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39.1 The Principle of Galilean Relativity

39.2 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
39.3 Einsteins Principle of Relativity
39.4 Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
39.5 The Lorentz Transformation Equations
39.6 The Lorentz Velocity Transformation Equations
39.7 Relativistic Linear Momentum
39.8 Relativistic Energy
39.9 The General Theory of Relativity

* An asterisk indicates a question or problem new to this edition.


OQ39.1 (i) Answer (a). (ii) Answer (c). (iii) Answer (d). There is no upper
limit on the momentum or energy of an electron. As the speed of the
electron approaches c, the factor tends to infinity, so both the
kinetic energy, K = ( 1) mc 2 , and momentum, p = mv, tend to
OQ39.2 Answer (d). The relativistic time dilation effect is symmetric between
the observers.
OQ39.3 Answers (b) and (c). According to the second postulate of special
relativity (the constancy of the speed of light), both observers will
measure the light speed to be c.
OQ39.4 Answer (c). An oblate spheroid. The dimension in the direction of
motion would be contracted but the dimension perpendicular to the
motion would be unaltered.
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834 Relativity

OQ39.5 Answer (e). The astronaut is moving with constant velocity and is
therefore in an inertial reference frame. According to the principle of
relativity, all the laws of physics are the same in her reference frame
as in any other inertial reference frame. Thus, she should experience
no effects due to her motion through space.
OQ39.6 Answer (b). The dimension parallel to the direction of motion is
reduced by the factor and the other dimensions are unchanged.
OQ39.7 (i) Answer (c). The Earth observer measures the clock in orbit to
run slower.
(ii) Answer (b). They are not synchronized. They both tick at the
same rate after return, but a time difference has developed
between the two clocks.
OQ39.8 Answer (a) > (c) > (b). The relativistic momentum of a particle is
p = E 2 ER2 c , where E is the total energy of the particle, and
ER = mc 2 is its rest energy (ER = 0 for the photon). In this problem,
each of the particles has the same total energy E. Thus, the particle
with the smallest rest energy (photon < electron < proton) has the
greatest momentum.
OQ39.9 Answers (d) and (e). The textbook refers to the postulate summarized
in choice (d) as the principle of relativity, and to the postulate in
choice (e) as the constancy of the speed of light.
OQ39.10 Answer (b). By the postulate of the constancy of the speed of light,
light from any source travels in vacuum at speed c.


CQ39.1 The star and the planet orbit about their common center of mass,
thus the star moves in an elliptical path. Just like the light from a star
in a binary star system, the spectrum of light from the star would
undergo a cyclic series of Doppler shifts depending on the stars
speed and direction of motion relative to the observer. The repetition
rate of the Doppler shift pattern is the period of the orbit.
Information about the orbit size can be calculated from the size of the
Doppler shifts.
CQ39.2 Suppose a railroad train is moving past you. One way to measure its
length is this: You mark the tracks at the cowcatcher forming the
front of the moving engine at 9:00:00 AM, while your assistant marks
the tracks at the back of the caboose at the same time. Then you find
the distance between the marks on the tracks with a tape measure.

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Chapter 39 835

You and your assistant must make the marks simultaneously in your
frame of reference, for otherwise the motion of the train would make
its length different from the distance between marks.
CQ39.3 (a) Yours does. From your frame of reference, the clocks on the
train run slow, so the symphony takes a longer time interval to
play on the train.
(b) The observers on the train does. From the trains frame of
reference, your clocks run slow, so the symphony takes a longer
time interval to play for you.
(c) Each observer measures his symphony as finishing first.
CQ39.4 Get a Mr. Tompkins book by George Gamow for a wonderful fictional
exploration of this question. Because of time dilation, your trip to
work would be short, so your coffee would not have time to become
cold, and you could leave home later. Driving home in a hurry, you
push on the gas pedal not to increase your speed by very much, but
rather to make the blocks get shorter. Big Doppler shifts in wave
frequencies make red lights look green as you approach them, alter
greatly the frequencies of car horns, and make it very difficult to tune
a radio to a station. High-speed transportation is very expensive
because a small change in speed requires a large change in kinetic
energy, resulting in huge fuel use. Crashes would be disastrous
because a speeding car has a great amount of kinetic energy, so a
collision would generate great damage. There is a five-day delay in
transmission when you watch the Olympics in Australia on live
television. It takes ninety-five years for sunlight to reach Earth.
CQ39.5 Acceleration is indicated by a curved line. This can be seen in the
middle of Speedos world-line in Figure 39.11, where he turns
around and begins his trip home.
CQ39.6 (a) Any physical theory must agree with experimental
measurements within some domain. Newtonian mechanics
agrees with experiment for objects moving slowly compared to
the speed of light. Relativistic mechanics agrees with
experiment for objects moving at relativistic speeds.
(b) It is well established that Newtonian mechanics applies to
objects moving at speeds a lot less than light, but Newtonian
mechanics fails at relativistic speeds. If relativistic mechanics is
to be the better theory, it must apply to all physically possible
speeds. Relativistic mechanics at nonrelativistic speeds must
reduce to Newtonian mechanics, and it does.
CQ39.7 No. The principle of relativity implies that nothing can travel faster
than the speed of light in a vacuum, which is 300 Mm/s. The electron
would emit light in a conical shock wave of Cerenkov radiation.
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836 Relativity

CQ39.8 According to p = mu, doubling the speed u will make the
c 2 u2
momentum of an object increase by the factor 2 2 2
c 4u
CQ39.9 As the object approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy grows
without limit. It would take an infinite investment of work to
accelerate the object to the speed of light.
CQ39.10 A microwave pulse is reflected from a moving object. The waves that
are reflected back are Doppler shifted in frequency according to the
speed of the target. The receiver in the radar gun detects the reflected
wave and compares its frequency to that of the emitted pulse. Using
the frequency shift, the speed can be calculated to high precision. Be
forewarned: this technique works if you are either traveling toward
or away from your local law enforcement agent!
CQ39.11 Running at a speed near that of light means some other observer
measures you to be running near the speed of light. To you, you are
at rest in your own inertial frame. You would see the same thing that
you see when looking at a mirror when at rest. The theory of
relativity tells us that all experiments will give the same results in all
inertial frames of reference.
CQ39.12 (i) Solving for the image location q in terms of the object location p
and the focal length f gives
p f
We note that when p = f, the image is formed at infinity. Let us,
for example, take an object initially a distance pi = 2f from the
mirror. Its speed, in approaching f in a finite amount of time is
p f 2f f f
v= = =
t t t
At the same time, the location of the image moves from
qi = (2 f ) f /(2 f f ) = 2 f to qf = , i.e., covering an infinite
distance in a finite amount of time. The speed of the image thus
exceeds the speed of light c.
(ii) For simplicity, we assume that the distant screen is curved with
a radius of curvature R. The linear speed of the spot on the
screen is then given by v = R, where is the angular speed of
rotation of the laser pointer. With sufficiently large and R, the
speed of the spot moving on the screen can exceed c.

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Chapter 39 837

(iii) Neither of these examples violates the principle of relativity. In

the first case, the image transtions from being real to being
virtual when p = f. In the second case, we have the intersection
of a light beam with a screen. A point of tranition or intersection
is not made of matter so it has no mass, and hence no energy. A
bug momentarily at the intersection point could squeak or
reflect light. A second bug would have to wait for sound or light
to travel across the distance between the first bug and himself,
to get the message; neither of these actions would result in
communication reaching the second bug sooner than the
intersection point reaches him.
CQ39.13 Special relativity describes the relationship between physical
quantities and laws in inertial reference frames: that is, reference
frames that are not accelerating. General relativity describes the
relationship between physical quantities and laws in all reference
CQ39.14 Because of gravitational time dilation, the downstairs clock runs
more slowly because it is closer to the Earth and hence in a stronger
gravitational field than the upstairs clock.


Section 39.1 The Principle of Galilean Relativity

P39.1 By Equation 4.20, u PA = u PB + v BA , with motion in one dimension,

u baseball, ground = u baseball, truck + v truck, ground
u baseball, ground = 20.0 m/s + 10.0 m/s = 10.0 m/s

In other words, 10.0 m/s toward the left in Figure P39.1 .

P39.2 In the laboratory frame of reference, Newtons second law is valid:

F = ma . Laboratory observer 1 watches some object accelerate under

applied forces. Call the instantaneous velocity of the object v 1 = v O1
(the velocity of object O relative to observer 1 in laboratory frame) and

dv 1
its acceleration = a 1 . A second observer has instantaneous velocity

v 21 relative to the first. In general, the velocity of the object in the
frame of the second observer is

v 2 = v O2 = v O1 + v 12 = v 1 v 21

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838 Relativity

(a) If the relative instantaneous velocity v 21 of the second observer is
constant, the second observer measures the acceleration

dv 2 dv 1
a2 = = = a1
dt dt
This is the same as that measured by the first observer. In this
nonrelativistic case, they measure the same forces and masses as

well. Thus, the second observer also confirms that F = ma.
(b) If the second observers frame is accelerating, then the

instantaneous relative velocity v 21 is not constant. The second
observer measures an acceleration of

d v 2 d ( v 1 v 21 ) d ( v 21 )
a2 = = = a1 = a 1 a ,
dt dt dt

d ( v 21 )
where = a
The observer in the accelerating frame measures the acceleration

of the mass as being a 2 = a 1 a. If Newtons second law held for
the accelerating frame, that observer would expect to find valid

the relation F2 = ma 2 , or F1 = ma 2 (since F1 = F2 and the mass is
unchanged in each). But, instead, the accelerating frame observer

finds that F2 = ma 2 ma , which is not Newtons second law.
P39.3 From the triangle in ANS. FIG. P39.3,

v 29.8 103 m/s

= sin 1 = sin 1
c 2.998 108 m/s
= 5.70 103 degrees = 9.94 105 rad

ANS. FIG. P39.3

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Chapter 39 839

P39.4 In the rest frame,

pi = m1 v1i + m2 v2i = ( 2 000 kg ) ( 20.0 m/s ) + ( 1 500 kg ) ( 0 m/s )
= 4.00 10 4 kg m/s
p f = ( m1 + m2 ) v f = ( 2 000 kg + 1 500 kg ) v f
Since pi = p f ,

pi 4.00 10 4 kg m/s
vf = = = 11.429 m/s
m1 + m2 2 000 kg + 1 500 kg
In the moving frame, these velocities are all reduced by +10.0 m/s.
v1i = v1i v = 20.0 m/s ( +10.0 m/s ) = 10.0 m/s
= v2i v = 0 m/s ( +10.0 m/s ) = 10.0 m/s
vf = 11.429 m/s ( +10.0 m/s ) = 1.429 m/s
Our initial momentum is then
pi = m1v1i + m2 v2i

= ( 2 000 kg ) ( 10.0 m/s ) + ( 1 500 kg ) ( 10.0 m/s )
= 5 000 kg m/s
and our final momentum has the same value:
pf = ( 2 000 kg + 1 500 kg ) vf = ( 3 500 kg ) ( 1.429 m/s )
= 5 000 kg m/s

Section 39.2 The Michelson-Morley Experiment

Section 39.3 Einsteins Principle of Relativity
Section 39.4 Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
P39.5 In the rest frame of the spacecraft, the Earth-star gap travels past it at
speed u. The distance from Earth to the star is a proper length in the
Earths frame:
L u
L = P = LP 1

Solving for the speed of the spacecraft gives,

2 2
L 2.00 ly
u = c 1 = c 1 = 0.917c
LP 5.00 ly

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840 Relativity

P39.6 (a) The length of the meter stick measured by the observer moving at
speed v = 0.900 c relative to the meter stick is

L = Lp = Lp 1 ( v c ) = ( 1.00 m ) 1 ( 0.900 ) = 0.436 m

2 2

(b) If the observer moves relative to Earth in the direction opposite

the motion of the meter stick relative to Earth, the velocity of the
observer relative to the meter stick is greater than that in part (a).
The measured length of the meter stick will be less than 0.436 m
under these conditions, but so small it is unobservable.
P39.7 A clock running at one-half the rate of a clock at rest takes twice the
time to register the same time interval: t = 2tp .
1 2
tp tp 2
t = 1 2 so v = c 1
1 ( v c )2 t

For t = 2tp ,
t 2 1
1 2

v = c 1
= c 1 = 0.866c
2tp 4

P39.8 For = 0.990 , = 7.09.
(a) The muons lifetime as measured in the Earths rest frame is

LP 4.60 km 4.60 103 m

t = = =
0.990 ( 3.00 10 m/s )
v 0.990c
= 1.55 105 s = 15.5 s
and the lifetime measured in the muons rest frame is
t 1
tp = = (15.5 s) = 2.18 s
(b) In the muons frame, the Earth is approaching the muon at speed
v = 0.990c. During the time interval the muon exists, the Earth
travels the distance
t L L
d = vtP = v =v P = P
= ( 4.60 103 m ) 1 ( 0.990 ) = 649 m

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Chapter 39 841

P39.9 From Equation 39.9 for length contraction,

L = Lp 1 2
we solve for the speed v of the meterstick:
v = c 1
Taking L = where, Lp = 1.00 m, gives
Lp 2 1
v = c 1 = c 1 = 0.866c
Lp 4

P39.10 (a) The time interval between pulses as measured by the astronaut is
a proper time:
1 min
tp =
75.0 beats
The time interval between pulses as measured by the Earth
observer is then:
1 1 min 2
t = tp = = 1.54 10 min/beat
1 ( 0.500 ) 75.0 beats

Thus, the Earth observer records a pulse rate of

1 1 2 75.0 beats
= = 1 ( 0.500 ) = 65.0 beats/min
t tp 1 min

(b) From part (a), the pulse rate is

1 1 2 75.0 beats
= = 1 ( 0.990 ) = 10.5 beats/min
t tp 1 min

That is, the life span of the astronaut (reckoned by the duration of
the total number of his heartbeats) is much longer as measured by
an Earth clock than by a clock aboard the space vehicle.
P39.11 For the light as observed, = 650 nm and = 520 nm. From Equation
c 1+ v c 1+ v c c
f = = f=
1 v c 1 v c

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842 Relativity

Solving for the velocity,

1+ v c v v
= 1+ = 1
1 v c c c

2 2

1 + = 1

650 nm
1 1
v 520 nm
= 2 = 2 = 0.220
c 1+ 650 nm
520 nm

or v = 0.220c = 6.59 107 m/s

P39.12 The spacecraft are identical, so they have the same proper length; thus,
your measurements and the astronauts measurements are reciprocal.
(a) You measure the proper length of your spacecraft to be
Lp = 20.0 m

(b) You measure the length L of the astronauts spacecraft to be

L = 19.0 m

(c) From the astronauts measurement of the length L of your

Lp u
L= = Lp 1
we solve for the speed of the astronauts spacecraft relative to
u L 19.0 m

= 1 = 1 = 0.312
c Lp 20.0 m

or u = 0.312c
P39.13 The astronauts measured time interval is a proper time in her
reference frame. Therefore, according to an observer on Earth,
tp 3.00 s
t = tp = = = 5.00 s
1 (v c) 1 ( 0.800 )
2 2

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Chapter 39 843

P39.14 From the definition of ,

= = 1.010 0
1 ( v2 c2 )
we solve for the speed:
2 2
1 1
v = c 1 = c 1 = 0.140c
1.010 0

P39.15 The observer measures the proper length of the tunnel, 50.0 m, but
measures the train contracted to length

1 2 = 100 m 1 ( 0.950 ) = 31.2 m
L = Lp
shorter than the tunnel by 50.0 31.2 = 18.8 m.
The trackside observer measures the length to be 31.2 m, so the
supertrain is measured to fit in the tunnel, with 18.8 m to spare.

*P39.16 (a) The lifetime of the pi meson measured by an observer on Earth is

given by
tp 2.6 108 s
t = tp = = = 1.3 107 s
1 ( v/c ) 1 ( 0.98 )
2 2

(b) The distance travelled before the meson decays is

d = vt = 0.98 ( 3.0 108 m/s ) ( 1.3 107 s ) = 38 m
(c) In the absence of time dilation, the meson would travel a distance
d = vt = 0.98 ( 3.0 108 m/s ) ( 2.6 108 s ) = 7.6 m

*P39.17 (a) The 0.800c and the 20.0 ly are measured in the Earth frame,
so in this frame,
x 20.0 ly 20.0 ly 1 c
t = = = = 25.0 yr
v 0.800c 0.800c 1 ly yr
(b) We see a clock on the meteoroid moving, so we do not measure
proper time; that clock measures proper time.
t = tp :

t 25.0 yr
tp = = = 25.0 yr 1 0.8002
1 1 v c2 2

= 25.0 yr ( 0.600 ) = 15.0 yr

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844 Relativity

(c) Method one: We measure the 20.0 ly on a stick stationary in our

frame, so it is proper length. The tourist measures it to be
contracted to
Lp 20.0 ly 20.0 ly
L= = = = 12.0 ly
1 1 0.8002 1.67

Method two: The tourist sees the Earth approaching at 0.800c:

(0.800 ly yr ) (15.0 yr ) = 12.0 ly

*P39.18 The relativistic density is

ER mc 2 m m
= 2 = =
V ( Lp ) 1 ( u c ) 2
2 3
cV cV

8.00 g
= = 42.1 g cm 3
( 1.00 cm ) [ 1 ( 0.900 ) ]
3 2

P39.19 The spaceship is measured by the Earth observer to be length-

contracted to

v2 v2
L = Lp 1 2 or L = L 1 2
2 2
c c
Also, the contracted length is related to the time required to pass
overhead by
L = v ( t ) = 2 ( ct )
2 2
L = vt or 2 2

v2 2 v
Equating these two expressions gives L2p L2p = ( ) 2.
c2 c
or L2p + ( ct )2 2 = L2p

Using the given values Lp = 300 m and t = 0.750 106 s , this becomes

(1.41 10 5
m2 )
= 9.00 10 4 m 2

giving v = 0.800c
P39.20 The spaceship is measured by Earth observers to be of length L, where

L = Lp 1

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Chapter 39 845

and L = vt

v2 v2
vt = Lp 1 2 and v t = L 1 2
2 2 2
c c
Solving for v,
v 2 t 2 + 2 = L2p

giving v=
c t 2 + L2p

P39.21 (a) When the source moves away from an observer, the observed
frequency is
12 12
c + v c vS
f = f = f
c v c + v S

where v = vsource = vS because the source is moving away from

the observer.
When vs c , the binomial expansion gives
12 12 1 2
c vS v vS
c + v = 1 S 1 + c
S c
v v v
1 S 1 S 1 S
2c 2c c
So, f f 1 S
The observed wavelength is found from c = f = f :
f f
= =
f f ( 1 vS c ) 1 vS c
1 v c
= = 1 = S
1 vS c 1 vS c

vS vS
Since 1 1,
c c
(b) We use the equation from part (a) with the given values:
20.0 nm
vS = c = c = 0.050 4c
397 nm

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846 Relativity

P39.22 We find Coopers speed from Newtons second law:

GMm mv 2
r2 r

( 6.67 1011 N m 2 /kg 2 ) ( 5.98 1024 kg )

12 12
v= =
( R + h) (6.37 106 m + 0.160 106 m )
= 7.82 103 = 7.82 km/s
Then the time period of one orbit is
2 (R + h) 2 (6.53 10 m) 3
T= = 3 = 5.25 10 s
v 7.82 10 m/s
(a) The time difference for 22 orbits is
1 2
t tp = ( 1) tp = 1 2 1 ( 22T )
1 v2 1 7.82 103 m/s
t tp 1 + 1 ( 22T ) =
2 c2 2 3.00 108 m/s
22 ( 5.25 103 s ) = 39.2 s

(b) For each one orbit Cooper aged less by

39.2 s
t tp = = 1.78 s
The press report is accurate to one digit .

P39.23 (a) The mirror is approaching the source. Let fm be the frequency as
seen by the mirror. Thus,
fm = f
After reflection, the mirror acts as a source, approaching the
receiver. If f' is the frequency of the reflected wave,
f = fm
Combining gives
f = f

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Chapter 39 847

(b) Using the above result, the beat frequency is

c+v c+v
f beat = f f = f = f f = f 1
cv cv
c + v (c v) 2v 2v 2v
f beat = f = f f =
cv c v c c f
f beat =

(c) The wavelength is
c 3.00 108 m/s
= = = 0.030 0 m
f 10.0 109 Hz
The beat frequency is therefore,
2v ( 2 ) ( 30.0 m/s )
f beat = = = 2 000 Hz = 2.00 kHz
( 0.030 0 m )
f beat
(d) From part (b), v = , so
f beat ( 5.0 Hz )( 0.030 0 m )
v = =
2 2
= 0.075 0 m/s 0.17 mi/h

P39.24 (a) In the Earth frame, Speedos trip lasts for a time
x 20.0 ly
t = = = 21.05 yr
v 0.950c
Speedos age advances only by the proper time interval
= 21.05 yr 1 ( 0.950 ) = 6.574 yr
tp =

during his trip. Similarly for Goslo,

x v2 20.0 ly
1 ( 0.750 ) = 17.64 yr
tp = 1 2 =
v c 0.750 ly yr
While Speedo has landed on Planet X and is waiting for his
brother, he ages by
20.0 ly 20.0 ly
= 5.614 yr
0.750 ly yr 0.950 ly yr

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848 Relativity

From their departure to when the twins meet, Speedo has aged
(6.574 yr + 5.614 yr) = 12.19 yr, and Goslo has aged 17.64 years,
for an age difference of
17.64 yr ( 6.574 yr + 5.614 yr ) = 5.45 yr

(b) Goslo is older.

P39.25 This problem is slightly more difficult than most, for the simple reason
that your calculator probably cannot hold enough decimal places to
yield an accurate answer. However, we can bypass the difficulty by
noting the approximation

v2 v2
1 1
c2 2c 2
Squaring both sides shows that when v/c is small, these two terms are
v 1 000 103 m/h 1 h
We evaluate = = 9.26 107
c 3.00 108 m/s 3 600s
From Equation 39.7, the dilated time interval is
t = tp =
1 2
Rearranging, our approximation yields
v2 v2
tp = 1 2 t 1 2 t
c 2c

and t tp = 2 t

( 9.26 10 )

t tp = (3 600 s)
Thus, the time lag of the moving clock is
t tp = 1.54 109 s = 1.54 ns

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Chapter 39 849

P39.26 The orbital speed of the Earth is as described by Newtons second law:
GmSmE mE v 2
F = ma: =
r2 r
Solving for the speed,

( 6.67 1011 N m 2 / kg 2 ) ( 1.99 1030 kg )
r 1.496 1011 m
= 2.98 10 4 m/s
The maximum frequency received by the extraterrestrials is
1+ v c
= f
f max
1 v c

1 + ( 2.98 10 4 m/s ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )

= ( 57.0 106 Hz )
1 ( 2.98 10 4 m/s ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )
= 57.005 66 106 Hz
The minimum frequency received is
1+ v c
= f
f min
1 v c

1 ( 2.98 10 4 m/s ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )

= ( 57.0 10 Hz ) 6

1 + ( 2.98 10 4 m/s ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )

= 56.994 34 106 Hz
The difference, which allows them figure out the speed of our planet, is

( 57.005 66 56.994 34) 106 Hz = 1.13 10 4 Hz

Section 39.5 The Lorentz Transformation Equations

P39.27 (a) From the Lorentz transformation, the separations between the
blue-light and red-light events are described by
x = ( x vt) : 0 = 2.00 m v ( 8.00 109 s )

2.00 m
v= = 2.50 108 m/s
8.00 109 s

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850 Relativity

= = 1.81
1 ( 2.50 10 m/s ) ( 3.00 10 m/s )
8 2 8 2

(b) Again from the Lorentz transformation, x = ( x vt ) :

x = 1.81 3.00 m ( 2.50 108 m/s ) ( 1.00 109 s ) = 4.98 m

(c) t = t 2 x :

t = 1.81 1.00 10 s
9 ( 2.50 108 m/s )
( 3.00 m )

( )
3.00 10 8

t = 1.33 108 s
P39.28 Let Shannon be fixed in reference from S and see the two light-
emission events with coordinates x1 = 0, t1 = 0, x2 = 0, t2 = 3.00 s. Let
Kimmie be fixed in reference frame S' and give the events coordinate
x1 = 0 , t1 = 0 , t2 = 9.00 s.
(a) Then we have
t2 = t2 2 x2
9.00 s = ( 3.00 s 0)
1 v2 c2

v2 1
1 =
c2 3
v = 0.943c
(b) The coordinate separation of the events is
x = x2 x1 = ( x2 x1 ) v ( t2 t1 )
3.00 108 m/s
= 3 0 ( 0.943c ) ( 3.00 106 s )
= 2.55 103 m

x = 2.55 103 m
The later pulse is to the left of the origin.

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Chapter 39 851

P39.29 The rods length perpendicular to the motion is the same in both the
proper frame of the rod and in the frame in which the rod is moving
our frame:
y = sin = Py

where Py is the y component of the proper length.

We are given: = 2.00 m , and = 30.0, both measured in our
reference frame. Also,
1 1
= = 10.0
1 v c 2 2
1 0.9952
As observed in our frame,
x = cos = ( 2.00 m ) cos 30.0 = 1.73 m

and y = sin = ( 2.00 m ) sin 30.0 = 1.00 m

Px is a proper length, related to x by x = .

Therefore, Px = 10.0 x = 17.3 m
and Py = y = 1.00 m

( Px ) ( ) ( )
2 2 2
(a) P = + Py = x + y = 17.4 m

(b) In the proper frame,
Py y tan 30.0
2 = tan 1 = tan 1 = tan 1 = 3.30
Px x

*P39.30 (a) L20 = L20x + L20y and L2 = L2x + L2y .

Since the motion is in the x direction, the length of the rod in the y
direction does not change: Ly = L0y = L0 sin 0 and

() ()
2 2
v v
Lx = L0x 1 = ( L0 cos 0 ) 1
c c

2 2

L = L cos 0 1

v 2 2

() 2
+ L0 sin 0 = L0 1

v 2

cos 2 0


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852 Relativity

v 2
or L = L0 1 cos 2 0 .

Ly L0y
(b) tan = = = tan 0
Lx L0x 1 ( v c )

P39.31 We use the Lorentz transformation equations 39.11. In frame S, we

may take t = 0 for both events, so the coordinates of event A are (x =
50.0 m, y = 0, z = 0, t = 0), and the coordinates of event B are (x = 150 m,
y = 0, z = 0, t = 0). The time coordinates of event A in frame S' are
tA = tA 2 x A
1 0.800c
= 0 2
( 150 m )
1 ( 0.800 ) c

120 m
= 1.667
3.00 10 m/s

= 6.67 107 s
The time coordinates of event B in frame S' are
tB = tB 2 xB
1 0.800c
= 0 2
( 50.0 m )
1 ( 0.800 ) c

40.0 m
= 1.667
3.00 108 m/s
= 2.22 107 s
We see that event B occurred earlier. The time elapsed between the
events was
v v
t = tA tB = t 2 x = 2 x
c c
80.0 m
= 1.667 = 4.44 107 s = 444 ns
3.00 10 m/s

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Chapter 39 853

Section 39.6 The Lorentz Velocity Transformation Equations

P39.32 Take the galaxy as the unmoving frame.
Arbitrarily define the jet moving upward to
be the object, and the jet moving downward
to be the moving frame:
ux = velocity of other jet in
frame of jet
ux = velocity of other jet in
frame of galaxy center ANS. FIG. P39.32
= 0.750c
v = speed of galaxy center in frame of jet = 0.750c
From Equation 39.16, the speed of the upward-moving jet as measured
from the downward-moving jet is
ux v 0.750c (0.750c) 1.50c
ux = = =
1 ux v/c 2
1 (0.750c)(0.750c)/c 2
1 + 0.7502
= 0.960c
P39.33 The question is equivalent to asking for the speed of the patrol craft in
the frame of the enemy craft.
ux = velocity of patrol craft in frame of enemy craft
ux = velocity of patrol craft in frame of Earth
v = speed of Earth in frame of enemy craft
From Equation 39.16,
ux v 0.900c 0.800c
ux = = = 0.357c
1 ux v c 2
1 ( 0.900 ) ( 0.800 )
*P39.34 Let frame S be the Earth frame of reference. Then v = 0.700c.
The components of the velocity of the first spacecraft are
ux = ( 0.600c ) cos 50.0 = 0.386c
and uy = ( 0.600c ) sin 50.0 = 0.460c.
As measured from the S frame of the second spacecraft,
ux v 0.386c ( 0.700c )
ux = =
1 ux v c 2
1 [( 0.386c ) ( 0.700c ) c 2 ]
= = 0.855c

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854 Relativity

uy 0.460c 1 ( 0.700 )2
uy = =
( 1 ux v c 2 ) 1 ( 0.386 ) ( 0.700 )
0.460c ( 0.714 )
= = 0.258c

The magnitude of u is ( 0.855c )2 + ( 0.285c )2 = 0.893c

and its direction is at tan 1 ( 0.258c

0.855c )
= 16.8 above the x axis .

*P39.35 Taking to the right as positive, it is given that the velocity of the rocket
relative to observer A is vRA = +0.92c. If observer B observes the rocket
to have a velocity vRB = 0.95c, the velocity of observer B relative to the
rocket is vBR = +0.95c. The relativistic velocity addition relation then
gives the velocity of B relative to the stationary observer A as

vBR + vRA +0.95c + 0.92c

vBA = = = +0.998c
vBR vRA ( 0.95c )( 0.92c )
1 +
c2 c2
or 0.998c toward the right

Section 39.7 Relativistic Linear Momentum

P39.36 (a) p = mu; for an electron moving at 0.010 0c,
1 1
= = = 1.000 05 1.00
1 (u c) 1 ( 0.010 0 )
2 2

( )
Thus, p = 1.00 9.11 1031 kg ( 0.010 0 ) 3.00 108 m/s ( )
p = 2.73 1024 kg m/s

(b) Following the same steps as used in part (a), we find at 0.500c,
= 1.15 and
p = 1.58 1022 kg m/s

(c) At 0.900c, = 2.29 and

p = 5.64 10 kg m/s

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Chapter 39 855

P39.37 (a) The momentum condition

p = mu = 3mu =3
From the definition of ,
1 1
= u = c 1
1 (u c) 2

1 8 2 2
u = c 1 2
=c = c = 0.943c = 2.83 108 m/s
3 9 3
(b) From part (a), we see the mass of the particle drops out.
The result would be the same .
*P39.38 From the definition of relativistic linear momentum,
1 (u c)

we obtain
u2 m 2 u2
1 = 2
c2 p
which gives:
m2 1
1 = u2 2 + 2
p c

m2 c 2 c
or c = u 2 + 1
2 2
and u= .
p (m c2 2
p2 ) + 1

*P39.39 (a) Classically,

p = mv = m( 0.990c ) = ( 1.67 1027 kg )( 0.990 )( 3.00 108 m/s )

= 4.96 1019 kg m/s

(b) By relativistic calculations,
mu m ( 0.990c )
p= =
1 (u c) 1 ( 0.990 )2

(1.67 1027 kg )( 0.990)( 3.00 108 m/s )
1 ( 0.990 )2
= 3.52 1018 kg m/s

(c) No , neglecting relativistic effects at such speeds would

introduce an approximate 86% error in the result.
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856 Relativity

P39.40 We can express the proportion relating the speeding fine to the excess

momentum as
( pu p90 km/h ) , where F is the fine,
$80.0 ( p190 km/h p90 km/h )
pu = is the magnitude of the vehicles momentum at speed
1 (u c)

u, and c = 1.08 109 km/h. After substitution of the expression for

momentum, the proportion becomes

mu m ( 90.0 km/h )

1 ( u c )2 1 ( 90.0 km/h c )
m ( 190.0 km/h )
m ( 90.0 km/h )
1 ( 190.0 km/h c ) 2
1 ( 90.0 km/h c ) 2

( 90.0 km/h )
1 (u c)

100.0 km/h
(a) For u = 1 090 km/h,
(1090 km/h ) ( 90.0 km/h )
1 ( 1090 km/h 1.08 109 km/h )

$80.0 100.0 km/h

(1090 km/h ) ( 90.0 km/h ) = 1000 km/h = 10
100.0 km/h 100.0 km/h
F = $800
(b) For u = 1 000 000 090 km/h,
F 1

$80.0 100 km/h

(1 000 000 090 km/h )
1 ( 1 000 000 090 km/h 1.08 109 km/h )

( 90.0 km/h )]


( 2.648) (1 000 000 090 km/h ) ( 90.0 km/h )
$80.0 100.0 km/h

F = $2.12 109

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Chapter 39 857

P39.41 The ratio of relativistic to classical momentum is

p mu mu mu
= = 1
mu mu
From the definition of ,
2 2
1 1 u 1 u
1= 1 1+ 1=
1 (u c)
2 2 c 2 c

The ratio is then

p mu 1 90.0 m/s 14
= 4.51 10
mu 2 3.00 10 m/s

P39.42 Using the relativistic form, p = = mu, we find the
1 (u c)

difference p from the classical momentum, mu:

p = mu mu = ( 1) mu

(a) The difference is 1.00% when ( 1) mu = 0.010 0 mu:

1 1
= =
0.990 1 (u c)

1 = ( 0.990 ) 2 , and u = 0.141c

(b) The difference is 10.0% when ( 1) mu = 0.100 mu:

1 1
= =
0.900 1 (u c)

thus, 1 = ( 0.900 )
and u = 0.436c
P39.43 Relativistic momentum of the system of fragments must be conserved.
For total momentum to be zero after as it was before, we must have,
with subscript 2 referring to the heavier fragment, and subscript 1 to
the lighter, p2 = p1,
2.50 1028 kg
or 2 m2 u2 = 1m1u1 = ( 0.893c )
1 ( 0.893 )

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858 Relativity

(1.67 10 27
kg ) u2
= ( 4.960 1028 kg ) c
1 ( u2 c )

Proceeding to solve, we find

1.67 1027 u2 u22
4.960 1028 c = 1 c 2

12.3 =1 and u2 = 0.285c

Section 39.8 Relativistic Energy

*P39.44 We use the equation E = ( 1 2 ) mc 2 . For an electron,
mc 2 = 0.511 MeV.
1 1 2
(a) E = mc = 0.582 MeV
( 1 0.810 ) ( 1 0.250 )

1 1 2
(b) E = 2 mc = 2.45 MeV
1 ( 0.990 ) 1 0.810
*P39.45 (a) K = E ER = 5ER

E = 6ER = 6 ( 9.11 1031 kg ) ( 3.00 108 m s ) = 4.92 1013 J


= 3.07 MeV

(b) E = mc 2 = ER
E 1
Thus, = =6= which yields u = 0.986c
ER 1 u2 c 2

P39.46 (a) To find the speed of the protons with E = mc 2 = 400mc 2 , we

1 1
= u = c 1
1 (u c) 2

So, u = c 1 = 0.999 997c
( 400)2

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Chapter 39 859

(b) From Example 39.9, for a proton, mc2 = 938 MeV. Then

K = ( 1) mc 2 = 399 ( 938 MeV ) = 3.74 105 MeV

P39.47 At u = 0.950c, it will be useful to know the gamma factor:
1 1
= = = 3.20
2 2
1 u /c 1 0.9502
(a) The rest energy is

ER = mc 2 = ( 1.67 1027 kg ) ( 2.998 108 m/s )


= 1.50 1010 J
= 1.50 1010 J = 938MeV
1.60 10
(We use a value for c accurate to four digits so that we can be
sure to get an answer accurate to three digits. Through the rest of
the book we will use values for physical constants accurate to
four digits or to three, whichever we like. We will still quote
answers to three digits, and you can still think of the last digit as
(b) The total energy is
E = mc 2 = ER = (3.20)(938 MeV) = 3.00GeV
(c) The kinetic energy is
K = E ER = 3.00 GeV 938MeV = 2.07 GeV

P39.48 (a) Using the classical equation,

1 1
mu2 = ( 78.0 kg ) ( 1.06 105 m/s ) = 4.38 1011 J
2 2

(b) Using the relativistic equation, K = 1 mc 2 :
1 ( u c )2

( ) ( )
K= 2
1 78.0 kg 3.00 10 8
1.06 105
1 2.998 108

= 4.38 1011 J

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860 Relativity

(c) When 1 , the binomial series expansion gives
1 2
u 2 1 u

1 1+
c 2 c
1 2
u 2 1 u

Thus, 1 1 and the relativistic expression for

c 2 c
1 u 1
kinetic energy becomes K mc 2 = mu 2 . That is, in the
2 c 2
limit of speeds much smaller than the speed of light, the
relativistic and classical expressions yield the same results. In this
situation the two kinetic energy values are experimentally
indistinguishable. The fastest-moving macroscopic objects
launched by human beings move sufficiently slowly compared to
light that relativistic corrections to their energy are negligible.
P39.49 The workkinetic energy theorem is W = K = K f K i , which for
relativistic speeds (u comparable to c) is:

1 1
1 mc
1 mc 2
1 u 2/c 2 1 u 2/c 2
f i

or, simplified,

W = 1/ 1 u f 2/c 2 1/ 1 ui 2/c 2 mc 2 )
From our specialized equation,
1 1
(a) W= 2

1 0.750 1 0.5002

( 1.67 1027 kg ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )


W = (1.512 1.155) ( 1.50 1010 J ) = 5.37 1011 J = 336 MeV

1 1
(b) W= 2

1 0.995 1 0.5002

(1.67 10 kg )( 3.00 10 m/s )

27 8 2

W = ( 10.01 1.155 ) ( 1.50 10 J ) = 1.33 10 10 9

J = 8.32 GeV

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Chapter 39 861

P39.50 The relativistic kinetic energy of an object of mass m and speed u

1 1
is K r = 1 mc . The classical equation is K c = mu . Their
2 2

1 u c
2 2
ratio is
1 1
1 mc 2
2 1
Kr 1 u c 1 u c
2 2 2 2

= 1 2
= 2 2
Kc 2
mu u c
1 1
= 2 1 2 2
1 u c u c
2 2

Kr 1 1
= 2 1 = 1.00756
Kc 1 ( 0.100 ) 2 ( 0.100 )2

For still smaller speeds the agreement will be still better.

P39.51 Given E = 2mc2, where mc2 = 938 MeV from Example 39.9. We use
Equation 39.27:

E 2 = p 2 c 2 + ( mc 2 )

( 2mc ) 2 2
= p 2 c 2 + ( mc 2 )

4 ( mc 2 ) = p 2 c 2 + ( mc 2 ) p 2 c 2 = 3 ( mc 2 )
2 2 2

Solving for the momentum then gives

p= 3
( mc ) = 2

( 938 MeV )
= 1.62 103 MeV c
c c
E = mc 2 = 20.0 GeV with mc = 0.511 MeV for electrons.
P39.52 (a)

20.0 109 eV
Thus, = = 3.91 10 4 .
0.511 10 eV

1 1
(b) = u = c 1 = 0.999 999 999 7c
1 (u c) 2

u Lp 3.00 103 m
(c) L = Lp 1 = = = 7.67 102 m = 7.67 cm
c 3.91 10 4

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862 Relativity

P39.53 (a) E = 2.86 105 J leaves the system, so the final mass is smaller .
(b) The mass-energy relation says that E = mc2. Therefore,
E 2.86 105 J
m= = = 3.18 1012 kg
c2 ( )
3.00 108 m/s

(c) It is too small a fraction of 9.00 g to be measured .

P39.54 The loss of mass in the nuclear reactor is

E P t
m = = 2
c2 c
0.800 ( 1.00 109 J/s ) ( 3.00 yr ) ( 3.16 107 s/yr )
( 3.00 10 m/s )
8 2

= 0.842 kg

P39.55 The power output of the Sun is

dE d mc

= c2
( )
= 3.85 1026 W
dt dt dt
dm 3.85 1026 J/s
Thus, = = 4.28 109 kg/s
( )
dt 3.00 108 m/s

P39.56 Total energy is conserved. The photon must have enough energy to be
able to create an electron and a positron, both having the same rest

E 2me c 2 = 1.02 MeV E 1.02 MeV

P39.57 We use Equation 39.23 for relativistic kinetic energy.

(a) The change in kinetic energy of the spaceship is the minimum
energy required to accelerate the spaceship. From Equation 39.23,
relativistic kinetic energy is given by
K = ( 1) mc 2 = 1 mc

1 u c
2 2

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Chapter 39 863

The change in kinetic energy is then

( )
K = f 1 mc 2 ( i 1) mc 2 = f i mc 2 ( )
1 1
= mc 2
1 u2f c 2 1 ui c
2 2

1 1 2
= mc
1 ( 0.700 )2 1 0

= ( 1.40 1)( 2.40 106 kg ) ( 2.998 108 m/s )


= 8.63 1022 J

(b) We use Einsteins famous mass-energy relation, and equate the

rest energy of the fuel to the change in kinetic energy of the
E = mc 2 = K
The required mass of fuel is then

K 1
m= = ( 2.40 10 kg ) = 9.61 10 kg
6 5
c 2
1 ( 0.700 )2

P39.58 We are told to start from E = mc 2 and p = mu. Squaring both

equations gives

E 2 = ( mc 2 ) p 2 = ( mu)
2 2
We choose to multiply the second equation by c2 and subtract it from
the first:

( )
E 2 p 2 c 2 = mc 2 ( mu)2 c 2

We factor to obtain

E 2 p 2 c 2 = 2 ( mc 2 ) ( mc 2 ) ( mc 2 ) ( mu2 )

Extracting the (mc2) factors gives

2 u2
( )
E 2 p 2 c 2 = 2 mc 2 1 2

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864 Relativity

We substitute the definition of :

u2 2 u2
E p c = 1 2

2 2

( )
mc 2 1 2

The 2 factors divide out, leaving

E 2 p 2 c 2 = ( mc 2 )

P39.59 From K = ( 1) mc 2 = 1 2
mc , we have
1 u c
2 2

K 1 K + mc 2
+ 1 = =
mc 2 1 u2 c 2 mc 2

u2 m2 c 4
1 =
c 2 ( K + mc 2 )2

( mc 2 )
= 1
( K + mc 2 )
mc 2 2
u = c 1 2
K + mc
1 2
0.511 2
(a) Electron: u = c 1 = 0.979c
1 2
938 2
(b) Proton: u = c 1 = 0.065 2c
uelectron 0.979c
(c) = = 15.0
uproton 0.065 2c

In this case the electron is moving relativistically, but the classical

expression mv 2 is accurate to two digits for the proton.
1 2
0.511 2
(d) Electron: u = c 1 = 0.999 999 97c
2 000.511
1 2
Proton: u = c 1 = 0.948c
2 938

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Chapter 39 865

0.511 2
c 1
uelectron 2 000.511
= 12 = 1.06
uproton 938 2
c 1
2 938
As the kinetic energies of both particles become large, their
speeds approach c. By contrast, classically the speed would
become large without any finite limit.
P39.60 The kinetic energy of the car is given by

K = ( 1) mc 2 = ( 1 u2 c 2 )
1 2
1 mc 2

We use the series expansion from Appendix B.5:

1 1 3 1
K = mc 2 1 + (u2 c 2 ) + (u2 c 2 )2 + ... 1
2 2
2 2
1 3 u4
K= mu2 + m 2 + ...
2 8 c
The actual kinetic energy, given by this relativistic equation, is
larger than the classical mu2 .
The difference, for m = 1 000 kg and u = 25 m/s, is
3 u4 3 (25 m/s)4
m 2 = (1 000 kg) = 1.6 109 J ~ 109 J
8 c 8 (3.00 10 m/s)
8 2

P39.61 We use, together, both the energy version and the momentum version
of the isolated system model. By conservation of system energy,
m c 2 = m c 2 + p c
By conservation of system momentum:
p = p = m u
Substituting the second equation into the first,
m c 2 = m c 2 + m uc
Simplified, this equation then reads
m = m ( + u/c)

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866 Relativity

Substituting the masses,

273me = (207me )( + u/c)
where the rest energy of an electron is
me c 2 = 0.511 MeV
273me 1 + u/c 1 + u/c
= =
207me 1 (u/c)2 1 u/c

Solving for the muon speed,

u 2732 207 2
= = 0.270
c 2732 + 207 2
= = 1.038 5
1 u2/c 2
(a) and the muons kinetic energy is
K = (0.038 5)(207 0.511 MeV) = 4.08 MeV

(b) The energy of the antineutrino is

K = (273 0.511 MeV) (207 0.511 MeV + 4.08 MeV)
= 29.6 MeV

P39.62 (a) The initial system is isolated .

(b) Isolated system: conservation of energy, and isolated system:
conservation of momentum.

(c) We must conserve both energy and

relativistic momentum of the system of
fragments. With subscript 1 referring to
the 0.987c particle and subscript 2 to the
0.868c particle,
1 = = 6.22 and
1 ( 0.987 )

2 = = 2.01
1 ( 0.868 )

ANS. FIG. P39.62

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Chapter 39 867

(d) Conservation of energy gives E1 + E2 = Etotal

which is
1m1c 2 + 2 m2 c 2 = mtotal c 2

or 6.22m1 + 2.01m2 = 3.34 1027 kg

This reduces to: 3.09m1 + m2 = 1.66 1027 kg [1]

(e) Since the final momentum of the system must equal zero, p1 = p2
1m1u1 = 2 m2 u2
or (6.22 ) ( 0.987c ) m1 = ( 2.01) ( 0.868c ) m2
which becomes m2 = 3.52m1 [2]

(f) Substituting [2] into [1] gives

3.09m1 + 3.52m1 = 1.66 1027 kg

thus, m1 = 2.51 1028 kg and m2 = 8.84 1028 kg

P39.63 Let m = 1.99 1026 kg, and u = ui = 0.500ci. An isolated system of two
particles of mass m and m = m/3 collide with the respective velocities

u and u , resulting in a particle with mass M and velocity v f = v f i.
By conservation of the x component of momentum ( mu):
mu m ( u) Mv f
+ =
1 u2 c 2 3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2
2mu Mv f
= [1]
3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2

By conservation of total energy ( mc2):

mc 2 mc 2 Mc 2
+ =
1 u2 c 2 3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2
4mc 2 Mc 2
= [2]
3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2

To start solving, we divide the momentum equation [1] by the energy

2u u
equation [2], giving v f = = .
4 2

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868 Relativity

Then, substituting the value of the final speed back into the energy
equation [2], we get
Mc 2 4mc 2
1 u2 4c 2 3 1 u2 c 2
2Mc 2 4mc 2
4 u2 c 2 3 1 u2 c 2

2 ( 1.99 1026 kg ) 4 ( 0.500 )

2m 4 u2 c 2
M= =
3 1 u2 c 2 3 1 ( 0.500 )

M = 2.97 1026 kg

P39.64 (a) By conservation of the x component of momentum ( mu):

mu m ( u) Mv f
+ =
1 u c 2 2
3 1 u c 2 2
1 v 2f c 2
2mu Mv f
= [1]
3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2

By conservation of total energy ( mc2):

mc 2 mc 2 Mc 2
+ =
1 u2 c 2 3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2
4mc 2 Mc 2
= [2]
3 1 u2 c 2 1 v 2f c 2

To start solving, we divide the momentum equation [1] by the

2u u
energy equation [2], giving v f = = . Then, substituting the
4 2
value of the final speed back into the energy equation [2], we get

Mc 2 4mc 2
1 u2 4c 2 3 1 u2 c 2
2Mc 2 4mc 2
4 u2 c 2 3 1 u2 c 2

2m 4 u2 c 2
3 1 u2 c 2

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Chapter 39 869

2m 4 u2 c 2 2m 4 4m
(b) As u 0 , M = =
3 1 u c 2 2
3 1 3

(c) The answer to part (b) is in agreement with the classical result,
which is the arithmetic sum of the masses of the two colliding

Section 39.9 The General Theory of Relativity

P39.65 (a) For the satellite, Newtons second law gives
GME m mv 2 m 2 r
F = ma: = =
r2 r r T
which gives
GMET 2 = 4 2 r 3
Solving for the orbital radius,
4 2
( 6.67 1011 N m 2 /kg 2 ) ( 5.98 1024 kg ) ( 43 080 s )2
1 3

4 2

= 2.66 107 m

(b) v=
2 r 2 2.66 10 m
(= 3.87 103 m/s
T 43 080 s
(c) From the relationship of frequency and period:
1 dT dT df dT
f = df = =f =
T T 2
T f T
We see the fractional decrease in frequency is equal in magnitude
to the fractional change in period.
The small fractional decrease in frequency received is equal in
magnitude to the fractional increase in period of the moving
oscillator due to time dilation:
df dT t tP
= = P = ( 1)
f T tP

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870 Relativity

df 1 1
= 1 = 1
f 1 ( v c ) 2
1 (v c)

1 v2 1 v

1 1 + =
2 c 2 c

1 3.87 103 m/s

= = 8.34 10
2 3.00 10 m/s

(d) The orbit altitude is large compared to the radius of the Earth, so
we must use
Ug =
The change in gravitational potential energy is
N m2
U g = 6.67 1011
kg 2
1 1
( 5.98 1024 kg ) m
2.66 10 m 6.37 10 m
7 6

= ( 4.76 107 J/kg ) m


f U g ( 4.76 10 J/kg ) m
= = 2 = +5.29 10
f mc 2 m ( 3.00 10 m/s )

(e) 8.34 1011 + 5.29 1010 = +4.46 1010

Additional Problems
P39.66 (a) When K e = K p , (
me c 2 ( e 1) = mp c 2 p 1 )
In this case, me c 2 = 0.511 MeV, mp c 2 = 938 MeV
1 2
and e = 1 ( 0.750 )
= 1.511 9

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Chapter 39 871

me c 2 ( e 1) ( 0.511 MeV ) (1.511 9 1)

Substituting, p = 1 + 2
= 1+
mp c 938 MeV
= 1.000 279

But p =
( )
1 u c 2

Therefore, up = c 1 p2 = 0.023 6c

e me ue
(b) When pe = p p , p mp up = e me ue or p up =

Thus, p up =
(1.511 9)( 0.511 MeV c )( 0.750c ) = 6.177 2 10
938 MeV c
up up
and = 6.177 2 104 1
c c

which yields up = 6.18 104 c = 185 km/s

P39.67 The original rest energy of four protons is

ER = 4(938.78 MeV) = 3 755.12 MeV
The energy given off is
E = (3 755.12 3 728.4) MeV = 26.7 MeV
The fractional energy released is
E 26.7 MeV
= 100% = 0.712%
ER 3755 MeV
P39.68 From the particle under constant speed model, find the travel time for
Speedo from Goslos reference frame:

d 2 ( 50ly ) c yr
t= = =118yr
u 0.85c ly
Therefore, when Speedo arrives back on Earth, 118 years have passed
and Goslo would have to be 158 years old. Furthermore, Speedo will
be 102 years old. Perhaps future medical breakthroughs may extend
the life expectancy to 158 years and beyond, but that is impossible at

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872 Relativity

*P39.69 (a) Consider the raindrops moving toward the station, at speed v.
They receive radio waves with the Doppler-enhanced frequency
f = f , where f = 2.85 GHz. These raindrops reflect the
waves at frequency f . The waves are received by the station
with another upward Doppler shift in frequency to
c+v c+v c+v
f = f = f
cv cv cv

2.85 109 Hz + 254 Hz = 2.85 109 Hz ( )

1 + 8.91 108 =
c + 8.91 108 c v 8.91 108 v = c + v
8.91 108 c = 2.000 000 089v
v = ( 4.46 108 ) ( 3.00 108 m s ) = 13.4 m s

The same calculation with 254 Hz replaced by 254 Hz applies to

the receding raindrops and given the same velocity magnitude.
Thus the velocities are 13.4 m/s toward the station and 13.4 m/s
away from the station.
(b) Radio waves travel to the rain and back again in 180 s, so the
one-way distance is ( 3.00 108 m s ) ( 180 106 s ) = 27 000 m.
The frequency shifts indicate the batch of raindrops are whirling
around a common center separated by 1 of arc. The diameter of
the vortex is
s = r = ( 27 000 m ) ( 1 ) = 471 m
Its radius is therefore ( 471 m ) = 236 m and the angular speed of
v 13.4 m s
the rain is = = = 0.056 7 rad s . A Doppler
r 236 m
weather radar computer performs a calculation like this to detect
a tornado vortex signature.
*P39.70 From energy conservation, we have
(1 400 kg ) c 2 +
( 900 kg ) c 2 =
Mc 2
1 02 1 0.8502 1 v2 c2

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Chapter 39 873

( 3 108 kg ) 1 =M
From momentum conservation, we have

( 900 kg ) ( 0.850c ) = Mv
1 0.850 2
1 v2 c2

v 2 Mv
(1 452 kg ) 1 2 =
c c
(a) Dividing the momentum equation by the energy equation gives
v 1 452
= = 0.467 , or v = 0.467c
c 3 108

(b) Now by substitution, ( 3 108 kg ) 1 0.467 2 = M = 2.75 103 kg .

*P39.71 (a) Observers on Earth measure the distance to Andromeda to be

d = 2.00 106 ly = ( 2.00 106 ly ) c
The time for the trip, in Earths frame of reference, is
30.0 yr
t = tp =
1 ( v/c )

The required speed is then

( 2.00 106 ly ) c
t ( 30.0 yr ) 1 ( v/c )2

which gives, suppressing units,

(1.50 10 )( v/c ) =
1 ( v/c )

Squaring both sides of this equation and solving for v/c yields
v 1
c 1 + 2.25 1010
1 x
Then, the approximation = 1 gives
1+ x 2
v 2.25 1010
= 1 = 1 1.12 1010
c 2

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874 Relativity

v 1
(b) Let = , where x = 2.25 1010. . Then,
c 1+ x
v 1 x
1 = 1 =
c 1+ x 1+ x

1 1+ x 1
= = = 1+
x x
The kinetic energy of the spacecraft is given by
KE = ( 1) mc 2 = 1 + 1 mc 2
1 ( 1.00 106 kg ) ( 3.00 108 m/s )
KE = 1 + 10
2.25 10
= 5.99991 1027 J = 6.00 1027 J
(c) The cost of this energy is
1 kWh
cost = KE rate = ( 6.00 1027 J ) ( $0.13/kWh )
3.60 106 J
= $2.17 1020
*P39.72 In this case, the proper time is T0 (the time measured by the students
on a clock at rest relative to them). The dilated time measured by the
professor is:
t = T0
where t = T + t. Here T is the time she waits before sending a signal
and t is the time required for the signal to reach the students. Thus, we
T + t = T0 [1]
To determine the travel time t, realize that the distance the students will
have moved beyond the professor before the signal reaches them is:
d = v (T + t )
The time required for the signal to travel this distance is:

c ()
(T + t )

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Chapter 39 875

Solving for t gives:

( v c )T
1 (v c)
Substituting this into equation [1] yields:

( v c )T = T
1 (v c) 0

or = T0 .
1 v c
1 (v c) 1 (v c)
T = T0 = T0
1 (v c 2 2
) [1 + ( v c )][1 ( v c )]
1 (v c)
= T0
1 + (v c)

*P39.73 (a) The proper lifetime is measured in the ships reference frame, and
Earth-based observers measure a dilated lifetime of
tp 15.0 yr
t = tp = = = 21.0 yr
1 ( v/c ) 1 ( 0.700 )
2 2

(b) As measured by mission control, the distance to the ship is

d = vt = ( 0.700c )( 21.0 yr ) = ( 0.700 )( 1.00 ly/yr ) ( 21.0 yr )
= 14.7 ly

(c) Looking out the rear window, the astronauts see Earth recede at a
rate of v = 0.700c. The distance it has receded, as measured by the
astronauts, when the batteries fail is

( )
d = v tp = ( 0.700c )( 15.0 yr ) = ( 0.700 )( 1.00 ly/yr ) ( 15.0 yr )
= 10.5 ly
(d) Mission control gets signals for 21.0 yr while the battery is
operating and then for 14.7 yr after the battery stops powering the
transmitter, 14.7 ly away. The total time that signals are received
is 21.0 yr + 14.7 yr = 35.7 yr .

P39.74 (a) We let H represent K mc 2 . Then,

H +1=
1 u2 c 2
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876 Relativity

so 1 u2 c 2 =
H + 2H + 1

u2 1 H 2 + 2H
= 1 =
c2 H 2 + 2H + 1 H 2 + 2H + 1
1 2
H 2 + 2H
and u = c 2
H + 2H + 1

(b) u goes to 0 as K goes to 0.

(c) u approaches c as K increases without limit.

(d) The acceleration is given by

du d H 2 + 2H
1 2

a= = c
dt dt H 2 + 2H + 1
1 2
1 H 2 + 2H
a=c 2
2 H + 2H + 1
H 2 + 2H + 1 [ 2H + 2 ] H 2 + 2H [ 2H + 2 ]

H + 2H + 1
2 2

d(K mc 2 )

H 2 + 2H + 1 H +1 P
a = c
H 2 + 2H [ H + 1]4 mc 2

mcH (H + 2)1 2 (H + 1) 2

where P = .
(e) When H is small ( H 1 ), we have approximately
a= 12
12 2
= = 1 2
mcH (2) (1) mcH 1 2 2 1 2 K
mc 2 2 1/2
( 2mK )1 2
in agreement with the nonrelativistic case.
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Chapter 39 877

(f) When H is large the acceleration approaches

a= =
mcH (H + 2) (H + 1)
12 12 2 12 12
mcH (H) (H) 2
mcH 3
P m2 c 5 P
= 3 =
K K3
mc 2

(g) As energy is steadily imparted to the particle, the particles

acceleration decreases. It decreases steeply, proportionally to
1/K 3 at high energy. In this way the particles speed cannot
reach or surpass a certain upper limit, which is the speed of
light in vacuum.

*P39.75 (a) From Problem 71,

v 1
c 1 + 2.25 1010
1 1
= =

1 1
10 1 + 2.25 10
1 + 2.25 10
= 6.67 10 4
(b) The astronauts speed, from Problem 71, is
v= c
1 + 2.25 1010
The time difference between the astronauts trip and that of the
beam of light is then

t =
d d 1 1 d c d
= d = 1 =
v c v c c v c ( d
) x
1 + x 1 1 + 1
c 2
d x
c 2
Where x = 2.25 1010. Substituting numerical values,

t =
( 2.00 10 6
ly ) ( 9.46 1015 m/ly ) 2.25 1010
3.00 108 m/s 2

= 7 095 s = 1.96 h

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878 Relativity

P39.76 The energy of the first fragment is given by

( ) = (1.75 MeV ) + (1.00 MeV )

2 2 2
E12 = p12 c 2 + m1c 2

E1 = 2.02 MeV
For the second,

E22 = ( 2.00 MeV ) + ( 1.50 MeV )

2 2

E2 = 2.50 MeV
(a) Energy is conserved, so the unstable object had
E = E1 + E2 = 4.52 MeV. Each component of momentum is
conserved, so for the original object
2 2
1.75 MeV 2.00 MeV
p =p +p =
2 2 2
c y
Then, using Equation 39.27, we find the mass of the original

( )
E 2 = p 2 c 2 + mc 2

( 4.52 MeV ) = ( 1.75 MeV ) + ( 2.00 MeV ) + mc 2 ( )

2 2 2 2

3.65 MeV
(b) Now E = mc 2 gives
4.52 MeV = 3.65 MeV
1 u2 c 2

1 2 = 0.654 which gives u = 0.589c
P39.77 The relativistic kinetic energy of such a proton is
K = ( 1) mc 2 = 1013 MeV
Its rest energy is
mc 2 = ( 1.67 1027 kg ) ( 2.998 108 m/s )

1 eV
19 2
= 938 MeV
1.60 10 kg m /s

So 1013 MeV = ( 1)(938 MeV)

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Chapter 39 879

and therefore, = 1.07 1010. The protons speed in the galaxys

reference frame can be found from
= 1/ 1 u2/c 2 so 1 u2/c 2 = 8.80 1021

and u = c 1 8.80 1021 ( 1 4.40 1021 ) c 3.00 108 m/s

The protons speed is nearly as large as the speed of light. In the galaxy
frame, the traversal time is
t = x/u = 105 light years/c = 105 years
(a) This is dilated from the proper time measured in the protons
frame. The proper time interval is found from t = tp :

tp = t/ = 105 yr/1.07 1010 = 9.38 106 years = 296 s

t 102 s or 103 s
(b) The proton sees the galaxy moving by at a speed nearly equal to c,
passing in 296 s:
Lproton frame = utp = ( 3.00 108 m/s ) (296 s)
= 8.88 107 km 108 km

1 ly
Lproton frame = ( 8.88 1010 m )
9.46 10 m

= 9.39 106 ly 105 ly

P39.78 Look at the situation from the instructors viewpoint since they are at
rest relative to the clock, and hence measure the proper time. The Earth
moves with velocity v = 0.280c relative to the instructors while the
students move with a velocity u = 0.600c relative to Earth. Using the
velocity addition equation, the velocity of the students relative to the
instructors (and hence the clock) is:

v + u
( 0.280c ) ( 0.600c ) = 0.753c
1 + vu c 2
1 + ( 0.280c ) ( 0.600c ) c 2

(students relative to clock)

(a) With a proper time interval of tp = 50.0 min, the time interval
measured by the students is:
t = tp with = = 1.52
1 ( 0.753c ) c
2 2

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880 Relativity

Thus, the students measure the exam to last

T = 1.52 ( 50.0 min ) = 76.0 minutes

(b) The duration of the exam as measured by observers on Earth is:

t = tp with = so
1 ( 0.280c ) c
2 2

T = 1.04(50.0 min) = 52.1 minutes

P39.79 (a) The speed of light in water is c/1.33, so the electrons speed is
1.10c/1.333. Then
= = 1.770
1 (1.10 1.333)2
and the total energy is
E = mc 2 = 1.770 ( 0.511 MeV ) = 0.905 MeV
(b) The electrons kinetic energy is
K = E mc 2 = 0.905 MeV 0.511 MeV = 0.394 MeV
(c) The electrons momentum is found from

pc = E 2 (mc 2 )2 = 2 1 mc 2
= 2 1 ( 0.511 MeV ) = 0.747 MeV

MeV 0.747 10 ( 1.602 10 J )

6 19

p = 0.747 =
c 3.00 108 m/s
= 3.99 1022 kg m/s

(d) From Figure 17.11, the angle between the particle (source of
waves) and the shock wave is
sin = v vS
where v is the wave speed, which is the speed of light in water,
and vS is the source speed. Then

sin = v vS = 1 1.10 = 65.4

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Chapter 39 881

P39.80 (a) From Equation 39.18, the speed of light in the laboratory frame is
u= n = c (1 + nv c)
v ( c n) n (1 + v nc)
(b) When v is much less than c we have
c nv v c nv v
u= 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
n c nc n c nc
c nv v c v
1+ = +v 2
n c nc n n
(c) If light travels at speed c/n in the water, and the water travels at
speed v, then the Galilean velocity transformation Equation 4.20
would indeed give c/n + v for the speed of light in the moving
water. The third term v/n2 does represent a relativistic effect
that was observed decades before the Michelson-Morley
experiment. It is a piece of twentieth-century physics that
dropped into the nineteenth century. We could say that light is
intrinsically relativistic.
(d) To take the limit as v approaches c we must go back to
c (1 + nv c)
u= . As v c ,
n (1 + v nc)
c (1 + nc c) c(1 + n)
u = = c
n (1 + c nc) n+1
P39.81 (a) Assuming the Sun-mass system is isolated, the energy (work)
required to remove a mass m from the Suns surface to infinity is
equal to the change in potential energy of the system. If the work
equals the rest energy mc2, then
W = E = K + U = 0 + U f U i ( )
GM m
mc 2 = 0 s

R g
GMs m GMs
mc 2 = Rg =
Rg c2

(b) Rg =
(6.67 10 11
N.m 2 / kg 2 1.99 1030 kg )
c2 ( 3.00 10 )

Rg = 1.47 103 m = 1.47 km

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882 Relativity

P39.82 We find the speed of the electrons after accelerating through a

potential difference V from Equation 39.23:

K=eV =( 1) mc 2 = 1 mc 2

1( u c )

1 eV eV +mc 2
= 2 +1=
1( u c ) mc mc 2

mc 2
1( u c ) =
eV +mc
u m
= 1
c eV c + m

Substituting numerical values and suppressing units,


= 1
( 9.111031 kg )
c 1.6010 C ) ( 8.4010 V )
19 4
+ 9.1110 31
( )
3.0010 8

Because this speed is more than half the speed of light, there is no way
to double its speed, regardless of the increased accelerating voltage. If
the accelerating voltage is quadrupled to 336 kV, the speed of the
electrons rises to u = 0.798c.
P39.83 (a) Take the spaceship as the primed frame, moving toward the right
at v = +0.600c. Then ux = +0.800c, and
ux + v 0.800c + 0.600c
ux = = = 0.946c
1 + ( ux v ) c 2
1 + ( 0.800 ) ( 0.600 )
L = ( 0.200 ly ) 1 ( 0.600 ) = 0.160 ly
(b) L= :

(c) The aliens observe the 0.160-ly interval decreasing because the
probe reduces it from one end at 0.800c and the Earth reduces it at
the other end at 0.600c.
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Chapter 39 883

0.160 ly
Thus, time = = 0.114 yr
0.800c + 0.600c
(d) In Earths reference frame, the kinetic energy of the landing craft is
K= 1 mc 2
1 u2 c 2

( 4.00 10 kg ) ( 3.00 10 m/s )
K= 1 5 8
1 ( 0.946 )2

= 7.50 1022 J
P39.84 (a) Take m = 1.00 kg. The classical kinetic energy is
2 2
1 1 u u
K c = mu2 = mc 2 = ( 4.50 1016 J )
2 2 c c
and the actual kinetic energy is

1 1
Kr = 1 mc = ( 9.00 10 J )
2 16
1 ( u c )2 1 ( u c )2

Using these expressions, we generate the graph in ANS. GRAPH


Kc ( J ) Kr ( J )
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.100 0.045 1016 0.0453 1016
0.200 0.180 1016 0.186 1016
0.300 0.405 1016 0.435 1016
0.400 0.720 1016 0.820 1016
0.500 1.13 1016 1.39 1016
0.600 1.62 1016 2.25 1016
0.700 2.21 1016 3.60 1016
0.800 2.88 1016 6.00 1016
0.900 3.65 1016 11.6 1016
0.990 4.41 1016 54.8 1016


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884 Relativity

1 u 1
(b) K c = 0.990K r , when = 0.990 1 , yielding
2 c
1 ( u c )

u = 0.115c

(c) Similarly, K c = 0.950K r when u = 0.257c .

(d) K c = 0.500K r when u = 0.786c .

P39.85 Both observers measure the speed of light to be c.
(a) Call the total travel time tS . An observer at rest relative to the
mirror sees the light travel a distance d1 = d from the spacecraft to
the mirror, but a distance d2 = d vtS from the mirror back to the
spacecraft because the spacecraft has traveled the distance
vtS forward. Therefore, the total distance traveled by the light is

D = d1 + d2
d + ( d vtS ) = ctS

tS =
2 5.66 1010 m (
= 229 s
c + v c + 0.650c 1.650 3.00 108 m/s ( )
(b) The observer in the spacecraft measures a length-contracted
initial distance to the mirror of

L = d 1
and the mirror moving toward the ship at speed v. Consider the
motion of the light toward the mirror in time interval t1 : light
travels toward the mirror at speed c while the mirror travels toward
the spacecraft at speed v; together, they travel the distance L:
c t1 + vt1 = L
t1 =
When light strikes the mirror, it is a distance L = L vt1 from
the spacecraft. The light must travel back through this same
distance to return to the spacecraft:
L v
ct2 = L vt1 t2 = t1
c c

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Chapter 39 885

The total travel time is

L L v L L v L
t1 + t2 = + t1 = +
c+v c c c + v c c c + v
Lc + L ( c + v ) Lv 2Lc 2 v2
= = = d 1 2
c(c + v) c (c + v) (c + v) c
2 c2 v2
= d
(c + v) c

2d c v 2d c 0.650c
t1 + t2 = =
c c+v c c + 0.650c
2 ( 5.66 1010 m ) 0.350
( 3.00 108 m/s ) 1.650
= 174 s
P39.86 Both observers measure the speed of light to be c.
(a) Call the total travel time tS . An observer at rest relative to the
mirror sees the light travel a distance d1 = d from the spacecraft to
the mirror, but a distance d2 = d vtS from the mirror back to the
spacecraft because the spacecraft has traveled the distance vtS
forward. Therefore, the total distance traveled by the light is
D = d1 + d2
d + ( d vtS ) = ctS
tS =
(b) The observer in the spacecraft measures a length-contracted
initial distance to the mirror of

L = d 1 2
and the mirror moving toward the ship at speed v. Consider the
motion of the light toward the mirror in time interval t1 : light
travels toward the mirror at speed c while the mirror travels toward
the spacecraft at speed v; together, they travel the distance L:
c t1 + vt1 = L
t1 =

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886 Relativity

When light strikes the mirror, it is a distance L' = L vt1 from

the spacecraft. The light must travel back through this same
distance to return to the spacecraft:
L v
ct2 = L vt1 t2 = t1
c c
The total travel time is
L L v
t1 + t2 = + t1
c+v c c
L L v L
= +
c+v c c c + v
Lc + L ( c + v ) Lv 2Lc 2 v2
= = = d 1 2
c (c + v) c (c + v) (c + v) c
2 c2 v2
= d
(c + v) c
2d c v
t1 + t2 =
c c+v
P39.87 Since the total momentum is zero before decay, it is necessary that
after the decay
E 14.0 keV
pnucleus = pphoton = =
c c

( )
Also, for the recoiling nucleus, E 2 = p 2 c 2 + mc 2 with

Mc 2 = 8.60 109 J = 5.38 1010 eV = 5.38 107 keV

( Mc ) = (14.0 keV ) + ( Mc )
2 2 2
Thus, 2
+K 2

2 2
K 14.0 keV
1 + Mc 2 = Mc 2 + 1

2 2
14.0 keV 14.0 keV
Because the term 1 , evaluating + 1 on a
Mc 2
Mc 2
calculator gives 1.

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Chapter 39 887

14.0 keV
We need to expand + 1 using the Binomial Theorem:
Mc 2
2 2
K 14.0 keV 1 14.0 keV
1+ = 1+ 1+
Mc 2
Mc 2 2 Mc 2

(14.0 keV ) (14.0 10 eV ) = 1.82 10

2 2
K = eV
2Mc 2 2 ( 53.8 10 eV ) 9

Challenge Problems
P39.88 (a) At any speed, the momentum of the particle is given by
p = mu =
1 (u c)

With Newtons law expressed as F = qE = , we have

1 2
qE = mu 1 2
dt c

1 2 3 2
u2 du 1 u2 2u du
qE = m 1 2 + mu 1 2 c 2 dt
c dt 2 c

qE du 1 u2 c 2 + u2 c 2
so =
m dt 1 u2 c 2 3 2
3 2
du qE u2
and a= = 1 2
dt m c

(b) For u small compared to c, the relativistic expression reduces to

the classical a = . As u approaches c, the acceleration
approaches zero, so that the object can never reach the speed of

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888 Relativity

(c) We can use the result of (a) to find the velocity u at time t:
du qE u2 u
du t
a= = 1 2 = dt
dt m c 0 (1 u 2
c )
2 32
0 m

u qEt
(1 u 2
c )
2 12 m
qEt u2
u =
m c 2
m c + q 2E 2t 2
2 2

Now, we can use this result to find position x at time t:

dx qEct
dt m2 c 2 + q 2 E 2 t 2
t t
c tdt
x = udt = qEc = m2 c 2 + q 2 E 2 t 2
0 0 m c +q E t
2 2 2 2 2 qE 0

( m2 c 2 + q 2E 2t 2 mc )
P39.89 (a) Take the two colliding protons as the system
E1 = K + mc 2 E2 = mc 2

E12 = p12 c 2 + m2 c 4 p2 = 0
In the final state,
E f = K f + Mc 2 = p 2f c 2 + M 2 c 4

By energy conservation, E1 + E2 = E f , so

E12 + 2E1E2 + E22 = E 2f

( )
p12 c 2 + m2 c 4 + 2 K + mc 2 mc 2 + m2 c 4
= p 2f c 2 + M 2 c 4

By conservation of momentum, p1 = p f , so

( )
p12 c 2 + m2 c 4 + 2 K + mc 2 mc 2 + m2 c 4
= p 2f c 2 + M 2 c 4

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Chapter 39 889

and we have then

4Km2 c 4
M 2 c 4 = 2Kmc 2 + 4m2 c 4 = 2
+ 4m2 c 4

Mc 2 = 2mc 2 1 +
2mc 2

ANS. FIG. P39.89

(b) By contrast, for colliding beams we have, in the original state,
E1 = K + mc 2 E2 = K + mc 2
In the final state,
E f = Mc 2

E1 + E2 = E f :

K + mc 2 + K + mc 2 = Mc 2
Mc 2 = 2mc 2 1 +
2mc 2
P39.90 We choose to write down the answer to part (b) first.
(b) Consider a hermit who lives on an asteroid halfway between the
Sun and Tau Ceti, stationary with respect to both. Just as our
spaceship is passing him, he also sees the blast waves from both
explosions. Judging both stars to be stationary, this observer
concludes that the two stars blew up simultaneously .

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890 Relativity

(a) We in the spaceship moving past the hermit do not calculate the
explosions to be simultaneous. We measure the distance we have
traveled from the Sun as
L = Lp 1 = ( 6.00 ly ) 1 ( 0.800 ) = 3.60 ly

We see the Sun flying away from us at 0.800c while the light from
the Sun approaches at 1.00c. Thus, the gap between the Sun and
its blast wave has opened at 1.80c, and the time we calculate to
have elapsed since the Sun exploded is
3.60 ly
= 2.00 yr
We see Tau Ceti as moving toward us at 0.800c, while its light
approaches at 1.00c, only 0.200c faster. We measure the gap
between that star and its blast wave as 3.60 ly and growing at
0.200c. We calculate that it must have been opening for
3.60 ly
= 18.0 yr
and conclude that Tau Ceti exploded 16.0 years before the Sun .

P39.91 (a) Since Dina is in the same reference frame, S, as Owen, she
measures the ball to have the same speed Owen observes, namely
ux = 0.800c

(b) Within the frame S, the ball travels 1.80 1012 m at a speed of
0.800c, so
Lp 1.80 1012 m
t = = = 7.50 103 s
ux (
0.800 3.00 10 m/s 8
(c) In the S frame, the distance between Dina and Owen is a proper
length; therefore,

( 0.600c )

L = Lp
1 2 = 1.80 1012 m ) 1
c 2
= 1.44 1012 m

Since v = 0.600c and ux = 0.800c, the velocity Ed measures for

the ball is

ux =
ux + v
( 0.800c ) + ( 0.600c ) = 0.385c
1 + ux v c 2 1 + ( 0.800 ) ( 0.600 )

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Chapter 39 891

(d) Ed measures the ball and Dina to be initially separated by

1.44 1012 m. Dinas motion at 0.600c and the balls motion at
0.385c cover this distance from both ends. The gap closes at the
rate 0.600c + 0.385c = 0.985c, so the ball and catcher meet after a
1.44 1012 m
t = = 4.88 103 s
0.985 3.00 10 m/s 8

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892 Relativity


P39.2 (ab) See P39.2 for full explanation.

P39.4 See P39.4 for full explanation.
P39.6 (a) 0.436 m; (b) less than 0.436 m
P39.8 (a) 2.18 s ; (b) 649 m
P39.10 65.0 beats/min; (b) 10.5 beats/min
P39.12 (a) Lp = 20.0 m; (b) L = 19.0 m; (c) 0.312c
P39.14 0.140c
P39.16 (a) 1.3 107 s; (b) 38 m; (c) 7.6 m
P39.18 42.1 g/cm3
P39.20 v=
c 2 t 2 + L2p

P39.22 (a) 39.2 s ; (b) accurate to one digit

P39.24 (a) 5.45 yr; (b) Goslo
P39.26 1.13 104 Hz
P39.28 (a) v = 0.943c; (b) 2.55 103 m

v 2
P39.30 (a) L = L0 1 cos 2 0 ; (b) tan 0
P39.32 0.960c
P39.34 0.893c, 16.8 above the x axis
P39.36 (a) 2.73 1024 kg m/s ; (b) 1.58 1022 kg m/s ;
(c) 5.64 1022 kg m/s
P39.38 u=
(m c2 2
p2 ) + 1

P39.40 (a) $800; (b) $2.12 109

P39.42 (a) 0.141c; (b) 0.436c
P39.44 (a) 0.582 MeV; (b) 2.45 MeV
P39.46 (a) 0.999997c; (b) 3.74 105 MeV
P39.48 (a) 4.38 1011 J; (b) 4.38 1011; (c) See P39.48(c) for full explanation.

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Chapter 39 893

P39.50 See P39.50 for full explanation.

P39.52 (a) 3.91 104; (b) 0.9999999997c; (c) 7.67 cm
P39.54 0.842 kg
P39.56 1.20 MeV
P39.58 See P39.58 for full explanation.
P39.60 larger; ~109 J
P39.62 (a) isolated; (b) isolated system: conservation of energy and isolated
system: conservation of momentum; (c) 6.22 and 2.01;
(d) 3.09m1 + m2 = 1.66 1027 kg ; (e) m2 = 3.52m1 ;
(f) m1 = 2.51 1028 kg and m2 = 8.84 1028 kg

2m 4 u2 c 2 4m
P39.64 (a) M = ; (b) ; (c) The answer to part (b) is in
3 1 u c 2 2
agreement with the classical result, which is the arithmetic sum of the
masses of the two colliding particles.
P39.66 (a) 0.023 6c ; (b) 6.18 104c
P39.68 When Speedo arrives back on Earth, 118 years have passed, and Goslo
would be 158 years old. That is impossible at the present time.
P39.70 (a) 0.467c; (b) 2.75 103 kg
P39.72 See P39.72 for full explanation.
H 2 + 2H
P39.74 (a) u = c 2 ; (b) u goes to 0 as K goes to 0; (c) u
H + 2H + 1
approaches c as K increases without limit; (d) ;
mcH 1 2 (H + 2)1 2 (H + 1) 2
(e) See P39.74(e) for full explanation; (f) See P39.74(f) for full
explanation; (g) As energy is steadily imparted to particle, the
particles acceleration decreases. It decreases steeply, proportionally to
1/K3 at high energy. In this way the particles speed cannot reach or
surpass a certain upper limit, which is the speed of light in vacuum.
3.65 MeV
P39.76 (a) m = ; (b) v = 0.589c
P39.78 (a) 76.0 minutes; (b) 52.1 minutes
P39.80 (ac) See P39.80 for full explanation; (d) c

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894 Relativity

P39.82 Because the speed of the electrons after accelerating through a

potential difference V is more than half the speed of light, there is no
way to double its speed, regardless of the increased accelerating
P39.84 (a) See ANS. GRAPH P39.84; (b) 0.115c; (c) 0.257c; (d) 0.786c

2d 2d c v
P39.86 (a) ; (b)
c+v c c+v
3 2
du qE u2
P39.88 (a) a = = 1 ; (b) For u small compared to c, the relativistic
dt m c 2
expression reduces to the classical a = . As u approaches c, the
acceleration approaches zero, so that the object can never reach the

speed of light; (c) u =

m c +q E t
2 2 2 2 2
and x =
m2 c 2 + q 2E 2t 2 mc ( )
P39.90 (a) Tau Ceti exploded 16.0 years before the Sun; (b) The two stars blew
up simultaneously.

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