Supermansecrets Ebook EN PDF
Supermansecrets Ebook EN PDF
Supermansecrets Ebook EN PDF
Who hasn‘t wanted to feel like a superhero at least once? Being able to fly, lifting cars, putting
out forest fires and lasering holes into steel walls. Even though we‘re still a ways off from
acquiring these superhuman abilities, with a couple of tips and tricks you can still feel a lot
better, worked with more focus, be more powerful, look more fit and all around feel happier and
healthier. Ready to get started? Then keep reading and find out how you can quickly become
your own superhero.
On the Way to Super(wo)man
„Look there! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? There weren‘t any major changes necessary
No, it‘“ to unleash previously unforeseen potential.
With the help of journals, gauges, body-fat
My girlfriend incredulously rubs her half- scales, and mood trackers, for months I
shut eyes, still incredibly sleepy. „What time explored my body and its condition and
is it? And how do you have so much energy meticulously noted the effects of new stimuli.
again!“ She sat at the freshly covered living Ultimately I only shifted a few of my routines,
room table and took the cup of butter coffee which nevertheless unfurled in combination
prepared for her. „10 knee bends left, 9, 8...“ into an enormous impact. In principle, anyone
I sat down beside her. „It‘s almost seven. can become their own superhero with a
I don‘t know either, I just feel fantastic.“ In couple small, reasonable changes. From here
the previous hour, I had already finished a we‘d like to present you with our five most
morning run, tidied the kitchen, meditated, effective methods to help you be able to
and prepared a healthy breakfast. For weeks quickly become Super(wo)man.
now I had just been brimming with energy,
was almost always in a good mood, produc- These methods aim for a holistic improve-
tive, and felt in tip-top shape. Like Superman! ment in health and a comprehensive
improvement in performance. We have
revealed for you the secrets of superheroes.
The curtain rises for the Superman Secrets!
Superman‘s source for his tremendous In the winter, over 75% of all Germans have a
power and energy is the sun. His Krypto- vitamin D deficiency do to the scant sunlight.
nian body charges using sunbeams like Official supplementary guidelines are still too
a battery. The more sunlight he gets, the low. But in order to feel like Superman, you
stronger Superman becomes. We need the need the power of the sun!
sun too, since it supplies us with an important
substance for our bones, muscles, and our OUR TIPS:
immunse system: vitamin D!
1. Determine your vitamin D level.
2. Use nice weather and spend the first
Sunlight on your naked, unprotected skin is
10-20 minutes unprotected in direct
the best source for natural vitamin D (best
15-20 minutes in the sun before you put on
3. Supplement your diet with a liquid vitamin
sun block, since even SPF 8 prevents the
D3 preparation with a high bioavailability
absorption of the necessary UV radiation).
4. You can find more tips on improving your
Vitamin D is a secosteroid, which is converted
vitamin D levels here.
into calcitriol in our bodies and then deploys
its steroid effect. Meanwhile, vitamin D is
linked to increased muscle fiber growth, a
fitter psyche, a strong immune system, strong
bones, and a healthy heart.
Superman doesn’t just have extraordinary 4. Hold your head, neck, and shoulders in an
abilities, but also an extraordinarily ideal upright, stable position
posture. Many people
Your head should be centered above your
suffer from chronic back pain, shortened
shoulders when you look straight ahead.
muscles, and uncomfortable tension because,
Imagine that your ears, shoulders, hips, and
in everyday life, they sit too much or carry
ankles are on a line, when viewed from the
a heavy tote bag over one shoulder with a
crooked spine.
• 2 cups (250 ml - 400 ml) brewed, high-
quality coffee
• 1-2 tablespoons organic pasture butter
• 1-2 tablespoons MCT oil
Turmeric and ginger are used botanically and Preparation:
as traditional remedies in Asia. They both Peel the turmeric and ginger and cut into thin
have an anti- inflammatory effect and are very slices. Careful, tumeric stains heavily, so wear
well suited in combination for treating colds gloves if needed! Season the tea with black
as well as muscle and joint pain. Curcumin, pepper. Black pepper promotes the abso-
the active agent in turmeric, is applied in prtion of curcumin in the body. Add vanilla
treating arthritis and rheumatism due to its or cinnamon to taste and brew with boiling
anti- inflammatory effects. water. Steep for 5 minutes, then add a shot of
Ingredients: coconut or almond milk. The oils contained
• 2 teaspoons fresh turmeric (curcuma) in them also support your body in absorbing
• 1 teaspoon fresh ginger curcumin.
• ½ lemon
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon Our tip: If you like it sweet, you can addition-
• 1 pinch black pepper ally sprinkle the tea with a little bit of natural
• 1 teaspoon honey (or sweetener, e.g. honey.
• ¼ cup coconut milk or almond milk
• Hot water
The berries are full of antioxidants and at the Preparation:
same time are low in calories. Bananas supply Put the spinach into the mixer along with
you with potassium, and a cup of spinach the water and orange juice and mix, until a
already provides you with 40% of the daily smooth mixture results. Then add the rest of
recommended amount of magnesium. the ingredients and mix again. Enjoy right
Ingredients for two portions: away or store in the fridge for up to two days.
• 2 cups fresh spinach
• 3/4 cup water Our tip: For an extra boost in healthy
• 3/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice omega-3 fatty acids, you can also add flax or
• 1 cup strawberries chia seeds.
• 1 cup blueberries
• 2 bananas