Magellan Explorist 100 Owner S Manual
Magellan Explorist 100 Owner S Manual
Magellan Explorist 100 Owner S Manual
eXplorist 100 GPS Receiver
Using the eXplorist 100
Starting Up
Navigation Screens
Points of Interest
Track Logs
Contacting Magellan Support
*** Warnings ***
Please do not try to change any settings on the Magellan eXplorist while driving. Come to a
complete stop or have a passenger make any changes. Taking your eyes off the road is dangerous
and can result in an accident in which you or others could be injured.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the U.S. Government, which is solely
responsible for the accuracy and maintenance of the GPS network. The accuracy of position fixes
can be affected by the periodic adjustments to GPS satellites made by the U.S. government and is
subject to change in accordance with the Department of Defense civil GPS user policy and the
Federal Radionavigation Plan. Accuracy can also be affected by poor satellite geometry and
obstructions, such as buildings and large trees.
Thales Navigation grants you, the purchaser, the right to use the software supplied in and with
Thales Navigation GPS products (the SOFTWARE) in the normal operation of the equipment in
accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement that is included with the product.
The SOFTWARE is the property of Thales Navigation and/or its suppliers and is protected by United
States copyright laws and international treaty provisions; therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE
like any other copyright material.
You may not use, copy, modify, reverse engineer or transfer this SOFTWARE except as expressly
provided in the license. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Thales Navigation and/or its
* * *
No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the purchasers
personal use without the prior written permission of Thales Navigation.
* * *
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Starting Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Turning the eXplorist On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Turning the eXplorist Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Turning the Display Backlight On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Using the eXplorist for the First Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Navigation Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Accessing the Navigation Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Plotter Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Plotter Screen Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Changing Plotter Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Plotter Screen Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Showing or Hiding Plotter Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Customizing the Displayed Map Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Changing the Plotter Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Compass Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Compass Screen Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Customizing the Information Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Position Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Position Screen Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Resetting the Trip Odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Satellite Status Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Table of Contents ii
Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Marking Your Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Quick-Marking Your Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Marking Your Position (Personalized) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Making POIs for Locations Other Than Your Present Position . . . . . . . . 26
Marking a Position by Entering Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Marking a Position using the Plotter Cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
The POI Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Searching for a POI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Editing a POI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Deleting a POI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Viewing a POI on the Plotter Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
GOTO Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Creating a GOTO Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Creating a GOTO Route from the Cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Multi-Leg Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Creating a Multi-leg Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Activating/Deactivating a Route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Changing the Destination Leg of an Active Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Editing a Saved Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Reversing a Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Deleting a Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Copying a Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Viewing a Route on the Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Table of Contents iii
Track Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Track Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Stopping and Resuming Active Track Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Starting a New Active Track Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Saving an Active Track Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Creating a BackTrack Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Clearing the Active Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Converting the Track Log to a Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Viewing the Track Log on the Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Working with Saved Track Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Following Saved Track Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Reversing a Saved Track Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Deleting a Saved Track Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Restarting the GPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Setting the Map Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Selecting Navigational Units of Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Selecting the North Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Selecting the Coordinate System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Selecting the Map Datum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Using the Power Management Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Setting the Power-Off Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Setting the Light Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Personalizing the eXplorist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Selecting Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Clearing Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Clearing All Track Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Clearing All POIs and Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Clearing All Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Clearing All Track Logs, POIs, and Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Reseting the eXplorist to Factory Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
On/Off Button
Display Backlight
Arrow Joystick
Backlight Turns the display backlight on. Sequences from off to low to high
ZOOM IN Used on the Plotter screen to zoom in on the plotter displayed. The
plotter display can be zoomed in to 100 ft. (35.0 m).
Also used to quickly step through the list of POIs when doing an
alphabetical search.
ZOOM OUT Used on the Plotter screen to zoom out on the plotter displayed.
The plotter display can be zoomed out to 1700 mi (2700 km).
Also used to quickly step through the list of POIs when doing an
alphabetical search.
NAV Steps through the navigation screens. (Plotter screen > Compass
screen > Position screen > Satellite Status screen)
Wrist Lanyard
Strap Mounting
Battery Door
(Unscrew to
open battery
door to install
Battery Door batteries.)
The eXplorist 100 uses information from the GPS satellites orbiting the earth to provide you
with detailed information about your exact location. This is the foundation that your
eXplorist will use to provide you with the necessary information to arrive at your destination.
Going to a Destination
The most common use of your eXplorist will be to provide you with the navigation tools
youll need to arrive at your chosen destination. The simplest route, and the one used
most, is a GOTO route. This is a route that is computed as a straight line from where you
are to where you want to go.
Step One: Compute Your Position
The basic operation of your eXplorist is to use the GPS satellites to compute your pres-
ent position. This is done internally in the software of your eXplorist. The only thing
that you need to do is to give your eXplorist a clear view of the sky so that it can receive
the signals from the satellites.
Point the antenna up toward the sky.
Maintain a clear view of the sky.
Cover the antenna with your hand or other objects.
Point the antenna down.
Stand under trees or other heavy foliage.
Stand where the satellite signals are being blocked by large obstructions (such as
buildings, in a narrow canyon, etc.)
If you find that the eXplorist is not computing a position, just move to a place that has
a better view of the sky.
Anytime that you want to view the status of the satellites and 3D Position Fix
their signal strength, switch to the Satellite Status screen. Here, Tracking 7....
you will graphically see the satellites and their relative signal
strength. You need at least three satellites with good signal
strength (indicated by black bars) to compute your position. A
computed position with only three satellites is termed a 2D posi-
tion fix. When you are getting a 2D position fix, your elevation is
not being computed. To add elevation to your position fix, you
need at least four satellites with good signal strength. Positions
that use four or more satellites are called 3D position fixes.
Using the eXplorist 100 6
Step Two: Where Do You Want To Go?
Now that the eXplorist knows where you are, you need to tell it where you want to go.
There are many different ways you can do this, but the simplest and most commonly
used is a GOTO route. This is a one-leg route with a beginning (where you are now)
and a destination (where you want to go). The destination is selected by using the
Points of Interest database.
Creating a GOTO route is as simple as pressing the GOTO button and selecting the des-
tination from the points of interest database.
Step Three: Calculating Movement
As you move, your eXplorist is constantly calculating new positions, comparing the new
position to the previous position and calculating such things as heading and speed.
This is all done in the eXplorists software communicating with the satellites and is
instantaneously shown on your display.
Step Four: Providing Directions
Your eXplorist constantly computes a direct line from your present position to your desti-
nation. From there, it will provide you instructions to guide you along that straight path.
Unless you are on a large body of water, it will be unlikely that you will be able to follow
these instructions exactly. To compensate for that, your eXplorist automatically updates
the route, providing you with up-to-date information about getting to your destination.
GOTO routes are the simplest and most commonly used feature of your eXplorist 100. With
just the GOTO button the eXplorist will provide you with the tools needed to get to any point of
interest stored in your database.
Saving Your Position
Another commonly used feature of the eXplorist is saving your position to the points of interest
database. This feature is accessed by pressing the MARK button. When saving your position,
you can also add attributes such as the icon or a name for the point of interest. This will help
you to find this spot in the future when accessing it from the points of interest database.
Suppose that you have set up camp for the night. Tomorrow, you plan on doing some
nature exploring and you want to be able to come back to the campsite when you are
done. Press the MARK button and set the name of the point of interest to Camp.
After your hiking is done, simply use the GOTO button and select Camp from the list
of My Points of Interest. Its that simple to find your way back.
While out fishing on the lake, you come across the perfect spot for catching your limit.
Next year, you want to be able to come back to this same spot. Turn on your eXplorist;
and after it has computed your position, press the MARK button to save it. This time
you can enter the name Catfish1 and save your point of interest. Next year, you can
be back at the same hot spot with just a press of the GOTO button.
Using the eXplorist 100 7
A simpler example, and one you can do at just about any time, is finding your car in that
ocean of other cars in the shopping mall parking lot. Just park your car, step outside and
let your eXplorist compute your position. (Make sure that you have a clear view of the
sky.) Using the MARK button, save this position with the name Car. When you are
done shopping, just go outside the mall and create a GOTO with the destination Car.
No matter where you parked, your eXplorist will guide you back, simply and easily.
Tracing Your Steps
Hikers, mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts often need the option of leaving a trail of
breadcrumbs that they can follow back to where they started. The eXplorist has a feature
called BackTrack that enables you to do just that.
It was mentioned earlier that your eXplorist is constantly computing your present position and
that you can save your position by using the MARK button. Now, imagine that your eXplorist
automatically saved your computed positions as you moved along the trail. Pretty soon there
would be a set of saved positions, like breadcrumbs, that represents the trail you have taken.
This is exactly what the eXplorist does. It saves the computed positions as hidden points of
interest and strings them together to represent your travels. This is called your Track, and the
hidden points of interest are your Track Log.
Your eXplorist enables you to use this Track, reverse it and navigate you along the same path
that you followed to get you back to your destination.
You might drive to the ranger station and follow the trail that leads you to the waterfalls
you have been wanting to see. With your eXplorist turned on and able to compute posi-
tion fixes, you continue along the trail. The trail winds along and has many smaller
trails attached to it. As the day progresses you arrive at the falls. When its time to
head back to your car, you access your Track Logs list and select the Active Track log.
Now, press MENU, highlight BackTrack and press ENTER. Your eXplorist will now
seamlessly guide you along the path, tracing your footsteps, back to where you started.
Another nice feature of Track Logs, which you may find useful, is that you are able to
save the Track Logs and recall them at any time. In the above example, at the waterfall,
you could save that track and use it anytime you wanted to go back.
Using the eXplorist 100 8
Additional Features
Your Magellan eXplorist contains all of the features that you would
expect from a high-quality Magellan-brand handheld navigation
device, as well as many more to make your outdoor experience more
enjoyable. You have the ability to customize the navigation screens,
enabling you to view the information that is important to you. The
eXplorist makes full use of the Plotter screens, enabling you to
graphically see your position, the route you are navigating, the path
you have trekked (Track), and points of interest icons. There is a
built-in odometer so that you can log the length of your journey.
User preferences enable you to set up and maintain your eXplorist
so that it fits your needs and requirements. The eXplorist gives you
all of this and more in an easy-to-use, portable navigation tool that
includes built-in help files that you can access in the great out- Magellan eXplorist 100
doors. with optional
swivel mounting bracket
Go from this...
to this...
with this.
Starting Up 9
intensity changes
each time you
press the LIGHT
Turn the eXplorist on. Press the Power button. When the Startup screen is displayed, press
Select Language. When you turn on the eXplorist for the first time, Language
you are given the option of selecting one of the ten languages that English
can be used. Franais
You can change the language selection at any time by accessing Suomi
Menu > Preferences > Languages. Espaol
Tip: If you accidentally change the language but you cant read Portugus
the text and need to change it back, press the NAV button until Norsk
the Satellite Status screen is displayed. Press MENU. Use the PRESS
Arrow joystick to highlight the fourth line and press ENTER. Use
the Arrow joystick to highlight the fifth line and press ENTER. Use arrow joystick to move
the highlight up and down.
The Language Select screen will be displayed. Press ENTER to accept
Read Warning. When you agree to the warning statement, press WARNING!
ENTER to continue.
All data is provided
for reference only.
You assume full
responsibility and
risk when using this
Compute Initial Position. For this operation, it is best if you are outside and have a clear,
unobstructed view of the sky. Without a clear view, this will take much longer and could
result in the eXplorist being unable to compute the initial position Finding Satellites
automatically. Tracking 0...
The eXplorist begins to compute your initial position. This may take a
few minutes while it is doing a cold start.
Normally, when you first turn the eXplorist on it will compute your
position in a matter of seconds when able to do a warm start. (An
explanation of cold start vs. warm start is provided following this
The Satellite Status screen is displayed, showing you the progress
Satellite Status screen shows
of the collection of satellite data.
how many satellites are being
tracked, as well as the
relative strength of the signal.
Starting Up 11
The Satellite Status screen will continuously update, and you will be 3D Position Fix
able to graphically see how well your eXplorist is performing. Tracking 7....
Heading Speed
o M
000 M 0.0 H
If the eXplorist is unable to compute your initial fix in a few minutes: If the eXplorist
determines that it is unable to track the satellites within a few minutes, it will present
you with the following screens in an effort to better determine its
approximate location.
Select Region. Use the arrow joystick to highlight the region that
you are located in. With the region highlighted, press the ENTER
Enter Coord
Asia East
Asia West
Select Area. This displays a list of areas for the region you
selected. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the area that
applies to you, and press the ENTER button. Alabama
Starting Up 12
Enter Current Time. Use the arrow joystick to enter the current Time
37 00.000N
Arrow Joystick Up: Increases the highlighted number 119 00.000W
Arrow Joystick Down: Decreases the highlighted number
Arrow Joystick Right: Moves the highlight one character to the right
Arrow Joystick Left: Moves the highlight one character to the left
16 JAN 04
Toggle between AM and PM by moving the arrow joystick up or down when
AM or PM is highlighted.
When you have entered the correct time, press ENTER. The latitude and longitude
that represents the center
of the region and area you
selected is displayed.
Enter the Date. Use the Arrow joystick to set the date displayed Date
to the current date. 3700.000N
Arrow Joystick Up: Increases the highlighted number 11900.000W
Arrow Joystick Down: Decreases the highlighted number
Arrow Joystick Right: Moves the highlight one character to the right
Arrow Joystick Left: Moves the highlight one character to the left
16 JAN 04
When the month is highlighted, use the arrow joystick up or down to scroll Done
through the list of months.
When you have entered the correct date, press ENTER.
The Satellite Status screen is displayed again and the eXplorist Finding Satellites
will try to compute your position using the information you just Tracking 0...
Tip: If you notice that the satellite signal-strength bars are
still not changing, try moving to a new location where you
have a clearer view of the sky.
As before, when the eXplorist computes the initial position, the
Plotter screen will be displayed, with your computed position
indicated by the arrow cursor in the middle of the display.
Starting Up 13
Cold vs. Warm Start. When the eXplorist is turned on, one of the first things it does is
to find out which satellites are overhead, along with their relative position. It does this
by using a built-in satellite almanac. This almanac, when given the current date, time
and approximate position, can provide the eXplorist with information on which satellites
are overhead and their approximate relationship to the eXplorist. Now with information
on satellite availability, the eXplorist can begin setting its internal satellite channels to
receive satellite transmissions.
Cold Start. Cold start is defined as when the eXplorist does not have an
approximate position to use when referring to its almanac. This can occur when:
The eXplorist is turned on for the first time after purchase. The memory is
cleared prior to shipping so that any position that may have been in the
eXplorist is set to a null value.
If you have cleared the eXplorist's memory, (found in Preferences) all of
the memory will be cleared and the last computed position will be set to a
null value.
If you have traveled with your eXplorist with it turned off, the last position
saved may be so far away that when the eXplorist begins looking for
satellites, the ones it is expecting to find are not there. (As a rule of
thumb, any time you move for more than 500 mi [804.7 km] with the
eXplorist turned off, there is a good chance that it will start up using a
cold start.
A cold start should take no more than 2-3 minutes to compute the initial position
Warm Start. Warm starts are when the last position calculated before the
eXplorist was turned off is still in memory and you are in the same approximate
position. Most of the time that the eXplorist is turned on, it will be in its warm-
start mode. With a clear view of the sky, the eXplorist should compute its
position in a matter of seconds.
This concludes the initial startup procedure for the Magellan eXplorist 100. Once the
Plotter screen is displayed, you have successfully initialized the eXplorist and are ready to
Now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the different navigation screens
(using the NAV button) and to set any preferences that may be different from the factory
Navigation Screens 14
Accessing the Navigation Screens
The eXplorist has three navigation screens, as well as a Satellite Status screen that can be
accessed by pressing the NAV button. Each screen provides the same information in a
different format, giving you the choice of choosing the screen that best suits your needs.
To: VIEW Location
Speed Distance
2.8 MH 0.84 MI 11749.563W
Elevation Accuracy
N 1292 F T 25 F T
3D Position Fix
Tracking 7....
Tip: The ESC button will also set through the navigation screens, just like the NAV
button but in the reverse order.
Plotter Screen
The first, and most commonly used, screen is the Plotter screen. The Plotter screen displays
your position, as well as POIs that you have saved for the area displayed.
Highlights of the Plotter screen:
Use the zoom in/out buttons to change the scale.
The arrow cursor in the middle of the display indicates your position and, if moving,
points in the direction you are heading.
Press MARK to save your position.
Use the Arrow joystick to move the cursor. The arrow cursor changes to a crosshair
cursor, with any available information about the position of the cursor at the bottom of
the display. You can also save the position of the crosshair cursor as a POI by pressing
the MARK button.
Press ESC when you are done panning with the crosshair cursor to display your present
position with the arrow cursor.
Press MENU and select Hide Map Info or Map Plotter Info to turn the information
boxes at the bottom of the screen on or off.
Press MENU and select Customize page to change the information displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
Press MENU and select Orientation to change the orientation of the screen.
Navigation Screens 15
Plotter Screen Overview
Updated Route
OakTree Marker
Original Route
Position Cursor
Track Indicator
Pan Cursor (used when
in Cursor Mode)
CA Hourglass (used when position
Plotter Scale is unknown and eXplorist is
Heading Speed
o M trying to compute the
352 M 4.3 H position)
Data Field 1
Data Field 2
Heading Speed
o M
352 M 4.3 H
The Plotter screen in the
Position Mode
Navigation Screens 16
In the Cursor mode, you have a cursor icon displayed that you can use
to pan around the plotter. The information displayed at the bottom of Ranger
the screen provides you with the heading and distance of the cursor
from your present position. In the Cursor mode you can:
scroll around the plotter, checking available information for areas
on the plotter not displayed around your present position CA
create a POI for the position indicated by the cursor
OakTree OakTree
Heading Speed
o M
351 M 3.9 H 1.60mi
Data Field 1
2.8 M
H 0.84 MI Data Field 2
Destination Icon
Moon Locator
Icon S Sun Locator Icon
The top of the screen (the header bar) displays the name of the destination if you have an
active route. Without an active route, the destination name is blank.
Also, two navigation information fields (customizable) are displayed.
When there is no active route, the graphical compass indicates the direction you are
travelling. (When you are not moving, the compass points to the last computed heading.)
When there is an active route, an icon representing the destination is displayed outside the
compass diameter, with the compass arrow pointing in the direction you are heading. When
the compass arrow points directly to the destination icon, you are going in the direction of
your destination.
Navigation Screens 20
Customizing the Information Fields
The information displayed at the top of the screen can be customized to information that is
important to you. You can select from:
Distance [default]
Speed [default]
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
ETE (Estimated Time Enroute)
To customize the plotter information:
1. While viewing the Compass screen, press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Customize page.
3. Press ENTER.
4. The title bar for one of the fields is highlighted. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight
the title bar for the field you want to customize.
5. Press ENTER.
Customize page
6. Highlight the information you want displayed from the list.
Bearing 0.84
7. Press ENTER. Distance
210 San Dimas
8. The highlight will automatically jump to the other field. Go Heading
back to step 5 to change the information displayed for this ETA
field. Elevation
9. When the information to be displayed is chosen, press ESC Date
to exit the customize function.
Navigation Screens 21
Position Screen
The Position screen provides detailed position information in a text format that is familiar to
seasoned navigators.
Highlights of the Position screen:
Position is displayed in textual format using the coordinate system selected. (See
Setting Coordinate System for information on how to select the coordinate system.)
Elevation information is displayed. (Accurate when four or more satellites are being
used to compute the position.)
Computed accuracy of the position computed is displayed. WAAS is also displayed in
the Accuracy field when the eXplorist is using WAAS information to increase the
accuracy of the position fix.
Date and time are shown, automatically adjusted from time information supplied from
the atomic clocks in the GPS satellites.
A resettable trip odometer to keeps track of the distance youve travelled.
A graphical battery indicator provides you with information on the current condition of
the AA batteries in the eXplorist.
Coordinates 3406.556N
of present position 11749.563W
Elevation Accuracy
Accuracy of
Elevation 1292 F
T 25 F T position fix
of present position Date/Time
Points of Interest 24
Whether driving in a car, hiking on the trail, or out
for an afternoon sail, you are going to want to save
places youve been in your eXplorist so that you can
go back to them in the future. This is the
fundamental starting point for any GPS navigator.
Saving these places is called Marking Your
position or just MARK for short. The saved
positions are called points of interest, or just POIs.
(You may have heard the term waypoints to
describe marked positions. Waypoints and points of
interest are identical.)
Tip: Later in this manual you will see a way to modify the icon, name, and message of
positions you have quick-marked.
Points of Interest 25
Marking Your Position (Personalized)
Normally, marking your position is simply a two-button process: MARK and ENTER.
However, sometimes you will want to personalize the POI you are marking to make it
easier to identify later. You are able to change the icon, change the name, and create
a message. You are also able to change the location coordinates and the elevation.
This changes the position that is being saved and is discussed in a following section.
1. Press MARK.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the field you want to change.
3. Press ENTER.
Icon Name
4a. If the icon field was selected: Use the Arrow joystick POI003
to select the icon desired and press ENTER. To aid in Location
you make a mistake, highlight Back and press ENTER. Save Cancel
To access the lower-case characters, highlight Shift
and press ENTER. To clear everything and start over, Mark Screen with Name
field highlighted
highlight CLEAR and press ENTER. When you are
satisfied with the name, highlight OK and press ENTER.
Note: User-saved POI names can only be eight characters long (including
4c. If the Message field was selected: Use the keypad displayed, just as was
described in 4b, to enter a message for this POI. Message fields can have
up to 30 characters, including spaces.
5. When the Icon, Name, and Message fields are done, use the Arrow joystick to
highlight Save.
6. Press ENTER.
Points of Interest 26
Making POIs for Locations Other Than Your Present Position
Sometimes, you may want to save a position that is not your present position. The eXplorist
offers you two ways of doing that. You can modify the coordinates of your present position or
you can use the Cursor mode of the Plotter screen to pan to the location you want to mark.
value at the cursor point. To move the cursor point left or 3406.560N
right, use the Arrow joystick in a left/right motion. Elevation
924 FT
Input the data on the first line of the Location field. When Message
done, press ENTER and the cursor will drop to the second CREATE MESSAGE?
line. Continue inputting the data for the second line of the Save Cancel
Location field.
5. Press ENTER. Entering new positioning
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Save.
7. Press ENTER to save the new POI.
Note: While not described here, you can change the icon, name, elevation, and add a
message, just as described in Marking Your Position (Personalized).
Points of Interest 27
Marking a Position using the Plotter Cursor
This gives you a way of marking a position, other than your present position, by moving the
cursor around the plotter to a place where you want to create a POI.
1. While viewing the Plotter screen, use the Arrow joystick to put the eXplorist into
Cursor mode.
2. Continue moving the crosshair cursor until you are over the location where you want
to add a POI.
3. Press MARK.
4. [Optional] Use the Arrow joystick to highlight fields (icon, name, etc.) of the POI
that you want to edit. When you are done editing the field, press ENTER.
5. With Save highlighted, press ENTER.
6. Press ESC to exit the Cursor mode and return to the Position mode.
Points of Interest 28
The POI Database
All of the POIs that you have saved can be accessed using the POI database. Once the
database has been accessed and the POI selected, you can view or edit the POI.
Highlights of the POI database are:
Searching for POIs you have saved, nearest to your position or in alphabetical order.
Ability to edit POIs you have saved.
Ability to delete POIs you have saved.
Function letting you view a POI on the plotter.
Provides another means to save a preloaded POI as a user-entered POI.
While viewing the list of POIs, the bearing and distance from your present position is
displayed at the bottom of the screen.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight My Pts of Interest.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to select Nearest.
6. Press ENTER.
7. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI desired.
Points of Interest 29
Editing a POI
POIs that you have saved can be edited to change the icon, name, elevation and message.
You can also change the location, but keep in mind that this effectively is creating a new POI
in a new location.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Pts of Interest.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to select Nearest or Alphabetical.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI to be edited.
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Edit POI.
9. Press ENTER.
NOTE: If the POI you are trying to edit is used in a route, you will be asked to confirm
that you want to edit this POI.
10. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the field you want to change.
11. Press ENTER.
12a. If the Icon field was selected: Use the Arrow joystick to Mark
Icon Name
select the icon desired and press ENTER. To aid in your MAGELLAN
selection, the type of icon selected is displayed in the 3406.560N
information block at the top of the keypad. 11749.566W
12b. If the Name field was selected: Use the Arrow joystick to 924 FT
select the character desired and press ENTER. If you make
a mistake, highlight Back and press ENTER. To access the
lower-case characters, highlight Shift and press ENTER. To Save Cancel
clear everything and start over, highlight CLEAR and press Editing an existing POI
ENTER. When you are satisfied with the name, highlight OK with the Icon field
and press ENTER. highlighted
Note: User-entered POI names can be only eight characters long (including
12c. If the Message field was selected: Use the keypad displayed, just as was described
in 12b, to enter a message for this POI.
13. When the Icon, Name and Message fields are ready, use the Arrow joystick to
highlight Save.
14. Press ENTER.
Points of Interest 30
Deleting a POI
POIs that you have saved can be deleted using this operation. If you have created a lot of
POIs, you may wish to delete any unneessary ones so that you may more easily search for a
newly created POI.
POIs that have been deleted cannot be restored. You will need to input the information for a
deleted POI if you will want it again. To prevent accidental deletion, a confirmation window
will be displayed, confirming the deletion.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight My Pts of Interest.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to select Nearest or Alphabetical.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI to be deleted.
7. Press ENTER.
Note: If the POI selected is used in a route, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Delete POI.
9. Confirm the deletion by highlighting Yes, or cancel the deletion by highlighting No.
10. Press ENTER.
Points of Interest 31
Viewing a POI on the Plotter Screen
POIs that you have saved can be viewed on the Plotter screen to assist you in locating the
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight My Pts of Interest.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to select Nearest or Alphabetical.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI to be viewed.
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight View on Plotter.
9. Press ENTER.
10. The Plotter screen will be displayed in the Cursor mode. The cursor will be directly
over the POI you have selected. You may use the Zoom buttons to change the scale
of the plotter displayed; and if your position icon is within range, it will be shown.
11. Press ESC to return to the list of POIs found in step 7.
Note: Remember that pressing the NAV button will return you to the last viewed Plotter
screen. In step 11 if you are finished with the POIs in the POI database, you could
press NAV to close the POI database and return to the last viewed Plotter screen.
Routes 32
Routes are the least understood and one of
the most important functions of a GPS
receiver. The better you understand routes
and how to use them, the more enjoyment
you will receive from using your eXplorist.
The simpliest and most common form of a
route is a GOTO route. A GOTO route is a
one-leg route with a starting point (your
present position) and a destination (a POI
you select). This route is useful when you
want to go to a POI you have saved.
The next type of a route is a multi-leg route. The easiest way to understand multi-leg routes
is to know that they are GOTO routes stuck together. If a GOTO route is from A to B then a
multi-leg route goes from A to B, B to C, C to D, and so on. (Using the term multi-leg is
somewhat misleading because it can be a single-leg route; but these types of routes are
rarely used as a one-leg routes, a GOTO route would be used instead.) An advantage of a
multi-leg route is that it can be saved in the eXplorists memory to be activated and used
over and over.
A third type of route is a backtrack route. (The creation of backtrack routes is not described
in this section of the manual because these routes are part of the Track Log functions of the
eXplorist.) As you travel the eXplorist records your track. Creating a backtrack route uses
this track information and creates a multi-leg route, in reverse order, enabling you to
navigate back to where you started.
GOTO Routes
A GOTO route is the most commonly used form of a route in your eXplorist. The creation of
a GOTO route is no harder than pressing the GOTO button and searching in the POI database
for the destination POI.
GOTO routes can be created by pressing the GOTO button and selecting the destination
POI from the POI database.
GOTO routes can also be created in the Cursor mode of the Plotter screen.
Routes 33
Creating a GOTO Route
The instructions here describe the most common and easiest way to create a GOTO
1. Press GOTO.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Nearest or OakTree
3. Press ENTER
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI you want to
go to. 1.60mi
Heading Speed
5. Press ENTER. o
4.3 H
352 M
6. If you already have a GOTO you will be asked to Plotter screen with an
confirm the creation of this GOTO. active GOTO route.
After you press ENTER, the last viewed navigation screen will be displayed, updated as
needed to provide information about the GOTO route you have created. On the Plotter
screen, a line will be drawn representing the GOTO route. The Compass screen will
change to display the name of the POI used as the destination in the screen header
bar and an icon representing the destination outside the diameter of the compass.
Routes 34
Creating a GOTO Route from the Plotter Cursor
This will create a GOTO route to a point on the plotter that you have indicated by moving the
crosshair cursor on the Plotter screen.
1. While viewing the Plotter screen, use the Arrow joystick, causing the eXplorist to go
into Cursor mode.
2. Continue using the Arrow joystick to move the crosshair cursor to a point on the
plotter that represents where you want to go.
3. Press GOTO.
4. If a GOTO is active, you will be asked to deactivate it and create a new GOTO route.
Highlight Yes and press ENTER to overwrite the existing GOTO. You are then
asked whether you want to create a new GOTO route. Highlight Yes and press
5. Confirm that you want to create a GOTO from the current
cursor position. Highlight Yes.
(If you highlight No and press ENTER, the eXplorist assumes current
that you still want to create a GOTO, just not to the current cursor
cursor position. The POI database screen will be displayed
so that you can search the database for the POI you want to Yes No
use as the destination.)
Creating a GOTO using the
6. Press ENTER. cursor confirmation
After you press ENTER, the last viewed navigation screen will be displayed, updated as
needed to provide information about the GOTO route you have created. On the Plotter
screen, a line will be drawn representing the GOTO route. The Compass screen will change
to display the name of the POI used as the destination in the screen header bar and an icon
representing the destination outside the compass diameter.
Routes 35
Multi-Leg Routes
Multi-leg routes can be used to navigate to a final destination using multiple legs. An
example would be leaving the dock, motoring over to buoy 1, then the bait boat, and finally
to a fishing hot spot. This route would go from Dock to Buoy 1,Buoy 1 to Bait, Bait to Fish.
Features of a multi-leg route:
Multi-leg routes can be saved in memory. (A maximum of 20 routes can be saved. Each
saved route can have up to 29 legs in the route.)
Multi-leg routes remain active even after the eXplorist has been turned off.
Multi-leg routes can be edited, reversed, deleted, or viewed on the plotter.
When a multi-leg route is active, you can switch which leg will be used as the next
destination point. In the above example, you could skip going to Buoy 1 by selecting
the Bait leg when the route is active.
Routes 36
Creating a Multi-leg Route
The eXplorist will provide you with an empty list for your route, and you can use the POIs
saved in the POI database to create the route. All the tools youd need to create the route
will be described here.
Steps in creating a multi-leg route:
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight <New>.
5. Press ENTER.
6. <Add POI> is highlighted. Press ENTER. Create Route
<Add POI>
7. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Nearest or Alphabetical.
Press ENTER. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the
desired POI and press ENTER.
8. Continue pressing ENTER with <Add POI> highlighted. Save Route
Select the next POI for the route from the POI database. Leg
Bearing Distance
9. [Optional] As you are creating the route you may want to
edit what you have already entered. You can insert, delete, or Create Route screen
replace a POI that is already in the route list.
Inserting: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI that you want to insert a new
leg before. Press MENU, highlight Insert POI, and press ENTER. Search the POI
database for the new POI. The new POI will be inserting into the route you are
Deleting: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI you want to delete from the
route. Press MENU, highlight Delete POI and press ENTER.
Replacing: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI you want to replace. Press
MENU, highlight Replace POI, and press ENTER. Search the POI database for the
new POI. The POI you select will replace the POI that was originally highlighted.
10. When you have added all of the legs to the route you are creating, use the Arrow
joystick to highlight Save Route.
11. Press ENTER.
12. Use the Arrow joystick and the ENTER button to input a name, up to ten
characters, for the route.
13. Highlight OK.
14. Press ENTER.
Routes 37
Activating/Deactivating a Route
An active route is the route you are presently navigating on. Anytime you activate a route, it
will remain the active route until you either turn it off (deactivate) or activate a new route.
GOTOs are automatically activated when they are created, while multi-leg routes need to be
activated manually.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER. Route List
1 Tahoe Camp
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you 2 Trout Spot
3 Magellan
want to activate or deactivate. (Active routes have their <New>
names bolded in the route list.)
5. Press MENU.
Legs Distance
6. Highlight Activate Route or Deactivate Route. 3 4.95 MI
7. Press ENTER. List of routes with route
named Magellan active.
You will be returned to the last viewed navigation screen with the route
chosen activated or deactivated.
Routes 38
Changing the Destination Leg of an Active Route
When a route is created it can have many different legs to it, each leg with its own
destination. If during your travels you want to skip some of the legs, you can select the leg
that you want to proceed to next.
An example would be that your planned route starts at your campsite. The first leg goes to
the bridge. The second leg goes across the bridge to the stone marker. Leg 3 leaves the
stone marker and takes you to the ranger station. To finish out the route, the final leg goes
from the ranger station to the swimming area. This route would be Camp > Bridge > Marker
> Ranger > Swim. Suppose that after crossing the bridge you dont want to go to the stone
marker but instead you want to go to the ranger station. Because the route is active (you can
select legs only from active routes), you would follow the instructions below and tell the
eXplorist to set the next leg to the ranger station. The route would be recomputed,
eliminating the navigation instructions to go to the stone marker.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the active route.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Select Leg.
Enter to Select
7. Press ENTER. Camp
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the next destination POI Ranger
from the route list that you want to go to. In the example to Swim
the right, that would be Ranger.
9. Press ENTER. Leg 3
Bearing Distance
10. Confirm that you want to do this by using the Arrow joystick 272M 3.06 MI
to highlight Yes.
Route leg list with Ranger
selected. Note that
11. Press ENTER.
Marker is bold because it
12. Press NAV to return to the last viewed navigation screen. is the current active leg.
Routes 39
Editing a Saved Route
Saved routes can be edited to add a new leg at the end of the route (<Add POI>), remove a
leg (Delete POI), insert a new leg (Insert POI), or change the destination from one POI to
another (Replace POI).
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you want to edit.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Adding a Leg: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight <Add POI>. Press ENTER.
Search the POI database for the new POI. The new POI will be added to the end of
the route.
Inserting: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI that Menu
you want to a new leg inserted in front of. Press MENU, Insert POI
highlight Insert POI and press ENTER. Search the POI Delete POI
database for the new POI. The new POI will be added Replace POI
inserting into the route you are creating.
Deleting: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI you
want to delete from the route. Press MENU, highlight
Delete POI, and press ENTER.
Replacing: Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the POI you want to replace. Press
MENU, highlight Replace POI, and press ENTER. Search the POI database for the
new POI. The POI you select will replace the POI that was originally highlighted.
7. When the route has been edited, use the Arrow joystick to highlight Save Route.
8. Press ENTER.
9. [Optional] Use the Arrow joystick and the ENTER button to input a name, up to ten
characters, for the route.
10. Highlight OK.
11. Press ENTER.
Routes 40
Reversing a Route
Reversing a route takes a saved route and recreates it in reverse order. The sample route that
was discussed earlier, Camp > Bridge > Marker > Ranger > Swim, would now be Swim >
Ranger > Marker > Bridge > Camp.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you want to reverse.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Reverse Route.
7. Press ENTER.
Routes 41
Deleting a Route
The eXplorist can hold up to 20 different routes. When you have 20 routes saved, you will
need to delete one before you can create a new one.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you want to delete.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Delete Route.
7. Press ENTER.
8. Highlight Yes to confirm deletion, or No to cancel deletion. route ?
9. Press ENTER.
Yes No
Routes 42
Copying a Route
Copying a route makes an exact duplicate of a route that can then be edited, saving you time
in creating a new route that is similar to an existing route. Another use would be to copy a
route and reverse it.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you want to copy.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Press MENU.
7. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Edit Route.
8. Press ENTER.
9. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Save Route.
10. Press ENTER.
11. Use the Arrow joystick and the ENTER button to input a new name, up to ten
characters, for the route.
12. Highlight OK.
13. Press ENTER.
Routes 43
Viewing a Route on the Plotter
Viewing the route on the plotter gives you a way of graphically seeing the legs of the route as
they appear on the plotter.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the name of the route you want to view.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight View on Map.
7. Press ENTER.
The route is displayed with the plotter scaled to display the entire route. You can
use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to change the scale, and the Arrow joystick
to move around the plotter.
8. When you are done viewing the route, press ESC to return to the Route List screen.
Track Logs 44
As you are moving, the eXplorist continuously records your
track. Much like leaving breadcrumbs on the trail that you
can use later to find your way back, the eXplorist leaves
electronic breadcrumbs on the map. The advantage
here is that you dont have to worry about animals coming
along and eating your return route markers.
This provides you with just another tool to make your
eXplorist more valuable to you out in the field or on the
waters. You can save your active track as a track log or as
a multi-leg route that you can use over and over. You can
also create a backtrack route that will guide you back to
your starting point, following the same path you just took.
You will find many other additional uses for track logs once
you feel comfortable with them.
Track Logs
As mentioned above, track logs are records of your travels using electronic breadcrumbs to
record where you have been. Track logs can be a track history that you have saved or the
active track the eXplorist is recording.
Active track is recording your travels whenever you are moving unless you have
intentionally turned it off.
Active tracks can be cleared, stopped, and resumed, adding flexibility to recorded
Active tracks can be converted to a saved multi-leg route, providing a quick and easy
way to create routes that can be used in the future.
BackTrack, a function of Track Logs, provides an easy, and quick way to activate a route
that will return you to your starting position.
Track Logs 45
Stopping and Resuming Active Track Logging
This provides the ability to turn off the recording of the active track and then to starting it up
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
Track Log
3. Press ENTER. Active Track
4. With Active Track highlighted, press MENU. Apr-28
Before you can start a new active track log, you need to stop the one that is presently
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log. Track Log
Active Track
3. Press ENTER. Apr-24
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Stop Logging. (If Resume Logging is displayed, Legs Distance
3 525 F T
the Track Log has already been stopped. Go to step 10.)
7. Press ENTER. Active route menu with
New Track highlighted
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track.
9. Press MENU.
10. Highlight New Track.
11. Press ENTER.
Track Logs 47
Saving an Active Track Log
This will save your active track log with a name you enter that you can use at some time in
the future. This does not erase your presently active route; only saves the current active
track and adds it to the list of available track logs. Up to three track logs can be saved, each
with a name no more than seven characters long.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Save.
7. Press ENTER.
8. If there are not enough track points to save, an alert will be displayed, informing
you of the same and canceling the save.
9. Use the Arrow joystick and ENTER button to assign a name for the track log. Track
log names can be up to seven characters in length.
10. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight OK when the name has been entered.
11. Press ENTER.
Track Logs 48
Creating a BackTrack Route
BackTrack routes use your active track to create a route back to where you started, turning
around and following the electronic breadcrumb trail that the eXplorist dropped.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
Track Log
3. Press ENTER.
Active Track
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track. Stop Logging
5. Press MENU. BackTrack
Clear Track
Convert to Route
6. Highlight BackTrack. View on Map
7. Press ENTER.
8. [Track logging is turned off alert status] Press ENTER.
After BackTrack has been activated, the last viewed navigation screen will be displayed. The
eXplorist will now begin computing the navigation information needed to guide you back to
your starting point.
NOTE: When you have an active BackTrack route, the eXplorist will not be recording track
information. The previously mentioned options Stop Logging, Resume Logging New Track
will not be available. The eXplorist will automatically begin recording your track when:
You have arrived at your destination.
You activate a new route (GOTO or from Route menu).
You deactivate the BackTrack. To deactivate a BackTrack:
Press MENU
Highlight Track Log, press ENTER
The active track can get to be very large, especially if you havent cleared it in a while. It is
recommended that if you plan to use BackTrack or to save the upcoming track log that you
should clear the active track before beginning your journey. If you do not, the other functions
will still work, but you will probably have a lot more track log information than you want.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
Track Log
3. Press ENTER. Active Track
Stop Logging
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track. Save
5. Press MENU. Clear Track
Convert to Route
View on Map
6. Highlight Clear Track. Help
The active track is cleared, and you are returned to the Track Log
Track Logs 50
Converting the Track Log to a Route
This function takes the track log and turns it into a multi-leg route that is saved in your route
list. From here, the route can be edited if necessary.
Note: Convert to Route is available for both active track logs and track logs you have saved.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track or any track log you have
previously saved.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Convert to Route. Track Log
7. Press ENTER.
Follow Track
Reverse Track
8. Use the Arrow joystick and ENTER button to assign a name DeleteTrack
for the route. Route names can be up to ten characters in Convert to Route
length. View on Map
9. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight OK when the name has
been entered.
10. Press ENTER.
The route is created with the name you assigned, and you are returned to the Track Log
Track Logs 51
Viewing the Track Log on the Plotter
Selecting View on Map displays the track log chosen and plots it on the Plotter screen. This
gives you the opportunity to graphically view the track log.
Note: View on Map is available for both active track logs and track logs you have saved.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Active Track or any track log you have
previously saved.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight View on Map.
7. Press ENTER.
The Plotter screen is displayed, in the Cursor mode, with the selected track log displayed on
the screen. The ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT buttons can be used to change the plotter scale,
and the cursor can be moved by using the Arrow joystick.
When you have finished viewing the track, press ESC to return to the Track Log screen.
Track Logs 52
Use this function to remove track logs that have been previously saved and are no longer
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Track Log.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight any track log you have previously saved.
5. Press MENU.
6. Highlight Delete Track.
7. Press ENTER.
The saved track log is deleted, and you are returned to the Track Log screen.
Preferences 54
The Preferences portion of the eXplorist provides the tools to
personalize the eXplorist to your usage and needs. There are
tools that are designed to give you full flexibility over its use,
as well as to perform maintanence on the internal memory
should the need arise.
The coordinate system for position information and the map datum used to compute
the coordinate information can be choosen.
Full control over the built-in power-management tools to assist in prolonging battery
Choose from ten different languages that can be used to display information.
Access to tools that will provide you with the means to clear all or part of the internal
Preferences 55
5. Press ENTER.
Preferences 56
6. Region. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the region of the Region
world for your present location.
You can also enter the coordinates for your present position,
if you know them, by highlighting Enter Coord. This is
rarely used and is not described in this manual. Enter Coord
7. Press ENTER. Americas
Asia East
Asia West
8. Area. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the area of your Area
location. The list of areas is different for each region
selected in step 6.
9. Press ENTER.
10. Time. Use the Arrow joystick to enter the current time. Push the Arrow joystick up
or down to change the value and left or right to move the cursor.
Note: Time is one of the first pieces of information transmitted by the satellites.
Even without enough satellite information to compute a position fix, the time
displayed may have already been corrected.
11. Press ENTER.
12. Date. Use the Arrow joystick to enter the present date. Push the Arrow joystick up
or down to change the value and left or right to move the cursor.
Note: Date is also sent by the satellites and may already be correct, as well.
13. Press ENTER. Date
16. The last viewed navigation screen is displayed, and the 10:16AM
eXplorist will begin tracking satellites. 21 MAY 04
Preferences 57
Setting the Map Units
In the Map Units option of Preferences you can select which units of measure for navigation
data, the north reference, the coordinate system, and the map datum that will be used by the
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired navigational units of measure.
9. Press ENTER.
The Map Units screen is displayed with the new Nav Units shown. You can change other
settings or press ESC to return to the Preferences menu.
Preferences 58
Selecting the North Reference
You can set the north reference used by the eXplorist to be either magnetic north or True
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Map Units.
Map Units
5. Press ENTER. Nav Units
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for North North Reference
Reference. Magnetic
Coord System
7. Press ENTER. Lat/Lon
Map Datum
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Magnetic or TRUE. WGS84
9. Press ENTER.
The Map Units screen is displayed with the new North Reference shown. You can change
other settings or press ESC to return to the Preferences menu.
Preferences 59
Lat/Lon Finnish
UTM German
OSGB French
Irish USNG
Swiss MGRS
Swedish User Grid
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Map Units.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Coord Map Units
System. Nav Units
7. Press ENTER. North Reference
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired coordinate Coord System
system. Lat/Lon
Map Datum
If User Grid is selected, additional information is required. WGS84
This option will be used only by experienced users and is
not described in this manual.
9. Press ENTER.
The Map Units screen is displayed with the new Coord System shown. You can change
other settings or press ESC to return to the Preferences menu.
Preferences 60
Selecting the Map Datum
When using the eXplorist in conjunction with a map or chart, you should make sure that the
map datum in the eXplorist matches the map datum that the map or chart uses. This can
usually be found in the legend block on the map or chart. The default map datum for the
eXplorist is WGS84 and should be used when in doubt.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
Map Units
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Map Units.
Nav Units
5. Press ENTER. Miles/Ft/MPH
North Reference
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Map Magnetic
Coord System
Datum. Lat/Lon
Map Datum
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired map datum.
9. Press ENTER.
The Map Units screen is displayed with the new Map Datum shown. You can change other
settings or press ESC to return to the Preferences menu.
Preferences 61
Using the Power Management Tool
When you are out in the field or on the water, extending the life of the batteries in your
eXplorist should be something that you are mindful of. Two areas that you can control to
extend the battery life are turning the eXplorist off when not in use and setting how long the
display backlight will be on.
The eXplorist has a power-off timer that will turn the eXplorist off after a defined time period
if no buttons have been pressed or if you are not moving. This will prevent the batteries from
running out if you accidentally leave the eXplorist on.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
Pwr Management
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Pwr Management.
Power Off Timer
5. Press ENTER. Off
Light Timer
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Power
4 Minutes
Off Timer.
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired time interval
or set to Off.
9. Press ENTER.
Note: When using a GOTO route you should note that if the eXplorist turns off, the GOTO
route is erased. If you have a GOTO route activated and you think that the power timer may
elapse and turn the eXplorist off, you might want to set the Power-Off Timer to Off. This
does not apply to multi-leg routes and BackTrack routes.
Preferences 62
Setting the Light Timer
As has been mentioned before, the display backlight makes the display easier to read in low-
light situations, but it also is the largest drain on the batteries. The Light Timer function
provides you with the selection of how long you want the backlight to remain on while no
buttons have been pressed.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Pwr Management.
5. Press ENTER. Light Timer
30 Seconds
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Light 1 Minute
Timer. 2 Minutes
4 Minutes
7. Press ENTER. 10 Minutes
Timer Off
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired time interval
or set to Timer Off.
9. Press ENTER.
Preferences 63
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Personalize.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Name.
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick and ENTER button to input your Personalize
name. Name
[Enter Name]
9. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight OK when the name is Address
entered. [Enter Address]
City, State, Zip
10. Press ENTER. [Enter Address]
Telephone #
11. [Optional] Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field [Enter Telephone #]
for Address. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for your address.
12. [Optional] Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field
for City, State, Zip. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for your city, state and zip code.
13. [Optional] Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Telephone #.
Repeat steps 7 through 10 for your telephone number.
14. Press ESC to exit the Personalize function.
Preferences 64
Selecting Languages
The eXplorist can be set to display information from any one of ten different languages. You
can select from English, Franais (French), Deutsch (German), Nederlands (Dutch), Suomi
(Finnish), Espaol (Spanish), Italiano (Italian), Portugus (Portuguese), Svenska (Swedish),
and Norsk (Norwegian).
Selecting the Language for Your eXplorist
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences. English
3. Press ENTER. Deutsch
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Language. Suomi
5. Press ENTER. Portugus
6. Use the Arrow joystick to selecte the language desired. Norsk
7. Press ENTER.
Preferences 65
Clearing Memory
The Clear Memory function of Preferences gives you a tool that you can use to globally clear:
all track logs [All Track Log]
all POIs and routes [POIs/Routes]
all multi-leg routes [Routes]
all track logs, POIs, and routes [All]
Using Clear Memory, you can also set all of the defaults in the eXplorist to the factory
Clearing All Track Logs
1. Press MENU.
Clear Memory
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences. All Track Log
3. Press ENTER. Routes
Reset default
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Clear Memory.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight All Track Log.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Clear Memory.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight POIs/Routes.
7. Confirm. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
8. Press ENTER.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Clear Memory.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Routes.
7. Confirm. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
8. Press ENTER.
Clearing All Track Logs, POIs, and Routes
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Clear Memory.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight All.
7. Confirm. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
8. Press ENTER.
9. The eXplorist will automatically shut off.
Preferences 67
Reseting the eXplorist to Factory Defaults
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Reset Default.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight All.
7. Confirm. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
8. Press ENTER.
Specifications 68
Receiver 14 parallel-channel technology, tracks up to 14 satellites to compute
and update information.
Antenna Patch
Acquisition Times (optimal conditions)
Warm less than 1 minute
Cold less than 2 minutes
Update Rate 1 second continuous
Position <7 meters, 95% 2D RMS
w/WAAS/EGNOS <3 meters, 95% 2D RMS
Velocity 0.1 knot RMS steady-state
Speed 951 MPH (1530.5 km/h)
Altitude 60,000 ft. (18,600 meters)
Size 4.6 x 2.1 x 1.3 [h] x [w] x [d]
11.7 cm x 5.3 cm x 3.3 cm
Weight 4 ounces (110 grams) with 2 AA batteries installed
Display 1.8 x 1.4 [h] x [w]
4.6 cm x 3.6 cm
4-level grayscale, high-contrast LCD with backlit display
Housing Weatherproof construction, wraparound rubber armor
Temp. Range Operating: 14F to 140F (-10xC to 60C)
Source 2 AA alkaline batteries
Battery Life Greater than 14 hours w/backlight display off
8 MB background map
Specifications 69
Coordinate Systems
Available 11 plus 1 user grid.
Lat/Lon, UTM, OSGB, Irish, Swiss, Swedish, Finnish, German,
French, USNG and MGRS
Total Up to 20 saved routes
GOTO route
BackTrack route
Name Length 10 characters (including spaces)
Track Logs
Total Up to 3 saved track logs plus active track log
Name Length 7 characters (including spaces)
Points of Interest
Total Up to 500 saved points of interest
Name Length 8 characters (including spaces)
Navigation Screens
Plotter Includes position plotter and 2 data fields (customizable)
Compass Includes graphical compass and 2 data fields (customizable)
Position Includes position, elevation, accuracy, date and time, trip odometer,
and battery life
XTE Alarm Alerts when more than 250 ft. left or right of computed track
Arrival Alarm Alerts when within approximately 250 ft. of destination
Accessories 70
Expand the use of your Magellan eXplorist with accessories from the Magellan Online Store
for all of your adventures.
The following information is provided so that if you need support for your Magellan
eXplorist in North America, you can direct your questions/comments to the proper
person at Thales Navigation.
Customers in North America, Central America, South America, Asia, and South
Pacific regions.
Technical Support
If you need technical assistance, "how-to" help, or an answer to a technical question
about the functionality of your Magellan product, please contact us on the Internet at or you may reach technical support by fax or phone.
Our technical support phone representatives are available Monday through Friday,
6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. P.S.T/P.D.T.
Telephone: 800-707-9971 or +1 909-394-5000 (Outside North America).
You may also reach technical support by fax: +1 909-394-7050 [Attn: Tech.
Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service on your eXplorist, you must contact us for a return
authorization prior to shipment of product. Packages arriving at our dock without an
RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) may be refused. To obtain an RMA, simply
contact our technical support group at:
Tel: 800-707-9971 or 909-394-5000
Fax: 909-394-7050 [Attn: Tech. Support]
Contacting Magellan Support 72
Customers in Europe, Middle East, or Africa regions
For Magellan product phone support in English, French or German from other Europe,
Middle East or African locations please dial:
+33 2 28 09 38 00*
or send an e-mail to:
* international communication charge according to operator.
For Magellan product phone support in other European, Middle East or African Languages
please contact our distributors listed on in our dealer locator or send
an e-mail to: