05 05 01 GEM HSE HSRA Risk Assessment - Rev.0
05 05 01 GEM HSE HSRA Risk Assessment - Rev.0
05 05 01 GEM HSE HSRA Risk Assessment - Rev.0
Date 15-mrt-16
xxxxxxxxxxx Pages 9
Initials responsible
All implemented
Risk Number
Risk Number
Sub Activity / Worst case (move to control
Activity / Process Hazard / Aspect or Emergency Supplementary Description Procedure Systems Training
Process Potential effect measures when
Barge handling
operation close to
the jetty for
Ensure people on both units
communicate effetive.
Use adequate gangway / ladder
Marine Traffic Management Plan
Marine Traffic Management Plan
including instructions for ship
People transfer with difference in Assign Mooring assistants on Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart 2 3 6 2 3 6
20 Crew transfer Fall in between vessels/fall from height/drowning Injury or possible fatality boarding L L
height between vessels / jetty. jetty, ensure vessels safely meeting, HSE Induction
Men Over Board (MOB) Rescue
alongside prior to transfer
Warning signs on jetty
"Life Jacket to be worn" -
Critical equipment
Preventive Maintenance Program, Emergency anchoring facilities shall be available
Malfunction at inconvenient moment
Sailing /Towing / assisting boat if applicable. Anchors Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart
22 Black out of propulsion or rudder system. Exposure to unacceptable Risks 2 4 8 M and ready to use 1 4 4 L
pushing Toolbox to be prepared to let go shall be stand-by for emergency meeting, HSE Induction Pre Mobilisation
Loss of control.
towing wire drop Inspection.
Adequate and
working navigation
Radio Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart
equipment in
Navigation lights meeting, HSE Induction
accordance with
Sailing /Towing / Heavy traffic Reduce Speed whilst Detailed Job Safety Analysis 2 4 8 1 4 4
23 Colission Collision Marine Traffic Management Plan M SOLAS L
pushing aproaching jetty (JSA) to be made for
AIS Class A or B
Shorten towing wire simountanious operations if
for Vessel tracking.
Communication necessary
Adequate and
working navigation
Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart
equipment in
meeting, HSE Induction
accordance with
24 Barge handling Simountanious Collision Lack of coordination.
Possible loss of- and/or serious
Marine Traffic Management Plan
Communication and coordination Detailed Job Safety Analysis 2 4 8 M SOLAS 1 4 4 L
operation close to operations damage to equipment and people. Planning (JSA) to be made for
AIS Class A or B
the jetty for simountanious operations if
for Vessel tracking.
mooring/unmooring necessary
Set rule to comply to the max Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start
Excess pressure on road offshore allowable pressure rule that is is meeting HSE Induction,Defensive
Effective supervision. 2 3 6 2 3 6
35 transport Excess load (max allowable ground pressure is Damage to existing infrastructure 150kn/m2 driving training L L
Effective communication
150kn/m2) Inspection procedure Training for supervisors and
operators on load limitation
Inspection procedure (of ramp by
Experienced crew to install ramp. Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start
responsible persons prior to start
Thorough inspection of ramp, meeting, HSE 2 3 6 2 3 6
36 transport vehicle incident Ramp failure/unstable ramp injury / damage operation) L L
winches, surface, etc. prior to Induction,Defensive driving
SWP driving on ramp
start operation training
Inspection procedure (of mooring Ensure barge is positioned safe Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start
Barge not positioned safe alongside by responsible persons prior to alongside jetty. Ensure ramp meeting, HSE 2 3 6 2 3 6
37 transport vehicle incident injury / damage L L
jetty potential of truck fall overboard start operation) intalled safe.Experienced barge Induction,Defensive driving
handling crew training
Inspection procedure (of surface
in the vicinity of ramp by Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart
Unstable surface in the vicinity of responsible persons prior to start meeting, HSE Induction, HSE 2 3 6 2 3 6
38 transport vehicle incident Injury/Damage Inspection by supervisors L L
ramp operation) Induction,Defensive driving
SWP driving on ramp training
Competent operators/drivers.
Experienced drivers and work Driving license / Competence
force. Certificate, Kick off meeting, TBT, 2 3 6 2 3 6
39 transport Equipment fall from ramp Equipment drive off /fall into water Injury/Damage to equipment SWP- driving on ramp L L
Effective supervision. Edge HSE Induction,Defensive driving
protection/indication on ramp by training
railinngs, lights for night time
Competent operators/drivers.
Experienced drivers and work Driving license / Competence
force. Certificate, TBT, HSE 2 3 6 2 3 6
40 transport Equipment drove off the barge Equipment drive off /fall into water Injury/Damage to equipment SWP- driving onboard barge L L
Effective supervision. Edge Induction,Defensive driving
indication on barge, effective training
Establish Traffic Management
Kick off meeting,TBT, Prestart
Collision between vehicles Safety induction Plan for the operation. Only one 2 3 6 2 3 6
41 transport vehicle incident injury / damage meeting HSE Induction,Defensive L L
on/around ramp Operational Specific trafic rules vehicle at a time on ramp in
driving training
barge. Standby system
Pre-Inspection of operational
area and transportation routes by
HSE Induction,Operational kick
operations and HSE dept. to
off meeting.
establish safe traffic routes.
Vehicle entry into Traffic management plan Toolbox meeting to communicate
Collission with other vehicles or facilities, Collision with existing facilities, pipe Traffic management plan to 2 3 6 2 3 6
42 hazardous/unauthoriz Fatality/injury / damage incompliance to QP traffic the traffic management plan to L L
vehicles stuck line, etc. define routes
ed areas management plan the employees.
Effective Impentaion of traffic
Pre-start meeting
management plan- roads and
Defensive driving training
routes are marked, signs posted,
Regular visual
inspections of the
Quick intervention
Signallers to carry torch and flags All operators are trained and
Excavator to maintain stopper spoil when damage is
to attract operators immediate experienced
Profiling slope with Excavator or dump truck slips over heap across tipping face to observed
72 Slide or cave-in Injury/fatality/property damage attention Signallers will also be adequately 2 4 8 M 1 4 4 L
excavator the edge prevent it, or dump trucks, from Hammer is placed
Firm and level tipping platform trained and qualified to
going near the edge of the slope next to window in
area to be maintained communicate with the operators
case operator has
to break glass and
evacuate vehicle
Revetment works underwater
Mechanical aids.
Adequate number of trained
TBT, HSE Induction,Pre-start
personnel should be in place to 2 3 6 2 3 6
77 Manual handling Manual handling Wrong/uncomfortable position Personal njury Safe manual handling procedure meeting L L
execute the work.
Manual handling training
Effective communication,
Life jackets must be used.
Lifebuoys located and easy
accessible at strategic locations. Kick off meeting,Toolbox
Working in close 2 3 6 2 3 6
78 Drowning Fall in water and drwoning Fatality Working near/over water procedure Supervision, meeting- Working in close vicinity L L
vicinity of water
buddy system. No unauthorized of water, regular MOB drills
entry. Post signs. Barricade
edges if possible
Transportaton at Vehicle incident Vehicle incident Inspection of vehicles Equipment to comply with Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start 2 3 6 2 3 6
84 Damage to equipment/injury L L
workshop area Traffic Management technical requirements meeting
Dust monitoring and recording
Transportaton at dust in eyes of workers in vicinity, PPE, dust suppresion as much Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start 3 2 6 3 2 6
85 dust injury and ill health Only very necessary workers enter L L
workshop area health issues due to dust inhalation as possible meeting
operational area
Equipment to comply with
Contact with hot objects Running engines technical requirements, Kick off meeting, TBT, Pre-start 2 3 6 2 3 6
86 Start up of plant Burns Inspection procedure L L
PPE meeting
Mechanical aids.
Adequate number of trained
personnel should be in place to TBT, HSE Induction,Pre-start 3 2 6 3 2 6
87 Manual handling Manual handling Wrong/uncomfortable position Personal njury Safe manual handling procedure L L
execute the work. meeting
Effective communication,
Lifitng procedure,
Inspection procedure
Lifting plan to be prepared HSE induction,Pre Start &
Certification of crane and lifting
Being hit by falling objects Serious Injury/fatality/prpoerty prior to start lifting activities. toolbox meetings 2 3 6 2 3 6
92 Lifting Falling load, Traped in between equipment in compliance to QP L L
damage Pre-mob inspection Trined and certified operator and
procedures. Pre-start inspection riggers
Job Safety Analyses in
place and communicated
Only use certified and color
Lifitng procedure, coded lifting gear/certified cranes
Inspection procedure in accordane and crane operators + lifting plan
to QP regulations to be prepared and approved
HSE induction,Pre Start &
Lifting plan to be prepared prior prior to start of works
Being hit by falling objects Failure of lifting gear/crane/crane Serious Injury/fatality/prpoerty toolbox meetings 2 3 6 2 3 6
93 Lifting to start lifting activities. Clear L L
operator damage Trined and certified operator and
Pre-mob inspection procedures. and guard the lifting area and /
Workshop operation riggers
Pre-start inspection supervision by certified rigger
Detailed Job safety analysis shall
be in place + wind speed to be
monitored.Lifting plan proceure
Use certified man lifts and
PTW Procedures,
operators, Permit to work,
Falls from a height (man lift) Hit by Fall of material. Use only experienced and
If scaffolding is used, only use HSE induction,Pre Start & 2 3 6 2 3 6
94 Work at height moving objects. Strain from pulling cables & Sprain & Strain from manual Serious Injury/fatality competent workers L L
approved and inspected toolbox meetings, WAH training
pipes handling Detailed Job safety analysis shall
materials and tag the scaffold
be in place
prior to use
PTW Procedures,
Use only experienced and Use certified man lifts and HSE induction,Pre Start &
Fall from height during transfer from 2 3 6 2 3 6
95 Working on roof Fall from a height Serious Injury/fatality competent workers. operators, Method Statement, toolbox meetings L L
man lift to roof
Detailed Job safety analysis shall Permit to work WAH training
be in place
ELCBs, Competency of
Daily inspection, Supervision, HSE induction,Pre Start & 2 3 6 2 3 6
104 Electrical works Electrocution Electrocution Serious Injury, fatality electricians, inspection and colour L L
Earthing system, toolbox meetings,
coding procedures
COSHH procedure Safe handling,
Intoxication, ingestion, allergy, HSE induction,Pre Start & 2 3 6 2 3 6
105 Painting works Contact with paint, fire and explosion Serious Injury, fatality/health effect storage and working procedure of MSDS, PPE, Supefvison L L
fumes, etc. toolbox meetings,
QP regulations- power tools, Safe
working procedure-power tools, HSE induction,Pre Start &
Use of power tools Use of power tools hazardous areas, Contact 2 3 6 2 3 6
106 Faulty/substandard tools Serious Injury, fatality Pre-mob inspection procedure, Daily inspection, Supervision, toolbox meetings, Training on L L
with rotating parts, Electrocution, impact,
Imspection and colour coding power tools
5 10 15
4 8 12
3 6 9
2 4 6
1 2 3
HIGH High Risk: totally unacceptable: effective control measures must be taken.
MEDIUM Medium Risk: unacceptable, effective control measures must be taken.
LOW Low Risk: acceptable, control measures are not necessary, but it is good practice to take
1 IMPROBABLE So unlikely that occurrence may not be experienced.
2 REMOTE Unlikely but possible to occur during project
3 OCCASIONAL Likely to occur sometime during project
4 PROBABLY Will occur several times during project
5 FREQUENT Likely to occur frequently
Negligible injury or health implications, no absence from work
Negligible loss of function / production with no damage to equipment
No damage to environment
No impact
Minor injury requiring first-aid treatment or headache, nausea, dizziness,
Damage to equipment requiring minor remedial repair, loss of production
Minor impact to the environment
Local impact
Event leading to a lost time incident or persistent dermatitis, acne or asthm
Localized damage to equipment requiring extensive repair, significant loss
3 CRITICAL productionpollution incurring some restitution costs
Limited national impact
Involving a single death or severe injury, poisoning, sensitation or dangero
Damage to equipment resulting in production shutdown and significant pr
4 MAJOR loss
Severe pollution with short term localized implications incurring significant
Extensive national impact
Multiple deaths, lung diseases, permanent debility or fatality
Massive damage
Major pollution with long-term implication and very high restitution costs
International impact/ negative exposure
4 5
20 25
16 20
12 15
8 10
4 5
y not be experienced.
uring project
g project
cations, no absence from work
duction with no damage to equipment
eatment or headache, nausea, dizziness, mild rashes
minor remedial repair, loss of production