Jstem 2015 Stem Sos
Jstem 2015 Stem Sos
Jstem 2015 Stem Sos
Abstract next generations scientists, leaders, and innovators and approach that incorporates a full curriculum, including
In the global economy that is intertwined with countries economic leadership (e.g., National Academy of ready-to-teach teacher materials, PBL projects for all core
scientific and technical knowledge and innovation, raising Sciences, 2007; Presidents Council of Advisors on Science subjects, regular teacher trainings and aligned with mul-
a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and Technology, 2010). Yet statistics show that there tiple state standards.
(STEM)-literate generation of students has emerged as is a disproportionate growth in terms of numbers and
one of the paramount goals of most countries. Educational quality of STEM workers (Mahoney, 2010; Lacey & Wright, STEM Case in the United States
models that contribute to meeting those countries goals 2009). Thus, developing a quality STEM education that and STEM SOS Model
have become important in education. The absence of prepares students for the 21st century workforce becomes Statistics have shown that U.S education suffers from
standards-focused, ready-to-teach teacher and student paramount for each countryseconomic wellbeing. lack of rigorous K-12 education, especially in STEM areas.
materials and lack of regular teacher trainings are some For this purpose, different approaches have been pur- For instance, the National Assessment of Education Prog-
of the barriers attributed to the current STEM teaching sued to teach STEM subjects in K-12 settings. Some of the ress (NAEP, known as the Nations Report Card) revealed
approaches. Against this background, we investigated a research-based methods for interdisciplinary STEM edu- that only 26 percent of Americas 12th-graders scored at
successful STEM teaching model that has ready-to-teach cation are Design- Based Science (DBS) (Fortus, Krajcikb, or above proficient in math (Bertram, 2014). In another
materials, standards-focused, regular teacher professional Dershimerb, Marx, & Mamlok-Naamand, 2005), Math example, only 40 percent of Americans about to enter the
trainings and student choice and voice that utilize both Out of the BoxTM (Diaz & King, 2007), Learning by DesignTM workforce, military, college, and voting age are able to
classroom and out-of-classroom projects as a solution to (LBD) (Kolodner, et al., 2003) and Integrated Mathemat- perform basic mathematics (Bertram, 2014, pg.1). We
the aforementioned issues. The purpose of this research is ics, Science, and Technology (IMaST) (Satchwell & Loepp, already know that American students lag behind their
to examine a new STEM teaching approach developed by 2002), all of which incorporate a course of inquiry-based counterparts in international math and science tests (e.g.,
a public charter school system, Harmony Public Schools learning that encourages students to complete a project TIMSS, PISA). Accordingly, there is a shortage of STEM
(HPS). We used theoretical sampling; 11 semi-structured with respect to existing knowledge and experience, and majoring professionals (NRC, 2011; Schmidt, 2011). To
interviews were conducted with high school students. to present what they learned and developed as a result address these problems, integrated STEM education or
Grounded theory and constant comparative analysis were (Laboy-Rush, 2011). For the most part, each method pro- Project-based Learning (PBL) has been proposed (For-
utilized. Study findings have revealed that the students vides students a four- or five-step process, with each step tus et al., 2005). Limited research on PBL has yielded
were active learners most of the time, presenting and accomplishing a specific process-based objective. Simi- promising findings, such as an increase in student inter-
sharing their findings with classmates and visitors. Thus larly, the project-based learning strategy has been found est in and understanding of STEM and developing skills
the title of this research, STEM Students on the Stage (SOS), and proven to be an effective STEM education program in collaboration and problem solving (Fortus et al., 2005).
is used to describe this model. In addition, emerging (Laboy-Rush, 2011). These methods are successfully Likewise, Harmony Public Schools (HPS) has developed
substantive theory suggested that STEM SOS model implemented because of the models integration of coop- its own STEM approach that incorporates project-based
helped students learn STEM subjects better, cultivate erative learning, working in teams to do research, testing and inquiry-based learning called STEM Students on the
STEM subject interests, and develop skills for their theories and producing artifacts (Meyrick, 2011). Har- Stage (SOS TM) through the Race to the Top grant funded
college and professional lives. Implications of the effect wood and Rudnistsky (2005) indicated that such teach- by the U.S. Department of Education with the goal of not
of this model on K-12 students learning experiences are ing and learning methods increase students involvement only increasing students STEM knowledge and interest,
discussed in detail. and engagement, and can stimulate students as well as but also producing self-motivated and self-regulated
Scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathemati- enable them to recognize links between their lessons and learners (Harmony STEM Program, 2013). STEM SOS
cians are high-tech workers who have the knowledge to tasks performed by engineers in the real world (p. 54). aims to maintain the focus on standards-based and
turn the wheel of the global economy (Craig, Thomas, However, there have been some gaps in the implemen- student-centered teaching while enriching and extending
Hou, & Mathur, 2011). Accordingly, the importance of tation of current conventional PBL models (Mapes, 2009; the learning of students through PBL projects. The goal is
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Marx et al., 1997), namely, a) teachers dont have access to promote not only collaborative skills and student own-
(STEM) education cannot be underestimated for countries to ready-to-teach materials including teacher guides, ership of learning but also to promote student success in
in an innovation-driven economic world (Top student handouts and assessment materials; b) there is a state and national standards (p. x). In contrast to other
& Sahin, 2015; Sahin, Ayar, & Adiguzel, 2014; Sahin, lack of regular teacher trainings; and c) non-aligned PBL conventional PBL approaches, students have to complete
2013). Several reports have highlighted the links between lessons that dont prepare students for standardized test- multiple projects, including a level I project followed by
a well-rounded K-12 STEM education to prepare the ing. In this study, we investigate a new STEM PBL teaching either regular level II or advanced level III project.
learned via the model to their children: It is always nice students may realize the importance of having such skills
to know so I can always teach to my children. Overall, the when they go to a college or for a job interview. Discussion
skills students developed via STEM SOS can facilitate both
their personal and career lives. Because the demand for skilled workers in STEM is
2.b.e. Collaboration skills
closely linked to countries global competitiveness, active
Because they have to complete several projects,
teaching approaches that place students at the center
2.b.d. Communication skills each of which requires several collaborative steps (e.g.,
of engaging instruction that relates content to real life
So far, we learned that students developed important shooting a video of their experiment), students believed
have become more important than ever. The researchers
skills that will help them both in their academic and that the STEM SOS model helped them learn to get along
aimed to study a new and innovative STEM teaching
personal lives such as content knowledge, self-confidence, with other students, to collaborate with students who are
approach, the STEM SOS, and to codify its components
and social skills. In addition, the STEM SOS enabled them senior in experience and to complete a task together:
in terms of how it is taught and the ways in which it
to communicate with friends, visitors, mentors, professors I guess because you are not doing it by yourself only,
benefits the students. After performing open, focused,
and people from all walks of lives throughout their project you have other people doing it and its a good club
and axial coding, student interviews suggested that
completions, school festivals, and STEM EXPOs: to meet other people other grades like friends like all
utilizing hands-on activities, including YouTube videos,
We work in-group a lot of time and we have to talk . the people in here, well most of them, are seniors and
experiments and student teaching of both chapter and
. . like, he put people in different groups but like not they all know me and we all speak even though Im a
year-long projects were central to the STEM SOS approach.
everybody is on the same page so basically we have 10th grader, you know? Its just really nice.
Incorporating classroom (Level I and chapter projects) and
to talk a lot if you want to get the project get done. The STEM SOS model requires students to complete
out of classroom (Level II and III) projects created multiple
(Student 5) projects that span the year; they spend an extensive
learning opportunities as well as the development of
It was actually kind of intimidating at first talking to amount of time with each other because projects are
important success skills for students. Overall, there were
the professors I didnt know what to expect but now followed by other projects. This may have transformed
two groups of skills involved: academic and 21st century
Im able to talk to them one-on-one like with, well, their team relationships into real friendships. Therefore,
skills. These also helped with the sub-components of these
understanding as well as when visitors come here, we they knew each other better and thus, they started
two gains, that is, through the STEM SOS model, students
have to present projects or something like that. helping one another beyond school borders, resulting in
improved their knowledge/conceptual understanding,
Im able to present it well so that they understand it. improved school climate:
STEM interest and research interest in higher education
(Student 7) Like were nice to each other and we help each other
and developed self-confidence, technology skills, life and
All these activities and interactions helped students out and if a person needs help, like if their partner is
career, communication, and collaboration skills. Further,
of STEM S.O.S. develop advanced communication, sick like if they have a cold and they need somebody
these skills continued to improve in a circular fashion.
public speaking and presentation skills: I did develop to fill in for them, then definitely you can find anybody
One of the discussions among teachers is whether
communication skills and how to present topics to people. who would be willing to just like help you out.
they can prepare their students for standardized testing by
Some students were aware of the importance of (Student 3)
using active teaching methods like project-based learning
communication skills in their current and future lives; as Overall, all these components of the STEM SOS model
when only standardized testing scores matter for schools
Student 3 noted, just communication skills in general is a helped students gain both academic and 21st century
(Needham, 2010). But it seems that teachers in the STEM
huge thing. I feel like a teacher [and] I like having back and skills.
SOS did not have this problem because they have a sepa-
forth communication, like, [it] really helps you. Over time,
Interview Questions
Hi, we are going to ask you some questions about your science experience at your school.
7. Is it different?
13. In which ways does Harmony PBL or science teaching help you?
16. Where do you think you will use the skills you develop at your school?
17. Is there anything else you want to add about your science experience at Harmony?