Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions
Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions
Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions
Gregor-Georg Zafiropoulos1*,
Evangelos Sotiropoulos2, Tae Ho Case Report
Yoon3 and Moosa Abuzayda3
The use of a customized mounting guide
Private practice limited in Periodontology,
Duesseldorf, Germany
Senior Dental Technician, Dental Laboratory, College
for Implant-Prosthetic Restoration of
of Dental Medicine, MBRU, Dubai
Associate Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, the Fully Edentulous Arch
College of Dental Medicine, MBRU, Dubai
Between January 2001 and December 2014, a total of 89
fully edentulous arches (54 maxillae and 35 mandibles) of 69
patients (37 females and 32 males; mean age: 56.6 9.2 years,
age range: 3875 years) were treated in the private office by
one of the authors with the technique described herein (Figure
1). All patients who had been referred for multiple tooth
extractions due to advanced periodontal disease and implant
treatment were nonsmokers and in good general health. Three
representative cases were selected for detailed presentation
here. The surgical procedures are not described in the present
Figure 1: Characteristics (% distribution) of the 89 rehabilitated arches n 69
patients. 1A: %-Distribution of the prosthetic rehabilitation arts; 1B: %- Distribution
Diagnostic impressions for the fabrication of an interim
of the used surgical procedures.
Citation: Zafiropoulos GG, Sotiropoulos E, Yoon TH, Abuzayda M (2017) The use of a customized mounting guide for Implant-Prosthetic Restoration of the Fully
Edentulous Arch. J Dent Probl Solut 4(3): 054-057. DOI:
restore the esthetics and function. Implants were placed eleven thick, AGC Galvanogold; Wieland) [2,6-8], as well as a metal
(11) months after teeth extractions and bone regeneration or framework and a t-FD (as above described) were fabricated as
lateral augmentation in accordance with a two-stage protocol. above described. The customized abutments served as primary
Implants were uncovered and loaded four months later [4,5]. telescopes, and the AGCs as secondary telescopes (Figure 5
All definitive impressions for definitive casts fabrication were B-D).
made using a polyether material (Impregum Penta Soft; 3M
ESPE, Neuss, Germany) with an open-tray technique. Surgical The abutments were transferred, positioned on the
techniques are not described in this report. implants, torqued to 35 Ncm using a resin transfer key (Pattern
Resin, GC, Alsip, IL, USA), and were not removed this point
Case 1 (Fixed case) forward, to avoid any possible inaccuracies. The AGCs were
placed on the implant abutments and the framework was
For the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the maxilla, six
placed over the AGCs (Figure 6). A definitive impression with
screw-cylinder and two provisional implants (for provisional
a polyether impression material was taken (Impregum Penta
denture stabilization) were placed (Figure 2). During the
Soft; 3M ESPE, Neuss, Germany) with AGCs and framework in
healing period, the patients denture was adjusted to manage
place and used for the fabrication of a new master cast. After
complications, and the function and esthetics of the denture
the impression, the t-FD was fixed on the abutments using
was optimized by relining it as is needed (Figure 3A). After
then, the adjusted denture was duplicated (DentDu) using clear
resin (Paladur, Heraeus, Hanau, Germany) and fitted after
implants uncovering (Figure 3B).
Citation: Zafiropoulos GG, Sotiropoulos E, Yoon TH, Abuzayda M (2017) The use of a customized mounting guide for Implant-Prosthetic Restoration of the Fully
Edentulous Arch. J Dent Probl Solut 4(3): 054-057. DOI:
temporary cement (TempBond, Kerr, Orange, CA), and it was
left in place until the delivery of the final restoration (Figure 7).
The new master cast was articulated with the help of the
AGCs and of the framework. The veneering of the framework
was made using a light-cured indirect ceramic polymer
(Ceramage, Shofu, Menlo Park, CA). The AGCs were fixed in the
framework using a self-curing compomer cement (AGC Cem,
Wieland, Pforzheim, Germany) (Figure 8).
Figure 7: Case 2. Temporary restoration in situ.
Case 3 (Bar, retained removable)
Figure 9: Case 3. A: articulation of the DentDu using ball attachments, B: bar in situ,
C: denture in site: use of clips for retention on the bar, D: final restorations in situ.
The purpose of the present report was to describe a new and
easy technique with reproducible results and not to compare
different techniques. Three cases were presented to treat with
different types of restorations. This method can be used for
rehabilitation of one arch or both arches simultaneously.
Figure 5: Case 2. A: Articulated master cast, B: customized abutments, C: AGCs,
D: framework. The DentDu is an effective method to be used to obtain
the occlusal records, to guide the mounting process, and to
record and transfer the MMR. This technique allows faster
process by reducing (or eliminating) certain clinical steps.
It is recommended that the DentDu be produced at the end
of the healing period after all denture adjustments and its
improvements have been made.
Citation: Zafiropoulos GG, Sotiropoulos E, Yoon TH, Abuzayda M (2017) The use of a customized mounting guide for Implant-Prosthetic Restoration of the Fully
Edentulous Arch. J Dent Probl Solut 4(3): 054-057. DOI:
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Copyright: 2017 Zafiropoulos GG, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Zafiropoulos GG, Sotiropoulos E, Yoon TH, Abuzayda M (2017) The use of a customized mounting guide for Implant-Prosthetic Restoration of the Fully
Edentulous Arch. J Dent Probl Solut 4(3): 054-057. DOI: