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Aletheia Handbook

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and application of it will be for the purpose to present every man

Aletheia complete in Christ. We desire to engage minds with a Biblical

worldview, to help them to think clearly, and to discuss intelligently
A Classical Christian Co-Op principles of truth in order to impact our culture for Christ.
Teach me your way, O Lord, Academically Challenging- Most, but not all, curriculum will be
That I may walk in your truth; classical in nature. Classical education is designed to present
truths systematically and form clear thinking. While some classes
Unite my heart to fear your name. can be challenging, most students rise up to it quickly. We keep
grades for junior high through high school (7th-12th grade) and
Psalm 86:11
provide report cards with those grades. We therefore aim to grade
Under the leadership of Peninsula Bible Church and as an with accuracy and a high standard. All that said, we have a lot of fun
extension of its ministry, Aletheia aims to support and enhance the in our classes!
education of homeschool families on the Olympic Peninsula.
Equipping- With the opportunity to come together to study core
Aletheia is the Greek word for truth (pronounced uh-LAY-thee-
subjects, we hope to lighten each others load and provide
ah). We are classical in our education, Christ-centered in our
encouragement, yet the parent remains the primary educator.
approach, reformed in our doctrine, and evangelistic in our mission
Seeing that God has gifted individuals within the church with
with all things purposed to glorify God. It is our Christian conviction
different talents and abilities, our classes give an opportunity for
that the Lord has appointed to parents the responsibility and final
our children to benefit from those gifts as we learn from one
authority to secure and guide the education of their children so that
another! Being a co-op, parental participation is absolutely needed
they might learn to bring all thoughts captive to the obedience of
and required so that all families can benefit from one another. We
Christ and to live in such a way that honors Christ. We strive to
encourage all parents to attend as many of their students classes as
assist parents in that God-given role.
they can, provided they are not serving in another class.
Our weekly classes will primarily be academic, with a few
Parental Responsibilities:
opportunities for enrichment classes. Students will do the bulk of
their schooling at home, under the direction and guidance of their 1. Aletheia families are required to have one parent in
parents, while at Aletheia we combine our efforts to review, attendance during the course of the school day. In prearranged
reinforce, and record their learning. There is a monthly per family circumstances, when a parent is unable to be there, that student
fee, and parents also assume all costs for required curriculum.
will be under the guardianship of another assigned parent.
The goals of our weekly meetings aim to be:
2. Each parent must serve as a teacher or teachers helper for
Gospel Centered- As stated in the Westminster Catechism, Mans at least three volunteer hours. As a safety and accountability
chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This is our precaution, we need two adults in each class. If you cannot be in
desire for every student, parent, and teacher! All of our theology
your assigned class, it is your responsibility to find a replacement for That being said, knowledge of Gods word is the highest and most
yourself and to inform the teacher of your replacement. important of all academic studies. Bible class, therefore, is not
optional. All students must attend.
3. There is a $60 monthly tuition fee per family for attending
Aletheia. Parents who teach or take on other responsibilities will General Student Rules
receive $10 a month off their tuition per class taught. We do not
1. Be on time and prepared for class (have assignments, pencils,
allow first year parents to teach, but exceptions can be made.
paper, books, etc.)
4. Parents are responsible for keeping their own children safe.
2. Honor parents and teachers by calling them Mr. and Mrs. and last
They must agree to hold harmless Aletheia members, Peninsula
Bible Church and Joyce Bible Church for any damages or medical
care/expenses. Parents must also agree to pay for any item that 3. Treat others (and their belongings) with kindness and respect!
their children may damage at Joyce Bible Church. Keep hands and feet to yourself and make your words encouraging.
5. Parents are also required to help their children understand 4. Be respectful of church property. No running in the halls or
and uphold the students responsibilities. These include, but are not chewing gum. Snacks may be eaten in the classroom on breaks, but
limited to: getting their assignments done for class, adhering to the please clean up crumbs, trash, etc.
discipline guide, maintaining a C average or above for junior high
and high school students, keeping the dress code, and treating 5. No cell phones, other electronic equipment/games, or
others with kindness, etc. headphones should be brought to class unless approved by the
teacher. Each teacher reserves the right to confiscate those items
6. Aletheia reserves the right to ask any family to leave if they until the end of class.
do not fulfill their responsibilities consistently. While we strive to
give grace as much as possible (Romans 12:18), please recognize 6. Math understanding is critical to excel in science! While we do
that as a co-op if anyone is not helping, they are negatively affecting not teach math at Aletheia, we do require all students to report
other families, placing an undue burden on others. their math progress if they wish to enroll in science classes. If no
math progress has been made or reported at the end of the quarter,
Student Responsibilities: the student may be dismissed from their science class.
Bible class Discipline Guide
We uphold joyfully that: Examples of problems that would warrant extra attention include:
Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our 1. Disrespect towards the instructor, adults, or other students. Your
God will stand forever. teacher is your authority in the classroom. We ask that the students
sit with good posture and appear attentive out of respect for should privately discuss the problem with the student encouraging
others and refrain from disruptive activity. There should be no him/her to change their behavior and pray with them. The teacher
talking back or arguing with adults. Requests should not have to be will then inform the students parent and one of the directors that
repeated, and prompt and cheerful obedience is expected. an issue has arisen and how it was dealt with. If the problem
persists, further consultation with the students parents and the
2. All forms of dishonesty, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
leadership should be made. Aletheia retains the right to expel a
This includes plagiarism or copying anothers work or answers, or
student if it is judged that a students enrollment is having a
working together on an assignment that was intended to be
significantly negative effect on the student body and/or teaching
completed individually. Unless otherwise specifically allowed by the
environment. We consider three incidents against the above
teacher, students should assume all tests to be closed book. Some
guidelines to reflect a pattern and basis for expulsion.
teachers might require any tests to be taken under parents
supervision. Should a conflict arise between a student and teacher, we
ask that the parent attend the particular class to become more
3. Rebellion, such as outright disobedience to instruction, a surly
intimately aware of the dynamics of the class and discuss the
attitude, tardiness, or repeated unexcused incomplete work.
problem with the instructor. Individual alterations to class
4. Fighting, such as striking in anger with the intent to harm assignments may need to be made for your student, as well as
another. seating arrangements, etc. We want to work with all students with
grace, being kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each
5. Obscene, vulgar, or profane language, including taking the Lords other, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
name in vain.
Dress Code
6. The appearance of coupling. Students appearing to spend an
inappropriate time alone with a member of the opposite sex, sitting Students and parents should dress in good taste. Clothing
coupled consistently, hand holding etc. is not allowed. should be tidy, without holes, tatters, or patches, with no
inappropriate messages or graphics.
7. If a student receives an F in a class, the student will be put on
Skirts must be at least knee length even if leggings are worn
academic probation the following quarter. If the grade is not
underneath. Shorts must be longer than your fingertips at
brought up to a passing grade, the student will be removed from
your side.
that class. If a student is failing most or all of their classes for 2
No tight-fitting pants (i.e. yoga pants) or pajama pants,
consecutive quarters, they can be expelled.
Should a disciplinary issue arise in the classroom, we ask Halter-tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, and visible cleavage
that the instructor consult with the classroom helper to verify that a are not allowed. As a guide, the neckline of a persons shirt
problem exists. If an issue is verified, the instructor and helper
should not be lower than that persons hand width below Other helpful information:
the top of their sternum.
Presentation nights! Twice a year, Aletheia will put on a
Bare midriff, front or back, is unacceptable.
program of skits, recitations, or other demonstrations of learning
Underclothing should not be visible at any time.
for parents and friends. This is a great time for the students,
Shoes and shirts are required at all times.
teaching them to speak confidently in front of an audience and
Students eyes must be clearly seen.
show what they know. Students also make a presentation board
Homework to display their excellent work. We also have dessert.its a
wonderful time! We strongly encourage all students to attend. If a
At Aletheia, it is essential that students complete their student in junior high or high school has a class presenting, their
coursework assigned at home throughout the week. Of course grade may be affected by attendance and participation at
people get the flu, go on vacation, or have emergencies (we all have presentation night.
those), but students who consistently fail to do their homework
detract greatly from the class. After all, teachers cannot review, Building clean-up happens at the end of the school day. We
reinforce or record learning if it isnt happening at home. If students ask that all parents help in some way to tidy up classrooms, vacuum,
miss or plan to miss a class, it is their responsibility to gather take down desks, etc. Wed love to leave our facility cleaner than
homework assignments from the teacher or turn in any missing when wed found it! Sign-ups for specific rooms will be available the
work. To that end: first week of class.

Elementary students who do not have any homework done We are excited to announce a new pre-school program! As
for three weeks in a row (unexcused) may not sit in class. They will a two hour program, 3-5 year olds will learn Bible, music, letters,
be required to sit with their parent and not participate. character, practical skills, and so much more.

Junior high/High school students will be graded on their Many people have donated books, curriculum, and other
homework completion. See #7 under the Discipline Guide. resources to Aletheia. Currently the Aletheia Library is housed at
Peninsula Bible Church and is open to any family in Aletheia. Please
Parents, as the primary educator of their children, can see one of our directors about accessing it or helping to make it
decide if any class is too challenging or their child is taking too many more accessible to families.
classes and can opt out of any class except Bible. Another option
is for a junior high or high school student to audit a class. For this
they can attend and participate in class without having to do the
required homework. They will not receive a grade for the class.
Please speak to the individual instructor for questions.
One final word:

Psalm 115:1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name
give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness!

Gods glory and purposes must be the beginning, middle,

and end of all we do. We only desire to exist for the purposes of
extending His kingdom and proclaiming His gospel: Believe on the
Lord Jesus and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31) Please pray for the
ministry of Aletheia that Christ be magnified as the blessed and
only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords! (I Timothy 6:15)

Reasons to NOT join Aletheia:

Wondering if Aletheia is right for your family? 5 reasons it might

NOT be right for you:

1. I dont want my children to be taught the Bible or any

Christian doctrine.
2. I work and cannot attend Aletheia.
3. Im not sure my children can complete the homework or be
willing to do so.
4. I dont agree with structured, challenging, systematic
education. I prefer more relaxed, child-directed learning.
5. I dont want my children to be under any authority except
their parents.

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