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DLP in English6

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\Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Pililla




A. Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings

and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of
proficiency; and reads various text types materials to
serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of lifes
B. Performance Standards The learners demonstrate how to evaluate narratives
based on how the author developed the elements:
-point of view
C. Learning -Evaluate narratives based on how the author
Competencies/Objectives developed the elements:
-point of view EN6RC-Ii2.24.5
-Show tactfulness when communicating with others
II. CONTENT Evaluating narratives based on how the author
developed the elements:
-point of view
A. References THE DAILY | Wednesday, February 2, 2011
B. Other Learning Pictures, MP3, Speakers, Presentation Slides


A. REVIEW Questions:
1. What are the different elements of a
2. How can you identify the different element
such as setting, characters, and plot?
B. ENGAGEMENT Motivation:

Viewing: Video Presentation

After viewing:
1. Who are the characters of the story?
2. Where is the story happened?
3. Is the opinion of the author reliable, or not?

Motive Question:

Can you identify what is the authors point of view in

writing a narrative?

C. EXPLORE Presentation:
The Eyebrows
Eyebrows are part of
the face which serves two purposes for beauty
and protection. Eyebrows made the face look
more beautiful by calling attention to the eyes.
They make the eyes look healthier and brighter.
Eyebrows do not only beautify the face but also
protect the eye from sweat. Without the
eyebrows, drops of sweat may run into the eyes
and blur the sight. Sweat itself is a waste product
and should be rid off.

Our lesson for today has something to do with

identifying the point of view in a story.
1. Explaining what to do
The teacher will ask the students to listen
to the story very well and let them give
the importance of what they have heard.
Magnet attracts objects made of steel, iron and
other metals. The discovery of themagnets and
the many things that have been made out of it
had brought many discoveries and useful things.
The magnet makes possible the compass that
was used and still being used by travelers, pilot,
sailor, boy scouts, soldier, engineers and others.
The magnet W/C makes use of electricity has
made all types of electric and industrial motor.

1. Modeling/Demonstration
The teacher will tell
tell/read a story and she will give the
point of view of the story, She will explain
how to get the important idea in a story
Why we cook the Food We Eat
We cook our food for there are reasons to
make food palatable and appetizing, to soften
hard and tough foods, and to kill any microbe
that may happen in the food.
There are many ways of preparing food. Food
can be fried, boiled, roasted, baked, steamed,
stewed or sauted. They can be cooked but
some are eaten raw.

Another story will be
heard and the students will be the one
who give the point of view in the story
heard with the guide of the teacher.
Air Pollution
Today, in most cities, smoke and exhaust
fumes fill the airand endanger the health
and the well being of the people. Smoke
and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-
products from gasoline burned in cars
and from factories. Air pollution or smog
is a serious problem in some cities. Smog
consists of smoke and exhaust fumes
mixed w/ fog.
To control air pollution, smoke
ordinance have been passed. Smoke
belching vehicles and factories are
required to reduce fumes emanating from

Independent Practice
The teacher will read a
story, then ask the student to write or
orally the point of view that can be
found in the story heard

Purifying Drinking Water

There are different ways of purifying
water for drinking purposes.
Distillation is one. Distilled water is made
by evaporating and then condensing the
water vapor from the boiling water.
Bacteria are removed by passing water
through a filter. Adding chemicals to the
water also makes it pure. But the best
way of purifying water at home is by
boiling it. When water is boiled, the
bacteria in it are surely killed.


How do we get the point of view in a

story heard?

D. Evaluation The teacher will ask the students to make a role

play and their classmates will identify the point of
view they want to emphasize.

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Pililla



D. Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings

and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of
proficiency; and reads various text types materials to
serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of lifes
E. Performance Standards The learners demonstrate how to evaluate narratives
based on how the author developed the elements:
-point of view
F. Learning -Evaluate narratives based on how the author
Competencies/Objectives developed the elements:
-theme EN6RC-Ii2.24.4
-Show tactfulness when communicating with others
V. CONTENT Evaluating narratives based on how the author
developed the elements:
-point of view
C. References THE DAILY | Wednesday, February 2, 2011
D. Other Learning Pictures, MP3, Speakers, Presentation Slides


E. REVIEW Questions:
3. What are the different elements of a
4. How can you identify the authors point of
view in writing a narrative?
F. ENGAGEMENT Motivation:

The teacher will allow the students to listen

to a poem using a cassette/CD.
Motive Question:

Can you identify what is the theme of the given


G. EXPLORE Presentation:

The teacher will ask the students to listen to

the story very well and let them give the
importance of what they have heard.

The Boy and the Tree

A long time ago, there was a

huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come
and play around it everyday. He climbed to
the treetop, ate the apples, took a nap under
the shadow.. he loved the tree and the tree
loved to play with him. Time went by.. the
little boy had grown up and he no longer
played around the tree every day.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and
he looked sad. Come and play with me the
tree asked the boy. I am no longer a kid, I do
not play around trees any more the boy
replied. I want toys. I need money to buy
them. Sorry, but I do not have money.. but
you can pick all my apples and sell them. So,
you will have money. The boy was so
excited. He grabbed all the apples on the
tree and left happily. The boy never came
back after he picked the apples. The tree
was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man
returned and the tree was excited Come and
play with me the tree said. I do not have
time to play. I have to work for my family. We
need a house for shelter. Can you help me?
Sorry, but I do not have any house. But you
can chop off my branches to build your
house. So the man cut all the branches of
the tree and left happily. The tree was glad
to see him happy but the man never came
back since then. The tree was again
lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the man returned and
the tree was delighted. Come and play with
me! the tree said. I am getting old. I want to
go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a
boat? said the man. Use my trunk to build
your boat. You can sail far away and be
happy. So the man cut the tree trunk to
make a boat. He went sailing and never
showed up for a long time.
Finally, the man returned after many years.
Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for
you anymore. No more apples for you the
tree said. No problem, I do not have any
teeth to bite the man replied. No more trunk
for you to climb on the tree said. I am too
old for that now the man said. I really
cannot give you anything.. the only thing left
is my dying roots the tree said with tears. I
do not need much now, just a place to rest. I
am tired after all these years the man
replied. Good! Old tree roots are the best
place to lean on and rest, Come, come sit
down with me and rest. The man sat down
and the tree was glad and smiled with tears..

1. Modeling/Demonstration
The teacher will tell
tell/read a story and she will give the
theme of the story, She will explain how
to get the important idea in a story


Once there lived a lazy man in a

village. His only source of income was a
mango tree, which was planted in the
backyard of his house.
One day, one of his relatives came to
his house. At breakfast, lunch and dinner,
only mangoes were served to the relative.
He got fed up of this and thought of a
At night, when the lazy man was sleeping,
the relative quietly woke up, cut down the
tree and fled away. Next day, when the
man saw that the tree was cut down, he
cried a lot. After few years, the same
relative again came to his house. By now,
the man had worked and prospered. His
condition had improved. He thanked the
relative for making him realize his
The End..

Another story will be
heard and the students will be the one
who give the point of view in the story
heard with the guide of the teacher.
Air Pollution
Today, in most cities, smoke and exhaust
fumes fill the airand endanger the health
and the well being of the people. Smoke
and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-
products from gasoline burned in cars
and from factories. Air pollution or smog
is a serious problem in some cities. Smog
consists of smoke and exhaust fumes
mixed w/ fog.
To control air pollution, smoke
ordinance have been passed. Smoke
belching vehicles and factories are
required to reduce fumes emanating from

Independent Practice
The teacher will read a
story, then ask the student to write or
orally the point of view that can be
found in the story heard
Purifying Drinking Water
There are different ways of purifying
water for drinking purposes.
Distillation is one. Distilled water is made
by evaporating and then condensing the
water vapor from the boiling water.
Bacteria are removed by passing water
through a filter. Adding chemicals to the
water also makes it pure. But the best
way of purifying water at home is by
boiling it. When water is boiled, the
bacteria in it are surely killed.


How do we get the theme in the

story heard?

H. Evaluation The teacher will ask the students to make a role

play and their classmates will identify the theme
they want to emphasize.

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Pililla



G. Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings

and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of
proficiency; and reads various text types materials to
serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of lifes
H. Performance Standards The learners demonstrate how to compose clear and
coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: -Subject-verb agreement

I. Learning -Compose clear and coherent sentences using

Competencies/Objectives appropriate grammatical structures: -Subject-verb
VII. CONTENT Composing clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures: -Subject-verb

E. References English Arts I. 2000. Pp 136-139
F. Other Learning Pictures, MP3, Speakers, Presentation Slides


Play the Verb Rap Song to review the
definition of verbs, or actions.

Ask students to participate by acting out

the verbs in the song. Get them excited about the

Use the video to recall the definition of

verbs, and introduce subject/verb agreement

J. ENGAGEMENT Motivation:

Display the meaning of a subject, or the

person or thing being discussed, and ask students
to repeat it.

Show flashcards with subjects that are

both singular and plural for students to read.

Display and discuss the subject/verb

agreement rule that verbs need to match the
singular and plural subject versions.

Place subject flashcards on the board in

two sections to make a matching game.

Ask students to come to the board to draw

lines to match the subject to a verb that agrees.

K. EXPLORE Presentation:

Group Activity:

Place the subject flashcards on the board

in two sections.

Write a verb across from each subject as

least a few inches away to make space for
matching lines to be drawn.

Line a few students up at a time in two


In a relay style race, direct each student to
quickly draw a line from a subject to its matching
verb and pass the marker to their teammate.

The team with the most correct answers

wins, or if both are correct, the team that finishes
first wins.

Discuss and correct any answers that are

wrong, explaining why.


Distribute the Subjects & Verbs Get

Along worksheet.

Instruct students to write the correct verb

on the space provided that will agree with the
subject in the sentence.


How do we show the agreement

between the subject and the verb?
L. Evaluation

Division of Rizal
District of Pililla


Content Standards The learner analyze the characters used in print, nonprint, and
digital materials (Age and gender, Race and nationality,
Attitude and behavior)
Performance Standards The learners demonstrate how to analyze the characters used in
print, nonprint, and digital materials (Age and gender, Race
and nationality, Attitude and behavior)

Learning - Analyze the characters used in print, nonprint, and digital

Competencies/Objectiv materials (Age and gender, Race and nationality, Attitude and
es behavior) EN6VC-Ii3.3.3
- Observe politeness at all times EN6A-Ii-16

CONTENT Analyzing the characters used in print, nonprint, and digital

materials (Age and gender, Race and nationality, Attitude and
References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqqCi5yNYmE
Other Learning Pictures, MP3, Speakers, Presentation Slides


Based on our lesson last meeting, what do you think are
the words behind the picture clues

ENGAGEMENT Motivation:

The teacher will allow the students to listen to a

short story using a cassette or CD.
(the pupils will listen to the story)

Motive Question:

Can you identify the different characters in the story?

How about their gender?

Can you distinguish their nationality?

EXPLORE Presentation:

We are going to watch a short story. You need to

understand and watch it very well so that you can
answer the questions that follows.

Who are the characters of the story?

Where is the story happened?

How did the father show his love to his daughter?

Do you think the daughter loves her father back?

What do you think is the nationality of the


Does the story reflects the race and culture of the


Do you think the child respects her father? Why?

What do you think you can do to show your love and
respect to your father?


The teacher will show another

story and she will explain how to get the
important idea in a story


Once there lived a lazy man in a village. His

only source of income was a mango tree, which
was planted in the backyard of his house.
One day, one of his relatives came to his
house. At breakfast, lunch and dinner, only
mangoes were served to the relative. He got fed
up of this and thought of a plan.
At night, when the lazy man was sleeping, the
relative quietly woke up, cut down the tree and
fled away. Next day, when the man saw that the
tree was cut down, he cried a lot. After few
years, the same relative again came to his
house. By now, the man had worked and
prospered. His condition had improved. He
thanked the relative for making him realize his
The End..

Another story will be heard and
the students will be the one who give the
characters in the story heard with the guide of the
Independent Practice
The teacher will read a story,
then ask the student to write or orally the
characters that can be found in the story heard


How do we identify the characters in the

story heard?

M. Evaluation The teacher will ask the students to make a phantom

mime and their classmates will identify the characters
they want to emphasize.
Division of Rizal
District of Pililla




Content Standards The learner analyze the setting used in print, nonprint, and
digital materials
Performance Standards The learners demonstrate how to analyze the setting used in
print, nonprint, and digital materials
Learning - Analyze the setting used in print, nonprint, and digital
Competencies/Objectiv materials EN6VC-Ii3.3.4
es - Observe politeness at all times EN6A-Ii-16

CONTENT Analyzing the characters used in print, nonprint, and digital

materials (Age and gender, Race and nationality, Attitude and
References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27qSU2HDZjE
Other Learning Pictures, MP3, Speakers, Presentation Slides


Based on our lesson last meeting, what do you think are
the words behind the picture clues
ENGAGEMENT Motivation:

The teacher will allow the students to listen to a

short story using a cassette or CD.

(the pupils will listen to the story)

Motive Question:

Can you identify the setting of the story?

EXPLORE Presentation:

We are going to watch a short story. You need to

understand and watch it very well so that you can
answer the questions that follows.

Who are the characters of the story?

Where is the story happened?

Where is the main setting of the story?

What do you think you can do to show your love and

respect to your family?

The teacher will show another

story and she will explain how to get the
important idea in a story

Another story will be heard and
the students will be the one who give the
characters in the story heard with the guide of the

Independent Practice
The teacher will read a story,
then ask the student to write or orally the
characters that can be found in the story heard


How do we identify the characters in the

story heard?

N. Evaluation The teacher will ask the students to make a phantom

mime and their classmates will identify the characters
they want to emphasize.

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