hard, along with our learn just how generous and street and people will say
the area?: 33 years ing pool with spraying and Oregon-Brooklyn Optimist Hi and strike up a conver-
other coordinators, to bring open-hearted the residents Splash Pad (two years),
What organizations are improvements to our food in our community are to one showering water features. It sation. I love that whether
would have a large picnic area Oregon Softball and Oregon you grew up here or just
you involved in and how long pantry to better provide food another. I couldnt imagine a Adult Softball moved in there is a sense of
have you been with them?: to these families, along with better place to live and raise with covered shelters for large
I have been a volunteer for family gatherings or company How do you feel you help belonging to the community
personal care items, deter- a family. make a difference in your once you are here. I gen-
picnics for employees. A large
community?: I try to find uinely feel that people are
air conditioned community solutions to problems to constantly trying to make
building could bring in enter-
Whom Send your ideas of tainment or show movies in
summer and winter, or hold
keep the community happy.
I am not always successful,
Oregon a great place to live
and work.
community members who but I try. With the kids in What personal satisfac-
do you go above and beyond to
old-fashioned Friday night
dances for teens.
town, I try to have a place
for them to go, a safe place
tion do you get from serving
in your community?: I feel
like Im helping people, Im
think the communityreporter@wcinet.com
for our next YOU KNOW & TR
giving them things to do in
their own community without
community People You Should Know section. E OP US having to leave here.
P T If money were no object,
what kind of gift would
should Please include as much you give your community?:
I would build an indoor/
information as possible, including outdoor aquatic facility that
know? contact information and what
could house not only our
competitive community but
also our families and individ-
makes that person stand out. CA
RIN uals that enjoy the water. It
G DEN ILY would be a community space
TISTR FAM that the people could use
any time of year to get active
Mueller Dental and stay healthy. We dont
Are you running a business (608) 835-0900
have anything like that, with

indoors and outdoors, like

152 Alpine Pkwy, Oregon www.muellerdental.com a big community center for
in Oregon? Proudly Serving the Oregon Area for Over 20 Years! aquatics.

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connectoregonwi.com Courtesy shuttle and loaner vehicles available.
Jeremy Jones, sports editor
845-9559 x226 ungsportseditor@wcinet.com
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor The Oregon Observer
845-9559 x237 sportsreporter@wcinet.com
Fax: 845-9550 For more sports coverage, visit:


Getting ready for a new season Panthers practice

in annual PRIDE
Whats next
football camp Oregon begins prac-
tice July 31 with the first
Oregon High School foot- game of the 2017 sea-
ball players participated in son at 7p.m. Friday, Aug.
the annual PRIDE football 18, at non-conference
camp July 17-21 behind the DeForest.
baseball field.
Varsity, junior varsity and
incoming members prac- players in the offseason.
ticed drills for offense and Regular practice begins on
defense and had scrimmage July 31 with the first game
drills, as well. scheduled for Aug. 18.
The five-day camp was
a part of the limited con- - Anthony Iozzo
tact between coaches and

Nolan Look throws a pass Thursday during a drill.

Photos by Anthony Iozzo
Jahlil Turner (middle) attempts to break up a catch by Matt Kissling during a scrimmage drill Thursday. Ryan Michek (57)
watches in the foreground.

Defensive linemen practice with a blocking sled Thursday.

Derek Skibba practices blocking with a stand-up dummy bag being held by Derek Brel-
lenthin Thursday.
10 July 27, 2017 Oregon Observer ConnectOregonWI.com

McCorkle participates in National junior PGA tourney last week
Oregon graduate and soon- McCorkle played two of four Irvine, Calif., won the tourna- Other summer tournaments Andi McCorkle shot a 18-over
to-be North Dakota State soph- rounds, but she missed the cut by ment with a 20-under par 268. par 162 (80-82). Middleton gradu-
omore Taylor McCorkle trav- three strokes. She finished with McCorkle returns to North Oregon High School soon-to- ate Alexis Thomas won the tourna-
eled to The Country Club of a 73 and a 78, respectively, in Dakota State soon with the Bison be senior Andi McCorkle finished ment with a 7-over 151.
St. Albans July 18-21 for the the two rounds on the Lewis and opening the 2017-18 season ninth overall July 17-18 at the Sher-
National Junior PGA Champion- Clark course. Sept. 2-3. ri Steinhauer tournament at Black- - Anthony Iozzo
ships. 14-year old Rose Zhang, of hawk Country Club in Madison.


Tigersharks send 32 qualifiers to state meets

The Oregon Community joined in relays by Ronald
Swim Club Tigersharks are Osborne, 10, and Parker Riedl,
sending 32 individuals to the 9.
2017 Wisconsin Long Course The 13-and-over team is led
State Championship. by Jenna Dobrinsky, 15.
The team has 20 swimmers Dobrinsky will race in the
with qualifying times in at 200 backstroke, sprint in the
least one individual event and 50 freestyle, and race distance
12 accompanying club swim- in the 400, 800 and 1500 free-
mers in associated team relays. style. The 13-14 year old girls
The 12-and-under state feature Mattea Thomason, 14,
swimming championships is Claudia Schwartz, 13, and Zoe
July 28-30, and the 13-and- Rule, 14.
over state championships are Thomason will race in the
August 3-6, both at Walter 100 and 200 breaststroke
Schroeder Aquatic Center in and the 200 individual med-
Brown Deer. ley. Schwartz will swim the
State qualifiers are allowed 100 butterfly, 100 backstroke
to race in only six individual and the 400 individual med-
events at the state meet and Photo by John Dobrinsky ley. Rule will compete in the
the medal podium is reserved The 2017 Oregon Community Swim Club state qualifiers (front, from left) are: Ronald Osborne, Parker Riedl, Gabriel Dewald, 100 and 200 backstroke and
for places first through eighth. Kennedy Faris, Samantha Siget, Katie McClure, Summer Steel, Karina Osborne and Katie Dunn; (second row) Mason the 100 butterfly. They will
Ninth through 16th place Konopacki, Hunter Dobrinsky, Josh Weber, Finnley Conklin, David Stevenson, Spencer Stluka, Alyse Block, Oliva Sina, Rylee be joined in relays by Rialey
receives a ribbon. Olsen and Michaela Birk; (third row) Rialey Anderson, Izzy Block, Savannah Acker, Elsa Lorson, Alex McClure and Erin Pier- Anderson, 13, Jane Isabella
The 12-and-under Tiger- ick; (back row) Rylee Duessler, Gracie Riedl, Jenna Dobrinsky, Claudia Schwartz, Zoe Rule and Jane Isabella Ciambrone; (not Ciambrone, 13, and Gracie
sharks girls are led by Savan- pictured) Mattea Thomason. Riedl, 13.
nah Acker, 11, Izzy Block, 12, David Stevenson, 13, is the
and Rylee Duessler with six Pierick, 11, on relays. backstroke, 50, 100 and 200 the 10-and-under girls and will also race in the 100 backstroke lone 13-14 boy qualifier for
individual events each. Acker, The 12-and-under Tiger- freestyle, 100 breaststroke and race in the 50 and 100 free- as the third seed, the 50 breast- the state championships, and
from Lodi but swimming for sharks boys are led by Hunter the 200 individual medley. style and the 100 breaststroke. stroke as the second seed, the he will race in the 100 and 200
the Tigersharks, is racing in Dobrinsky, 12. Katherine Dunn, 10, will These 10-and-under girls are 50 backstroke as the fifth seed, breaststroke and the 50 free-
the 200-meter butterfly, 200, Dobrinsky will race in the race in the 50 backstroke, joined in relays by Summer the 100 breaststroke as the style.
400 and 800-meter freestyle, 100, 200, 400 and 800 free- 50 and 200 freestyle. Alyse Steel, 10, Rylee Olsen, 9, Kar- third seed and the 50 freestyle The OCSC Tigersharks are
400-meter individual medley style, the 100 and 200 back- Block, 9, joins her sister in the ina Osborne, 10, and Saman- as the fourth seed. coached by Jim Lohmeier, and
and the 200-meter backstroke. stroke. While Dobrinsky is championships and qualified tha Siget, 9. Gabriel Dewald, 10, joins he is assisted by Jim Thom-
Block is returning to the state seeded top 16 in all events, he in the 50 and 100 backstroke The 10-and-under boys are Conklin as the other individ- ason, Sarah Acker and Deb
championships racing in the is seeded seventh in the 200 and the 50 freestyle. Katie led by Finnley Conklin, 10, ual on the 10-and-under boys Bossingham.
50, 100, 200 backstroke, 50 freestyle. McLure, 10, will race in the who qualified in 10 events. team, racing in the 50 back- For more information, visit
and 100 freestyle and 50-meter Dobrinsky is joined by Josh 100 breaststroke and the 50 Conklin will start with his first stroke, 100 breaststroke and oregonswimclub.org.
butterfly. Weber, 12, swimming in the freestyle. race the 400 freestyle and is the 200 freestyle. - John Dobrinsky
Duessler, 12, from Water- 100 backstroke, 50 freestyle Kennedy Faris rounds out seeded eighth. Conklin will Conklin and Dewald are
loo, will race in the 50, 100 and the 50 butterfly. Spen-
and 200 backstroke, 50 cer Stluka, 12, rounds out
freestyle and the 200 and the 12-and-under boys. He is Legals
400-meter individual medley. racing in the 50, 100 and 200 AGENDA 19. Plan Commission Report and August 7, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village STATE OF WISCONSIN
Alex McClure, 12, and freestyle, 400 individual med- OREGON TOWN BOARD Recommendation - Christensen.
20. Public Works and TORC Report
Hall (Village Hall located at 210 Commer-
cial St, Brooklyn, WI). The Village Hall is VILLAGE OF BROOKLYN
Elsa Lorson, 11, round out the ley and the 50 butterfly. The AUGUST 1, 2017 Ace. handicap accessible. The purpose of the DANE/GREEN COUNTY
21. Discussion and possible Action public hearing is to allow all interested
12-and-under girls. McClure 12-and-under boys are joined 6:00 P.M.
re: Painting of public work buildings. parties to be heard concerning a pro-
Notice is hereby given that the Vil-
is racing in the 100 freestyle by Mason Konopacki, 12, on 1138 UNION ROAD,
22. Discussion and possible Action
re: Senior Center Van Kampen.
posed conditional use on lands hereby
described as follows:
lage of Brooklyn Planning & Zoning
Commission will hold a public hearing on
and the 200 backstroke. Lor- relays. OREGON, WI 53575 23. Board Communications/ Future
Agenda Items.
115 Market Street with the following
parcel numbers:
August 7, 2017 at 6:40 p.m. at the Village
son is racing in the 100 back- Olivia Sina, 9, leads the 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting
1. Call Town Board meeting to order. 24. Approval of payment vouchers 23109-01001000
Hall (Village Hall located at 210 Commer-
cial St, Brooklyn, WI). The Village Hall is
stroke and 50 freestyle. These 10-and-under girls to the 2. Roll Call.
3. The Town Board will meet in
25. Clerks Report Arnold.
handicap accessible. The purpose of the
public hearing is to allow all interested
12-and-under girls are joined championships with six indi- closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. 26. Review of 2017 Budget.
27. Adjournment.
The request involves the proposed
parties to be heard concerning a pro-
by Michaela Birk, 11, and Erin vidual events racing in the 100 19.85 (1)(C) to meet with personnel.
4. The board will reconvene into Note: Agendas are subject to selling of automobiles from an indoor
posed conditional use on lands hereby
described as follows:
open session. amendment after publication. Check the showroom and possible outdoor lot on Brookhaven Estates First Addition
official posting locations (Town Hall, the property.
Latest Technology - Affordable Prices 5. Approval of minutes from previ-
ous meeting. Town of Oregon Recycling Center and
Oregon Village Hall) including the Town
Any interested person may inspect
the application, submittal documents and
Lot 30 on Second Street,
Parcel No. 0509-364-4290-1
6. Financial Report and Acceptance.
7. Public Comments. website at www.town.oregon.wi.us. It is other pertinent information with the con-
The request involves a proposed
single-family residence to be built in the

HEARING AIDS 8. Discussion and possible Approval possible that members of and possibly ditional use permit request at the Village future.
re: Roadway Access Agreement with Ya- a quorum of members of other govern- Hall or by contacting the Village Clerk at Any interested person may inspect
Kloss, hara Materials, Inc. mental bodies of the town may be in at- the above address, by telephone at (608) the application, submittal documents and
1310 Mendota St., Madison, WI 53714 Audiologist 9. Discussion and possible Action tendance at any of the meetings to gather
information; however, no action will be
455-4201 or by email at clerk@brooklyn-
other pertinent information with the con-

244-1221 1-800-646-0493 re: Agreement with Village of Oregon on

Future Maintenance of Lincoln Road. taken by any governmental body at said
meeting other than the governmental
Written comments on the applica-
tion should be submitted before the pub-
ditional use permit request at the Village
Hall or by contacting the Village Clerk at
www.wisconsinhearingaids.com adno=528528-01
10. Discussion and possible Action
re: Intergovernmental Boundary Agree- body specifically referred to in the meet- lic hearing date to the Village Clerk. All
the above address, by telephone at (608)
455-4201 or by email at clerk@brooklyn-
ment with Village of Oregon. ing notice. Requests from persons with written comments will be forwarded to wi.gov.
11. Communication and Action of disabilities who need assistance to par- the Village of Brooklyn Planning & Zon- Written comments on the applica-
ticipate in this meeting or hearing should ing Commission and/or Village Board. All
We Can Make Your the Dane County Board Bollig. tion should be submitted before the pub-

Last Call! 12. Fire & EMS Report (Oregon/ be made to the Clerks office at 835-3200 interested parties will be given the oppor- lic hearing date to the Village Clerk. All
with 48 hours notice. tunity to be heard.
Landscape More Beautiful! Van Kampen, Belleville/Clark, Brook-
lyn/OBrien). Posted: July 24, 2017 VILLAGE OF BROOKLYN
written comments will be forwarded to
the Village of Brooklyn Planning & Zon-
If offer
you spring
to save your 13. Park Committee Report and Ac- Published: July 27, 2017 By: ____________________________ ing Commission and/or Village Board. All
We pruning tion Root. WNAXLP Linda Kuhlman,
Village Clerk-Treasurer
interested parties will be given the oppor-

Ash Trees pay attention to

14. Anderson Farm Park Report tunity to be heard.
trees and shrubs, mulching, seeding, Root. *** Posted: July 21, 2017
Published: July 27, 2017
15. Discussion possible Action re: STATE OF WISCONSIN By: ____________________________
fertilization, pest and weed
this ad and have your trees control Mowing Agreement with Dane County for VILLAGE OF BROOKLYN
WNAXLP Linda Kuhlman,
Anderson Farm Park. Village Clerk-Treasurer
and much, much more! DANE/GREEN COUNTY
injected now! 16. Assessors Report and Recom- *** Posted: July 21, 2017
mendation Blomstrom. PUBLIC NOTICE Published: July 27, 2017

17. Building Inspection Services Re- Notice is hereby given that the Vil- WNAXLP
port Arnold. lage of Brooklyn Planning & Zoning
Tim Andrews Horticulturist LLC 18. Constables Report Maher. Commission will hold a public hearing on ***

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THEY SAY people dont read those little
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Lindsey 608-235-7150. Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316 YEARS OF BREEDING. HOME
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drywall, deck restoration and all forms of school year in Oregon, WI. House-sitting dryer, many newer parts, 2 near-new adno=531802-01
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carpeted, dishwasher and coin operated 990 Farm: Service VILLAGE OF OREGON - LIBRARY
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Statue: Geshe Sopa founded Deer Park monastery, tutored Dalai Lama
Continued from page 1

written by the First Abbot

of Deer Park, listen to his
recorded teaching sessions
and learn about the humble
man whose lifes mission
was the opening of The
Dharma in each persons
heart he encountered.
And now, the likeness of
Geshe Sopa reaches out to
those followers, emanating
his unfeigned smile.
Detailed image
Among those followers
were three people who con-
tributed the funds to design
and create the life-size
memorial statute of their
beloved Geshe Sopa: Jeffrey
and Suemay Lin and (moth-
er). Lin Tai Tai.
He changed my heart,
Jeffrey Lin said. I was a
changed person after that.
My thoughts changed, my
life changed.
Never having taken the
Buddhas teachings to heart Photo by Tristan McGough
before his encounter with People from around the world attended a special ceremony July 23 to honor Geshe Sopa, the founder of the Deer Park Buddhist Center in the Town of
Sopa, Lin, retiring and Dunn. It was led by the Gelugpas (yellow hat sect members of Tibetan Buddhism).
soft-spoken, explained it was
the monks radiant sense of as sculptor, Matthews has celebrants are treated to and eventually helped raise
happiness and serenity that an extensive list of credits in Tibetan tea, tsampa and a generation of Ameri-
acted like a spiritual conta- the world of cinematography. other ceremonial consum- can-born Buddhist scholars,
gion. They range from sci fi block- ables while they contribute now dually trained in both
The resonant sense of uni- busters like The Lost World: some edibles that will later Western and Eastern philo-
versal compassion for all Jurassic Park, Avatar and be placed on the centers sophic traditions.
sentient beings, he said, has Indiana Jones and the King- grounds as offerings to all The Ganden Throne
never gone away. It is some- dom of the Crystal Skull to the sentient beings who Holder recounted how Sopa
thing he now exudes with- action films like John Car- inhabit the property, be they began teaching in the Bud-
out effort, a changed attitude ter and The Bourne Leg- animal or otherwise. dhist studies program at
toward the world that is obvi- acy, as well as two of the The puja ritual was per- UWMadison in 1967 and
ous to anyone interacting Twilight movies. formed in Tibetan with full retired more than 30 years
with him. His process for creating audience participation later as professor emeritus.
The familys donation the commemorative art piece many of whom were part of He persuaded His Holiness,
allowed the centers memori- began with studying the the Tibetan Diaspora, now the Dalai Lama, to perform
al committee to contract Leg- photos of the geshe, whom resettled in the Madison area. the first Kalachakra initi-
acy Effects out of Los Ange- hed never met. Through Afterward, Tri-Rinpoche ation in the West at Deer
les to produce the painstak- hi-resolution scanning and Jangtse Choje explained the Park in 1981, and Sopa was
ingly detailed, uncannily design, Matthews transposed significance of Geshe Sopas the First Abbot there.
realistic statue. Legacy has the two-dimensional imag- legacy, which continues The Dalai Lama, in
won Best Visual Effects at ery into a three-dimensional through the center, and also, fact, composed a prayer of
the Academy Award nomi- sculpture that was true-to-life Tri-Rinpoche said, through request for the swift return
nations for its contributions in form and feature, using t h e m a ny b o o k s S o p a of Geshe Sopa, which was
to sci-fi thrillers Real Steel clay as the modeling sub- authored in English, includ- presented at the ceremony. It
(2011) and Iron Man stance over which was laid a ing the five-volume compre- has been incorporated as the
(2008). veneer of silicon. hensive teaching, Steps on special invocation recited by
One of the founding part- I inserted each hair by the Path to Enlightenment. lay-people and monastics
ners of the company, Alan hand, Matthews told a group First, Choje asked those alike at Deer Park. It speaks
Scott, was on hand Sunday, after the ceremony. who knew Sopa to recall his of Sopas knowledge, under-
as was Jason Matthews, who kindness, then he describ- standing, accomplishments
Celebrating the geshe ing Sopas influence on and influence:
spent a year creating the stat-
ue including six weeks on Sopa seems to have had their lives and how he came As Buddhas teaching
the face alone. profound emotional effects to be one of the most influ- decline, little left behind,
Born in New York and on the spiritual sensibilities ential teachers in the Bud- just common words for
raised in Texas, Matthews of many people. dhist world. explanation and practice,
moved to Hollywood in 1994 That is, perhaps, why Sopa, born of a hum- you hold Dharma scriptures
to work at the celebrated more than 200 people came ble farming family from and realizations: Posses-
Stan Winston Studios, which for the extensive Guru Puja the Tsang region in Tibet, sor of true meaning, please
became Legacy Effects in ceremony, along with Tsok, became a spiritual guide quickly return.
2008. An oil painter as well a two-way gifting where and respected academic Photo by Tristan McGough
Encased in glass, a memorial statue of Geshe Sopa sits
serenely at Deer Park Buddhist Center in the Town of Dunn.
The statue was unveiled at a July 23 ceremony honoring
Sopa, the founder of the monastery.
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