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How VCR Hi-Fi Stereo Works

HiFi Stereo VCRs are becoming more came in 1982 when stereo audio was re- PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) to repro-
popular each year. All major consumer corded on linear tracks. This format still duce high quality sound.
VCR formats such as VHS, Beta, and 8MM leaves much to be desired. Again, because
use a Hi-Fi Stereo system that uses FM of the slow tape speed and the narrow Basics Of VCR Hi-Fi Stereo
carriers to record the audio onto the tape. audio tracks, this system has the same
ThisTech Tip givesa basic overview of this deficiencies as the mono linear recording Linearly recorded audio suffers in quality
system and how it works for each of the system. A new technology was needed to due to the low head-to-tape speed which
three formats. improve the quality of the sound recorded limits the audio frequency range that can
be recorded. Conventional recording lim-
Non-Hi-Fi Stereo WOW Dynamic its the frequency response, signal-to-noise
Audio Equipment Freq. Response Range ratio, and produces high amounts of wow-
Since the development of televisions and and-flutter.
VCRs, improvementsin sound quality have Conventional VCR 5 0 H z - 8kHz 0.2% 45 dB
not kept pace with improvements in pic- Cassette Deck 30 HZ - 18 kHZ 0.05% 58 dB By increasing the head-to-tape speed and
ture quality. Consumers now want sound recording the signal using an FM carrier,
quality that will match the quality of the Reel-To-Reel Tape 40 HZ- 25 kHz 0.04% 65 dB all of the deficiencies inherent to linearly
pictures they see. Beta & VHS Hi-Fi 20 HZ- 20 kHZ 0.005% 80 dB recorded audio are eliminated. Since the
(SP, LP, & SLP) speed of the video tape is fixed by the tape
The standard non-Hi-Ficonsumer VCR for- format, the only way to increase the head-
mats, VHS and Beta, record the audio sig- Compact Disc 5 HZ - 20 kHz 0.001% 95 dB
to-tape speed is to use rotary heads for
nal on a linear track on the video tape audio as well as for the luminance and
Fig. 2: A Hi-fi VCR is capable of VCR audio
(Figure 1). The audio signal is recorded quality that is nearly as good as that ofa chroma information. By modulating an FM
using the same techniques used in reel-to- compact disk. carrier with the audio signal, the signal-to-
reel and cassette audio tape systems. The noise ratio, frequency response, and dis-
quality of the linearly recorded VCR signal, tortion are greatly improved. This is pre-
however, is low quality. The resultant au- on the VCRs. cisely what is done in VCR HiFi Stereo. In
dio has poor frequency response, poor fact, this method produces results that
signal-to-noise ratios, high levels of wow- The industry developed new VCR audio compare closely with audio CDs.
and-flutter, and excessivedistortion. These recording techniques to improve the qual-
quality defects are primarily due to the ity of the sound. Many of these new Hi-Fi In the VHS format, separate audio heads
speed of the tape and the narrow recording Stereo systems rely on rotary heads and are contained in the rotating drum assem-
track provided on the tape. In addition to FM recording techniques to greatly im- bly. Beta and 8MM VCRs use the heads to
this, the audio was in mono whereas most prove the quality of the sound. These sys- record and play back the FM audio and
other audio sources are in stereo. tems are often called AFM Hi-Fi Stereo for video information. In order for these sys-
Audio Frequency Modulation. A few sys- tems to work, however, the audio informa-
The first step in improving sound quality tems relv on a diaital stereo svstem called tion can not be recorded at the same fre-
quencies as the video or chroma informa-
tion. Instead, the FM audio information is
TRACK recorded in the frequency spectrum be-
tween the down-converted chroma and the
luminance information. The audio infor-
--------------------> mation is shifted to the intended position
CONTROL TRACK in the frequency spectrum by FM modulat-
ing a carrier at the desired frequency.
I Compliments of RCA. I
Fig. 1: Mono audio on VHS and Beta VCRs is recoTded using a linear &ack along Ihe top of the
The basic method used to record HiFi
video tape.
video information is then recorded only
CHROMA on the surface, leaving some audio infor-
629 kHz L R LUMlNANCE mation still embedded deep in the tape.
The process of deep recording necessi-
tates a high quality tape with sufficient
oxide coating. Some problems in VHS Hi-
Fi VCRs can be traced to the consumer not
using a high quality tape that has a deep
enough oxide layer.

Since the audio and video heads are not at

the same location on the headdrum,
1.3 1.7 headswitching is more complex. In the
FREQUENCY (MHz) case of the video heads, a headswitching
signal is used to select the appropriate
Fig. 3: VHS Hi-fi Stereo uses a separate carrier for the left and right audio information. head. This is alsodone for the audio heads,
separate audio and video heads on the but since the audio heads cross the tape
Stereo is the same in all three formats. rotatingdrum. Theaudio headfirst records before the video heads, a different audio
However, each format has minor differ- theaudio information.Thenthevideohead head switching signal is needed. An ad-
ences. Let's look at these specific differ- records the luminance and chroma infor- justable headswitch signal is provided to
ences. mation over the top of the audio. switch the audio heads on at the correct
time. The timing of this audio
VHS Hi-Fi Stereo At first this might appear to be a problem headswitching signal is critical for proper
since the video head would, theoretically, operation of the Hi-Fi Stereo signal.
VHS HiFi Stereo uses two separate FM erase the audio information. This is over-
carriers to record the stereo information come by recording the audio information Because the recorded audio and video
onto the video tape. The audio is recorded with heads containing wider gaps and by signals are close in frequency and are laid
linearly as well so that non-Hi-Fi Stereo increasing the record current so that the down on top of each other, a method is
VCRs can play back the tape. The left signal records deep into the tape. The needed to prevent audio and video signal
channel audio information modulates a
1.3 MHz carrier while the right channel
audio information modulates a 1.7 MHz


Red - Audio - 6" VIDEO 300 HI-FI

Fig. 4: Intdmnee is avoided by using sepa-

rate pairs of heads to record the audio and
video information. The audio heads have a
different azimuth than the video heads.
carrier as shown in Figure 3. Since the left
and right audio information is kept sepa-
rate and is not matrixedtogether, there are
few stereo separation problems with this
system. Compliments of RCA.

Fig. 5: The FM audio information is deep recorded into the tape and the video information is shallow
VHS Hi-Fi is the only format that uses recorded over it.
crosstalk, This is done by using a 30"
azimuth angle between the audio and video
There are several factors that can cause
the audio signal to be totally or intermit-
tently missing. A dirty or bad audio head,
incorrect headswitching, or a poor quality
tape can cause total or intermittent loss of U 3.7 M H Z RIGHT CHAMEL
theaudio signal. Wheneverthis happens, a RCH
popping noise or static is heard in the
audio. This would be objectionablefor most
peopleif no preventative action were taken.
For this reason, an audio muting circuit is Fig. 6: The VHSHi-Fisystemseparates the twowrrim andprocessesthem to obtain thelehandrighl
used in the playback circuits. The mute audio carriers.
circuit monitors the output of the rotating
Hi-Fi audio heads for the presence of FM
audio carriers. If the carriers drop out, for
even an instant, the muting circuitry Left Channel Right Channel
switches from Hi-Fi Stereo audio to linear Head Head

In the playback mode, the FM carriers are

separated using filtersand demodulatedto
recover the audio signal. The recovered
audio signal is then deemphasized and
amplified to levels needed for an external
audio amplifier.

Beta Hi-Fi Stereo

1.38 1.53 1.68 1.83
Like VHS, Beta Hi-Fi uses FM recording of FREQUENCY (MHz)
the audio information. However, Beta H i 4 Fig. 7: Beta Hi-fi uses four w r i e s . A sepsrare carrier is used for each head and for each audio
Stereo uses the same heads to record and channel.
play back both the audio and the video
information. This minimizesthenumber of
heads needed, along with their associated
rotary transformer windings, preamps,
head-switchers, and so on.
To be compatible with non-Hi-Fi Stereo hlRl0 DECODER LOUT
VCRs, the azimuth angle of the heads re- 1.63MHz
mains the same. But if only two carriers II-
were used for the left and right informa- 1.68MHr
tion, excessive crosstalk between tracks RlGHT CHANML
would result. To counteract this, the Beta
Hi-Fi system uses four carriers for the
audio information (Figure 7). The leftchan-
nel audio information FM modulatesa 1.38
MHz carrier for the A head and a 1.53 MHz
carrier for the B head. The right channel
audio information FM modulates a 1.68
MHz carrier for the A head and a 1.83 MHz Fig. 8: The Beta Hi-Fi system separates the carriers using filtersand then processes lfre signals fw
carrier for the 8 head. The record and lert and right channel audio.
playback circuits select the appropriate
carriers for each head and each channel.
In a properly operating Beta VCR, an FM
carrier is present for both channels at all
times, If the heads become dirty or the
tracking is misadjusted, a popping noise
or static is present in the audio due to the
momentarily missing carriers. Like VHS,
the Beta Hi-Fi system includes a muting
circuit that monitors the carriers and turns
off HiFi Stereo if the carriers momentarily
or completely drop out. When this hap- 1.5 1.7
pens, the audio reverts to the linearly re- FREQUENCY (MHz)
corded mono audio signal.

Since the left and right audio information

is not matrixedtogether, stereo separation
problems are not typically found in this
system. 1.5 MI1 L*R
FM mmMeMoR

8MM Hi-Fi Stereo

The original 8MM format did not include FM

L - R
the ability to record stereo using FM carri-
ers. Instead of a linear audio track, the
8MM format uses a single 1.5 MHz FM
carrier to record and playback the mono
signal. This gives it a superior quality mono
signal with respect to the other VCR for-

The enhanced Hi-8 format, includes a HiFi

Stereo system using FMcarriers. Since the
mono signal is already defined, the only
way to accomplish HiFi Stereo and main-
tain compatibility with existing units is to
matrix the audio and use a second carrier
for L-R audio. In this new system, the
mono audio information (LtR) FM modu-
lates a 1.5 MHz carrier while the difference
audio information (L-R) FM modulates a
1.7 MHz carrier (Figure 9). This system
requires the matrixing of the left and right
audio information. This system is now
found on both 8MM and Hi-8 VCRs and

For More Information,

8MM VCRs are similar to Beta VCRs in that Call Toll Free 1-800-SENCORE
they use the same heads to record the (1-800-736-2673)
audio and the video information. This elimi-
nates the need for separate heads, head
switching circuitry, and other associated
circuits. A muting circuit is also included
to turn off the audio if the carriers intermit- 3200 Sencore Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57107
tently drop out. Since there is no linearly

Primed In U.S.A.

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