Emcy Resp Plan
Emcy Resp Plan
Emcy Resp Plan
Reference: G-OP-MOP-PRO-173-07080201-05
Datum: 25.07.2011
Issued by: Nord Stream AG / IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 5
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 7
Table of Figures
Table of Annexes
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 7
1 Introduction
The Nord Stream Pipeline is a natural gas pipeline transportation system from Russia
to Germany with connections to onshore transmission systems in Russia and
Germany. The two 48” pipelines are defined as the offshore system which exports
the gas from Vyborg, North of St. Petersburg (in Russia) crossing the Gulf of Finland
and the Baltic Sea, up to a landfall area at Greifswald in Germany.
The two pipelines run almost parallel along the Baltic Sea. For each of them, the
offshore section has a total length of about 1224 km.
In addition to Russia and Germany, the pipeline route crosses the following three
European countries, either as Territorial Waters and/or as Exclusive Economic
Zones: Finland, Sweden and Denmark.
In the unlikely event of an emergency involving the Nord Stream offshore gas
transport pipelines it is imperative that fast and effective response is taken in line with
the Operations Emergency Response Plans.
This document contains the emergency response plan for the offshore part of the
Nord Stream gas transport system. The Operations Emergency Response Plan
8 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
Offshore (OERPO) ends, with regard to this document, at the shore of the landfall
sites at Russia and Germany.
This operations emergency response plan is valid for the offshore pipelines and all
offshore activities and covers the following:
The following table shows the coordinates for offshore pipelines regarding the
borders among the different countries.
1.1 Abbreviations
1.2 References
10 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
1.3 Definitions
Alert Condition Phase Is the phase from a first warning or alarm, indicating
that a deviation exists from a normal condition
status, up until confirmation that the deviation is
assessed and no longer exists or that the deviation
has resulted in an emergency
Contractor Emergency
Response Centre A location which will be established by the Nord
Stream contractor for marine and/or aircraft
activities in the event of an emergency.
12 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
2 Confirmed Emergencies
Confirmed emergencies are defined as emergencies which require immediate
information of fire brigades and rescue forces in order to control and mitigate harm to
people, environment and facilities. Confirmed emergencies are based on predefined
Alert conditions are conditions or situations that have the potential to develop in an
emergency. During the alert condition phase Nord Stream responsible functions
evaluate all available technical/operational parameters to ensure clear judgment of
the actual situation. The result of this analysis will be a return to normal operating
conditions or lead to a confirmed emergency case.
If the alert condition process results in a confirmed emergency all actions will be in
accordance with this emergency response plan.
14 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
1. Pipeline damage with gas release > 2,5 % (based on total pipeline
transport capacity)
2. Terrorism threat or act (regarding to offshore)
These last 2 scenarios can only happen under the responsibility of Nord Stream
In case of scenarios 3 and 4 Nord Stream contractors will have the lead in recovery.
The contractor notifies the emergency to Nord Stream Emergency Response Centre
and reports directly to the authorities as defined in their own emergency response
plans. Contractors shall have in place their own plans and shall provide first aid, and
organize immediate rescue activities for these emergencies. During the recovery,
which is also under the responsibility of the assigned contractor Nord Stream will
provide necessary support.
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 15
The Nord Stream Main Control Centre (MCC) is located in Zug, Switzerland. This
centre is manned 24 hours 7 days per week. In case of an emergency related to the
Nord Stream gas transport system call the MCC Operator:
Nord Stream AG
Industriesraße 18
CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland
Telephone number: +41 41 766 9299
Fax number: +41 41 766 9297
The Nord Stream gas transport system is remotely controlled and subsequently the
system related emergencies will be identified in the Nord Stream MCC. All
emergency response activities will be communicated via the Nord Stream MCC.
In the event of the unavailability of the MCC a Back-up Control Centre (BUCC)
installed in a separate building will be used.
The alert condition phase starting with recognition of a deviation from normal
operation condition (first “fault/alarm message”) and clarification of this issue or
confirmation of an “emergency case” is managed by the MCC Operator. The
Emergency Response Team Lead (ERTL) and the Emergency Response Secretary
(ERS) will be informed immediately by the MCC Operator.
The Nord Stream Emergency Response Centre (NERC) has been established at
Nord Stream head offices at Zug, Switzerland.
The ERTL is authorized to call in other Nord Stream functions (HSES Manager,
16 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
The Nord Stream emergency response team shall inform the authorities listed in this
emergency response plan, as required, to communicate and to manage the type of
emergency occurring, applying the action and follow-up plans attached to this plan.
The offshore service providers (marine vessel, helicopter services) follow their own
communication lines to manage and control emergencies.
In case of a personnel injury or fatality of offshore, the offshore service providers will
directly alert the local rescue service and will organise and control first aid measures
and rescue activities.
Nord Stream and the responsible technical landfall operator in Germany (WITG), as
well as the main service contractor for landfall Russia have separate standby duty
plans in place.
The emergency team members are 24 hours/ 7 days a week, standby, and shall be
available on short notice.
The following table shows the allocation of Nord Stream functions for On-Call/On-
Duty Service.
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 17
In case of a “confirmed emergency”, the MCC Operator alerts the ERTL and ERS
immediately. Nord Stream ERTL, following this alarm or a notification of an
emergency situation, shall immediately make contact with the emergency response
secretary and shall be accessible by telephone at all times.
18 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
The ERTL is available via telephone at all times and ensures that all tasks are
covered and followed-up. All activities should be based on the following principles:
The detailed responsibilities and activities to be covered by the Nord Stream ERTL
are listed below:
• Take command and ensure that sufficient personnel with clear tasks are
• Ensure that a log of events is started and kept throughout the entire
emergency phase
• Inform Nord Stream HSES Manager
• Instruct emergency response team members about their individual tasks
related to special requirements of the emergency situation
• Ensure that all authorities required are alerted and kept up-to date on
events and measures initiated
• Approve and forward the log of events for preparation of press releases
by Nord Stream communications manager
The ERS is on duty, available via telephone at all times, and shall be able to reach
the NERC immediately after receiving a notification (arrival not later than 60 min.)
from the Nord Stream MCC operator. The ERS shall conduct the following:
The Emergency Response Team (ERT) shall be organized in such a way that it can
respond to any emergency effectively and efficiently. The Nord Stream emergency
team members will have a clear and exact definition of tasks, authorities, and
responsibilities. These tasks predominantly can be summarized as followed:
20 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
Depending upon the magnitude and complexity of the incident, the team will, if
necessary, be expanded in a second phase with additional Nord Stream corporate
The ERTL makes sure that all tasks are covered and followed-up and shall maintain
contact, if possible, with all parties involved.
In case of pipeline damage the ERTL informs the Deputy Technical Director
Operations/Maintenance. When the Deputy Technical Director Operations/
Maintenance is not available, the engineer on duty for Technical Support shall be
Repair plans are not part of the Emergency Response Plans. Based on defined
scenarios Nord Stream has developed generic repair plans.
This chapter is applicable only for the emergency response scenarios 3 and 4. The
vessel emergency preparedness plan and related bridging documents are to be
provided by the assigned Nord Stream service contractor. This plan clarifies roles
and responsibilities as well as contact details with regard to vessel operation.
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 21
The Nord Stream emergency response team will be available for supporting and
advising activities and will sent out an investigation team for assessments and
recovery measures, if required.
22 Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore
Regarding Nord Stream personnel involved in an emergency, the NOK (Next of Kin)
duty person must handle calls from NOK and inform them of any relevant information.
The ERTL is responsible for assuring NOK relations.
In principal the line manager is the focal point for the family/ near relatives. In case of
severe injury or a fatality the line manager shall assess how and when to contact
family and near relatives, taking into account the police procedures in the country of
residence of the NOK.
The ERTL shall ensure the proper management of communication to/from NOK of
non Nord Stream personnel (i.e. directing enquiries to the relevant contractor
management). The emergency teams (Nord Stream, WITG) will assist in these
Procedure - Operations Emergency Response Plan Offshore 23
The efficient use of the Call Log Sheets and Notification Sheets and Emergency
Action and Follow-up Plans specifically designed for the defined scenarios
guarantees the proper documentation of the emergency case and follow-up.
The detailed forms and working sheets for emergency notification and emergency
action follow-up contained in attached forms are tools, which shall be applied to
ensure that all required actions and measures are initiated, communicated and
The attached form sheets Emergency Call Log Sheet (see A 1.1) and the
Casualty/Missing Persons Sheet (see A 2.1) and Notification Sheet – Emergency
Case (A 3.1) shall be used in the NERC by the ERS if the SharePoint applications (IT
tools) are not available.
Nord Stream AG
A 3.1 Notification Sheet - Emergency Case:
Main country(-ies) Germany Denmark Sweden Finland Russia Poland Estonia Latvia Lithuania
Or description:
Defined as:
A. If the Leak Detection System (LDS) based on PAS data states a gas leakage > 2.5 % of the total pipeline gas transport capacity.
B. If there is a signal from the LDS showing a “ leakage” (> 1% - < 2.5 %) and also an external indication from Nord Stream or from a third party report
(visual sighting).
MRCC´s of the Countries directly related Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. MRCC Russia Saint Petersburg Tel: +7 812 7188995; Fax: +7 812 327 4146 mrcc@mail.pasp.ru
2. MRSC Finland Helsinki Tel: +35 8204 1002 mrsc.helsinki@raja.fi
Copy: gofrep@fta.fi, gofrep@vta.ee,
supervisors.hki@fta.fi, turku.radio@fta.fi,
3. MRCC Sweden Goteberg Tel: +46 31 699050
4. JRCC Denmark Tel: +45 8943 3203; Fax: +45 8943 3230
5. MRCC Germany Bremen Tel: +49 421 53 68 70 mail@mrccbremen.de
MRCC´s of countries indirectly related Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. JRCC Estonia Tallinn Tel: +372 692 2500; Fax: +372 692 2501
2. MRCC Latvia +371 6732 3103 or +371 6708 2070
3. MRCC Lithuania +370 46 391 257 or +370 46 391 258
4. MRCC Poland +48 58 620 55 51 or +48 505 050 971
Emergency Response Plan Offshore, Version, date Page 1 of 5
Valid with G-OP-MOP-PRO-173-07080201-05
No Internal checks/actions to Responsible function Internal functions to be External Expected activities by Rescue Remarks
be performed informed parties to be Organization / Third Parties
Upon receipt third party MCC Operator Immediate stop of gas transportation into
message, fill in ‘Notification the damaged pipeline.
Sheet - Emergency Case’
Initiate stop of “Gas intake’ MCC Operator Compressor CSP Operator stops compressor
from CSP Russia and Station (Russia
continuation of gas flow Operator
Stop of input gas flow and continue output
1 down-stream (ONTG ONTG Operator gas flow will reduce leak potential by
Inform Emergency Response MCC Operator ERTL; ERS WITG stopping compressor (CSP) and closing
Team Site Representative Dipatching inlet valves at CSP (Gazprom Transgaz)
LFR Centre Kassel
Immediate information to Technical Director MRCC’s MRCC’s notify vessels that a Exclusion zone:
marine traffic centres, rescue ERTL (first relevant severe Nord Stream pipeline Evaluate minimum required exclusion zone
centres and secondly all leakage has been detected. for recommendation to authorities
HSES Manager
the others in the Vessels should leave and avoid
Baltic sea) area surrounding the Nord Stream
pipeline with regard to the defined MRCC e-mail addresses can be used for
recommended safety zone. sending maps of areas concerned
No Internal checks/actions to Responsible function Internal functions to be External Expected activities by Rescue Remarks
be performed informed parties to be Organization / Third Parties
Request to GRT (ONTG) to ERTL MCC Operator ONTG Operator CSP and GRT do not upstream/ By decreasing the outlet pressure, Emptying
initiate maximum gas take off and GTGSPb downstream reset the tripped of the pipeline concerned will be
and pressure reduction in the system and do not attempt to accelerated.
pipeline affected. restart.
Shut down the related MCC Operator ERTL ONTG Operator GTGSPb should be continuously informed
pipeline (PSD) when the about the actual situation, especially with
3 pipeline pressure at LFFG is regard to the pressure development at
CSP Operator
nearly equal to the outlet LFFG
pressure at GRT (ONTG) Do not shutdown LFFG facilities until the
outlet pressure of the pipeline has equalised
with the pressure of the off-take.
Inform Head of Recovery ERTL Recovery Task Force Recovery Task Force delivers support to the
Task Force Emergency Response Team. The ERTL is
authorized to take all decisions, at each
moment, when he thinks it is needed.
4 Involve Nord Stream ERTL Communications Communicate to public and react upon
Communications department Manager public concerns in accordance with Nord
Stream Incident Communication Manual G-
Verify on-site that the Site Representative
pipeline has been closed in LFR ERTL
WITG Site Supervisor/
WITG On-call service
Seek for “leakage location ERTL Technical Director Permitting Permission for flight operations All parties shall remain out of possible or
confirmation” by sending out Authorities detected gas clouds.
6 aircrafts for searching
No Internal checks/actions to Responsible function Internal functions to be External Expected activities by Rescue Remarks
be performed informed parties to be Organization / Third Parties
Adjust recommended safety ERTL Technical Director MRCC´s MRCC’s communicate Note: Minimum altitude for aircraft assigned
zone based on aircraft adjustments and new for searching is 500 m to avoid coming into
results. developments of recommended possible gas clouds.
Recovery Task Force Permitting
safety zones, to vessels and air
A safety radius around leak location should
be established
• 2.5 % < leak size < 20 % Æ radius (incl.
air) of 500 m recommended
• 20 % < leak sizeÆ radius (incl. air) of
1000 m recommended
Assess whether location ERTL Address concerns about thought Even if there is no threat, because the gas
(range) is near a particularly Communication Manager Authorities degradation of environment disappears in the air, public assumes gas
distinctive natural area. leakage as a threat to environment.
This especially when there is distinctive or
delicate nature close to the leakage point.
7 So good communicators are essential.
No Internal checks/actions to Responsible function Internal functions to be External Expected activities by Rescue Remarks
be performed informed parties to be Organization / Third Parties
Inform periodically Nord ERTL Nord Stream Authorities Details see NORD Stream Permitting
Stream Management and Management Handbook
10 Authorities
Attention: This scenario applies to situations after receipt of a bomb or terrorism threat directed to offshore locations.
Communicate with MRCC’ s ERTL Technical Director Coast guard and MRCC’S assesses the local
8 MRCC’s situation and initiates
necessary actions.
Close Emergency if threat issue has been ERTL All parties involved Coast guard
9 clarified. MRCC’s
Police in Zug
Note: Service Contractors have their own ERPs in place and shall take primacy for immediate action. The Nord Stream emergency response team will be available for
supporting and advising activities and will sent out an investigation team for assessments and recovery measures, if required.
MRCC´s of the Countries directly related Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. MRCC Russia Saint Petersburg Tel: +7 812 7188995; Fax: +7 812 327 4146 mrcc@mail.pasp.ru
2. MRSC Finland Helsinki Tel: +35 8204 1002 mrsc.helsinki@raja.fi
Copy: gofrep@fta.fi, gofrep@vta.ee,
supervisors.hki@fta.fi, turku.radio@fta.fi,
3. MRCC Sweden Goteberg Tel: +46 31 699050
4. JRCC Denmark Tel: +45 8943 3203; Fax: +45 8943 3230
5. MRCC Germany Bremen Tel: +49 421 53 68 70 mail@mrccbremen.de
MRCC´s of countries indirectly related Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. JRCC Estonia Tallinn Tel: +372 692 2500; Fax: +372 692 2501
2. MRCC Latvia +371 6732 3103 or +371 6708 2070
3. MRCC Lithuania +370 46 391 257 or +370 46 391 258
4. MRCC Poland +48 58 620 55 51 or +48 505 050 971
Clarify whether Nord Stream personnel is ERTL Line Manager NOK Refer to procedure Nord Stream HSES
affected Human Resource Incident Reporting and Investigation
Monitor and record marine contractor actions ERTL Offshore Contractor Coordination and support for Continuous communication between
(Vessel) according to their own ERP ERP rescue operations MRCC’s, Nord Stream, and Vessel
4a masters of contracted Marine Service
Follow-up Aircraft Service Company actions ERTL Offshore Contractor Coordination and support for Continuous communication between
according to their own ERP ERP rescue operations MRCC’s; Nord Stream, and contracted
4b Aircraft Service Company
Register casualties reported by Service ERTL Communications Direct communication between Nord
Companies. Manager Stream Technical Director and
5 Make use of Casualty/Missing Persons Sheet HSE Manager Management Service Company
If Nord Stream personnel are affected, ensure ERTL Human Resource Authorities Inform authorities in accordance with
family/ near relatives are informed before Department the permitting handbook
6 others.
Line Manager
Nord Stream
Periodically inform Nord Stream Management Management
Notification of Next of Kin Line Manager ERTL Responsibilities with regard to
Human Resource informing family and/or near relatives
7 are described in the Next of kin (NOK)
paragraph in this handbook.
Emergency Scenario 4: Accident with Vessel or Aircraft working for Nord Stream
Note: Service Contractors have their own ERPs in place and shall act independently. The Nord Stream emergency response team will be available for
supporting and advising activities and will sent out an investigation team for assessments and recovery measures, if required.
Coast Guard/Police Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. Russia Saint Petersburg 112
2. Finland 100-22
3. Sweden 112
4. Denmark 112
5. Germany 112
MRCC´s of the countries directly related Telephone Numbers E-mail addresses Action by Nord Stream ERTL
1. MRCC Russia Saint Petersburg Tel: +7 812 7188995; Fax: +7 812 327 4146 mrcc@mail.pasp.ru
2. MRSC Finland Helsinki Tel: +35 8204 1002 mrsc.helsinki@raja.fi
Copy: gofrep@fta.fi, gofrep@vta.ee,
supervisors.hki@fta.fi, turku.radio@fta.fi,
3. MRCC Sweden Goteberg Tel: +46 31 699050
4. JRCC Denmark Tel: +45 8943 3203; Fax: +45 8943 3230
5. MRCC Germany Bremen Tel: +49 421 53 68 70 mail@mrccbremen.de
HSES Manager
Clarify whether Nord Stream personnel and or ERTL Line Manager NOK Refer to Nord Stream procedure HSES
contractor personnel is affected Incident Reporting and Investigation
(Ask for victims and status of accident)
Human Resource
3 Department
If yes, follow in addition “Emergency Scenario
3 - Personal Injury or Fatality”
Follow-up marine contractor actions (Vessel) ERTL Offshore Coordination and support for Continuous communication between
according to their own ERP Contractor (ERP) rescue operations MRCC’s, Nord Stream, and Vessel
4a masters of contracted Marine Service
Follow-up Aircraft Service Company actions ERTL Offshore Coordination and support for Continuous communication between
according to own ERP Contractor (ERP) rescue operations MRCC’s; Nord Stream, and contracted
4b Aircraft Service Company
Check whether environmental impact counter ERTL HSES Manager Nord Stream Recovery Task Force
measures, if necessary, are taken in time. For provides support, if required
example in the case of oil leakage.
Manager Communicate (website, press) about
victims and to counter (speculative)
5 environmental concerns.
Head Recovery
Task Force
with ERTL) MCC Operator
Line Management
Ensure (approve) immediately necessary ERTL Head of Recovery
7 corrective actions are in place, before the job Team
is restarted.
Close the Emergency Service Nord Stream Service
Contractor Management Contractor
Offshore Offshore
ERTL Authorities