About Master R - K
About Master R - K
About Master R - K
This is an audacious attempt to touch the fountainhead. What we write below is about the
outer activities of Sri Sri Ramakrishna Samardha Sadgurudev His outer life reflects in a very small
measure of what He is in His transcendental vastness. At the invitation of the Siddhapurushas in the
Himalayas, Sri Marella Sri Ramakrishna incarnated in this world on October 14, 1948.
He was born in his grandfather's house in Machalipatnam in Krishna district of Andhra
Pradesh, India. His parents are the pious couple Marella Sakku Bai and Kamaraju. His grandfather
Sri Marella Someshwara Rao was a very important person in Sri Ramakrishna Samardha
Sadgurudev's life. At the age of 5, Sri Ramakrishna went to live with his grandfather in Varanasi. His
grandfather was his first teacher and taught him Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam,
Bhagavad-Gita. The holy city Banares was the abode of several enlightened men and great
scholars. Young Sri Ramakrishna had the advantage of visiting most of the illustrious scholars and
sages like Gopinath Kaviraj - the Master of solar science, Anandamayi Ma etc. All these reached a
culmination when He met Pandit Sri Rama Sarma Acharya and Mata Bhagawati Devi, the founders
of Gayatri parivar, Brahma varchas shodh samsthan.
Sri Ramakrishna was one among the 5 lakh people gathered to receive initiation into
Gayatri Mantra by Pujya Gurudev. He had, by then, completed his research work in Electro
Chemistry and was awarded a PhD (Doctorate) by the Banares Hindu University. After this he came
to Guntur and executed his responsibilities as a lecturer and Reader in chemistry in TJPS College,
Guntur till 2002.
By his very loving nature he became the beloved friend, guide and philosopher to lakhs of
people. He initiated them to the unique meditation called Samarth Sadguru Sparsha Dhyana. This
meditation and contemplation establishes a contact between the aspirants and the Guru, so that
they may become active partners and followers of the Masters in the executions of the Divine
In order to understand the knowledge inherited by our ancient Rishis and put them to
practical use to transform our lives, over the period of 22 years, Sri Ramakrishna Samardha
Sadgurudev has given extensive discourses on many topics. We list a few below.
The practical aspects of Gayatri Jagajjanani Sri Mahayogeswari Devi Surya Vignan
Swasa Maha Vignan The Guru Dattatreya consciouness Bhagawata
Ramayana Mahabharata Srimad Bhagawad Gita
Purusha Sukta Sri Sukta Mantra Pushpa
Agni Sukta Aswini Sukta Suparna Sukta
Homeopathy Vastu vignan Astrology
Solar System Panchagni Vidya Yagna vidya
Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga Omkara Sadhana Samartha Sadguru Sparsa Meditation
Shatchakra Jagarana The art of surrender Psychology of richness
Utilisation of speech Law of Karma
His discourses are marked with lucidity and drive the point straight home. His knowledge
and mastery over the subject is par excellence. The discourses touch the lives of lakhs of people
who get the answers to all the questions they had in mind during course of the lecture without even
having to voice out their thoughts. What else can one say about the omnipotence, omniscience and
omnipresence of the Master!
Sri Sriramakrishna Samardha Sadgurudev is an exponent of scientific spiritualism. His
teachings are a blend of ancient wisdom and modern science. Sri Sriramakrishna Samardha
Sadgurudev has embarked on the mammoth task of conveying the teachings of Gurusatta to
humanity by establishing Akhanda Gurusatta comprising 14 Supreme Masters, who have
descended to this planet to take humanity to new heights of evolution. Sri Sriramakrishna
Samardha Sadgurudev has been termed as a democratic spiritual leader by many organizations by
bringing the galaxy of Gurus onto one platform.