Part 1 Steel Vessel - Conditions of Classification
Part 1 Steel Vessel - Conditions of Classification
Part 1 Steel Vessel - Conditions of Classification
Copyright 2000
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA
Conditions of Classification
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification .................. 1
Section 1 Classification...................................................... 3
Section 2 Suspension and Cancellation of
Classification...................................................... 7
Section 3 Classification Symbols..................................... 13
Section 4 Rules for Classification .................................... 19
Section 5 Other Regulations............................................ 23
Section 6 IACS Audit ....................................................... 25
Section 7 Submission of Plans ........................................ 27
Section 8 Conditions for Surveys After Construction....... 31
Section 9 Fees ................................................................. 35
Section 10 Disagreement .................................................. 37
Section 11 Limitation of Liability ........................................ 39
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification............................................................. 3
1 Process .................................................................... 5
3 Certificates and Reports........................................... 5
5 Representations as to Classification ........................ 6
7 Scope of Classification............................................. 6
SECTION 2 Suspension and Cancellation of Classification ...... 7
1 General..................................................................... 9
3 Notice of Surveys ..................................................... 9
5 Special Notations ..................................................... 9
7 Suspension of Class ................................................ 9
9 Lifting of Suspension.............................................. 11
11 Cancellation of Class ............................................. 11
13 Alternative Procedures for Certain Types of
Vessels................................................................... 11
SECTION 3 Classification Symbols and Notations .................. 13
1 Unrestricted Service ............................................... 15
3 Special Rules ......................................................... 15
5 Special Purpose Vessels ....................................... 15
7 Geographical Limitations........................................ 16
9 Vessels Not Built Under Survey ............................. 16
11 Equipment Symbol ................................................. 16
13 À AMS Symbols ..................................................... 16
15 AMS Symbols......................................................... 16
17 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems ............ 16
19 Dynamic Loading Approach ................................... 17
21 SafeHull Criteria ..................................................... 17
23 Ice Class................................................................. 17
25 PORT Notation ....................................................... 17
SECTION 4 Rules for Classification .......................................... 19
1 Application of Rules ............................................... 21
3 Alternatives............................................................. 21
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification
1 Process .................................................................................... 5
3 Certificates and Reports ......................................................... 5
5 Representations as to Classification ..................................... 6
7 Scope of Classification ........................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 1 Classification 1 - 1 - 1
3.3 1-1-1/3.3
The Bureau will release information from reports and certificates to the Port State to assist in
rectification of deficiencies during port state control intervention. Such information includes text of
conditions of classification, survey due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owner will be
advised of any request and /or release of information.
3.5 1-1-1/3.5
The Bureau will release certain information to the vessel’s hull underwriters and P&I clubs for
underwriting purposes. Such information includes text of overdue conditions of classification, survey
due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owners will be advised of any request and/or release of
In the case of overdue conditions of classification, the owners will be given the opportunity to verify
the accuracy of the information prior to release.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Termination of Classification.................................................. 9
3 Notice of Surveys .................................................................... 9
5 Special Notations .................................................................... 9
7 Suspension of Class ............................................................... 9
9 Lifting of Suspension............................................................ 11
11 Cancellation of Class ............................................................ 11
13 Alternative Procedures for Certain Types of Vessels ......... 11
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 General 1-1-2/1
The continuance of the Classification of any vessel is conditional upon the Rule requirements for
periodical, damage and other surveys being duly carried out. The Committee reserves the right to
reconsider, withhold, suspend, or cancel the class of any vessel or any part of the machinery for
noncompliance with the Rules, for defects reported by the Surveyors which have not been rectified in
accordance with their recommendations, or for nonpayment of fees which are due on account of
Classification, Statutory or Cargo Gear Surveys. Suspension or cancellation of class may take effect
immediately or after a specified period of time.
7.3 1-1-2/7.3
Class will be suspended and the Certificate of Classification will become invalid in any of the
following circumstances:
i) if recommendations issued by the Surveyor are not carried out by their due dates and no
extension has been granted,
ii) if Continuous Survey items which are due or overdue at the time of Annual Survey are not
completed and no extension has been granted,
iii) if the other surveys required for maintenance of class, other than Annual, Intermediate or
Special Surveys, are not carried out by the due date and no Rule allowed extension has been
granted, or
iv) if any damage, failure, deterioration, or repair has not been completed as recommended.
7.5 1-1-2/7.5
Class may be suspended, in which case the Certificate of Classification will become invalid, if
proposed repairs as referred to in 7-2-1/7 have not been submitted to the Bureau and agreed upon
prior to commencement.
7.7 1-1-2/7.7
Class is automatically suspended and the Certificate of Classification is invalid in any of the following
i) if the Annual Survey is not completed by the date which is three (3) months after the due date,
ii) if the Intermediate Survey is not completed by the date which is three (3) months after the due
date of the third Annual Survey of the five (5) year periodic survey cycle, or
iii) if the Special Survey is not completed by the due date, unless the vessel is under attendance
for completion prior to resuming trading. Under exceptional circumstances, consideration
may be given for an extension of the Special Survey,
provided the vessel is attended and the attending Surveyor so recommends; such an extension
shall not exceed three (3) months, or
if the vessel is at sea on the Special Survey due date, and there is documented agreement to an
extension prior to the due date, positive arrangements have been made for a Surveyor to
attend the vessel at the first port of call, and the Bureau is satisfied there is technical
justification for an extension; such an extension shall be granted only until arrival at the first
port of call after the due date.
7.9 1-1-2/7.9
If due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Owner’s or the Bureau’s control (limited to such cases
as damage to the vessel, unforeseen inability of the Bureau to attend the vessel due to the
governmental restrictions on right of access or movement of personnel, unforeseeable delays in port
or inability to discharge cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather, strikes, civil strife,
acts of war, or other cases of force majeure) the ship is not in a port where the overdue surveys can be
completed at the expiry of the periods allowed above, the Bureau may allow the vessel to sail, in
class, directly to an agreed discharge port and, if necessary, hence, in ballast, to an agreed port at
which the survey will be completed, provided:
i) the overdue surveys are carried out to the extent practicable at the first port of call; and
ii) the Bureau is satisfied that the vessel is fit to sail and that the Owner is acting in good faith.
If class has already been automatically suspended in such cases, it may be reinstated subject to the
conditions presented in this paragraph.
9.3 1-1-2/9.3
Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue recommendations, upon satisfactory completion
of the overdue recommendation.
9.5 1-1-2/9.5
Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue continuous survey items, upon satisfactory
completion of the overdue items.
11.1 1-1-2/11.1
If the circumstances leading to suspension of class are not corrected within the time specified, the
vessel’s class will be canceled.
11.3 1-1-2/11.3
A vessel’s class is canceled immediately when a vessel proceeds to sea without having completed
recommendations which were required to be dealt with before leaving port.
11.5 1-1-2/11.5
When class has been suspended for a period of three (3) months due to overdue Annual, Intermediate,
Special, or other surveys required for maintenance of class; overdue Continuous Survey items; or
overdue outstanding recommendations, class will be canceled. A longer suspension period may be
granted for vessels which are either laid up, awaiting disposition of a casualty, or under attendance for
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Unrestricted Service.............................................................. 15
3 Special Rules ......................................................................... 15
5 Special Purpose Vessels ...................................................... 15
7 Geographical Limitations...................................................... 16
9 Vessels Not Built Under Survey ........................................... 16
11 Equipment Symbol ................................................................ 16
13 À AMS Symbols ..................................................................... 16
15 AMS Symbols ........................................................................ 16
17 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems ......................... 16
19 Dynamic Loading Approach ................................................. 17
21 SafeHull Criteria .................................................................... 17
23 Ice Class................................................................................. 17
25 PORT Notation....................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
Note: A listing of Classification Symbols and Notations available to the Owners of vessels, offshore
drilling and production units and other marine structures and systems is provided in Appendix 1-1-A2.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Application of Rules.............................................................. 21
3 Alternatives............................................................................ 21
3.1 General................................................................................... 21
3.3 National Regulations .............................................................. 21
3.5 Other Rules ............................................................................ 21
3.7 ABS Type Approval Program ................................................. 22
5 Novel Features....................................................................... 22
7 Effective Date of Rule Change.............................................. 22
7.1 Effective Date ......................................................................... 22
7.3 Implementation of Rule Changes ........................................... 22
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
3 Alternatives 1-1-4/3
Vessels which contain novel features of design in respect of the hull, machinery, or equipment to
which the provisions of the Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the
Committee, on the basis that the Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special
consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 General 1-1-5/1
While the Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of Owners,
designers, and builders is directed to the regulations of international, governmental, canal, and other
authorities dealing with those requirements in addition to or over and above the classification
Where authorized by the Administration of a country signatory thereto and upon request of the
Owners of a classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey a new or existing
vessel for compliance with the provisions of International Conventions and Codes including the
following, and certify thereto in the manner prescribed in the Convention or Code.
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, as amended.
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk.
Where authorized by a government agency and upon request of the owners of a classed vessel or one
intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey and certify a new or existing vessel for compliance
with particular regulations of that government on their behalf.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Hull Plans............................................................................... 29
3 Machinery Plans .................................................................... 30
5 Additional Plans .................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the
submission, one copy for the use of the Surveyor where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be
retained in the ABS Technical office for record. Additional copies may be required where the required
attendance of the Surveyor is anticipated at more than one location.
Plans showing the boiler, main propulsion engine, reduction gear, shafting and thrust bearing
foundations (see 3-2-12/1), including holding-down bolts; also machinery general arrangement,
installation and equipment plans as referenced in Parts 4 and 5 of the Rules, are to be submitted and
approved before proceeding with the work.
Where certification under 1-1-5/3 or 1-1-5/5 is requested, submission of additional plans and
calculations may be required.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 Damage, Failure and Repair ................................................. 33
1.1 Examination and Repair ......................................................... 33
1.3 Repairs ................................................................................... 33
1.5 Representation ....................................................................... 33
3 Notification and Availability for Survey ............................... 34
5 Attendance at Port State Request ........................................ 34
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
Damage, failure, deterioration or repair to hull, machinery or equipment, which affects or may affect
classification, is to be submitted by the Owners or their representatives for examination by a Surveyor
at first opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to be carried out to the Surveyor’s
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 9 Fees 1 - 1 - 9
Fees in accordance with normal ABS practice will be charged for all services rendered by the Bureau.
Expenses incurred by the Bureau in connection with these services will be charged in addition to the
fees. Fees and expenses will be billed to the party requesting that particular service.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
SECTION 10 Disagreement 1 - 1 - 1 0
1 Rules 1-1-10/1
Any disagreement regarding either the proper interpretation of the Rules, or translation of the Rules
from the English language edition, is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution.
3 Surveyors 1-1-10/3
In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders and the Surveyors regarding the material,
workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of the Rules relating to any vessel classed or proposed
to be classed by this Bureau, an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who will order a
special survey to be held. Should the opinion of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special
survey is to be paid by the party appealing.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
The combined liability of American Bureau of Shipping, its committees, officers, employees, agents
or subcontractors for any loss, claim, or damage arising from its negligent performance or
nonperformance of any of its services or from breach of any implied or express warranty of
workmanlike performance in connection with those services, or from any other reason, to any person,
corporation, partnership, business entity, sovereign, country or nation, will be limited to the greater of
a) $100,000 or b) an amount equal to ten times the sum actually paid for the services alleged to be
The limitation of liability may be increased up to an amount twenty-five times that sum paid for
services upon receipt of Client’s written request at or before the time of performance of services and
upon payment by Client of an additional fee of $10.00 for every $1,000.00 increase in the limitation.
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
forward of center
of ring
Freeboard to be These measurements
measured from to be taken from
center of ring to 75 mm center of ring to
top of the deck line
F top of each line
115 mm
Upper edge of horizontal
line to pass through the
center of ring WNA
300 mm
The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined
in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch,
chisel cut or bead of weld.
AB American Bureau of Shipping
TF Tropical Fresh Water Allowance
F Fresh Water Allowance
T Load Line in Tropical Zones
21 in.
forward of center
of ring
Freeboard to be These measurements
measured from to be taken from
center of ring to 3 in. center of ring to
top of the deck line
F top of each line
4 ½ in.
Upper edge of horizontal
line to pass through the
center of ring WNA
12 in.
The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined
in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch,
chisel cut or bead of weld.
AB American Bureau of Shipping
TF Tropical Fresh Water Allowance
F Fresh Water Allowance
T Load Line in Tropical Zones
S Summer Load Line
W Winter Load Line
WNA Winter North Atlantic Load Line
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
For example, a vessel designed in accordance with SafeHull criteria for the carriage of cargo
containers in the Gulf of Mexico, having a propulsion system with shipboard automation and hull
condition monitoring systems aboard, will be classed as follows:
Principal Elements
This Maltese Cross construction symbol will be assigned to vessels for
which hull construction and/or manufacture of its machinery and
À components are carried out under ABS survey. For a vessel, constructed SVR 1-1-3/1
under survey of another recognized Classification Society or Authority, the
symbol À will be omitted from the classification.
This symbol indicates compliance with the Hull requirements of the ABS
Rules or their equivalent, for unrestricted ocean service. The symbol A1
may be followed by appropriate vessel type notation such as Oil Carrier,
A1 SVR 1-1-3/3
Bulk Carrier, Fuel Oil Carrier, Ore Carrier, Passenger Vessel,
Vehicle Carrier, Container Carrier, Towing Vessel, Refrigerated
Cargo Carrier, Liquefied Gas Carrier.
This notation for High Holding Power anchors is assigned for specially
HHP designed anchor for which proven holding power is not less than two times HSC 3/22.11.2
of an ordinary stockless anchor.
This notation for Super High Holding Power anchors is assigned for
SHHP specially designed anchor for which proven holding power is not less than HSC 3/22.11.3
four times of an ordinary stockless anchor.
This symbol signifies that the anchor, chains or wire rope specified by the 1/1.3.6 of the
Owner satisfy the MODU Rules for position mooring. It is applicable to Rules for Building
 ship type displacement hull designed for offshore operation as well as to and Classing
multiple hull design. The symbol  is placed after the classification Mobile Offshore
notation À A1. Drilling Units
1/1.3.6 of the
This symbol signifies that that the anchor, chains or wire rope satisfy the
Rules for Building
MODU Rules for position mooring. It is applicable to ship type
à and Classing
displacement hull designed for offshore operation as well as to multiple
Mobile Offshore
hull design. The symbol à is placed after the classification notation À A1
Drilling Units
Vessel Type
This notation is to be assigned to vessels designed for the carriage of
dry bulk cargoes and built to the requirements of Part 5, Chapter 3 or 4.
In addition, the special comment(s) will be published in the column 5 of
the Record in order to reflect specific design features. (e.g. special
Bulk Carrier SVR 5-3-1/1.1
comment 5, “Strengthened for the carriage of heavy cargoes” or 7,
“Strengthen for the carriage of heavy cargoes – certain holds may be
empty” for the reinforcement for carriage of heavy-density cargoes,
special loading arrangement, or both)
This notation is to be assigned to vessels designed and specifically fitted SVR 5-10-1/1.1.2
Passenger Vessel
for the carriage of passengers. [more than twelve (12) passengers] & 5-7-1/1.1
HSC Ro-Ro This notation is assigned to HSC Ro-Ro vessels complying with HSC
Passenger Craft Guide and IMO HSC Code for category (B) passenger craft. HSC 1-1-3/3
(B) (Refer to IMO HSC Code 1.4.11)
Fire Fighting Defined as above but are provided with four (4) foam monitors, capable SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel Class 3 of discharging 2400 m3/hour, plus foam generators. 5/9.1
Fire Fighting
SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel Class 1 Defined as above (provided with water and foam).
and Class 2
Fire Fighting
SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel Class 1 Defined as above (provided with water and foam).
and Class 3
This notation is to be assigned to vessels built in accordance with the SVR (L < 90m)
Fishing Vessel
Rules and approved by Committee for unrestricted service 5/15.1.1
1.11.2 of the
This notation is assigned to barges built in accordance with the Rules Rules for Building
and intended to carry variety of cargoes as stated by the Rules. and Classing Steel
1/3.1.3 of the
This notation is assigned to a steel barge carried aboard a vessel that has Rules for Building
LASH Barge
no loadline certificate. and Classing Steel
Offshore Support This notation is to be assigned vessels designed for support service to SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel offshore installations and built to the requirements of Section 5/10. 5/10.1
Offshore Support This notation is to be assigned to offshore supporting vessels having SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel, AH functional equipment for Anchor Handling. 5/10.1.
Offshore Support This notation is to be assigned to offshore supporting vessels having SVR (L < 90m)
Vessel, WS functional equipment for Well Stimulation. 5/10.1.1
3/1.3.1 of the
This notation is assigned to units having a hull with sufficient buoyancy
Rules for Building
Self Elevating to transport the unit to the desired location, to raise the hull to a pre-
and Classing
Drilling Unit determined elevation above the sea surface with its legs supported at the
Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units
3/1.3.2 of the
This notation is assigned to units that depend upon the buoyancy of Rules for Building
columns for floatation and stability for all afloat modes of operation or and Classing
Drilling Unit
raising and lowering the unit. Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units
1/1.3(c) of the
Rules for Building
Surface Type This notation is to be assigned to ship type, displacement hull offshore
and Classing
Drilling Unit drilling units equipped with propulsion machinery.
Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units
1/1.3.1 of the
The notation is assigned to a system which permits a vessel to
Rules for Rules
Single Point weathervane while the vessel is moored to a fixed or floating structure
for Building and
Mooring anchored to the sea bed by a rigid or an articulated structural system or
Classing Single
by catenary spread mooring.
Point Moorings
1-3/1 of the Guide
Floating This notation is assigned to cover the hull structure of ship type
for Building and
Production, displacement hull designed, (and other hull configurations), equipment,
Classing Floating
Storage and and the marine machinery, position mooring system, and production
Offloading facility.
Geographical Limitations
Limited Area
(as an example)
This notation for service limitations is to be assigned to vessels, which
have been built to the satisfaction of Surveyors to the Bureau to special SVR 1-1-3/7,
(Indicate specific modified requirements for restricted service, which approved by the SVR(L<90m)
operational area) ABS Classification Committee for the particular service. (e.g. Gulf of 1/1.3.4 &
Mexico, Philippine Inter-Island Service, Coastal Service Less HSC 1-1-3/7.1
than 25 Miles, etc.)
Intended for
This notation is assigned to vessels built to SVR (L < 90 m), and limited SVR (L < 90m)
Service in
to domestic service waters. 5/A.1
Domestic Waters
Systems and Special Services
SVR 1-1-3/13
This notation is assigned to machinery and boilers constructed and SVR (L<90m)
installed to ABS Rules requirements. 1/1.3.7
HSC 1-1-3/13
SVR 1-1-3/15
This notation is assigned to machinery and boilers that have not been
SVR (L<90m)
AMS constructed and installed under survey by the Bureau, but found
satisfactory with ABS Rules requirements.
HSC 1-1-3/15
This notation (Navigational Integrated Bridge System) is assigned to A3.3 of the Guide
vessels which are fitted with an integrated bridges systems (IBS) for the for Navigational
NIBS navigational purpose, and are found to comply with the requirements in Bridge Design
Parts A through D of the Guide, and which has been constructed and and Equipment -
installed under survey by the Bureau. Systems
Ice Class A0, B0 These ice class notations are assigned to self-propelled vessels to
SVR 6-1-1/3.1
C0 & D0 indicate suitability of operation in first-year ice.
(Ice Class A0, B0 (These ice-strengthening notations may also be assigned to barges
SVR 6-1-1/33
C0 & D0) designed for being towed and/or pushed in broken ice.)
These are the Baltic ice strengthening notation and assigned to vessels
Ice Strengthening
designed to Finish-Swedish Ice Class Rules and are I AA, I A, I B and SVR 6-1-2/3.1
I AA, I A, I B, & I C
I C.
§5 of the Guide
This is an optional notation assigned to a vessel fitted with multiple
R1 for Propulsion
propulsion machines but only a single propulsor and steering system.
§5 of the Guide
This is an optional notation assigned to a vessel fitted with multiple
R2 for Propulsion
propulsion machines and also multiple propulsors and steering system.
+ This notation signifies that the redundant propulsion is capable of §5 of the Guide
affixed to
maintaining position under adverse weather conditions to avoid for Propulsion
R1, R2, R1-S &
uncontrolled drift. Redundancy
This notation is assigned to vessels designed for the carriage of
(Refrigerated SVR 6-2-1/7.1.1
refrigerated cargoes.
Cargo Carrier)
RC(Hold No…)
(Refrigerated This notation is assigned to vessels where some holds are provided with
SVR 6-2-1/7.1.2
Cargo Carrier – the facility to carry refrigerated cargoes.
Some Holds Only)
GR A - (N) This notation is assigned to safety standby vessels, indicating the class
SVR (L < 90m)
GR B - (N) designation together with the number of survivors (N), the vessel has
GR C - (N) been certified to accommodate.
Side Trawl This notation is assigned to fishing vessels, describing the vessel as SVR (L < 90m)
Stern Trawl applicable. 4/15.114
1-3/5.1 of the
This notation is assigned to a floating installation system that has a
Guide for
propulsion system and a means of disengaging the vessel from its
Building and
(Disconnectable) mooring and riser systems to allow the vessel to ride out severe weather
Classing Floating
or seek refuge under its own power for a specified design environmental
Design Criteria
This notation, SafeHull, is assigned to Oil Carriers, Bulk Carriers and
Container vessels designed to Part 5 Chapters 1, 3 and 5. The SH
Notation applies to Container Vessels over 130 m and Bulk Carriers &
Oil Carriers over 150 m in length. The requirements of these
portions of the Rules are collectively referred to as the SafeHull
Criteria. Although these Rules contain a simplified approach to
dynamic-based engineering evaluations, the ABS SafeHull
computer software system has been developed to perform the SVR 1-1-3/21,
required calculations in the SafeHull Criteria. The SafeHull SVR 5-1-1/1.1,
software system is available through ABS plan approval offices. SVR 5-3-1/1.1,
SVR 5-5-1/1.1 &
The SafeHull Criteria is further broken down to two distinct parts 1-3/5.9 of the
as follows, both parts are to be applied in order to receive the SH Guide for
notation. Building and
Classing Floating
Section 4 (Phase A): Specifies the initial minimum strength Production
requirements for hull structure with Installations
respect to the determination of initial
Section 5 (Phase B): Assesses the adequacy of the structural
configuration and the initial scantlings
determined in Section 4 using finite
element method (FEM) analysis.
This notation is assigned to vessels, where Spectral Fatigue Analysis is 1-3/5.11 of the
performed in accordance with the criteria established by Guide and the Guide for
ABS Spectral Fatigue Procedure for Ship-shaped FPSOs. The notation Building and
SFA will be followed by the design project fatigue life in years, i.e., Classing Floating
SFA(N), if the design project life is greater than the minimum required Production
20 years. Installation
This notation is assigned to bulk carriers in which the inner-bottom has SVR
been designed for a specific grab weight. 5-3-4/7.3.2(b)
This notation, Special Annual Survey, is assigned to vessels designed on
a unique experimental basis and may have lesser scantlings than Column 8 of
required by the current ABS Rules/Guides (e.g. very lightweight high- “Explanation of
SAS speed craft). All the requirements of Special Periodical Survey of Hull, certain entries in
except the tank testing, are required each year for the first three years of the Record” in the
each cycle. At the 4th year, a complete Special Survey is required. Record Book.
(Contact ABS office for further details of application)
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 General................................................................................... 61
3 Limitations ............................................................................. 62
5 Administration ....................................................................... 62
5.1 Product Design Assessment .................................................. 62
5.3 Product Quality Assurance Assessment ................................ 62
5.5 Product Quality Assurance Certification................................. 63
5.7 Certificates.............................................................................. 63
5.9 Suspension of Certification..................................................... 64
CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of
1 General 1-1-A3/1
The Type Approval Program is made up of two components, which are Product Design Assessment
and Product Quality Assurance Assessment:
Product Design Assessment; which is approval of the product design, consists of:
i) Design evaluation, and
ii) Survey and/or testing of a prototype or a production unit (as appropriate)
Product Quality Assurance Assessment; which is approval of the manufacturer, consists of:
i) Evaluating the quality system of the manufacturing facilities in order to assess their capability
to meet the manufacturer’s specified level of product quality consistently, and satisfy the
requirements of the Rules as applicable.
ii) Evaluating the manufacturing process of the manufacturer in order to assess that products and
inspections are established to provide the manufacturer’s specified level of quality control,
and to satisfy the requirements of the Rules.
The Product Design Assessment portion of the Type Approval Program may be applied individually
or in conjunction with the Product Quality Assurance Assessment portion of the program. The
application of the Product Quality Assurance Assessment portion can be done only in conjunction
with the Product Design Assessment.
The purposes of the Type Approval Program are threefold:
i) To avoid repeated evaluation of identical designs,
ii) To allow acceptance of the product based on periodic surveillance of the manufacturer’s
quality assurance program and, where applicable, selective inspection and tests in lieu of
surveying and testing individual units at the manufacturer’s facility, and
iii) Publishing a list of these approvals so that the information can be made available to the
3 Limitations 1-1-A3/3
The application of the Type Approval Program to a specific product is at the discretion of the Bureau.
Those products that may not be certified under the type approval program are identified in the
appropriate sections of the Rules. For reference purposes, Tables 1 through 6 of Part 4 Chapter 1
Section 1 of the Rules, contain examples of the limitations of the program for machinery and
Products for which the Rules specifically require witnessed testing by a Surveyor, as part of their
certification for use on a vessel, MODU, or facility Classed by ABS will continue to require
witnessed testing.
5 Administration 1-1-A3/5
Administration of the Type Approval Program is shown schematically in 1-1-A3/Figure 1.
assurance standard, and may involve more frequent surveillance as considered necessary by
the attending Surveyor.
Administration of the Type Approval Program
Production Production
Design Assessment Quality Assurance Assessment
1-1-A3/5 1-1-A3/5.3