Retrofitting of Existing RCC Buildings B PDF
Retrofitting of Existing RCC Buildings B PDF
Retrofitting of Existing RCC Buildings B PDF
Seismic strengthening is defined as the actions taken to upgrade the seismic resistance of an
existing building so that it becomes safe under earthquakes. This can be in the form of providing
seismic bands, eliminating source of weakness or concentrations of large mass and opening in
walls, adding shear walls or strong column points in walls, bracing roofs and floors to be able to
act as horizontal diaphragms adequately connecting roofs to walls and columns and also
connecting between walls and foundations.
Due to variety of structural condition of building, it is hard to develop typical rules for
retrofitting. Each building has different approaches depending upon the structural deficiencies.
Hence engineers are needed to prepare and design the retrofitting approaches. In the design of
retrofitting approach, the engineers must comply with the building codes. The results generated
by adopting retrofitting techniques must fulfill the minimum requirements on the building codes
such as deformation, detailing strength etc.
Before any repair work is put in hand, the cause of damage must be identified as clearly
as possible. This principle may seem self-evident but it is surprising how often it is disregarded,
with the result that further repairs have to be carried out within a short time. Sometimes the cause
is obvious as, for example, in many cases of accidental damage but, more often than not, careful
investigation is required. The next step must be to consider the objective of the repair, which will
generally be to restore or enhance one or more of the following:
Structural strength
Of these four requirements, restoration of durability is by far the most common in repair
work. One must also consider whether the repair is to be permanent or temporary. Only after
deciding on the most likely cause of damage, whether it is likely to occur, and the purpose of the
work, should the method of repair be chosen.
Grouting process
Guniting Process
2.2.1 Grouting
It is the process of placing a material into cavities in concrete for the purpose of increasing the
load bearing capacity of the structure, grouting restores the monolithic nature of the structure.
Primary grouting materials and their common uses are:
Guniting is an effective method, which has been extensively used in the rehabilitation of
structurally distressed RC members. There have been cases of heavy rusting of the mesh in the
form of powder or in the form of sheets coming out. The Guniting process suffers from
drawbacks like dust and noise nuisance.
In this method the entire height of the column section is increased and a cage of additional main
reinforcement bars with shear stirrups is provided right from the foundation as per the
requirement of additional load, etc. However, there are many instances where the column section
is increased with additional reinforcement bars only on one face, and that too starting from the
floor slab level of a particular floor and only up to the height of deterioration of the column .The
enlargement should be bonded to the existing concrete to produce a monolithic member .Cement
mortar is used for these enlargements.
The way to make this strengthening technique effective in the future is to use materials
with higher tensile strain capacity, with low shrinkage properties
External prestressing is now widely developed for concrete strengthening in the United States,
Japan &Switzerland. External prestressing techniques have been employed with great success to
correct excessive and undesirable deflections in existing structure. They have also been used to
strengthen existing concrete structures to carry additional loads
It can be used on tile inside of box girders or the outside of I girders to increase the
capacity of existing bridges and to provide improved resistance to fatigue and cracking.
In this method of strengthening steel plates or other steel elements are glued to the concrete
surface by a two component epoxy adhesive creating a three-phase concrete glue steel composite
system. The wide acceptance and at the same time attractiveness is due to negligible changes to
overall dimensions of the structure and minimum disruption to its use. At the same time,
adequate design, specification and execution of the job will ensure the necessary composite
action for the designed loading range. It was demonstrated that steel plates bonded to the tension
face of the concrete beams can lead to increase in flexural capacity, along with increase in
flexural stiffness and associated decreases in deflection and cracking.
2.2.7 Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) for Repair & Strengthening
CFRP has high strength, lightweight, excellent strength to weight ratio, resistant to chemicals
(acids and bases), good fatigue strength, and nonmagnetic, non-corrosive and nonconductive
properties. As with any composite system, bond of the strengthening plate the existing concrete
is very critical. Therefore, the surface preparation of both phases of tile system, concrete and
CFRP plates is very important .The plates should be ground on tile bonding side, immediately
before bonding, the surface should be cleaned with acetone. After mixing the epoxy glue
component should be placed oil tile plate without delay, after assembling the plate in the design
position, a slight pressure is applied to squeeze out excessive adhesive
Jacketing is one of the most frequently & popularly used techniques to strengthen reinforced
concrete (RC) columns. With this method, axial strength, bending strength, and stiffness of the
original column are increased. It is well known that the success of this procedure is dependent on
the monolithic behavior of the composite element. To achieve this purpose, the treatment of the
interface must be carefully chosen. The common practice consists of increasing the roughness of
the interface surface and applying a bonding agent, normally an epoxy resin. Steel connectors are
also occasionally applied. These steps involve specialized workmanship, time, and cost.
Concerning the added concrete mixture and due to the reduced thickness of the jacket, the option
is usually a grout with characteristics of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and high strength
concrete (HSC).
The most common types of jackets are steel jacket, reinforced concrete jacket, fiber
reinforced polymer composite jacket, jacket with high tension materials like carbon fiber, glass
fiber etc. The main purposes of jacketing are:
The main objective of jacketing is to increase the seismic capacity of the moment resisting
framed structures. In almost every case, the columns as well .as beams of the existing structure
have been jacketed. In comparison to the jacketing of reinforced concrete columns, jacketing of
reinforced concrete beams with slabs is difficult yielding good confinement because slab causes
hindrance in the jacket. In structures with waffle slab, the increase in stiffness obtained by
jacketing columns and some of the ribs, have improved the efficiency of structures. In some
cases, foundation grids are strengthened and stiffened by jacketing their beams. An increase in
strength, stiffness and ductility or a combination of them can be obtained. Jacketing serves to
improve the lateral strength and ductility by confinement of compression concrete. It should be
noted that retrofitting of a few members with jacketing or some other enclosing techniques
might not be effective enough to improve the overall behavior of the structure, if the remaining
members are not ductile.
Minimum area of
Minimum bar diameter used for ties is not less than 10 mm or 1/3
of the diameter of the biggest longitudinal bar.
The ties should have 135-degree hooks with 10bar diameter
Local strengthening of columns has been frequently accomplished by jacketing with steel plates.
A general feature of steel jacketing is mentioned in Table 3.2
Jacketing of beams is recommended for several purposes as it gives continuity to the columns
and increases the strength and stiffness of the structure. While jacketing a beam, its flexural
resistance must be carefully computed to avoid the creation of a strong beam-weak column
system. In the retrofitted structure, there is a strong possibility of change of mode of failure and
redistribution of forces as a result of jacketing of column, which may consequently causes beam
hinging. The location of the beam critical section and the participation of the existing
reinforcement should be taken into consideration. Jacketing of beam may be carried out under
different ways, the most common are one-sided jackets or 3- and 4-sided jackets. At several
occasions, the slab has been perforated to allow the ties to go through and to enable the casting
of concrete. The beam should be jacketed through its whole length. The reinforcement has also
been added to increase beam flexural capacity moderately and to produce high joint shear
stresses. Top bars crossing the orthogonal beams are put through holes and the bottom bars have
been placed under the soffit of the existing beams, at each side of the existing column. Beam
transverse steel consists of sets of U-shaped ties fixed to the top jacket bars and of inverted U-
shaped ties placed through perforations in the slab, closely spaced ties have been placed near the
joint region where beam hinging is expected to occur (figure no. 3.3). The main features of
reinforcement details of beam jacketing are given in table 3.3 although those guidelines can give
a rational basis for practical design; research still needs to address critical aspects in the behavior
of jacketed elements. The change in behavior in jacketed elements, whose shear span/depth
ratios are significantly reduced, due to their jacketing, needs to be clarified.
Span/depth ratio
Depth of jacketed beam Storey height
Ductile behavior
In order to overcome the future disorders that may have occurred due to unwanted and no
predicted disasters it was decided to strengthen the existing Health building located in the central
part of Nasik city. This building was proposed in 1984 and accordingly was designed for B + G
+ 4 stories. The building during its life span at the end in 2008 found completely deteriorated and
was not capable to sustain further loads and was predicted that it may fail due to the following
In addition to this it may also have caused failure due to the non predicted disasters as was
caused too many buildings in the past which are listed in the next bit.
Following were the main causes of failure and damages to the buildings in Gujarat &
Maharashtra; causes to buildings same in rest part India.
Lack of knowledge, understanding or training in the use of these codes by local engineers
Unawareness that Gujarat and some part of Maharashtra is a highly seismic region
Alterations and extensions being carried out without proper regard for effects on structure
during an earthquake.
Its necessary to every civil engineer to have knowledge of proper repairs and strengthening of
earthquake damaged buildings. Indian standards exist but are not used by local engineers or
builders in urban or rural areas, mainly due to lack of knowledge and training. As a result, many
of the owner-occupiers have unknowingly been carrying out bad repairs in Gujarat. Many
buildings have been severely weakened, and the experts are concerned to that there could be
another disaster in waiting from a future earthquake. Good repairs, using well-recognized
seismic standards may reduce this vulnerability.
This project aims in simple terms to explain to the engineers why earthquakes happen in
India, which regions are seismically active, how buildings respond in an earthquake; and how to
safely carry out good repair and strengthening techniques to damaged and low strength buildings.
Fig.4.1 Some damages those were occurred after earth quake at Gujarat in non engineered R.C.C building
The inset shows large deformations were concentrated at column heads, which caused many soft
storey failures, as per picture. Buildings if designed with uniform deflections of insert would
have survived without collapse.
As its shown in above part of chapter no five, that Nasik and some part of Maharashtra is along
the border part of Gujarat, Gujarat has suffered from severe earth quake in last two decades,
nobody knows which would be the next time of future earth quake & its intensity. Like Gujarat
many constructions in Maharashtra and at Nasik are found as non engineered unsafe & quality
compromised constructions, this would be future risk for coming days. So it is necessary to carry
out the non destructive tests of all construction in Nasik and rest part of India, to save valuable
lives and properties, nowadays many advance retrofitting techniques are available in the world,
those can be used to repair & strengthen the unsafe and damaged buildings. Here the paper has
its focus on a Health building which is under execution (for re modification and strengthening of
existing structure).
A group proposed to start a hospital in Nasik in 1984. And as per the decision the detail plan
& the structural details for the same were prepared. It was proposed to construct a Basement + G
+ 4 storey structure and the designs were prepared so. The site for the hospital was near Dwarka
circle. Nasik: 11. Though it was planned to construct 6 storey in all, only 2 storey ( i. e.
Basement + G) structure was constructed in actual when structural details were for 6 storey. The
built up area for basement is 1236 And that of the ground floor is 1178 sq. mt. This group
had a smooth functioning up to 2004. Then in 2005 the administration of the hospital was
changed. New administrative body utilized the same infrastructure up to 2008. Then in 2009
was decided to extend the building as per the initial plan and structural details and for the same
had the structural audit in that respect. From the audit it was found that all the defects were at the
execution stage. The faults that were concluded were as below.
c) Improper techniques that were followed during mixing, placing & compacting the concrete.
e) Sufficient concrete cover at different stages to the steel reinforcement was not maintained.
f) The terrace slabs are provided with unwanted thickness of IPS flooring at the top.
From the NDT test results it was suggested that the management should demolish the
entire existing structure instead of extending it and go for complete new structure. The
management refused to do so and asked to suggest such a measure so that the existing
infrastructure at least can withstand and be utilized for 5 7 years more. As the final conclusion
and the requirement of the management it was decided to go for Retrofitting of the Structure.
The entire flooring at the basement to be removed & to be provided again with a raft
below it. To overcome the uplift pressure that could be generated due to the higher
ground water table it was suggested to provide a raft below the basement floor.
All the columns should be jacketed. In the existing structure it was found that the
columns were not centered properly in their position, due to which they were
subjected to unwanted eccentric loads. Also the concrete in columns, beams, slabs
was not compacted properly which created loose pockets & honey combs in the
components. Suitable cover for the reinforcement was not maintained.
To overcome the above difficulties it was decided to jacket all the columns such that the
eccentricity of loading will be reduced, the loose pockets of concrete will be capable to sustain
the load to which the column is subjected & all the steel get the required concrete covering.
The loose pockets in the concrete in the beams are also removed and recasted in M25
The unwanted heavy loading of water proofing (IPS flooring) damaged the slab to
greater extent.
Therefore, five slabs are entirely opened, strengthened with additional reinforcement and
are casted with 150 mm thick M25 grade concrete layer.
The estimated cost of retrofitting the existing structure is 4.5 crore. To meet the further
requirement of infrastructure the management now is constructing additional new building
with G + 2 storey, instead of razing the existing building.
Fig 4.6 Replaced slab reinforcement for existing rusted steel reinforcement
Fig 4.7 Application of chemical admixtures at the joint of new and old concrete
Fig 4.8 Compaction of concrete by needle vibrator and placement of cover blocks
As discussed above all works those were carried out on strengthening of the Health building at
Nasik, will definitely increases the strength of existing building, this practice would be necessary
for many buildings at Nasik and rest of India, it will save the many lives, when any natural
disasters will occur.
The analysis of results of this experimental study led to the following statements:
Thus it was also confirmed that RC jacketing is a very effective strengthening technique, leading
to values of resistance and stiffness of the strengthened column considerably higher than those of
the original column.