ASTM D 3612 2004 Dga PDF
ASTM D 3612 2004 Dga PDF
ASTM D 3612 2004 Dga PDF
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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D 3612 02
(as the measured total volume), expressed either as a percent- NOTE 2This sample size has been found to be sufficient for most oils.
age or in parts per million. However, oil that has had only limited exposure to air may contain much
smaller amounts of nitrogen and oxygen. For these oils it may be desirable
to increase the size of the sample and the extraction apparatus.
4. Summary of Test Method NOTE 3Alternative apparatus designs including the use of a Toepler
4.1 Method ADissolved gases are extracted from a sample pump have also been found successful.
of oil by introduction of the oil sample into a pre-evacuated 6.1.1 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Tubing, narrow-bore,
known volume. The evolved gases are compressed to atmo- terminated with a Luer-Lock fitted glass syringe, and leading to
spheric pressure and the total volume measured. a solid plug, three-way, high-vacuum stopcock.
4.2 Method BDissolved gases are extracted from a sample 6.1.2 Degassing Flask, with a glass inlet tube, of sufficient
of oil by sparging the oil with the carrier gas on a stripper volume to contain up to 50 mL of oil below the inlet tube,
column containing a high surface area bead. capable of being evacuated through a vacuum pump, contain-
4.3 Method CMethod C consists of bringing an oil sample ing a PTFE-coated magnetic spin bar, and mounted on a
in contact with a gas phase (headspace) in a closed vessel magnetic stirrer.
purged with argon. The dissolved gases contained in the oil are 6.1.3 Means of Measuring Absolute Pressure within the
then equilibrated in the two phases in contact under controlled apparatus.
conditions (in accordance with Henrys law). At equilibrium, 6.1.4 Vacuum Pumping System, capable of evacuating the
the headspace is overpressurized with argon and then the glassware to an absolute pressure of 1 3 103 torr (130 mPa)
content of a loop is filled by the depressurization of the or lower.
headspace against the ambient atmospheric pressure. The gases 6.1.5 Vacuum Glassware, sufficiently large compared to the
contained in the loop are then introduced into a gas chromato- volume of the oil sample, so that virtually complete degassing
graph. is obtained and that the volumetric collection ratio is as large as
4.4 There may be some differences in the limits of detection possible. A 500-mL gas collecting flask has been found
and precision and bias between Methods A, B, and C for suitable.
various gases. 6.1.6 High-Vacuum Valves or Stopcocks, employing the
4.5 A portion of the extracted gases (Method A) or all of the minimum necessary amounts of high-vacuum stopcock grease
extracted gases (Method B) or a portion of the headspace gases are used throughout the apparatus.
(Method C) is introduced into a gas chromatograph. Calibra- 6.1.7 Gas Collection Tube, calibrated in 0.01-mL divisions,
tion curves are used in Method C to establish the concentration capable of containing up to 5 mL of gas, terminated with a
of each species. The composition of the sample is calculated silicone rubber retaining septum. A suitable arrangement is
from its chromatogram by comparing the area of the peak of shown in Fig. 3.
each component with the area of the peak of the same 6.1.8 Reservoir of Mercury, sufficient to fill the collection
component on a reference chromatogram made on a standard flask and collection tube. (WarningMercury vapor is ex-
mixture of known composition. tremely toxic. Appropriate precautions should be taken.)
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D 3612 02
atmospheric pressure and the total volume measured. The 9.4 Determine the Ostwald solubility coefficients of fixed
gases are then analyzed by gas chromatography. gases in accordance with Test Method D 2780.
9.5 Ostwald solubility coefficients that have been deter-
9. Preparation of Apparatus mined for a number of gases in one specific electrical insulat-
9.1 Check the apparatus carefully for vacuum tightness of ing oil at 25C are shown as follows. Values for gases in other
all joints and stopcocks. oils may be estimated by reference to Test Method D 2779.
9.2 Measure the total volume of the extraction apparatus, Ostwald Solubility 8 (Note 5)
Component Gas
Coefficient, Ki, 25C, 760 mm Hg
VT, and the volume of the collection space, Vc, and calculate Hydrogen 0.0558
the ratio as the volumetric collection ratio: Nitrogen 0.0968
Carbon monoxide 0.133
(1) Oxygen 0.179
VT 2 V o Methane 0.438
Carbon dioxide 1.17
where Vo = the volume of oil to be added. Acetylene 1.22
9.3 Calculate the degassing efficiencies for each individual Ethylene 1.76
component gas as follows: Ethane 2.59
Propane 11.0
Ei 5 K iVo (2) NOTE 5The Ostwald coefficient values shown in this table are correct
11V 2V only for the specific mineral oil having a density at 15.5C of 0.855 g/cm3
T o
used in the original determination. Ostwald coefficients for mineral oils of
where: different density may be calculated as follows:
Ei = degassing efficiency of component i, 0.980 2 density
Ki ~corrected! 5 K i (3)
Vo = volume of oil sample, 0.130
VT = total internal volume of extraction apparatus before
oil sample is introduced, and 8
Daoust, R., Dind, J. E., Morgan, J., and Regis, J, Analysis of Gas Dissolved
Ki = Ostwald solubility coefficient of component i.
in Transformer Oils, Doble Conference, 1971, Sections 6110.
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D 3612 02
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dan Morgan (Serveron Corp.); Wed Mar 17 14:39:03 EST 2004
D 3612 02
bring the level of the mercury in the reference column even matographic columns is used to convert carbon monoxide and
with the level in the collection tube. carbon dioxide to methane for detection with a flame ionization
10.9 Measure the volume of extracted gas in the collection detector for acceptable sensitivity. (The condition of the nickel
tube, and correct for collection efficiency by dividing it by the catalyst can be evaluated by checking the linearity of the
volumetric collection ratio calculated in 9.2. Correct to 760 torr response to carbon dioxide.) With helium as a carrier gas, a
(101.325 kPa) and 0C. Determine the volume of oil degassed catalytic converter is not necessary but may be used to enhance
in the degassing flask. Record the gas content as a percentage sensitivity.
of the oil by volume. 11.5.2 A flame ionization detector, instead of a thermal
10.10 Because the total concentration of gas is not extract- conductivity detector, is often used to detect hydrocarbon gases
able from the oil, a rinse step may be required when high due to its greater sensitivity for these components. A wide
quantities are present. The extractor can be rinsed with oil range of injector, column, and detector temperatures can be
containing nondetectable quantities of gases, except for those used. Both isothermal and temperature programs can be used to
present in air. The amount of rinsing needed will be dependent provide adequate separation and sensitivity. A typical chro-
upon the gas concentration, type (solubility in oil), and matogram is shown in Fig. 4.
efficiency of the extractor. To ensure that the combustible gases 11.6 Fixed Needle Gas-Tight Syringes9, of suitable sizes are
have been sufficiently removed from the extractor, the rinse oil needed for transfer of the gases.
may be treated as a sample. General rinse procedures may be
established. However, for samples with very high concentra- 12. Reagent and Materials
tions of gases, verify effectiveness of the rinse procedure. 12.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade chemicals shall be
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that
GAS ANALYSIS all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit-
tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society,
11. Apparatus
where such specifications are available.10 Other grades may be
11.1 Gas Chromatograph, consisting essentially of a carrier used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
gas source, a pressure regulator, a sample injection port and sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the
chromatography column(s), flow meter(s), detector(s), and accuracy of the determination.
recorder(s) or recording integrator(s). 12.2 Suitable Chromatography ColumnsSeveral combi-
11.2 Provide means for measuring and controlling tempera- nations have been found to be suitable, including molecular
tures of the adsorption column, the inlet port, and the detector sieve, Porapak Q, Porapak S, diisodecyl phthalate A, Silica Gel
to within 60.5C. J, Chromosorb 102, and Carbosieve B.
NOTE 6Use Practice E 260 as a reference for good chromatographic 12.3 Helium, Argon, or Nitrogen Carrier Gas, having a
techniques. minimum purity of 99.95 mol % (see Note 7).
11.3 The apparatus shall be capable of sufficiently separat- 12.4 Reference Standard Gas Mixture, containing known
ing the component gases, at the sensitivity levels shown as percentages of the gases shown in 11.3.
follows, to ensure quantitative measurement of the respective 12.4.1 A round robin performed for this test method showed
peak areas: considerable variation in gas standards when compared to a
supplied primary standard. It is strongly recommended that
Minimum Detection Limits for Gases Dis-
Component Gas
solved in Oil, ppm only primary standards (each component prepared gravimetri-
Hydrogen 5 cally) be used. Refer to Practice D 4051 for procedures used to
Hydrocarbons 1 prepare a blend of standard gases. The National Institute of
Carbon oxides 25
Atmospheric gases 50 Standards and Technology (NIST) has some gas standards
available which can be used to calibrate working standards.11
11.4 The apparatus shall provide sufficient repeatability so 12.4.2 Individual gases can range from detectable levels to
that successive runs of a reference standard agree within 61 % thousands of parts per million in actual samples. However, in
with respect to area under the peaks for hydrocarbon and most samples the concentration of gases (except oxygen,
carbon oxide components. nitrogen, and carbon dioxide) is tens to hundreds of parts per
11.5 A wide range of chromatographic conditions have been
successfully employed. Both argon and helium have been used
as carrier gases (see Note 7). In some cases, a separate GC or 9
other device is used for the detection and quantification of Syringes that have been found suitable include those from the Hamilton Co.,
P.O. Box 307, Whittier, CA 90608; Pressure-Lok Syringes made by Precision
hydrogen when helium is used as a carrier gas. Sampling Corp., P.O. Box 15119, Baton Rouge, LA 70815; and Popper and Sons,
Inc., 300 Denton Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040.
NOTE 7If helium is used as a carrier gas with a thermal conductivity 10
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
detector, medium to high concentrations of hydrogen may give a nonlinear Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
response, due to the closed heat capacity values of helium and hydrogen. listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
The limit of detection will be higher than with an argon carrier gas under Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
similar conditions. If nitrogen is used as a carrier gas, nitrogen cannot be and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
detected in the sample. MD.
Available from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards
11.5.1 With the use of an argon carrier gas, a catalytic and Technology, Standard Reference Materials Program, Bldg. 202, Room 204,
converter containing powdered nickel located after the chro- Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
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D 3612 02
NOTE 1Propane and propylene are not separated under these conditions.
FIG. 4 Sample Chromatogram
million. Normally, the gas standard is prepared at concentra- mixture, at an established set of operating conditions and
tions of 5 to 10 times that seen in the oil due to the sample size. Repeat the analysis until consistent operating
concentration effect of extracting the gas from the oil and conditions provide consistent chromatograms as specified in
because higher concentrations can be prepared with greater 11.4. Repeat calibration daily when analyses are being con-
accuracy. Some laboratories use more than one concentration ducted.
of standards. Acetylene is of greater concern at lower concen-
tration levels than the other hydrocarbon gases. 14. Procedure
14.1 Increase the pressure on the extracted gas contained in
13. Calibration the collection tube, described in 6.1.7 to slightly above
13.1 Prepare the gas chromatograph for use as directed by atmospheric pressure by raising the level of mercury in the
the manufacturer, and establish a set of operating conditions reference column slightly above the level of mercury in the gas
capable of separation of the indicated component gases. collection tube.
13.2 Inject a pre-established volume of the reference stan- 14.2 Insert the needle of the gas-tight injection syringe
dard gas mixture into the chromatograph and establish a pattern through the septum of the collection tube, and withdraw a
of elution times for the gas components known to be in the suitable volume of gas into the syringe. Adjust the gas pressure,
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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dan Morgan (Serveron Corp.); Wed Mar 17 14:39:03 EST 2004
D 3612 02
as indicated by the reference column, precisely to atmospheric 17. Precision and Bias
pressure before closing the syringe or withdrawing the needle 17.1 The precision, bias and lower limit of detection of
from the septum. Method A have been evaluated by a statistical examination of
14.3 When the apparatus conditions are equal to those the results of an inter-laboratory test of mineral oil test
established during the calibration procedure, quickly inject the specimens.12 A lower limit of repetition is defined here as an
known volume of gas into the chromatograph through the aid in the testing of transformers in factories.
injection port. 17.2 Precision RepeatabilityThe expected difference
14.4 Periodically, chromatography columns require baking between successive results obtained on identical test specimens
out at elevated temperatures. The frequency and duration will by the same operator using the same apparatus and normal and
depend upon such factors as type of column, amount of use, correct operation of the test method.
and concentration of materials tested. Peaks which are not as 17.2.1 Combustible Gases and Carbon Dioxide
sharp as usual may be from compounds retained on the column Repeatability of the determination of each individual combus-
from a previous run, and may indicate a need for baking out the tible gas and of carbon dioxide was found to vary linearly with
columns. Another indicator that the molecular sieve column individual gas concentration level. The repeatability interval at
needs conditioning is that the methane and carbon monoxide the 95 % confidence level for the determination of a combus-
peaks begin to lose baseline separation. tible gas n or of CO2, ln(r)95 % can be represented by:
ln ~r!95 % 5 kn ~r!95 % 3 Cn (6)
15. Calculation
where ln(r)95 % is the value of the repeatability coefficient for
15.1 Determine the integrated area of each peak of the
the determination of that combustible gas or of carbon dioxide.
Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest (ppm). The
15.2 Identify the gases represented by each peak by com- repeatability coefficients at the 95 % level for each of the
parison of elution times with those obtained for the reference combustible gases and for CO2 and the concentration ranges
standard gas mixture in the calibration procedure. tested are given in Table 1.
15.3 Determine the amount of each identified gas compo- 17.2.2 Oxygen and NitrogenThe ranges of concentrations
nent by comparing respective peak areas with those obtained of oxygen and nitrogen in the test specimens analyzed in the
for the reference standard gas mixture in the calibration inter-laboratory test were relatively narrow. Therefore the
procedure. relationships between repeatability intervals and concentra-
15.4 Calculate the volume concentration of each specific tions of dissolved O2 or of N2 are not well defined. The
gas with respect to the volume of oil degassed in the degassing coefficients of variation, S(r), at the 50 % confidence level for
flask. Correct to 760 torr (101.325 kPa) and 0C, and express the repeatability of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the
as parts per million of (specific gas) in oil, by volume. concentration ranges tested are given in Table 1.
VgAiCsiPa 273 3 10 4 17.3 Precision ReproducibilityThe expected difference
Ci 5 AsiVo 760 Ta (4) between two results obtained on identical test specimens by
different operators working in different laboratories under
where: normal and correct operation of the test method.
Vg = volume of gas extracted, 17.3.1 Combustible Gases and Carbon Dioxide
Ci = concentration of gas in ppm, vol/vol,
Reproducibility of the determination of each individual com-
Ai = area count or peak height for gas i in sample,
Asi = area count or peak height for gas i in standard, bustible gas and of carbon dioxide was found to vary linearly
Csi = concentration of gas i in standard in percent vol/vol, with individual gas concentration level. The reproducibility
Vo = volume of oil,
Pa = atmospheric pressure, in torr, and
Ta = ambient temperature, in Kelvin. Available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:D271016.
15.5 Correct each experimental value obtained in 15.4 for
incomplete degassing by dividing each value by its respective TABLE 1 Summary of Precision and Bias for Method A
degassing efficiency derived from 9.3. Gas C - Range Repeatability Reproducibility Bias
16.1.3 Gas content of oil by volume, expressed as a per- Oxygen and Nitrogen
centage, n ppm Sn(r)50 % Sn(R)50 % Bn
16.1.4 Volume concentration in the oil, for each component O2 4630 4670 0.25 0.35 0.07 0.53
gas, expressed in parts per million, and N2 27000 61000 0.14 0.27 0.47 () 0.05
16.1.5 Test method used (for example, D 3612, Part A). A
See text.
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D 3612 02
interval at the 95 % confidence level for the determination of a recommended for systems which are also used to test mineral
combustible gas n or of CO2, ln(R)95 % can be represented by: oil, as excessive foaming should cause contamination of
ln ~R!95 % 5 Kn ~R!95 % 3 Cn (7) columns after the stripper.
where ln(R)95 % is the value of the reproducibility coefficient 19. Apparatus
for the determination of that combustible gas or of carbon
19.1 Gas Chromatograph13, capable of separating and de-
dioxide. Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest
tecting the gases of interest using a direct injection of a portion
(ppm). The reproducibility coefficients at the 95 % level for
of the liquid samples. Alternative gas strippers are given in IEC
each of the combustible gases and CO2 and the concentration
Guide 567.
ranges tested are given in Table 1.
19.2 The apparatus must be capable of sufficiently separat-
17.3.2 Oxygen and NitrogenThe ranges of concentrations
ing the component gases, at the sensitivity levels shown as
of oxygen and of nitrogen contained were relatively narrow in
follows, to ensure quantitative measurement of the respective
the specimens analyzed in the interlaboratory test. Therefore
peak areas:
the relationships between reproducibility intervals and concen-
Minimum Detection Limits for Gases Dis
tration of dissolved O2 or N2 are not well defined. The Component Gas
solved in Oil, ppm
coefficients of variation, S(R), at the 50 % confidence level for Hydrogen 20
the reproducibility of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the Hydrocarbons 1
Carbon oxides 2
concentration ranges tested are given in Table 1. Atmospheric gases 500
17.4 BiasThe difference between the mean of results
obtained for a gas in a test specimen and the true (that is, The limit of detection for hydrogen specified in Method B is
spiked) value of the concentration of that gas in the tested higher than that specified for Method A. This could affect the
material.12 interpretation of results when low levels of gases are present.
17.4.1 Combustible GasesBias of the determination of 19.3 The apparatus shall be capable of providing data for
each individual combustible gas was found to vary linearly successive runs of a reference standard that are repeatable
with individual gas concentration level. The relative bias, Bn, within 1 %, with respect to area under the peaks, for hydrogen
for the determination of a combustible gas, n, can be repre- and carbon oxide components.
sented by: 20. Reagent and Materials
Bn 5 ~Cn 2 Cno! /Cno (8) 20.1 Suitable Chromatography Columns Several combi-
where Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest nations have been found to be suitable including molecular
(ppm) and Cno is the true (spiked) value of the concentration sieve, Porapak Q, Porapak N, diisodecyl phthalate A, Silica Gel
of that gas in that test material. The bias and the concentration J, Chromosorb 102, Carbosieve B, and Sperocarb. Molecular
ranges tested are given in Table 1 for each of the combustible sieve is used to separate H2, O2, N2, CH4, and CO. Porapak N,
gases. The biases in results from Method A for the combustible Q, or combinations of both are used to separate CO2, C2H4, C
gases are uniformly negative. 2H6, C2H2, C3H6, C3H6, and C4H10. Sperocarb is used to
17.4.2 Carbon DioxideBias for the determination of car- separate the carbon oxide and hydrocarbon gases.
bon dioxide decrease with increasing CO2. No analytical 20.2 Argon, or Nitrogen Carrier Gas, having a minimum
transformation adequately fits the results; these results are purity of 99.95 mol % with total hydrocarbons of less than 0.5
shown graphically in Fig. 5. It is possible that the positive bias ppm and CO2 of less than 1 ppm. (See Note 7.)
at lower concentrations results, in part, from contamination by 20.2.1 With the use of an argon carrier gas, a catalytic
air. converter containing powdered nickel, located after the sepa-
17.4.3 Oxygen and NitrogenThe bias for determinations rating columns, is used to convert carbon monoxide and carbon
of O2 and of N2 are positive and variable. It is possible that dioxide to methane for detection with a flame ionization
positive bias is, in part, the result of contamination by air. Also, detector for acceptable sensitivity. (The condition of the nickel
the ranges of concentrations of oxygen and of nitrogen in the catalyst can be evaluated by checking the linearity of the
test specimens analyzed in the interlaboratory test were rela- response to carbon dioxide.)
tively narrow. The relationships between bias and dissolved 20.3 Flame Ionization Detector GasesHydrogen having a
concentration of O2 or of N2 then are not well defined. The purity of 99.99 mol % with total hydrocarbons of less than 0.5
coefficients of variation S(R) at the 50 % confidence level for ppm and air having a purity of less than 1 ppm total
the reproducibility of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the hydrocarbons.
concentration ranges tested are given in Table 1. 20.4 Reference Standard Gas MixturesLow-concentration
standard containing known percentages of the gases in 1.2 at
METHOD BSTRIPPER COLUMN EXTRACTION concentrations approximately the magnitude of the values
18. Method BStripper Column Extraction normally encountered. The high-concentration gas standard
should contain levels approximately one order of magnitude
18.1 Dissolved gases are extracted from a sample of oil by
sparging the oil with the carrier gas on a stripper column
containing a high surface area bead. The gases are then flushed 13
Suitable equipment includes that from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.,
from the stripper column into a gas chromatograph for analy- 7102 Riverwood Road, Columbia, MD. This equipment uses a patented process for
sis. Testing of silicone liquids by this test method is not the sparger.
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D 3612 02
higher than contained in the low-concentration gas standard. The gas standards should be a primary grade (each component
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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Dan Morgan (Serveron Corp.); Wed Mar 17 14:39:03 EST 2004
D 3612 02
added gravimetrically). The high gas standard is used for the sample for injection. Small volumes of oil are needed for
preparing gas in oil standards as outlined in Annex A1. flushing and sample, typically a total of several millitres.
Flushing is required to displace the previous sample from the
21. Calibration (Gases) column.
21.1 Prepare the gas chromatograph for use as directed by 23.3 Once the sample is connected to the gas chromato-
the manufacturer, and establish a set of operating conditions graph, flush enough oil through the injection system to ensure
capable of separating the indicated component gases. that no gas bubbles remain in the line.
21.2 Inject a preestablished volume of the reference stan- 23.4 If high concentrations of the more soluble gases are
dard (low concentration) gas mixture into the chromatograph found, in particular C2H2, the injection column can be back
and establish a pattern of elution times for the gas components flushed. Use a blank run of degassed insulating oil to check that
known to be in the mixture, at an established set of operating no residual gases remain.
conditions and sample sizes. Repeat the analysis until consis-
tent operating conditions provide consistent chromatograms. 24. Calculation
Repeat calibration daily when analyses are being conducted. 24.1 Determine the integrated area of each peak of the
22. Efficiency Determination 24.2 Identify the gases represented by each peak by com-
22.1 Inject the oil standard prepared from one of the parison of elution times with those obtained for the reference
procedures in the Annexes into the system. Determine the standard gas mixture in the calibration procedure.
dissolved gas content of this oil chromatographically based 24.3 Determine the amount of each identified gas compo-
upon the low-concentration gas standard. The difference be- nent by comparing respective peak areas with those obtained
tween the calculated concentration and the observed concen- for the reference standard gas mixture in the calibration
tration is the degassing efficiency of a given component and procedure.
may be calculated as follows: 24.4 Correct the values obtained based on the efficiency
values obtained in the efficiency determination procedure, and
Di ~Caoi 2 C boi! / Coi (9)
express as parts per million of (specific gas) in oil, by volume
where: as shown in the following calculation:
Di = degassing efficiency of component i, Cci 5 C aoi / Di (10)
Caoi = observed concentration of component i in the oil
standard, where:
Cboi = observed concentration of component i in the blank Caoi = observed concentration of component i in the oil
oil, and sample, and
Coi = calculated concentration of component i in the oil Cci = corrected concentration of component i in the oil
standard. sample.
22.2 The degassing efficiency factor is used to correct the
determined concentration values for incomplete extraction. 25. Report
Repeat the procedure until consistent results are obtained. 25.1 Report the following information:
Conduct this efficiency determination weekly for at least one 25.1.1 Identification of oil sample,
concentration of standard gas. Whenever there are changes in 25.1.2 Temperature of oil at time of sampling,
the chromatographic system, redetermine the extraction effi- 25.1.3 Volume concentration in the oil, for each component
ciency. gas, expressed in parts per million, and
22.3 Determine the linearity of the detector response 25.1.4 The test method used (for example, D 3612, Part B).
monthly by testing a range of gas concentrations expected to be
26. Precision and Bias
encountered in actual samples. Extraction efficiencies should
also be determined over a corresponding range to ensure they 26.1 The precision, bias and lower limit of detection of
are linear and constant over time. Samples can be prepared by Method B have been evaluated by a statistical examination of
simple dilution of pure gases with either nitrogen or carrier gas the results of an inter-laboratory test of mineral oil test
(for gas standards) or degassed oil (for gas-in-oil standards). If specimens.12 A lower limit of repetition is defined here as an
commercially supplied standard mixtures are used, they may aid in the testing of transformers in factories.
be checked using this method. Check efficiencies and linearity 26.2 Precision RepeatabilityThe expected difference
whenever chromatographic conditions are changed. between successive results obtained on identical test specimens
by the same operator using the same apparatus and normal and
23. Procedure for Direct Injection correct operation of the test method.
23.1 Prepare the gas chromatograph as outlined by the 26.2.1 Combustible Gases and Carbon Dioxide
manufacturer. Repeatability of the determination of each individual combus-
23.2 Prepare the sample for injection by first dissolving any tible gas and of carbon dioxide was found to vary linearly with
gas bubble present into the volume of oil by compressing the individual gas concentration level. The repeatability interval at
plunger into the barrel of the syringe and agitating the gas by the 95 % confidence level for the determination of a combus-
tipping the syringe up and down. Any bubble present in the tible gas n or of CO2, ln(r)95 % can be represented by:
syringe must be dissolved to obtain a representative aliquot of ln ~r!95 % 5 kn ~r!95 % 3 Cn (11)
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D 3612 02
where ln(r)95 % is the value of the repeatability coefficient for 26.4 BiasThe difference between the mean of results
the determination of that combustible gases or of carbon obtained for a gas in a test specimen and the true (that is,
dioxide. Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest spiked) value of the concentration of that gas in the tested
(ppm). The repeatability coefficients at the 95 % level for each material.
of the combustible gases and for CO2 and the concentration 26.4.1 Combustible GasesBias of the determination of
ranges tested are given in Table 2. each individual combustible gas was found to vary linearly
26.2.2 Oxygen and NitrogenThe ranges of concentrations with individual gas concentration level. The relative bias, Bn,
of oxygen and of nitrogen in the test specimens analyzed in the for the determination of a combustible gas, n, can be repre-
interlaboratory test were relatively narrow. Therefore the sented by:
relationships between repeatability intervals and concentra- Bn 5 ~Cn 2 Cno! /Cno (13)
tions of dissolved O2 or of N2 are not well defined. The
coefficients of variation, S(r), at the 50 % confidence level for where Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest
the repeatability of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the (ppm) and Cno is the true (spiked) value of the concentration
concentration ranges tested are given in Table 2. of that gas in that test material. The bias and the concentration
ranges tested are given in Table 3 for each of the combustible
26.3 Precision ReproducibilityThe expected difference gases.
between two results obtained on identical test specimens by
different operators working in different laboratories and normal NOTE 8The distributions of results for the determination of hydrogen
and correct operation of the test method. by Method B are bipolar (see Fig. 6). The results from twelve laboratories
form primary nodes centered about the true concentrations of test
26.3.1 Combustible Gases and Carbon Dioxide specimens. The biases reported in Table 2 are based on these primary
Reproducibility of the determination of each individual com- nodes. The results from five labs form secondary nodes at or near
bustible gas and of carbon dioxide was found to vary linearly concentrations of zero. This emphasizes the need for a routine QA
with individual gas concentration level. The reproducibility protocol for the determination of H2 by Method B.
interval at the 95 % confidence level for the determination of a 26.4.2 Carbon DioxideBias for the determination of car-
combustible gas n or of CO2, ln(R)95 % can be represented by: bon dioxide decrease with increasing CO2. No analytical
ln ~R!95 % 5 kn ~R!95 % 3 Cn (12) transformation adequately fits the results; these results are
shown graphically in Fig. 5. It is possible that the positive bias
where ln(R)95 % is the value of the reproducibility coefficient
at lower concentrations results, in part, from contamination by
for the determination of that combustible gases or of carbon
dioxide. Cn is the concentration level of the gas of interest
26.4.3 Oxygen and NitrogenThe bias for determinations
(ppm). The reproducibility coefficients at the 95 % level for
of O2 and of N2 are positive and variable. It is possible that
each of the combustible gases and CO2 and the concentration
positive bias is, in part, the result of contamination by air. Also,
ranges tested are given in Table 2.
the ranges of concentrations of oxygen and of nitrogen in the
26.3.2 Oxygen and NitrogenThe ranges of concentrations test specimens analyzed in the interlaboratory test were rela-
of oxygen and of nitrogen contained were relatively narrow in tively narrow. The relationships between bias and dissolved
the specimens analyzed in the inter-laboratory test. Therefore concentration of O2 or of N2 then are not well defined. The
the relationships between reproducibility intervals and concen- coefficients of variation, S(R), at the 50 % confidence level for
tration of dissolved O2 or N2 are not well defined. The the reproducibility of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the
coefficients of variation, S(R), at the 50 % confidence level for concentration ranges tested are given in Table 2.
the reproducibility of the determination of O2 and of N2 and the 26.5 Method Detection LimitThe method detection limit
concentration ranges tested are given in Table 2. (MDL) for a gas is the minimum value of concentration of that
gas that can be distinguished from zero with a confidence of
95 %. The MDL for each gas is determined from the repro-
TABLE 2 Summary of Precision and Bias for Method B ducibility found for the analysis of that gas at levels near the
Gas C - Range Repeatability Reproducibility Bias MDL.
Combustible Gases and
Carbon Dioxide
TABLE 3 Lower Limits Detection and Repetition Method B
n ppm kn(r)95 % kn(R)95 % Bn
H2 90 710 0.17 0.61 0.07 NOTE 1Better MRLs may be achieved by individual labs that can
CO 110 930 0.17 0.51 0.02 demonstrate better repeatability than the interlaboratory test study sug-
CH4 35 620 0.08 0.61 0.03 gests.
C2H6 40 400 0.08 0.86 0.00
Combustible Gases
C2H4 30 800 0.09 0.76 0.05
C2H2 25 335 0.11 0.71 0.06 Gas C - Range Detection Repetition
CO2 45 9300 0.22 0.78 n ppm MDL95 % MRL95 %
Oxygen and Nitrogen
H2 11.3 12.7 1.0
n ppm Sn(r)50 % Sn(R)50 % Bn CO 6.9 13.8 6.9 2.7
CH4 2.2 4.3 3.2 1.5
O2 4630 4670 0.24 0.63 0.41 1.05
C2H6 2.7 5.3 2.3 2.1
N2 27000 0.17 0.35 0.49 0.04
C2H4 2.0 4.0 2.4 2.3
C2H2 1.5 3.0 1.8 0.5
See text.
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FIG. 6 Distribution of D 3612B Interlaboratory Test Hydrogen Results - Oil Sample - Spiked @ 707 ppm (STP) H2
26.5.1 Combustible GasesThe MDL for each of the laboratory; the MRL for each gas then is determined from the
combustible gases determined from the reproducibility of the repeatability found for the analysis of that gas at levels near the
method and the concentration ranges tested are given in Table MDL.
3. 26.6.1 Combustible GasesThe MRL for each of the com-
26.5.2 Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and NitrogenThe MDL bustible gases determined from the repeatability of the method
of CO2, of O2 and of N2 could not be determined from the test and the concentration ranges tested are given in Table 3.
specimens analyzed in the interlaboratory test because the 26.6.2 Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and NitrogenThe MRL
concentrations were too high. of CO2, of O2 and of N2 could not be determined from the test
26.6 Method Repetition LimitA Method Repetition Limit specimens analyzed in the interlaboratory test.
(MRL) is defined here as an aid in determining whether the
concentration of a combustible gas truly changes during a METHOD CHEADSPACE SAMPLING
factory test. This MRL is the minimum value by which the
results of determinations of a gas must differ for these results 27. Method CHeadspace sampling
to be statistically different at the 95 % confidence level. 27.1 Method C consists of bringing an oil sample in contact
Changes in concentrations of combustible gases at values near with a gas phase (headspace) in a closed vessel purged with
minimum detection limits are useful in evaluating the perfor- argon. As a result, a portion of a gas (H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO,
mance of a newly manufactured or repaired transformer during CO2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, or C3H8) of concentration CoL dis-
factory testing prior to shipment for installation. Analyses of solved in oil is transferred to the headspace. At equilibrium, the
gases during factory test are usually conducted in a single relationship between the remaining concentration of a gas in
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D 3612 02
the oil (CL), its concentration in the headspace (CG), and its the baseline all the gases of interest.
initial concentration in the oil ( CoL ) may be deduced by mass 28.4 Carboxen-1006 PLOT Column (30-m by 0.53-mm
equivalence as follows: inside diameter) for the separation of the other compounds
CoLVL 5 CLVL 1 CGVG (14) (CO2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H8).
where: NOTE 10Packed columns that give adequate peak separation may also
VL = volume of the oil sample, and be used with this method. In that case, the analytical performance may be
somewhat different than that specified in Method C.
VG = volume of the headspace.
There is a direct proportionality between the concentration 28.5 Catalytic Converter, containing powdered nickel in-
of this gas in the two phases in equilibrium as follows: stalled between the TCD and the FID, for the conversion of CO
CL 5 KCG (15) and CO2 into CH4 for a sensitive recording of the signal by the
where: 28.6 Zero-dead Volume Adapter, for the column connec-
K = partition coefficient. tions (0.53-mm inside diameter).
By substituting CL in Eq 8 by its expression from Eq 15, the 28.7 Headspace Glass Vials, of 20-mL nominal capacity.
mass equivalence relationship becomes: The exact volume of these vials should be estimated by
CoLVL 5 KCGVL 1 CGVG (16) performing the procedure in accordance with 30.1.
28.8 Crimping System, including crimp head and a decapper
and based on this equation, CoL can be extracted as follows:
CoL 5 CG K 1 V
D (17) 28.9 Perforated Aluminum Caps.
28.10 TFE-fluorocarbon Faced Butyl Septa for headspace
Eq 17 forms the basis of the headspace sampling method and vials.
shows that the initial concentration of a dissolved gas in oil 28.11 Glass Syringes, 30-mL equipped with three-way plas-
may be determined by analyzing an aliquot portion of the tic stopcocks.
headspace when equilibrium is reached. This operation in-
NOTE 11The variation in the oil delivery volume of the 30-mL
volves the following two steps:
syringes should be verified by the laboratory. The analytical performance
27.1.1 Step 1 at Time = 0The oil sample to be analyzed of of Method C was established with a delivery volume variation of 1.9 % (%
a volume, VL, containing a dissolved gas at a concentration, CoL RSD over 20 syringes from different batches).
is placed in a purged vial of a set total volume V. The vial is
maintained at a constant temperature under mechanical agita- 28.12 Needles, 18G1 and 26G12 .
tion until thermodynamic equilibrium between the oil sample 28.13 Pressure Regulators, two-stage, with a delivery pres-
and the headspace is reached. sure adjusted at 20.7 Kpa (3 psi) for the cylinders containing
27.1.2 Step 2 at EquilibriumThe concentration of the gas the argon and the calibrating gases.
in the oil sample and its concentration in the gas phase are CL The diagram of the test assembly is shown in Fig. 7 and the
and CG, respectively. The headspace is then overpressurized instrumental conditions are given in Table 4. The system must
with argon and the content of a loop is filled by the depres- be capable of sufficiently separating the component gases at the
surization of the headspace against the ambient atmospheric sensitivity levels in accordance with 11.3 of Method A. An
pressure. The gases contained in the loop are then introduced example of the detection limits achieved by one laboratory
into a gas chromatograph. with a 3-mL injection loop and capillary columns is given in
Table 5. Fig. 8 presents a typical chromatogram recorded in
28. Apparatus accordance with the conditions given in Table 4 for an oil
sample collected from an open-breathing transformer with
28.1 Headspace Sampler, equipped with an injection loop
6.0 % total gas content.
and a transfer line connected directly to the first column of the
gas chromatograph. The sampler must be capable of equilibrat- NOTE 12The detection limits shown in Table 5 were obtained from
ing the species of interest in a specific time. The required the analysis of a dissolved-gas standard of 1 ppm for all gases, except for
equilibration time can be minimized by mixing the sample O2, N2, CO, and CO2, where the concentration was 17, 24, 1.6, and 8.8
during the equilibration period, and this can be achieved by ppm, respectively. These results were obtained with a headspace sampler
coupled with a gas chromatograph of one commercial source; other
using a sampler equipped with mechanical shaking. devices can be used but the analytical performance may be somewhat
28.2 Gas Chromatograph, equipped with a bypass valve, an different than that specified in Method C.
adjustment restrictor, a universal nondestructive thermal con-
ductivity detector (TCD), and a flame ionization detector 29. Chemicals
(FID). The permanent gases H2, O2, and N2 are detected using 29.1 Argon, Air, and Hydrogen Cylinders, 99.999 % pure.
the TCD, while the FID is used for detection of hydrocarbons Argon is used to overpressurize the headspace and to carry the
and carbon oxides. substances contained in the injection loop through the station-
28.3 Molecular Sieve, 5 PLOT column (30-m by ary phase to the detectors.
0.53-mm inside diameter with a film thickness of 50 m) for 29.2 Three Gas Mixtures, prepared with a precision of about
the separation of the lighter gases (H2, O2, N2, CH4, and CO). 0.5 % used to establish a three-point calibration curve for each
NOTE 9The molecular sieve column used should be able to resolve at substance. The concentrations of these mixtures should be
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D 3612 02
TABLE 5 Detection Limits in ppm (signal/noise = 3) 30.1.2 Determine the weight of each vial with an accuracy
H2 0.6 of 0.01 g. Fill each vial completely with water (the vial should
O2 11.0A be filled to the point where the water surface is flat and in line
N2 11.2
CH4 0.06 with the edge of the vial, that is, no meniscus), and reweigh the
CO 0.09 vial with an accuracy of 0.01 g.
CO2 0.1
C2H2 0.05
30.1.3 Calculate the volume of each vial using the following
C2H4 0.04 equation:
C2H6 0.04
C3H8 0.2 V5 DW (18)
Estimated from the H2 response.
chosen in order to fully cover the expected concentration range V = volume of the vial,
of field samples, which depends on the type of equipment WW = weight of the vial filled with water,
monitored. WE = weight of the empty vial, and
DW = density of the water at the ambient laboratory
30. Procedure temperature.
30.1 Headspace Vial Volume DeterminationBecause of 30.1.4 Calculate the mean volume and the standard devia-
the importance of the VG/VL phase ratio factor in the concen- tion over the twenty vials from every batch. Use the mean
tration calculation (Eq 17), the following vial volume determi- volume to determine precisely VG of the phase ratio used in Eq
nation procedure must be applied to detect any variation from 17.
batch to batch and manufacturer to manufacturer.
30.1.1 Equilibrate at the ambient laboratory temperature NOTE 13The analytical performance of Method C was established
about 20 vials from every batch and 500 mL of water and note with a volume variation less than 0.7 % (%RSD over 20 vials) for vials
from the same batch.
the temperature. The vials should be preferably selected from
the different packs received from a batch. 30.2 Headspace Vial Preparation:
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D 3612 02
30.2.1 Using an appropriate tool, seal a series of 20-mL regulator with a delivery pressure adjusted at 20.7 Kpa (3 psi)
vials using perforated aluminum caps fitted with a TFE- to limit the overpressure built up in the vial. The regulator
fluorocarbon-faced butyl septum. Ensure that the lined side is should be purged with calibrating gas mixture before proceed-
turned towards the inside of the vial and check that the vial is ing with 30.3.1.)
properly sealed by trying to turn the cap. If the cap is not 30.3.2 Place the vials inside the headspace sampler and
tightly fixed, repeat the process. These vials will be used to begin the analysis using the instrumental conditions given in
perform 30.2.2 and 30.3. Table 4. In this specific case, the sample equilibration time at
30.2.2 Insert two 18G1 needles through the vial septum at 70C with shaking could be set at 5 min.
different peripheral locations, one to be used as the inlet gas 30.3.3 Plot the calibration curves by selecting the appropri-
and the other as the outlet gas. Purge each vial with argon at a ate commands in the data acquisition software or any statistical
rate of about 2 L/min for at least 30 s. First remove the outlet software.
needle and then the inlet needle. (This sequence allows 30.3.4 Use a logbook to compile the values of the regression
pressure to build up inside the vial). These vials will be used in parameters (y = mx + b) and the correlation coefficients (R).
30.4. (WarningFor safety consideration, the argon cylinder The system should be recalibrated each day when analysis is
should be equipped with a two-stage regulator with a delivery being conducted or when the QA/QC program being used
pressure adjusted at 20.7 Kpa (3 psi) to limit the overpressure indicates an abnormal situation attributed to calibration.
built up in the vial. The regulator should be purged with argon NOTE 14Achieving calibration every working day ensures identical
before proceeding with 30.2.2.) ambient atmospheric pressure and temperature conditions when filling
30.3 CalibrationThe calibration curves are obtained as both the calibration vials and the sample vials. When a QA/QC program
follows: is used, the day-to-day variations in the ambient atmospheric pressure and
30.3.1 Insert two 18G1 needles through the vial septum at laboratory temperature are covered by the imposed limits of the control
different peripheral locations, one to be used as the calibration charts used for following the day-to-day performance of the system.
inlet gas and the other as the outlet gas. Purge one vial with 30.4 Analysis of Field SamplesIntroduction of oil samples
each calibration gas mixture at a rate of about 2 L/min for at into vials is performed using glass syringes fitted with three-
least 30 s. First remove the outlet needle and then the inlet way plastic stopcocks. The stopcocks used in these procedures
needle. (This sequence allows pressure to build up inside the have the characteristic that the handle always points toward the
vial.) The vial pressure is then equilibrated at the ambient closed port leaving the other two ports connected together.
pressure by inserting a 26G12 needle for a very short period of Rotation of the valve handle is restricted so that interconnec-
time (1 to 2 s). (WarningFor safety consideration, the tion of all three ports is impossible. When a stainless steel
calibrating gas cylinders should be equipped with a two-stage bottle or a flexible-sided metal can is used, an aliquot test
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D 3612 02
specimen should be transferred into a 30-mL glass syringe TABLE 6 Partition coefficients of gases in Voltesso 35 at 70C
fitted with a three-way stopcock prior to applying the proce- Gas K
dure. Any 30-mL glass syringe sample containing a large H2 0.074
bubble should be rejected. For the syringes containing a small O2 0.17
N2 0.11
bubble (that is, ;0.05 mL), the operator should try to dissolve CH4 0.44
the bubble by compressing the plunger into the barrel and CO 0.12
agitating the gas by tipping the syringe up and down. (Note that CO2 1.02
C2H2 0.93
a hemispherical bubble of 0.05 mL has a diameter of 5.8 mm C2H4 1.47
when in contact with the glass surface of a syringe.) In the C2H6 2.09
event that it is not possible to dissolve a small bubble, the loss C3H6 5.04
C3H8 5.37
of a low solubility species may be estimated as indicated in the C4H6 10.10
following note.
NOTE 15Prior to proceeding with 30.4.1, the volume of a small
bubble is estimated by measuring the bubbles diameter and converting it have a slight effect on the value of some of these coefficients,
into a volume by taking into account the hemispherical distortion that which may lead to a decrease in the accuracy of the dissolved
occurs when a bubble is in contact with a glass surface. After the analysis gas analysis. The determination of the Ks in the oil being
of the dissolved gases, the concentration of a species in a bubble is considered and their use for the calculation of the concentra-
obtained by using Eq 17, where CG is the concentration of a species in a tions may ensure maximum accuracy.
bubble in parts per million, K is the Ostwald solubility coefficient of the
31.2 ProcedureThe equilibrium headspace-gas
species (Ki, 25C, 760 mm Hg listed in 9.5), VG the estimated volume of
the bubble in millilitres, VL the volume of oil in the syringe in millilitres, chromatography/phase ratio variation test method is used to
and CLo is the concentration of the species in the oil obtained from Section determine the gas-liquid partition coefficients.15 This test
32 in parts per million. The volume of a species in the bubble in method, performed with the system assembly described in
microlitres is obtained by applying the concentration of the species in a Section 28, is based on the relationship between the partition
bubble over the estimated volume of the bubble. The concentration of a coefficient and the phase ratio of the vial (ratio of volumes of
species loss by the oil in parts per million is then obtained by applying the headspace and sample phase). It comprises the following steps:
volume of a species in the bubble over the volume of oil contained in the
31.2.1 Successively collect at least ten 30-mL glass syringes
syringe. The resulting value is added to the value obtained in Section 32.
from equipment where all the gases of interest have been
30.4.1 Attach an 18G1 needle to the syringe stopcock. detected in the oil. A 1-L dissolved-gas sample prepared in the
30.4.2 Insert the needle through the septum at a peripheral oil in accordance with the procedure given in Annex A2 of Test
location other than for 30.2.2 of a purged vial, which will Method D 3612 can also be used. In this case, ten aliquots of
release the argon overpressure. 30 mL are collected from the oil vessel using a 30-mL glass
30.4.3 Rotate the syringe valve handle a quarter turn and syringe. The oil samples should be equilibrated at the ambient
add about 5 mL of oil to the vial. Insert a second 26G12 needle laboratory temperature to proceed with the following steps.
through the septum at a peripheral location other than 30.2.2 31.2.2 Attach an 18G1 needle to the syringe plastic stop-
and 30.4.2 and fill the vial to about 10 mL. Remove the 26G12 cock.
needle and fill the vial to exactly 15-mL by reading the volume 31.2.3 Using twenty-five purged vials, prepare five of each
on the syringe barrel. Close the three-way valve by turning the of the following volumes, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 mL, with the oil
handle back towards the syringe. This will allow the vial to contained in the 30-mL syringes and then calculate the corre-
equilibrate to atmospheric pressure through the side port of the sponding phase ratio (VG/VL). Introduce the oil samples into
valve. Finally, withdraw the syringe with its needle attached. the vials using the procedure described in 30.4.2 and 30.4.3;
30.4.4 Place the vials in the headspace sampler and begin note that for the oil volumes under 10 mL, there is no need to
the analysis using the instrumental conditions given in Table 4. use a second needle for evacuating the overpressure. The
30.4.5 Process the results by calculating the concentration precision is achieved on VL by weighing each vial before and
levels in accordance with the procedure in Section 32. after the introduction of the oil volume and by converting the
weight into volume by using the density of the oil at the
31. Determination of Partition Coefficients
ambient laboratory temperature.
31.1 The partition coefficients for the different gases being 31.2.4 Place the vials in the headspace sampler and begin
considered are listed in Table 6 at the analytical temperature of the analysis using the instrumental conditions given in Table 4.
70C. They were established in the naphthenic Voltesso 35 oil 31.2.5 Obtain the peak area of each gas under the different
with 12 % of aromatic carbon content (Test Method D 2140) phase ratios. Plot the data in a graph with the reciprocal of the
and a negative gassing tendency (Test Method D 2300, Proce- peak area as the Y-axis and the phase ratio as the X-axis.
dure B, H2 saturating gas). This set of coefficients may be used 31.2.6 From the regression analysis of these data, obtain the
for measuring fresh or aged oil as well as oil of different slope and intercept. From these values, calculate the partition
compositions.14 However, oil with a different composition may coefficient of the substance: K = intercept/slope.
14 15
Dissolved Gas Analysis in Insulating Oils by Controlled Headspace Sampling Determination of Gas-Liquid Partition Coefficients by Automatic Equilib-
Coupled with Capillary Gas Chromatography, Gilbert, R., and Jalbert, J., Proceed- rium HeadspaceGas Chromatography Utilizing the Phase Ratio Variation
ing of the 8th BEAMA International Electrical Insulating Conference, pp. 444-451, Method, Ettre, L.S., Welter, C., and Kolb, B., Chromatographia, Vol 35, No. 1/2,
1998. pp. 73-84, 1993.
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NOTE 16The highest accuracy on the K value is obtained when the n
correlation coefficient (R) of the regression line is better than 0.999. A % Gas content 5 ( CLo~i! 3 104
statistical approach for rejecting any outlier can be used to achieve a
correlation coefficient better than 0.999. % Gas content 5 ~7300 1 94 1 248 1 27 1 8 1 19 1 813 1 21
1 9636 1 42123! 104
31.2.7 Use these partition coefficients to calculate the initial
concentration of substance in the selected oil following the % Gas content 5 ~60289! 104 5 6.0 %
procedure given in Section 32.
33. Report
32. Calculation
33.1 Report the following information:
32.1 The initial concentration of the substance in oil, CoL , is 33.1.1 Identification of oil sample,
determined using Eq 17 and the partition coefficients given in 33.1.2 Temperature of oil at time of sampling,
Table 6. For instance, the hydrogen peak gives an area of 4000 33.1.3 Volume concentration in the oil, for each component
counts, which corresponds to 10 ppm in accordance with the gas, expressed in parts per million at 0C and 760 torr,
calibration curve that has been plotted. This corresponds to the 33.1.4 The total volume of gases in a given volume of oil
concentration of hydrogen in the gas phase, CG. The partition expressed as a percentage,
coefficient (K) of hydrogen at the equilibrium temperature is 33.1.5 The presence of sizable bubble, and
0.074, VG = 5.61 mL and VL = 15 mL. Hence, in accordance
33.1.6 The test method, (for example, D 3612, Test Method
with Eq 17:
5.61 mL
CoL 5 10 ppm ~0.074 1 15 mL ! 5 4.5 ppm (19)
34. Precision and Bias
NOTE 17In the previous example, it is assumed that the vial used is 34.1 A round robin is planned to determine the precision
from a batch with an estimated average volume of 20.61 mL in accordance
and bias of this test method. An estimate of the repeatability of
with the procedure in 30.1.
this test method was obtained from one laboratory by perform-
The CoL obtained at the laboratory ambient pressure Pa and ing the measurement of twelve 15-mL aliquot portions of a
temperature Ta are adjusted at 101.325 kPa (760 torr) and 273 sample collected from an open-breathing transformer. The
K (0C) by applying the following correction: results are given in Table 7. When the accuracy is estimated by
Pa 273 one laboratory with dissolved-gas standards of different con-
CoL ~STP! 5 CoL 3 101.325 3 T (20) centration levels (10, 50, 100, and 175 ppm) prepared in
32.2 The total volume of gases in a given volume of oil, accordance with Annex A2 (no O2 and N2 added), the results
expressed as a percentage, is obtained by the sum of the show that it is possible to obtain an accuracy better than 10 %
individual gas concentrations expressed in parts per million. per constituent.
For instance, the concentrations obtained from Eq 20 for CO2,
C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, CH4, CO, H2, O2, and N2 are 7300, 35. Keywords
94, 248, 27, 8, 19, 813, 21, 9636, and 42123 ppm, respectively. 35.1 capillary columns; combustible gases; dissolved gases;
Hence, the total volume of gas: gases; headspace; insulating oil; oil; transformer oil
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TABLE 7 Interim Precision Statement for Repeatability for One Laboratory
Run H2 O2 N2 CH4 CO CO2 C2H4 C2H6 C2H2 C3H8 % Gas
#1 21 9636 42123 19 813 7300 248 27 94 8 6.0
#2 20 9727 42306 19 819 7332 248 27 91 9 6.1
#3 20 9906 43632 19 839 7382 251 29 88 9 6.2
#4 17 9847 43288 20 843 7566 262 30 91 9 6.2
#5 20 10303 44100 19 824 7165 242 27 83 9 6.3
#6 22 9483 43011 20 822 8170 281 33 94 9 6.2
#7 21 9831 42619 19 743 7615 262 30 86 9 6.1
#8 24 10588 45971 20 880 7736 264 31 87 9 6.6
#9 20 9865 42422 19 815 7629 262 28 85 9 6.1
#10 14 8964 38558 19 760 7477 266 31 86 9 5.6
#11 21 10636 45149 19 843 7461 255 30 83 9 6.5
#12 23 10612 50340 21 947 7818 261 29 88 9 7.0
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Calibration Apparatus A1.2.4 Adjust the oil volume in the syringe to 50 mL by
holding the syringe vertically with the tip pointed upwards and
A1.1.1 Syringes, fixed needle gas-tight, of suitable size, and
insert a slip-on septum on the tip of the syringe.
a rubber slip-on septum.
A1.2.5 Turn the syringe so that the tip is facing downward,
A1.1.2 Vacuum Pumping System, capable of evacuating the and inject 1.0 mL of the high-concentration gas standard taken
glassware to an absolute pressure of 1 3 103 torr (130 mPa) under known conditions of temperature and pressure into the
or lower. blank oil through the septum seal contained on the syringe
A1.1.3 Erlenmeyer Vacuum Flask, 1-L with a glass inlet valve. If the high gas standard is taken from a pressurized
tube, capable of being evacuated through a vacuum pump, container, the syringe should be filled to capacity and then
containing a PTFE-coated magnetic spin bar, and a magnetic allowed to bleed down slowly to atmospheric pressure before
stirrer. adjusting to the desired volume. Rapid decompression of a gas
A1.1.4 Gas-Tight Chromatography Syringe, 2.0 mL. sample results in adiabatic cooling leading to an unknown
A1.1.5 Lab Bench Vacuum Pump, small, attached to 6 in. temperature of the gas sample. Record ambient temperature
piece of vacuum tubing containing a needle end. and for use in calculating the concentration of the gas-in-oil
standard. The injection is performed using a 2.50 mL gas-tight
A1.2 Procedure syringe.
A1.2.6 Shake the syringe with a back and forth motion,
A1.2.1 Using a 1-L Erlenmeyer flask attached by vacuum while applying a slight positive pressure with the syringe
tubing to a mechanical vacuum pump, degas approximately barrel, until the bubble containing gas standard is completely
500 mL of clean oil by stirring the oil under vacuum with a dissolved. The use of a thin, flat washer can facilitate the
TFE-fluorocarbon stir bar and magnetic stirrer for approxi- stirring action and aid in homogenizing the sample.
mately 2 h, or until no more noticeable air is being drawn out A1.2.7 Determine the calculated concentration of the gases
of the oil. dissolved in the standard as follows:
A1.2.2 Rapidly transfer 75 mL of the blank oil from the
Coi 5 Vsg ~Pa / 760!~273 / Ta! / VboCsgi104 (A1.1)
flask to a gas-tight pre-calibrated 100-mL syringe containing a
Luer lock valve, breaking vacuum with the same gas as the where:
carrier gas. Air can be used to break vacuum if there is Coi = calculated concentration of component i in the oil,
sufficient oil to determine a baseline for oxygen, nitrogen, and ppm,
carbon dioxide for each syringe. Expel any bubbles that might Pa = ambient pressure when high gas standard
be present. sampled,
A1.2.3 Using the blank oil, determine the quantity of Ta = ambient temperature when high gas standard
remaining gases in the oil by analyzing an aliquot of the oil sampled,
from the gas-tight syringe. The 75 mL initial volume provides Csgi = concentration of component i in the high concentra-
enough volume for this analysis to be repeated (in some cases tion gas standard, %,
Vsg = volume of the high concentration gas standard, and
2 or 3 times) to ensure repeatable results.
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D 3612 02
A2.1 Apparatus
A2.1.1 Oil Vessel (Fig. A2.1(a)), 5-L equipped with one
sidearm septum holder, two sidearm outlets, one egg-shaped
TFE-fluorocarbon-coated stirring bar, a cork ring to support the
vessel, and a magnetic stirrer.
A2.1.2 Oil-Degassing System (Fig. A2.1(b)), consisting of
one 4-L oil reservoir, one 75-mL splash bulb, two high-vacuum
stopcocks, one T-type glass connector and a vacuum mechani-
cal pump.
A2.1.3 Mercury Displacement System (Fig. A2.1(c)), to
compensate for oil volume variations, consisting of two
500-mL glass bulbs, two high-vacuum stopcocks, and one
Y-type glass connector.
A2.1.4 Rigid Stands, with clamps to secure the various
elements, and a large plastic tank to contain accidental mercury (a) Purging Needle and Valve with Oil
(b) Purging and Filling Gas Syringe with Gas
spills. All connections between these components are of (c) Injecting Gas Volume in Oil Under Reduced Pressure
high-vacuum oil resistant flexible tubing. (d) Final Syringe Position
A2.1.5 Gas-Injection System (Fig. A2.2), consisting of a set FIG. A2.2 Gas-Injection System
of calibrated gas tight syringes of appropriate volumes, a
plastic three-way stopcock (standard medical type) modified to
minimize dead volumes by inserting pieces of 0.4 mm inside
diameter, 1.5 mm outside diameter steel tubing in the inner
branches of the barrel and syringe port (filling up with epoxy
resin where necessary), a 0.25-mm inside diameter side-port
gas injecting needle (10 cm long) to go through the rubber
septum into the oil vessel, gas cylinders containing the gases or
calibrated gas mixtures to be dissolved in the oil equipped with
the proper regulators and valves, a length of flexible tubing
connecting the cylinder to the stopcock. A 23-gage needle
pierced into this tubing to act as a leak, is connected to a water
bubbler to check the absence of back diffusion of air.
A2.1.6 Oil-Sampling System (Fig. A2.3), consisting of a
19-gage oil-withdrawing needle (12 cm long), and glass
syringes of suitable capacity equipped with two three-way
plastic stopcocks.
A2.2 Materials
A2.2.1 Approximately 1 L of clean mercury is needed.
Oil-contaminated mercury can be cleaned with pentane and
filtered through a finely pierced filter paper.
A2.2.2 Gases (H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H4, C2H2,
C2H6, and so forth) of technical purity, in pressure cylinders, or
FIG. A2.1 Apparatus a mixed commercially prepared primary standard of the gases
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D 3612 02
of interest in appropriate concentrations. The primary standard A2.4.3.4 Switch stopcock 7 to the closed position (Fig.
should have each component prepared gravimetrically. A2.2(d)) and raise the mercury bulb above the oil vessel.
A2.2.3 High-Vacuum Grease, for stopcocks. Depending on the volume and solubility of the gas injected, it
takes from a few minutes to several hours to dissolve com-
A2.3 Preparation of Apparatus pletely. As the gas dissolves, the mercury-oil interface resumes
A2.3.1 Clean all glassware thoroughly, first with detergent, its original position.
then with a good solvent (methanol, for example), and dry. Pay A2.4.3.5 Repeat the same procedure with each of the gases
special attention to the sidearm septum holder. Secure the to be dissolved, changing the gas cylinder connection tube.
rubber septum and the flexible connections with pieces of Instead of adding individual gases, it may be convenient to use
twisted metal wire. calibrated gas mixtures. When all the gases have been injected,
A2.4 Procedure remove the gas needle stopcock 7.
A2.4.1 Degassing the Oil (Fig. A2.1(b)): A2.4.4 Removal of Oil Samples (Fig. A2.3):
A2.4.1.1 Evacuate the splash bulb and the 5-L oil vessel by A2.4.4.1 When all the gases are dissolved, switch off the
opening stopcocks 2 and 4. stirrer. Attach two regular three-way stopcocks in the closed
A2.4.1.2 Fill the reservoir with oil, and allow oil to flow position to the oil withdrawing needle and push the needle
slowly through stopcock 3 in the 5-L oil vessel with stirrer on, through the rubber septum (Fig. A2.3(a)). With the mercury
until this vessel is full. Close stopcock 2 and remove the level up, switch the two three-way stopcocks to the draw-off
oil-degassing system. If the procedure is followed carefully position (Fig. A2.3(b)) to purge them with oil.
(filling time, about 4 h), the oil in the vessel will be virtually A2.4.4.2 Attach an oil syringe and draw out a suitable
gas-free. volume of oil (Fig. A2.3(c)). Then switch the two three-way
A2.4.2 Attaching the Mercury-Displacement System (Fig. stopcocks to the closed position and remove the syringe
A2.1(c)): leaving the upper stopcock (Fig. A2.3(d)). This oil sample is
A2.4.2.1 Turn the oil vessel to bring it into the position, ready for analysis.
shown in Fig. A2.1(c). Place a wet cloth over the oil vessel to A2.4.4.3 To remove several samples of oil, additional mer-
prevent its temperature from rising and attach the mercury- cury may have to be introduced to the mercury bulb.
displacement system to stopcock 1. Introduce 750 mL of
mercury into the system so that the mercury level rises just A2.5 Calculation
above stopcock 6, then close the stopcock. From stopcock 5,
evacuate sections between stopcock 5 and 1. Open 6 to allow A2.5.1 Calculate the concentration of each dissolved gas i
mercury to rise up to stopcocks 1 and 5 and then close stopcock as follows:
5. Raise the left bulb so that the mercury level is slightly above Vi
the oil and open stopcock 1. Remove the wet cloth. Switch on Ci 5 V 3 10 6 (A2.1)
the stirrer.
A2.4.3 Injection of the Gases (Fig. A2.1(c) and Fig. A2.2) where:
Attach the modified three-way stopcock 7 (in the closed Ci = concentration of gas i, ppm,
Vi = volume of gas i, injected, mL, (corrected to 0C
position) to the gas-injecting needle. With the mercury level
(101.325 KPa)),
above the oil vessel, push the needle through the rubber septum
V = exact volume of oil in the 5-L oil flask, mL.
into the oil (Fig. A2.1(c)).
A2.4.3.1 Open stopcock 7 to purge the needle and stopcock
A2.6 Reliability
with oil, then close it (Fig. A2.2). Attach to stopcock the barrel
of a gas-tight syringe of appropriate volume and the gas A2.6.1 The main error comes from the measurement of the
cylinder connection tubing (Fig. A2.2(b)). volume of gas injected VLwhich can be obtained with an
A2.4.3.2 Allow a gentle flow of gas to flush the barrel, then accuracy of 1 % using calibrated gas-tight syringes. The
slowly push the plunger several times into the barrel, finally volume of oil V is obtained more accurately by weighing water
down to the volume of gas to be injected, making sure there is in the glass vessel. Correction for dead volume in the injection
continuous bubbling through the needle leak. needle and modified three-way stopcock (approximately 5 mL
A2.4.3.3 Switch stopcock 7 to the inject position (Fig. corresponding to 1 ppm in the dissolved state for the last gas
A2.2(c)), lower the mercury level below the needle tip, and injected) can be made negligible by a last injection of air or
push the plunger to inject the gas volume into the oil. nitrogen. The expected overall accuracy therefore is 61 %.
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D 3612 02
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Hydrogen and low molecular weight hydrocarbons calculated from the results of the interlaboratory test of D 3612
are formed in the decomposition of the much larger hydrocar- A and B are given in Fig. X1.1. The values of Bg, Sg and sg are
bon molecules that make up an insulating oil. The numerical much the same for the two methods; typically 0.1 to +0.1, 0.1
values of ratios of these decomposition products are used in the to 0.15 and 0.01 to 0.04, respectively. (The database of ratios
diagnosis of the type of electrical or thermal fault leading to is not large enough to support an estimate at the 95 %
their formation in malfunctioning electrical equipment. The confidence level.)
reproducibility, repeatability and bias of several ratios of gases
FIG. X1.1
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