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Chapter 4 - MCE

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INTRODUCTION history. This will give you a more complete picture of

the condition of the motor.
The MCE tester measures natural characteristics of a
deenergized motor and its circuit to determine its MCE test results give you a comprehensive picture of
condition. These characteristics are resistance-to- the electrical condition of the motor. MCE results can be
ground, capacitance-to-ground, winding resistance, and utilized, along with results obtained fr om other
winding inductance. technologies, to get a complete picture of the health of
the motor. Some examples of other technologies include
The tests that can be run on a motor vary, depending on vibration, surge testing, oil analysis, and infrared
the m otor type. For AC motors (Inductance, thermography.
Synchronous, and Wound Rotor), the tests that can be
run are Rotor Influence Check (RIC), AC Standard Test, Some of the MCE tests give you enough information to
Polarization Index (PI), and Dielectric Absorption call a motor good or bad, based on results from one test.
(DA); for DC motors there are the DC Standard Test, PI, Other MCE tests give you data which is best used for
DA, and Commutator Bar-to-Bar. trending and comparison.

MCE testing can identify faults in the power circuit, Trending means comparing sequential test results for the
insulation, stator, rotor, and the air gap between the rotor same motor over time. This tracks what the particular
and stator. motor is doing, how it is holding up, when it may need
to be cleaned, when it needs more detailed maintenance,
or when a fault develops.
The frequency and type of motor testing you perform is Test frequency depends on the motors criticality and
based on your experience with the tester, the condition the condition of the motor when it is first tested. As the
of each individual motor, and the criticality/application motor ages, you may decide to test it more frequently to
of each motor. Since it may be impossible to test each better track its condition.
and every motor in your facility, ask yourself the
following questions when deciding which motors to test. When you first start testing with the MCE, the initial test
is automatically designated as the baseline test. After
Is the motor easily replaceable and if so, is it readily maintenance is performed on a motor and it is returned
available? to optimal condition, measure subsequent tests against
that condition by designating the first test after the
Would buying a new motor cost less than repairing maintenance as the new baseline.
the old motor?
Comparison means comparing individual test results on
Is the motor redundant or non-critical? one motor with test results from an identical motor
operating in a similar environment. By identical motor
If you answered yes to all three of these questions, you w e m e a n t h e s am e m a n u f a c t u r er, v o l t a g e a n d
may not want to consider this motor for your monitoring horsepower rating, cable length for MCC, etc. For
program. example, if there are four like motors operating side by
s i d e p e r f o r mi n g t h e s a m e t as k , a l l r u n n i n g at
I f y ou ar e un f am il ia r w i th a m ot o r, re v ie w i ts approximately the same load, each running about the
maintenance history of test results, problems, and same about of time, the test data should be very close for
repairs before testing it. Talk with the operators who run all of them. If all four motors are tested, and three are
it and anyone who may have information about its repair basically the same, and the fourth is very different from

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the other three, look for potential problems with the 6. Select the test to be performed from the Test List.
fourth motor, which is different. The available selections is driven by the type of
motor and the section selected for testing. The
MCE testing is performed on a deenergized motor. Notes section will provide instructions that are
However, there may be energized circuitry in the same relevant for the test selected.
cabinet in which you connect the tester.
7. Select the Motor Test Location by clicking Change
FOLLOW ALL ELECTRICAL SAFETY to Open the Test Locations window.
WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF ENERGIZED 8. Select the Resistance to Ground by entering in the
E Q U I P M E N T. R E A D T H E E L E C T R I C A L Mohms if they are different from the default of 500.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN CH APTER ONE Check the Low Limit check box if you want the
BEFORE PREFORMING ANY TESTS. unit to shut down automatically upon measuring a
specified low resistance to ground value.
For AC motors, test lead colors of black, blue, and red
connect to phases 1, 2, and 3 (left to right, top to 9. Select the Voltage from the drop-down list box. The
bottom); green connects to ground. For DC motors, test choices are: 250, 500, 1000, 2500, and 5000.
lead colors of black and blue connect to F1/A1 and F2/
A2; the red lead is not used; green connects to ground. 10. Set the Temperature if different from the default
The DC Bar-to-Bar pistol grip or pencil probe test leads value of 40.
connect to commutator bars.
11. Select the charge time from the drop-down list box.
Some motor circuits may have surge capacitors and/or The choices are in 15 second increments, beginning
power factor correction capacitors installed. This is at 15 and ending at 180 seconds.
important since these components affect the values of
the collected data, and increase the time and number of 12. The Test Frequency default is driven by the type of
steps involved in troubleshooting. Testing can be motor selected for testing. Select the appropriate
performed with the power or surge capacitors installed. value from the Test Frequency drop-down list box.
Surge capacitors must be removed for the accurate
measurement of the motors insulation resistance to 13. Click Save to save the MCE Test Setup values
ground. If a motor appears faulty with the power factor selected for this particular motor.
capacitors installed, disconnect them and perform the
testing again to isolate the fault. 14. Click OK to go to the test window.

QUICK START 15. Make necessary selections and click Test.


2. Highlight motor on the Plant Layout to be tested. Before opening the MCE Test Selection window,
highlight a motor on the WinVis Plant Layout. Clicking
3. Select Setup, Motor, Test; or select the Test icon; or Test opens the Test Selection Window.
right click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or
double click on the motor to go to the Test Selection The MCE Test Selection Window is the main window
window. for MCE motor testing. In this section of the chapter, the
WinVis aspects of the MCE motor testing are discussed.
4. The Test Selection window opens. The default is set Later in the chapter, the procedures to connect the MCE
to MCE testing. The available options in the Motor to test a motor, the test, interpretation of the tests results,
Section will depend upon the type of motor being and consequences of NOT performing the required
tested. The Motor Information is automatically maintenance, based on those test results are discussed. If
filled in by WinVis from the nameplate data. you are using a PC or laptop with the security key
installed, the Test option is not available.
5. Select the Motor Section to be tested by clicking on
the option button in front of the section desired. There are six sections to the MCE Test Selection
window shown in Figure 4-1.

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For DC Motors, options are Armature and Field


EMAX Testing will be active if your tester has

E MAX capabilities. E MAX testing is covered in
Chapter Five, Current Analysis, and Chapter Six,
Power Analysis.

Test List box, located below the Motor Location box, in

the middle, lists the different tests based on the motor
type and motor section chosen which may be performed.
W hen a test is selected, the n ame o f the test is
highlighted blue. The possibilities for MCE testing are:

Standard (AC Motor)

Standard (DC Motor)

Polarization Index

Dielectric Absorption

Rotor Influence Check

Figure 4-1: Test Selection
Resistor Bank (3 Phase)
There are two buttons at the bottom of the MCE Test
Selection window. OK opens the Test window and Exit Commutator Bar-to-Bar
returns to the Plant Layout.
Motor Information box is located on the right side,
Motor Location box is the first section of the MCE Test below the Motor Location box. This box gives some
Selection window. This box displays the Plant Layout basic information about the motor being tested. The
folder where the motor being tested is located. information comes from the nameplate data that was
entered when the motor was setup and cannot be edited
Motor Section box is located below the Motor Location on this window. The Motor Information box gives the
box on the far left. This box lists the different sections of Motor ID (motor name in the Plant Layout), Motor
the motor that can be tested. Possible sections are Type, Voltage, Horsepower, and Manufacturer.
Armature Circuit, Field Circuit, Resistor Bank, Rotor,
Stator, and EMAX Testing. Each motor does not have all MCE Test Setup is located below the Motor Section
of these sections and E MAX testing is only available to box and has five (six for DC motors) choices.
E MAX testers. The sections which are not available
based on motor type in the Motor Information box are Motor Test Location, the default is Not Assigned.
dimmed. You may select and test motor sections which To assign a test location, click Change and make a
are not dimmed. selection from the graphic.

For AC Induction motors, the only option is Stator. Resistance to Ground provides the option to check
Low Limit Shut Off and select a voltage of 500 or
For AC Synchronous motors, options are Field 1000 volts, based on the motors voltage. EASA
Circuit and Stator. (Electrical Apparatus Service Association), in their
booklet How to Get the Most From Your Electric
For Wound Rotor Motors, options are Stator, Rotor, Motors, suggests 500 volts for motors rated <2400
and Resistor Bank. volts and 1000 volts for motors rated at >2400

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Select the voltage from the drop-down list. The standard instruction in the Notes box is Check that
circuit is deenergized with voltmeter and then connect
Enter the actual motor temperature. The default test leads. You may enter additional information
value is 40 C. specific to the motor you have selected. WinVis saves
this information when you click OK or Exit.
Select a charge time from the drop-down list. The
default value is 30 seconds. Options are 15 second Test Window Descriptions
increments between 15 and 180 seconds.
Once the motor section and setup parameters are
selected, you are ready to run the test. This section
Test Frequency has a drop-down box giving a
explains how WinVis operates the tests.
choice of 300 or 1200 Hz depending on the section
being tested.
Standard (AC Motor)
For DC motors you can enter a commutator span Select Standard (AC Motor) in the Test List box to open
value between 1 and 500. the Standard (AC Motor)- MCE\(xyz...) window,
where (xyz) is the Plant Layout path for the motor
The Save button at the bottom of the Test Setup box selected. There are seven sections on this window. See
saves the settings as default values for subsequent tests. Figure 4-2.

Notes gives basic test instructions. At the end of this

chapter, there are detailed test procedures for each test
that can be run with the MCE.

Figure 4-2: Standard AC Test

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The motor name is shown in the Motor ID box, just Ambient temperature is displayed
below the title bar. Below the Motor ID box is the Motor
Circuit Evaluation section. During the test this section Continuity check of the four test leads
displays progress statements and the section header
displays the section being tested. Resistance-to-ground test

Under the text box are two status bars. One bar is not Capacitance-to-ground test
always visible. As the test progresses, the bottom status
bar changes to indicate percent completion of the entire Resistance to phase-to phase test
Standard test. The top status bar indicates percent
completion of specific portions of the Standard test. Inductance phase-to-phase test

On the right side of the window is a test results table. Follow up continuity check of the four test
The table has Point Name, Data, and Units columns. All leads
test points are initially white. As the test progresses,
satisfactory test results remain white. For test results The entire standard test takes approximately 3 1/2
which exceed the Caution setpoint, the Point Name, minutes. During the test, the Test button changes to
Value, and Units turn yellow. For test results which Stop Test, which allows you to interrupt the test before
exceed the Alarm setpoint, the Point Name, Data, and it is complete.
Units turn red.
When the test is complete, a small message box displays
Two buttons at the bottom of the right side allow you to End of test. Click OK to close the message box.
Test or Exit to the Test Selection window.
You may use the scroll bar on the right side of the text
To start the standard test, click Test. The status bars box to view the messages that were displayed during the
indicate changing percentages and the text box displays test.
progress statements. The following are the checks and
test that are performed: Figure 4-3 shows the Standard (AC Motor) window
after the Standard test has been competed.

Figure 4-3: Completed Test

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To the left of each test point is a box. To retest that a re no i nd uc tiv e o r resis ti ve i mbalance va lu es
portion, double click on the box. This is referred to as calculated.
testing in the manual mode.
Polarization Index
When testing is complete, click Exit.
Select Polarization Index in the Test List box to open the
For the field circuit of an AC Synchronous motor, the Polarization Index - MCE\(xyz), where (xyz) is the
test that is run is the AC Standard test, with a couple of Plant Layout path for the motor selected. There are five
portions omitted. Since there are only two leads going to boxes at the top of the window shown in Figure 4-4.
the field circuit, the portions of the test that check
Inductive and Resistive Imbalance are omitted and there

Figure 4-4: Polarization Index Test

In the first row, the motor name is shown in the Motor The Polarization Index test takes 10 minutes. Because
ID box and the test voltage is shown in the Test Voltage this test takes so long, check the charge on the MCE
box. In the second row, there are boxes for the Dielectric battery prior to starting the test.
Absorption, Polarization Index, and Elapsed Time.
There are two parts to the middle section of the window.
Dielectric Absorption indicates N/A until it is On the left is a table with Time and Megohm columns.
calculated and entered. This is done after one minute. Resistance to ground measurements are taken and
The Polarization Index box indicates N/A until the logged in the table at five second intervals. A scroll bar
test is complete. If the Dielectric Absorption or allows viewing all values. To the right is a graph of
Po lar ization Ind ex values ex ceed their Caution these values relating resistance to ground in Megohms
setpoints, but are less than the Alarm setpoints, the box to time in Seconds. Every five seconds a point is plotted.
turns yellow. If they exceed the Alarm setpoints, the box This graph is called the Polarization Index Profile.
turns red. If either DA or PI exceeds 3500 Megaohms,
the box indicates N/A. The Elapsed Time box changes The status bar, at the bottom of the window, displays a
in five second increments during the test. horizontal bar indicating the percentage of the test

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After testing starts there is a black text box to the left of MCE tester discharges the circuit. When it is fully
the status bar with yellow text that indicates the status of discharged, another message window opens with the
the test. statement End of Test. Click OK.

To the right of the status bar are the Test and Exit Figure 4-5 shows the Polarization Index window after
buttons. Exit returns you to the Test Selection window. the PI test has been completed. The status bar indicates
Click Test to start the Polarization Index test. Once the 100% complete and the text box to its left is gone. The
test starts the Test button turns to Stop, which allows Polarization Index ratio is placed in the Polarization
you to interrupt the test before it is complete. Index box at the top of the window, the graph is
complete, and the Elapsed Time box indicates 10:00.
When the test is complete, a message window opens
with the statement Discharging the System. The Click Exit.
voltage level in the message window decreases as the

Figure 4-5: Completed Polarization Index Test

Dielectric Absorption at the end of the test is identical to the Polarization

Index test described above.
The Dielectric Absorption test is very similar to the
Polarization Index test. It takes one minute and it is
performed the same way. There are two differences in
Rotor Influence Check
the Dielectric Absorption - MCE \(...) window: there is Select Rotor Influence Check in the Test List box to
not a value box for Polarization Index and there is no open the Rotor Influence Check - MCE/(xyz) window,
scroll bar in the Time/Megohm table. The rest of the where xyz is the Plant Layout path for the motor
window, how it changes during the test, and what to do selected. There are four sections to the window shown
in Figure 4-6.

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Figure 4-6: RIC Test

The motor name is shown in the Motor ID box, just inductive imbalance (% Imbal). A vertical scroll bar
below the title bar. Also in this row are the Total enables viewing of all the test data.
Degrees, Standard Deviation, and Average. Default
values are selected by WinVis based on the nameplate The lower section on the left has three parts. At the top
speed of the motor being tested. Values in Figure 4-6 are is a black text box. Red text gives you instructions to
30.6 for Total Degrees and 1.7 for Increment in Degrees. follow during the test. Yellow text keeps you informed
Increment Degrees may be edited using the Increment of what is going on as the test progresses. The winding
button discussed below. resistance for each phase is placed in the Resistance
boxes at the beginning of the test.
Standard Deviation, Deviation Factor, and Average are
computed and displayed at the end of each increment Three buttons allow you to Exit to the Test Selection
test. window, start the Test, or change the Increment value
(Increment). The increment value is the number of
The remainder of the window is split in half. On the left, degrees you rotate the rotor while performing the test.
the upper section has the test results table. During the Clicking Increment opens the Increment window.
test, you are prompted to manually rotate the rotor and Select the increment from the drop-down list. Available
take measurements at the specified increments. At each increments are 0.5 to 90.0 degrees in 0.5 degree
increment, MCE measures phase-to-phase inductance increments. Click OK. Once the Rotor Influence Check
(Ind. 1-2, Ind.1-3, and Ind. 2-3) and calculates an starts, you cannot change the increment value.

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There are two graphs on the right side of the window. If you do not notice the change in these readings, you
The top graph is of the inductive imbalance. This value are allowed to continue with the RIC until the next
is calculated and entered in the data table after each set continuity check. At that time, the text box says Lead x
of measurements during the RIC. This graph is shown in Failed Restart the Test. Check the position and
black. The bottom graph shows each of the three phase- connection of lead x. Then, restart the rotor positions
to-phase inductance values measured by the MCE. where the readings are erroneous by placing the cursor
Phase 1-2 inductance is shown in red, phase 1-3 in the first line of data where the bad readings start.
inductance is shown in blue, and phase 2-3 inductance is Reposition the rotor to the proper increments and click
shown in green. Both of these graphs are updated as the Test to restart the test.
values are measured and calculated.
When the test is complete, the Rotor Influence Check
Click Test to start the Rotor Influence Check. The text window shown in Figure 4-8 opens.
in the black box changes to inform you of the status of
the test. Continuity of each lead is checked to verify
proper connection. If any lead does not pass the
continuity check, the message in the text box says Lead
X Failed-Restart the Test. Check the position and
connection of the affected lead (x is a number 1-4,
representing the failed lead) and click Test to restart the

The resistance of the winding of each phase is measured

and placed in the Resistance box below the black text
box, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-8: Rotor Influence Check

If there are any anomalies in the graph, continue testing

through another pole face of the motor. Clicking No
returns to the Rotor Influence window. Clicking Yes
allows continuing with the RIC. Testing can be
performed through another pole face or through a full
rotation of the motor.

When the extended test is complete the Rotor Influence

Check window shown in Figure 4-9 opens. Click OK.
Figure 4-7: Resistance

Then, inductance for each phase-to-phase combination

is measured and an imbalance calculated. When each
portion of the test is complete, the text box says
Position rotor for Next Test. Move the rotor and click
Test to continue. After the second reading, the two
graphs are updated. As more readings are plotted, the
scales on the graphs change to show the entire range.
Continue rotating the rotor and clicking Test until all
values are taken.

Periodically throughout the test, continuity of the test Figure 4-9: End of RIC Test
leads is checked to verify proper connection. If any lead
is moved and the connection becomes unsatisfactory, Figure 4-10 shows the Rotor Influence Check window
the inductance readings for the two affected phases may after the RIC has been completed.
change significantly.
When the RIC is finished, click Exit.

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Figure 4-10: Completed RIC Test

DC Standard Figure 4-11, where (...) lists the Plant Layout path for
the motor you are testing.
Select DC Standard in the Test List box to open the
Standard (DC Motor)- MCE\(...) window shown in

Figure 4-11: DC Standard Test

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The motor name is shown in the Motor ID box, just Ambient temperature is displayed
below the title bar. Below the Motor ID box is the Motor
Circuit Evaluation section. During the test this section Continuity check of the three test leads
displays progress statements and the section header
displays the section being tested. Below that is a blank Resistance-to-ground test
text box. During the testing process, progress statements
are displayed here. Capacitance-to-ground test

Under the text box are two status bars. As the test Resistance to lead-to-lead test
progresses, the bottom status bar changes to indicate
percent completion of the entire standard test. The top Inductance lead-to-lead test
status bar, which is not always visible, indicates percent
completion of specific portions of the standard test. Follow up continuity check of the three test
On the right side of the window is the test results table.
The table has Point Name, Data, and Units columns. All The entire standard test takes approximately 1 1/2
test points are initially white. As the test progresses, minutes. During the test, the Test button changes to
satisfactory test results remain white. For test results Stop Test, which allows you to interrupt the test before
which exceed the Caution setpoint, the Point Name, it is complete.
Value, and Units turn yellow. For test results which
exceed the Alarm setpoint, the Point Name, Data, and When the test is complete, a small message box displays
Units turn red. End of test. Click OK to close the message box.

Two buttons at the bottom of the right side allow you to You may use the scroll bar on the right side of the text
Test or Exit to the Test Selection window. box to view the messages that were displayed during the
To start the standard test, click Test. The status bars
indicate changing percentages and the text box displays Figure 4-12 shows the Standard (DC Motor) window
progress statements. The following are the checks and after the Standard test has been completed.
tests that are performed:

Figure 4-12: Standard (DC Motor)

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To the left of each test point is a box. To perform that commutator. The pitch is the number of bars as counted
portion of the test again, double click on the box. This is from one coil end to the other.
referred to as testing in the manual mode.
Enter this number in the Commutator Span box located
When testing is complete, click Exit. in the Test Setup box in the Test Selection window.
Click Save below the Commutator Span box to store
Commutator Bar-to-Bar this number in WinVis for future tests.

Refer to the motor manual, motor repair facility, or Select Commutator Bar-to-Bar in the Test List box. The
motor manufacturer to determine the commutator span. DC Bar-to-Bar - MCE/(...) window is shown in Figure
The span refers to the co mmutator pitch, which 4-13. The top section has three boxes. The motor name
designates the connections of the coil ends to the is shown in the Motor ID box, just below the title bar. To
the right of the Motor ID box is the Span box.

Figure 4-13: DC Bar-to-Bar

On the left, below the Motor ID, is the test data table. commutator. Proper connection of the test leads is
The test sequentially measures the resistance of each indicated by a green Ready message in the black
portion of the armature winding. This is repeated for status box and by a green light on the DC Bar-to-Bar
each segment until the entire armature is tested. The Test C ab le b ox . Af t er t he sh or t d el ay, th e t est
entire w inding may be tested or the test may be automatically starts.
interrupted at any time by clicking Exit.
During each test, screen messages show the status of the
Identify commutator bar number one so that you know test: Testing and Lead Check in yellow, Test
when you have tested the entire armature. To start the Complete in green. Also, a red light on the DC Bar-to-
bar-to-bar test, place the probes onto the commutator Bar Test Cable box illuminates while the test is in
bars as indicated in the Bar Num column. These bar progress.
numbers are determined by the span.
If any lead is moved and the connection becomes
The bar-to-bar test leads have a built-in one second unsatisfactory, the status box changes to Not Ready in
delay after the leads have been properly placed onto the red and a message window displays the statement Lead

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Check Failed! Retest the Current Bar. Click OK to presence of many current leakage paths to ground and
close this window. Reestablish the connection and retest the accumulation of contaminants.
that segment.
Why is This Important?
After each commutator segment is tested, WinVis places A low RTG value indicates that the insulation needs to
the resistance value in the Resistance - ohms column be cleaned. If the condition causing the low RTG is not
and advances to the next row for the next segment. Place corrected and the RTG value continues to drop, the
the bar-to-bar test leads on the bars indicated and insulation could completely fail and the motor windings
continue the test. could be damaged. This could require a complete
rewind of the stator. If the condition causing the low
When testing is complete, click Exit. RTG is corrected, a less expensive motor cleaning or a
clean, dip, and bake may suffice.
Setting Warning Levels
INFORMATION Minimum Value. IEEE (the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) has established a
Standard Test standard for the minimum value of insulation resistance
The standard test is similar for both AC and DC motors. which can be applied to m ost AC windings, DC
In an AC motor, the following are either measured or armature windings, and AC and DC field windings. The
calculated during a standard test: standard is IEEE Std 43-2001. The equation is shown
Resistance phase-to-phase
Rm = kV + 1
Inductance phase-to-phase
Resistive imbalance (calculated)
Inductive imbalance (calculated) In the formula:
Power loss
Rm is the recommended minimum insulation
In a DC motor, the following are either measured or resistance-to-ground, in megohms, at 40C (104 F)
calculated during the standard test: at the motor windings

Resistance-to-ground kV is the rated terminal-to-terminal potential, in

Capacitance-to-ground RMS kilovolts
Armature and/or field resistance
Armature and/or field inductance Examples
A 480 volt motor has a minimum RTG value of
Resistance-to-Ground 1.48 megohms (480 volts = .480 kilovolts; .48 + 1 =
What Does it Tell You? 1.48 megohms)
The resistance-to-ground (RTG) measurement indicates
the cleanliness and health of the insulation system. As A 4160 volt motor has a minimum RTG value of
the insulation ages, cracks and small holes develop. It 5.160 megohms (4160 volts = 4.160 kilovolts;
also becomes brittle over time, as the wiring expands 4.160 + 1 = 5.160 megohms)
due to heating and contracts when it cools off. Aging
and tem perature variations also break down the WinVis computes the minimum acceptable RTG value
molecular structure of the insulation. using this equation. This value is corrected to 40 C.
WinVis provides both the temperature corrected RTG
These factors allow contaminants and moisture, which reading along with the actual measured RTG value. To
collect on the surface of the insulation, to penetrate to make comparisons and trending valid, always enter
the conductor. Since current follows the path of least actual motor winding temperature and trend the
resistance, some of the motor current is diverted from corrected measurement.
the motor circuit to these alternate paths, and ultimately
to ground. As the RTG value decreases over time,
capacitance-to-ground often increases, indicating the

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Stator of AC Induction, Synchronous, and Interpreting Readings

Wound Rotor Motors; Field and Armature There are two factors, which require user input, which
of DC Motors affect the value of RTG measurements. They are
If the corrected RTG is between R m and 2 times R m , temperature and charge time. In order to compare
temperature-corrected RTG readings for similar motors
then the value is set at caution. The reading appears in
operating under similar conditions, these factors MUST
yellow on the tester display or underlined on a printed
be taken into account.
copy of the History Chart. If the reading is less than Rm,
the value is set at alarm. The reading appears in red on
the tester display or bolded on a printed copy.
The Test Selection window uses the IEEE standard
reference value of 40C as the default value for the
Wound Rotors, Resistor Banks
w inding temperature. This can be changed. The
Voltages in wound rotors and their three-phase resistor corrected RTG reading shown at the end of the test and
banks are typically too low to use the minimum in the History Chart is the value that would be expected
resistance equation to figure minimum values. The at 40C regardless of the actual temperature of the
warning levels should be set based on your experience. motor winding insulation when the test was performed.
Establish a baseline test for new motors and motors In other words, if the reading is always corrected to the
tested for the first time, and watch the trends. Compare same temperature, then temperature is removed as an
values on similar motors operating under similar influencing factor. This allows you to use the corrected
conditions. RTG value from test to test as a valuable trending tool.

Exceptions Temperature correction is necessary since the resistance

Some motors may show insulation resistance readings of an insulation material decreases significantly as its
which are lower than the IEEE recommended minimum temperature increases. The materials which make up
value and still have good insulation. These include: insulation have a negative temperature coefficient
(inv ersely proportional). In other wor ds, as the
Windings with an extremely large surface area temperature increases their ability to stop current flow
decreases. This means it is necessary to know the
Large or slow-speed motors temp erature of the motor when determining the
condition of the insulation system.
Motors with commutators
Therefore, as the temperature of the motor increases, the
A DC armature with a low RTG value typically has measured insulation resistance decreases. To compare
multiple paths for leakage current, not just one. Because the reading you got today with a reading you got last
of this, finding the exact location of ground faults is month, it is important that you compare like results. The
almost impossible and repair is very difficult. This way to do this is to calculate the corrected resistance to a
problem is much more complex than in AC motors. given temperature. MCE resistance values are corrected
Therefore, lower minimum acceptable RTG values are to a standard temperature of 40C. This temperature is
generally tolerated. In these cases, the IEEE standard of selected because the normal operating temperature for a
Rm = kV + 1 is typically relaxed to Rm = kV. motor is typically approximately 40C (104F). When
comparing the results of different tests note the
Out-of-service motors, without installed heaters temperature input for possible variations.
operating, may absorb enough moisture to lower
insulation resistance to less than the recommended Table 4-1 shows the report results for the same
limits. insulation with resistance to ground measurements
taken at a variety of temperatures and compensated to
different temperatures.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-14


Table 4-1: Temperature Compensation

Temperature Actual Resistance 25 C Compensated 40 C Compensated

20 C 20 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
25 C 14 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
30 C 10 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
35 C 7 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
40 C 5 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
45 C 3.5 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm
50 C 2.5 Megaohm 14 Megaohm 5 Megaohm

It can be seen from the chart that if temperature made at the MCC, perform another test at the motor
compensation is not performed, the reported (actual) connection box. Disconnect the motor leads and test the
resistance to ground changes with temperature. When motor. If the RTG value is higher testing the motor, the
temperature compensation is performed, the reported fault is in the cables between the MCC and the motor.
resistance does not change when the test temperature Check the connections in the motor connection box,
changes. In order to compare results, all measurements look for moisture in the conduit, and examine the
MUST be compensated to the same temperature. cables. The cables may require cleaning, drying, or
Test Voltage and Charge Time
The ground wall insulation in a motor has a conductor If the RTG value at the motor connection box is still
on either side. On one side of the insulation is the stator low, the fault is in the motor. If the value is in caution,
windings, the conductors that make up the individual the motor may need to be dried, cleaned in place, or
coils in each pole group for each phase. On the other removed for a clean, dip, and bake. If the value is in
side is the stator core, formed by the stator laminations alarm, the motor may need to be rewound. If the RTG
connected to the frame/casing of the motor. This design value is less than the IEEE minimum, look for a ground
has the fundamental components which make up a fault and clear this condition before starting the motor.
capacitor. When a DC potential is applied, the insulation
charges the way a capacitor does. This is important Examples
because if the resistance to ground reading is recorded A conveyor motor was tested and had <.1 Megohm
as soon as the test potential is applied, it is lower than if RTG. When the technician removed the terminal box
it is recorded after the insulation is charged. cover, he found that one of the taped connections had
arced to ground. The leads were repaired and the motor
A rule of thumb for performing RTG measurements is to was retested. RTG increased to 263 Megohms.
apply the test potential for 1 minute or until the reading
has stabilized. This allows for different technicians to A compressor motor was tested and had <.1 Megohm
obtain values from test to test which can be compared. RTG. When the technician removed the terminal box
However, this is not very accurate. On the MCE, the cover, he saw that the box was half full of water. The
duration of time the voltage is applied to the insulation leads were dried and the motor was retested. RTG
system is selectable. increased to 21.5 Megohms

Test voltage potential can be set at either 500 or 1000 Capacitance-to-Ground

volts, based on motor nameplate voltage. Charge time
can be set between 15 and 180 seconds, at 15 second What Does it Tell You?
intervals. Defaults are set at 500 volts and 30 seconds. The capacitance-to-ground (CTG) measurement is
Again, using the same values every tim e makes indicative of the cleanliness of the windings and cables.
comparison and trending a valuable tool. As dirt and contaminants build up on windings and
cables, CTG values increase. An increasing trend
Data Interpretation showing rising CTG values indicates that the motor
If the RTG value is low, isolate the problem to either the needs to be cleaned.
power circuit or the motor. Assuming the first test was

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-15


Why is This Important? measurement. This is merely a comparison warning. A

A capacitor is formed by any two conducting materials, 100% increase from baseline produces a caution (yellow
called plates, separated from each other by a dielectric on the computer display or underlined on the printed
material. Dielectric material is anything that is unable copy). A 200% increase from baseline produces an
to conduct direct electric current. A cable or motor alarm (red on the computer display or bold on the
winding surr ounded by insulatio n provides o ne printed copy). These values are guidelines. As you
conductor and the dielectric material. The second plate gather data on a single motor or on similar motors
is formed by the stator core and motor casing iron. operating in the same environment, reset the warning
levels to reflect your specific conditions.
Normally, when the outside of the insulation is clean
and dry, it is not a good conductor. When dirt, moisture, Data Interpretation
and other contam inates begin to cover the stator Capacitance to ground is a function of many factors.
windings inside the motor, they cause the outer Therefore, comparison of CTG values is more revealing
insulation surface areas to become conductive. Since of a motors condition than is the analysis of a single
this surface is in contact with the ground, it allows an snapshot CTG value. For example, capacitance to
AC current path to ground. Cables in the power circuit ground is influenced by the design of each individual
are also subjected to the same affect, when moisture motor, the length of the cable between the MCE and
penetrates the outer casing. The cleanliness of the motor, the type of insulation on the cables and motor
windings and cables can be determined by looking at the windings, and the number and type of connectors in the
CTG value. circuit.

With a buildup of material on them, dirty windings and A new or recently refurbished motor may have a very
cables produce higher capacitance values than clean low or zero CTG reading. A normal capacitance value
ones do. Over time, CTG values steadily increasing can vary from motor to motor and is NOT an absolute
indicate an accumulation of dirt and that cleaning is value. CTG must be analyzed by trending readings on
necessary. This can be correlated with decreasing RTG the same motor or by comparing values taken on similar
values. motors, with similar histories, operating under the same
conditions. If CTG increases over time, dirt, moisture,
Dirt and contamination also reduce a motors ability to and/or contaminants are building up on the windings,
dissipate the heat generated by its operation, resulting in cables, or both.
premature aging. A general rule of thumb is that motor
life decreases by 50% for every 10 C (50 F) increase Surge capacitors are used in some circuits and will
in operating temperature above the design temperature affect CTG readings. Whenever possible, CTG tests
of the insulation system. This holds true with the motor should be performed with the capacitors in the circuit as
operating at or above a 75% load. Heat raises the well as disconnected, to indicate the health of the
resistance of conductor materials and breaks down the capacitors. This allows for trending the condition of the
insulation. These factors accelerate the development of capacitors as well as the CTG of the motor.
cracks in the insulation, providing paths for unwanted
current to flow to ground. If capacitance is higher than Examples
normal, a low RTG reading is an indication that such a Capacitors and surge caps were left in the circuit for
path already exists. tests of two chillers used to cool vital computers. Table
4-2 shows how several values were affected. Notice the
Setting Warning Levels difference in the readings when the power factor
Preset warning levels for CTG values in WinVis are capacitors were removed.
based on a percent change from the baseline

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-16


Table 4-2: Effects of Power Correction Capacitors

With Power Factor Capacitors With Power Factor

Installed Capacitors Removed
Chiller #1 Chiller #2 Chiller #1 Chiller #2
Balance o f 1.74% 2.164% 0.050% 2.000%
Balance o f 16.0% 0.520% 2.560% 0.500%
CTG 999,999 pF 999,999 pF 38,750 pF 37,250 pF
RTG 0 Megohms 0 Megohms >2,000 Megohms > 2,000 Megohms

A conveyor motor was tested and had <.1 Megohm RTG Corroded terminals or connections
and 999,999 pF CTG. When the technician removed the
terminal box cover, he found that one of the taped Loose cable terminals or bus bar connections
connections had arced to ground. The leads were
repaired and the motor was retested. RTG increased to Open windings
263 Megohms and CTG decreased to 67,750 pF.
Poor crimps or bad solder joints
A compressor motor was tested and had <.1 Megohm
RTG and 83,000 pF. When the technician removed the Loose, dirty, or corroded fuse clips or manual
terminal box cover, he saw that the box was half full of disconnect switches
water. The leads were dried and the motor was retested.
RTG increased to 21.5 Megohms and CTG decreased to Loose, pitted, worn, or poorly adjusted contacts in
8,000 pF. motor controllers or circuit breakers

Phase-To-Phase Resistance Mismatched components (incompatible materials,

wrong sizes, etc.)
What Does it Tell You?
Phase-to-phase resistance is the measured DC resistance Undersized conductors (misassembled or
between phases of the stator in an AC motor and improperly engineered)
between polarities of the armature and field coils in a
DC motor. Why is This Important?
Circuit resistance is determined by the length, size,
In AC induction motors, use the phase-to-phase width, composition, condition, type and temperature of
resistance values and resistive imbalances for trending, the conductors and connectors. When two different
troubleshooting, and quality control. In DC motors, use conductors are connected, dirt, corrosion, or an
trending and relative comparison to determine the improper connection increases the circuit resistance.
condition of the phases in the motor and power circuits. Also, inadequate connections cause heating of the
This includes comparing readings taken from identical conductor, which increases resistance even more. This
motors operating in similar conditions and comparing could be caused if only a few strands of a conductor or
current readings against past readings for the same portions of a soldered joint are improperly connected to
motor. a terminal or if undersized connectors are used.

An increasing resistive imbalance or a changing In a three-phase motor circuit, the resistance in the
resistance over time can indicate one or more of the conductor paths should be balanced. A resistive
following: imbalance occurs when the phases have unequal
resistances. The formula below shows that a very small
High resistance connections resistive imbalance results in a high voltage imbalance.
This produces uneven current flow and excessive heat.
Coil-to-coil, phase-to-phase, or turn-to-turn current
leakage paths

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-17


Deterioration (accelerated aging) of the

surrounding and supporting insulating materials
--- ( Rmax Rmin ) FLA
3 Imbalance in multi-phase circuits, which adversely
Vimb = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x100
Vl --- ( Rmax Rmin ) FLA
2 affects equipment performance and life
Increased power consumption in all cases

In the formula: Fire or failure in extreme situations

Vimb = voltage imbalance Setting Warning Levels

Rmax = maximum winding resistance value The preset warning levels in WinVis are based on both
Rmin = minimum winding resistance value actual values and on a % change from the baseline
FLA = full load amp rating of motor value.
Vl = line voltage
100 = converts number to percentage
Data Interpretation
When voltage applied across three-phase motor leads is Resistive imbalance above the setpoint indicates that a
unbalanced, circulating currents, called negative problem exists in either the power circuit or in the stator
sequence currents, are induced. When these negative windings. First, isolate the problem to the motor or the
sequence currents are present, they cause heating in the circuit. Looking at individual resistance readings can
windings. EP RIs (the Electric P ower Resear ch help isolate the problem to a phase. Also, look for the
Institute) Handbook to Assess the Insulation Condition f ollow ing character ist ics w hich i ndicate f aulty
of Large Rotating Machines states a 3.5% voltage connections.
imbalance can raise winding temperature 25% in the
winding(s) affected by such currents. EASA (the Aluminum cables connected to lugs marked for
Electrical Apparatus Service Association) says a 1% copper wire only
voltage imbalance results in a 6-7% current imbalance.
Discoloration of insulation or contacts
The most extreme case of resistive imbalance occurs
when a motor single phases. This single phasing Damaged insulation having small cracks, bare
quickly causes the motor to fail because the remaining conductors, or metal components
two phases compensate by increasing current by 200%
to 300% of normal. Rapid heating of the windings Mismatched cables in common circuits
which are still connected destroys the insulation
surrounding them. Poor lug crimps on T-Leads

Resistance to the flow of current in a circuit is of Oxidation of conductor metals

con cern fr om th e st andp oin ts of saf ety, energy
conservation, and insulation life. High resistance points Presence of contaminants such as dirt
in conductors generate heat both at the point where the
resistance is located and in the three-phase motors being Example
supplied. The following information is from a 7,000 HP vertical
reactor coolant pump motor at a nuclear power plant. A
Regardless of the source, som e of the effects of high resistance solder joint between phases 1 and 3
increased heat production in the motor include: produced a resistive imbalance of 37.15%. The cost
associated with the power loss was calculated to be
Higher resistance due to heat in conductor materials $58,517.84 per year. Multiple tests, shown in Table 4-3,
adjacent to the fault were performed to verify the problem.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-18


Table 4-3: MCE Tests Used in Troubleshooting Efforts

Test Date 5/31/96 5/31/96 5/31/96

Test ID: 331 332 333
Frequency 1200 1200 1200
Mohm Ph 1 to Gnd
Charge Time 30 30 30
Voltage 1000 1000 1000
Motor Temp 40 40 40
Measured Mohm >2000 >2000 >2000
Corrected Mohm OVR OVR OVR
pF Ph 1 to Gnd 116250 116250 116250
ohm Ph 1 to 2 0.27450 0.26800 0.27400
ohm Ph 1 to 3 0.43750 0.43700 0.44100
ohm Ph 2 to 3 0.24500 0.24300 0.24200
mH Ph 1 to 2 6.750 6.750 6.750
mH Ph 1 to 3 6.755 6.750 6.750
mH Ph 2 to 3 6.745 6.745 6.745
% Res. Imbalance 37.15 38.29 38.24
% Ind. Imbalance 0.07 0.05 0.05
$ Power Loss 58517.84 58973.83 60493.78

Phase-to-Phase Inductance Inductance changes when leakage paths develop. These

paths can be either within the winding coils, or directly
What Does it Tell You? to ground. Leakage paths result from mechanical,
In AC motors, phase-to-phase inductance readings can: thermal, environmental, or electrical damage to the
insulation system of the windings. Additionally phase-
Indicate the condition of the stator windings to-phase and turn-to-turn shorts can occur. In either
case, current flow bypasses so me coils, thereby
Detect phase-to-phase and coil-to-coil current reducing inductive reactance and increasing current in
leakage paths other phases of the stator. Temperature rises in the
remaining conductors and in the surrounding insulation.
Reveal poor or incorrect rework This accelerates the deterioration, which can cause an
avalanche effect, as heat produces more insulation
These readings can also be used to detect faults in power failures, resulting in more leakage paths and more coils
cabl es. A Rot or In flu enc e Ch eck ( RI C) can be removed from the circuit, further increasing
performed to further troubleshoot the motor to reveal temperature.
faults such as:
As there are fewer winding turns in a given phase
Broken/cracked rotor bars or end rings actively creating the magnetic field upon which the
motor is functioning, the windings in the other phases
Porosity and lamination damage compensate to meet the requirements of the load on the
motor. These windings in turn draw more current than is
Eccentricity problems normally supplied by a balanced motor.

In DC motors, inductance changes within the field or Why is This Important?

armature can indicate current leakage paths in the A large inductive imbalance causes torque-induced
windings. vibration at two-times line frequency (2F L ). This

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-19


vibration can be linked to mechanical degradation. Also, The melted paint on the rotor identified the high
inductive imbalance can contribute to other problems, resistance connections beneath them.
among which are:
Test Lead Check
Bearing damage
The MCE verifies the resistance of the test leads before
Coupling damage and after each test. This ensures test lead continuity and
proper connection prior to running the test. If any test
Loosened rotor bars lead resistance exceeds a predetermined value, the MCE
stops the test. That lead must then be reconnected and
Insulation failure at winding end turns or at exit of r etested successfully to co ntinu e. This ensur es
stator slots maximum accuracy and repeatability of the collected
Setting Warning Levels
The preset warning levels in WinVis are based on both
Resistive Imbalance
actual values and on a change from the baseline value. Resistive imbalance is calculated from the three
individual phase-to-phase resistance readings taken
Data Interpretation during the standard test. It is displayed as a percentage
Many factors affect inductance readings, including and will be put into a caution or alarm state if it exceeds
motor winding coils, the stator iron, the rotor, and the a specific limit. This limit can be changed in the WinVis
number of rotor bars. The power circuit has little or no software. Because this value is calculated from three
effect on the inductance readings unless there are power phase-to-phase readings, there is no resistive imbalance
factor or surge capacitors in the circuit. value for DC motors.

Power correction and surge capacitors are used in some In AC motors, resistive imbalance is an indication of
circuits and will affect phase-to-phase inductance one or more high-resistance connections in the circuit or
readings. Whenever possible, phase-to-phase inductance shorted turns. Assuming the original test was performed
tests should be performed with the capacitors in the at the MCC, isolate the problem to the motor or to the
circuit as well as disconnected, to indicate the health of power circuit by retesting the motor at the connection
the capacitors. This allows for trending the condition of box. If the resistive imbalance remains, the problem is
the capacitors as well as the phase-to-phase inductance in the motor. If the resistive imbalance goes away, the
of the motor. problem is in the cables or power circuit. Look at the
individual resistance readings to determine the faulty
If both inductive and resistive imbalance are high, look phase.
for a leakage path in a coil or an open coil. If resistive
imbalance is low, the fault may be in the rotor. Inductive Imbalance
Inductive imbalance is calculated from the three
A rotor bar/cage anomaly may not produce a large individual phase-to-phase inductance readings taken
inductive imbalance on one single test. If inductive during the standard test. It is displayed as a percentage
imbalance has increased or is high, perform a RIC to and will be put into a caution or alarm state if it exceeds
further define the problem. Excessive vibration can also a specific limit. This limit can be changed in the WinVis
be an indicator of inductive imbalance. If you notice software. Due to the fact that this value is calculated
high vibration readings, perform a RIC to collaborate fr om three phase-to-phase readings, there is no
the data. inductive imbalance value for DC motors.

Example In AC motors, this calculated value can indicate the

A new motor with a cast aluminum rotor was load- condition of the stator and rotor/stator relationship.
tested prior to installation. The motor failed to reach Turn-to-turn or phase-to-phase shorts in the stator
rated HP. A RIC was conducted and indicated the causes a high inductive imbalance. Rotor/stator
presence of broken rotor bars. eccentricity causes a varying value of inductive
imbalance, as seen on subsequent standard tests. To
W hen the r ot or bar s w er e cast, hig h resistance isolate a problem to the rotor or the stator, perform a
connections were formed. Operating the motor during Rotor Influence Check.
the load-test produced excessive heat at those points.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-20


Power factor capacitors, line reactors, and other power The relationship between all these currents is shown in
correction devices can impact inductance values. Figure 4-14.
Separation of these devices from the circuit may be
required when troubleshooting the motor.

Average Inductance
Average inductance is calculated from the three
individual phase-to-phase inductance readings taken
during the standard test. Due to the fact that this value is
calculated from three phase-to-phase readings, there is
no inductive imbalance value for DC motors. In AC
motors, this calculated value can indicate the condition
of the rotor and rotor/stator relationship. Rotor defects
will cause an increase in the average inductance. To
isolate a problem to the rotor or the stator, perform a
Rotor Influence Check.
Figure 4-14: Current Relationships

POLARIZATION INDEX AND As the motor accumulates dirt and as the insulation ages
and cracks, the PI and D A r atios decrease. Dirt
DIELECTRIC ABSORPTION accumulates based on the operation and environment of
TESTS the motor. The insulation cracks as a function of heat
and aging of the motor.
What Do They Tell You?
The Polarization Index (PI) and Dielectric Absorption Because of the effects of each of these varying currents,
(DA) ratios indicate the condition of the insulation the resistance to ground measured by any insulation
system of the motor and power circuit. Both of these tester varies with the amount of time the voltage is
tests use ratios of measurements of insulation resistance applied to the insulation. In order to trend or compare
taken at two different times. The PI is the ratio of the insulation RTG values, the charge time for all tests
reading taken at 10 minutes and divided by the reading MUST be the same. If the charge time is not the same,
taken at 1 minute. The DA is the ratio of the reading the trend or comparison may not be valid.
taken at 60 seconds divided by the reading taken at 30
seconds. Finally, the charging developed by these three different
currents does not dissipate immediately when the
There are three different currents that flow through an voltage is removed at the end of the test. The insulation
insulator when a voltage potential is applied. Since the system must be allowed to discharge sufficiently
RTG test measures the voltage and current to calculate between resistance to ground tests in order to obtain
insulation resistance, all of these currents must be taken accurate results. A rule of thumb states that a motor
into account. takes four times the amount of charge time to discharge.

First, the capacitive current starts out high and Why Is This Important?
drops to nearly zero after the insulation has been Resistance-to-ground readings involve three different
charged to full test voltage. This is normally current com ponents: capacitive, absorption, and
negligible after the first few seconds of the test. leakage. The PI test allows the charging and absorption
currents to decay so that only actual leakage current is
Second, the absorption current also starts out high measured. As a voltage is continuously applied, healthy
and dr op s off. The m a jor ity of thi s cur ren t insulation slowly polarizes and the absorption current
dissipated after one minute, but continues to decay diminishes. This causes a steady rise in resistance until
for up to 5 to 10 minutes. the majority of the current is from the small amount
leaking to ground. In poor insulation, leakage current is
Finally, the conduction or leakage current is a high enough to overshadow the lowering absorption
small, mostly steady current which becomes a current and provide little increase in the resistance over
factor after the absorption current drops to a time.
negligible value. This current should remain steady
for the remainder of the test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-21


Setting Warning Levels Moisture or contamination on the windings

In Managing Motors, Richard Nailen, P.E., offers the decreases the PI
following guidelines for interpreting PI and DA ratios.
If the PI ratio is less than 2 or the DA ratio is less than The PI can be lowered by certain semiconducting
1.5, look for insulation degradation. materials which are used for corona elimination on
the end windings of some high-potential AC
Unacceptable Acceptable machines
PI 1 to 1.5 2 to 4
DA 1.25 >1.50 Performing PI testing in ambient temperatures less
than the dew point may significantly impact the PI
IEEE reco mmen ds the fo llow ing values for PI. values
Machines rated at 10,000 kVA and less should have
values at least as large as the acceptable values listed Examples
below before operation or hi-pot testing. The following pictures show the response of the
insulation in both a good (Figure 4-15) and a bad
PI (Figure 4-16) motor, with a constant voltage applied for
Class A 1.5 a 10 minute period. The increase in the RTG value is
Class B, F, H 2.0 due to the decrease in current through the insulation.

Data Interpretation
Because the PI and DA values are ratios, temperature
correction is unnecessary. PI and DA can be used for
both on-the-spot, one-time checks and for trending over
time. Individual readings can be compared to the
recommended setpoints.

A good PI Profile (PIP) shows a sharp rise followed by a

steady, but slowly increasing trend. A downward trend
suggests deteriorating conditions. A flat or ragged trace
indicates short-term current transients. Such traces
indi cate insulation break dow n, po ssibl y due to
contamination or moisture in the power circuit or motor.
Observing the readings over time permits scheduling of
cleaning or reconditioning before failure occurs.
Figure 4-15: Motor with a Good PI
If the PI or DA ratio is low, isolate the problem to the
circuit or the motor. Assuming the first test was made at
the MCC, run another test from the MCC with the T
leads disconnected.

If the low value is gone, the problem is in the power

circuit. If the low value still exists, test the motor at the
motor connection box with the leads to the MCC
disconnected. If the low value is gone, the problem is in
the cables between the motor and the MCC. If the low
value still exists, the problem is in the motor.

Examine the cables in the motor connection box. They

could require cleaning, drying, or replacement. Also,
check for water in the conduit.

If the PI or DA ratio is < 1.0, look for a ground fault.

Clear this fault before starting the motor.
Figure 4-16: Motor with a Bad PI
Some exceptions to be aware of include:

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-22


The unstable RTG readings in the bad motor are a result test are determined by the number of poles in the motor.
of low level discharges occurring in faults in the The increment and total rotation are calculated to show
insulation. the RIC pattern for one complete pole group. If
additional readings are taken beyond the total and at the
ROTOR INFLUENCE CHECK same increments, the pattern should repeat itself. Table
4-4 shows the recommended increments and total
(RIC) rotation to cover one pole face for a motor with a given
number of poles.
What Does It Tell You?
The Rotor Influence Check (RIC) is a graphical Table 4-4: RIC Degree Increments vs. Number of
representation of the rotor/stator relationship. By Poles
analyzing variations in the magnetic flux while rotating
the rotor, eccentricity and rotor defects are identified. Poles Increment Total
The RIC can also be used to confirm stator faults. Figure 2 10.0 180
4-17 shows a RIC graph for a motor with no defects.
4 5.0 90
6 3.3 60
8+ 2.5 45

The number of increments and total rotation are

automatically calculated by WinVisWinVis, based on
the entered nameplate data. You may reduce the
i ncr emen t an d p erf or m m ore tests t o co ve r th e
recommended total rotation. Increasing the increments
and performing fewer measurements than the default
values is not recommended because doing this results in
aliasing. Because not enough points are taken to
reveal a true picture of the curve aliasing, produces an
Figure 4-17: RIC from a Good Motor inaccurate and incomplete graph.

A motor acts similar to an electromagnet. The rotor acts The following example shows how to determine the
like the core and the stator acts like the windings of number of poles a motor has, the number of total
the electromagnet. A RIC shows how the roto rs degrees to turn the rotor, and the increments by which to
residual magnetism influences the stator inductance in turn it. Start with the basic equation:
different positions. As the magnetic field of the rotor
interacts with more of the coils in each stator winding,
the inductance of that winding changes. This influence F = ---------
causes repeatable patterns of change in the graph of the
st a t o r i n d u c t a n c e, sh o w n a b o v e as si n u s o i d a l
In the formula:
Why Is This Important? F = line frequency (60 Hertz in the US)
Broken rotor bars can cause extreme heat and vibration, N = synchronous motor speed
which can result in winding failure, bearing failure, and P = number of poles in the motor
loss of torque in a motor. Eccentricity, a non-uniformity 120 = 120 degrees of electrical spacing between
of the air gap between the rotor and stator, can cause poles
excessive vibration, which can result in winding and
bearing failure. For a motor whose synchronous speed is 1800 rpm, use
a variation of this equation to find the number of poles:
Rotor Position And Aliasing
Each RIC cons ists of a series of inductance P = 120F/N
measurements taken at predetermined positions of the P = (120)x(60)/1800
rotor. The amount by which the rotor is moved for each P = 4 poles
measurement and the total rotation of the rotor for the

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-23


Next, determine the number of degrees per pole face. To

find this, divide 360 by the number of poles.

360/4 = 90 degrees per pole face.

Next, determine the increments, in degrees, by which to

position the rotor to generate an accurate RIC pattern.
To find this, divide the number of degrees per pole face
by 18.

90/18 = 5 degrees.

Thus, the following would apply for a motor whose

synchronous speed is 1800 rpm:
Figure 4-18: Aliasing
4 poles
90 degrees per pole face Figure 4-19 shows two waveforms taken on a motor
5 degree increments per rotation to develop an which has known rotor faults. The presence of the fault
accurate RIC is hidden when the measurements are taken at 15
increments (dashed waveform). When they were made
The increments were chosen since the RIC pattern at the recommended 3.3 increments (circles), the
typically repeats itself by the same number of poles in presence of the rotor fault is indicated by the flattened
the motor through a complete 360 rotation of the rotor. peaks. Note that the dashed waveforms shown in Figure
Using these increments is recommended to increase 4-18 and 4-19 appear identical masking the true rotor
consistency and reduce aliasing. Also, use the same conditions
increments and total rotation each time you perform a
RIC. This ensures that the RIC is started and run the .
same way for each test. Doing this enables you to
reliably compare the data and graph to subsequent tests
for trending.

When the RIC is started, the MCE measures the

resistance of each phase winding. At each increment the
inductance of each winding pair is measured and
recorded. Between measurements you are prompted to
move the rotor to the next position.

Data Interpretation
Aliasing Figure 4-19: Aliasing
Aliasing occurs when too few measurements are taken
too far apart to show the true shape of the curve. The Good Motor
following figures show RICs which exhibit aliasing. Figure 4-20 shows a RIC test for a typical AC induction
motor with a good rotor. The three graphs resemble sine
Figure 4-18 shows two waveforms of a good rotor in a waves which are 120 out of phase with each other. The
6-pole motor. The waveform with the connected circles sinusoidal pattern is smooth and repeatable. The
w as gen er ated w ith m easu re m ent s tak en a t th e amplitude of the sine waves varies from motor to motor,
recommended interval of 3.3. The waveform with the due to factors specific to each motor, such as winding
dashed lines was generated with measurements taken at configuration, air gap, core steel quality, and rotor
15 intervals. The waveform from measurements taken construction and design.
at 15 intervals shows a lack of definition.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-24




mH Ph 1-2
mH Ph 1-3
mH Ph 2-3
















Figure 4-20: RIC from Good Motor

In some motors, the amplitude changes of the graphs are Figure 4-22: RIC from Motor with Eccentricity
very sm all and may appear er ratic. This erratic
appearance may be due to measurement resolution If an eccentricity problem is suspected, continue
steps, and not due to actual changes in inductance. This performing the RIC to include at least two pole faces
condition may indicate a low influence rotor with no beyond the default increment setting. An exception to be
rotor defects. One such low influence rotor is shown in aware of is when sleeve bearings are used in the motor.
the RIC graph in Figure 4-21 D ue to thei r o il f ilm, t hey can fal se ly i nd icate
eccentricity problems since the rotor settles when the
. motor is not running.

Broken Rotor Bars

A rotor w ith broken b ar s pro duces gr aphs w ith
0.696 anomalies in their wave shapes, such as flattened and
mH Ph 1-2 staggered peaks.
mH Ph 1-3
0.692 Figure 4-23 shows a motor with ten broken rotor bars.
mH Ph 2-3
These were found following a RIC. The flattening of the
0.690 peaks in the phase-to-phase inductance graphs results
from the influence of the broken bars. The irregularities
in these traces are repeatable in each phase.




Figure 4-21: RIC from Motor with Low Influence


Eccentricity is defined as the condition of the air gap
between the rotor and stator, all the way around 360 of
the motor. This gap should be the same width all the
w ay a ro un d. I f the ro to r is bo wed , th e b ear ing
clearances improperly set, or the end bell not aligned Figure 4-23: RIC from Motor with Broken Rotor
properly, the air gap will not be equal. An unequal air Bars
gap produces a phase-to-phase inductance graph that is
markedly higher at one end of the graph than at the Figure 4-24 shows a motor with cracked welded joints
other. This is shown in Figure 4-22. at the shorting rings. The cracked welded joints were
found in 14 out of 122 rotor bars after a RIC was taken.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-25


The erratic pattern of flattened and staggered peaks

points to the presence of the broken bars.

Figure 4-26: RIC from Motor with Broken Rotor


Figure 4-24: RIC from Motor with Broken Rotor One-Up/Two-Down and Two-Up/One-
Bars Down
Phase-to-phase or turn-to-turn stator winding shorts can
Figure 4-25 shows the RIC test of a 480 volt 60 HP AC result in either a one-up/two-down or two-up/one-down
induction motor with broken rotor bars and a slight air RIC pattern. This is shown in the graphs in Figure 4-27.
gap problem. Note the flattened peaks in each phase-to-
phase graph.

Figure 4-25: RIC from Motor with Broken Rotor


Figure 4-26 shows the staggered peaks in a RIC for a

480 volt 5 HP motor. A rotor anomaly was determined
to be the cause for these peaks. This was the result of a
maintenance supervisor drilling a hole in one rotor bar
as a demonstration. Figure 4-27: RIC from Motor with Phase-to-Phase
or Turn-to-Turn Shorts

To assist in the analysis, compare the RIC with the

phase-to-phase resistance readings on the standard test.
I f t he sam e p hases ar e affe cted resist i vely and
inductively, this further confirms a winding defect. If
resistance readings do not confirm this condition,
evaluate the motor for eccentricity/air gap problems.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-26


DC COMMUTATOR BAR-TO- Eccentricity - inconsistent variations in the

amplitude of the waveforms. Static eccentricity
BAR TEST sometimes causes a consistent separation in the
three sine waves, coupled with a low inductive
What Does It Tell You? imbalance.
Testing the resistance between commutator bars gives
an indication of the comparative value of resistance that One method of analyzing a RIC is done by following
exists between all like electrical circuits in an armature. four steps, outlined by the acronym SAME.

Why Is This Important? S - look at the scale; verify correct resolution

The com mutato r consists of insulated segments
A - check the alignment of the peaks; check for
assembled into a cylinder and held together by insulated
rings. Electric current is transferred to the armature
windings by brushes made mainly of carbon and
M - check the max-to-min values of the peaks; all
graphite. Brush wear creates carbon dust, a conductive
three waveforms should be the same; check for
contaminant, which penetrates into crevices, cracks and
stator problems
openings of the armature. Copper particles add to the
contaminant accumulation when the wrong brushes are
E - evaluate the characteristics of the waveforms
installed or the brushes are improperly installed, or
when maintenance is inadequate. If the insulating
material on the commutator bars or their risers has Standard Test
cracked, these contaminants can short entire windings. Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
Also, high resistance connections can develop at the the recommended actions.
risers causing open or high-resistance armature coils.
Equalizing con nection s can break an d cause an Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
imbalance due to the loss of equalization. Alarm indicates a possible breakdown in the
insulation system.
Data Interpretation
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
The resistance readings betw een bars are in the
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
microhm range for medium to large machines. Most DC
the surface of the insulation.
motors of this size have armatures constructed with
e q u a l iz i n g j u m p e r s o r co m p e n s a t in g sh o r ti n g
High Resistive Imbalance - Resistive Imbalance in
connections. The effect of these connections on the bar-
C autio n o r A larm in dicate s h igh resistance
to-bar test results shows as a regular pattern of change
connection in the switchgear, disconnect, or motor
from bar to bar. Good bars have 1 or 2 different values.
connection box. Refer to the individual phase-to-
If a bar differs greatly from either of these 2 values then
phase resistance readings to assist in locating the
look for faults.
Armatures with 50% compensation have every other bar
High Inductive Imbalance - Inductive Imbalance in
equalized; with 33% compensation have every 3rd bar
Caution or Alarm indicates a winding defect (turn-
equalized; with 25% compensation have every 4th bar
to-turn or phase-to-phase) or severe eccentricity.
Refer to the individual phase-to-phase inductance
readings to assist in locating the fault. If a RIC has
MCE ANALYSIS not been performed, perform a RIC to obtain
additional information.
Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption
Rotor Influence Check (RIC) Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA in Caution or Alarm
Normal - smooth three-phase sinusoidal waveforms indicates ch anging or excessive surface
Rotor Defect - repeatable erratic inductance
throughout the peaks of the waveforms Breakdown of insulation system.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-27


At this point, a Condition Code may be assigned and High Resistive Imbalance - Resistive Imbalance in
Notes completed to explain the following: C autio n o r A larm in dicate s h igh resistance
connection in the switchgear, disconnect, or motor
Motor condition/status; basis for the motor connection box. Refer to the individual phase-to-
condition assigned. phase resistance readings to assist in locating the
Anomalies that had to be overcome during the
performance of the test. High Inductive Imbalance - Inductive Imbalance in
Caution or Alarm indicates a winding defect (turn-
If multiple tests were performed during to-turn or phase-to-phase), circuit defect (cable
troubleshooting, explain where test leads were short or power factor correction capacitor failure),
connected for each test. or severe eccentricity. Refer to the individual phase-
to-phase inductance readings to assist in locating
AC SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS the fault. If a RIC has not been performed, perform
a RIC to obtain additional information on the rotor
Stator condition.

Rotor Influence Check (RIC) Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption

Normal - smooth three-phase sinusoidal waveforms Low PI or DA ratio- PI or DA ratio in Caution or
Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface
Rotor Defect - appears like a normal sine wave but contamination.
has a larger than normal inductive imbalance

Eccentricity - inconsistent variations in the

Step Voltage
amplitude of the waveforms. Static eccentricity can Requires the Advance Insulation System to
sometimes cause a consistent separation in the three perform. Refer to Advanced Insulation System
si n e w av e s, c o u p l e d w i t h a l o w i n d u c t i v e section at the end of this chapter.
Field Circuit
One method of analyzing a RIC is done by following
four steps, outlined by the acronym SAME.
Synchronous Test
Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
S - look at the scale; verify correct resolution click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
the recommended actions.
A - check the alignment of the peaks; check for
eccentricity Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates a breakdown in the insulation
M - check the max-to-min values of the peaks; all system.
three waveforms should be the same; check for
stator problems High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
E - evaluate the characteristics of the waveforms the surface of the insulation.

Standard Test High/Low Resistance - Resistance in Caution or

Alarm indicates a high or low resistance of the field
Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
the recommended actions.
NOTE: The Caution and Alarm limits are set based
on nameplate field voltage and current values at
Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
normal operating temperature of the motor. Testing
Alarm indicates a possible breakdown in the
on a cold motor may indicate values outside the
insulation system.
Caution and Alarm settings.
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
Low Inductance - Low Inductance in Caution or
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
Alarm indicates turn-to-turn faults in the field coils.
the surface of the insulation.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-28


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Standard Test

Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA ratio in Caution or Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
contamination. the recommended actions.

At this point, a Condition Code may be assigned and Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
Notes completed to explain the following: Alarm indicates a breakdown in the insulation
Motor condition/status; basis for the motor
condition assigned. High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
Anomalies that had to be overcome during the the surface of the insulation.
performance of the test.
High Resistive Imbalance - Resistive Imbalance in
If multiple tests were performed during C autio n o r A larm in dicate s h igh resistance
troubleshooting, explain where test leads were connection in the switchgear, disconnect, or motor
connected for each test. connection box. Refer to the individual phase-to-
phase resistance readings to assist in locating the
Step Voltage fault.
Requires the Advance Insulation System to
perform. Refer to Advanced Insulation System High Inductive Imbalance - Inductive Imbalance in
section at the end of this chapter. Caution or Alarm indicates a winding defect (turn-
to-turn or phase-to-phase) or severe eccentricity.
Refer to the individual phase-to-phase inductance
AC WOUND ROTOR MOTORS readings to assist in locating the fault. If a RIC has
not been performed, perform a RIC to obtain
Stator additional information.
Rotor Influence Check (RIC)
Normal - smooth three-phase sinusoidal waveforms Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption
Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA ratio in Caution or
Rotor Defect - appears like a normal sine wave but Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface
has a larger than normal inductive imbalance contamination.

Eccentricity - inconsistent variations in the Step Voltage

amplitude of the waveforms. Static eccentricity can
Requires the Advance Insulation System to
sometimes cause a consistent separation in the three
perform. Refer to Advanced Insulation System
si n e w av e s, c o u p l e d w i t h a l o w i n d u c t i v e
section at the end of this chapter.

One method of analyzing a RIC is done by following Rotor

four steps, outlined by the acronym SAME. Standard Test
Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
S - look at the scale; verify correct resolution
click the value highlighted in yellow or red for
recommended actions.
A - check the alignment of the peaks; check for
Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates a breakdown in the insulation
M - check the max-to-min values of the peaks; all
three waveforms should be the same; check for
stator problems
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
E - evaluate the characteristics of the waveforms
the surface of the insulation.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-29


High Resistive Imbalance - Resistive Imbalance in Motor condition/status; basis for the motor
Cau tion or A lar m ind icates hig h re sistan ce condition assigned.
connection on the slip ring or winding connections.
Refer to the individual phase-to-phase resistance Anomalies that had to be overcome during the
readings to assist in locating the fault. performance of the test.

High Inductive Imbalance - Inductive Imbalance in If multiple tests were performed during
Caution or Alarm indicates a winding defect (turn- troubleshooting, explain where test leads were
to-turn or phase-to-phase). Refer to the individual connected for each test.
phase-to-phase inductance readings to assist in
locating the fault. Step Voltage
Requires the Advance Insulation System to
Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption perform. Refer to Advanced Insulation System
Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA ratio in Caution or section at the end of this chapter.
Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface
Step Voltage Armature Circuit
Requires the Advance Insulation System to Standard Test
perform. Refer to Advanced Insulation System
Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
section at the end of this chapter.
click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
the recommended actions.
Resistor Bank
Resistor Bank Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates a possible breakdown in the
Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double
insulation system.
click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see
the recommended actions.
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or
the surface of the insulation.
Alarm indicates a breakdown in the insulation
High/Low Resistance - values in Caution or Alarm
i n d i ca t e h ig h r es is t an c e c on n e c ti o n i n th e
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or
switchgear, disconnect, or motor connection box.
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on
This can also indicate improper brush wear/seating
the surface of the insulation.
or a poor commutator film.
High Resistive Imbalance - Resistive Imbalance in
High/Low Inductance - values in Caution or Alarm
Cau tion or A lar m ind icates hig h re sistan ce
indicate a winding defect (turn-to-turn or coil-to-
connection between the resistors or a faulty resistor.
Refer to the individual phase-to-phase resistance
readings to assist in locating the fault.
Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption
Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA ratio in Caution or
Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface
Low PI or DA ratio - PI or DA ratio in Caution or
Alarm indicates changing or excessive surface
Commutator Bar-to-Bar
At this point, a Condition Code may be assigned and High/Low Resistance - values significantly above
Notes completed to explain the following: or below the average resistance reading indicate an
o pen or a sh ort in the arma tu re wi ndi n g o r
commutator segments.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-30


Field Circuit Standard Test

Standard Test Polarization Index (PI)/Dielectric Absorption (DA)

Check for Caution and Alarm indications. Double If a PI is performed, it is not necessary to perform a
click the value highlighted in yellow or red to see separate DA.
the recommended actions.
Some circuits may have surge capacitors and power
Low Resistance-to-Ground - RTG in Caution or factor correction capacitors installed. This is important
Alarm indicates a possible breakdown in the since these components affect the values of the collected
insulation system. data and increase the time and number of steps involved
in troubleshooting. Testing can be performed with the
High Capacitance-to-Ground - CTG in Caution or power factor capacitors installed. However, a test should
Alarm indicates an increase in the contamination on be taken with surge capacitors removed for future
the surface of the insulation. comparison. If a motor appears faulty with the power
factor capacitors installed, disconnect them and perform
High/Low Resistance - values in Caution or Alarm the testing again to isolate the fault.
in d i c at e h i g h r e si st a n ce c onne c ti o n i n t he
switchgear, disconnect, or motor connection box. Rotor Influence Check (RIC)
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter, disconnect, and
High/Low Inductance - values in Caution or Alarm the motor. Follow your companys electrical safety
indicate a winding defect (turn-to-turn or coil-to- procedures for tagouts.
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke
Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption multimeter or equivalent.
Low PI or DAR - PI or DAR in Caution or Alarm
indicates changing or excess ive surface Verify that the voltage does not exceed 0.5 VAC
contamination. phase-to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground.
Check for low level stored voltage by verifying less
At this point, a Condition Code may be assigned and than 15 VDC phase-to-ground.
Notes completed to explain the following:
3. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit/motor, in
Motor condition/status; basis for the motor the same manner each time, as referenced in Table
condition assigned. 4-5. This ensures that the test data is trendable/
Anomalies that had to be overcome during the
performance of the test. Table 4-5: Test Lead Connections

If multiple tests were performed during M CE test Black White Red Green
troubleshooting, explain where test leads were leads
connected for each test. motor phase A B C gnd
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
STEP-BY-STEP TESTING vertical top mid bot gnd

PROCEDURES horizontal left mid right gnd

AC Induction Motors 4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

Note: To minimize the influence of stored energy on test
results, perform the tests in the following order. If a test 5. Select the Test icon.
is not to be performed, skip to the next test.
Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
Rotor Influence Check (RIC) click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-28.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-31


Figure 4-28: Test Selection

6. Verify that stator is selected in the Motor Section. 8. Select the Motor Test Location in the MCE Test
Setup section.
The type of motor determines which motor section
is available. The available motor sections are To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button shooting, the actual test location should be stored
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed for each test.
and the radio button is not available.
The default is Not Assigned. Click Change to open
7. Select Rotor Influence Check in the Test List box. the Test Locations window, shown in Figure 4-29.
Click the Test Location button which corresponds
If all of the information in the MCE Test Setup is t o t h e m o t o r t es t lo c at i o n. T h e lo c at i o n i s
correct, double click Rotor Influence Check to go automatically entered into the Motor Test Location
directly to the test. text box on the MCE Test Setup window.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-32


If the tested inductance values are <100 mH change

the test frequency to 300 Hz by clicking the down
arrow and selecting 300 Hz from the drop-down list
then retest.

14. Click Save, to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the Test.

16. Verify Total Degrees and Increments.

This information is located at the top middle of the

Rotor Influence Check window.

To change the Increments, which automatically

computes the appropriate Total Degrees, click the
Increment button located to the right of the Test
button at the bottom of the window.

The Increment window opens. Click the down

arrow and select the increment from the drop-down
list. The Set Increments in Degrees box displays
preset values for 0.5 to 90 degrees in 0.5 degree

Click OK to close the window and return to the

R o t o r I n f l u e n c e C h e c k w i n d ow . T h e n e w
Increments and Total Degrees is displayed and the
Figure 4-29: Test Locations
test data table is updated with the new settings.
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
17. Click Test to begin the testing.
18. Rotate the rotor to the next position after the first
10. Select the voltage for the resistance to ground
set of readings is taken following the prescribed
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
increments in the test window.
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
19. Click Test to continue testing.
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from
the drop-down list.
20. Repeat steps 19 and 20 until the test is complete.
11. Enter the temperature. Edit the Temperature C to
21. Click OK, if at the end of the test no anomalies
stator core or ambient temperature at the time of exist.
If at the end of the test any anomalies are identified,
12. Select the Charge Time Seconds. continue to test the rotor through another pole face
by clicking Yes.
Click the down arrow and select the seconds from
the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to 180 22. Click Exit.
seconds at 15 second increments.
23. Select Yes to save data in the Rotor Influence
13. Test Frequency: Use the default test frequency. Check window. See Figure 4-30.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-33


26. Select Yes to enter Notes.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name) shown in Figure
4-33. Enter the User Name (a required field) and
any notes. Select the Save icon and then the Exit
icon. For more information on entering notes see
the section titled Notes in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-30: Rotor Influence Check

24. Select Yes to assign a condition code in the Assign

Condition Code? window. See Figure 4-31.

Figure 4-31: Assign Condition Code?

25. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-32.

Select the radio button in front of the condition

c o d e t o b e a s s i g n e d. C l i c k O K . F o r m o r e Figure 4-33: Note For...
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three. Standard (AC Motor)
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner

each time, as referenced in Table 4-6. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.

Figure 4-32: Motor Condition

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-34


Table 4-6: Test Lead Connections 5. Select the Test icon.

MCE test Black White Red Green Alternatively, select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
leads click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
motor phase A B C gnd click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-34.
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

4. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant


Figure 4-34: Test Selection

6. Verify that stator is selected in the Motor Section. 8. In MCE Test Setup, select the Motor Test Location.

The type of motor determines which motor section To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
is available. The available motor sections are shooting, the actual test location should be stored
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button for each test.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. The default is Not Assigned. Click Change to open
the Test Locations window, shown in Figure 4-35.
7. Click Standard (AC Motor) in the Test List box. Click the Test Locations button which corresponds
t o t h e m o t o r t es t lo c at i o n. T h e lo c at i o n i s
If all of the settings in the MCE Test Setup are automatically entered into the Motor Test Location
correct, double click on Standard (AC Motor) to go text box on the MCE Test Setup section.
directly to the test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-35


14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the Test.

16. Click Test.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when the test is complete.

18. Re-test any individual point if needed.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested,

double click the tab which appears to the left of the
individual test point. This rechecks only that test
point in manual mode.

19. Click Exit.

20. Select Yes to save the data. See Figure 4-36.

Figure 4-35: Test Locations

9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter


10. Select the test voltage (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 Figure 4-36: Save Test Data?
for >2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
21. Select Yes to assign a condition code on the Assign
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from Condition Code? window. See Figure 4-37.
the drop-down list.

11. Enter the temperature. Adjust the Temperature C

to stator core temperature at the time of testing.

12. Select the Charge Time Seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the seconds from

the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to 180
seconds at 15 second increments.

13. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box. Figure 4-37: Assign Condition Code?

Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-36


22. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See .

Figure 4-38.

Select the radio button in front of the condition

c o d e t o b e a s s i g n e d. C l i c k O K . F o r m o r e
information on Motor Condition Codes see the
section titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-39: Notes For...

Figure 4-38: Motor Condition Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption

1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.
23. Select Yes to enter Notes.
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
multimeter or equivalent.
(where xyz is the motor name) shown in Figure 4-
39. Enter the User Name (a required field) and any
Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-
notes. Select the Save icon from the tool bar and
to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
then the Exit icon. For more information on
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
entering Notes see the section titled Notes in
VDC phase-to-ground.
Chapter Three
3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-7. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.

Table 4-7: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Red Green

motor phase A B C gnd
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

5. Click the Test icon.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-37


Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test from the

menu; or right click on the motor, select Motor,
Test; or double click on the motor to go to the Test
Selection window. See Figure 4-40.

Figure 4-40: Test Selection

6. Verify that stator is selected. To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
shooting, the actual test location should be stored
The type of motor determines which motor section for each test.
is available. The available motor sections are
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button The default is Not Assigned. Click Change to open
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed the Test Locations window, shown in Figure 4-41.
and the radio button is not available. Click the Test Location button which corresponds
t o t h e m o t o r t es t lo c at i o n. T h e lo c at i o n i s
7. Select Polarization Index Check or Dielectric automatically entered into the Motor Test Location
Absorption. text box on the MCE Test Setup section.

8. Select the Motor Test Location.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-38


Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the test.

16. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when testing is complete.

18. Click Exit.

19. Select Yes to save the data. See Figure 4-42.

Figure 4-41: Test Locations

Figure 4-42: Polarizaton Index
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. 20. Select Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure
10. Select the voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.

11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core

temperature at the time of testing.

12. Select the charge time.

Figure 4-43: Assign Condition Code?
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
21. The Motor Condition Code window opens.
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
Select the radio button in front of the condition
13. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
code to be assigned. See Figure 4-44. Click OK.
drop-down box.
For more information on condition codes see the
section titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-39


Synchronous Motors
Note: To minimize the influence of stored energy on test
results, perform the tests in the following order. If a test
is not to be performed, skip to the next test.

Rotor Influence Check (RIC)

Standard Test

Polarization Index (PI)/ Dielectric Absorption

(DA). If a PI is performed, it is not necessary to
perform a separate DA.

Synchronous motors are divided into two separate

sections (Stator and Field Circuit). The Motor Section of
the Test Selection window defaults to Stator.
Figure 4-44: Motor Condition
Some motor circuits may have surge capacitors and/or
22. Select Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test power factor correction capacitors installed. This is
Selection window. important since these components affect the values of
the collected data, and increase the time and number of
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window steps involved in troubleshooting. Testing can be
(where xyz is the motor name) shown in Figure performed with the power factor or surge capacitors
4-45. Enter the User Name (a required field) and installed. However, a test should be taken with the surge
any notes. Select the Save icon from the tool bar capacitors removed for future comparison. If a motor
and then the Exit icon. For more information on appears faulty with the power factor capacitors installed,
entering notes see the section titled Notes in disconnect them and perform the testing again to isolate
Chapter Three. the fault.

Rotor Influence Check (RIC)
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Place the shaft key way in the up position. This

ensures a common starting point for all subsequent

4. Ensure that the field is disconnected from the

control circuit.

Figure 4-45: Notes for... This is accomplished by isolating/removing the

brushes from the slip rings or by disconnecting the
field leads from the diode pack in a self-exited
motor. This allows the natural magnetic field on the
rotor to expand, enhancing the detection of rotor

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-40


5. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner 7. Select the Test icon.
each time, as referenced in Table 4-8. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable. Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
Table 4-8: Test Lead Connections click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See figure 4-46.
MCE test Black White Red Green
motor phase A B C gnd
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

6. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

Figure 4-46: Test Selection

8. Verify that stator is selected. 9. Select Rotor Influence Check in the Test List box.

The type of motor determines which motor section If all settings are correct in the MCE Test Setup
is available. The available motor sections are section, double click Rotor Influence Check to go
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button directly to the test.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. 10. Select the Motor Test Location.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-41


To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble 14. Select the Charge Time Seconds.
shooting, the actual test location should be stored
for each test. Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
The default is Not Assigned. Click Change to open 180 seconds at 15 second increments.
the Test Locations window, shown in Figure 4-47.
Click the Test Location button which corresponds 15. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
to th e m o to r te st l oc at i on. T h e l oc a ti o n is drop-down box.
automatically entered into the Test Location text
box on the Test Selection window. Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

16. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

17. Click OK to go to the test.

18. Verify that the Total Degrees and Increments in

Degrees to be used during the test are correct.

The Total Degrees and Increments in Degrees

information is located at the top center of the Rotor
Influence Check window.

To change the Increments, which automatically

computes the appropriate Total Degrees, click the
Increment button located to the right of the Test
Button at the bottom of the window.

The Increment window opens. Click the down

arrow and select the increment from the drop-down
list. The Set Increments in Degrees box displays
preset values for 0.5 to 90 degrees in 0.5 degree

Click OK to close the window and return to the

R o t o r I n f l u e n c e C h e c k w i n d ow . T h e n e w
Increments and Total Degrees is displayed and the
test data table is updated with the new settings.

19. Click Test to begin the test.

Figure 4-47: Test Locations
20. Rotate the motor to the next position.
11. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
After the first set of readings is taken, rotate the
rotor to the next position following the prescribed
increments in the test window.
12. Select the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
21. Click Test.
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
22. Repeat steps 20 and 21 until the test is complete.
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from
the drop-down list.
23. Click OK, if no anomalies exist at the end of the
13. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-42


If at the end of the test any anomalies are indicated,

continue to test the rotor through another pole face
by answering Yes to the question Do you want to
continue. See Figure 4-48.

Figure 4-48: Rotor Influence Check

Figure 4-51: Motor Condition
24. Click Exit.
28. Select Yes to enter Notes.
25. Select Yes to save the data. See Figure 4-49.
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
(where xyz is the motor name) shown in Figure
4-52. Enter the User Name (a required field) and
any notes. Select the Save icon from the tool bar
and then the Exit icon. For more information on
entering notes see the section titled Notes in
Chapter Three.

Figure 4-49: Rotor Influence Check

26. Select Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure


Figure 4-50: Assign Condition Code?

27. The Motor Condition Code window opens.

Select the radio button in front of the Condition

C o d e t o b e a ss ig n e d . C l i c k OK . F o r m o r e Figure 4-52: Notes For...
information on Condition Codes see the section
titled Condition Code in Chapter Three. See Figure

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-43


Standard (AC Motor) Test Table 4-9: Test Lead Connections

1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.
M CE test Black White Red Green
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke leads
mulitmeter or equivalent. motor phase A B C gnd
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase-
vertical top mid bot gnd
to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15 horizontal left mid right gnd
VDC phase-to-ground.
4. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant
3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-9. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.
5. Select the Test icon.

Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. see figure 4-53.

Figure 4-53: Test Selection

6. Verify that Stator is selected. If all settings in the MCE Test Setup section are
correct, double click on Standard (AC Motor) to go
The type of motor determines which motor section directly to the test.
is available. The available motor sections are
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button 8. Select the Motor Test Location.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
shooting, the actual test location should be stored
7. Select Standard (AC Motor) in the Test List box. for each test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-44


The default value is Not Assigned. Click Change to 12. Select the Charge Time Seconds. The default value
open the Test Locations window shown in Figure is 30.
4-54 . Click th e Test Locatio n bu tton w hich
corresponds to the motor test location. The location Click the down arrow and select the charge time
is automatically entered into the Test Location text from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
box on the Test Selection window. 180 seconds at 15 second increments.

13. Select test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.

Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the test.

16. Click Test.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when the test is complete.

18. Re-test any individual point if needed.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested,

double click the tab which appears to the left of the
individual test point. This rechecks only that test
point in manual mode.

19. Click Exit.

20. Select Yes to save data. See Figure 4-55.

Figure 4-54: Test Locations

9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter


10. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground

measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.
Figure 4-55: Save Test Data?
11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing. 21. Select Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-45


Figure 4-56: Assign Condition Code?

22. The Motor Condition Code window opens.

Select the radio button in front of the condition

c o d e t o b e a s s i g n e d. C l i c k O K . F o r m o r e
information on Condition Codes see the section
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three. See
Figure 4-57.

Figure 4-58: Notes For...

Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption

1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

mulitmeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

Figure 4-57: Motor Condition 3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-10. This ensures
23. Select Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test that the test data is trendable/repeatable.
Selection window.
Table 4-10: Test Lead Connections
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User MCE test Black White Red Green
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the leads
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon. motor phase A B C gnd
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes. See Figure 4-58. T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

5. Select the Test icon.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-46


Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See figure 4-59.

Figure 4-59: Test Selection

6. Verify that Stator is selected. 8. Select the Motor Test Location in the Test Setup.

The type of motor determines which motor section To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
is available. The available motor sections are shooting, the actual test location should be stored
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button for each test.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. The default value is Not Assigned. Click Change to
open the Test Locations window shown in Figure
7. Select Polarization Index Check or Dielectric 4 -60. Cl ick the Test Lo cation b utto n w hich
Absorption in the Test List box. corresponds to the motor test location. The location
is automatically entered into the Test Location text
If all of the settings in MCE Test Setup are correct, box on the Test Selection window.
double click on Polarization Index Check or
Dielectric Absorption to go directly to the test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-47


Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the test.

16. Click Test.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when the test is complete.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes to save data. See Figure 4-61.

Figure 4-60: Test Locations

Figure 4-61: Save Test Data?
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. 20. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure
10. Select the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.

11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core

temperature at the time of testing.

12. Select Charge Time Seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the charge time Figure 4-62: Assign Condition Code?
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments. 21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. Select
the radio button in front of the condition code to be
13. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the assigned. Click OK. For more information on
drop-down box. Condition Codes see the section titled Condition
Code in Chapter Three. See Figure 4-63.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-48


Field Circuit
Synchronous Test
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner

each time, as referenced in Table 4-11. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.

Figure 4-63: Motor Condition Table 4-11: Test Lead Connections

22. Click Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test MCE test leads Black White Green
Selection window. motor phase A B gnd
F lead F1 F2 gnd
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User vertical top bot gnd
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the horizontal left right gnd
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure NOTE: If the field windings are self excited,
4-64. remove the exciter by disconnecting the field leads
from the diode assembly and test the field at the

4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

5. Click the Test icon.

Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-65.

Figure 4-64: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-49


Figure 4-65: Test Selection

6. Verify that Field Circuit is selected in the Motor 11. Select the Charge Time Seconds.
Section box.
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
The type of motor determines which motor section from the drop-down list. The default value is 30.
is available. The available motor sections are The choices are from 30 to 180 seconds at 15
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button second increments.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. 12. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.
7. Select Synchronous in the Test Selection box.
Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
If all settings are correct in the MCE Test Setup the drop-down list.The values are 300 or 1200.
section, double click on Synchronous to go directly
to the test. 13. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.
8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. 14. Click OK to go to the test.

9. Enter the test voltage (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 15. Click Test.
for >2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from Exit to return to the Test Selection window.
the drop-down list.
16. Click OK when testing is complete.
10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing. 17. Re-test any individual point if needed.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-50


If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested,

double click the tab which appears to the left of the
individual test point. This rechecks only that test
point in manual mode.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes to save the data. See Figure 4-66.

Figure 4-68: Motor Condition

22. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Figure 4-66: Save Test Data? Selection window.

20. Click Yes to assign a condition code or No to Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
continue. See Figure 4-67. (where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure

Figure 4-67: Assign Condition Code?

21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. Select

the radio button in front of the condition code to be
assigned. Click OK. For more information on
Motor Condition Codes see the section titled
Condition Codes in Chapter Three. See Figure

Figure 4-69: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-51


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Table 4-12: Test Lead Connections

MCE test leads Black White Green
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.
motor phase A B gnd
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke F lead F1 F2 gnd
multimeter or equivalent. vertical top bot gnd
horizontal left right gnd
Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase-
to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15 4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.
VDC phase-to-ground.
5. Select the Test icon.
3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-12. This ensures Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test from the
that the test data is trendable/repeatable. menu; or right click on the motor, select Motor,
Test; or double click on the motor to go to the Test
Selection window. See Figure 4-70.

Figure 4-70: Test Selection

6. Verify that Field Circuit is selected in the Motor If all of the settings in MCE Test Setup are correct,
Section box. double click Polarization Index Check or Dielectric
Absorption to go directly to the test.
The type of motor determines which motor section
is available. The available motor sections are 8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button Mohms.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. 9. Enter the voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
7. Click Polarization Index or Dielectric Absorption in >2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
the Test List box.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-52


Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.

10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core

temperature at the time of testing.

11. Select Charge Time seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the charge time

from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
Figure 4-72: Assign Condition Code?
12. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
20. The Motor Condition Code window opens. Select
drop-down box.
the radio button in front of the condition code to be
assigned. Click OK. For more information on
Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
condition codes see the section titled Condition
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.
Codes in Chapter Three. See Figure 4-73.
13. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

14. Click OK to go to the test.

15. Click Test.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

16. Click OK when testing is complete.

17. Click Exit.

18. Click Yes to save test data. See Figure 4-71.

Figure 4-73: Motor Condition

21. Click Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
Figure 4-71: Save Test Data? section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure
19. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-53


installed, disconnect them and perform the testing again

to isolate the fault.

Rotor Influence Check (RIC)
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Place the shaft key way in the up position. This

ensures a common starting point for all subsequent

Figure 4-74: Notes for... 4. Lift the brushes to isolate the resistor bank from the
rotor field.
AC Wound Rotor Motors
5. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the
Note: To minimize the influence of stored energy on test same manner each time, as referenced in Table
results, perform the tests in the following order. If a test 4-13. This ensures that the test data is trendable/
is not to be performed, skip to the next test. repeatable.

Rotor Influence Check (RIC) Table 4-13: Test Lead Connections

Standard Test MCE test Black White Red Green

Polarization Index (PI)/ Dielectric Absorption
(DA). If a PI is performed, it is not necessary to motor A B C gnd
perform a separate DA. phase
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
Wound rotor motors (WRMs) are divided into three vertical top mid bot gnd
separate sections (Stator, Rotor, and Resistor Bank). The horizontal left mid right gnd
Motor Section box of the Test Selection window
defaults to Stator.
6. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant
Some circuits may have surge capacitors and power Layout.
factor correction capacitors installed. This is important
since these components affect the values of the collected 7. Select the Test icon.
data, and increase the time and number of steps involved
in troubleshooting. Testing can be performed with the Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
power factor capacitors installed. However, surge click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
capacitors must be removed to ensure valid test data. If a click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
motor appears faulty with the power factor capacitors window. See Figure 4-75.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-54


Figure 4-75: Test Selection

8. Verify that stator is selected in the Motor Section. 10. Select the Motor Test Location.

The type of motor determines which motor section To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
is available. The available motor sections are shooting, the actual test location should be stored
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button for each test.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. The default is Not Assigned. Click Change to open
the Test Locations window, shown in Figure 4-76.
9. Select Rotor Influence Check. Click the Test Location button which corresponds
t o t h e m o t o r t es t lo c at i o n. T h e lo c at i o n i s
If settings in the MCE Test Setup box are correct, automatically entered into the Test Location text
you may double click on Rotor Influence Check to box on the Test Selection window.
go directly to the test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-55


Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

16. Click Save to save the motor settings for this motor
for future testing.

17. Click OK to go to the Test.

18. Verify that the Total Degrees and Increments in

Degrees to be used during the test are correct.

This information is located at the top center of the

Rotor Influence Check window.

To change the Increments, which automatically

computes the appropriate Total Degrees, click on
the Increment button located to the right of the
Test Button at the bottom of the window.

The Increment window opens. Click the down

arrow and select the increment from the drop-down
list. The Set Increments in Degrees box displays
preset values for 0.5 to 90 degrees in 0.5 degree

19. Click OK to close the window and return to the

R o t o r I n f l u e n c e C h e c k w i n d ow . T h e n e w
Increments and Total Degrees are displayed and the
test data table is updated with the new settings.
Figure 4-76: Test Locations
20. Click Test to begin testing.
11. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
21. After the first set of readings is taken, rotate the
rotor to the next position following the prescribed
12. Select the voltage for the resistance to ground
increments in the test window.
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
22. Click Test.
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from
23. Repeat steps 21 and 22 until testing is complete.
the drop-down list.
24. Click OK, if at the end of testing no anomalies
13. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core exist.
temperature at the time of testing.
If at the end of the test any anomalies are indicated,
14. Select Charge Time seconds. continue to test the rotor through another pole face
by clicking Yes.
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to 25. Click Exit.
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
26. Click Yes to save test data. See Figure 4-77.
15. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-56


Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). See Figure 4-80.
Enter the User Name (a required field) and any
notes. Select the Save icon from the tool bar and
then the Exit icon. For more information on
entering notes see the section titled Notes in
Chapter Three.

Figure 4-77: Save Test Data?

27. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure


Figure 4-78: Assign Condition Code?

28. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-79. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section Figure 4-80: Notes for ...
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.
Standard (AC Motor) Test
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Reseat or verify that the brushes are seated on the

slip rings to test the entire circuit in operating

NOTE: Tests on the rotor and resistor bank can be

performed while brushes are lifted.

Figure 4-79: Motor Condition 4. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-14. This ensures
29. Click Yes to enter notes. that the test data is trendable/repeatable.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-57


Table 4-14: Test Lead Connections 6. Select the Test icon.

MCE test Black White Red Green Or select Setup, Motor, Test; or right click on the
leads motor and select Motor, Test; or double click on the
motor phase A B C gnd motor to go to the Test Selection window. See
Figure 4-81.
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

5. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant


Figure 4-81: Test Selection

7. Verify that stator is selected in the motor section. If settings in the MCE Test Setup box are correct,
you may double click on Standard (AC Motor) to
The type of motor determines which motor section go directly to the test.
is available. The available motor sections are
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button 9. Select the Motor Test Location.
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available. To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
shooting, the actual test location should be stored
8. Click on Standard (AC Motor) in the Test List box. for each test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-58


The default value is Not Assigned. Click Change to Click the down arrow and select the charge time
open the Test Locations window, shown in Figure from the drop-down list. The default value is 30.
4-8 2. Click the Test Lo catio n butto n wh ich The choices are from 30 to 180 seconds at 15
corresponds to the motor test location. The location second increments
is automatically entered into the Test Location text
box on the Test Selection window. 14. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.

Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

15. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

16. Click OK to go to the test.

17. Click Test.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

18. Click OK when testing is complete.

19. Re-test any individual point if needed.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested,

double click the tab to the left of the individual test
point. This rechecks only that test point in manual

20. Click Exit.

21. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window, to save

the data. See Figure 4-83.
Figure 4-82: Test Locations

10. Check the Low Limit Shut off box and enter

11. Select the test voltage (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000
for >2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.

12. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core Figure 4-83: Save Test Data?
temperature at the time of testing.
22. Click Yes to assign a condition code or No to
13. Select Charge Time seconds. continue on the Assign Condition Code? window.
See Figure 4-84.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-59


Figure 4-84: Assign Condition Code?

23. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-85. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on Motor Condition Codes see the
section titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-86: Notes for ...

Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption

1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
Figure 4-85: Motor Condition VDC phase-to-ground.

24. Click Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test 3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
Selection window. each time, as referenced in Table 4-15. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
(where xyz is the motor name), shown in Figure Table 4-15: Test Lead Connections
4-86. Enter the User Name (a required field) and
any notes. Select the Save icon from the tool bar MCE test Black White Red Green
and then the Exit icon. For more information on leads
entering notes see the section titled Notes in motor phase A B C gnd
Chapter Three.
T lead T1 T2 T3 gnd
vertical top mid bot gnd
horizontal left mid right gnd

4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

5. Select the Test icon.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-60


Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test from the

menu; or right click on the motor, then select
Motor, Test; or double click on the motor to go to
the Test Selection window. See Figure 4-87.

Figure 4-87: Test Selection

6. Verify that Stator is selected in the Motor Section. 8. Select the Motor Test Location in the MCE Test
The type of motor determines which motor section
is available. The available motor sections are To insure consistent trending and assist in trouble
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button shooting, the actual test location should be stored
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed for each test.
and the radio button is not available.
The default value is Not Assigned. Click Change to
7. In the Test Selection window, click on Polarization open the Test Locations window, shown in Figure
Index Check or Dielectric Absorption box. 4-88. Click on the Test Location button which
corresponds to the motor test location. The location
If all of the information in the MCE Test Setup box is automatically entered into the Test Location text
is correct, you may double click on Polarization box on the Test Selection window.
Index Check or Dielectric Absorption to go directly
to the test.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-61


Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

14. Click Save, to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to the test.

16. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when testing is complete.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes to save test data on the Save Test Data?
window shown in Figure 4-89.

Figure 4-88: Test Locations

Figure 4-89: Save Test Data?
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. 20. Click Yes to assign a condition code on the Assign
Condition Code? shown in Figure 4-90.
10. Enter the voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from

the drop-down list.

11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core

temperature at the time of testing.

12. Select Charge Time seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the charge time Figure 4-90: Assign Condition Code?
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments. 21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See
Figure 4-91. Select the radio button in front of the
13. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
drop-down box. information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-62


Standard (AC Motor) Test
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.

2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke

multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Lift the brushes to isolate the resistor bank from the

rotor field.

4. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner

Figure 4-91: Motor Condition each time, as referenced in Table 4-16. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.
22. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test
Selection. Table 4-16: Test Lead Connections

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window MCE test Black White Red Green
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User leads
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the slip ring 1 2 3 ground
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon. (shaft)
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure
4-92. 5. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant

6. Select the Test icon.

Or select Setup, Motor, Test; or right click on the

motor and select Motor, Test; or double click on the
motor to go to the Test Selection window. See
Figure 4-93.

Figure 4-92: Notes for ...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-63


Figure 4-93: Test Selection

7. Verify that Rotor is selected in the Motor Section Click the down arrow and select the voltage from
box. the drop-down list.

The type of motor determines which motor section 11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
is available. The available motor sections are temperature at the time of testing.
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed 12. Select Charge Time seconds.
and the radio button is not available.
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
8. Click Standard (AC Motor) in the Test List box. from the drop-down list. The default value is 30.
The choices are from 30 to 180 seconds at 15
If the information in the MCE Test Setup box is second increments.
correct, double click on Standard (AC Motor) to go
directly to the test. 13. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.
10. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurements (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for 14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage. future testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-64


15. Click OK to go to the test.

16. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when testing is complete.

18. Re-test any individual point if needed.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested, click

the tab which appears to the left of the individual
test point. This rechecks only that test point in
manual mode.

19. Click Exit.

Figure 4-96: Motor Condition
20. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in
Figure 4-94, to save the test data. 23. Click Yes to enter Notes or No to return to the Test
Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering Notes see the
section titled notes in Chapter Three. See Figure

Figure 4-94: Save Test Data?

21. Click Yes to assign a condition code or No to

continue on the Assign Condition Code? window
shown in Figure 4-95.

Figure 4-95: Assign Condition Code

22. The Motor Condition Code window, shown in

Figure 4-96, opens. Select the radio button in front
of the condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For Figure 4-97: Notes for ...
more information on Motor Condition Codes see
the section titled Condition Code in Chapter Three.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-65


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Table 4-17: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Red Green
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and the motor.
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke slip ring 1 2 3 ground
multimeter or equivalent. (shaft)

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase-

5. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant
to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.
6. Select the Test icon.
3. Lift the brushes to isolate the resistor bank from the
Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test from the
rotor field.
menu; or right click on the motor, select Motor,
Test; or double click on the motor to go to the Test
4. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
Selection window. See figure 4-98.
each time, as referenced in Table 4-17. This ensures
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.

Figure 4-98: Test Selection

7. Verify that Rotor is selected in the Motor Section. The type of motor determines which motor section
is available. The available motor sections are
indicated by dark printing and have a radio button
to the left. The unavailable sections are dimmed
and the radio button is not available.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-66


8. Click on Polarization Index check or Dielectric

Absorption box.

If all information in the MCE Test Setup box is

correct, you may double click Polarization Index
Check or Dielectric Absorption to go directly to the

9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter


10. Enter the voltage for the resistance to ground Figure 4-99: Save Test Data?
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage. 20. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See figure
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from
the drop-down list.

11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core

temperature at the time of testing.

12. Select the Charge Time seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the charge time

from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
Figure 4-100: Assign Condition Code?
13. Select Test frequency for the Rotor Circuit from the
drop-down list. 21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See
Figure 4-101. Select the radio button in front of the
Click the down arrow and select the frequency from condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200. information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Code in Chapter Three.
14. Click Save, to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

15. Click OK to go to Test.

16. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when testing is complete.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-99, to save test data.

Figure 4-101: Motor Condition

22. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-67


Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window 2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User multimeter or equivalent.
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon. Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-
For more information on entering notes see the to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
4-102. VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Lift the brushes to isolate the resistor bank from the

rotor field.

4. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the

same manner each time, as referenced in Table
4-18. This ensures that the test data is trendable/

Table 4-18: Test Lead Connections

MCE Black White Red Green

brushes brushes brushes brushes gnd
over slip over slip over slip
ring 1 ring 2 ring 3

5. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant


6. Select the Test icon.

Figure 4-102: Notes for... Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
Resistor Bank click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
Resistor Bank (3 Phase) window. See Figure 4-103.
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-68


Figure 4-103: Test Selection

7. Verify that Resistor Bank is selected. 12. Select the Charge Time seconds.

8. Click Resistor Bank (3 Phase) in the Test List box. Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
If all information is correct in the MCE Test Setup 180 seconds at 15 second increments.
box, double click Resistor Bank to go directly to the
test. 13. Select Test frequency for the Rotor Circuit from the
drop-down list.
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter
Mohms. Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.
10. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for 14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage. future testing.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from 15. Click OK to go to the test.
the drop-down list.
16. Click Test to begin testing.
11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing. To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit
to return to the Test Selection window.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-69


17. Click Exit.

18. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-104, to save test data.

Figure 4-104: Save Test Data?

Figure 4-106: Motor Condition
19. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure
4-105. 21. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test
Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure

Figure 4-105: Assign Condition Code?

20. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-106. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-107: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-70


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Table 4-19: Test Lead Connections

MCE Black White Red Green
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.
tes t
2. Check for low level induced voltages using a Fluke
multimeter or equivalent. brushes brushes brushes brushes gnd
over over o ver
Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase- slip ring slip ring slip ring
to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for 1 2 3
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground. This ensures a common
4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.
starting point for all subsequent tests.
5. Select the Test icon.
3. Connect the MCE to the circuit, in the same manner
each time, as referenced in Table 4-19. This ensures
Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
that the test data is trendable/repeatable.
click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-108.

Figure 4-108: Test Selection

6. Verify that Resistor Bank is selected. 7. Click Polarization Index or Dielectric Absorption in
the Test List box.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-71


If all information is correct in the MCE Test Setup

box, double click Polarization Index or Dielectric
Absorption to go directly to the test.

8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter


9. Select the test voltage for the resistance to ground

measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

Click the down arrow and select the voltage from Figure 4-109: Save Test Data?
the drop-down list.
19. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure
10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing.

11. Select the Charge Time seconds.

Click the down arrow and select the charge time

from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.

12. Select Test frequency for the Rotor Circuit from the
drop-down list.

Click the down arrow and select the frequency from Figure 4-110: Assign Condition Code?
the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.
20. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See
13. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for Figure 4-111. Select the radio button in front of the
future testing. condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
14. Click OK to go to the Test. titled Condition Codes.in Chapter Three.

15. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

16. Click OK when testing is complete.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested, click

the tab which appears to the left of the individual
test point. This rechecks only that test point in
manual mode.

17. Click Exit.

18. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-109, to save the test data.

Figure 4-111: Motor Condition

21. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-72


Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window Armature Circuit
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
DC Standard Test
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon. 1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure 2. Check for low level induced voltage using a Fluke
4-112. multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-

to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the

same manner each time, as referenced in Table 4-20
and shown in Figure 4-113. This ensures that the
test data is trendable/repeatable.

Table 4-20: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Green

motor leads A1; A2; ground
A1 or S1 S2 or A2

Figure 4-112: Notes for...

DC Motors
Note: To minimize the influence of stored energy on test
results, perform the tests in the following order. If a test
is not to be performed, skip to the next test.

Standard Test

Polarization Index (PI) / Dielectric Absorption Figure 4-113: Motor Circuit Connections
(DA). If a PI is performed, it is not necessary to
perform a separate DA. 4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

DC motors are divided into two separate sections 5. Select the Test icon.
(Armature Circuit and Field Circuit). The Motor Section
of the Test Selection window defaults to Armature Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
Circuit. click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-114.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-73


Figure 4-114: Test Selection

6. Verify that Armature Circuit is selected in the 11. Select Charge Time seconds.
Motor Section box.
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
7. Select DC Standard Test in the Test List box. from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
If all settings in the MCE Test Setup section are
correct, double click on DC Standard Test to go 12. Select Test frequency for the Armature Circuit from
directly to the test. the drop-down box.

8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
Mohms. the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

9. Select the test voltage for the resistance to ground 13. Select Commutator Span. If the span is not known,
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for leave the value at the default, which is 1.
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
14. Click Save, to save the settings for this motor for
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from future testing.
the drop-down list.
15. Click OK to go to the Test.
10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing. 16. Click Test to begin testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-74


To stop the test at any time, click Stop Test. Click

Exit to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK when testing is complete.

If any portion of the test needs to be re-tested, click

the tab which appears to the left of the individual
test point. This rechecks only that test point in
manual mode.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-115, to save test data.

Figure 4-117: Motor Condition

22. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
Figure 4-115: Save Test Data? section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure
20. Click Yes to assign a condition code. See Figure

Figure 4-116: Assign Condition Code?

21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-143. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition codes in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-118: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-75


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Table 4-21: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Green
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter motor.
2. Check for low level induced voltage using a Fluke motor leads A1; A2; ground
multimeter or equivalent. A1 or S1 S2 or A2

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase-

to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground

3. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the

same manner each time, as referenced in Table 4-21
and shown in Figure 4-119. This ensures that the
test data is trendable/repeatable.

Figure 4-119: Motor Circuit Connections

4. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

5. Select the Test icon.

Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-120.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-76


Figure 4-120: Test Selection

6. Verify that Armature is selected. 11. Select Charge Time seconds.

7. Click Polarization Index or Dielectric Absorption in Click the down arrow and select the charge time
the Test Lest Box. from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
If all of the settings in the MCE Test Setup are
cor re ct, d ou ble clic k P o lari zati on In dex or 12. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
Dielectric Absorption to go directly to the test. drop-down box.

8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
Mohms. the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

9. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground 13. Select Commutator Span. If the span is not known,
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for leave the value at the default, which is 1.
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.
14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from future testing.
the drop-down list.
15. Click OK to go to the Test.
10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
temperature at the time of testing. 16. Click Test to begin testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-77


To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

17. Click OK at the end of testing.

18. Click Exit.

19. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-121, to save test data.

Figure 4-123: Motor Condition

22. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.
Figure 4-121: Save Test Data?
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window
20. Click Yes on the Assign Condition Code? window (where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
shown in Figure 4-122, to assign a condition code. Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure

Figure 4-122: Assign Condition Code?

21. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-123. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Code in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-124: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-78


Commutator Bar-to-Bar Test 3. Connect the bar-to-bar test leads to the MCE and to
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor. the laptop parallel port.

2. Check for low level induced voltage using a Fluke 4. Highlight the motor to be tested on the Plant
multimeter or equivalent. Layout.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase- 5. Select the Test icon.
to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15 Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right
VDC phase-to-ground. click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-125.

Figure 4-125: Test Selection

6. Verify that Armature Circuit is selected. 9. Select the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
7. Select Commutator Bar-to-Bar in the Test List. >2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage.

If all settings in the Test Setup box are correct, Click the down arrow and select voltage from the
double click on Commutator Bar-to-Bar to go drop-down list.
directly to the test.
10. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core
8. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter temperature at the time of testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-79


11. Select the Charge Time seconds. 24. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in
Figure 4-126, to save the test data.
Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.

12. Select Test frequency for the Stator Circuit from the
drop-down box.

Click the down arrow and select the frequency from

the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

13. Select Commutator Span. If the span is not known,

leave the value at the default, which is 1.
Figure 4-126: Save Test Data?
14. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing. 25. Click Yes on the Assign Condition Code? window
shown in Figure 4-127, to assign a condition code.
15. Click OK.

16. Change the commutator span if necessary.

You may change the Span by clicking the Option

button in the lower right corner of the screen. Enter
the new span in the text box and click Accept. The
template table will reformat. If the span is not
known, leave the value at the default, which is 1.

17. Remove the rubber protecting tips from the bar-to-

bar test lead prongs. Figure 4-127: Assign Condition Code?

Note: The test leads are either pistol or pencil 26. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See
probes. Each probe has two prongs and both prongs Figure 4-128. Select the radio button in front of the
must make solid contact on the same commutator condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
bar. information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Codes in Chapter Three.
18. Place the probe on the commutator bar segments for
the appropriate span entered in step 14.

Note: For a default value of 1 in step 14, place the

test leads on 2 adjacent bars.

19. Press down on the test leads until the green light
illuminates. After a short delay, the red light
illuminates, indicating a test is in progress. When
the test is complete, the red light goes out.

20. Move each probe to the next commutator segment.

21. Repeat steps 20 and 21 until the entire armature has

been tested.

22. Click OK when testing is complete.

23. Click Exit. Figure 4-128: Motor Condition

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-80


27. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5VAC phase-
Selection window. to-phase and 15 VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window VDC phase-to-ground.
(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the 3. Disconnect the field leads from the MCC to prevent
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon. erroneous readings.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure Note: Ensure you annotate the F1 and F2 leads so
4-129. that they can be reconnected with the proper

4. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the

same manner each time, as referenced in Table 4-22
and shown in Figure 4-130. This ensures that the
test data is trendable/repeatable.

Table 4-22: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Green

motor leads F1 F2 ground

Figure 4-129: Notes for...

Field Circuit
DC Standard Test Figure 4-130: Motor Circuit Connections
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.
5. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.
2. Check for low level induced voltage using a Fluke
multimeter or equivalent. 6. Select the Test icon.

Alternatively, select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-131.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-81


Figure 4-131: Test Selection

7. Verify that Field Circuit is selected. 12. Select Charge Time Seconds.

8. Select DC Standard Test. Click the down arrow and select the charge time
from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
If all of the information in the MCE Test Setup is 180 seconds at 15 second increments.
correct, double click DC Standard Test to go
directly to the test. 13. Select Test Frequency.

9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
Mohms. the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.

10. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground 14. Select Commutator Span.
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage. If the span is not known, leave the value at the
default, which is 1. You may change the Span by
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from clicking the Option button in the lower right corner
the drop-down list. of the screen. Enter the new span in the text box and
click Accept. The template table will reformat. If
11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core the span is not known, leave the value at the default,
temperature at the time of testing. which is 1.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-82


15. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

16. Click OK.

17. Click Test to begin testing.

18. Click OK when testing is complete.

19. Click Exit.

20. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-132, to save test data.

Figure 4-134: Motor Condition

23. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Figure 4-132: Save Test Data? Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
21. Click Yes on the Assign Condition Code? window section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure
shown in Figure 4-133, to assign a condition code. 4-135.

Figure 4-133: Assign Condition Code?

22. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-134. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Code in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-135: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-83


Polarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Table 4-23: Test Lead Connections

MCE test Black White Green
1. Deenergize and lock out the starter and motor.
2. Check for low level induced voltage using a Fluke motor leads F1 F2 ground
multimeter or equivalent.

Verify that the values do not exceed 0.5 VAC phase-

to-phase and 15VAC phase-to-ground. Check for
low level stored voltage by verifying less than 15
VDC phase-to-ground.

3. Disconnect the field leads from the MCC to prevent

erroneous readings.

Note: Ensure you annotate the F1 and F2 leads so

that they can be reconnected with the proper

4. Connect the MCE test leads to the circuit, in the

same manner each time, as referenced in Table 4-23
and shown in Figure 4-136. This ensures that the Figure 4-136
test data is trendable/repeatable.
5. Highlight the motor to be tested in the Plant Layout.

6. Select the Test icon.

Alternatively select Setup, Motor, Test; or right

click on the motor and select Motor, Test; or double
click on the motor to go to the Test Selection
window. See Figure 4-137.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-84


Figure 4-137: Test Selection

7. Verify that Field Circuit is selected. 12. Select the Charge Time Seconds.

8. Select Polarization Index or Dielectric Absorption Click the down arrow and select the charge time
in the Test List. from the drop-down list. The choices are from 30 to
180 seconds at 15 second increments.
If the settings in the MCE Test Setup are correct,
double click Polarization Index or Dielectric 13. Select Test Frequency.
Absorption to go directly to the test.
Click the down arrow and select the frequency from
9. Check the Low Limit Shut Off box and enter the drop-down list. The values are 300 or 1200.
14. Select Commutator Span.
10. Enter the test voltage for the resistance to ground
measurement (500 for < 2400 volts or 1000 for If the span is not known, leave the value at the
>2400 volts) based on motor nameplate voltage. default, which is 1. You may change the Span by
clicking the Option button in the lower right corner
Click the down arrow and select the voltage from of the screen. Enter the new span in the text box and
the drop-down list. click Accept. The template table will reformat. If
the span is not known, leave the value at the default,
11. Adjust the Temperature C to stator core which is 1.
temperature at the time of testing.

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-85


15. Click Save to save the settings for this motor for
future testing.

16. Click OK to go to the Test.

17. Click Test to begin testing.

To stop the test at any time, click Stop. Click Exit

to return to the Test Selection window.

18. Click OK when testing is complete.

19. Click Exit.

20. Click Yes on the Save Test Data? window shown in

Figure 4-138, to save the test data.

Figure 4-140: Motor Condition

23. Click Yes to enter notes or No to return to the Test

Selection window.

Selecting Yes opens the Notes for xyz window

(where xyz is the motor name). Enter the User
Name (a required field) and any notes. Select the
Save icon from the tool bar and then the Exit icon.
For more information on entering notes see the
section titled Notes in Chapter Three. See Figure
Figure 4-138: Save Test Data? 4-141.

21. Click Yes on the Assign Condition Code? window :

shown in Figure 4-139, to assign a condition code.

Figure 4-139: Assign Condition Code?

22. The Motor Condition Code window opens. See

Figure 4-140. Select the radio button in front of the
condition code to be assigned. Click OK. For more
information on condition codes see the section
titled Condition Code in Chapter Three.

Figure 4-141: Notes for...

REV. 0-8/01 1999, 2001 PdMA Corporation 4-86

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