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The PLURAL OF NOUNS (Pluralul substantivelor)

In limba engleza pluralul substantvelor se formeaza de regula

adaugand litera s, care se citeste [s], [z], sau es, care se citeste [iz]:
[s] - dupa consoane surde:
a book - books
a desk - desks
a map - maps
a cat - cats

[z] - dupa vocale sau consoane sonore:

a pen pens
a girl girls
a dog dogs
a boy boys

[iz] - substantive terminate in literele s, sh, ch, tch, sau x adauga

a match matches
a glass glasses
a church churches
a fox foxes
a peach peaches
a wish wishes

Substantivele terminate in consoana + y schimba la plural y in i si

adauga es:
a lady ladies
a city cities
an agency agencies

Cele terminate in vocala + y adauga numai s:

a day days
a play plays
a ray rays
Cele care au mutatie vocalica:
a man men
a woman women [wimin]
a foot feet
a tooth teeth
a mouse mice [mais]
a goose [gu:s] geese [gi:s]

Plural in en + mutatie vocalica

an ox oxen
a child children

Unele substantive terminate la singular in o formeaza plural in

a hero - heroes
a potato potatoes
a tomato tomatoes

Alte substantive terminate la singular in o formeaza pluralul in

a photo photos
a piano pianos
a radio radios
a studio studios

Plurale neregulate:
- sonorizarea consoanei finale:
[] [z] path [pa:] paths [pa:z]
bath [ba: ] baths [ba:z]
mouth [mau] mouths [mauz]

[f] [vz] a leaf leaves

a half halves
a shelf shelves
a knife knives
a life - lives
a wife wives
- Plurale straine:
a nucleus [nju:klis] nucleu (nuclei) [nju:kliai] (nuclei)
a bacterium bacteria
an analysis [nlisis] analyses [nlisi:z]

The Adjective (Adjectivul)

In limba engleza adjectivele au o singura forma, indeferent de gen sau
numar. Ele se asaza de regula inaintea substantivului:
A young woman
A new flat
A handsome man

Adjectivele derivate din nume proprii se scriu cu initiala majuscula:


I. Pronumele si adjectivul demonstrativ

Numar De aproape De departe

Sing. This [is] that [t]

(acesta/aceasta/acest/aceasta) (acela/aceea/acel/acea)

Plural these [i:z] those [ouz]

(acestea/acestea/acesti/aceste) (aceia/acelea/acei/acele)

This is a book. Its here.
These are books. They are there.
That is a picture.
Those are pictures.
This is a pencil.
Is this a pencil ?
Yes, it is.
No, it isnt.

1. ON se foloseste cu referire la:

- o linie
Its on the edge of the table (Este la marginea mesei)
He lives on Oxford Street (Locuieste pe strada Oxford).
Dar in the street (= pe strada).
- suprafata: Put it on the table (Pune-o pe masa).

2. IN se foloseste cu referire la o zona:

Its in my bag (E in geanta mea)
He lives in Paris (Locuieste la Paris).

3. UNDER : The cat is under the chair.

4. AT se foloseste cu referire la un anumit punct sau pozitie:

Ill meet you at the station (Ne vom intalni la gara).

5. BETWEEN exprima pozitia fata de doua elemente

My house is between the school and the bank
(Casa mea este intre scoala si banca).

IV. INTREBARI GENERALE (General Questions)

Intrebarile generale presupun un enunt general (o propozitie intreaga)

si un raspuns general, redus, de obicei, la yes da sau no nu.
Example: She is a doctor.
Is she a doctor ?
Yes, she is. No, she is not (isnt)
We are managers.
Are we managers ?
Yes, we are. No, we are not (arent).

The Construction THERE IS/ARE

There is = este, exista, se afla, se gaseste.
There are = sunt, exista, se afla, se gasesc.
There is are forma prescurtata theres
La viteza normala de vorbire there is si there are sunt neaccentuate si
contin de regula forme slabe.
There is a man at the door.
La interogativ is si are sunt accentuate, iar there are forma tare.
Is there a cup of tea for me too?
Are there many books on the table?

There is si there are cu accentul pe there, inseamna tot iata, pentru

There is the bus = Iata autobusul.
There it is. = Iata-l.
There they are. = Iata-i.
There are Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. Iata-i pe d-na si dl. Stevens.

Folosim there is, there are de a denumi lucruri care exista sau nu
Theres a childs picture but there arent any plants.
Deseori folosim there cand vorbim despre ceva pentru prima data,
si it cand descriem detaliile.
There is a good office. Its dark.
There is a computer in the office. Its very modern.


There is a teacher at the table.

There is a cat in the picture. Is there a cat in the pictureYes, there is.
No, there isnt.
Is there a train in the station? Yes, there is.
There are flowers in this picture. Are there flowers in this picture? Yes,
there are.
Are there cups on the table? No, there arent.
Intrebari disjunctive la propozitiile continand there is (theres),
there are, there is not (there isnt, theres not), there are not (there
arent) sunt:

There are some books on the desk, arent there?

Yes, there are.
Sunt cateva carti pe masa, nu-i asa?

There isnt much water in the cup, is there?

No, there isnt.
Nu este multa apa in ceasca, nu-i asa?

1. Give the plural of these words:
1. a star. 2. a mountain. 3. a tree. 4. a pound. 5. a knife. 6. a waiter. 7.
a woman. 8. a man. 9. an eye. 10. a wife. 11. an airplane. 12. a box.
13. a bench. 14. a city. 15. a radio. 16. a tomato. 17. a girl. 18. a brush.
19. a peach. 20. an address.

2. Put these sentences in the plural (Treceti urmatoarele propozitii

la plural)
Model: This is a book. That is a map.
These are books. Those are maps.

1. This is a boy. 6. This is a desk.

2. That is a teacher. 7. That is an armchair.
3. This is a window. 8. This is a chair.
4. That is a tree. 9. This is a table.
5. That is a pencil. 10.That is a bed.

3. Exprimati dezacordul dumneavoastra (Express your discord).

Model: This coat is green. (yellow)
This coat isnt green. Its yellow.
1. That car is old. (new)
2. These hats are black. (red)
3. This apple is big. (small)
4. Those texts are easy. (difficult)
5. That office is bad. (good)
6. This tie is nice. (plain)
7. These books are thin. (thick)
8. That room is dark. (light)
9. This cat is white. (black)
1. Those days are good. (bad)

4. Make these sentences interrogative:

1. This is a train.
2. That is a door.
3. Those are planes.
4. It is a cat.
5. That is a clock.
6. That egg is bad.
7. This is an umbrella.
8. The window is open.
9. The man is in the car.
10. The cat is under the table.
11. The train is in the station.
12. The plate is on the table.
13. The cigarette is on the desk.
14. They are waiters.
15. The pictures are on the wall.

5. Answer these questions affirmatively (with yes). Use he, she, it

or they in the answers:
1. Is this a pencil?
2. Is this a train?
3. Is that a window?
4. Are the students in the classroom?
5. Are the children in the garden?
6. Is the woman a mother?
7. Is a table a thing?

6. Answer these questions negatively (with no). Use he, she, it, or
they in the answers:
1. Is this a tree?
2. Are these trees?
3. Is that a book?
4. Are the girls in the office?
5. Is the boy near the door?
6. Are the flowers on the table?
7. Is the door open?
8. Are the books on the shelf?
9. Is the piano in the corner of the room?
10. Is the computer under the desk?

7. Put in on, in, between, at or under:

1. Tom and Mary are home.
2. They arent school.
3. The institute is hospital and the school.
3. It is the floor.
4. The doctor is the hospital.
5. Peter is the blackboard.
6. Bill sits a chair.
7. Father sits an armchair.
8. The mouse is the floor.

8. Translate into English

1. Cestile sunt pe masa.
2. Camera este mare.
3. Automobilul este nou.
4. Acea geanta este neagra. Este ea sub masa?
5. Baiatul este la masa.
6. Lectia este interesanta.
7. Ei nu sunt la lectie.
8. Textul nu este mare.
9. Omul acela este sofer. Este el in masina?
10. El si ea sunt medici. Sunt ei medici?
11. Ei nu sunt medici. Ei sunt ingineri.
12. Este lampa pe masa? Da, este.
The Present Indefinite (Prezent simplu)

The Present Indefinite exprima actiuni obisnuite, repetate nu

neaparat legate de momentul vorbirii, de ex.: She is a very good
doctor; They like to travel. Acest tip de propozitii include adesea
informatia despre anumite capacitati (calitati). He reads very
quickly. Tom speaks French fluently.
Aceasta repetare este indicata prin adverbele de frecventa si
imbinari de cuvinte ca: often deseori, always [olweiz, olwz]-
intotdeauna, mereu, vesnic, usually de obicei, never niciodata,
rarely rar, once a week odata pe saptamana/saptamanal, every
day in fiecare zi, every year in fiecare an, seldom rar.

Exemplu: I never drink milk. Eu niciodata nu beau lapte; He goes

to the theatre twice a month El merge la teatru de doua ori pe

Adverbele de timp nedefinit si frecventa se asaza de regula intre

subiect si predicat.
I always get up early.
They often forget to brush their teeth.
They seldom come to the lessons.

Exceptie: Intre verbul to be si numele predicativ:

Helen is always dressed well. (Helen este intotdeauna
bine imbracata)
Kathy is never late for school.

La interogativ: Do you often go to concerts? (Mergi des la

La negativ: I dont always enjoy his plays.
La interogativ-negativ: Dont you ever read detective stories? (Nu
citesti niciodata romane politiste?)
O propozitie englezeasca neputand contine doua negatii, in
exemplul de mai sus never a fost inlocuit cu ever.
Sometimes uneori, cateodata are loc variabil in propozitie: I
sometimes have news from him. Sometimes we go for a walk. She
says sometimes that she loves him. (Uneori ea spune ca-l iubeste).
Terminatia Prezentului Indefinit la persoana a 3-a singular se
conduce dupa aceleasi reguli ortografice si fonetice ca si pluralul
Verbele terminate in consoana, e, w sau y precedate de o vocala (e
vorba de litere), adauga terminatia s:
he knows,
she forgets,
it changes,
she plays.
Cele terminate in y precedat de o consoana formeaza persoana a
3-a singular in ies:
To cry-cries,
to fly-flies,
to hurry-hurries.
Cele trminate in ss, -s, ch, -tch, sh, -x = es:
She teaches,
He fixes
He watches,
She passes,
it washes.

Verbele to go si to do = es: she goes [gouz], he does [dz]

Terminatia s sau es a persoanei a 3-a singular se pronunta z
dupa vocale si dupa consoane sonore = b, d, g, m, l ,n, v ,, .
Plays, descriobes, reads, calls, comes, learns, lives, bathes, says
- s dupa consoane surde = f, k, p, t, : laughs [la:fs], cooks, hopes,
meets, baths.
- s dupa consoanele sueratoare iz:
rises [raiziz] se redica, rouges [ru:iz] rujeaza, changes
Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I know Do I know? I dont know

You know Do you know? You dont know
He, she,(it) knows Does he,she,it know? He, she, it doesnt
We know Do we know? We dont know
You know Do you know? You dont know
They know Do they know? They dont know

Interogativul Prezentului Nedefinit se formeaza exclusiv cu ajutorul

auxiliarului do urmat de infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat.
Ca auxiliar verbul to do isi pierde total sensul de a face:
Do you know me?
Does he know English?
Does she know how to cook? (Se pricepe sa gateasca?)
Verbul to do, cu sensul de a face, se conjuga cu el insusi ca auxiliar
pentru a forma interogativul:
What do you do? (Ce faci?)
What does he do? (Ce face el?)
How do you do? (formula de salut).
Where do you work? (Unde lucrezi?)
When do you go home? (Cand mergi acasa?)

Daca intrebarea este adresata subiectului propozitiei, atunci verbul

auxiliar nu se intrebuinteaza:
Who works in the garden? (Cine lucreaza in gradina?)

Cand in calitate de predicat se foloseste verbul to be, formele

interogativa si negativa nu include auxiliarul do:
He is a farmer. He is not a farmer. Is he a farmer?
The Days of the Week (Zilele saptamanii)

Monday [m ndei] luni

Tuesday [tju:zdei] marti
Wednesday [wenzdei] miercuri
Thursday [:zdei] joi
Friday [fraidei] vineri
Saturday [stdei] sambata
Sunday [sndei] duminica

Denumirile zilelor saptamanii provin din timpurile vechilor

credinte, cand fiecare zi era consacrata unui zeu sau unui
eveniment sacru.

Monday provine din anglosaxonul day of the moon, adica zeul

Tuesday provine de la Tiu, fiul Zeului Odin.
Wednesday provine de la Odin, numit in engleza Odin sau Woden.
Thursday Zeul Thor era venerat joia.
Friday provine de la Zeita Frei sau Frigg.
Saturday provine de la Saturn.
Sunday provine de la anglosaxonul day of the Sun, adica Ziua
In limba engleza zilele saptamanii se scriu cu litera mare. Pentru a
spune: (in ziua de) luni sau (in ziua de) marti, se foloseste particula
on, de ex.: on Monday, on Tuesday.

Expresii in legatura cu zilele saptamanii:

(on) Monday luni
last Thursday - joia trecuta
next Sunday duminica viitoare
on Fridays vinerea, vinerile
(on) Wednesday morning miercuri de dimineata
on Saturday afternoon intr-o dupa ameaza de sambata

The Meals of the Day

Mesele zilei:
Breakfast micul dejun

Lunch 1. masa de pranz

2. gustarea de pranz

luncheon dejun

tea ceaiul (de dupa-amiaza)

dinner 1. Masa (principala a zilei)

2. masa de seara
3. dineu

supper 1. cina
2. supeu

In mod obisnuit, mesele zilei nu se articuleaza:

We have dinner at 2 oclock in the afternoon.
What time is breakfast?
Supper is a light meal. Cina este o masa usoara.
The Months of the Year. (Lunile anului)
January [dnjuri] July [dulai]
February [februri] August [o:gst]
March [ma:t] September [septemb]
April [eiprl] October [oktoub]
May [mei] November [nouvemb]
June [du:n] December [disemb]

The 1st of January sau January the 1st

The 8th of March sau March the 8th

The Present Continuous Tense (Prezentul continuu)

The Present Continuous se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar

to be la Presentul Simplu si Participiul I al verbului de


I am (Im) reading a book

You are (Youre) reading a book
He is (Hes) reading a book
She is (Shes) reading a book
We are (Were) reading a book
You are (Youre) reading a book
They are (Theyre) reading a book
Am I reading ?
Are you reading a book ?
Is he reading a book ?
Is she reading a book ?
Are we reading a book ?
Are you reading a book ?
Are they reading a book ?

I am not (Im) not reading a book
You are not (arent) reading a book
He is not (isnt) reading a book
She is not (isnt) reading a book
We are not (arent) reading a book
You are not (arent) reading a book
They are not (arent) reading a book

The Present Continuous exprima:

a). o actiune, care se petrece in momentul vorbirii:

Ex.: Look! Its raining. (Priveste! Ploua)
b). o actiune, care are loc pentru o perioada limitata de timp in
Ex.: What are you reading these days?
Im taking driving lessons. (Iau lectii de conducere auto)
c) - poate avea o valoare de viitor, exprimand o actiune ce va avea loc
conform unui program stabilit inainte, si anume verbele, care exprima
miscarea, ca to go, to come, to leave denota o actiune care se va
efectua in viitorul apropiat:

Ex.: He is coming tomorrow. (El vine miine)

Unele verbe nu se pot folosi la forma continua:

- verbe care exprima o activitate mintala (know, remember, believe,
mean, understand, forget, doubt [daut], agree, appreciate, expect,
assume, feel (=think), realize, recognize)
- verbe care exprima sentimente sau stari sufletesti (love, regret,
prefer, want, like, to etc.)
- verbe care exprima o perceptie senzoriala (see, hear, smell etc)
- verbe care exprima posesia (have, belong (to) a apartine, to
own- a poseda, cat si verbul to be)
- verbe modale (can, must, may )

The Adverb (Adverbul)

Adverbul poate determina un verb (She sings beautifully), un

adjectiv (She has an extremely beautiful voice) sau un alt adverb
(very late).
Modul de formare
Majoritatea adverbelor de mod se formeaza prin adaugarea
sufuxului ly la un adjectiv.
Ex.: Adjectiv Adverb
Useful usefully
Easy easily
True truly
Slow slowly
Full fully
Adjectivele terminate in ic primesc terminatia ally
Fantastic fantastically
Diplomatic diplomatically
Unele adverbe au aceeasi forma cu adjectivele corespunzatoare:
Friendly friendly
Early early
Lovely lovely
Fast fast
Late late
Hard hard
Only (singur,unic) only (numai, doar)

Tipuri de adverbe:

1. Adverbe de timp si frecventa:

Yesturday (ieri), today (astazi), tomorrow (maine),
soon(curand), often (deseori), always (intotdeauna), now
- She comes today (Vine astazi)
- We often have dinner at home. (Noi deseori luam pranzul
2. Adverbe de mod:
Slowly (lent), bravely (cu curaj), angrily (suparat)
- He is working slowly.
- She replies angrily. (Ea raspunde pe un ton suparat)

3. Adverbe de loc:
Here (aici), there (acolo), near (aproape), below (dedesubt),
down (jos), up (sus) etc.
They stop here. (Ei sau oprit aici)
4. Adverbe care indica gradul:
Absolutely/completely (complet), incredibly (incredibil de),
perfectly (perfect), simply (pur si simplu), very (foarte) etc.
Its incredibly boring (E incredibil de plicticos)
I absolutely agree (sunt complet de acord).

Pozitia adverbelor in propozitie

Cand in propozitie exista mai multe adverbe, ordinea este:
Ex.: He arrives safely in Washington today.
(1) (2) (3)
(Ajunge in siguranta la Washington astazi)
1 2 3
Nota: Unele verbe ca become/ turn/keep/remain/stay/, look, seem,
taste, smell sunt urmate de adjective si nu adverbe (Ex: It smells
good = Miroase bine), He looks happy (Pare fericit), He was born
rich. (S-a nascut bogat).
The Past Simple (Trecutul Simplu)

Verbele limbii engleze la Trecutul Simplu se impart in doua grupe:

regulate si neregulate.
Mare majoritate a verbelor din limba engleza formeaza Trecutul
adaugand terminatia ed:

a) Terminatia ed se pronunta d.
To open opened [oupnd]
To play played [pleid]

b) Terminatia ed se pronunta t.
To look looked [lukt]
To ask asked [a:skt]

c) Terminatia ed se pronunta id.

To want wanted [wontid]
To need needed [ni:did]

d) Verbele terminate in e adauga numai d:

To live lived [livd]
To love loved [lvd]

e) Verbele terminate in y precedat de o vocala adauga ed:

To play played [pleid]
To stay stayed [steid]

Nota: Exista numai trei exceptii:

To say a spune, a zice - said [sed]
To pay - a plati - paid [peid]
To lay a pune, a aseza laid [leid]

f) Cele terminate in y precedat de o consoana schimba y in i si

adauga ed:
To try tried [traid]
To cry cried [kraid]

j) Verbele monosilabice terminate intr-o singura consoana

precedata de o singura vocala dubleaza consoana finala inaintea
terminatiei ed:
to stop stopped [stopt]
to plan planned [plnd]

Affitmative Interrogative

I played tennis Did I play tennis ?

You played tennis Did you play tennis ?
He,she (it) played tennis Did he, she,(it) play tennis?
You played tennis Did you play tennis ?
We played tennis Did we play tennis ?
They played tennis Did they play tennis ?

I did not (didnt) play tennis
You did not (didnt) play tennis
He, she, (it) did not (didnt) play tennis
We did not (didnt) play tennis
You did not (didnt) play tennis
They did not (didnt) play tennis

Trecutul Simplu al verbelor neregulate se formeaza prin diferite

- schimbarea vocalei de baza: to get got;
- schimbarea consoanei finale to spend - spent;
- schimbarea verbului in intregime: to go went;
- pastrarea formei initiale: to put put;
- pastrarea formei initiale, in rostirea diferita: to read [ri:d]
read [red].

Conjugarea verbului to be la Trecutul Simplu:

Afirmative Interrogative
I, he, she, it was Was I, he, she, it?
We, you, they were Were we, you, they?

I, he, she, it was not(wasnt)
We,you,they were not(werent)
Conjugarea verbului to have la Trecutul Simplu:

Afirmative Interrogative
I, he, she, it, Did I, he, she, it, we,
You, they had you, they have?

I, he, she, it, we, did not (didnt)
You, they did not (didnt)
Nota: Formele interogativa si negativa ale verbului to have pot de
asemenea fi construite cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to do (la trecut
Did you have free time yesterday?
A-ti avut timp liber ieri?
She did not (didnt) enjoy this film.
Ei nu i-a placut acest film.

Intrebuintare: Trecutul Simplu exprima o actiune care a avut loc la

un moment dat in trecut iar perioada de timp s-a incheiat.
Verbele la acest timp sunt determinate de adverbe si expresii de
timp ca: yesterday (ieri), last year (anul trecut), last month (luna
trecuta), two hours ago (doua ore in urma), two years ago (doi ani in
urma), in 1999 (in 1999), etc.

The Simple Future (Viitorul Simplu)

Modul de formare: Se foloseste infinitivul scurt al verbului de

conjugat precedat de verbul auxiliar will (cateodata shall la pers. I
sing. si pl.)

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I shall/will go Shall/Will I go? I shall not (shant) go

You will go Will you go? You will not (wont) go
He will go Will he go? He will not (wont) go
She will go Will she go? She will not (wont) go
It will go Will it go? It will not (wont) go
We will go Will we go? We will not (wont) go
You will go Will you go? You will not (wont) go
They will go Will they go? They will not (wont) go

1. Viitorul Simplu exprima anticiparea unei actiuni sau stari.

Ex: It will rain tomorrow. (Maine va ploua)

2. - exprima o intentie in viitor sau o decizie pentru viitor luata in

momentul vorbirii, nu existenta anterior in mintea vorbitorului.
Ex: Oh, You cant do it! Wait a minute, Ill help you (Ah,
nu poti s-o faci! Asteapta o clipa, te voi ajuta)
Nota: Shall, auxiliarul pentru pers.I sing. si pl., este folosit mai
mult in limbajul oficial, in vorbirea curenta preferandu-se will. De
cele mai multe ori se foloseste forma contrasta (ll).
Ex: Ill visit my parents. Youll not work there.
- propozitiile interogative cu will la pers. a II-a pot exprima
o rugaminte.
Ex: Will you help me? (Vrei sa ma ajuti?)
- Propozitiile cu shall exprima fie o oferta (Shall I go there for you?
= Sa ma duc acolo in locul tau?), fie cererea unui sfat (Where shall
I go? = Unde sa merg?)

Modul de formare:
1. Infinitivul scurt (fara to) al verbului:
Ex: Cross now! Traverseaza/ti acum!)
Ring me tomorrow! (Suna-ma maine!)
2. Dont + inf. Scurt (pentru a forma un imperativ negativ)
Ex: Dont cross now! (Nu traversa/ti acum!)
Dont ring me tomorrow!
3. Lets (let us) + infinitiv. scurt, (pentru persoan I pl.)
Ex: Lets cross! (Sa traversam!/ Hai sa traversam)
Lets ring tomorrow!
4. Do + forma afirmativa, in unele cazuri:
Ex.: Do take care! (Ai grija!)
Do tell me! (Spune-mi! (Hai te rog, spune-mi!)
- pentru a indulci tonul, pentru a suna mai politicos
Ex: Do sit down! (Va rog, lua-ti loc!)
Do come in! (Intra-ti, va rog)
Do help yourself! (Serviti-va, va rog)

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