Lecture Notes-Anatomy and Physiology Overview
Lecture Notes-Anatomy and Physiology Overview
Lecture Notes-Anatomy and Physiology Overview
Anatomical Position
Hands at sides, palms forward
o Gross Anatomy
The anatomical position
o Directional Terms
Superior and Inferior toward and away from the head, respectively
Anterior and Posterior toward the front and back of the body
Medial and Lateral toward the midline, away from the midline
Proximal and Distal closer to and farther from the origin of the body part (or from the torso)
Superficial and Deep toward and away from the body surface
Cranial and Caudal toward the head and toward the tail
Body Planes
Sagittal parallel to long axis, divides the body into right and left parts
o midsagittal or medial sagittal plane that lies on the midline
Frontal or coronal also parallel to long axis, divides the body into anterior and posterior parts
Transverse or horizontal (cross section) perpendicular to long axis, divides the body into superior
and inferior parts
Body Cavities
Dorsal cavity protects the nervous system, and is divided into two subdivisions
o Cranial cavity within the skull; encases the brain
o Vertebral cavity runs within the vertebral column; encases the spinal cord
Ventral cavity houses the internal organs (viscera), and is divided into two subdivisions
o Thoracic
2 lateral pleural cavities
Central mediastinum containing pericardial cavity
o Abdominopelvic
Abdominal cavity
Pelvic cavity
o Serous cavities are slit-like spaces lined by serous membranes (serosa):
Parietal serosa forms the outer wall of the cavity
Visceral serosa covers the visceral organ
o Other smaller cavities: in head, between joints
9 abdominal regions; 4 quadrants
o Microscopic examination of the fine structure of organs, tissues and cells
o Tissues are prepared by fixation (preserved) and then cut into thin sections
o Gross anatomy
Pathology: structural changes caused by disease
Clinical anatomy
Medical imaging
X-ray imaging
Advanced radiological studies
o Computed tomography (CT)
o Dynamic spatial reconstruction (DSR)
o Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
PET scans (positron emission tomography)
Sonography (ultrasound imaging)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)