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Jstem 2015 Stem Sos

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STEM Students on the Stage (SOS): Promoting Student Voice

and Choice in STEM Education Through an Interdisciplinary,

Standards-focused, Project Based Learning Approach
Alpaslan Sahin Namik Top
Harmony Public Schools, Houston, Texas Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

Abstract next generations scientists, leaders, and innovators and approach that incorporates a full curriculum, including
In the global economy that is intertwined with countries economic leadership (e.g., National Academy of ready-to-teach teacher materials, PBL projects for all core
scientific and technical knowledge and innovation, raising Sciences, 2007; Presidents Council of Advisors on Science subjects, regular teacher trainings and aligned with mul-
a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and Technology, 2010). Yet statistics show that there tiple state standards.
(STEM)-literate generation of students has emerged as is a disproportionate growth in terms of numbers and
one of the paramount goals of most countries. Educational quality of STEM workers (Mahoney, 2010; Lacey & Wright, STEM Case in the United States
models that contribute to meeting those countries goals 2009). Thus, developing a quality STEM education that and STEM SOS Model
have become important in education. The absence of prepares students for the 21st century workforce becomes Statistics have shown that U.S education suffers from
standards-focused, ready-to-teach teacher and student paramount for each countryseconomic wellbeing. lack of rigorous K-12 education, especially in STEM areas.
materials and lack of regular teacher trainings are some For this purpose, different approaches have been pur- For instance, the National Assessment of Education Prog-
of the barriers attributed to the current STEM teaching sued to teach STEM subjects in K-12 settings. Some of the ress (NAEP, known as the Nations Report Card) revealed
approaches. Against this background, we investigated a research-based methods for interdisciplinary STEM edu- that only 26 percent of Americas 12th-graders scored at
successful STEM teaching model that has ready-to-teach cation are Design- Based Science (DBS) (Fortus, Krajcikb, or above proficient in math (Bertram, 2014). In another
materials, standards-focused, regular teacher professional Dershimerb, Marx, & Mamlok-Naamand, 2005), Math example, only 40 percent of Americans about to enter the
trainings and student choice and voice that utilize both Out of the BoxTM (Diaz & King, 2007), Learning by DesignTM workforce, military, college, and voting age are able to
classroom and out-of-classroom projects as a solution to (LBD) (Kolodner, et al., 2003) and Integrated Mathemat- perform basic mathematics (Bertram, 2014, pg.1). We
the aforementioned issues. The purpose of this research is ics, Science, and Technology (IMaST) (Satchwell & Loepp, already know that American students lag behind their
to examine a new STEM teaching approach developed by 2002), all of which incorporate a course of inquiry-based counterparts in international math and science tests (e.g.,
a public charter school system, Harmony Public Schools learning that encourages students to complete a project TIMSS, PISA). Accordingly, there is a shortage of STEM
(HPS). We used theoretical sampling; 11 semi-structured with respect to existing knowledge and experience, and majoring professionals (NRC, 2011; Schmidt, 2011). To
interviews were conducted with high school students. to present what they learned and developed as a result address these problems, integrated STEM education or
Grounded theory and constant comparative analysis were (Laboy-Rush, 2011). For the most part, each method pro- Project-based Learning (PBL) has been proposed (For-
utilized. Study findings have revealed that the students vides students a four- or five-step process, with each step tus et al., 2005). Limited research on PBL has yielded
were active learners most of the time, presenting and accomplishing a specific process-based objective. Simi- promising findings, such as an increase in student inter-
sharing their findings with classmates and visitors. Thus larly, the project-based learning strategy has been found est in and understanding of STEM and developing skills
the title of this research, STEM Students on the Stage (SOS), and proven to be an effective STEM education program in collaboration and problem solving (Fortus et al., 2005).
is used to describe this model. In addition, emerging (Laboy-Rush, 2011). These methods are successfully Likewise, Harmony Public Schools (HPS) has developed
substantive theory suggested that STEM SOS model implemented because of the models integration of coop- its own STEM approach that incorporates project-based
helped students learn STEM subjects better, cultivate erative learning, working in teams to do research, testing and inquiry-based learning called STEM Students on the
STEM subject interests, and develop skills for their theories and producing artifacts (Meyrick, 2011). Har- Stage (SOS TM) through the Race to the Top grant funded
college and professional lives. Implications of the effect wood and Rudnistsky (2005) indicated that such teach- by the U.S. Department of Education with the goal of not
of this model on K-12 students learning experiences are ing and learning methods increase students involvement only increasing students STEM knowledge and interest,
discussed in detail. and engagement, and can stimulate students as well as but also producing self-motivated and self-regulated
Scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathemati- enable them to recognize links between their lessons and learners (Harmony STEM Program, 2013). STEM SOS
cians are high-tech workers who have the knowledge to tasks performed by engineers in the real world (p. 54). aims to maintain the focus on standards-based and
turn the wheel of the global economy (Craig, Thomas, However, there have been some gaps in the implemen- student-centered teaching while enriching and extending
Hou, & Mathur, 2011). Accordingly, the importance of tation of current conventional PBL models (Mapes, 2009; the learning of students through PBL projects. The goal is
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Marx et al., 1997), namely, a) teachers dont have access to promote not only collaborative skills and student own-
(STEM) education cannot be underestimated for countries to ready-to-teach materials including teacher guides, ership of learning but also to promote student success in
in an innovation-driven economic world (Top student handouts and assessment materials; b) there is a state and national standards (p. x). In contrast to other
& Sahin, 2015; Sahin, Ayar, & Adiguzel, 2014; Sahin, lack of regular teacher trainings; and c) non-aligned PBL conventional PBL approaches, students have to complete
2013). Several reports have highlighted the links between lessons that dont prepare students for standardized test- multiple projects, including a level I project followed by
a well-rounded K-12 STEM education to prepare the ing. In this study, we investigate a new STEM PBL teaching either regular level II or advanced level III project.

24 Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015

Students are assigned two level I projects per semester and product (Top & Sahin, 2015; Sahin & Top, 2015). develop a functional theory in terms of how it is taught
on each core subject (Mathematics, Science, ELA, and The content is rigorous and deserving of extra credit and what comprises teachers and students roles.
Social Studies). These are completed within class with a upon completion. The projects scope, driving questions, Grounded theory methods are a set of flexible
group of 3-4 students aligned with the curriculums scope expectations, materials and guidelines are decided in analytical procedures that inspires researchers to remain
and sequence within a week. The final product consists collaboration with teachers. close to their studied world. In addition, to synthesize
of an investigation report of their work with a digital A sample STEM SOS level 1 project uses the change in and indicate processual relationships, the need for
presentation of the project. Student projects are assessed momentum of an object during a collision related to the developing an integrated set of theoretical concepts helps
with related rubrics in each core subject for each project impulse associated with the collision as a driving question. us appreciate the value of grounded theory methods
separately. A digital presentation of a sample student level 1 product (Charmaz, 2010). We recognize our position within the
In addition, students must complete one can be found at http://tiny.cc/mfybzx. A sample level II studied world, locating ourselves within our research
interdisciplinary STEM SOS project from either project is about binary numbers and how to visualize and interest in codifying the STEM SOS model and revealing
mathematics or science, as well as an assignment for learn to count in binary. A student product (e-portfolio), student gains through the model. Samples were collected
social studies and ELA as an interdisciplinary component including his website, brochure, digital video presentation from one of the Harmony Public Schools in which the
of the projects they choose or to which they are assigned. and interdisciplinary connections, can be found at this URL STEM SOS model has been implemented as a pilot study
Level II projects are year-long and completed outside link: http://tiny.cc/mkybzx. since May of the 2011-2012 school year. The model was
of classroom. The use of technology is a must and The purpose of this study was to investigate and officially launched in all HPS campuses in the 2013-2014
is integrated in each and every step towards project determine the components of a successful STEM teaching school year. As of June 25, 2015, Harmony high school
completion. Another requirement of any level II project approach in a high school where students are engaged, campuses have started implementing the STEM SOS
is the creation of a brochure summarizing a students take responsibility of their learning and develop STEM model. The Harmony middle school use of the STEM SOS
project, including QR codes of student websites and literacy and awareness as well as acquire important model is being developed and has been in trial in several
a digital presentation of the final product. All student workforce skills. The overarching research question we campuses.
products are saved online and are available to the outside sought to answer was: Theoretical sampling was utilized in the present
audience with students permission. Teachers have access How does learning in the STEM Students on the Stage study, which was grounded in emerging concepts and
to all STEM SOS materials, including teacher guides, (SOS) model occur and what benefits do the students associated with understanding new people, to advance or
student handouts, assessment materials, rubrics and ultimately gain? refine theoretical saturation not merely to fill gaps in the
projects. Teachers also receive regular trainings on updates data (Charmaz, 2005). An obvious example might be the
and implementation of those projects. For each level, Method first application of grounded theory, Awareness of Dying
there are a number of tasks students have to complete in (Glaser & Strauss, 1966), which centered on a grounded
order finalize their end product an e-portfolio. theory on the effects of awareness on the interaction with
Harmony Public Schools, a network of high-
Students who complete their STEM SOS projects pres- dying individuals. In the course of the study, the researchers
performing K-12 public charter schools across Texas
ent their products at their annual school STEM festival. visited a number of medical services. When doing so,
including all metropolitan areas, focuses on science,
Students who are willing to present their level II projects they observed certain types of services at other types
computer technologies, engineering, and math education
at STEM Expo exhibitions, International Sustainable World of hospitals so that their scheduling of types of services
(STEM) to traditionally underserved students (HPS,
Energy, Engineering, and Environment Project (I-SWEEEP) developed a conceptual structure. The observations
2014). HPS schools serve more than 24,000 students
Olympiad and other STEM-related events and competi- continued at two, three, and four weeks to check items
from diverse groups: 56% receive free or reduced price
tions, either by special invitation or by registering. For that might have missed in the initial observations. In this
lunch and over 80% are non-White (45% Hispanic, 19%
example, a group of Harmony Schools students have pre- respect, they used theoretical sampling by observing
African American, and 16% Asian).
sented their level II projects at the annual Plasma Science various medical services for a grounded theory of
Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event is organized awareness. Similarly, we have talked with several students
and hosted by the American Physics Society in partner- who have been exposed to a novel model, STEM SOS. In
We chose a high school that have been implementing
ship with MIT, Princeton and West Virginia University. The the current study, the sample was identified and the data
the model for three years. We invited 19 students, with 11
Harmony Public Schools science department organizes were collected by conversing with participants exposed to
of them volunteering to be part of the research; the sam-
an annual STEM SOS website competition to encourage the model during an iterative process over a two-semester
ple was 11 students: 5 seniors, 5 juniors and 1 sophomore.
students to complete their projects. Each year, approxi- period, based on the interaction of data collection and
We conducted semi-structured interviews with them. The
mately 50 students receive iPads as prizes in the compe- analysis enabled via theoretical sampling throughout
11 students were taking one of the following courses: Pre-
tition. To show appreciation for the teachers hard work, the study (Holt & Tamminen, 2010). The students who
AP Physics, Chemistry, or AP Physics. A different teacher
teachers receive either iPads or monetary awards for their enrolled in the program and were interviewed were all
taught each of the courses.
classroom projects, based on the number of e-portfolios volunteers and consented to their involvement with the
their students complete. Another competition in which study.
students participate is an annual digital story-telling For the analysis of the data, we followed the grounded
A broad research question was formulated as to how
(DISTCO) competition. This is completely voluntary and theory coding and constant comparative analysis. Initially,
learning in the STEM Students on the Stage (SOS) learning
only those who believe their digital presentation of the each student interview was open-coded using action
model occurs and the benefits ultimately gained by the
project is good participate. The awards students receive codes (Charmaz, 2010). We wrote memos throughout
students. The questions were addressed by a grounded
vary from a $8,000 scholarship to iPads. the entire process, which helped in relating codes and
theory study as the method of analysis to explore the
Level III projects are for students who enjoy the categories to each other. Then, we applied focused coding
new teaching style in a public charter high school and to
challenge of creating and conducting their own research by constantly comparing each initial code with similar

Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015 25

ones in order to develop categories and sub-categories Self-confidence, (2.b.b) Technology Skills (2.b.c) Life and formula or theory, step-by-step and/or with an example
from the raw data. While the categories were being Career Skills, (2.b.d) Communication Skills and (2.b.e) Col- from daily life with hands-on experiments or videos.
produced, we performed axial coding through relating laboration Skills. Teachers have a separate curriculum to teach content
categories, via the combination of inductive and deductive apart from the STEM SOS projects.
thinking. Below is a series of diagrams that illustrate the SOS model His lecture, the way he teaches good because instead
relationships among categories during these coding of making you memorize things, he shows you how
1.a. Teacher-directed Teaching
processes. The analytical process provided the emerging every things are connected, he shows us how every
1a.a Lecturing. This is the element that occurs within
substantive theory of the model and student gains of the laws connected to one another. (Student 10)
the classroom. In the SOS model, teachers start a new
STEM SOS model. Moreover, one of the important elements of this
lesson by lecturing about a concept to lay a foundation for
section is giving students many opportunities to become
upcoming sections, as student 1 stated . . . Initial lecture,
Findings he introduces the ideas, he introduces the chapter or
involved. This part is enriched with several different
activities including hands-on experiments, YouTube
The findings revealed how learning in the STEM SOS whatever the subject area is. This includes direct lecturing
videos and student teaching.
model occurs and what student benefits are gained in the on the concept as well as asking questions of students and
Except when he is doing the initial lecture, he doesnt
end. Analyses of student transcripts suggested two core observing if there is any area in which students seem lost,
do much talking, which is good. Initial lecture, he
categories (1) how STEM SOS teaching works (see Figure as indicated by Student 4.
introduces the ideas; he introduces the chapter or
1) and (2) impact on student gains (see Figure 2). One of the things that I see out of him [Science
whatever the subject area is. Then we have videos;
Teacher] is he is not just standing behind at lecture
1. How STEM SOS Model Works we have demos; we have student teaching; student
podium [and] talking. He is teaching; he is interacting
from Students Interviews all the time. He does do talking in the class. He is not
with the student. He is making them laugh. He is
To the students, STEM SOS model has two critical as- just sitting on the desk behind the class. He is very
making them understand things. He doesnt just talk
pects: (1.a) teacher-directed teaching and (1.b) student proactively working to make sure that we learn the
to you like most teachers do. He does a great job.
projects. Later, student responses showed that teacher material. (Student 4)
This differs from average lecturing because the teacher 1.a.b. Hands-on activities. This is central to
instruction has three important components: (1.a.a) lec-
is not only lecturing but is also actively watching students teachers lecturing or teaching and makes the lecture
turing or teaching the theory, (1.a.b) hands-on activities,
gestures and answering their questions to ensure that segments very engaging, resulting in an increase in
and (1.a.c) student teaching. Student projects include
everyone understands, as Student 10 emphasized: student involvement. To give an example out of many
chapter (optional) and yearlong projects. In addition,
Well, during lectures, I can tell Mr. S. talks to us like similar student statements, Student 9 very clearly
student interviews suggested two fundamental student
one-on-one, usually as a group, usually to my little described the benefits of STEM SOS in terms of students
gains under (2.a) Academic and (2.b) 21st century skills.
group and other little group(s). He comes to each involvement as:
Furthermore, the first student gain includes three sub-
group like every ten minutes like checks out if we [SOS] teaching is very hands on and the teacher wants
categories: (2.a.a) STEM interest, (2.a.b) Knowledge,
have any questions or incorrectness like he goes next like YouTube like physics; he doesnt just us to know
and (2.a.c) Research interest in higher education, and
through. physics so he puts the effort to make it more fun and
the second student gain has five sub-categories: (2.b.a)
Also, teachers dont simply lecture but also explain any enjoyable. It is mostly the hands on aspect of it; most
of other teachers [in other physics classes]; they just
want lectures and it just you cant spend so much time
just paying attention, you dropped off, but with the
hands on you stay on topic.
1.a.c. Student teaching. The last segment of the
teacher-directed lecturing is student teaching, in which
the teachers assign projects to a student or group of
students for each chapter before they start teaching about
the content. The teacher asks the related group of students
to teach and do the experiment that explains the content
or concept, which helps students in multiple ways, from
better learning to learning to do presentations before a
class: So if we learn about . . . suppose we need to learn
sound waves . . . that is what my demonstration is about
and the teacher allows us as students who come in and if
we have demonstration that has to do with the subject.
We come and we do it in front of the whole class. like
the Bernoulli principle or anything else. (Student 2)
Student 4 emphasized the role of student projects in terms
of better learning:
Lets say he makes us do an experiment like a roller-
coaster back there and after we completed, after he
Figure 1. STEM SOS model from students perspective demonstrating how SOS teaching works.
teaches us how to construct it, how all the formulas

26 Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015

work, then he says pick a day on this calendar. So, okay
that day. You are going to teach to the class that day.
Teach what? Everything you just learned. Instead of
regurgitating, you are actually going to take what you
have learned and understood from what you built or
what you made and teach people about it.
The student acts as a teacher, which helps both that
student and other students to learn the content and
benefit by increasing self-confidence, knowledge, and in
developing positive attitude towards science subjects.

1.b. Student Projects

Student projects are of two types with two goals:
students are provided with a short-term project that is
related to the content they learn within each chapter.
A student or group of students is assigned to prepare
an experiment or hands-on activities. Part of their
responsibility is to present their experiment while related
content is being taught. The second type of project is a
yearlong and is completed out-of-classroom. Students
choose those projects from a list of projects that is posted
at Harmony Schools Physics webpage at the beginning of
the year:
. . . I mean at the beginning of the year, there was a
list and I randomly chose but I ended up liking it a lot Figure 2. Student gains from student interviews.
because it is more interactive and I am an interactive
person. So it went with me and I wouldnt have
changed it or I am pretty sure even if I looked inside projects are usually an individual project that pushes information about their gains during the interviews. The
of each one, I would have picked this one. (Student 3) students to collaborate with other students to complete it. information provided via the interview questions about
Students are required to prepare a video presentation, Students find many opportunities to present their science student gains revealed two categories, academic and 21st
including pictures of each material used to complete demos before an audience. For example, each Harmony century skills (see Figure 2).
the project, sets of short video episodes of experiments, school does a STEM festival each spring semester in which
related graphs, tables, and conclusions. Student 3 explains all students who completed STEM SOS projects participate 2.a. Academic
the process: We make science videos. And we take videos and present their projects. They are also invited to present Student interviews suggested how they perceive the
of the experiment like little experiments and record them at different STEM EXPOs and science Olympiads. These model in terms of their academic growth. For example,
here or anywhere. And then once we put it together, we presentations change students way of looking at science. Student 5s expression of I think I developed how to
put it together as a video. Teachers record each students With all these activities and projects, students develop study the right way. Like how to learn, how to approach
project completion in their Google spreadsheet, checking a sound science understanding and science is perceived the problem and then how to apply it in real life clearly
students products and providing feedback. Then, students as less scary or as the least favorite subject, as Student 2 illustrated how they had learned to solve a problem.
revise the areas about which they received feedback: We expressed: Students became aware of the connections between
basically we have to go home and then fix them up. . . . I said science was not always my biggest thing, the academic knowledge and its applications in real life.
And put them together (Student 3). Students show but being in demos let you know that it is just not You can apply to many things and whatever you do in
ownership for the projects they chose because they study listening and drawing or writing down your equations the future hopefully . . . you learn how to apply to it,
and try to complete the projects, regardless of place and or writing down the words that the teacher said you Student 2 stated. Student 4 also said, . . . so in [the] real
time, including after school hours, weekends and in their can get hands on you can figure out something and world environment with me, it helped me developing
homes. Student 3 continued to explain how they work to you can learn about it and apply it to everyday. And it something very useful. This category leads us to three
complete the projects they chose: After school [hours], is one of those things that like you see on TV or you see sub-categories: STEM interest, knowledge and research
but mostly after school and then whoever we divide up someone else to do and you are like wait a minute. It is interest in higher education.
the work, so if someone takes a video we go home and not magic or it is not like who comes up with this stuff;
edit it or just like that. it is all basically science; it is Physics; it is Chemistry; it 2.a.a. STEM interest
Students are required to complete all the requirements is any of those things. Students reported that they developed STEM interest
as part of their yearlong projects out-of-classroom. These through the STEM SOS model. They started enjoying
include, but are not limited to, a project website, a brochure (2) Impact on Student Gains scientific experiments because it was fun for them.
summarizing the project and including QR codes for the The second core category is the impact on student Student 2 stated this explicitly:
project website and video. They also upload their digital gains, which encapsulated students academic and . . . I was like ooo this is fun. It is like you know cute
presentation videos to their YouTube channels. Yearlong 21st century skills. Students were provided in-depth and can come up with ideas even think I can bring

Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015 27

someone and change the color and . . . it when with the wheels and it is interesting to learn that. them. And it really helped me because I know that in
the carbon dioxide hand in the air it fades away so it order to go into the medical field, you have to bring
was really cool. 2.a.c. Research interest in higher education. more to the table; you cant just like go to college
STEM subjects seemed to attract their attention; one The last sub-category related to the impact of and be like, okay, I want to study this. You know you
student stated that science demos are like one of those, academic gains is research interest in higher education. have to be determined and confident in what youre
it is fun, you learned it and it is not so hard that you know In this category, students discussed their intention to doing. And I feel like it really built my confidence up
you stressing about it. continue conducting research in higher education. and helped me to study because until this day, if I dont
They usually expressed that they were not accustomed Student 6 stated very clearly: understand the teacher, like if I dont understand her,
to being good at science but became really interested in it. I guess definitely it helps you to be able to gain a group Ill still go home and Ill study myself and Ill get it. And
Student 3 said, I have never really been good in science, of friends who have the same interests as you. Like Ill come to school.
but I have learned that when you really focus on it, you when you go to college and you find a study group like
add interest. In addition, Student 2 clearly expressed this its really nice. I feel like after doing thisyou know 2.b.b. Technology skills
interest: when you find somebody who has the same interests Because STEM SOS integrates technology into each
I always like I said science was not always my as you, were all here doing this then youll go study and every task of the projects, students found many
biggest thing, but being in demos let you know that with them. opportunities to develop their technology skills. Student
it is just not listening and drawing or writing down 2 described Making your websites, linking a picture. So I
your equations or writing down the words that the 2.b. 21st century skills didnt know how to do that.
teacher said you can get hands on you can figure out Apart from academic gains, the findings also showed When I go home, I am usually working on editing
something and you can learn about it and apply it to the impact of the STEM SOS model on students social the videos and putting them together said Student
everyday. and emotional gains. Students started to feel that they 3, illustrating that students are dealing with the
could achieve such things as presenting to groups, technological tools in multiple locations. Therefore, it was
2.a.b. Conceptual Understanding communicating with other students and people from not a surprise for a student to say, Now I can create my
Students all agreed that they learned a great deal outside, making a connection with the things happening own website and make a movie of what I want, thanks to
through this style of teaching. Students felt that they around them, etc. We collected those skills into five the STEM SOS.
increased their understanding of science concepts groups: self-confidence, technology skills, life and career
taught through participating, building their demos, and skills, communication skills and collaboration skills. 2.b.c. Life and career skills
conducting experiments. Yes, I will never forget that It seemed that students started recognizing the
principle because I have learned it, I saw it, I experienced 2.b.a. Self-confidence connections between things around them and what they
it. It will stay with me forever, said Student 11, who Students championed the model because, through learn in their STEM classes. The relationships between
demonstrates how lifelong learning happens through it, they developed the confidence to be able to talk to a theory and real life have made sense to them. For instance,
the STEM SOS Model. A second student underscored crowd, and communicate interpersonally. After exposure Student 5 states, this [the things we learn in class] helps
the importance of visuals of the STEM SOS to their to the model, completing the projects and presenting in you learn from and it helps in your real life, for example,
understanding of concepts by stating, So visual learning different venues, they became more confident about their in a kitchen or while driving. In addition, students started
and letting you know what it is all about it helps to learning. Student 2 described it as You know it feels nice developing skills that helped them in their personal lives:
understand everything about it. In addition, the STEM to know something and it gives you confidence and you In my daily life, the management skills [I gained by
SOS not only helps students learn the content but also feel like wow I know this... The same student expressed completing science demos on the due date] has helped
allows them to understand how to adjust knowledge or those feelings as follows, . . . able to present better, get a lot. I am able to better manage, I think, that kind
difficult topics according to their audiences and increase over the fear, I didnt know how to speak in public. I have helped with the college applications a lot and I guess
their knowledge conceptually. Student 3 explicated, I already had experiences of speaking in public and this just in general I am just able to manage my time wisely.
am also definitely learning how to simplify physics for encourages me and improves that ability more. (Student 7)
myself and for other people to make it easier for them to Students overcame their fears of presenting or talking Because STEM SOS promoted and required
understand because if I simplify it for them, Ill be learning before groups. Student 1 stated: collaborating and working with others, students seemed
too. . . . I mean being able to talk like first being nervous to have acquired empathy skills in helping others such as
Student 4s statement also illustrated their confidence like we had this one thing called news testing . . . They the poor, unhealthy, or needy. Therefore, they wanted to
due to increasing their academic knowledge and had like cameras, were recording us you know being share what they learned through STEM SOS with others as
conceptual understanding: Instead of regurgitating, you nervous in front of people I was like, I dont know how a voluntary service:
are actually going to take what you have learned and do I look like in the camera, you know, stuff like that. . . . as part of my community service hours, I go to
understood from what you built or what you made and So I mean being able to speak in front of them, be able families and homeless people so I can notice different
teach people about it. to relate what I have to say. things like whether a child has been abused or the
Students also explained that they became active Students also believed that they needed confidence homeless man is also doing, you know, illegal... or not.
learners of the things happening around them. The SOS and better communication skills for higher education and Noticing different things like that about the person,
helped them pay attention to their environment and felt the STEM SOS helped them achieve that. Student 6s individual make sure whether they are healthy or not.
mull over the physical things occurring in their daily lives. observation illustrated that belief: And making sure that verbal saying [at least] matches
Student 3 stated it very well: You learn what happens. . . . and in a way built my confidence because Im okay their needs.
You never realize it, you know when the car moves, there with speaking to a crowd of people as long as I know The other positive thing that STEM SOS helped them
is something you are learning what is happening beneath what Im speaking about, Im okay with speaking to to develop is passing the skills and knowledge they

28 Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015

Figure 3. A grounded theory of STEM SOS and its components and benefits for students

learned via the model to their children: It is always nice students may realize the importance of having such skills
to know so I can always teach to my children. Overall, the when they go to a college or for a job interview. Discussion
skills students developed via STEM SOS can facilitate both
their personal and career lives. Because the demand for skilled workers in STEM is
2.b.e. Collaboration skills
closely linked to countries global competitiveness, active
Because they have to complete several projects,
teaching approaches that place students at the center
2.b.d. Communication skills each of which requires several collaborative steps (e.g.,
of engaging instruction that relates content to real life
So far, we learned that students developed important shooting a video of their experiment), students believed
have become more important than ever. The researchers
skills that will help them both in their academic and that the STEM SOS model helped them learn to get along
aimed to study a new and innovative STEM teaching
personal lives such as content knowledge, self-confidence, with other students, to collaborate with students who are
approach, the STEM SOS, and to codify its components
and social skills. In addition, the STEM SOS enabled them senior in experience and to complete a task together:
in terms of how it is taught and the ways in which it
to communicate with friends, visitors, mentors, professors I guess because you are not doing it by yourself only,
benefits the students. After performing open, focused,
and people from all walks of lives throughout their project you have other people doing it and its a good club
and axial coding, student interviews suggested that
completions, school festivals, and STEM EXPOs: to meet other people other grades like friends like all
utilizing hands-on activities, including YouTube videos,
We work in-group a lot of time and we have to talk . the people in here, well most of them, are seniors and
experiments and student teaching of both chapter and
. . like, he put people in different groups but like not they all know me and we all speak even though Im a
year-long projects were central to the STEM SOS approach.
everybody is on the same page so basically we have 10th grader, you know? Its just really nice.
Incorporating classroom (Level I and chapter projects) and
to talk a lot if you want to get the project get done. The STEM SOS model requires students to complete
out of classroom (Level II and III) projects created multiple
(Student 5) projects that span the year; they spend an extensive
learning opportunities as well as the development of
It was actually kind of intimidating at first talking to amount of time with each other because projects are
important success skills for students. Overall, there were
the professors I didnt know what to expect but now followed by other projects. This may have transformed
two groups of skills involved: academic and 21st century
Im able to talk to them one-on-one like with, well, their team relationships into real friendships. Therefore,
skills. These also helped with the sub-components of these
understanding as well as when visitors come here, we they knew each other better and thus, they started
two gains, that is, through the STEM SOS model, students
have to present projects or something like that. helping one another beyond school borders, resulting in
improved their knowledge/conceptual understanding,
Im able to present it well so that they understand it. improved school climate:
STEM interest and research interest in higher education
(Student 7) Like were nice to each other and we help each other
and developed self-confidence, technology skills, life and
All these activities and interactions helped students out and if a person needs help, like if their partner is
career, communication, and collaboration skills. Further,
of STEM S.O.S. develop advanced communication, sick like if they have a cold and they need somebody
these skills continued to improve in a circular fashion.
public speaking and presentation skills: I did develop to fill in for them, then definitely you can find anybody
One of the discussions among teachers is whether
communication skills and how to present topics to people. who would be willing to just like help you out.
they can prepare their students for standardized testing by
Some students were aware of the importance of (Student 3)
using active teaching methods like project-based learning
communication skills in their current and future lives; as Overall, all these components of the STEM SOS model
when only standardized testing scores matter for schools
Student 3 noted, just communication skills in general is a helped students gain both academic and 21st century
(Needham, 2010). But it seems that teachers in the STEM
huge thing. I feel like a teacher [and] I like having back and skills.
SOS did not have this problem because they have a sepa-
forth communication, like, [it] really helps you. Over time,

Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015 29

rate curriculum wherein they teach content via the lec- vs 499 (Non-STEM)). As they receive positive feedback References
turing component. Although for students lecturing may from both participants and viewers, they become more
Anderson, L. (2013). Less than half of high school graduate
become a boring style of teaching because they start to motivated, self-confident, better presenters, and experts
are prepared for college, says maker of SAT. Retrieved
wander after 15 minutes of instruction (Dowd & Hulse, in the content they present. Accordingly, this creates a
from http://www.boston.com/mt/yourcampus/
1996), teachers in the STEM SOS solved this problem by positive change in their attitude towards science; they
engaging students with YouTube videos, hands-on activ- may develop STEM interest as is described in the social
ities and student teachings. This parallels research which learning theory of Albert Bandura (1977). This is con-
has found that students learn better when they are at the gruent with research findings in which studies reported Archer, L., DeWitt, J., & Wong, B. (2013). Spheres of
center of the instruction and when they must take the that student attitudes toward STEM education proved to influence: what shapes young peoples aspirations
responsibility for their own learning (e.g., Blumenfeld et be a major factor in increasing student interest in STEM at age 12/13 and what are the implications for
al., 2011). Indeed, this is very true for this model, be- subjects (Mahoney, 2010). Also, the researchers learned education policy? Journal of Education Policy, 29(1),
cause students are always active and on the stage, either that students mostly cultivate STEM interest during high 58-85.
presenting a chapter demo and/or doing Level I investi- school years (Archer, DeWitt, & Wong, 2013; Maltese & Bertram, V. M. (2014). One nation under-taught: Solving
gation and presenting it to the class, and/or presenting Tai, 2011) and see daily life connections with hands-on Americas science, technology, engineering, and math
their Level II or III projects, either before the class or to an activities (Myers & Fouts, 1992). Therefore, the role of crisis. New York: Beaufort Books.
audience at their school STEM festival or other occasions chapter and yearlong projects seem to be very central to
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like ISWEEEP, etc. the STEM S.O.S. model.
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project based learning: Sustaining the doing,
model. Because students frequently perceive project phenomenal. They not only teach the content and make
supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist,
completion as a fun privilege, they develop ownership of instruction engaging, involving and fun, but are also
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the projects and truly take responsibility for their learn- available to their students during the chapter and yearlong
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ing. This might stem from students admiration of their
facilitate them when they need help. Teachers friendly applications for advancing social justice studies. In N.
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entertaining and engaging hands-on activities. These
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scribed. Also, students earn additional credit for anything
they do extra for their projects; therefore, they try their student attitudes towards science during chapter and Charmaz, K. (2010). Grounded theory: Objectivist
best to do something different and new and learning yearlong project completion process. This explains why and constructivist methods. In W. Luttrell (Ed.),
happens concurrently. Also, completion of projects re- students, especially female students, who chose STEM Qualitative educational research: Readings in reflexive
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video presentation of their assignment. In doing so, stu- Effective STEM instruction depends on teachers profes- Motivation, learning and instruction: Essays in
dents must take pictures of each and every step of the sional and affective abilities to deal with student biases honor of Robert Glaser (pp. 453-494). Hillsdale, NJ:
experiment and materials, record the important episodes about science. This research described the STEM SOS Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
of that experiment and put them in order in the movie. model and explored how it helped students increase both Diaz, D., & King, P. (2007). Adapting a post-secondary STEM
They also have to insert any graphic that will help in academic and 21st century workforce skills. The emerging instructional model to K-5 mathematics instruction
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some projects without any formal requirement. In addi- completed chapter and yearlong projects. The study fur-
tion, they have to build a website of the experiment and Fortus, D., Krajcik, J., Dershimer, R. C., Marx, R. W., &
ther identified student benefits resulting from this model:
upload the video presentation to the Harmony YouTube Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2005). Design- based science
academic and 21st century skills. If students are to gain
page. Further, students must present their products, not and real-world problem-solving. International
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only in the classroom but also to audiences during school Journal of Science Education, 27(7), 855-879.
interest in higher education, and 21st century skills, then
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Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015 31

Alpaslan Sahin, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist at
Harmony Public Schools, Houston, Texas. He was previously
employed as a Research Scientist at Aggie STEM Center at
Texas A&M University. Dr. Sahin was an integral part in
building and nurturing the foundation for innovative STEM
schools in the area. This work springboarded him into the
Harmony Public Schools where he has carefully studied
and helped teachers and administrators implement and
embrace the STEM SOSTM (Students on the Stage) model.
Over the past several years, he has studied, designed and
trained STEM teachers of STEM academies, with his work
appearing in a variety of books and journals. His research
interests include teachers questioning techniques, STEM
education, after school programs, informal STEM learning,
charter schools, and educational technology.

Namik Top, Ph.D. Namik got his PhD in the department

of Educational Pyschology at Texas A&M University,
College Station TX in 2015. He holds a Masters degree
from the same institution. Character education, moral
education, school outcomes (school behaviors and
achievement),parental monitoring, and involvement are
his main research areas.He also studies STEM-SOS model
to be applied in character education programs.

32 Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015


Interview Questions

Hi, we are going to ask you some questions about your science experience at your school.

1. Which science course are you taking this year?

2. What other science course have you taken so far?

3. Do you like science classes?

4. How is science, like physics, taught here?

5. What do you say about your science teachers teaching?

6. How does he/she start teaching a class with?

7. Is it different?

8. Why do you think it is different?

9. What is your role in your science classroom?

10. What is your teachers role?

11. How would you describe your science experience at Harmony?

12. What do you do different?

13. In which ways does Harmony PBL or science teaching help you?

14. What skills do you use in completing science assignments?

15. What skills do you think you develop in the end?

16. Where do you think you will use the skills you develop at your school?

17. Is there anything else you want to add about your science experience at Harmony?

Journal of STEM Education Volume 16 Issue 3 August-September 2015 33

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