Display Boards For Hazardous Waste Generating Units
Display Boards For Hazardous Waste Generating Units
Display Boards For Hazardous Waste Generating Units
7. Consent under Air and Water Act issued on............., valid upto...........
(a) pH: ....... (b) TSS: ...... (c) TDS: ..... (d) BOD: ......
(iv) Quality of Air Emission (specify the relevant pollutants for the industry):
1 of 3 8/23/2017 12:27 PM
Display Boards for Hazardous Waste Generating Units file:///C:/Users/IBM_ADMIN/Desktop/Display Boards for Hazardous W...
Prescribed Parameters
Prescribed Limits
Input to the ETP with
Output from the ETP
with Date
Fuel Stack
Capacity of Boiler/ Air Pollution
Consumption D.G. sets Height(s)
Furnace (ltrs or Kg Control
Date (ltrs or Kg per (KVA) (Mtrs above
per day) System
day) ground)
Prescribed Parameters
Prescribed Limits
Latest Monitoring
Results of Air Emission
with Date
2 of 3 8/23/2017 12:27 PM
Display Boards for Hazardous Waste Generating Units file:///C:/Users/IBM_ADMIN/Desktop/Display Boards for Hazardous W...
3 of 3 8/23/2017 12:27 PM