Skin Put
Skin Put
Skin Put
What is Skinput?
Skinput is a new skin-based interface that allows users to use their own arms and
hands as touchscreens by sensing different ultra low-frequency sounds that are
generated when knocking various parts of skin.
The feature of providing input using this projection is a boost. Simply, Skinput is
the latest technology of providing input using the projection on the human body.
The technology was originated from the researches of Chris Harrison, Desney Tan,
and Dan Morris at Microsoft Researchs Computational User Experience Group. The
term Skinput is the combination of the words skin and input that implies the
functionality of the technology input thru skin.
Applications of Skinput:
Audio player strapped to the arm that can be controlled using finger tips.
Computing devices to computer without the need of some external application.
Portable computing devices with a pico projector.