Best Practices For Lubrication Management
Best Practices For Lubrication Management
Best Practices For Lubrication Management
When analyzing oil to see how dirty it is, the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) uses ISO 4406 to classify fluid cleanliness. Based on 4-, 6- and 14-micron sizes, a number
will be assigned according to the range in which the particle count falls on the Renard series
There is also the ISO 6743 Lubricant Identification System (LIS) standard for identifying
lubricants. It classifies lubricant groups into hydraulic, total loss, gear, etc., and assigns different
alphanumeric codes based on the base oil, additives, viscosity, properties, thickener type and
the American Petroleum Institute (API) designation. There are also separate codes to designate
grease and oil products.
When starting any program, first assess its current state and what will bring the most benefit.
This usually is best done by an outside company that has experience across a wide range of
industries and can supply an unbiased opinion. Several different areas should be assessed,
including lubricant storage and receiving, application and disposal.
Labeling and color-coding of lubricants should be consistent throughout the program. Instead of
using manufacturer brands for tagging equipment and lubricants, consider the ISO 6743
Lubricant Identification System (LIS). This prevents retagging of equipment and storage devices
if lubricant suppliers change at your facility. 11/25/2016
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When deciding where to put identification tags, remember that if there is lubricant in it or used
in it, it needs to be tagged. Filter carts, bulk storage tanks, top-up devices, grease guns and
gearboxes are just a few of the items that require identification tags.
For storing lubricants, there are a few simple practices to follow. Use the first-in/first-out (FIFO)
approach with your inventory. Keep lubricants stored in a clean, dry place that is out of the
elements. The leading cause of machine failure is particle contamination. This starts in the lube
room. Also, be sure your lubricants are kept cool. Elevated temperatures cause lubricants to
oxidize much quicker. The closer to 70 degrees F you can store your lubricants, the longer they
will last. 11/25/2016