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Flat Products

Electrolytic Tinplate


2-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-8071 Japan

Tel: +81-3-6867-4111
Electrolytic Tinplate
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal tinplate has long
been used throughout the world in food cans, beer
cans, beverage cans, 18 liter cans, oil cans, pails,
decorative cans, screw caps, crown caps, toys and
many other products.
In some ways tinplate is as it has always been, a
Features of Nippon Steel &
strong, Iow-cost steel sheet coated with tin for a Sumitomo Metal Electrolytic Tinplate
beautiful, corrosion-resistant surface. Today, how-
ever, continuous casting, continuous annealing,
double reduction and other advanced processes 1. Excellent Corrosion 3. Wide Choice
are used to make tinplate that is even better and
more economical than that of the past. Nippon
Resistance Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal electrolytic
tinplate comes in a wide range of types to
Steel & Sumitomo Metal is a master of the new Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal electrolytic allow selection of the tinplate most suitable
processes. tinplate is produced on the most up-to-date for any specific application:
As one of the worlds largest makers of tinplate, equipment using the most advanced tech- 1. Wide range of coating mass.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal conducts exten- nology. The tinning operations are closely 2. Differential coatings available.
sive R & D programs to assure customers that controlled, as are the chemical composition 3. Choice of Bright Smooth Finish, Matte
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal tinplate is a prod- and surface quality of the base metal. That Finish, and Stone Finish.
uct of the most up-to-date facilities and technology means the coating mass (weight) is uniform, 4. Comes in both cut sheets and coils.
and that it is of unsurpassed quality. and that corrosion resistance is high. 5. Wide range of tempers.
6. The most advanced double reduction mill is
2. Excellent Properties used to produce Nippon Steel & Sumitomo
Metal DR (double-reduced) tinplate.
for Can-Making 7. Wide range of base metals.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal electrolytic 8. K-plate, J-plate and other highly corro-
tinplate incorporates every property vital to sion resistant grades are also available.
the easy production of quality cans: Iacquer- 9. Good workability of DI (Drawn & Ironed)
Contents material.
ability, printability, solderability, weldability
and workability. 10. Scrolled cut sheet available.
Features of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 11. Coated and printed sheet available.
Electrolytic Tinplate 1
12. Slit coil available.
Manufacturing Process 2
Applications 4
Available Specifications and Applications 5
Standard Specification 5
Applications 5
Classification 5
Coating Mass (Weights) 5
Designations and Markings for
Differential Coatings 6
Temper 6
Finishes 7 Steel cans made of tinplate
Steel Types 7
Available Sizes 7
Packaging and Marking 8
Information Required for Ordering 8 oil film

Notice: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of tin oxide film
the information contained within this publication, the use of the infor-
mation is at the readers risk and no warranty is implied or expressed tin layer
by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation with respect to the
use of the information contained herein. The information in this publi-
cation is subject to change or modification without notice. Please alloy
contact the Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation office for the layer
latest information.
Please refrain from unauthorized reproduction or copying of the
contents of this publication. steel
The names of our products and services shown in this publication are sheet
trademarks or registered trademarks of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo
Metal Corporation, affiliated companies, or third parties granting rights
to Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation or affiliated compa-
nies. Other product or service names shown may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Manufacturing Process

Cold Strip Mill

Electrolytic Cleaning
Box Annealing Furnace

Continuous Annealing Temper Mills

C.A. P .L.

Cold Strip Mill



Coil Preparation Electrolytic-tinning


Coiling Holder

Coil Sheets
Electrolytic-tinning Line

2 3
Applications Available Specifications and Applications

Standard Specifications
Electrolytic tinplate is produced in conformity with Japa- of Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications. As for
nese Industrial Standard (JIS G 3303) or American Society other specifications, please contact us.

Electrolytic tinplate is classified according to the extent of food cans, beer and soft drink cans, 18 Iiter cans, decora-
tempering, the tin coating mass, the type of steel, annealing tive and general cans, crown caps and screw caps, as well
methods, surface finish, etc. Electrolytic tinplate offers as electrical parts, oil filter parts and wire-shielding mate-
excellent properties for use in a broad range of applications: rial.

There are two types of coating mass: the Equally Coated is more heavily coated than the other). For coating mass
Mass (in which both sides have the same mass of tin coat- not listed in the table, please contact us.
ing) and the Differentially Coated Mass (in which one side

Letter Minimum Former

Designation Nominal
symbol of Type of average designation of
of coating coating
classifica- coating coating coating mass
mass mass (g/m2)
tion mass (g/m2) (reference only)
2.8/ 2.8 2.8/ 2.8 2.45/2.45 # 25

Equally 5.6/ 5.6 5.6/ 5.6 5.05/5.05 # 50

coated 8.4/ 8.4 8.4/ 8.4 7.55/7.55 # 75
Notes: 11.2/11.2 11.2/11.2 10.1/10.1 # 100
1. This table conforms to JIS G 3303.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 5.6/ 2.8 5.6/ 2.8 5.05/2.45 # 50/25
also produces electrolytic tinplate SPTE
8.4/ 2.8 8.4/ 2.8 7.55/2.45 # 75/25
according to ASTM specifications.
2. The coating mass denotes the 8.4/ 5.6 8.4/ 5.6 7.55/5.05 # 75/50
a m o u n t o f t i n c o a t e d on o n e tially
coated 11.2/ 2.8 11.2/ 2.8 10.1 /2.45 # 100/25
surface per square meter.
11.2/ 5.6 11.2/ 5.6 10.1 /5.05 # 100/50
11.2/ 8.4 11.2/ 8.4 10.1 /7.55 # 100/75
Coating mass for the bottom surface
of the piled sheet or the inside
surface of coil
Coating mass for the top surface of
the piled sheet or the outside
surface of coil

4 5
The following designations and markings are used for Please order according to the following three designations Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal electrolytic tinplate is available in the following surface finishes.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal differentially coated elec- and markings for differentially coated electrolytic tinplate.
trolytic tinplate. Finish Applications
Designation Parallel lines on Geometric symbols on Edge line mark
heavy coating side light coating side on light coating side Melted finish. This finish features a metallic gloss of tin. It is the natural finish for ordinary
electrolytic tinplate.
5.6/2.8 1/2 apart 1 square
Melted finish. This finish has fine grit lines, and is easy to handle because it resists scratching
8.4/2.8 1 apart 1 circle Stone
1/16 lines are marked during coating and can making.
Notes: 8.4/5.6 1 apart 1 circle on the single side within Melted finish. High resistance to scratching, thus making for easy handling during coating
Super stone
If use of parallel lines and sym- 4 mm of an edge. and can-making widely used for can ends.
11.2/2.8 1-1/2 apart 1-1/21 widediamond
bols is undesirable because of Unmelted dull finish. This finish gives the tinplate a unique silver-gray surface. It offers
appearance, or because of 11.2/5.6 1-1/2 apart 1-1/21 widediamond Matte
exceptional ink adherence, and is widely used in crown caps and printed cans.
print or paint designs, the
edge line marking method
11.2/8.4 1-1/2 apart 1-1/21 widediamond
Melted finish. This finish is obtained by reflowing tin on dull finished plate. The finished surface
developed by Nippon Steel & Examples of 5.6A/2.8 5.6/2.8A 5.6/2.8D Silver has an attractive, subdued luster. When printed or lacquered, silver finish has a beautiful appear-
Sumitomo Metal can be markings 11.2A/2.8 11.2/2.8A 11.2/2.8D ance and finds much use in the production of high quality decorated cans and screw caps.
Notes: Double-reduced product is available only in stone finish.

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal produces tinplate in the following tempers.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal produces tinplate base Steel types Remarks
Single-Reduced Tinplate steel in a broad range of types to meet customers
This steel which is low in metalloids and
requirements for corrosion resistance, workability and residual elements, is sometimes used for
Nominal rockwell strength. Chemical compositions are controlled by L
Designation hardness values 30 T Characteristic Typical usages improved internal corrosion resistance for
ladle analysis. certain food product containers.

T-1 49 Drawing requirements, drawn and ironed Similar in metalloid content to Type L but less
Soft for drawing cans, nozzles, spouts, closures MR restrictive in residual elements, is commonly
Moderate drawing where some stiffness is Rings and plugs, dome tops, closures, used for most tinplate applications.
T-2 53 required shallow drawn and specialized can parts Aluminum killed, is sometimes required for
T-2.5 55 Combines the characteristics of T-2 and T-3. Battery cell bodies, small can ends and bodies D severe drawing applications or to minimize
Shallow drawing, general purpose with Can ends and bodies, large diameter severe fluting and stretcher strain hazards.
T-3 57 fair degree of stiffness to minimum fluting closures, crown caps
T-4 61 Moderate stiffness Can bodies, crown caps and closures
Increased stiffness to resist buckling
T-5 65 Can ends and bodies
without the use of rephosphorized steel
Notes: 1. The annealing method involves batch annealing and continuous annealing, and even though the hardness
values expressed in HR30T obtained from those processes are equal, mechanical characteristics other than
hardness are not always consistent. Therefore, you may specify either of them by agreement with us. Available Sizes
In the case where the continuous annealing process is selected, the letter symbol CA shall be suffixed
to the temper designation specified in Table (Example: T-4 CA).
2. Rockwell hardness values are based on the use of a diamond anvil. Single-reduced size Double-reduced size
Sheet Coil Sheet Coil
0.180.60 0.180.60 0.150.36 0.150.36
Double-Reduced (DR) Tinplate Thickness mm (lbs)
(65215) (65215) (55125) (55125)
508964 508964 508940 508940
DR tinplate is a thin, strong material developed by Nippon Applications Width mm (in)
(2038) (2038) (2037) (2037)
Steel & Sumitomo Metal as a substitute for ordinary Because of its great stiffness and strength, DR tinplate has
4581,104 4581,104
tinplate to meet customers requirement to reduce tinplate been used mainly in the bodies and ends of ordinary beer Length mm (in)
(1843-1/2) (1843-1/2)
thickness. and carbonated beverage cans. But recently its applica-
314 314
tions have been extended to necked-in cans, drawn-and- Coil Mass metric tons (lbs) (6,50031,000)
Features redrawn cans (DRD), soft drink cans, food cans, screw caps,
406, 419 & 508 406 & 419
Stiffness and strength are equal to those of much thicker etc, where ordinary tinplate has been used. Coil Inside Diameter mm (in) (16, 16-1/2 & 20) (16 & 16-1/2)
ordinary tinplate.
Reduced thicknesses make it possible to increase the DR tinplate is available in the following tempers. Note: For sizes out of above range, please contact us.
number of sheets per unit mass, and consequently,
Nominal rockwell
reduce costs. hardness (HR30T) Longitudinal
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal DR tinplate has excel- (diamond anvil) tensile strength (PSI)
lent uniform quality through the application of continu-
DR-8 73 80,000
ously cast steel.
DR-9 76 90,000
DR-9M 77 95,000

6 7
Packaging and Marking MEMO

Corrugated Corrugated hardboard

Hoop Protector sheet
Side protector Hoop
Corrugated hardboard


Rust-proof sheet

Corrugated hardboard
Rust-proof paper
Wooden base
(steel skid)

Metal cover sheet Wooden base (steel skid)

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal tinplate is packed Each package is marked with product name, specifi-
with special care to withstand severe handling in cations, coating mass, thickness, dimensions, temper,
marine transit. Special care is given to prevent rust number of sheets contained, net mass, gross mass,
and scratching. production number, package number, origin and
Typical examples of packaging methods are shown Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. Other
above. marks can be added, if desired.
An inspection card inside the package gives the
same information.

Information Required for Ordering

Customers are requested to provide the following infor-
mation with orders or inquiries, so that Nippon Steel &
Sumitomo Metal can meet their requirements perfectly.

Coating mass, thickness and dimensions.

Desired temper designation.
Surface finish required (Bright, Matte, etc.).
In the case of differentially coated tinplate, the coating
mass for each surface and the differential mark to be
used should be specified.
Special information, if any, on the can-making process,
including can shape, intended contents of the cans,
and whether or not lacquering (printing) will be used,
should be given.
The grain direction or desired direction of rolling
should be indicated.

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