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Courier Hub


Thursday, August 24, 2017 Vol. 136, No. 5 Stoughton, WI ConnectStoughton.com $1
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Stoughton Area School District

Security trainings at
SASD schools Aug. 29
Increased activity, On the Web
police presence Learn more about the ALICE
expected program:
If you see extra police
officers or lots of people
running around Stoughton to the district. The program
schools next Tuesday, dont includes training on how
worry; its likely only a to handle an active-shooter
drill. scenario, which is what the
Stoughton Area School district will be training for
District staff, along with Tuesday.
local law-enforcement offi- ALICE is replacing the
cials, will conduct trainings most recent method used by
at each school Aug. 29 as the district, which had staff
part of a transition to a new lockdown classrooms and
emergency response proto- shelter in place. Instead,
col, ALICE (Alert, Lock- ALICE has a primary goal
down, Inform, Counter, of escaping the area.
Evacuate). Leave the area, build-
Please do not be ings and grounds supervi-
alarmed, these activities are sor Calvin Merath said at
part of the training program a meeting in March. You
for our staff, the district cant get hurt by the inci- Photos by Amber Levenhagen
Maddie Weldon, 16, drills a hole for an input jack on the bottom of her guitar that shes building during Guitars for Girls.

Girls rock!
wrote in a news release. dent if youre not in the
The district began to area.
move to the ALICE mod- Anyone with questions
el last school year, when about the trainings can con-
members of the safety com- tact Merath at 877-5071 or
mittee attended a two-day calvin.merath@stoughton.
training to receive certifi- k12.wi.us.
cation to bring the program Scott Girard
Guitars for Girls program grows into its own design
Inside SCOTT DE LARUELLE Schmidt admitted hes pretty far
Unified Newspaper Group from being a guitar guru but said
there is something very liberating
The Stoughton Area School Dis- about knowing you can build a musi-
trict is in the second year of a pro- cal instrument.
gram designed to help introduce Its totally doable, he said. We
girls to STEAM (science, technolo- have the tools to make that happen,
gy, engineering, art and math) disci- and if you can do that, what else can
plines. you do?
And they get to build their own Building a guitar, he said, isnt
electric guitars. really the moral of the story.
For the second consecutive sum- The moral of the story is what
mer, a group of Stoughton girls enter- happens after that, he said. Will
ing grades 8-12 has the opportunity you create an entirely new instrument
Fun without the sun during the eclipse for each to build her own solid body that hasnt yet been thought of and
electric guitar through the Guitars write music for it and learn to play
Page 2 for Girls Amplified program at From top to bottom, the girls create it? Were learning a little bit about
Stoughton High Schools Fab Lab. every part of the guitar- from fret acoustic and some of those Fab Lab
Stoughton High School Band boards to the electrical wiring that fundamentals will that drive you to
director Dan Schmidt, who teaches powers their instruments. come up with something different?
the class, said the idea came from STEAM power
the Fab Lab at Fox Valley Technical In the program, which started the
College in Appleton. Last year, the first week of August and will wrap Schmidt said the district has
district sent him there to build a gui- up and the end of this week, students received grants from Alliant Energy
tar and get the experience needed to will make from scratch an electric to try to bring more young women
teach a similar course in Stoughton. guitar. into the fold of STEAM and trying to
As far as I know, were the only First, students select a guitar body get more young women involved in
high school in Wisconsin thats doing shape and style, which is then cut those pursuits in the Fab Lab. Last
what theyre doing at Fox Valley out from a block of maple wood year, the class had four students; this
Tech, he told the Hub last week. using the Fab Labs computer-guid- year, there are six.
Coffee Break Festival photos Last year, we just wanted to build ed router. Students then use Fab Lab Weve especially been working
one, and this year, its been moving equipment to shape the body, attach with that population to try to awaken
Page 12 into, Now can we start to change the neck, fret the board and etch or
things up a little bit? engrave the guitar. Turn to Guitars/Page 3

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2 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

enhancing life for the

Stoughton Community.

Grant Applications
are now being accepted
through September 15, 2017
The SACF favors projects which:
The SACF practical
propose favors projects which:
solutions to current
propose needssolutions to current
community needs
promote collaboration in addressing
positive change
promote collaboration in addressing
volunteer involvement and/or
promote an organizations
volunteer involvement effectiveness
and stability
strengthen an organizations effectiveness
and stability
Any local nonprofit or not-for-profit organi- Photos by Amber Levenhagen
Any local
zation that nonprofit
benefits a or not-for-profit
group of people, organi-
not an Despite the cloudy sky, dozens gathered at Rotary Park to catch a glimpse of the solar eclipse.
zation that is
individual, benefits a group
eligible. To be of people, not
considered, an
individual, is must
eligible. To betheconsidered,
people of your
Looking up
organization serve the
greater must area
Stoughton serveandthe operate
people onof the
greater Stoughton
principle area and operate
that no discrimination onprac-
shall be the
ticed as tothat no religion,
race, discrimination shall
age, sex, be prac-
mental or Dozens gathered at Rota-
ticed as to
physical race, religion, age, sex, mental or
challenge. ry Park, donned their spe-
physical challenge. cial glasses and turned to
the sun to view the solar Royce
For more information, to contact us, or to down- eclipse Monday. Bjelde, 7,
For more
For more information,
information ortotocontact
submit us,
an online
load an application, please visit ouror to down-
website: uses special
grant application, please see our website at:
load an application, please visit our website: glasses to
stoughtonareafoundation.org view the
stoughtonareafoundation.org eclipse.
Applications are due by
The mission of Stoughton Area Community Foundation is On the web
to make a difference in the lives of area residents through
September 15, 2012
charitable donations See more photos from eclipse
viewing at Rotary Park:


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ConnectStoughton.com August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 3
City of Stoughton

New construction
increase mirrors
last years
State numbers set While were seeing con-
struction projects happen-
allowable levy ing, it wont be reflected
until next years net new
increase construction numbers,
O l s o n ex p l a i n e d . I t s
BILL LIVICK based on the new construc-
Unified Newspaper Group tion completed as of Jan. 1
each year. The projects that
The city will have a were seeing now werent
slightly smaller increase completed by Jan. 1 this
in its tax levy for the 2018 year.
budget than it did for this She said the city is grow-
years budget. ing in important ways, but
Stoughtons rate of new that growth is going to be
construction was up 1.75 reflected in coming years.
percent last year, com- The citys total property
pared to 1.9 percent in value combined commer-
2015, according to figures cial, residential and manu-
released by the state last facturing increased by 6
week. percent last year, while the
That means Stoughton average for municipalities
will be able to increase its in Dane County was 7 per-
property tax levy by about cent. Photos by Amber Levenhagen
$110,000 next year, com- Department of Revenue Elise Novak, above left, and Mara Hann sand their guitars.
pared to about $133,000 figures for Stoughton show

Guitars: Students spend 40-

for the 2017 budget, Mayor an increase in residential
Donna Olson and finance value of about 5 percent When Quality Matters, Choose Cleary!
director Tammy LaBorde and an increase in commer-
told the Hub.
The difference is a lot
cial value of about 12 per-
cent, but a 12 percent loss
45 hours building instruments
of money, Olson said. On in manufacturing value. Continued from page 1 so they can advance. FEATURING:
the other hand, when youre City officials will begin Having more students
talking about a $14 million preliminary discussions them to those possibili- who arent as old is really
operating budget, its not about the 2018 budget next ties, he said. The guitar ideal, he said. We want
going to make a huge dif- month and will hold three is something that is more

them to build a guitar and Ask us about our new CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION!
ference. budget meetings in October
Construction projects that before adopting a final bud-
tangible, and they can
walk in and have an idea of
then have another class,
another experience in that
Crinkle Coat Paint Options
Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required
are taking place this year get in November. what they want it to look space or realm.
over 50 miles. Local building code modications extra. Price
subject to change without notice. 608-845-9700
wont affect the 2018 bud- like and feel like, because Schmidt thanks vol- 800-373-5550 ClearyBuilding.com
get, but will help the 2019 Contact Bill Livick at bill. everybody knows that a unteers from Cummins
budget. livick@wcinet.com. guitar looks like.
Students put in around
for their ongoing support
of the project, as well as at is Electrifyin
For Service th
40-45 hours of class time, Alliant Energy for its

Christensen to be Schmidt said, though many

have taken their guitars
home to keep working on
If we didnt have that
financial support, a lot of Krantz Electri
inducted into Hall of Fame
them. students wouldnt be able
Its kind of astounding to do what were doing, Residential
in that period of time they she said, It truly takes a
can walk out with a gui- village to do a big thing, Commercial
AMBER LEVENHAGEN tar, he said. and were doing a pretty
Unified Newspaper Group
If You Go Looking to grow big thing. Solar Systems
The 2017 Stoughton Hall What: Stoughton Hall of Though space is limited, Contact Scott De Laru- 24-Hour Service
of Fame inductee will be

Fame tribute Schmidt said he expects elle at scott.delaruelle@

honored before Gazebo an even larger group next wcinet.com.
Musikk Thursday, Aug. 24. When: 5:45p.m. Thurs- 2650 N. Nine Mound Rd., Verona
day, Aug. 24 year when the applications 845-9156 www.krantzelectricinc.com
James Christensen, a come out in May. The
Stoughton native, has com- Where: Rotary Park, 324 group is open to students
posed and arranged over S. Sixth St. entering grades 8-12, but
400 works during his career, Info: ci.stoughton.com he hopes the class will

according to a news release and search Hall of Fame attract younger students
from The City of Stough-
ton, and is well known for

his Disney tunes and over 37
years spent at Walt Disney
CALL NOW 1-608-338-1170
Labor Day Week
His music can be heard
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ney parks, Knotts Berry
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land, Hershey Park, Lotto September 6 Great Dane Shopping News
World (Korea), Everland and Proud Partner of Display ad deadline: Wednesday, August 30 at 3 pm.
Movie World (Germany). He Wisconsin Athletics
also arranged music for the Classified ad deadline: Thursday, August 31 at Noon.
Boston Pops, the London
Philharmonic, several Super
September 7 Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub

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Bowls and MENCs World
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4 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Obituaries ConnectStoughton.com

Kimberly A. Knipfer Antoinette (Gage) Knipfer. Margene L. Peterson Smith Buechner of Lit- enjoyed teaching children TN, Ella Grace, daughter
Kimberly is survived by her tleton, Colo., and Joan ages 4-5 years old; giv- of Christa and Jesse Wil-
daughters: Sammie Van Ert Marcantelli of Plano, Ill. ing them the basics which lets. Margene loved music
of Superior, Wis. and Brooke She attended the Univer- they would need in their and sang in church choirs
(Mike) San Felippo, of Random sity of Minnesota in the educational and spiritual wherever they lived, and
Lake, Wis. and 4 grandchildren; College of Education for lives. She always felt that she especially loved ring-
her father Roger; sisters: Connie three years. She then met, in some small way she was ing in handbell choirs in
Gullickson and Gayle Knipfer; and later married, Harold helping them to develop Sun City and at American
and beloved cousin, Janie, her James Peterson, a Luther their minds and their faith Lutheran Church. She also
bestest fishing partner. Seminary student, on Aug. in their Lord and Savior, enjoyed the time she spent
She was preceded in death by 21, 1954 at Grace Univer- Jesus Christ. working at Good Shepard
her mother; one daughter, Bon- sity Lutheran Church in But the loves of her Care Center in the Activ-
nie Van Ert; brothers, William South East Minneapolis. life were her loving hus- ities Department. While
Knipfer and Roger Knipfer; and The couple moved to band, Harold, and her five at Shepard of the Desert
Kimberly Knipfer sister, Terry Parish. Margene Peterson West Allis, Wis. where children: Son Mark and Lutheran Church in Sun
Private family services will Harold became the intern Becky Peterson, grand- City, she became a Ste-
Kimberly Ann Knipfer, 58, be held at a later date. All Faiths Margene Laursel (John- at Mt. Hope Lutheran children Trevor, Kaitlin, phen Minister and served
peacefully passed away on Aug. Funeral and Cremation Services son) Peterson, age 84 Church for a year. After Amber, and Christa of and loved the members of
17, 2017, at Mercy Hospital and of Janesville, Wis., is assisting passed away at 3:20p.m. his ordination in 1956, Nashville, TN, daughter the church who resided at
Trauma Center in Janesville the family. Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017. they accepted calls to serve Karen and husband Peter Good Shepard Care Cen-
Wis. Online condolences may be She was born on Oct. the Lord in Battle Lake, Waldor of Montrose, ter. In 2011 Margene and
She was born on Sept. 20, made at 866allfaiths.com. 11, 1932 in Minneapolis, MN, Eau Claire, Sparta, Colo., grandaughters Bet- Harold moved to Royal
1958, in Madison to Roger and MN and was the middle Stoughton, Pewaukee (all sy and Matthew Callaway Oaks Lifecare Communi-
daughter of Ernest and in Wisconsin) and lastly of Highlands Ranch, Colo. ty in Sun City.
Mary (Forbes) Johnson. in Sun City, Ariz. While in and Jennifer. Son Bruce of She was preceded in
Margene grew up in the Stoughton, Margene com- Madison, grandchildren, death by her parents and
Minneapolis area with her pleted her college educa- Sophia and Maxwell, son her sister Mary Louise.
two sisters, Mary Louise tion at the University of Bryan of Durango, Colo. A Memorial Service
and Muriel Elaine. Whitewater, Wis. with a and daughter Kristen and was held at 3:30p.m.
She graduated from bachelors degree in Early Wayne Semerad, grandson Thursday, Aug. 17, at Sun-
Thursday, August 24, 2017 Vol. 136 No. 5 Roosevelt High School in Childhood Education. She Alek of St. Cloud, MN. land Mortuary.
USPS No. 1049-0655 1950. Her two best friends began teaching at the new- Great grandchildren are In October there will
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices. with whom she kept in ly formed Martin Luther Alexis, Andrew, and Alex- be a memorial service
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, touch with throughout Day School in Stough- ander, children of Amber at American Lutheran
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
the years were Nancy ton where she loved and and David Nau of Smyrna, Church in Sun City, Ariz.
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Friday James A. DeBolt James Austin DeBolt, Wis., where they resid- great-granddaughters.
Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473 age 81, passed away on ed for 28 years. Jim and He was preceded in
e-mail: stoughtoneditor@wcinet.com Friday, Aug. 18, 2017. Georgia recently returned death by his parents;
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 He was born in Madi- to their hometown of and wife. A celebration
son, on Dec. 12, 1935, the Stoughton. of Jims life was held at
ConnectStoughton.com son of George and Lucille Jim had an illustri- Gunderson Stoughton
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. (Nelson) DeBolt. Jim ous softball career and Funeral And Cremation
married Georgia Wene on enjoyed fishing, golfing, Care, 1358 Highway 51,
General Manager Circulation Oct. 29, 1955. and Wisconsin sports. He Stoughton, from 4-7p.m.,
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz Jim worked for Cuna is survived by his four Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.
lborkowski@wcinet.com ungcirculation@wcinet.com Mutual and Inland Print- children, Sue DeBolt, A private burial was held
Sales Manager News ing. They raised their Diane Brookbank, David at a later date.
Kathy Neumeister Jim Ferolie family in Madison, before ( Vi c k i ) D e B o l t , a n d Online condolences
kathy.neumeister@wcinet.com stoughtoneditor@wcinet.com building a log home on Sally (Paul) Harris; six may be made at gunder-
James DeBolt Wolf Lake in Oxford, grandchildren; and three sonfh.com.
Advertising Sports
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones
stoughtonsales@wcinet.com ungsportseditor@wcinet.com Lois S. Pavlue She was a very strong
2017, at St. Marys Hos- special friends, Dan-
Assistant Editor pital. willed woman who always iel Sokolik, Gordon and
Classifieds She was born on Aug.
spoke her mind, but was Pranne Hattori; and other
Diane Beaman Scott Girard
14, 1926, in Primrose,
also friendly and lov- relatives and friends.
ungclassified@wcinet.com Wis., the daughter of
ing and had a great sense She was preceded in
Inside Sales Reporters Selmer Opheim and Ger-
of humor. Lois enjoyed death by her husband; par-
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick, trude (Finne) Opheim.
embroidery, especially ents; brothers, Harold and
Monica Morgan
insidesales@wcinet.com Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen, Lois was united in mar-
pillow cases for the grand- Sanford; and sisters, Mar-
Scott De Laruelle, Helu Wang riage to Wallace Pavlue.
children and had a passion tha, Gudren and Ruth.
She worked as a custo-
for collecting dolls. She A celebration of Lois
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of dian and also volunteered
loved spending time with life was held in the chap-
Woodward Communications,Inc. at Skaalen Home in the
family and was famous for el at Skaalen Home, 400
A dynamic, employee-owned media company Friendship Center. Lois
her carrot cake. North Morris St., Stough-
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results. participated in the Gold-
Lois is survived by her ton, at 11a.m. Tuesday,
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville Lois Pavlue wing Motorcycle club
three daughters, Belinda Aug. 22, 2017, with the
and was a member of Big
(Ed) Steiner, Velma (Den- Rev. James Koza presid-
Lois S. Pavlue, age 91, Flats Community Church,
nis) Strander and Karen ing. Burial took place at
of Stoughton, passed away becoming a part of the
(Rick) Owens; son, Wal- Highland Memory Gar-
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER on Saturday, Aug. 19, church community.
lace (Brock Wakefield) dens. Visitation was held
ASSOCIATION Pavlue; and sister, at Skaalen Home from
Genevieve (Paul) 9:30a.m. until the time of
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Celebrating 25 Years in Business! Gray; sister-in-law, the service on Tuesday.
One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37
WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co. Sandy Opheim; 11 Online condolences
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 grandchildren; 19 may be made at gunder-

159 W. Main St. 873-5513 great-grandchildren; sonfh.com.

Stoughton Courier Hub Serving Stoughton since 1989. nieces; nephews;

Oregon Observer Verona Press

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Obituaries August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 5
Harry C. Rynning career, he was a member of Wisconsin and Arizona, golf- Amy (Joshua Ostmann) Bortz
the Rotary club and was very ing in league and for enjoy- of Portage, Wis. and Andrew
active in the Postmaster Asso- ment with friends and family. Rynning of Milton, Wis.; great
ciation. Harry had an enduring love grandchildren Annika Murray,
Harry found his love of of travel. He enjoyed visiting Kaitlyn Murray, Megan Mur- Happy 90th
music at a young age attend- numerous national parks on ray, Cooper Anderson, Jeremi-
ing the Chicago Methodist
Church where his mother was
his way to and from Arizona,
visiting New Orleans, travel-
ah Ostmann, Miles Anderson,
Finley Grimm, and Mariah
the church organist. He was
a member of the Methodist
ing to Postal conventions, and
visiting his ancestral homeland
He was preceded in death by
Church in Edgerton and Sur- of Norway with family. his parents Harry E. and Esther Dad, Grandpa,
prise Ariz. Singing and hum- His family was a joy to him. (Knudsen) Rynning, wife Elda Great Grandpa
ming old Methodist hymns He loved spending his birth- (Hougan), and sons Jim Ryn-
and the music of his era gave day week in Hayward, Wis. at ning and David Rynning. HARTL
Harry Rynning him a great sense of joy. the annual family reunion. His The Family would like to

Harry loved the game of infectious laugh and caring express their thanks to Doro- We Love You
Former Edgerton resident baseball. The game was in his nature will be dearly missed. thy Mietus for the wonderful
Harry C. Rynning, age 94, of DNA from the pickup games Harry is survived by his dear help and care given to Dad
Wisconsin Rapids, died peace- in the streets of Chicago as a companion Dorothy Mietus of through the years along with
fully on Aug. 17, 2017, in Wis- kid to taking his bride (Elda) Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.; chil- the support of her family.
consin Rapids. on their honeymoon to Wrig- dren Ronald Rynning of Edg- Cancer impacted Harry, his
Harry was born Aug. 1,
1923 in Chi-
ley Field. He coached little
league, pony league and the
erton, Wis., Kathryn (Dave)
Anderson of Edina, MN, Juan-
wife Elda, and his friends in
many ways. In lieu of flowers, CATCH THE
cago, Ill. to Stoughton home talent league. ita (Dan) Bortz of Portage, please donate to the American
Harry E. and Harry was a lifelong fan of Wis., Paul Rynning of Hay- Cancer Society at donate.can-
Esther (Knud- the Chicago Cubs. After over ward, Wis., and Carol (Emma cer.org.
sen) Rynning. He grew up in 90 years of cheering for his Roberts) Rynning of Gulfport, Memorial services will be Stoughton High School Home Football Games
Chicago. Harry served in the beloved team, they did it! The MS; grandchildren Kristine held at 11:30a.m. Saturday
Navy from 1943-1945. After
4:30pm - Kickoff High School Back Parking Lot
his service, he met and married
Cubs World Series victory in
2016 was a dream come true
(Dennis) Murray of Las Vegas,
NV, Erin Rynning of Las
Aug. 26, 2017 at Cress Funer-
al Home, 206 W. Prospect Food FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 c
Elda Hougan of Stoughton. for Harry. Vegas, NV, James (Colleen) St., Stoughton. Visitation will Sa FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
The two raised seven children After retiring, Harry win- Anderson of Edina, MN, Les- be from 10a.m. until time of
in Edgerton, Wis. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22

tered in Arizona for 30 years. lie (David) Grimm of Wauna- services. Family and friends
He worked at the Edgerton He loved his home in Sun City kee, Wis., Sarah Sandeen of are invited to meal following Muc s FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6
post office for 32 years, where
he became the Post-master
Grand, where he met many Sun Prairie, Wis., Chad Bortz the service. A private commit- i Fun Activities Start at 5 pm
great friends through the years. of Portage, Wis., Tim Ander- tal service will take place at
from 1970 until his retire- He was an avid golfer in both son of Minneapolis, MN, Cooksville Cemetery. Food Sales Music
ment in 1984. Throughout his


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6 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Coming up Community calendar

Electronics recycling Aug. 24, at the hospital, 900 Ridge 2018 candidates will be attending Thursday, August 24
St. the picnic for a meet and greet. 2:30-5 p.m., Chrons, Colitis and IBD support group
Recycle old cell phones and other Heather A. Rogers King, DC, For information, visit stoughton- guest speaker, Stoughton Hospital, 900 Ridge St.,
used electronics at the senior center from Zelm Chirpractic is a chiro- dems.org. stoughtonhospital.com
and Hanson Electronics, 2384 Jack- practor who specializes in working 6-7:30 p.m., Gazebo Musikk presents The Lower 5th,
son St. with patients with Crohns disease. Family yoga Rotary Park, Rotary Park Gazebo, 401 E. Main St.,
Recycling these materials helps The presentation is for educational Starting 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, facebook.com/gazebomusikk
keep harmful chemicals out of land- purposes only and does not serve as Aug. 30, the library will host free
fills, and 90 percent of proceeds ben- Friday, August 25
an endorsement. yoga classes for children and their
efit the senior center. The support group is free and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market, Stough-
caregivers. ton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St., stoughtonwi.com/farmers-
For information, call 873-8585. intended for families and individ- In cooperation with Stoughton market
Gazebo Musikk uals over 18 years of age. Family Yoga, the classes will also be held
10-11 a.m. Color and Conversation, senior center,
members and caregivers are encour- Sept. 6 and 13, or Fridays, Sept. 1,
The Lower 5th will perform for aged to attend. 8 and 15. 873-8585
the next Gazebo Musikk series from For information, call 873-7928 or The classes are designed for chil- Saturday, August 26
6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 17, at visit stoughtonhospital.com. dren ages 2-5. Registration is not 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Stoughton Community Farm-
the Rotary Park Gazebo, 324 S. required, but it is requested to attend ers Market, Forrest Street (North of Main St.), stough-
Sixth St. Diabetes workshop either Wednesday or Friday, not tonwi.com/farmersmarket
The Lower 5th blends folk, rock Registration is open for a six- both in the same week.
R&B, reggae, country and blue- 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Stoughton Historical Society Muse-
week workshop, Healthy Living Wear comfortable clothing and um open, 324 S. Page St., 873-1943
grass to create a sound of Midwest- with Diabetes, offered by Stough- bring water, yoga mats or large tow-
ern Soul. Established in 2011, the 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Stoughton Police Department
ton Hospital, Stoughton Area Senior els if preferred. annual K9 Dog Swim fundraiser, Troll Beach, 401
band includes Luke Jorgensen, Cory Center and Safe Communities at the For information, visit stolib.org.
Swadley, Paul Metz, Jayme Cash Mandt Pkwy., 873-3374
hospital, 900 Ridge St.
(keys), Jeremy Henning (Trombone) The course runs from 2:30- 5 p.m. Golf lunch Noon to 3 p.m., Stoughton Area Dems and Progres-
and Audrey Pescatelli (bass). sives summer picnic, East Side Park, 225 S. Lynn St.,
on Tuesdays beginning Aug. 29 The Oregon Town and Country stoughtondems.org
Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and ending Oct. 3. Registration is Womens Club will host a luncheon,
for the free concert; beer and wine required and is $20 per person for open to area women, at the Stough- Monday, August 28
are permitted, but no glasses. Food the series. The cost includes a book, ton Country Club, 3165 Shadyside 7 p.m.,Stoughton School Board meeting, SASD
and beverages will be for sale at the instructions and snacks. Drive, Stoughton, at 12:30 p.m. Administration Building, 320 North St., 877-5000
event. To register, call 873-2356. Tuesday, Sept. 12.
For information, visit facebook. Entertainment will be provided by
Wednesday, August 30
com/gazebomusikk. Summer picnic area line dancers. There will also be 9:30-10 a.m., Family yoga, library, 873-6281
Guest speaker The Stoughton Area Dems and a 50/50 raffle. Thursday, August 31
Progressives will hold their annual Tickets are $10 per person. 6-7:30 p.m., Gazebo Musikk presents Blythe Gamble
The Chrons, Colitis and IBD picnic from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, To make a reservation, call Sue
support group at Stoughton Hospi- Aug. 26 at East Side Park, 225 S. and the Rollin Dice, Rotary Park, Rotary Park Gazebo,
Capelle at 835-9421 no later than 401 E. Main St., facebook.com/gazebomusikk
tal will have a guest speaker for the Lynn St. Sept. 6.
5:30 p.m. special meeting Thursday, Friday, September 1
7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market, Stough-
ton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St., stoughtonwi.com/farmers-
Bahai Faith Covenant Lutheran Church Seventh Day Baptist
9:30-10 a.m., Family yoga, library, 873-6281
For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911 1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494 Church of Albion
or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 covluth@chorus.net covluth.org 616 Albion Rd., Edgerton Saturday, September 2
us.bahai.org Stoughton study classes. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship 561-7450 albionsdb@gmail.com 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Stoughton Community Farm-
Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship forministry.com/USWISDBGCASD1 ers Market, Forrest Street (North of Main St.), stough-
Bible Baptist Church Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
2095 Hwy. W, Utica Ezra Church tonwi.com/farmersmarket
Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath
873-7077 423-3033 515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Yahara River Hootenanny (repeats
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship ezrachurch.com Stoughton Baptist Church first Saturdays through November), Yahara River Gro-
Sunday:10 a.m. Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton cery Cooperative, 229 E. Main St., 712-2976
Christ Lutheran Church 873-6517 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Stoughton Historical Society Muse-
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton First Lutheran Church Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship; um open, 324 S. Page St., 873-1943
873-9353 e-mail: office@clcstoughton.org 310 E. Washington, Stoughton 6 p.m. - Evening Service
Summer worship times: 873-7761 flcstoughton.com Tuesday, September 5
5:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. Sunday Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship St. Ann Catholic Church 7 p.m.,Stoughton School Board meeting, SASD
323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton Administration Building, 320 North St., 877-5000
Christ the King Community Fulton Church 873-6448 873-7633
Church 9209 Fulton St., Edgerton Weekday Mass: Nazareth House Wednesday, September 6
401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 884-8512 fultonchurch.org and St. Anns Church 9:30-10 a.m., Family yoga, library, 873-6281
christthekingcc.org Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.; 6:30 p.m., Foundation SciFi book group: The First
Coffee Fellowship: 9 a.m.
Christian Assembly Church Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m. Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North, library,
1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106 873-6281
Varsity (High Schoolers): 12-3 p.m. United Methodist of Stoughton
Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. AWANA (age 2-middle school): 3-5 p.m. 525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton Thursday, September 7
worship stoughtonmethodist.org
Good Shepherd By The Lake 1-5 p.m., Personal Essentials Pantry, 343 E. Main St.,
Stoughtonumc@Wisconsinumc.org pepstoughton.org
The Church of Jesus Christ Lutheran Church Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
of Latter-day Saints 1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton 10 a.m. - Full Worship
6:30-8 p.m., Adult Craft Club: Dye it, library, 873-
825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton 873-5924 6281
877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. West Koshkonong Lutheran Church Friday, September 8
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary Adult Bible Study: 9:15-9:45 a.m. 1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship
7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market, Stough-
Cooksville Lutheran Church LakeView Church ton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St., stoughtonwi.com/farmer
11927 W. Church St., Evansville 2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton skmarket
Western Koshkonong
873-9838 lakevc.org
Pastor Karla Brekke Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship
Lutheran Church
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School 2633 Church St., Cottage Grove
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study
Support groups
Diabetic Support Group Low Vision Support
6 p.m., second Monday, 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
Stoughton Hospital, 628- day, senior center, 873-
How to Be a Better Lover 6500 8585
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one an-
other, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or Dementia Caregivers Parkinsons Group
insult with insult. 1 Peter 3:8-9 NIV 2 p.m., second Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
873-4590 senior center, 873-8585 Wednesday, senior center,
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton To love others, you must first love yourself.This starts with 873-8585
Pete Gunderson accepting yourself,faults and all, and gently nourishing and taking Crohns/Colitis/IBD
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter care of yourself. Our primary responsibility is to take care of Support Group Multiple Sclerosis Group
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
ourselves. A person whose mental or physical health is seriously 5:30 p.m., third Wednes- 10-11:30 a.m., second

Sara Paton Barkenhagen, Administrative Assistant Tuesday, senior center,

Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant impaired will not be able to care for others,so it is vital that we day, Stoughton Hospital,
maximize our own health and well-being.Tending to ones own 873-7928 873-8585
happiness is also important, because with a sense of joy in our Grief Support Groups Anorexia and Bulimia Group
life,we have something worth giving to others, and indeed, others
will be drawn to us. People are naturally drawn to happy healthy 2 p.m., third Wednesday, 6 p.m., first Thursday,
people. Besides being happy and healthy, we should strive to have senior center, 873-8585 Stoughton Hospital, 628-
an expansive heart that is filled with loving kindness and compas- 6500
sion for everyone. This can be difficult; many people are admit-

221 Kings Lynn Rd.

tedly hard to love. But by having an open heart that truly desires
to love everyone, your kindness and compassion will be mirrored Submit your community calendar
in others.The frown or scowl of the person in front of you is more
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888
easily turned around by a gentle smile than by scowling back at and coming up items online:

them. This is, after all, the purpose of our lives,to love, and to
love without limits. Christopher Simon
Jeremy Jones, sports editor Thursday, August 24, 2017
845-9559 x226 ungsportseditor@wcinet.com

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237 sportsreporter@wcinet.com
Courier Hub
Fax: 845-9550 For more sports coverage, visit:

Home Talent League Girls golf

takes first at
Dells invite
Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School girls golf team
picked up its first tourna-
ment victory of the season
Aug. 15-16 at the Wiscon-
sin Dells Invitational.
The Vikings played at
Chula Vista Resort on Aug.
15 and shot a 361. They
followed up that round
on Aug. 16 with a 372
at Christmas Mountain.
Stoughton (722) beat out
Green Bay Preble (760)
and Beaver Dam (762).
Photo by Jeremy Jones
Sophomore Myranda
Stoughton manager Dale Seffens (center) and the Merchants celebrate the teams 7-0 shutout of Fort Atkinson in the Southeast Section final game. Kotlowski finished as the
individual runner-up with
a 174 (84-90), and junior

Back to the Grand Championship Turn to Golf/Page 9

Whats next
Merchants back to their first Final
Nyhagen, Riffle
lead Merchants to
Four since 2013.
I think this probably the best game Whats next Stoughton traveled to
weve played overall all year long, Portage Country Club
Southeastern Section title manager Dale Seffens said. This is Stoughton will travel to Dodgeville in the first round of the Home Talent Wednesday for the Por-
when you need to have that. Grand Championship at 1p.m. Sunday. The Merchants lost to Middleton tage invite after the Couri-
JEREMY JONES Nyhagen, who began making his in the championship game back in 2013. er Hubs deadline. Results
Sports editor own bats this spring out of necessity, will be in the next issue.
rather than paying $130 each time he Eastern section champion Montello (14-4) and Northern champion
Ryan Nyhagen supplied all the needed a new bat, set the tone early Middleton (14-2) will play in the other game. Stoughton last won the The Vikings host Mil-
offense Ben Riffle and the Stough- with a 3-run home run to right-center league title in 1986. The Merchants other title came in 1945. Dodgeville ton at 9a.m. Thursday
ton Merchants would need Sunday fielder off Fort Atkinson starter Owen
in a 7-0 shutout of Fort Atkinson in Chady. won the HTL title back in 2006. The Knights also won the title in 1972. and host Watertown at
the Southeast Section championship Jake Wenzel began the inning, 3:30p.m. Tuesday, Aug.
game. beating out a groundball in the hole 29, at Coachmans Golf
Riffle scatted three hits and struck to shortstop with one out. Chris Lund right field fence. and I didnt swing, but I got my tim- Resort for two more Bad-
out two over nine innings to preserve followed with a single past shortstop It was a fastball on the outer half, ing down. He came back with another
the win while the defense was flaw- before Nyhagen ended his home run which I love, Nyhagen said. He fastball later and I just kept my front
ger South Conference
less behind him to help propel the drought, launching a ball over the threw me a fastball on the first pitch duals.
Turn to HTL/Page 9

DiBenedetto scores three times as Vikings hang on in Portage
Sports editor
Whats next
Jordan DiBenedetto played three
positions, catching a touchdown Stoughton travels to Baraboo
and running for two more Friday as for a nonconference Badger
Stoughton pulled out a 43-28 road Conference crossover game
win Friday in a Badger Conference 7p.m. Friday.
crossover at Portage.
The only thing that could stop You cant sleep on any team
DiBenedetto early in the game was or it will turn into a dogfight,
himself, as he left his shoulder pads Jordan DiBenedetto said.
on the bus.
DiBenedetto caught a short pass The Thunderbirds are 0-1
and turned it into a long touchdown coming off a 49-19 loss against
catch in the first quarter and lat-
er scored on touchdown runs of 1 Monona Grove.
and 49 yards to ice the game in the
fourth quarter after having his pads
retrieved. though, starting several players start-
The Vikings finished the game ing on both sides of the ball.
with 403 yards of offense, while Por- We knew we could wear them
tage had 325 under new head coach down as the night went on, Prahl
Robert Hepp. said. We stuck to the plan and thats
Give credit where its due, Por- kind of what happened here.
tage is a big, physical team, Stough- Stoughtons offense struggled out
ton coach Dan Prahl said. We knew of the gate as quarterback Johnathan
we couldnt overlook these guys, just Malueg turned the ball over on three
look at what Monroe (9-0) did last of the Vikings first four possessions
year, winning the conference with a (two interceptions, fumble). Malueg Photo by Jeremy Jones
new coach. showed the resiliency needed to play Payton Montgomery celebrates a first quarter interception in the end zone with teammates Friday in Portage.
The Warriors have a small roster, Stoughton won the game 43-28.
Turn to Football/Page 9
8 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Girls swimming Boys soccer

Kooima leads young team
Sports editor

Senior captain Maddie

Kooima and a large fresh-
man class hope to help the
Stoughton girls swimming
team rewrite the record
books this fall.
Kooima is a returning
state qualifying after fin-
ishing 15th last year at the
WIAA Division 2 state
swimming meet in 1 min-
ute, 2.31 seconds.
It will be nice to have a
returning state swimmer to
mentor our younger swim- Photo by Anthony Iozzo
mers, expecting to make The returning letterwinners for the Stoughton High School boys soccer team (front, from
state, head coach Katie Photo by Jeremy Jones left) are: Ethan Wright, Quin Link, Zander Hartberg, Jake Deutsch and Nick Nowlan; (back)
Talmadge. Returning letterewinners for the Stoughton girls swimming Matt Gille, Jason Johnson, David Tessier, Matt Read, Anders Goetz, Nolan Meyer and Patrick
Kooima can help the team (front, from left) are: Sophia Thompson, Maddie Regan.
team out in just about any Kooima, Morgan McGee, Amira Castillo and Audrey Killian;

Vikes return nine this season

stroke and finished seventh (back) Aubrey Schleppenbach, Haley Foss and Abbie Koo-
at the Middleton sectional ima.
just missing the state cut
in the 200IM last year.
Aubrey Schleppenbach is two years, Talmadge said. an impact are Abbie Kooi- ANTHONY IOZZO They also bring back South Conference selections
also back as a senior cap- Shes a year-round swim- ma and Audrey Killian. Assistant sports editor seniors Jake Deutsch (three are gone from 2016 sec-
tain. mer with great goals this Abbie Kooima should goals, two assists), Anders ond-team defender Jackson
Aubrey is a great leader season. help the team out in the The Stoughton High School Goetz (goal), Zander Hartberg Hampton (five goals) and
who is always encouraging Freshmen Sofia Bormett 50 and 100 free. Killian boys soccer team returns nine (six goals, two assists), Quin honorable mention forward
her teammates, Talmadge and Amy Schlicht are was 11th in the 500 free at players from last seasons Link, Nick Nowlan (goal, Cole Adams (five goals). Zeth
said. incoming club swimmers sectionals and Hammond 2-15-4 varsity squad, but it two assists) and Ethan Wright Zeichert (goal, assist), Josh
Juniors Sophia Thomp- who the Vikings are expect- was 13th in the 100 breast- has an almost completely new (assist). Juniors Matt Gille, Bausch, Josh Ferguson (goal),
son (100 butterfly) and ing to make state this year. stroke. defense. Jason Johnson and David Tes- Jacob Tobie, Dan Howell,
Haley Foss are also back. F e l l ow f r e s h m a n Ava The Kooima sisters, The Vikings return their sier also return. Jason Doudlah, Brody Teigen
Foss swam the 200 and 50 Schigur and Evalyn Schafer Thompson and Foss were starting goalie from 2017, We have a team of great (goal) and Ben Johnson (two
freestyle at sectionals last are also expected to make ninth in the 200 free relay. senior Matt Read, who col- speed, coach Dave Wermuth goals) are also gone from last
year. big contributors. Foss, Thompson and the lected 70 saves in nine games, wrote in a preview question- year.
Sophia was our most Other returning letter- Kooimas were eighth in as well as his backup, junior naire. We will be looking at a The biggest losses are on
dedicated swimmer the last winners that should make the 400 free relay. Nolan Meyer, who had 33 learning curve for our defense defense with much of the
saves in five games. where all but one player will 2017 team needing veterans to
Junior Patrick Regan also be new to the varsity level. cover the backfield or JV cal-
has goalie experience. The two lone All-Badger lups to fill in.

Vikings log 60 personal bests to start season

Sports editor
and swimming faster times, Talmadge said.
It makes the entire team better and in turn
Stoughton looks to move up standings
moves the program forward. The 2016 Stoughton boys soccer team fin- first-team midfielder Alexander Klinkner,
Stoughton girls swimming opened the Ava Schigur was close to a lifetime best ished 1-4-1 in the Badger South last season, senior first-team goalie Henry Hill-Gorman,
2017 season at home Tuesday night with a in the 100 butterfly, winning the event in with the lone win coming against Monroe senior second-team forward Joey Scalissi,
90-77 victory over nonconference Elkhorn. 1:07.92. and its tie against Fort Atkinson. senior second-team defender Ryan Keaveny,
More importantly to coach Katie Tal- Freshman Sofia Bormett fell a little more The conference looks to be as strong at junior second-team midfielder Jacob Van
madge, the host Vikings recorded 60 person- than a second off the second oldest school the top, as usual, with seven-time defending Veghel and junior honorable mention mid-
al-best swims. record in Stoughton history but won the 500 champion Oregon looking to be challenged fielder Bryan Reynosa.
I dont usually look at the team scores free in 5:28.61. Amber Castleberg set the by 2016 runner-up Monona Grove. Stough- The Silver Eagles lone loss from last
until I get home, she said. Im more inter- existing record (5:27.4) in 1998. ton coach Dave Wermuth wrote in a preview seasons all-conference selections is sec-
ested in personal-best times. Our goal this Bormett also claimed the 100 backstroke questionnaire that he expects both Milton ond-team defender Samuel Runhaar.
season is 560, so we have 500 left to go. in 1:17.2. and Madison Edgewood to also compete for Milton finished 3-2-1 with losses to Ore-
The biggest team Talmadge has had as a Maddie Kooima, Haley Foss, Ava Schigur the title. gon and Monona Grove and a tie with Madi-
head coach at Stoughton, the Vikings saw a and Bormett opened the meet, winning the (Stoughton) has to be together as a unit to son Edgewood in 2016.
talented freshmen class log many of those 200 medley relay in 2:05.6. Kooima added find victory in conference, Wermuth wrote. The Red Hawks bring back senior first-
personal-best times the 100 free in 56.81 and the 100 backstroke Oregon was undefeated in the conference team defender Logan Servin, junior sec-
To that end, it was the teams newest in 1:02.16. last year but has a lot of turnover from its ond-team midfielder Alfonso Lopez and
swimmer that Talmadge wanted to talk about Sophia Thompson, Evelyn Schaefer, Foss starting lineup this season. senior second-team goalie Noah Rickman.
following the victory. and Schigur added the 200 free relay title in The Panthers return junior honorable men- Milton graduated first-team forward Scott
Molly (Bridges) is learning as she goes, 1:52.62. Amy Schilcht, Schaefer, Kooima tion all-conference forward Madison Condu- Biancofiori, second-team midfielder Spencer
Talmadge said. She was working on the and Bormett closed the meet out, beating ah and sophomore honorable mention mid- Hammer and honorable mention defender
blocks this week but she swam best times Elkhorns 400 free relay to the wall by more fielder Collin Bjerke, but they graduate first- Nick Patrick.
every time she swam the 50-yard freestyle than 18 seconds in 4:00.29. team midfielders Calvin Schneider and Matt Wermuth wrote in a questionnaire that
tonight. Schilcht added the 200 free in 2:11.09 and Pearson, first-team defenders Ryan Lopez Madison Edgewood was young last season
Its a little thing but a microcosm of the Schaefer took the 200 IM in 2:32.43. and Connor Jones, first-team forward Alex but looks to be better this year. The Crusad-
way Talmadge is trying to build the program. Erin McCune led a 1-2-3 finish in the JV Verhagen, second-team midfielder Ian Mur- ers were 1-4-1 in the Badger South and look
We stress every day about getting better 200 free, dropping nine seconds. phy and honorable mention goalie Ben Prew. to improve.
Monona Grove was 5-1 as the runner-up Edgewood brings back first-team mid-

t acul ar last season, dropping its lone game to Ore- fielder Connor Cruz, junior honorable men-
pec gon. And unlike the Panthers, the Silver tion midfielder Brandon Rothwell and soph-

ly, Fe el S Eagles bring back lots of all-conference omore honorable mention defender Nick
l e a r selections. Stacey. It graduated first-team defender
See C Limited Time Back to School Specials: Monona Grove brings back senior David Ferry.

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ConnectStoughton.com August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 9
Boys soccer Girls tennis
Hartberg scores lone goal in loss to Elkhorn No. 1 dubs go 5-1 at tourney
Assistant sports editor Whats next Sports editor Whats next
The Stoughton High School boys soc- Stoughton travels to Evansville at Stoughton girls tennis Stoughton travels to Badger South newcomer Water-
cer team opened the 2017 season Tues- saw plenty of matches last town at 4:15p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29, to open the con-
day against non-conference Elkhorn and 6:45p.m. Thursday and travels to the weekend at the two-day
dropped a 5-1 match. Janesville Craig quad at 10:15a.m. Badger Sweet Sixteen tour- ference dual meet season. The Vikings then head to
The Elks scored three times in the first Saturday. nament. defending conference champion Madison Edgewood at
half and added another two goals in the The Viking opened tour- 4:15p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31.
second half before the Vikings finally The Vikings host Baraboo at 7p.m. nament going 1-2 on Fri-
got on the board. Tuesday, Aug. 29. day with a win over Fort
Junior Jason Johnson found senior Atkinson and losses to Indian Trail Academy and in a Badger Conference
Zander Hartberg on a pass down the DeForest and Janesville 6-1, 6-4 to Big Foot. crossover.
middle of the field, and Hartberg Burrows found junior Vince Umnus Craig. They followed that Kayla Rippe won one Benoy and Fisher cruised
knocked in the goal with a one-on-one for a header goal in the 58th minute, and up going 3-0 on Saturday, match on Friday and swept through the first set but
breakaway. junior Adam Reigle knocked in a long however. the competition at No. 3 found themselves down
Senior Kevin Romero scored the first goal in the 80th minute. We lost some matches singles on Saturday, beat- 5-2 in the second set when
goal in the sixth minute, and Romero Senior goalie Matt Read finished with that we could have won on ing Janesville Parker, Indi- Sauk Prairie switched to a
assisted senior Ben Burrows on the next 11 saves for Stoughton. Junior Alex Friday, but finishing up the an Trail Acadamy, Big Foot two-back formation.
two goals in the 12th and 29th minutes. Hergott had three for the Elks. tournament with a couple and Indian Trail Academy That threw us off, and it
of 5-2 victories and a 7-0 to finish 4-2 overall. took us a while to adjust,
win was a good way to fin- Katie Zacharias and Reischel said.
ish the tournament, coach Taylor Nisius shutout Fort Stoughtons top dou-
Golf: Girls get dual win at Edgewood Ryan Reischel said.
Paige and Karlie Halv-
Atkinson but lost a heart-
b r e a ke r 3 - 6 , 6 - 3 , 1 0 - 6
bles team eventually made
the adjustment and rattled
erson went a team-best 5-1 against DeForest. Zachari- off five games to win the
Continued from page 7 Stoughton 175, a 44, and Anderson fin-
over the weekend, includ- as won all three of her No. match 6-2, 7-5 in straight
ished the scoring with a
Edgewood 179 52. Marshalls 54 was not ing wins over Big Foot, 3 matches on Saturday to sets.
Bre Viken took third with counted toward the final Janesville Parker and Indi- finish 4-2, despite playing I give the girls a lot of
a 175 (87-88). Monona The Vikings traveled to
Yahara Hills Golf Course score. an Trail Academy on Sat- with three different part- credit for listening to their
Groves Klaire OReil- Grace Welch led Edge- urday. They also beat Fort ners. Zacharias played with coaches and closing out the
ly-Dye was the medalist Monday for a Badger
South dual against Mad- wood with a 41. Cait- Atkinson and DeForest but Emily Erdahl, Paige Belle- match, Reischel said.
with a 170 (82-88). lyn Hegenbarth, Corinna lost to Janesville Craig on feuille and Nisius, beat- Paige and Karlie Halver-
Freshman Caylie Kot- ison Edgewood and top-
pled the Crusaders 175- Smith, Anaka Leske and Friday. ing Big Foot, Indian Trail son had a slow start, play-
lowski was third on the Grace Jaeger all shot 46s. Annika Goetz went 2-1 Academy and Janesville ing hesitant to start their
Vikings with an 183 (92- 179.
Caylie Kotlowski had Stougtons JV team also with wins over Janesville Parker. No. 2 doubles match but
91), and junior Renee won 225-233, led by Emi- Craig and Fort Atkinson Lydia Brekken was 3-3 at became more aggressive as
Anderson was next with a a career-low nine-hole
round of 37, and her sister ly Schauders 50. on Friday but also lost 6-0, No. 1 singles, beating Fort play continued. They won
201 (98-103). Junior Jen- The Vikings are now 6-3 to DeForest at No. 4 Atkinson 6-4, 6-0, Indian 6-4, 6-2.
ny Marshall finished with Myranda followed with a
42. Viken was next with 1-0 in the Badger South. singles. Goetz was lights Trial Academy 6-1, 6-0 and Pohlod sealed the visit-
a 211 (98-113). out on Saturday, shutting Janesville Parker 6-1, 6-3. ing Eagles fate with a 6-3,
out Janesville Parker and She fell 6-0, 6-1 to Ceci- 7-6 (8-6) win at No. 2 sin-
Big Foot and beating Indi- le Fuchs of DeForest, 6-2, gles.
an Trail Academy 6-0, 6-1. 6-2 to Maycee Maslonka of Krissy played really
HTL: Merchants go for first title since 1986 Ashley Fisher and Stacy
Benoy went undefeated on
Janesville Craig and 6-0,
6-2 to Clare Heckert of Big
well but for the second
straight match she got hes-
Continued from page 7 Stoughton extended its lead-off hitter Chris Koep- day one, but fell twice on Foot. itant in the second set,
lead to 5-0 with three runs ke only to see Medina and Saturday to finish 4-2. Krissy Pohlod also went Reischel said.
in the bottom of the third Fuentes work more magic The Vikings No. 1 dou- 3-3, beating Fort Atkinson She was down 6-0 in the
shoulder back and drove it inning. to turn yet another double bles team rolled 6-1, 6-0 6-1, 6-1 on day one and tiebreaker but fought back
the other way. Wenzel hit a lead-off sin- play. Growing up together against DeForest and 6-0, added a pair of wins over to win eight straight points.
Nyhagen, whose hand was gle back up the box but was playing in Venezuela, the 6-0 over Fort Atkinson Janesville Parker and Big Goetz once again rolled
still swollen, said his team- forced out at second on a middle infielders showed and survived a scare from Foot on day two. at No. 4 singles, winning
mates joked about him hav- fielders choice. Fort Atkin- their trust in one another as Janesville Craig on Fri- 6-0, 6-0.
ing super powers after being day, pulling the match out
Stoughton 4, I think Annika has only
son threw the ball away at Medina fielded a grounder
stuck by a bee while taking first, though, trying to pickoff by Sam Hartwick cleanly, in a tiebreaker 6-7 (2), 6-1, Sauk Prairie 3 lost like one of two games
batting at the field early in the Lund and then intentionally and never touching the ball, 10-2. in her last four matches,
week with is parents. T h e Vi k i n g s g o t t wo Reischel said. Shes play-
walked Nyhagen. flipped it to Fuentes coming Day two didnt go as wins atop the doubles line-
Word of mouth about Veteran Dave Hanson across the bag to turn one of well for Fisher and Benoy, ing really well from the
Nyhagens bats spread quick- up and wins at Nos. 2 and baseline and thats encour-
made that decision hurt, as he the smoothest double plays who beat Janesville Park- 4 singles Tuesday evening
ly and he began taking orders hit a ball to shortstop that was youll ever see. er but fell 6-2, 6-4 against aging to see.
from his teammates and other to beat Sauk Prairie 4-3
misplayed and allowed a run The way the defense
teams around the league (Fort to score. Max Fuller added a was playing, and Fort really
Atkinson and Cambridge).
I decided I wanted to start
last fall, but I didnt really
sacrifice fly and Fuentes then
went with a pitch and lined
wasnt making great contact
I knew if I got a ground ball Football: Stoughton takes on Baraboo next
an RBI single into left field. the defense would make the
realize how much went into Stoughton put up its final play, Riffle said. Continued from page 7 game, so we were going to be a little rusty.
making bats and getting the two runs in the fifth inning Riffle hit Bryan Wallace Well polish it but when adversity hits,
weight and specs correct. as Lund walked and Nyha- with one out in the seventh youve just got to confront and not let it beat
Instead, he built up his gen singled to lead things off. only to see third baseman T.J. quarterback, however, finishing the game you.
inventory of tools and did a Hanson singled home Lund. DiPrizio start an inning-end- with 90 yards passing, completing 5 of 8 A late hit on Brady Schipper out of bounds
ton of research on wood and Fuentes lined into what ing 5-4-3 double play. passes. setup the Vikings on the Portage 48-yard line
different carving styles. As could been an inning-ending DiPrizio came up with anoth- Malueg found wide receiver DiBenedet- two possessions later and Stoughton never
soon as it got warm enough double play ball only to see er big play in the eighth, to on a short pass on the Vikings third pos- looked back, scoring three straight touch-
this spring, he converted half Fort Atkinson third base Tim making a diving stop on a session. DiBenedetto spun away from one downs to widen the lead out to 29-14 early in
of his garage into a wood- Brokl sail the ball past first, hard hit by Josh Crandall, defender and then ran 48 yards. Stoughton the third quarter.
shop. allowing Nyhagen to score. then got to his feet and got took its first lead 8-6 with the 2-point conver- Dwight Walker scored on a 5-yard touch-
Nyhagens side business Reliever Erick Sperloen the second out before Chady sion run by Brady Schipper. down run up the middle before Schipper
was boosted by the right began warming up in the singled. Riffle worked out We definitely have some things we showed the explosive that has drawn collec-
fielder winnings his first sixth inning but was never of another possible jam with need to clean up on our end, Prahl said. I tion attention, bowling over Portage defense
Southeast Section batting needed as Riffle closed out two outs, though, getting thought the guys stayed the course and they back Nolan Pauls on his way to an 87-yard
title with a .468 average the game, setting the Gen- Koepke to hit a weak ground didnt panic. I was proved of the way they touchdown run.
while leading the league with erals down in order on two ball back at him. fought through it. Sam McHone added a 47-yards touch-
six home runs during the reg- ground outs and a strike out Medina also showed his The lead was short lived when rather than down run in the third quarter.
ular season. in the night. quickness early, tracking getting off the field following an apparent Portage fought back with a pair of 1-yard
That helped a little bit. If Ben had gotten in trou- down a couple of other balls DiBenedetto interception in the red zone, touchdown runs to cut the Vikings lead to
People know the bats arent ble we had Erick ready, but into the right-center field gap the Viking defense back was flagged for pass 29-20.
crap, Nyhagen joked. Im Ben kept getting out of trou- early in the game that would interference. Offensive lineman Elijah Krumholz was
hoping to turn it into a little ble with those double plays have fallen in against most I dont know how it was really pass inter- wearing a sling in the second half. He and
side business. and then you dont want to other teams. ference because my back was toward the Walker both left the game with injuries in the
The Merchants werent take a shutout away from a I dont know how he got receiver, DiBenedetto said. It was a hands first half.
about to sit on their laurels guy when hes rolling, Sef- that deep that quick, Nyha- battle down the field. I didnt think it was Those are two big contributors, hopefully
following Nyhagens home fens said. gen said. Both of those pass interference, but we have to get over we get the good report coming back, but you
run though, especially after Riffle didnt run into too balls normally fall for singles that and get ready for the next play. feel for those guys, especially Krumholz,
going up 5-0 early last week much trouble until the fifth between Tanner (Klitzke) and The call gave Portage new life at the who is a senior, Prahl said.
only to hang on to beat Jef- inning when he walked Dan me. He showed some insane Stoughton 16-yard line. The Warriors didnt Schipper rushed for 105 yards on seven
ferson 5-4. Dean and Josh Applebaum range. waste anytime in capitalizing on the chance carries to lead the Stoughton ground attack
We brought that up in the with one out. His defense, Stoughton will host one as Dale Sheppard broke free up the middle and DiBenedetto caught two balls for 70
dugout to not getting compla- which turned four doubles game in the Final Four, trav- and scored on the next play. Portage took a yards.
cent, said Nyhagen who is plays, got him out of the jam, eling to Dodgeville this Sun- 14-8 lead with the touchdown. Grant Garrigan ran for 75 yards to pace
playing in his first HTL play- turning a 6-4-3 double play day before hosting Middleton Stoughtons defense came up with a big Portage, including a 6-yard touchdown to cap
offs. This was a very good to end the inning. on Sunday, Sept. 3 and final- stop on the Warriors ensuing possession fol- a four-play, 50-yard drive in the first quarter.
team. They can put runs up in It was more of the same in ly playing at Montello on lowing the teams second interception. Erik Isakson completed 5 of 15 passes for 92
a hurry. We definitely wanted the sixth as Riffle walked the Sunday, Sept. 10. Our motto is, bend dont break on yards. He turned the ball over once.
a few more insurance runs. defense, DiBenedetto said. Its the first
10 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

STATE OF WISCONSIN, interest of the Town of Pleasant Springs. oclock p.m., or as soon after as the mat- a location map can be found at: http:// Town Board Meeting to be held on Octo- NAL PLAT BLOCK 9 LOT 5, LOT 6 & W 33
TOWN OF PLEASANT SPRINGS ter may be heard, in the Council Cham- stoughtoncitydocs.com/planning-com- ber 3, 2017. The Town Board reserves the FT LOT 7 (0.511 A)
CIRCUIT COURT, By: ____________________________ bers, Public Safety Building, 321 South mission/ right to reject any and all bids or to ac- This property description is for tax
DANE COUNTY, NOTICE TO Maria Pili Hougan, Clerk/Treasurer Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, Published August 17 and 24, 2017 cept that bid deemed most advantageous purposes. It may be abbreviated. For the
CREDITORS (INFORMAL Published: August 17 and 24, 2017 Wisconsin, 53589, to consider a pro- WNAXLP to the town. complete legal description please refer to
WNAXLP posed conditional use permit application Maria Hougan the deed.
ADMINISTRATION) IN THE by Goodwill, for an In-Vehicle Sales and *** Clerk/Treasurer Additional information including
MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF *** Service use (Drop Off Drive-through with STATE OF WISCONSIN, Posted: August 04, 2017 a location map can be found at: http://
RICHARD E. SERSTAD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE canopy) for Goodwill, 1780 US Highway Published: August 24 and 31, 2017 stoughtoncitydocs.com/planning-com-
Case No. 17PR538 51 & 138, Stoughton, WI. CIRCUIT COURT, WNAXLP mission/
The City of Stoughton Planning
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Commission will hold a Public Hearing The property is more formally de- DANE COUNTY, NOTICE TO For questions related to this notice
1. An application for Informal Admin- on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:00 scribed as: CREDITORS (INFORMAL *** contact Michael Stacey at 608-646-0421
istration was filed. oclock p.m., or as soon after as the mat- Parcel #281/0511-063-9802-2
2. The decedent, with date of birth ter may be heard, in the Council Cham- Legal Description: PRT LOT 1 The City of Stoughton Planning Zoning Administrator
April 2, 1936 and date of death July 14, bers, Public Safety Building, 321 South CSM 5317 CS24/144&146-8/4/87 DE- MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Commission will hold a Public Hear- Published August 24 and 31, 2017
2017, was domiciled in Dane County, Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, SCR AS SEC 6-5-11 PRT SE1/4SW1/4 NORIKO S. OLSON ing on Monday, September 11, 2017 at WNAXLP
State of Wisconsin, with a mailing ad- Wisconsin, 53589, to consider a pro- COM SW COR SEC 6 TH ALG S SEC Case No. 17PR570 6:00 oclock p.m., or as soon after as
dress of 710 Taylor Lane, Stoughton, WI posed conditional use permit application LN N87DEG0014E 1830.42 FT TH PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: the matter may be heard, in the Coun- ***
53589. by Stoughton Pick, LLC, for an In-Vehicle N02DEG0020W 71.72 FT TO POB SD 1. An application for Informal Admin- cil Chambers, Public Safety Building, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
3. All interested persons waived no- Sales and Service use (Retail Fuel Cen- PT BEING THE SW COR LOT 1 CSM istration was filed. 321 South Fourth Street, Second Floor,
tice. ter) for Pick n Save, 1750 US Highway 51 5317 TH N02DEG0020W 774.85 FT 2. The decedent, with date of birth Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to con-
4. The deadline for filing a claim & 138, Stoughton, WI. TO NW COR SD LOT 1 TH ALG N LN September 27, 1932 and date of death sider a proposed Conditional Use Permit CONSTRUCTION
against the decedents estate is Novem- The property is more formally de- SD CSM N89DEG0611E 313.49 FT TH May 4, 2017, was domiciled in Dane Application by Joe Conant, Conant Au- STOUGHTON, WISCONSIN
ber 24, 2017. scribed as: S01DEG5619E 219.52 FT TO NE COR County, State of Wisconsin, with a tomotive, for an expansion of a vehicle
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane Parcel #281/0511-063-9821-2 EXISTING WAL-MART BUILDING TH mailing address of 624 N. Madison St., repair and maintenance service use at
County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton Legal Description: PRT LOT 1 ALG E LN SD BUILDING S01DEG5619E Stoughton, WI 53589. 1324 US Highway 51 & 138, Stoughton, SPECIFICATION NO. 3022,
Street, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1005. CSM 5317 CS24/144&146-8/4/87 DE- 160.06 FT TO SE COR SD BUILD- 3. All interested persons waived no- Wisconsin. A building addition and other VOLUME XLII
Danell Behrens SCR AS SEC 6-5-11 PRT SE1/4SW1/4 ING TH S21DEG4704E 45.70 FT TH tice. site improvements related to parking and Stoughton Utilities will receive
Deputy Probate Registrar COM SW COR SEC 6 TH ALG S LN SD S01DEG5619E 351.05 FT TO N R/W USH 4. The deadline for filing a claim property entrance reconfiguration are sealed bids for Substation Construction.
August 4, 2017 SEC N87DEG0014E 1830.42 FT TH 51 TH ALG SD R/W ON CRV TO RIGHT against the decedents estate is Decem- planned. The property at 1324 US High- Bids will be received at the office of For-
Attorney Thomas Lee Hebl N02DEG0020W 71.72 FT TO N R/W RAD 5969.58 FT LC S88DEG2527W ber 1, 2017. way 51 & 138, Stoughton, Wisconsin is ster Electrical Engineering 550 N Burr
Hebl, Hebl & Ripp, LLP USH 51 & SW COR CSM 5317 TH ALG 147.14 FT TH S89DEG1052W 180.94 FT 5. A claim may be filed at the Dane more fully described as follows: Oak Ave Oregon, WI 53575 until 1:00 p.m.
PO Box 46 SD R/W N89DEG1052E 180.94 FT TO POB CONT 5.69 ACRES M/L (FOR- County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton Parcel Number: 281/0511-064-9329-2 local time on the 15th day of September,
Sun Prairie, WI 53590 TH ALG CRV TO LEFT RAD 5969.58 MER WALMART PARCEL) This property Street, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1005. LOT 2 CSM 12832 CS81/187&189- 2017, at which time all bids will be public-
608-837-4325 FT LC N88DEG2527E 147.14 FT TO description is for tax purposes. It may be Danell Behrens 1/5/2010 F/K/A LOT 2 CSM 5764 ly opened and read aloud.
Bar Number: 1013883 POB TH N01DEG5619W 351.05 FT TH abbreviated. For the complete legal de- Deputy Probate Registrar CSM27/116&118 R12512/81-83-2/17/89 The bids shall be addressed to: For-
Published: August 17, 24 and 31, 2017 N21DEG4704W 45.70 FT TO SE COR scription please refer to the deed. August 16, 2017 & F/K/A PRT LOT 1 CSM 2478 CS10/1- ster Electrical Engineering, Inc.
WNAXLP WAL-MART BLDG TH N01DEG5619W For questions regarding this notice Jonathan M. Hajny 7/12/77 & ALSO INCL & DESCR AS SEC 550 N. Burr Oak Ave.
160.06 FT TO NE COR SD WAL-MART please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning 221 Kings Lynn Road, Suite D 6-5-11 PRT SW1/4SE1/4 (2.50 ACRES) Oregon, WI 53575
*** BLDG TH N01DEG5619W 219.52 FT Administrator at 608-646-0421. Stoughton, WI 53589 This property description is for tax And shall be marked: Sealed Bid
TO N LN SD LOT 1 TH N89DEG0611E Additional information including (608) 877-4081 purposes. It may be abbreviated. For the Submitted by (bidders name)
TOWN OF 211.03 FT TO W R/W KINGS LYNN RD a location map can be found at: http:// Bar Number: 1014429 complete legal description please refer to Substation Construction
PLEASANT SPRINGS & NE COR SD LOT 1 TH ALG CRV TO stoughtoncitydocs.com/planning-com- Published: August 24, 31 and September the deed. Specification 3022, Volume XLII
REQUEST FOR BIDS LEFT RAD 637.00 FT LC S31DEG2657E mission/ 7, 2017 Additional information including The work shall include furnishing
The Town Board of the Town of 72.81 FT TH S34DEG4332E 99.88 Published August 17 and 24, 2017 WNAXLP a location map can be found at: http:// the labor of construction and miscella-
Pleasant Springs, Dane County, Wiscon- FT TH S34DEG3732E 148.97 FT WNAXLP stoughtoncitydocs.com/planning-com- neous material for the complete installa-
sin will receive sealed bids in the office of TH ALG CRV TO RIGHT RAD 520.81 *** mission/ tion of the new West Substation.
the Clerk/Treasurer, Maria Hougan, at the FT LC S20DEG3101E 255.24 FT *** For questions regarding this notice Bidding documents may be exam-
Pleasant Springs Town Hall, 2354 Coun- TH S88DEG0118W 149.01 FT TH PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning ined at or obtained from the office of the
ty Road N, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589. S02DEG1022E 74.96 FT TO NE COR The City of Stoughton Planning PLEASANT SPRINGS Administrator at 608-646-0421 consulting Engineer. The nonrefundable
Bids must be postmarked by Thursday, LOT 2 SD CSM TH ALG N LN SD LOT 2 Commission will hold a Public Hearing NOTICE OF SOLICITATION Michael P Stacey fee for these documents will be $20 (for
August 31, 2017 or hand delivered to S89DEG4621W 184.00 FT TO NW COR on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:00 FOR FUEL BIDS Zoning Administrator an electronic copy) and/or $50 (for a
the Clerk/Treasurer before 4:00 p.m. on SD LOT 2 TH S01DEG5830E 187.00 FT oclock p.m., or as soon after as the mat- The Town of Pleasant Springs is ac- Published August 24 and 31, 2017 printed copy).
Thursday, August 31, 2017. Bids will be TO SW COR SD LOT 2 & N R/W USH 51 ter may be heard, in the Council Cham- cepting bids for fuel for our 2018 usage WNAXLP Forster Electrical Engineering, Inc.
opened on August 31st at 4:00 p.m. TH S89DEG4841W 64.24 FT TH ALG bers, Public Safety Building, 321 South as follows: 550 N. Burr Oak Avenue
Bids will be awarded at the Sept. 5, CRV TO RIGHT RAD 5969.58 FT LC Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, Roadmaster/Wintermaster diesel *** Oregon, Wisconsin 53575
2017 Town Board meeting. S87DEG2835W 50.76 FT TO POB CONT Wisconsin, 53589, to consider a pro- fuel, including state tax and excluding PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 608.835.9009
Bid packets may be picked up at: 5.20 ACRES M/L (PICK N SAVE PARCEL) posed conditional use permit application federal tax, price per gallon; and Gaso- The City of Stoughton Planning No bid will be accepted unless ac-
Town of Pleasant Springs, 2354 County This property description is for tax pur- by Blake George for an Indoor Institu- line 87 octane unleaded including state Commission will hold a Public Hear- companied by a certified check or bid
Road N, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589; M, poses. It may be abbreviated. For the tional use (Church) for Calvary Gospel tax - price per gallon. ing on Monday, September 11, 2017 at bond of at least five percent (5%) of the
T, Th-10:00-4:00; (608)873-3063 complete legal description please refer Church at 1501 E. Main Street, Stough- This bid assumes and requires that 6:00 oclock p.m., or as soon after as bid amount, payable to the Owner. If the
The Town of Pleasant Springs is tak- to the deed. ton, WI. the fuel must be delivered to our on-site the matter may be heard, in the Council successful bidder fails to execute and file
ing bids for the removal and replacement For questions regarding this notice The property is more formally de- tanks at the awarded price from January Chambers, Public Safety Building, 321 S. the contract (and any required payment
of storm sewer culverts under Shadyside please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning scribed as: 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, or performance bonds or assurances)
Drive. The project includes 120 lineal feet Administrator at 608-646-0421. Parcel #281/0511-092-8160-8 Please contact Clerk/Treasurer, Ma- Wisconsin, 53589, to consider the pro- the amount of the check or bid bond shall
of culvert replacement, 2 intake struc- Additional information including Legal Description: SEC 9-5-11 PRT ria Hougan at 873-3063 if you have any posed rezoning of the following parcel be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated
tures, 900 lineal feet of swale excavation, a location map can be found at: http:// NE1/4NW1/4 COM 35.3 FT S & 633.9 FT questions or need further information of land at 314 W. Main Street, Stoughton, damages.
1800 square yards of seed restoration, stoughtoncitydocs.com/planning-com- W OF SEC N1/4 COR TH N0DEGW 33 FT concerning the calculation of your bid. WI., owned by City of Stoughton. The Stoughton Utilities reserves the
asphalt pavement patching, and erosion mission/ TO CLN USH 51 TH S89DEGW 200 FT Bids must be received no later than property described below is proposed to right to reject any and all bids, to waive
control. Published August 17 and 24, 2017 TH S 217.8 FT TH N89DEGE 200 FT TH N noon on Thursday, September 21, 2017. be rezoned from PB Planned Business irregularities and informalities there in
Please forward the bids to: Town WNAXLP 184.8 FT TO POB 1 ACRE This property Please submit your bid to: Town to MR-24 Multi-Family Residential, in and to award the contract in the best in-
of Pleasant Springs, 2354 County Road description is for tax purposes. It may be Board of Supervisors, Town of Pleasant the City of Stoughton, Dane County, WI, terest of the Utility.
N, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589, Attn: *** abbreviated. For the complete legal de- Springs, 2354 County Rd N, Stoughton, more fully described: August 2017
Shadyside Drive Culvert Bids PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE scription please refer to the deed. WI, 53589-2873. The outside of the en- Part of Parcel number: 281/0511-082- Published: August 24, 2107
The Town of Pleasant Springs Town The City of Stoughton Planning For questions regarding this notice velope must be marked with the words 0710-2 WNAXLP
Board reserves the right to reject any and Commission will hold a Public Hearing please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning FUEL BID. The Town Board will discuss Legal Description: LOT 1 CSM 13551
all bids, waive any informality in bidding on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:00 Administrator at 608-646-0421. and may take action on these bids at the CS88/236-237 07/31/2013 F/K/A ORIGI- ***
or accept any bids which serves the best Additional information including

115 Cemetery Lots 402 Help Wanted, General CHOIR DIRECTOR: Salem United 449 Driver, Shipping 602 Antiques & Collectibles VERONA 2 Bedroom Apartment $820.
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TORNADO CLEANING SERVICES Road Reconstruction Hwy 60 & 16 managed. Located at
best place to buy or sell. Call 873-6671 day for the Courier Hub unless changed music in support of all services
LLC- Your hometown Residential Clean- in City 300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI
or 835-6677. because of holiday work schedules. and special music events. Salary
ing Company. 608-873-0333 or garth@ www.columbusantiquemall.com 53589 608-877-9388
negotiable based on experience
and demonstrated directing skills. garthewing.com
740 Houses For Rent
Please send a resume including
548 Home Improvement 652 Garage Sales
salary history, references, and letter of FOR RENT 1 bedroom, with 1 car
application to Choir Director Search OREGON- 392 Butternut Dr. Moving garage. $575/month plus untilities. Avail-
A&B ENTERPRISES Sale. 8/26/17 8am-2pm. Furniture, small
Committee, Salem United Church Light Construction Remodeling able soon. 216 Maple Ct, Stoughton.
of Christ, 502 Mark Drive, P.O. Box appliances, housewares, lawn mower, 815-885-3583
No job too small snow blower, bikes and much more.
930125, Verona, Wisconsin, 53593 or
RE-CONDITIONED BICYCLES ANTIQUES to Lisa Hart at lhart@wcucc.org.
RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry,
STOUGHTON- 1225 Virgin Lake Dr. Aug 750 Storage Spaces For Rent
FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD NOW HIRING Econoprint is looking for drywall, deck restoration and all forms of
24-26th, Thurs/Fri 8am-5:30pm
Sat 8am-noon. Huge variety! No Junk! ALL SEASONS SELF STORAGE
SUSAN SCHUSTER part time, take charge Champion in our
fulfillment/shipping department.We need
painting Recover urges you to join in the
fight against cancer, as a portion of every
Don't Miss! 10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
409 SOUTH ACADEMY STREET a quick learner who is self-motivated and
takes initiative. We have flexible daytime
job is donated to cancer research. Free
estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of
STOUGHTON- 2602 Jefferson 8/24-8/26,
7am-5pm. Tools, Furniture, Antiques,
STOUGHTON, WI 53589 hours M-F within a window of 9:00am
- 3:00pm approximately 3-5 hours per
experience. Call 608-270-0440. Cabinet supplies, household trinkets. Credit Cards Accepted
SUNDAY AUGUST 27TH, 10:00 AM day. No experience necessary but basic
computer knowledge and accuracy are
554 Landscaping, Lawn,
STOUGHTON- 319 Amundson 8/25
9am-5pm, 8/26 9am-noon. Collectors
CALL (608)444-2900

DIRECTIONS: East of the Koffee Kup in Stoughton 8 bks. On Main a must. Responsibilities include picking, Tree & Garden Work Antique Dolls.
St. to Academy St., South. Watch for George Auction Service signs. packing and shipping fulfillment orders, LAWN MOWING STOUGHTON- 613 Johnson St. Fri 8/25 Located behind
inventory management and professional Residential & Commercial 8am-2pm. Sat 8/26 8am-noon. Vintage Stoughton Garden Center
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: 5pc. Bedroom Set (Double Bed); communications both written and verbal. Fully Insured. decor, books, baskets, lamps, linens, gar- Convenient Dry Secure
60s Oak China Hutch; Formica Blonde Round Kitchen Table; Gold Econoprint is also looking for an on-call 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025 den, framed art, 2 rain barrels, holiday, Lighted with access 24/7
courier to fill in as needed, to make jewelry. No early sales.
Brocade Sterns & Foster Sofa; (7) Recliners; Floor Lilly Lamp w/ Bank Cards Accepted
deliveries in Madison and the surround- 601 Household STOUGHTON- 617 Kvamme Ln(off King Off North Hwy 51 on
Stained Glass Shades; Childrens Disney Furniture; 60s Red Velvet ing areas.The position requires lifting of
Oak Opening Dr. behind
boxes, interacting with customers and FOR SALE. Frigidaire 12cu/ft freez- St). Small Estate Sale. 8/24 8am-6pm,
Sofa; Sofa Table; Oak Plate Racks; TVs; Waltham Pendulum Wall a good driving record. Apply in person er $350obo, Shark floor steam cleaner 8/25, 8am-4pm, 8/26 8-?. Antiques, lin- Stoughton Garden Center
Clock; Recliners-6-Laz-Boy; Coffee Tables; Childs Rocker; Elec. or send your resume and cover letter to $100, Table, white w/oak trim, 4-chairs ens, glassware, Hummels, A&W mugs, Call: 608-509-8904
Fireplace; Whirlpool Refrigerator/Freezer; Oster Microwave; Walnut jobs@econoprint.com $350. 608-845-9857 golf clubs, Rosemaling, framed Rose-
Sleigh Bed Frame; Crock Pots. PIANO: Schauff Piano. ANTIQUES mary Millette deer picture, framed P. DEER POINT STORAGE
452 General 646 Fireplaces, Buckley Moss Amish pictures, los of Convenient location behind
& COLLECTIBLES: Globe Oaklet Parlor Stove Globe Stove & OFFICE CLEANING in Stoughton Mon- Furnaces/Wood, Fuel home decor, TREK-500 series road bike, Stoughton Lumber.
Range Co.; Drop Leaf Oak Table; Hampton Folding Chairs; Dishes/ Fri 5pm-9pm. Visit our website: www. SEASONED SPLIT OAK, frame 531, XMAS tree. CASH ONLY. Clean-Dry Units
Glassware; Haviland China; 1916 John Nolan Book; Wall Mirrors; capitalcityclean.com or call our office: Hardwood. Volume discount. Will deliver. STOUGHTON- 908 Hyland Dr Aug 25& 24 HOUR LIGHTED ACCESS
Watering Can; Bed Springs; Rockers; Walnut Bed Frame; CI Pedestal 608-831-8850 608-609-1181 26 8am-5pm, Household, tools, cook- 5x10 thru 12x25
books, men & womens clothes, lots of 608-335-3337
Lamp; Artwork/Pictures; Baby Buggy; Igloo Ice Chest/Cooler; School
Desk; Quilts; Pfaltzgraff Village Pattern Set of 12; 60s Records; FRENCHTOWN
Tinware; Adv. Tins; Frames; Enamelware; Fruit Jars w/Lids; Lantern; Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households! VERONA- 206 Meadowside-Dr, Sat-Sun SELF-STORAGE
9am-4pm. Moving Sale! Furniture, appli- Only 6 miles South of
Pyrex; McCoy; Hager; Roseville; Hull; Hot Wheels; Tonka Toys; Adv. Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System. ances, clothing, sporting-goods, kitchen Verona on Hwy PB.
Pictures; Childs Toy Dresser; CI Stool; CI Register Grate; Kitchen For information call 835-6677. and more! Everything must go! Variety of sizes available now.
Utensils; Metal Buckets; Cement Bird Bath; Metal/Porcelain Kitchen ANNOUNCEMENTS All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all 10x10=$60/month
of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural
696 Wanted To Buy 10x15=$70/month
Cupboard/Stand; Love Seat & Chair; 5pc. Wicker Furniture Set. THIS IS GLORIAYOU DESERVETO BE HAPPY & IN HEALTH 10x20=$80/month
Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
BICYCLES: All used & Safety checked. MAY I ENCOURAGE YOU TO MAKE IT BETTER @ www. We sell used parts. 10x25=$90/month
changewomen.org (CNOW) 1-855-781-4387 (CNOW) 12x30=$115/month
REG. WI AUCTIONEERS: Dean George, #486, (cell 608-751- Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS **STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59 Call 608-424-6530 or
5703), Kale George, #2811, 11211 N. Union Road, Evansville, WI lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your Edgerton, 608-884-3114 1-888-878-4244
53536, (608) 882-6123. DISH TV. 190 channels. $49.99/mo. For 24 mos. Ask About stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-750-1951
TERMS: 5% Buyers Fee. Check or Cash. 4% courtesy charge for
Exclusive Dish Features like Sling and the Hopper. PLUS (CNOW) 705 Rentals NORTH PARK STORAGE
HighSpeed Internet, $14.95/mo. (Availability and Restrictions 10x10 through 10x40, plus
purchases using credit card. All sales final. All announcements made apply.) TV for Less, Not Less TV! 1-866-936-8380. (CNOW) A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral gon. One stall garage space with opener
14x40 with 14' door for
day of sale take precedence over printed material. Not responsible service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is RV & Boats.
MISCELLANEOUS for $90/mo. on S Perry Pkwy. Great for
for accidents or losses. FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW) storage or an extra vehicle. Call 608-255-
Come & go as you please.
Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our 608-873-5088
SPORTING GOODS 7100 today!
For complete listing and photos log onto licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare GREENWOOD APARTMENTS
www.georgeauction.com prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-866- GOT LAND? Our Hunters will Pay Top $$$ To Hunt your land. Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently RASCHEIN PROPERTY
936-8380 Promo Code CDC201725 (CNOW) Call for a Free info packet & Quote. 1-866-309-1507 www. has 1 & 2 bedroom units available STORAGE
BaseCampLeasing.com (CNOW) starting at $795 per month, includes 6x10 thru 10x25
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR heat, water, and sewer. Market Street/Burr Oak Street
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, 608-835-6717 Located at: in Oregon
All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 (CNOW) adno=536272-01 139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575 Call 608-520-0240
ConnectStoughton.com August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 11
UNION ROAD STORAGE 801 Office Space For Rent 970 Horses 990 Farm: Service
10x10 - 10x15 & Merchandise
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
$WANTED TO BUY$ Horses, ponies,
donkeys, goats and sheep.
City of Stoughton
WSTO Media Technician
Credit Cards Accepted Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
608-835-0082 and these attachments. Concrete
1128 Union Road
Security System 975 Livestock breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
Conference rooms available
Oregon, WI DAIRY CATTLE AUCTION 2 COMPLETE concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
Located on the corner of
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre HERD DISPERSALS TAH LIVESTOCK rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump The City of Stoughton, an Equal Opportunity
Union Road & Lincoln Road WINSLOW, IL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25TH, grinder.
Marty 608-835-3628
2017 1:00 PM HERD #1 --DAVID STE- By the day, week, or month. Employer, is seeking an individual to serve as
PHENS AND FRED ENGELI, ARGYLE, Carter & Gruenewald Co.
4417 Hwy 92
a Media Technician for WSTO. The purpose of
this year-round <599 hours per year position
THESE ARE ALL HOME RAISED COWS Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411
ONLY HOME GROWN FEED. LOTS is to provide camera coverage for events
and City information that is made available
Bus Driver
OLDS, 3 ARE RED AND WHITE. 10 for public viewing through WSTO Commu-
The Stoughton Area School District is DUE SHORTLY. BALANCE IN ALL nity Television. The salary for this position is
hiring full-time and substitute bus drivers. HOLSTEIN BULL. SCC RUNS 200-250. $10.00 per hour.
No experience necessary! We will train HAULED IN SALE MORNING.HERD # Employment applications are available from
individuals motivated to work with ARE STANCHION MILKED COWS BUT City Hall, 381 E. Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589
children and have a desire to contribute to 2 WEEKS AND ARE GOING THROUGH
or apply online at cityofstoughton.com/jobs.
the district. Starting salary $17.50-$18.25 THE PARLOR GOOD. 28 COWS OF All applicants must complete an application
per hour. 1/2 ARE MILKING AND BRED BACK 6 for employment, even if submitting a re-
1/2 TO 7 1/2 MONTHS. LOW SCC. BRED See a photo youd like to own? sume and cover letter. Submit applications to
View the job description and apply online TO PURE ANGUS BULL. 1 BROWN
Order anytime at Human Resources at City Hall. This position

FRAMED. HONEST COWS. ALSO: ungphotos.smugmug.com will remain open until filled.
http://wecan.education.wisc.edu/#/ GOOD RUN OF FRESH 2 YR OLDS.



367 5581 BARN OR 815-291-5604 CELL

ALL SALE DAY!! You know about saving money here.How about earning big opportunity?

TO WORK The ALDI philosophy is about doing things differently and being smart. And being smart with
THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or money means paying great people great wages. Our benefits are among the best too. The
HOME OF 835-6677. ALDI difference is about being more, expecting more and delivering more.

If youre ready for more, pick up an application from the store manager or
SEASONAL POSITIONS Swifthaven Community is
looking for the
visit aldistorejobs.com for more info.

NOW AVAILABLE following positions.

Store Manager Trainees-$54,000/yr*
RCA with an opportunity to earn $70,000-$90,000/year as a Store Manager
part-time / full time: *$22.00/hr. (average 45hrs/week).
Starting at $12.50/hour Starting at $11.50 to $13.50/hour

Store Associates-$11.00/Hr
times, vacations, Holidays and
POSITIONS: Call Center POSITIONS: Pickers/Packers, Forklift Operators, Medical leave.
Representatives Returns Processors and Returns Applicants must have open
LOCATIONS: Belleville, WI Analyzers, Retail Prep Associates availability to work 1st, (25-35 Hrs/Wk & Less than 25 Hrs/Wk positions)
and Material Handlers 2nd and 3rd shifts and be
Shift Managers-$15.75/Hr
SHIFTS: 1st Shift, 2nd Shift
and weekends LOCATIONS: Belleville, WI / Verona, WI available to work 3 out of 4
SHIFTS: 1st Shift, 2nd Shift, 3rd Shift weekends per month. Duties
and weekends include but is not limited to: ($11.00/Hr base plus + $4.75/Hr when performing Management duties)
Personal cares, medications Requirements:
administration, dining room
WALK-IN INTERVIEWS WELCOME! preparations, cooking and
Be a team player Be able to lift 45 lbs Must have a flexible schedule & be able to work anytime between 6am-10pm High
School Diploma or GED preferred Be able to work in a fast-paced environment Must pass drug test as well as background check
housekeeping. Experience in Excellent customer service skills

FOR DETAILS, GO TO: giving Personal care is a must.

DULUTHTRADING.COM/JOBS Please apply in person at
Swifthaven Community
Hiring Event Thursday, August 24th 11am-7pm
Apply in person during the above times at:
124 Henry Street For our NEW store in Quality Inn & Suites
Edgerton WI or go Stoughton, WI

660 Nygaard Street Stoughton, WI 53589

RECEIVE A To our website at
FREE Y www.swifthaven.com
MEMBERSHIP! to print out an application.
608-884-2828 ext 6. ALDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. adno=535851-01

Part-time positions (20-25 hours).
Hours are typically 3:00-6:00pm. Applications Engineer
Some morning shifts are available. Catalytic Combustion is seeking an Applications Engineer to support our Sales Team in our Catalyst Business Unit to

properly evaluate/select catalyst and related products for the control of emissions from engines and other combustion
Please apply at www.ymcadanecounty.org sources.
Equal Opportunity Employer Responsibilities include:
Interacting with CCC sales staff and/or customers to understand requirements and specifications to recommend
application specific solutions;
Join Our Mission! Proposal preparation including specification review to determine the appropriate product recommendations, cost
estimate workups and completion of proposal documents;
NOW HIRING Provide technical support for sales staff including the highlighting technical advantages of CCC products for the customer,
technical troubleshooting of installed products and as a resource for customer questions;
Full & Part Time Participate in the development of specifications and features of new products for the target markets;
Resident Assistants Requirements include:
Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering;
Variety of shifts available! We offer a great Prefer 2-3 years of experience in technical sales of engineered products;
working atmosphere, competitive wages, paid Experience with precious metal catalyst and emission controls is desirable;
Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
training excellent shift differentials and more. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office and familiarity with Solidworks is a plus.
Occasional Travel (10%)
op by 519 Commerce Drive We offer a competitive salary, benefits including health, life, disability, flexible spending plan, 401K and paid time off.

in Madison or apply at Please email resume to hr@catalyticcombustion.com visit our website at www.catalyticcombustion.com for more
alllsaintsneighborhood.org. information on our company and products and to apply on-line. Catalytic Combustion is ISO 9001:2008 certified company.
Equal Opportunity Employer- This company considers candidates regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin,
Call 608-243-8800 fo
or more information! disability, or veteran status.
12 August 24, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Coffee Break 2017

Bev is Retiring! Mandt Park transformed into a
celebration of history and tradition On the web
during the annual Coffee Break fes-
tival Saturday, Aug. 19. See results from the Coffee Break festival
Stylist Bev Manson of Century 21 collected over 235 competitions:
Stoughton Hairstyling, lbs. of coffee and tea and $270 that
was divided between two food pan-
is retiring after 58 years! tries in town: The City of Stough-
ton Food Pantry and Houghton Visit the Hub website, Connect-
Open House Elijah Hartberg, 11, spit his bean 16 feet, 11
United Methodist Food Pantry.
Malabar Coast won top roaster.
David Page won the bean count.
Stougton.com, for the complete list
of winners, including the car show,
bean spit and Viking Booster Trek.
Tues, Aug. 29 & Thurs, Aug. 31st, inches during the Bean Spit contest.
10am to 2pm
Come join us for coffee and cake!

Stoughton Hairstyling

248 W Main St, Downtown Stoughton


WITH PACKS 161 & 162
All Cub Scout age boys
(grades 1-4) who join will receive,
with full payment of registration,
a Pinewood Derby Race Car Kit!
Pack 161 - boys in grades 1-4 from
Kegonsa, Fox Prairie and Homeschooled students.
School Night for Scouting presentation is
Monday, August 28th at 7pm at
Christ Lutheran Church, 700 Cty Hwy. B
For additional information contact Patty Ryan

at 873-4920 or go to www.beascout.org
Pack 162 - boys in grades 1-4 from Sand Hill, St.
Anns and Homeschooled students. School Night
for Scouting presentation is
Wednesday, September 6th at 7pm at
St. Anns Catholic Church, 323 N. Van Buren St.
For additional information contact Allison Sorg
at 438-4301 or go to www.beascout.org
Photos by Amber Levenhagen
Registration cost is $2.00 per month Blake Kluge, 2, and his dad, Josh, take a seat on a tractor.
Boys Life Magazine is $12.00/year


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