The Factory Boost Jets NAVARA D40
The Factory Boost Jets NAVARA D40
The Factory Boost Jets NAVARA D40
Below is a complete checklist of devices connected to vacuum along with Nissan diagrams (slight aesthetic/readability modication).
You should be able to follow the vacuum lines in your car pretty eectively with these diagrams. Note that ANY OF THESE devices or
their associated hose/clamps could be defective/loose resulting in VACUUM/BOOST LEAK! Refer to your engine bay along with these
diagrams. Instead of just seeing a tangled web of hoses, you will gain understanding of the vacuum system design, which should help
you pinpoint problem areas and facilitate xes.
The only TECHNICAL change I made is the location of the AIV and EGR solenoids. It has been noted by most Z owners (as they remove
their AIV systems) that the AIV solenoid is usually the one located closest to the battery. The Nissan diagram shows the EGR closest to
the battery. These valves look identical. You should be able to tell quickly which is which on your car by following the connected
vacuum lines to their respective devices. A hose, gasket (to housing), or hose clamp will inter-connect each component to the
manifold, air gallery (vacuum hardline), or to another device that can be under vacuum. 1/7
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To make reading the diagrams below easier, you may want to print out the following numbered list and refer to it as you view the
diagrams. The numbers refer to (and point to) vacuum hoses, though it may be a bit tough to see from the wonderful, high resolution
of these diagrams (note sarcasm).
9. Throttle Chamber to EGR Control Solenoid 18. Passenger Side Wastegate Actuator
1. PRVR Control Solenoid Valve to
Valve to Air Pipe through 3-Way Connector
Vacuum Tank
10. EGR Control Solenoid Valve to Passenger Side 19. Air Pipe to 3-Way Connector (for
2. PRVR Control Solenoid Valve to
Vacuum Gallery through 3-Way Connector passenger side wastegate control)
Intake Manifold Collector
11. Air Duct to Right Side Vacuum Gallery 20. Driver Side Wastegate Control Valve
3. PRVR Control Solenoid Valve to
12. AIV Control Solenoid Valve to AIV Control to Air
Fuel Vacuum Gallery
Valve Pipe through 3-Way Connector
4. Fuel Pressure Regulator to Fuel
13. AIV Control Solenoid Valve to Passenger Side 21. Driver Side Wastegate Control
Vacuum Gallery
Vacuum Gallery through 3-Way Connector Solenoid Valve to Suction Pipe
5. Fuel Damper to Balance Tube
14. AIV Control Solenoid to Balance Tube 22. Driver Side Wastegate Actuator to Air
6. EGR Control Solenoid Valve to
15. Passenger Side Recirculation Valve to Intake Pipe through 3-Way Connector
Rear Vacuum Gallery
Manifold Collector 23. Air Pipe to 3-Way Connector (for
7. Rear Vacuum Gallery to
16. Passenger Side Wastegate Control Valve to Air driver side wastegate control)
Passenger Side Vacuum Gallery
Pipe through 3-Way Connector 24. Driver Side Recirculation Valve to
8. EGR Control Solenoid Valve to
17. Passenger Side Wastegate Control Solenoid Intake Manifold Collector
Passenger Side Vacuum Gallery
Valve to Suction Pipe 25. Canister Purge Line 2/7
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