1 - Hao - Science 2000 Vörösmarty 284 8 PDF
1 - Hao - Science 2000 Vörösmarty 284 8 PDF
1 - Hao - Science 2000 Vörösmarty 284 8 PDF
Population Growth
Charles J. Vrsmarty et al.
Science 289, 284 (2000);
DOI: 10.1126/science.289.5477.284
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Science (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the
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2000 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Science is a
registered trademark of AAAS.
differences were then applied to a baseline (13)
Global Water Resources: to generate the future patterns of runoff (16).
Mean global runoff varied in response to climate
Table 1. Contemporary world population living under progressive levels of relative total water demand Table 2. Cumulative distribution of worldwide
(DIA/Q). The thresholds and definitions of water stress are as defined by the United Nations (UN) (10). population with respect to ranked values of rela-
Results shown here contrast national-level summaries (102 entries) against grid-based tabulations tive water demand for domestic and industrial
(104 to 105 entries). Indices given are for 1995. sectors (DI/Q) generated by the CGCM1/WBM
model. Each entry represents the population at or
exceeding the indicated DIA/Q level from 30 res-
Total population (billions)
olution data.
Water stress Country-level Grid-based
(unitless) Cumulative population (billions)
UN This study* This study DI/Q
(unitless) Con-
Sc1 Sc2 Sc3
Low 0.1 1.72 1.95 3.16 temporary
Moderate 0.1 to 0.2 2.08 1.73 0.38
Medium-high 0.2 to 0.4 1.44 1.54 0.37 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.9 1.6
High 0.4 0.46 0.45 1.76 0.4 1.2 1.0 2.4 2.2
0.2 1.4 1.3 2.8 2.7
*Total water demand, runoff, and population at 30 grid spatial resolution were each summed to the national scale, and 0.1 1.7 1.6 3.2 3.2
corresponding aggregates were then computed. 0.01 2.9 2.9 5.4 5.4
0.001 4.1 4.1 7.0 7.0
0.000 4.8 4.8 8.0 8.0
5.7 billion lives under conditions of relative of this century will be the growth and eco-
water scarcity (DIA/Q 0.2), and 450 mil- nomic development of human population.
lion people are under severe water stress (DIA/ We base this conclusion on contrasts between Sc3 the highly vulnerable population with
Q 0.4). A summary based on individual grid the cumulative distributions of global popu- DI/Q 0.4 increases to 2 billion, an 85%
cells (Table 1) shows that a much larger pop- lation, ranked by DI/Q and A/Q, for each of increase in relation to the vulnerable popula-
ulation (an additional 1.3 billion) now lives the scenarios tested (Table 2). Under tion in 1985. This condition is determined
under a high degree of water stress that nation- CGCM1/WBM, we see almost no difference almost exclusively by population and devel-
al-level totals, especially for large countries, fail between cumulative population distributions opment pressure.
to articulate. Use of 30 grids (n 59,132) represented by the contemporary baseline and For agriculture, overall results are similar
captures much more of the spatial heterogeneity by climate change scenario Sc1. In contrast, (Table 3). The population distribution here re-
in water use, discharge, and RWD (Fig. 1). Sc2 shows a large effect from human devel- fers to the number of people dependent on
Water stress transcends national boundaries and opment with substantial increases over 1985 irrigated water withdrawals (21), and changes
is apparent today across arid and semiarid re- in accumulated population for all levels of in either remote demand or local available dis-
gions as well as in many densely populated DI/Q. The additional climatic effects repre- charge influence A/Q under contrasting scenar-
parts of the humid tropics and temperate zone. sented by Sc3 fail to elicit a substantial de- ios. The effect of Sc1 produces little change
We find that the primary determinants of parture from the Sc2 distribution. Although from 1985, and the aggregate impact of increas-
changing levels of RWD, and hence vulner- more people are predicted in 2025 to be ing water demands under Sc2 and Sc3 is appar-
ability to water stress, through the early part living in relatively water-rich areas, under ent. For 1985, we estimate that almost 2 billion
Table 4. Continental and global summaries for population, irrigable land, simulated by CGCM1/WBM. Percentages assigned to the change in DIA/Q
sustainable water supply defined as discharge (Q), and relative all-sector (DIA/Q) are relative to the 1985 contemporary baseline.
water demand (DIA/Q) tabulated for the contemporary condition and
Irrigated Observed Contemporary 2025 Predicted DIA/Q (%)
Area cropland Q DIA/Q Q
(1000 km2) (km3 year1) (unitless) (km3 year1)
1985 2025 Sc1 Sc2 Sc3
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Atmospheric Science
Science (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. Copyright
2006 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Science is a
registered trademark of AAAS.
Fig. 1. Global hydrological fluxes (1000 km3/year) and storages (1000 km3) precipitation and evapotranspiration in major landscapes (1000 km3/year)
with natural and anthropogenic cycles are synthesized from various sources presented by small vertical arrows; parentheses indicate area (million km2).
(1, 35). Big vertical arrows show total annual precipitation and evapo- The direct groundwater discharge, which is estimated to be about 10% of
transpiration over land and ocean (1000 km3/year), which include annual total river discharge globally (6), is included in river discharge.
person in developing countries and considera- or other high energyconsuming means is offset by importing food or industrial goods. Such
bly more in developed countries. Therefore, the generally not realistic (8). trade is called virtual water trade (1921). The
supply for these sectors must be inexpensive, On the other hand, water demand for food weight of traded goods is normally just a
which means that transporting water by tanker and industrial production in dry regions can be small fraction, such as 1/100 to 1/1000, of the
weight of the water required to produce that
goods, so transporting goods is considerably
easier than transporting the water itself. Total
international virtual water trade is estimated
to be about 1000 km3/year (20, 21), although
only a part of that virtual water trade is
done to compensate for water shortage (22).
Problems of water, food, health, and poverty
are interlinked in many developing countries,
particularly in the regions where freshwater
resources are scarce, the local economy is too
weak to allow import of food from outside on a
large scale, and desalination plants are im-
that address water challenges (35) and to make 11. T. Oki et al., Hydrol. Sci. J. 46, 983 (2001). 26. P. Gleick, Science 302, 1524 (2003).
sure that scientists understand what kinds of 12. M. I. Lvovitch, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 54, 28 27. Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change, Climate
(1973). Change, 2001: The Science Basis (Cambridge Univ. Press,
knowledge are required by policy-makers and 13. F. Baumgartner, E. Reichel, The World Water Balance: Cambridge, UK, 2001).
by society at large. Mean Annual Global, Continental and Maritime 28. World Water Day (www.worldwaterday.org/wwday/1998/).
Precipitation, Evaporation and Runoff (Ordenbourg, 29. J. Alcamo et al., personal communication.
References and Notes Munchen, Germany, 1975). 30. N. W. Arnell, Glob. Environ. Change 14, 31 (2004).
1. T. Oki, in Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, 14. C. J. Vorosmarty, P. Green, J. Salisbury, R. B. Lammers, 31. D. Nohara, A. Kitoh, M. Hosaka, T. Oki, J. Hydromet.,
M.G. Anderson, J. McDonnell, Eds. (Wiley, New York, Science 289, 284 (2000). in press.
2005), vol. 1, pp. 1322. 15. J. Alcamo et al., Hydrol. Sci. J. 48, 339 (2003). 32. P. C. D. Milly, K. A. Dunne, A. V. Vecchia, Nature 438,
2. M. W. Rosegrant, C. Ximing, S. A. Cline, Environment 45, 16. P. J. Crutzen, Nature 415, 23 (2002). 347 (2005).
24 (2003). 17. N. Hanasaki, S. Kanae, T. Oki, J. Hydrol. 327, 22 33. N. Gedney et al., Nature 439, 835 (2006).
3. P. A. Dirmeyer et al., Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., in press. (2006). 34. Y. Hirabayashi et al., in preparation.
4. I. A. Shiklomanov, Ed., Assessment of Water Resources 18. N. Utsumi, thesis, The University of Tokyo (2006). 35. T. Oki, C. Valeo, K. Heal, Eds., Hydrology 2020: An
and Water Availability in the World (World Meteorological 19. J. A. Allan, Yale Univ. For. Environ. Studies Bull. 103, 141 Integrating Science to Meet World Water Challenges,
Organization/Stockholm Environment Institute, Geneva, (1998). IAHS Publication 300 (IAHS, Wallingford, UK, 2005).
Switzerland, 1997). 20. T. Oki et al., in Value of Water Research Report Series No. 36. We thank our research group members at Institute of
5. V. I. Korzun, World Water Balance and Water Resources of 12, A. Y. Hoekstra, Ed. (UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands, Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo for comments and
the Earth, vol. 25 of Studies and Reports in Hydrology 2003), pp. 221235. support, particularly Y. Shen, M. Bengtsson, Y. Agata, H. Kim,
(UNESCO, Paris, 1978). 21. A. K. Chapagain, A. Y. Hoekstra, Value of Water Research and N. Utsumi. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for
6. T. M. Church, Nature 380, 579 (1996). Report Series No. 13 (UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands, comments. For financial support, we thank Core Research for
River Basin Management Plan age. Along the lower Murray, three-quarters
of once-extensive red gum forests withered
and died. The Goolwa wetlands dried up,
Secures Water for the Environment oxidizing sulfates in the soil to sulfuric acid,
which acidified the wetlands and adjacent
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIAIn the scramble iconic Coorong with its 140-kilometer-long farms once the waters returned and spread
to secure water for drinking and agricul- lagoon that provides sanctuary for a cornu- it. The Coorong was cut off from the Mur-
ture, the environment often gets overlooked. copia of waterbirds. ray for 3 years. Its salinity jumped to ve to
Australia is aiming to set an example of how Beginning in the 1950s, dams and irriga- seven times that of seawater, turning half of
to balance all three needs in its agricultural tion channels transformed the free-owing the estuary into a dead sea. Paleoecologi-
heartland. The Murray-Darling basin plan, waterways into a highly managed system. cal evidence indicates it was unusual even
adopted by the government on 22 November, Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 1800s, for the last 7000 years, Rebecca Lester, an
is historic, says Richard Kingsford, a con- more than 40% of rainwater entering the sys- environmental scientist at Deakin University
servation biologist at the University of New tem annually, or 12,200 billion liters, made in Melbourne, penned on The Conversation,
South Wales in Sydney. South Australian it to the sea, according to a 2008 study by a research news Web site.
the political tightrope that such mental values. Restoring river and
decisionmaking requires. wetlands health meant primar-
The 1-million-square- ily removing less water for irri-
kilometer Murray-Darling basin gation. How much to take back
stretches across four states that is open for lots of debate, says
have been brawling over water Tony Minns, director of the Goy-
for more than a century. Rising der Institute for Water Research
from tributaries in Queensland in Adelaide. MDBA planners
and New South Wales, the Dar- also called for xing leaky irriga-
ling River flows southwest, tion systems to retain more water
joining the Murray River at the IVE in rivers and proposed that ows
Victorian border, and finally could be bolstered by pumping in
looked at three water recovery scenarios water will come from buying water rights back, but Ruppia tuberosa, a key seagrass
none of which pleased farmers, who tossed from farmers; better irrigation infrastruc- species that sh and waterfowl feed on, has
it into bonres. A nal plan issued a year ture will spread it further. The basin plan is disappeared. Soil acidication still affects
later improved modeling to assess how dif- expected to be fully implemented by 2024. wetlands and farm fields. Its not clear
ferent scenarios would affect 18 key indica- The plan still faces hurdles. There are whether these changes are permanent,
tors of environmental health. One indicator many ways the states could frustrate the Minns says, referring to both biodiversity
is to keep salinity in the Coorong below deal, says Rhondda Dickson, MDBA chief loss and acidication.
60 grams per litera safe level for seagrasses executive. For instance, states still own the The basins future will depend not just on
that sh and birds depend on. (Pre-European water and could cap the amount of irriga- the volume of water owing through the sys-
salinity was 24 grams per liter; by 2009 it tion rights MDBA can purchase, as New tem, but how its added. We have to develop
had risen to 62 grams per liter.) Returning South Wales has threatened to do. To make ecological watering plans [to decide] how
3200 billion liters to the Murray-Darling it work, Dickson says, the government much, how often and when [to release water]
system would satisfy 17 of 18 indicators and needs the states support, however grudging. to achieve the environmental outcomes,
come close to the Wentworth target of two- The environment ministry is working on an Minns says. One goal is to restore natural
thirds of historical ows. But it poses another implementation agreement with the states. flow variability. Ecologically, occasional
problem: Infrastructure along the rivers Ecological recovery could take decades. ooding is important for these river systems,
lower reaches built to suit reduced flows MDBAs water purchases and infrastructure Kingsford says. Now that MDBA is getting
steady, predictable rate of growth for federal to adopt revolutionary interdisciplinary But Suresh says its very difcult to carry
spending on sciencewill sound familiar ... and people-based awards. Too much of out long-term planning with our sister agen-
to readers of other recent reports by equally federal spendingwhich amounts to about cies under the current U.S. system of annual
prestigious panels. The majority of these one-third of the nations total investment appropriations. JEFFREY MERVIS