Steel Vessels 2000: P 1 General Provisions
Steel Vessels 2000: P 1 General Provisions
Steel Vessels 2000: P 1 General Provisions
Steel Vessels
General Provisions
Copyright 1999
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA
ourM I S S I O N
The mission of the American Bureau of
Shipping is to serve the public interest as
well as the needs of our clients by promoting
the security of life, property and the natural
environment primarily through the
development and verification of standards
for the design, construction and operational
maintenance of marine-related facilities.
General Provisions
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification ............................................................ 3
1 Process .................................................................... 5
3 Certificates and Reports........................................... 5
5 Representations as to Classification ........................ 6
7 Scope of Classification............................................. 6
SECTION 2 Suspension and Cancellation of Classification ..... 7
1 Termination of Classification .................................... 9
3 Notice of Surveys ..................................................... 9
5 Special Notations ..................................................... 9
7 Suspension of Class ................................................ 9
9 Lifting of Suspension.............................................. 10
11 Cancellation of Class ............................................. 11
13 Alternative Procedures, Certain Types of Vessels 11
SECTION 3 Classification Symbols .......................................... 13
1 Unrestricted Service ............................................... 15
3 Special Rules ......................................................... 15
5 Special Purpose Vessels ....................................... 15
7 Geographical Limitations........................................ 15
9 Vessels Not Built under Survey.............................. 16
11 Equipment Symbol ................................................. 16
13 AMS Symbols...................................................... 16
15 AMS Symbols......................................................... 16
17 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems ............ 16
19 Dynamic Loading Approach ................................... 16
21 SafeHull Criteria ..................................................... 16
23 Ice Class................................................................. 17
25 PORT Notation ....................................................... 17
SECTION 4 Rules for Classification ......................................... 19
1 Application of Rules ............................................... 21
3 Alternatives............................................................. 21
5 Novel Features ....................................................... 21
7 Effective Date of Rule Change............................... 22
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification
1 Process .................................................................................... 5
3 Certificates and Reports ......................................................... 5
5 Representations as to Classification ..................................... 6
7 Scope of Classification ........................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification 1 - 1 - 1
3.3 1-1-1/3.3
The Bureau will release information from reports and certificates to the Port State to assist in rectifi-
cation of deficiencies during port state control intervention. Such information includes text of condi-
tions of classification, survey due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owner will be advised of
any request and /or release of information.
3.5 1-1-1/3.5
The Bureau will release certain information to the vessels hull underwriters and P&I clubs for un-
derwriting purposes. Such information includes text of overdue conditions of classification, survey
due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owners will be advised of any request and/or release of
In the case of overdue conditions of classification, the owners will be given the opportunity to verify
the accuracy of the information prior to release.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Termination of Classification.................................................. 9
3 Notice of Surveys .................................................................... 9
5 Special Notations .................................................................... 9
7 Suspension of Class ............................................................... 9
9 Lifting of Suspension............................................................ 10
11 Cancellation of Class ............................................................ 11
13 Alternative Procedures for Certain Types of Vessels ......... 11
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
7.3 1-1-2/7.3
Class will be suspended and the Certificate of Classification will become invalid in any of the fol-
lowing circumstances:
i) if recommendations issued by the Surveyor are not carried out by their due dates and no ex-
tension has been granted,
ii) if Continuous Survey items which are due or overdue at the time of Annual Survey are not
completed and no extension has been granted,
iii) if the periodical surveys required for maintenance of class, other than Annual, Intermediate or
Special Surveys, are not carried out by the due date and no Rule allowed extension has been
granted, or
iv) if any damage, failure, deterioration, or repair has not been completed as recommended.
7.5 1-1-2/7.5
Class may be suspended, in which case the Certificate of Classification will become invalid, if pro-
posed repairs as referred to in 7-2-1/1 have not been submitted to the Bureau and agreed upon prior to
7.7 1-1-2/7.7
Class is automatically suspended and the Certificate of Classification is invalid in any of the following
i) if the Annual Survey is not completed by the date which is three (3) months after the due date,
ii) if the Intermediate Survey is not completed by the date which is three (3) months after the due
date of the third Annual Survey of the five (5) year periodic survey cycle, or
iii) if the Special Survey is not completed by the due date, unless the vessel is under attendance
for completion prior to resuming trading. Under exceptional circumstances, consideration
may be given for an extension of the Special Survey,
provided the vessel is attended and the attending Surveyor so recommends; such an extension
shall not exceed three (3) months, or
if the vessel is at sea on the Special Survey due date, and there is documented agreement to an
extension prior to the due date, positive arrangements have been made for a Surveyor to at-
tend the vessel at the first port of call, and the Bureau is satisfied there is technical justifica-
tion for an extension; such an extension shall be granted only until arrival at the first port of
call after the due date.
9.3 1-1-2/9.3
Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue recommendations, upon satisfactory completion
of the overdue recommendation.
9.5 1-1-2/9.5
Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue continuous survey items, upon satisfactory com-
pletion of the overdue items.
11.1 1-1-2/11.1
If the circumstances leading to suspension of class are not corrected within the time specified, the ves-
sels class will be canceled.
11.3 1-1-2/11.3
A vessels class is canceled immediately when a vessel proceeds to sea without having completed
recommendations which were required to be dealt with before leaving port.
11.5 1-1-2/11.5
When class has been suspended for a period of three (3) months due to overdue Annual, Intermediate,
Special, or other periodical surveys required for maintenance of class; overdue Continuous Survey
items; or overdue outstanding recommendations, class will be canceled. A longer suspension period
may be granted for vessels which are either laid up, awaiting disposition of a casualty, or under atten-
dance for reinstatement.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Unrestricted Service.............................................................. 15
3 Special Rules ......................................................................... 15
5 Special Purpose Vessels ...................................................... 15
7 Geographical Limitations...................................................... 15
9 Vessels Not Built under Survey............................................ 16
11 Equipment Symbol ................................................................ 16
13 AMS Symbols ..................................................................... 16
15 AMS Symbols ........................................................................ 16
17 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems ......................... 16
19 Dynamic Loading Approach ................................................. 16
21 SafeHull Criteria .................................................................... 16
23 Ice Class................................................................................. 17
25 PORT Notation....................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Application of Rules.............................................................. 21
3 Alternatives ........................................................................... 21
3.1 General .................................................................................. 21
3.3 National Regulations ............................................................. 21
3.5 Other Rules ........................................................................... 21
5 Novel Features ...................................................................... 21
7 Effective Date of Rule Change.............................................. 22
7.1 Six Month Rule ...................................................................... 22
7.3 Implementation of Rule Changes .......................................... 22
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
3 Alternatives 1-1-4/3
Vessels which contain novel features of design in respect of the hull, machinery, or equipment to
which the provisions of the Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the
Committee, on the basis that the Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special
consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 General 1-1-5/1
While the Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of Owners,
designers, and builders is directed to the regulations of international, governmental, canal, and other
authorities dealing with those requirements in addition to or over and above the classification re-
Where authorized by the Administration of a country signatory thereto and upon request of the Own-
ers of a classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey a new or existing vessel
for compliance with the provisions of International Conventions and Codes including the following,
and certify thereto in the manner prescribed in the Convention or Code.
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, as amended.
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk.
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in
Where authorized by a government agency and upon request of the owners of a classed vessel or one
intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey and certify a new or existing vessel for compliance
with particular regulations of that government on their behalf.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) conducts audits of processes fol-
lowed by all its member societies to assess the degree of compliance with the IACS Quality System
Certification Scheme requirements. For this purpose, auditors from IACS may accompany ABS per-
sonnel at any stage of the classification or statutory work which may necessitate the auditors having
access to the vessel or access to the premises of the manufacturer or shipbuilder.
In such instances, prior authorization for the auditors access will be sought by the local ABS office.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Hull Plans............................................................................... 29
3 Machinery Plans ................................................................... 30
5 Additional Plans .................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the submis-
sion, one copy for the use of the Surveyor where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be retained
in the ABS Technical office for record. Additional copies may be required where the required atten-
dance of the Surveyor is anticipated at more than one location.
Plans showing the boiler, main propulsion engine, reduction gear, shafting and thrust bearing founda-
tions (see 3-2-12/1), including holding-down bolts; also machinery general arrangement, installation
and equipment plans as referenced in Part 4 and 5 of the Rules, are to be submitted and approved be-
fore proceeding with the work.
Where certification under 1-1-5/3 or 1-1-5/5 is requested, submission of additional plans and calcula-
tions may be required.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Damage, Failure and Repair ................................................. 33
1.1 Examination and Repair ......................................................... 33
1.3 Repairs ................................................................................... 33
1.5 Representation ....................................................................... 33
3 Notification and Availability for Survey ............................... 34
5 Attendance at Port State Request ........................................ 34
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
Damage, failure, deterioration or repair to hull, machinery or equipment, which affects or may affect
classification, is to be submitted by the Owners or their representatives for examination by a Surveyor
at first opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to be carried out to the Surveyors
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 9 Fees 1 - 1 - 9
Fees in accordance with normal ABS practice will be charged for all services rendered by the Bureau.
Expenses incurred by the Bureau in connection with these services will be charged in addition to the
fees. Fees and expenses will be billed to the party requesting that particular service.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 10 Disagreement 1 - 1 - 1 0
1 Rules 1-1-10/1
Any disagreement regarding either the proper interpretation of the Rules, or translation of the Rules
from the English language edition, is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution.
3 Surveyors 1-1-10/3
In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders and the Surveyors regarding the material,
workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of the Rules relating to any vessel classed or proposed
to be classed by this Bureau, an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who will order a
special survey to be held. Should the opinion of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special
survey is to be paid by the party appealing.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
The combined liability of American Bureau of Shipping, its committees, officers, employees, agents
or subcontractors for any loss, claim, or damage arising from its negligent performance or nonper-
formance of any of its services or from breach of any implied or express warranty of workmanlike
performance in connection with those services, or from any other reason, to any person, corporation,
partnership, business entity, sovereign, country or nation, will be limited to the greater of a) $100,000
or b) an amount equal to ten times the sum actually paid for the services alleged to be deficient.
The limitation of liability may be increased up to an amount twenty-five times that sum paid for serv-
ices upon receipt of Clients written request at or before the time of performance of services and upon
payment by Client of an additional fee of $10.00 for every $1,000.00 increase in the limitation.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
forward of center
of ring
Freeboard to be These measurements
measured from to be taken from
center of ring to 75 mm center of ring to
top of the deck line
F top of each line
115 mm
Upper edge of horizontal
line to pass through the
center of ring WNA
300 mm
The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined
in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch,
chisel cut or bead of weld.
AB American Bureau of Shipping
TF Tropical Fresh Water Allowance
F Fresh Water Allowance
T Load Line in Tropical Zones
21 in.
forward of center
of ring
Freeboard to be These measurements
measured from to be taken from
center of ring to 3 in. center of ring to
top of the deck line
F top of each line
4 in.
Upper edge of horizontal
line to pass through the
center of ring WNA
12 in.
The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined
in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch,
chisel cut or bead of weld.