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Contract Philhealth Sample PDF

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This CONRACT OF LEASE made and entered into by and between:

F, RAMOS BUILDING, a private and business establishment duly

organized and existing under Philippine laws, represented by ils'
IMELDA R. CHAvEz, of legal age, Filipino, manied and a resident of
Mankilam, Tagum Ciry, Davao del Norte, Philippines' hersinafter retened
to as the LESSOR;

owned and controlled corporation duly registered, organizad and existing
under Philippine laws with principal office address at Valgosons Building'
Bolton Extension, Davao City, Philippines, represented herein by MR.
DENNIS B. ADRE, Regional Vice President - Philhealth Regional Office
Xl, hereinafter refened to as the LESSEE.

- witnesseth -

WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the registered and absolute owner of a four

(4) storey concrete and commercial building with an area of appoximately '1,516
square meters more or less situated along Arellano Street, Tagum City;

WHEREAS, the LESSEE has formally intended to lease an office space

owned by the LESSOR, F. RAMOS BUILDING, for PRO Xl Local Heatth

L Insurance Office (LHIO) in the City of Tagum, with an area of approximately 379
square metersi morg or less;

1. SUBJECT OF LEASE. Four (4) storey commercial building with an area
of 379 square meters more or less in the ground floor located along
Arellano Street, Tagum City;

2. TERM OF LEASE. This contract of lease @mmence from December 1'

20'12 and end on Oecember 31, 2012;

RENEWAL. Within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of this contracl
of lease, the LESSEE will make a formal notice of ils intention to renew
the lease with the LESSOR for another year and for such any or all other
terms and conditions as may then be mutually agreed upon;


5O,U0.OO) per month inclusive of all govemment required fees and
taxes, io be paid on or before the tenth (10r') day of the succeeding
month upon presentation of a billing or notice for payment. The
withholding tax shall be paid by the LESSEE who shall provide the
LESSOR the withholding tax certificate:

5. DEPOSIT. Upon signing of this contract, the LESSEE shall deposit the
sum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 1o0,@0.0O), equivalent to
two (2) months deposit. This deposit rental shall pay for q4pagl-electric
bills, telephone, water and other utility bills and other liquidated damages
in case the LESSEE fail to settle lhe said utilities bills. The deposit shall
be returned to the LESSEE without inlerest within ten (10) days at the
end of the terms being no renewal being entered into by the parties, less
expenses for the repair of the premises, if any;

6. UsE oF THE PREMISES. The leased area shall be used by the

LESSEE for office purposes and shall not be converled into another use
without prior authority from the LESSOR. The use of the premises shall
be subject to the uniformly applicable building rules and regulations
which the LESSOR may subsequently provide to all lessees and /or
occupants with the objective of safeguarding their persons and
personalities, the common safety and welfare and more important,
fostering a desirable relationship among and between the lessee's
occupants and building administration;

7. ELECTRIC SERVICES. The LESSOR may require any amendment

thereof where conect tapping of electric service and other utilities is
considered necessary. The LESSEE may avail of the building electrician
and handyman for the purpose, with charges shouldered by it Where
portions or parts of the improvements affect portion or parts of the
structure, the LESSOR will require necessary correction of submitted
plans. Any subsequent alterations, addition or further improvements on
the leased premises will require the submission of the plan and for the
approval of the LESSOR;

o. UTILITIES. The subject building will be provided with electric power and
facilities. All electric bills for the power used by the LESSEE shall be paid
by it and the LESSOR shall be rendered free from the non payment or
cut-off for non payment by the LESSEE and this connection applies
despite the same electricity bills used by the LESSEE are registered in
\ the name of the LESSOR;

9. TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATION. The subject building will be

provided with telephone lines facilities. All telephone bills and tolls lor the
lines used by LESSEE shall be paid by it and tho LESSOR shall be
rendered free from the non payment or cut-off for the non payment by the
LESSEE and this connection applies despiG the same telephone
number and lines used by the LESSEE are registered in the name of the

'lO.LIGHT AND LIGTHING FIXTURES. The subjects buibing are provided

with lights, lighting fixtures with fluorescent tubes and diffusers. The
lighting supplies will be replaced when busted or damaged with cost
shouldered by the LESSEE. The LESSOR is not obligated to provide at
its own expense;


A. The LESSEE hereby agrees to keep the leased premises in clean,

good and sanitary condition at all times in accordance with quality
standards of the building;

B. The LESSOR shall not be liable for the presence in the leased
premises of bugs, vermin, rats, ant, termites, insects and other
pest of any kind or nature whatsoever. However, upon raquest by
ine leSSig or the LESSOR'S own volilion, regular pest control

service shall be undertaken by the LESSOR of the leased

c. The LESSOR reserves the right to prescribe or limit the weight of

any machinery, safe equipment and similar article that may be
brought and placed in the leased premises:

D. To lessen inconvenience. the LESSEE shall make delivery of

fumiture, equipment, or his representative who may immediately
conduct inspection of said item;

E. The LESSEE shall, have the right to make out from the building at
anytime of the day any of its office fumiture, office machine' or any
type of office equipment and accessories of any kind' provided
that a prior notice shall have been given to the LESSOR or his

F. The common conidors, hallways and lobbies of the building are

destined as passageway for ingrsss to and egress from the leased
premises and no obstruction shall be caused therein;

The LESSEE shall not caused the exterior faqade of the building
to be changed or altered in any way, without the prior written
consent of the LESSOR;

H. The LESSEE shall see to it that the teased premises are free from
$ obnoxious odor and other nuisances, and that it be used in a

manner that will not disturb the peace and tranquility of the other
building occupants;

t. Occurrence of fire and explosions, such as explosives of any kind

or type, pyrotechnic articles, gasoline or flammable fluids, among
others. When this condition is violated and results in damage or
destruction to the leased premises, the LESSEE shall be

\rl conjunctively held responsible for claims from all damages and
any action against for ordinance violationi

J. The LESSOR shall see to it that the premises are rendered in a

tenable condition. In the event certain or destruction is caused by
the occurrence or natural events, immediate repair or restoration
shall be undertaken by the LESSOR granting moratorium or
waiver of renlal payment for the period of time needed for such
repair or resloration;

K. The LESSEE shall undertake all ordinary repairs on the leased

premises at its own cost. Repair on the electric outlets, telephone,
switchboxes, air conditioning facilities, electrical wiring and
plumbing fixtures shall likewise be for the account of the LESSEE;

L. The LESSOR shall undertake all major and extraordinary repairs

on the leased premises at his/its own expense. In the event that
the leased premises cannot be utilized during the period of repair,
the LESSOR grants a moratorium or waiver of rental payment for
such period;

M. The LESSOR warrants that the LESSEE shall have the peaceful
possession of the leased premises for the duration of the term
agreed upon except when the disturbance is caused by natural
calamities or acts outside LESSOR'S control;

12.LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The LESSEE shall comply and abide with
the ordinance of the city regading the cause of lhe premises, comply
with health regulations and secure permits or license business

13.|NJURY TO THIRD PERSON. The LESSEE shall be solely responsible

for any harm or injury as may be suffered by its employee or third person
while within the leased premises, when the acts complained of were
caused by its negligence;

I4.INSPECT|ON OF PREMISES. The LESSOR or his/its representatives,

with the proper notice to the LESSEE and at a reasonable hour of any
working day, shall be allowed entry to the leased premises to conduct
inspection for repairs or improvements. Subsequenl access to the leased
premises shall be given to the authorized person/s who will undertake the
repair or improvement in order to lessen inconvenience to the employee
and clients, or avoid disruption of office work or activities;

15.REALTY TAX. The real estate taxes and other payment imposed on the
leased property shall be for the exclusive of the LESSOR:

16.SUBLEASE, TRANSFER OR RIGHTS. The transfer of rights of the

LESSEE under this contract and /or the sublease of any part or portion of
the leased premises or to sell the property without need of a prior notice
to the LESSOR is given and approval of the latter is secured. Any
violation of this condition will be basis for the termination of the contract;
lT.MORTGAGE AND ENCUMBRANCE. The LESSOR reserves his/its right 3A
to mortgage the property including the leased premises or to sell the
property without need of a prior and conditions in this contract and the
right acquired there from by the LESSEE are protected in its entirety;
18.V|OLAT|ON. A violation by one of the parties of any of the terms and
conditions set forth herein result as a right or basis for the termination of
this contract. In such evenl, the aggrieved party will make a formal notice
to terminate then obtaining the parties shall endeavor to amicably or
extra judicial settlement cannot be arrived at the termination of the
contract if the only solution;


This contract of lease shall end on the terminal date agreed upon
there being no renewal or agreed upon by the parties;

B. It shall also be terminated due to the violation or breach by one of

the parties of any of lhe agreed terms and conditions and
amicable settlement cannot be reach by the parties;

c. The same shall also be terminated when as a result of the

occunence of natural calamities, the leased premises is rendered
in a condition unfit for occupancy;

In case the termination occurs due to the expiration of the lease

contract and no renewal or extension is agreed upon, the LESSEE

shall peacefully vacate the leased premises and retum the same in
condition it was first entered into, excapt for the effects of ordinary
wear and tear. Damage or any iniury to the leased premises
caused by the removal or articles or impovsments by the LESSEE
shall be allowed by the LESSOR, without cosuexpsnses to ths
former. Within ten ( 10) calendar days after the leased premises are
vacated, the deposit constituted shall be retumed by the LESSOR
to the LESSEE without nsed of demand in accordance with Section
5. In case the termination occurs as a result of the LESSEE S
breach or violation of any of the terms or condition agreed upon,
the LESSEE shall peacefully of its effect and improvements. Except
for ordinary wear and tear, any damage or iniury to the leased
premises shall be repaid and restored by the LESSEE. A moving
out period of five (5) working days without rental charge shall be
allowed by the LESSOR. Within ten (10) days after the premises
are vacated, the LESSOR shall retum the deposit rentals
constitutad less the amount mentioned in Section 5 and 20 thereof.
In case the LESSOR is the guilty party, the latter shall also pay
damages equivalent to one (1) month rental to the LESSEE before
the actual vacation of the premises, without prejudice to other
remedies as provided for bY the law;

lf termination ensure due to deslruction of the leased premises, the

LESSOR, shall retum the deposit constituted within the sama
A period as above-mentioned. The LESSOR shall not be answerable
or responsible for any damage or injury to the properties of the
I LESSEE caused by the destruction of the leased premises due to
natural events or to any cause that is beyond the LESSOR'S
N O. Any party may terminate this CONTRACT OF LEASE for any
cause at any time before the expiration of the term agreed upon <\
by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of
termination prior to the intended date without incuning any liability
as to the damages, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
the proceeding sub paragraphs;

2o.DELAY lN VACATIoN OF THE PREMISES. Except as provided for in

the immediately paragraph, if the premisss is not vacated within live (5)
days grace period allowed by the LESSOR, then the LESSOR, then the
LESSEE shall bs charged with the conesponding daily rentals of the
premises lo be affected from the terminal to the date when the premises
is totally vacated:

21.NON-wAlvER. The failure of the LESSOR to insist upon the strict

performances of any of the tsrms, conditions, and covenants hereof shall
not be deemed a relinquishment or waiver of any subsequent breach or
default of such terms and conditions and covenants:

22. LITIGATION AND VENUE. In the event judicial relief against the guilty
party if tiled before the regular courts, for the enforcement of the terms
and conditions in the contract, the guilty party, in addition to any other
damages that may be awatded by the court, agress to pay ten percent
(10%) of the amount claimed but in no case less than ten thousand
pesos (1O,OOO.OO) as attomey's fees, aside from the cost of litigation and
other expenses which the law entitles the aggrieved party to recover. The

parties agree the venue of court ac{ion is in the proper couds of Tagum

23.SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. lf any paragraph, sutsparagraph or part of

thls contract is declared invalid, such shall not affect the other paragraph,
suFparagraphs or parts of this conlract;

24.SUPERSEDING CLAUSE. This contract of lease suprsdes and

renders void any and all agreements and undertakings, oral or written,
which may have been entored into by and between the partles' the same
bsing considered as having been merged herein. Any changes or
after;tions in this contract shall be valid if made in writing and duly signed
by the parties.

lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the padies hereto have signed this contracl of this
day ot rJru I | 201L
2012 at city of Tagum, and Davao
City, Philippines.


Lessee Lessor

By: By:

orfu.oo*, -Iv\
Redional Vice Presidnt Attomeylft Fact

Signed in the Presence

Chi6f ocial Insura Ofiicer Attomsy-ln-Fact


City OF


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in City of Tagum, Philippines, this
day of _=-- 2012, personally appeared E
iiliElo-ln. cHlVez, exhibiting his/her lD No La,'02-osiqot as competenl
p'di;f identibr, known to me ind to me known to be the same person who
executed the foregoing Instrument, and she acknowledged to me that the same
is his/her free and voluntary act and daed.

This Instrument consists of pages including the page horeof whereon

this Acknowledgement is written, is signed by the parties and the witnesses'
lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, t have hereunto signed and affixed my Notarial
seal on the date and place first abovewritten.

*r PagdNo.
Aook No.
*7- i
lrrltl Decc,iber 31,2012
loll No.41698
{) PTR lb. 1ia:t-,2/ 0l-06r2
I8P l{o. 85r:a:1 0l-0912
Tlri: a6c{]aai(!?
tc.f 6flol ;'c. ll,rgtdl& irit! t t

X----------------- -- -------- - I

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public.JoJ and of Davao, Ptilippines' this

dav ar r" ' ' lllZ -City
2ol2 Dersonallv appeared U&
proof of
B. ADi;. Jtr'tioitfis hi. BtR TIN 118-'li1-i76 as competent
x**" o t; ;; i;;" known to be-the
same person who executed the
ff$il'ilil;;;i r,t a"r,no*r"dged to me that the same is his free and
voluntary act and deed.

parties and the witnsses'
this ncinowieOgement is written, is signed by the

seal on the date and place first abovewritten'


ooc.m 340
lt, t,
PageNo. I etpires oc otremoe' lo
Boo\ No. I i iior;;iaL conni!r,i. se"al N!. 105 2011
Senes of2012 a. oflro.nry! No. !6115
PrR ,to. r ilrrgd ,lrl to; J5 il]Iz Davdo.c't!
Idi li,. e1_0bse oto lon liJ. 2012 o.vao cltv
dJL' r, ri"ii s,iq, o'"p" Av4 Davau''N

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