‘Questions - QC Manager
Define Project Quality Plan,
‘SAEP-1154 Quality Plan: Document specifying which
procedures and associated resources shall be applied by
whom and when to a specific project, product, process
or contract. {ISO 9000] _
What are the processes /stages
related in defining Preventive
SAEP-1154 Prevent Potential Nonconformities
a) Detect potential nonconformities.
b) Identify the causes of potential nonconformities.
¢) Study the effects of potential nonconformities.
d) Evaluate the need to take preventive action.
@) Develop preventive actions to eliminate causes.
4) Take preventive actions when they are necessary.
g) Record the results achieved by preventive actions.
h) Examine the efficiency of the preventive actions.
What is a Quality Policy?
Quality Objectives?
‘What is the function of a QMS
Quality Policy-Top Managements expression ofits
Intentions, directions and aims regarding Quality of its
products and processes.
Quality Objectives-a specified level of Quality that must be
met by a product to be deemed acceptable. |
‘Can be defined as the managing of organizational
structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and
Hera ete ene Imonagerent resources omplement the principles &
action lines needed to achieve quality objectives of the
Sch. Q.
7.5.3 CONTRACTOR, subcontractors, manufacturers and/or |
suppliers shall document all non-conformities to Contract
requirements, approved CONTRACTOR quality plan(s),
iacontactor rae ineral | ppetion &test plans end racedues, CONTRACTOR
7 they inform the Client shall forward to COMPANY records of all recorded non- |
I ecai conformities within 48 hours of Issue.
. 7.5.4 CONTRACTOR shall investigate the root cause of
nonconformities and initiate Corrective Actions to prevent
recurrence of nonconformities maximum 7 days of the
issue date
| What SAEP is being referenced
6 when escalating NCR/ Project | SAEP-381 Project quality Issues Escalation Process
Quality Issues?
7: How do you close NCR? | SAEP-1154,
7.5.4 CONTRACTOR shall investigate the root cause of
honconformities and initiate Corrective Actions to prevent
recurrence of nonconformities maximum 7 days of the
issue date. Implementation of Corrective actions will
require RFI, participation of PID to verify CA isin line with
the Std, requirements or with approved Method of
atatement..What Is an ITP?
Inspection & Test Plan (I&TP): An I&TP is a document
based on the detailed manufacturing, fabrication and
construction program which identifies each process
description, sets out the related sequence of activities to
be inspected, examined and tested and lists the relevant
approved procedures for a particular material, component, |
assembly, or, in some cases, type of work, It shall include
identification of requirements for documents, acceptance
criteria to be used, who is responsible for what, the
inspection survelllance to be performed and the type and
level of inspection including hold, witness and review
points of Contractor/Sub-contractor and Saudi Aramco.
‘Mandatory Hold
What are the attachments in
Sch. OF
‘Attachment I CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor Quality
Personnel Qualification Requirements
Attachment Il COMPANY Standards and Procedures
Containing Quality Requirements
Attachment Ill Quality Requirements for CONTRACTOR
Supplied Materials
Attachment IV Quality Requirements for the Construction |
‘Attachment V Summary of Quality System Deliverables
‘Attachment VI Project Specific Quality Requirements
‘At what phases Internal audit is
conducted as required per Sch.
Sch Q.
| 7.3.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit a quality audit schedule to
the Company Representative for review and approval
within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective date of
this Contract. As a minimum, full quality system audits |
shall be carried out at fifteen
Percent (15%) and sixty percent (60%) of completion stage
for the Design, Procurement, and Construction WORK
Phases. Contractor's audits may be rescheduled only with
the concurrence of the Company Representative.
Monthly Quality Management
| Report—what are the quality
items included in the report.
Sch. Q.
7.7 Analysis of Data
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a monthly Quality
‘Management Report in a format acceptable to COMPANY
| to demonstrate effective implementation of the
CONTRACTOR's Quality System. The report shall include
the following items as a minimum:
7.7.4 General tems:
2) Listing of quality audits completed (internal and
Sub-contractor), in progress, and planned for the next
month.'b) Status of open corrective actions for Non-conformance
reports, audits and management reviews.
) Quality Personnel Listing by Discipline as specified in
Paragraph 5.11.
4) Listing and status of engineering waivers requested
7.1.2 Design and Procurement Phase Items:
2) Listing of supplier surveys performed and results
b) Planned surveys for the next month
c) Listing of Pre-inspection Meetings conducted and
planned for the next month
d) Listing of supplier inspections performed and those
planned for the next month
7.7.3 Construction Phase Items:
a) Listing and disposition of all defective or rejected
material or equipment received at jobsite by CONTRACTOR
and subcontractor( s)
'b) Welding rejection rate reported in accordance
SAEP-1160. A chart showing the historical performance
during the project shall be included.
7.7.4 Narrative Section for Process Improvement Activities
This section shall describe CONTRACTOR and
subcontractor activities during the month to continually
improve its processes, correct and eliminate non-
conformities, prevent potential problems, and improve
schedules, et. It shall include trend
analysis for processes identified in paragraphs 7.1.1 and
7.4 of this contract schedule.
Name some of the special
Sch. Q,
Nondestructive Testing (NOT)
Positive Material Identification
(PMI) & Color-Code Verification
Heat Treatment & associated
Hardness Testing
Pressure Testing
| welding, NOT, pressure testing.
| What are some of the
oo Process procedures? _| Coatings & Lining
Gasket Installation
Gap Control (Socket welds, thread engagement, back
welding of threaded joints)
Hot Taps (Cables) & Tie-ins
Refractory installation
HVAC Testing & Balancing
TR Pipe Work
“Name some of the
| 13 Please see attached Sch. Q. Deliverables,
What SAEP is referred for
aq_| tacking & reporting of SAEP-1160, Section 6.1 Minimum Data Requirements See
attached pdf.[ information contained in the
report? a
What important information is
15 | contained when accomplishing | SATR-W-2018, please see attached SAIC-W-2018
WRR Report SATR-W-2018 _ - —_
5.27 CONTRACTOR shall submit Hydrostatic Test Packages
prior to conducting hydrostatic tests of piping, pipeline
and equipments for COMPANY review and approval, The
hydrostatic test shall comply with SAES-A-004, SAES-L-150
and G! 002,102. The hydrostatic test package shall include
but not limited to the following:
+ Hydrostatic Test Procedure.
+ Hydrostatic Test Diagram which shall include the limits of
piping (Including test manifold) and equipment include
each hydrostatic test, test pressures, test temperature, |
as | Whatarethe contents ofa | tect fui ine flushing requirements, and safety
hydrotest package?
+ Relief Valve datasheet and calibration records.
| + Pressure gages and recorders calibration records.
+ COMPANY Safety Instruction Sheet and Pressure Test
Report Form.
* Copies of P&ID and isometric drawings of the piping.
system to be hydrostaticaly tested. |
* Piping spools control sheet with NOT extent and results
+ Prechydrostatic test check List.
| + Re-instatement procedure and Check List,
| + Bolting Control Sheet.
+ Gasket Verification Form.
During the course of the
construction phase, a major |
standard violation was |
committed by the contractor
| and despite various
renee QC Manager must bring the quality issue to SA Project
communicated to the
Inspection supervisor describing all in detalls of the
contractor still refuses to
committed std violation and PID will take the
implement the corrective |
necessary/serious action to correct the non-conformity.
17 | actions. While exhausting all ‘
SAPID Field Supervisor being the main counterpart of the
the efforts within the
i contractor QC Manager must interphase with PID with
organization and with the client
| regards to Quality. SA Interviewer Is keen to hear the
contractor remain steadfast ea wer
not to comply despite NCR has 7
been issued. Now, As a QC
Manager what will you do and
what will be your action/s to
| pave the way to resolve the |standard violation? (Exhausting | 7
means the issue was brought to
the higher management,
_| SAMPT, operations et).
item | Questions - QA Manager ‘Answers
> Define and implement the overall QA strategic
> fiDefine and implement the overall QA
tactical/operational approach.
| > [Define and implement an efficient QA operating
model to align with the company’s business goals,
> tiManage teams across multiple geographic.
locations, releases and projects.
> [iManage and maintain the QA team budget.
> BBulld the QA area/team, QA team structure, and
QA roles and responsibilities based on the projects
the QA group would be responsible to deliver.
Build a strong QA team through better
recruitment, retention, training, and performance |
> Set the overall QA test strategy that includes all
the various types of testing being performed by
the QA team.
> biDetermine the scope of the overall QA team.
based on all the business demand, run the
business maintenance work, resource capacity and
skill set.
> Provide input from a testing perspective to the
delivery release roadmap and project schedule
plan, capacity, and deployment to production
> Maintain the QA team’s capacity planning,
utlization and assignment allocations, etc.
> Create and maintain the overall QA Project Plan
and Statement of Work (SOW).
What are the roles of a QA
| quality Plan: Document specifying which procedures
2 | What isa Pap? and associated resources shall be applied by whom and
when to a specific project, product, process or contract.
{SO 9000]Mention an example ina
Quality Policy?
Refer to Approved CAT POP
‘What SAEP is referred as
guidelines to Contractor's,
SAEP-1154- Guidelines for Contractor's Quality Plan
| Project quality Plan?
What are the eight sections of
Section 1 Scope (corresponds to section 1 of !SO
9001:2000 and section 5.1 of SAEP-1154)
Section 2 Normative reference (corresponds to section 2
of ISO 9001:2000 and section 5.2 of SAEP-1154))
Section 3 Terms and definitions (corresponds to section 3
‘of ISO 9001:2000 and section 5.3 of SAEP-1154)
Section 4 Quality Management System (corresponds to
section 4 of ISO 9001:2000 and section 5.4 of SAEP-1154)
Section 5 Management Responsibility (corresponds to
section 5 of ISO 9001:2000 and section 5.5 of SAEP-1154)
Section 6 Resource Management (corresponds to section
6 of ISO 9001:2000 and section 5.6 of SAEP-1154)
Section 7 Project Execution/Product Realization
{corresponds to section 7 of ISO 9001:2000 and section
5.7 of SAEP-1154)
Section 8 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
{corresponds to section 8 of SO 9001:2000 and section
5.8 of SAEP-1154)
Explain Management
Responsibility & Product,
5,5 Management Responsibility
5.5.1 Management Commitment
‘The top management of (contractor) is committed to the
development and improvement of the quality
management system by:
1. Communicating the importance of meeting Saudi
Aramco, regulatory, and legal requirements by (identify
how this information is communicated).
Establishment of a quality policy and objectives (identify
‘the quality policy and quality objectives for this project.)
AiConducting management reviews in accordance with
Paragraph [reference paragraph number} of this Quality
Plan and Schedule Q.
Ensuring the availability of necessary resources in
accordance with Section [reference Section number] of this
Quality plan.
5,7 Project Execution (Product Realization)
5.7.4 Planning of Project Execution
‘The (Contractor) shall plan and document the project
execution process. The documentation for project
execution is stated in paragraph 5.3.2 of this quality plan.The quality objectives for the (design, procurement,
construction activities, etc.) are identified in (consider the
contract, internal quality objectives, etc.)
The (design, procurement, construction or Pre-
commissioning) processes, documentation, resources, and
facilities shall be established for this project. (Describe
compliance with this requirement. Consider reference to
other section of this Quality plan, including matrix or other
data developed in Section 1, the resource loaded schedule,
other documentation).
Verification and validation are incorporated into the
planning process as follows: (describe how verification and
vali activities are incorporated. Consider design
review, acceptance testing, planned inspections, approval,
| etc. The resource loaded schedule may be used to identify,
verification and validation activities.)
‘Acceptance criterla for the work will be developed where
Records attesting to conformity of process and resulting
Work shall be maintained by (title). Records include:
{Inspection reports and certificates
{8 Disposition reports
8 Internal quality audit results and closures
| Records of management reviews
| Project acceptance by Saudi Aramco shall be documented
by Mechanical Completion Certificate(s) (MCC).
How many QMS do you know?
1SO 9000:2008 OMS Fundamentals & Vocabulary
ISO 9004:2008 OMS ~Guidelines for Performance
7 | Name One and explain briefly | Improvements
1S0 19011:2002 Guldelines on Quality & for
| Environmental Management Systems Auditing
SAEP-1154 or ISO 9001:2008
5.4 Quality Management System
5.4.4 General Requirements
in order to implement the QMS, the (contractor) has
developed the following matrix that identifies: the process
Re neny TOMS. | needed to ensue effective operation and control ofthe
processes; availablity of information necessary to support
the effective operation and monitoring of these processes;
methods of measurement, monitoring, and analysis
needed in order to implement those actions that will
| | achieve planned results and continual improvement
|g _ | Whatare the deliverables ‘Sch. Q, as per attached in the email.
mentioned in atta. V of Sch Q?
10 | What isan ITP? Inspection & Test Plan (18TP): An I&TP is a document
based on the detailed manufacturing, fabrication andit
What is Quality Assurance?
construction program which identifies each process
description, sets out the related sequence of activities to
be inspected, examined and tested and lists the relevant
approved procedures for a particular material, component,
assembly, or, in some cases, type of work. It shall include
identification of requirements for documents, acceptance
criteria to be used, who is responsible for what, the
inspection surveillance to be performed and the type and
level of inspection including hold, witness and review
points of Contractor/Sub-contractor and Saudi Aramco.
Mandatory Hold
Part of Quality Management focused on fulfiling Quality
Requirements, =
What is Quality Control?
Part of Quality Management focused on providing
confidence that Quality requirements will be fulfilled,
‘What is an Internal / audit?
What is a Non Conformity?
| Contractor: How long you have
to wait before you Inform the
Client officially? What
information is included in the
150 9004:2008 clause 3.9.1 — checking What & How the
Company operates VS. What and How they say they do,
evaluating the methods used to determine if objectives
and customer requirements are met and reporting results
where actions are taken to conform with the methods and
criteria and identify possible improvements.
7.5.3 CONTRACTOR, subcontractors, manufacturers and/or
suppliers shall document all non-conformities to Contract
requirements, approved CONTRACTOR quality plan(s),
Inspection & test plans, and procedures. CONTRACTOR
shall forward to COMPANY records of all recorded non-
conformities within 48 hours of issue.
7.5.4 CONTRACTOR shall investigate the root cause of
nonconformities and initiate Corrective Actions to prevent
recurrence of nonconformities maximum 7 days of the
issue date.
| What is an Inspection
‘Assignment Package (1AP)?
| following documents as appli
Sch. Q
3.15 CONTRACTOR shall compile and forward to the
Company Representative no later than twenty-one (21)
calendar days prior to the pre-Inspection meeting and start
of any fabrication, ether at the prime supplier or @ major
sub-supplier, one electronic version on compact disc (CD)
of the CONTRACTOR's Inspection Assignment Package, and
forward to COMPANY one complete set via e-mall. For
Inspection Level
4, CONTRACTOR shall submit the Inspection Assignment
Package fourteen (14) days before final inspection.
3.15.1 The Inspection assignment package shall include the
bk A complete copy of the CONTRACTOR's purchase
order including Change Order(s} or subcontract, material
requisition, and attachments Copies of sub-suppliers applicable purchaseAt what inspection level project
orders (If these are not available, CONTRACTOR shall
provide them to the Company Representative upon
placement by the supplier) Applicable COMPANY standards (SAMSS/SAES)
3.15.14 Inspection requirements as specified in the
applicable COMPANY Form 175 Inspection assignment sheet specifying the
approved inspectors) that will perform the inspections Inspection and Test Plans The level of CONTRACTOR inspection (as required
by SAER-1972 or Attachment VI to this Schedule "Q") Agenda for each pre-inspection meeting where
Sch. Q.
Inspection Level 1, Only final inspection is required prior to
pre-inspection meeting?
16 | material/s be in order for lap | UPS
be generated? ping.
‘Sch. Q. _
3.15 CONTRACTOR shall compile and forward to the
Company Representative no later than twenty-one (21)
calendar days prior to the pre-inspection meeting and start
of any fabrication, either at the prime supplier or a major
How many calendar days are ee
17 | fetutuntortoecheduting a | b-supller of the CONTRACTOR's Inspection Assignment |
Package, and forward to COMPANY one complete set via e-
‘mall. For Inspection Level 1. CONTRACTOR shall submit the
Inspection Assignment Package
Fourteen (14) days before final inspection