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TR Casting 201302 en

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Optical measurement
of liquid metal temperatures

by Albert Book

Disadvantages of previous
Temperature is one of the most critical temperature measurement
process parameters affecting the resulting techniques
quality, strength and working properties of
The temperature of liquid metal is commonly measured using
a metal casting. Thanks to modern infrared
thermocouples (Fig. 1). The probe is dipped into the melt. Data
thermometers, the temperature of molten accuracy is subject to the precision with which the foundry
metal can be accurately monitored continu- operator performs the measurement. Temperature readings will
ously and without contact at various stages vary, depending on the immersion depth and the position of the

of production. The benefits: non-contact probe. A slag deposit on the sensor element may also lead to
substantial measurement errors. Because the immersion tech-
temperature detection requires far less use
nique uses thermocouple tips which require frequent replace-
of immersion probes and results in reduced ment, a foundry incurs operating costs for expendable parts
scrap. which can amount to several thousand euros annually.

To avoid these disadvantages, attempts were made to detect

temperature by optical means using so-called infrared ther-
mometers, also known as pyrometers. For many years now,
infrared measurement has been very effective in many industrial
applications, including the steel, ceramic, glass and cement

Fig. 2 Block diagram of a two-colour

(ratio) pyrometer with through-the-lens sighting

Principles of Pyrometer
Temperature Measurement

In the early 20th century, Max Planck established the princi-

Fig. 1 Conventional temperature measurement of liquid metal ples of infrared heat transfer. In pyrometry, a sensor captures the
using an immersion probe infrared thermal energy radiated by an objects surface (Fig. 2).


The amount of energy an objects surface radiates is a function

of its temperature and of the materials ability to emit this radiant
energy, known as emissivity. After amplification and lineariza-
tion, a pyrometer produces an electrical output which is propor-
tional to temperature. A lens inside the pyrometer is focused
on a specific target, and the instrument only detects the energy
radiated from that spot. The focal length and the shape of the
lens determine the field of view as well as the spot size, relative
to the distance to the target.

Optical Temperature Fig. 3 Measurement at the tap hole of a blast furnace, carried out
Measurement of Metal at considerable distance

Liquid metal presents a unique challenge due to the compo-

sition of the surface. The formation of slag and oxide is often couple. In contrast, pyrometers detect temperature contin-
inevitable. At identical temperatures, oxides and slag will radiate uously (Fig. 3). Thus, the foundry operator can immediately
a greater amount of thermal energy than a clean, shiny liquid intervene in the melting process, if necessary. On-site condi-
metal surface. To achieve reliable and accurate temperature tions require that a pyrometer be installed at a considerable
data, it is essential that a pyrometer only detects and processes distance to the target. This is possible if the instrument features
the infrared radiation from the surface which is free of oxides high-resolution optics and superior imaging properties. With
and slag. The use of state-of-the-art two-colour (ratio) pyrom- smaller target spots, the pyrometer can easily identify and
eters which feature a special ATD function (automatic temper- ignore slag and oxide, producing extremely reliable tempera-
ature detection) makes this possible. These modern instru- ture data. Through-the -lens sighting or a laser spot light facili-
ments detect infrared radiation at two different wavelengths at tate aiming and indicate the exact spot. More recently, pyrome-
the same time and from the same target spot. From the ratio ters can also come equipped with a built-in video camera which
of these two intensities an electric signal is generated which is enable continuous remote monitoring from the control room.
proportional to temperature. Special signal processing ignores
the slag and oxides floating on the surface and filters out the b) Melting furnace and forehearth
temperature detected from the pure liquid metal. Temperature is of crucial importance as the molten metal
passes from the melting furnace or forehearth to the transfer
In harsh industrial environments ratio pyrometers are preferred ladle or pouring ladle (Fig. 4). The liquid metal must be poured
over spectral or singlewavelength pyrometers because the dual
wavelength technique is much less sensitive to signal attenua-
tion caused by dust or steam in the field of view.

Different systems for various

points of measurement

Steel mills and foundries require temperature control at

numerous manufacturing stages. Each of these molten metal
applications presents a distinct challenge for a temperature
measurement system.

a) Blast furnace and cupola furnace

At the passage where liquid metal is transferred from the blast
furnace/cupola furnace to the forehearth, temperature is typi- Fig. 4 Transfer of molten iron from the melting furnace into the
cally measured at irregular intervals by means of a thermo- pouring ladle


into the mold within a limited time to minimize heat loss. When
cooling exceeds 10 C per minute, the minimum permissible
pouring temperature might be violated. Because this applica-
tion requires some distance between the instrument and the
point of measurement, pyrometers with superior optical resolu-
tion and a circular field of view are used. The ATD function not
only filters out the infrared radiation from slag and oxides, it also
automatically detects the start and end of each pour. When the
ladle has finished pouring, the temperature data is displayed
and transmitted to a data communications network. Alterna-
tively, data can be logged and archived by CellaMevis stan- Fig. 5 Optical temperature detection at a casting machine
dalone PC software. CellaMevis provides online graphic images
of temperature readings at a PC and saves them at periodic
intervals with a timestamp. tion automatically identifies when the pour begins and adapts
the measuring time to the duration of the pour stream.
c) Automated casting machine
The temperature of the liquid metal at the time of pouring is A temperature reading is produced for each cast workpiece,
crucial to the quality of the casting. If the melt is too hot, the providing continuous verification of compliance with tempera-
sand core will be damaged. If the melt is not hot enough, the ture requirements.
fluidity will be inadequate, and the liquid might not distribute
properly within the mold. This is especially true for thinwalled or If, for example, operations are disrupted due to a functional
intricately shaped castings. There is the risk of casting defects disturbance, and during this time, the liquid metal in the ladle
such as shrink holes and cold shut. The stability and strength of cools to below the minimum permissible temperature, produc-
the manufactured workpiece as well as its subsequent working tion can be halted to avoid producing castings which would end
properties will be greatly influenced by the pouring tempera- up as scrap.
ture. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that temperatures at
this point in the process are accurately detected and precisely
controlled. The challenge of temperature
detection at casting machines
At fully automated casting lines, temperature is commonly
controlled by infrequent immersion of the probe into the melt. At Compounding the problem: the position of the liquid metal
semiautomated operations, the temperature of the liquid metal pour stream fluctuates. The pouring point is influenced by
is usually only measured once for each newly filled ladle. The factors such as the tilt angle of the ladle or the stopper rod in
thermocouple is dipped into the ladle before pouring begins, the tapping hole of bottom pour ladles (Fig. 6).
that is, before the molds are filled. Depending on the number
of castings poured from one ladle, there may be a considerable
time offset between ladle temperature measurement and the
last mold filled from the content of that ladle.

The ladle operator decides how many castings can be poured

from one ladle, basing his decision on the flow behavior of the
melt and his empirical knowledge of heat loss and cooling time.
Actual temperature tests using measurement instrumentation
to assure that the required process temperature is maintained
right down to the last filled mold is rarely performed.

With optical temperature detection at metal casting oper-

ations, a pyrometer is focused on the free falling liquid metal
stream just as it is poured into the mold (Fig. 5). The ATD func- Fig. 6 Position of pour stream varies with the tilt angle of the ladle


Fig. 7 Pyrometer featuring rectangular measurement area Fig. 8 Video image shows targeted measurement area and supe-
rimposed temperature reading

The solution: a pyrometer which features a rectangular meas- With modern pyrometers, the video signal also transmits the
urement area which captures the pour, even when the liquid measurement data so that the temperature reading is super-
stream moves within this area (Fig. 7). imposed onto the screen (Fig. 8). Additional cables and elec-
tronics for remote indication of the temperature data are unnec-
The most suitable pyrometer for the task will depend on the essary.
specific conditions of casting process. Parameters such as the
pyrometer-to-target distance, the diameter of the pour stream,
or the zone of pour fluctuation will determine which optical Conclusion
system is required to achieve precision measurement. Temper-
ature data is transmitted and saved for each produced item via The latest optical measuring systems enable automatic and
analog or digital interface. continuous monitoring and archiving of liquid metal tempera-
tures at various stages of manufacture. By using pyrometers
which require no maintenance and do not contain parts subject
Integrated video camera to wear foundries eliminate the need for expendable thermo-
monitors the target couple tips, thus reducing their operating costs.

Because the position of the pour stream can vary with the
tilt angle or due to clogging and wear of the pouring nozzle,
an optical measurement technique is essential. A built-in video
camera is ideal for target sighting because of the difficulty in
safely accessing the installed pyrometer during running oper- Author
ations. State-of-the-art cameras feature TBC (Target Bright-
ness Control). The light exposure of the image is not averaged Dipl.-Ing. Albert Book
over the total illumination, but rather based on the specifically KELLER HCW GmbH Germany
targeted measurement area. The result is a high-contrast image Infrared Thermometer Solutions
of the bright pour stream in front of a dark background. The Phone +49 54 51 85 320
image of the molten metal pour stream at the video display albert.book@keller-msr.de
terminal will always appear at optimum exposure. www.keller-msr.de/pyrometer

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