SDK8085 User Manual Mps853 Um
SDK8085 User Manual Mps853 Um
SDK8085 User Manual Mps853 Um
MPS 85-3 is an extremely powerful microprocessor trainer based on the popular 8085 CPU. It
can be used as a flexible instructional aid in academic institutions.
MPS 85-3 can be operated either from on-board keyboard or from a host PC through its RS-
232C interface.
Keyboard and serial monitor programs support the entry of user programs, editing and
relocation, debug facilities like breakpoints and single-stepping, direct port input/output and
full speed execution of user programs.
32K Bytes of CMOS static RAM is provided with battery backup. Total on-board memory
can be upto 64K Bytes.
Allows multi-processor system design by supporting the HOLD and HLDA signals.
a. Interface Modules for training purpose (Calculator Keyboard, Elevator, Display, ADC with
DAC, Dual Slope ADC, Dual DAC, Logic Controller, Crystal Clock Divider, Traffic Lights,
RTC, Tone Generator, Stepper Motor, 8-bit, 16 Channel ADC etc.,)
Memory : Three 28-pin JEDEC sockets offer 64K Bytes of memory as follows:
8279: To control 32 keys keyboard and 6-digit, 0.5" seven segment LED display.
8251: For serial communication supporting all standard bauds from 110 to 19,200. (Baud
is selected through on-board DIP switch)
8255: Two numbers are available to user giving 48 programmable I/O lines.
CPU BUS : Demultiplexed and buffered TTL compatible signals brought-out to two
26 pin ribbon cable (spectra-strip type) connectors.
Parallel I/O : 48 lines (2 X 8255) of TTL compatible bus brought-out to two spectra-strip
type ribbon cable connectors.
Serial I/O : RS-232C with standard MODEM control signals through on-board 9 pin D-type
female connector.
All interrupts except TRAP (used for single-step implementation) are available to user.
+5V, ( 0.1V), 3A
+12V,( 1.0V), 250mA
-12V, ( 1.0V), 100mA
30V, ( 2.0V), 100mA
MPS 85-3 Microprocessor trainer is versatile and can be configured in a number of ways as
determined by the settings of a DIP switch and other jumpers (refer to the component layout
diagram in Appendix C to locate the DIP switch and the jumpers). This chapter describes all the
configuration options and the installation procedures.
MPS 85-3 can be operated either in the hexadecimal keypad mode or in the serial mode. In the
hexadecimal keypad mode the trainer is operated from the hexadecimal keyboard/display unit.
In the serial mode, the trainer is connected to a host PC through an RS-232C interface. In either
mode of operation, the system provides a variety of commands for program
development/debugging. The selection of the desired mode of operation is done as follows:
Chapter 3 describes the commands available in keyboard mode and chapter 4 describes the
commands available in serial mode.
In the serial mode of operation, MPS 85-3 configures the on-board 8251A USART as follows:
Timer 1 of the on-board 8253A provides the transmit and receive baud clocks for the USART.
(Refer chapter 5 for a detailed discussion of the Hardware). This timer is initialised by the
system firmware to provide proper baud clock based on the settings of the DIP switch
as shown below:
MPS 85-3 has three 28-Pin sockets labelled U1,U2,U3 for memory. Two of these sockets are
populated and the third one is for expansion by the user. System firmware (16K bytes) is
supplied in a 27128 EPROM at the socket U1. 32K bytes of static RAM is provided by a
62256 at the socket U3.
The other socket, U2 is for user expansion. This socket can be configured, through jumper
settings JP1 and JP2 to accept 2732, 2764 or 27128 to provide 4K, 8K or 16K bytes of ROM.
Alternatively it can accept 6264 RAM to provide 8K RAM. As installed at the factory, the
jumpers are set for 27128 option. But the socket is left unpopulated. The configuration can be
set as shown below.
The sources for the vectored interrupts, RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5 and the TRAP can be selected
to be either on-board signals or off-board signals. However, please note that the source for
TRAP is configured to be the OUT0 signal from the timer. This selection is necessary for
implementing the single-step facility provided by both the keyboard monitor and serial monitor.
Further, the reset input to the CPU can be selected to come from either the on-board RESET key
or from an off-board source. Their default settings are shown below
Connector & pin no. indicates to which pin of which connector, external signal has to be
e) Connect MPS 85-3 to the Host PC through RS-232C cable (Appendix E describes the
RS-232C interface requirements) over the connector J6. (Refer appendix C for locating
the connectors)
If a host PC is being used, turn on the host PC and execute the driver program. (Ref.
Chapter 7 for details).
f) Connect the power supply of required capacity to MPS85-3 and turn ON the power.
g) Press the RESET Key on MPS 85-3. Now the following sign-on message should appear
on the console.
The sign-on message is followed by the command prompt, "." in the next line. Now
If there is no response from MPS 85-3 in serial mode, after installing it as described in
the previous section,
NOTE : DIP switch status is read only at power ON / reset. If you change the settings,
either press the RESET key or switch OFF and then switch ON the power supply.
If the problem still persists, please contact the manufacturer / service center.
c) Connect the power supply of required capacity to MPS 85-3 and switch ON the power.
d) Press the RESET key of the Keyboard. Now the following sign-on message will appear
on the seven-segment display.
-UPS 85
If the correct sign-on message does not appear in the keyboard mode, then check the following items.
a) If the seven-segment display is totally blank, then check the power supply connections
and voltages.
b) If the seven-segment display shows random pattern, then check the configuration settings
once again.
NOTE: DIP switch is read only at power ON / reset. If you change the settings, either press the
RESET key or switch OFF and then switch ON the power supply.
This chapter describes the commands supported by the keyboard monitor program. In the
keyboard mode, the user enters the commands and data by pressing the appropriate keys on the
keypad. Responses are displayed by the system on the six-digit LED display.
Whenever the monitor expects a command, the display shows a dash(-) at the left edge of the
address field, possibly along with an error message or with the sign-on message upon reset.
Thus, it should be noted that irrespective of the characters appearing in the rest of the display, a
dash at the left edge of the display always is a command prompt. When the monitor expects a
parameter, a decimal point will be displayed at the right edge of the field into which the
parameter is to be placed. The parameter will be either an address to be entered in the address
field or a byte of data to be entered in the data field (The only exception, explained later, occurs
in the use of the EXAM REG command). The valid range for an address parameter is from 1 to
4 hexadecimal digits and the valid range for a data parameter is from 1 to 2 hexadecimal digits.
Longer numbers may be entered but such numbers are evaluated modulo 64k or 256
respectively, i.e. only the last four or the last two digits entered will be accepted.
The RESET key causes a hardware reset and restarts the monitor. The monitor displays the sign
ON message (-UPS 85) across the address and data fields of the display. Now the monitor will
be ready to accept the commands from the user. But the monitor does not save the information
about the state (register values etc.,) of any previous user program. However, the monitor does
not disturb contents of the user portion of the RAM area.
The system monitor utilizes RAM locations 8F90H to 8FFFH for Storing the System Stack and
variables. User programs should not disturb this area; otherwise the results are unpredictable.
As noted already, the display consists of 6 seven-segment LED displays, separated into two
fields. The left field, called the address field consists of 4 digits and the right field called the
data field consists of 2 digits.
a. Hexpad: 16 keys representing the hexadicimal digits 0 through F. In the use of the
EXAM REG command, some of these keys represent register names also, as indicated by
the legends on the keytops. This usage is further explained in the description of the
EXAM REG command. Further, six of these keys serve the functions of command keys
also. The context of operation defines the meaning of the key.
b. Command group: 11 command keys two of which are USER DEFINED. These
commands are in addition to the six commands mentioned above.
c. Delimiter group: 3 keys (NEXT, PREV, EXEC) which serve as the delimiters while
entering the commands/data.
d. System operation keys: RESET and KBINT keys. RESET key, as already noted causes
a hardware reset of the system. KBINT key is connected to the RST 7.5 input. Its use is
explained in chapter 8.
EXAMINE/MODIFY Displays/Modifies the contents of a memory
MEMORY location.
[<data>] NEXT/PREV] EXEC
EXAMINE/MODIFY Displays/modifies 8085 register contents. EXAM
REGISTER REG <reg key>
[[<data>] NEXT]* EXEC
SINGLE STEP Executes a single user program instruction.
[[<Start addr>] NEXT]* EXEC.
GO Transfers control from monitor to user program
Go<addr> EXEC
BLOCK MOVE Moves a block of data from one portion to another.
BLK MOVE <start Addr> NEXT
<end addr> NEXT <DEST ADDR>
INSERT Inserts one or more instructions in the user program.
INSERT[<Low limit>]
[<High Limit>]NEXT<Low Insert Addr>
NEXT, <No. of bytes> NEXT
DELETE Deletes one or more instructions in the user program.
DELETE [<Low Limit>] NEXT
[<High Limit>] NEXT<Low delete addr>
NEXT <High Delete addr> EXEC
INPUT BYTE Inputs a byte from the specified port
INBYTE <port address> NEXT
OUTPUT BYTE Outputs a byte to the specified port
OUT BYTE <port address> NEXT
<data> [NEXT <data>]* EXEC
This command is used to examine the contents of selected memory locations. The contents can
be optionally modified if the memory location is in RAM area.
1. To use this command, press the EXAM MEM key when prompted for a command.
When this key is pressed, the display is cleared and a dot appears at the right edge of the
address field indicating that an address entry is required.
2. Enter the memory address of the byte to be examined. This value is displayed in the
address field of the display.
3. After entering the address value, press the NEXT key. The data byte at the addressed
memory location will be displayed in the data field and a decimal point (a dot) appears at
the right edge of the data field indicating that data can be updated.
4. If the contents of the addressed memory location are only to be examined, press the
EXEC key to terminate the command, or press the NEXT key to examine/modify the
next consecutive memory location or the PREV key to examine/modify the previous
memory location.
5. To modify the contents of an addressed memory location, enter the new data from the key
board (note that data values are evaluated modulo 256). However, this new value,
displayed in the data field is not entered into the addressed memory location till NEXT or
EXEC or PREV is pressed.
ERROR CONDITIONS : Error conditions occur while attempting to modify a non-existent or
Read-Only Memory (ROM) location. Note that the error is not detected until the PREV or
NEXT or EXEC key is pressed. When an error is detected, the characters Err are displayed
along with the command prompt character (-) in the address field.
Example 1 : Examining a series of memory locations starting from 0000H (the start of keyboard
To check that data was updated successfully, press EXAM MEM key and enter memory address
8D00H and note that AF is displayed in the data field when NEXT key is pressed.
The examine Register Command is used to examine and optionally modify the contents of any of
the 8085s registers.
EXAM REG <reg key>[[<data>]NEXT]*[EXEC]
1. To use this command, press the EXAM REG key when prompted for a command. Now,
the display is cleared and a decimal point appears at the right edge of the address field.
However, unlike in EXAM MEM command, this prompt now means that a register name
entry is required. Thus the next hexadecimal key board entry will be interpreted as a
register name.
Interrupt Masks
Sign Zero Auxilary Parity Carry
3. When the register contents are displayed (with the data update prompt), the contents of
this register can be modified if desired. To do this, enter the new value from the
keyboard. This new value will be displayed in the data field and the register contents are
updated when either the NEXT or EXEC key is pressed.
4. After examining and optionally modifying the contents, if the EXEC key is pressed, the
command is terminated. If the NEXT key is pressed, the abbreviation and contents of the
next register (according to the order shown in Table 3.2) are displayed and opened for
modification. Note that the sequence is not cyclic and thus pressing the NEXT key when
the PCL is displayed will terminate the command.
The INPUT BYTE command is used to input (accept) a byte of data from an input port.
IN BYTE <port address> NEXT [NEXT] * EXEC
1. To use this command, press the INBYTE key when prompted for command. When this
key is pressed, the display is cleared and a decimal point appears at the right edge of the
address field indicating that an address entry is required
2. Enter the address of the port to be read. Note that the port address can be in the range 0-
255 (decimal) only. Thus only 2 hex digits are required to specify the port address. If
longer value is entered, the last four digits entered are displayed until the NEXT key is
pressed. Then only the last two digits are accepted as the port address. In any case, this
port address is duplicated in the most significant two digits of the address field of the
display. After entering the port address, press the NEXT key. The addressed port is read
and the data is displayed in the data field of the display.
3. Pressing the NEXT key again, updates the data field display with the current data byte at
the addressed input port. Pressing the EXEC key terminates the command and the
command entry prompt(-) appears.
NOTE : The I/O ports provided on MPS 85-3, their addresses and usage are described in
detail in chapter-5 on Hardware.
The OUTPUT BYTE command is used to output a byte of data to an output port.
1. To use this command, press the OUTBYTE key when prompted for command. When this
key is pressed the display is cleared and a decimal point appears at the right edge of the
address field indicating that an address entry is required.
2. Enter the desired port address. Note that the port address can be in the range 0-255
(decimal) only. Thus only 2 hex digits are required to specify the port address. If longer
value is entered, the last four digits entered are displayed until the NEXT key is pressed.
Then only the last two digits are accepted as the port address. In any case, this port address
is duplicated in the most significant two digits of the address field of the display. After
entering the desired port address, press the NEXT key.
NOTE : As mentioned in the previous section, the I/O ports provided on MPS85-3, their
addresses and usage are explained in detail in chapter 5.
Example : Output a string of ASCII characters (ESA) to the data port of the USART (8251)
to be transmitted to a CRT terminal through the on-board RS-232-C interface
The GO command is used to transfer control of the system from the monitor to users program
GO address EXEC
1. To use this command, press the GO key when prompted for command entry. When this
key is pressed, the current contents of the User Program Counter are displayed in the
address field and the contents of the location addressed by the PC are displayed in the
data field. A dot also appears at the right edge of the address field indicating that the user
can update the value of User Program Counter if required.
2. To begin Program execution, press EXEC key. Now the address and data fields are
cleared, and E is displayed at the left edge of the address field and control is then
transferred to the user program at the current value of the user program counter.
3. To return control to the monitor, you can write the RST 5 instruction (opcode=EFH) at
the end of your program. When this instruction is executed, monitor regains control of
the system and full information about the user program is saved. Another way to exit
from a running program and return control to the monitor is to press the RESET key.
However, in this case, all register information about user program is lost. Note that in
any case the contents of the user portion of the RAM area are not disturbed by the
Example 1 : Suppose the following program is entered in the memory by EXAM MEM
Location Object Code Mnemonic
8800 3E MVI A,42
8801 42
8802 4F MOV C,A
8803 EF RST 5
To run this program, press the keys according to the following sequence.
Example 2: Fill the registers A and C with 00H. Execute the above program from 8800H.
Later examine the contents of reg A&C. Both the registers must contain 42H.
This command is used to execute a program, one instruction at a time. With each instruction
executed, control is returned to the monitor. Thus this command is an extremely useful
debugging tool.
SINGLE STEP [<Start address>] NEXT<Start address>NEXT]]*EXEC
1. To use this command, press the SINGLE STEP key when prompted for command. Now
the contents of the user program counter are displayed in the address field and the byte at
this location is displayed in the data field. A dot also appears at the right edge of the
address field indicating that the user can modify the value of the program counter if
desired, by entering the new address.
2. To execute the instruction at the current value of the program counter, press the NEXT
key. When this key is pressed, the instruction at the displayed address is executed the
new value of user PC is displayed in the address field and its associated instruction byte
is displayed in the data field. The contents of the PC are again opened for optional
modification by the user.
3. To terminate command, press the EXEC key. (Note that after terminating the SINGLE
STEP Command, if you again press the SINGLE STEP key, control returns exactly to the
point where you pressed the EXEC key).
This command is used to move a block of data from one area of the memory to another area.
BLK MOVE<Start address>NEXT<end address> NEXT<destination address>EXEC
1. To use this command, press the BLK MOVE key when prompted for command entry.
When this key is pressed, display field is cleared and decimal point appears at the right
edge of the address field.
2. Now enter the starting address of the block of data to be moved. Press the NEXT key.
Now the display field is again cleared and again a decimal point appears at the right edge
of the address field. Now enter the ending address of the block of data to be moved.
Press the NEXT key. Monitor clears the display field and a decimal point appears at the
right edge of the address field. Now enter the starting address of the area into which the
block of data is to be moved. This address is called the destination address. Press the
EXEC key to start the command execution.
1. Specifiying a value for the end address of the source block which is less than the value of
the start address of the source block.
Example 1: Moving the block of program code listed in the example for the GO command.
NOTE 1 : Block move moves a block of data contents from one area to another area. It does
not consider whether the block being moved consists of program code or data.
Thus no relocation of program code occurs and the block is simply moved.
NOTE 2 : The system determines if the destination block overlaps the source block. It
moves the data from either the starting address or from the ending address as
required when overlap exists.
This command is used to insert one or more instructions into the user program.
This command together with the next command to be described viz. DELETE, provide the user
mini-editing facilities.
INSERT command allows the user to insert the desired number of bytes into a program at a
specified address. The address references in the program, which change because of this
insertion, are automatically corrected by the monitor. To do such corrections and to relocate the
program, the monitor must know:
a) To use this command, press the INSERT key when prompted for command entry. When
this key is pressed, Low Limit (i.e. the starting address of the program as remembered
by the monitor from previous operations) is displayed in the address field. This value can
be changed by the user by entering a new starting address and then pressing the NEXT
key. If the value displayed is not to be changed, simply press the NEXT key.
b) Now the monitor displays the assumed High Limit (present end address of the user
program). To change this value, enter the new value and press NEXT key. Otherwise,
simply press the NEXT key.
c) Now the monitor clears the display and a dot appears at the right edge of the address field
indicating that an address entry is required. Now enter the Low Insert Address (i.e the
address starting from which insertions are to be made) and press the NEXT key.
d) Again the display is cleared and a dot appears at the right edge of the address field. This
time, enter the number of bytes to be inserted, in hexadecimal, followed by the NEXT
e) The monitor displays the Low Insert Address in the address field and a dot appears at
the right edge of the data field prompting a data entry. Enter a byte value to be inserted.
Press the NEXT key if more bytes are to be entered. After entering the last byte, or after
entering a byte followed by the EXEC key, the command is terminated and a command
prompt appears at the left edge of the display. Thus this step is similar to EXAM MEM
command operation.
1. The monitor treats the entire program segment from LOW LIMIT to HIGH LIMIT as
relocatable and adjusts all memory reference. Hence, if the inserted program fragment
refers to locations within itself, then care must be taken to see that No. of bytes is
subtracted from all such references before entering them.
2. As the size of the program grows, when a number of bytes are inserted, the user should
ensure that there is sufficient free memory available beyond the current end address of
the user program.
1. Specifying a Low Insert Address value that is greater than the value of the
High Limit.
Example : Example on the usage of INSERT command is provided in the next section, after
describing the DELETE Command.
This command is used to delete one or more instructions from the user program.
After inserting the instruction and after examining the program, suppose you discover that you
have two extra instructions POP D and POP H. You can delete these instructions by the
following key sequence
To check the operation, use EXAM MEM key to observe the contents location 8830H to 883BH.
They should be C5, 01, 30, 0B, 78, B1, C2, 34, 88, C1, C9.
MPS85-3 trainer has two command keys whose functions can be defined by the user. These
keys labeled F1 & F2 are available in addition to the standard command keys described already.
When the user-defined function key F1 is pressed, monitor transfers control to a prespecified
location in RAM, 8F90H.
When the user-defined function key F2 is pressed, monitor transfers control to a prespecified
location in RAM, 8F94H.
Following Power ON/Reset, the monitor initializes this area with the instruction JMP Err.
Thus after Power ON/Reset, if you press the function keys, Error message along with the
command prompt (-Err) is displayed.
Assume that the user has written the software for programming a specific type of EPROM.
Assume that this program is assembled from location 4000H (expansion ROM area). One way
to invoke this routine would be to use the GO command to transfer control to this program. The
second way is to use the function key. Assume that the user has decided to use the key F1.
Thus, when F1 is pressed, the program at 4000H should gain control. To do this, user can set up
a JMP instruction at 8F90H as follows:
Now, whenever the F1 key is pressed, the EPROM programming routine at 4000H gets control
of the system.
1. If the user inadvertently uses the locations reserved for the user function key, the results
of pressing the user defined function key are unpredictable.
2. Note that the monitor initializes the location reserved for the key F1 & F2 keys with the
JMP Err instruction, following either power ON or RESET. Thus if the user writes
instructions in these reserved locations, subsequently presses the RESET key, then
instructions will be overwritten.
This chapter describes the commands supported by the Serial Monitor Program. The Serial
Monitor allows MPS 85-3 to be operated from a host PC connected through RS-232C serial
interface (Refer to chapter 5 on Hardware and Appendix E on RS-232C connector Details)
The trainer must be configured for serial mode of operation as described in section 2.2.1.
When the system enters serial mode of operation, the sign-on message "MPS 85-3 SERIAL
MONITOR V 1.1" is displayed (the current version number and the revision number) on one
line and a period "." on the next line indicating that the monitor is ready to accept commands
from the user. With the exception of RESET and KBINT keys, the keyboard is
completely disabled.
The system monitor utilizes RAM locations from 8F90H to 8FFFH as scratch pad area for
system stack and variables. User programs should not alter this area, otherwise the results are
Whenever the monitor is ready to accept a command from the user, it outputs a period (`.') as the
command prompt character at the beginning of a new line.
The commands entered by the user consists of a single character command mnemonic followed
by a list of command parameters. This list may consist of upto four parameters depending on the
particular command being used. When more than one parameter is required, a single (`,') is used
between the parameters as a seperator.
All numeric parameters are to be entered as hexadecimal numbers. The valid range for one byte
parameters is 00 to FF and if more than 2 digits are entered, only the last two digits are valid
(leading zeros may be omitted). Thus all one byte values are interpreted modulo 256 (decimal).
The valid range for 2-byte parameters is 0000 to FFFF and longer values are evaluated modulo
64K (i.e. only the last four digits are valid).
All the commands except the X (examine/modify register) command require only hexadecimal
values as parameters. The register name abbreviation entries required by the X command are
described later while describing the X command in detail.
Whenever an error is detected by the monitor (either in the command entry or in the command
execution) the command is aborted, the symbol (`?') is output on the command line, a carriage
return and a linefeed are issued and the command prompt character (`.') is output at the beginning
of a new line. (The possible error conditions are described while illustrating the individual
Command execution occurs only after a valid delimiter (a comma or a carriage return depending
on the command) is entered. Hence a command entry can be cancelled anytime before the
delimiter is entered by "committing an error". That is, enter any character that is not legal for the
expected entry. The monitor detects this error, aborts the command, displays `?' symbol and
returns to command entry mode.
Each command described in this chapter consists of a single character, followed by apropriate
parameters and data. These commands are summarized in Table 4.1. and are described in detail
in the following sections. In the table as well as in the subsequent descriptions, the following
notation is used:
Further, when describing the individual commands with example, output from the system is
These symbols are used only to clarify the command formats and they are to be neither entered
by the user nor output by the system.
C (Compare Memory) Compare a block of memory with destination block.
C <Start address>, <end address>,
<destination address> <CR>
D (Display Memory) Displays memory contents in line formatted output
D <Start address>,<end address> <CR>
G (GO) Transfers the processor control from the
Monitor to user program with optional breakpoints.
G [<Start address>] ,
[<breakpoint address 1>, ]
[<breakpoint address 2>, ]
[<breakpoint address 3 >, ] <CR>
M (Move Memory) Moves a block of memory contents
M <Start address> , <end address>
<destination address> <CR>
S (Substitute Memory) Displays/Modifies memory locations
S <address> , /- [[<new data>]]* <CR>
X (Examine/Modify Registers) Displays/Modifies the processor registers
X [<reg>] [[<new data>],] * <CR>
The S (Substitute Memory) command is used to examine the contents of specified memory
locations. Further, if the locations are in RAM, their contents can be altered if desired.
S <address> [[new data>>],] * <CR>
1. Enter S followed by the address of the memory location to be examined and then enter a
comma. The monitor will now output the contents of that location followed by a dash
`-'. Note that in Serial monitor mode a `-' is always a prompt for data entry, while a "." is
the prompt for command entry.
2. To modify the contents of this location, the user can enter the new value now.
3. Enter a comma, either immediately after the `-' prompt by the system or after the entry of
a new value, to examine/modify the next sequential location. A carriage return, instead
of the comma terminates the command and returns the monitor to the command entry
1. Trying to modify the contents of non-existent or ROM locations.
Example 2: Examine a series of RAM locations starting at 8820H and modify the contents of
the location 8822H.
8821 XX-,
8822 XX-AA <CR>
D <Start address> , <end address> <CR>
1. To use this command, enter D when prompted for command entry. After entering D,
enter the starting address of the memory block whose contents are to be displayed, then
enter a comma, enter the end address of the memory block followed by carriage return.
2. Now the monitor will output the starting address, the contents of the location from this
address to the specified end address. The display appears in formatted lines with 16
bytes/line. The number of bytes displayed on the first line are so adjusted that if the
second line is present, its first location has address with the last nibble as zero.
.D8800,8804 <CR>
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
8800: 41 42 43 44 31
This command is used to move a block of data from one area of the memory to another area.
M <start address>, <end address>, <destination address> <CR>
1. To use this command, enter M when prompted for command entry. Follow it with the
starting address of the source block to be moved ("start address"), a comma, the ending
address of the source block ("end address"), another comma, and then the starting address
of the area into which the source block is to be moved ("destination address"). Now enter
the carriage return.
This operation moves the contents of memory locations from "start address" to "end address" to
consecutive memory locations starting from the "destination address".
1. Specifying an "end address" value which is less than the value of the "start address".
2. Trying to move data into non-existent or Read Only Memory locations.
Example 1 Move the contents of the locations 800H through 80FH to the memory block
beginning at 8840H.
After executing this command, the prompt sign will come but the data will not be moved to the
ROM Location.
Compare command can be used to compare the contents of one memory block with the contents
of another memory block.
C <start address of block1 > , <end address of block1,>
<Start address of block 2> <CR>
1. To use this command, enter C when prompted for command entry. Then enter starting
address of the first block, a comma, ending address of the first block, another comma and
then the starting address of the second block followed by the carriage return.
2. The monitor now compares the contents of location beginning at start address of block1
with the contents of location beginning at start address of block2. This process continues
till the contents of end address are compared with those of the corresponding location
in the 2nd block. Any differences detected are displayed.
1. Compare the contents of memory locations 8000H to 80FFH with those of a memory
block beginning at 8800H
2. Compare the contents of memory locations 8100H to 81FFH with those of a memory
block beginning at 8300H
This command is used to examine and optionally modify the contents of the registers.
X [<reg>] [[<new data>] , ] * <CR>
1. To examine the contents of all the registers, enter X followed by carriage return when
prompted for command entry. The monitor will now display the contents of all the
2. If you wish to examine/modify the contents of a particular register, then enter X (when
prompted for command) followed by the register name abbreviation. The register name
abbreviations are shown in Table 4.2. Now the monitor will output an equal sign (`='),
the current contents of the specified register and data prompt character ("-"). The
contents of this register can be changed now by entering the new data value, followed by
a valid terminator (a comma or the Carriage Return). If the terminator is the Carriage
Return, the command is terminated. If the terminator is not the carriage return the next
"sequential" register is displayed and opened for optional modification. The sequence in
which registers are displayed is also shown in Table 4.2. (Note that this sequence is not
circular and if a comma is entered after the contents of the "last" register (i.e. PC) are
examined/modified, the command is automatically terminated.
Register name Abbreviation
Accumulator A
Register B B
Register C C
Register D D
Register E E
Flags Register F
Interrupt Mask Register I
Register H H
Example 1
. X <CR>
A=FF B=EE C=00 D=21 E=34 F=A0 I=07 H=06 L=45 HL=0645 SP=8FE0
Example 2
The GO command is used to transfer the control of the system from monitor to the user's
program, with optional breakpoints.
1. To use this command, enter G when prompted for command entry. The monitor will now
display the current value of user program counter, the instruction byte stored at this
location, and the data entry prompt character ("-").
Now the control is transferred to the program starting at the current PC value. Upon reaching
any one of the specified breakpoint addresses, control is returned to the monitor. Monitor saves
the complete user context, displays the current PC value and then issues a command prompt.
1. When breakpoint addresses are specified, the monitor saves the "breakpointed"
instructions and replaces them with RST 3 instruction. When any one of the
breakpoints is reached, control is returned to the monitor, which after saving the
registers, replaces all the breakpointed instructions with their original values. Hence,
breakpoint addresses must be specified each time a program to be breakpointed is
2. Specifying more than one breakpoint address is useful when debugging a program section
containing branch instructions.
Example 1:
Enter the program presented as example 1 for the GO command from the keyboard monitor
(section 3.4.5). You can execute it as shown below:
MPS85-3 uses 8085A CPU operated with a 6.144 MHZ crystal. The on-board RESET key can
provide a RST IN* signal to the CPU. Alternatively, the on-board RESET key can be disabled
and an external RST IN* signal provided via the connector J3.
The RSTOUT from CPU is used to reset rest of the system. Also this signal is available after
inversion, on connector J4, for resetting any off-board peripherals.
The clock out from CPU is buffered (by 74 LS 245 at U17) and is available on connector J4.
This clock is divided by two (by 74 LS 74 at U15) to provide the peripheral clock PCLK. The
lower address bus is demultiplexed using a 74 LS 373 at U4 and the upper address bus is
buffered using 74 LS 245 at U16. The data bus is buffered using a 74 LS 245 at U14. The control
signals RD*, WR*, IO/M*, ALE,INTA*, HLDA and RST OUT are buffered by 74 LS 245 at
MPS 85-3 has three 28-pin JEDEC compatible slots (U1,U2 and U3) for accepting memory
devices. The socket at U1 is populated with a 27128 which contains the system firmware. The
socket at U3 is populated with a 62256 to provide 32K bytes of static RAM. Memory from
8F90H to 8FFFH is utilized by the system and the rest is available to the user. The socket at U2
is unpopulated. This socket can be configured to accept 2732/2764/27128 via jumper JP2 (Refer
section 2.1.3). The memory map is as follows:
When 2732 is installed at U2 the device responds to four address ranges due to address foldback.
Similarly when 2764 is installed at U2, the device responds to two address ranges 4000H to
5FFFH and 6000H to 7FFFH.
The three chip select signals are derived from BIO/M*, BA15 and BA14. The logic is
implemented by 74 LS 139 at U13, 74 LS 00 at U21 and 74 HC 32 at U20.
Battery Option:
The RAM provided at U3 is backed up by an 3.6V Ni-cd Battery by default.
I/O decoding is implemented using a 74 LS 138 at U12. BIO/M*, BA7, BA6, BA5 and BA4 are
only used to derive the chip select signals. Thus foldback exists over the unused address lines.
The I/O devices, their addresses and their usage is summarized below:
The port addresses are given in section 5.4. The 8279 is configured for the following operation
The keyboard reading is implemented by polling the command/status port of 8279. User can read
the keyboard in interrupt driven mode by shorting the jumper JP5 AB and by writing suitable
RST 5.5 service routine (Refer sec. 2.1.4).
The codes assigned to the keys of the on-board keypad are listed below:
NOTE : RESET and KBINT keys are not connected to keyboard controller.
Display Drive:
The segment drive outputs of 8279 (A0 through A3 and B0 through B3) form a single 8-bit
parallel output driving the display element segments. The correspondence between the data bus,
segment outputs of 8279 and the display element segments is shown below :
Display Segment
f a b
g CPU D7
D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
e c 8279 A3 A2
A1 A0 B3 B2 B1 B0
dp Output
Segment d c b
a dp g f e
Bit =1
Corresponding segment is ON
To display "E", the datasegments
display format requires that segment a,f,g,e and d should be ON
=0 Corresponding and other
segment isshould
OFF be OFF. So the data should be 1001 0111=97H. Display codes for other
patterns can be worked out similarly.
MPS 85-3 has an on-board programmable interval timer 8253-5 at socket position U7. Its I/O
addresses can be found in Table 5.2 in section 5.4. 8253 has one command/status port and three
data ports called Timer0, Timer1 and Timer2 to provide three programmable timers. Of these,
Timer 0 is utilized to drive the TRAP input of the CPU, for implementing the Single Step
facility. SOD output from the CPU controls the gate input of this Timer 0. Timer 1 is utilized to
generate Transmit and Receive clocks of 8251A (Programmable Communication Interface).
However, these signals as well as the signals related to Timer 2 are available on system
connector J4. Thus, if user does not require serial interface, he/she can make use of Timer 1 (in
addition to Timer 2, which is always available to user) if required. Connector details are
provided in the last section of this chapter.
The I/O address of 8251A can be found in Table 5.2 in section 5.4.
8251A is operated in a polled mode. However, character input routine can be made interrupt
driven by shorting JP6 A&B and writing suitable RST 6.5 service routine. (Refer section 2.1.4)
The TXD, RXD, CTS, RTS signals are given to MAX232(U10) to make an RS-232C
compatible. The RS-232C compatible signals are available on 9 pin D-type female connector J6.
(Refer the last section of this chapter for connector details)
NOTE: If the handshake signals are not required, user can short DTR, DSR and RTS, CTS.
MPS 85-3 has two numbers of 8255As (Programmable Peripheral Interface Devices). Each
8255A consists of a command port and three 8-bit programmable input/output ports called Port
A, Port B and Port C. The port addresses of these devices can be found in Table 5.2 in section
5.4. The two 8255As at U11 and U22 are completely available to user. The port signals are
available on connectors J2 and J1 (Refer the last section of this chapter for connector details.)
MPS 85-3 accesses on-board memory and I/O devices with zero wait states. However, the
READY input to the CPU is available on system connector J3 and user can drive this signal low
to introduce wait states if required.
NOTE : READY is pulled up to VCC through a 4.7K ohm resistor on MPS 85-3.
When these vectored interrupts are recognized, the CPU saves the PC and starts execution from
specific memory locations. To allow the use of these interrupts by the user, the monitor has JMP
instructions at these locations. The target of these JMP instructions is RAM area. For example,
when RST 7.5 is recognized, CPU pushes the current PC onto the stack and executes the
instruction at 3CH. The instruction at 3CH is JMP 8FBFH. Thus, now the control comes to
8FBFH. Three bytes are available to user from 8FBFH. Thus user should enter another JMP
instruction at 8FBFH (using for example, Examine Memory command) and this JMP must be to
the service routine written by the user. The RAM locations corresponding to different RST
instructions and vectored interrupts are shown below:
MPS 85-3 does not make use of HOLD signal. It is grounded through a 4.7K ohm resistor. An
off-board signal can drive this line via the connector J3. This can be done by opening the jumper
connection JP4 A- B and shorting JP4 B-C. As already noted in section 5.2, HOLDA from CPU
disables on-board buffers. Hence user can implement multiprocessor designs (for eg. DMA
systems ) without any problems.
There are six connectors on MPS 85-3 in addition to the power connector J5. Four of them
(J1,J2,J3,J4) are 26 pin ribbon cable connectors. J1 and J2 are connected to parallel I/O lines
from two 8255s. J3 and J4 are used mainly for CPU expansion. 9-pin, female D-type connector
J6 provides the signals for RS-232C compatible serial interface.
The signal definitions on all these connectors are listed below. (This information is available in
Appendix B also).
ONJ1/J2 ON J1/J2
1 13 PC4 14 19 PB1
2 12 PC5 15 38 PA6
3 16 PC2 16 37 PA7
4 17 PC3 17 40 PA4
5 14 PC0 18 39 PA5
6 15 PC1 19 2 PA2
7 24 PB6 20 1 PA3
8 25 PB7 21 4 PA0
9 22 PB4 22 3 PA1
10 23 PB5 23 11 PC6
1 BS0 2 BS1
3 RST 6.5 4 KBRST IN
9 BA15 10 BA14
11 BA13 12 BA12
13 BA11 14 BA10
15 BA9 16 BA8
17 VCC 18 VCC
19 BA7 20 BA6
21 BA5 22 BA4
23 BA3 24 BA2
25 BA1 26 BA0
NOTE: User should, as a general rule, save the registers of interest before calling the
monitor routines and restore them after returning from the monitor routines.
a) Configure MPS 85-3 for serial mode of operation and set the serial port of MPS 85-3 for 9600 Baud rate and No
parity (Refer Chapter 2).
b). Connect the Host PC to MPS 85-3 over the serial COM port using the serial cable provided. (Refer to systems
Technical Manual for details regarding the signal definitions on COM ports (Refer appendix C of this manual for
serial cable details)).
1) Run Setup.exe from the Drivers Software CD. Now user can observe the following
dialog box, which will copy the required files from Source CD to the Host PC.
4) Click the highlighted Icon shown above to continue the Installation Procedure, then
observe the following Dialog Box.
5) Select the Program Group, Default ESA Trainers. Click Continue, and then observe the following dialog box.
6) In some cases user will find the following Dialog Box, which will indicate the
over writing of the existing files.
7) Click Yes to keep the old file. Click No to install the new file. Click No to All for the
remaining files also.
8) Then finally observe the following dialog box, which will indicate the completion of installation.
1) Go to the Control Panel from Start Menu Settings. Select Add/Remove Programs
option. User will see the following Dialog Box.
3) Click Yes to uninstall, otherwise No to come out from the uninstallation procedure.
2) Connect the supplied RS-232C serial cable between the connector J6 (9 pin D-type female) of the MPS 85-3
Trainer and COM port of the Host PC (9-pin D type male).
4) Set the baudrate for 9600 bps using the Dipswitches on the MPS 85-3 Trainer.
(Refer chapter 2).
5) Open the WIN853 application on the Host PC from the start button of the Microsoft windows. Now user can
observe the following Dialog Box.
6) If the PC COM port is already set for COM1 and the baud rate set for 9600 bps, then click on No button,
otherwise Click on Yes button to change the setting of communication parameters. Then user will observe
the following dialog box.
7) Select the Baud rate as per the dipswitch configuration on MPS 85-3 Trainer. Select the appropriate COM
Port configured in PC and Click on OK button. Now user can observe the following window.
8) In some cases , if the communication is not established user will get the error message dialog box as shown
below. In this case please check whether the MPS 85-3 Trainer is powered on. Check whether Serial cable is
connected properly between PC & MPS 85-3 Trainer and check the parameters by clicking the Settings.
The complete command set of the MPS 85-3 is transparent and is fully supported by WIN853 (Refer chapter
4 for the monitor mode commands). Click on help icon in the WIN853 dialog box for help.
In addition, WIN853 supports the file download, file upload and other commands, which are explained
NOTE: During parameter entry, the system expects the alphabetic characters to be in upper case. However,
WIN853 driver is not case sensitive. So, Keyboard with CAPSLOCK ON is not required.
1) To perform download operation click on download button or go to file menu and choose download option
in the WIN853 dialog box. Then observe the following dialog box.
3) After downloading the program user can execute the program without entering command window also. For that
go to RUN menu and select SET PC option then observe the following dialog box
1) To perform upload operation click on upload button or go to file menu and choose
upload option in the WIN853 dialog box. Now user can observe the following dialog box.
4) Click on CANCEL button in the upload dialog box, after a successful uploading. If user wants to append the
memory to same uploaded file once again click on OK in the upload dialog box. Then user can find the
message as follows
The following error messages may appear during upload and download due to improper operations.
1. File not found!
2. Path not found!
3. No more files!
4. Access denied!
5. Invalid file handle!
6. Insufficient Disk space!
7. Unable to continue upload!
8. Colon is not present at the start of the Record!
9. Invalid data in (source file) the following Record!
10.Checksum Error in the following Record!
Communication parameters can be set during the session by pressing Ctrl+O or go to view menu and select options
in the WIN853 window. List of parameters and their current values will appear on the dialog box. Select the desired
parameter with the help of arrow keys. The parameters allowed to be set are Communication Port (suitable COM),
Baud Rate (110 /150 / 300/ 600 / 1200 / 2400 /4800 / 9600), Number of Data bits (7 or 8), Number of Stop bits (1or
2) and Parity (NONE/ODD/EVEN). After selecting the desired values click Ok in the following dialog box.
Otherwise click on CANCEL to ignore the values.
Table 7.1 shows details of the integer values and corresponding parameters.
Table 7.1
7.6.4 HELP
On-line help is available for all MPS 85-3 monitor commands and specific commands of WIN853. Get Help facility
by selecting help option in the window. A menu of commands are displayed from which the desired command can
be selected and associated information about that command is displayed. These options are explained in detail in
online help of WIN853 (WIN853.hlp).
Note: Whenever the command window is full, it is recommended to clear the command window with CLS
command. Otherwise display will become a little bit slow.
1) Check the PC Serial Port working condition.
2) Check the Serial Cable working condition.
3) Check MPS 85-3 Trainer Kit for Sign on message.
4) Check the Dipswitch Settings.
In this chapter, we will describe some programming examples which can be run on the MPS 85-3
System. The first set of examples are designed to illustrate the use of various command keys and
the second set of examples are designed to illustrate the use of monitor routines. The user,
encountering a microprocessor trainer for the first time, is strongly urged to go through this
chapter in detail, load and execute the programs as indicated. The experienced user can skip this
section and directly refer to section 8.3 to become familiar with the use of monitor routines.
Now use the EXAM REG key to observe the contents of the registers B and C. They will be 22
and 82. Using the EXAM MEM command, observe the contents of the location 8840 H to be 22
H indicating the successful execution of the program.
Now press the RESET key and observe the contents of the locations 8808H and 8840H. The
contents remain undisturbed. Pressing the RESET key does not disturb the user portion of the
RAM. But now, examine the B and C registers. It is likely that they will not contain the values
22H and 82H. If you press the RESET key, user register values are not guaranteed to remain
Example 2: The following program converts two BCD digits stored in memory to a binary
number and stores the binary number in memory. It is assumed that the most significant BCD
digit is at the location 8840H and next BCD digit is in the next location i.e. in 8841H. The
equivalent binary number is to be stored in location 8842H.
The program first multiplies the most significant BCD digit by 10 and then adds the second BCD
digit to get the Binary number. The multiplication by 10 is implemented as repeated addition:
BCDBIN: LXI H, 8840H : Point to BCD string
Set up two BCD digits in locations 8840H and 8841H - say 4 and 5.
Now execute the program using the GO command. After the execution of the program, control
returns to the monitor and a command prompt dash will be displayed. Now using EXAM MEM
command, examine the contents of the location 8842H. Surprisingly, instead of the expected
2D, we find 1D. So we should again check the program.
After going through the program again, we find the logic to be correct. The next step is to check
the coding. Now, we find (fortunately) that, while there are two ADD A instructions after MOV
B, A instruction, our code sequence has only one ADD A instruction. (After opcode 47H in
location 8805H, there should be 87H, 87H and then 80H; but we have only one 87H and then
80H). So instead of multiplying MSD by 10, we multiplied it by 6 (=4+2). To correct this, we
must insert an instruction of one-byte length (ADD A) at location 8807 H. We can use the
INSERT command for this purpose. The required key sequence would be INSERT <8800> `
NEXT <880C> NEXT <8807> NEXT <1> NEXT <87> EXEC.
Now using EXAM MEM command, observe the contents of the locations 8800H through 880DH
and verify that the program has been entered correctly. Now execute it. Examine the location
8842H. Fine, we get the correct result of 2D.
Example 3:
8085 has no instruction for multiplication. One simple way to implement multiplication is by
repeated addition. Here, if you want to multiply m by n, then you clear the result and add the
multiplicand m to the result n times, where n is the multiplier. Thus 2 x 3 is implemented as
[[(0+2) + 2] + 2] = 6. The following program multiplies any two one byte numbers, but assumes
that the numbers are unsigned.
Now, using the EXAM MEM command enter the above program. After entering the last byte in
to location 8810H, you press the EXEC key. Note that EXEC key is only a delimiter and it is
not a command to start the execution of user program. When you press the EXEC key, after
entering the last byte, the EXAM MEM command is terminated and monitor returns to the
command entry mode i.e. the display is cleared and a dash appears in the left most digit position
of the display.
Now we have to set up the parameters for this program. The parameters are the multiplicand and
the multiplier. Suppose, we select their values as 1AH and 1AH. They must be entered into the
registers E and C. Use EXAM REG command to enter these values.
Now, we are ready to execute the program. Note that if this program is part of a bigger program,
which usually will be the case, then the last instruction would have been a RET instruction. But
here, we write RST 3 instruction, so that control is returned to the monitor. Then, we can
examine the results. To start the execution of the program use GO key and provide the starting
address - 8800H.
Now go through the code carefully to see if there are any coding mistakes. Assume we find one.
The next approach can be the single step command. So reinitialize the parameters (multiplicand
and multiplier) and use the single step command to step through the program. After executing
the first three instructions check the registers C, E, H and L and observe their contents to be O.K.
Now step through the next instruction. Reg A should be equal to the multiplier 1AH. It is! Now
step through the instructions until JMP instruction, checking the register contents after each
instruction. After stepping through the JMP instruction at the location 880CH, we come again
to the first instruction of the loop. Step through it. Now Reg A should contain 19H (1AH-1).
But what is it containing ? It is still 1AH though we have decremented the E register which is
holding the multiplier value. Checking E register shows that the multiplier has indeed been
decremented as Reg E now contains 19H. So the culprit must be the MOV A,E instruction. As
it is logically the correct instruction, the error must be one of coding and we must have done a
poor job while desk-checking the opcodes. Looking up the opcodes, we find that, indeed,
instead of entering 7BH (opcode for MOV A,E), we entered 79H (opcode for MOV A,C) in
location 8806H. Thus the multiplier is never found to be zero and an infinite loop occurs.
Correct this opcode and run the program again. Now it works.
This, rather trivial example was used only to illustrate the use of the single step command in
debugging the programs.
With experience, the user will certainly find many more ways in which the commands can be
combined to develop useful programs.
The user can considerably simplify his program development if he makes suitable use of the
several useful routines available in the system Monitor. Chapter 6 provides the descriptions and
calling addresses of such useful routines available in the keyboard monitor and in the serial
The programming examples which follow, illustrate the use of monitor routines.
Example 4: This example waits for the user to press a key and then displays the corresponding
internal key code in the data field. The program is an infinite loop and to recover from this
program, you must press the RESET key.
NOTE: The keys RESET and KBINT are not connected to the keyboard controller. So the
program cannot recognize these two keys.
Enter this program using EXAM MEM command and execute it using GO command. Whenever
a key is pressed (any key other than RESET and KBINT keys), its internal keycode is displayed
and you can compare this value with the values shown in Table 5.2 (in chapter 5 on Hardware).
Example 5 :
If your objective is to display a numerical value only, as in the above example, a much simpler
way would be to use the routines UPDAD, UPDDT. The above program can be rewritten as
follows, if we use the routine UPDDT.
Example 6:
This example flashes the two fields of display alternately. This program uses a subroutine to
produce delay between the displays.
Enter the program from 8800H to 883AH and enter the data from 8840H to 884BH, using the
EXAM MEM command. Using the GO command execute the program. You should see
alternate displays of the messages "FIrE", "HELP US". The delay between the messages can be
changed by altering the value initially loaded into D,E register pair, in the DELAY subroutine.
Example 7 :
This example illustrates the use of KBINT key. As explained in chapter 5 on Hardware, KBINT
key is connected to the RST7.5 pin of 8085 processor. (Jumper JP7 BC is shorted as factory
installed option) When this key is pressed, control is transferred to a prespecified location in
memory (3CH) as RST7.5 is a vectored interrupt. The monitor has a JMP 8FBFH instruction
starting at this location. Thus when KBINT key is pressed, control first goes to the location 3CH
and by executing the instruction there, comes to location 8FBFH. In this region also, there are
not many bytes available for a service routine, so we will write a further JMP at 8FBFH, to user
RAM area and in that area we must write the service routine.
The program described below is a random number generator. The main program consists of a
simple loop to increment a one-byte counter. The count after reaching FFH, become 0 again
with one further increment and thus is always a value between 0 and FFH. Whenever the user
presses the KBINT key, the interrupt service routine fetches the counter value, masks off the
most significant 6 bits, displays the value (thus the number displayed is always 00,01,02 or 03)
and returns to the main program which continues with updating the counter value.
Now, we must write the service routine. Assume we want to load it from 8820H. So we
must write a JMP 8820H instruction at location 8FBFH.
Notice the EI instruction, before the RET instruction. This is required, as interrupts are disabled
once an interrupt is recognized. As, we want to recognize the interrupts again, we must enable
them before returning to the main program. Load the above service routine.
Execute the program at location 8800H. Now whenever the KBINT key is pressed, a value
between 0 and 3 is displayed in the data field. As this program is an infinite loop, to recover,
you must press the RESET key.
Example 8:
This example illustrates the use of a serial monitor routine to display a message on the console.
In the following program it displays `ELECTRO SYSTEMS' on the console.
Enter the program in locations 8800H to 8811H and data from 8900 to 890F using `S' command.
And using `G' command execute the program. Then `ELECTRO SYSTEMS' will be seen on the
This program as well as the earlier programs can be entered using the Text Editor and assembled
using the resident Assembler. Disassemble the code using the Disassembler before executing the
programs to see the machine codes generated.
What is Relocation ?
Suppose you have a program assembled from a given location. If you move the program code to
a different location, generally it will not work properly. This is because of the fact that all jump,
call and direct load instructions will be having address references pointing to the old locations.
As an example consider the following DELAY subroutine.
If you move the above block of code to another location, say 8850H, then it will not work
correctly. The instruction at 8846H will be JNZ 8843 while it should be JNZ 8853 as the value
of the label DLY is now 8853H. All such address references must be adjusted appropriately, for
Such a relocation feature is an extremely convenient tool for debugging. As an example suppose
you want to debug a program located in a PROM. As the program is in a PROM, you can't
conveniently introduce any code patches to try out alternatives. If you can relocate such a
program into RAM area, it will be a simple matter to introduce the necessary code patches. This
is just one example. There are many other situations where a Relocation facility can be put to
good use.
MPS 85-3 provides the user with a convenient tool for such a relocation. This is done through a
monitor routine RELCT whose calling address is 0533H. Now we describe the use and
limitations of this routine.
Using the Relocation routine RELCT To use this routine, the following parameters must be set
to appropriate values:
This monitor routine will examine each instruction, from starting address to ending address. If
the instruction is not a memory reference instruction, it will proceed to examine the next
instruction. On the otherhand, if it is a memory reference instruction, then it will check if the
referred address is within the range Low-Limit, High-Limit. If it is out of range the instruction is
not disturbed. Otherwise, the Relocation offset is added to the reference address of this
instruction. For example, assume the instruction is 78H (MOV A,B). It will be left undisturbed.
Suppose the instruction is C2,43,88 (JNZ 8843H) i.e. a memory reference instruction. Suppose
the Low Limit is 8840H and High-Limit is 8849H. Then 8843 is within this range. Now assume
All three byte instructions are of memory reference type, but for the following 4 instructions;
LXI B, Value; LXI D, Value; LXI H, Value; LXI SP, Value.
In summary the steps involved in using the RELCT routine are as follows:
Step 1: Use the Block Move command to move the program code from the original area to the
desired area.
Step 2: Set up the parameters required for the RELCT routine as explained above.
Step 3: Find 4 bytes of free RAM area and enter the following program.
Step 5: If required, alter addresses which are not memory references, if any.
Example 9:
Consider the following simple subroutine which implements a delay. (Assume the program is
assembled from 8840H).
Note that the locations 8856, 8857 and 8858 contain the values C2,43,88. Thus the target
address of this "JNZ" instruction is incorrect. It should be 8853 and not 8843. Hence this value
must be adjusted suitably. In a larger program, there might be several such memory references
which have to be adjusted. This can be done conveniently by using the routine
We have to now set up the parameters for the RELCT routine as shown below.
Relocation offset:
As we want to move the program from 8840H to 8850H, the offset is 8850 - 8840 = 0010H.
As the original program contains reference to addresses in the range 8840-8849H, we have to
specify this range for our relocation, so :
Low-Limit = 8840H
High-Limit = 8849H
Enter these parameters into the appropriate memory locations using the EXAM MEM
Now we must `CALL' the RELCT routine. For this purpose, we have to write small program.
Find 4 bytes of unused RAM area (say 8C00- 8C03H) and enter the following program and
execute it using the GO command.
Note that RELCT routine will adjust only memory references. This may necessiate further
adjustments as shown in the following example.
Example 10:
Consider the following program which outputs 4 characters stored in a table to the
keyboard/display controller 8279.
Assume you want to relocate the program to start from 8820H and you want to move the
program as well as the table of 4 bytes which starts at 880E H.
Now if you use BLKMOVE command, then write the program fragment to relocate as in
Example 9, you will have all memory references properly adjusted. But the first instruction will
still be 21 0E 88. In otherwords, though the table has been moved from 880EH to 882EH, the
value loaded into H,L register pair will remain unaltered. This is because of the fact that, as
already noted, RELCT routine adjusts only memory reference address and the instruction LXI H,
value does not involve memory reference. Hence you have to adjust such values after relocation.
Summarizing the example, if constant data is being moved, reference to such data items must be
adjusted by the user.
Set MPS 85-3 trainer in serial mode operation at baud rate 9600 (default) by keeping the
switch 4 of 8-way DIP switch ON-Position.
Connect one end of RS-232C cable to trainer and the other end to a host PC (terminal) for
serial communication. Execute the WIN853 software or any terminal emulation software.
Switch-ON Power supply to trainer then the sign on message MPS-85 SERIAL MONITOR
Vx.y will be displayed on the WIN853 Command window.
Execute the program from 2000H using GO command then the following menu will be
displayed on the WIN853 Command window.
E = Editor
D= Disassembler
A= Assembler
X= Exit
E/D/A/X ?
The detailed explanation of each module is given under the corresponding sub-heading.
This is a text editor with full text editing facility that includes Insert, Delete, List, Replace, and
Exit commands. It also supports loading programs from an audio cassette tape and saving an
edited text onto the tape. The editor requires the length of the line to be a maximum of 72
characters and the lines are terminated by end of line marker 0DH. The end of file marker is a
While loading from a tape, if the EOL EDF marker combination is not present at the end of the
file, then the file cannot be opened.
D = Delete
I = Insert
L = List
R = Replace
X = Exit
If user wants to load a text file from the audio cassette then respond to the LOAD prompt with
the name of the file followed by a <CR> (the audio cassette interface player is installed prior to
this). Now depress the PLAY key on the cassette player. After loading the text the file
parameters and the Editor prompt will be displayed.
Buffer End =
Now the user can specify a value greater than the present file end address for future expansion
while editing. But a response of <CR> only will not allow the user to expand the file while
allowing other editing features.
In case you do not want to load from the audio cassette then it can be skipped by a <CR>.
Now type in the Starting address of the buffer, the system will respond with
Ending Address =
Now type in the Ending address of the buffer. Then the system will enter the editor mode with
the editor prompt > displayed on the next line.
NOTE : The default value for the buffer start and end is enclosed in the brackets and can be
chosen by skipping both the prompts.
> is the Editor command prompt. The individual commands with the proper syntax are
explained as follows.
Insert Syntax : I or I# or I in
I Command allows you to insert at the beginning of the file. If the file is opened for the first
time the following message is displayed.
I in command inserts just before the line specified by the line number parameter in
NOTE : a) The line number gets increment by one every time a <CR> is executed.
b) CTRL-A aborts the current line and terminates Insert mode and reenter back to
the Editor command.
The display scrolling can be halted at any point by CTRL-S and restarted by any other key. The
listing can be aborted at any time by CTRL-C.
D 1n command deletes the line specified by the line number parameter 1n D1n1, 1n2
command deletes all the lines starting from line, 1n1. to line, 1n2
a) If the 1n2 parameter is greater than the total number of lines, then 1n2 takes the value of
the last line number.
b) At the end of deletion, the following message is displayed.
Replace Syntax : R 1n
This command lets the user replace the contents of an existing line specified by the parameter
1n, with the new contents. At the execution of the command the following format is
Now the new content can be typed and executed with a <CR>
NOTE : The old content can be retained at any stage if <CR> is executed without typing any
Exit Syntax : X
The Editor first display the current file name maintained in the buffer.
Responding with Y will save the buffer content in the cassette tape. (Audio tape interface
must be connected externally to the trainer and Recording keys to be depressed before selecting
this option). Typing N will take you out of the Editor to the main menu.
Bad Command
This occurs when the command is not recognised. This may also occur when user tries to
operate on lines that do not exist or give a list command when the buffer is empty.
Tape Error
This occurs when the file on the audio tape has got corrupted.
Starting Address =
Type in the starting address for the assembled code that has to be disassembled. Now user will
be prompted with
After user typed in the ending address it will prompt you for the Label starting address as
And this will be followed by the prompt for the ending address
1. If the ending address <starting address it will prompt you all over again.
After the correct data for the above are given, system starts execution and display the following
Starting Pass 1
Starting pass 2
The display can be halted at any point by CTRL-S and restarted by typing any other key.
End of Disassembly
If the user types A from the main menu the assembler signs-on as :
This is a two pass assembler which supports a powerful set of assembler directives, that enhances
the use of the MPS 85-3 microprocessor trainer towards a complete and thorough understanding
of the 8085 microprocessor and its programming concepts. The assembler also supports a
sufficient range of expressions.
The assembler prompts for the start and the end of the source-text buffer and also that for the
symbol table as :
Starting Address =
Ending Address =
Starting Address =
Ending Address =
After the initialization process, the assembler also checks if the source file is a proper text file or
not, i.e, occurrence of the end of the file marker 1AH followed by end of line marker 0DH. The
processing is completed at the first occurrence of such a combination.
The symbol table is created and most of the errors are checked for and detected during the Pass-
1, the start of which indicated by the following message.
Starting Pass 1
Starting Pass 2
Which indicates the termination of the Pass-1 and the start of the Pass-2. Any error that was
found in a line during the Pass-1 is noted and the error code stored. This enables the assembler
to skip those lines for further processing.
During the Pass-2, the ultimate codes are generated and loaded at the specified location as per
the ORG directive or the RORG directive. The value of the location counter, the codes, the line
number and source line is displayed along with the error code for that line if any. The format of
the displayed lines is as shown below.
The code field CCCCCC is blank if there is an error in the line, and the location counter is not
affected by its presence.
The assembler allows expressions with a maximum of two terms separated by the following
symbols that allow arithmetic operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
+ - * /
The terms separated by the arithmetic operators can either be a label or a number. The number
must be followed by the number system identifier (except in the case of a decimal number where
the absence of an identifier also signifies decimal number). The identifier allowed are the
B Binary number
O Octal number
D Decimal number
H Hexadecimal number
In the case of binary numbers, the last 16 binary digits are evaluated. For decimal and the
hexadecimal numbers, the last 4 digits are considered, whereas in the case of octal numbers the
last 5 digits are taken into account.
LABEL1* 110101110001101101B
1234H 123D
1000 * LABEL 1
a) Label Field
The length of the label has been restricted to 6 (six) to save the limited address space for the
symbol table. The characters allowed in the label are :
In addition to this ? And @ symbols are allowed as the first character only
b) Mnemonic Field
The mnemonic or the pseudo-opcodes can be placed immediately after the colon ( : ) or after the
label if a label is present or it can be placed anywhere.
c) Operand Field
The operand can also be placed anywhere and there can be tabs and spaces between the different
segments of the operand.
d) Comment Field
The field is distinguished from the others by a semicolon (;) preceding it. Any character after the
first occurrence of the semi-colon, including the semi-colon is not processed and is considered as
a part of the comment.
This directive defines the location counter, with respect to which the lines following this
statement are to be assembled.
With the absence of this, the location counter takes the starting default value of 0000H
This defines the loading pointer, with respect to which the object codes will be loaded.
The loading pointer takes the value of the location counter if no RORG statement is present.
Multiple RORG statements are not allowed.
c) DS Define Storage
With this directive, the assembler allocates free spaces in the memory, the number of bytes
allotted is evaluated from the expression.
The location counter and the loading pointer are incremented by the value of the expression.
d) DB Define byte
Using this a specific byte or a string of ASCII characters can be loaded into the memory.
The expression should evaluate to a value less than or equal to 0FFH, ie. Of one byte length.
e) DW Define word
This allows loading of two bytes into the memory with the lower byte being loaded first always.
Here the label will be given a value obtained from the expression.
This value is temporary and can be changed temporarily again by another SET statement or set
permanently by a EQU directive.
The label shouldnt have been defined earlier through anything else other than another SET
This differs from the SET directive in the fact, that the label that has been defined by a SET
directive temporarily, can be defined permanently by this statement.
Any label that has been defined earlier by any means except by a SET statement cannot be
defined again by this statement.
Syntax : END
This instructs the assembler to end processing at the end of the two passes.
The assembler inserts an END statement at the end of the file if it is missing.
2. If the file doesnt contain the EOL-EOF marker sequence (0DH followed by 1AH), then
it displays
at the end of Pass-1 and carries on to the Pass-2. This is not a fatal error.
4. If the symbol table space is not sufficient and the label space gets exhausted, then the
Label Table Exhausted! is displayed and the assembly is aborted with only the partially
completed error listing displayed.
a) E Expression Error :
This error occurs when the expression cannot be evaluated due to reasons like :
The digit doesnt confirm as the correct digit for the number system implied.
Number system other than Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal is implied.
Incorrect mathematical operator i.e. other than addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*)
or division (/)
Undefined label
Number of segments in the expression is more than two.
Missing mathematical operator
Only one segment in the expression through a mathematical operator is present
This is an error that occurs when the syntax of the source line is improper due to reasons like :