Doctrines Criminal Law
Doctrines Criminal Law
Doctrines Criminal Law
Presence during the hazing is prima facie Tan,94 the parents-in-law of Sharica Mari L. Go-
evidence of participation therein as a principal Tan, the victim, were held to be proper
unless he prevented the commission of the acts respondents in the case filed by the latter upon
of leading to the death of Bob. The Anti-Hazing the allegation that they and their son (Go-Tan's
Law in creating this presumption does not husband) had community of design and purpose
distinguish whether the person present is a in tormenting her by giving her insufficient
member of the fraternity or not. (R.A. No. 8049, financial support; harassing and pressuring her to
sec. 4, par. e) be ejected from the family home; and in
repeatedly abusing her verbally, emotionally,
What is the meaning of gross negligence mentally and physically.
in the context of Sec. 3 (e) of RA 3019?
ANSWER: To be held liable under said section, the MALVERSATION
act of the accused which caused undue injury It is settled that good faith is a valid
must have been done with evident bad faith or defense in the prosecution of malversation for it
gross inexcusable negligence. Gross negligence would negate criminal ntent on the part of the
has been defined as negligence characterized by accused. To constitute a crime, the act must,
the want of even slight care acting or omitting to except in certain crimes made such by statute, be
act in a situation where there is a duty to act, not accompanied by criminal intent, or by such
inadvertently but willfully and intentionally with a negligence or indifference to duty or to
conscious indifference to consequences in so far consequences as, in law, is equivalent to criminal
as other persons may be affected. It is the intent.
omission of that care which even inattentive and The maxim is actus non facit reum, nisi mens
thoughtless men never fail to take on their sit reaa crime is not committed if the mind of
property. (Alejandro v. People, 170 SCRA 400)In the person performing the act complained of is
case of public officials, there is gross negligence innocent. (TABUENA vs. SANDIGANBAYAN. G.R.
when a breach of duty is flagrant and palpable. Nos. 103501-03. February 17,1997)
Seduction & Consented Abduction Acts of endorsing of checks by way of
Virginity in qualified seduction does not require identification of the signatures of the payees
physical virginity (virgo intacta) or as the term is entitled to said checks and their proceeds
understood in medical science. The legal view is constitute the crime of estafa through falsification
that qualified seduction only requires virginity in of mercantile document by reckless imprudence
law, i.e., that the victim has no other voluntary because such endorsement constituted a written
carnal relations with another man. Likewise, representation that the payees participated in the
virginity in consented abduction is not to be indorsement and cashing of the checks, when in
understood in its material sense, as to exclude a truth and in fact the true payees had no direct
virtuous woman of good reputation, since the intervention in the proceedings. In the crime of
essence of the crime of abduction is not injury to falsification by imprudence of public or
the woman but the outrage and alarm to her ercantilezdocuments the element of intent to
family. cause damage is not required because what the
law seeks to repress is the prejudice to the public
Physical Injuries confidence in these documents. (SAMSON vs. CA,
By deformity is meant physical ugliness, et al. Nos. L-10364 and L-10376. March 31.1958)
permanent and definite abnormality. It must be
conspicuous and visible. The injury contemplated RAPE
is an injury that cannot be repaired by the action There is no such crime as frustrated rape.
of nature. The fact that the injured party may Clearly, in the crime of rape, from the moment
have artificial teeth, if he has the necessary the offender has carnal knowledge of his victim,
means and so desires, does not repair the injury, he actually attains his purpose and from that
although it may lessen the disfigurement. moment also all the essential elements of the
offense have been accomplished. Nothing more is
May the crime of illegal sale of drugs be left to be done by the offender, because he has
consummated without the exchange of the performed the last act necessary to produce the
marked money? crime. Thus, the felony is consummated. The
uniform rule is that for the consummation of rape,
Garcia vs. Drilon (2013) - perfect penetration is not essential. Any
There is likewise no merit to the penetration of the female organ by the male
contention that R.A. 9262 singles out the husband organ is sufficient. Entry of the labia or the lips of
or father as the culprit. As defined above, VAWC the female organ, without rupture of the hymen
may likewise be committed "against a woman or laceration of the vagina is sufficient to warrant
with whom the person has or had a sexual or conviction. (PEOPLE vs. QUIANOLA, G.R. No.
dating relationship." Clearly, the use of the 126148, May 5, 1999)
gender-neutral word "person" who has or had a
sexual or dating relationship with the woman Absence of injuries doe not negate the
encompasses even lesbian relationships. commission of rape. It is true that, although
Moreover, while the law provides that the complainant testified that appellant boxed her on
offender be related or connected to the victim by the stomach, the medical report did not indicate
marriage, former marriage, or a sexual or dating any abrasion, hematoma or bruise on that part of
relationship, it does not preclude the application her anatomy. This is of no consequence. Medical
of the principle of conspiracy under the Revised authorities agree that when force is applied on
Penal Code (RPC). the stomach, no marks may be detected. Injuries
may have been caused in the internal organs, but
external signs are not always visible. The absence two precedes the other, or whether they are
of injuries, however, does not negate the committed at the same time, the crime
commission of rape. (PEOPLE vs. JOYA, G.R. No. committed is the special complex crime of
79090. robbery with
October 1, 1993) homicide. It is a settled doctrine that when death
supervenes by reason or on occasion of the
It should be underscored that the robbery, it is immaterial that the occurrence of
presence or absence of spermatozoa in the death was by mere accident. What is important
vagina is not determinative of the commission of and decisive is that death results by reason or on
rape because a sperm test is not a sine qua non occasion of the robbery. The death of robbery
for the successful prosecution of a rape case. victim by accident can, however, be considered
Thus, the lack of spermatozoa in the victims as a mitigating circumstance. If the
body does not negate the crime of rape. The circumstances would indicate no intention to kill,
important element in rape is penetration of the as in the instant case where evidently, the
pudenda and not emission of seminal fluid. intention is to prevent the deceased from making
(PEOPLE vs. BONDOY, G.R. No. 79089. May 18, an outcry, and so a pandesal was stuffed into
1993) her mouth, the mitigating circumstance of not
having intended to commit so grave may be
ROBBERY appreciated. The stuffing of the pandesal in the
When robbery is committed by three (3) mouth would not have produced asphyxiation had
persons in conspiracy and not by a band, that is it not slid into the neckline, caused by the
more than three (3) armed malefactors taking victims own movements. (PEOPLE vs. OPERO,
part in the commission of the crime, only the No. L- 48796. June 11, 1981)
offender committing rape shall be liable for the
special complex crime of robbery with rape. KIDNAPPING WITH SERIOUS ILLEGAL
(PEOPLE vs. MORENO, G.R. No. 92049, March 22, DETENTION
1993) The essence of kidnapping or serious
illegal detention is the actual confinement or
It should be noted that there is no law restraint of the victim or the deprivation of his
providing that the additional rape/s or homicide/s liberty. There is no kidnapping with murder , but
should be considered as aggravating only murder where a 3-year old child was gagged,
circumstances. The enumeration of aggravating hidden in a box where it did and ransom asked.
circumstance under Art. 14 of the Revised Penal The demand for ransom did not convert the
Code is exclusive as opposed to the enumeration offense in to kidnapping with murder. The
in Art. 13 of the same code regarding mitigating defendant was well aware that the child would be
circumstances where there is a specific suffocated to death in a few moments after she
paragraph (par 10) providing for analogous left. The demand for ransom is only a part of the
circumstances. It is true that the additional rapes diabolic scheme of the defendant to murder the
(or killings in the case of multiple homicide on the child, to
occasion of robbery) would result in an analogous conceal his body and then demand money before
situation where from the standpoint of the gravity the discovery of the cadaver. (PEOPLE vs. LORA,
of the offense, robbery with one rape would be on G.R. No.49430. March 30, 1982)
the same level as robbery with multiple rapes.
However, the remedy lies with the legislature. A DEATH UNDER EXCEPTIONAL
penal law is liberally construed in favor of the CIRCUMSTANCES
offender and no person should be brought within There is no question that the accused surprised
its terms if he is not clearly made so by the his wife and her paramour, the victim in this case,
statute. In view of the foregoing, the additional in the act of illicit copulation, as a result of which,
rape committed by herein accused-appellant he went out to kill the deceased in a fit of a
should not be considered as aggravating. The passionate outburst. Art. 247 prescribes the
proper penalty of reclusion perpetua imposed by following elements:
the trial court is proper. (PEOPLE vs. REGALA, (1) that a legally married person surprises his
G.R. No. 130508. April 5, spouse in the act of committing sexual
2000) intercourse with another person; and
In robbery with homicide cases, the (2) that he kills any of them or both of them in
prosecution need only to prove these elements: the act or immediately thereafter. These
(a) the taking of personal property with violence elements are present in the case.
or intimidation against persons; Though about one hour, had passed
(b) that the property taken belongs toanother; between the time the accused-appellant
(c) the taking be done with animus lucrandi; and discovered his wife having sexual intercourse
(d) on the occasion of the robbery or by reason with the victim and the time the latter was
thereof, homicide (used in its generic sense) was actually shot, the shooting must be understood to
committed. be the continuation of the pursuit of the victim by
the accused appellant.
These elements were present when The RPC, in requiring that the accused
accused-appellants, acting in unison, demanded shall kill any of them or both of them
money from her immediately after surprising his spouse in the
mother, forcibly took tha same against her will act of sexual intercourse, does not say that he
and then hacked here to death. (PEOPLE vs. should commit the killing instantly thereafter. It
CABILES, G.R. No.113785. September 14, 1995) only requires that the death caused be the
proximate result of the outrage overwhelming the
It has been repeatedly held that when accused after chancing upon his spouse in the
direct and intimate connection exists between the basest act of infidelity. But the killing should have
robbery and the killing, regardless of which the been actually motivated by the same blind
impulse, and must not have been influenced by
external factors. The killing must be the direct
byproduct of the accuseds rage. (PEOPLE vs.
ABARCA. L-74433. September 14,1987)
Considering the phraseology of amended Section
14 of R.A. No. 6539, the carnapping and the
killing (or the rape) may be considered a single or
indivisible or a special complex crime which,
however, is not covered by Article 48 of the
Revised Penal Code. As such, the killing (or the
rape)merely qualifies the crime of carnapping
whick for lack of specific nomenclature may be
known as qualified carnapping or carnapping in
an aggravated form.
Since Section 14 of R.A. No. 6539 uses the
words IS KILLED, no distinction must be made
between homicide and murder. Whether it is one
or the other which is committed in the course of
carnapping or on the occasion thereof makes no
difference insofar as the penalty is concerned. It
follows then that the killing of the driver, whether
it be homicide or murdercannot be treated as a
separate offense, but should only be considered
to qualify the crime of carnapping.
On the otherhand, if attempted or
frustrated murder or homicide is committed in
the course of the commission of the carnapping
or on the occasion thereof, then it must be
deemed to fall under the clause (of Section 14)
when the carnapping is committed by means of
violence against or intimidation of any person.
(PEOPLE vs. MEJIA. G.R. Nos.118940-41 and G.R.
No.119407. July 7, 1997)