Thursday, August 31, 2017 Vol. 136, No. 6 Stoughton, WI $1
10700 North Highway 59, Evansville, WI
Alders plan
to hash out
Trailers dispute
Sept. 13 meeting citys Finance committee.
The council decided instead
with RDA designed to convene a committee of
the whole meeting, involv-
to provide direction ing the entire council in an
informal format with no
BILL LIVICK action planned.
Unified Newspaper Group It might be held in the
EMS meeting room, but
A special meeting next city officials werent sure
month is aimed at settling last week if the space would
the future of the Highway be available.
Trailers building. Council president Tim
With four alders absent, Swadley (Dist. 1) and Ald.
the council voted 5-3 Tues- Kathleen Tass Johnson
day in favor of holding (D-2) opposed having the Photo submitted
a joint meeting with the meeting. Swadley noted Fourth-grade students work on Chromebooks earlier this year. Starting this fall, all 6-12 students in the district will get to
Redevelopment Authori- the council had given the use one of the devices for schoolwork. Samsung Pay is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Apple Pay, is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
Android Pay, and the Android Logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Mastercard and the Mastercard Brand Mark are registered
NMLS# 596586 Member FDIC trademarks of Mastercard International Inc. Message & data rates may apply. adno=532489-01
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2 August 31, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
City of Stoughton
Nordic Ridge
shelter plan
gets upgrade
base bid, but Tuesday, Ald.
Alders approve Tom Majewski, a mem-
bid, add $15K to for ber of the committee, said
hed like the city to install
better materials a metal roof on the shel-
ter, arguing the city would
BILL LIVICK save money in the long run
Unified Newspaper Group because a metal roof would
last 30 to 40 years longer
A shelter and splash pad than a shingled roof.
at Nordic Ridge Park should He also said installing
be ready by next spring, brick veneer on the full Photo submitted
after the Common Coun- height of shelter walls A performance by Michelles Magical Poodles concluded this years Stoughton Public Library Reading Program.
cil on Aug. 22 approved an would enhance its appear-
The Stoughton Police Department on an outstanding warrant following disorderly conduct following a distur- Officers arrested a 37-year-old man an officer, bail jumping, and probation
logged 2,522, incidents in July. Cas- a fireworks disturbance. Subject was bance at a park. The woman was also on an outstanding warrant following holds following an investigation into a
es of interest for the month were; also cited for the fireworks violation. cited for underage alcohol. an officer seeing the subject whom theft from the library.
two robberies, six intoxicated driver Officers arrested a 38-year-old he knew was wanted.
arrests, four drug incidents, three July 4 woman for receiving stolen property July 20
batteries, five burglaries, 26 thefts, Officers arrested a 54-year-old and bail jumping following an inves- J uly 15 Officers arrested a 23-year-old man
11 frauds, nine domestic disturbanc- woman for battery and disorderly tigation into a report that the subject Officers arrested a 35-year-old on an outstanding warrant following
es, 66 disturbances, 23 disorderly conduct following a disturbance at a was violating her bail conditions. woman for disorderly conduct and a search by officers for the subject
conducts, 23 traffic crashes, 63 EMS private residence. Subject was also found to be in the resisting/obstructing an officer fol- that they knew was wanted.
assists, nine alarms, 19 juvenile inci- possession of stolen property. lowing a domestic disturbance.
dents, 74 9-1-1 calls, three runaways, J uly 5 Officers arrested a 21-year-old Officers arrested a 17-year-old man July 23
six warrant arrests, seven threats, Officers arrested a 23-year-old man for impeding breathing, false for battery with the use of a weapon Officers arrested a 20-year-old
32 animal complaints, and officers man bail jumping and an outstanding imprisonment, battery, intimidation following a domestic disturbance. woman for disorderly conduct follow-
responded to 62 suspicious activity warrant following a traffic stop. of a victim, criminal damage to prop- Officers arrested a 25-year-old man ing a disturbance.
calls. Officers also logged 154 assist erty, and violation of a no contact or- for child abuse causing great bodily
cases, 37 criminal charges, 50 ordi- July 7 der following a domestic disturbance. harm following an investigation into a July 27
nance violations, and 128 traffic ar- Officers arrested a 33-year-old man child that was injured in a home by a Officers arrested a 33-year-old
rests from 81 traffic stops. for a felony forth offense OWI, Felony J uly 11 non-parent. man for disorderly conduct following
The following were selected as sig- Bail Jumping, and traffic charges fol- Officers arrested a 22-year-old a domestic disturbance.
nificant cases by the department: lowing a traffic stop. man for robbery by force and delivery J uly 19
Officers arrested a 19-year-old of Schedule IV narcotic following an Officers arrested a 27-year-old wom- Compiled by Scott Girard
J uly 2 man and a 17-year-old woman for incident where the subject used force an and a 28-year-old man for theft of
Officers arrested a 20-year-old man to rob another of drugs. library materials, resisting/obstructing
Grant brings Outdoor alcohol service up for review Wal-Marts online- committee had concerns alcohol in its new free gro- alcohol servers and that
leaf vacuum
with both requests at their cery pickup service, which employees would get IDs
based grocery pickup Aug. 23 meeting. is starting Sept. 7. The new from everyone in each car,
Committee members service will allow cus- but the committee wasnt
begins next week were uncomfortable with tomers to order groceries moved.
Aldi selling hard liquor so days ahead and pick them A letter with Wal-Marts
Pilot program begins as 600 homes. EVAN HALPOP AND JIM
close to the doorway and
without security there, but
up outside the store with-
out leaving their vehicles.
application, written by a
legal firm, asked to add one
We w i l l b e g e t t i n g
this fall in limited homes that are in the Town Unified Newspaper Group they recommended approv- Its available in 37 states, 2,012-square-foot room
of Dunn all along Lake al of a license to serve beer according to the companys and 10 covered parking
area by Kegonsa Kegonsa, as well as the A request to allow cus- and cider-only hard liquor. website, but not yet Wis- spots next to its existing
houses directly across the tomers to pick up alco- An Aldi representative consin. pharmacy drive-thru ded-
BILL LIVICK street, she said. We wont hol from their vehicles pointed out that most of its A Wal-Mart represen- icated to the service to its
Unified Newspaper Group be going down side streets. at Stoughtons Wal-Mart wines are cooking wines, tative told alders liquor premises description on
The town is starting small Supercenter is headed to but the committee wanted could be excluded from the its alcohol license.
A $20,000 grant will help because officials want to the Common Council for to hold further discussion shopping list if alders were Police chief Greg Leck
pay for a pilot program to figure out how to do it debate Sept. 12. at the council level and uncomfortable with the warned the committee that
collect leaves and compost quickly and efficiently. It is one of two grocery postponed Aldis request idea, and they were. Most a denial would in effect be
them in the Town of Dunn. Hasslinger said officials store liquor licenses alders for a wine and hard liquor of the half-hour debate a citywide policy change.
Officials learned earlier have to make many deci- will review that day. The license. The committee over the Wal-Mart request If we say no to Wal-
this month of the grant from sions about the program new Aldi store is looking to also voted to postpone was on the ethics and Mart, we will say no to
the Madison Metropoli- before the leaf vac arrives serve beer, hard cider and action on whether to create legalities of whether and everybody, Leck said.
tan Sewerage District. The in October. wine, and the Wal-Mart is a liquor license specifically how they could deny the
money will help the town Were hoping to have a beginning a free curbside for grocery stores. license. Email Hub editor Jim Fer-
pay for a leaf vacuum, with conversation with residents grocery pickup service. The committee voted Jenny Welch, an assistant olie at stoughtoneditor@
the goal of reducing phos- at the next meeting (Sept. The Public Safety not to allow Wal-Mart, store manager, told alders
phorus entering Lake Keg- 18) about it, and well be 2600 Hwy. 138, to include the store had 10 licensed
onsa and the Yahara River looking for the board to
Watershed. give us some direction, she
Thank You
Thank you to relatives and friends
Selected charge elements will change as follows:
4. A loss of significant tax Jerri Kittleson
our months ago, I began away our glasses at the Rotary libraries. No. Libraries bought
revenue opportunity will be lost, City of Stoughton
planning our eclipse pro- Park Gazebo as planned. Exactly those glasses and offered them for
gramming at the Stoughton 36 families came to get a pair of free to the public, same as we offer
Public Library. the binoculars! We were overjoyed free access to books, magazines,
See something wrong? I asked library patron and for-
mer NASA educator Ralph Win-
that this story had a happy ending.
What puzzles me is the medias
internet and other items and ser-
vices we purchase for our patrons.
The Courier Hub does not sweep errors under the rug. If you see rich to give a presentation about decision to speak for all libraries If a library didnt offer free
something you know or even think is in error, please contact editor eclipses. He graciously waived based on what theyd heard about eclipse glasses, it wasnt because
Jim Ferolie at 873-6671 or at so we his honorarium and offered his a few libraries. they were being a Scrooge. May-
can get it right. program for free. I also earmarked Libraries are not a monolith. We be they didnt have $55 to spare.
some of the programming money are not organized under some cen- Maybe they needed it to stock up
provided by the Friends of the tral authority, like a national chain on construction paper for story
Library to buy of coffee shops all observing Free time crafts or to buy a few extra
50 pairs of Donut Day. copies of the newest James Pat-
eclipse glasses Librarians across the country terson bestseller to meet demand.
from a source gathered on social media to com- They needed to maximize the
Thursday, August 31, 2017 Vol. 136, No. 6 which was rec- plain about patrons who responded impact of that $55 for their com-
USPS No. 1049-0655 ommended by a with disappointment and anger munity.
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices. different NASA when told there were no glasses, As much as librarians may
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, educator. because a newscaster or radio DJ have complained about the flood
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
Little did I breezily told them to find them at of phone calls, visits, and angry
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593. know that my Bosky
their local library. (Thanks to the demands during the weeks leading
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589 estimate of Hub, who only reported truthful up to the eclipse, I think theres
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Friday interest in this information given to them directly one thing we can agree on: This
Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473 phenomenon was wildly low. by us.) shows that libraries are still a vital
Over the coming months, we I was also puzzled by this idea part of the community. When
became flooded with questions of free eclipse glasses. Ours faced with the question Why fund
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892
about these free eclipse glasses wound up being free to us because libraries when we have Google? libraries would provide. For some of the generous donation of a we can reply Will Google give
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. reason, many news sources decid- patron, but had the 50 pairs we you free eclipse glasses?
ed to report that all libraries would ordered arrived, we would have Were back to our regular-
General Manager Circulation be offering these glasses to anyone paid $50 for them (plus shipping). ly-scheduled services for now. But
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz who asked for a pair. The American Library Asso- mark your calendars for the next Meanwhile, the glasses we ciation estimates that there are solar eclipse on April 8, 2024
Sales Manager News ordered from our reputable 119,487 libraries in the United and check in at the library a few
Kathy Neumeister Jim Ferolie source never arrived. States. Lets say each of those days in advance to see if we still Once again, we were thankful to libraries ordered 50 pairs of have any free eclipse glasses left. Winrich, who used his own money eclipse glasses at $55. That could
Advertising Sports to overnight us 36 pairs of solar have cost as much as $6,571,785 Amanda Bosky is the youth ser-
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones binoculars from where he was of our nations tax dollars. vices librarian for the Stoughton vacationing in the path of totality I think people heard free Public Library.
Assistant Editor of the eclipse. eclipse glasses and thought
Scott Girard The day came, and we gave that meant they were donated to
Diane Beaman
District in brief would improve student and faculty year, $650 in 2018-19 and $630 there- NOW FORMING
safety. The system would allow live after.
view access to Stoughton police and I suspect the reason the numbers
Security cameras could track an intruder in a building are bigger is because they are increas-
District director of information from camera to camera. ing the voucher program, so they need
systems Paul Vande Hei and district School board president Scott Dirks
said he plans to put the subject on the
to be able to support that, she said.
Definitely, theyre making (school)
school resource officer Todd Dovi-
chi updated the board on a propos- agenda for the boards next meeting choice more of an issue. REGISTRATION
al to add 47 cameras to Stoughton on Tuesday, Sept. 5. Ta r p i n i a n s a i d o n e m e a s u r e Saturday, September 16th, 2017
High School and 44 to be distributed approved by the JFC that could affect 12:00pm - 2:00pm
among River Bluff Middle School and
State budget update Stoughton is limiting future refer-
Sandhill, Kegonsa and Fox Prairie. Board member Donna Tarpin- endums to occur only during regular LEAGUE INCLUDES
ian updated the board on the Joint spring elections or fall general elec- 3 games of bowling Shoe Rental Sanction
The plan is proposed in two phases, City tournament Fun Days Coaching
with around $80,000 for the high Finance Committees work on school tions, which fall on even-numbered
years. If approved, it would go into Flexible League Schedules
school cameras and around $75,000 funding.
Pre-league day bowling and post bowling are available
for the other four schools. During Mondays executive session, effect Jan. 1.
SHS has 22 cameras, with 19 of representatives voted to pass the edu- NO ONE SITS ON THE BENCH
them exterior. The proposal would cation part of the budget, 12-4, along PBIS presentation
place new cameras in main hallways, party lines. She said vouchers were A quartet of educators brought LEAGUE STARTS
lunchrooms, gyms, auditoriums and increased, which was a main point of school board members up to date on September 23rd, 2017 at 12:00pm
entry/exits. Legally, they would not be discussion. the districts continuing efforts with Contact To Sign Up Or With Questions 608-873-5959
allowed in bathrooms, and Vande Hei The budget subject to final the Positive Behavior Intervention Bowling Provides Good Exercise. Bowling 2 games results in
approval by the Legislature is an and Supports program. walking around a half a mile! Bowling 30 minutes can burn
said they are not recommended inside between 105 and 285 calories.
classrooms or offices. increase of $639 million for K-12 The program has been going on for
education, which includes an addi- about six years, and explores ways to VIKING LANES
Dovichi said the additional cameras
tional $450 per pupil for this school reinforce positive student behaviors. 1410 Hwy 51 Stoughton, WI
(608) 873-5959
them. This is, after all, the purpose of our lives,to love, and to
love without limits. Christopher Simon August 31, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 7
Reader leaders
Kids complete 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Summer in Stoughton
With summer winding down, some are reflecting back on summer in its prime.
Some Stoughton children ventured outside during the last few weeks of summer
On the Web
and connected with the community with lemonade stands. The Stoughton Parks and Photo submitted Find out more about the
Recreation Department planted new trees around the community in July, and some Aurelia Groshan is one of 16 Stoughton children who recent- Stoughton Public Library at
residents took it upon themselves to help care for the new greenery. ly completed the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten pro-
gram at the Stoughton Public Library.
opened on or after 7/31/2017. Existing Home Equity Lines of Credit are not eligible for the introductory rate. 2 No or low closing costs for new HELOC only.
Traditional Bible Teaching Appraisal fee and title insurance, if required, is an additional charge. The charge for an appraisal is typically $385 to $470, the charge for title insurance is
typically $325. 3 Lock in up to five fixed-rate amounts at one time. First rate lock is free, $35.00 for each additional. 4 Consult your tax advisor regarding
deductibility of interest. Summit Credit Union 2017.
8 August 31, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Business
43rd Annual Stoughton the bake sales education and support to she dreams of owning a
around Easter, Victorian Hol- both pets and pet parents in farm where she can rescue
iday weekend at River Bluff the Stoughton area. all sorts of animals and get
SHILLELAGH Middle School and the annu- Kathy and George really involved with foster care.
al plant sale, with plants that started something special, In the meantime, she has
are donated from the Oregon and they worked so hard on plans to look for some-
School District. it, and to just let it go when thing bigger than what can
When items are donat- they retired would have been be provided with the thrift
ed that cant be sold, either ridiculous, Aagerup said. store and fundraisers, like
because they are damaged or So I started Second Chance earning grants or finding
Sponsored by clothing items (which SCAA Animal Advocates. business backers to offer
doesnt sell), they are repur- After earning the nonprof- support.
Shillelagh Foundation, Inc. posed or donated to other it title in 2015, she said her Though shes looking
nonprofit agencies, like The and her team of volunteers for more community sup-
Clothing Center at Covenant Kate Grob, Cheri Towle, port, Aagerup emphasized
Lutheran Church.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Jan DuBois, Amy Lally, Kel- how much volunteers have
SCAA helps cover medical ly Schappe and Kris Aagerup helped SCAA, and its thrift
visits, spay and neuters, and spent the next several store, get to this point.
up to $100 in surgery costs. months fundraising to help
18-Hole Scramble
It has been a whirlwind,
Since opening, SCAA has open the thrift store, but there she said. Animals need
helped 108 cats, dogs and was a slight detour after their love. Ive been wanting to
one rabbit, including a record first fundraiser. start something like this for
$100.00 Includes Cart and Lunch of 30 spays and neuters in
one month.
We made our first $300, the last 10, 15 years, and I
and I immediately spayed wouldnt have been able to
7:30 a.m. Shotgun Start Spaying and neutering is and neutered two cats, she do it without the support of
just so important, she said. said. I didnt even have a my volunteers and the city
The overpopulation of pets, checking account established of Stoughton.
Prizes & Gifts the fact that people do sil- yet.
ly things when theres not Aagerup said SCAA has Contact Amber Levenha-
Hole-In-One Prizes: $5,000.00 Cash much money, so if I can help never had to turn someone gen at amber.levenhagen@
take the burden so I can help away because of lack of
Sponsored by: R&S Insurance CMA Accounting
Merchants roll
ration for the upcoming
season. She will be a team
captain this season, along
with Ross, Jenny and Abby
Kittleson who all earned
first all-conference honors
last year.
taken umbrage with the move, Fuen- Dodgeville. Fuentes followed Fuller to the Jenny finished 60th at the
Fuentes drives in three tes knew it made the Merchants Ryan Nyhagen, who was named plate with the hardest hit of the state meet three seconds
from No. 7 spot in opening stronger. Southeast Section MVP after lead- inning, going with a fastball up the behind Wozniak while
Ross crossed the finish line
We dont have a weak spot in ing the division with a .468 bat- third baseline to plate Nyhagen.
round of championship their batting order, he said. Every- ting average and six home runs, got Early in the season, I was trying in 70th place.
one can hit well. Our 7-8-9 hitters things rolling early for the Merchants to hit everything far. I was pulling Kittleson was a state
JEREMY JONES could be 1-2-3 hitters on a lot of oth- against Dodgeville. everything, Fuentes said. Now Im qualifier as a freshman and
Sports editor er teams in the league. Nyhagen drew a walk off Dod- sitting back, waiting for my pitch junior Susan Zaemisch is a
As a result, Fuentes said, hes see- geville ace Danny Sullivan and was and trying to go the opposite way. four-year runner and team
Winder Fuentes began the season ing more fastballs now, and he turned promptly bunted to second by Dave Stoughton continued to get all the captain, who sees great
hitting third in the lineup, but the three pitches into RBIs Sunday in Hanson. Max Fuller then hit a ball rolls early as T.J. DiPrizio reached potential in this team.
Stoughton Merchant shortstop strug- the opening round of the Home Tal- off the end of the ball but managed base to load the bases and Fuller Sophomore Molly Olstad,
gled and was dropped to seventh. ent League grand championship to reach first base safely on a hit that scored on a ball misplayed at home
While some might have series as Stoughton rolled 9-3 over traveled less than five feet. Turn to Girls XC/Page 10
Turn to HTL/Page 12
Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Prairie and Monona Grove, D2 state quali-
Senior Emmett Post, a four-year runner,
led the way for the Vikings, covering the fier Monroe and D3 runner-up Aquinas will
5k course in 18 minutes, 30 seconds for
also compete.
Expo 9am-Noon Lunch & Entertainment to follow 35th place. He was the only Stoughton
runner to post a lifetime best in Water-
Stoughton Wellness & Athletic Center Emmett put in a lot of work this sum-
mer. His performance is a testament to
want to place in the top half of the Bad-
ger Conference, Schneider said. I have
multiple runners who are quite talented
2300 US Highway 51-138 Stoughton how hard work of running during the
summer can pay off, coach Pat Schnei- and have varsity experience who did not
der said. run their best on Saturday.
Junior Parker Flint took 41st place in I am counting on the battle for who
Does your business serve the senior community? 18:40 and classmate Garrett Herbst fin-
ished 44th in 18:43.
will be on our varsity to be competitive
throughout the season. This will push our
Booth reservations now being accepted. Underclassmen Tyler Kalagian and
Alexander Wicks rounded out the five
team into better performances.
Senior Tanner Hanson and sophomore
varsity scorers. Gavin Model pushed the top five but did
Bakken lost 6-1, 6-1 atop No. 1 doubles. Sopho- a conference dual meet at
the singles lineup to state mores Katie Zacharias 4:15p.m. Tuesday, Sept.
qualifier Rickie Budewitz and Taylor Nisius dropped 5.
Stoughton History
for several hundred have Tobacco crops in the closer to to their goal Mon- project at Stoughton High Three weeks of drought-
already been taken, and t ow n s h i p s o f P l e a s a n t
day evening when they School, according to the like conditions in Dane
120 Years ago (1897) 1,500 sets are now in course Springs, Dunkirk and Albi- decided to purchase their latest numbers present- County in July and August
Mons Myron was of production. on, suffered thousands of school building from the ed by Steve Kieckhafer of left residents thirsty for
thrown from a load of All interested in foot dollars worth of damage Stoughton School District Plunkett Raysich Architects rain. But now that the area
tobacco while coming down ball are requested to meet Thursday afternoon when for the appraised value of during Mondays Stoughton is back to its green state,
the steep hill near the depot, at the Armory at 8 p.m. Sat- a long-needed and much- $2,150 plus the $30 real- Board of Education meet- residents wish it would
and considerably bruised. urday Aug. 28th. All having looked-for rain swept in on tors fee for inspecting the ing. Kieckhafer delivered stop. Thats because the
The team ran away, scatter- suits will please bring them Stoughton and Southeastern property and putting a fair a detailed presentation to wet stuff has been falling
ing the tobacco boxes pro- in. Dane County, accompa- value on it. board members and Stough- almost continuously for
miscuously along the street. nied by a devastating hail Stougthon public school ton Area School District several days, resulting in
After a weeks idleness 80 Years ago (1937) storm. The hail storm was will reopen next Tuesday, administrators, outlining a a pond-like backyards and
for want of the necessary Miss Enola Calhoun, the first in years, accordingSeptember 4th, with the 10-step, three-year renova- damp, wet basements for
power, the stone crusher has daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to reports Friday, and came largest enrollment in histo- tion plan for the high school Stoughton residents.
again been set in motion. Andrew Calhoun, resid- just as farmers were startingry. Approximately 25 rural costing upwards of $25 mil-
Hartley Criddle with his ing east of Stoughton, was the fall harvest. districts have merged with lion, if the board adopts the Compiled by Scott De
engine is keeping the boys proclaimed dairy queen of the Stoughton School Dis- current plan. Laruelle
busy and the work is now Dane County at the contest 55 Years ago (1962) trict during the past year
progressing finely. held Thursday at the Dane Obed Norem, superin- and total enrollment will be
A couple of inebriates County Fair Grounds. tendent of schools, states close to 2,600. Celebrating 25 Years in Business!
found a comfortable lodg- The City Hall grocery, that the new Kegonsa ele-
ing at the Hotel de Erdahl which had been owned and mentary school east of the 10 Years ago (2007) WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co.
Wednesday night. The usu- operated by William Gil- city will not be entirely With city officials cur- 159 W. Main St. 873-5513
al $6.45, accompanied by bertson and Millard Wal- completed but that class rently working with con- Serving Stoughton since 1989.
a little of Judge Curriers len was dissolved Monday rooms will be ready to use sultants to hammer out the
good advice, set things morning with Mr. Gilb- beginning with the opening details of the 183-acre Lin-
Send it here
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TOWN OF Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to con- to MR-24 Multi-Family Residential, in all times. driveway aprons, carriage walks, sani- any technicality, and to accept any Bid
sider a proposed Conditional Use Permit the City of Stoughton, Dane County, WI, No person shall park, stop or leave tary sewer, storm sewer and water sys- which it deems advantageous. All Bids
PLEASANT SPRINGS Application by Joe Conant, Conant Au- more fully described: standing any vehicle, except temporari- tem improvements for Giles Street from shall remain subject to acceptance for 60
NOTICE OF SOLICITATION tomotive, for an expansion of a vehicle Part of Parcel number: 281/0511-082- ly for the purpose of and while actually Henry Street to Morris Street, and that days after the time set for opening Bids.
FOR FUEL BIDS repair and maintenance service use at 0710-2 engaged in loading or unloading or in the amount of the special assessments Published by the authority of the
The Town of Pleasant Springs is ac- 1324 US Highway 51 & 138, Stoughton, Legal Description: LOT 1 CSM 13551 receiving or discharging passengers for the improvements have been deter- City of Stoughton.
cepting bids for fuel for our 2018 usage Wisconsin. A building addition and other CS88/236-237 07/31/2013 F/K/A ORIGI- and while the vehicle is attended by a li- mined as to each parcel of real estate Lana Kropf, City Clerk
as follows: site improvements related to parking and NAL PLAT BLOCK 9 LOT 5, LOT 6 & W 33 censed operator so that it may be moved affected, and a statement of the assess- Dated August 25, 2017
Roadmaster/Wintermaster diesel property entrance reconfiguration are FT LOT 7 (0.511 A) promptly in case of an emergency or to ments is on file with the City Clerk of Published: August 31 and
fuel, including state tax and excluding planned. The property at 1324 US High- This property description is for tax avoid obstruction of traffic, upon any of the City of Stoughton. It is proposed to September 7, 2017
federal tax, price per gallon; and Gaso- way 51 & 138, Stoughton, Wisconsin is purposes. It may be abbreviated. For the the following highways or parts of high- collect special assessments larger than WNAXLP
line 87 octane unleaded including state more fully described as follows: complete legal description please refer to ways: $200 in installments, as provided for by
tax - price per gallon. Parcel Number: 281/0511-064-9329-2 the deed. (73) No parking on north side of Wis. Stat. 66.0715. All assessments ***
This bid assumes and requires that LOT 2 CSM 12832 CS81/187&189- Additional information including the 300 block of Taft Street from N. will be collected in installments as pro- STATE OF WISCONSIN,
the fuel must be delivered to our on-site 1/5/2010 F/K/A LOT 2 CSM 5764 a location map can be found at: http:// Page Street to 140 feet west as officially vided in City of Stoughton Resolution
tanks at the awarded price from January CSM27/116&118 R12512/81-83-2/17/89 marked. No. R-121-2017, which resolution is CIRCUIT COURT,
1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. & F/K/A PRT LOT 1 CSM 2478 CS10/1- mission/ 2. This ordinance shall be in full on file with the City Clerk of the City of DANE COUNTY, NOTICE TO
Please contact Clerk/Treasurer, Ma- 7/12/77 & ALSO INCL & DESCR AS SEC For questions related to this notice force and effect from and after its date of Stoughton, except assessments on prop- CREDITORS (INFORMAL
ria Hougan at 873-3063 if you have any 6-5-11 PRT SW1/4SE1/4 (2.50 ACRES) contact Michael Stacey at 608-646-0421 publication. erty where the owner files with the City
questions or need further information This property description is for tax Michael P Stacey Dates Clerk of the City of Stoughton, within 30 ADMINISTRATION) IN THE
concerning the calculation of your bid. purposes. It may be abbreviated. For the Zoning Administrator Council Adopted: August 22, 2017 days from the date of this notice, a writ- MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
Bids must be received no later than complete legal description please refer to Published August 24 and 31, 2017 Mayor Approved: August 22, 2017 ten notice that the owner elects to pay RICHARD E. SERSTAD
noon on Thursday, September 21, 2017. the deed. WNAXLP Attest: August 22, 2017 the special assessment on the owners Case No. 17PR538
Please submit your bid to: Town Additional information including Published: August 31, 2017 property, describing the property, to the PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:
Board of Supervisors, Town of Pleasant a location map can be found at: http:// *** WNAXLP City Treasurer of the City of Stoughton on 1. An application for Informal Admin-
Springs, 2354 County Rd N, Stoughton, CITY OF STOUGHTON, or before the November 1, 2018, unless istration was filed.
WI, 53589-2873. The outside of the en- mission/ *** the election is revoked. If, after making 2. The decedent, with date of birth
For questions regarding this notice 381 E. MAIN STREET, the election, the property owner fails to
velope must be marked with the words CITY OF STOUGHTON, April 2, 1936 and date of death July 14,
FUEL BID. The Town Board will discuss please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning STOUGHTON, WI 53589 make the payment to the City Treasurer 2017, was domiciled in Dane County,
Administrator at 608-646-0421 381 E. MAIN STREET, of the City of Stoughton, the City Clerk
and may take action on these bids at the ORDINANCE OF THE State of Wisconsin, with a mailing ad-
Town Board Meeting to be held on Octo- Michael P Stacey STOUGHTON, WISCONSIN shall place the entire assessment on the dress of 710 Taylor Lane, Stoughton, WI
Zoning Administrator COMMON COUNCIL following tax roll.
ber 3, 2017. The Town Board reserves the
Published August 24 and 31, 2017 Amending Chapter 70-176 (47) of the RESOLUTION OF THE Lana Kropf, City Clerk
right to reject any and all bids or to ac- City of Stoughton Municipal Code; relat- COMMON COUNCIL 3. All interested persons waived no-
cept that bid deemed most advantageous WNAXLP Published: August 31, 2017 tice.
ing to parking restrictions in Business Resolution authorizing improve- WNAXLP
to the town. Park North ments and levying special assessments 4. The deadline for filing a claim
Maria Hougan ***
Committee Action: Public Safety against benefited property in the City of ***
against the decedents estate is Novem-
Clerk/Treasurer PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE recommends approval 5-0. Stoughton for the improvement of curb ber 24, 2017.
Posted: August 04, 2017 The City of Stoughton Planning Fiscal Impact: N/A and gutter, retaining walls, sidewalks, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
Published: August 24 and 31, 2017 Commission will hold a Public Hear- File Number: O-8-2017 driveway aprons, carriage walks, sani- SUBSTATION County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton
WNAXLP ing on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 1st Reading: August 8, 2017 tary sewer, storm sewer and water sys- Street, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1005.
6:00 oclock p.m., or as soon after as CONSTRUCTION Danell Behrens
2nd Reading: August 22, 2017 tem improvements for the 2017 Street
*** the matter may be heard, in the Council 1. The Common Council of the City and Utility Construction on Giles Street. STOUGHTON, WISCONSIN Deputy Probate Registrar
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Chambers, Public Safety Building, 321 S. of Stoughton do ordain as follows: Committee Action: Preliminary PROJECT NO. S11-16D August 4, 2017
The City of Stoughton Planning Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, Sec. 70-176 (47) is amended to allow Resolution R-107-2017 approved by the Attorney Thomas Lee Hebl
Wisconsin, 53589, to consider the pro- SPECIFICATION NO. 3022, Hebl, Hebl & Ripp, LLP
Commission will hold a Public Hear- parking on the inside lane of Business Finance Committee 4-0 and by the Com-
ing on Monday, September 11, 2017 at posed rezoning of the following parcel Park North Drive. mon Council 10-0 VOLUME XLII PO Box 46
6:00 oclock p.m., or as soon after as of land at 314 W. Main Street, Stoughton, * Sec. 70-176. - Parking prohibited at Fiscal Impact: N/A Stoughton Utilities will receive Sun Prairie, WI 53590
the matter may be heard, in the Coun- WI., owned by City of Stoughton. The all times. File Number: R-121-2017 sealed bids for Substation Construction. 608-837-4325
cil Chambers, Public Safety Building, property described below is proposed to No person shall park, stop or leave Date Introduced: August 22, 2017 Bids will be received at the office of For- Bar Number: 1013883
321 South Fourth Street, Second Floor, be rezoned from PB Planned Business standing any vehicle, except temporari- WHEREAS the Common Council of ster Electrical Engineering 550 N Burr Published: August 17, 24 and 31, 2017
ly for the purpose of and while actually the City of Stoughton, Wisconsin, held a Oak Ave Oregon, WI 53575 until 1:00 p.m. WNAXLP
engaged in loading or unloading or in public hearing for the purpose of hearing local time on the 15th day of September,
60-60-60 SALE!
WNAXLP NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- 550 N. Burr Oak Avenue tice.
SOLVED, by the Common Council of the Oregon, Wisconsin 53575 4. The deadline for filing a claim
*** City of Stoughton as follows: 608.835.9009 against the decedents estate is Decem-
1. That the report of the City Engi- No bid will be accepted unless ac- ber 1, 2017.
CITY OF STOUGHTON, companied by a certified check or bid
neer pertaining to the construction of the 5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
381 E. MAIN STREET, above-described improvements, includ- bond of at least five percent (5%) of the County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton
STOUGHTON, WI 53589 ing plans and specifications therefore is bid amount, payable to the Owner. If the
60% OFF INSTALLATION on new windows!
Street, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1005.
hereby adopted and approved and it is successful bidder fails to execute and file Danell Behrens
ORDINANCE OF THE hereby directed that such work be car- the contract (and any required payment Deputy Probate Registrar
New orders only.
y Minimum purchase
p required.
q Does not include material costs. COMMON COUNCIL ried out in accordance with the report of or performance bonds or assurances) August 16, 2017
Creating Chapter 70-176 (73) of the the City Engineer. the amount of the check or bid bond shall Jonathan M. Hajny
City of Stoughton Municipal Code; relat- 2. That payment for said improve- be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated 221 Kings Lynn Road, Suite D
$0 Interest
ing to parking restrictions on the north damages.
Receive a FREE $60 ments be made by assessing the cost Stoughton, WI 53589
side of the 300 block of West Taft Street to the property benefited as indicated in Stoughton Utilities reserves the (608) 877-4081 gift right to reject any and all bids, to waive
Financing for
Committee Action: Public Safety said report. The assessment represents Bar Number: 1014429
irregularities and informalities there in
card with your ard
recommends approval 5-0 an exercise of the police power and has
and to award the contract in the best in-
Published: August 24, 31 and
60 months!
Fiscal Impact: N/A been determined on a reasonable basis
in-home estimate! File Number: O-9-2017 and is hereby confirmed. terest of the Utility.
September 7, 2017
1st Reading: August 8, 2017 3. That benefits and damages shown August 2017
2nd Reading: August 22, 2017 on the report are true and correct and are Published: August 24 and 31, 2017
hereby confirmed. WNAXLP
MIDDLETON FARMERS COOPERATIVE, Middleton, Wisconsin is THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, or can with reasonable diligence be as- ding Documents may be obtained from
against the decedents estate is Decem-
ber 1, 2017.
seeking a qualified CEO/General Manager. Full service coop with All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 (CNOW) This is to certify that the foregoing
the City of Stoughton. Overnight mailing
of Bidding Documents will not be pro-
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton
sales of $22 million. Successful agricultural business management **STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a resolution was duly adopted by the Com- vided. Street, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1005.
mon Council of the City of Stoughton at There will be no pre-bid conference
and financial experience desired.Apply: lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your a meeting called for this purpose on the for this project.
Danell Behrens
Contact: (320) 219-0270 (CNOW) stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-750-1951 22nd day of August, 2017. No Bid will be received unless ac-
Deputy Probate Registrar
August 24, 2017
(CNOW) Published: August 31, 2017 companied by a cashiers, certified or Jonathan M. Hajny
HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER WNAXLP bank check or a Bid Bond equal to at 221 Kings Lynn Road, Suite D
A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral least 5% of the maximum Bid, payable Stoughton, WI 53589
FLATBED DRIVERS-STOUGHTON TRUCKING. Small company, service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is *** to the OWNER as a guarantee that after (608) 877-4081
youre FAMILY! NEW Pay Package Safety Bonus Paid Vacation/Holi- FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW) INSTALLMENT a Bid is accepted, Bidder will execute
and file the Agreement and 100% Perfor-
Bar Number: 1014429
days. Fuel Bonus Yearly Increase Health/Dental Insurance Short- ASSESSMENT NOTICE mance and Payment Bonds within fifteen
Published: August 31,
September 7 and 14, 2017
Notice is hereby given that con-
Term Disability Life Insurance $1000 Sign-On Bonus Pet/Passenger tracts have been let for the construction
days after the Notice of Award. WNAXLP
The City of Stoughton reserves the
Policy. (608) 873-2922; (CNOW) adno=537131-01
of street improvements including curb right to reject any or all Bids, to waive
and gutter, retaining walls, sidewalks, *** August 31, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 15
115 Cemetery Lots 449 Driver, Shipping 554 Landscaping, Lawn, 793 Wanted To Rent RASCHEIN PROPERTY 883 Wanted:
& Monuments & Warehousing Tree & Garden Work LOOKING FOR A Room to rent for $600/ STORAGE Residential Property
LAWN MOWING mo 608-520-2329 6x10 thru 10x25 WE BUY Homes any condition. Close quick-
Residential & Commercial Market Street/Burr Oak Street ly. Joe 608-618-1521
Andrew's in SectionQ26B. Plots priced Looking for a person to drive and stock
$600, asking $375. Will cover cost of our products on shelves in the grocery Fully Insured. 750 Storage Spaces For Rent in Oregon
transfer. Call 608-609-9965. stores we deliver to. Grocery store expe- 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025 Call 608-520-0240 960 Feed, Seed & Fertilizer
rience helpful. 35-40 hours per week. ALL SEASONS SELF STORAGE FOR SALE CLEANED WINTER Wheat-
143 Notices M-F with few Saturdays's during holiday 602 Antiques & Collectibles 10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30 UNION ROAD STORAGE Bagged or Bulk. 608-290-6326
weeks. No CDL required. Call or email Security Lights-24/7 access 10x10 - 10x15
urday, Sunday 8-4. Already picked(Call Darrell at L&L Foods 608-514-4148 or COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL &
10x20 - 12x30 990 Farm: Service CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS MUSEUM 24 / 7 Access & Merchandise
ahead 608-843-7098.) 18235 W Emery "Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"! Credit Cards Accepted
Rd., Evansville. CALL (608)444-2900 Security Lights & Cameras
452 General Customer Appreciation Week
20% DISCOUNT Sept 4-10
Credit Cards Accepted RENT SKIDLOADERS
370 Trucks OFFICE CLEANING in Stoughton Mon- Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF C.N.R. STORAGE 608-835-0082
Fri 5pm-9pm. Visit our website: www. 200 Dealers in 400 Booths Located behind 1128 Union Road and these attachments. Concrete breaker,
TOYOTA TACOMA from 99 SR5 Prerun- Stoughton Garden Center Oregon, WI
ner V6 XCab OFF Road Automatic Clear or call our office: Third floor furniture, locked cases posthole auger, landscape rake, concrete
Location: 239 Whitney St Convenient Dry Secure Located on the corner of bucket, pallet forks, trencher, rock hound,
Title. $2200. Call 224-208-8877 608-831-8850 Lighted with access 24/7
Columbus, WI 53925 Union Road & Lincoln Road broom, teleboom, stump grinder.
Bank Cards Accepted
402 Help Wanted, General 516 Cleaning Services 920-623-1992
Off North Hwy 51 on
By the day, week, or month.
Road Reconstruction Hwy 60 & 16 in
Oak Opening Dr. behind 801 Office Space For Rent Carter & Gruenewald Co.
CLEANING HELP wanted for an apprecia- City 4417 Hwy 92 , Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411
tive 2 person household. 608-513-2893. LLC- Your hometown Residential Clean- Stoughton Garden Center
NOW HIRING Econoprint is looking for
ing Company. 608-873-0333 or garth@ 646 Fireplaces, In Oregon facing 15th hole Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
part time, take charge Champion in our Furnaces/Wood, Fuel DEER POINT STORAGE on golfcourse Monday for the Courier Hub unless
fulfillment/shipping department.We need 548 Home Improvement Convenient location behind Free Wi-Fi, Parking and changed because of holiday work
a quick learner who is self-motivated and SEASONED SPLIT OAK,
Hardwood. Volume discount. Will deliver. Stoughton Lumber. Security System schedules. Call now to place your ad,
takes initiative. We have flexible daytime A&B ENTERPRISES Clean-Dry Units Conference rooms available 873-6671 or 835-6677.
hours M-F within a window of 9:00am - 608-609-1181
Light Construction Remodeling 24 HOUR LIGHTED ACCESS Kitchenette-Breakroom
3:00pm approximately 3-5 hours per day. No job too small 650 Furniture 5x10 thru 12x25 Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It
No experience necessary but basic com- 608-835-7791 608-335-3337 pays to read the fine print.
puter knowledge and accuracy are a must. 5-PIECE BEDROOM (Full) set $300. Marty 608-835-3628
Responsibilities include picking, packing Table/6 chairs/2-leaves $200. China Cab- FRENCHTOWN
and shipping fulfillment orders, inventory HALLINAN-PAINTING inet $250. Corner China cabinet $200. SELF-STORAGE
Service Technician Wanted
management and professional communi- WALLPAPERING Antique drop-leaf table $150. Misc. furni- Only 6 miles South of
cations both written and verbal. Econoprint **Great-Summer-Rates** ture. Best offer for all.Call 608-873-1027 Verona on Hwy PB.
is also looking for an on-call courier to fill 35 + Years Professional
in as needed, to make deliveries in Mad- Interiior-Exterior 652 Garage Sales Variety of sizes available now.
Honey Wagon Services Inc. is looking for a full-time
ison and the surrounding areas.The posi- Free-Estimates BROOKLYN 34 NORTH Union Rd.
tion requires lifting of boxes, interacting References/Insured FINAL MOVING/TACK SALE. 8/31 thru
10x15=$70/month service technician. Qualifications to include a current,
with customers and a good driving record. Arthur Hallinan 9/3 8am-4m. Everything must go! Barn
10x25=$90/month valid Class B CDL drivers license with tanker endorsement or
Apply in person or send your resume and 608-455-3377 Supplies, Household, Tack.
cover letter to STOUGHTON- 1224 Ridge St Fri-Sat
12x30=$115/month ability to obtain, customer service skills, problem solving
Call 608-424-6530 or
PART-TIME MERCHANDISER with RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry, 8am-6pm. Fishing, tools. Home owner 1-888-878-4244 skills and a willingness to learn. We offer great pay, health
drywall, deck restoration and all forms of things.
Smart Source, placing ads in stores Ter-
painting Recover urges you to join in the and dental insurance, and 401K.
ritory includes Madison South, Stough- STOUGHTON 2211 & 2216 Colladay NORTH PARK STORAGE
ton, Cottage Grove, Monona and sur- fight against cancer, as a portion of every
Point, 8/30-8/31 8am-? 50 years of 10x10 through 10x40, plus Please mail a resume to
job is donated to cancer research. Free
rounding area. Flexible hours, reliable
transportation needed, XP Windows or estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of
household items, downsizing home.. Car-
pentry and landscaping tools. misc. Great
14x40 with 14' door for
RV & Boats.
Honey Wagon Services Inc.
above computer. Please contact Kathy at: experience. Call 608-270-0440. Deals! 608-873-6800 Come & go as you please. P.O. Box 139 608-873-5088
696 Wanted To Buy Stoughton, WI 53589
WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
705 Rentals
7100 today!
67 feet of level frontage!! Youll
love entertaining & living in this open floor plan featuring spectacular Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
lake views from many rooms!! Large has 1 & 2 bedroom units available MONDAY - FRIDAY - MUST BE 18 OR OLDER
starting at $795 per month, includes
kit./dining w/Corian countertops heat, water, and sewer. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR EQUIVALENT REQUIRED
and breakfast bar. Wonderful upper 608-835-6717 Located at:
family rm. w/space for hobbies/ 139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575 Carnes Company is looking for a detail oriented individual to assist in our Credit Department.
office with lake views! $664,900 HEATED CLEAN Shop space. sub-leas- This entry level position will be responsible for:
ing 3 year term, $1,650 a month. 4,700 Order entry Processing credit, debit and commission
#1804590 sq ft. 2 large overhead doors, utilities
not included Oregon Area. Call Mike Credit approval adjustments
for details. 608-259-6294. Sub Lease to
Cindy Ulsrud
NOW HIRING starting at $795 per month. Includes
heat, water and sewer. Professionally Mail or email resum to:
managed. Located at
Full & Part Time 300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI
53589 608-877-9388
Carnes Company P.O. Box 930040, Verona, WI 53593
Resident Assistants
Variety of shifts available! We offer a great
working atmosphere, competitive wages, paid POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT
training excellent shift differentials and more. SUB-ZERO AND WOLF:
op by 519 Commerce Drive
WE ARE GROWING! Fabrication Machine
in Madison or apply at
Operator Trainees -
2nd & 3rd Shift
Call 608-243-8800 fo
or more information!
Fabrication Machine
Operator - 2nd & 3rd Shift
City of Stoughton WHEN WHERE
September 20, 2017 Assemblers - 1st Shift &
WSTO Media Technician 8:00am - 1:00pm
Wolf Facility,
2nd Shift (4 x 10s)
The City of Stoughton, an Equal Opportunity
Doors 61 & 62
Employer, is seeking an individual to serve as
September 21, 2017 2866 Buds Drive Material Handlers -
a Media Technician for WSTO. The purpose of 3:00pm - 7:00pm Fitchburg, WI 53719 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift
this year-round <599 hours per year position
is to provide camera coverage for events Maintenance Technician
Competitive new hire wages
and City information that is made available (Tool & Die) 2nd &
Comprehensive health & welfare benefits including:
for public viewing through WSTO Commu- 3rd Shift
nity Television. The salary for this position is On-site UW Health Employee Clinic & Free On-site
$10.00 per hour. Employee Fitness Center
Employment applications are available from To reserve priority interview
City Hall, 381 E. Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589 time, please complete our
or apply online at
online application at
All applicants must complete an application
for employment, even if submitting a re-
and contact Human Resources
sume and cover letter. Submit applications to
at 608-270-3254
5 things: Keeping up with technology, well-being is a main focus in the 2017-18 school year
Continued from page 1 the new system, the district professional development
will provide support resourc- for all staff on trauma and its
access to the hand-held es, including a web page effects.
computers will allow stu- accessible through districts The Stoughton Area
dents more time to work parent portal, workshops School District has been
with technology and help where parents can learn more faced with students who are
educators provide a more about Chromebooks, online coming to school with var-
personalized learning expe- tutorials and screencasts ious challenges, Melcher
rience. about the new program. said. Including mental
The third story to watch is health and trauma, and as
the recent expansion of Fab 3. Fab Lab at middle with any public school we
Lab equipment and spac- school accept all children in our
es into River Bluff Middle community of learners.
School. That process start- This will be the first year Dane County and SASD
ed earlier this year but will River Bluff Middle School will each pay $63,000 for
expand as students get more will have year-round use of two mental health experts to
opportunities to work with its new Fab Lab equipment serve 4-year-old kindergarten
state-of-the-art technology. and workspace. through eighth-grade stu-
The last two topics deal Last year, the school was dents with immediate mental
with student health and awarded a $25,000 grant health needs at River Bluff
well-being. The district is from the Wisconsin Econom- Middle School and Fox Prai-
partnering with Dane Coun- ic Development Corporation rie, Kegonsa and Sandhill
ty to provide a two-person to expand the Fab Lab into elementaries. Melcher said
mental health team to sup- the middle school. It was one around 24 students/families
port families and students in of 21 districts in the state to will be provided this sup-
crisis at River Bluff Middle receive such a grant. port during the school year
School and the districts three The equipment was used 12 per referral period in the
elementaries Fox Prairie, by Jessie Hagers eighth- fall and winter. There is no
Kegonsa and Sandhill.
Photo submitted grade Technology for 2D cost to families for services
Kegonsa Elementary will have some new-look classrooms, thanks to a change to inqui- and 3D Engineering and
The district is also continu- ry-based learning throughout the school for this year. Principal Erin Conrad said the new offered through the program.
ing its efforts to remediate Visual Design courses, with
the effects of poverty among
classroom layouts are intended to better facilitate student engagement, collaborative inqui- plans to expand the program 5. Continued focus on
ry, connection between educators and students and help us better meet the varying needs of to include sixth- and sev-
students, with ongoing work our learners. enth-graders, as well. student poverty
by a task force created in
February to help growing Kegonsa principal Erin told the Hub in an email. from the traditional desk at The high school Fab Lab, As the number of students
numbers of students eligible Conrad said over the past few Learning is something that the front of the classroom and established in 2013, has a 3D in the district eligible for free
for free and reduced lunches. months, the schools staff has happens over time and real- encouraging new settings for printer, vinyl cutter, two laser or reduced lunches continues
been working to reimagine ly does take a lot of courage. teaching for learning. cutters/engravers a milling to rise, the district is looking
1. Inquiry-based what school can look like We want our students to fall We want them to have machine and computer-guid- for ways to help.
ed router. Fab Lab Stough- In February, the school
learning for all of our learners, with in love with learning and fol- time to explore and to dis-
ton volunteer adviser Mike board voted to create a Pov-
a goal of asking students two low their curiosities. cover all that they bring into
Last year, one of the dis- questions. What are you curi- Kegonsa educators have our collective space, she Connor told the Hub earlier erty Task Force to assess
tricts Innovation Grants was ous about, and what have you also reimagined the schools said. It is our job to cre- this year district officials had needs and marshal resources
to institute inquiry-based done or might do to make learning spaces, which have ate learning environments decided to expand the pro- needed to help this grow-
learning in Kegonsas kinder- you courageous? been transformed with an that prepare our learners to gram into River Bluff after ing segment of the student
garten classes. Ultimately, one of our eye for design, Conrad said. be innovative and adaptable seeing how well students in population. District super-
This year, they are expand- most important jobs as edu- New, flexible tables were critical thinkers who have a that age group did with Fab intendent Tim Onsager said
ing it to the whole school, cators is to encourage brav- purchased to encourage col- strong sense of self-efficacy Lab technology during sum- the task force could be an
with the theme, Coura- ery and risk-taking, she laboration, freeing teachers and collaborative spirit. mer programs last school ongoing one, similar to the
geously Curious. year. boards standing committee,
2. Digital expansion They proved to us they offering guidance and rec-
Starting this fall, the dis- were more than capable of ommendations to the board
trict will provide Chrome- learning this advanced tech- as a whole.
books for all students in nology, he said. These stu- In the past decade, the
grades 6-12 and expand stu- dents were born into the digi- number of students eligible
dents digital learning plans. tal revolution. for reduced or free lunch has
increased from 11 percent
District community infor- 4. New mental health to 28 percent. School board
mation and resource coordi-
nator Derek Spellman said team president Scott Dirks told the
moves are designed to help Hub earlier this year he was
This year, the district will spurred to start the task force
meet the needs of todays have the added services of
students and to ensure they because of this very, very
two mental health workers, large increase, combined
are college and career ready. provided in part by a county
He said the Chromebooks with a notable uptick in dis-
program and funding from cipline problems among
will be an essential learn- Catholic Charities.
ing tool that will provide economically disadvantaged
The Building Bridges students.
students with access to cur- team started work in the dis- If youve got one kid
Mums Asters
Flowering Kale
Straw Bales $1 OFF
Fall Perennials MUMS Whole Amish Chickens ......................................................... $1.99/lb
Spring Bulbs
& ASTERS All Marinated Chicken Breasts ............................................. $4.99/lb
Pork Grillers ........................................................................ $4.99/lb
limit of 5
Metal Art, Valid 9/1/17 - 9/13/17 Buy a Pound of Brats and Get One Brat Free
inclusive of local artists We have Elegant Farmer pies, breads and cookies
& More! Help Wanted: Part-time retail sales. Please apply in person
Hours: Sat. & Sun. 9 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri. 9 am-6 pm at the store. No phone calls please. STOUGHTON 873-3334 2125 McCOMB RD