TDEM For Martian in Situ Resource Prospecting Missions
TDEM For Martian in Situ Resource Prospecting Missions
TDEM For Martian in Situ Resource Prospecting Missions
3, June 2003
This paper presents a TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic Methods) application, addressed to the search
for water on Mars. In this context, the opportunities for a TDEM system as payload in a future mission are
investigated for different in situ exploration scenarios. The TDEM sounding capability is evaluated with respect
to the expected Martian environment, and some considerations are made about the many unknown variables
(above all the background EM noise and the subsoil composition) altogether with the limited resources availability
(mission constraints in mass, time and power) and the way they could represent an obstacle for operations and
Key words TDEM in situ remote sensing planetary resolution cameras aboard satellites orbiting
exploration around the planet (e.g., the Mars Global Sur-
veyor-MGS). Secondly, the in situ exploration
of the surface and subsurface.
1. Introduction The study concerns the analysis of a TDEM
(Time Domain Electromagnetic Method) system
The large amount of data and images record- for in situ martian geophysical exploration.
ed from Mars has given a detailed knowledge TDEM is a controlled source time domain meth-
of planet environment (surface and atmosphere) od operating at LF (Low Frequency) regime
thus permitting the scientic community to seek of propagation. It is able to discriminate the
matters of fundamental scientific relevance. geologically layered structure and detect the
First in order of importance, research into any signature of water by means of subsoil con-
elementary (past or present) form of life on the ductivity estimation (as a function of depth).
planet. Since life is mainly correlated to the The TDEM employment, for an in situ survey
existence of water, whatever its physical state on Mars, is advisable for many reasons: it is
(liquid, ice, permafrost, other), the scientic fully controllable in position and strength, it can
efforts have been turned towards the study of undergo notable variations due to water presence
new methodologies that could better support the and the instrument does not need to be in contact
search for water. Above all, the methodologies with the ground, thus respecting the mission
deployed for remote sensing observations by planetary protection and cross contamination
means of HF (High Frequency) radars, and high requirements.
TDEM (originally developed for detect-
ing massive sulphide deposits) is beginning to
emerge due to its high sensitivity that has the
Mailing address: Dr. Sergio Pagnan, Istituto di Studi
sui Sistemi Intelligenti per lAutomazione, CNR, Sezione best potential for deep hydro-geophysical map-
di Genova, Via De Marini 6, Torre di Francia, 16149 ping. This makes it preferable to other electro-
Genova, Italy; e-mail: magnetic methods such as IP (Induced Polar-
Roberto Filippini, Cinthya Ottonello, Sergio Pagnan and Giorgio Tacconi
ization), VES (Vertical Electric Sounding), and current for a time in the order of milliseconds
MT (MagnetoTelluric) that could in principle then the current is abruptly interrupted. This
accomplish the same task. step-like impulse generates a sharp magnetic
The purpose of the paper is to investigate eld variation which, according to Faradays
TDEM performances when employed in the law of induction, causes eddy currents in any
Martian environment and also to investigate the conductive region of the medium. In their turn,
opportunities for a TDEM system to be housed such currents determine a secondary magnetic
as scientic payload aboard in situ investigation eld that gradually decays in time (see g. 1).
missions. The RX measures the secondary magnetic
The structure of the paper is the following: eld (in the case of a magnetometer) or its time
Section 2 introduces the TDEM survey basic derivative (i.e. the induced voltage, in the
concepts (functioning principles, modelling case of a coil). The signal is recorded as a fun-
and data interpretation). In Section 3 there is ction of time and processed according to proper
a brief overview of the most recent discoveries sampling/stacking criteria. The amount of
concerning the main issue search for water on delay, strength and shape of the signal charac-
Mars, the space programs dealing with it and terize the geoelectrical structure of the medium
some mission scenarios well suited to a TDEM completely.
survey. In Section 4 the sounding capability, that
we could expect performing a TDEM survey on
Mars, is estimated for a simple case study. Some 2.1. Modelling a TDEM survey
nal remarks will conclude the paper.
The main survey parameters are the distance
from the source to the receiver coil, r, and the
2. TDEM generalities time of observation t.
Other parameters concerning the system
TDEM is a controlled source, remote sen- design are the current square wave shape I(t) (an
sing, time domain electromagnetic (EM) meth- impulse of amplitude I0 , and duration T starting
od operating at the diffusion regime of EM prop- from the instant t = 0 ) and the size of the source
agation and sensitive to the conductivity gra- and receiver coils in terms of area (AS , AR) and
dient. number of turns (nS , nR).
Unlike the frequency method (FDEM), it is The following formula expresses, in a very
possible to retrieve information from different concise way, the dependency of the recorded
depths with a single measurement (West et al., measure (the transient voltage observed at the
1984; West and Macnae, 1991; Nabighian and receiver) on the parameters, under the assumption
Macnae, 1991; Zhdanov and Keller, 1994; that the TX and RX are sufciently small so that
Parasnis, 1996). the magnetic eld measurement is considered as
The system consists of a transmitting antenna point measurement and the TX is considered a
(TX) and one (or more) receiving antenna (RX) magnetic dipole:
placed on the surface with respect to a chosen
conguration. For example, in the dual loop, H z ( r, t )
separated and horizontal coplanar conguration, V (t , r ) t 0 = = nR 0 dS
the TX and the RX are placed with the axes t AR t
perpendicular to the surface. The TX is a single
H z ( r, t ) r
= Mf ( ( p), r, t )
or multi-turn loop (Vertical Magnetic Dipole,
n R AR 0
VMD) while the RX may be a coil or a loop of t (2.1)
wire, but a sensitive wideband magnetometer can
be used as well. where F is the magnetic ux; m0 is the vacuum
The functioning principles of a TDEM survey permeability; H z is the vertical component
are here briey summarized (West and Macnae, of the magnetic eld r
at distance r from TX;
1991): the TX is energized with a square wave M= AS AR nS nR I0 ; ( p) is the medium conductivity
TDEM for Martian in situ resource prospecting missions
and p = ( x, y, z ) is the position of the conductive and need to be considered when formulating the
medium with respect to TX. model, in order to assess the desired level of
Equation (2.1) is affected by errors due to robustness.
the non-homogeneities of the measurements The choice of the system parameters is
(geometric errors) and inaccuracy of the model strongly related to the required inspection depth
(e.g., deviations from constant parameters as- (i.e. the scale of the survey). The multiplying
sumption). Also, it is affected by the EM back- factor M contains the system parameters and
ground noise (Spies and Frischknecht, 1991). acts as amplier of the received signal. The
These are possible sources of misinterpretations dependency on the distance r and time of
Roberto Filippini, Cinthya Ottonello, Sergio Pagnan and Giorgio Tacconi
observation t are most important for data in- the conductive targets (by induction) resembles
terpretation (geometric sounding). This fact the ow of energy in conventional HF radars (by
shall be treated later on. reection) so that it is also possible to give a radar-
The medium geolectric prole s ( p) is the like interpretation of the above phenomenon: a
unknown parameter of the experiment and it conductor subjected to a time varying EM eld
is estimated as a function of depth (laterally returns back a secondary EM perturbation (i.e. the
uniform model) or more generally as a function echo). The strength of the echo and the time it takes
of the distance from the source coil (3D models). to reach the receiver depend in a very complex
When a layered medium is assumed, the rst way on the conductivity, depth and thickness of
modelling approach is computationally less the target, and also on the conductivity of the
demanding. above layers (similar to a screen).
For the laterally uniform models, the para- The EM background noise is the most im-
meters are the thickness and the conductivity portant disturbing factor for any active EM
of each layer. The rank of a model, namely the sounding system. This is due to the large number
number of its layers, determines the accuracy of interferences which range from Ultra Low
and resolution of the subsoil mapping. Whenever Frequency (ULF) up to Ultra High Frequency
the ground is approximately horizontally layered, (UHF) bands. Basing on the Earth experience,
the diffusion of the EM eld has a qualitative the noise is originated by the contribution of two
interpretation which helps understanding of the different sources: the instrumental noise, due to
phenomenon (Nabighian and Macnae, 1991). the TDEM equipment and the carrier, and the
The EM primary eld diffuses downward as EM natural background noise, due to the natural
a plane wave because of the high air-surface magnetic eld variation, to the interaction with
impedittivity, which implies the electric eld to extraneous sources (solar wind) and to the at-
lie in a horizontal plane. The eddy currents are mospheric phenomena (lightning). In order to
horizontal and concentric below the transmitter carefully characterize the statistical model of the
loop and diffuse away through the medium Martian EM background noise, it is necessary
like smoke rings. If the ground were perfectly to take into account the different contribution
insulating, the waves could penetrate without of noise in terms of Gaussian and non-Gaussian
attenuation, not returning back any scattered components. This a priori knowledge is useful
secondary eld. On the contrary, in the presence to maximize the signal to noise ratio (SNR), for
of a conductive medium, the incident energy is the detection/estimation process.
partially absorbed and spread. This is due to The following formula expresses a possible
the low pass lter behavior of the medium (the statistical noise model:
lower frequencies are the most penetrating).
The quantity accounting for the diffusion phe- n( t ) = a ( t ) + g( t ) + c ( t ) (2.3)
nomenon is the diffusion depth which relates the
time t (from the source impulse) to the depth of
penetration d and is dened as the distance over a(t) represents the contribute due to stationary
which the primary eld amplitude is reduced by harmonic components (micropulsations like
a factor of 1/e (Keller and Zhdanov, 1995) the Earths Schumann resonances), g(t) denotes
Gaussian background noise and, c(t) represents
randomly occurring interferences (lightning
2 t
d= . (2.2) and instrument power switch-on/off ). Such
0 noise characteristics allow one to adopt the
most advanced filtering and noise rejection
As the wave penetrates the ground, a scattered techniques (Macnae et al., 1984; Nikias and
vertical magnetic field may arise from any Mendel, 1993).
conductive layer to the surface with a delay Once the data have been recorded and lter-
proportional to the depth of the layer itself. The ed, they have to be interpreted. The interpretation
ow of energy into the ground and back from relies on the solution of the forward and inverse
TDEM for Martian in situ resource prospecting missions
problem. The inverse problem says: Given an An alternative approach is based on proba-
EM transient signal, determine the geo-electric bilistic tomography (Patella, 1997; Mauriello
structure of the medium that generated it and Patella 1999). The data interpretation is
(Zhdanov and Keller, 1994). no longer bounded to any preconceived subsoil
It consists of estimating the geoelectric model (model free approach) and the results have
structure of the Earth that generates the recorded to be interpreted in a probabilistic sense. It has
signal. worked successfully in the mapping of complex
The dual problem is the forward problem geoelectric proles as well as in the localization
which says: Given a geo-electric structure of of water. Thanks to a lower computational cost
the Earth, determine the EM transient signal at (with respect to the canonical 3D modelling) and
the receiver (Zhdanov and Keller, 1994). potentially no limit to the range of application
The forward problem must be solved in order (TDEM, IP, Magnetotelluric, etc.), it represents
to evaluate the response of the model for a given a valid alternative to the more traditional ap-
parameter setting (in the chosen model parametric proaches, and also for subsequent renement
space). The inversion problem consists of nding and result validation.
the model that best ts the recorded data. Both
problems are represented in the block diagram
of g. 2, where the TDEM experiment has been 3. Insights into water on Mars and some
modelled in accordance with a signal processing future mission scenarios
point of view.
In the laterally uniform model, the main ad- Many hypotheses about the presence of
vantage is that data inversion is unique (Zhdanov water on Mars have been formulated thanks to
and Keller, 1994). If needed, it could be even the scientific data provided by some past and
possible to provide a more detailed subsoil more recent missions, like the Viking (1975),
mapping solution by processing the same data the Pathfinder (1996) and the Mars Global
with reference to a 3D model, but remember- Surveyor (1996) and more recently the Mars
ing the intrinsic computational complexity in Odyssey (2001). An outline of the results is
managing the data inversion in such a context. briefly reported here (Briggs, 2000; Heggy
Moreover, in this, the interpretation becomes et al., 2001):
ambiguous and the problem of the data inversion
is said to be ill posed. The Martian atmosphere Martian atmos-
phere is extremely dry and water exists as ice or
vapor in trace quantities (0.03%).
Roberto Filippini, Cinthya Ottonello, Sergio Pagnan and Giorgio Tacconi
(due to a heating of the crust or to a supercial means: a single transmitter and a certain number
geothermal activity), and the major expectations of receivers (one or N) which could be housed
rely upon the subsoil exploration, where very aboard each carrier xed or moving (lander, rover,
likely it should exist in the form of a mixture robots) with respect to a chosen conguration.
of ground and ice, similar to the terrestrial A distributed TDEM experiment will allow: 1)
permafrost. simultaneous measurements with respect to a
proper geometric sounding approach (time-space
correlated observations); 2) a higher resolution in
3.1. Mission scenarios the measurement (qualitative improvement), by
clustering in groups a certain number of stations;
The different exploration programs developed and nally, 3) exploration of a larger area re-
by the major space agencies (NASA, ESA, cording a signicant amount of data for the xed
ASI, ) in the latest few years have agreed on slice of time available (quantitative improvement).
splitting the Martian exploration into two distinct Other advantages of the distributed conguration,
phases: a rst exploration phase including a large
scale mapping of the Martian surface from
satellites, followed by a second phase of in situ
At present, there exists a great expectation
on the Martian in situ exploration and a large
variety of exploration scenarios have been
conceived, from the missions consisting of a
single rover or a lander equipped with a heavy
package of scientic instruments (the single
station approach), to more ambitious missions
(multi-station approach) consisting of a set of
rovers, landers and robots (Brack et al., 1999;
Heggy et al., 2001). Although single as well
as multi-station scenarios are well suited to a
TDEM experiment, the multi-station approach
(see g. 3) would offer the best platform for a
geophysical distributed TDEM experiment, that Fig. 3. Rover distributed conguration.
TDEM for Martian in situ resource prospecting missions
4. TDEM experiment design and expected System and model parameters are shown
performance in a planetary mission respectively in tables II and III. When needed, a
context: a case study different range of values will be specied. The
time t and the spacing r are the free parameters
Within a planetary mission context, the of the study.
payload scientic experiments are subjected
to more or less evident limitations. The major 4.1. Screening effect and depth of investigation
constraints deal with mass, dimension, power,
mobility and other key resources depending also A very conductive layer causes the EM eld
on the type of mission. These limitations together to loose a large amount of energy (the Ohm-
with mentioned EM background noise and rst effect), remaining conned within the shallow
layer screening effect, compromise the system subsurface. At the same time, the penetration
performance. velocity (depending on the conductivity) decreases
The TDEM performance is the combination so that the EM wave reaches any potential tar-
of two quantities, the depth of investigation plus get later and with not enough energy to scatter
the resolution (Spies and Frischknecht, 1991). back a detectable signal. This effect is called the
The former is the maximum depth of penetration
(generated by the source impulse), scattering a
detectable signal back to the surface (echo to Table II. System parameter settings.
the receiver), for a given maximum threshold of
sensitivity (i.e. receiver sensitivity). The latter System parameters Values
represents the ability to detect the conductivity AS , AR 1 m2
and thickness of a layer in the subsoil. nS, nR 112 turns
System sounding capabilities are evaluated
I0 1A
here for a simple case study wherein a salt-
water deposit lying at a certain depth beneath Dipole moment M 12544 A m4
the surface is the target of the investigation. The (nS nR AS AR I0 )
following assumptions hold: Threshold of sensitivity mV
Roberto Filippini, Cinthya Ottonello, Sergio Pagnan and Giorgio Tacconi
screening effect and it represents the most serious function of the threshold of sensitivity, the
limitation for the detection of any buried target. medium conductivity and the gain M (Spies and
A rough estimation of the screening effect could Frischknecht, 1991)
be obtained by considering the attenuation of 15
the plane wave diffusing downward an uniform M
d = ( 4 )
7 10
. (4.3)
medium of conductivity s. In this case, the Vth
voltage time response at the receiver (see eq.
(2.1) ) can be analytically expressed as follows The expression gives an approximated informa-
(Zhdanov and Keller, 1994): tion on the maximum depth of investigation. Fig-
ure 4 shows the results obtained for the two rst
layer conductivity values assumed in table III,
V (t , r ) t 0 = conrming how a more conductive rst layer
limits the penetration.
u2 u4
=M erf (u ) 2
e 2 u 1+
2 r 5 3 9 4.2. Target resolution
Vcoil (t , r ) t >0 =
M u(t ) 9r 2 + 24u(t )
] (4.4)
S [r 2
+ 4 u( t ) ]
2 72
u(t ) = D + ; S = T T.
0 S
This model is mostly useful to highlight the echo
scattering and the importance of relating together
the recording time, the spacing between the coils
and the depth of the target.
Let us assume a target of conductance
S = 4 10 W (salt water), a xed time t =
TDEM for Martian in situ resource prospecting missions
Roberto Filippini, Cinthya Ottonello, Sergio Pagnan and Giorgio Tacconi
the assumptions means to consider at least a two- to the low maximum peak of current available,
layered model for the subsoil, to add noise to the the receiver has to be sensitive to very low
signal and to model the dynamical behavior of the signals, the EM noise characterization and data
TX and RX with the respective transfer functions. acquisition strategy will be necessary in order
In so doing, a signicant spreading and lowering to improve the S/N ratio. Altogether with these
for the time response is expected, the amount of design recipes, it is worthwhile also thinking of
attenuation and delay depending on the rst layer a drastically different approach to the TDEM
conductivity. The dynamics of TX and RX, which experiment. For instance, just considering the
depend on the number of turns and area, could more futuristic mission scenarios, let us suppose
affect the selection of the recording time window having a network of carriers available. The
of the experiment. Namely, the experiment TDEM survey might be arranged as follows: a
requirements consist of: 1) a very fast transient rover could unroll and stand a wire on the surface
response for the TX (the loop working better than where the survey is planned and, at the same time,
a coil), so that the primary eld does not interfere a set of receivers could be arranged in a network-
directly (by TX-RX mutual coupling) with the like conguration on the surface. This way, the
secondary eld, and 2) a RX cut-off frequency area of the transmitter would be increased with
not too low (i.e. > 1000 Hz) in order to achieve a resulting advantage in a larger energizing
the desired level of resolution. Advanced design moment, and the data could be acquired in
solutions exist in order to counteract the above different places, simultaneously, also increasing
potential limitations. Some of these have already the S/N ratio by means of the multisensor data
been implemented in commercial systems. For fusion. This latter approach would represent
instance, a very early recording time is feasible by the common framework for many of the in situ
spacing opportunely TX and RX or alternatively scientic experiments.
arranging them in a null-coupled conguration A package of instruments, cooperating for the
(zero mutual impedance). same objective, represents the most promising
solution in a such extreme environment. Just
referring to the Earth experience, there exist
5. Conclusions many examples where the combination of two
or more sounding methodologies have increased
The paper has investigated the feasibility of a the overall performances (Meju, 1996). This
TDEM system for Martian subsurface geophysical approach is also recommended to obtain the best
exploration. The operational environment has opportunities of employment or/and merging of
been dened and some of the potential obstacles, the TDEM with other sounding methods and
either of technical or environmental nature, have represents, in our opinion, together with the
been highlighted. A simple case study showed distributed conguration approach, the most
how mission constraints could limit the system promising way to successfully perform a TDEM
sounding capability. In such a context, even a geophysical survey on Mars.
few tens of meters of penetration should be a
quite remarkable result. This is quite satisfactory
for the exobiology research program, where the
role of a TDEM system could be to target a drill Acknowledgements
to a suitable site for sampling activity. On the
contrary, greater depths are required for water The presented study has been conducted in
search task. Indeed, this kind of problem is the context of TESEO, a project supported by
usually encountered whenever a methodology, the Italian Space Agency (ASI), in collaboration
well assessed on the Earth, must be adapted with CNR-ISSIA, DIBE-University of Genoa,
for a space application. Thus, a very special DSF-University Federico II of Naples, IRSPS-
attention in designing the system in each single University of Pesaro and Ofcine Galileo. We
part would be required: the transmitter should are also mostly grateful to Prof. Domenico Pa-
generate the greatest source impulse with respect tella for fruitful discussions on the subject.
TDEM for Martian in situ resource prospecting missions