Pom Ie
Pom Ie
Pom Ie
Text Book:
1. Production planning and Inventory Control Seetharama L Narasimhan, Dennis
W,McLeavey, Peter J Billington.
1. Production planning and inventory control Magee and Boodman.
2. Production control John E Biegal.
3. Production forecasting, planning and control EH Mac Niece.
4. Elements of production planning and control Samuel Eilon.
5. Production planning control & Industrial Management K.C .Jain & L.N Aggarwal Khanna
6. Industrial Engineering and Management O P Khanna
Module I
Introduction to Industrial Engineering Evolution of modern Concepts in Industrial Engineering
Functions of Industrial Engineering Field of application of Industrial Engineering Product
Development and research- Design function Objectives of design, - Manufacturing vs
purchase- Economic aspects C-V-P analysis - Development of designs- prototype, production
and testing Selection of materials and processes- Human factors in design- Value Engineering,
Job plan. Introduction to Flexible manufacturing systems, Plant layout and Material handling-
principles of material handling, Types of material handling equipments, Selection and
Preventive and break- down maintenance - Replacement of equipments- Method of providing for
depreciation- Determination of economic life - Simple problems.
Module II
Methods engineering: Analysis of work methods using different types of process chart and flow
diagrams- Critical examination- Micro motion study and therbligs- SIMO chart- Principles of
motion economy determination of allowances and standard time. - Job evaluation and merit
rating Objectives and principles of job evaluation- merit incentive plan Merit rating plans.
Wages and Incentives- Primary wage systems- Time rate and piece rate system of wage
payment- Incentive plans- essentials of a good wage incentive plan- Non monitory incentives.
Industrial relations- Psychological attitudes to work and working conditions - fatigue- Methods
of eliminating fatigue- Effect of Communication in Industry, causes effects of industrial
disputes- Collective bargaining- Trade union Workers participation in management.
Module III
Production planning and control- Importance of planning job, batch and mass production-
Determination of economic lot size in batch production- Functions of production control
Routing , Scheduling, dispatching and follow up- Gantt charts.
Inventory Control, Inventory models -Determination of EOQ and reorder level, selective
inventory control techniques.
Quality control and Inspection- Destructive and non-destructive testing methods, process
capability- Statistical quality control and control charts for X and R. (Simple problems without
using SQC table)
Acceptance sampling and operation characteristic curves- System reliability- life testing-Bath tub
Introduction to concepts of Bench marking, TQM, ISO, Six Sigma and Quality circles
(Brief description only).
1. O. P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management.
2. Ralph and Barien, Time and Motion Study
3. Grant and Ieven Worth, Statistical Quality Control.
4. E. S. Buffa, Modern Production management.
5. M Mahajan, Industrial Engineering & Production Management, Dhanpat Rai Pub.
6. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering & Production Management, S. Chand.
7. B. Kumar, Industrial Engineering Khanna Pub.
8. Introduction to work study ILO
Reference Books:
1. ILO, Introduction to Work Study, International Labour Organization.
2. Ralph M. Barnes, Motion and Time Study; Design and Measurement of Work , John Wiley
3. Bridger, Introduction to Ergonomics, McGraw Hill.
1. Construction of process flow charts Multiple Activity chart
2. Determination of standard time- Time study of Electric plug assembly
3. Performance Rating Analysis Physiological evaluation by Tread Mill
4. Study of effect of method and workplace layout on performance Two handed process
5. Application of Principles of Motion Economy and Time study Pin board apparatus
6. Predetermined motion time Systems PMTS of an Electric Tester
7. Statistical process control Control Charts: Variable control Charts X and R Charts
8. Attribute control Charts P- Chart
9. Acceptance sampling Operating Characteristics curve
10. Probability distributions Normal distribution.
11. Simulation.