Ma205 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations: L T P C
Ma205 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations: L T P C
Ma205 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations: L T P C
Course To study the application of transform techniques to solve linear ordinary and partial differential
Objectives: equations and to solve boundary value problems by using Fourier series
Laplace Transform of Standard functions, derivatives and integrals Inverse Laplace transform
Convolution theorem-Periodic functions Application to ordinary differential equations and simultaneous
equations with constant coefficients and integral equations
Fourier series Dirichlets conditions - Half range Fourier cosine and sine series - Parseval's relation -
Fourier series in complex form - Harmonic analysis
Fourier transforms - Fourier cosine and sine transforms - inverse transforms - convolution theorem and
Parseval's identity for Fourier transforms - Finite cosine and sine transforms
Formation of partial differential equations eliminating arbitrary constants and functions - solution of first order
equations - four standard types - Lagranges equation - homogeneous and non-homogeneous type of
second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients
One-dimensional wave equation and one-dimensional heat flow equation - method of separation of variables
- Fourier series solution
Text Books:
1. Veerarajan, T., Engineering mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill (Education) India Pvt.Ltd, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Venkataraman, M.K., Engineering Mathematics Vol.4, National publishing company, 2004.
2. Grewal.B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
Upon completion of this course , students will be able to
1. Understand the basics of transformation techniques.
2. Apply the transform techniques for solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Course This course aims to equip the students with a basic understanding of DC machines
Objectives: and Transformer fundamentals, machine parts and help to gain the skills for operating DC
machines and Transformers . The course also equips students with ability to understand
and analyze the equivalent circuits of DC machines and Transformers.
Principles of Energy conversion basic magnetic circuit analysis Faradays law of electromagnetic induction
singly and doubly excited magnetic field systems torque production in rotating machines and general
analysis of electro mechanical system.
DC motor principle of operation torque equation types electrical & mechanical characteristicstarting
speed control various testing braking.
Transformers principle of operation types basic construction equivalent circuit - regulation and
efficiency auto transformer.
Three phase transformer connection-Scott connection all day efficiency - Sumpner's test - parallel
operation of transformers
Text Books:
1. Dr. P.S. Bhimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publications, 7th Edition, 2007.
2. Nagrath, I.J.and Kothari, D.P., Electrical Machines,Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited Publishing
Company Ltd., 4th Edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Arthur Eugene Fitzgerald and Charles Kingsley, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill Education Publications,
6th Edition, 2002.
2. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd Edition, Prentice hall Publications, 2003.
3. Parkar Smith, N.N., Problems in Electrical Engineering, 9th Edition, CBS Publishers and Distributers, 1984.
Upon the completion of the course, The student will be able to
1. Understand the constructional details and principle of operation of DC machines and Transformers.
2. Analyze the performance of the DC Machines under various operating conditions using their various
3. Evaluate the performance of Transformers using phasor diagrams and equivalent circuits.
4. Select appropriate DC motor as well as to choose an appropriate method of speed control for any
industrial application
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Course To provide the key concepts and tools in a logical sequence to analyze and understand
Objectives: electrical and electronic circuits.
Prerequisites: Higher secondary mathematical concepts such as solution of ordinary differential equations,
calculus, matrix algebra and elementary concepts of physics such as electricity and magnetism
Fundamental concepts of R, L and C elements, DC circuits, series and parallel circuits - loop and nodal
analysis, A.C circuits - complex impedance - phasor diagram, real and reactive power - loop and nodal
analysis applied to AC circuits.
Voltage source current source transformations, Various Network theorems and applications to dc and
ac circuits, star-delta transformations.
Resonance in series and parallel circuits, self and mutual inductances, coefficient of coupling - dot
convention - analysis of coupled circuits.
Three - phase star a n d d e l t a c i r c u i t s wit h balanced and unbalanced loads power measurements -
power factor calculations.
Time response of RL, RC and RLC circuits for step and sinusoidal inputs.
Text Books:
1. Hayt, W. H, Kemmerly J. E. & Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw Hill Publications, 8th Edition,
2. Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, McGraw-Hill Publications,
3rd Edition, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Joseph. A. Edminister, Electric Circuits - Schaum's outline series, McGraw Hill Publications,
6 t h E d i t i o n , 2003.
2. Robins & Miller, Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice, Delmar Publishers, 5th Edition, 2012.
Upon completion of this course the students will be able to,
1. Understand the technical representation of common electrical systems.
2. Analyze and compute the time domain behavior of linear (AC and DC) electric circuits with single
or multiple power sources.
3. Compute the performance of AC Networks (1 port) which may be 1-phase or 3-phase using phasor
4. Understand flow of real and reactive power components in AC systems.
5. Analyze simple electro-magnetic circuits.
3 0 0 3
Course To educate on the construction and working of common electronic devices and to
Objectives: prepare for application areas.
Semi-conductors - charge carriers, electrons and holes in intrinsic and extrinsic semi-
conductors Hall effect
Unipolar devices FET, MOSFET, UJT and Opto-Electronic devices theory and characteristics
Rectifiers and switched mode power supplies theory and design, filter circuits, applications
Text Books:
1. David, A.Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, PHI, 5 Edition, 2008.
2. Millman and Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, McGraw-Hill International student Edition, 5th Reprint
Reference Books:
1. Allen Mottershead, Electronic Devices and Circuits-An Introduction, PHI, 18 Reprint, 2006.
2. Albert Malvino and David J Bates, Electronic Principles, McGraw Hill, 7 Edition, 2007.
Upon completion of this course , students will be able to
1. Understanding the semiconductor physics of the intrinsic, p and n materials and various devices
and characteristics.
2. Analyze simple diode circuits under DC and AC excitation.
3. Analyze and design simple amplifier circuits using BJT in CE,CC and CB configurations
4. Understand the analysis and salient features of CE, CC & CB amplifier circuits.
5. Understand the construction and characteristics of FET, MOSFET and UJT
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Review of number systems, binary codes, error detection and correction codes. Digital Logic
Families Introduction to RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL and MOSL families wired and operation,
characteristics of digital logic family comparison of different logic families
Sequential logic- SR, JK, D and T flip flops level triggering and edge triggering counters
asynchronous and synchronous type Modulo counters Shift registers Ring counters.
Synchronous Sequential Logic circuits-state table and excitation tables-state diagrams-Moore and
Melay models-design of counters-analysis of synchronous sequential logic circuits-state reduction and
state assignment.
Asynchronous sequential logic circuits-Transition table, flow table race conditions circuits with
latches, analysis of asynchronous sequential logic circuits introduction to design implication table-
hazards-programmable logic array and devices.
Text Books:
1. Morris Mano.M, Digital logic and computer design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2005.
2. Donald D. Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Tocci R.J.,Neal S. Widmer, Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, Pearson Education Asia,
2. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Goutam Sha, Digital Principles and Applications, The
McGraw Hill, 7th edition, 2010.
Upon completion of this course , students will be able to
1. Interpret, convert and represent different number systems
2. Manipulate and examine Boolean algebra, logic operations, Boolean functions and their
3. Design and analyze combinational and sequential logic circuits
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prerequisites: Concepts and principles dealing with thermodynamic cycles, thermodynamic relations and
generalized charts, mixtures of fluids, chemical reactions, chemical and phase equilibrium,
thermodynamic aspects of fluid flow.
Basic knowledge of mathematics.
Basic concepts: Thermodynamic equilibrium, quasi-static process, zeroth law, work and heat interactions,
first law for a cycle and a process, steady flow processes, second law statements, reversibility, Carnot
theorem, Clausius inequality, entropy principle.
Heat engines: Otto, diesel and dual cycles, Brayton cycle with regeneration, inter cooling reheat, Joule-
Thompson effect, Rankine cycle, reheat and regenerative cycle, properties of ideal gas, Stirling and Ericson
Available energy: Availability and irreversibility, properties of pure substances, phase equilibrium diagrams.
Classification of fluids and their physical properties, Fluid statics, manometers, pressure on submerged
bodies. Basics of fluid properties - Vapour Pressure Pressure at a point its variation Measurement with
Piezo meter, manometers and gauges - Continuity equation in one dimension Bernoullis equation
Venturi meters and Orificie meters
Pumps General principles of displacement and Centrifugal pumps Efficiency and Performance Curves
of Pumps Cavitation in Pumps Turbines Efficiency Governing of turbines
Text Books:
1. Gordan Van Wylen, Richard Sonntag., Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons,
2. Yunus A.Cengel and Michel A.Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 2006
3. T.R.Banga and S.C.Sharma, Hydraulic Machines, Khanna Publishers, 2004
Reference Books:
1. Kothandaraman. C.P., `A Course in Thermodynamics and Heat Engines', Dhanpat, Rai and Sons, 1992.
2. Nag, P.K., `Engineering Thermodynamics', Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
3. R.K.Rajput, Thermal Engineering, Laxmi publications, 2006.
4. Nagarathnam, S. Fluid Mechanics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
5. Dr.R.K.Bansal ,A text book of Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines ,Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd,2005
Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand the fundamentals of first and second laws of thermodynamics and their application to a
wide range of systems.
2. Familiarize with calculations of the efficiencies of heat engines and other engineering devices.
3. Familiarize the construction and principles governing the form of simple and complex one-component
phase diagrams such as pressure-temperature , volume-temperature & and pressure-volume and the
steam tables in the analysis of engineering devices and systems.
4. Calculate various fluid flow parameters
5. Determine the optimum working conditions for hydraulic machines
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Course The main objective of the course is to give the students an insight into the constructional details
Objectives: of the dc machines and transformers with a view of better understanding of their working
principles. The course also equips the students to test and evaluate the performance of various dc
machines and single phase transformers by conducting appropriate experiments.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in electric circuit analysis, constructional details and operational principles of
various dc machines and transformers.
List of Experiments
A demonstration of the static and rotational electrical machines (constructional details) is ought
to be done in an introductory class.
7. Sumpner's test
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Interpret the constructional details of the DC machines and Transformers and also
understand the significance of different connections of three phase transformers
2. Estimate or test the performance of any DC machine (shunt, series or compound) and
single phase transformer, by conducting suitable experiments and report the results.
3. Experiment and analyze, the various speed control and braking techniques for dc motors
4. Develop simulation models and prototype modules in view of implementing any control
technique upon dc motors and single phase transformers for various applications
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
List of Experiments
9. Volt-ampere characteristics of rectifier diode and Zener diodes as a voltage regulator circuit.
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Verify the network theorems and operation of typical electrical and electronic circuits.
2. Choose the appropriate equipment for measuring electrical quantities and verify the same for
different circuits.
3. Prepare the technical report on the experiments carried.