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Electric Drill Rigs Repower With 3500 Engines: Petroleum Division Caterpillar Power Systems Marketing Division

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The document discusses different types of electric drill rig technologies including DC, SCR, and variable frequency AC drives. It also covers topics like engine mounting, oilfield bases, and applications of the 3516B HD engine.

Some advantages of electric drill rigs include the drilling area being quieter with engines located farther away, less danger of igniting flammable gases, easier movement to new locations, and electrical control of torque limits providing better drilling control.

DC motors have characteristics that make them suitable for drawworks applications including variable RPM operation, producing maximum torque at zero RPM, and maintaining constant torque capability over their operating speed range.

Electric Drill Rigs

Repower with
3500 Engines
Petroleum Division
Caterpillar Power Systems Marketing Division
Topics to Cover:
Electric Rig Advantages
Why DC motors
DC Drives
SCR Drives
Variable Frequency AC Drives
Oilfield Bases old & new
Engine mounting
Electric Drill Rig

Drilling area quieter with engines farther

Less danger of igniting flammable gases.
Easier to move rig to new location.
Electrical control of torque limits provides
better drilling control.
However: Electrical devices may require
trained specialists.
DC Motor
Variable RPM operation.
Maximum torque at zero
RPM. Good for drawworks.
Torque capability remains
constant over the operating
speed range.
DC motors are 800 to 1000
HP, and 800 Volt DC.
Mudpump with
DC motors


Cooling 800 HP Mudpump

Fan DC motor
Drawworks with
DC Motors

1000 HP DC motors Drawworks

DC Motor Starting
DC Drill Rig
Oldest type of electric drill rig.
DC motor speed varies with DC voltage.
Requires a DC generator for each DC
Non-current technology.
Best to repower and also upgrade to SCR
DC Drill Rig Power

DC Generator AC Generator

Replacement of engine may require moving all

DC Drill Rig
Power Flow
SCR Drill Rig
AC Generator output changed to DC
with special Silicon Controlled
Rectifiers. (SCR)
SCR contained in Switchgear house
not supplied by Cat.
600 Volt AC rectifies to 800 volt DC.
DC motors remain the same as on
DC rig.
DC Motor Effect on
AC Generator
Generator Power
Factor varies with DC
motor speed. PF
varies from 0 PF to
1.0 PF
Requires oversize
Effectively 0.6 PF
We stamp 0.7 PF, but
generator still
D399 SCR Modules

Offshore Land Rig

SCR Rig Power Flow
SCR Drive Advantages
Less Engines/Generators Required
Less Engines Running
No Auxiliary Generators
High Load on Engines
Response on Hoisting
Adjustable Torque Limits
Variable Frequency
AC Drive
Utilizes variable RPM AC Motors.
Not as common yet.
Eliminates brush maintenance of DC
motors and eliminates drawworks brake.
AC generator does not have to be
oversize, (with diode front-end system).
Oilfield Bases
Over design required to maintain
alignment and prevent vibrations.
I-beam bases, by themselves, have not
proven successful.
Cat history:
18 inch semi-boxed beams.
21 inch boxed beams.
Tubular base-within-a-base design.
A Day in the Life of an
Oilfield Power Module

Rig transportation between jobs can cause misalignment.

So also can hull flexing on offshore drill rigs.
Original 18 inch Cat
base for DC drill rigs
Some versions
welded the
engine deep oil
pan into the base.

These cannot be
repowered with
3500 series.

(Some did have

3 point mounting.)
Special deep rails 18 inch Base
18-Inch Base

3500 Repower
easily accomplished

3500 Repower cannot

be accomplished
because of added
mounting blocks.
21-Inch Boxed
Beam Base
Boxed beam provides alignment and
resistance to vibration.
3 point mounting isolates package from
offshore rig hull movement.
21 inch base was rarely used on land rigs
because it was large, heavy and hard to 3
point mount.

Very easy to repower with 3500 series.

3-Point Mount Isolates
External Forces

3-Point Mount 4-Point Mount

21-Inch Cat
Oilfield Base
21-inch main beams.
Cross beams & boxing.

Engine supported on standard

10-inch rails.

Entire base 3-point mounted to offshore rig.

21-Inch Base

Deep Oil Pan Shallow Oil Pan

Easily accommodates either deep or shallow oil pans.

Works with 6.25 bore and 3500 series.
3500A on 21-Inch Base



Replacing D399 only requires repositioning

mounting blocks.
Consists of an inner and an outer base.
Inner base holds engine-to-generator
Built-in 3-point mount between inner and
outer bases.
Two different outer bases used:
25-, 30-, and 40-foot length
Lighter and lower than 21-inch base.
Two Bases Included

Inner tubular base removes 10-inch mounting rails.

Base Walkways

3500B Land Rig
Power Module

Tubular inner base

3-point mount 30-foot outer base

(not visible)
3512B SCAC
Land Power Module

30-Foot Base
Dual Core Radiator
SR4B Generator
3500B Offshore
Power Module

Inner Base

Outer Base
Built-in Spring Isolators Oil Drain
Drip Pan
Unique Application

Inner base only sold for

select applications. Special trailer power units.
D399 land rig has 7.12-inch
wider oil pan than 3500 series.

Base inserts would have to

be added between 3500 series
oil pan and existing inner base.
Has been done.

D398 repower with 3512 or

3508 would require drilling
matching holes into the old
inner base. Has been done.
Candidate For 3512
Land Rig Repower!





Power Cables
Land SCR HP Ratings
1200 RPM
D300 3500A 3500B
3516B 1855
3516 1804
3512B 1476
3512 1434
3512 1321
D399 1215
3512 950
3508B 912
D398 912
3508 860
D379 610
3412E 587
Offshore SCR HP
Ratings 1200 RPM
D300 3500B
3516B HD 2150
3516B 1855
3512B 1476
D399 (SCAC) 1325
D399 (JWAC) 1215
D398 (JWAC) 912
Offshore Engine
Room Complexity
3516B Offshore

JW Heat Exchanger Aftercooler Heat Exchanger

Tilt Angle

25 degree capability
for optional oil pan.

Most Jackups: 10 Degrees

Floaters: 15 Degrees
Emergency Gen Sets: 22.5 Degrees
Caterpillar Viscous
Dampened Coupling for
2 Bearing Generators


Rubber Driven
Boot and Element
SR4B Oilfield
Oversize compared to EPG applications
Two bearing, independently supported
Form wound / VPI insulation
Class H
Resist electrical stresses
No voltage regulator
10 OHM copper RTDs
800 units in operation
SR4B spec sheet and EDS
Cat SR4B Oilfield
Reduced winding
temperature rise rating
Provides safety margin for Waveform Distortion
winding heating due to
electrical waveform distortion
80 C instead of 105 C rise
Oversized for 0.7 or 0.6 PF
Protects generator rotor from
overheat at low PF
Capable of operating at even
lower PF
Recommended Oilfield
Generator kVA Sizing
HP kVA (oversize) PF
(1200 RPM)
860 1000 0.61
915 1200 0.55
1210 1500 0.58
1321 1500 0.63
1435 1750 0.58
1476 1750 0.60
1804 2150 0.60
1855 2150 0.62
2150 2500 0.61
(1500 RPM)
1180 1500 0.56
1381 1500 0.65
1749 1900 0.65
Drill Rig Performance
(Generator Sizing)
Oversize generators for the engine capability
improves hoisting performance.
Oversize generators allows operation of
mudpumps over a broader operating stroke
This can be verified with a rig power analysis
performed for deep drilling (low PF), shallow
drilling (high PF), and hoisting (variable PF).
Analysis needs to consider local rig operating
SR4B Generator Form
Wound Stator Class H
SR4B Generator
Exciter & Space for PMG
SR4B Generator with
Generator Air Filter
Generator Special Items
Custom Quotes Possible
Quote Kato or Baylor as requested
Factory packaging warrants
generator alignment.
Note: Published TMI SR4B
generator exciter data is for 0.8 PF.
Lower power factor requires more
voltage regulator capacity.
Partial Consist:
3512B for Land SCR
Rig Service
3512 Diesel Engine 3512B
1476 BHP HP01476
3512B Diesel Oilfield Engine 512DZ36
Exhaust Elbow EXCEL08
Spark Arresting Muffler 12 MUFSA03
Engine Governor Control 0 to 200 ma GOVPG08
Generator SR4B, 1750 kVA OGNSEPD
Cable Access Box, RH CAACBX1
Radiator Group 46 CVS, 140 F RAD4621
Radiator Mounting Group RADMNT1
Belt Guard BLTGD1
Blower Fan Group FANB006
Fan Drive Group FDV0037
Pulley Group FANPL10
Fumes Disposal FUMDIS4
Alarm Relay Panel CQR item
Alarm Relay Panel

Provides remote alarm & additional alarm interfaces

Partial Consist: 3516B
for Offshore SCR Rig
3516 Diesel Engine 3516B
1855 BHP HP01855
3516B Diesel Oilfield Engine 516DY11
Marine Society Arrangement ABSCONV
Exhaust Elbow EXCEL09
Spark Arresting Muffler MUFSA02
Engine Governor Control 0 to 200 ma GOVPG08
Generator SR4B, 2150 kVA OGNSEP1
Cable Access Box, RH CAACBX1
ABS Engine MSABS23
ABS Generator CQR item
Fuel Cooler CQR item
Alarm Relay Panel CQR item
Engine Wiring J-Box CQR item
Centrifugal Oil Filter CENTOF0
Grid Switch CQR item
Grid Switch &
Centrifugal Oil Filter
Marine classification societies.
ABS per the above partial consists
DNV, LR certified coupling, Premium
Wiring Harness
Computer system interfacing
Partial Consist: 3516B HD
for Offshore SCR Rig Service
3516 Diesel Engine 3516B
2150 BHP HP02150
3516B HD Diesel Oilfield Engine 516DY07
Oversize Mounting System 3 point base CQR item
Heat Exchanger System CQR item
Marine Society Arrangement ABSCONV
Exhaust Elbow EXCEL13
Spark Arresting Muffler MUFSA01
Engine Governor Control 0 to 200 ma GOVPG08
Kato Generator, 2500 kVA CQR item
Coupling Hub COUHUB1
High Tilt Oil Pan CQR item
ABS Engine MSABS24
ABS Generator CQR item
Fuel Cooler CQR item
Alarm Relay Panel CQR item
Engine Wiring J-Box CQR item
Centrifugal Oil Filter CENTOF0
Grid Switch CQR item
Oversize Mounting System
& Heat Exchangers, High
Tilt Oil Pan
Require 15 Degree Tilt
Oil Pans
3516B HD Applications
2150 BHP
Achieve 10,000 HP in 5 engines.
Large land rigs and some jackups
Repower large competitive engines
Less expensive than 3600 series.
Roots blown EMDs
16-645 is 2200 HP roots blown
Alco, Fairbanks Morse, SACM
Savings in weight, space, noise, emissions,
new cost and reduced operational cost.

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